Index ¶
- Variables
- func CalcCertificateSHA256(b *pem.Block) []byte
- func CreateCompositeKey(objectType string, attributes []string) (string, error)
- func NewCommonEnvelope(payload []byte, signer msp.SigningIdentity) (*common.Envelope, error)
- func NewCommonHeader(headerType common.HeaderType, txID string, nonce []byte, ...) (*common.Header, error)
- func NewMarshaledChannelHeader(headerType common.HeaderType, txId string, ts *timestamp.Timestamp, ...) ([]byte, error)
- func NewMarshaledPeerProposal(header []byte, chaincode string, args [][]byte, transientMap map[string][]byte) ([]byte, error)
- func NewMarshalledChaincodeProposalPayload(chaincode string, args [][]byte, transientMap map[string][]byte) ([]byte, error)
- func NewMarshalledCommonHeader(headerType common.HeaderType, txID string, nonce []byte, ...) ([]byte, error)
- func NewMarshalledCommonPayload(header *common.Header, data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func NewMarshalledPeerChaincodeInvocationSpec(chaincode string, args [][]byte) ([]byte, error)
- func NewMarshalledSeekInfo(start, stop *orderer.SeekPosition) ([]byte, error)
- func NewMarshalledSignatureHeader(serializedCreator []byte, nonce []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func NewPeerSignedProposal(proposal []byte, identity msp.SigningIdentity) (*peer.SignedProposal, error)
- func NewSeekInfo(start, stop *orderer.SeekPosition) *orderer.SeekInfo
- func NewSeekSpecified(number uint64) *orderer.SeekPosition
- func ParseAnchorPeers(mspConfigGroup *common.ConfigGroup) ([]*peer.AnchorPeer, error)
- func ParseAnchorPeersFromBytes(b []byte) ([]*peer.AnchorPeer, error)
- func ParseApplicationConfig(cfg common.Config) (map[string]*ApplicationConfig, error)
- func ParseBatchSizeFromBytes(b []byte) (*orderer.BatchSize, error)
- func ParseBlockDataHashingStructure(cfg common.Config) (*common.BlockDataHashingStructure, error)
- func ParseCapabilities(cfg common.Config) (*common.Capabilities, error)
- func ParseConsortium(cfg common.Config) (string, error)
- func ParseConsortiumFromBytes(b []byte) (string, error)
- func ParseHashingAlgorithm(cfg common.Config) (string, error)
- func ParseHashingAlgorithmFromBytes(b []byte) (string, error)
- func ParseOrderer(cfg common.Config) (map[string]*OrdererConfig, error)
- func ParseOrdererBatchSize(cfg common.Config) (*orderer.BatchSize, error)
- func ParseOrdererBatchTimeout(cfg common.Config) (string, error)
- func ParseOrdererBatchTimeoutFromBytes(b []byte) (string, error)
- func ParseOrdererConsensusType(cfg common.Config) (*orderer.ConsensusType, error)
- func ParseOrdererConsensusTypeFromBytes(b []byte) (*orderer.ConsensusType, error)
- func ParseOrdererEndpoints(b []byte) ([]string, error)
- func ParseOrdererIdentity(cb *common.Block) (*msp.SerializedIdentity, error)
- func ParseParseBlockDataHashingStructureFromBytes(b []byte) (*common.BlockDataHashingStructure, error)
- func ParseParseCapabilitiesFromBytes(b []byte) (*common.Capabilities, error)
- func ParsePolicy(policiesCfg map[string]*common.ConfigPolicy) (map[string]*Policy, error)
- func SplitCompositeKey(compositeKey string) (string, []string)
- type ApplicationConfig
- func (*ApplicationConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ApplicationConfig) GetAnchorPeers() []*peer.AnchorPeer
- func (x *ApplicationConfig) GetMsp() *MSP
- func (x *ApplicationConfig) GetName() string
- func (*ApplicationConfig) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ApplicationConfig) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ApplicationConfig) Reset()
- func (x *ApplicationConfig) String() string
- func (m *ApplicationConfig) Validate() error
- func (m *ApplicationConfig) ValidateAll() error
- type ApplicationConfigMultiError
- type ApplicationConfigValidationError
- func (e ApplicationConfigValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e ApplicationConfigValidationError) Error() string
- func (e ApplicationConfigValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e ApplicationConfigValidationError) Field() string
- func (e ApplicationConfigValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e ApplicationConfigValidationError) Reason() string
- type Block
- func (x *Block) BlockDate() *timestamp.Timestamp
- func (*Block) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *Block) GetData() *BlockData
- func (x *Block) GetHeader() *common.BlockHeader
- func (x *Block) GetMetadata() *BlockMetadata
- func (*Block) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *Block) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *Block) Reset()
- func (x *Block) String() string
- func (x *Block) ValidEnvelopes() []*Envelope
- func (m *Block) Validate() error
- func (m *Block) ValidateAll() error
- func (x *Block) Writes() []*Write
- type BlockData
- func (*BlockData) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *BlockData) GetEnvelopes() []*Envelope
- func (*BlockData) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *BlockData) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *BlockData) Reset()
- func (x *BlockData) String() string
- func (m *BlockData) Validate() error
- func (m *BlockData) ValidateAll() error
- type BlockDataMultiError
- type BlockDataValidationError
- type BlockMetadata
- func (*BlockMetadata) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *BlockMetadata) GetOrdererSignatures() []*OrdererSignature
- func (*BlockMetadata) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *BlockMetadata) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *BlockMetadata) Reset()
- func (x *BlockMetadata) String() string
- func (m *BlockMetadata) Validate() error
- func (m *BlockMetadata) ValidateAll() error
- type BlockMetadataMultiError
- type BlockMetadataValidationError
- func (e BlockMetadataValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e BlockMetadataValidationError) Error() string
- func (e BlockMetadataValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e BlockMetadataValidationError) Field() string
- func (e BlockMetadataValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e BlockMetadataValidationError) Reason() string
- type BlockMultiError
- type BlockValidationError
- type CertType
- type Certificate
- func (*Certificate) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *Certificate) GetData() []byte
- func (x *Certificate) GetFingerprint() []byte
- func (x *Certificate) GetMspId() string
- func (x *Certificate) GetMspName() string
- func (x *Certificate) GetType() CertType
- func (*Certificate) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *Certificate) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *Certificate) Reset()
- func (x *Certificate) String() string
- func (m *Certificate) Validate() error
- func (m *Certificate) ValidateAll() error
- type CertificateMultiError
- type CertificateValidationError
- func (e CertificateValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e CertificateValidationError) Error() string
- func (e CertificateValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e CertificateValidationError) Field() string
- func (e CertificateValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e CertificateValidationError) Reason() string
- type ChaincodeAction
- func (*ChaincodeAction) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ChaincodeAction) GetChaincodeId() *peer.ChaincodeID
- func (x *ChaincodeAction) GetEvents() *peer.ChaincodeEvent
- func (x *ChaincodeAction) GetResponse() *peer.Response
- func (x *ChaincodeAction) GetResults() *TxReadWriteSet
- func (*ChaincodeAction) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ChaincodeAction) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ChaincodeAction) Reset()
- func (x *ChaincodeAction) String() string
- func (m *ChaincodeAction) Validate() error
- func (m *ChaincodeAction) ValidateAll() error
- type ChaincodeActionMultiError
- type ChaincodeActionPayload
- func (*ChaincodeActionPayload) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ChaincodeActionPayload) GetAction() *ChaincodeEndorsedAction
- func (x *ChaincodeActionPayload) GetChaincodeProposalPayload() *ChaincodeProposalPayload
- func (*ChaincodeActionPayload) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ChaincodeActionPayload) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ChaincodeActionPayload) Reset()
- func (x *ChaincodeActionPayload) String() string
- func (m *ChaincodeActionPayload) Validate() error
- func (m *ChaincodeActionPayload) ValidateAll() error
- type ChaincodeActionPayloadMultiError
- type ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError
- func (e ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) Error() string
- func (e ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) Field() string
- func (e ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) Reason() string
- type ChaincodeActionValidationError
- func (e ChaincodeActionValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e ChaincodeActionValidationError) Error() string
- func (e ChaincodeActionValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e ChaincodeActionValidationError) Field() string
- func (e ChaincodeActionValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e ChaincodeActionValidationError) Reason() string
- type ChaincodeEndorsedAction
- func (*ChaincodeEndorsedAction) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ChaincodeEndorsedAction) GetEndorsement() []*Endorsement
- func (x *ChaincodeEndorsedAction) GetProposalResponsePayload() *ProposalResponsePayload
- func (*ChaincodeEndorsedAction) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ChaincodeEndorsedAction) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ChaincodeEndorsedAction) Reset()
- func (x *ChaincodeEndorsedAction) String() string
- func (m *ChaincodeEndorsedAction) Validate() error
- func (m *ChaincodeEndorsedAction) ValidateAll() error
- type ChaincodeEndorsedActionMultiError
- type ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError
- func (e ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) Error() string
- func (e ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) Field() string
- func (e ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) Reason() string
- type ChaincodeProposalPayload
- func (*ChaincodeProposalPayload) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ChaincodeProposalPayload) GetInput() *peer.ChaincodeInvocationSpec
- func (x *ChaincodeProposalPayload) GetTransientMap() map[string][]byte
- func (*ChaincodeProposalPayload) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ChaincodeProposalPayload) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ChaincodeProposalPayload) Reset()
- func (x *ChaincodeProposalPayload) String() string
- func (m *ChaincodeProposalPayload) Validate() error
- func (m *ChaincodeProposalPayload) ValidateAll() error
- type ChaincodeProposalPayloadMultiError
- type ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError
- func (e ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) Error() string
- func (e ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) Field() string
- func (e ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) Reason() string
- type ChannelConfig
- func (*ChannelConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ChannelConfig) FabricVersion() FabricVersion
- func (x *ChannelConfig) GetAllCertificates() ([]*Certificate, error)
- func (x *ChannelConfig) GetApplications() map[string]*ApplicationConfig
- func (x *ChannelConfig) GetBlockDataHashingStructure() *common.BlockDataHashingStructure
- func (x *ChannelConfig) GetCapabilities() *common.Capabilities
- func (x *ChannelConfig) GetConsortium() string
- func (x *ChannelConfig) GetHashingAlgorithm() string
- func (x *ChannelConfig) GetOrdererBatchSize() *orderer.BatchSize
- func (x *ChannelConfig) GetOrdererBatchTimeout() string
- func (x *ChannelConfig) GetOrdererConsensusType() *orderer.ConsensusType
- func (x *ChannelConfig) GetOrderers() map[string]*OrdererConfig
- func (x *ChannelConfig) GetPolicy() map[string]*Policy
- func (*ChannelConfig) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ChannelConfig) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ChannelConfig) Reset()
- func (x *ChannelConfig) String() string
- func (x *ChannelConfig) ToJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *ChannelConfig) Validate() error
- func (m *ChannelConfig) ValidateAll() error
- type ChannelConfigMultiError
- type ChannelConfigValidationError
- func (e ChannelConfigValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e ChannelConfigValidationError) Error() string
- func (e ChannelConfigValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e ChannelConfigValidationError) Field() string
- func (e ChannelConfigValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e ChannelConfigValidationError) Reason() string
- type CollectionHashedReadWriteSet
- func (*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) GetCollectionName() string
- func (x *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) GetHashedRwset() *kvrwset.HashedRWSet
- func (x *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) GetPvtRwsetHash() []byte
- func (*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) Reset()
- func (x *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) String() string
- func (m *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) Validate() error
- func (m *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) ValidateAll() error
- type CollectionHashedReadWriteSetMultiError
- type CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError
- func (e CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) Error() string
- func (e CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) Field() string
- func (e CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) Reason() string
- type Endorsement
- func (*Endorsement) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *Endorsement) GetEndorser() *msp.SerializedIdentity
- func (x *Endorsement) GetSignature() []byte
- func (*Endorsement) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *Endorsement) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *Endorsement) Reset()
- func (x *Endorsement) String() string
- func (m *Endorsement) Validate() error
- func (m *Endorsement) ValidateAll() error
- type EndorsementMultiError
- type EndorsementValidationError
- func (e EndorsementValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e EndorsementValidationError) Error() string
- func (e EndorsementValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e EndorsementValidationError) Field() string
- func (e EndorsementValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e EndorsementValidationError) Reason() string
- type Envelope
- func (x *Envelope) ChannelHeader() *common.ChannelHeader
- func (*Envelope) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *Envelope) GetPayload() *Payload
- func (x *Envelope) GetSignature() []byte
- func (x *Envelope) GetValidationCode() peer.TxValidationCode
- func (*Envelope) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *Envelope) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *Envelope) Reset()
- func (x *Envelope) SignatureHeader() *SignatureHeader
- func (x *Envelope) String() string
- func (x *Envelope) TxActions() []*TransactionAction
- func (m *Envelope) Validate() error
- func (m *Envelope) ValidateAll() error
- type EnvelopeMultiError
- type EnvelopeValidationError
- type FabricVersion
- type Header
- func (*Header) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *Header) GetChannelHeader() *common.ChannelHeader
- func (x *Header) GetSignatureHeader() *SignatureHeader
- func (*Header) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *Header) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *Header) Reset()
- func (x *Header) String() string
- func (m *Header) Validate() error
- func (m *Header) ValidateAll() error
- type HeaderMultiError
- type HeaderValidationError
- type MSP
- func (*MSP) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *MSP) GetAllCertificates() ([]*Certificate, error)
- func (x *MSP) GetConfig() *msp.FabricMSPConfig
- func (x *MSP) GetName() string
- func (x *MSP) GetPolicy() map[string]*Policy
- func (*MSP) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *MSP) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *MSP) Reset()
- func (x *MSP) String() string
- func (m *MSP) Validate() error
- func (m *MSP) ValidateAll() error
- type MSPMultiError
- type MSPValidationError
- type NsReadWriteSet
- func (*NsReadWriteSet) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *NsReadWriteSet) GetCollectionHashedRwset() []*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet
- func (x *NsReadWriteSet) GetNamespace() string
- func (x *NsReadWriteSet) GetRwset() *kvrwset.KVRWSet
- func (*NsReadWriteSet) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *NsReadWriteSet) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *NsReadWriteSet) Reset()
- func (x *NsReadWriteSet) String() string
- func (m *NsReadWriteSet) Validate() error
- func (m *NsReadWriteSet) ValidateAll() error
- type NsReadWriteSetMultiError
- type NsReadWriteSetValidationError
- func (e NsReadWriteSetValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e NsReadWriteSetValidationError) Error() string
- func (e NsReadWriteSetValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e NsReadWriteSetValidationError) Field() string
- func (e NsReadWriteSetValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e NsReadWriteSetValidationError) Reason() string
- type OrdererConfig
- func (*OrdererConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *OrdererConfig) GetEndpoints() []string
- func (x *OrdererConfig) GetMsp() *MSP
- func (x *OrdererConfig) GetName() string
- func (*OrdererConfig) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *OrdererConfig) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *OrdererConfig) Reset()
- func (x *OrdererConfig) String() string
- func (m *OrdererConfig) Validate() error
- func (m *OrdererConfig) ValidateAll() error
- type OrdererConfigMultiError
- type OrdererConfigValidationError
- func (e OrdererConfigValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e OrdererConfigValidationError) Error() string
- func (e OrdererConfigValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e OrdererConfigValidationError) Field() string
- func (e OrdererConfigValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e OrdererConfigValidationError) Reason() string
- type OrdererSignature
- func (*OrdererSignature) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *OrdererSignature) GetIdentity() *msp.SerializedIdentity
- func (x *OrdererSignature) GetSignature() []byte
- func (*OrdererSignature) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *OrdererSignature) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *OrdererSignature) Reset()
- func (x *OrdererSignature) String() string
- func (m *OrdererSignature) Validate() error
- func (m *OrdererSignature) ValidateAll() error
- type OrdererSignatureMultiError
- type OrdererSignatureValidationError
- func (e OrdererSignatureValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e OrdererSignatureValidationError) Error() string
- func (e OrdererSignatureValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e OrdererSignatureValidationError) Field() string
- func (e OrdererSignatureValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e OrdererSignatureValidationError) Reason() string
- type ParseBlockOpt
- type Payload
- func (*Payload) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *Payload) GetHeader() *Header
- func (x *Payload) GetRawUnparsedTransaction() []byte
- func (x *Payload) GetTransaction() *Transaction
- func (*Payload) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *Payload) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *Payload) Reset()
- func (x *Payload) String() string
- func (m *Payload) Validate() error
- func (m *Payload) ValidateAll() error
- type PayloadMultiError
- type PayloadValidationError
- type Policy
- func (*Policy) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *Policy) GetImplicit() *common.ImplicitMetaPolicy
- func (m *Policy) GetPolicy() isPolicy_Policy
- func (x *Policy) GetSignaturePolicy() *common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope
- func (*Policy) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *Policy) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *Policy) Reset()
- func (x *Policy) String() string
- func (m *Policy) Validate() error
- func (m *Policy) ValidateAll() error
- type PolicyKey
- type PolicyMultiError
- type PolicyValidationError
- type Policy_Implicit
- type Policy_SignaturePolicy
- type ProposalResponsePayload
- func (*ProposalResponsePayload) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ProposalResponsePayload) GetExtension() *ChaincodeAction
- func (x *ProposalResponsePayload) GetProposalHash() []byte
- func (*ProposalResponsePayload) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ProposalResponsePayload) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ProposalResponsePayload) Reset()
- func (x *ProposalResponsePayload) String() string
- func (m *ProposalResponsePayload) Validate() error
- func (m *ProposalResponsePayload) ValidateAll() error
- type ProposalResponsePayloadMultiError
- type ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError
- func (e ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) Error() string
- func (e ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) Field() string
- func (e ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) Reason() string
- type SignatureHeader
- func (*SignatureHeader) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *SignatureHeader) GetCreator() *msp.SerializedIdentity
- func (x *SignatureHeader) GetNonce() []byte
- func (*SignatureHeader) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *SignatureHeader) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *SignatureHeader) Reset()
- func (x *SignatureHeader) String() string
- func (m *SignatureHeader) Validate() error
- func (m *SignatureHeader) ValidateAll() error
- type SignatureHeaderMultiError
- type SignatureHeaderValidationError
- func (e SignatureHeaderValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e SignatureHeaderValidationError) Error() string
- func (e SignatureHeaderValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e SignatureHeaderValidationError) Field() string
- func (e SignatureHeaderValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e SignatureHeaderValidationError) Reason() string
- type Transaction
- func (*Transaction) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *Transaction) Events() []*peer.ChaincodeEvent
- func (x *Transaction) GetActions() []*TransactionAction
- func (x *Transaction) GetChannelConfig() *ChannelConfig
- func (*Transaction) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *Transaction) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *Transaction) Reset()
- func (x *Transaction) String() string
- func (m *Transaction) Validate() error
- func (m *Transaction) ValidateAll() error
- type TransactionAction
- func (x *TransactionAction) ChaincodeSpec() *peer.ChaincodeSpec
- func (*TransactionAction) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *TransactionAction) Endorsements() []*Endorsement
- func (x *TransactionAction) Event() *peer.ChaincodeEvent
- func (x *TransactionAction) GetHeader() *SignatureHeader
- func (x *TransactionAction) GetPayload() *ChaincodeActionPayload
- func (x *TransactionAction) NsReadWriteSet() []*NsReadWriteSet
- func (*TransactionAction) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *TransactionAction) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *TransactionAction) Reset()
- func (x *TransactionAction) Response() *peer.Response
- func (x *TransactionAction) String() string
- func (m *TransactionAction) Validate() error
- func (m *TransactionAction) ValidateAll() error
- type TransactionActionMultiError
- type TransactionActionValidationError
- func (e TransactionActionValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e TransactionActionValidationError) Error() string
- func (e TransactionActionValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e TransactionActionValidationError) Field() string
- func (e TransactionActionValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e TransactionActionValidationError) Reason() string
- type TransactionMultiError
- type TransactionValidationError
- func (e TransactionValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e TransactionValidationError) Error() string
- func (e TransactionValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e TransactionValidationError) Field() string
- func (e TransactionValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e TransactionValidationError) Reason() string
- type Transformer
- type TxReadWriteSet
- func (*TxReadWriteSet) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *TxReadWriteSet) GetDataModel() string
- func (x *TxReadWriteSet) GetNsRwset() []*NsReadWriteSet
- func (*TxReadWriteSet) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *TxReadWriteSet) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *TxReadWriteSet) Reset()
- func (x *TxReadWriteSet) String() string
- func (m *TxReadWriteSet) Validate() error
- func (m *TxReadWriteSet) ValidateAll() error
- type TxReadWriteSetMultiError
- type TxReadWriteSetValidationError
- func (e TxReadWriteSetValidationError) Cause() error
- func (e TxReadWriteSetValidationError) Error() string
- func (e TxReadWriteSetValidationError) ErrorName() string
- func (e TxReadWriteSetValidationError) Field() string
- func (e TxReadWriteSetValidationError) Key() bool
- func (e TxReadWriteSetValidationError) Reason() string
- type Write
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( ErrNilBlock = errors.New("nil block") ErrNilConfigBlock = errors.New("nil config block") )
Enum value maps for PolicyKey.
var ( CertType_name = map[int32]string{ 0: "CERT_TYPE_UNDEFINED", 1: "CERT_TYPE_CA", 2: "CERT_TYPE_INTERMEDIATE", 3: "CERT_TYPE_ADMIN", } CertType_value = map[string]int32{ "CERT_TYPE_UNDEFINED": 0, "CERT_TYPE_CA": 1, "CERT_TYPE_INTERMEDIATE": 2, "CERT_TYPE_ADMIN": 3, } )
Enum value maps for CertType.
var (
ErrEmptyKeyAttrs = errors.New(`empty key attrs`)
var (
ErrUnknownFabricVersion = errors.New(`unknown fabric version`)
var File_block_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
var File_chan_config_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
Functions ¶
func CalcCertificateSHA256 ¶
func CreateCompositeKey ¶
func NewCommonEnvelope ¶
func NewCommonHeader ¶
func NewMarshaledChannelHeader ¶
func NewMarshaledChannelHeader( headerType common.HeaderType, txId string, ts *timestamp.Timestamp, channelId string, epoch uint64, extension *peer.ChaincodeHeaderExtension, tlsCertHash []byte) ([]byte, error)
NewMarshaledChannelHeader returns new channel header bytes for presented transaction and channel
func NewMarshalledCommonPayload ¶
NewMarshalledCommonPayload returns marshalled payload from headers and data
func NewMarshalledSeekInfo ¶
func NewMarshalledSeekInfo(start, stop *orderer.SeekPosition) ([]byte, error)
func NewMarshalledSignatureHeader ¶
NewMarshalledSignatureHeader returns marshalled signature header for presented identity
func NewPeerSignedProposal ¶
func NewPeerSignedProposal(proposal []byte, identity msp.SigningIdentity) (*peer.SignedProposal, error)
func NewSeekInfo ¶
func NewSeekInfo(start, stop *orderer.SeekPosition) *orderer.SeekInfo
func NewSeekSpecified ¶
func NewSeekSpecified(number uint64) *orderer.SeekPosition
NewSeekSpecified returns orderer.SeekPosition_Specified position
func ParseAnchorPeers ¶
func ParseAnchorPeers(mspConfigGroup *common.ConfigGroup) ([]*peer.AnchorPeer, error)
func ParseAnchorPeersFromBytes ¶
func ParseAnchorPeersFromBytes(b []byte) ([]*peer.AnchorPeer, error)
func ParseApplicationConfig ¶
func ParseApplicationConfig(cfg common.Config) (map[string]*ApplicationConfig, error)
func ParseBlockDataHashingStructure ¶
func ParseBlockDataHashingStructure(cfg common.Config) (*common.BlockDataHashingStructure, error)
func ParseCapabilities ¶
func ParseCapabilities(cfg common.Config) (*common.Capabilities, error)
func ParseOrderer ¶
func ParseOrderer(cfg common.Config) (map[string]*OrdererConfig, error)
func ParseOrdererBatchSize ¶
func ParseOrdererConsensusType ¶
func ParseOrdererConsensusType(cfg common.Config) (*orderer.ConsensusType, error)
func ParseOrdererConsensusTypeFromBytes ¶
func ParseOrdererConsensusTypeFromBytes(b []byte) (*orderer.ConsensusType, error)
func ParseOrdererEndpoints ¶
func ParseOrdererIdentity ¶
func ParseOrdererIdentity(cb *common.Block) (*msp.SerializedIdentity, error)
func ParseParseBlockDataHashingStructureFromBytes ¶
func ParseParseBlockDataHashingStructureFromBytes(b []byte) (*common.BlockDataHashingStructure, error)
func ParseParseCapabilitiesFromBytes ¶
func ParseParseCapabilitiesFromBytes(b []byte) (*common.Capabilities, error)
func ParsePolicy ¶
func SplitCompositeKey ¶
Types ¶
type ApplicationConfig ¶
type ApplicationConfig struct { Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"` Msp *MSP `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=msp,proto3" json:"msp,omitempty"` AnchorPeers []*peer.AnchorPeer `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=anchor_peers,json=anchorPeers,proto3" json:"anchor_peers,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ApplicationConfig) Descriptor
func (*ApplicationConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ApplicationConfig.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ApplicationConfig) GetAnchorPeers ¶
func (x *ApplicationConfig) GetAnchorPeers() []*peer.AnchorPeer
func (*ApplicationConfig) GetMsp ¶
func (x *ApplicationConfig) GetMsp() *MSP
func (*ApplicationConfig) GetName ¶
func (x *ApplicationConfig) GetName() string
func (*ApplicationConfig) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ApplicationConfig) ProtoMessage()
func (*ApplicationConfig) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ApplicationConfig) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ApplicationConfig) Reset ¶
func (x *ApplicationConfig) Reset()
func (*ApplicationConfig) String ¶
func (x *ApplicationConfig) String() string
func (*ApplicationConfig) Validate ¶
func (m *ApplicationConfig) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on ApplicationConfig with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*ApplicationConfig) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *ApplicationConfig) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on ApplicationConfig with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in ApplicationConfigMultiError, or nil if none found.
type ApplicationConfigMultiError ¶
type ApplicationConfigMultiError []error
ApplicationConfigMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by ApplicationConfig.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (ApplicationConfigMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m ApplicationConfigMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (ApplicationConfigMultiError) Error ¶
func (m ApplicationConfigMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type ApplicationConfigValidationError ¶
type ApplicationConfigValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ApplicationConfigValidationError is the validation error returned by ApplicationConfig.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (ApplicationConfigValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e ApplicationConfigValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (ApplicationConfigValidationError) Error ¶
func (e ApplicationConfigValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (ApplicationConfigValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e ApplicationConfigValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (ApplicationConfigValidationError) Field ¶
func (e ApplicationConfigValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (ApplicationConfigValidationError) Key ¶
func (e ApplicationConfigValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (ApplicationConfigValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e ApplicationConfigValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type Block ¶
type Block struct { Header *common.BlockHeader `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=header,proto3" json:"header,omitempty"` Data *BlockData `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"` Metadata *BlockMetadata `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=metadata,proto3" json:"metadata,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ParseBlock ¶
func ParseBlock(block *common.Block, opts ...ParseBlockOpt) (*Block, error)
func (*Block) Descriptor
func (*Block) GetHeader ¶
func (x *Block) GetHeader() *common.BlockHeader
func (*Block) GetMetadata ¶
func (x *Block) GetMetadata() *BlockMetadata
func (*Block) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*Block) ProtoMessage()
func (*Block) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *Block) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*Block) ValidEnvelopes ¶
func (*Block) Validate ¶
Validate checks the field values on Block with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*Block) ValidateAll ¶
ValidateAll checks the field values on Block with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in BlockMultiError, or nil if none found.
type BlockData ¶
type BlockData struct { Envelopes []*Envelope `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=envelopes,proto3" json:"envelopes,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ParseBlockData ¶
func ParseBlockData(blockData [][]byte, txFilter txflags.ValidationFlags) (*BlockData, error)
func (*BlockData) Descriptor
func (*BlockData) GetEnvelopes ¶
func (*BlockData) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*BlockData) ProtoMessage()
func (*BlockData) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *BlockData) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*BlockData) Validate ¶
Validate checks the field values on BlockData with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*BlockData) ValidateAll ¶
ValidateAll checks the field values on BlockData with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in BlockDataMultiError, or nil if none found.
type BlockDataMultiError ¶
type BlockDataMultiError []error
BlockDataMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by BlockData.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (BlockDataMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m BlockDataMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (BlockDataMultiError) Error ¶
func (m BlockDataMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type BlockDataValidationError ¶
type BlockDataValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockDataValidationError is the validation error returned by BlockData.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (BlockDataValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e BlockDataValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (BlockDataValidationError) Error ¶
func (e BlockDataValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (BlockDataValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e BlockDataValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (BlockDataValidationError) Field ¶
func (e BlockDataValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (BlockDataValidationError) Key ¶
func (e BlockDataValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (BlockDataValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e BlockDataValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type BlockMetadata ¶
type BlockMetadata struct { OrdererSignatures []*OrdererSignature `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=ordererSignatures,proto3" json:"ordererSignatures,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BlockMetadata) Descriptor
func (*BlockMetadata) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use BlockMetadata.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*BlockMetadata) GetOrdererSignatures ¶
func (x *BlockMetadata) GetOrdererSignatures() []*OrdererSignature
func (*BlockMetadata) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*BlockMetadata) ProtoMessage()
func (*BlockMetadata) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *BlockMetadata) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*BlockMetadata) Reset ¶
func (x *BlockMetadata) Reset()
func (*BlockMetadata) String ¶
func (x *BlockMetadata) String() string
func (*BlockMetadata) Validate ¶
func (m *BlockMetadata) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on BlockMetadata with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*BlockMetadata) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *BlockMetadata) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on BlockMetadata with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in BlockMetadataMultiError, or nil if none found.
type BlockMetadataMultiError ¶
type BlockMetadataMultiError []error
BlockMetadataMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by BlockMetadata.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (BlockMetadataMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m BlockMetadataMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (BlockMetadataMultiError) Error ¶
func (m BlockMetadataMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type BlockMetadataValidationError ¶
type BlockMetadataValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockMetadataValidationError is the validation error returned by BlockMetadata.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (BlockMetadataValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e BlockMetadataValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (BlockMetadataValidationError) Error ¶
func (e BlockMetadataValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (BlockMetadataValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e BlockMetadataValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (BlockMetadataValidationError) Field ¶
func (e BlockMetadataValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (BlockMetadataValidationError) Key ¶
func (e BlockMetadataValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (BlockMetadataValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e BlockMetadataValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type BlockMultiError ¶
type BlockMultiError []error
BlockMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by Block.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (BlockMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m BlockMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (BlockMultiError) Error ¶
func (m BlockMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type BlockValidationError ¶
type BlockValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockValidationError is the validation error returned by Block.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (BlockValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e BlockValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (BlockValidationError) Error ¶
func (e BlockValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (BlockValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e BlockValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (BlockValidationError) Field ¶
func (e BlockValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (BlockValidationError) Key ¶
func (e BlockValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (BlockValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e BlockValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type CertType ¶
type CertType int32
func (CertType) Descriptor ¶
func (CertType) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor
func (CertType) EnumDescriptor
func (CertType) Number ¶
func (x CertType) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber
func (CertType) Type ¶
func (CertType) Type() protoreflect.EnumType
type Certificate ¶
type Certificate struct { // sha256 hash Fingerprint []byte `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=fingerprint,proto3" json:"fingerprint,omitempty"` Data []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"` Type CertType `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=type,proto3,enum=hlfsdkgo.block.CertType" json:"type,omitempty"` MspId string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=msp_id,json=mspId,proto3" json:"msp_id,omitempty"` MspName string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=msp_name,json=mspName,proto3" json:"msp_name,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCertificate ¶
func NewCertificate(cert []byte, t CertType, mspID, mspName string) (*Certificate, error)
func (*Certificate) Descriptor
func (*Certificate) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use Certificate.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*Certificate) GetData ¶
func (x *Certificate) GetData() []byte
func (*Certificate) GetFingerprint ¶
func (x *Certificate) GetFingerprint() []byte
func (*Certificate) GetMspId ¶
func (x *Certificate) GetMspId() string
func (*Certificate) GetMspName ¶
func (x *Certificate) GetMspName() string
func (*Certificate) GetType ¶
func (x *Certificate) GetType() CertType
func (*Certificate) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*Certificate) ProtoMessage()
func (*Certificate) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *Certificate) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*Certificate) Reset ¶
func (x *Certificate) Reset()
func (*Certificate) String ¶
func (x *Certificate) String() string
func (*Certificate) Validate ¶
func (m *Certificate) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on Certificate with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*Certificate) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *Certificate) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on Certificate with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in CertificateMultiError, or nil if none found.
type CertificateMultiError ¶
type CertificateMultiError []error
CertificateMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by Certificate.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (CertificateMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m CertificateMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (CertificateMultiError) Error ¶
func (m CertificateMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type CertificateValidationError ¶
type CertificateValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CertificateValidationError is the validation error returned by Certificate.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (CertificateValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e CertificateValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (CertificateValidationError) Error ¶
func (e CertificateValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (CertificateValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e CertificateValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (CertificateValidationError) Field ¶
func (e CertificateValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (CertificateValidationError) Key ¶
func (e CertificateValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (CertificateValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e CertificateValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type ChaincodeAction ¶
type ChaincodeAction struct { Results *TxReadWriteSet `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=results,proto3" json:"results,omitempty"` Events *peer.ChaincodeEvent `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=events,proto3" json:"events,omitempty"` Response *peer.Response `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=response,proto3" json:"response,omitempty"` ChaincodeId *peer.ChaincodeID `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=chaincode_id,json=chaincodeId,proto3" json:"chaincode_id,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChaincodeAction) Descriptor
func (*ChaincodeAction) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ChaincodeAction.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ChaincodeAction) GetChaincodeId ¶
func (x *ChaincodeAction) GetChaincodeId() *peer.ChaincodeID
func (*ChaincodeAction) GetEvents ¶
func (x *ChaincodeAction) GetEvents() *peer.ChaincodeEvent
func (*ChaincodeAction) GetResponse ¶
func (x *ChaincodeAction) GetResponse() *peer.Response
func (*ChaincodeAction) GetResults ¶
func (x *ChaincodeAction) GetResults() *TxReadWriteSet
func (*ChaincodeAction) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ChaincodeAction) ProtoMessage()
func (*ChaincodeAction) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ChaincodeAction) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ChaincodeAction) Reset ¶
func (x *ChaincodeAction) Reset()
func (*ChaincodeAction) String ¶
func (x *ChaincodeAction) String() string
func (*ChaincodeAction) Validate ¶
func (m *ChaincodeAction) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on ChaincodeAction with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*ChaincodeAction) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *ChaincodeAction) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on ChaincodeAction with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in ChaincodeActionMultiError, or nil if none found.
type ChaincodeActionMultiError ¶
type ChaincodeActionMultiError []error
ChaincodeActionMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by ChaincodeAction.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (ChaincodeActionMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m ChaincodeActionMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (ChaincodeActionMultiError) Error ¶
func (m ChaincodeActionMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type ChaincodeActionPayload ¶
type ChaincodeActionPayload struct { ChaincodeProposalPayload *ChaincodeProposalPayload `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */ Action *ChaincodeEndorsedAction `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=action,proto3" json:"action,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChaincodeActionPayload) Descriptor
func (*ChaincodeActionPayload) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ChaincodeActionPayload.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ChaincodeActionPayload) GetAction ¶
func (x *ChaincodeActionPayload) GetAction() *ChaincodeEndorsedAction
func (*ChaincodeActionPayload) GetChaincodeProposalPayload ¶
func (x *ChaincodeActionPayload) GetChaincodeProposalPayload() *ChaincodeProposalPayload
func (*ChaincodeActionPayload) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ChaincodeActionPayload) ProtoMessage()
func (*ChaincodeActionPayload) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ChaincodeActionPayload) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ChaincodeActionPayload) Reset ¶
func (x *ChaincodeActionPayload) Reset()
func (*ChaincodeActionPayload) String ¶
func (x *ChaincodeActionPayload) String() string
func (*ChaincodeActionPayload) Validate ¶
func (m *ChaincodeActionPayload) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on ChaincodeActionPayload with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*ChaincodeActionPayload) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *ChaincodeActionPayload) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on ChaincodeActionPayload with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in ChaincodeActionPayloadMultiError, or nil if none found.
type ChaincodeActionPayloadMultiError ¶
type ChaincodeActionPayloadMultiError []error
ChaincodeActionPayloadMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by ChaincodeActionPayload.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (ChaincodeActionPayloadMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m ChaincodeActionPayloadMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (ChaincodeActionPayloadMultiError) Error ¶
func (m ChaincodeActionPayloadMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError ¶
type ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError is the validation error returned by ChaincodeActionPayload.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) Error ¶
func (e ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) Field ¶
func (e ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) Key ¶
func (e ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e ChaincodeActionPayloadValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type ChaincodeActionValidationError ¶
type ChaincodeActionValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChaincodeActionValidationError is the validation error returned by ChaincodeAction.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (ChaincodeActionValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e ChaincodeActionValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (ChaincodeActionValidationError) Error ¶
func (e ChaincodeActionValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (ChaincodeActionValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e ChaincodeActionValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (ChaincodeActionValidationError) Field ¶
func (e ChaincodeActionValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (ChaincodeActionValidationError) Key ¶
func (e ChaincodeActionValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (ChaincodeActionValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e ChaincodeActionValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type ChaincodeEndorsedAction ¶
type ChaincodeEndorsedAction struct { ProposalResponsePayload *ProposalResponsePayload `` /* 132-byte string literal not displayed */ Endorsement []*Endorsement `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=endorsement,proto3" json:"endorsement,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ParseChaincodeEndorsedAction ¶
func ParseChaincodeEndorsedAction(actionPayload *peer.ChaincodeActionPayload) (*ChaincodeEndorsedAction, error)
func (*ChaincodeEndorsedAction) Descriptor
func (*ChaincodeEndorsedAction) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ChaincodeEndorsedAction.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ChaincodeEndorsedAction) GetEndorsement ¶
func (x *ChaincodeEndorsedAction) GetEndorsement() []*Endorsement
func (*ChaincodeEndorsedAction) GetProposalResponsePayload ¶
func (x *ChaincodeEndorsedAction) GetProposalResponsePayload() *ProposalResponsePayload
func (*ChaincodeEndorsedAction) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ChaincodeEndorsedAction) ProtoMessage()
func (*ChaincodeEndorsedAction) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ChaincodeEndorsedAction) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ChaincodeEndorsedAction) Reset ¶
func (x *ChaincodeEndorsedAction) Reset()
func (*ChaincodeEndorsedAction) String ¶
func (x *ChaincodeEndorsedAction) String() string
func (*ChaincodeEndorsedAction) Validate ¶
func (m *ChaincodeEndorsedAction) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on ChaincodeEndorsedAction with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*ChaincodeEndorsedAction) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *ChaincodeEndorsedAction) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on ChaincodeEndorsedAction with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in ChaincodeEndorsedActionMultiError, or nil if none found.
type ChaincodeEndorsedActionMultiError ¶
type ChaincodeEndorsedActionMultiError []error
ChaincodeEndorsedActionMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by ChaincodeEndorsedAction.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (ChaincodeEndorsedActionMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m ChaincodeEndorsedActionMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (ChaincodeEndorsedActionMultiError) Error ¶
func (m ChaincodeEndorsedActionMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError ¶
type ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError is the validation error returned by ChaincodeEndorsedAction.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) Error ¶
func (e ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) Field ¶
func (e ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) Key ¶
func (e ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e ChaincodeEndorsedActionValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type ChaincodeProposalPayload ¶
type ChaincodeProposalPayload struct { Input *peer.ChaincodeInvocationSpec `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=input,proto3" json:"input,omitempty"` TransientMap map[string][]byte `` /* 165-byte string literal not displayed */ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ParseChaincodeProposalPayload ¶
func ParseChaincodeProposalPayload(actionPayload *peer.ChaincodeActionPayload) (*ChaincodeProposalPayload, error)
func (*ChaincodeProposalPayload) Descriptor
func (*ChaincodeProposalPayload) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ChaincodeProposalPayload.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ChaincodeProposalPayload) GetInput ¶
func (x *ChaincodeProposalPayload) GetInput() *peer.ChaincodeInvocationSpec
func (*ChaincodeProposalPayload) GetTransientMap ¶
func (x *ChaincodeProposalPayload) GetTransientMap() map[string][]byte
func (*ChaincodeProposalPayload) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ChaincodeProposalPayload) ProtoMessage()
func (*ChaincodeProposalPayload) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ChaincodeProposalPayload) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ChaincodeProposalPayload) Reset ¶
func (x *ChaincodeProposalPayload) Reset()
func (*ChaincodeProposalPayload) String ¶
func (x *ChaincodeProposalPayload) String() string
func (*ChaincodeProposalPayload) Validate ¶
func (m *ChaincodeProposalPayload) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on ChaincodeProposalPayload with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*ChaincodeProposalPayload) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *ChaincodeProposalPayload) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on ChaincodeProposalPayload with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in ChaincodeProposalPayloadMultiError, or nil if none found.
type ChaincodeProposalPayloadMultiError ¶
type ChaincodeProposalPayloadMultiError []error
ChaincodeProposalPayloadMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by ChaincodeProposalPayload.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (ChaincodeProposalPayloadMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m ChaincodeProposalPayloadMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (ChaincodeProposalPayloadMultiError) Error ¶
func (m ChaincodeProposalPayloadMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError ¶
type ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError is the validation error returned by ChaincodeProposalPayload.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) Error ¶
func (e ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) Field ¶
func (e ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) Key ¶
func (e ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e ChaincodeProposalPayloadValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type ChannelConfig ¶
type ChannelConfig struct { Applications map[string]*ApplicationConfig `` /* 165-byte string literal not displayed */ Orderers map[string]*OrdererConfig `` /* 157-byte string literal not displayed */ OrdererBatchSize *orderer.BatchSize `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=orderer_batch_size,json=ordererBatchSize,proto3" json:"orderer_batch_size,omitempty"` OrdererBatchTimeout string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=orderer_batch_timeout,json=ordererBatchTimeout,proto3" json:"orderer_batch_timeout,omitempty"` OrdererConsensusType *orderer.ConsensusType `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=orderer_consensus_type,json=ordererConsensusType,proto3" json:"orderer_consensus_type,omitempty"` Consortium string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=consortium,proto3" json:"consortium,omitempty"` HashingAlgorithm string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=hashing_algorithm,json=hashingAlgorithm,proto3" json:"hashing_algorithm,omitempty"` BlockDataHashingStructure *common.BlockDataHashingStructure `` /* 140-byte string literal not displayed */ Capabilities *common.Capabilities `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=capabilities,proto3" json:"capabilities,omitempty"` Policy map[string]*Policy `` /* 154-byte string literal not displayed */ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ParseChannelConfig ¶
func ParseChannelConfig(cc common.Config) (*ChannelConfig, error)
func UnmarshalChannelConfig ¶
func UnmarshalChannelConfig(b []byte) (*ChannelConfig, error)
func (*ChannelConfig) Descriptor
func (*ChannelConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ChannelConfig.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ChannelConfig) FabricVersion ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) FabricVersion() FabricVersion
func (*ChannelConfig) GetAllCertificates ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) GetAllCertificates() ([]*Certificate, error)
GetAllCertificates - returns all(root, intermediate, admins) certificates from all MSPs'
func (*ChannelConfig) GetApplications ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) GetApplications() map[string]*ApplicationConfig
func (*ChannelConfig) GetBlockDataHashingStructure ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) GetBlockDataHashingStructure() *common.BlockDataHashingStructure
func (*ChannelConfig) GetCapabilities ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) GetCapabilities() *common.Capabilities
func (*ChannelConfig) GetConsortium ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) GetConsortium() string
func (*ChannelConfig) GetHashingAlgorithm ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) GetHashingAlgorithm() string
func (*ChannelConfig) GetOrdererBatchSize ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) GetOrdererBatchSize() *orderer.BatchSize
func (*ChannelConfig) GetOrdererBatchTimeout ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) GetOrdererBatchTimeout() string
func (*ChannelConfig) GetOrdererConsensusType ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) GetOrdererConsensusType() *orderer.ConsensusType
func (*ChannelConfig) GetOrderers ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) GetOrderers() map[string]*OrdererConfig
func (*ChannelConfig) GetPolicy ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) GetPolicy() map[string]*Policy
func (*ChannelConfig) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ChannelConfig) ProtoMessage()
func (*ChannelConfig) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ChannelConfig) Reset ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) Reset()
func (*ChannelConfig) String ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) String() string
func (*ChannelConfig) ToJSON ¶
func (x *ChannelConfig) ToJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ChannelConfig) Validate ¶
func (m *ChannelConfig) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on ChannelConfig with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*ChannelConfig) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *ChannelConfig) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on ChannelConfig with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in ChannelConfigMultiError, or nil if none found.
type ChannelConfigMultiError ¶
type ChannelConfigMultiError []error
ChannelConfigMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by ChannelConfig.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (ChannelConfigMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m ChannelConfigMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (ChannelConfigMultiError) Error ¶
func (m ChannelConfigMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type ChannelConfigValidationError ¶
type ChannelConfigValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChannelConfigValidationError is the validation error returned by ChannelConfig.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (ChannelConfigValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e ChannelConfigValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (ChannelConfigValidationError) Error ¶
func (e ChannelConfigValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (ChannelConfigValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e ChannelConfigValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (ChannelConfigValidationError) Field ¶
func (e ChannelConfigValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (ChannelConfigValidationError) Key ¶
func (e ChannelConfigValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (ChannelConfigValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e ChannelConfigValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type CollectionHashedReadWriteSet ¶
type CollectionHashedReadWriteSet struct { CollectionName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=collection_name,json=collectionName,proto3" json:"collection_name,omitempty"` HashedRwset *kvrwset.HashedRWSet `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=hashed_rwset,json=hashedRwset,proto3" json:"hashed_rwset,omitempty"` PvtRwsetHash []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=pvt_rwset_hash,json=pvtRwsetHash,proto3" json:"pvt_rwset_hash,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) Descriptor
func (*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use CollectionHashedReadWriteSet.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) GetCollectionName ¶
func (x *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) GetCollectionName() string
func (*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) GetHashedRwset ¶
func (x *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) GetHashedRwset() *kvrwset.HashedRWSet
func (*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) GetPvtRwsetHash ¶
func (x *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) GetPvtRwsetHash() []byte
func (*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) ProtoMessage()
func (*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) Reset ¶
func (x *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) Reset()
func (*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) String ¶
func (x *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) String() string
func (*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) Validate ¶
func (m *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on CollectionHashedReadWriteSet with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *CollectionHashedReadWriteSet) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on CollectionHashedReadWriteSet with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in CollectionHashedReadWriteSetMultiError, or nil if none found.
type CollectionHashedReadWriteSetMultiError ¶
type CollectionHashedReadWriteSetMultiError []error
CollectionHashedReadWriteSetMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by CollectionHashedReadWriteSet.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (CollectionHashedReadWriteSetMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m CollectionHashedReadWriteSetMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (CollectionHashedReadWriteSetMultiError) Error ¶
func (m CollectionHashedReadWriteSetMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError ¶
type CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError is the validation error returned by CollectionHashedReadWriteSet.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) Error ¶
func (e CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) Field ¶
func (e CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) Key ¶
func (e CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e CollectionHashedReadWriteSetValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type Endorsement ¶
type Endorsement struct { Endorser *msp.SerializedIdentity `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=endorser,proto3" json:"endorser,omitempty"` Signature []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=signature,proto3" json:"signature,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Endorsement) Descriptor
func (*Endorsement) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use Endorsement.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*Endorsement) GetEndorser ¶
func (x *Endorsement) GetEndorser() *msp.SerializedIdentity
func (*Endorsement) GetSignature ¶
func (x *Endorsement) GetSignature() []byte
func (*Endorsement) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*Endorsement) ProtoMessage()
func (*Endorsement) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *Endorsement) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*Endorsement) Reset ¶
func (x *Endorsement) Reset()
func (*Endorsement) String ¶
func (x *Endorsement) String() string
func (*Endorsement) Validate ¶
func (m *Endorsement) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on Endorsement with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*Endorsement) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *Endorsement) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on Endorsement with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in EndorsementMultiError, or nil if none found.
type EndorsementMultiError ¶
type EndorsementMultiError []error
EndorsementMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by Endorsement.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (EndorsementMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m EndorsementMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (EndorsementMultiError) Error ¶
func (m EndorsementMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type EndorsementValidationError ¶
type EndorsementValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EndorsementValidationError is the validation error returned by Endorsement.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (EndorsementValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e EndorsementValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (EndorsementValidationError) Error ¶
func (e EndorsementValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (EndorsementValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e EndorsementValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (EndorsementValidationError) Field ¶
func (e EndorsementValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (EndorsementValidationError) Key ¶
func (e EndorsementValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (EndorsementValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e EndorsementValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type Envelope ¶
type Envelope struct { Payload *Payload `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=payload,proto3" json:"payload,omitempty"` Signature []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=signature,proto3" json:"signature,omitempty"` ValidationCode peer.TxValidationCode `` /* 133-byte string literal not displayed */ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ParseEnvelope ¶
func ParseEnvelope(envelopeData []byte, validationCode peer.TxValidationCode) (*Envelope, error)
func (*Envelope) ChannelHeader ¶
func (x *Envelope) ChannelHeader() *common.ChannelHeader
func (*Envelope) Descriptor
func (*Envelope) GetPayload ¶
func (*Envelope) GetSignature ¶
func (*Envelope) GetValidationCode ¶
func (x *Envelope) GetValidationCode() peer.TxValidationCode
func (*Envelope) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*Envelope) ProtoMessage()
func (*Envelope) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *Envelope) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*Envelope) SignatureHeader ¶
func (x *Envelope) SignatureHeader() *SignatureHeader
func (*Envelope) TxActions ¶
func (x *Envelope) TxActions() []*TransactionAction
func (*Envelope) Validate ¶
Validate checks the field values on Envelope with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*Envelope) ValidateAll ¶
ValidateAll checks the field values on Envelope with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in EnvelopeMultiError, or nil if none found.
type EnvelopeMultiError ¶
type EnvelopeMultiError []error
EnvelopeMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by Envelope.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (EnvelopeMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m EnvelopeMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (EnvelopeMultiError) Error ¶
func (m EnvelopeMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type EnvelopeValidationError ¶
type EnvelopeValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EnvelopeValidationError is the validation error returned by Envelope.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (EnvelopeValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e EnvelopeValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (EnvelopeValidationError) Error ¶
func (e EnvelopeValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (EnvelopeValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e EnvelopeValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (EnvelopeValidationError) Field ¶
func (e EnvelopeValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (EnvelopeValidationError) Key ¶
func (e EnvelopeValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (EnvelopeValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e EnvelopeValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type FabricVersion ¶
type FabricVersion string
const ( FabricVersionUndefined FabricVersion = "undefined" FabricV1 FabricVersion = "1" FabricV2 FabricVersion = "2" )
func FabricVersionIsV2 ¶
func FabricVersionIsV2(isV2 bool) FabricVersion
type Header ¶
type Header struct { ChannelHeader *common.ChannelHeader `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=channel_header,json=channelHeader,proto3" json:"channel_header,omitempty"` SignatureHeader *SignatureHeader `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=signature_header,json=signatureHeader,proto3" json:"signature_header,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Header) Descriptor
func (*Header) GetChannelHeader ¶
func (x *Header) GetChannelHeader() *common.ChannelHeader
func (*Header) GetSignatureHeader ¶
func (x *Header) GetSignatureHeader() *SignatureHeader
func (*Header) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*Header) ProtoMessage()
func (*Header) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *Header) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*Header) Validate ¶
Validate checks the field values on Header with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*Header) ValidateAll ¶
ValidateAll checks the field values on Header with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in HeaderMultiError, or nil if none found.
type HeaderMultiError ¶
type HeaderMultiError []error
HeaderMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by Header.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (HeaderMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m HeaderMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (HeaderMultiError) Error ¶
func (m HeaderMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type HeaderValidationError ¶
type HeaderValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HeaderValidationError is the validation error returned by Header.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (HeaderValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e HeaderValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (HeaderValidationError) Error ¶
func (e HeaderValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (HeaderValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e HeaderValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (HeaderValidationError) Field ¶
func (e HeaderValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (HeaderValidationError) Key ¶
func (e HeaderValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (HeaderValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e HeaderValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type MSP ¶
type MSP struct { Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"` Config *msp.FabricMSPConfig `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=config,proto3" json:"config,omitempty"` Policy map[string]*Policy `` /* 153-byte string literal not displayed */ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MSP) Descriptor
func (*MSP) GetAllCertificates ¶
func (x *MSP) GetAllCertificates() ([]*Certificate, error)
GetAllCertificates - returns all certificates from MSP
func (*MSP) GetConfig ¶
func (x *MSP) GetConfig() *msp.FabricMSPConfig
func (*MSP) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*MSP) ProtoMessage()
func (*MSP) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *MSP) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*MSP) Validate ¶
Validate checks the field values on MSP with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*MSP) ValidateAll ¶
ValidateAll checks the field values on MSP with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in MSPMultiError, or nil if none found.
type MSPMultiError ¶
type MSPMultiError []error
MSPMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by MSP.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (MSPMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m MSPMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (MSPMultiError) Error ¶
func (m MSPMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type MSPValidationError ¶
type MSPValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MSPValidationError is the validation error returned by MSP.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (MSPValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e MSPValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (MSPValidationError) Error ¶
func (e MSPValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (MSPValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e MSPValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (MSPValidationError) Field ¶
func (e MSPValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (MSPValidationError) Key ¶
func (e MSPValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (MSPValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e MSPValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type NsReadWriteSet ¶
type NsReadWriteSet struct { Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"` Rwset *kvrwset.KVRWSet `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=rwset,proto3" json:"rwset,omitempty"` CollectionHashedRwset []*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet `` /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*NsReadWriteSet) Descriptor
func (*NsReadWriteSet) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use NsReadWriteSet.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*NsReadWriteSet) GetCollectionHashedRwset ¶
func (x *NsReadWriteSet) GetCollectionHashedRwset() []*CollectionHashedReadWriteSet
func (*NsReadWriteSet) GetNamespace ¶
func (x *NsReadWriteSet) GetNamespace() string
func (*NsReadWriteSet) GetRwset ¶
func (x *NsReadWriteSet) GetRwset() *kvrwset.KVRWSet
func (*NsReadWriteSet) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*NsReadWriteSet) ProtoMessage()
func (*NsReadWriteSet) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *NsReadWriteSet) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*NsReadWriteSet) Reset ¶
func (x *NsReadWriteSet) Reset()
func (*NsReadWriteSet) String ¶
func (x *NsReadWriteSet) String() string
func (*NsReadWriteSet) Validate ¶
func (m *NsReadWriteSet) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on NsReadWriteSet with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*NsReadWriteSet) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *NsReadWriteSet) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on NsReadWriteSet with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in NsReadWriteSetMultiError, or nil if none found.
type NsReadWriteSetMultiError ¶
type NsReadWriteSetMultiError []error
NsReadWriteSetMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by NsReadWriteSet.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (NsReadWriteSetMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m NsReadWriteSetMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (NsReadWriteSetMultiError) Error ¶
func (m NsReadWriteSetMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type NsReadWriteSetValidationError ¶
type NsReadWriteSetValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NsReadWriteSetValidationError is the validation error returned by NsReadWriteSet.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (NsReadWriteSetValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e NsReadWriteSetValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (NsReadWriteSetValidationError) Error ¶
func (e NsReadWriteSetValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (NsReadWriteSetValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e NsReadWriteSetValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (NsReadWriteSetValidationError) Field ¶
func (e NsReadWriteSetValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (NsReadWriteSetValidationError) Key ¶
func (e NsReadWriteSetValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (NsReadWriteSetValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e NsReadWriteSetValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type OrdererConfig ¶
type OrdererConfig struct { Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"` Msp *MSP `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=msp,proto3" json:"msp,omitempty"` Endpoints []string `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=endpoints,proto3" json:"endpoints,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*OrdererConfig) Descriptor
func (*OrdererConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use OrdererConfig.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*OrdererConfig) GetEndpoints ¶
func (x *OrdererConfig) GetEndpoints() []string
func (*OrdererConfig) GetMsp ¶
func (x *OrdererConfig) GetMsp() *MSP
func (*OrdererConfig) GetName ¶
func (x *OrdererConfig) GetName() string
func (*OrdererConfig) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*OrdererConfig) ProtoMessage()
func (*OrdererConfig) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *OrdererConfig) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*OrdererConfig) Reset ¶
func (x *OrdererConfig) Reset()
func (*OrdererConfig) String ¶
func (x *OrdererConfig) String() string
func (*OrdererConfig) Validate ¶
func (m *OrdererConfig) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on OrdererConfig with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*OrdererConfig) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *OrdererConfig) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on OrdererConfig with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in OrdererConfigMultiError, or nil if none found.
type OrdererConfigMultiError ¶
type OrdererConfigMultiError []error
OrdererConfigMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by OrdererConfig.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (OrdererConfigMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m OrdererConfigMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (OrdererConfigMultiError) Error ¶
func (m OrdererConfigMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type OrdererConfigValidationError ¶
type OrdererConfigValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OrdererConfigValidationError is the validation error returned by OrdererConfig.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (OrdererConfigValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e OrdererConfigValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (OrdererConfigValidationError) Error ¶
func (e OrdererConfigValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (OrdererConfigValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e OrdererConfigValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (OrdererConfigValidationError) Field ¶
func (e OrdererConfigValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (OrdererConfigValidationError) Key ¶
func (e OrdererConfigValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (OrdererConfigValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e OrdererConfigValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type OrdererSignature ¶
type OrdererSignature struct { Identity *msp.SerializedIdentity `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=identity,proto3" json:"identity,omitempty"` Signature []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=signature,proto3" json:"signature,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*OrdererSignature) Descriptor
func (*OrdererSignature) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use OrdererSignature.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*OrdererSignature) GetIdentity ¶
func (x *OrdererSignature) GetIdentity() *msp.SerializedIdentity
func (*OrdererSignature) GetSignature ¶
func (x *OrdererSignature) GetSignature() []byte
func (*OrdererSignature) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*OrdererSignature) ProtoMessage()
func (*OrdererSignature) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *OrdererSignature) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*OrdererSignature) Reset ¶
func (x *OrdererSignature) Reset()
func (*OrdererSignature) String ¶
func (x *OrdererSignature) String() string
func (*OrdererSignature) Validate ¶
func (m *OrdererSignature) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on OrdererSignature with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*OrdererSignature) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *OrdererSignature) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on OrdererSignature with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in OrdererSignatureMultiError, or nil if none found.
type OrdererSignatureMultiError ¶
type OrdererSignatureMultiError []error
OrdererSignatureMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by OrdererSignature.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (OrdererSignatureMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m OrdererSignatureMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (OrdererSignatureMultiError) Error ¶
func (m OrdererSignatureMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type OrdererSignatureValidationError ¶
type OrdererSignatureValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OrdererSignatureValidationError is the validation error returned by OrdererSignature.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (OrdererSignatureValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e OrdererSignatureValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (OrdererSignatureValidationError) Error ¶
func (e OrdererSignatureValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (OrdererSignatureValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e OrdererSignatureValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (OrdererSignatureValidationError) Field ¶
func (e OrdererSignatureValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (OrdererSignatureValidationError) Key ¶
func (e OrdererSignatureValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (OrdererSignatureValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e OrdererSignatureValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type ParseBlockOpt ¶
type ParseBlockOpt func(*parseBlockOpts)
func WithConfigBlock ¶
func WithConfigBlock(configBlock *common.Block) ParseBlockOpt
type Payload ¶
type Payload struct { Header *Header `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=header,proto3" json:"header,omitempty"` Transaction *Transaction `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=transaction,proto3" json:"transaction,omitempty"` RawUnparsedTransaction []byte `` /* 129-byte string literal not displayed */ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Payload) Descriptor
func (*Payload) GetRawUnparsedTransaction ¶
func (*Payload) GetTransaction ¶
func (x *Payload) GetTransaction() *Transaction
func (*Payload) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*Payload) ProtoMessage()
func (*Payload) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *Payload) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*Payload) Validate ¶
Validate checks the field values on Payload with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*Payload) ValidateAll ¶
ValidateAll checks the field values on Payload with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in PayloadMultiError, or nil if none found.
type PayloadMultiError ¶
type PayloadMultiError []error
PayloadMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by Payload.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (PayloadMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m PayloadMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (PayloadMultiError) Error ¶
func (m PayloadMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type PayloadValidationError ¶
type PayloadValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PayloadValidationError is the validation error returned by Payload.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (PayloadValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e PayloadValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (PayloadValidationError) Error ¶
func (e PayloadValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (PayloadValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e PayloadValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (PayloadValidationError) Field ¶
func (e PayloadValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (PayloadValidationError) Key ¶
func (e PayloadValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (PayloadValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e PayloadValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type Policy ¶
type Policy struct { // Types that are assignable to Policy: // // *Policy_Implicit // *Policy_SignaturePolicy Policy isPolicy_Policy `protobuf_oneof:"policy"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Policy) Descriptor
func (*Policy) GetImplicit ¶
func (x *Policy) GetImplicit() *common.ImplicitMetaPolicy
func (*Policy) GetSignaturePolicy ¶
func (x *Policy) GetSignaturePolicy() *common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope
func (*Policy) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*Policy) ProtoMessage()
func (*Policy) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *Policy) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*Policy) Validate ¶
Validate checks the field values on Policy with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*Policy) ValidateAll ¶
ValidateAll checks the field values on Policy with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in PolicyMultiError, or nil if none found.
type PolicyKey ¶
type PolicyKey int32
func (PolicyKey) Descriptor ¶
func (PolicyKey) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor
func (PolicyKey) EnumDescriptor
func (PolicyKey) Number ¶
func (x PolicyKey) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber
func (PolicyKey) Type ¶
func (PolicyKey) Type() protoreflect.EnumType
type PolicyMultiError ¶
type PolicyMultiError []error
PolicyMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by Policy.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (PolicyMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m PolicyMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (PolicyMultiError) Error ¶
func (m PolicyMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type PolicyValidationError ¶
type PolicyValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PolicyValidationError is the validation error returned by Policy.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (PolicyValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e PolicyValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (PolicyValidationError) Error ¶
func (e PolicyValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (PolicyValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e PolicyValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (PolicyValidationError) Field ¶
func (e PolicyValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (PolicyValidationError) Key ¶
func (e PolicyValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (PolicyValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e PolicyValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type Policy_Implicit ¶
type Policy_Implicit struct {
Implicit *common.ImplicitMetaPolicy `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=implicit,proto3,oneof"`
type Policy_SignaturePolicy ¶
type Policy_SignaturePolicy struct {
SignaturePolicy *common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=signature_policy,json=signaturePolicy,proto3,oneof"`
type ProposalResponsePayload ¶
type ProposalResponsePayload struct { ProposalHash []byte `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=proposal_hash,json=proposalHash,proto3" json:"proposal_hash,omitempty"` Extension *ChaincodeAction `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=extension,proto3" json:"extension,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ProposalResponsePayload) Descriptor
func (*ProposalResponsePayload) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ProposalResponsePayload.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ProposalResponsePayload) GetExtension ¶
func (x *ProposalResponsePayload) GetExtension() *ChaincodeAction
func (*ProposalResponsePayload) GetProposalHash ¶
func (x *ProposalResponsePayload) GetProposalHash() []byte
func (*ProposalResponsePayload) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ProposalResponsePayload) ProtoMessage()
func (*ProposalResponsePayload) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ProposalResponsePayload) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ProposalResponsePayload) Reset ¶
func (x *ProposalResponsePayload) Reset()
func (*ProposalResponsePayload) String ¶
func (x *ProposalResponsePayload) String() string
func (*ProposalResponsePayload) Validate ¶
func (m *ProposalResponsePayload) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on ProposalResponsePayload with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*ProposalResponsePayload) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *ProposalResponsePayload) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on ProposalResponsePayload with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in ProposalResponsePayloadMultiError, or nil if none found.
type ProposalResponsePayloadMultiError ¶
type ProposalResponsePayloadMultiError []error
ProposalResponsePayloadMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by ProposalResponsePayload.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (ProposalResponsePayloadMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m ProposalResponsePayloadMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (ProposalResponsePayloadMultiError) Error ¶
func (m ProposalResponsePayloadMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError ¶
type ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError is the validation error returned by ProposalResponsePayload.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) Error ¶
func (e ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) Field ¶
func (e ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) Key ¶
func (e ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e ProposalResponsePayloadValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type SignatureHeader ¶
type SignatureHeader struct { Creator *msp.SerializedIdentity `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=creator,proto3" json:"creator,omitempty"` Nonce []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=nonce,proto3" json:"nonce,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SignatureHeader) Descriptor
func (*SignatureHeader) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use SignatureHeader.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*SignatureHeader) GetCreator ¶
func (x *SignatureHeader) GetCreator() *msp.SerializedIdentity
func (*SignatureHeader) GetNonce ¶
func (x *SignatureHeader) GetNonce() []byte
func (*SignatureHeader) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*SignatureHeader) ProtoMessage()
func (*SignatureHeader) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *SignatureHeader) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*SignatureHeader) Reset ¶
func (x *SignatureHeader) Reset()
func (*SignatureHeader) String ¶
func (x *SignatureHeader) String() string
func (*SignatureHeader) Validate ¶
func (m *SignatureHeader) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on SignatureHeader with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*SignatureHeader) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *SignatureHeader) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on SignatureHeader with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in SignatureHeaderMultiError, or nil if none found.
type SignatureHeaderMultiError ¶
type SignatureHeaderMultiError []error
SignatureHeaderMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by SignatureHeader.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (SignatureHeaderMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m SignatureHeaderMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (SignatureHeaderMultiError) Error ¶
func (m SignatureHeaderMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type SignatureHeaderValidationError ¶
type SignatureHeaderValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SignatureHeaderValidationError is the validation error returned by SignatureHeader.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (SignatureHeaderValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e SignatureHeaderValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (SignatureHeaderValidationError) Error ¶
func (e SignatureHeaderValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (SignatureHeaderValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e SignatureHeaderValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (SignatureHeaderValidationError) Field ¶
func (e SignatureHeaderValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (SignatureHeaderValidationError) Key ¶
func (e SignatureHeaderValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (SignatureHeaderValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e SignatureHeaderValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction struct { ChannelConfig *ChannelConfig `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=channel_config,json=channelConfig,proto3" json:"channel_config,omitempty"` Actions []*TransactionAction `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=actions,proto3" json:"actions,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
field numbers correspond to HeaderType
func ParseEndorserTransaction ¶
func ParseEndorserTransaction(payload *common.Payload) (*Transaction, error)
func (*Transaction) Descriptor
func (*Transaction) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use Transaction.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*Transaction) Events ¶
func (x *Transaction) Events() []*peer.ChaincodeEvent
func (*Transaction) GetActions ¶
func (x *Transaction) GetActions() []*TransactionAction
func (*Transaction) GetChannelConfig ¶
func (x *Transaction) GetChannelConfig() *ChannelConfig
func (*Transaction) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*Transaction) ProtoMessage()
func (*Transaction) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *Transaction) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*Transaction) Reset ¶
func (x *Transaction) Reset()
func (*Transaction) String ¶
func (x *Transaction) String() string
func (*Transaction) Validate ¶
func (m *Transaction) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on Transaction with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*Transaction) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *Transaction) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on Transaction with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in TransactionMultiError, or nil if none found.
type TransactionAction ¶
type TransactionAction struct { Header *SignatureHeader `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=header,proto3" json:"header,omitempty"` Payload *ChaincodeActionPayload `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=payload,proto3" json:"payload,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ParseTxAction ¶
func ParseTxAction(txAction *peer.TransactionAction) (*TransactionAction, error)
func ParseTxActions ¶
func ParseTxActions(txActions []*peer.TransactionAction) ([]*TransactionAction, error)
func (*TransactionAction) ChaincodeSpec ¶
func (x *TransactionAction) ChaincodeSpec() *peer.ChaincodeSpec
func (*TransactionAction) Descriptor
func (*TransactionAction) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use TransactionAction.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*TransactionAction) Endorsements ¶
func (x *TransactionAction) Endorsements() []*Endorsement
func (*TransactionAction) Event ¶
func (x *TransactionAction) Event() *peer.ChaincodeEvent
func (*TransactionAction) GetHeader ¶
func (x *TransactionAction) GetHeader() *SignatureHeader
func (*TransactionAction) GetPayload ¶
func (x *TransactionAction) GetPayload() *ChaincodeActionPayload
func (*TransactionAction) NsReadWriteSet ¶
func (x *TransactionAction) NsReadWriteSet() []*NsReadWriteSet
func (*TransactionAction) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*TransactionAction) ProtoMessage()
func (*TransactionAction) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *TransactionAction) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*TransactionAction) Reset ¶
func (x *TransactionAction) Reset()
func (*TransactionAction) Response ¶
func (x *TransactionAction) Response() *peer.Response
func (*TransactionAction) String ¶
func (x *TransactionAction) String() string
func (*TransactionAction) Validate ¶
func (m *TransactionAction) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on TransactionAction with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*TransactionAction) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *TransactionAction) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on TransactionAction with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in TransactionActionMultiError, or nil if none found.
type TransactionActionMultiError ¶
type TransactionActionMultiError []error
TransactionActionMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by TransactionAction.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (TransactionActionMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m TransactionActionMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (TransactionActionMultiError) Error ¶
func (m TransactionActionMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type TransactionActionValidationError ¶
type TransactionActionValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TransactionActionValidationError is the validation error returned by TransactionAction.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (TransactionActionValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e TransactionActionValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (TransactionActionValidationError) Error ¶
func (e TransactionActionValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (TransactionActionValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e TransactionActionValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (TransactionActionValidationError) Field ¶
func (e TransactionActionValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (TransactionActionValidationError) Key ¶
func (e TransactionActionValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (TransactionActionValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e TransactionActionValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type TransactionMultiError ¶
type TransactionMultiError []error
TransactionMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by Transaction.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (TransactionMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m TransactionMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (TransactionMultiError) Error ¶
func (m TransactionMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type TransactionValidationError ¶
type TransactionValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TransactionValidationError is the validation error returned by Transaction.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (TransactionValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e TransactionValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (TransactionValidationError) Error ¶
func (e TransactionValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (TransactionValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e TransactionValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (TransactionValidationError) Field ¶
func (e TransactionValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (TransactionValidationError) Key ¶
func (e TransactionValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (TransactionValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e TransactionValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type Transformer ¶ added in v0.10.6
Transformer transforms parsed observer data. For example decrypt, or transformer protobuf state to json
type TxReadWriteSet ¶
type TxReadWriteSet struct { DataModel string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=data_model,json=dataModel,proto3" json:"data_model,omitempty"` NsRwset []*NsReadWriteSet `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=ns_rwset,json=nsRwset,proto3" json:"ns_rwset,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ParseTxReadWriteSet ¶
func ParseTxReadWriteSet(chaincodeAction *peer.ChaincodeAction) (*TxReadWriteSet, error)
func (*TxReadWriteSet) Descriptor
func (*TxReadWriteSet) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use TxReadWriteSet.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*TxReadWriteSet) GetDataModel ¶
func (x *TxReadWriteSet) GetDataModel() string
func (*TxReadWriteSet) GetNsRwset ¶
func (x *TxReadWriteSet) GetNsRwset() []*NsReadWriteSet
func (*TxReadWriteSet) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*TxReadWriteSet) ProtoMessage()
func (*TxReadWriteSet) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *TxReadWriteSet) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*TxReadWriteSet) Reset ¶
func (x *TxReadWriteSet) Reset()
func (*TxReadWriteSet) String ¶
func (x *TxReadWriteSet) String() string
func (*TxReadWriteSet) Validate ¶
func (m *TxReadWriteSet) Validate() error
Validate checks the field values on TxReadWriteSet with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the first error encountered is returned, or nil if there are no violations.
func (*TxReadWriteSet) ValidateAll ¶
func (m *TxReadWriteSet) ValidateAll() error
ValidateAll checks the field values on TxReadWriteSet with the rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, the result is a list of violation errors wrapped in TxReadWriteSetMultiError, or nil if none found.
type TxReadWriteSetMultiError ¶
type TxReadWriteSetMultiError []error
TxReadWriteSetMultiError is an error wrapping multiple validation errors returned by TxReadWriteSet.ValidateAll() if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (TxReadWriteSetMultiError) AllErrors ¶
func (m TxReadWriteSetMultiError) AllErrors() []error
AllErrors returns a list of validation violation errors.
func (TxReadWriteSetMultiError) Error ¶
func (m TxReadWriteSetMultiError) Error() string
Error returns a concatenation of all the error messages it wraps.
type TxReadWriteSetValidationError ¶
type TxReadWriteSetValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TxReadWriteSetValidationError is the validation error returned by TxReadWriteSet.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
func (TxReadWriteSetValidationError) Cause ¶
func (e TxReadWriteSetValidationError) Cause() error
Cause function returns cause value.
func (TxReadWriteSetValidationError) Error ¶
func (e TxReadWriteSetValidationError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface
func (TxReadWriteSetValidationError) ErrorName ¶
func (e TxReadWriteSetValidationError) ErrorName() string
ErrorName returns error name.
func (TxReadWriteSetValidationError) Field ¶
func (e TxReadWriteSetValidationError) Field() string
Field function returns field value.
func (TxReadWriteSetValidationError) Key ¶
func (e TxReadWriteSetValidationError) Key() bool
Key function returns key value.
func (TxReadWriteSetValidationError) Reason ¶
func (e TxReadWriteSetValidationError) Reason() string
Reason function returns reason value.
type Write ¶
type Write struct { KWWrite *kvrwset.KVWrite KeyObjectType string KeyAttrs []string Key string Block uint64 Chaincode string ChaincodeVersion string Tx string Timestamp *timestamp.Timestamp }