bing-wallpaper-changer is a cross-platform compatible wallpaper-changer (CLI).
It fetches the newest Bing wallpaper and sets it as a desktop background image.
Custom watermark can be used on the downloaded image.
Done just for fun 😄
- Crawl and fetch newest Bind wallpaper
- Support multiple regions
- Support multiple screen resolutions (😡 UltraHD is broken on the Bing side)
- Download wallpapers up to seven days in the past
- Draw title on wallpapers
- Place QR code for the copyright links
- Draw watermarks
- Scale down/up to match the resolution of the wallpaper
- Rotate if necessary (only clockwise rotation by 90° supported)
$ bing-wallpaper-changer -h
> Usage: bing-wallpaper-changer [flags]
> --day int the day to fetch the wallpaper for, 0 is today, 1 is yesterday, and so on, 7 is the highest value, which is seven days ago
> --description draw the description on the wallpaper (default true)
> --download-directory string the directory to download the wallpaper to (default "/home/dawid/Pictures/BingWallpapers")
> --download-only download the wallpaper only
> --qrcode draw the QR code on the wallpaper (default true)
> --region string the region to fetch the wallpaper for, allowed values are: en-CA, zh-CN, de-DE, ja-JP, en-NZ, en-GB, en-US (default "de-DE")
> --resolution string the resolution of the wallpaper, allowed values are: 1366x768, 1920x1080, 3840x2160 (default "1920x1080")
> --rotate-counter-clockwise rotate the watermark counter-clockwise if necessary (default is clockwise)
> --watermark string draw the watermark on the wallpaper (default "sarumaj.png")
Using default parameters:

Resized watermark
Using small PNG watermark: red-dot.png

Rotated watermark
Using vertical (portrait-mode) PNG watermark: car.png

Fetching Bing wallpaper for the ja-JP region
Using default parameters with region set to ja-JP