
package module
v0.0.0-...-e89fdf0 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 20, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 14 Imported by: 37



Sapphire is a bot framework built for discordgo

Join our Discord at

WARNING: Sapphire is now archived and won't recieve any updates anymore, it somewhat works but use at your own risk, however do feel free to fork it or copy small or big parts and make something for your own.


  • Easy to configure, lot of configurations with sane defaults.
  • Abstract, We don't force you to use a specific database instead we let you express your database of choice to us.
  • Lightweight, Sapphire only depends on very minimal dependencies so you don't spend time and space pulling in dependencies.
  • Full featured, Sapphire ain't a toy, it's a complete framework for your bot.
  • Lot of tools! A lot of utilities to avoid reinventing the wheel such as a reaction paginator and many more.
  • Components can be disabled/enabled on the go at runtime.
  • Localization, Sapphire helps to translate your bot's responses easily.


$ go get

Run the same command with -u once in a while, sapphire is constantly being updated.


package main

import (

func main() {
  dg, _ := discordgo.New("token")
  bot := sapphire.New(dg)
  bot.LoadBuiltins() // Loads builtin commands.
  bot.Wait() // Needed to keep the process running.

That's it! a basic bot will be launched with builtin commands such as help.

Read our guide for lot of more cool things you can do! (Don't be afraid our guides are easy to follow and we are open for questions.)

See also the documentation after the guides for even more possibilies!


Sapphire is still in it's early stages of development and there is a lot of things that can be done, we welcome contributions on everything, typo-fixes, grammar-fixes, detail improvement, new guides and contributions on the code are all welcome.

Here is a little personal TODO for myself but you can help me with if you wish so.

  • Use mutexes where needed.
  • Improve the arguments API.
  • Add proper logging support.
  • Add a permission check system for commands.

It is incomplete but fairly usable.





Sapphire is a complete discord bot framework for Golang with discordgo



View Source
const (
	EmbedLimitTitle       = 256
	EmbedLimitDescription = 2048
	EmbedLimitFieldValue  = 1024
	EmbedLimitFieldName   = 256
	EmbedLimitField       = 25
	EmbedLimitFooter      = 2048
	EmbedLimit            = 4000

Constants for message embed character limits

View Source
const (
	EmojiLeft  = "◀️" // Go left, -1 page.
	EmojiRight = "▶️" // Go right, +1 page.
	EmojiFirst = "⏪"  // Go to first page.
	EmojiLast  = "⏩"  // Go to last page.
	EmojiStop  = "⏹️" // Stop the paginator.

Emoji constants.

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const COLOR = 0x7F139E

COLOR is the color for sapphire's embed colors.

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const VERSION = "1.0.0"

VERSION is a constant representing the current version of the framework.


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var ChannelMentionRegex = regexp.MustCompile("^(?:<#)?(\\d{17,19})>?$")

The Regexp used for matching channel mentions.

View Source
var English = NewLanguage("en-US").
	Set("LOCALE_NO_KEY", "No localization found for the key \"%s\" Please report this to the developers.").
	Set("COMMAND_ERROR", "Something went wrong, please try again later.").
	Set("COMMAND_PING", "Pong!").
	Set("COMMAND_PING_PONG", "Pong! Latency: **%d**ms, API Latency: **%d**ms").
	Set("COMMAND_ENABLE_ALREADY", "That command is already enabled!").
	Set("COMMAND_DISABLE_ALREADY", "That command is already disabled!").
	Set("COMMAND_ENABLE_SUCCESS", "Successfully enabled the command **%s**").
	Set("COMMAND_DISABLE_SUCCESS", "Successfully disabled the command **%s**").
	Set("COMMAND_NOT_FOUND", "Command '%s' not found.").
	Set("COMMAND_INVITE", "To invite me to your server: <%s>").
	Set("COMMAND_OWNER_ONLY", "This command is for the bot owner only!").
	Set("COMMAND_GUILD_ONLY", "This command can only be used in a server!").
	Set("COMMAND_COOLDOWN", "You can use this command again in %d seconds.").
	Set("COMMAND_DISABLED", "This command has been disabled globally by the bot owner.")
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var HumanizeUsageRegex = regexp.MustCompile("(<|\\[)(\\w+):[^.]+?(\\.\\.\\.)?(>|\\])")

HumanizeUsageRegex is the regexp used for HuamnizeUsage

View Source
var MentionRegex = regexp.MustCompile("^(?:<@!?)?(\\d{17,19})>?$")

The Regexp used for matching user mentions.


func CommandHandlerMonitor

func CommandHandlerMonitor(bot *Bot, ctx *MonitorContext)

This is the builtin monitor responsible for running commands.

func Escape

func Escape(input string) string

Escape escapes @everyone/@here mentions by adding an invisible character to avoid the ping.

func HumanizeUsage

func HumanizeUsage(usage string) string

HumanizeUsage removes the unneccessary types and shows only the names. e.g <hello:string> <user:user> [rest:int...] => <hello> <user> [rest...]


type Argument

type Argument struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Argument represents an argument, it has methods to grab the right type.

func ParseArgument

func ParseArgument(ctx *CommandContext, tag *UsageTag, raw string) (*Argument, error)

Parses the raw argument as specified in tag in context of ctx

func (*Argument) AsBool

func (arg *Argument) AsBool() bool

func (*Argument) AsFloat

func (arg *Argument) AsFloat() float64

func (*Argument) AsGuild

func (arg *Argument) AsGuild() *discordgo.Guild

func (*Argument) AsInt

func (arg *Argument) AsInt() int

func (*Argument) AsMember

func (arg *Argument) AsMember() *discordgo.Member

func (*Argument) AsMessage

func (arg *Argument) AsMessage() *discordgo.Message

func (*Argument) AsRole

func (arg *Argument) AsRole() *discordgo.Role

func (*Argument) AsString

func (arg *Argument) AsString() string

Returns the argument as a string.

func (*Argument) AsUser

func (arg *Argument) AsUser() *discordgo.User

func (*Argument) IsProvided

func (arg *Argument) IsProvided() bool

IsProvided checks if this argument is provided, for optional arguments you must use this before casting.

type Bot

type Bot struct {
	Session     *discordgo.Session  // The discordgo session.
	Prefix      PrefixHandler       // The handler called to get the prefix. (default: !)
	Language    LocaleHandler       // The handler called to get the language (default: en-US)
	Commands    map[string]*Command // Map of commands.
	CommandsRan int                 // Commands ran.
	Monitors    map[string]*Monitor // Map of monitors.

	CommandCooldowns map[string]map[string]time.Time
	CommandEdits     map[string]string
	OwnerID          string               // Bot owner's ID (default: fetched from application info)
	InvitePerms      int                  // Permissions bits to use for the invite link. (default: 3072)
	Languages        map[string]*Language // Map of languages.
	DefaultLocale    *Language            // Default locale to fallback. (default: en-US)
	CommandTyping    bool                 // Wether to start typing when a command is being ran. (default: true)
	ErrorHandler     ErrorHandler         // The handler to catch panics in monitors (which includes commands).
	MentionPrefix    bool                 // Wether to allow @mention of the bot to be used as a prefix too. (default: true)

	Application *discordgo.Application // The bot's application.
	Uptime      time.Time              // The time the bot hit ready event.
	Color       int                    // The color used in builtin commands's embeds.
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Bot represents a bot with sapphire framework features.

func New

func New(s *discordgo.Session) *Bot

New creates a new sapphire bot, pass in a discordgo instance configured with your token.

func (*Bot) AddCommand

func (bot *Bot) AddCommand(cmd *Command) *Bot

func (*Bot) AddLanguage

func (bot *Bot) AddLanguage(lang *Language) *Bot

AddLanguage adds the specified language.

func (*Bot) AddMonitor

func (bot *Bot) AddMonitor(m *Monitor) *Bot

func (*Bot) CheckCooldown

func (bot *Bot) CheckCooldown(userID, command string, cooldownSec int) (bool, int)

CheckCooldown checks the cooldown for userID for a command the first return is a bool indicating if the user can run the command. The second value is if user can't run then it will be the amount of seconds to wait before being able to. Note this function assumes the user will run the command and will place the user on cooldown if it isn't already.

func (*Bot) Connect

func (bot *Bot) Connect() error

Connect is an alias to discordgo's Session.Open

func (*Bot) GetCommand

func (bot *Bot) GetCommand(name string) *Command

GetCommand returns a command by name, it also searches by aliases, returns nil if not found.

func (*Bot) LoadBuiltins

func (bot *Bot) LoadBuiltins() *Bot

LoadBuiltins loads the default set of builtin command, they are: ping, help, stats, invite, enable, disable, gc Some of the must have commands. (or rather commands that i feel good to have.)

func (*Bot) MustConnect

func (bot *Bot) MustConnect()

MustConnect is like Connect but panics if there is an error.

func (*Bot) SetDefaultLocale

func (bot *Bot) SetDefaultLocale(locale string) *Bot

Sets the default locale to fallback when the bot can't find a key in the current locale. Panics if locale isn't registered.

func (*Bot) SetErrorHandler

func (bot *Bot) SetErrorHandler(fn ErrorHandler) *Bot

SetErrorHandler sets the function to handle panics that happens in monitors (which includes commands)

func (*Bot) SetInvitePerms

func (bot *Bot) SetInvitePerms(bits int) *Bot

SetInvitePerms sets the permissions to request for in the bot invite link. The default is 3072 which is [VIEW_CHANNEL, SEND_MESSAGES]

func (*Bot) SetLocaleHandler

func (bot *Bot) SetLocaleHandler(handler LocaleHandler) *Bot

func (*Bot) SetMentionPrefix

func (bot *Bot) SetMentionPrefix(toggle bool) *Bot

SetMentionPrefix toggles the usage of the bot's @mention as a prefix.

func (*Bot) SetPrefix

func (bot *Bot) SetPrefix(prefix string) *Bot

SetPrefix sets a constant string as the prefix, use SetPrefixHandler if you need dynamic per-guild prefixes.

func (*Bot) SetPrefixHandler

func (bot *Bot) SetPrefixHandler(prefix PrefixHandler) *Bot

SetPrefixHandler sets the prefix handler, the function is responsible to return the right prefix for the command call. Use this for dynamic prefixes, e.g fetch prefix from database.

func (*Bot) Wait

func (bot *Bot) Wait()

Wait makes the bot wait until CTRL + C is pressed, this is used to keep the process alive. It closes the session when CTRL + C is pressed and you are free to do any extra cleanup after the call returns.

type Command

type Command struct {
	Name                string         // The command's name. (default: required)
	Aliases             []string       // Aliases that point to this command. (default: [])
	Run                 CommandHandler // The handler that actually runs the command. (default: required)
	Enabled             bool           // Wether this command is enabled. (default: true)
	Description         string         // The command's brief description. (default: "No Description Provided.")
	Category            string         // The category this command belongs to. (default: required)
	OwnerOnly           bool           // Wether this command can only be used by the owner. (default: false)
	GuildOnly           bool           // Wether this command can only be ran on a guild. (default: false)
	UsageString         string         // Usage string for this command. (default: "")
	Usage               []*UsageTag    // Parsed usage tags for this command.
	Cooldown            int            // Command cooldown in seconds. (default: 0)
	Editable            bool           // Wether this command's response will be editable. (default: true)
	RequiredPermissions int            // Permissions the user needs to run this command. (default: 0)
	BotPermissions      int            // Permissions the bot needs to perform this command. (default: 0)

Command represents a command in the sapphire framework.

func NewCommand

func NewCommand(name string, category string, run CommandHandler) *Command

func (*Command) AddAliases

func (c *Command) AddAliases(aliases ...string) *Command

AddAliases adds aliases to this command.

func (*Command) Disable

func (c *Command) Disable() *Command

Disable disables the command.

func (*Command) Enable

func (c *Command) Enable() *Command

Enable enables the command.

func (*Command) SetCooldown

func (c *Command) SetCooldown(cooldown int) *Command

SetCooldown sets the command's cooldown in seconds.

func (*Command) SetDescription

func (c *Command) SetDescription(description string) *Command

SetDescription sets the command's description

func (*Command) SetEditable

func (c *Command) SetEditable(toggle bool) *Command

SetEditable toggles wether this command will be respondable to edits.

func (*Command) SetGuildOnly

func (c *Command) SetGuildOnly(toggle bool) *Command

SetGuildOnly toggles if this command can only be used on a guild.

func (*Command) SetOwnerOnly

func (c *Command) SetOwnerOnly(toggle bool) *Command

SetOwnerOnly toggles wether the command can only be used by the bot owner.

func (*Command) SetUsage

func (c *Command) SetUsage(usage string) *Command

SetUsage sets the usage string for this command. Panics if there is a parse error in the usage string.

type CommandContext

type CommandContext struct {
	Command     *Command           // The currently executing command.
	Message     *discordgo.Message // The message of this command.
	Session     *discordgo.Session // The discordgo session.
	Bot         *Bot               // The sapphire Bot.
	Channel     *discordgo.Channel // The channel this command was ran on.
	Author      *discordgo.User    // Alias of Context.Message.Author
	Args        []*Argument        // List of arguments.
	Prefix      string             // The prefix used to invoke this command.
	Guild       *discordgo.Guild   // The guild this command was ran on.
	Flags       map[string]string  // Map of flags passed to the command. e.g --flag=yo
	Locale      *Language          // The current language.
	RawArgs     []string           // The raw args that may not match the usage string.
	InvokedName string             // The name this command was invoked as, this includes the used alias.

CommandContext represents an execution context of a command.

func (*CommandContext) Arg

func (ctx *CommandContext) Arg(idx int) *Argument

Arg returns the argument at index idx, it returns an empty arg if the index doesn't exist, useful for optional arguments.

func (*CommandContext) BuildEmbed

func (ctx *CommandContext) BuildEmbed(embed *Embed) (*discordgo.Message, error)

BuildEmbed calls ReplyEmbed(embed.Build())

func (*CommandContext) BuildEmbedNoEdit

func (ctx *CommandContext) BuildEmbedNoEdit(embed *Embed) (*discordgo.Message, error)

BuildEmbedNoEdit calls ReplyEmbedNoEdit(embed.Build())

func (*CommandContext) CodeBlock

func (ctx *CommandContext) CodeBlock(lang, content string, args ...interface{}) (*discordgo.Message, error)

func (*CommandContext) Edit

func (ctx *CommandContext) Edit(msg *discordgo.Message, content string, args ...interface{}) (*discordgo.Message, error)

Edit edits msg's content It will call Sprintf() on the content if atleast one vararg is passed.

func (*CommandContext) EditLocale

func (ctx *CommandContext) EditLocale(msg *discordgo.Message, key string, args ...interface{}) (*discordgo.Message, error)

EditLocale edits msg with a localized key

func (*CommandContext) Error

func (ctx *CommandContext) Error(err interface{}, args ...interface{})

Error invokes the bot's error handler, see bot.SetErrorHandler It also replies with a message indicating an unexpected error.

func (*CommandContext) FetchUser

func (ctx *CommandContext) FetchUser(id string) (*discordgo.User, error)

FetchUser searches the cache for the given user id and if not found, attempts to fetch it from the API.

func (*CommandContext) Flag

func (ctx *CommandContext) Flag(flag string) string

Flag returns the value of a commmnd flag, if it is a bool-flag use HasFlag() instead.

func (*CommandContext) GetFirstMentionedUser

func (ctx *CommandContext) GetFirstMentionedUser() *discordgo.User

GetFirstMentionedUser returns the first user mentioned in the message.

func (*CommandContext) HasArgs

func (ctx *CommandContext) HasArgs() bool

HasArgs returns true if there is atleast one argument in the raw args.

func (*CommandContext) HasFlag

func (ctx *CommandContext) HasFlag(flag string) bool

HasFlag returns a bool of wether the flag exists.

func (*CommandContext) JoinedArgs

func (ctx *CommandContext) JoinedArgs(sliced string

Get the joined arguments as a string If sliced is provided then arguments are sliced by that before joining Examples ["hello", "example", "test"] JoinedArgs() => "hello example test" JoinedArgs(1) => "example test" This uses the raw arguments so arguments of different types are also shown in their raw form. This also means invalid arguments are also included but strings can never be invalid so this is useful for getting the rest strings.

func (*CommandContext) Member

func (ctx *CommandContext) Member(id string) *discordgo.Member

Member gets a member by id from the current guild, returns nil if not found.

func (*CommandContext) ParseArgs

func (ctx *CommandContext) ParseArgs() bool

Parses the raw args and fills in ctx.Args and returns true on success and on failure it replies with the error and returns false This is called in the command handler to process the arguments, it shouldn't be used in normal code It is exported to allow modification of the command handler in your own bot and avoid this line from giving errors.

func (*CommandContext) React

func (ctx *CommandContext) React(emoji string) error

React adds the reaction emoji to the message that triggered the command.

func (*CommandContext) Reply

func (ctx *CommandContext) Reply(content string, args ...interface{}) (*discordgo.Message, error)

Reply replies with a string. It will call Sprintf() on the content if atleast one vararg is passed.

func (*CommandContext) ReplyEmbed

func (ctx *CommandContext) ReplyEmbed(embed *discordgo.MessageEmbed) (*discordgo.Message, error)

ReplyEmbed replies with an embed.

func (*CommandContext) ReplyEmbedNoEdit

func (ctx *CommandContext) ReplyEmbedNoEdit(embed *discordgo.MessageEmbed) (*discordgo.Message, error)

ReplyEmbedNoEdits replies with an embed but not considering the editable option of the command.

func (*CommandContext) ReplyLocale

func (ctx *CommandContext) ReplyLocale(key string, args ...interface{}) (*discordgo.Message, error)

ReplyLocale sends a localized key for the current context's locale.

func (*CommandContext) ReplyNoEdit

func (ctx *CommandContext) ReplyNoEdit(content string, args ...interface{}) (*discordgo.Message, error)

ReplyNoEdit replies with content but does not consider editable option of the command.

func (*CommandContext) SendFile

func (ctx *CommandContext) SendFile(name string, file io.Reader) (*discordgo.Message, error)

SendFile sends a file with name

func (*CommandContext) User

func (ctx *CommandContext) User(id string) *discordgo.User

User gets a user by id, returns nil if not found.

type CommandError

type CommandError struct {
	Err     interface{}     // The value passed to panic()
	Context *CommandContext // The context of the command, use this to e.g get the command's name etc.

CommandError represents a panic that occured during a command execution. You can type assert this in bot.SetErrorHandler's callback to get more context about the error. Implements the error interface

func (*CommandError) Error

func (err *CommandError) Error() string

Error implements the error interface, it simply calls fmt.Sprint on the panicked value.

type CommandHandler

type CommandHandler func(ctx *CommandContext)

type Embed

type Embed struct {

Embed ...

func NewEmbed

func NewEmbed() *Embed

NewEmbed returns a new embed object

func (*Embed) AddField

func (e *Embed) AddField(name, value string) *Embed

AddField [name] [value]

func (*Embed) AddInlineField

func (e *Embed) AddInlineField(name, value string) *Embed

func (*Embed) Build

func (e *Embed) Build() *discordgo.MessageEmbed

func (*Embed) InlineAllFields

func (e *Embed) InlineAllFields() *Embed

InlineAllFields sets all fields in the embed to be inline

func (*Embed) SetAuthor

func (e *Embed) SetAuthor(args ...string) *Embed

SetAuthor ...

func (*Embed) SetColor

func (e *Embed) SetColor(clr int) *Embed

SetColor ...

func (*Embed) SetDescription

func (e *Embed) SetDescription(description string) *Embed

SetDescription [desc]

func (*Embed) SetFooter

func (e *Embed) SetFooter(args ...string) *Embed

SetFooter [Text] [iconURL]

func (*Embed) SetImage

func (e *Embed) SetImage(args ...string) *Embed

SetImage ...

func (*Embed) SetThumbnail

func (e *Embed) SetThumbnail(args ...string) *Embed

SetThumbnail ...

func (*Embed) SetTitle

func (e *Embed) SetTitle(name string) *Embed

SetTitle ...

func (*Embed) SetURL

func (e *Embed) SetURL(URL string) *Embed

SetURL ...

func (*Embed) Truncate

func (e *Embed) Truncate() *Embed

Truncate truncates any embed value over the character limit.

func (*Embed) TruncateDescription

func (e *Embed) TruncateDescription() *Embed

TruncateDescription ...

func (*Embed) TruncateFields

func (e *Embed) TruncateFields() *Embed

TruncateFields truncates fields that are too long

func (*Embed) TruncateFooter

func (e *Embed) TruncateFooter() *Embed

TruncateFooter ...

func (*Embed) TruncateTitle

func (e *Embed) TruncateTitle() *Embed

TruncateTitle ...

type ErrorHandler

type ErrorHandler func(b *Bot, err interface{})

type Language

type Language struct {
	Name string
	Keys map[string]string

func NewLanguage

func NewLanguage(name string) *Language

NewLanguage creates a new language with the specified name.

func (*Language) Get

func (l *Language) Get(key string, args ...interface{}) string

func (*Language) GetDefault

func (l *Language) GetDefault(key string, def string, args ...interface{}) string

func (*Language) Merge

func (l *Language) Merge(other *Language) *Language

Merge merges the keys from the other language

func (*Language) Set

func (l *Language) Set(key string, value string) *Language

type LocaleHandler

type LocaleHandler func(b *Bot, m *discordgo.Message, dm bool) string

type Monitor

type Monitor struct {
	Name           string         // Name of the monitor
	Enabled        bool           // Wether the monitor is enabled.
	Run            MonitorHandler // The actual handler function.
	GuildOnly      bool           // Wether this monitor should only run on guilds. (default: false)
	IgnoreWebhooks bool           // Wether to ignore messages sent by webhooks (default: true)
	IgnoreBots     bool           // Wether to ignore messages sent by bots (default: true)
	IgnoreSelf     bool           // Wether to ignore the bot itself. (default: true)
	IgnoreEdits    bool           // Wether to ignore edited messages. (default: true)

func NewMonitor

func NewMonitor(name string, monitor MonitorHandler) *Monitor

func (*Monitor) AllowBots

func (m *Monitor) AllowBots() *Monitor

func (*Monitor) AllowEdits

func (m *Monitor) AllowEdits() *Monitor

func (*Monitor) AllowSelf

func (m *Monitor) AllowSelf() *Monitor

func (*Monitor) AllowWebhooks

func (m *Monitor) AllowWebhooks() *Monitor

func (*Monitor) SetGuildOnly

func (m *Monitor) SetGuildOnly(toggle bool) *Monitor

type MonitorContext

type MonitorContext struct {
	Message *discordgo.Message
	Channel *discordgo.Channel
	Session *discordgo.Session
	Author  *discordgo.User // Alias of Context.Message.Author
	Monitor *Monitor
	Guild   *discordgo.Guild
	Bot     *Bot

type MonitorHandler

type MonitorHandler func(bot *Bot, ctx *MonitorContext)

type Paginator

type Paginator struct {
	Running   bool                      // If we are running or not.
	Session   *discordgo.Session        // The discordgo session.
	ChannelID string                    // The ID of the channel we are on.
	Template  func() *Embed             // Base template that is passed to AddPage calls.
	Pages     []*discordgo.MessageEmbed // Embeds for all pages.

	Message  *discordgo.Message // The sent message to be edited as we go
	AuthorID string             // The user that can control this paginator.
	StopChan chan bool          // Stop paginator by sending to this channel.
	Timeout  time.Duration      // Duration of when the paginator expires. (default: 5minutes)
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPaginator

func NewPaginator(session *discordgo.Session, channel, author string) *Paginator

NewPaginator creates a new paginator and returns it. This is the raw one if you have special needs, it's preferred to use NewPaginatorForContext Session is the discordgo sesssion, channel is the ID of the channel to start the paginator. Author is the id of the user to listen to everyone else's reaction is ignored, pass "" to allow everyone.

func NewPaginatorForContext

func NewPaginatorForContext(ctx *CommandContext) *Paginator

NewPaginatorForContext creates a new paginator for this command context

func (*Paginator) AddPage

func (p *Paginator) AddPage(fn func(em *Embed) *Embed)

Adds a page, takes a function that recieves the copy of embed template inside you can modify the embed as needed then return it back.

func (*Paginator) AddPageString

func (p *Paginator) AddPageString(str string)

Adds a page as string, this calls the regular AddPage with the callback as a simple function that only sets the description to the given string.

func (*Paginator) GetIndex

func (p *Paginator) GetIndex() int

func (*Paginator) Goto

func (p *Paginator) Goto(index int)

Switches pages, index is assumed to be a valid index. (can panic if it's not) Edits the current message to the given page and updates the index.

func (*Paginator) NextPage

func (p *Paginator) NextPage()

Switches to next page, this is safer than raw Goto as it compares indices and switch to first page if we are already on last one.

func (*Paginator) PreviousPage

func (p *Paginator) PreviousPage()

Switches to the previous page, this is safer than raw Goto as it compares indices and switch to last page if we are already on the first one.

func (*Paginator) Run

func (p *Paginator) Run()

func (*Paginator) SetFooter

func (p *Paginator) SetFooter()

Sets the footers of all pages to their page number out of total pages. Called by Run to initialize.

func (*Paginator) SetTemplate

func (p *Paginator) SetTemplate(em func() *Embed)

SetTemplate sets the base template.

func (*Paginator) Stop

func (p *Paginator) Stop()

Stops the paginator by sending the signal to the Stop Channel.

type Permissions

type Permissions int

Permissions represent permission bits for a discord entity.

func PermissionsForMember

func PermissionsForMember(guild *discordgo.Guild, member *discordgo.Member) Permissions

PermissionsForMember returns a permissions instance for a member.

func PermissionsForRole

func PermissionsForRole(role *discordgo.Role) Permissions

PermissionsForRole returns a permissions instance for a role.

func (Permissions) Has

func (perms Permissions) Has(bits int) bool

type PrefixHandler

type PrefixHandler func(b *Bot, m *discordgo.Message, dm bool) string

type UsageTag

type UsageTag struct {
	Name     string // Name of the tag, e.g for <reason:string> the name is reason.
	Type     string // Type of the tag, e.g for <reason:string> the type is string.
	Rest     bool   // If this is rest of the arguments, e.g for <reason:string...> it is true.
	Required bool   // If this argument is required, e.g <name> is required but [name] is not.

func ParseUsage

func ParseUsage(usage string) ([]*UsageTag, error)

Parse a usage string into tags.

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL