Generate file_sd
file of Prometheus for Amazon RDS.
./prometheus-rds-sd --output.file=/path/to/rds_sd.json --refresh.interval=120 --filters=Name=NAME,Values=VALUES
ex.) Generate mysql-compatible RDSs file_sd
with filter.
./prometheus-rds-sd --output.file=/path/to/rds_sd.json --filters=Name=engine,Values=aurora-mysql,aurora,mysql
The following meta labels are available on targets during relabeling:
: the availability zone in which the instance is running
: the RDS engine name
: the RDS engine version
: the RDS instance ID
: the state of the RDS instance
: the type of the RDS instance
: each tag value of the instance
: the ID of the VPC in which the instance is running
Output example
"targets": [
"labels": {
"__address__": "",
"__meta_rds_availability_zone": "ap-northeast-1b",
"__meta_rds_engine": "aurora",
"__meta_rds_engine_version": "5.6.mysql_aurora.1.19.2",
"__meta_rds_instance_id": "rds-example-001",
"__meta_rds_instance_state": "available",
"__meta_rds_instance_type": "db.t3.medium",
"__meta_rds_tag_Environment": "development",
"__meta_rds_vpc_id": "vpc-xxxxxxxx"
"targets": [
"labels": {
"__address__": "",
"__meta_rds_availability_zone": "ap-northeast-1c",
"__meta_rds_engine": "postgres",
"__meta_rds_engine_version": "9.6.11",
"__meta_rds_instance_id": "rds-example-002",
"__meta_rds_instance_state": "available",
"__meta_rds_instance_type": "db.t2.small",
"__meta_rds_tag_Environment": "production",
"__meta_rds_vpc_id": "vpc-xxxxxxxx""