start gRPC server by executing make run-grpc-server
if everything okay, you will see something like the following in your terminal
$ make run-grpc-server
go run cmd/grpc-server/main.go
2020/05/25 19:13:26 loading config file default-config.yml
2020/05/25 19:13:26 Starting up GRPC server...
2020/05/25 19:13:26 Creating connection to database...
2020/05/25 19:13:26 Connected to database...
How to run gRPC client
follow steps 1-3 on How to run gRPC server above
make sure gRPC server up and running
run gRPC client by executing make run-grpc-client
if all good, you will see log in your terminal simulating all gRPC methods as describe in api/protobuf/user.proto
What to expect?
understand how gRPC client & server implementation in Go