Demo setup
The demo data consists of a few cloudformation stacks and some EKS clusters created with eksctl
AWS account
Use the cloudgrep-demo account.
EKS clusters
eksctl create cluster --config-file=cluster-dev-us-east-1.yaml
eksctl create cluster --config-file=cluster-prod-us-east-1.yaml
eksctl create cluster --config-file=cluster-prod-eu-west-3.yaml
The stacks can be seen in the AWS console for the supported regions:
Note: eksctl
also create some CloudFormation stacks. So everything is in fact in CloudFormation.
Turning off the demo account
The easiest way is to delete all the CloudFormation stacks.
Generate the demo DB
- Recreate the original database (optional)
The only reason to generate the original is to have new resource types that didn't exist before or if the database model has changed.
# delete the previous dump file
rm demo/setup/original-dump.db
# run cloudgrep once to fetch the database
./cloudgrep --config demo/setup/demo-setup.yaml
- Run the update script
This script will add some resources and update some tags to make it more relevant for a demo purpose.
The input of this script is the original DB, the output is the demo DB.
go run demo/setup/update_demo.go
- Test the demo data
# run cloudgrep using the newly created demo db
./cloudgrep --config demo/demo.yaml