Overview ¶
Exercise 1.5: Change the Lissajous program's color palette to green on black, for added authenticity. To create the web color #RRGGBB, use color.RGBA{0xRR, 0xGG, 0xBB, 0xff}, where each pair of hexadecimal digits represents the intensity of the red, green, or blue component of the pixel.
Exercise 1.6: Modify the Lissajous program to produce images in multiple colors by adding more values to [palette] and then displaying them by changing the third argument of [SetColorIndex] in some interesting way.
Exercise 1.7: The function call io.Copy(dst, src) reads from src and writes to dst. Use it instead of ioutil.ReadAll to copy the response body to os.Stdout without requiring a buffer large enough to hold the entire stream. Be sure to check the error result of io.Copy.
Exercise 1.10: Find a website that produces a large amount of data. Investigate caching by running fetchall twice in succession to see whether the reported time changes much. Do you get the same content each time? Modify fetchall to print its out put to a file so it can be examined.