Golang + Gin + Postgres + Docker + gRPC + NGINX
gRPC and RESTful HTTP implementation of backend server written in Go.
A Go-based based implementation of gRPC with Gin, PostgreSQL, Docker, and NGINX. This project
demonstrates how to build a robust backend service with HTTP and gRPC servers, using Go's Gin
framework for HTTP, a separate gRPC server and a gRPC gateway to handle HTTP requests under the hood.
Technologies used
as HTTP web framework
as database
as code generator for SQL
for database migration
Remote procedure call framework.
for containerizing the application
as a load balancer and reverse proxy
as protocol buffer compiler
The project consists of the following 3 kinds of servers:
1. HTTP Gin Server
: A lightweight HTTP web server built with the Gin framework.
: Serves HTTP requests directly without any additional translation.
: Offers a simple and efficient means for handling HTTP client requests.
2. gRPC Server
: Implements gRPC services for remote procedure calls.
: Handles gRPC client requests directly, providing efficient communication between client and server.
: Facilitates high-performance, bidirectional communication between client and server.
3. gRPC Gateway Server
: An HTTP server that acts as a gateway for HTTP clients to communicate with the gRPC server.
: Receives HTTP requests from clients and translates them into gRPC calls, forwarding them to the appropriate gRPC handlers.
: Enables HTTP clients to interact seamlessly with the gRPC server, expanding compatibility and usability.
By following this architecture, developers can seamlessly switch between running the server as a standalone HTTP Gin server
or as a gRPC server with an HTTP Gateway server serving both gRPC and HTTP clients at the same time
. NGINX ensures efficient load balancing and distribution of incoming requests, enhancing the scalability and reliability of the architecture.
Setup local development
- Clone project
git git@github.com:saalikmubeen/go-grpc-implementation.git
If you aren't a docker person
, (Please learn docker 🥲)
cd into root project
cd go-grpc-implementation
go mod tidy
to install server dependencies
Setup required environment variables:
*In the app.env
file, replace the environment variables with your own.
Make sure you have postgresQL installed
To start the gRPC and HTTP server:
make server
( if you don't have make installed)
go run main.go
This will start the gRPC server by default on port 50051 and the HTTP Gateway server on port 8080
If you use docker, respect++
Running project through docker is a breeze. You don't have to do any setup. Just one docker-compose command and magic
cd go-grpc-implementation
1. To run the project without load balancing
make dockerup:
docker-compose up --build
This will start the gRPC server by default on port 50051 and the HTTP Gateway server on port 8080
2. To run the project with load balancing
make loadbalancerup
docker-compose -f docker-compose-lb.yml up --build
This will run the 4 instances of our Go server in 4 different containers, each running on a different port and an NGINX load balancer to distribute the load between the 4 instances
Each instance or container will be running two servers, one for gRPC and as an HTTP Gateway server. The NGINX will do two things:
- Load balance the incoming HTTP requests between the 4 HTTP Gateway servers running in the 4 instances
- Load balance the incoming gRPC requests between the 4 gRPC servers running in the 4 instances
NGINX Load Balancer opens two ports:
- Port 80, which maps to port 3050 for incoming HTTP requests
- Port 9090, which maps to same port 9090 for incoming gRPC requests
To send HTTP requests to the NGINX load balancer (which will distribute the requests between the 4 HTTP Gateway servers),
just open web browser or Postman and send requests to http://localhost:3050
To send gRPC requests to the NGINX load balancer (which will distribute the requests between the 4 gRPC servers),
you can use the Evans CLI tool to send gRPC requests to the NGINX load balancer. Run the following command:
evans --port 9090 --host localhost -r repl;