Projecto opens up your project folder in your specified editors.
Make sure golang is installed on your machine. After that you can run the command to install :
go install
projecto --add
Adds the current directory as a new project. The editor used will be the global editor
projecto --add --editor atom
Adds the current directory as a new project. The editor used will be the atom
projecto --rm
Removes the project specified from the menu
projecto --seteditor
Sets the global editor from the list.If other is specified, a prompt is shown which required the command for the
editor (Eg. atom)
projecto --open
Opens a list where you can open the selected project
projecto --rmeditor
Removes editor for from the project.
projecto --help
Displays all the options that can be used
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.