There is no documentation for this package.
Path | Synopsis |
## Events-related services.
## Events-related services. |
Package activity stores and distributes events to users in a social-feed manner.
Package activity stores and distributes events to users in a social-feed manner. |
Package actions provides a scheduler action for generating mail digests
Package actions provides a scheduler action for generating mail digests |
Package grpc is the persistence service for all activities.
Package grpc is the persistence service for all activities. |
Package lang provides i18n strings related to activities
Package lang provides i18n strings related to activities |
Package render provides helper for rendering activies into various formats (currently markdown).
Package render provides helper for rendering activies into various formats (currently markdown). |
Package rest exposes a Rest service for querying activities feed
Package rest exposes a Rest service for querying activities feed |
Package chat provides real-time chats linked to any topics for end users.
Package chat provides real-time chats linked to any topics for end users. |
Package grpc provides a Pydio GRPC service for managing chat rooms.
Package grpc provides a Pydio GRPC service for managing chat rooms. |
Package log provides a persistence layer for json-formatted logs generated by the application.
Package log provides a persistence layer for json-formatted logs generated by the application. |
Package grpc provides a Pydio GRPC service for querying the logs
Package grpc provides a Pydio GRPC service for querying the logs |
Package rest exposes a simple REST API for communicating with the GRPC package.
Package rest exposes a simple REST API for communicating with the GRPC package. |
Package mailer acts a central mail server for the application.
Package mailer acts a central mail server for the application. |
Package grpc provides the actual logic for posting emails to queue or to mail servers
Package grpc provides the actual logic for posting emails to queue or to mail servers |
Package lang provides i18n strings for mailer-related data.
Package lang provides i18n strings for mailer-related data. |
Package rest exposes a simple API for posting emails
Package rest exposes a simple API for posting emails |
Package templates defines ready-to-use templates to send email in a nice formatting.
Package templates defines ready-to-use templates to send email in a nice formatting. |
Package cmd implements commands for running pydio services
Package cmd implements commands for running pydio services |
Package benchmark is the main package for performing benchmarking requests
Package benchmark is the main package for performing benchmarking requests |
Package cmd implements commands for the benchmark command line tool
Package cmd implements commands for the benchmark command line tool |
Package tests is a first draft for benchmarking.
Package tests is a first draft for benchmarking. |
Package dummysetup provides utilitary methods to set up a dummy environment for benchmarks.
Package dummysetup provides utilitary methods to set up a dummy environment for benchmarks. |
Package common provides a library of tools used by all pydio services
Package common provides a library of tools used by all pydio services |
Package auth provides tools related to authentication of pydio services
Package auth provides tools related to authentication of pydio services |
Package claim wraps the JWT claims with util functions
Package claim wraps the JWT claims with util functions |
Package BoltDB provides tools for using Bolt as a standard persistence layer for services
Package BoltDB provides tools for using Bolt as a standard persistence layer for services |
Package config provides tools for managing configurations
Package config provides tools for managing configurations |
Package envvar implements Pydio specific interface for dynamic configurations that are backed by OS environment variables.
Package envvar implements Pydio specific interface for dynamic configurations that are backed by OS environment variables. |
Package source implements a configuration client backed by a config server
Package source implements a configuration client backed by a config server |
Package crypto provides tools for data encryption and certificates management
Package crypto provides tools for data encryption and certificates management |
Package dao provides abstraction of persistence layer used by pydio services.
Package dao provides abstraction of persistence layer used by pydio services. |
Package event wraps protobuf events to add context information
Package event wraps protobuf events to add context information |
Package forms provides utility methods to generate XML that is interpreted by the Front End to build forms.
Package forms provides utility methods to generate XML that is interpreted by the Front End to build forms. |
* Copyright (c) 2018-2021.
* Copyright (c) 2018-2021. |
Package defaults initializes the defaults GRPC clients and servers used by services
Package defaults initializes the defaults GRPC clients and servers used by services |
Package stan provides a NATS Streaming broker
Package stan provides a NATS Streaming broker |
Package grpc provides a gRPC client Package grpc provides a gRPC options
Package grpc provides a gRPC client Package grpc provides a gRPC options |
Package router provides api service routing
Package router provides api service routing |
Package cache is a caching selector.
Package cache is a caching selector. |
Package grpc provides a grpc server
Package grpc provides a grpc server |
Package http implements a go-micro.Server
Package http implements a go-micro.Server |
Package mocks should provide utils used by tests to mock various layers.
Package mocks should provide utils used by tests to mock various layers. |
## Protobuf Definitions This folder contains all Protobufs used by services to communicate
## Protobuf Definitions This folder contains all Protobufs used by services to communicate |
Package activity is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package activity is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package auth is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package auth is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package broker is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package broker is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package chat is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package chat is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package ctl is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package ctl is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package docstore is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package docstore is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package encryption is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package encryption is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package front is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package front is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package idm is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package idm is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package install is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package install is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package jobs is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package jobs is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package log is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package log is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package mailer is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package mailer is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package object is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package object is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package go_micro_registry is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package go_micro_registry is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package rest is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package rest is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package cmd provides a specific tool for transforming json swagger file into a go file
Package cmd provides a specific tool for transforming json swagger file into a go file |
Package sync is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package sync is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package test is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package test is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package tree is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package tree is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package update is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package update is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package registry provides the main glue between services It wraps micro registry (running services declared to the discovery server) into a more generic registry where all actual plugins are self-declared.
Package registry provides the main glue between services It wraps micro registry (running services declared to the discovery server) into a more generic registry where all actual plugins are self-declared. |
Package service acts as a factory for all Pydio services.
Package service acts as a factory for all Pydio services. |
Package servicecontext performs context values read/write, generally through server or client wrappers
Package servicecontext performs context values read/write, generally through server or client wrappers |
Package frontend provides tools to publish static data from within any micro service It implements a simple Union HttpFS to be exposed by a standard net.HttpFileServer interface.
Package frontend provides tools to publish static data from within any micro service It implements a simple Union HttpFS to be exposed by a standard net.HttpFileServer interface. |
Package service is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package service is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package resources provides extendable service Handler for managing resource-policy based data.
Package resources provides extendable service Handler for managing resource-policy based data. |
Package sql provides tools and DAOs for speaking SQL as well as managing tables migrations
Package sql provides tools and DAOs for speaking SQL as well as managing tables migrations |
Package index provides ready-to-use tables and DAOs for storing hierarchical data using the nested sets pattern * Copyright (c) 2018.
Package index provides ready-to-use tables and DAOs for storing hierarchical data using the nested sets pattern * Copyright (c) 2018. |
Package resources provides ready-to-use SQL schemes and DAOs for attaching resource policies to any data
Package resources provides ready-to-use SQL schemes and DAOs for attaching resource policies to any data |
Package cells provides endpoints for speaking either with a local server using a views.Router (and connecting to the local NATS registry), or a remote Cells server using a GRPC gateway client.
Package cells provides endpoints for speaking either with a local server using a views.Router (and connecting to the local NATS registry), or a remote Cells server using a GRPC gateway client. |
Package file system provides endpoints for reading/writing from/to a local folder
Package file system provides endpoints for reading/writing from/to a local folder |
Package index provides a GRPC client for storing information into any tree.NodeProviderClient/tree.NodeReceiverClient service.
Package index provides a GRPC client for storing information into any tree.NodeProviderClient/tree.NodeReceiverClient service. |
Package memory provides an in-memory basic implementation of an Endpoint, with nodes stored in a map.
Package memory provides an in-memory basic implementation of an Endpoint, with nodes stored in a map. |
Package s3 provides an endpoint for connecting to Amazon S3 or an S3-compatible storage
Package s3 provides an endpoint for connecting to Amazon S3 or an S3-compatible storage |
Package snapshot provides fast in-memory or on-file implementations of endpoint for storing snapshots
Package snapshot provides fast in-memory or on-file implementations of endpoint for storing snapshots |
Package filters provides batchers and filters to analyze and simplify sync events
Package filters provides batchers and filters to analyze and simplify sync events |
Package merger implements all logic to compare trees and create set of operations to be applied
Package merger implements all logic to compare trees and create set of operations to be applied |
Package model gathers the main structs and interfaces used in sync library.
Package model gathers the main structs and interfaces used in sync library. |
Package proc provides actual actions to be performed once the sync has filtered all events
Package proc provides actual actions to be performed once the sync has filtered all events |
Package task defines a synchronization task
Package task defines a synchronization task |
Package utils provides swiss-knife tools for all services
Package utils provides swiss-knife tools for all services |
Package cache provides ready-to-use in-memory cache mechanisms
Package cache provides ready-to-use in-memory cache mechanisms |
Package context manipulates context metadata
Package context manipulates context metadata |
Package error creates and parses common errors
Package error creates and parses common errors |
Package i18n wraps go-i18n lib for manipulating bundles
Package i18n wraps go-i18n lib for manipulating bundles |
Package meta provides tool for reading metadata from services declaring "MetaProvider" support
Package meta provides tool for reading metadata from services declaring "MetaProvider" support |
Package mtree provides advanced tools for encoding tree paths in a material format
Package mtree provides advanced tools for encoding tree paths in a material format |
Package net provides tools for reading IPs, available Ports, extending HTTP requests, etc.
Package net provides tools for reading IPs, available Ports, extending HTTP requests, etc. |
Package permissions provides high-level tools for computing permissions from ACLs
Package permissions provides high-level tools for computing permissions from ACLs |
Package schedule provides a fixed ticker based on a start time iso8601 interval periods are supported
Package schedule provides a fixed ticker based on a start time iso8601 interval periods are supported |
Package std provides tools for standard types (strings, int, floats, etc).
Package std provides tools for standard types (strings, int, floats, etc). |
Package views provides high-level clients for talking to the main data tree in certain context.
Package views provides high-level clients for talking to the main data tree in certain context. |
## Data Management services.
## Data Management services. |
Docstore provides an indexed JSON document store.
Docstore provides an indexed JSON document store. |
Package grpc exposes the document store api in GRPC
Package grpc exposes the document store api in GRPC |
Package key implements a keystore for managing encryption keys attached to files.
Package key implements a keystore for managing encryption keys attached to files. |
Package grpc provides a pydio GRPC service for managing files encryption keys
Package grpc provides a pydio GRPC service for managing files encryption keys |
Package meta provides storage for files and folders metadata.
Package meta provides storage for files and folders metadata. |
Package meta provides a GRPC access to the underlying persistence layer for files metadata
Package meta provides a GRPC access to the underlying persistence layer for files metadata |
Package rest provides a REST API for querying the tree metadata.
Package rest provides a REST API for querying the tree metadata. |
Package search implements a search engine for indexing nodes
Package search implements a search engine for indexing nodes |
Package dao abstract the indexation engine and provides a bleve-based implementation.
Package dao abstract the indexation engine and provides a bleve-based implementation. |
Package bleve implements the search engine using a Bleve indexer.
Package bleve implements the search engine using a Bleve indexer. |
Package stub is a helper for testing indexation
Package stub is a helper for testing indexation |
Package grpc provides the Pydio grpc service for querying indexer.
Package grpc provides the Pydio grpc service for querying indexer. |
Package lang provides i18n strings for mailer-related data.
Package lang provides i18n strings for mailer-related data. |
Package rest provides a REST service for querying the search engine
Package rest provides a REST service for querying the search engine |
Folder source contains the three services composing a datasource : objects, index and sync
Folder source contains the three services composing a datasource : objects, index and sync |
Package index provides indexation for datasources * Copyright (c) 2018.
Package index provides indexation for datasources * Copyright (c) 2018. |
Package grpc provides a pydio GRPC service for CRUD-ing the datasource index.
Package grpc provides a pydio GRPC service for CRUD-ing the datasource index. |
Package sessions is used during indexation to start/stop a session an speed-up the process
Package sessions is used during indexation to start/stop a session an speed-up the process |
Package objects is in charge of exposing the content of the datasource with the S3 protocol.
Package objects is in charge of exposing the content of the datasource with the S3 protocol. |
Package grpc wraps a Minio server for exposing the content of the datasource with the S3 protocol.
Package grpc wraps a Minio server for exposing the content of the datasource with the S3 protocol. |
Package meta provides storage for files and folders metadata.
Package meta provides storage for files and folders metadata. |
Package grpc is a pydio service running synchronization between objects and index.
Package grpc is a pydio service running synchronization between objects and index. |
Package rest exposes a simple API used by admins to query the whole tree directly without going through routers.
Package rest exposes a simple API used by admins to query the whole tree directly without going through routers. |
Tree service dynamically aggregates the datasources nodes streams
Tree service dynamically aggregates the datasources nodes streams |
Package grpc provides a GRPC service for aggregating all indexes from all datasources
Package grpc provides a GRPC service for aggregating all indexes from all datasources |
Package rest exposes a simple API used by admins to query the whole tree directly without going through routers.
Package rest exposes a simple API used by admins to query the whole tree directly without going through routers. |
Package versions provides a versioning mechanism for files modifications
Package versions provides a versioning mechanism for files modifications |
Package grpc is in charge of storing versions metadata
Package grpc is in charge of storing versions metadata |
Package lang provides i18n strings for versions service
Package lang provides i18n strings for versions service |
## Core services.
## Core services. |
Package config provides both a db-based configs server and the REST api to manage configs
Package config provides both a db-based configs server and the REST api to manage configs |
Package lang provides config-related i18n strings
Package lang provides config-related i18n strings |
Package rest implements the REST api for managing configurations
Package rest implements the REST api for managing configurations |
Package rest starts a service that exposes a healthcheck.
Package rest starts a service that exposes a healthcheck. |
Package assets is based on Packr to embed static data inside the binary.
Package assets is based on Packr to embed static data inside the binary. |
Package lib is in charge of installing cells.
Package lib is in charge of installing cells. |
Package rest is used once at install-time when running install via browser
Package rest is used once at install-time when running install via browser |
Package update provides connection to a remote update server for upgrading cells binary
Package update provides connection to a remote update server for upgrading cells binary |
Package grpc is in charge of detecting updates and applying them
Package grpc is in charge of detecting updates and applying them |
Package lang provides update-related i18n strings
Package lang provides update-related i18n strings |
Package rest provides a REST gateway to the update service
Package rest provides a REST gateway to the update service |
## Frontend-related services.
## Frontend-related services. |
Package rest is a service for serving specific requests directly to frontend
Package rest is a service for serving specific requests directly to frontend |
Package web is serving the main entry points for the JS frontend
Package web is serving the main entry points for the JS frontend |
## Gateway services.
## Gateway services. |
Package gateway spins an S3 gateway for serving files using the Amazon S3 protocol.
Package gateway spins an S3 gateway for serving files using the Amazon S3 protocol. |
Package dav provides a REST gateway to communicate with pydio backend via the webdav protocol.
Package dav provides a REST gateway to communicate with pydio backend via the webdav protocol. |
Package micro starts a micro web service in API mode to dispatch all REST calls to the underlying services
Package micro starts a micro web service in API mode to dispatch all REST calls to the underlying services |
Package proxy loads a Caddy service to provide a unique access to all services and serve the Javascript frontend.
Package proxy loads a Caddy service to provide a unique access to all services and serve the Javascript frontend. |
Package websocket starts a WebSocket service forwarding internal events to http clients
Package websocket starts a WebSocket service forwarding internal events to http clients |
Package api starts the actual WebSocket service
Package api starts the actual WebSocket service |
Package wopi implements communication with the backend via the WOPI API.
Package wopi implements communication with the backend via the WOPI API. |
## Identity management services.
## Identity management services. |
Package acl provides persistence and access to Access Control List
Package acl provides persistence and access to Access Control List |
Package grpc provides a service for storing and CRUD-ing ACLs
Package grpc provides a service for storing and CRUD-ing ACLs |
Package rest is a REST gateway to the grpc ACL service
Package rest is a REST gateway to the grpc ACL service |
Package rest exposes a REST API to aggregate data from various services.
Package rest exposes a REST API to aggregate data from various services. |
Package key provides a persistence layer for user key.
Package key provides a persistence layer for user key. |
Package grpc is a simple encryption key persistence layer
Package grpc is a simple encryption key persistence layer |
Package meta add persistence layer for meta data defined by the end users to enrich the nodes.
Package meta add persistence layer for meta data defined by the end users to enrich the nodes. |
Package grpc provides persistence layer for user-defined metadata
Package grpc provides persistence layer for user-defined metadata |
Package namespace provides operations for managing user-metadata namespaces
Package namespace provides operations for managing user-metadata namespaces |
Package provides a gateway to the underlying grpc service
Package provides a gateway to the underlying grpc service |
Package acl provides persistence and access to Access Control List
Package acl provides persistence and access to Access Control List |
Package grpc spins an OpenID Connect Server using the coreos/dex implementation
Package grpc spins an OpenID Connect Server using the coreos/dex implementation |
Package lang provides auth-related i18n strings
Package lang provides auth-related i18n strings |
Package rest provides access to the TokenServiceApi
Package rest provides access to the TokenServiceApi |
Package grpc spins an OpenID Connect Server using the coreos/dex implementation
Package grpc spins an OpenID Connect Server using the coreos/dex implementation |
Package policy provides advanced policy features to fine tune end-user permissions.
Package policy provides advanced policy features to fine tune end-user permissions. |
Package conditions provides implementation of basic condition rules to enable building elaborated policies.
Package conditions provides implementation of basic condition rules to enable building elaborated policies. |
Package grpc is the policy engine service
Package grpc is the policy engine service |
Package lang provides policy-related i18n strings
Package lang provides policy-related i18n strings |
Package rest is a gateway to the underlying grpc service
Package rest is a gateway to the underlying grpc service |
Package role is in charge of managing user roles
Package role is in charge of managing user roles |
Package grpc provides persistence layer for CRUD-ing roles
Package grpc provides persistence layer for CRUD-ing roles |
Package rest provides a gateway to the underlying grpc server
Package rest provides a gateway to the underlying grpc server |
Package rest exposes a REST API to manage shared rooms.
Package rest exposes a REST API to manage shared rooms. |
Package user implements basic user and group persistence layer.
Package user implements basic user and group persistence layer. |
* Copyright (c) 2018.
* Copyright (c) 2018. |
Package rest provides a gateway to the underlying grpc service
Package rest provides a gateway to the underlying grpc service |
Package workspace implements workspace persistence layer.
Package workspace implements workspace persistence layer. |
Package grpc provides the persistence for workspaces
Package grpc provides the persistence for workspaces |
Package rest provides a gateway to the underlying grpc service
Package rest provides a gateway to the underlying grpc service |
## Scheduler services.
## Scheduler services. |
Package actions provides interfaces to manage tasks and provides default implementation for common actions.
Package actions provides interfaces to manage tasks and provides default implementation for common actions. |
Package archive provides implementation of actions to work with archive files.
Package archive provides implementation of actions to work with archive files. |
Package archive provides implementation of actions to work with archive files.
Package archive provides implementation of actions to work with archive files. |
Package cmd provides default implementation for command-line-like actions.
Package cmd provides default implementation for command-line-like actions. |
Package images provides default implementation of image related tasks.
Package images provides default implementation of image related tasks. |
Package scheduler provides default implementation for basic scheduler tasks.
Package scheduler provides default implementation for basic scheduler tasks. |
Package tree provides default implementation for tree related tasks.
Package tree provides default implementation for tree related tasks. |
Package jobs implements persistence of the job definition.
Package jobs implements persistence of the job definition. |
Package grpc provides a gRPC service to access the store for scheduler job definitions.
Package grpc provides a gRPC service to access the store for scheduler job definitions. |
Package rest provides a REST gateway to the job definition repository.
Package rest provides a REST gateway to the job definition repository. |
Package lang provide scheduler-related i18n strings
Package lang provide scheduler-related i18n strings |
Package tasks provides workers that effectively run the instances of the scheduled jobs.
Package tasks provides workers that effectively run the instances of the scheduled jobs. |
Package grpc provides a gRPC service to effectively run task instances on multiple workers.
Package grpc provides a gRPC service to effectively run task instances on multiple workers. |
Package timer produces events that start scheduler jobs on pre-defined dates and/or intervals.
Package timer produces events that start scheduler jobs on pre-defined dates and/or intervals. |
Package grpc provides a gRPC service that triggers scheduler events based on ISO 8601 patterns.
Package grpc provides a gRPC service that triggers scheduler events based on ISO 8601 patterns. |
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