
Text-based TODO application.
It lets you write TODO list as you want (within the bounds of the syntax).
You can add arbitrary additional text and comments to the todos. The application will never reformat your TODO file, so you have full control of it.
Disclaimer: This tool is for my own personal use. Feedback and requests are welcome, but not necessarily acted upon.
- Simple, human-readable text format
- Hierarchical todos, recurring todos, priorities, date ranges, due dates
- Arbitrary comments under todos allow to keep a work log for each todo. E.g. copy-pasting shell commands used to complete a todo.
- VSCode extension to view & edit your todo.txt with format highlighting
- VSCode commands to
and trash
done todos. clean
moves them to end of file, trash
moves them to todo-trash.txt
- VSCode command to copy a todo comment without the indentation.
- VSCode preview panel with overview of upcoming todos and kanban-ish
new/waiting/in progress board.
- VSCode creates links for JIRA ticket keys.
- Reminder mails for due todos
- Automatic todo for open Bitbucket Server PRs to review.
- MS Outlook integration to add dated todos as private calendar events.
- Simple local HTML calendar page
- daily git-based local backups
- optionally push encrypted backups to a remote git repository
- Quickly add a todo from anywhere with global hotkey

- Limited support for time-of-day. Almost all features ignore time-of-day, the core granularity is days. Time of day is just an information for the user.
- No built-in device syncing (but todo.txt file can be synced with standard file sharing services, e.g. Dropbox)
- No mobile app (though you can view & edit the todo.txt in a mobile text editor)
The backend does all the heavy lifting:
- Parsing the text todo file
- Providing formatting & folding information for the VSCode extension
- Providing information for VSCode preview panel
- Providing data for HTML calendar
- Providing commands to clean and trash done todos
- Sending mail reminders for upcoming todos
- Creating backups of the todo file
- Inserting todos from external sources
- Popup UI to add todo with hotkey
The backend is a sibylgo.exe
(Windows) or sibylgo
(Linux) console application that can be started in the background somewhere. All the other components interact with it via REST calls.
VSCode extension
The VSCode extension is a thin client that interacts with the backend
and formats the todo file if opened in VSCode.
Also handles folding of hierarchical todos and provides the clean and
trash commands in the command palette and editor context menu.
The extension is a sibyl.vsix
file that can be installed manually with:
code --install-extension sibyl.vsix
Or via the "Install from VSIX..." option in the VSCode extension GUI.
VSCode extension configuration
A few things can be configured directly for the VSCode extension. See the VSCode settings.
The calendar is a simple sibylcal.html
file that displays the
current month/week/day, using data from the backend.
Text syntax
General notes
- Many aspects of the syntax can be configured. See the Configuration section.
My category
With HTML color (to differentiate calendar entries):
My category [Coral]
[] my open todo
[x] my done todo
Hierarchical todos:
[] my top-level todo
[] my child todo
[x] my done child todo
[] more stuff
Work states:
[] my open todo
[p] my in progress todo
[w] my waiting todo
[x] my done todo
[] my top-level todo
some random comment.
it needs to be indented.
[] child todo
a comment for the child todo
On a specific day:
[] get groceries (15.11.20)
At a specific date and time:
[] get groceries (15.11.20 08:00)
Time range:
[] vacation (10.11.20-15.11.20)
[] new house (10.11.20-)
[] study for example (-15.11.20)
[] get groceries (every day)
[] get groceries (today)
[] gym (every Tuesday)
[] team meeting (every 2nd Tuesday)
[] project meeting (every 3rd Tuesday)
[] company meeting (every 4th Tuesday)
[] vacuum (every 10.)
[] John's birthday (every 5.10)
Important (!):
[] pick up from airport!
[] even more important!!
Minimal sibylgo.yml
todoFile: path/to/todo.txt
Full sibylgo.yml
log_level: info
todoFile: path/to/todo.txt
host: localhost
category_delim: "------"
tabSize: 4
lbracket: "["
rbracket: "]"
priority_mark: "!"
inprogress_mark: "p"
waiting_mark: "w"
done_mark: "x"
date_formats: ["02.01.06", "02.01.2006", "2.1.06", "2.1.2006"]
time_format: "15:04"
# week_days must start with Sunday:
week_days: ["sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday"]
daily_pattern: "(?i)(every day|today)"
weekly_pattern: "(?i)every (monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday|sunday)"
nth_weekly_pattern: "(?i)every (2nd|3rd|4th) (monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday|sunday)"
nths: ["2nd", "3rd", "4th"]
monthly_pattern: "(?i)every (\\d{1,2})\\.?$"
yearly_pattern: "(?i)every (\\d{1,2})\\.(\\d{1,2})\\.?$"
optimized_format: true
encrypt_password: password123
remote_user: myuser
remote_password: mypassword
mailPort: 3025
mailUser: foo
mailPassword: lepass
prepend: true
bb_user: myuser
bb_token: aba1234
category: Today
- id1:name1
- id2:name2
enabled: true
# Popup to insert new todo from anywhere
hotkey: [alt, t]
category: Today
dark_mode: true
Internally, "todos" have two different variants:
- a todo or event definition. I.e. as declared in the todo.txt file.
- an actual "occurrence" of a moment
in a specified time range. For example, the moment [] groceries (every Tuesday)
would have 4 instances
or "occurrences" in a 4 week time range; one on each Tuesday in the time range.
Main Go application:
make deps
make build
VSCode Extension:
cd VSCode_ext
make deps
make build
Some tests rely on input/output testdata files. The output files for all tests can be updated to what
the test is actually outputting with: go test ./... -update-golden
For easier comparison between actual and expected output, the test output
can also be written to a temporary file instead of the real golden file:
go test ./... -update-golden -dry-golden
Make sure to update and commit version.txt
make release
Pushes a release tag which triggers a CI build that includes a release job.