nk - Nkeys utility program

nk [-gen type] [-sign file] [-verify file] [-inkey keyfile] [-pubin keyfile] [-pubout] [-e entropy]
The nk utility program can be used to generate nkeys, signing, and verify signatures.
-gen type
Used to create an Nkey Seed of a given type. Type can be User, Account, Server, Cluster, or Operator
-sign file
Used to sign the contents of file. -inkey is also required.
-verify file -sigfile sig
Used to verify a file with a given signature. -inkey or -pubin also required.
Create a user keypair. The result will be an encoded seed. Seeds are prefixed with an 'S', and followed by the type, e.g. U = user.
> nk -gen user > user.seed
> cat user.seed
You can obtain the public key for an nkey seed as follows.
> nk -inkey user.seed -pubout > user.pub
> cat user.pub
Signing the contents of a file
> cat > some.txt
Hello World!
> nk -sign some.txt -inkey user.seed > some.sig
> cat some.sig
Verifying a signature. You can use the seed or the public key.
> nk -verify some.txt -sigfile some.sig -inkey user.seed
Verified OK
> nk -verify some.txt -sigfile some.sig -pubin user.pub
Verified OK
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