
v1.0.7 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 18, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 0




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const (
	CacheModelMem   = "memory"
	CacheModelRedis = "redis"

	// CacheSysDict 字典缓存菜单KEY
	CacheSysDict = "sysDict"

	// CacheSysRole 角色缓存key
	CacheSysRole = "sysRole"

	// CacheSysDept 部门缓存key
	CacheSysDept = "sysDept"

	// CacheSysAuthTag 权限缓存TAG标签
	CacheSysAuthTag = "sysAuthTag"

	// CacheSysDictTag 字典缓存标签
	CacheSysDictTag = "sysDictTag"
	// CacheSysConfigTag 系统参数配置
	CacheSysConfigTag = "sysConfigTag"
	//CacheSysMenu 系统菜单
	CacheSysMenu = "sysMenu"
	//CacheSysMenuButton 系统菜单按钮
	CacheSysMenuButton = "sysMenuButton"
	//CacheSysMenuColumn 系统菜单按钮
	CacheSysMenuColumn = "sysMenuColumn"
	//CacheSysAuthorize 系统权限
	CacheSysAuthorize = "sysAuthorize"
	//CacheSysMenuApi 系统API与菜单绑定关系表
	CacheSysMenuApi = "sysMenuApi"
	//CacheSysApi 系统API
	CacheSysApi = "sysApi"
	//CacheUserAuthorize 用户权限
	CacheUserAuthorize = "userAuthorize"
	//CacheUserInfo 用户信息
	CacheUserInfo = "userInfo"
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const (
	Version                  = "v0.2.0"             // 当前服务版本(用于模板展示)
	CaptchaDefaultName       = "CaptchaDefaultName" // 验证码默认存储空间名称
	ContextKey               = "ContextKey"         // 上下文变量存储键名,前后端系统共享
	FileMaxUploadCountMinute = 10                   // 同一用户1分钟之内最大上传数量
	DefaultPageSize          = 10                   //默认分页条数
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const (
	Start    = 1 //启动
	Disabled = 0 //禁用


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const (
	Menu   = "menu"
	Button = "button"
	Column = "column"
	Api    = "api"


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const (
	FolderTypesTopology   = "topology"   //图纸文件夹类型
	FolderTypesComponents = "components" //自定义组件文件夹类型


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const (
	ConfigureDiagram = "configureDiagram" //组态拓扑图
	MonitorServer    = "monitorServer"    //服务监控


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const (
	ErrorInvalidFunction = 1   //功能不正确
	ErrorAccessDenied    = 2   //访问被拒绝
	ErrorInvalidData     = 3   //数据无效
	ErrorGetApiData      = 4   //获取接口错误
	ErrorInvalidRole     = 5   //未设置角色
	ErrorNotLogged       = 401 //未登录,或是token失效


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const (
	Weather        = 1 //天气
	LoopRegulation = 2 //环路监管
	LoopMap        = 3 //分布图
	Energy         = 4 //能耗分析
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const (
	ServerStatusOffline = 0
	ServerStatusOnline  = 1


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const (
	PLOT  = "plot"
	Floor = "floor"
	Unit  = "unit"


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const (
	IsAutoRunJob        = ""
	IsOpenAccessControl = "sys.access.control"


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const (
	ContentListDefaultSize = 10
	ContentListMaxSize     = 50
	ContentSortDefault     = 0 // 排序:按照创建时间
	ContentSortActive      = 1 // 排序:按照更新时间
	ContentSortHot         = 2 // 排序:按照浏览量
	ContentSortScore       = 3 // 排序:按照搜索结果关联性
	ContentTypeArticle     = "article"
	ContentTypeAsk         = "ask"
	ContentTypeTopic       = "topic"
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const (
	DeviceStatueDisable = 0
	DeviceStatueOffline = 1
	DeviceStatueOnline  = 2
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const (
	LossWaterId  = "energy.loss.water"
	StationInfos = "energy.station.infos"
	StationLists = "energy.station.lists"
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const (
	InteractTypeZan           = 0
	InteractTypeCai           = 1
	InteractTargetTypeContent = "content"
	InteractTargetTypeReply   = "reply"
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const (
	OpenAPITagNameLogin        = `登录`
	OpenAPITagNameOrganization = `组织管理`
	OpenAPITagNameDept         = `部门管理`
	OpenAPITagNamePost         = `岗位管理`
	OpenAPITagNameRole         = `角色管理`
	OpenAPITagNameUser         = `用户管理`
	OpenAPITagNameMenu         = `菜单管理`
	OpenAPITagNameApi          = `接口管理`
	OpenAPITagNameAuthorize    = `权限管理`
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const (
	SessionNoticeTypeSuccess = "success"
	SessionNoticeTypeInfo    = "primary"
	SessionNoticeTypeWarn    = "warning"
	SessionNoticeTypeError   = "danger"
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const (
	Online                  = "online"
	Offline                 = "offline"
	Event                   = "event"
	PropertyRead            = "property_read"
	PropertyReadReply       = "property_read_reply"
	PropertyWrite           = "property_write"
	PropertyWriteReply      = "property_write_reply"
	FunctionSend            = "function_send"
	FunctionReply           = "function_reply"
	PropertyReport          = "property_report"
	ChildDeviceMessage      = "child_device_message"
	ChildDeviceMessageReply = "child_device_message_reply"
	Register                = "register"
	UnRegister              = "un_register"
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const (
	TypeInt    = "int"
	TypeLong   = "long"
	TypeFloat  = "float"
	TypeDouble = "double"
	TypeText   = "text"
	TypeBool   = "boolean"
	TypeDate   = "date"
	TypeEnum   = "enum"
	TypeArray  = "array"
	TypeObject = "object"
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const (
	UploadPath        = "upload_file"
	ImgTypeKey        = "sys.uploadFile.imageType"
	ImgSizeKey        = "sys.uploadFile.imageSize"
	FileTypeKey       = "sys.uploadFile.fileType"
	FileSizeKey       = "sys.uploadFile.fileSize"
	CheckFileTypeImg  = "img"  // 文件类型(图片)
	CheckFileTypeFile = "file" // 文件类型(任意)
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const (
	SourceLocal   = iota //  上传到本地
	SourceTencent        //  上传至腾讯云
	SourceAli            //  上传到阿里云
	SourceQiniu          //  上传到七牛云
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const (
	UserStatusOk       = 0 // 用户状态正常
	UserStatusDisabled = 1 // 用户状态禁用
	UserGenderUnknown  = 0 // 性别: 未知
	UserGenderMale     = 1 // 性别: 男
	UserGenderFemale   = 2 // 性别: 女
	UserLoginUrl       = "/login"
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const CommonDataBusPrefix = "/device/+/+"
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const (
	DefaultProtocol = "SagooMqtt"


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const (
	// IotOverviewIndex iot概览指标
	IotOverviewIndex = "system.iot.overview.index"
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const (
	PageSize = 10 //分页长度
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const (
	ServerListLimit = 10000

ServerListLimit 服务限制


This section is empty.


func GetDataBusWrapperTopic

func GetDataBusWrapperTopic(productKey, deviceKey string, topic Topic) string

func GetTopicType

func GetTopicType(topic Topic) string

func GetTopicTypes

func GetTopicTypes() []string

func GetWrapperTopic

func GetWrapperTopic(topic Topic, action Action, id int) string


type Action

type Action string
const (
	ActionError   Action = "error"
	ActionOnline  Action = "online"
	ActionOffline Action = "offline"
	ActionOpen    Action = "open"
	ActionClose   Action = "close"
	ActionTunnel  Action = "tunnel"

type Topic

type Topic string
const (
	DataBusOnline  Topic = "/online"
	DataBusOffline Topic = "/offline"

	DataBusEvent Topic = "/message/event/{eventId}"

	DataBusPropertyReport Topic = "/message/property/report"

	DataBusPropertyRead      Topic = "/message/send/property/read"
	DataBusPropertyReadReply Topic = "/message/property/read/reply"

	DataBusPropertyWrite      Topic = "/message/send/property/write"
	DataBusPropertyWriteReply Topic = "/message/property/write/reply"

	DataBusFunctionSend  Topic = "/message/send/function"
	DataBusFunctionReply Topic = "/message/function/reply"

	DataBusRegister   Topic = "/register"
	DataBusUnRegister Topic = "/unregister"

	DataBusChildDeviceMessage      Topic = "/message/children/{childrenDeviceId}/{topic}"
	DataBusChildDeviceMessageReply Topic = "/message/children/reply/{childrenDeviceId}/{topic}"

	DataBusDirect Topic = "/message/direct"
	DataBusUpdate Topic = "/message/tags/update"

	DataBusFirmwarePull      Topic = "/firmware/pull"
	DataBusFirmwarePullReply Topic = "/firmware/pull/reply"

	DataBusFirmwarePush      Topic = "/firmware/push"
	DataBusFirmwarePushReply Topic = "/firmware/push/reply"

	DataBusFirmwareReport Topic = "/firmware/report"

	DataBusFirmwareProgress Topic = "/firmware/progress"

	DataBusLog Topic = "/message/log"

	DataBusMetadataDerived Topic = "/metadata/derived"
const (
	DataBusServer Topic = "/system/server/%d/%s"
	DataBusTunnel Topic = "/system/tunnel/%d/%s"
const (
	TopicDeviceData Topic = "device/+/#"

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