Refer examples for more details :
This client provides following functionality
- Easy to setup and use
- Support for emitting and listening to remote events
- Pub/sub
- Authentication (JWT)
- Can be used for testing of all server side functions
To install use
go get
Create instance of scclient
by passing url of socketcluster-server end-point
//Create a client instance
client := scclient.New("ws://");
Important Note : Default url to socketcluster end-point is always ws://
Registering basic listeners
Different functions are given as an argument to register listeners
package main
import (
func onConnect(client scclient.Client) {
fmt.Println("Connected to server")
func onDisconnect(client scclient.Client, err error) {
fmt.Printf("Error: %s\n", err.Error())
func onConnectError(client scclient.Client, err error) {
fmt.Printf("Error: %s\n", err.Error())
func onSetAuthentication(client scclient.Client, token string) {
fmt.Println("Auth token received :", token)
func onAuthentication(client scclient.Client, isAuthenticated bool) {
fmt.Println("Client authenticated :", isAuthenticated)
go startCode(client)
func main() {
var reader scanner.Scanner
client := scclient.New("ws://");
client.SetBasicListener(onConnect, onConnectError, onDisconnect)
client.SetAuthenticationListener(onSetAuthentication, onAuthentication)
go client.Connect()
fmt.Println("Enter any key to terminate the program")
// os.Exit(0)
func startCode(client scclient.Client) {
// start writing your code from here
// All emit, receive and publish events
Connecting to server
- For connecting to server:
//This will send websocket handshake request to socketcluster-server
Emitting and listening to events
Event emitter
- eventname is name of event and message can be String, boolean, int or structure
// client.Emit("chat","This is a sample message")
- To send event with acknowledgement
client.EmitAck("chat","This is a sample message", func(eventName string, error interface{}, data interface{}) {
if error == nil {
fmt.Println("Got ack for emit event with data ", data, " and error ", error)
Event Listener
- For listening to events :
The object received can be String, Boolean, Long or GO structure.
// Receiver code without sending acknowledgement back
client.On("chat", func(eventName string, data interface{}) {
fmt.Println("Got data ", data, " for event ", eventName)
- To send acknowledgement back to server
// Receiver code with ack
client.OnAck("chat", func(eventName string, data interface{}, ack func(error interface{}, data interface{})) {
fmt.Println("Got data ", data, " for event ", eventName)
fmt.Println("Sending back ack for the event")
ack("This is error", "This is data")
Implementing Pub-Sub via channels
Creating channel
- For creating and subscribing to channels:
// without acknowledgement
//with acknowledgement
client.SubscribeAck("mychannel", func(channelName string, error interface{}, data interface{}) {
if error == nil {
fmt.Println("Subscribed to channel ", channelName, "successfully")
Publishing event on channel
// without acknowledgement
client.Publish("mychannel", "This is a data to be published")
// with acknowledgement
client.PublishAck("mychannel", "This is a data to be published", func(channelName string, error interface{}, data interface{}) {
if error == nil {
fmt.Println("Data published successfully to channel ", channelName)
Listening to channel
- For listening to channel event :
client.OnChannel("mychannel", func(channelName string, data interface{}) {
fmt.Println("Got data ", data, " for channel ", channelName)
Un-subscribing to channel
// without acknowledgement
// with acknowledgement
client.UnsubscribeAck("mychannel", func(channelName string, error interface{}, data interface{}) {
if error == nil {
fmt.Println("Unsubscribed to channel ", channelName, "successfully")