Generates fakes for use in testing Go programs.
faux helps you generate fakes
Usage: faux --file <FILE> --output <FILE> --interface <INTERFACE-TO-FAKE> [--help]
--file, -f, GOFILE string the name of the file to parse
--help, -h bool prints the usage
--interface, -i string the name of the interface to fake
--name, -n string the name to give the generated type
--output, -o string the name of the file to write
--package, -p string the name of the package that contains the interface
--version, -v bool prints the version
Say I have an interface in my codebase that I would like to generate a fake for.
I can add a go:generate
comment like the following to generate a fake.
package main
//go:generate faux -i SomeInterface -o fakes/some_interface.go
type SomeInterface interface {
SomeMethod(someParam bool) (someResult int)
This will output a fakes/some_interface.go
file with the following contents.
package fakes
type SomeInterface struct {
SomeMethodCall struct {
CallCount int
Receives struct {
SomeParam bool
Returns struct {
SomeResult int
func (f *SomeInterface) SomeMethod(someParam bool) int {
f.SomeMethodCall.Receives.SomeParam = someParam
return f.SomeMethodCall.Returns.SomeResult
To download faux
go to Releases.
Alternatively, you can install faux
via homebrew
brew tap ryanmoran/tools
brew install faux
You can also build from source.
Building from Source
You'll need at least Go 1.11, as
uses Go Modules to manage dependencies.
To build from source, after you've cloned the repo, run these commands from the top level of the repo:
GO111MODULE=on go mod download
GO111MODULE=on go build
Go 1.11 uses some heuristics to determine if Go Modules should be used.
The process above overrides those herusitics
to ensure that Go Modules are always used.
If you have cloned this repo outside of your GOPATH,
can be excluded from the above steps.