ERC1155-events is an application that subscribes to smart contract transfer events and store them.
To get transfer events from an Ethereum smart contract address, you have to first add it to a watch list.
To add an address in the watch list, please refer to the the API documentation
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Install and Run the Project
# clone the repo
$ git clone
$ cd erc1155-events
# install go modules
$ go mod download
# run the development server
$ ./scripts/
using docker & docker compose
# clone the repo
$ git clone
$ cd erc1155-events
# run the development server
$ docker-compose up dev
After running the server, you can access API documentation at the following address http://localhost:<PORT>/docs/index.html
Running tests
$ ./scripts/
using docker & docker compose
$ docker-compose up test