
package module
v0.1.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 11, 2025 License: MIT Imports: 1 Imported by: 0



Email parsing for go.

This is a fork of mnako/letters, a minimalistic Golang library for parsing plain and MIME emails. Thanks to @mnako and contributors, letters has great support for languages other than English, text and transfer encodings.

This fork (at #9d1a5, v0.2.3) of letters focuses on extensibility through modularisation as set out in PR #124. This library also provides improved performance and customisation through user-defined funcs, for example for efficient inline and attachment file processing.

Future plans include making parsing errors, such as for invalid email addresses, optionally non-fatal.



go get github.com/rorycl/letters@latest

Parse an email:

p := letters.NewParser()
parsedEmail, err := p.Parse(reader)

// &email.Email{
// 	Headers: email.Headers{
// 		Date: time.Time(time.Date(2019, 4, 1, 0, 55, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
// 		Sender: &mail.Address{
// 			Name:    "อลิซ ผู้ส่งจดหมาย",
// 			Address: "alis.phusngcdhmay@example.com",
// 		},
// 		From: []*mail.Address{
// 			&mail.Address{
// 				Name:    "อลิซ ผู้ส่งจดหมาย",
// 				Address: "alis.phusngcdhmay@example.com",
// 			},
// 		},
// 		To: []*mail.Address{
// 			&mail.Address{
// 				Name:    "บ๊อบ ผู้รับ",
// 				Address: "bob.phurab@example.com",
// 			},
// 		},
// 		Cc: []*mail.Address{
// 			&mail.Address{
// 				Name:    "แดน ผู้รับ",
// 				Address: "dan.phurab@example.com",
// 			},
// 		},
// 		MessageID: "Message-Id-1@example.com",
// 		InReplyTo: []string{
// 			"Message-Id-0@example.com",
// 		},
// 		References: []string{
// 			"Message-Id-0@example.com",
// 		},
// 		Subject:  "📧 Test แพนแกรมภาษาไทย",
// 		Comments: "Message Header Comment",
// 		Keywords: []string{
// 			"Keyword 1",
// 			"Keyword 2",
// 		},
// 		ResentDate: time.Time(time.Date(2019, 4, 1, 0, 55, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
// 		ExtraHeaders: map[string][]string{
// 			"X-Clacks-Overhead": []string{
// 				"GNU Terry Pratchett",
// 			},
// 		},
// 		ContentInfo: &email.ContentInfo{
// 			Type: "multipart/mixed",
// 			TypeParams: map[string]string{
// 				"boundary": "MixedBoundaryString",
// 				"charset":  "tis-620",
// 			},
// 			Disposition:       "",
// 			DispositionParams: map[string]string(nil), // p0
// 			TransferEncoding:  "base64",
// 			ID:                "",
// 			Charset:           "tis-620",
// 		},
// 		Received: nil,
// 	},
// 	Text: ""
// 	EnrichedText: "<bold>เป็นมนุษย์สุดประเสริฐเลิศคุณค่า</bold> ..."
// 	HTML: ""
// 	Files: []*email.File{
// 		&email.File{
// 			FileType: "inline",
// 			Name:     "inline-jpg-image-without-disposition.jpg",
// 			ContentInfo: &email.ContentInfo{
// 				Type: "image/jpeg",
// 				TypeParams: map[string]string{
// 					"name": "inline-jpg-image-without-disposition.jpg",
// 				},
// 				Disposition:       "",
// 				DispositionParams: map[string]string(nil), // p0
// 				TransferEncoding:  "base64",
// 				ID:                "",
// 				Charset:           "tis-620",
// 			},
// 			Data: []byte{
// 				239, 191, 189, 224, 184, 184, 239, 191, 189, ...
// 			},
// 		},
// 		},
// 		&email.File{
// 			FileType: "attachment",
// 			Name:     "attached-pdf-filename.pdf",
// 			ContentInfo: &email.ContentInfo{
// 				Type: "application/pdf",
// 				TypeParams: map[string]string{
// 					"name": "attached-pdf-name.pdf",
// 				},
// 				Disposition: "attachment",
// 				DispositionParams: map[string]string{
// 					"filename": "attached-pdf-filename.pdf",
// 				},
// 				TransferEncoding: "base64",
// 				ID:               "",
// 				Charset:          "tis-620",
// 			},
// 			Data: []byte{
// 				37, 80, 68, 70, 45, 49, 46, 13, 116, 114, 97, ...
// 			},
// 		},
// }


Various options are provided for customising the Parser, including:

// skip content types
func WithSkipContentTypes(skipContentTypes []string) Opt
// provide a custom address processing function
func WithCustomAddressFunc(af func(string) (*mail.Address, error)) Opt
// provide a custom processing function for string lists of addresses
func WithCustomAddressesFunc(af func(list string) ([]*mail.Address, error)) Opt
// provide a custom date processing function
func WithCustomDateFunc(df func(string) (time.Time, error)) Opt
// provide a custom file processing function
func WithCustomFileFunc(ff func(*email.File) error) Opt
// save files to the stated directory (an example of WithCustomFileFunc)
func WithSaveFilesToDirectory(dir string) Opt
// only process headers
func WithHeadersOnly() Opt
// skip processing attachments
func WithoutAttachments() Opt
// show verbose processing info (currently a noop)
func WithVerbose() Opt

More than one option can be supplied.

The WithoutAttachments and WithHeadersOnly options determine if only part of an email will be processed.

The WithSkipContentTypes allows the user to skip processing MIME message parts with the supplied content-types.

The date and address "With" options allow the provision of custom funcs to override the net/mail funcs normally used. For example it might be necessary to extend the date parsing capabilities to deal with poorly formatted date strings produced by older SMTP servers.

The WithCustomFileFunc allows the provision of a custom func for saving, filtering and/or processing of inline or attached files without reading them first into an email.File.Data []byte slice first, which is the default behaviour. The WithSaveFilesToDirectory option is an example of such a custom func.

As shown in the parser/optspkg_test.go package test, WithCustomFileFunc can be used to, for example, only process image/jpeg files. More examples are shown in parser/opts_test.go, for example:

opt := parser.WithHeadersOnly() // the headers only option
p := letters.NewParser(opt, parser.WithVerbose()) // options can be chained
parsedEmail, err := p.Parse(emailReader)
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("error while parsing email headers: %s", err)



Letters, an email parsing package for go

This is a fork of mnako/letters(https://github.com/mnako/letters), a minimalistic Golang library for parsing plaintext and MIME emails.

Thanks to @mnako and contributors, letters has great support for languages other than English, text encodings and transfer-encodings.

This fork focuses on performance, memory efficiency and extensibility through modularisation.

## Quickstart


``` go get github.com/rorycl/letters@latest ```

Parse an email:

p := letters.NewParser()
parsedEmail, err := p.Parse(reader)

// &email.Email{
// 	Headers: email.Headers{
// 		Date: time.Time(time.Date(2019, 4, 1, 0, 55, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
// 		Sender: &mail.Address{
// 			Name:    "อลิซ ผู้ส่งจดหมาย",
// 			Address: "alis.phusngcdhmay@example.com",
// 		},
// 		From: []*mail.Address{
// 			&mail.Address{
// 				Name:    "อลิซ ผู้ส่งจดหมาย",
// 				Address: "alis.phusngcdhmay@example.com",
// 			},
// 		},
// 		To: []*mail.Address{
// 			&mail.Address{
// 				Name:    "บ๊อบ ผู้รับ",
// 				Address: "bob.phurab@example.com",
// 			},
// 		},
// 		Cc: []*mail.Address{
// 			&mail.Address{
// 				Name:    "แดน ผู้รับ",
// 				Address: "dan.phurab@example.com",
// 			},
// 		},
// 		MessageID: "Message-Id-1@example.com",
// 		InReplyTo: []string{
// 			"Message-Id-0@example.com",
// 		},
// 		References: []string{
// 			"Message-Id-0@example.com",
// 		},
// 		Subject:  "📧 Test แพนแกรมภาษาไทย",
// 		Comments: "Message Header Comment",
// 		Keywords: []string{
// 			"Keyword 1",
// 			"Keyword 2",
// 		},
// 		ResentDate: time.Time(time.Date(2019, 4, 1, 0, 55, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
// 		ExtraHeaders: map[string][]string{
// 			"X-Clacks-Overhead": []string{
// 				"GNU Terry Pratchett",
// 			},
// 		},
// 		ContentInfo: &email.ContentInfo{
// 			Type: "multipart/mixed",
// 			TypeParams: map[string]string{
// 				"boundary": "MixedBoundaryString",
// 				"charset":  "tis-620",
// 			},
// 			Disposition:       "",
// 			DispositionParams: map[string]string(nil), // p0
// 			TransferEncoding:  "base64",
// 			ID:                "",
// 			Charset:           "tis-620",
// 		},
// 		Received: nil,
// 	},
// 	Text: ""
// 	EnrichedText: "<bold>เป็นมนุษย์สุดประเสริฐเลิศคุณค่า</bold> ..."
// 	HTML: ""
// 	Files: []*email.File{
// 		&email.File{
// 			FileType: "inline",
// 			Name:     "inline-jpg-image-without-disposition.jpg",
// 			ContentInfo: &email.ContentInfo{
// 				Type: "image/jpeg",
// 				TypeParams: map[string]string{
// 					"name": "inline-jpg-image-without-disposition.jpg",
// 				},
// 				Disposition:       "",
// 				DispositionParams: map[string]string(nil), // p0
// 				TransferEncoding:  "base64",
// 				ID:                "",
// 				Charset:           "tis-620",
// 			},
// 			Data: []byte{
// 				239, 191, 189, 224, 184, 184, 239, 191, 189, ...
// 			},
// 		},
// 		},
// 		&email.File{
// 			FileType: "attachment",
// 			Name:     "attached-pdf-filename.pdf",
// 			ContentInfo: &email.ContentInfo{
// 				Type: "application/pdf",
// 				TypeParams: map[string]string{
// 					"name": "attached-pdf-name.pdf",
// 				},
// 				Disposition: "attachment",
// 				DispositionParams: map[string]string{
// 					"filename": "attached-pdf-filename.pdf",
// 				},
// 				TransferEncoding: "base64",
// 				ID:               "",
// 				Charset:          "tis-620",
// 			},
// 			Data: []byte{
// 				37, 80, 68, 70, 45, 49, 46, 13, 116, 114, 97, ...
// 			},
// 		},
// }


Various options are provided for customising the Parser, including:

// skip content types
func WithSkipContentTypes(skipContentTypes []string) Opt
// provide a custom address processing function
func WithCustomAddressFunc(af func(string) (*mail.Address, error)) Opt
// provide a custom processing function for string lists of addresses
func WithCustomAddressesFunc(af func(list string) ([]*mail.Address, error)) Opt
// provide a custom date processing function
func WithCustomDateFunc(df func(string) (time.Time, error)) Opt
// provide a custom file processing function
func WithCustomFileFunc(ff func(*email.File) error) Opt
// save files to the stated directory (an example of WithCustomFileFunc)
func WithSaveFilesToDirectory(dir string) Opt
// only process headers
func WithHeadersOnly() Opt
// skip processing attachments
func WithoutAttachments() Opt
// show verbose processing info (currently a noop)
func WithVerbose() Opt

The `WithoutAttachments` and `WithHeadersOnly` options determine if only part of an email will be processed.

The `WithSkipContentTypes` allows the user to skip processing MIME message parts with the supplied content-types.

The date and address "With" options allow the provision of custom funcs to override the net/mail funcs normally used. For example it might be necessary to extend the date parsing capabilities to deal with poorly formatted date strings produced by older SMTP servers.

The `WithCustomFileFunc` allows the provision of a custom func for saving, filtering and/or processing of inline or attached files without reading them first into an `email.File.Data` []byte slice first, which is the default behaviour. The `WithSaveFilesToDirectory` option is an example of such a custom func.

As shown in the parser/optspkg_test.go(parser/optspkg_test.go) package test, `WithCustomFileFunc` can be used to, for example, only process `image/jpeg` files. More examples are shown in parser/opts_test.go(parser/opts_test.go), for example:

opt := parser.WithHeadersOnly() // the headers only option
p := letters.NewParser(opt, parser.WithVerbose()) // options can be chained
parsedEmail, err := p.Parse(emailReader)
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("error while parsing email headers: %s", err)



This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func NewParser added in v0.1.0

func NewParser(options ...parser.Opt) *parser.Parser


This section is empty.


Path Synopsis
Package decoders provides two functions for decoding parts of an email.
Package decoders provides two functions for decoding parts of an email.
Package email holds the shared Email type and sub-types used by the letters packages.
Package email holds the shared Email type and sub-types used by the letters packages.
Package parser provides the capabilities for parsing an email io.Reader into an email.Email.
Package parser provides the capabilities for parsing an email io.Reader into an email.Email.

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? : This menu
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f or F : Jump to
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