A small CLI written in Go to switch program scenes in
OBS Studio using OBS Websocket (included in OBS since
$ obs-switch
A remote control for switching scenes in OBS
obs-switch [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
dump-code Dump the code of this program
help Help about any command
list List scenes
scene Switch program scene
version Retrieve and print the OBS and obs-websocket version as json or text
-h, --help help for obs-switch
-P, --password string websocket server password
-s, --server address address of obs-websocket to connect to (default "localhost:4455")
-v, --version version for obs-switch
Use "obs-switch [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ obs-switch scene -h
Switch program scene
obs-switch scene [-t | -tb | sceneNumber]
Switch to the first scene: obs-switch scene 0
Switch one scene forward: obs-switch scene -t
Go back to the previous scene: obs-switch scene -tb
-b, --backwards use with -t, toggle backwards instead of forward
-h, --help help for scene
-t, --toggle toggle through all scenes
Global Flags:
-P, --password string websocket server password
-s, --server address address of obs-websocket to connect to (default "localhost:4455")
$ go install github.com/sa6mwa/obs-switch@latest
Or use the Makefile
$ make
go build -o obs-switch -ldflags=-s .
$ sudo make install
install obs-switch /usr/local/bin/obs-switch