A simple command-line tool to tail human-readable AWS CloudFormation events suitable for observing stack creation and updates in real-time. This may be useful when developing and testing CloudFormation templates, or when monitoring infrastructure deployments.
go get
(Optional) Configure aws cli
aws configure
Usage: cfn [-c command] [-s stackname] [-r region] [-p profile]
-c string
Command to use (i.e. 'tail') (default "tail")
-p string
AWS SDK profile name to use (optional)
-r string
AWS region to use (optional)
-s string
Stack to use (optional)
-o string
Output format to use (text or table) (default "text")
Tail events from the most recently updated stack using default AWS credentials and region
$ ./cfn
Tail events using specified stack and region, and using specified AWS credentials profile
$ ./cfn -s mystack -p myprofile -r us-east-1
Tail events after creating/updating a stack
$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name mystack --template-body file://mytemplate.yml && cfn -s mystack
By default, cfn will look for credentials using the default credential provider chain used by the AWS CLI. Similarly, the default region is based on the AWS CLI configuration.
To provide a custom credential profile, use the -p option. To override the default region, use the -r option.
If no stack is specified with -s option, cfn will attempt to find the most recently updated stack.