Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AlgoKey(password, salt []byte, iter, keyLen int, h func() hash.Hash) []byte
- func BytesXor(a, b []byte) []byte
- func ExtractVideoThumb(path string, duration int64) (string, error)
- func FileExists(path string) bool
- func GenRandInt() int64
- func GenerateRandomLong() int64
- func GenerateRandomString(n int) string
- func GetAudioMetadata(path string) (performer string, title string, duration int32)
- func GetHostIp(dcID int) string
- func GetVideoDimensions(path string) (int, int)
- func GetVideoDuration(path string) int64
- func HandleIncomingUpdates(u interface{}, c *Client) bool
- func IsFfmpegInstalled() bool
- func IsPhone(phone string) bool
- func IsURL(str string) bool
- func MarkdownToHTML(markdown string) string
- func PackBotFileID(file interface{}) string
- func PathIsWritable(path string) bool
- func RandomBytes(size int) []byte
- func UnpackBotFileID(fileID string) (int64, int64, int32, int32)
- func UploadProgressBar(m *NewMessage, pc chan Progress)
- type AccountAcceptAuthorizationParams
- type AccountAuthorizationForm
- type AccountAuthorizations
- type AccountAutoDownloadSettings
- type AccountAutoSaveSettings
- type AccountCancelPasswordEmailParams
- type AccountChangeAuthorizationSettingsParams
- type AccountChangePhoneParams
- type AccountCheckUsernameParams
- type AccountClearRecentEmojiStatusesParams
- type AccountConfirmPasswordEmailParams
- type AccountConfirmPhoneParams
- type AccountContentSettings
- type AccountCreateThemeParams
- type AccountDaysTtl
- type AccountDeclinePasswordResetParams
- type AccountDeleteAccountParams
- type AccountDeleteAutoSaveExceptionsParams
- type AccountDeleteSecureValueParams
- type AccountEmailVerified
- type AccountEmailVerifiedLogin
- type AccountEmailVerifiedObj
- type AccountEmojiStatuses
- type AccountEmojiStatusesNotModified
- type AccountEmojiStatusesObj
- type AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams
- type AccountGetAccountTtlParams
- type AccountGetAllSecureValuesParams
- type AccountGetAuthorizationFormParams
- type AccountGetAuthorizationsParams
- type AccountGetAutoDownloadSettingsParams
- type AccountGetAutoSaveSettingsParams
- type AccountGetChannelDefaultEmojiStatusesParams
- type AccountGetChannelRestrictedStatusEmojisParams
- type AccountGetChatThemesParams
- type AccountGetContactSignUpNotificationParams
- type AccountGetContentSettingsParams
- type AccountGetDefaultBackgroundEmojisParams
- type AccountGetDefaultEmojiStatusesParams
- type AccountGetDefaultGroupPhotoEmojisParams
- type AccountGetDefaultProfilePhotoEmojisParams
- type AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams
- type AccountGetMultiWallPapersParams
- type AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams
- type AccountGetNotifySettingsParams
- type AccountGetPasswordParams
- type AccountGetPasswordSettingsParams
- type AccountGetPrivacyParams
- type AccountGetRecentEmojiStatusesParams
- type AccountGetSavedRingtonesParams
- type AccountGetSecureValueParams
- type AccountGetThemeParams
- type AccountGetThemesParams
- type AccountGetTmpPasswordParams
- type AccountGetWallPaperParams
- type AccountGetWallPapersParams
- type AccountGetWebAuthorizationsParams
- type AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams
- type AccountInstallThemeParams
- type AccountInstallWallPaperParams
- type AccountInvalidateSignInCodesParams
- type AccountPassword
- type AccountPasswordInputSettings
- type AccountPasswordSettings
- type AccountPrivacyRules
- type AccountRegisterDeviceParams
- type AccountReorderUsernamesParams
- type AccountReportPeerParams
- type AccountReportProfilePhotoParams
- type AccountResendPasswordEmailParams
- type AccountResetAuthorizationParams
- type AccountResetNotifySettingsParams
- type AccountResetPasswordFailedWait
- type AccountResetPasswordOk
- type AccountResetPasswordParams
- type AccountResetPasswordRequestedWait
- type AccountResetPasswordResult
- type AccountResetWallPapersParams
- type AccountResetWebAuthorizationParams
- type AccountResetWebAuthorizationsParams
- type AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams
- type AccountSaveAutoSaveSettingsParams
- type AccountSaveRingtoneParams
- type AccountSaveSecureValueParams
- type AccountSaveThemeParams
- type AccountSaveWallPaperParams
- type AccountSavedRingtone
- type AccountSavedRingtoneConverted
- type AccountSavedRingtoneObj
- type AccountSavedRingtones
- type AccountSavedRingtonesNotModified
- type AccountSavedRingtonesObj
- type AccountSendChangePhoneCodeParams
- type AccountSendConfirmPhoneCodeParams
- type AccountSendVerifyEmailCodeParams
- type AccountSendVerifyPhoneCodeParams
- type AccountSentEmailCode
- type AccountSetAccountTtlParams
- type AccountSetAuthorizationTtlParams
- type AccountSetContactSignUpNotificationParams
- type AccountSetContentSettingsParams
- type AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams
- type AccountSetPrivacyParams
- type AccountTakeout
- type AccountThemes
- type AccountThemesNotModified
- type AccountThemesObj
- type AccountTmpPassword
- type AccountToggleUsernameParams
- type AccountUnregisterDeviceParams
- type AccountUpdateColorParams
- type AccountUpdateDeviceLockedParams
- type AccountUpdateEmojiStatusParams
- type AccountUpdateNotifySettingsParams
- type AccountUpdatePasswordSettingsParams
- type AccountUpdateProfileParams
- type AccountUpdateStatusParams
- type AccountUpdateThemeParams
- type AccountUpdateUsernameParams
- type AccountUploadRingtoneParams
- type AccountUploadThemeParams
- type AccountUploadWallPaperParams
- type AccountVerifyEmailParams
- type AccountVerifyPhoneParams
- type AccountWallPapers
- type AccountWallPapersNotModified
- type AccountWallPapersObj
- type AccountWebAuthorizations
- type ActionResult
- type AdminOptions
- type Album
- func (a *Album) Delete() (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
- func (a *Album) Download(opts ...*DownloadOptions) ([]string, error)
- func (a *Album) Edit(Text interface{}, Opts ...SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (a *Album) ForwardTo(PeerID interface{}, Opts ...*ForwardOptions) ([]NewMessage, error)
- func (a *Album) GetReplyMessage() (*NewMessage, error)
- func (a *Album) IsForward() bool
- func (a *Album) IsReply() bool
- func (a *Album) MarkRead() error
- func (a *Album) Marshal() string
- func (a *Album) Pin(Opts ...*PinOptions) error
- func (a *Album) Reply(Text interface{}, Opts ...SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (a *Album) ReplyMedia(Media interface{}, Opts ...MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (a *Album) Respond(Text interface{}, Opts ...SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (a *Album) RespondMedia(Media interface{}, Opts ...MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (a *Album) Unpin() error
- type AppWebViewResultURL
- type ArticleOptions
- type AttachMenuBot
- type AttachMenuBotIcon
- type AttachMenuBotIconColor
- type AttachMenuBots
- type AttachMenuBotsBot
- type AttachMenuBotsNotModified
- type AttachMenuBotsObj
- type AttachMenuPeerType
- type AuthAcceptLoginTokenParams
- type AuthAuthorization
- type AuthAuthorizationObj
- type AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired
- type AuthBindTempAuthKeyParams
- type AuthCancelCodeParams
- type AuthCheckPasswordParams
- type AuthCheckRecoveryPasswordParams
- type AuthCodeType
- type AuthDropTempAuthKeysParams
- type AuthExportAuthorizationParams
- type AuthExportLoginTokenParams
- type AuthExportedAuthorization
- type AuthImportAuthorizationParams
- type AuthImportBotAuthorizationParams
- type AuthImportLoginTokenParams
- type AuthImportWebTokenAuthorizationParams
- type AuthLogOutParams
- type AuthLoggedOut
- type AuthLoginToken
- type AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo
- type AuthLoginTokenObj
- type AuthLoginTokenSuccess
- type AuthPasswordRecovery
- type AuthRecoverPasswordParams
- type AuthRequestFirebaseSmsParams
- type AuthRequestPasswordRecoveryParams
- type AuthResendCodeParams
- type AuthResetAuthorizationsParams
- type AuthResetLoginEmailParams
- type AuthSendCodeParams
- type AuthSentCode
- type AuthSentCodeObj
- type AuthSentCodeSuccess
- type AuthSentCodeType
- type AuthSentCodeTypeApp
- type AuthSentCodeTypeCall
- type AuthSentCodeTypeEmailCode
- type AuthSentCodeTypeFirebaseSms
- type AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall
- type AuthSentCodeTypeFragmentSms
- type AuthSentCodeTypeMissedCall
- type AuthSentCodeTypeSetUpEmailRequired
- type AuthSentCodeTypeSms
- type AuthSignInParams
- type AuthSignUpParams
- type Authorization
- type AutoDownloadSettings
- type AutoSaveException
- type AutoSaveSettings
- type AvailableReaction
- type BankCardOpenURL
- type BannedOptions
- type BaseTheme
- type Boost
- type BotApp
- type BotAppNotModified
- type BotAppObj
- type BotCommand
- type BotCommandScope
- type BotCommandScopeChatAdmins
- type BotCommandScopeChats
- type BotCommandScopeDefault
- type BotCommandScopePeer
- type BotCommandScopePeerAdmins
- type BotCommandScopePeerUser
- type BotCommandScopeUsers
- type BotInfo
- type BotInlineMediaResult
- type BotInlineMessage
- type BotInlineMessageMediaAuto
- type BotInlineMessageMediaContact
- type BotInlineMessageMediaGeo
- type BotInlineMessageMediaInvoice
- type BotInlineMessageMediaVenue
- type BotInlineMessageMediaWebPage
- type BotInlineMessageText
- type BotInlineResult
- type BotInlineResultObj
- type BotMenuButton
- type BotMenuButtonCommands
- type BotMenuButtonDefault
- type BotMenuButtonObj
- type BotsAllowSendMessageParams
- type BotsAnswerWebhookJsonQueryParams
- type BotsBotInfo
- type BotsCanSendMessageParams
- type BotsGetBotCommandsParams
- type BotsGetBotInfoParams
- type BotsGetBotMenuButtonParams
- type BotsInvokeWebViewCustomMethodParams
- type BotsReorderUsernamesParams
- type BotsResetBotCommandsParams
- type BotsSendCustomRequestParams
- type BotsSetBotBroadcastDefaultAdminRightsParams
- type BotsSetBotCommandsParams
- type BotsSetBotGroupDefaultAdminRightsParams
- type BotsSetBotInfoParams
- type BotsSetBotMenuButtonParams
- type BotsToggleUsernameParams
- type Button
- func (Button) Auth(Text string, URL string, ForwardText string, ButtonID int32) *KeyboardButtonURLAuth
- func (Button) Buy(Text string) *KeyboardButtonBuy
- func (Button) Clear() *ReplyKeyboardHide
- func (Button) Data(Text string, Data string) *KeyboardButtonCallback
- func (Button) Force(placeHolder string) *ReplyKeyboardForceReply
- func (Button) Game(Text string) *KeyboardButtonGame
- func (Button) Keyboard(Rows ...*KeyboardButtonRow) *ReplyInlineMarkup
- func (Button) Mention(Text string, UserID int64) *KeyboardButtonUserProfile
- func (Button) RequestLocation(Text string) *KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation
- func (Button) RequestPhone(Text string) *KeyboardButtonRequestPhone
- func (Button) RequestPoll(Text string, Quiz bool) *KeyboardButtonRequestPoll
- func (Button) Row(Buttons ...KeyboardButton) *KeyboardButtonRow
- func (Button) SwitchInline(Text string, SamePeer bool, Query string) *KeyboardButtonSwitchInline
- func (Button) URL(Text string, URL string) *KeyboardButtonURL
- func (Button) WebView(Text string, URL string) *KeyboardButtonSimpleWebView
- type CACHE
- func (c *CACHE) ExportJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c *CACHE) GetInputPeer(peerID int64) (InputPeer, error)
- func (c *CACHE) ImportJSON(data []byte) error
- func (cache *CACHE) Pin(pinner *runtime.Pinner)
- func (c *CACHE) UpdateChannel(channel *Channel)
- func (c *CACHE) UpdateChat(chat *ChatObj)
- func (cache *CACHE) UpdatePeersToCache(u []User, c []Chat)
- func (c *CACHE) UpdateUser(user *UserObj)
- type CallbackOptions
- type CallbackQuery
- func (b *CallbackQuery) Answer(Text string, options ...*CallbackOptions) (bool, error)
- func (m *CallbackQuery) ChatType() string
- func (b *CallbackQuery) DataString() string
- func (b *CallbackQuery) Delete() (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
- func (b *CallbackQuery) Edit(Text interface{}, options ...*SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (b *CallbackQuery) ForwardTo(ChatID int64, options ...*ForwardOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (b *CallbackQuery) GetChannel() (*Channel, error)
- func (b *CallbackQuery) GetChat() (*ChatObj, error)
- func (b *CallbackQuery) GetChatID() int64
- func (b *CallbackQuery) GetMessage() (*NewMessage, error)
- func (b *CallbackQuery) GetSender() (*UserObj, error)
- func (b *CallbackQuery) GetSenderID() int64
- func (b *CallbackQuery) IsChannel() bool
- func (b *CallbackQuery) IsGroup() bool
- func (b *CallbackQuery) IsPrivate() bool
- func (b *CallbackQuery) Marshal() string
- func (b *CallbackQuery) Reply(Text interface{}, options ...*SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (b *CallbackQuery) ReplyMedia(Media interface{}, options ...*MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (b *CallbackQuery) Respond(Text interface{}, options ...*SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (b *CallbackQuery) RespondMedia(Media interface{}, options ...*MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (b *CallbackQuery) ShortName() string
- type CdnConfig
- type CdnPublicKey
- type Channel
- type ChannelAdminLogEvent
- type ChannelAdminLogEventAction
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAvailableReactions
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeEmojiStatus
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeHistoryTtl
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePeerColor
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeProfilePeerColor
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsernames
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeWallpaper
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionCreateTopic
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteTopic
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDiscardGroupCall
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditTopic
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteDelete
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteEdit
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteRevoke
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByInvite
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByRequest
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantMute
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantUnmute
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantVolume
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionPinTopic
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionSendMessage
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionStartGroupCall
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleAntiSpam
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleForum
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleGroupCallSetting
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleNoForwards
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned
- type ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter
- type ChannelForbidden
- type ChannelFull
- type ChannelLocation
- type ChannelLocationEmpty
- type ChannelLocationObj
- type ChannelMessagesFilter
- type ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty
- type ChannelMessagesFilterObj
- type ChannelOptions
- type ChannelParticipant
- type ChannelParticipantAdmin
- type ChannelParticipantBanned
- type ChannelParticipantCreator
- type ChannelParticipantLeft
- type ChannelParticipantObj
- type ChannelParticipantSelf
- type ChannelParticipantsAdmins
- type ChannelParticipantsBanned
- type ChannelParticipantsBots
- type ChannelParticipantsContacts
- type ChannelParticipantsFilter
- type ChannelParticipantsKicked
- type ChannelParticipantsMentions
- type ChannelParticipantsRecent
- type ChannelParticipantsSearch
- type ChannelsAdminLogResults
- type ChannelsChannelParticipant
- type ChannelsChannelParticipants
- type ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified
- type ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj
- type ChannelsCheckUsernameParams
- type ChannelsClickSponsoredMessageParams
- type ChannelsConvertToGigagroupParams
- type ChannelsCreateChannelParams
- type ChannelsCreateForumTopicParams
- type ChannelsDeactivateAllUsernamesParams
- type ChannelsDeleteChannelParams
- type ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams
- type ChannelsDeleteMessagesParams
- type ChannelsDeleteParticipantHistoryParams
- type ChannelsDeleteTopicHistoryParams
- type ChannelsEditAdminParams
- type ChannelsEditBannedParams
- type ChannelsEditCreatorParams
- type ChannelsEditForumTopicParams
- type ChannelsEditLocationParams
- type ChannelsEditPhotoParams
- type ChannelsEditTitleParams
- type ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams
- type ChannelsGetAdminLogParams
- type ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams
- type ChannelsGetChannelRecommendationsParams
- type ChannelsGetChannelsParams
- type ChannelsGetForumTopicsByIDParams
- type ChannelsGetForumTopicsParams
- type ChannelsGetFullChannelParams
- type ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussionParams
- type ChannelsGetInactiveChannelsParams
- type ChannelsGetLeftChannelsParams
- type ChannelsGetMessagesParams
- type ChannelsGetParticipantParams
- type ChannelsGetParticipantsParams
- type ChannelsGetSendAsParams
- type ChannelsGetSponsoredMessagesParams
- type ChannelsInviteToChannelParams
- type ChannelsJoinChannelParams
- type ChannelsLeaveChannelParams
- type ChannelsReadHistoryParams
- type ChannelsReadMessageContentsParams
- type ChannelsReorderPinnedForumTopicsParams
- type ChannelsReorderUsernamesParams
- type ChannelsReportAntiSpamFalsePositiveParams
- type ChannelsReportSpamParams
- type ChannelsSendAsPeers
- type ChannelsSetDiscussionGroupParams
- type ChannelsSetStickersParams
- type ChannelsToggleAntiSpamParams
- type ChannelsToggleForumParams
- type ChannelsToggleJoinRequestParams
- type ChannelsToggleJoinToSendParams
- type ChannelsToggleParticipantsHiddenParams
- type ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHiddenParams
- type ChannelsToggleSignaturesParams
- type ChannelsToggleSlowModeParams
- type ChannelsToggleUsernameParams
- type ChannelsToggleViewForumAsMessagesParams
- type ChannelsUpdateColorParams
- type ChannelsUpdateEmojiStatusParams
- type ChannelsUpdatePinnedForumTopicParams
- type ChannelsUpdateUsernameParams
- type ChannelsViewSponsoredMessageParams
- type Chat
- type ChatAdminRights
- type ChatAdminWithInvites
- type ChatBannedRights
- type ChatEmpty
- type ChatForbidden
- type ChatFull
- type ChatFullObj
- type ChatInvite
- type ChatInviteAlready
- type ChatInviteExported
- type ChatInviteImporter
- type ChatInviteObj
- type ChatInvitePeek
- type ChatInvitePublicJoinRequests
- type ChatObj
- type ChatOnlines
- type ChatParticipant
- type ChatParticipantAdmin
- type ChatParticipantCreator
- type ChatParticipantObj
- type ChatParticipants
- type ChatParticipantsForbidden
- type ChatParticipantsObj
- type ChatPhoto
- type ChatPhotoEmpty
- type ChatPhotoObj
- type ChatReactions
- type ChatReactionsAll
- type ChatReactionsNone
- type ChatReactionsSome
- type ChatlistsChatlistInvite
- type ChatlistsChatlistInviteAlready
- type ChatlistsChatlistInviteObj
- type ChatlistsChatlistUpdates
- type ChatlistsCheckChatlistInviteParams
- type ChatlistsDeleteExportedInviteParams
- type ChatlistsEditExportedInviteParams
- type ChatlistsExportChatlistInviteParams
- type ChatlistsExportedChatlistInvite
- type ChatlistsExportedInvites
- type ChatlistsGetChatlistUpdatesParams
- type ChatlistsGetExportedInvitesParams
- type ChatlistsGetLeaveChatlistSuggestionsParams
- type ChatlistsHideChatlistUpdatesParams
- type ChatlistsJoinChatlistInviteParams
- type ChatlistsJoinChatlistUpdatesParams
- type ChatlistsLeaveChatlistParams
- type Client
- func (c *Client) AcceptTOS() (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountAcceptAuthorization(botID int64, scope, publicKey string, valueHashes []*SecureValueHash, ...) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountCancelPasswordEmail() (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountChangeAuthorizationSettings(confirmed bool, hash int64, ...) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountChangePhone(phoneNumber, phoneCodeHash, phoneCode string) (User, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountCheckUsername(username string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountClearRecentEmojiStatuses() (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountConfirmPasswordEmail(code string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountConfirmPhone(phoneCodeHash, phoneCode string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountCreateTheme(slug, title string, document InputDocument, settings []*InputThemeSettings) (*Theme, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountDeclinePasswordReset() (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountDeleteAccount(reason string, password InputCheckPasswordSRP) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountDeleteAutoSaveExceptions() (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountDeleteSecureValue(types []SecureValueType) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountFinishTakeoutSession(success bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetAccountTtl() (*AccountDaysTtl, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetAllSecureValues() ([]*SecureValue, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetAuthorizationForm(botID int64, scope, publicKey string) (*AccountAuthorizationForm, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetAuthorizations() (*AccountAuthorizations, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetAutoDownloadSettings() (*AccountAutoDownloadSettings, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetAutoSaveSettings() (*AccountAutoSaveSettings, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetChannelDefaultEmojiStatuses(hash int64) (AccountEmojiStatuses, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetChannelRestrictedStatusEmojis(hash int64) (EmojiList, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetChatThemes(hash int64) (AccountThemes, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetContactSignUpNotification() (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetContentSettings() (*AccountContentSettings, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetDefaultBackgroundEmojis(hash int64) (EmojiList, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetDefaultEmojiStatuses(hash int64) (AccountEmojiStatuses, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetDefaultGroupPhotoEmojis(hash int64) (EmojiList, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetDefaultProfilePhotoEmojis(hash int64) (EmojiList, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettings() (*GlobalPrivacySettings, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetMultiWallPapers(wallpapers []InputWallPaper) ([]WallPaper, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetNotifyExceptions(compareSound, compareStories bool, peer InputNotifyPeer) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetNotifySettings(peer InputNotifyPeer) (*PeerNotifySettings, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetPassword() (*AccountPassword, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetPasswordSettings(password InputCheckPasswordSRP) (*AccountPasswordSettings, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetPrivacy(key InputPrivacyKey) (*AccountPrivacyRules, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetRecentEmojiStatuses(hash int64) (AccountEmojiStatuses, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetSavedRingtones(hash int64) (AccountSavedRingtones, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetSecureValue(types []SecureValueType) ([]*SecureValue, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetTheme(format string, theme InputTheme) (*Theme, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetThemes(format string, hash int64) (AccountThemes, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetTmpPassword(password InputCheckPasswordSRP, period int32) (*AccountTmpPassword, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetWallPaper(wallpaper InputWallPaper) (WallPaper, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetWallPapers(hash int64) (AccountWallPapers, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetWebAuthorizations() (*AccountWebAuthorizations, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountInitTakeoutSession(params *AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams) (*AccountTakeout, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountInstallTheme(dark bool, theme InputTheme, format string, baseTheme BaseTheme) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountInstallWallPaper(wallpaper InputWallPaper, settings *WallPaperSettings) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountInvalidateSignInCodes(codes []string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountRegisterDevice(params *AccountRegisterDeviceParams) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountReorderUsernames(order []string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountReportPeer(peer InputPeer, reason ReportReason, message string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountReportProfilePhoto(peer InputPeer, photoID InputPhoto, reason ReportReason, message string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountResendPasswordEmail() (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountResetAuthorization(hash int64) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountResetNotifySettings() (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountResetPassword() (AccountResetPasswordResult, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountResetWallPapers() (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountResetWebAuthorization(hash int64) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountResetWebAuthorizations() (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettings(low, high bool, settings *AutoDownloadSettings) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSaveAutoSaveSettings(params *AccountSaveAutoSaveSettingsParams) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSaveRingtone(id InputDocument, unsave bool) (AccountSavedRingtone, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSaveSecureValue(value *InputSecureValue, secureSecretID int64) (*SecureValue, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSaveTheme(theme InputTheme, unsave bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSaveWallPaper(wallpaper InputWallPaper, unsave bool, settings *WallPaperSettings) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSendChangePhoneCode(phoneNumber string, settings *CodeSettings) (AuthSentCode, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSendConfirmPhoneCode(hash string, settings *CodeSettings) (AuthSentCode, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSendVerifyEmailCode(purpose EmailVerifyPurpose, email string) (*AccountSentEmailCode, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSendVerifyPhoneCode(phoneNumber string, settings *CodeSettings) (AuthSentCode, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSetAccountTtl(ttl *AccountDaysTtl) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSetAuthorizationTtl(authorizationTtlDays int32) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSetContactSignUpNotification(silent bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSetContentSettings(sensitiveEnabled bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettings(settings *GlobalPrivacySettings) (*GlobalPrivacySettings, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSetPrivacy(key InputPrivacyKey, rules []InputPrivacyRule) (*AccountPrivacyRules, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountToggleUsername(username string, active bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUnregisterDevice(tokenType int32, token string, otherUids []int64) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdateColor(forProfile bool, color int32, backgroundEmojiID int64) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdateDeviceLocked(period int32) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdateEmojiStatus(emojiStatus EmojiStatus) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdateNotifySettings(peer InputNotifyPeer, settings *InputPeerNotifySettings) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdatePasswordSettings(password InputCheckPasswordSRP, newSettings *AccountPasswordInputSettings) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdateProfile(firstName, lastName, about string) (User, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdateStatus(offline bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdateTheme(params *AccountUpdateThemeParams) (*Theme, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdateUsername(username string) (User, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUploadRingtone(file InputFile, fileName, mimeType string) (Document, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUploadTheme(file, thumb InputFile, fileName, mimeType string) (Document, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUploadWallPaper(forChat bool, file InputFile, mimeType string, settings *WallPaperSettings) (WallPaper, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountVerifyEmail(purpose EmailVerifyPurpose, verification EmailVerification) (AccountEmailVerified, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountVerifyPhone(phoneNumber, phoneCodeHash, phoneCode string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AddActionHandler(handler func(m *NewMessage) error) chatActionHandle
- func (c *Client) AddAlbumHandler(handler func(m *Album) error) albumHandle
- func (c *Client) AddCallbackHandler(pattern interface{}, handler func(m *CallbackQuery) error) callbackHandle
- func (c *Client) AddDeleteHandler(pattern interface{}, handler func(d *DeleteMessage) error) messageDeleteHandle
- func (c *Client) AddEditHandler(pattern interface{}, handler func(m *NewMessage) error) messageEditHandle
- func (c *Client) AddInlineCallbackHandler(pattern interface{}, handler func(m *InlineCallbackQuery) error) inlineCallbackHandle
- func (c *Client) AddInlineHandler(pattern interface{}, handler func(m *InlineQuery) error) inlineHandle
- func (c *Client) AddMessageHandler(pattern interface{}, handler func(m *NewMessage) error, filters ...Filter) messageHandle
- func (c *Client) AddParticipantHandler(handler func(m *ParticipantUpdate) error) participantHandle
- func (c *Client) AddRawHandler(updateType Update, handler func(m Update, c *Client) error) rawHandle
- func (c *Client) AnswerCallbackQuery(QueryID int64, Text string, Opts ...*CallbackOptions) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AnswerInlineQuery(QueryID int64, Results []InputBotInlineResult, Options ...*InlineSendOptions) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AppHash() string
- func (c *Client) AppID() int32
- func (c *Client) AuthAcceptLoginToken(token []byte) (*Authorization, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthBindTempAuthKey(permAuthKeyID, nonce int64, expiresAt int32, encryptedMessage []byte) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthCancelCode(phoneNumber, phoneCodeHash string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthCheckPassword(password InputCheckPasswordSRP) (AuthAuthorization, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthCheckRecoveryPassword(code string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthDropTempAuthKeys(exceptAuthKeys []int64) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthExportAuthorization(dcID int32) (*AuthExportedAuthorization, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthExportLoginToken(apiID int32, apiHash string, exceptIds []int64) (AuthLoginToken, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthImportAuthorization(id int64, bytes []byte) (AuthAuthorization, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthImportBotAuthorization(flags, apiID int32, apiHash, botAuthToken string) (AuthAuthorization, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthImportLoginToken(token []byte) (AuthLoginToken, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthImportWebTokenAuthorization(apiID int32, apiHash, webAuthToken string) (AuthAuthorization, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthLogOut() (*AuthLoggedOut, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthPrompt() error
- func (c *Client) AuthRecoverPassword(code string, newSettings *AccountPasswordInputSettings) (AuthAuthorization, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthRequestFirebaseSms(phoneNumber, phoneCodeHash, safetyNetToken, iosPushSecret string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthRequestPasswordRecovery() (*AuthPasswordRecovery, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthResendCode(phoneNumber, phoneCodeHash string) (AuthSentCode, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthResetAuthorizations() (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthResetLoginEmail(phoneNumber, phoneCodeHash string) (AuthSentCode, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthSendCode(phoneNumber string, apiID int32, apiHash string, settings *CodeSettings) (AuthSentCode, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthSignIn(phoneNumber, phoneCodeHash, phoneCode string, ...) (AuthAuthorization, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthSignUp(phoneNumber, phoneCodeHash, firstName, lastName string) (AuthAuthorization, error)
- func (c *Client) BorrowExportedSenders(dcID int, count ([]*Client, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsAllowSendMessage(bot InputUser) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsAnswerWebhookJsonQuery(queryID int64, data *DataJson) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsCanSendMessage(bot InputUser) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsGetBotCommands(scope BotCommandScope, langCode string) ([]*BotCommand, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsGetBotInfo(bot InputUser, langCode string) (*BotsBotInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsGetBotMenuButton(userID InputUser) (BotMenuButton, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsInvokeWebViewCustomMethod(bot InputUser, customMethod string, params *DataJson) (*DataJson, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsReorderUsernames(bot InputUser, order []string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsResetBotCommands(scope BotCommandScope, langCode string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsSendCustomRequest(customMethod string, params *DataJson) (*DataJson, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsSetBotBroadcastDefaultAdminRights(adminRights *ChatAdminRights) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsSetBotCommands(scope BotCommandScope, langCode string, commands []*BotCommand) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsSetBotGroupDefaultAdminRights(adminRights *ChatAdminRights) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsSetBotInfo(params *BotsSetBotInfoParams) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsSetBotMenuButton(userID InputUser, button BotMenuButton) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsToggleUsername(bot InputUser, username string, active bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsCheckUsername(channel InputChannel, username string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsClickSponsoredMessage(channel InputChannel, randomID []byte) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsConvertToGigagroup(channel InputChannel) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsCreateChannel(params *ChannelsCreateChannelParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsCreateForumTopic(params *ChannelsCreateForumTopicParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsDeactivateAllUsernames(channel InputChannel) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteChannel(channel InputChannel) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteHistory(forEveryone bool, channel InputChannel, maxID int32) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteMessages(channel InputChannel, id []int32) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteParticipantHistory(channel InputChannel, participant InputPeer) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteTopicHistory(channel InputChannel, topMsgID int32) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsEditAdmin(channel InputChannel, userID InputUser, adminRights *ChatAdminRights, ...) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsEditBanned(channel InputChannel, participant InputPeer, bannedRights *ChatBannedRights) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsEditCreator(channel InputChannel, userID InputUser, password InputCheckPasswordSRP) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsEditForumTopic(params *ChannelsEditForumTopicParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsEditLocation(channel InputChannel, geoPoint InputGeoPoint, address string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsEditPhoto(channel InputChannel, photo InputChatPhoto) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsEditTitle(channel InputChannel, title string) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsExportMessageLink(grouped, thread bool, channel InputChannel, id int32) (*ExportedMessageLink, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetAdminLog(params *ChannelsGetAdminLogParams) (*ChannelsAdminLogResults, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannels(byLocation, checkLimit bool) (MessagesChats, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetChannelRecommendations(channel InputChannel) (MessagesChats, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetChannels(id []InputChannel) (MessagesChats, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetForumTopics(params *ChannelsGetForumTopicsParams) (*MessagesForumTopics, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetForumTopicsByID(channel InputChannel, topics []int32) (*MessagesForumTopics, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetFullChannel(channel InputChannel) (*MessagesChatFull, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussion() (MessagesChats, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetInactiveChannels() (*MessagesInactiveChats, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetLeftChannels(offset int32) (MessagesChats, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetMessages(channel InputChannel, id []InputMessage) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetParticipant(channel InputChannel, participant InputPeer) (*ChannelsChannelParticipant, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetParticipants(channel InputChannel, filter ChannelParticipantsFilter, offset, limit int32, ...) (ChannelsChannelParticipants, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetSendAs(peer InputPeer) (*ChannelsSendAsPeers, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetSponsoredMessages(channel InputChannel) (MessagesSponsoredMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsInviteToChannel(channel InputChannel, users []InputUser) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsJoinChannel(channel InputChannel) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsLeaveChannel(channel InputChannel) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsReadHistory(channel InputChannel, maxID int32) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsReadMessageContents(channel InputChannel, id []int32) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsReorderPinnedForumTopics(force bool, channel InputChannel, order []int32) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsReorderUsernames(channel InputChannel, order []string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsReportAntiSpamFalsePositive(channel InputChannel, msgID int32) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsReportSpam(channel InputChannel, participant InputPeer, id []int32) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsSetDiscussionGroup(broadcast, group InputChannel) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsSetStickers(channel InputChannel, stickerset InputStickerSet) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleAntiSpam(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleForum(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleJoinRequest(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleJoinToSend(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleParticipantsHidden(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHidden(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleSignatures(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleSlowMode(channel InputChannel, seconds int32) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleUsername(channel InputChannel, username string, active bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleViewForumAsMessages(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsUpdateColor(forProfile bool, channel InputChannel, color int32, backgroundEmojiID int64) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsUpdateEmojiStatus(channel InputChannel, emojiStatus EmojiStatus) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsUpdatePinnedForumTopic(channel InputChannel, topicID int32, pinned bool) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsUpdateUsername(channel InputChannel, username string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsViewSponsoredMessage(channel InputChannel, randomID []byte) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChatlistsCheckChatlistInvite(slug string) (ChatlistsChatlistInvite, error)
- func (c *Client) ChatlistsDeleteExportedInvite(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter, slug string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChatlistsEditExportedInvite(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter, slug, title string, peers []InputPeer) (*ExportedChatlistInvite, error)
- func (c *Client) ChatlistsExportChatlistInvite(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter, title string, peers []InputPeer) (*ChatlistsExportedChatlistInvite, error)
- func (c *Client) ChatlistsGetChatlistUpdates(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter) (*ChatlistsChatlistUpdates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChatlistsGetExportedInvites(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter) (*ChatlistsExportedInvites, error)
- func (c *Client) ChatlistsGetLeaveChatlistSuggestions(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter) ([]Peer, error)
- func (c *Client) ChatlistsHideChatlistUpdates(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChatlistsJoinChatlistInvite(slug string, peers []InputPeer) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChatlistsJoinChatlistUpdates(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter, peers []InputPeer) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChatlistsLeaveChatlist(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter, peers []InputPeer) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) Conn() (*Client, error)
- func (c *Client) Connect() error
- func (c *Client) ConnectBot(botToken string) error
- func (c *Client) ContactsAcceptContact(id InputUser) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsAddContact(params *ContactsAddContactParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsBlock(myStoriesFrom bool, id InputPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsBlockFromReplies(deleteMessage, deleteHistory, reportSpam bool, msgID int32) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsDeleteByPhones(phones []string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsDeleteContacts(id []InputUser) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsEditCloseFriends(id []int64) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsExportContactToken() (*ExportedContactToken, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsGetBlocked(myStoriesFrom bool, offset, limit int32) (ContactsBlocked, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsGetContactIDs(hash int64) ([]int32, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsGetContacts(hash int64) (ContactsContacts, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsGetLocated(background bool, geoPoint InputGeoPoint, selfExpires int32) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsGetSaved() ([]*SavedPhoneContact, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsGetStatuses() ([]*ContactStatus, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsGetTopPeers(params *ContactsGetTopPeersParams) (ContactsTopPeers, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsImportContactToken(token string) (User, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsImportContacts(contacts []*InputPhoneContact) (*ContactsImportedContacts, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsResetSaved() (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsResetTopPeerRating(category TopPeerCategory, peer InputPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsResolvePhone(phone string) (*ContactsResolvedPeer, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsResolveUsername(username string) (*ContactsResolvedPeer, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsSearch(q string, limit int32) (*ContactsFound, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsSetBlocked(myStoriesFrom bool, id []InputPeer, limit int32) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsToggleTopPeers(enabled bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsUnblock(myStoriesFrom bool, id InputPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateChannel(title string, opts ...ChannelOptions) (*Channel, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteChannel(channelID interface{}) (*Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteMessages(peerID interface{}, msgIDs []int32, Revoke ...bool) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) Disconnect() error
- func (c *Client) DownloadMedia(file interface{}, Opts ...*DownloadOptions) (string, error)
- func (c *Client) Edit2FA(currPwd string, newPwd string, opts ...*PasswordOptions) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) EditAdmin(PeerID interface{}, UserID interface{}, Opts ...*AdminOptions) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) EditBanned(PeerID interface{}, UserID interface{}, opts ...*BannedOptions) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) EditMessage(peerID interface{}, id int32, message interface{}, opts ...*SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) EditTitle(PeerID interface{}, Title string, Opts ...*TitleOptions) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ExportRawSession() ([]byte, []byte, string, int, int32)
- func (c *Client) ExportSession() string
- func (c *Client) FoldersEditPeerFolders(folderPeers []*InputFolderPeer) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) FormatMessage(message string, mode string) ([]MessageEntity, string)
- func (c *Client) Forward(peerID interface{}, fromPeerID interface{}, msgIDs []int32, ...) ([]NewMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) GetCachedExportedSenders(dcID int) []*Client
- func (c *Client) GetChannel(channelID int64) (*Channel, error)
- func (c *Client) GetChat(chatID int64) (*ChatObj, error)
- func (c *Client) GetChatInviteLink(peerID interface{}, LinkOpts ...*InviteLinkOptions) (ExportedChatInvite, error)
- func (c *Client) GetChatJoinRequests(channelID interface{}, lim int) ([]*UserObj, error)
- func (c *Client) GetChatMember(chatID interface{}, userID interface{}) (*Participant, error)
- func (c *Client) GetChatMembers(chatID interface{}, Opts ...*ParticipantOptions) ([]*Participant, int32, error)
- func (c *Client) GetChatPhoto(chatID interface{}) (Photo, error)
- func (c *Client) GetChatPhotos(chatID interface{}, limit ...int32) ([]Photo, error)
- func (c *Client) GetCommonChats(userID interface{}) ([]Chat, error)
- func (c *Client) GetCustomEmoji(docIDs ...int64) ([]Document, error)
- func (c *Client) GetDC() int
- func (c *Client) GetDialogs(Opts ...*DialogOptions) ([]Dialog, error)
- func (c *Client) GetDifference(Pts int32, Limit int32) (Message, error)
- func (c *Client) GetMe() (*UserObj, error)
- func (c *Client) GetMediaGroup(PeerID interface{}, MsgID int32) ([]NewMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) GetMessages(PeerID interface{}, Opts ...*SearchOption) ([]NewMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) GetPeerChannel(channelID int64) (*InputPeerChannel, error)
- func (c *Client) GetPeerID(Peer interface{}) int64
- func (c *Client) GetPeerUser(userID int64) (*InputPeerUser, error)
- func (c *Client) GetPinnedMessage(PeerID interface{}) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) GetProfilePhotos(userID interface{}, Opts ...*PhotosOptions) ([]UserPhoto, error)
- func (c *Client) GetSendablePeer(PeerID interface{}) (InputPeer, error)
- func (c *Client) GetStats(channelID interface{}, messageID ...interface{}) (*StatsBroadcastStats, *StatsMessageStats, error)
- func (c *Client) GetUser(userID int64) (*UserObj, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpAcceptTermsOfService(id *DataJson) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpDismissSuggestion(peer InputPeer, suggestion string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpEditUserInfo(userID InputUser, message string, entities []MessageEntity) (HelpUserInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetAppConfig(hash int32) (HelpAppConfig, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetAppUpdate(source string) (HelpAppUpdate, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetCdnConfig() (*CdnConfig, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetConfig() (*Config, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetCountriesList(langCode string, hash int32) (HelpCountriesList, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetDeepLinkInfo(path string) (HelpDeepLinkInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetInviteText() (*HelpInviteText, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetNearestDc() (*NearestDc, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetPassportConfig(hash int32) (HelpPassportConfig, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetPeerColors(hash int32) (HelpPeerColors, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetPeerProfileColors(hash int32) (HelpPeerColors, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetPremiumPromo() (*HelpPremiumPromo, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetPromoData() (HelpPromoData, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetRecentMeUrls(referer string) (*HelpRecentMeUrls, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetSupport() (*HelpSupport, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetSupportName() (*HelpSupportName, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdate() (HelpTermsOfServiceUpdate, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetUserInfo(userID InputUser) (HelpUserInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpHidePromoData(peer InputPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpSaveAppLog(events []*InputAppEvent) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpSetBotUpdatesStatus(pendingUpdatesCount int32, message string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) Idle()
- func (c *Client) ImportRawSession(authKey, authKeyHash []byte, IpAddr string, DcID int, AppID int32) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ImportSession(sessionString string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) InitConnection(params *InitConnectionParams) (tl.Object, error)
- func (c *Client) InitialRequest() error
- func (c *Client) InlineQuery(peerID interface{}, Options ...*InlineOptions) (*MessagesBotResults, error)
- func (m *Client) InvokeWithLayer(layer int, query tl.Object) (tl.Object, error)
- func (m *Client) InvokeWithTakeout(takeoutID int, query tl.Object) (tl.Object, error)
- func (c *Client) IsAuthorized() (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) IsConnected() bool
- func (c *Client) JoinChannel(Channel interface{}) error
- func (c *Client) KickParticipant(PeerID interface{}, UserID interface{}) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) LangpackGetDifference(langPack, langCode string, fromVersion int32) (*LangPackDifference, error)
- func (c *Client) LangpackGetLangPack(langPack, langCode string) (*LangPackDifference, error)
- func (c *Client) LangpackGetLanguage(langPack, langCode string) (*LangPackLanguage, error)
- func (c *Client) LangpackGetLanguages(langPack string) ([]*LangPackLanguage, error)
- func (c *Client) LangpackGetStrings(langPack, langCode string, keys []string) ([]LangPackString, error)
- func (c *Client) LeaveChannel(Channel interface{}, Revoke ...bool) error
- func (c *Client) LogOut() error
- func (c *Client) Login(phoneNumber string, options ...*LoginOptions) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) LoginBot(botToken string) error
- func (c *Client) MessagesAcceptEncryption(peer *InputEncryptedChat, gB []byte, keyFingerprint int64) (EncryptedChat, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesAcceptURLAuth(params *MessagesAcceptURLAuthParams) (URLAuthResult, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesAddChatUser(chatID int64, userID InputUser, fwdLimit int32) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesCheckChatInvite(hash string) (ChatInvite, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesCheckHistoryImport(importHead string) (*MessagesHistoryImportParsed, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesCheckHistoryImportPeer(peer InputPeer) (*MessagesCheckedHistoryImportPeer, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesClearAllDrafts() (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesClearRecentReactions() (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesClearRecentStickers(attached bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesCreateChat(users []InputUser, title string, ttlPeriod int32) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteChat(chatID int64) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteChatUser(revokeHistory bool, chatID int64, userID InputUser) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteExportedChatInvite(peer InputPeer, link string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteHistory(params *MessagesDeleteHistoryParams) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteMessages(revoke bool, id []int32) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesDeletePhoneCallHistory(revoke bool) (*MessagesAffectedFoundMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteRevokedExportedChatInvites(peer InputPeer, adminID InputUser) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteSavedHistory(peer InputPeer, maxID, minDate, maxDate int32) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteScheduledMessages(peer InputPeer, id []int32) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesDiscardEncryption(deleteHistory bool, chatID int32) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatAbout(peer InputPeer, about string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatAdmin(chatID int64, userID InputUser, isAdmin bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRights(peer InputPeer, bannedRights *ChatBannedRights) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatPhoto(chatID int64, photo InputChatPhoto) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatTitle(chatID int64, title string) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesEditExportedChatInvite(params *MessagesEditExportedChatInviteParams) (MessagesExportedChatInvite, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesEditInlineBotMessage(params *MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesEditMessage(params *MessagesEditMessageParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesExportChatInvite(params *MessagesExportChatInviteParams) (ExportedChatInvite, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesFaveSticker(id InputDocument, unfave bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesForwardMessages(params *MessagesForwardMessagesParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetAdminsWithInvites(peer InputPeer) (*MessagesChatAdminsWithInvites, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetAllDrafts() (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetAllStickers(hash int64) (MessagesAllStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetArchivedStickers(masks, emojis bool, offsetID int64, limit int32) (*MessagesArchivedStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetAttachMenuBot(bot InputUser) (*AttachMenuBotsBot, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetAttachMenuBots(hash int64) (AttachMenuBots, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetAttachedStickers(media InputStickeredMedia) ([]StickerSetCovered, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetAvailableReactions(hash int32) (MessagesAvailableReactions, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetBotApp(app InputBotApp, hash int64) (*MessagesBotApp, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswer(params *MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams) (*MessagesBotCallbackAnswer, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetChatInviteImporters(params *MessagesGetChatInviteImportersParams) (*MessagesChatInviteImporters, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetChats(id []int64) (MessagesChats, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetCommonChats(userID InputUser, maxID int64, limit int32) (MessagesChats, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetCustomEmojiDocuments(documentID []int64) ([]Document, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetDefaultHistoryTtl() (*DefaultHistoryTtl, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetDhConfig(version, randomLength int32) (MessagesDhConfig, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetDialogFilters() ([]DialogFilter, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarks() ([]DialogPeer, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetDialogs(params *MessagesGetDialogsParams) (MessagesDialogs, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetDiscussionMessage(peer InputPeer, msgID int32) (*MessagesDiscussionMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetDocumentByHash(sha256 []byte, size int64, mimeType string) (Document, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiGroups(hash int32) (MessagesEmojiGroups, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywords(langCode string) (*EmojiKeywordsDifference, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifference(langCode string, fromVersion int32) (*EmojiKeywordsDifference, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguages(langCodes []string) ([]*EmojiLanguage, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiProfilePhotoGroups(hash int32) (MessagesEmojiGroups, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiStatusGroups(hash int32) (MessagesEmojiGroups, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiStickers(hash int64) (MessagesAllStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiURL(langCode string) (*EmojiURL, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetExportedChatInvite(peer InputPeer, link string) (MessagesExportedChatInvite, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetExportedChatInvites(params *MessagesGetExportedChatInvitesParams) (*MessagesExportedChatInvites, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetExtendedMedia(peer InputPeer, id []int32) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetFavedStickers(hash int64) (MessagesFavedStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetFeaturedEmojiStickers(hash int64) (MessagesFeaturedStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetFeaturedStickers(hash int64) (MessagesFeaturedStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetFullChat(chatID int64) (*MessagesChatFull, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetGameHighScores(peer InputPeer, id int32, userID InputUser) (*MessagesHighScores, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetHistory(params *MessagesGetHistoryParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetInlineBotResults(params *MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams) (*MessagesBotResults, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetInlineGameHighScores(id InputBotInlineMessageID, userID InputUser) (*MessagesHighScores, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetMaskStickers(hash int64) (MessagesAllStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessageEditData(peer InputPeer, id int32) (*MessagesMessageEditData, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessageReactionsList(params *MessagesGetMessageReactionsListParams) (*MessagesMessageReactionsList, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessageReadParticipants(peer InputPeer, msgID int32) ([]*ReadParticipantDate, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessages(id []InputMessage) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessagesReactions(peer InputPeer, id []int32) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessagesViews(peer InputPeer, id []int32, increment bool) (*MessagesMessageViews, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickers(offset, limit int32, hash int64) (MessagesFeaturedStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetOnlines(peer InputPeer) (*ChatOnlines, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetPeerDialogs(peers []InputDialogPeer) (*MessagesPeerDialogs, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetPeerSettings(peer InputPeer) (*MessagesPeerSettings, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetPinnedDialogs(folderID int32) (*MessagesPeerDialogs, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetPinnedSavedDialogs() (MessagesSavedDialogs, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetPollResults(peer InputPeer, msgID int32) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetPollVotes(params *MessagesGetPollVotesParams) (*MessagesVotesList, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetRecentLocations(peer InputPeer, limit int32, hash int64) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetRecentReactions(limit int32, hash int64) (MessagesReactions, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetRecentStickers(attached bool, hash int64) (MessagesRecentStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetReplies(params *MessagesGetRepliesParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetSavedDialogs(params *MessagesGetSavedDialogsParams) (MessagesSavedDialogs, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetSavedGifs(hash int64) (MessagesSavedGifs, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetSavedHistory(params *MessagesGetSavedHistoryParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetScheduledHistory(peer InputPeer, hash int64) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetScheduledMessages(peer InputPeer, id []int32) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetSearchCounters(peer, savedPeerID InputPeer, topMsgID int32, filters []MessagesFilter) ([]*MessagesSearchCounter, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetSearchResultsCalendar(params *MessagesGetSearchResultsCalendarParams) (*MessagesSearchResultsCalendar, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetSearchResultsPositions(params *MessagesGetSearchResultsPositionsParams) (*MessagesSearchResultsPositions, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetSplitRanges() ([]*MessageRange, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetStickerSet(stickerset InputStickerSet, hash int32) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetStickers(emoticon string, hash int64) (MessagesStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFilters() ([]*DialogFilterSuggested, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetTopReactions(limit int32, hash int64) (MessagesReactions, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetUnreadMentions(params *MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetUnreadReactions(params *MessagesGetUnreadReactionsParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetWebPage(url string, hash int32) (*MessagesWebPage, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetWebPagePreview(message string, entities []MessageEntity) (MessageMedia, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesHideAllChatJoinRequests(approved bool, peer InputPeer, link string) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesHideChatJoinRequest(approved bool, peer InputPeer, userID InputUser) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesHidePeerSettingsBar(peer InputPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesImportChatInvite(hash string) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesInitHistoryImport(peer InputPeer, file InputFile, mediaCount int32) (*MessagesHistoryImport, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesInstallStickerSet(stickerset InputStickerSet, archived bool) (MessagesStickerSetInstallResult, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesMarkDialogUnread(unread bool, peer InputDialogPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesMigrateChat(chatID int64) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesProlongWebView(params *MessagesProlongWebViewParams) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesRateTranscribedAudio(peer InputPeer, msgID int32, transcriptionID int64, good bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReadDiscussion(peer InputPeer, msgID, readMaxID int32) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReadEncryptedHistory(peer *InputEncryptedChat, maxDate int32) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReadFeaturedStickers(id []int64) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReadHistory(peer InputPeer, maxID int32) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReadMentions(peer InputPeer, topMsgID int32) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReadMessageContents(id []int32) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReadReactions(peer InputPeer, topMsgID int32) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReceivedMessages(maxID int32) ([]*ReceivedNotifyMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReceivedQueue(maxQts int32) ([]int64, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReorderPinnedDialogs(force bool, folderID int32, order []InputDialogPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReorderPinnedSavedDialogs(force bool, order []InputDialogPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReorderStickerSets(masks, emojis bool, order []int64) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReport(peer InputPeer, id []int32, reason ReportReason, message string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReportEncryptedSpam(peer *InputEncryptedChat) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReportReaction(peer InputPeer, id int32, reactionPeer InputPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReportSpam(peer InputPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesRequestAppWebView(params *MessagesRequestAppWebViewParams) (*AppWebViewResultURL, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesRequestEncryption(userID InputUser, randomID int32, gA []byte) (EncryptedChat, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesRequestSimpleWebView(params *MessagesRequestSimpleWebViewParams) (*SimpleWebViewResultURL, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesRequestURLAuth(peer InputPeer, msgID, buttonID int32, url string) (URLAuthResult, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesRequestWebView(params *MessagesRequestWebViewParams) (*WebViewResultURL, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSaveDefaultSendAs(peer, sendAs InputPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSaveDraft(params *MessagesSaveDraftParams) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSaveGif(id InputDocument, unsave bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSaveRecentSticker(attached bool, id InputDocument, unsave bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSearch(params *MessagesSearchParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSearchCustomEmoji(emoticon string, hash int64) (EmojiList, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSearchEmojiStickerSets(excludeFeatured bool, q string, hash int64) (MessagesFoundStickerSets, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSearchGlobal(params *MessagesSearchGlobalParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSearchSentMedia(q string, filter MessagesFilter, limit int32) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSearchStickerSets(excludeFeatured bool, q string, hash int64) (MessagesFoundStickerSets, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendBotRequestedPeer(peer InputPeer, msgID, buttonID int32, requestedPeers []InputPeer) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendEncrypted(silent bool, peer *InputEncryptedChat, randomID int64, data []byte) (MessagesSentEncryptedMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendEncryptedFile(params *MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams) (MessagesSentEncryptedMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendEncryptedService(peer *InputEncryptedChat, randomID int64, data []byte) (MessagesSentEncryptedMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendInlineBotResult(params *MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendMedia(params *MessagesSendMediaParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendMessage(params *MessagesSendMessageParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendMultiMedia(params *MessagesSendMultiMediaParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendReaction(params *MessagesSendReactionParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendScheduledMessages(peer InputPeer, id []int32) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendScreenshotNotification(peer InputPeer, replyTo InputReplyTo, randomID int64) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendVote(peer InputPeer, msgID int32, options [][]byte) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendWebViewData(bot InputUser, randomID int64, buttonText, data string) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendWebViewResultMessage(botQueryID string, result InputBotInlineResult) (*WebViewMessageSent, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswer(params *MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResults(success bool, queryID int64, error string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetBotShippingResults(queryID int64, error string, shippingOptions []*ShippingOption) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetChatAvailableReactions(peer InputPeer, availableReactions ChatReactions) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetChatTheme(peer InputPeer, emoticon string) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetChatWallPaper(params *MessagesSetChatWallPaperParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetDefaultHistoryTtl(period int32) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetDefaultReaction(reaction Reaction) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetEncryptedTyping(peer *InputEncryptedChat, typing bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetGameScore(params *MessagesSetGameScoreParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetHistoryTtl(peer InputPeer, period int32) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetInlineBotResults(params *MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetInlineGameScore(params *MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetTyping(peer InputPeer, topMsgID int32, action SendMessageAction) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesStartBot(bot InputUser, peer InputPeer, randomID int64, startParam string) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesStartHistoryImport(peer InputPeer, importID int64) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesToggleBotInAttachMenu(writeAllowed bool, bot InputUser, enabled bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesToggleDialogPin(pinned bool, peer InputDialogPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesToggleNoForwards(peer InputPeer, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesTogglePeerTranslations(disabled bool, peer InputPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesToggleSavedDialogPin(pinned bool, peer InputDialogPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesToggleStickerSets(uninstall, archive, unarchive bool, stickersets []InputStickerSet) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesTranscribeAudio(peer InputPeer, msgID int32) (*MessagesTranscribedAudio, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesTranslateText(peer InputPeer, id []int32, text []*TextWithEntities, toLang string) (*MessagesTranslateResult, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesUninstallStickerSet(stickerset InputStickerSet) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesUnpinAllMessages(peer InputPeer, topMsgID int32) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesUpdateDialogFilter(id int32, filter DialogFilter) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrder(order []int32) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesUpdatePinnedMessage(params *MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesUploadEncryptedFile(peer *InputEncryptedChat, file InputEncryptedFile) (EncryptedFile, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesUploadImportedMedia(peer InputPeer, importID int64, fileName string, media InputMedia) (MessageMedia, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesUploadMedia(peer InputPeer, media InputMedia) (MessageMedia, error)
- func (c *Client) NewConversation(peer any, isPrivate bool, timeout (*Conversation, error)
- func (c *Client) NewRecovery() func()
- func (c *Client) ParseMode() string
- func (c *Client) PaymentsApplyGiftCode(slug string) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsAssignAppStoreTransaction(receipt []byte, purpose InputStorePaymentPurpose) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsAssignPlayMarketTransaction(receipt *DataJson, purpose InputStorePaymentPurpose) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsCanPurchasePremium(purpose InputStorePaymentPurpose) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsCheckGiftCode(slug string) (*PaymentsCheckedGiftCode, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsClearSavedInfo(credentials, info bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsExportInvoice(invoiceMedia InputMedia) (*PaymentsExportedInvoice, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsGetBankCardData(number string) (*PaymentsBankCardData, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsGetGiveawayInfo(peer InputPeer, msgID int32) (PaymentsGiveawayInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsGetPaymentForm(invoice InputInvoice, themeParams *DataJson) (*PaymentsPaymentForm, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsGetPaymentReceipt(peer InputPeer, msgID int32) (*PaymentsPaymentReceipt, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsGetPremiumGiftCodeOptions(boostPeer InputPeer) ([]*PremiumGiftCodeOption, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsGetSavedInfo() (*PaymentsSavedInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsLaunchPrepaidGiveaway(peer InputPeer, giveawayID int64, purpose InputStorePaymentPurpose) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsSendPaymentForm(params *PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams) (PaymentsPaymentResult, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsValidateRequestedInfo(save bool, invoice InputInvoice, info *PaymentRequestedInfo) (*PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneAcceptCall(peer *InputPhoneCall, gB []byte, protocol *PhoneCallProtocol) (*PhonePhoneCall, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneCheckGroupCall(call *InputGroupCall, sources []int32) ([]int32, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneConfirmCall(peer *InputPhoneCall, gA []byte, keyFingerprint int64, ...) (*PhonePhoneCall, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneCreateGroupCall(params *PhoneCreateGroupCallParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneDiscardCall(params *PhoneDiscardCallParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneDiscardGroupCall(call *InputGroupCall) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneEditGroupCallParticipant(params *PhoneEditGroupCallParticipantParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneEditGroupCallTitle(call *InputGroupCall, title string) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneExportGroupCallInvite(canSelfUnmute bool, call *InputGroupCall) (*PhoneExportedGroupCallInvite, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneGetCallConfig() (*DataJson, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneGetGroupCall(call *InputGroupCall, limit int32) (*PhoneGroupCall, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneGetGroupCallJoinAs(peer InputPeer) (*PhoneJoinAsPeers, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneGetGroupCallStreamChannels(call *InputGroupCall) (*PhoneGroupCallStreamChannels, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneGetGroupCallStreamRtmpURL(peer InputPeer, revoke bool) (*PhoneGroupCallStreamRtmpURL, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneGetGroupParticipants(call *InputGroupCall, ids []InputPeer, sources []int32, offset string, ...) (*PhoneGroupParticipants, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneInviteToGroupCall(call *InputGroupCall, users []InputUser) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneJoinGroupCall(params *PhoneJoinGroupCallParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneJoinGroupCallPresentation(call *InputGroupCall, params *DataJson) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneLeaveGroupCall(call *InputGroupCall, source int32) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneLeaveGroupCallPresentation(call *InputGroupCall) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneReceivedCall(peer *InputPhoneCall) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneRequestCall(params *PhoneRequestCallParams) (*PhonePhoneCall, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneSaveCallDebug(peer *InputPhoneCall, debug *DataJson) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneSaveCallLog(peer *InputPhoneCall, file InputFile) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneSaveDefaultGroupCallJoinAs(peer, joinAs InputPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneSendSignalingData(peer *InputPhoneCall, data []byte) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneSetCallRating(userInitiative bool, peer *InputPhoneCall, rating int32, comment string) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneStartScheduledGroupCall(call *InputGroupCall) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneToggleGroupCallRecord(params *PhoneToggleGroupCallRecordParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneToggleGroupCallSettings(resetInviteHash bool, call *InputGroupCall, joinMuted bool) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneToggleGroupCallStartSubscription(call *InputGroupCall, subscribed bool) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhotosDeletePhotos(id []InputPhoto) ([]int64, error)
- func (c *Client) PhotosGetUserPhotos(userID InputUser, offset int32, maxID int64, limit int32) (PhotosPhotos, error)
- func (c *Client) PhotosUpdateProfilePhoto(fallback bool, bot InputUser, id InputPhoto) (*PhotosPhoto, error)
- func (c *Client) PhotosUploadContactProfilePhoto(params *PhotosUploadContactProfilePhotoParams) (*PhotosPhoto, error)
- func (c *Client) PhotosUploadProfilePhoto(params *PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams) (*PhotosPhoto, error)
- func (client *Client) Pin(pinner *runtime.Pinner)
- func (c *Client) PinMessage(PeerID interface{}, MsgID int32, Opts ...*PinOptions) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) Ping() time.Duration
- func (c *Client) PremiumApplyBoost(slots []int32, peer InputPeer) (*PremiumMyBoosts, error)
- func (c *Client) PremiumGetBoostsList(gifts bool, peer InputPeer, offset string, limit int32) (*PremiumBoostsList, error)
- func (c *Client) PremiumGetBoostsStatus(peer InputPeer) (*PremiumBoostsStatus, error)
- func (c *Client) PremiumGetMyBoosts() (*PremiumMyBoosts, error)
- func (c *Client) PremiumGetUserBoosts(peer InputPeer, userID InputUser) (*PremiumBoostsList, error)
- func (c *Client) QRLogin(IgnoreIDs ...int64) (*QrToken, error)
- func (c *Client) ResolveUsername(username string) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) SendAction(PeerID interface{}, Action interface{}, topMsgID ...int32) (*ActionResult, error)
- func (c *Client) SendAlbum(peerID interface{}, Album interface{}, opts ...*MediaOptions) ([]*NewMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) SendCode(phoneNumber string) (hash string, err error)
- func (c *Client) SendDice(peerID interface{}, emoji string) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) SendMedia(peerID interface{}, Media interface{}, opts ...*MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) SendMessage(peerID interface{}, message interface{}, opts ...*SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) SendReaction(peerID interface{}, msgID int32, reaction interface{}, big ...bool) error
- func (c *Client) SendReadAck(PeerID interface{}, MaxID ...int32) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) SetBotCommands(commands []*BotCommand, scope *BotCommandScope, languageCode ...string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) SetBotDefaultPrivileges(privileges *ChatAdminRights, ForChannels ...bool) (resp bool, err error)
- func (c *Client) SetChatMenuButton(userID int64, button *BotMenuButton) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) SetEmojiStatus(emoji ...interface{}) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) SetLogLevel(level string)
- func (c *Client) Start() error
- func (c *Client) StartGroupCallMedia(peer interface{}) (*GroupCallMedia, error)
- func (c *Client) StatsGetBroadcastStats(dark bool, channel InputChannel) (*StatsBroadcastStats, error)
- func (c *Client) StatsGetMegagroupStats(dark bool, channel InputChannel) (*StatsMegagroupStats, error)
- func (c *Client) StatsGetMessagePublicForwards(channel InputChannel, msgID int32, offset string, limit int32) (*StatsPublicForwards, error)
- func (c *Client) StatsGetMessageStats(dark bool, channel InputChannel, msgID int32) (*StatsMessageStats, error)
- func (c *Client) StatsGetStoryPublicForwards(peer InputPeer, id int32, offset string, limit int32) (*StatsPublicForwards, error)
- func (c *Client) StatsGetStoryStats(dark bool, peer InputPeer, id int32) (*StatsStoryStats, error)
- func (c *Client) StatsLoadAsyncGraph(token string, x int64) (StatsGraph, error)
- func (c *Client) StickersAddStickerToSet(stickerset InputStickerSet, sticker *InputStickerSetItem) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
- func (c *Client) StickersChangeSticker(sticker InputDocument, emoji string, maskCoords *MaskCoords, keywords string) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
- func (c *Client) StickersChangeStickerPosition(sticker InputDocument, position int32) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
- func (c *Client) StickersCheckShortName(shortName string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) StickersCreateStickerSet(params *StickersCreateStickerSetParams) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
- func (c *Client) StickersDeleteStickerSet(stickerset InputStickerSet) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) StickersRemoveStickerFromSet(sticker InputDocument) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
- func (c *Client) StickersRenameStickerSet(stickerset InputStickerSet, title string) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
- func (c *Client) StickersSetStickerSetThumb(stickerset InputStickerSet, thumb InputDocument, thumbDocumentID int64) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
- func (c *Client) StickersSuggestShortName(title string) (*StickersSuggestedShortName, error)
- func (c *Client) Stop() error
- func (c *Client) StoriesActivateStealthMode(past, future bool) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesCanSendStory(peer InputPeer) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesDeleteStories(peer InputPeer, id []int32) ([]int32, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesEditStory(params *StoriesEditStoryParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesExportStoryLink(peer InputPeer, id int32) (*ExportedStoryLink, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesGetAllReadPeerStories() (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesGetAllStories(next, hidden bool, state string) (StoriesAllStories, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesGetChatsToSend() (MessagesChats, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesGetPeerMaxIDs(id []InputPeer) ([]int32, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesGetPeerStories(peer InputPeer) (*StoriesPeerStories, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesGetPinnedStories(peer InputPeer, offsetID, limit int32) (*StoriesStories, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesGetStoriesArchive(peer InputPeer, offsetID, limit int32) (*StoriesStories, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesGetStoriesByID(peer InputPeer, id []int32) (*StoriesStories, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesGetStoriesViews(peer InputPeer, id []int32) (*StoriesStoryViews, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesGetStoryReactionsList(params *StoriesGetStoryReactionsListParams) (*StoriesStoryReactionsList, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesGetStoryViewsList(params *StoriesGetStoryViewsListParams) (*StoriesStoryViewsList, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesIncrementStoryViews(peer InputPeer, id []int32) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesReadStories(peer InputPeer, maxID int32) ([]int32, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesReport(peer InputPeer, id []int32, reason ReportReason, message string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesSendReaction(addToRecent bool, peer InputPeer, storyID int32, reaction Reaction) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesSendStory(params *StoriesSendStoryParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesToggleAllStoriesHidden(hidden bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesTogglePeerStoriesHidden(peer InputPeer, hidden bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) StoriesTogglePinned(peer InputPeer, id []int32, pinned bool) ([]int32, error)
- func (c *Client) Terminate() error
- func (c *Client) UnpinMessage(PeerID interface{}, MsgID int32, Opts ...*PinOptions) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdatesGetChannelDifference(params *UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams) (UpdatesChannelDifference, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdatesGetDifference(params *UpdatesGetDifferenceParams) (UpdatesDifference, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdatesGetState() (*UpdatesState, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadFile(file interface{}, Opts ...*UploadOptions) (InputFile, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadGetCdnFile(fileToken []byte, offset int64, limit int32) (UploadCdnFile, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadGetCdnFileHashes(fileToken []byte, offset int64) ([]*FileHash, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadGetFile(params *UploadGetFileParams) (UploadFile, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadGetFileHashes(location InputFileLocation, offset int64) ([]*FileHash, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadGetWebFile(location InputWebFileLocation, offset, limit int32) (*UploadWebFile, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadReuploadCdnFile(fileToken, requestToken []byte) ([]*FileHash, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadSaveBigFilePart(fileID int64, filePart, fileTotalParts int32, bytes []byte) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadSaveFilePart(fileID int64, filePart int32, bytes []byte) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) UsersGetFullUser(id InputUser) (*UsersUserFull, error)
- func (c *Client) UsersGetUsers(id []InputUser) ([]User, error)
- func (c *Client) UsersSetSecureValueErrors(id InputUser, errorsVault []SecureValueError) (bool, error)
- func (c *Client) WrapError(err error) error
- type ClientConfig
- type CodeSettings
- type Config
- type Contact
- type ContactStatus
- type ContactsAcceptContactParams
- type ContactsAddContactParams
- type ContactsBlockFromRepliesParams
- type ContactsBlockParams
- type ContactsBlocked
- type ContactsBlockedObj
- type ContactsBlockedSlice
- type ContactsContacts
- type ContactsContactsNotModified
- type ContactsContactsObj
- type ContactsDeleteByPhonesParams
- type ContactsDeleteContactsParams
- type ContactsEditCloseFriendsParams
- type ContactsExportContactTokenParams
- type ContactsFound
- type ContactsGetBlockedParams
- type ContactsGetContactIDsParams
- type ContactsGetContactsParams
- type ContactsGetLocatedParams
- type ContactsGetSavedParams
- type ContactsGetStatusesParams
- type ContactsGetTopPeersParams
- type ContactsImportContactTokenParams
- type ContactsImportContactsParams
- type ContactsImportedContacts
- type ContactsResetSavedParams
- type ContactsResetTopPeerRatingParams
- type ContactsResolvePhoneParams
- type ContactsResolveUsernameParams
- type ContactsResolvedPeer
- type ContactsSearchParams
- type ContactsSetBlockedParams
- type ContactsToggleTopPeersParams
- type ContactsTopPeers
- type ContactsTopPeersDisabled
- type ContactsTopPeersNotModified
- type ContactsTopPeersObj
- type ContactsUnblockParams
- type Conversation
- func (c *Conversation) Close()
- func (c *Conversation) GetEdit() (*NewMessage, error)
- func (c *Conversation) GetReply() (*NewMessage, error)
- func (c *Conversation) GetResponse() (*NewMessage, error)
- func (c *Conversation) MarkRead() (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
- func (c *Conversation) SendMedia(media InputMedia, opts ...*MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (c *Conversation) SendMessage(text string, opts ...*SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (c *Conversation) SetTimeOut(timeout int) *Conversation
- func (c *Conversation) WaitEvent(ev *Update) (Update, error)
- func (*Conversation) WaitRead()
- type CustomDialog
- type CustomFile
- type DataJson
- type DcOption
- type DefaultHistoryTtl
- type DeleteMessage
- type Dialog
- type DialogFilter
- type DialogFilterChatlist
- type DialogFilterDefault
- type DialogFilterObj
- type DialogFilterSuggested
- type DialogFolder
- type DialogObj
- type DialogOptions
- type DialogPeer
- type DialogPeerFolder
- type DialogPeerObj
- type Document
- type DocumentAttribute
- type DocumentAttributeAnimated
- type DocumentAttributeAudio
- type DocumentAttributeCustomEmoji
- type DocumentAttributeFilename
- type DocumentAttributeHasStickers
- type DocumentAttributeImageSize
- type DocumentAttributeSticker
- type DocumentAttributeVideo
- type DocumentEmpty
- type DocumentObj
- type DownloadOptions
- type Downloader
- type DraftMessage
- type DraftMessageEmpty
- type DraftMessageObj
- type EmailVerification
- type EmailVerificationApple
- type EmailVerificationCode
- type EmailVerificationGoogle
- type EmailVerifyPurpose
- type EmailVerifyPurposeLoginChange
- type EmailVerifyPurposeLoginSetup
- type EmailVerifyPurposePassport
- type EmojiGroup
- type EmojiKeyword
- type EmojiKeywordDeleted
- type EmojiKeywordObj
- type EmojiKeywordsDifference
- type EmojiLanguage
- type EmojiList
- type EmojiListNotModified
- type EmojiListObj
- type EmojiStatus
- type EmojiStatusEmpty
- type EmojiStatusObj
- type EmojiStatusUntil
- type EmojiURL
- type EncryptedChat
- type EncryptedChatDiscarded
- type EncryptedChatEmpty
- type EncryptedChatObj
- type EncryptedChatRequested
- type EncryptedChatWaiting
- type EncryptedFile
- type EncryptedFileEmpty
- type EncryptedFileObj
- type EncryptedMessage
- type EncryptedMessageObj
- type EncryptedMessageService
- type Error
- type ExportedChatInvite
- type ExportedChatlistInvite
- type ExportedContactToken
- type ExportedMessageLink
- type ExportedStoryLink
- type FileHash
- type FileMeta
- type Filter
- type Folder
- type FolderPeer
- type FoldersEditPeerFoldersParams
- type ForumTopic
- type ForumTopicDeleted
- type ForumTopicObj
- type ForwardOptions
- type Game
- type GeoPoint
- type GeoPointEmpty
- type GeoPointObj
- type GlobalPrivacySettings
- type GroupCall
- type GroupCallDiscarded
- type GroupCallMedia
- type GroupCallObj
- type GroupCallParticipant
- type GroupCallParticipantVideo
- type GroupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup
- type GroupCallStreamChannel
- type HelpAcceptTermsOfServiceParams
- type HelpAppConfig
- type HelpAppConfigNotModified
- type HelpAppConfigObj
- type HelpAppUpdate
- type HelpAppUpdateObj
- type HelpCountriesList
- type HelpCountriesListNotModified
- type HelpCountriesListObj
- type HelpCountry
- type HelpCountryCode
- type HelpDeepLinkInfo
- type HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty
- type HelpDeepLinkInfoObj
- type HelpDismissSuggestionParams
- type HelpEditUserInfoParams
- type HelpGetAppConfigParams
- type HelpGetAppUpdateParams
- type HelpGetCdnConfigParams
- type HelpGetConfigParams
- type HelpGetCountriesListParams
- type HelpGetDeepLinkInfoParams
- type HelpGetInviteTextParams
- type HelpGetNearestDcParams
- type HelpGetPassportConfigParams
- type HelpGetPeerColorsParams
- type HelpGetPeerProfileColorsParams
- type HelpGetPremiumPromoParams
- type HelpGetPromoDataParams
- type HelpGetRecentMeUrlsParams
- type HelpGetSupportNameParams
- type HelpGetSupportParams
- type HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdateParams
- type HelpGetUserInfoParams
- type HelpHidePromoDataParams
- type HelpInviteText
- type HelpNoAppUpdate
- type HelpPassportConfig
- type HelpPassportConfigNotModified
- type HelpPassportConfigObj
- type HelpPeerColorOption
- type HelpPeerColorProfileSet
- type HelpPeerColorSet
- type HelpPeerColorSetObj
- type HelpPeerColors
- type HelpPeerColorsNotModified
- type HelpPeerColorsObj
- type HelpPremiumPromo
- type HelpPromoData
- type HelpPromoDataEmpty
- type HelpPromoDataObj
- type HelpRecentMeUrls
- type HelpSaveAppLogParams
- type HelpSetBotUpdatesStatusParams
- type HelpSupport
- type HelpSupportName
- type HelpTermsOfService
- type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdate
- type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty
- type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj
- type HelpUserInfo
- type HelpUserInfoEmpty
- type HelpUserInfoObj
- type HighScore
- type ImportedContact
- type InitConnectionParams
- type InlineBotSwitchPm
- type InlineBotWebView
- type InlineBuilder
- func (b *InlineBuilder) Article(title, description, text string, options ...*ArticleOptions) InputBotInlineResult
- func (b *InlineBuilder) Document(document interface{}, options ...*ArticleOptions) InputBotInlineResult
- func (b *InlineBuilder) Game(ID, ShortName string, options ...*ArticleOptions) InputBotInlineResult
- func (b *InlineBuilder) Photo(photo interface{}, options ...*ArticleOptions) InputBotInlineResult
- func (b *InlineBuilder) Results() []InputBotInlineResult
- type InlineCallbackQuery
- func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) Answer(Text string, options ...*CallbackOptions) (bool, error)
- func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) ChatType() string
- func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) DataString() string
- func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) Edit(Text interface{}, options ...*SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) GetSender() (*UserObj, error)
- func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) GetSenderID() int64
- func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) IsChannel() bool
- func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) IsGroup() bool
- func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) IsPrivate() bool
- func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) Marshal() string
- func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) ShortName() string
- type InlineOptions
- type InlineQuery
- func (b *InlineQuery) Answer(results []InputBotInlineResult, options ...InlineSendOptions) (bool, error)
- func (m *InlineQuery) Args() string
- func (b *InlineQuery) Builder() *InlineBuilder
- func (b *InlineQuery) IsChannel() bool
- func (b *InlineQuery) IsGroup() bool
- func (b *InlineQuery) IsPrivate() bool
- func (b *InlineQuery) Marshal() string
- type InlineQueryPeerType
- type InlineSendOptions
- type InputAppEvent
- type InputBotApp
- type InputBotAppID
- type InputBotAppShortName
- type InputBotInlineMessage
- type InputBotInlineMessageGame
- type InputBotInlineMessageID
- type InputBotInlineMessageID64
- type InputBotInlineMessageIDObj
- type InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto
- type InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact
- type InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo
- type InputBotInlineMessageMediaInvoice
- type InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue
- type InputBotInlineMessageMediaWebPage
- type InputBotInlineMessageText
- type InputBotInlineResult
- type InputBotInlineResultDocument
- type InputBotInlineResultGame
- type InputBotInlineResultObj
- type InputBotInlineResultPhoto
- type InputChannel
- type InputChannelEmpty
- type InputChannelFromMessage
- type InputChannelObj
- type InputChatPhoto
- type InputChatPhotoEmpty
- type InputChatPhotoObj
- type InputChatUploadedPhoto
- type InputChatlistDialogFilter
- type InputCheckPasswordEmpty
- type InputCheckPasswordSRP
- type InputCheckPasswordSRPObj
- type InputClientProxy
- type InputDialogPeer
- type InputDialogPeerFolder
- type InputDialogPeerObj
- type InputDocument
- type InputDocumentEmpty
- type InputDocumentFileLocation
- type InputDocumentObj
- type InputEncryptedChat
- type InputEncryptedFile
- type InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded
- type InputEncryptedFileEmpty
- type InputEncryptedFileLocation
- type InputEncryptedFileObj
- type InputEncryptedFileUploaded
- type InputFile
- type InputFileBig
- type InputFileLocation
- type InputFileLocationObj
- type InputFileObj
- type InputFolderPeer
- type InputGame
- type InputGameID
- type InputGameShortName
- type InputGeoPoint
- type InputGeoPointEmpty
- type InputGeoPointObj
- type InputGroupCall
- type InputGroupCallStream
- type InputInvoice
- type InputInvoiceMessage
- type InputInvoicePremiumGiftCode
- type InputInvoiceSlug
- type InputKeyboardButtonURLAuth
- type InputKeyboardButtonUserProfile
- type InputMedia
- type InputMediaAreaChannelPost
- type InputMediaAreaVenue
- type InputMediaContact
- type InputMediaDice
- type InputMediaDocument
- type InputMediaDocumentExternal
- type InputMediaEmpty
- type InputMediaGame
- type InputMediaGeoLive
- type InputMediaGeoPoint
- type InputMediaInvoice
- type InputMediaPhoto
- type InputMediaPhotoExternal
- type InputMediaPoll
- type InputMediaStory
- type InputMediaUploadedDocument
- type InputMediaUploadedPhoto
- type InputMediaVenue
- type InputMediaWebPage
- type InputMessage
- type InputMessageCallbackQuery
- type InputMessageEntityMentionName
- type InputMessageID
- type InputMessagePinned
- type InputMessageReplyTo
- type InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos
- type InputMessagesFilterContacts
- type InputMessagesFilterDocument
- type InputMessagesFilterEmpty
- type InputMessagesFilterGeo
- type InputMessagesFilterGif
- type InputMessagesFilterMusic
- type InputMessagesFilterMyMentions
- type InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls
- type InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo
- type InputMessagesFilterPhotos
- type InputMessagesFilterPinned
- type InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo
- type InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice
- type InputMessagesFilterURL
- type InputMessagesFilterVideo
- type InputMessagesFilterVoice
- type InputNotifyBroadcasts
- type InputNotifyChats
- type InputNotifyForumTopic
- type InputNotifyPeer
- type InputNotifyPeerObj
- type InputNotifyUsers
- type InputPaymentCredentials
- type InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay
- type InputPaymentCredentialsGooglePay
- type InputPaymentCredentialsObj
- type InputPaymentCredentialsSaved
- type InputPeer
- type InputPeerCache
- type InputPeerChannel
- type InputPeerChannelFromMessage
- type InputPeerChat
- type InputPeerEmpty
- type InputPeerNotifySettings
- type InputPeerPhotoFileLocation
- type InputPeerSelf
- type InputPeerUser
- type InputPeerUserFromMessage
- type InputPhoneCall
- type InputPhoneContact
- type InputPhoto
- type InputPhotoEmpty
- type InputPhotoFileLocation
- type InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation
- type InputPhotoObj
- type InputPrivacyKey
- type InputPrivacyRule
- type InputPrivacyValueAllowAll
- type InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants
- type InputPrivacyValueAllowCloseFriends
- type InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts
- type InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers
- type InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll
- type InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants
- type InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts
- type InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers
- type InputReplyTo
- type InputReplyToMessage
- type InputReplyToStory
- type InputSecureFile
- type InputSecureFileLocation
- type InputSecureFileObj
- type InputSecureFileUploaded
- type InputSecureValue
- type InputSingleMedia
- type InputStickerSet
- type InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji
- type InputStickerSetAnimatedEmojiAnimations
- type InputStickerSetDice
- type InputStickerSetEmojiChannelDefaultStatuses
- type InputStickerSetEmojiDefaultStatuses
- type InputStickerSetEmojiDefaultTopicIcons
- type InputStickerSetEmojiGenericAnimations
- type InputStickerSetEmpty
- type InputStickerSetID
- type InputStickerSetItem
- type InputStickerSetPremiumGifts
- type InputStickerSetShortName
- type InputStickerSetThumb
- type InputStickeredMedia
- type InputStickeredMediaDocument
- type InputStickeredMediaPhoto
- type InputStorePaymentGiftPremium
- type InputStorePaymentPremiumGiftCode
- type InputStorePaymentPremiumGiveaway
- type InputStorePaymentPremiumSubscription
- type InputStorePaymentPurpose
- type InputTakeoutFileLocation
- type InputTheme
- type InputThemeObj
- type InputThemeSettings
- type InputThemeSlug
- type InputUser
- type InputUserEmpty
- type InputUserFromMessage
- type InputUserObj
- type InputUserSelf
- type InputWallPaper
- type InputWallPaperNoFile
- type InputWallPaperObj
- type InputWallPaperSlug
- type InputWebDocument
- type InputWebFileAudioAlbumThumbLocation
- type InputWebFileGeoPointLocation
- type InputWebFileLocation
- type InputWebFileLocationObj
- type InviteLinkOptions
- type Invoice
- type InvokeWithLayerParams
- type InvokeWithTakeoutParams
- type JsonArray
- type JsonBool
- type JsonNull
- type JsonNumber
- type JsonObject
- type JsonObjectValue
- type JsonString
- type JsonValue
- type KeyboardButton
- type KeyboardButtonBuy
- type KeyboardButtonCallback
- type KeyboardButtonGame
- type KeyboardButtonObj
- type KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation
- type KeyboardButtonRequestPeer
- type KeyboardButtonRequestPhone
- type KeyboardButtonRequestPoll
- type KeyboardButtonRow
- type KeyboardButtonSimpleWebView
- type KeyboardButtonSwitchInline
- type KeyboardButtonURL
- type KeyboardButtonURLAuth
- type KeyboardButtonUserProfile
- type KeyboardButtonWebView
- type LabeledPrice
- type LangPackDifference
- type LangPackLanguage
- type LangPackString
- type LangPackStringDeleted
- type LangPackStringObj
- type LangPackStringPluralized
- type LangpackGetDifferenceParams
- type LangpackGetLangPackParams
- type LangpackGetLanguageParams
- type LangpackGetLanguagesParams
- type LangpackGetStringsParams
- type LoginOptions
- type MaskCoords
- type MediaArea
- type MediaAreaChannelPost
- type MediaAreaCoordinates
- type MediaAreaGeoPoint
- type MediaAreaSuggestedReaction
- type MediaAreaVenue
- type MediaMetadata
- type MediaOptions
- type Message
- type MessageAction
- type MessageActionBotAllowed
- type MessageActionChannelCreate
- type MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom
- type MessageActionChatAddUser
- type MessageActionChatCreate
- type MessageActionChatDeletePhoto
- type MessageActionChatDeleteUser
- type MessageActionChatEditPhoto
- type MessageActionChatEditTitle
- type MessageActionChatJoinedByLink
- type MessageActionChatJoinedByRequest
- type MessageActionChatMigrateTo
- type MessageActionContactSignUp
- type MessageActionCustomAction
- type MessageActionEmpty
- type MessageActionGameScore
- type MessageActionGeoProximityReached
- type MessageActionGiftCode
- type MessageActionGiftPremium
- type MessageActionGiveawayLaunch
- type MessageActionGiveawayResults
- type MessageActionGroupCall
- type MessageActionGroupCallScheduled
- type MessageActionHistoryClear
- type MessageActionInviteToGroupCall
- type MessageActionPaymentSent
- type MessageActionPaymentSentMe
- type MessageActionPhoneCall
- type MessageActionPinMessage
- type MessageActionRequestedPeer
- type MessageActionScreenshotTaken
- type MessageActionSecureValuesSent
- type MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe
- type MessageActionSetChatTheme
- type MessageActionSetChatWallPaper
- type MessageActionSetMessagesTtl
- type MessageActionSuggestProfilePhoto
- type MessageActionTopicCreate
- type MessageActionTopicEdit
- type MessageActionWebViewDataSent
- type MessageActionWebViewDataSentMe
- type MessageEmpty
- type MessageEntity
- type MessageEntityBankCard
- type MessageEntityBlockquote
- type MessageEntityBold
- type MessageEntityBotCommand
- type MessageEntityCashtag
- type MessageEntityCode
- type MessageEntityCustomEmoji
- type MessageEntityEmail
- type MessageEntityHashtag
- type MessageEntityItalic
- type MessageEntityMention
- type MessageEntityMentionName
- type MessageEntityPhone
- type MessageEntityPre
- type MessageEntitySpoiler
- type MessageEntityStrike
- type MessageEntityTextURL
- type MessageEntityURL
- type MessageEntityUnderline
- type MessageEntityUnknown
- type MessageExtendedMedia
- type MessageExtendedMediaObj
- type MessageExtendedMediaPreview
- type MessageFwdHeader
- type MessageMedia
- type MessageMediaContact
- type MessageMediaDice
- type MessageMediaDocument
- type MessageMediaEmpty
- type MessageMediaGame
- type MessageMediaGeo
- type MessageMediaGeoLive
- type MessageMediaGiveaway
- type MessageMediaGiveawayResults
- type MessageMediaInvoice
- type MessageMediaPhoto
- type MessageMediaPoll
- type MessageMediaStory
- type MessageMediaUnsupported
- type MessageMediaVenue
- type MessageMediaWebPage
- type MessageObj
- type MessagePeerReaction
- type MessagePeerVote
- type MessagePeerVoteInputOption
- type MessagePeerVoteMultiple
- type MessagePeerVoteObj
- type MessageRange
- type MessageReactions
- type MessageReplies
- type MessageReplyHeader
- type MessageReplyHeaderObj
- type MessageReplyStoryHeader
- type MessageService
- type MessageViews
- type MessagesAcceptEncryptionParams
- type MessagesAcceptURLAuthParams
- type MessagesAddChatUserParams
- type MessagesAffectedFoundMessages
- type MessagesAffectedHistory
- type MessagesAffectedMessages
- type MessagesAllStickers
- type MessagesAllStickersNotModified
- type MessagesAllStickersObj
- type MessagesArchivedStickers
- type MessagesAvailableReactions
- type MessagesAvailableReactionsNotModified
- type MessagesAvailableReactionsObj
- type MessagesBotApp
- type MessagesBotCallbackAnswer
- type MessagesBotResults
- type MessagesChannelMessages
- type MessagesChatAdminsWithInvites
- type MessagesChatFull
- type MessagesChatInviteImporters
- type MessagesChats
- type MessagesChatsObj
- type MessagesChatsSlice
- type MessagesCheckChatInviteParams
- type MessagesCheckHistoryImportParams
- type MessagesCheckHistoryImportPeerParams
- type MessagesCheckedHistoryImportPeer
- type MessagesClearAllDraftsParams
- type MessagesClearRecentReactionsParams
- type MessagesClearRecentStickersParams
- type MessagesCreateChatParams
- type MessagesDeleteChatParams
- type MessagesDeleteChatUserParams
- type MessagesDeleteExportedChatInviteParams
- type MessagesDeleteHistoryParams
- type MessagesDeleteMessagesParams
- type MessagesDeletePhoneCallHistoryParams
- type MessagesDeleteRevokedExportedChatInvitesParams
- type MessagesDeleteSavedHistoryParams
- type MessagesDeleteScheduledMessagesParams
- type MessagesDhConfig
- type MessagesDhConfigNotModified
- type MessagesDhConfigObj
- type MessagesDialogs
- type MessagesDialogsNotModified
- type MessagesDialogsObj
- type MessagesDialogsSlice
- type MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams
- type MessagesDiscussionMessage
- type MessagesEditChatAboutParams
- type MessagesEditChatAdminParams
- type MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRightsParams
- type MessagesEditChatPhotoParams
- type MessagesEditChatTitleParams
- type MessagesEditExportedChatInviteParams
- type MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams
- type MessagesEditMessageParams
- type MessagesEmojiGroups
- type MessagesEmojiGroupsNotModified
- type MessagesEmojiGroupsObj
- type MessagesExportChatInviteParams
- type MessagesExportedChatInvite
- type MessagesExportedChatInviteObj
- type MessagesExportedChatInviteReplaced
- type MessagesExportedChatInvites
- type MessagesFaveStickerParams
- type MessagesFavedStickers
- type MessagesFavedStickersNotModified
- type MessagesFavedStickersObj
- type MessagesFeaturedStickers
- type MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified
- type MessagesFeaturedStickersObj
- type MessagesFilter
- type MessagesForumTopics
- type MessagesForwardMessagesParams
- type MessagesFoundStickerSets
- type MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified
- type MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj
- type MessagesGetAdminsWithInvitesParams
- type MessagesGetAllDraftsParams
- type MessagesGetAllStickersParams
- type MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams
- type MessagesGetAttachMenuBotParams
- type MessagesGetAttachMenuBotsParams
- type MessagesGetAttachedStickersParams
- type MessagesGetAvailableReactionsParams
- type MessagesGetBotAppParams
- type MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams
- type MessagesGetChatInviteImportersParams
- type MessagesGetChatsParams
- type MessagesGetCommonChatsParams
- type MessagesGetCustomEmojiDocumentsParams
- type MessagesGetDefaultHistoryTtlParams
- type MessagesGetDhConfigParams
- type MessagesGetDialogFiltersParams
- type MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarksParams
- type MessagesGetDialogsParams
- type MessagesGetDiscussionMessageParams
- type MessagesGetDocumentByHashParams
- type MessagesGetEmojiGroupsParams
- type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifferenceParams
- type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguagesParams
- type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsParams
- type MessagesGetEmojiProfilePhotoGroupsParams
- type MessagesGetEmojiStatusGroupsParams
- type MessagesGetEmojiStickersParams
- type MessagesGetEmojiURLParams
- type MessagesGetExportedChatInviteParams
- type MessagesGetExportedChatInvitesParams
- type MessagesGetExtendedMediaParams
- type MessagesGetFavedStickersParams
- type MessagesGetFeaturedEmojiStickersParams
- type MessagesGetFeaturedStickersParams
- type MessagesGetFullChatParams
- type MessagesGetGameHighScoresParams
- type MessagesGetHistoryParams
- type MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams
- type MessagesGetInlineGameHighScoresParams
- type MessagesGetMaskStickersParams
- type MessagesGetMessageEditDataParams
- type MessagesGetMessageReactionsListParams
- type MessagesGetMessageReadParticipantsParams
- type MessagesGetMessagesParams
- type MessagesGetMessagesReactionsParams
- type MessagesGetMessagesViewsParams
- type MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickersParams
- type MessagesGetOnlinesParams
- type MessagesGetPeerDialogsParams
- type MessagesGetPeerSettingsParams
- type MessagesGetPinnedDialogsParams
- type MessagesGetPinnedSavedDialogsParams
- type MessagesGetPollResultsParams
- type MessagesGetPollVotesParams
- type MessagesGetRecentLocationsParams
- type MessagesGetRecentReactionsParams
- type MessagesGetRecentStickersParams
- type MessagesGetRepliesParams
- type MessagesGetSavedDialogsParams
- type MessagesGetSavedGifsParams
- type MessagesGetSavedHistoryParams
- type MessagesGetScheduledHistoryParams
- type MessagesGetScheduledMessagesParams
- type MessagesGetSearchCountersParams
- type MessagesGetSearchResultsCalendarParams
- type MessagesGetSearchResultsPositionsParams
- type MessagesGetSplitRangesParams
- type MessagesGetStickerSetParams
- type MessagesGetStickersParams
- type MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFiltersParams
- type MessagesGetTopReactionsParams
- type MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams
- type MessagesGetUnreadReactionsParams
- type MessagesGetWebPageParams
- type MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams
- type MessagesHideAllChatJoinRequestsParams
- type MessagesHideChatJoinRequestParams
- type MessagesHidePeerSettingsBarParams
- type MessagesHighScores
- type MessagesHistoryImport
- type MessagesHistoryImportParsed
- type MessagesImportChatInviteParams
- type MessagesInactiveChats
- type MessagesInitHistoryImportParams
- type MessagesInstallStickerSetParams
- type MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams
- type MessagesMessageEditData
- type MessagesMessageReactionsList
- type MessagesMessageViews
- type MessagesMessages
- type MessagesMessagesNotModified
- type MessagesMessagesObj
- type MessagesMessagesSlice
- type MessagesMigrateChatParams
- type MessagesPeerDialogs
- type MessagesPeerSettings
- type MessagesProlongWebViewParams
- type MessagesRateTranscribedAudioParams
- type MessagesReactions
- type MessagesReactionsNotModified
- type MessagesReactionsObj
- type MessagesReadDiscussionParams
- type MessagesReadEncryptedHistoryParams
- type MessagesReadFeaturedStickersParams
- type MessagesReadHistoryParams
- type MessagesReadMentionsParams
- type MessagesReadMessageContentsParams
- type MessagesReadReactionsParams
- type MessagesReceivedMessagesParams
- type MessagesReceivedQueueParams
- type MessagesRecentStickers
- type MessagesRecentStickersNotModified
- type MessagesRecentStickersObj
- type MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams
- type MessagesReorderPinnedSavedDialogsParams
- type MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams
- type MessagesReportEncryptedSpamParams
- type MessagesReportParams
- type MessagesReportReactionParams
- type MessagesReportSpamParams
- type MessagesRequestAppWebViewParams
- type MessagesRequestEncryptionParams
- type MessagesRequestSimpleWebViewParams
- type MessagesRequestURLAuthParams
- type MessagesRequestWebViewParams
- type MessagesSaveDefaultSendAsParams
- type MessagesSaveDraftParams
- type MessagesSaveGifParams
- type MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams
- type MessagesSavedDialogs
- type MessagesSavedDialogsNotModified
- type MessagesSavedDialogsObj
- type MessagesSavedDialogsSlice
- type MessagesSavedGifs
- type MessagesSavedGifsNotModified
- type MessagesSavedGifsObj
- type MessagesSearchCounter
- type MessagesSearchCustomEmojiParams
- type MessagesSearchEmojiStickerSetsParams
- type MessagesSearchGlobalParams
- type MessagesSearchParams
- type MessagesSearchResultsCalendar
- type MessagesSearchResultsPositions
- type MessagesSearchSentMediaParams
- type MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams
- type MessagesSendBotRequestedPeerParams
- type MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams
- type MessagesSendEncryptedParams
- type MessagesSendEncryptedServiceParams
- type MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams
- type MessagesSendMediaParams
- type MessagesSendMessageParams
- type MessagesSendMultiMediaParams
- type MessagesSendReactionParams
- type MessagesSendScheduledMessagesParams
- type MessagesSendScreenshotNotificationParams
- type MessagesSendVoteParams
- type MessagesSendWebViewDataParams
- type MessagesSendWebViewResultMessageParams
- type MessagesSentEncryptedFile
- type MessagesSentEncryptedMessage
- type MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj
- type MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams
- type MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams
- type MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams
- type MessagesSetChatAvailableReactionsParams
- type MessagesSetChatThemeParams
- type MessagesSetChatWallPaperParams
- type MessagesSetDefaultHistoryTtlParams
- type MessagesSetDefaultReactionParams
- type MessagesSetEncryptedTypingParams
- type MessagesSetGameScoreParams
- type MessagesSetHistoryTtlParams
- type MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams
- type MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams
- type MessagesSetTypingParams
- type MessagesSponsoredMessages
- type MessagesSponsoredMessagesEmpty
- type MessagesSponsoredMessagesObj
- type MessagesStartBotParams
- type MessagesStartHistoryImportParams
- type MessagesStickerSet
- type MessagesStickerSetInstallResult
- type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive
- type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess
- type MessagesStickerSetNotModified
- type MessagesStickerSetObj
- type MessagesStickers
- type MessagesStickersNotModified
- type MessagesStickersObj
- type MessagesToggleBotInAttachMenuParams
- type MessagesToggleDialogPinParams
- type MessagesToggleNoForwardsParams
- type MessagesTogglePeerTranslationsParams
- type MessagesToggleSavedDialogPinParams
- type MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams
- type MessagesTranscribeAudioParams
- type MessagesTranscribedAudio
- type MessagesTranslateResult
- type MessagesTranslateTextParams
- type MessagesUninstallStickerSetParams
- type MessagesUnpinAllMessagesParams
- type MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams
- type MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrderParams
- type MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams
- type MessagesUploadEncryptedFileParams
- type MessagesUploadImportedMediaParams
- type MessagesUploadMediaParams
- type MessagesVotesList
- type MessagesWebPage
- type Mime
- type ModPow
- type MyBoost
- type NearestDc
- type NewMessage
- func (m *NewMessage) Animation() *DocumentObj
- func (m *NewMessage) Args() string
- func (m *NewMessage) Audio() *DocumentObj
- func (m *NewMessage) ChatID() int64
- func (m *NewMessage) ChatType() string
- func (m *NewMessage) Click(o ...any) (*MessagesBotCallbackAnswer, error)
- func (m *NewMessage) Contact() *MessageMediaContact
- func (m *NewMessage) Delete() (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
- func (m *NewMessage) Document() *DocumentObj
- func (m *NewMessage) Download(opts ...*DownloadOptions) (string, error)
- func (m *NewMessage) Edit(Text interface{}, Opts ...SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (m *NewMessage) ForwardTo(PeerID interface{}, Opts ...*ForwardOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (m *NewMessage) Game() *MessageMediaGame
- func (m *NewMessage) Geo() *GeoPointObj
- func (m *NewMessage) GetChat() (*ChatObj, error)
- func (m *NewMessage) GetCommand() string
- func (m *NewMessage) GetMediaGroup() ([]NewMessage, error)
- func (m *NewMessage) GetPeer() (int64, int64)
- func (m *NewMessage) GetReplyMessage() (*NewMessage, error)
- func (m *NewMessage) GetSender() (*UserObj, error)
- func (m *NewMessage) GetSenderChat() *Channel
- func (m *NewMessage) Invoice() *MessageMediaInvoice
- func (m *NewMessage) IsChannel() bool
- func (m *NewMessage) IsCommand() bool
- func (m *NewMessage) IsForward() bool
- func (m *NewMessage) IsGroup() bool
- func (m *NewMessage) IsMedia() bool
- func (m *NewMessage) IsPrivate() bool
- func (m *NewMessage) IsReply() bool
- func (m *NewMessage) MarkRead() (err error)
- func (m *NewMessage) Marshal() string
- func (m *NewMessage) Media() MessageMedia
- func (m *NewMessage) MediaType() string
- func (m *NewMessage) MessageText() string
- func (m *NewMessage) Photo() *PhotoObj
- func (a *NewMessage) Pin(opts ...*PinOptions) (err error)
- func (m *NewMessage) Poll() *MessageMediaPoll
- func (m *NewMessage) RawText() string
- func (m *NewMessage) React(Reactions ...any) error
- func (m *NewMessage) Reply(Text interface{}, Opts ...SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (m *NewMessage) ReplyMarkup() *ReplyMarkup
- func (m *NewMessage) ReplyMedia(Media interface{}, Opts ...MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (m *NewMessage) ReplySenderID() int64
- func (m *NewMessage) ReplyToMsgID() int32
- func (m *NewMessage) ReplyWithoutError(Text interface{}, Opts ...SendOptions) *NewMessage
- func (m *NewMessage) Respond(Text interface{}, Opts ...SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (m *NewMessage) RespondMedia(Media interface{}, Opts ...MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (m *NewMessage) SendAction(Action interface{}) (*ActionResult, error)
- func (m *NewMessage) SendDice(Emoticon string) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (m *NewMessage) SenderID() int64
- func (m *NewMessage) Sticker() *DocumentObj
- func (m *NewMessage) Text() string
- func (m *NewMessage) Unmarshal(data []byte) (*NewMessage, error)
- func (a *NewMessage) Unpin() (err error)
- func (m *NewMessage) Venue() *MessageMediaVenue
- func (m *NewMessage) Video() *DocumentObj
- func (m *NewMessage) Voice() *DocumentObj
- func (m *NewMessage) WebPage() *WebPageObj
- type NotificationSound
- type NotificationSoundDefault
- type NotificationSoundLocal
- type NotificationSoundNone
- type NotificationSoundRingtone
- type NotifyBroadcasts
- type NotifyChats
- type NotifyForumTopic
- type NotifyPeer
- type NotifyPeerObj
- type NotifyUsers
- type Null
- type Page
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- type PageBlockAudio
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- type PageBlockDetails
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- type PageBlockEmbedPost
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- type PageBlockUnsupported
- type PageBlockVideo
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- type PageListOrderedItemText
- type PageRelatedArticle
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- type PageTableRow
- type Participant
- type ParticipantOptions
- type ParticipantUpdate
- func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) ActorID() int64
- func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Added() bool
- func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Banned() bool
- func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) ChannelID() int64
- func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Demoted() bool
- func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Joined() bool
- func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Kicked() bool
- func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Left() bool
- func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Marshal() string
- func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Promoted() bool
- func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) UserID() int64
- type PasswordKdfAlgo
- type PasswordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256Pbkdf2Hmacsha512Iter100000SHA256ModPow
- type PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown
- type PasswordOptions
- type PaymentCharge
- type PaymentFormMethod
- type PaymentRequestedInfo
- type PaymentSavedCredentialsCard
- type PaymentsApplyGiftCodeParams
- type PaymentsAssignAppStoreTransactionParams
- type PaymentsAssignPlayMarketTransactionParams
- type PaymentsBankCardData
- type PaymentsCanPurchasePremiumParams
- type PaymentsCheckGiftCodeParams
- type PaymentsCheckedGiftCode
- type PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams
- type PaymentsExportInvoiceParams
- type PaymentsExportedInvoice
- type PaymentsGetBankCardDataParams
- type PaymentsGetGiveawayInfoParams
- type PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams
- type PaymentsGetPaymentReceiptParams
- type PaymentsGetPremiumGiftCodeOptionsParams
- type PaymentsGetSavedInfoParams
- type PaymentsGiveawayInfo
- type PaymentsGiveawayInfoObj
- type PaymentsGiveawayInfoResults
- type PaymentsLaunchPrepaidGiveawayParams
- type PaymentsPaymentForm
- type PaymentsPaymentReceipt
- type PaymentsPaymentResult
- type PaymentsPaymentResultObj
- type PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded
- type PaymentsSavedInfo
- type PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams
- type PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams
- type PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo
- type Peer
- type PeerBlocked
- type PeerChannel
- type PeerChat
- type PeerColor
- type PeerLocated
- type PeerLocatedObj
- type PeerNotifySettings
- type PeerSelfLocated
- type PeerSettings
- type PeerStories
- type PeerUser
- type PhoneAcceptCallParams
- type PhoneCall
- type PhoneCallAccepted
- type PhoneCallDiscardReason
- type PhoneCallDiscarded
- type PhoneCallEmpty
- type PhoneCallObj
- type PhoneCallProtocol
- type PhoneCallRequested
- type PhoneCallWaiting
- type PhoneCheckGroupCallParams
- type PhoneConfirmCallParams
- type PhoneConnection
- type PhoneConnectionObj
- type PhoneConnectionWebrtc
- type PhoneCreateGroupCallParams
- type PhoneDiscardCallParams
- type PhoneDiscardGroupCallParams
- type PhoneEditGroupCallParticipantParams
- type PhoneEditGroupCallTitleParams
- type PhoneExportGroupCallInviteParams
- type PhoneExportedGroupCallInvite
- type PhoneGetCallConfigParams
- type PhoneGetGroupCallJoinAsParams
- type PhoneGetGroupCallParams
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- type PhoneGetGroupCallStreamRtmpURLParams
- type PhoneGetGroupParticipantsParams
- type PhoneGroupCall
- type PhoneGroupCallStreamChannels
- type PhoneGroupCallStreamRtmpURL
- type PhoneGroupParticipants
- type PhoneInviteToGroupCallParams
- type PhoneJoinAsPeers
- type PhoneJoinGroupCallParams
- type PhoneJoinGroupCallPresentationParams
- type PhoneLeaveGroupCallParams
- type PhoneLeaveGroupCallPresentationParams
- type PhonePhoneCall
- type PhoneReceivedCallParams
- type PhoneRequestCallParams
- type PhoneSaveCallDebugParams
- type PhoneSaveCallLogParams
- type PhoneSaveDefaultGroupCallJoinAsParams
- type PhoneSendSignalingDataParams
- type PhoneSetCallRatingParams
- type PhoneStartScheduledGroupCallParams
- type PhoneToggleGroupCallRecordParams
- type PhoneToggleGroupCallSettingsParams
- type PhoneToggleGroupCallStartSubscriptionParams
- type Photo
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- type PhotoEmpty
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- type PhotoPathSize
- type PhotoSize
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- type PhotoStrippedSize
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- type PhotosOptions
- type PhotosPhoto
- type PhotosPhotos
- type PhotosPhotosObj
- type PhotosPhotosSlice
- type PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams
- type PhotosUploadContactProfilePhotoParams
- type PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams
- type PinOptions
- type Poll
- type PollAnswer
- type PollAnswerVoters
- type PollResults
- type PopularContact
- type PostAddress
- type PostInteractionCounters
- type PostInteractionCountersMessage
- type PostInteractionCountersStory
- type PremiumApplyBoostParams
- type PremiumBoostsList
- type PremiumBoostsStatus
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- type PremiumGetBoostsStatusParams
- type PremiumGetMyBoostsParams
- type PremiumGetUserBoostsParams
- type PremiumGiftCodeOption
- type PremiumGiftOption
- type PremiumMyBoosts
- type PremiumSubscriptionOption
- type PrepaidGiveaway
- type PrivacyKey
- type PrivacyRule
- type PrivacyValueAllowAll
- type PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants
- type PrivacyValueAllowCloseFriends
- type PrivacyValueAllowContacts
- type PrivacyValueAllowUsers
- type PrivacyValueDisallowAll
- type PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants
- type PrivacyValueDisallowContacts
- type PrivacyValueDisallowUsers
- type Progress
- type PublicForward
- type PublicForwardMessage
- type PublicForwardStory
- type QrToken
- type Reaction
- type ReactionCount
- type ReactionCustomEmoji
- type ReactionEmoji
- type ReactionEmpty
- type ReadParticipantDate
- type ReceivedNotifyMessage
- type RecentMeURL
- type RecentMeURLChat
- type RecentMeURLChatInvite
- type RecentMeURLStickerSet
- type RecentMeURLUnknown
- type RecentMeURLUser
- type ReplyInlineMarkup
- type ReplyKeyboardForceReply
- type ReplyKeyboardHide
- type ReplyKeyboardMarkup
- type ReplyMarkup
- type ReportReason
- type RequestPeerType
- type RequestPeerTypeBroadcast
- type RequestPeerTypeChat
- type RequestPeerTypeUser
- type RestrictionReason
- type RichText
- type SavedDialog
- type SavedPhoneContact
- type SearchOption
- type SearchResultPosition
- type SearchResultsCalendarPeriod
- type SecureCredentialsEncrypted
- type SecureData
- type SecureFile
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- type SecureFileObj
- type SecurePasswordKdfAlgo
- type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPbkdf2Hmacsha512Iter100000
- type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512
- type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown
- type SecurePlainData
- type SecurePlainEmail
- type SecurePlainPhone
- type SecureRequiredType
- type SecureRequiredTypeObj
- type SecureRequiredTypeOneOf
- type SecureSecretSettings
- type SecureValue
- type SecureValueError
- type SecureValueErrorData
- type SecureValueErrorFile
- type SecureValueErrorFiles
- type SecureValueErrorFrontSide
- type SecureValueErrorObj
- type SecureValueErrorReverseSide
- type SecureValueErrorSelfie
- type SecureValueErrorTranslationFile
- type SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles
- type SecureValueHash
- type SecureValueType
- type SendAsPeer
- type SendMessageAction
- type SendMessageCancelAction
- type SendMessageChooseContactAction
- type SendMessageChooseStickerAction
- type SendMessageEmojiInteraction
- type SendMessageEmojiInteractionSeen
- type SendMessageGamePlayAction
- type SendMessageGeoLocationAction
- type SendMessageHistoryImportAction
- type SendMessageRecordAudioAction
- type SendMessageRecordRoundAction
- type SendMessageRecordVideoAction
- type SendMessageTypingAction
- type SendMessageUploadAudioAction
- type SendMessageUploadDocumentAction
- type SendMessageUploadPhotoAction
- type SendMessageUploadRoundAction
- type SendMessageUploadVideoAction
- type SendOptions
- type ShippingOption
- type SimpleWebViewResultURL
- type SpeakingInGroupCallAction
- type SponsoredMessage
- type SponsoredWebPage
- type SrpAnswer
- type StatsAbsValueAndPrev
- type StatsBroadcastStats
- type StatsDateRangeDays
- type StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams
- type StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams
- type StatsGetMessagePublicForwardsParams
- type StatsGetMessageStatsParams
- type StatsGetStoryPublicForwardsParams
- type StatsGetStoryStatsParams
- type StatsGraph
- type StatsGraphAsync
- type StatsGraphError
- type StatsGraphObj
- type StatsGroupTopAdmin
- type StatsGroupTopInviter
- type StatsGroupTopPoster
- type StatsLoadAsyncGraphParams
- type StatsMegagroupStats
- type StatsMessageStats
- type StatsPercentValue
- type StatsPublicForwards
- type StatsStoryStats
- type StatsURL
- type StickerKeyword
- type StickerPack
- type StickerSet
- type StickerSetCovered
- type StickerSetCoveredObj
- type StickerSetFullCovered
- type StickerSetMultiCovered
- type StickerSetNoCovered
- type StickersAddStickerToSetParams
- type StickersChangeStickerParams
- type StickersChangeStickerPositionParams
- type StickersCheckShortNameParams
- type StickersCreateStickerSetParams
- type StickersDeleteStickerSetParams
- type StickersRemoveStickerFromSetParams
- type StickersRenameStickerSetParams
- type StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams
- type StickersSuggestShortNameParams
- type StickersSuggestedShortName
- type StorageFileType
- type StoriesActivateStealthModeParams
- type StoriesAllStories
- type StoriesAllStoriesNotModified
- type StoriesAllStoriesObj
- type StoriesCanSendStoryParams
- type StoriesDeleteStoriesParams
- type StoriesEditStoryParams
- type StoriesExportStoryLinkParams
- type StoriesGetAllReadPeerStoriesParams
- type StoriesGetAllStoriesParams
- type StoriesGetChatsToSendParams
- type StoriesGetPeerMaxIDsParams
- type StoriesGetPeerStoriesParams
- type StoriesGetPinnedStoriesParams
- type StoriesGetStoriesArchiveParams
- type StoriesGetStoriesByIDParams
- type StoriesGetStoriesViewsParams
- type StoriesGetStoryReactionsListParams
- type StoriesGetStoryViewsListParams
- type StoriesIncrementStoryViewsParams
- type StoriesPeerStories
- type StoriesReadStoriesParams
- type StoriesReportParams
- type StoriesSendReactionParams
- type StoriesSendStoryParams
- type StoriesStealthMode
- type StoriesStories
- type StoriesStoryReactionsList
- type StoriesStoryViews
- type StoriesStoryViewsList
- type StoriesToggleAllStoriesHiddenParams
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- type StoriesTogglePinnedParams
- type StoryFwdHeader
- type StoryItem
- type StoryItemDeleted
- type StoryItemObj
- type StoryItemSkipped
- type StoryReaction
- type StoryReactionObj
- type StoryReactionPublicForward
- type StoryReactionPublicRepost
- type StoryView
- type StoryViewObj
- type StoryViewPublicForward
- type StoryViewPublicRepost
- type StoryViews
- type Tag
- type TextAnchor
- type TextBold
- type TextConcat
- type TextEmail
- type TextEmpty
- type TextFixed
- type TextImage
- type TextItalic
- type TextMarked
- type TextPhone
- type TextPlain
- type TextStrike
- type TextSubscript
- type TextSuperscript
- type TextURL
- type TextUnderline
- type TextWithEntities
- type Theme
- type ThemeSettings
- type TitleOptions
- type TopPeer
- type TopPeerCategory
- type TopPeerCategoryPeers
- type URLAuthResult
- type URLAuthResultAccepted
- type URLAuthResultDefault
- type URLAuthResultRequest
- type Update
- type UpdateAttachMenuBots
- type UpdateAutoSaveSettings
- type UpdateBotCallbackQuery
- type UpdateBotChatBoost
- type UpdateBotChatInviteRequester
- type UpdateBotCommands
- type UpdateBotInlineQuery
- type UpdateBotInlineSend
- type UpdateBotMenuButton
- type UpdateBotMessageReaction
- type UpdateBotMessageReactions
- type UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery
- type UpdateBotShippingQuery
- type UpdateBotStopped
- type UpdateBotWebhookJson
- type UpdateBotWebhookJsonQuery
- type UpdateChannel
- type UpdateChannelAvailableMessages
- type UpdateChannelMessageForwards
- type UpdateChannelMessageViews
- type UpdateChannelParticipant
- type UpdateChannelPinnedTopic
- type UpdateChannelPinnedTopics
- type UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents
- type UpdateChannelTooLong
- type UpdateChannelUserTyping
- type UpdateChannelViewForumAsMessages
- type UpdateChannelWebPage
- type UpdateChat
- type UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights
- type UpdateChatParticipant
- type UpdateChatParticipantAdd
- type UpdateChatParticipantAdmin
- type UpdateChatParticipantDelete
- type UpdateChatParticipants
- type UpdateChatUserTyping
- type UpdateConfig
- type UpdateContactsReset
- type UpdateDcOptions
- type UpdateDeleteChannelMessages
- type UpdateDeleteMessages
- type UpdateDeleteScheduledMessages
- type UpdateDialogFilter
- type UpdateDialogFilterOrder
- type UpdateDialogFilters
- type UpdateDialogPinned
- type UpdateDialogUnreadMark
- type UpdateDispatcher
- type UpdateDraftMessage
- type UpdateEditChannelMessage
- type UpdateEditMessage
- type UpdateEncryptedChatTyping
- type UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead
- type UpdateEncryption
- type UpdateFavedStickers
- type UpdateFolderPeers
- type UpdateGeoLiveViewed
- type UpdateGroupCall
- type UpdateGroupCallConnection
- type UpdateGroupCallParticipants
- type UpdateGroupInvitePrivacyForbidden
- type UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery
- type UpdateLangPack
- type UpdateLangPackTooLong
- type UpdateLoginToken
- type UpdateMessageExtendedMedia
- type UpdateMessageID
- type UpdateMessagePoll
- type UpdateMessagePollVote
- type UpdateMessageReactions
- type UpdateMoveStickerSetToTop
- type UpdateNewAuthorization
- type UpdateNewChannelMessage
- type UpdateNewEncryptedMessage
- type UpdateNewMessage
- type UpdateNewScheduledMessage
- type UpdateNewStickerSet
- type UpdateNotifySettings
- type UpdatePeerBlocked
- type UpdatePeerHistoryTtl
- type UpdatePeerLocated
- type UpdatePeerSettings
- type UpdatePeerWallpaper
- type UpdatePendingJoinRequests
- type UpdatePhoneCall
- type UpdatePhoneCallSignalingData
- type UpdatePinnedChannelMessages
- type UpdatePinnedDialogs
- type UpdatePinnedMessages
- type UpdatePinnedSavedDialogs
- type UpdatePrivacy
- type UpdatePtsChanged
- type UpdateReadChannelDiscussionInbox
- type UpdateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox
- type UpdateReadChannelInbox
- type UpdateReadChannelOutbox
- type UpdateReadFeaturedEmojiStickers
- type UpdateReadFeaturedStickers
- type UpdateReadHistoryInbox
- type UpdateReadHistoryOutbox
- type UpdateReadMessagesContents
- type UpdateReadStories
- type UpdateRecentEmojiStatuses
- type UpdateRecentReactions
- type UpdateRecentStickers
- type UpdateSavedDialogPinned
- type UpdateSavedGifs
- type UpdateSavedRingtones
- type UpdateSentStoryReaction
- type UpdateServiceNotification
- type UpdateShort
- type UpdateShortChatMessage
- type UpdateShortMessage
- type UpdateShortSentMessage
- type UpdateStickerSets
- type UpdateStickerSetsOrder
- type UpdateStoriesStealthMode
- type UpdateStory
- type UpdateStoryID
- type UpdateTheme
- type UpdateTranscribedAudio
- type UpdateUser
- type UpdateUserEmojiStatus
- type UpdateUserName
- type UpdateUserPhone
- type UpdateUserStatus
- type UpdateUserTyping
- type UpdateWebPage
- type UpdateWebViewResultSent
- type Updates
- type UpdatesChannelDifference
- type UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty
- type UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj
- type UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong
- type UpdatesCombined
- type UpdatesDifference
- type UpdatesDifferenceEmpty
- type UpdatesDifferenceObj
- type UpdatesDifferenceSlice
- type UpdatesDifferenceTooLong
- type UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams
- type UpdatesGetDifferenceParams
- type UpdatesGetStateParams
- type UpdatesObj
- type UpdatesState
- type UpdatesTooLong
- type UploadCdnFile
- type UploadCdnFileObj
- type UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded
- type UploadFile
- type UploadFileCdnRedirect
- type UploadFileObj
- type UploadGetCdnFileHashesParams
- type UploadGetCdnFileParams
- type UploadGetFileHashesParams
- type UploadGetFileParams
- type UploadGetWebFileParams
- type UploadOptions
- type UploadReuploadCdnFileParams
- type UploadSaveBigFilePartParams
- type UploadSaveFilePartParams
- type UploadWebFile
- type Uploader
- type User
- type UserEmpty
- type UserFull
- type UserObj
- type UserPhoto
- type UserProfilePhoto
- type UserProfilePhotoEmpty
- type UserProfilePhotoObj
- type UserStatus
- type UserStatusEmpty
- type UserStatusLastMonth
- type UserStatusLastWeek
- type UserStatusOffline
- type UserStatusOnline
- type UserStatusRecently
- type Username
- type UsersGetFullUserParams
- type UsersGetUsersParams
- type UsersSetSecureValueErrorsParams
- type UsersUserFull
- type VideoSize
- type VideoSizeEmojiMarkup
- type VideoSizeObj
- type VideoSizeStickerMarkup
- type WallPaper
- type WallPaperNoFile
- type WallPaperObj
- type WallPaperSettings
- type WebAuthorization
- type WebDocument
- type WebDocumentNoProxy
- type WebDocumentObj
- type WebPage
- type WebPageAttribute
- type WebPageAttributeStory
- type WebPageAttributeTheme
- type WebPageEmpty
- type WebPageNotModified
- type WebPageObj
- type WebPagePending
- type WebViewMessageSent
- type WebViewResultURL
Constants ¶
const ( Admin = "admin" Creator = "creator" Member = "member" Restricted = "restricted" Left = "left" Kicked = "kicked" )
const ( // DefaultDC is the default data center id DefaultDataCenter = 4 DefaultDevice = "Android Device" DefaultSystem = runtime.GOOS + " " + runtime.GOARCH DisconnectExportedAfter = 60 * time.Second )
const ( ApiVersion = 170 Version = "v2.3.5" LogDebug = "debug" LogInfo = "info" LogWarn = "warn" LogError = "error" LogDisable = "disabled" MarkDown string = "Markdown" HTML string = "HTML" MarkDownV2 string = "MarkdownV2" EntityUser string = "user" EntityChat string = "chat" EntityChannel string = "channel" EntityUnknown string = "unknown" OnNewMessage = "OnNewMessage" OnEditMessage = "OnEditMessage" OnChatAction = "OnChatAction" OnInlineQuery = "OnInlineQuery" OnCallbackQuery = "OnCallbackQuery" OnInlineCallbackQuery = "OnInlineCallbackQuery" OnChosenInlineResult = "OnChosenInlineResult" OnDeleteMessage = "OnDeleteMessage" )
const ( DEFAULT_WORKERS = 4 DEFAULT_PARTS = 512 * 1024 )
const (
// CacheUpdateInterval is the interval in seconds at which the cache is updated
CacheUpdateInterval = 60
const DEF_ALBUM_WAIT_TIME = 600 * time.Millisecond
const (
// DefaultTimeOut is the default timeout for conversation
DefaultTimeOut = 30
Variables ¶
var ( USERNAME_RE = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)@|(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?(?:telegram\.(?:me|dog)|t\.me)/(@|\+|joinchat/)?`) TG_JOIN_RE = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)tg://join\?invite=([a-z0-9_\-]{22})`) )
var ( FilterPrivate = Filter{Private: true} FilterGroup = Filter{Group: true} FilterChannel = Filter{Channel: true} FilterMedia = Filter{Media: true} FilterCommand = Filter{Command: true} FilterReply = Filter{Reply: true} FilterForward = Filter{Forward: true} FilterFromBot = Filter{FromBot: true} FilterBlacklist = Filter{Blacklist: true} FilterUsers = func(users ...int64) Filter { return Filter{Users: users} } FilterChats = func(chats ...int64) Filter { return Filter{Chats: chats} } )
var ( Actions = map[string]SendMessageAction{ "typing": &SendMessageTypingAction{}, "upload_photo": &SendMessageUploadPhotoAction{}, "record_video": &SendMessageRecordVideoAction{}, "upload_video": &SendMessageUploadVideoAction{}, "record_audio": &SendMessageRecordAudioAction{}, "upload_audio": &SendMessageUploadAudioAction{}, "upload_document": &SendMessageUploadDocumentAction{}, "game": &SendMessageGamePlayAction{}, "cancel": &SendMessageCancelAction{}, "round_video": &SendMessageUploadRoundAction{}, "call": &SpeakingInGroupCallAction{}, "record_round": &SendMessageRecordRoundAction{}, "history_import": &SendMessageHistoryImportAction{}, "geo": &SendMessageGeoLocationAction{}, "choose_contact": &SendMessageChooseContactAction{}, "choose_sticker": &SendMessageChooseStickerAction{}, "emoji": &SendMessageEmojiInteraction{}, "emoji_seen": &SendMessageEmojiInteractionSeen{}, } )
var (
DataCenters = map[int]string{
1: "",
2: "",
3: "",
4: "",
5: "",
var (
ErrTimeOut = errors.New("conversation timeout")
var (
var (
MimeTypes = []Mime{
{".3gp", "video/3gpp"}, {".7z", "application/x-7z-compressed"}, {".aac", "audio/x-aac"},
{".abw", "application/x-abiword"}, {".arc", "application/x-freearc"}, {".avi", "video/x-msvideo"},
{".azw", "application/"}, {".bin", "application/octet-stream"}, {".bmp", "image/bmp"},
{".bz", "application/x-bzip"}, {".bz2", "application/x-bzip2"}, {".csh", "application/x-csh"},
{".css", "text/css"}, {".csv", "text/csv"}, {".doc", "application/msword"},
{".docx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"}, {".eot", "application/"}, {".epub", "application/epub+zip"},
{".gz", "application/gzip"}, {".gif", "image/gif"}, {".htm", "text/html"},
{".html", "text/html"}, {".ico", "image/"}, {".ics", "text/calendar"},
{".jar", "application/java-archive"}, {".jpeg", "image/jpeg"}, {".jpg", "image/jpeg"},
{".js", "text/javascript"}, {".json", "application/json"}, {".jsonld", "application/ld+json"},
{".mid", "audio/midi audio/x-midi"}, {".midi", "audio/midi audio/x-midi"}, {".mjs", "text/javascript"},
{".mp3", "audio/mpeg"}, {".mpeg", "video/mpeg"}, {".mpkg", "application/"},
{".odp", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation"}, {".ods", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet"}, {".odt", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"},
{".oga", "audio/ogg"}, {".ogv", "video/ogg"}, {".ogx", "application/ogg"},
{".opus", "audio/opus"}, {".otf", "font/otf"}, {".png", "image/png"},
{".pdf", "application/pdf"}, {".php", "application/x-httpd-php"}, {".ppt", "application/"},
{".pptx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"},
{".rar", "application/vnd.rar"}, {".rtf", "application/rtf"}, {".sh", "application/x-sh"},
{".svg", "image/svg+xml"}, {".swf", "application/x-shockwave-flash"}, {".tar", "application/x-tar"},
{".tif", "image/tiff"}, {".tiff", "image/tiff"}, {".ts", "video/mp2t"},
{".ttf", "font/ttf"}, {".txt", "text/plain"}, {".vsd", "application/vnd.visio"},
{".wav", "audio/wav"}, {".weba", "audio/webm"}, {".webm", "video/webm"},
{".webp", "image/webp"}, {".woff", "font/woff"}, {".woff2", "font/woff2"},
{".xhtml", "application/xhtml+xml"}, {".xls", "application/"}, {".xlsx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"},
{".xml", "application/xml"}, {".xul", "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml"}, {".zip", "application/zip"},
{".3gp", "video/3gpp"}, {".3g2", "video/3gpp2"}, {".7z", "application/x-7z-compressed"}, {".tgs", "application/x-tgsticker"}, {".apk", "application/"},
Functions ¶
func FileExists ¶
func GenRandInt ¶
func GenRandInt() int64
func GenerateRandomLong ¶
func GenerateRandomLong() int64
func GenerateRandomString ¶
func GetAudioMetadata ¶
TODO: implement this
func GetVideoDimensions ¶
func GetVideoDuration ¶
func HandleIncomingUpdates ¶
Sort and Handle all the Incoming Updates Many more types to be added
func IsFfmpegInstalled ¶
func IsFfmpegInstalled() bool
func MarkdownToHTML ¶
func PackBotFileID ¶
func PackBotFileID(file interface{}) string
Inverse operation of ResolveBotFileID
Accepted Types: *MessageMedia *Document *Photo
func PathIsWritable ¶
func RandomBytes ¶
func UploadProgressBar ¶
func UploadProgressBar(m *NewMessage, pc chan Progress)
Types ¶
type AccountAcceptAuthorizationParams ¶
type AccountAcceptAuthorizationParams struct { BotID int64 Scope string PublicKey string ValueHashes []*SecureValueHash Credentials *SecureCredentialsEncrypted }
func (*AccountAcceptAuthorizationParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountAcceptAuthorizationParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountAuthorizationForm ¶
type AccountAuthorizationForm struct { RequiredTypes []SecureRequiredType Values []*SecureValue Errors []SecureValueError Users []User PrivacyPolicyURL string `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*AccountAuthorizationForm) CRC ¶
func (*AccountAuthorizationForm) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountAuthorizationForm) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountAuthorizationForm) FlagIndex() int
type AccountAuthorizations ¶
type AccountAuthorizations struct { AuthorizationTtlDays int32 Authorizations []*Authorization }
func (*AccountAuthorizations) CRC ¶
func (*AccountAuthorizations) CRC() uint32
type AccountAutoDownloadSettings ¶
type AccountAutoDownloadSettings struct { Low *AutoDownloadSettings Medium *AutoDownloadSettings High *AutoDownloadSettings }
func (*AccountAutoDownloadSettings) CRC ¶
func (*AccountAutoDownloadSettings) CRC() uint32
type AccountAutoSaveSettings ¶
type AccountAutoSaveSettings struct { UsersSettings *AutoSaveSettings ChatsSettings *AutoSaveSettings BroadcastsSettings *AutoSaveSettings Exceptions []*AutoSaveException Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*AccountAutoSaveSettings) CRC ¶
func (*AccountAutoSaveSettings) CRC() uint32
type AccountCancelPasswordEmailParams ¶
type AccountCancelPasswordEmailParams struct{}
func (*AccountCancelPasswordEmailParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountCancelPasswordEmailParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountChangeAuthorizationSettingsParams ¶
type AccountChangeAuthorizationSettingsParams struct { Confirmed bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Hash int64 EncryptedRequestsDisabled bool `tl:"flag:0"` CallRequestsDisabled bool `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*AccountChangeAuthorizationSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountChangeAuthorizationSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountChangeAuthorizationSettingsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountChangeAuthorizationSettingsParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountChangePhoneParams ¶
func (*AccountChangePhoneParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountChangePhoneParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountCheckUsernameParams ¶
type AccountCheckUsernameParams struct {
Username string
func (*AccountCheckUsernameParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountCheckUsernameParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountClearRecentEmojiStatusesParams ¶
type AccountClearRecentEmojiStatusesParams struct{}
func (*AccountClearRecentEmojiStatusesParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountClearRecentEmojiStatusesParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountConfirmPasswordEmailParams ¶
type AccountConfirmPasswordEmailParams struct {
Code string
func (*AccountConfirmPasswordEmailParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountConfirmPasswordEmailParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountConfirmPhoneParams ¶
func (*AccountConfirmPhoneParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountConfirmPhoneParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountContentSettings ¶
type AccountContentSettings struct { SensitiveEnabled bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` SensitiveCanChange bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` }
func (*AccountContentSettings) CRC ¶
func (*AccountContentSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountContentSettings) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountContentSettings) FlagIndex() int
type AccountCreateThemeParams ¶
type AccountCreateThemeParams struct { Slug string Title string Document InputDocument `tl:"flag:2"` Settings []*InputThemeSettings `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*AccountCreateThemeParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountCreateThemeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountCreateThemeParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountCreateThemeParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountDaysTtl ¶
type AccountDaysTtl struct {
Days int32
func (*AccountDaysTtl) CRC ¶
func (*AccountDaysTtl) CRC() uint32
type AccountDeclinePasswordResetParams ¶
type AccountDeclinePasswordResetParams struct{}
func (*AccountDeclinePasswordResetParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountDeclinePasswordResetParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountDeleteAccountParams ¶
type AccountDeleteAccountParams struct { Reason string Password InputCheckPasswordSRP `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*AccountDeleteAccountParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountDeleteAccountParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountDeleteAccountParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountDeleteAccountParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountDeleteAutoSaveExceptionsParams ¶
type AccountDeleteAutoSaveExceptionsParams struct{}
func (*AccountDeleteAutoSaveExceptionsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountDeleteAutoSaveExceptionsParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountDeleteSecureValueParams ¶
type AccountDeleteSecureValueParams struct {
Types []SecureValueType
func (*AccountDeleteSecureValueParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountDeleteSecureValueParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountEmailVerified ¶
type AccountEmailVerifiedLogin ¶
type AccountEmailVerifiedLogin struct { Email string SentCode AuthSentCode }
func (*AccountEmailVerifiedLogin) CRC ¶
func (*AccountEmailVerifiedLogin) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountEmailVerifiedLogin) ImplementsAccountEmailVerified ¶
func (*AccountEmailVerifiedLogin) ImplementsAccountEmailVerified()
type AccountEmailVerifiedObj ¶
type AccountEmailVerifiedObj struct {
Email string
func (*AccountEmailVerifiedObj) CRC ¶
func (*AccountEmailVerifiedObj) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountEmailVerifiedObj) ImplementsAccountEmailVerified ¶
func (*AccountEmailVerifiedObj) ImplementsAccountEmailVerified()
type AccountEmojiStatuses ¶
type AccountEmojiStatusesNotModified ¶
type AccountEmojiStatusesNotModified struct{}
func (*AccountEmojiStatusesNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*AccountEmojiStatusesNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountEmojiStatusesNotModified) ImplementsAccountEmojiStatuses ¶
func (*AccountEmojiStatusesNotModified) ImplementsAccountEmojiStatuses()
type AccountEmojiStatusesObj ¶
type AccountEmojiStatusesObj struct { Hash int64 Statuses []EmojiStatus }
func (*AccountEmojiStatusesObj) CRC ¶
func (*AccountEmojiStatusesObj) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountEmojiStatusesObj) ImplementsAccountEmojiStatuses ¶
func (*AccountEmojiStatusesObj) ImplementsAccountEmojiStatuses()
type AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams ¶
type AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams struct {
Success bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"`
func (*AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountGetAccountTtlParams ¶
type AccountGetAccountTtlParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetAccountTtlParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetAccountTtlParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetAllSecureValuesParams ¶
type AccountGetAllSecureValuesParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetAllSecureValuesParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetAllSecureValuesParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetAuthorizationFormParams ¶
func (*AccountGetAuthorizationFormParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetAuthorizationFormParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetAuthorizationsParams ¶
type AccountGetAuthorizationsParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetAuthorizationsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetAuthorizationsParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetAutoDownloadSettingsParams ¶
type AccountGetAutoDownloadSettingsParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetAutoDownloadSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetAutoDownloadSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetAutoSaveSettingsParams ¶
type AccountGetAutoSaveSettingsParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetAutoSaveSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetAutoSaveSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetChannelDefaultEmojiStatusesParams ¶
type AccountGetChannelDefaultEmojiStatusesParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*AccountGetChannelDefaultEmojiStatusesParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetChannelDefaultEmojiStatusesParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetChannelRestrictedStatusEmojisParams ¶
type AccountGetChannelRestrictedStatusEmojisParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*AccountGetChannelRestrictedStatusEmojisParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetChannelRestrictedStatusEmojisParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetChatThemesParams ¶
type AccountGetChatThemesParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*AccountGetChatThemesParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetChatThemesParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetContactSignUpNotificationParams ¶
type AccountGetContactSignUpNotificationParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetContactSignUpNotificationParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetContactSignUpNotificationParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetContentSettingsParams ¶
type AccountGetContentSettingsParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetContentSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetContentSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetDefaultBackgroundEmojisParams ¶
type AccountGetDefaultBackgroundEmojisParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*AccountGetDefaultBackgroundEmojisParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetDefaultBackgroundEmojisParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetDefaultEmojiStatusesParams ¶
type AccountGetDefaultEmojiStatusesParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*AccountGetDefaultEmojiStatusesParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetDefaultEmojiStatusesParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetDefaultGroupPhotoEmojisParams ¶
type AccountGetDefaultGroupPhotoEmojisParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*AccountGetDefaultGroupPhotoEmojisParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetDefaultGroupPhotoEmojisParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetDefaultProfilePhotoEmojisParams ¶
type AccountGetDefaultProfilePhotoEmojisParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*AccountGetDefaultProfilePhotoEmojisParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetDefaultProfilePhotoEmojisParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams ¶
type AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetMultiWallPapersParams ¶
type AccountGetMultiWallPapersParams struct {
Wallpapers []InputWallPaper
func (*AccountGetMultiWallPapersParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetMultiWallPapersParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams ¶
type AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams struct { CompareSound bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` CompareStories bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputNotifyPeer `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountGetNotifySettingsParams ¶
type AccountGetNotifySettingsParams struct {
Peer InputNotifyPeer
func (*AccountGetNotifySettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetNotifySettingsParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetPasswordParams ¶
type AccountGetPasswordParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetPasswordParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetPasswordParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetPasswordSettingsParams ¶
type AccountGetPasswordSettingsParams struct {
Password InputCheckPasswordSRP
func (*AccountGetPasswordSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetPasswordSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetPrivacyParams ¶
type AccountGetPrivacyParams struct {
Key InputPrivacyKey
func (*AccountGetPrivacyParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetPrivacyParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetRecentEmojiStatusesParams ¶
type AccountGetRecentEmojiStatusesParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*AccountGetRecentEmojiStatusesParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetRecentEmojiStatusesParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetSavedRingtonesParams ¶
type AccountGetSavedRingtonesParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*AccountGetSavedRingtonesParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetSavedRingtonesParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetSecureValueParams ¶
type AccountGetSecureValueParams struct {
Types []SecureValueType
func (*AccountGetSecureValueParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetSecureValueParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetThemeParams ¶
type AccountGetThemeParams struct { Format string Theme InputTheme }
func (*AccountGetThemeParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetThemeParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetThemesParams ¶
func (*AccountGetThemesParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetThemesParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetTmpPasswordParams ¶
type AccountGetTmpPasswordParams struct { Password InputCheckPasswordSRP Period int32 }
func (*AccountGetTmpPasswordParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetTmpPasswordParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetWallPaperParams ¶
type AccountGetWallPaperParams struct {
Wallpaper InputWallPaper
func (*AccountGetWallPaperParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetWallPaperParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetWallPapersParams ¶
type AccountGetWallPapersParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*AccountGetWallPapersParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetWallPapersParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountGetWebAuthorizationsParams ¶
type AccountGetWebAuthorizationsParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetWebAuthorizationsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountGetWebAuthorizationsParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams ¶
type AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams struct { Contacts bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` MessageUsers bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` MessageChats bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` MessageMegagroups bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` MessageChannels bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Files bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` FileMaxSize int64 `tl:"flag:5"` }
func (*AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountInstallThemeParams ¶
type AccountInstallThemeParams struct { Dark bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Theme InputTheme `tl:"flag:1"` Format string `tl:"flag:2"` BaseTheme BaseTheme `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*AccountInstallThemeParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountInstallThemeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountInstallThemeParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountInstallThemeParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountInstallWallPaperParams ¶
type AccountInstallWallPaperParams struct { Wallpaper InputWallPaper Settings *WallPaperSettings }
func (*AccountInstallWallPaperParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountInstallWallPaperParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountInvalidateSignInCodesParams ¶
type AccountInvalidateSignInCodesParams struct {
Codes []string
func (*AccountInvalidateSignInCodesParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountInvalidateSignInCodesParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountPassword ¶
type AccountPassword struct { HasRecovery bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasSecureValues bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasPassword bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` CurrentAlgo PasswordKdfAlgo `tl:"flag:2"` SRPB []byte `tl:"flag:2"` SRPID int64 `tl:"flag:2"` Hint string `tl:"flag:3"` EmailUnconfirmedPattern string `tl:"flag:4"` NewAlgo PasswordKdfAlgo NewSecureAlgo SecurePasswordKdfAlgo SecureRandom []byte PendingResetDate int32 `tl:"flag:5"` LoginEmailPattern string `tl:"flag:6"` }
func (*AccountPassword) CRC ¶
func (*AccountPassword) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountPassword) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountPassword) FlagIndex() int
type AccountPasswordInputSettings ¶
type AccountPasswordInputSettings struct { NewAlgo PasswordKdfAlgo `tl:"flag:0"` NewPasswordHash []byte `tl:"flag:0"` Hint string `tl:"flag:0"` Email string `tl:"flag:1"` NewSecureSettings *SecureSecretSettings `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*AccountPasswordInputSettings) CRC ¶
func (*AccountPasswordInputSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountPasswordInputSettings) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountPasswordInputSettings) FlagIndex() int
type AccountPasswordSettings ¶
type AccountPasswordSettings struct { Email string `tl:"flag:0"` SecureSettings *SecureSecretSettings `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*AccountPasswordSettings) CRC ¶
func (*AccountPasswordSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountPasswordSettings) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountPasswordSettings) FlagIndex() int
type AccountPrivacyRules ¶
type AccountPrivacyRules struct { Rules []PrivacyRule Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*AccountPrivacyRules) CRC ¶
func (*AccountPrivacyRules) CRC() uint32
type AccountRegisterDeviceParams ¶
type AccountRegisterDeviceParams struct { NoMuted bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` TokenType int32 Token string AppSandbox bool Secret []byte OtherUids []int64 }
func (*AccountRegisterDeviceParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountRegisterDeviceParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountRegisterDeviceParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountRegisterDeviceParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountReorderUsernamesParams ¶
type AccountReorderUsernamesParams struct {
Order []string
func (*AccountReorderUsernamesParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountReorderUsernamesParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountReportPeerParams ¶
type AccountReportPeerParams struct { Peer InputPeer Reason ReportReason Message string }
func (*AccountReportPeerParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountReportPeerParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountReportProfilePhotoParams ¶
type AccountReportProfilePhotoParams struct { Peer InputPeer PhotoID InputPhoto Reason ReportReason Message string }
func (*AccountReportProfilePhotoParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountReportProfilePhotoParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountResendPasswordEmailParams ¶
type AccountResendPasswordEmailParams struct{}
func (*AccountResendPasswordEmailParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountResendPasswordEmailParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountResetAuthorizationParams ¶
type AccountResetAuthorizationParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*AccountResetAuthorizationParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountResetAuthorizationParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountResetNotifySettingsParams ¶
type AccountResetNotifySettingsParams struct{}
func (*AccountResetNotifySettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountResetNotifySettingsParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountResetPasswordFailedWait ¶
type AccountResetPasswordFailedWait struct {
RetryDate int32
func (*AccountResetPasswordFailedWait) CRC ¶
func (*AccountResetPasswordFailedWait) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountResetPasswordFailedWait) ImplementsAccountResetPasswordResult ¶
func (*AccountResetPasswordFailedWait) ImplementsAccountResetPasswordResult()
type AccountResetPasswordOk ¶
type AccountResetPasswordOk struct{}
func (*AccountResetPasswordOk) CRC ¶
func (*AccountResetPasswordOk) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountResetPasswordOk) ImplementsAccountResetPasswordResult ¶
func (*AccountResetPasswordOk) ImplementsAccountResetPasswordResult()
type AccountResetPasswordParams ¶
type AccountResetPasswordParams struct{}
func (*AccountResetPasswordParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountResetPasswordParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountResetPasswordRequestedWait ¶
type AccountResetPasswordRequestedWait struct {
UntilDate int32
func (*AccountResetPasswordRequestedWait) CRC ¶
func (*AccountResetPasswordRequestedWait) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountResetPasswordRequestedWait) ImplementsAccountResetPasswordResult ¶
func (*AccountResetPasswordRequestedWait) ImplementsAccountResetPasswordResult()
type AccountResetWallPapersParams ¶
type AccountResetWallPapersParams struct{}
func (*AccountResetWallPapersParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountResetWallPapersParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountResetWebAuthorizationParams ¶
type AccountResetWebAuthorizationParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*AccountResetWebAuthorizationParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountResetWebAuthorizationParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountResetWebAuthorizationsParams ¶
type AccountResetWebAuthorizationsParams struct{}
func (*AccountResetWebAuthorizationsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountResetWebAuthorizationsParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams ¶
type AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams struct { Low bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` High bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Settings *AutoDownloadSettings }
func (*AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountSaveAutoSaveSettingsParams ¶
type AccountSaveAutoSaveSettingsParams struct { Users bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Chats bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Broadcasts bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer `tl:"flag:3"` Settings *AutoSaveSettings }
func (*AccountSaveAutoSaveSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSaveAutoSaveSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSaveAutoSaveSettingsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountSaveAutoSaveSettingsParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountSaveRingtoneParams ¶
type AccountSaveRingtoneParams struct { ID InputDocument Unsave bool }
func (*AccountSaveRingtoneParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSaveRingtoneParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountSaveSecureValueParams ¶
type AccountSaveSecureValueParams struct { Value *InputSecureValue SecureSecretID int64 }
func (*AccountSaveSecureValueParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSaveSecureValueParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountSaveThemeParams ¶
type AccountSaveThemeParams struct { Theme InputTheme Unsave bool }
func (*AccountSaveThemeParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSaveThemeParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountSaveWallPaperParams ¶
type AccountSaveWallPaperParams struct { Wallpaper InputWallPaper Unsave bool Settings *WallPaperSettings }
func (*AccountSaveWallPaperParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSaveWallPaperParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountSavedRingtone ¶
type AccountSavedRingtoneConverted ¶
type AccountSavedRingtoneConverted struct {
Document Document
func (*AccountSavedRingtoneConverted) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSavedRingtoneConverted) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSavedRingtoneConverted) ImplementsAccountSavedRingtone ¶
func (*AccountSavedRingtoneConverted) ImplementsAccountSavedRingtone()
type AccountSavedRingtoneObj ¶
type AccountSavedRingtoneObj struct{}
func (*AccountSavedRingtoneObj) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSavedRingtoneObj) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSavedRingtoneObj) ImplementsAccountSavedRingtone ¶
func (*AccountSavedRingtoneObj) ImplementsAccountSavedRingtone()
type AccountSavedRingtones ¶
type AccountSavedRingtonesNotModified ¶
type AccountSavedRingtonesNotModified struct{}
func (*AccountSavedRingtonesNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSavedRingtonesNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSavedRingtonesNotModified) ImplementsAccountSavedRingtones ¶
func (*AccountSavedRingtonesNotModified) ImplementsAccountSavedRingtones()
type AccountSavedRingtonesObj ¶
func (*AccountSavedRingtonesObj) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSavedRingtonesObj) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSavedRingtonesObj) ImplementsAccountSavedRingtones ¶
func (*AccountSavedRingtonesObj) ImplementsAccountSavedRingtones()
type AccountSendChangePhoneCodeParams ¶
type AccountSendChangePhoneCodeParams struct { PhoneNumber string Settings *CodeSettings }
func (*AccountSendChangePhoneCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSendChangePhoneCodeParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountSendConfirmPhoneCodeParams ¶
type AccountSendConfirmPhoneCodeParams struct { Hash string Settings *CodeSettings }
func (*AccountSendConfirmPhoneCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSendConfirmPhoneCodeParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountSendVerifyEmailCodeParams ¶
type AccountSendVerifyEmailCodeParams struct { Purpose EmailVerifyPurpose Email string }
func (*AccountSendVerifyEmailCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSendVerifyEmailCodeParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountSendVerifyPhoneCodeParams ¶
type AccountSendVerifyPhoneCodeParams struct { PhoneNumber string Settings *CodeSettings }
func (*AccountSendVerifyPhoneCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSendVerifyPhoneCodeParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountSentEmailCode ¶
func (*AccountSentEmailCode) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSentEmailCode) CRC() uint32
type AccountSetAccountTtlParams ¶
type AccountSetAccountTtlParams struct {
Ttl *AccountDaysTtl
func (*AccountSetAccountTtlParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSetAccountTtlParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountSetAuthorizationTtlParams ¶
type AccountSetAuthorizationTtlParams struct {
AuthorizationTtlDays int32
func (*AccountSetAuthorizationTtlParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSetAuthorizationTtlParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountSetContactSignUpNotificationParams ¶
type AccountSetContactSignUpNotificationParams struct {
Silent bool
func (*AccountSetContactSignUpNotificationParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSetContactSignUpNotificationParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountSetContentSettingsParams ¶
type AccountSetContentSettingsParams struct {
SensitiveEnabled bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"`
func (*AccountSetContentSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSetContentSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSetContentSettingsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountSetContentSettingsParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams ¶
type AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams struct {
Settings *GlobalPrivacySettings
func (*AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountSetPrivacyParams ¶
type AccountSetPrivacyParams struct { Key InputPrivacyKey Rules []InputPrivacyRule }
func (*AccountSetPrivacyParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountSetPrivacyParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountTakeout ¶
type AccountTakeout struct {
ID int64
func (*AccountTakeout) CRC ¶
func (*AccountTakeout) CRC() uint32
type AccountThemes ¶
type AccountThemesNotModified ¶
type AccountThemesNotModified struct{}
func (*AccountThemesNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*AccountThemesNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountThemesNotModified) ImplementsAccountThemes ¶
func (*AccountThemesNotModified) ImplementsAccountThemes()
type AccountThemesObj ¶
func (*AccountThemesObj) CRC ¶
func (*AccountThemesObj) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountThemesObj) ImplementsAccountThemes ¶
func (*AccountThemesObj) ImplementsAccountThemes()
type AccountTmpPassword ¶
func (*AccountTmpPassword) CRC ¶
func (*AccountTmpPassword) CRC() uint32
type AccountToggleUsernameParams ¶
func (*AccountToggleUsernameParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountToggleUsernameParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountUnregisterDeviceParams ¶
func (*AccountUnregisterDeviceParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountUnregisterDeviceParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountUpdateColorParams ¶
type AccountUpdateColorParams struct { ForProfile bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Color int32 `tl:"flag:2"` BackgroundEmojiID int64 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*AccountUpdateColorParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountUpdateColorParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountUpdateColorParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountUpdateColorParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountUpdateDeviceLockedParams ¶
type AccountUpdateDeviceLockedParams struct {
Period int32
func (*AccountUpdateDeviceLockedParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountUpdateDeviceLockedParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountUpdateEmojiStatusParams ¶
type AccountUpdateEmojiStatusParams struct {
EmojiStatus EmojiStatus
func (*AccountUpdateEmojiStatusParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountUpdateEmojiStatusParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountUpdateNotifySettingsParams ¶
type AccountUpdateNotifySettingsParams struct { Peer InputNotifyPeer Settings *InputPeerNotifySettings }
func (*AccountUpdateNotifySettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountUpdateNotifySettingsParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountUpdatePasswordSettingsParams ¶
type AccountUpdatePasswordSettingsParams struct { Password InputCheckPasswordSRP NewSettings *AccountPasswordInputSettings }
func (*AccountUpdatePasswordSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountUpdatePasswordSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountUpdateProfileParams ¶
type AccountUpdateProfileParams struct { FirstName string `tl:"flag:0"` LastName string `tl:"flag:1"` About string `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*AccountUpdateProfileParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountUpdateProfileParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountUpdateProfileParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountUpdateProfileParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountUpdateStatusParams ¶
type AccountUpdateStatusParams struct {
Offline bool
func (*AccountUpdateStatusParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountUpdateStatusParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountUpdateThemeParams ¶
type AccountUpdateThemeParams struct { Format string Theme InputTheme Slug string `tl:"flag:0"` Title string `tl:"flag:1"` Document InputDocument `tl:"flag:2"` Settings []*InputThemeSettings `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*AccountUpdateThemeParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountUpdateThemeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountUpdateThemeParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountUpdateThemeParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountUpdateUsernameParams ¶
type AccountUpdateUsernameParams struct {
Username string
func (*AccountUpdateUsernameParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountUpdateUsernameParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountUploadRingtoneParams ¶
func (*AccountUploadRingtoneParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountUploadRingtoneParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountUploadThemeParams ¶
type AccountUploadThemeParams struct { File InputFile Thumb InputFile `tl:"flag:0"` FileName string MimeType string }
func (*AccountUploadThemeParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountUploadThemeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountUploadThemeParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountUploadThemeParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountUploadWallPaperParams ¶
type AccountUploadWallPaperParams struct { ForChat bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` File InputFile MimeType string Settings *WallPaperSettings }
func (*AccountUploadWallPaperParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountUploadWallPaperParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountUploadWallPaperParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AccountUploadWallPaperParams) FlagIndex() int
type AccountVerifyEmailParams ¶
type AccountVerifyEmailParams struct { Purpose EmailVerifyPurpose Verification EmailVerification }
func (*AccountVerifyEmailParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountVerifyEmailParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountVerifyPhoneParams ¶
func (*AccountVerifyPhoneParams) CRC ¶
func (*AccountVerifyPhoneParams) CRC() uint32
type AccountWallPapers ¶
type AccountWallPapersNotModified ¶
type AccountWallPapersNotModified struct{}
func (*AccountWallPapersNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*AccountWallPapersNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountWallPapersNotModified) ImplementsAccountWallPapers ¶
func (*AccountWallPapersNotModified) ImplementsAccountWallPapers()
type AccountWallPapersObj ¶
func (*AccountWallPapersObj) CRC ¶
func (*AccountWallPapersObj) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountWallPapersObj) ImplementsAccountWallPapers ¶
func (*AccountWallPapersObj) ImplementsAccountWallPapers()
type AccountWebAuthorizations ¶
type AccountWebAuthorizations struct { Authorizations []*WebAuthorization Users []User }
func (*AccountWebAuthorizations) CRC ¶
func (*AccountWebAuthorizations) CRC() uint32
type ActionResult ¶
type ActionResult struct { Peer InputPeer `json:"peer,omitempty"` Client *Client `json:"client,omitempty"` }
func (*ActionResult) Cancel ¶
func (a *ActionResult) Cancel() bool
Cancel the pointed Action, Returns true if the action was cancelled
type AdminOptions ¶
type AdminOptions struct { IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin,omitempty"` Rights *ChatAdminRights `json:"rights,omitempty"` Rank string `json:"rank,omitempty"` }
type Album ¶
type Album struct { Client *Client GroupedID int64 Messages []*NewMessage }
Album Type for MediaGroup
func (*Album) Delete ¶
func (a *Album) Delete() (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
func (*Album) Edit ¶
func (a *Album) Edit(Text interface{}, Opts ...SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*Album) ForwardTo ¶
func (a *Album) ForwardTo(PeerID interface{}, Opts ...*ForwardOptions) ([]NewMessage, error)
func (*Album) GetReplyMessage ¶
func (a *Album) GetReplyMessage() (*NewMessage, error)
func (*Album) Pin ¶
func (a *Album) Pin(Opts ...*PinOptions) error
func (*Album) Reply ¶
func (a *Album) Reply(Text interface{}, Opts ...SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*Album) ReplyMedia ¶
func (a *Album) ReplyMedia(Media interface{}, Opts ...MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*Album) Respond ¶
func (a *Album) Respond(Text interface{}, Opts ...SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*Album) RespondMedia ¶
func (a *Album) RespondMedia(Media interface{}, Opts ...MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
type AppWebViewResultURL ¶
type AppWebViewResultURL struct {
URL string
func (*AppWebViewResultURL) CRC ¶
func (*AppWebViewResultURL) CRC() uint32
type ArticleOptions ¶
type ArticleOptions struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` ExcludeMedia bool `json:"exclude_media,omitempty"` Thumb InputWebDocument `json:"thumb,omitempty"` Content InputWebDocument `json:"content,omitempty"` LinkPreview bool `json:"link_preview,omitempty"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup,omitempty"` Entities []MessageEntity `json:"entities,omitempty"` ParseMode string `json:"parse_mode,omitempty"` Caption string `json:"caption,omitempty"` Venue *InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue `json:"venue,omitempty"` Location *InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo `json:"location,omitempty"` Contact *InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact `json:"contact,omitempty"` Invoice *InputBotInlineMessageMediaInvoice `json:"invoice,omitempty"` }
type AttachMenuBot ¶
type AttachMenuBot struct { Inactive bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasSettings bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` RequestWriteAccess bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` ShowInAttachMenu bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` ShowInSideMenu bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` SideMenuDisclaimerNeeded bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` BotID int64 ShortName string PeerTypes []AttachMenuPeerType `tl:"flag:3"` Icons []*AttachMenuBotIcon }
func (*AttachMenuBot) CRC ¶
func (*AttachMenuBot) CRC() uint32
func (*AttachMenuBot) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AttachMenuBot) FlagIndex() int
type AttachMenuBotIcon ¶
type AttachMenuBotIcon struct { Name string Icon Document Colors []*AttachMenuBotIconColor `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*AttachMenuBotIcon) CRC ¶
func (*AttachMenuBotIcon) CRC() uint32
func (*AttachMenuBotIcon) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AttachMenuBotIcon) FlagIndex() int
type AttachMenuBotIconColor ¶
func (*AttachMenuBotIconColor) CRC ¶
func (*AttachMenuBotIconColor) CRC() uint32
type AttachMenuBots ¶
type AttachMenuBotsBot ¶
type AttachMenuBotsBot struct { Bot *AttachMenuBot Users []User }
func (*AttachMenuBotsBot) CRC ¶
func (*AttachMenuBotsBot) CRC() uint32
type AttachMenuBotsNotModified ¶
type AttachMenuBotsNotModified struct{}
func (*AttachMenuBotsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*AttachMenuBotsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*AttachMenuBotsNotModified) ImplementsAttachMenuBots ¶
func (*AttachMenuBotsNotModified) ImplementsAttachMenuBots()
type AttachMenuBotsObj ¶
type AttachMenuBotsObj struct { Hash int64 Bots []*AttachMenuBot Users []User }
func (*AttachMenuBotsObj) CRC ¶
func (*AttachMenuBotsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*AttachMenuBotsObj) ImplementsAttachMenuBots ¶
func (*AttachMenuBotsObj) ImplementsAttachMenuBots()
type AttachMenuPeerType ¶
type AttachMenuPeerType uint32
const ( AttachMenuPeerTypeBotPm AttachMenuPeerType = 0xc32bfa1a AttachMenuPeerTypeBroadcast AttachMenuPeerType = 0x7bfbdefc AttachMenuPeerTypeChat AttachMenuPeerType = 0x509113f AttachMenuPeerTypePm AttachMenuPeerType = 0xf146d31f AttachMenuPeerTypeSameBotPm AttachMenuPeerType = 0x7d6be90e )
func (AttachMenuPeerType) CRC ¶
func (e AttachMenuPeerType) CRC() uint32
func (AttachMenuPeerType) String ¶
func (e AttachMenuPeerType) String() string
type AuthAcceptLoginTokenParams ¶
type AuthAcceptLoginTokenParams struct {
Token []byte
func (*AuthAcceptLoginTokenParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthAcceptLoginTokenParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthAuthorization ¶
type AuthAuthorizationObj ¶
type AuthAuthorizationObj struct { SetupPasswordRequired bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` OtherwiseReloginDays int32 `tl:"flag:1"` TmpSessions int32 `tl:"flag:0"` FutureAuthToken []byte `tl:"flag:2"` User User }
func (*AuthAuthorizationObj) CRC ¶
func (*AuthAuthorizationObj) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthAuthorizationObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AuthAuthorizationObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*AuthAuthorizationObj) ImplementsAuthAuthorization ¶
func (*AuthAuthorizationObj) ImplementsAuthAuthorization()
type AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired ¶
type AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired struct {
TermsOfService *HelpTermsOfService `tl:"flag:0"`
func (*AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired) CRC ¶
func (*AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired) FlagIndex() int
func (*AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired) ImplementsAuthAuthorization ¶
func (*AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired) ImplementsAuthAuthorization()
type AuthBindTempAuthKeyParams ¶
type AuthBindTempAuthKeyParams struct { PermAuthKeyID int64 Nonce int64 ExpiresAt int32 EncryptedMessage []byte }
func (*AuthBindTempAuthKeyParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthBindTempAuthKeyParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthCancelCodeParams ¶
func (*AuthCancelCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthCancelCodeParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthCheckPasswordParams ¶
type AuthCheckPasswordParams struct {
Password InputCheckPasswordSRP
func (*AuthCheckPasswordParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthCheckPasswordParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthCheckRecoveryPasswordParams ¶
type AuthCheckRecoveryPasswordParams struct {
Code string
func (*AuthCheckRecoveryPasswordParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthCheckRecoveryPasswordParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthCodeType ¶
type AuthCodeType uint32
const ( AuthCodeTypeCall AuthCodeType = 0x741cd3e3 AuthCodeTypeFlashCall AuthCodeType = 0x226ccefb AuthCodeTypeFragmentSms AuthCodeType = 0x6ed998c AuthCodeTypeMissedCall AuthCodeType = 0xd61ad6ee AuthCodeTypeSms AuthCodeType = 0x72a3158c )
func (AuthCodeType) CRC ¶
func (e AuthCodeType) CRC() uint32
func (AuthCodeType) String ¶
func (e AuthCodeType) String() string
type AuthDropTempAuthKeysParams ¶
type AuthDropTempAuthKeysParams struct {
ExceptAuthKeys []int64
func (*AuthDropTempAuthKeysParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthDropTempAuthKeysParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthExportAuthorizationParams ¶
type AuthExportAuthorizationParams struct {
DcID int32
func (*AuthExportAuthorizationParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthExportAuthorizationParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthExportLoginTokenParams ¶
func (*AuthExportLoginTokenParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthExportLoginTokenParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthExportedAuthorization ¶
func (*AuthExportedAuthorization) CRC ¶
func (*AuthExportedAuthorization) CRC() uint32
type AuthImportAuthorizationParams ¶
func (*AuthImportAuthorizationParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthImportAuthorizationParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthImportBotAuthorizationParams ¶
type AuthImportBotAuthorizationParams struct { Flags int32 APIID int32 APIHash string BotAuthToken string }
func (*AuthImportBotAuthorizationParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthImportBotAuthorizationParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthImportLoginTokenParams ¶
type AuthImportLoginTokenParams struct {
Token []byte
func (*AuthImportLoginTokenParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthImportLoginTokenParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthImportWebTokenAuthorizationParams ¶
type AuthImportWebTokenAuthorizationParams struct { APIID int32 APIHash string WebAuthToken string }
func (*AuthImportWebTokenAuthorizationParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthImportWebTokenAuthorizationParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthLogOutParams ¶
type AuthLogOutParams struct{}
func (*AuthLogOutParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthLogOutParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthLoggedOut ¶
type AuthLoggedOut struct {
FutureAuthToken []byte `tl:"flag:0"`
func (*AuthLoggedOut) CRC ¶
func (*AuthLoggedOut) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthLoggedOut) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AuthLoggedOut) FlagIndex() int
type AuthLoginToken ¶
type AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo) CRC ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo) ImplementsAuthLoginToken ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo) ImplementsAuthLoginToken()
type AuthLoginTokenObj ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenObj) CRC ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenObj) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthLoginTokenObj) ImplementsAuthLoginToken ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenObj) ImplementsAuthLoginToken()
type AuthLoginTokenSuccess ¶
type AuthLoginTokenSuccess struct {
Authorization AuthAuthorization
func (*AuthLoginTokenSuccess) CRC ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenSuccess) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthLoginTokenSuccess) ImplementsAuthLoginToken ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenSuccess) ImplementsAuthLoginToken()
type AuthPasswordRecovery ¶
type AuthPasswordRecovery struct {
EmailPattern string
func (*AuthPasswordRecovery) CRC ¶
func (*AuthPasswordRecovery) CRC() uint32
type AuthRecoverPasswordParams ¶
type AuthRecoverPasswordParams struct { Code string NewSettings *AccountPasswordInputSettings `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*AuthRecoverPasswordParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthRecoverPasswordParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthRecoverPasswordParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AuthRecoverPasswordParams) FlagIndex() int
type AuthRequestFirebaseSmsParams ¶
type AuthRequestFirebaseSmsParams struct { PhoneNumber string PhoneCodeHash string SafetyNetToken string `tl:"flag:0"` IosPushSecret string `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*AuthRequestFirebaseSmsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthRequestFirebaseSmsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthRequestFirebaseSmsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AuthRequestFirebaseSmsParams) FlagIndex() int
type AuthRequestPasswordRecoveryParams ¶
type AuthRequestPasswordRecoveryParams struct{}
func (*AuthRequestPasswordRecoveryParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthRequestPasswordRecoveryParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthResendCodeParams ¶
func (*AuthResendCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthResendCodeParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthResetAuthorizationsParams ¶
type AuthResetAuthorizationsParams struct{}
func (*AuthResetAuthorizationsParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthResetAuthorizationsParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthResetLoginEmailParams ¶
func (*AuthResetLoginEmailParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthResetLoginEmailParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthSendCodeParams ¶
type AuthSendCodeParams struct { PhoneNumber string APIID int32 APIHash string Settings *CodeSettings }
func (*AuthSendCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSendCodeParams) CRC() uint32
type AuthSentCode ¶
type AuthSentCodeObj ¶
type AuthSentCodeObj struct { Type AuthSentCodeType PhoneCodeHash string NextType AuthCodeType `tl:"flag:1"` Timeout int32 `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*AuthSentCodeObj) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeObj) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCodeObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*AuthSentCodeObj) ImplementsAuthSentCode ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeObj) ImplementsAuthSentCode()
type AuthSentCodeSuccess ¶
type AuthSentCodeSuccess struct {
Authorization AuthAuthorization
func (*AuthSentCodeSuccess) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeSuccess) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCodeSuccess) ImplementsAuthSentCode ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeSuccess) ImplementsAuthSentCode()
type AuthSentCodeType ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeApp ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeApp struct {
Length int32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeApp) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeApp) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeApp) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeApp) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType()
type AuthSentCodeTypeCall ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeCall struct {
Length int32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeCall) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeCall) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeCall) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeCall) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType()
type AuthSentCodeTypeEmailCode ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeEmailCode struct { AppleSigninAllowed bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` GoogleSigninAllowed bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` EmailPattern string Length int32 ResetAvailablePeriod int32 `tl:"flag:3"` ResetPendingDate int32 `tl:"flag:4"` }
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeEmailCode) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeEmailCode) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeEmailCode) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeEmailCode) FlagIndex() int
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeEmailCode) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeEmailCode) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType()
type AuthSentCodeTypeFirebaseSms ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeFirebaseSms struct { Nonce []byte `tl:"flag:0"` Receipt string `tl:"flag:1"` PushTimeout int32 `tl:"flag:1"` Length int32 }
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFirebaseSms) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFirebaseSms) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFirebaseSms) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFirebaseSms) FlagIndex() int
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFirebaseSms) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFirebaseSms) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType()
type AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall struct {
Pattern string
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType()
type AuthSentCodeTypeFragmentSms ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFragmentSms) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFragmentSms) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFragmentSms) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFragmentSms) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType()
type AuthSentCodeTypeMissedCall ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeMissedCall) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeMissedCall) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeMissedCall) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeMissedCall) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType()
type AuthSentCodeTypeSetUpEmailRequired ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeSetUpEmailRequired struct { AppleSigninAllowed bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` GoogleSigninAllowed bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` }
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeSetUpEmailRequired) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeSetUpEmailRequired) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeSetUpEmailRequired) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeSetUpEmailRequired) FlagIndex() int
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeSetUpEmailRequired) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeSetUpEmailRequired) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType()
type AuthSentCodeTypeSms ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeSms struct {
Length int32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeSms) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeSms) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeSms) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeSms) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType()
type AuthSignInParams ¶
type AuthSignInParams struct { PhoneNumber string PhoneCodeHash string PhoneCode string `tl:"flag:0"` EmailVerification EmailVerification `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*AuthSignInParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSignInParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSignInParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AuthSignInParams) FlagIndex() int
type AuthSignUpParams ¶
type AuthSignUpParams struct { PhoneNumber string PhoneCodeHash string FirstName string LastName string }
func (*AuthSignUpParams) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSignUpParams) CRC() uint32
type Authorization ¶
type Authorization struct { Current bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` OfficialApp bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` PasswordPending bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` EncryptedRequestsDisabled bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` CallRequestsDisabled bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Unconfirmed bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Hash int64 DeviceModel string Platform string SystemVersion string APIID int32 AppName string AppVersion string DateCreated int32 DateActive int32 Ip string Country string Region string }
func (*Authorization) CRC ¶
func (*Authorization) CRC() uint32
func (*Authorization) FlagIndex ¶
func (*Authorization) FlagIndex() int
type AutoDownloadSettings ¶
type AutoDownloadSettings struct { Disabled bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` VideoPreloadLarge bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` AudioPreloadNext bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhonecallsLessData bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` StoriesPreload bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhotoSizeMax int32 VideoSizeMax int64 FileSizeMax int64 VideoUploadMaxbitrate int32 SmallQueueActiveOperationsMax int32 LargeQueueActiveOperationsMax int32 }
func (*AutoDownloadSettings) CRC ¶
func (*AutoDownloadSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*AutoDownloadSettings) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AutoDownloadSettings) FlagIndex() int
type AutoSaveException ¶
type AutoSaveException struct { Peer Peer Settings *AutoSaveSettings }
func (*AutoSaveException) CRC ¶
func (*AutoSaveException) CRC() uint32
type AutoSaveSettings ¶
type AutoSaveSettings struct { Photos bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Videos bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` VideoMaxSize int64 `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*AutoSaveSettings) CRC ¶
func (*AutoSaveSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*AutoSaveSettings) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AutoSaveSettings) FlagIndex() int
type AvailableReaction ¶
type AvailableReaction struct { Inactive bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Premium bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Reaction string Title string StaticIcon Document AppearAnimation Document SelectAnimation Document ActivateAnimation Document EffectAnimation Document AroundAnimation Document `tl:"flag:1"` CenterIcon Document `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*AvailableReaction) CRC ¶
func (*AvailableReaction) CRC() uint32
func (*AvailableReaction) FlagIndex ¶
func (*AvailableReaction) FlagIndex() int
type BankCardOpenURL ¶
func (*BankCardOpenURL) CRC ¶
func (*BankCardOpenURL) CRC() uint32
type BannedOptions ¶
type Boost ¶
type Boost struct { Gift bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Giveaway bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Unclaimed bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID string UserID int64 `tl:"flag:0"` GiveawayMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:2"` Date int32 Expires int32 UsedGiftSlug string `tl:"flag:4"` Multiplier int32 `tl:"flag:5"` }
type BotAppNotModified ¶
type BotAppNotModified struct{}
func (*BotAppNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*BotAppNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*BotAppNotModified) ImplementsBotApp ¶
func (*BotAppNotModified) ImplementsBotApp()
type BotAppObj ¶
type BotAppObj struct { ID int64 AccessHash int64 ShortName string Title string Description string Photo Photo Document Document `tl:"flag:0"` Hash int64 }
func (*BotAppObj) ImplementsBotApp ¶
func (*BotAppObj) ImplementsBotApp()
type BotCommand ¶
func (*BotCommand) CRC ¶
func (*BotCommand) CRC() uint32
type BotCommandScope ¶
type BotCommandScopeChatAdmins ¶
type BotCommandScopeChatAdmins struct{}
func (*BotCommandScopeChatAdmins) CRC ¶
func (*BotCommandScopeChatAdmins) CRC() uint32
func (*BotCommandScopeChatAdmins) ImplementsBotCommandScope ¶
func (*BotCommandScopeChatAdmins) ImplementsBotCommandScope()
type BotCommandScopeChats ¶
type BotCommandScopeChats struct{}
func (*BotCommandScopeChats) CRC ¶
func (*BotCommandScopeChats) CRC() uint32
func (*BotCommandScopeChats) ImplementsBotCommandScope ¶
func (*BotCommandScopeChats) ImplementsBotCommandScope()
type BotCommandScopeDefault ¶
type BotCommandScopeDefault struct{}
func (*BotCommandScopeDefault) CRC ¶
func (*BotCommandScopeDefault) CRC() uint32
func (*BotCommandScopeDefault) ImplementsBotCommandScope ¶
func (*BotCommandScopeDefault) ImplementsBotCommandScope()
type BotCommandScopePeer ¶
type BotCommandScopePeer struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*BotCommandScopePeer) CRC ¶
func (*BotCommandScopePeer) CRC() uint32
func (*BotCommandScopePeer) ImplementsBotCommandScope ¶
func (*BotCommandScopePeer) ImplementsBotCommandScope()
type BotCommandScopePeerAdmins ¶
type BotCommandScopePeerAdmins struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*BotCommandScopePeerAdmins) CRC ¶
func (*BotCommandScopePeerAdmins) CRC() uint32
func (*BotCommandScopePeerAdmins) ImplementsBotCommandScope ¶
func (*BotCommandScopePeerAdmins) ImplementsBotCommandScope()
type BotCommandScopePeerUser ¶
func (*BotCommandScopePeerUser) CRC ¶
func (*BotCommandScopePeerUser) CRC() uint32
func (*BotCommandScopePeerUser) ImplementsBotCommandScope ¶
func (*BotCommandScopePeerUser) ImplementsBotCommandScope()
type BotCommandScopeUsers ¶
type BotCommandScopeUsers struct{}
func (*BotCommandScopeUsers) CRC ¶
func (*BotCommandScopeUsers) CRC() uint32
func (*BotCommandScopeUsers) ImplementsBotCommandScope ¶
func (*BotCommandScopeUsers) ImplementsBotCommandScope()
type BotInfo ¶
type BotInfo struct { UserID int64 `tl:"flag:0"` Description string `tl:"flag:1"` DescriptionPhoto Photo `tl:"flag:4"` DescriptionDocument Document `tl:"flag:5"` Commands []*BotCommand `tl:"flag:2"` MenuButton BotMenuButton `tl:"flag:3"` }
type BotInlineMediaResult ¶
type BotInlineMediaResult struct { ID string Type string Photo Photo `tl:"flag:0"` Document Document `tl:"flag:1"` Title string `tl:"flag:2"` Description string `tl:"flag:3"` SendMessage BotInlineMessage }
func (*BotInlineMediaResult) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineMediaResult) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineMediaResult) FlagIndex ¶
func (*BotInlineMediaResult) FlagIndex() int
func (*BotInlineMediaResult) ImplementsBotInlineResult ¶
func (*BotInlineMediaResult) ImplementsBotInlineResult()
type BotInlineMessage ¶
type BotInlineMessageMediaAuto ¶
type BotInlineMessageMediaAuto struct { InvertMedia bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Message string Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:1"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaAuto) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaAuto) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaAuto) FlagIndex ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaAuto) FlagIndex() int
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaAuto) ImplementsBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaAuto) ImplementsBotInlineMessage()
type BotInlineMessageMediaContact ¶
type BotInlineMessageMediaContact struct { PhoneNumber string FirstName string LastName string Vcard string ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaContact) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaContact) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaContact) FlagIndex ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaContact) FlagIndex() int
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaContact) ImplementsBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaContact) ImplementsBotInlineMessage()
type BotInlineMessageMediaGeo ¶
type BotInlineMessageMediaGeo struct { Geo GeoPoint Heading int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Period int32 `tl:"flag:1"` ProximityNotificationRadius int32 `tl:"flag:3"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaGeo) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaGeo) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaGeo) FlagIndex ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaGeo) FlagIndex() int
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaGeo) ImplementsBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaGeo) ImplementsBotInlineMessage()
type BotInlineMessageMediaInvoice ¶
type BotInlineMessageMediaInvoice struct { ShippingAddressRequested bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Test bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Title string Description string Photo WebDocument `tl:"flag:0"` Currency string TotalAmount int64 ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaInvoice) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaInvoice) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaInvoice) FlagIndex ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaInvoice) FlagIndex() int
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaInvoice) ImplementsBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaInvoice) ImplementsBotInlineMessage()
type BotInlineMessageMediaVenue ¶
type BotInlineMessageMediaVenue struct { Geo GeoPoint Title string Address string Provider string VenueID string VenueType string ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaVenue) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaVenue) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaVenue) FlagIndex ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaVenue) FlagIndex() int
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaVenue) ImplementsBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaVenue) ImplementsBotInlineMessage()
type BotInlineMessageMediaWebPage ¶
type BotInlineMessageMediaWebPage struct { InvertMedia bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForceLargeMedia bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForceSmallMedia bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Manual bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Safe bool `tl:"flag:8,encoded_in_bitflags"` Message string Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:1"` URL string ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaWebPage) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaWebPage) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaWebPage) FlagIndex ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaWebPage) FlagIndex() int
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaWebPage) ImplementsBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaWebPage) ImplementsBotInlineMessage()
type BotInlineMessageText ¶
type BotInlineMessageText struct { NoWebpage bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` InvertMedia bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Message string Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:1"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*BotInlineMessageText) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageText) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineMessageText) FlagIndex ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageText) FlagIndex() int
func (*BotInlineMessageText) ImplementsBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageText) ImplementsBotInlineMessage()
type BotInlineResult ¶
type BotInlineResultObj ¶
type BotInlineResultObj struct { ID string Type string Title string `tl:"flag:1"` Description string `tl:"flag:2"` URL string `tl:"flag:3"` Thumb WebDocument `tl:"flag:4"` Content WebDocument `tl:"flag:5"` SendMessage BotInlineMessage }
func (*BotInlineResultObj) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineResultObj) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineResultObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*BotInlineResultObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*BotInlineResultObj) ImplementsBotInlineResult ¶
func (*BotInlineResultObj) ImplementsBotInlineResult()
type BotMenuButton ¶
type BotMenuButtonCommands ¶
type BotMenuButtonCommands struct{}
func (*BotMenuButtonCommands) CRC ¶
func (*BotMenuButtonCommands) CRC() uint32
func (*BotMenuButtonCommands) ImplementsBotMenuButton ¶
func (*BotMenuButtonCommands) ImplementsBotMenuButton()
type BotMenuButtonDefault ¶
type BotMenuButtonDefault struct{}
func (*BotMenuButtonDefault) CRC ¶
func (*BotMenuButtonDefault) CRC() uint32
func (*BotMenuButtonDefault) ImplementsBotMenuButton ¶
func (*BotMenuButtonDefault) ImplementsBotMenuButton()
type BotMenuButtonObj ¶
func (*BotMenuButtonObj) CRC ¶
func (*BotMenuButtonObj) CRC() uint32
func (*BotMenuButtonObj) ImplementsBotMenuButton ¶
func (*BotMenuButtonObj) ImplementsBotMenuButton()
type BotsAllowSendMessageParams ¶
type BotsAllowSendMessageParams struct {
Bot InputUser
func (*BotsAllowSendMessageParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsAllowSendMessageParams) CRC() uint32
type BotsAnswerWebhookJsonQueryParams ¶
func (*BotsAnswerWebhookJsonQueryParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsAnswerWebhookJsonQueryParams) CRC() uint32
type BotsBotInfo ¶
func (*BotsBotInfo) CRC ¶
func (*BotsBotInfo) CRC() uint32
type BotsCanSendMessageParams ¶
type BotsCanSendMessageParams struct {
Bot InputUser
func (*BotsCanSendMessageParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsCanSendMessageParams) CRC() uint32
type BotsGetBotCommandsParams ¶
type BotsGetBotCommandsParams struct { Scope BotCommandScope LangCode string }
func (*BotsGetBotCommandsParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsGetBotCommandsParams) CRC() uint32
type BotsGetBotInfoParams ¶
func (*BotsGetBotInfoParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsGetBotInfoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*BotsGetBotInfoParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*BotsGetBotInfoParams) FlagIndex() int
type BotsGetBotMenuButtonParams ¶
type BotsGetBotMenuButtonParams struct {
UserID InputUser
func (*BotsGetBotMenuButtonParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsGetBotMenuButtonParams) CRC() uint32
type BotsInvokeWebViewCustomMethodParams ¶
type BotsInvokeWebViewCustomMethodParams struct { Bot InputUser CustomMethod string Params *DataJson }
func (*BotsInvokeWebViewCustomMethodParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsInvokeWebViewCustomMethodParams) CRC() uint32
type BotsReorderUsernamesParams ¶
func (*BotsReorderUsernamesParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsReorderUsernamesParams) CRC() uint32
type BotsResetBotCommandsParams ¶
type BotsResetBotCommandsParams struct { Scope BotCommandScope LangCode string }
func (*BotsResetBotCommandsParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsResetBotCommandsParams) CRC() uint32
type BotsSendCustomRequestParams ¶
func (*BotsSendCustomRequestParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsSendCustomRequestParams) CRC() uint32
type BotsSetBotBroadcastDefaultAdminRightsParams ¶
type BotsSetBotBroadcastDefaultAdminRightsParams struct {
AdminRights *ChatAdminRights
func (*BotsSetBotBroadcastDefaultAdminRightsParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsSetBotBroadcastDefaultAdminRightsParams) CRC() uint32
type BotsSetBotCommandsParams ¶
type BotsSetBotCommandsParams struct { Scope BotCommandScope LangCode string Commands []*BotCommand }
func (*BotsSetBotCommandsParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsSetBotCommandsParams) CRC() uint32
type BotsSetBotGroupDefaultAdminRightsParams ¶
type BotsSetBotGroupDefaultAdminRightsParams struct {
AdminRights *ChatAdminRights
func (*BotsSetBotGroupDefaultAdminRightsParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsSetBotGroupDefaultAdminRightsParams) CRC() uint32
type BotsSetBotInfoParams ¶
type BotsSetBotInfoParams struct { Bot InputUser `tl:"flag:2"` LangCode string Name string `tl:"flag:3"` About string `tl:"flag:0"` Description string `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*BotsSetBotInfoParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsSetBotInfoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*BotsSetBotInfoParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*BotsSetBotInfoParams) FlagIndex() int
type BotsSetBotMenuButtonParams ¶
type BotsSetBotMenuButtonParams struct { UserID InputUser Button BotMenuButton }
func (*BotsSetBotMenuButtonParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsSetBotMenuButtonParams) CRC() uint32
type BotsToggleUsernameParams ¶
func (*BotsToggleUsernameParams) CRC ¶
func (*BotsToggleUsernameParams) CRC() uint32
type Button ¶
type Button struct{}
func (Button) Buy ¶
func (Button) Buy(Text string) *KeyboardButtonBuy
func (Button) Clear ¶
func (Button) Clear() *ReplyKeyboardHide
func (Button) Force ¶
func (Button) Force(placeHolder string) *ReplyKeyboardForceReply
func (Button) Game ¶
func (Button) Game(Text string) *KeyboardButtonGame
func (Button) Keyboard ¶
func (Button) Keyboard(Rows ...*KeyboardButtonRow) *ReplyInlineMarkup
func (Button) RequestLocation ¶
func (Button) RequestLocation(Text string) *KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation
func (Button) RequestPhone ¶
func (Button) RequestPhone(Text string) *KeyboardButtonRequestPhone
func (Button) RequestPoll ¶
func (Button) RequestPoll(Text string, Quiz bool) *KeyboardButtonRequestPoll
func (Button) Row ¶
func (Button) Row(Buttons ...KeyboardButton) *KeyboardButtonRow
func (Button) SwitchInline ¶
func (Button) SwitchInline(Text string, SamePeer bool, Query string) *KeyboardButtonSwitchInline
type CACHE ¶
type CACHE struct { *sync.RWMutex InputPeers *InputPeerCache `json:"input_peers,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CACHE) ExportJSON ¶
func (*CACHE) ImportJSON ¶
func (*CACHE) UpdateChannel ¶
func (*CACHE) UpdateChat ¶
func (*CACHE) UpdatePeersToCache ¶
func (*CACHE) UpdateUser ¶
type CallbackOptions ¶
type CallbackQuery ¶
type CallbackQuery struct { QueryID int64 Data []byte OriginalUpdate *UpdateBotCallbackQuery Sender *UserObj MessageID int32 SenderID int64 ChatID int64 Chat *ChatObj Channel *Channel Peer Peer Client *Client }
func (*CallbackQuery) Answer ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) Answer(Text string, options ...*CallbackOptions) (bool, error)
func (*CallbackQuery) ChatType ¶
func (m *CallbackQuery) ChatType() string
func (*CallbackQuery) DataString ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) DataString() string
func (*CallbackQuery) Delete ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) Delete() (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
func (*CallbackQuery) Edit ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) Edit(Text interface{}, options ...*SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*CallbackQuery) ForwardTo ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) ForwardTo(ChatID int64, options ...*ForwardOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*CallbackQuery) GetChannel ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) GetChannel() (*Channel, error)
func (*CallbackQuery) GetChat ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) GetChat() (*ChatObj, error)
func (*CallbackQuery) GetChatID ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) GetChatID() int64
func (*CallbackQuery) GetMessage ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) GetMessage() (*NewMessage, error)
func (*CallbackQuery) GetSender ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) GetSender() (*UserObj, error)
func (*CallbackQuery) GetSenderID ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) GetSenderID() int64
func (*CallbackQuery) IsChannel ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) IsChannel() bool
func (*CallbackQuery) IsGroup ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) IsGroup() bool
func (*CallbackQuery) IsPrivate ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) IsPrivate() bool
func (*CallbackQuery) Marshal ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) Marshal() string
func (*CallbackQuery) Reply ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) Reply(Text interface{}, options ...*SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*CallbackQuery) ReplyMedia ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) ReplyMedia(Media interface{}, options ...*MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*CallbackQuery) Respond ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) Respond(Text interface{}, options ...*SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*CallbackQuery) RespondMedia ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) RespondMedia(Media interface{}, options ...*MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*CallbackQuery) ShortName ¶
func (b *CallbackQuery) ShortName() string
type CdnConfig ¶
type CdnConfig struct {
PublicKeys []*CdnPublicKey
type CdnPublicKey ¶
func (*CdnPublicKey) CRC ¶
func (*CdnPublicKey) CRC() uint32
type Channel ¶
type Channel struct { Creator bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Left bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Broadcast bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Verified bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Megagroup bool `tl:"flag:8,encoded_in_bitflags"` Restricted bool `tl:"flag:9,encoded_in_bitflags"` Signatures bool `tl:"flag:11,encoded_in_bitflags"` Min bool `tl:"flag:12,encoded_in_bitflags"` Scam bool `tl:"flag:19,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasLink bool `tl:"flag:20,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasGeo bool `tl:"flag:21,encoded_in_bitflags"` SlowmodeEnabled bool `tl:"flag:22,encoded_in_bitflags"` CallActive bool `tl:"flag:23,encoded_in_bitflags"` CallNotEmpty bool `tl:"flag:24,encoded_in_bitflags"` Fake bool `tl:"flag:25,encoded_in_bitflags"` Gigagroup bool `tl:"flag:26,encoded_in_bitflags"` Noforwards bool `tl:"flag:27,encoded_in_bitflags"` JoinToSend bool `tl:"flag:28,encoded_in_bitflags"` JoinRequest bool `tl:"flag:29,encoded_in_bitflags"` Forum bool `tl:"flag:30,encoded_in_bitflags"` StoriesHidden bool `tl:"flag2:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` StoriesHiddenMin bool `tl:"flag2:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 AccessHash int64 `tl:"flag:13"` Title string Username string `tl:"flag:6"` Photo ChatPhoto Date int32 RestrictionReason []*RestrictionReason `tl:"flag:9"` AdminRights *ChatAdminRights `tl:"flag:14"` BannedRights *ChatBannedRights `tl:"flag:15"` DefaultBannedRights *ChatBannedRights `tl:"flag:18"` ParticipantsCount int32 `tl:"flag:17"` Usernames []*Username `tl:"flag2:0"` StoriesMaxID int32 `tl:"flag2:4"` Color *PeerColor `tl:"flag2:7"` ProfileColor *PeerColor `tl:"flag2:8"` EmojiStatus EmojiStatus `tl:"flag2:9"` Level int32 `tl:"flag2:10"` }
func (*Channel) ImplementsChat ¶
func (*Channel) ImplementsChat()
type ChannelAdminLogEvent ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEvent struct { ID int64 Date int32 UserID int64 Action ChannelAdminLogEventAction }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEvent) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEvent) CRC() uint32
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAvailableReactions ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAvailableReactions struct { PrevValue ChatReactions NewValue ChatReactions }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAvailableReactions) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAvailableReactions) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAvailableReactions) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAvailableReactions) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeEmojiStatus ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeEmojiStatus struct { PrevValue EmojiStatus NewValue EmojiStatus }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeEmojiStatus) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeEmojiStatus) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeEmojiStatus) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeEmojiStatus) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeHistoryTtl ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeHistoryTtl) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeHistoryTtl) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeHistoryTtl) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeHistoryTtl) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation struct { PrevValue ChannelLocation NewValue ChannelLocation }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePeerColor ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePeerColor) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePeerColor) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePeerColor) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePeerColor) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeProfilePeerColor ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeProfilePeerColor struct { PrevValue *PeerColor NewValue *PeerColor }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeProfilePeerColor) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeProfilePeerColor) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeProfilePeerColor) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeProfilePeerColor) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet struct { PrevStickerset InputStickerSet NewStickerset InputStickerSet }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsernames ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsernames) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsernames) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsernames) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsernames) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeWallpaper ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeWallpaper) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeWallpaper) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeWallpaper) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeWallpaper) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionCreateTopic ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionCreateTopic struct {
Topic ForumTopic
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionCreateTopic) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionCreateTopic) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionCreateTopic) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionCreateTopic) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights struct { PrevBannedRights *ChatBannedRights NewBannedRights *ChatBannedRights }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage struct {
Message Message
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteTopic ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteTopic struct {
Topic ForumTopic
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteTopic) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteTopic) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteTopic) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteTopic) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDiscardGroupCall ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDiscardGroupCall struct {
Call *InputGroupCall
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDiscardGroupCall) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDiscardGroupCall) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDiscardGroupCall) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDiscardGroupCall) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditTopic ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditTopic struct { PrevTopic ForumTopic NewTopic ForumTopic }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditTopic) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditTopic) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditTopic) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditTopic) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteDelete ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteDelete struct {
Invite ExportedChatInvite
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteDelete) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteDelete) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteDelete) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteDelete) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteEdit ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteEdit struct { PrevInvite ExportedChatInvite NewInvite ExportedChatInvite }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteEdit) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteEdit) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteEdit) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteEdit) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteRevoke ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteRevoke struct {
Invite ExportedChatInvite
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteRevoke) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteRevoke) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteRevoke) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteRevoke) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite struct {
Participant ChannelParticipant
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin struct{}
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByInvite ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByInvite struct { ViaChatlist bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Invite ExportedChatInvite }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByInvite) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByInvite) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByInvite) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByInvite) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByInvite) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByInvite) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByRequest ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByRequest struct { Invite ExportedChatInvite ApprovedBy int64 }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByRequest) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByRequest) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByRequest) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByRequest) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave struct{}
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantMute ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantMute struct {
Participant *GroupCallParticipant
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantMute) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantMute) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantMute) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantMute) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin struct { PrevParticipant ChannelParticipant NewParticipant ChannelParticipant }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan struct { PrevParticipant ChannelParticipant NewParticipant ChannelParticipant }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantUnmute ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantUnmute struct {
Participant *GroupCallParticipant
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantUnmute) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantUnmute) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantUnmute) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantUnmute) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantVolume ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantVolume struct {
Participant *GroupCallParticipant
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantVolume) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantVolume) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantVolume) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantVolume) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionPinTopic ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionPinTopic struct { PrevTopic ForumTopic `tl:"flag:0"` NewTopic ForumTopic `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionPinTopic) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionPinTopic) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionPinTopic) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionPinTopic) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionPinTopic) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionPinTopic) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionSendMessage ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionSendMessage struct {
Message Message
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionSendMessage) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionSendMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionSendMessage) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionSendMessage) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionStartGroupCall ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionStartGroupCall struct {
Call *InputGroupCall
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionStartGroupCall) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionStartGroupCall) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionStartGroupCall) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionStartGroupCall) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll struct {
Message Message
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleAntiSpam ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleAntiSpam struct {
NewValue bool
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleAntiSpam) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleAntiSpam) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleAntiSpam) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleAntiSpam) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleForum ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleForum struct {
NewValue bool
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleForum) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleForum) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleForum) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleForum) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleGroupCallSetting ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleGroupCallSetting struct {
JoinMuted bool
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleGroupCallSetting) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleGroupCallSetting) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleGroupCallSetting) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleGroupCallSetting) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites struct {
NewValue bool
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleNoForwards ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleNoForwards struct {
NewValue bool
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleNoForwards) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleNoForwards) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleNoForwards) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleNoForwards) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden struct {
NewValue bool
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures struct {
NewValue bool
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned struct {
Message Message
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter struct { Join bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Leave bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Invite bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Ban bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Unban bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Kick bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Unkick bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` Promote bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Demote bool `tl:"flag:8,encoded_in_bitflags"` Info bool `tl:"flag:9,encoded_in_bitflags"` Settings bool `tl:"flag:10,encoded_in_bitflags"` Pinned bool `tl:"flag:11,encoded_in_bitflags"` Edit bool `tl:"flag:12,encoded_in_bitflags"` Delete bool `tl:"flag:13,encoded_in_bitflags"` GroupCall bool `tl:"flag:14,encoded_in_bitflags"` Invites bool `tl:"flag:15,encoded_in_bitflags"` Send bool `tl:"flag:16,encoded_in_bitflags"` Forums bool `tl:"flag:17,encoded_in_bitflags"` }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter) FlagIndex() int
type ChannelForbidden ¶
type ChannelForbidden struct { Broadcast bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Megagroup bool `tl:"flag:8,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 AccessHash int64 Title string UntilDate int32 `tl:"flag:16"` }
func (*ChannelForbidden) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelForbidden) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelForbidden) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelForbidden) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChannelForbidden) ImplementsChat ¶
func (*ChannelForbidden) ImplementsChat()
type ChannelFull ¶
type ChannelFull struct { CanViewParticipants bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanSetUsername bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanSetStickers bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` HiddenPrehistory bool `tl:"flag:10,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanSetLocation bool `tl:"flag:16,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasScheduled bool `tl:"flag:19,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanViewStats bool `tl:"flag:20,encoded_in_bitflags"` Blocked bool `tl:"flag:22,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanDeleteChannel bool `tl:"flag2:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Antispam bool `tl:"flag2:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` ParticipantsHidden bool `tl:"flag2:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` TranslationsDisabled bool `tl:"flag2:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` StoriesPinnedAvailable bool `tl:"flag2:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` ViewForumAsMessages bool `tl:"flag2:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 About string ParticipantsCount int32 `tl:"flag:0"` AdminsCount int32 `tl:"flag:1"` KickedCount int32 `tl:"flag:2"` BannedCount int32 `tl:"flag:2"` OnlineCount int32 `tl:"flag:13"` ReadInboxMaxID int32 ReadOutboxMaxID int32 UnreadCount int32 ChatPhoto Photo NotifySettings *PeerNotifySettings ExportedInvite ExportedChatInvite `tl:"flag:23"` BotInfo []*BotInfo MigratedFromChatID int64 `tl:"flag:4"` MigratedFromMaxID int32 `tl:"flag:4"` PinnedMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:5"` Stickerset *StickerSet `tl:"flag:8"` AvailableMinID int32 `tl:"flag:9"` FolderID int32 `tl:"flag:11"` LinkedChatID int64 `tl:"flag:14"` Location ChannelLocation `tl:"flag:15"` SlowmodeSeconds int32 `tl:"flag:17"` SlowmodeNextSendDate int32 `tl:"flag:18"` StatsDc int32 `tl:"flag:12"` Pts int32 Call *InputGroupCall `tl:"flag:21"` TtlPeriod int32 `tl:"flag:24"` PendingSuggestions []string `tl:"flag:25"` GroupcallDefaultJoinAs Peer `tl:"flag:26"` ThemeEmoticon string `tl:"flag:27"` RequestsPending int32 `tl:"flag:28"` RecentRequesters []int64 `tl:"flag:28"` DefaultSendAs Peer `tl:"flag:29"` AvailableReactions ChatReactions `tl:"flag:30"` Stories *PeerStories `tl:"flag2:4"` Wallpaper WallPaper `tl:"flag2:7"` }
func (*ChannelFull) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelFull) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelFull) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelFull) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChannelFull) ImplementsChatFull ¶
func (*ChannelFull) ImplementsChatFull()
type ChannelLocation ¶
type ChannelLocationEmpty ¶
type ChannelLocationEmpty struct{}
func (*ChannelLocationEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelLocationEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelLocationEmpty) ImplementsChannelLocation ¶
func (*ChannelLocationEmpty) ImplementsChannelLocation()
type ChannelLocationObj ¶
func (*ChannelLocationObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelLocationObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelLocationObj) ImplementsChannelLocation ¶
func (*ChannelLocationObj) ImplementsChannelLocation()
type ChannelMessagesFilter ¶
type ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty ¶
type ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty struct{}
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty) ImplementsChannelMessagesFilter ¶
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty) ImplementsChannelMessagesFilter()
type ChannelMessagesFilterObj ¶
type ChannelMessagesFilterObj struct { ExcludeNewMessages bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Ranges []*MessageRange }
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterObj) ImplementsChannelMessagesFilter ¶
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterObj) ImplementsChannelMessagesFilter()
type ChannelOptions ¶
type ChannelParticipant ¶
type ChannelParticipantAdmin ¶
type ChannelParticipantAdmin struct { CanEdit bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Self bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` UserID int64 InviterID int64 `tl:"flag:1"` PromotedBy int64 Date int32 AdminRights *ChatAdminRights Rank string `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*ChannelParticipantAdmin) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantAdmin) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantAdmin) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantAdmin) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChannelParticipantAdmin) ImplementsChannelParticipant ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantAdmin) ImplementsChannelParticipant()
type ChannelParticipantBanned ¶
type ChannelParticipantBanned struct { Left bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer Peer KickedBy int64 Date int32 BannedRights *ChatBannedRights }
func (*ChannelParticipantBanned) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantBanned) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantBanned) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantBanned) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChannelParticipantBanned) ImplementsChannelParticipant ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantBanned) ImplementsChannelParticipant()
type ChannelParticipantCreator ¶
type ChannelParticipantCreator struct { UserID int64 AdminRights *ChatAdminRights Rank string `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*ChannelParticipantCreator) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantCreator) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantCreator) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantCreator) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChannelParticipantCreator) ImplementsChannelParticipant ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantCreator) ImplementsChannelParticipant()
type ChannelParticipantLeft ¶
type ChannelParticipantLeft struct {
Peer Peer
func (*ChannelParticipantLeft) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantLeft) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantLeft) ImplementsChannelParticipant ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantLeft) ImplementsChannelParticipant()
type ChannelParticipantObj ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantObj) ImplementsChannelParticipant ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantObj) ImplementsChannelParticipant()
type ChannelParticipantSelf ¶
type ChannelParticipantSelf struct { ViaRequest bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` UserID int64 InviterID int64 Date int32 }
func (*ChannelParticipantSelf) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantSelf) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantSelf) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantSelf) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChannelParticipantSelf) ImplementsChannelParticipant ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantSelf) ImplementsChannelParticipant()
type ChannelParticipantsAdmins ¶
type ChannelParticipantsAdmins struct{}
func (*ChannelParticipantsAdmins) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsAdmins) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantsAdmins) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsAdmins) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter()
type ChannelParticipantsBanned ¶
type ChannelParticipantsBanned struct {
Q string
func (*ChannelParticipantsBanned) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsBanned) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantsBanned) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsBanned) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter()
type ChannelParticipantsBots ¶
type ChannelParticipantsBots struct{}
func (*ChannelParticipantsBots) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsBots) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantsBots) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsBots) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter()
type ChannelParticipantsContacts ¶
type ChannelParticipantsContacts struct {
Q string
func (*ChannelParticipantsContacts) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsContacts) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantsContacts) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsContacts) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter()
type ChannelParticipantsKicked ¶
type ChannelParticipantsKicked struct {
Q string
func (*ChannelParticipantsKicked) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsKicked) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantsKicked) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsKicked) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter()
type ChannelParticipantsMentions ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsMentions) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsMentions) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantsMentions) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsMentions) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChannelParticipantsMentions) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsMentions) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter()
type ChannelParticipantsRecent ¶
type ChannelParticipantsRecent struct{}
func (*ChannelParticipantsRecent) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsRecent) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantsRecent) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsRecent) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter()
type ChannelParticipantsSearch ¶
type ChannelParticipantsSearch struct {
Q string
func (*ChannelParticipantsSearch) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsSearch) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantsSearch) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsSearch) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter()
type ChannelsAdminLogResults ¶
type ChannelsAdminLogResults struct { Events []*ChannelAdminLogEvent Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*ChannelsAdminLogResults) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsAdminLogResults) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsChannelParticipant ¶
type ChannelsChannelParticipant struct { Participant ChannelParticipant Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipant) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipant) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified ¶
type ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified struct{}
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified) ImplementsChannelsChannelParticipants ¶
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified) ImplementsChannelsChannelParticipants()
type ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj ¶
type ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj struct { Count int32 Participants []ChannelParticipant Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj) ImplementsChannelsChannelParticipants ¶
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj) ImplementsChannelsChannelParticipants()
type ChannelsCheckUsernameParams ¶
type ChannelsCheckUsernameParams struct { Channel InputChannel Username string }
func (*ChannelsCheckUsernameParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsCheckUsernameParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsClickSponsoredMessageParams ¶
type ChannelsClickSponsoredMessageParams struct { Channel InputChannel RandomID []byte }
func (*ChannelsClickSponsoredMessageParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsClickSponsoredMessageParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsConvertToGigagroupParams ¶
type ChannelsConvertToGigagroupParams struct {
Channel InputChannel
func (*ChannelsConvertToGigagroupParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsConvertToGigagroupParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsCreateChannelParams ¶
type ChannelsCreateChannelParams struct { Broadcast bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Megagroup bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForImport bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Forum bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Title string About string GeoPoint InputGeoPoint `tl:"flag:2"` Address string `tl:"flag:2"` TtlPeriod int32 `tl:"flag:4"` }
func (*ChannelsCreateChannelParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsCreateChannelParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsCreateChannelParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelsCreateChannelParams) FlagIndex() int
type ChannelsCreateForumTopicParams ¶
type ChannelsCreateForumTopicParams struct { Channel InputChannel Title string IconColor int32 `tl:"flag:0"` IconEmojiID int64 `tl:"flag:3"` RandomID int64 SendAs InputPeer `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*ChannelsCreateForumTopicParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsCreateForumTopicParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsCreateForumTopicParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelsCreateForumTopicParams) FlagIndex() int
type ChannelsDeactivateAllUsernamesParams ¶
type ChannelsDeactivateAllUsernamesParams struct {
Channel InputChannel
func (*ChannelsDeactivateAllUsernamesParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsDeactivateAllUsernamesParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsDeleteChannelParams ¶
type ChannelsDeleteChannelParams struct {
Channel InputChannel
func (*ChannelsDeleteChannelParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsDeleteChannelParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams ¶
type ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams struct { ForEveryone bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Channel InputChannel MaxID int32 }
func (*ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams) FlagIndex() int
type ChannelsDeleteMessagesParams ¶
type ChannelsDeleteMessagesParams struct { Channel InputChannel ID []int32 }
func (*ChannelsDeleteMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsDeleteMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsDeleteParticipantHistoryParams ¶
type ChannelsDeleteParticipantHistoryParams struct { Channel InputChannel Participant InputPeer }
func (*ChannelsDeleteParticipantHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsDeleteParticipantHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsDeleteTopicHistoryParams ¶
type ChannelsDeleteTopicHistoryParams struct { Channel InputChannel TopMsgID int32 }
func (*ChannelsDeleteTopicHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsDeleteTopicHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsEditAdminParams ¶
type ChannelsEditAdminParams struct { Channel InputChannel UserID InputUser AdminRights *ChatAdminRights Rank string }
func (*ChannelsEditAdminParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsEditAdminParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsEditBannedParams ¶
type ChannelsEditBannedParams struct { Channel InputChannel Participant InputPeer BannedRights *ChatBannedRights }
func (*ChannelsEditBannedParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsEditBannedParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsEditCreatorParams ¶
type ChannelsEditCreatorParams struct { Channel InputChannel UserID InputUser Password InputCheckPasswordSRP }
func (*ChannelsEditCreatorParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsEditCreatorParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsEditForumTopicParams ¶
type ChannelsEditForumTopicParams struct { Channel InputChannel TopicID int32 Title string `tl:"flag:0"` IconEmojiID int64 `tl:"flag:1"` Closed bool `tl:"flag:2"` Hidden bool `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*ChannelsEditForumTopicParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsEditForumTopicParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsEditForumTopicParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelsEditForumTopicParams) FlagIndex() int
type ChannelsEditLocationParams ¶
type ChannelsEditLocationParams struct { Channel InputChannel GeoPoint InputGeoPoint Address string }
func (*ChannelsEditLocationParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsEditLocationParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsEditPhotoParams ¶
type ChannelsEditPhotoParams struct { Channel InputChannel Photo InputChatPhoto }
func (*ChannelsEditPhotoParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsEditPhotoParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsEditTitleParams ¶
type ChannelsEditTitleParams struct { Channel InputChannel Title string }
func (*ChannelsEditTitleParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsEditTitleParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams ¶
type ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams struct { Grouped bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Thread bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Channel InputChannel ID int32 }
func (*ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams) FlagIndex() int
type ChannelsGetAdminLogParams ¶
type ChannelsGetAdminLogParams struct { Channel InputChannel Q string EventsFilter *ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter `tl:"flag:0"` Admins []InputUser `tl:"flag:1"` MaxID int64 MinID int64 Limit int32 }
func (*ChannelsGetAdminLogParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsGetAdminLogParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsGetAdminLogParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelsGetAdminLogParams) FlagIndex() int
type ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams ¶
type ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams struct { ByLocation bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` CheckLimit bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` }
func (*ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams) FlagIndex() int
type ChannelsGetChannelRecommendationsParams ¶
type ChannelsGetChannelRecommendationsParams struct {
Channel InputChannel
func (*ChannelsGetChannelRecommendationsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsGetChannelRecommendationsParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsGetChannelsParams ¶
type ChannelsGetChannelsParams struct {
ID []InputChannel
func (*ChannelsGetChannelsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsGetChannelsParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsGetForumTopicsByIDParams ¶
type ChannelsGetForumTopicsByIDParams struct { Channel InputChannel Topics []int32 }
func (*ChannelsGetForumTopicsByIDParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsGetForumTopicsByIDParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsGetForumTopicsParams ¶
type ChannelsGetForumTopicsParams struct { Channel InputChannel Q string `tl:"flag:0"` OffsetDate int32 OffsetID int32 OffsetTopic int32 Limit int32 }
func (*ChannelsGetForumTopicsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsGetForumTopicsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsGetForumTopicsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelsGetForumTopicsParams) FlagIndex() int
type ChannelsGetFullChannelParams ¶
type ChannelsGetFullChannelParams struct {
Channel InputChannel
func (*ChannelsGetFullChannelParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsGetFullChannelParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussionParams ¶
type ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussionParams struct{}
func (*ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussionParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussionParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsGetInactiveChannelsParams ¶
type ChannelsGetInactiveChannelsParams struct{}
func (*ChannelsGetInactiveChannelsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsGetInactiveChannelsParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsGetLeftChannelsParams ¶
type ChannelsGetLeftChannelsParams struct {
Offset int32
func (*ChannelsGetLeftChannelsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsGetLeftChannelsParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsGetMessagesParams ¶
type ChannelsGetMessagesParams struct { Channel InputChannel ID []InputMessage }
func (*ChannelsGetMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsGetMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsGetParticipantParams ¶
type ChannelsGetParticipantParams struct { Channel InputChannel Participant InputPeer }
func (*ChannelsGetParticipantParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsGetParticipantParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsGetParticipantsParams ¶
type ChannelsGetParticipantsParams struct { Channel InputChannel Filter ChannelParticipantsFilter Offset int32 Limit int32 Hash int64 }
func (*ChannelsGetParticipantsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsGetParticipantsParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsGetSendAsParams ¶
type ChannelsGetSendAsParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*ChannelsGetSendAsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsGetSendAsParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsGetSponsoredMessagesParams ¶
type ChannelsGetSponsoredMessagesParams struct {
Channel InputChannel
func (*ChannelsGetSponsoredMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsGetSponsoredMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsInviteToChannelParams ¶
type ChannelsInviteToChannelParams struct { Channel InputChannel Users []InputUser }
func (*ChannelsInviteToChannelParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsInviteToChannelParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsJoinChannelParams ¶
type ChannelsJoinChannelParams struct {
Channel InputChannel
func (*ChannelsJoinChannelParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsJoinChannelParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsLeaveChannelParams ¶
type ChannelsLeaveChannelParams struct {
Channel InputChannel
func (*ChannelsLeaveChannelParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsLeaveChannelParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsReadHistoryParams ¶
type ChannelsReadHistoryParams struct { Channel InputChannel MaxID int32 }
func (*ChannelsReadHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsReadHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsReadMessageContentsParams ¶
type ChannelsReadMessageContentsParams struct { Channel InputChannel ID []int32 }
func (*ChannelsReadMessageContentsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsReadMessageContentsParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsReorderPinnedForumTopicsParams ¶
type ChannelsReorderPinnedForumTopicsParams struct { Force bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Channel InputChannel Order []int32 }
func (*ChannelsReorderPinnedForumTopicsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsReorderPinnedForumTopicsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsReorderPinnedForumTopicsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelsReorderPinnedForumTopicsParams) FlagIndex() int
type ChannelsReorderUsernamesParams ¶
type ChannelsReorderUsernamesParams struct { Channel InputChannel Order []string }
func (*ChannelsReorderUsernamesParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsReorderUsernamesParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsReportAntiSpamFalsePositiveParams ¶
type ChannelsReportAntiSpamFalsePositiveParams struct { Channel InputChannel MsgID int32 }
func (*ChannelsReportAntiSpamFalsePositiveParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsReportAntiSpamFalsePositiveParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsReportSpamParams ¶
type ChannelsReportSpamParams struct { Channel InputChannel Participant InputPeer ID []int32 }
func (*ChannelsReportSpamParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsReportSpamParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsSendAsPeers ¶
type ChannelsSendAsPeers struct { Peers []*SendAsPeer Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*ChannelsSendAsPeers) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsSendAsPeers) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsSetDiscussionGroupParams ¶
type ChannelsSetDiscussionGroupParams struct { Broadcast InputChannel Group InputChannel }
func (*ChannelsSetDiscussionGroupParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsSetDiscussionGroupParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsSetStickersParams ¶
type ChannelsSetStickersParams struct { Channel InputChannel Stickerset InputStickerSet }
func (*ChannelsSetStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsSetStickersParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsToggleAntiSpamParams ¶
type ChannelsToggleAntiSpamParams struct { Channel InputChannel Enabled bool }
func (*ChannelsToggleAntiSpamParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsToggleAntiSpamParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsToggleForumParams ¶
type ChannelsToggleForumParams struct { Channel InputChannel Enabled bool }
func (*ChannelsToggleForumParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsToggleForumParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsToggleJoinRequestParams ¶
type ChannelsToggleJoinRequestParams struct { Channel InputChannel Enabled bool }
func (*ChannelsToggleJoinRequestParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsToggleJoinRequestParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsToggleJoinToSendParams ¶
type ChannelsToggleJoinToSendParams struct { Channel InputChannel Enabled bool }
func (*ChannelsToggleJoinToSendParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsToggleJoinToSendParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsToggleParticipantsHiddenParams ¶
type ChannelsToggleParticipantsHiddenParams struct { Channel InputChannel Enabled bool }
func (*ChannelsToggleParticipantsHiddenParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsToggleParticipantsHiddenParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHiddenParams ¶
type ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHiddenParams struct { Channel InputChannel Enabled bool }
func (*ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHiddenParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHiddenParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsToggleSignaturesParams ¶
type ChannelsToggleSignaturesParams struct { Channel InputChannel Enabled bool }
func (*ChannelsToggleSignaturesParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsToggleSignaturesParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsToggleSlowModeParams ¶
type ChannelsToggleSlowModeParams struct { Channel InputChannel Seconds int32 }
func (*ChannelsToggleSlowModeParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsToggleSlowModeParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsToggleUsernameParams ¶
type ChannelsToggleUsernameParams struct { Channel InputChannel Username string Active bool }
func (*ChannelsToggleUsernameParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsToggleUsernameParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsToggleViewForumAsMessagesParams ¶
type ChannelsToggleViewForumAsMessagesParams struct { Channel InputChannel Enabled bool }
func (*ChannelsToggleViewForumAsMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsToggleViewForumAsMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsUpdateColorParams ¶
type ChannelsUpdateColorParams struct { ForProfile bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Channel InputChannel Color int32 `tl:"flag:2"` BackgroundEmojiID int64 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*ChannelsUpdateColorParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsUpdateColorParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsUpdateColorParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChannelsUpdateColorParams) FlagIndex() int
type ChannelsUpdateEmojiStatusParams ¶
type ChannelsUpdateEmojiStatusParams struct { Channel InputChannel EmojiStatus EmojiStatus }
func (*ChannelsUpdateEmojiStatusParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsUpdateEmojiStatusParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsUpdatePinnedForumTopicParams ¶
type ChannelsUpdatePinnedForumTopicParams struct { Channel InputChannel TopicID int32 Pinned bool }
func (*ChannelsUpdatePinnedForumTopicParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsUpdatePinnedForumTopicParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsUpdateUsernameParams ¶
type ChannelsUpdateUsernameParams struct { Channel InputChannel Username string }
func (*ChannelsUpdateUsernameParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsUpdateUsernameParams) CRC() uint32
type ChannelsViewSponsoredMessageParams ¶
type ChannelsViewSponsoredMessageParams struct { Channel InputChannel RandomID []byte }
func (*ChannelsViewSponsoredMessageParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsViewSponsoredMessageParams) CRC() uint32
type ChatAdminRights ¶
type ChatAdminRights struct { ChangeInfo bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` PostMessages bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` EditMessages bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` DeleteMessages bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` BanUsers bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` InviteUsers bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` PinMessages bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` AddAdmins bool `tl:"flag:9,encoded_in_bitflags"` Anonymous bool `tl:"flag:10,encoded_in_bitflags"` ManageCall bool `tl:"flag:11,encoded_in_bitflags"` Other bool `tl:"flag:12,encoded_in_bitflags"` ManageTopics bool `tl:"flag:13,encoded_in_bitflags"` PostStories bool `tl:"flag:14,encoded_in_bitflags"` EditStories bool `tl:"flag:15,encoded_in_bitflags"` DeleteStories bool `tl:"flag:16,encoded_in_bitflags"` }
func (*ChatAdminRights) CRC ¶
func (*ChatAdminRights) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatAdminRights) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChatAdminRights) FlagIndex() int
type ChatAdminWithInvites ¶
func (*ChatAdminWithInvites) CRC ¶
func (*ChatAdminWithInvites) CRC() uint32
type ChatBannedRights ¶
type ChatBannedRights struct { ViewMessages bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendMessages bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendMedia bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendStickers bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendGifs bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendGames bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendInline bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` EmbedLinks bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendPolls bool `tl:"flag:8,encoded_in_bitflags"` ChangeInfo bool `tl:"flag:10,encoded_in_bitflags"` InviteUsers bool `tl:"flag:15,encoded_in_bitflags"` PinMessages bool `tl:"flag:17,encoded_in_bitflags"` ManageTopics bool `tl:"flag:18,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendPhotos bool `tl:"flag:19,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendVideos bool `tl:"flag:20,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendRoundvideos bool `tl:"flag:21,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendAudios bool `tl:"flag:22,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendVoices bool `tl:"flag:23,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendDocs bool `tl:"flag:24,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendPlain bool `tl:"flag:25,encoded_in_bitflags"` UntilDate int32 }
func (*ChatBannedRights) CRC ¶
func (*ChatBannedRights) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatBannedRights) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChatBannedRights) FlagIndex() int
type ChatEmpty ¶
type ChatEmpty struct {
ID int64
func (*ChatEmpty) ImplementsChat ¶
func (*ChatEmpty) ImplementsChat()
type ChatForbidden ¶
func (*ChatForbidden) CRC ¶
func (*ChatForbidden) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatForbidden) ImplementsChat ¶
func (*ChatForbidden) ImplementsChat()
type ChatFullObj ¶
type ChatFullObj struct { CanSetUsername bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasScheduled bool `tl:"flag:8,encoded_in_bitflags"` TranslationsDisabled bool `tl:"flag:19,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 About string Participants ChatParticipants ChatPhoto Photo `tl:"flag:2"` NotifySettings *PeerNotifySettings ExportedInvite ExportedChatInvite `tl:"flag:13"` BotInfo []*BotInfo `tl:"flag:3"` PinnedMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:6"` FolderID int32 `tl:"flag:11"` Call *InputGroupCall `tl:"flag:12"` TtlPeriod int32 `tl:"flag:14"` GroupcallDefaultJoinAs Peer `tl:"flag:15"` ThemeEmoticon string `tl:"flag:16"` RequestsPending int32 `tl:"flag:17"` RecentRequesters []int64 `tl:"flag:17"` AvailableReactions ChatReactions `tl:"flag:18"` }
func (*ChatFullObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChatFullObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatFullObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChatFullObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChatFullObj) ImplementsChatFull ¶
func (*ChatFullObj) ImplementsChatFull()
type ChatInvite ¶
type ChatInviteAlready ¶
type ChatInviteAlready struct {
Chat Chat
func (*ChatInviteAlready) CRC ¶
func (*ChatInviteAlready) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatInviteAlready) ImplementsChatInvite ¶
func (*ChatInviteAlready) ImplementsChatInvite()
type ChatInviteExported ¶
type ChatInviteExported struct { Revoked bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Permanent bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` RequestNeeded bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` Link string AdminID int64 Date int32 StartDate int32 `tl:"flag:4"` ExpireDate int32 `tl:"flag:1"` UsageLimit int32 `tl:"flag:2"` Usage int32 `tl:"flag:3"` Requested int32 `tl:"flag:7"` Title string `tl:"flag:8"` }
func (*ChatInviteExported) CRC ¶
func (*ChatInviteExported) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatInviteExported) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChatInviteExported) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChatInviteExported) ImplementsExportedChatInvite ¶
func (*ChatInviteExported) ImplementsExportedChatInvite()
type ChatInviteImporter ¶
type ChatInviteImporter struct { Requested bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ViaChatlist bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` UserID int64 Date int32 About string `tl:"flag:2"` ApprovedBy int64 `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*ChatInviteImporter) CRC ¶
func (*ChatInviteImporter) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatInviteImporter) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChatInviteImporter) FlagIndex() int
type ChatInviteObj ¶
type ChatInviteObj struct { Channel bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Broadcast bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Public bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Megagroup bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` RequestNeeded bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` Verified bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Scam bool `tl:"flag:8,encoded_in_bitflags"` Fake bool `tl:"flag:9,encoded_in_bitflags"` Title string About string `tl:"flag:5"` Photo Photo ParticipantsCount int32 Participants []User `tl:"flag:4"` Color int32 }
func (*ChatInviteObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChatInviteObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatInviteObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChatInviteObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChatInviteObj) ImplementsChatInvite ¶
func (*ChatInviteObj) ImplementsChatInvite()
type ChatInvitePeek ¶
func (*ChatInvitePeek) CRC ¶
func (*ChatInvitePeek) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatInvitePeek) ImplementsChatInvite ¶
func (*ChatInvitePeek) ImplementsChatInvite()
type ChatInvitePublicJoinRequests ¶
type ChatInvitePublicJoinRequests struct{}
func (*ChatInvitePublicJoinRequests) CRC ¶
func (*ChatInvitePublicJoinRequests) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatInvitePublicJoinRequests) ImplementsExportedChatInvite ¶
func (*ChatInvitePublicJoinRequests) ImplementsExportedChatInvite()
type ChatObj ¶
type ChatObj struct { Creator bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Left bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Deactivated bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` CallActive bool `tl:"flag:23,encoded_in_bitflags"` CallNotEmpty bool `tl:"flag:24,encoded_in_bitflags"` Noforwards bool `tl:"flag:25,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 Title string Photo ChatPhoto ParticipantsCount int32 Date int32 Version int32 MigratedTo InputChannel `tl:"flag:6"` AdminRights *ChatAdminRights `tl:"flag:14"` DefaultBannedRights *ChatBannedRights `tl:"flag:18"` }
func (*ChatObj) ImplementsChat ¶
func (*ChatObj) ImplementsChat()
type ChatOnlines ¶
type ChatOnlines struct {
Onlines int32
func (*ChatOnlines) CRC ¶
func (*ChatOnlines) CRC() uint32
type ChatParticipant ¶
type ChatParticipantAdmin ¶
func (*ChatParticipantAdmin) CRC ¶
func (*ChatParticipantAdmin) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatParticipantAdmin) ImplementsChatParticipant ¶
func (*ChatParticipantAdmin) ImplementsChatParticipant()
type ChatParticipantCreator ¶
type ChatParticipantCreator struct {
UserID int64
func (*ChatParticipantCreator) CRC ¶
func (*ChatParticipantCreator) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatParticipantCreator) ImplementsChatParticipant ¶
func (*ChatParticipantCreator) ImplementsChatParticipant()
type ChatParticipantObj ¶
func (*ChatParticipantObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChatParticipantObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatParticipantObj) ImplementsChatParticipant ¶
func (*ChatParticipantObj) ImplementsChatParticipant()
type ChatParticipants ¶
type ChatParticipantsForbidden ¶
type ChatParticipantsForbidden struct { ChatID int64 SelfParticipant ChatParticipant `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*ChatParticipantsForbidden) CRC ¶
func (*ChatParticipantsForbidden) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatParticipantsForbidden) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChatParticipantsForbidden) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChatParticipantsForbidden) ImplementsChatParticipants ¶
func (*ChatParticipantsForbidden) ImplementsChatParticipants()
type ChatParticipantsObj ¶
type ChatParticipantsObj struct { ChatID int64 Participants []ChatParticipant Version int32 }
func (*ChatParticipantsObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChatParticipantsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatParticipantsObj) ImplementsChatParticipants ¶
func (*ChatParticipantsObj) ImplementsChatParticipants()
type ChatPhotoEmpty ¶
type ChatPhotoEmpty struct{}
func (*ChatPhotoEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*ChatPhotoEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatPhotoEmpty) ImplementsChatPhoto ¶
func (*ChatPhotoEmpty) ImplementsChatPhoto()
type ChatPhotoObj ¶
type ChatPhotoObj struct { HasVideo bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhotoID int64 StrippedThumb []byte `tl:"flag:1"` DcID int32 }
func (*ChatPhotoObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChatPhotoObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatPhotoObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChatPhotoObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChatPhotoObj) ImplementsChatPhoto ¶
func (*ChatPhotoObj) ImplementsChatPhoto()
type ChatReactions ¶
type ChatReactionsAll ¶
type ChatReactionsAll struct {
AllowCustom bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"`
func (*ChatReactionsAll) CRC ¶
func (*ChatReactionsAll) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatReactionsAll) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChatReactionsAll) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChatReactionsAll) ImplementsChatReactions ¶
func (*ChatReactionsAll) ImplementsChatReactions()
type ChatReactionsNone ¶
type ChatReactionsNone struct{}
func (*ChatReactionsNone) CRC ¶
func (*ChatReactionsNone) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatReactionsNone) ImplementsChatReactions ¶
func (*ChatReactionsNone) ImplementsChatReactions()
type ChatReactionsSome ¶
type ChatReactionsSome struct {
Reactions []Reaction
func (*ChatReactionsSome) CRC ¶
func (*ChatReactionsSome) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatReactionsSome) ImplementsChatReactions ¶
func (*ChatReactionsSome) ImplementsChatReactions()
type ChatlistsChatlistInvite ¶
type ChatlistsChatlistInviteAlready ¶
type ChatlistsChatlistInviteAlready struct { FilterID int32 MissingPeers []Peer AlreadyPeers []Peer Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*ChatlistsChatlistInviteAlready) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsChatlistInviteAlready) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatlistsChatlistInviteAlready) ImplementsChatlistsChatlistInvite ¶
func (*ChatlistsChatlistInviteAlready) ImplementsChatlistsChatlistInvite()
type ChatlistsChatlistInviteObj ¶
type ChatlistsChatlistInviteObj struct { Title string Emoticon string `tl:"flag:0"` Peers []Peer Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*ChatlistsChatlistInviteObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsChatlistInviteObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatlistsChatlistInviteObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChatlistsChatlistInviteObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*ChatlistsChatlistInviteObj) ImplementsChatlistsChatlistInvite ¶
func (*ChatlistsChatlistInviteObj) ImplementsChatlistsChatlistInvite()
type ChatlistsChatlistUpdates ¶
func (*ChatlistsChatlistUpdates) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsChatlistUpdates) CRC() uint32
type ChatlistsCheckChatlistInviteParams ¶
type ChatlistsCheckChatlistInviteParams struct {
Slug string
func (*ChatlistsCheckChatlistInviteParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsCheckChatlistInviteParams) CRC() uint32
type ChatlistsDeleteExportedInviteParams ¶
type ChatlistsDeleteExportedInviteParams struct { Chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter Slug string }
func (*ChatlistsDeleteExportedInviteParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsDeleteExportedInviteParams) CRC() uint32
type ChatlistsEditExportedInviteParams ¶
type ChatlistsEditExportedInviteParams struct { Chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter Slug string Title string `tl:"flag:1"` Peers []InputPeer `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*ChatlistsEditExportedInviteParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsEditExportedInviteParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatlistsEditExportedInviteParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ChatlistsEditExportedInviteParams) FlagIndex() int
type ChatlistsExportChatlistInviteParams ¶
type ChatlistsExportChatlistInviteParams struct { Chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter Title string Peers []InputPeer }
func (*ChatlistsExportChatlistInviteParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsExportChatlistInviteParams) CRC() uint32
type ChatlistsExportedChatlistInvite ¶
type ChatlistsExportedChatlistInvite struct { Filter DialogFilter Invite *ExportedChatlistInvite }
func (*ChatlistsExportedChatlistInvite) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsExportedChatlistInvite) CRC() uint32
type ChatlistsExportedInvites ¶
type ChatlistsExportedInvites struct { Invites []*ExportedChatlistInvite Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*ChatlistsExportedInvites) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsExportedInvites) CRC() uint32
type ChatlistsGetChatlistUpdatesParams ¶
type ChatlistsGetChatlistUpdatesParams struct {
Chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter
func (*ChatlistsGetChatlistUpdatesParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsGetChatlistUpdatesParams) CRC() uint32
type ChatlistsGetExportedInvitesParams ¶
type ChatlistsGetExportedInvitesParams struct {
Chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter
func (*ChatlistsGetExportedInvitesParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsGetExportedInvitesParams) CRC() uint32
type ChatlistsGetLeaveChatlistSuggestionsParams ¶
type ChatlistsGetLeaveChatlistSuggestionsParams struct {
Chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter
func (*ChatlistsGetLeaveChatlistSuggestionsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsGetLeaveChatlistSuggestionsParams) CRC() uint32
type ChatlistsHideChatlistUpdatesParams ¶
type ChatlistsHideChatlistUpdatesParams struct {
Chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter
func (*ChatlistsHideChatlistUpdatesParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsHideChatlistUpdatesParams) CRC() uint32
type ChatlistsJoinChatlistInviteParams ¶
func (*ChatlistsJoinChatlistInviteParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsJoinChatlistInviteParams) CRC() uint32
type ChatlistsJoinChatlistUpdatesParams ¶
type ChatlistsJoinChatlistUpdatesParams struct { Chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter Peers []InputPeer }
func (*ChatlistsJoinChatlistUpdatesParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsJoinChatlistUpdatesParams) CRC() uint32
type ChatlistsLeaveChatlistParams ¶
type ChatlistsLeaveChatlistParams struct { Chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter Peers []InputPeer }
func (*ChatlistsLeaveChatlistParams) CRC ¶
func (*ChatlistsLeaveChatlistParams) CRC() uint32
type Client ¶
type Client struct { *mtproto.MTProto Cache *CACHE Log *utils.Logger // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Client is the main struct of the library
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(config ClientConfig) (*Client, error)
func (*Client) AccountAcceptAuthorization ¶
func (c *Client) AccountAcceptAuthorization(botID int64, scope, publicKey string, valueHashes []*SecureValueHash, credentials *SecureCredentialsEncrypted) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountCancelPasswordEmail ¶
func (*Client) AccountChangeAuthorizationSettings ¶
func (*Client) AccountChangePhone ¶
func (*Client) AccountCheckUsername ¶
func (*Client) AccountClearRecentEmojiStatuses ¶
func (*Client) AccountConfirmPasswordEmail ¶
func (*Client) AccountConfirmPhone ¶
func (*Client) AccountCreateTheme ¶
func (c *Client) AccountCreateTheme(slug, title string, document InputDocument, settings []*InputThemeSettings) (*Theme, error)
func (*Client) AccountDeclinePasswordReset ¶
func (*Client) AccountDeleteAccount ¶
func (c *Client) AccountDeleteAccount(reason string, password InputCheckPasswordSRP) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountDeleteAutoSaveExceptions ¶
func (*Client) AccountDeleteSecureValue ¶
func (c *Client) AccountDeleteSecureValue(types []SecureValueType) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountFinishTakeoutSession ¶
func (*Client) AccountGetAccountTtl ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetAccountTtl() (*AccountDaysTtl, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetAllSecureValues ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetAllSecureValues() ([]*SecureValue, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetAuthorizationForm ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetAuthorizationForm(botID int64, scope, publicKey string) (*AccountAuthorizationForm, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetAuthorizations ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetAuthorizations() (*AccountAuthorizations, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetAutoDownloadSettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetAutoDownloadSettings() (*AccountAutoDownloadSettings, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetAutoSaveSettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetAutoSaveSettings() (*AccountAutoSaveSettings, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetChannelDefaultEmojiStatuses ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetChannelDefaultEmojiStatuses(hash int64) (AccountEmojiStatuses, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetChannelRestrictedStatusEmojis ¶
func (*Client) AccountGetChatThemes ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetChatThemes(hash int64) (AccountThemes, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetContactSignUpNotification ¶
func (*Client) AccountGetContentSettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetContentSettings() (*AccountContentSettings, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetDefaultBackgroundEmojis ¶
func (*Client) AccountGetDefaultEmojiStatuses ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetDefaultEmojiStatuses(hash int64) (AccountEmojiStatuses, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetDefaultGroupPhotoEmojis ¶
func (*Client) AccountGetDefaultProfilePhotoEmojis ¶
func (*Client) AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettings() (*GlobalPrivacySettings, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetMultiWallPapers ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetMultiWallPapers(wallpapers []InputWallPaper) ([]WallPaper, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetNotifyExceptions ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetNotifyExceptions(compareSound, compareStories bool, peer InputNotifyPeer) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetNotifySettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetNotifySettings(peer InputNotifyPeer) (*PeerNotifySettings, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetPassword ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetPassword() (*AccountPassword, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetPasswordSettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetPasswordSettings(password InputCheckPasswordSRP) (*AccountPasswordSettings, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetPrivacy ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetPrivacy(key InputPrivacyKey) (*AccountPrivacyRules, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetRecentEmojiStatuses ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetRecentEmojiStatuses(hash int64) (AccountEmojiStatuses, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetSavedRingtones ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetSavedRingtones(hash int64) (AccountSavedRingtones, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetSecureValue ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetSecureValue(types []SecureValueType) ([]*SecureValue, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetTheme ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetTheme(format string, theme InputTheme) (*Theme, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetThemes ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetThemes(format string, hash int64) (AccountThemes, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetTmpPassword ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetTmpPassword(password InputCheckPasswordSRP, period int32) (*AccountTmpPassword, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetWallPaper ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetWallPaper(wallpaper InputWallPaper) (WallPaper, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetWallPapers ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetWallPapers(hash int64) (AccountWallPapers, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetWebAuthorizations ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetWebAuthorizations() (*AccountWebAuthorizations, error)
func (*Client) AccountInitTakeoutSession ¶
func (c *Client) AccountInitTakeoutSession(params *AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams) (*AccountTakeout, error)
func (*Client) AccountInstallTheme ¶
func (*Client) AccountInstallWallPaper ¶
func (c *Client) AccountInstallWallPaper(wallpaper InputWallPaper, settings *WallPaperSettings) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountInvalidateSignInCodes ¶
func (*Client) AccountRegisterDevice ¶
func (c *Client) AccountRegisterDevice(params *AccountRegisterDeviceParams) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountReorderUsernames ¶
func (*Client) AccountReportPeer ¶
func (*Client) AccountReportProfilePhoto ¶
func (c *Client) AccountReportProfilePhoto(peer InputPeer, photoID InputPhoto, reason ReportReason, message string) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountResendPasswordEmail ¶
func (*Client) AccountResetAuthorization ¶
func (*Client) AccountResetNotifySettings ¶
func (*Client) AccountResetPassword ¶
func (c *Client) AccountResetPassword() (AccountResetPasswordResult, error)
func (*Client) AccountResetWallPapers ¶
func (*Client) AccountResetWebAuthorization ¶
func (*Client) AccountResetWebAuthorizations ¶
func (*Client) AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettings(low, high bool, settings *AutoDownloadSettings) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountSaveAutoSaveSettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSaveAutoSaveSettings(params *AccountSaveAutoSaveSettingsParams) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountSaveRingtone ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSaveRingtone(id InputDocument, unsave bool) (AccountSavedRingtone, error)
func (*Client) AccountSaveSecureValue ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSaveSecureValue(value *InputSecureValue, secureSecretID int64) (*SecureValue, error)
func (*Client) AccountSaveTheme ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSaveTheme(theme InputTheme, unsave bool) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountSaveWallPaper ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSaveWallPaper(wallpaper InputWallPaper, unsave bool, settings *WallPaperSettings) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountSendChangePhoneCode ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSendChangePhoneCode(phoneNumber string, settings *CodeSettings) (AuthSentCode, error)
func (*Client) AccountSendConfirmPhoneCode ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSendConfirmPhoneCode(hash string, settings *CodeSettings) (AuthSentCode, error)
func (*Client) AccountSendVerifyEmailCode ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSendVerifyEmailCode(purpose EmailVerifyPurpose, email string) (*AccountSentEmailCode, error)
func (*Client) AccountSendVerifyPhoneCode ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSendVerifyPhoneCode(phoneNumber string, settings *CodeSettings) (AuthSentCode, error)
func (*Client) AccountSetAccountTtl ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSetAccountTtl(ttl *AccountDaysTtl) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountSetAuthorizationTtl ¶
func (*Client) AccountSetContactSignUpNotification ¶
func (*Client) AccountSetContentSettings ¶
func (*Client) AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettings(settings *GlobalPrivacySettings) (*GlobalPrivacySettings, error)
func (*Client) AccountSetPrivacy ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSetPrivacy(key InputPrivacyKey, rules []InputPrivacyRule) (*AccountPrivacyRules, error)
func (*Client) AccountToggleUsername ¶
func (*Client) AccountUnregisterDevice ¶
func (*Client) AccountUpdateColor ¶
func (*Client) AccountUpdateDeviceLocked ¶
func (*Client) AccountUpdateEmojiStatus ¶
func (c *Client) AccountUpdateEmojiStatus(emojiStatus EmojiStatus) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountUpdateNotifySettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountUpdateNotifySettings(peer InputNotifyPeer, settings *InputPeerNotifySettings) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountUpdatePasswordSettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountUpdatePasswordSettings(password InputCheckPasswordSRP, newSettings *AccountPasswordInputSettings) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountUpdateProfile ¶
func (*Client) AccountUpdateStatus ¶
func (*Client) AccountUpdateTheme ¶
func (c *Client) AccountUpdateTheme(params *AccountUpdateThemeParams) (*Theme, error)
func (*Client) AccountUpdateUsername ¶
func (*Client) AccountUploadRingtone ¶
func (*Client) AccountUploadTheme ¶
func (*Client) AccountUploadWallPaper ¶
func (*Client) AccountVerifyEmail ¶
func (c *Client) AccountVerifyEmail(purpose EmailVerifyPurpose, verification EmailVerification) (AccountEmailVerified, error)
func (*Client) AccountVerifyPhone ¶
func (*Client) AddActionHandler ¶
func (c *Client) AddActionHandler(handler func(m *NewMessage) error) chatActionHandle
func (*Client) AddAlbumHandler ¶
func (*Client) AddCallbackHandler ¶
func (c *Client) AddCallbackHandler(pattern interface{}, handler func(m *CallbackQuery) error) callbackHandle
Handle updates categorized as "UpdateBotCallbackQuery"
Included Updates:
- Callback Query
func (*Client) AddDeleteHandler ¶
func (c *Client) AddDeleteHandler(pattern interface{}, handler func(d *DeleteMessage) error) messageDeleteHandle
func (*Client) AddEditHandler ¶
func (c *Client) AddEditHandler(pattern interface{}, handler func(m *NewMessage) error) messageEditHandle
Handle updates categorized as "UpdateMessageEdited"
Included Updates:
- Message Edited
- Channel Post Edited
func (*Client) AddInlineCallbackHandler ¶
func (c *Client) AddInlineCallbackHandler(pattern interface{}, handler func(m *InlineCallbackQuery) error) inlineCallbackHandle
Handle updates categorized as "UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery"
Included Updates:
- Inline Callback Query
func (*Client) AddInlineHandler ¶
func (c *Client) AddInlineHandler(pattern interface{}, handler func(m *InlineQuery) error) inlineHandle
Handle updates categorized as "UpdateBotInlineQuery"
Included Updates:
- Inline Query
func (*Client) AddMessageHandler ¶
func (c *Client) AddMessageHandler(pattern interface{}, handler func(m *NewMessage) error, filters ...Filter) messageHandle
func (*Client) AddParticipantHandler ¶
func (c *Client) AddParticipantHandler(handler func(m *ParticipantUpdate) error) participantHandle
Handle updates categorized as "UpdateChannelParticipant"
Included Updates:
- New Channel Participant
- Banned Channel Participant
- Left Channel Participant
- Kicked Channel Participant
- Channel Participant Admin
- Channel Participant Creator
func (*Client) AddRawHandler ¶
func (*Client) AnswerCallbackQuery ¶
func (*Client) AnswerInlineQuery ¶
func (c *Client) AnswerInlineQuery(QueryID int64, Results []InputBotInlineResult, Options ...*InlineSendOptions) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AuthAcceptLoginToken ¶
func (c *Client) AuthAcceptLoginToken(token []byte) (*Authorization, error)
func (*Client) AuthBindTempAuthKey ¶
func (*Client) AuthCancelCode ¶
func (*Client) AuthCheckPassword ¶
func (c *Client) AuthCheckPassword(password InputCheckPasswordSRP) (AuthAuthorization, error)
func (*Client) AuthCheckRecoveryPassword ¶
func (*Client) AuthDropTempAuthKeys ¶
func (*Client) AuthExportAuthorization ¶
func (c *Client) AuthExportAuthorization(dcID int32) (*AuthExportedAuthorization, error)
func (*Client) AuthExportLoginToken ¶
func (*Client) AuthImportAuthorization ¶
func (c *Client) AuthImportAuthorization(id int64, bytes []byte) (AuthAuthorization, error)
func (*Client) AuthImportBotAuthorization ¶
func (c *Client) AuthImportBotAuthorization(flags, apiID int32, apiHash, botAuthToken string) (AuthAuthorization, error)
func (*Client) AuthImportLoginToken ¶
func (c *Client) AuthImportLoginToken(token []byte) (AuthLoginToken, error)
func (*Client) AuthImportWebTokenAuthorization ¶
func (c *Client) AuthImportWebTokenAuthorization(apiID int32, apiHash, webAuthToken string) (AuthAuthorization, error)
func (*Client) AuthLogOut ¶
func (c *Client) AuthLogOut() (*AuthLoggedOut, error)
func (*Client) AuthPrompt ¶
AuthPromt will prompt user to enter phone number or bot token to authorize client
func (*Client) AuthRecoverPassword ¶
func (c *Client) AuthRecoverPassword(code string, newSettings *AccountPasswordInputSettings) (AuthAuthorization, error)
func (*Client) AuthRequestFirebaseSms ¶
func (*Client) AuthRequestPasswordRecovery ¶
func (c *Client) AuthRequestPasswordRecovery() (*AuthPasswordRecovery, error)
func (*Client) AuthResendCode ¶
func (c *Client) AuthResendCode(phoneNumber, phoneCodeHash string) (AuthSentCode, error)
func (*Client) AuthResetAuthorizations ¶
func (*Client) AuthResetLoginEmail ¶
func (c *Client) AuthResetLoginEmail(phoneNumber, phoneCodeHash string) (AuthSentCode, error)
func (*Client) AuthSendCode ¶
func (c *Client) AuthSendCode(phoneNumber string, apiID int32, apiHash string, settings *CodeSettings) (AuthSentCode, error)
func (*Client) AuthSignIn ¶
func (c *Client) AuthSignIn(phoneNumber, phoneCodeHash, phoneCode string, emailVerification EmailVerification) (AuthAuthorization, error)
func (*Client) AuthSignUp ¶
func (c *Client) AuthSignUp(phoneNumber, phoneCodeHash, firstName, lastName string) (AuthAuthorization, error)
func (*Client) BorrowExportedSenders ¶
BorrowExportedSender returns exported senders from cache or creates new ones
func (*Client) BotsAllowSendMessage ¶
func (*Client) BotsAnswerWebhookJsonQuery ¶
func (*Client) BotsCanSendMessage ¶
func (*Client) BotsGetBotCommands ¶
func (c *Client) BotsGetBotCommands(scope BotCommandScope, langCode string) ([]*BotCommand, error)
func (*Client) BotsGetBotInfo ¶
func (c *Client) BotsGetBotInfo(bot InputUser, langCode string) (*BotsBotInfo, error)
func (*Client) BotsGetBotMenuButton ¶
func (c *Client) BotsGetBotMenuButton(userID InputUser) (BotMenuButton, error)
func (*Client) BotsInvokeWebViewCustomMethod ¶
func (*Client) BotsReorderUsernames ¶
func (*Client) BotsResetBotCommands ¶
func (c *Client) BotsResetBotCommands(scope BotCommandScope, langCode string) (bool, error)
func (*Client) BotsSendCustomRequest ¶
func (*Client) BotsSetBotBroadcastDefaultAdminRights ¶
func (c *Client) BotsSetBotBroadcastDefaultAdminRights(adminRights *ChatAdminRights) (bool, error)
func (*Client) BotsSetBotCommands ¶
func (c *Client) BotsSetBotCommands(scope BotCommandScope, langCode string, commands []*BotCommand) (bool, error)
func (*Client) BotsSetBotGroupDefaultAdminRights ¶
func (c *Client) BotsSetBotGroupDefaultAdminRights(adminRights *ChatAdminRights) (bool, error)
func (*Client) BotsSetBotInfo ¶
func (c *Client) BotsSetBotInfo(params *BotsSetBotInfoParams) (bool, error)
func (*Client) BotsSetBotMenuButton ¶
func (c *Client) BotsSetBotMenuButton(userID InputUser, button BotMenuButton) (bool, error)
func (*Client) BotsToggleUsername ¶
func (*Client) ChannelsCheckUsername ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsCheckUsername(channel InputChannel, username string) (bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsClickSponsoredMessage ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsClickSponsoredMessage(channel InputChannel, randomID []byte) (bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsConvertToGigagroup ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsConvertToGigagroup(channel InputChannel) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsCreateChannel ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsCreateChannel(params *ChannelsCreateChannelParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsCreateForumTopic ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsCreateForumTopic(params *ChannelsCreateForumTopicParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsDeactivateAllUsernames ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsDeactivateAllUsernames(channel InputChannel) (bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsDeleteChannel ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteChannel(channel InputChannel) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsDeleteHistory ¶
func (*Client) ChannelsDeleteMessages ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteMessages(channel InputChannel, id []int32) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsDeleteParticipantHistory ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteParticipantHistory(channel InputChannel, participant InputPeer) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsDeleteTopicHistory ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteTopicHistory(channel InputChannel, topMsgID int32) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsEditAdmin ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsEditAdmin(channel InputChannel, userID InputUser, adminRights *ChatAdminRights, rank string) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsEditBanned ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsEditBanned(channel InputChannel, participant InputPeer, bannedRights *ChatBannedRights) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsEditCreator ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsEditCreator(channel InputChannel, userID InputUser, password InputCheckPasswordSRP) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsEditForumTopic ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsEditForumTopic(params *ChannelsEditForumTopicParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsEditLocation ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsEditLocation(channel InputChannel, geoPoint InputGeoPoint, address string) (bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsEditPhoto ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsEditPhoto(channel InputChannel, photo InputChatPhoto) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsEditTitle ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsEditTitle(channel InputChannel, title string) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsExportMessageLink ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsExportMessageLink(grouped, thread bool, channel InputChannel, id int32) (*ExportedMessageLink, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetAdminLog ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetAdminLog(params *ChannelsGetAdminLogParams) (*ChannelsAdminLogResults, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannels ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannels(byLocation, checkLimit bool) (MessagesChats, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetChannelRecommendations ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetChannelRecommendations(channel InputChannel) (MessagesChats, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetChannels ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetChannels(id []InputChannel) (MessagesChats, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetForumTopics ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetForumTopics(params *ChannelsGetForumTopicsParams) (*MessagesForumTopics, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetForumTopicsByID ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetForumTopicsByID(channel InputChannel, topics []int32) (*MessagesForumTopics, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetFullChannel ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetFullChannel(channel InputChannel) (*MessagesChatFull, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussion ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussion() (MessagesChats, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetInactiveChannels ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetInactiveChannels() (*MessagesInactiveChats, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetLeftChannels ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetLeftChannels(offset int32) (MessagesChats, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetMessages ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetMessages(channel InputChannel, id []InputMessage) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetParticipant ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetParticipant(channel InputChannel, participant InputPeer) (*ChannelsChannelParticipant, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetParticipants ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetParticipants(channel InputChannel, filter ChannelParticipantsFilter, offset, limit int32, hash int64) (ChannelsChannelParticipants, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetSendAs ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetSendAs(peer InputPeer) (*ChannelsSendAsPeers, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetSponsoredMessages ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetSponsoredMessages(channel InputChannel) (MessagesSponsoredMessages, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsInviteToChannel ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsInviteToChannel(channel InputChannel, users []InputUser) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsJoinChannel ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsJoinChannel(channel InputChannel) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsLeaveChannel ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsLeaveChannel(channel InputChannel) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsReadHistory ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsReadHistory(channel InputChannel, maxID int32) (bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsReadMessageContents ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsReadMessageContents(channel InputChannel, id []int32) (bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsReorderPinnedForumTopics ¶
func (*Client) ChannelsReorderUsernames ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsReorderUsernames(channel InputChannel, order []string) (bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsReportAntiSpamFalsePositive ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsReportAntiSpamFalsePositive(channel InputChannel, msgID int32) (bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsReportSpam ¶
func (*Client) ChannelsSetDiscussionGroup ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsSetDiscussionGroup(broadcast, group InputChannel) (bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsSetStickers ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsSetStickers(channel InputChannel, stickerset InputStickerSet) (bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsToggleAntiSpam ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleAntiSpam(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsToggleForum ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleForum(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsToggleJoinRequest ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleJoinRequest(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsToggleJoinToSend ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleJoinToSend(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsToggleParticipantsHidden ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleParticipantsHidden(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHidden ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHidden(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsToggleSignatures ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleSignatures(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsToggleSlowMode ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleSlowMode(channel InputChannel, seconds int32) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsToggleUsername ¶
func (*Client) ChannelsToggleViewForumAsMessages ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleViewForumAsMessages(channel InputChannel, enabled bool) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsUpdateColor ¶
func (*Client) ChannelsUpdateEmojiStatus ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsUpdateEmojiStatus(channel InputChannel, emojiStatus EmojiStatus) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsUpdatePinnedForumTopic ¶
func (*Client) ChannelsUpdateUsername ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsUpdateUsername(channel InputChannel, username string) (bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsViewSponsoredMessage ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsViewSponsoredMessage(channel InputChannel, randomID []byte) (bool, error)
func (*Client) ChatlistsCheckChatlistInvite ¶
func (c *Client) ChatlistsCheckChatlistInvite(slug string) (ChatlistsChatlistInvite, error)
func (*Client) ChatlistsDeleteExportedInvite ¶
func (c *Client) ChatlistsDeleteExportedInvite(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter, slug string) (bool, error)
func (*Client) ChatlistsEditExportedInvite ¶
func (c *Client) ChatlistsEditExportedInvite(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter, slug, title string, peers []InputPeer) (*ExportedChatlistInvite, error)
func (*Client) ChatlistsExportChatlistInvite ¶
func (c *Client) ChatlistsExportChatlistInvite(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter, title string, peers []InputPeer) (*ChatlistsExportedChatlistInvite, error)
func (*Client) ChatlistsGetChatlistUpdates ¶
func (c *Client) ChatlistsGetChatlistUpdates(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter) (*ChatlistsChatlistUpdates, error)
func (*Client) ChatlistsGetExportedInvites ¶
func (c *Client) ChatlistsGetExportedInvites(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter) (*ChatlistsExportedInvites, error)
func (*Client) ChatlistsGetLeaveChatlistSuggestions ¶
func (c *Client) ChatlistsGetLeaveChatlistSuggestions(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter) ([]Peer, error)
func (*Client) ChatlistsHideChatlistUpdates ¶
func (c *Client) ChatlistsHideChatlistUpdates(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter) (bool, error)
func (*Client) ChatlistsJoinChatlistInvite ¶
func (*Client) ChatlistsJoinChatlistUpdates ¶
func (c *Client) ChatlistsJoinChatlistUpdates(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter, peers []InputPeer) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChatlistsLeaveChatlist ¶
func (c *Client) ChatlistsLeaveChatlist(chatlist *InputChatlistDialogFilter, peers []InputPeer) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ConnectBot ¶
ConnectBot connects to telegram using bot token
func (*Client) ContactsAcceptContact ¶
func (*Client) ContactsAddContact ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsAddContact(params *ContactsAddContactParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ContactsBlock ¶
func (*Client) ContactsBlockFromReplies ¶
func (*Client) ContactsDeleteByPhones ¶
func (*Client) ContactsDeleteContacts ¶
func (*Client) ContactsEditCloseFriends ¶
func (*Client) ContactsExportContactToken ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsExportContactToken() (*ExportedContactToken, error)
func (*Client) ContactsGetBlocked ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsGetBlocked(myStoriesFrom bool, offset, limit int32) (ContactsBlocked, error)
func (*Client) ContactsGetContactIDs ¶
func (*Client) ContactsGetContacts ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsGetContacts(hash int64) (ContactsContacts, error)
func (*Client) ContactsGetLocated ¶
func (*Client) ContactsGetSaved ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsGetSaved() ([]*SavedPhoneContact, error)
func (*Client) ContactsGetStatuses ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsGetStatuses() ([]*ContactStatus, error)
func (*Client) ContactsGetTopPeers ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsGetTopPeers(params *ContactsGetTopPeersParams) (ContactsTopPeers, error)
func (*Client) ContactsImportContactToken ¶
func (*Client) ContactsImportContacts ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsImportContacts(contacts []*InputPhoneContact) (*ContactsImportedContacts, error)
func (*Client) ContactsResetSaved ¶
func (*Client) ContactsResetTopPeerRating ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsResetTopPeerRating(category TopPeerCategory, peer InputPeer) (bool, error)
func (*Client) ContactsResolvePhone ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsResolvePhone(phone string) (*ContactsResolvedPeer, error)
func (*Client) ContactsResolveUsername ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsResolveUsername(username string) (*ContactsResolvedPeer, error)
func (*Client) ContactsSearch ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsSearch(q string, limit int32) (*ContactsFound, error)
func (*Client) ContactsSetBlocked ¶
func (*Client) ContactsToggleTopPeers ¶
func (*Client) ContactsUnblock ¶
func (*Client) CreateChannel ¶
func (c *Client) CreateChannel(title string, opts ...ChannelOptions) (*Channel, error)
func (*Client) DeleteChannel ¶
func (*Client) DeleteMessages ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteMessages(peerID interface{}, msgIDs []int32, Revoke ...bool) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
DeleteMessages deletes messages. This method is a wrapper for messages.deleteMessages.
func (*Client) DownloadMedia ¶
func (c *Client) DownloadMedia(file interface{}, Opts ...*DownloadOptions) (string, error)
func (*Client) Edit2FA ¶
Edit2FA changes the 2FA password of the current user, if 2fa is already enabled, should provide the current password.
func (*Client) EditAdmin ¶
func (c *Client) EditAdmin(PeerID interface{}, UserID interface{}, Opts ...*AdminOptions) (bool, error)
Edit Admin rights of a user in a chat, returns true if successfull
func (*Client) EditBanned ¶
func (c *Client) EditBanned(PeerID interface{}, UserID interface{}, opts ...*BannedOptions) (bool, error)
Edit Restricted rights of a user in a chat, returns true if successfull
func (*Client) EditMessage ¶
func (c *Client) EditMessage(peerID interface{}, id int32, message interface{}, opts ...*SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
EditMessage edits a message. This method is a wrapper for messages.editMessage.
- peerID: ID of the peer the message was sent to.
- id: ID of the message to be edited.
- message: New text of the message.
- opts: Optional parameters.
- NewMessage: Returns a NewMessage object containing the edited message on success.
- error: Returns an error on failure.
func (*Client) EditTitle ¶
func (c *Client) EditTitle(PeerID interface{}, Title string, Opts ...*TitleOptions) (bool, error)
Edit the title of a chat, channel or self, returns true if successfull
func (*Client) ExportRawSession ¶
ExportRawSession exports a session to raw TData
Returns: authKey: The auth key of the session authKeyHash: The auth key hash IpAddr: The IP address of the DC DcID: The DC ID to connect to AppID: The App ID to use
func (*Client) ExportSession ¶
ExportSession exports the current session to a string, This string can be used to import the session later
func (*Client) FoldersEditPeerFolders ¶
func (c *Client) FoldersEditPeerFolders(folderPeers []*InputFolderPeer) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) FormatMessage ¶
func (c *Client) FormatMessage(message string, mode string) ([]MessageEntity, string)
func (*Client) Forward ¶
func (c *Client) Forward(peerID interface{}, fromPeerID interface{}, msgIDs []int32, opts ...*ForwardOptions) ([]NewMessage, error)
Forward forwards a message. This method is a wrapper for messages.forwardMessages.
func (*Client) GetCachedExportedSenders ¶
func (*Client) GetChatInviteLink ¶
func (c *Client) GetChatInviteLink(peerID interface{}, LinkOpts ...*InviteLinkOptions) (ExportedChatInvite, error)
GetChatInviteLink returns the invite link of a chat
Params: - peerID : The ID of the chat - LegacyRevoke : If true, the link will be revoked - Expire: The time in seconds after which the link will expire - Limit: The maximum number of users that can join the chat using the link - Title: The title of the link - RequestNeeded: If true, join requests will be needed to join the chat
func (*Client) GetChatJoinRequests ¶
func (*Client) GetChatMember ¶
func (c *Client) GetChatMember(chatID interface{}, userID interface{}) (*Participant, error)
GetChatMember returns the members of a chat
Params: - chatID: The ID of the chat - userID: The ID of the user
func (*Client) GetChatMembers ¶
func (c *Client) GetChatMembers(chatID interface{}, Opts ...*ParticipantOptions) ([]*Participant, int32, error)
GetChatMembers returns the members of a chat
Params: - chatID: The ID of the chat - filter: The filter to use - offset: The offset to use - limit: The limit to use
func (*Client) GetChatPhotos ¶
GetChatPhotos returns the profile photos of a chat
Params: - chatID: The ID of the chat - limit: The maximum number of photos to be returned
func (*Client) GetCommonChats ¶
GetCommonChats returns the common chats of a user
Params: - userID: The user Identifier
func (*Client) GetCustomEmoji ¶
GetCustomEmoji gets the document of a custom emoji
Params: - docIDs: the document id of the emoji
func (*Client) GetDialogs ¶
func (c *Client) GetDialogs(Opts ...*DialogOptions) ([]Dialog, error)
GetDialogs returns the dialogs of the user
Params: - OffsetID: The offset ID of the dialog - OffsetDate: The offset date of the dialog - OffsetPeer: The offset peer of the dialog - Limit: The number of dialogs to return - ExcludePinned: Whether to exclude pinned dialogs - FolderID: The folder ID to get dialogs from
func (*Client) GetDifference ¶
func (*Client) GetMediaGroup ¶
func (c *Client) GetMediaGroup(PeerID interface{}, MsgID int32) ([]NewMessage, error)
GetMediaGroup gets all the messages in a media group.
Params: - PeerID: The ID of the chat or channel. - MsgID: The ID of the message.
func (*Client) GetMessages ¶
func (c *Client) GetMessages(PeerID interface{}, Opts ...*SearchOption) ([]NewMessage, error)
func (*Client) GetPeerChannel ¶
func (c *Client) GetPeerChannel(channelID int64) (*InputPeerChannel, error)
func (*Client) GetPeerUser ¶
func (c *Client) GetPeerUser(userID int64) (*InputPeerUser, error)
func (*Client) GetPinnedMessage ¶
func (c *Client) GetPinnedMessage(PeerID interface{}) (*NewMessage, error)
Gets the current pinned message in a chat
func (*Client) GetProfilePhotos ¶
func (c *Client) GetProfilePhotos(userID interface{}, Opts ...*PhotosOptions) ([]UserPhoto, error)
GetProfilePhotos returns the profile photos of a user
Params: - userID: The user ID - Offset: The offset to start from - Limit: The number of photos to return - MaxID: The maximum ID of the photo to return
func (*Client) GetSendablePeer ¶
func (*Client) GetStats ¶
func (c *Client) GetStats(channelID interface{}, messageID ...interface{}) (*StatsBroadcastStats, *StatsMessageStats, error)
GetStats returns the stats of the channel or message
Params: - channelID: the channel ID - messageID: the message ID
func (*Client) HelpAcceptTermsOfService ¶
func (*Client) HelpDismissSuggestion ¶
func (*Client) HelpEditUserInfo ¶
func (c *Client) HelpEditUserInfo(userID InputUser, message string, entities []MessageEntity) (HelpUserInfo, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetAppConfig ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetAppConfig(hash int32) (HelpAppConfig, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetAppUpdate ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetAppUpdate(source string) (HelpAppUpdate, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetCdnConfig ¶
func (*Client) HelpGetConfig ¶
func (*Client) HelpGetCountriesList ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetCountriesList(langCode string, hash int32) (HelpCountriesList, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetDeepLinkInfo ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetDeepLinkInfo(path string) (HelpDeepLinkInfo, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetInviteText ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetInviteText() (*HelpInviteText, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetNearestDc ¶
func (*Client) HelpGetPassportConfig ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetPassportConfig(hash int32) (HelpPassportConfig, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetPeerColors ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetPeerColors(hash int32) (HelpPeerColors, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetPeerProfileColors ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetPeerProfileColors(hash int32) (HelpPeerColors, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetPremiumPromo ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetPremiumPromo() (*HelpPremiumPromo, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetPromoData ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetPromoData() (HelpPromoData, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetRecentMeUrls ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetRecentMeUrls(referer string) (*HelpRecentMeUrls, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetSupport ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetSupport() (*HelpSupport, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetSupportName ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetSupportName() (*HelpSupportName, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdate ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdate() (HelpTermsOfServiceUpdate, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetUserInfo ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetUserInfo(userID InputUser) (HelpUserInfo, error)
func (*Client) HelpSaveAppLog ¶
func (c *Client) HelpSaveAppLog(events []*InputAppEvent) (bool, error)
func (*Client) HelpSetBotUpdatesStatus ¶
func (*Client) Idle ¶
func (c *Client) Idle()
Idle blocks the current goroutine until the client is stopped/terminated
func (*Client) ImportRawSession ¶
func (c *Client) ImportRawSession(authKey, authKeyHash []byte, IpAddr string, DcID int, AppID int32) (bool, error)
ImportRawSession imports a session from raw TData
Params: authKey: The auth key of the session authKeyHash: The auth key hash IpAddr: The IP address of the DC DcID: The DC ID to connect to AppID: The App ID to use
func (*Client) ImportSession ¶
ImportSession imports a session from a string
Params: sessionString: The sessionString to authenticate with
func (*Client) InitConnection ¶
func (c *Client) InitConnection(params *InitConnectionParams) (tl.Object, error)
func (*Client) InitialRequest ¶
initialRequest sends the initial initConnection request
func (*Client) InlineQuery ¶
func (c *Client) InlineQuery(peerID interface{}, Options ...*InlineOptions) (*MessagesBotResults, error)
InlineQuery performs an inline query and returns the results.
Params: - peerID: The ID of the Inline Bot. - Query: The query to send. - Offset: The offset to send. - Dialog: The chat or channel to send the query to. - GeoPoint: The location to send.
func (*Client) InvokeWithLayer ¶
func (*Client) InvokeWithTakeout ¶
func (*Client) IsAuthorized ¶
Returns true if the client is authorized as a user or a bot
func (*Client) IsConnected ¶
Returns true if the client is connected to telegram servers
func (*Client) JoinChannel ¶
JoinChannel joins a channel or chat by its username or id
Params: - Channel: the username or id of the channel or chat
func (*Client) KickParticipant ¶
func (*Client) LangpackGetDifference ¶
func (c *Client) LangpackGetDifference(langPack, langCode string, fromVersion int32) (*LangPackDifference, error)
func (*Client) LangpackGetLangPack ¶
func (c *Client) LangpackGetLangPack(langPack, langCode string) (*LangPackDifference, error)
func (*Client) LangpackGetLanguage ¶
func (c *Client) LangpackGetLanguage(langPack, langCode string) (*LangPackLanguage, error)
func (*Client) LangpackGetLanguages ¶
func (c *Client) LangpackGetLanguages(langPack string) ([]*LangPackLanguage, error)
func (*Client) LangpackGetStrings ¶
func (c *Client) LangpackGetStrings(langPack, langCode string, keys []string) ([]LangPackString, error)
func (*Client) LeaveChannel ¶
LeaveChannel leaves a channel or chat
Params: - Channel: Channel or chat to leave - Revoke: If true, the channel will be deleted
func (*Client) Login ¶
func (c *Client) Login(phoneNumber string, options ...*LoginOptions) (bool, error)
Authorize client with phone number, code and phone code hash, If phone code hash is empty, it will be requested from telegram server
func (*Client) MessagesAcceptEncryption ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesAcceptEncryption(peer *InputEncryptedChat, gB []byte, keyFingerprint int64) (EncryptedChat, error)
func (*Client) MessagesAcceptURLAuth ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesAcceptURLAuth(params *MessagesAcceptURLAuthParams) (URLAuthResult, error)
func (*Client) MessagesAddChatUser ¶
func (*Client) MessagesCheckChatInvite ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesCheckChatInvite(hash string) (ChatInvite, error)
func (*Client) MessagesCheckHistoryImport ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesCheckHistoryImport(importHead string) (*MessagesHistoryImportParsed, error)
func (*Client) MessagesCheckHistoryImportPeer ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesCheckHistoryImportPeer(peer InputPeer) (*MessagesCheckedHistoryImportPeer, error)
func (*Client) MessagesClearAllDrafts ¶
func (*Client) MessagesClearRecentReactions ¶
func (*Client) MessagesClearRecentStickers ¶
func (*Client) MessagesCreateChat ¶
func (*Client) MessagesDeleteChatUser ¶
func (*Client) MessagesDeleteExportedChatInvite ¶
func (*Client) MessagesDeleteHistory ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteHistory(params *MessagesDeleteHistoryParams) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
func (*Client) MessagesDeleteMessages ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteMessages(revoke bool, id []int32) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesDeletePhoneCallHistory ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesDeletePhoneCallHistory(revoke bool) (*MessagesAffectedFoundMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesDeleteRevokedExportedChatInvites ¶
func (*Client) MessagesDeleteSavedHistory ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteSavedHistory(peer InputPeer, maxID, minDate, maxDate int32) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
func (*Client) MessagesDeleteScheduledMessages ¶
func (*Client) MessagesDiscardEncryption ¶
func (*Client) MessagesEditChatAbout ¶
func (*Client) MessagesEditChatAdmin ¶
func (*Client) MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRights ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRights(peer InputPeer, bannedRights *ChatBannedRights) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesEditChatPhoto ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatPhoto(chatID int64, photo InputChatPhoto) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesEditChatTitle ¶
func (*Client) MessagesEditExportedChatInvite ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesEditExportedChatInvite(params *MessagesEditExportedChatInviteParams) (MessagesExportedChatInvite, error)
func (*Client) MessagesEditInlineBotMessage ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesEditInlineBotMessage(params *MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesEditMessage ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesEditMessage(params *MessagesEditMessageParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesExportChatInvite ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesExportChatInvite(params *MessagesExportChatInviteParams) (ExportedChatInvite, error)
func (*Client) MessagesFaveSticker ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesFaveSticker(id InputDocument, unfave bool) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesForwardMessages ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesForwardMessages(params *MessagesForwardMessagesParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetAdminsWithInvites ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetAdminsWithInvites(peer InputPeer) (*MessagesChatAdminsWithInvites, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetAllDrafts ¶
func (*Client) MessagesGetAllStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetAllStickers(hash int64) (MessagesAllStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetArchivedStickers ¶
func (*Client) MessagesGetAttachMenuBot ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetAttachMenuBot(bot InputUser) (*AttachMenuBotsBot, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetAttachMenuBots ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetAttachMenuBots(hash int64) (AttachMenuBots, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetAttachedStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetAttachedStickers(media InputStickeredMedia) ([]StickerSetCovered, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetAvailableReactions ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetAvailableReactions(hash int32) (MessagesAvailableReactions, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetBotApp ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetBotApp(app InputBotApp, hash int64) (*MessagesBotApp, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswer ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswer(params *MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams) (*MessagesBotCallbackAnswer, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetChatInviteImporters ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetChatInviteImporters(params *MessagesGetChatInviteImportersParams) (*MessagesChatInviteImporters, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetChats ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetChats(id []int64) (MessagesChats, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetCommonChats ¶
func (*Client) MessagesGetCustomEmojiDocuments ¶
func (*Client) MessagesGetDefaultHistoryTtl ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetDefaultHistoryTtl() (*DefaultHistoryTtl, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetDhConfig ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetDhConfig(version, randomLength int32) (MessagesDhConfig, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetDialogFilters ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetDialogFilters() ([]DialogFilter, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarks ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarks() ([]DialogPeer, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetDialogs ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetDialogs(params *MessagesGetDialogsParams) (MessagesDialogs, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetDiscussionMessage ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetDiscussionMessage(peer InputPeer, msgID int32) (*MessagesDiscussionMessage, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetDocumentByHash ¶
func (*Client) MessagesGetEmojiGroups ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiGroups(hash int32) (MessagesEmojiGroups, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywords ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywords(langCode string) (*EmojiKeywordsDifference, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifference ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifference(langCode string, fromVersion int32) (*EmojiKeywordsDifference, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguages ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguages(langCodes []string) ([]*EmojiLanguage, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetEmojiProfilePhotoGroups ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiProfilePhotoGroups(hash int32) (MessagesEmojiGroups, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetEmojiStatusGroups ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiStatusGroups(hash int32) (MessagesEmojiGroups, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetEmojiStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiStickers(hash int64) (MessagesAllStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetEmojiURL ¶
func (*Client) MessagesGetExportedChatInvite ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetExportedChatInvite(peer InputPeer, link string) (MessagesExportedChatInvite, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetExportedChatInvites ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetExportedChatInvites(params *MessagesGetExportedChatInvitesParams) (*MessagesExportedChatInvites, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetExtendedMedia ¶
func (*Client) MessagesGetFavedStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetFavedStickers(hash int64) (MessagesFavedStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetFeaturedEmojiStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetFeaturedEmojiStickers(hash int64) (MessagesFeaturedStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetFeaturedStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetFeaturedStickers(hash int64) (MessagesFeaturedStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetFullChat ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetFullChat(chatID int64) (*MessagesChatFull, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetGameHighScores ¶
func (*Client) MessagesGetHistory ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetHistory(params *MessagesGetHistoryParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetInlineBotResults ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetInlineBotResults(params *MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams) (*MessagesBotResults, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetInlineGameHighScores ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetInlineGameHighScores(id InputBotInlineMessageID, userID InputUser) (*MessagesHighScores, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetMaskStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetMaskStickers(hash int64) (MessagesAllStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetMessageEditData ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessageEditData(peer InputPeer, id int32) (*MessagesMessageEditData, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetMessageReactionsList ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessageReactionsList(params *MessagesGetMessageReactionsListParams) (*MessagesMessageReactionsList, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetMessageReadParticipants ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessageReadParticipants(peer InputPeer, msgID int32) ([]*ReadParticipantDate, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetMessages ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessages(id []InputMessage) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetMessagesReactions ¶
func (*Client) MessagesGetMessagesViews ¶
func (*Client) MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickers(offset, limit int32, hash int64) (MessagesFeaturedStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetOnlines ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetOnlines(peer InputPeer) (*ChatOnlines, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetPeerDialogs ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetPeerDialogs(peers []InputDialogPeer) (*MessagesPeerDialogs, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetPeerSettings ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetPeerSettings(peer InputPeer) (*MessagesPeerSettings, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetPinnedDialogs ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetPinnedDialogs(folderID int32) (*MessagesPeerDialogs, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetPinnedSavedDialogs ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetPinnedSavedDialogs() (MessagesSavedDialogs, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetPollResults ¶
func (*Client) MessagesGetPollVotes ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetPollVotes(params *MessagesGetPollVotesParams) (*MessagesVotesList, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetRecentLocations ¶
func (*Client) MessagesGetRecentReactions ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetRecentReactions(limit int32, hash int64) (MessagesReactions, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetRecentStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetRecentStickers(attached bool, hash int64) (MessagesRecentStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetReplies ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetReplies(params *MessagesGetRepliesParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetSavedDialogs ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetSavedDialogs(params *MessagesGetSavedDialogsParams) (MessagesSavedDialogs, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetSavedGifs ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetSavedGifs(hash int64) (MessagesSavedGifs, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetSavedHistory ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetSavedHistory(params *MessagesGetSavedHistoryParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetScheduledHistory ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetScheduledHistory(peer InputPeer, hash int64) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetScheduledMessages ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetScheduledMessages(peer InputPeer, id []int32) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetSearchCounters ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetSearchCounters(peer, savedPeerID InputPeer, topMsgID int32, filters []MessagesFilter) ([]*MessagesSearchCounter, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetSearchResultsCalendar ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetSearchResultsCalendar(params *MessagesGetSearchResultsCalendarParams) (*MessagesSearchResultsCalendar, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetSearchResultsPositions ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetSearchResultsPositions(params *MessagesGetSearchResultsPositionsParams) (*MessagesSearchResultsPositions, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetSplitRanges ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetSplitRanges() ([]*MessageRange, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetStickerSet ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetStickerSet(stickerset InputStickerSet, hash int32) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetStickers(emoticon string, hash int64) (MessagesStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFilters ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFilters() ([]*DialogFilterSuggested, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetTopReactions ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetTopReactions(limit int32, hash int64) (MessagesReactions, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetUnreadMentions ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetUnreadMentions(params *MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetUnreadReactions ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetUnreadReactions(params *MessagesGetUnreadReactionsParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetWebPage ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetWebPage(url string, hash int32) (*MessagesWebPage, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetWebPagePreview ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetWebPagePreview(message string, entities []MessageEntity) (MessageMedia, error)
func (*Client) MessagesHideAllChatJoinRequests ¶
func (*Client) MessagesHideChatJoinRequest ¶
func (*Client) MessagesHidePeerSettingsBar ¶
func (*Client) MessagesImportChatInvite ¶
func (*Client) MessagesInitHistoryImport ¶
func (*Client) MessagesInstallStickerSet ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesInstallStickerSet(stickerset InputStickerSet, archived bool) (MessagesStickerSetInstallResult, error)
func (*Client) MessagesMarkDialogUnread ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesMarkDialogUnread(unread bool, peer InputDialogPeer) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesMigrateChat ¶
func (*Client) MessagesProlongWebView ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesProlongWebView(params *MessagesProlongWebViewParams) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesRateTranscribedAudio ¶
func (*Client) MessagesReadDiscussion ¶
func (*Client) MessagesReadEncryptedHistory ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReadEncryptedHistory(peer *InputEncryptedChat, maxDate int32) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReadFeaturedStickers ¶
func (*Client) MessagesReadHistory ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReadHistory(peer InputPeer, maxID int32) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReadMentions ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReadMentions(peer InputPeer, topMsgID int32) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReadMessageContents ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReadMessageContents(id []int32) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReadReactions ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReadReactions(peer InputPeer, topMsgID int32) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReceivedMessages ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReceivedMessages(maxID int32) ([]*ReceivedNotifyMessage, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReceivedQueue ¶
func (*Client) MessagesReorderPinnedDialogs ¶
func (*Client) MessagesReorderPinnedSavedDialogs ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReorderPinnedSavedDialogs(force bool, order []InputDialogPeer) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReorderStickerSets ¶
func (*Client) MessagesReport ¶
func (*Client) MessagesReportEncryptedSpam ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReportEncryptedSpam(peer *InputEncryptedChat) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReportReaction ¶
func (*Client) MessagesReportSpam ¶
func (*Client) MessagesRequestAppWebView ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesRequestAppWebView(params *MessagesRequestAppWebViewParams) (*AppWebViewResultURL, error)
func (*Client) MessagesRequestEncryption ¶
func (*Client) MessagesRequestSimpleWebView ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesRequestSimpleWebView(params *MessagesRequestSimpleWebViewParams) (*SimpleWebViewResultURL, error)
func (*Client) MessagesRequestURLAuth ¶
func (*Client) MessagesRequestWebView ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesRequestWebView(params *MessagesRequestWebViewParams) (*WebViewResultURL, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSaveDefaultSendAs ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSaveDraft ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSaveDraft(params *MessagesSaveDraftParams) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSaveGif ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSaveGif(id InputDocument, unsave bool) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSaveRecentSticker ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSearch ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSearch(params *MessagesSearchParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSearchCustomEmoji ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSearchEmojiStickerSets ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSearchGlobal ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSearchGlobal(params *MessagesSearchGlobalParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSearchSentMedia ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSearchSentMedia(q string, filter MessagesFilter, limit int32) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSearchStickerSets ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSendBotRequestedPeer ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSendEncrypted ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendEncrypted(silent bool, peer *InputEncryptedChat, randomID int64, data []byte) (MessagesSentEncryptedMessage, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendEncryptedFile ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendEncryptedFile(params *MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams) (MessagesSentEncryptedMessage, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendEncryptedService ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendEncryptedService(peer *InputEncryptedChat, randomID int64, data []byte) (MessagesSentEncryptedMessage, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendInlineBotResult ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendInlineBotResult(params *MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendMedia ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendMedia(params *MessagesSendMediaParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendMessage ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendMessage(params *MessagesSendMessageParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendMultiMedia ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendMultiMedia(params *MessagesSendMultiMediaParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendReaction ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendReaction(params *MessagesSendReactionParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendScheduledMessages ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSendScreenshotNotification ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSendVote ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSendWebViewData ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSendWebViewResultMessage ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendWebViewResultMessage(botQueryID string, result InputBotInlineResult) (*WebViewMessageSent, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswer ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswer(params *MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResults ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSetBotShippingResults ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSetChatAvailableReactions ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSetChatAvailableReactions(peer InputPeer, availableReactions ChatReactions) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetChatTheme ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSetChatWallPaper ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSetChatWallPaper(params *MessagesSetChatWallPaperParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetDefaultHistoryTtl ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSetDefaultReaction ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSetEncryptedTyping ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSetEncryptedTyping(peer *InputEncryptedChat, typing bool) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetGameScore ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSetGameScore(params *MessagesSetGameScoreParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetHistoryTtl ¶
func (*Client) MessagesSetInlineBotResults ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSetInlineBotResults(params *MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetInlineGameScore ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSetInlineGameScore(params *MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetTyping ¶
func (*Client) MessagesStartBot ¶
func (*Client) MessagesStartHistoryImport ¶
func (*Client) MessagesToggleBotInAttachMenu ¶
func (*Client) MessagesToggleDialogPin ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesToggleDialogPin(pinned bool, peer InputDialogPeer) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesToggleNoForwards ¶
func (*Client) MessagesTogglePeerTranslations ¶
func (*Client) MessagesToggleSavedDialogPin ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesToggleSavedDialogPin(pinned bool, peer InputDialogPeer) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesToggleStickerSets ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesToggleStickerSets(uninstall, archive, unarchive bool, stickersets []InputStickerSet) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesTranscribeAudio ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesTranscribeAudio(peer InputPeer, msgID int32) (*MessagesTranscribedAudio, error)
func (*Client) MessagesTranslateText ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesTranslateText(peer InputPeer, id []int32, text []*TextWithEntities, toLang string) (*MessagesTranslateResult, error)
func (*Client) MessagesUninstallStickerSet ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesUninstallStickerSet(stickerset InputStickerSet) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesUnpinAllMessages ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesUnpinAllMessages(peer InputPeer, topMsgID int32) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
func (*Client) MessagesUpdateDialogFilter ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesUpdateDialogFilter(id int32, filter DialogFilter) (bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrder ¶
func (*Client) MessagesUpdatePinnedMessage ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesUpdatePinnedMessage(params *MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesUploadEncryptedFile ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesUploadEncryptedFile(peer *InputEncryptedChat, file InputEncryptedFile) (EncryptedFile, error)
func (*Client) MessagesUploadImportedMedia ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesUploadImportedMedia(peer InputPeer, importID int64, fileName string, media InputMedia) (MessageMedia, error)
func (*Client) MessagesUploadMedia ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesUploadMedia(peer InputPeer, media InputMedia) (MessageMedia, error)
func (*Client) NewConversation ¶
func (*Client) NewRecovery ¶
func (c *Client) NewRecovery() func()
NewRecovery makes a new recovery object
func (*Client) PaymentsApplyGiftCode ¶
func (*Client) PaymentsAssignAppStoreTransaction ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsAssignAppStoreTransaction(receipt []byte, purpose InputStorePaymentPurpose) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsAssignPlayMarketTransaction ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsAssignPlayMarketTransaction(receipt *DataJson, purpose InputStorePaymentPurpose) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsCanPurchasePremium ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsCanPurchasePremium(purpose InputStorePaymentPurpose) (bool, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsCheckGiftCode ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsCheckGiftCode(slug string) (*PaymentsCheckedGiftCode, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsClearSavedInfo ¶
func (*Client) PaymentsExportInvoice ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsExportInvoice(invoiceMedia InputMedia) (*PaymentsExportedInvoice, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsGetBankCardData ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsGetBankCardData(number string) (*PaymentsBankCardData, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsGetGiveawayInfo ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsGetGiveawayInfo(peer InputPeer, msgID int32) (PaymentsGiveawayInfo, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsGetPaymentForm ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsGetPaymentForm(invoice InputInvoice, themeParams *DataJson) (*PaymentsPaymentForm, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsGetPaymentReceipt ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsGetPaymentReceipt(peer InputPeer, msgID int32) (*PaymentsPaymentReceipt, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsGetPremiumGiftCodeOptions ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsGetPremiumGiftCodeOptions(boostPeer InputPeer) ([]*PremiumGiftCodeOption, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsGetSavedInfo ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsGetSavedInfo() (*PaymentsSavedInfo, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsLaunchPrepaidGiveaway ¶
func (*Client) PaymentsSendPaymentForm ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsSendPaymentForm(params *PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams) (PaymentsPaymentResult, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsValidateRequestedInfo ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsValidateRequestedInfo(save bool, invoice InputInvoice, info *PaymentRequestedInfo) (*PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo, error)
func (*Client) PhoneAcceptCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneAcceptCall(peer *InputPhoneCall, gB []byte, protocol *PhoneCallProtocol) (*PhonePhoneCall, error)
func (*Client) PhoneCheckGroupCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneCheckGroupCall(call *InputGroupCall, sources []int32) ([]int32, error)
func (*Client) PhoneConfirmCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneConfirmCall(peer *InputPhoneCall, gA []byte, keyFingerprint int64, protocol *PhoneCallProtocol) (*PhonePhoneCall, error)
func (*Client) PhoneCreateGroupCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneCreateGroupCall(params *PhoneCreateGroupCallParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PhoneDiscardCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneDiscardCall(params *PhoneDiscardCallParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PhoneDiscardGroupCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneDiscardGroupCall(call *InputGroupCall) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PhoneEditGroupCallParticipant ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneEditGroupCallParticipant(params *PhoneEditGroupCallParticipantParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PhoneEditGroupCallTitle ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneEditGroupCallTitle(call *InputGroupCall, title string) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PhoneExportGroupCallInvite ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneExportGroupCallInvite(canSelfUnmute bool, call *InputGroupCall) (*PhoneExportedGroupCallInvite, error)
func (*Client) PhoneGetCallConfig ¶
func (*Client) PhoneGetGroupCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneGetGroupCall(call *InputGroupCall, limit int32) (*PhoneGroupCall, error)
func (*Client) PhoneGetGroupCallJoinAs ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneGetGroupCallJoinAs(peer InputPeer) (*PhoneJoinAsPeers, error)
func (*Client) PhoneGetGroupCallStreamChannels ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneGetGroupCallStreamChannels(call *InputGroupCall) (*PhoneGroupCallStreamChannels, error)
func (*Client) PhoneGetGroupCallStreamRtmpURL ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneGetGroupCallStreamRtmpURL(peer InputPeer, revoke bool) (*PhoneGroupCallStreamRtmpURL, error)
func (*Client) PhoneGetGroupParticipants ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneGetGroupParticipants(call *InputGroupCall, ids []InputPeer, sources []int32, offset string, limit int32) (*PhoneGroupParticipants, error)
func (*Client) PhoneInviteToGroupCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneInviteToGroupCall(call *InputGroupCall, users []InputUser) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PhoneJoinGroupCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneJoinGroupCall(params *PhoneJoinGroupCallParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PhoneJoinGroupCallPresentation ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneJoinGroupCallPresentation(call *InputGroupCall, params *DataJson) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PhoneLeaveGroupCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneLeaveGroupCall(call *InputGroupCall, source int32) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PhoneLeaveGroupCallPresentation ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneLeaveGroupCallPresentation(call *InputGroupCall) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PhoneReceivedCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneReceivedCall(peer *InputPhoneCall) (bool, error)
func (*Client) PhoneRequestCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneRequestCall(params *PhoneRequestCallParams) (*PhonePhoneCall, error)
func (*Client) PhoneSaveCallDebug ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneSaveCallDebug(peer *InputPhoneCall, debug *DataJson) (bool, error)
func (*Client) PhoneSaveCallLog ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneSaveCallLog(peer *InputPhoneCall, file InputFile) (bool, error)
func (*Client) PhoneSaveDefaultGroupCallJoinAs ¶
func (*Client) PhoneSendSignalingData ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneSendSignalingData(peer *InputPhoneCall, data []byte) (bool, error)
func (*Client) PhoneSetCallRating ¶
func (*Client) PhoneStartScheduledGroupCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneStartScheduledGroupCall(call *InputGroupCall) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PhoneToggleGroupCallRecord ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneToggleGroupCallRecord(params *PhoneToggleGroupCallRecordParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PhoneToggleGroupCallSettings ¶
func (*Client) PhoneToggleGroupCallStartSubscription ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneToggleGroupCallStartSubscription(call *InputGroupCall, subscribed bool) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PhotosDeletePhotos ¶
func (c *Client) PhotosDeletePhotos(id []InputPhoto) ([]int64, error)
func (*Client) PhotosGetUserPhotos ¶
func (*Client) PhotosUpdateProfilePhoto ¶
func (c *Client) PhotosUpdateProfilePhoto(fallback bool, bot InputUser, id InputPhoto) (*PhotosPhoto, error)
func (*Client) PhotosUploadContactProfilePhoto ¶
func (c *Client) PhotosUploadContactProfilePhoto(params *PhotosUploadContactProfilePhotoParams) (*PhotosPhoto, error)
func (*Client) PhotosUploadProfilePhoto ¶
func (c *Client) PhotosUploadProfilePhoto(params *PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams) (*PhotosPhoto, error)
func (*Client) PinMessage ¶
func (c *Client) PinMessage(PeerID interface{}, MsgID int32, Opts ...*PinOptions) (Updates, error)
Pin pins a message. This method is a wrapper for messages.pinMessage.
func (*Client) PremiumApplyBoost ¶
func (c *Client) PremiumApplyBoost(slots []int32, peer InputPeer) (*PremiumMyBoosts, error)
func (*Client) PremiumGetBoostsList ¶
func (*Client) PremiumGetBoostsStatus ¶
func (c *Client) PremiumGetBoostsStatus(peer InputPeer) (*PremiumBoostsStatus, error)
func (*Client) PremiumGetMyBoosts ¶
func (c *Client) PremiumGetMyBoosts() (*PremiumMyBoosts, error)
func (*Client) PremiumGetUserBoosts ¶
func (c *Client) PremiumGetUserBoosts(peer InputPeer, userID InputUser) (*PremiumBoostsList, error)
func (*Client) ResolveUsername ¶
func (*Client) SendAction ¶
func (c *Client) SendAction(PeerID interface{}, Action interface{}, topMsgID ...int32) (*ActionResult, error)
SendAction sends a chat action. This method is a wrapper for messages.setTyping.
func (*Client) SendAlbum ¶
func (c *Client) SendAlbum(peerID interface{}, Album interface{}, opts ...*MediaOptions) ([]*NewMessage, error)
SendAlbum sends a media album. This method is a wrapper for messages.sendMultiMedia.
- peerID: ID of the peer to send the message to.
- Album: List of media to send.
- opts: Optional parameters.
- A slice of pointers to NewMessage objects and an error if the message sending fails.
- If the messages are sent successfully, the returned NewMessage objects will contain information about the sent messages.
- If the caption in opts is a string, it will be parsed for entities based on the parse_mode in opts.
- If the caption in opts is a pointer to a NewMessage, its entities will be used instead.
- If the entites field in opts is not nil, it will override any entities parsed from the caption.
- If send_as in opts is not nil, the messages will be sent from the specified peer, otherwise they will be sent from the sender peer.
func (*Client) SendDice ¶
func (c *Client) SendDice(peerID interface{}, emoji string) (*NewMessage, error)
SendDice sends a special dice message. This method calls messages.sendMedia with a dice media.
func (*Client) SendMedia ¶
func (c *Client) SendMedia(peerID interface{}, Media interface{}, opts ...*MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
SendMedia sends a media message. This method is a wrapper for messages.sendMedia.
- peerID: ID of the peer to send the message to.
- Media: Media to send.
- opts: Optional parameters.
- A pointer to a NewMessage object and an error if the message sending fails.
- If the message is sent successfully, the returned NewMessage object will contain information about the sent message.
- If the caption in opts is a string, it will be parsed for entities based on the parse_mode in opts.
- If the caption in opts is a pointer to a NewMessage, its entities will be used instead.
- If the entites field in opts is not nil, it will override any entities parsed from the caption.
- If send_as in opts is not nil, the message will be sent from the specified peer, otherwise it will be sent from the sender peer.
func (*Client) SendMessage ¶
func (c *Client) SendMessage(peerID interface{}, message interface{}, opts ...*SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
SendMessage sends a message to a specified peer using the Telegram API method messages.sendMessage.
- peerID: ID of the peer to send the message to.
- message: The message to be sent. It can be a string, a media object, or a NewMessage.
- opts: Optional parameters that can be used to customize the message sending process.
- A pointer to a NewMessage object containing information about the sent message.
- An error if the message sending fails.
Note: If the message parameter is a NewMessage or a pointer to a NewMessage, the function will extract the message text and entities from it. If the message parameter is a media object, the function will send the media as a separate message and return a pointer to a NewMessage object containing information about the sent media. If the message parameter is a string, the function will parse it for entities and send it as a text message.
func (*Client) SendReaction ¶
func (c *Client) SendReaction(peerID interface{}, msgID int32, reaction interface{}, big ...bool) error
SendReaction sends a reaction to a message. This method is a wrapper for messages.sendReaction
Params: - peerID: ID of the peer to send the message to. - msgID: ID of the message to react to. - reaction: Reaction to send. - big: Whether to use big emoji.
func (*Client) SendReadAck ¶
func (c *Client) SendReadAck(PeerID interface{}, MaxID ...int32) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
SendReadAck sends a read acknowledgement. This method is a wrapper for messages.readHistory.
func (*Client) SetBotCommands ¶
func (c *Client) SetBotCommands(commands []*BotCommand, scope *BotCommandScope, languageCode ...string) (bool, error)
func (*Client) SetBotDefaultPrivileges ¶
func (c *Client) SetBotDefaultPrivileges(privileges *ChatAdminRights, ForChannels ...bool) (resp bool, err error)
func (*Client) SetChatMenuButton ¶
func (c *Client) SetChatMenuButton(userID int64, button *BotMenuButton) (bool, error)
func (*Client) SetEmojiStatus ¶
SetEmojiStatus sets the emoji status of the user
Params: - emoji: The emoji status to set
func (*Client) SetLogLevel ¶
setLogLevel sets the log level for all loggers
func (*Client) StartGroupCallMedia ¶
func (c *Client) StartGroupCallMedia(peer interface{}) (*GroupCallMedia, error)
func (*Client) StatsGetBroadcastStats ¶
func (c *Client) StatsGetBroadcastStats(dark bool, channel InputChannel) (*StatsBroadcastStats, error)
func (*Client) StatsGetMegagroupStats ¶
func (c *Client) StatsGetMegagroupStats(dark bool, channel InputChannel) (*StatsMegagroupStats, error)
func (*Client) StatsGetMessagePublicForwards ¶
func (c *Client) StatsGetMessagePublicForwards(channel InputChannel, msgID int32, offset string, limit int32) (*StatsPublicForwards, error)
func (*Client) StatsGetMessageStats ¶
func (c *Client) StatsGetMessageStats(dark bool, channel InputChannel, msgID int32) (*StatsMessageStats, error)
func (*Client) StatsGetStoryPublicForwards ¶
func (*Client) StatsGetStoryStats ¶
func (*Client) StatsLoadAsyncGraph ¶
func (c *Client) StatsLoadAsyncGraph(token string, x int64) (StatsGraph, error)
func (*Client) StickersAddStickerToSet ¶
func (c *Client) StickersAddStickerToSet(stickerset InputStickerSet, sticker *InputStickerSetItem) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
func (*Client) StickersChangeSticker ¶
func (c *Client) StickersChangeSticker(sticker InputDocument, emoji string, maskCoords *MaskCoords, keywords string) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
func (*Client) StickersChangeStickerPosition ¶
func (c *Client) StickersChangeStickerPosition(sticker InputDocument, position int32) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
func (*Client) StickersCheckShortName ¶
func (*Client) StickersCreateStickerSet ¶
func (c *Client) StickersCreateStickerSet(params *StickersCreateStickerSetParams) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
func (*Client) StickersDeleteStickerSet ¶
func (c *Client) StickersDeleteStickerSet(stickerset InputStickerSet) (bool, error)
func (*Client) StickersRemoveStickerFromSet ¶
func (c *Client) StickersRemoveStickerFromSet(sticker InputDocument) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
func (*Client) StickersRenameStickerSet ¶
func (c *Client) StickersRenameStickerSet(stickerset InputStickerSet, title string) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
func (*Client) StickersSetStickerSetThumb ¶
func (c *Client) StickersSetStickerSetThumb(stickerset InputStickerSet, thumb InputDocument, thumbDocumentID int64) (MessagesStickerSet, error)
func (*Client) StickersSuggestShortName ¶
func (c *Client) StickersSuggestShortName(title string) (*StickersSuggestedShortName, error)
func (*Client) StoriesActivateStealthMode ¶
func (*Client) StoriesCanSendStory ¶
func (*Client) StoriesDeleteStories ¶
func (*Client) StoriesEditStory ¶
func (c *Client) StoriesEditStory(params *StoriesEditStoryParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) StoriesExportStoryLink ¶
func (c *Client) StoriesExportStoryLink(peer InputPeer, id int32) (*ExportedStoryLink, error)
func (*Client) StoriesGetAllReadPeerStories ¶
func (*Client) StoriesGetAllStories ¶
func (c *Client) StoriesGetAllStories(next, hidden bool, state string) (StoriesAllStories, error)
func (*Client) StoriesGetChatsToSend ¶
func (c *Client) StoriesGetChatsToSend() (MessagesChats, error)
func (*Client) StoriesGetPeerMaxIDs ¶
func (*Client) StoriesGetPeerStories ¶
func (c *Client) StoriesGetPeerStories(peer InputPeer) (*StoriesPeerStories, error)
func (*Client) StoriesGetPinnedStories ¶
func (c *Client) StoriesGetPinnedStories(peer InputPeer, offsetID, limit int32) (*StoriesStories, error)
func (*Client) StoriesGetStoriesArchive ¶
func (c *Client) StoriesGetStoriesArchive(peer InputPeer, offsetID, limit int32) (*StoriesStories, error)
func (*Client) StoriesGetStoriesByID ¶
func (c *Client) StoriesGetStoriesByID(peer InputPeer, id []int32) (*StoriesStories, error)
func (*Client) StoriesGetStoriesViews ¶
func (c *Client) StoriesGetStoriesViews(peer InputPeer, id []int32) (*StoriesStoryViews, error)
func (*Client) StoriesGetStoryReactionsList ¶
func (c *Client) StoriesGetStoryReactionsList(params *StoriesGetStoryReactionsListParams) (*StoriesStoryReactionsList, error)
func (*Client) StoriesGetStoryViewsList ¶
func (c *Client) StoriesGetStoryViewsList(params *StoriesGetStoryViewsListParams) (*StoriesStoryViewsList, error)
func (*Client) StoriesIncrementStoryViews ¶
func (*Client) StoriesReadStories ¶
func (*Client) StoriesReport ¶
func (*Client) StoriesSendReaction ¶
func (*Client) StoriesSendStory ¶
func (c *Client) StoriesSendStory(params *StoriesSendStoryParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) StoriesToggleAllStoriesHidden ¶
func (*Client) StoriesTogglePeerStoriesHidden ¶
func (*Client) StoriesTogglePinned ¶
func (*Client) UnpinMessage ¶
func (c *Client) UnpinMessage(PeerID interface{}, MsgID int32, Opts ...*PinOptions) (Updates, error)
UnpinMessage unpins a message.
func (*Client) UpdatesGetChannelDifference ¶
func (c *Client) UpdatesGetChannelDifference(params *UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams) (UpdatesChannelDifference, error)
func (*Client) UpdatesGetDifference ¶
func (c *Client) UpdatesGetDifference(params *UpdatesGetDifferenceParams) (UpdatesDifference, error)
func (*Client) UpdatesGetState ¶
func (c *Client) UpdatesGetState() (*UpdatesState, error)
func (*Client) UploadFile ¶
func (c *Client) UploadFile(file interface{}, Opts ...*UploadOptions) (InputFile, error)
UploadFile upload file to telegram. file can be string, []byte, io.Reader, fs.File
func (*Client) UploadGetCdnFile ¶
func (*Client) UploadGetCdnFileHashes ¶
func (*Client) UploadGetFile ¶
func (c *Client) UploadGetFile(params *UploadGetFileParams) (UploadFile, error)
func (*Client) UploadGetFileHashes ¶
func (c *Client) UploadGetFileHashes(location InputFileLocation, offset int64) ([]*FileHash, error)
func (*Client) UploadGetWebFile ¶
func (c *Client) UploadGetWebFile(location InputWebFileLocation, offset, limit int32) (*UploadWebFile, error)
func (*Client) UploadReuploadCdnFile ¶
func (*Client) UploadSaveBigFilePart ¶
func (*Client) UploadSaveFilePart ¶
func (*Client) UsersGetFullUser ¶
func (c *Client) UsersGetFullUser(id InputUser) (*UsersUserFull, error)
func (*Client) UsersSetSecureValueErrors ¶
func (c *Client) UsersSetSecureValueErrors(id InputUser, errorsVault []SecureValueError) (bool, error)
type ClientConfig ¶
type ClientConfig struct { AppID int32 AppHash string DeviceModel string SystemVersion string AppVersion string Session string StringSession string LangCode string ParseMode string MemorySession bool DataCenter int PublicKeys []*rsa.PublicKey NoUpdates bool EnableCache bool LogLevel string SocksProxy *url.URL }
type CodeSettings ¶
type CodeSettings struct { AllowFlashcall bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` CurrentNumber bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` AllowAppHash bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` AllowMissedCall bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` AllowFirebase bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` LogoutTokens [][]byte `tl:"flag:6"` Token string `tl:"flag:8"` AppSandbox bool `tl:"flag:8"` }
func (*CodeSettings) CRC ¶
func (*CodeSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*CodeSettings) FlagIndex ¶
func (*CodeSettings) FlagIndex() int
type Config ¶
type Config struct { DefaultP2PContacts bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` PreloadFeaturedStickers bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` RevokePmInbox bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` BlockedMode bool `tl:"flag:8,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForceTryIpv6 bool `tl:"flag:14,encoded_in_bitflags"` Date int32 Expires int32 TestMode bool ThisDc int32 DcOptions []*DcOption DcTxtDomainName string ChatSizeMax int32 MegagroupSizeMax int32 ForwardedCountMax int32 OnlineUpdatePeriodMs int32 OfflineBlurTimeoutMs int32 OfflineIdleTimeoutMs int32 OnlineCloudTimeoutMs int32 NotifyCloudDelayMs int32 NotifyDefaultDelayMs int32 PushChatPeriodMs int32 PushChatLimit int32 EditTimeLimit int32 RevokeTimeLimit int32 RevokePmTimeLimit int32 RatingEDecay int32 StickersRecentLimit int32 ChannelsReadMediaPeriod int32 TmpSessions int32 `tl:"flag:0"` CallReceiveTimeoutMs int32 CallRingTimeoutMs int32 CallConnectTimeoutMs int32 CallPacketTimeoutMs int32 MeURLPrefix string AutoupdateURLPrefix string `tl:"flag:7"` GifSearchUsername string `tl:"flag:9"` VenueSearchUsername string `tl:"flag:10"` ImgSearchUsername string `tl:"flag:11"` StaticMapsProvider string `tl:"flag:12"` CaptionLengthMax int32 MessageLengthMax int32 WebfileDcID int32 SuggestedLangCode string `tl:"flag:2"` LangPackVersion int32 `tl:"flag:2"` BaseLangPackVersion int32 `tl:"flag:2"` ReactionsDefault Reaction `tl:"flag:15"` AutologinToken string `tl:"flag:16"` }
type ContactStatus ¶
type ContactStatus struct { UserID int64 Status UserStatus }
func (*ContactStatus) CRC ¶
func (*ContactStatus) CRC() uint32
type ContactsAcceptContactParams ¶
type ContactsAcceptContactParams struct {
ID InputUser
func (*ContactsAcceptContactParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsAcceptContactParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsAddContactParams ¶
type ContactsAddContactParams struct { AddPhonePrivacyException bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID InputUser FirstName string LastName string Phone string }
func (*ContactsAddContactParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsAddContactParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsAddContactParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ContactsAddContactParams) FlagIndex() int
type ContactsBlockFromRepliesParams ¶
type ContactsBlockFromRepliesParams struct { DeleteMessage bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` DeleteHistory bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` ReportSpam bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` MsgID int32 }
func (*ContactsBlockFromRepliesParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsBlockFromRepliesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsBlockFromRepliesParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ContactsBlockFromRepliesParams) FlagIndex() int
type ContactsBlockParams ¶
type ContactsBlockParams struct { MyStoriesFrom bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID InputPeer }
func (*ContactsBlockParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsBlockParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsBlockParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ContactsBlockParams) FlagIndex() int
type ContactsBlocked ¶
type ContactsBlockedObj ¶
type ContactsBlockedObj struct { Blocked []*PeerBlocked Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*ContactsBlockedObj) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsBlockedObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsBlockedObj) ImplementsContactsBlocked ¶
func (*ContactsBlockedObj) ImplementsContactsBlocked()
type ContactsBlockedSlice ¶
type ContactsBlockedSlice struct { Count int32 Blocked []*PeerBlocked Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*ContactsBlockedSlice) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsBlockedSlice) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsBlockedSlice) ImplementsContactsBlocked ¶
func (*ContactsBlockedSlice) ImplementsContactsBlocked()
type ContactsContacts ¶
type ContactsContactsNotModified ¶
type ContactsContactsNotModified struct{}
func (*ContactsContactsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsContactsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsContactsNotModified) ImplementsContactsContacts ¶
func (*ContactsContactsNotModified) ImplementsContactsContacts()
type ContactsContactsObj ¶
func (*ContactsContactsObj) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsContactsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsContactsObj) ImplementsContactsContacts ¶
func (*ContactsContactsObj) ImplementsContactsContacts()
type ContactsDeleteByPhonesParams ¶
type ContactsDeleteByPhonesParams struct {
Phones []string
func (*ContactsDeleteByPhonesParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsDeleteByPhonesParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsDeleteContactsParams ¶
type ContactsDeleteContactsParams struct {
ID []InputUser
func (*ContactsDeleteContactsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsDeleteContactsParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsEditCloseFriendsParams ¶
type ContactsEditCloseFriendsParams struct {
ID []int64
func (*ContactsEditCloseFriendsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsEditCloseFriendsParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsExportContactTokenParams ¶
type ContactsExportContactTokenParams struct{}
func (*ContactsExportContactTokenParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsExportContactTokenParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsFound ¶
func (*ContactsFound) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsFound) CRC() uint32
type ContactsGetBlockedParams ¶
type ContactsGetBlockedParams struct { MyStoriesFrom bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Offset int32 Limit int32 }
func (*ContactsGetBlockedParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsGetBlockedParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsGetBlockedParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ContactsGetBlockedParams) FlagIndex() int
type ContactsGetContactIDsParams ¶
type ContactsGetContactIDsParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*ContactsGetContactIDsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsGetContactIDsParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsGetContactsParams ¶
type ContactsGetContactsParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*ContactsGetContactsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsGetContactsParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsGetLocatedParams ¶
type ContactsGetLocatedParams struct { Background bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` GeoPoint InputGeoPoint SelfExpires int32 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*ContactsGetLocatedParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsGetLocatedParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsGetLocatedParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ContactsGetLocatedParams) FlagIndex() int
type ContactsGetSavedParams ¶
type ContactsGetSavedParams struct{}
func (*ContactsGetSavedParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsGetSavedParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsGetStatusesParams ¶
type ContactsGetStatusesParams struct{}
func (*ContactsGetStatusesParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsGetStatusesParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsGetTopPeersParams ¶
type ContactsGetTopPeersParams struct { Correspondents bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` BotsPm bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` BotsInline bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhoneCalls bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForwardUsers bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForwardChats bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Groups bool `tl:"flag:10,encoded_in_bitflags"` Channels bool `tl:"flag:15,encoded_in_bitflags"` Offset int32 Limit int32 Hash int64 }
func (*ContactsGetTopPeersParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsGetTopPeersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsGetTopPeersParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ContactsGetTopPeersParams) FlagIndex() int
type ContactsImportContactTokenParams ¶
type ContactsImportContactTokenParams struct {
Token string
func (*ContactsImportContactTokenParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsImportContactTokenParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsImportContactsParams ¶
type ContactsImportContactsParams struct {
Contacts []*InputPhoneContact
func (*ContactsImportContactsParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsImportContactsParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsImportedContacts ¶
type ContactsImportedContacts struct { Imported []*ImportedContact PopularInvites []*PopularContact RetryContacts []int64 Users []User }
func (*ContactsImportedContacts) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsImportedContacts) CRC() uint32
type ContactsResetSavedParams ¶
type ContactsResetSavedParams struct{}
func (*ContactsResetSavedParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsResetSavedParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsResetTopPeerRatingParams ¶
type ContactsResetTopPeerRatingParams struct { Category TopPeerCategory Peer InputPeer }
func (*ContactsResetTopPeerRatingParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsResetTopPeerRatingParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsResolvePhoneParams ¶
type ContactsResolvePhoneParams struct {
Phone string
func (*ContactsResolvePhoneParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsResolvePhoneParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsResolveUsernameParams ¶
type ContactsResolveUsernameParams struct {
Username string
func (*ContactsResolveUsernameParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsResolveUsernameParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsResolvedPeer ¶
func (*ContactsResolvedPeer) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsResolvedPeer) CRC() uint32
type ContactsSearchParams ¶
func (*ContactsSearchParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsSearchParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsSetBlockedParams ¶
type ContactsSetBlockedParams struct { MyStoriesFrom bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID []InputPeer Limit int32 }
func (*ContactsSetBlockedParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsSetBlockedParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsSetBlockedParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ContactsSetBlockedParams) FlagIndex() int
type ContactsToggleTopPeersParams ¶
type ContactsToggleTopPeersParams struct {
Enabled bool
func (*ContactsToggleTopPeersParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsToggleTopPeersParams) CRC() uint32
type ContactsTopPeers ¶
type ContactsTopPeersDisabled ¶
type ContactsTopPeersDisabled struct{}
func (*ContactsTopPeersDisabled) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsTopPeersDisabled) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsTopPeersDisabled) ImplementsContactsTopPeers ¶
func (*ContactsTopPeersDisabled) ImplementsContactsTopPeers()
type ContactsTopPeersNotModified ¶
type ContactsTopPeersNotModified struct{}
func (*ContactsTopPeersNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsTopPeersNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsTopPeersNotModified) ImplementsContactsTopPeers ¶
func (*ContactsTopPeersNotModified) ImplementsContactsTopPeers()
type ContactsTopPeersObj ¶
type ContactsTopPeersObj struct { Categories []*TopPeerCategoryPeers Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*ContactsTopPeersObj) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsTopPeersObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsTopPeersObj) ImplementsContactsTopPeers ¶
func (*ContactsTopPeersObj) ImplementsContactsTopPeers()
type ContactsUnblockParams ¶
type ContactsUnblockParams struct { MyStoriesFrom bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID InputPeer }
func (*ContactsUnblockParams) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsUnblockParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsUnblockParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ContactsUnblockParams) FlagIndex() int
type Conversation ¶
type Conversation struct { Client *Client Peer InputPeer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Conversation is a struct for conversation with user.
func NewConversation ¶
func NewConversation(client *Client, peer InputPeer, timeout *Conversation
NewConversation creates a new conversation with user
func (*Conversation) GetEdit ¶
func (c *Conversation) GetEdit() (*NewMessage, error)
func (*Conversation) GetReply ¶
func (c *Conversation) GetReply() (*NewMessage, error)
func (*Conversation) GetResponse ¶
func (c *Conversation) GetResponse() (*NewMessage, error)
func (*Conversation) MarkRead ¶
func (c *Conversation) MarkRead() (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
func (*Conversation) SendMedia ¶
func (c *Conversation) SendMedia(media InputMedia, opts ...*MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*Conversation) SendMessage ¶
func (c *Conversation) SendMessage(text string, opts ...*SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*Conversation) SetTimeOut ¶
func (c *Conversation) SetTimeOut(timeout int) *Conversation
SetTimeOut sets the timeout for conversation
func (*Conversation) WaitRead ¶
func (*Conversation) WaitRead()
type CustomDialog ¶
type CustomDialog struct{} // TODO
type CustomFile ¶
type DcOption ¶
type DcOption struct { Ipv6 bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` MediaOnly bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` TcpoOnly bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Cdn bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Static bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` ThisPortOnly bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int32 IpAddress string Port int32 Secret []byte `tl:"flag:10"` }
type DefaultHistoryTtl ¶
type DefaultHistoryTtl struct {
Period int32
func (*DefaultHistoryTtl) CRC ¶
func (*DefaultHistoryTtl) CRC() uint32
type DeleteMessage ¶
type DialogFilter ¶
type DialogFilterChatlist ¶
type DialogFilterChatlist struct { HasMyInvites bool `tl:"flag:26,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int32 Title string Emoticon string `tl:"flag:25"` PinnedPeers []InputPeer IncludePeers []InputPeer }
func (*DialogFilterChatlist) CRC ¶
func (*DialogFilterChatlist) CRC() uint32
func (*DialogFilterChatlist) FlagIndex ¶
func (*DialogFilterChatlist) FlagIndex() int
func (*DialogFilterChatlist) ImplementsDialogFilter ¶
func (*DialogFilterChatlist) ImplementsDialogFilter()
type DialogFilterDefault ¶
type DialogFilterDefault struct{}
func (*DialogFilterDefault) CRC ¶
func (*DialogFilterDefault) CRC() uint32
func (*DialogFilterDefault) ImplementsDialogFilter ¶
func (*DialogFilterDefault) ImplementsDialogFilter()
type DialogFilterObj ¶
type DialogFilterObj struct { Contacts bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` NonContacts bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Groups bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Broadcasts bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Bots bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` ExcludeMuted bool `tl:"flag:11,encoded_in_bitflags"` ExcludeRead bool `tl:"flag:12,encoded_in_bitflags"` ExcludeArchived bool `tl:"flag:13,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int32 Title string Emoticon string `tl:"flag:25"` PinnedPeers []InputPeer IncludePeers []InputPeer ExcludePeers []InputPeer }
func (*DialogFilterObj) CRC ¶
func (*DialogFilterObj) CRC() uint32
func (*DialogFilterObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*DialogFilterObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*DialogFilterObj) ImplementsDialogFilter ¶
func (*DialogFilterObj) ImplementsDialogFilter()
type DialogFilterSuggested ¶
type DialogFilterSuggested struct { Filter DialogFilter Description string }
func (*DialogFilterSuggested) CRC ¶
func (*DialogFilterSuggested) CRC() uint32
type DialogFolder ¶
type DialogFolder struct { Pinned bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Folder *Folder Peer Peer TopMessage int32 UnreadMutedPeersCount int32 UnreadUnmutedPeersCount int32 UnreadMutedMessagesCount int32 UnreadUnmutedMessagesCount int32 }
func (*DialogFolder) CRC ¶
func (*DialogFolder) CRC() uint32
func (*DialogFolder) FlagIndex ¶
func (*DialogFolder) FlagIndex() int
func (*DialogFolder) ImplementsDialog ¶
func (*DialogFolder) ImplementsDialog()
type DialogObj ¶
type DialogObj struct { Pinned bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` UnreadMark bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` ViewForumAsMessages bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer Peer TopMessage int32 ReadInboxMaxID int32 ReadOutboxMaxID int32 UnreadCount int32 UnreadMentionsCount int32 UnreadReactionsCount int32 NotifySettings *PeerNotifySettings Pts int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Draft DraftMessage `tl:"flag:1"` FolderID int32 `tl:"flag:4"` TtlPeriod int32 `tl:"flag:5"` }
func (*DialogObj) ImplementsDialog ¶
func (*DialogObj) ImplementsDialog()
type DialogOptions ¶
type DialogOptions struct { OffsetID int32 `json:"offset_id,omitempty"` OffsetDate int32 `json:"offset_date,omitempty"` OffsetPeer InputPeer `json:"offset_peer,omitempty"` Limit int32 `json:"limit,omitempty"` ExcludePinned bool `json:"exclude_pinned,omitempty"` FolderID int32 `json:"folder_id,omitempty"` Hash int64 `json:"hash,omitempty"` }
type DialogPeer ¶
type DialogPeerFolder ¶
type DialogPeerFolder struct {
FolderID int32
func (*DialogPeerFolder) CRC ¶
func (*DialogPeerFolder) CRC() uint32
func (*DialogPeerFolder) ImplementsDialogPeer ¶
func (*DialogPeerFolder) ImplementsDialogPeer()
type DialogPeerObj ¶
type DialogPeerObj struct {
Peer Peer
func (*DialogPeerObj) CRC ¶
func (*DialogPeerObj) CRC() uint32
func (*DialogPeerObj) ImplementsDialogPeer ¶
func (*DialogPeerObj) ImplementsDialogPeer()
type DocumentAttribute ¶
type DocumentAttributeAnimated ¶
type DocumentAttributeAnimated struct{}
func (*DocumentAttributeAnimated) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeAnimated) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentAttributeAnimated) ImplementsDocumentAttribute ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeAnimated) ImplementsDocumentAttribute()
type DocumentAttributeAudio ¶
type DocumentAttributeAudio struct { Voice bool `tl:"flag:10,encoded_in_bitflags"` Duration int32 Title string `tl:"flag:0"` Performer string `tl:"flag:1"` Waveform []byte `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*DocumentAttributeAudio) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeAudio) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentAttributeAudio) FlagIndex ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeAudio) FlagIndex() int
func (*DocumentAttributeAudio) ImplementsDocumentAttribute ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeAudio) ImplementsDocumentAttribute()
type DocumentAttributeCustomEmoji ¶
type DocumentAttributeCustomEmoji struct { Free bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` TextColor bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Alt string Stickerset InputStickerSet }
func (*DocumentAttributeCustomEmoji) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeCustomEmoji) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentAttributeCustomEmoji) FlagIndex ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeCustomEmoji) FlagIndex() int
func (*DocumentAttributeCustomEmoji) ImplementsDocumentAttribute ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeCustomEmoji) ImplementsDocumentAttribute()
type DocumentAttributeFilename ¶
type DocumentAttributeFilename struct {
FileName string
func (*DocumentAttributeFilename) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeFilename) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentAttributeFilename) ImplementsDocumentAttribute ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeFilename) ImplementsDocumentAttribute()
type DocumentAttributeHasStickers ¶
type DocumentAttributeHasStickers struct{}
func (*DocumentAttributeHasStickers) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeHasStickers) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentAttributeHasStickers) ImplementsDocumentAttribute ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeHasStickers) ImplementsDocumentAttribute()
type DocumentAttributeImageSize ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeImageSize) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeImageSize) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentAttributeImageSize) ImplementsDocumentAttribute ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeImageSize) ImplementsDocumentAttribute()
type DocumentAttributeSticker ¶
type DocumentAttributeSticker struct { Mask bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Alt string Stickerset InputStickerSet MaskCoords *MaskCoords `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*DocumentAttributeSticker) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeSticker) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentAttributeSticker) FlagIndex ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeSticker) FlagIndex() int
func (*DocumentAttributeSticker) ImplementsDocumentAttribute ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeSticker) ImplementsDocumentAttribute()
type DocumentAttributeVideo ¶
type DocumentAttributeVideo struct { RoundMessage bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` SupportsStreaming bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Nosound bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Duration float64 W int32 H int32 PreloadPrefixSize int32 `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*DocumentAttributeVideo) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeVideo) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentAttributeVideo) FlagIndex ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeVideo) FlagIndex() int
func (*DocumentAttributeVideo) ImplementsDocumentAttribute ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeVideo) ImplementsDocumentAttribute()
type DocumentEmpty ¶
type DocumentEmpty struct {
ID int64
func (*DocumentEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentEmpty) ImplementsDocument ¶
func (*DocumentEmpty) ImplementsDocument()
type DocumentObj ¶
type DocumentObj struct { ID int64 AccessHash int64 FileReference []byte Date int32 MimeType string Size int64 Thumbs []PhotoSize `tl:"flag:0"` VideoThumbs []VideoSize `tl:"flag:1"` DcID int32 Attributes []DocumentAttribute }
func (*DocumentObj) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentObj) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*DocumentObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*DocumentObj) ImplementsDocument ¶
func (*DocumentObj) ImplementsDocument()
type DownloadOptions ¶
type DownloadOptions struct { // Download path to save file FileName string `json:"file_name,omitempty"` // Datacenter ID of file DcID int32 `json:"dc_id,omitempty"` // Size of file Size int32 `json:"size,omitempty"` // Worker count to download file Threads int `json:"threads,omitempty"` // Chunk size to download file ChunkSize int32 `json:"chunk_size,omitempty"` }
type Downloader ¶
type Downloader struct { *Client Parts int32 ChunkSize int32 Worker int Source InputFileLocation Size int32 DcID int32 Workers []*Client FileName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Downloader) DividePartsToWorkers ¶
func (d *Downloader) DividePartsToWorkers() [][]int32
func (*Downloader) Download ¶
func (d *Downloader) Download() (string, error)
func (*Downloader) Init ¶
func (d *Downloader) Init()
func (*Downloader) Start ¶
func (d *Downloader) Start() (string, error)
type DraftMessage ¶
type DraftMessageEmpty ¶
type DraftMessageEmpty struct {
Date int32 `tl:"flag:0"`
func (*DraftMessageEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*DraftMessageEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*DraftMessageEmpty) FlagIndex ¶
func (*DraftMessageEmpty) FlagIndex() int
func (*DraftMessageEmpty) ImplementsDraftMessage ¶
func (*DraftMessageEmpty) ImplementsDraftMessage()
type DraftMessageObj ¶
type DraftMessageObj struct { NoWebpage bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` InvertMedia bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ReplyTo InputReplyTo `tl:"flag:4"` Message string Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:3"` Media InputMedia `tl:"flag:5"` Date int32 }
func (*DraftMessageObj) CRC ¶
func (*DraftMessageObj) CRC() uint32
func (*DraftMessageObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*DraftMessageObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*DraftMessageObj) ImplementsDraftMessage ¶
func (*DraftMessageObj) ImplementsDraftMessage()
type EmailVerification ¶
type EmailVerificationApple ¶
type EmailVerificationApple struct {
Token string
func (*EmailVerificationApple) CRC ¶
func (*EmailVerificationApple) CRC() uint32
func (*EmailVerificationApple) ImplementsEmailVerification ¶
func (*EmailVerificationApple) ImplementsEmailVerification()
type EmailVerificationCode ¶
type EmailVerificationCode struct {
Code string
func (*EmailVerificationCode) CRC ¶
func (*EmailVerificationCode) CRC() uint32
func (*EmailVerificationCode) ImplementsEmailVerification ¶
func (*EmailVerificationCode) ImplementsEmailVerification()
type EmailVerificationGoogle ¶
type EmailVerificationGoogle struct {
Token string
func (*EmailVerificationGoogle) CRC ¶
func (*EmailVerificationGoogle) CRC() uint32
func (*EmailVerificationGoogle) ImplementsEmailVerification ¶
func (*EmailVerificationGoogle) ImplementsEmailVerification()
type EmailVerifyPurpose ¶
type EmailVerifyPurposeLoginChange ¶
type EmailVerifyPurposeLoginChange struct{}
func (*EmailVerifyPurposeLoginChange) CRC ¶
func (*EmailVerifyPurposeLoginChange) CRC() uint32
func (*EmailVerifyPurposeLoginChange) ImplementsEmailVerifyPurpose ¶
func (*EmailVerifyPurposeLoginChange) ImplementsEmailVerifyPurpose()
type EmailVerifyPurposeLoginSetup ¶
func (*EmailVerifyPurposeLoginSetup) CRC ¶
func (*EmailVerifyPurposeLoginSetup) CRC() uint32
func (*EmailVerifyPurposeLoginSetup) ImplementsEmailVerifyPurpose ¶
func (*EmailVerifyPurposeLoginSetup) ImplementsEmailVerifyPurpose()
type EmailVerifyPurposePassport ¶
type EmailVerifyPurposePassport struct{}
func (*EmailVerifyPurposePassport) CRC ¶
func (*EmailVerifyPurposePassport) CRC() uint32
func (*EmailVerifyPurposePassport) ImplementsEmailVerifyPurpose ¶
func (*EmailVerifyPurposePassport) ImplementsEmailVerifyPurpose()
type EmojiGroup ¶
func (*EmojiGroup) CRC ¶
func (*EmojiGroup) CRC() uint32
type EmojiKeyword ¶
type EmojiKeywordDeleted ¶
func (*EmojiKeywordDeleted) CRC ¶
func (*EmojiKeywordDeleted) CRC() uint32
func (*EmojiKeywordDeleted) ImplementsEmojiKeyword ¶
func (*EmojiKeywordDeleted) ImplementsEmojiKeyword()
type EmojiKeywordObj ¶
func (*EmojiKeywordObj) CRC ¶
func (*EmojiKeywordObj) CRC() uint32
func (*EmojiKeywordObj) ImplementsEmojiKeyword ¶
func (*EmojiKeywordObj) ImplementsEmojiKeyword()
type EmojiKeywordsDifference ¶
type EmojiKeywordsDifference struct { LangCode string FromVersion int32 Version int32 Keywords []EmojiKeyword }
func (*EmojiKeywordsDifference) CRC ¶
func (*EmojiKeywordsDifference) CRC() uint32
type EmojiLanguage ¶
type EmojiLanguage struct {
LangCode string
func (*EmojiLanguage) CRC ¶
func (*EmojiLanguage) CRC() uint32
type EmojiListNotModified ¶
type EmojiListNotModified struct{}
func (*EmojiListNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*EmojiListNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*EmojiListNotModified) ImplementsEmojiList ¶
func (*EmojiListNotModified) ImplementsEmojiList()
type EmojiListObj ¶
func (*EmojiListObj) CRC ¶
func (*EmojiListObj) CRC() uint32
func (*EmojiListObj) ImplementsEmojiList ¶
func (*EmojiListObj) ImplementsEmojiList()
type EmojiStatus ¶
type EmojiStatusEmpty ¶
type EmojiStatusEmpty struct{}
func (*EmojiStatusEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*EmojiStatusEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*EmojiStatusEmpty) ImplementsEmojiStatus ¶
func (*EmojiStatusEmpty) ImplementsEmojiStatus()
type EmojiStatusObj ¶
type EmojiStatusObj struct {
DocumentID int64
func (*EmojiStatusObj) CRC ¶
func (*EmojiStatusObj) CRC() uint32
func (*EmojiStatusObj) ImplementsEmojiStatus ¶
func (*EmojiStatusObj) ImplementsEmojiStatus()
type EmojiStatusUntil ¶
func (*EmojiStatusUntil) CRC ¶
func (*EmojiStatusUntil) CRC() uint32
func (*EmojiStatusUntil) ImplementsEmojiStatus ¶
func (*EmojiStatusUntil) ImplementsEmojiStatus()
type EncryptedChat ¶
type EncryptedChatDiscarded ¶
type EncryptedChatDiscarded struct { HistoryDeleted bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int32 }
func (*EncryptedChatDiscarded) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedChatDiscarded) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedChatDiscarded) FlagIndex ¶
func (*EncryptedChatDiscarded) FlagIndex() int
func (*EncryptedChatDiscarded) ImplementsEncryptedChat ¶
func (*EncryptedChatDiscarded) ImplementsEncryptedChat()
type EncryptedChatEmpty ¶
type EncryptedChatEmpty struct {
ID int32
func (*EncryptedChatEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedChatEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedChatEmpty) ImplementsEncryptedChat ¶
func (*EncryptedChatEmpty) ImplementsEncryptedChat()
type EncryptedChatObj ¶
type EncryptedChatObj struct { ID int32 AccessHash int64 Date int32 AdminID int64 ParticipantID int64 GAOrB []byte KeyFingerprint int64 }
func (*EncryptedChatObj) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedChatObj) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedChatObj) ImplementsEncryptedChat ¶
func (*EncryptedChatObj) ImplementsEncryptedChat()
type EncryptedChatRequested ¶
type EncryptedChatRequested struct { FolderID int32 `tl:"flag:0"` ID int32 AccessHash int64 Date int32 AdminID int64 ParticipantID int64 GA []byte }
func (*EncryptedChatRequested) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedChatRequested) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedChatRequested) FlagIndex ¶
func (*EncryptedChatRequested) FlagIndex() int
func (*EncryptedChatRequested) ImplementsEncryptedChat ¶
func (*EncryptedChatRequested) ImplementsEncryptedChat()
type EncryptedChatWaiting ¶
type EncryptedChatWaiting struct { ID int32 AccessHash int64 Date int32 AdminID int64 ParticipantID int64 }
func (*EncryptedChatWaiting) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedChatWaiting) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedChatWaiting) ImplementsEncryptedChat ¶
func (*EncryptedChatWaiting) ImplementsEncryptedChat()
type EncryptedFile ¶
type EncryptedFileEmpty ¶
type EncryptedFileEmpty struct{}
func (*EncryptedFileEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedFileEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedFileEmpty) ImplementsEncryptedFile ¶
func (*EncryptedFileEmpty) ImplementsEncryptedFile()
type EncryptedFileObj ¶
type EncryptedFileObj struct { ID int64 AccessHash int64 Size int64 DcID int32 KeyFingerprint int32 }
func (*EncryptedFileObj) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedFileObj) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedFileObj) ImplementsEncryptedFile ¶
func (*EncryptedFileObj) ImplementsEncryptedFile()
type EncryptedMessage ¶
type EncryptedMessageObj ¶
type EncryptedMessageObj struct { RandomID int64 ChatID int32 Date int32 Bytes []byte File EncryptedFile }
func (*EncryptedMessageObj) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedMessageObj) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedMessageObj) ImplementsEncryptedMessage ¶
func (*EncryptedMessageObj) ImplementsEncryptedMessage()
type EncryptedMessageService ¶
func (*EncryptedMessageService) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedMessageService) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedMessageService) ImplementsEncryptedMessage ¶
func (*EncryptedMessageService) ImplementsEncryptedMessage()
type ExportedChatInvite ¶
type ExportedChatlistInvite ¶
func (*ExportedChatlistInvite) CRC ¶
func (*ExportedChatlistInvite) CRC() uint32
type ExportedContactToken ¶
func (*ExportedContactToken) CRC ¶
func (*ExportedContactToken) CRC() uint32
type ExportedMessageLink ¶
func (*ExportedMessageLink) CRC ¶
func (*ExportedMessageLink) CRC() uint32
type ExportedStoryLink ¶
type ExportedStoryLink struct {
Link string
func (*ExportedStoryLink) CRC ¶
func (*ExportedStoryLink) CRC() uint32
type Folder ¶
type FolderPeer ¶
func (*FolderPeer) CRC ¶
func (*FolderPeer) CRC() uint32
type FoldersEditPeerFoldersParams ¶
type FoldersEditPeerFoldersParams struct {
FolderPeers []*InputFolderPeer
func (*FoldersEditPeerFoldersParams) CRC ¶
func (*FoldersEditPeerFoldersParams) CRC() uint32
type ForumTopic ¶
type ForumTopicDeleted ¶
type ForumTopicDeleted struct {
ID int32
func (*ForumTopicDeleted) CRC ¶
func (*ForumTopicDeleted) CRC() uint32
func (*ForumTopicDeleted) ImplementsForumTopic ¶
func (*ForumTopicDeleted) ImplementsForumTopic()
type ForumTopicObj ¶
type ForumTopicObj struct { My bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Closed bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Pinned bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Short bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Hidden bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int32 Date int32 Title string IconColor int32 IconEmojiID int64 `tl:"flag:0"` TopMessage int32 ReadInboxMaxID int32 ReadOutboxMaxID int32 UnreadCount int32 UnreadMentionsCount int32 UnreadReactionsCount int32 FromID Peer NotifySettings *PeerNotifySettings Draft DraftMessage `tl:"flag:4"` }
func (*ForumTopicObj) CRC ¶
func (*ForumTopicObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ForumTopicObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ForumTopicObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*ForumTopicObj) ImplementsForumTopic ¶
func (*ForumTopicObj) ImplementsForumTopic()
type ForwardOptions ¶
type ForwardOptions struct { HideCaption bool `json:"hide_caption,omitempty"` HideAuthor bool `json:"hide_author,omitempty"` Silent bool `json:"silent,omitempty"` Protected bool `json:"protected,omitempty"` Background bool `json:"background,omitempty"` WithMyScore bool `json:"with_my_score,omitempty"` SendAs interface{} `json:"send_as,omitempty"` ScheduleDate int32 `json:"schedule_date,omitempty"` }
type Game ¶
type GeoPointEmpty ¶
type GeoPointEmpty struct{}
func (*GeoPointEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*GeoPointEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*GeoPointEmpty) ImplementsGeoPoint ¶
func (*GeoPointEmpty) ImplementsGeoPoint()
type GeoPointObj ¶
type GeoPointObj struct { Long float64 Lat float64 AccessHash int64 AccuracyRadius int32 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*GeoPointObj) CRC ¶
func (*GeoPointObj) CRC() uint32
func (*GeoPointObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*GeoPointObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*GeoPointObj) ImplementsGeoPoint ¶
func (*GeoPointObj) ImplementsGeoPoint()
type GlobalPrivacySettings ¶
type GlobalPrivacySettings struct { ArchiveAndMuteNewNoncontactPeers bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` KeepArchivedUnmuted bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` KeepArchivedFolders bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` }
func (*GlobalPrivacySettings) CRC ¶
func (*GlobalPrivacySettings) CRC() uint32
func (*GlobalPrivacySettings) FlagIndex ¶
func (*GlobalPrivacySettings) FlagIndex() int
type GroupCallDiscarded ¶
func (*GroupCallDiscarded) CRC ¶
func (*GroupCallDiscarded) CRC() uint32
func (*GroupCallDiscarded) ImplementsGroupCall ¶
func (*GroupCallDiscarded) ImplementsGroupCall()
type GroupCallMedia ¶
type GroupCallObj ¶
type GroupCallObj struct { JoinMuted bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanChangeJoinMuted bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` JoinDateAsc bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ScheduleStartSubscribed bool `tl:"flag:8,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanStartVideo bool `tl:"flag:9,encoded_in_bitflags"` RecordVideoActive bool `tl:"flag:11,encoded_in_bitflags"` RtmpStream bool `tl:"flag:12,encoded_in_bitflags"` ListenersHidden bool `tl:"flag:13,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 AccessHash int64 ParticipantsCount int32 Title string `tl:"flag:3"` StreamDcID int32 `tl:"flag:4"` RecordStartDate int32 `tl:"flag:5"` ScheduleDate int32 `tl:"flag:7"` UnmutedVideoCount int32 `tl:"flag:10"` UnmutedVideoLimit int32 Version int32 }
func (*GroupCallObj) CRC ¶
func (*GroupCallObj) CRC() uint32
func (*GroupCallObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*GroupCallObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*GroupCallObj) ImplementsGroupCall ¶
func (*GroupCallObj) ImplementsGroupCall()
type GroupCallParticipant ¶
type GroupCallParticipant struct { Muted bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Left bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanSelfUnmute bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` JustJoined bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Versioned bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Min bool `tl:"flag:8,encoded_in_bitflags"` MutedByYou bool `tl:"flag:9,encoded_in_bitflags"` VolumeByAdmin bool `tl:"flag:10,encoded_in_bitflags"` Self bool `tl:"flag:12,encoded_in_bitflags"` VideoJoined bool `tl:"flag:15,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer Peer Date int32 ActiveDate int32 `tl:"flag:3"` Source int32 Volume int32 `tl:"flag:7"` About string `tl:"flag:11"` RaiseHandRating int64 `tl:"flag:13"` Video *GroupCallParticipantVideo `tl:"flag:6"` Presentation *GroupCallParticipantVideo `tl:"flag:14"` }
func (*GroupCallParticipant) CRC ¶
func (*GroupCallParticipant) CRC() uint32
func (*GroupCallParticipant) FlagIndex ¶
func (*GroupCallParticipant) FlagIndex() int
type GroupCallParticipantVideo ¶
type GroupCallParticipantVideo struct { Paused bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Endpoint string SourceGroups []*GroupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup AudioSource int32 `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*GroupCallParticipantVideo) CRC ¶
func (*GroupCallParticipantVideo) CRC() uint32
func (*GroupCallParticipantVideo) FlagIndex ¶
func (*GroupCallParticipantVideo) FlagIndex() int
type GroupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup ¶
func (*GroupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup) CRC ¶
func (*GroupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup) CRC() uint32
type GroupCallStreamChannel ¶
func (*GroupCallStreamChannel) CRC ¶
func (*GroupCallStreamChannel) CRC() uint32
type HelpAcceptTermsOfServiceParams ¶
type HelpAcceptTermsOfServiceParams struct {
ID *DataJson
func (*HelpAcceptTermsOfServiceParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpAcceptTermsOfServiceParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpAppConfig ¶
type HelpAppConfigNotModified ¶
type HelpAppConfigNotModified struct{}
func (*HelpAppConfigNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*HelpAppConfigNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpAppConfigNotModified) ImplementsHelpAppConfig ¶
func (*HelpAppConfigNotModified) ImplementsHelpAppConfig()
type HelpAppConfigObj ¶
func (*HelpAppConfigObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpAppConfigObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpAppConfigObj) ImplementsHelpAppConfig ¶
func (*HelpAppConfigObj) ImplementsHelpAppConfig()
type HelpAppUpdate ¶
type HelpAppUpdateObj ¶
type HelpAppUpdateObj struct { CanNotSkip bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int32 Version string Text string Entities []MessageEntity Document Document `tl:"flag:1"` URL string `tl:"flag:2"` Sticker Document `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*HelpAppUpdateObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpAppUpdateObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpAppUpdateObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*HelpAppUpdateObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*HelpAppUpdateObj) ImplementsHelpAppUpdate ¶
func (*HelpAppUpdateObj) ImplementsHelpAppUpdate()
type HelpCountriesList ¶
type HelpCountriesListNotModified ¶
type HelpCountriesListNotModified struct{}
func (*HelpCountriesListNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*HelpCountriesListNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpCountriesListNotModified) ImplementsHelpCountriesList ¶
func (*HelpCountriesListNotModified) ImplementsHelpCountriesList()
type HelpCountriesListObj ¶
type HelpCountriesListObj struct { Countries []*HelpCountry Hash int32 }
func (*HelpCountriesListObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpCountriesListObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpCountriesListObj) ImplementsHelpCountriesList ¶
func (*HelpCountriesListObj) ImplementsHelpCountriesList()
type HelpCountry ¶
type HelpCountry struct { Hidden bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Iso2 string DefaultName string Name string `tl:"flag:1"` CountryCodes []*HelpCountryCode }
func (*HelpCountry) CRC ¶
func (*HelpCountry) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpCountry) FlagIndex ¶
func (*HelpCountry) FlagIndex() int
type HelpCountryCode ¶
type HelpCountryCode struct { CountryCode string Prefixes []string `tl:"flag:0"` Patterns []string `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*HelpCountryCode) CRC ¶
func (*HelpCountryCode) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpCountryCode) FlagIndex ¶
func (*HelpCountryCode) FlagIndex() int
type HelpDeepLinkInfo ¶
type HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty ¶
type HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty struct{}
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty) ImplementsHelpDeepLinkInfo ¶
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty) ImplementsHelpDeepLinkInfo()
type HelpDeepLinkInfoObj ¶
type HelpDeepLinkInfoObj struct { UpdateApp bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Message string Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoObj) ImplementsHelpDeepLinkInfo ¶
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoObj) ImplementsHelpDeepLinkInfo()
type HelpDismissSuggestionParams ¶
func (*HelpDismissSuggestionParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpDismissSuggestionParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpEditUserInfoParams ¶
type HelpEditUserInfoParams struct { UserID InputUser Message string Entities []MessageEntity }
func (*HelpEditUserInfoParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpEditUserInfoParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetAppConfigParams ¶
type HelpGetAppConfigParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*HelpGetAppConfigParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetAppConfigParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetAppUpdateParams ¶
type HelpGetAppUpdateParams struct {
Source string
func (*HelpGetAppUpdateParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetAppUpdateParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetCdnConfigParams ¶
type HelpGetCdnConfigParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetCdnConfigParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetCdnConfigParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetConfigParams ¶
type HelpGetConfigParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetConfigParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetConfigParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetCountriesListParams ¶
func (*HelpGetCountriesListParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetCountriesListParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetDeepLinkInfoParams ¶
type HelpGetDeepLinkInfoParams struct {
Path string
func (*HelpGetDeepLinkInfoParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetDeepLinkInfoParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetInviteTextParams ¶
type HelpGetInviteTextParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetInviteTextParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetInviteTextParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetNearestDcParams ¶
type HelpGetNearestDcParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetNearestDcParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetNearestDcParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetPassportConfigParams ¶
type HelpGetPassportConfigParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*HelpGetPassportConfigParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetPassportConfigParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetPeerColorsParams ¶
type HelpGetPeerColorsParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*HelpGetPeerColorsParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetPeerColorsParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetPeerProfileColorsParams ¶
type HelpGetPeerProfileColorsParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*HelpGetPeerProfileColorsParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetPeerProfileColorsParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetPremiumPromoParams ¶
type HelpGetPremiumPromoParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetPremiumPromoParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetPremiumPromoParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetPromoDataParams ¶
type HelpGetPromoDataParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetPromoDataParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetPromoDataParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetRecentMeUrlsParams ¶
type HelpGetRecentMeUrlsParams struct {
Referer string
func (*HelpGetRecentMeUrlsParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetRecentMeUrlsParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetSupportNameParams ¶
type HelpGetSupportNameParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetSupportNameParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetSupportNameParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetSupportParams ¶
type HelpGetSupportParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetSupportParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetSupportParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdateParams ¶
type HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdateParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdateParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdateParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpGetUserInfoParams ¶
type HelpGetUserInfoParams struct {
UserID InputUser
func (*HelpGetUserInfoParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpGetUserInfoParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpHidePromoDataParams ¶
type HelpHidePromoDataParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*HelpHidePromoDataParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpHidePromoDataParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpInviteText ¶
type HelpInviteText struct {
Message string
func (*HelpInviteText) CRC ¶
func (*HelpInviteText) CRC() uint32
type HelpNoAppUpdate ¶
type HelpNoAppUpdate struct{}
func (*HelpNoAppUpdate) CRC ¶
func (*HelpNoAppUpdate) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpNoAppUpdate) ImplementsHelpAppUpdate ¶
func (*HelpNoAppUpdate) ImplementsHelpAppUpdate()
type HelpPassportConfig ¶
type HelpPassportConfigNotModified ¶
type HelpPassportConfigNotModified struct{}
func (*HelpPassportConfigNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*HelpPassportConfigNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpPassportConfigNotModified) ImplementsHelpPassportConfig ¶
func (*HelpPassportConfigNotModified) ImplementsHelpPassportConfig()
type HelpPassportConfigObj ¶
func (*HelpPassportConfigObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpPassportConfigObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpPassportConfigObj) ImplementsHelpPassportConfig ¶
func (*HelpPassportConfigObj) ImplementsHelpPassportConfig()
type HelpPeerColorOption ¶
type HelpPeerColorOption struct { Hidden bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ColorID int32 Colors HelpPeerColorSet `tl:"flag:1"` DarkColors HelpPeerColorSet `tl:"flag:2"` ChannelMinLevel int32 `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*HelpPeerColorOption) CRC ¶
func (*HelpPeerColorOption) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpPeerColorOption) FlagIndex ¶
func (*HelpPeerColorOption) FlagIndex() int
type HelpPeerColorProfileSet ¶
func (*HelpPeerColorProfileSet) CRC ¶
func (*HelpPeerColorProfileSet) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpPeerColorProfileSet) ImplementsHelpPeerColorSet ¶
func (*HelpPeerColorProfileSet) ImplementsHelpPeerColorSet()
type HelpPeerColorSet ¶
type HelpPeerColorSetObj ¶
type HelpPeerColorSetObj struct {
Colors []int32
func (*HelpPeerColorSetObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpPeerColorSetObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpPeerColorSetObj) ImplementsHelpPeerColorSet ¶
func (*HelpPeerColorSetObj) ImplementsHelpPeerColorSet()
type HelpPeerColors ¶
type HelpPeerColorsNotModified ¶
type HelpPeerColorsNotModified struct{}
func (*HelpPeerColorsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*HelpPeerColorsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpPeerColorsNotModified) ImplementsHelpPeerColors ¶
func (*HelpPeerColorsNotModified) ImplementsHelpPeerColors()
type HelpPeerColorsObj ¶
type HelpPeerColorsObj struct { Hash int32 Colors []*HelpPeerColorOption }
func (*HelpPeerColorsObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpPeerColorsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpPeerColorsObj) ImplementsHelpPeerColors ¶
func (*HelpPeerColorsObj) ImplementsHelpPeerColors()
type HelpPremiumPromo ¶
type HelpPremiumPromo struct { StatusText string StatusEntities []MessageEntity VideoSections []string Videos []Document PeriodOptions []*PremiumSubscriptionOption Users []User }
func (*HelpPremiumPromo) CRC ¶
func (*HelpPremiumPromo) CRC() uint32
type HelpPromoData ¶
type HelpPromoDataEmpty ¶
type HelpPromoDataEmpty struct {
Expires int32
func (*HelpPromoDataEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*HelpPromoDataEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpPromoDataEmpty) ImplementsHelpPromoData ¶
func (*HelpPromoDataEmpty) ImplementsHelpPromoData()
type HelpPromoDataObj ¶
type HelpPromoDataObj struct { Proxy bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Expires int32 Peer Peer Chats []Chat Users []User PsaType string `tl:"flag:1"` PsaMessage string `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*HelpPromoDataObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpPromoDataObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpPromoDataObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*HelpPromoDataObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*HelpPromoDataObj) ImplementsHelpPromoData ¶
func (*HelpPromoDataObj) ImplementsHelpPromoData()
type HelpRecentMeUrls ¶
type HelpRecentMeUrls struct { Urls []RecentMeURL Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*HelpRecentMeUrls) CRC ¶
func (*HelpRecentMeUrls) CRC() uint32
type HelpSaveAppLogParams ¶
type HelpSaveAppLogParams struct {
Events []*InputAppEvent
func (*HelpSaveAppLogParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpSaveAppLogParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpSetBotUpdatesStatusParams ¶
func (*HelpSetBotUpdatesStatusParams) CRC ¶
func (*HelpSetBotUpdatesStatusParams) CRC() uint32
type HelpSupport ¶
func (*HelpSupport) CRC ¶
func (*HelpSupport) CRC() uint32
type HelpSupportName ¶
type HelpSupportName struct {
Name string
func (*HelpSupportName) CRC ¶
func (*HelpSupportName) CRC() uint32
type HelpTermsOfService ¶
type HelpTermsOfService struct { Popup bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID *DataJson Text string Entities []MessageEntity MinAgeConfirm int32 `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*HelpTermsOfService) CRC ¶
func (*HelpTermsOfService) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpTermsOfService) FlagIndex ¶
func (*HelpTermsOfService) FlagIndex() int
type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty ¶
type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty struct {
Expires int32
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty) ImplementsHelpTermsOfServiceUpdate ¶
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty) ImplementsHelpTermsOfServiceUpdate()
type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj ¶
type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj struct { Expires int32 TermsOfService *HelpTermsOfService }
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj) ImplementsHelpTermsOfServiceUpdate ¶
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj) ImplementsHelpTermsOfServiceUpdate()
type HelpUserInfo ¶
type HelpUserInfoEmpty ¶
type HelpUserInfoEmpty struct{}
func (*HelpUserInfoEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*HelpUserInfoEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpUserInfoEmpty) ImplementsHelpUserInfo ¶
func (*HelpUserInfoEmpty) ImplementsHelpUserInfo()
type HelpUserInfoObj ¶
type HelpUserInfoObj struct { Message string Entities []MessageEntity Author string Date int32 }
func (*HelpUserInfoObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpUserInfoObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpUserInfoObj) ImplementsHelpUserInfo ¶
func (*HelpUserInfoObj) ImplementsHelpUserInfo()
type ImportedContact ¶
func (*ImportedContact) CRC ¶
func (*ImportedContact) CRC() uint32
type InitConnectionParams ¶
type InitConnectionParams struct { ApiID int32 // Application identifier (see. App configuration) DeviceModel string // Device model SystemVersion string // Operation system version AppVersion string // Application version SystemLangCode string // Code for the language used on the device's OS, ISO 639-1 standard LangPack string // Language pack to use LangCode string // Code for the language used on the client, ISO 639-1 standard Proxy *InputClientProxy `tl:"flag:0"` // Info about an MTProto proxy Params JsonValue `tl:"flag:1"` // Additional initConnection parameters. For now, only the tz_offset field is supported, for specifying timezone offset in seconds. Query tl.Object // The query itself }
func (*InitConnectionParams) CRC ¶
func (*InitConnectionParams) CRC() uint32
func (*InitConnectionParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InitConnectionParams) FlagIndex() int
type InlineBotSwitchPm ¶
func (*InlineBotSwitchPm) CRC ¶
func (*InlineBotSwitchPm) CRC() uint32
type InlineBotWebView ¶
func (*InlineBotWebView) CRC ¶
func (*InlineBotWebView) CRC() uint32
type InlineBuilder ¶
type InlineBuilder struct { Client *Client QueryID int64 InlineResults []InputBotInlineResult }
func (*InlineBuilder) Article ¶
func (b *InlineBuilder) Article(title, description, text string, options ...*ArticleOptions) InputBotInlineResult
func (*InlineBuilder) Document ¶
func (b *InlineBuilder) Document(document interface{}, options ...*ArticleOptions) InputBotInlineResult
func (*InlineBuilder) Game ¶
func (b *InlineBuilder) Game(ID, ShortName string, options ...*ArticleOptions) InputBotInlineResult
func (*InlineBuilder) Photo ¶
func (b *InlineBuilder) Photo(photo interface{}, options ...*ArticleOptions) InputBotInlineResult
func (*InlineBuilder) Results ¶
func (b *InlineBuilder) Results() []InputBotInlineResult
type InlineCallbackQuery ¶
type InlineCallbackQuery struct { QueryID int64 Data []byte OriginalUpdate *UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery Sender *UserObj MsgID InputBotInlineMessageID SenderID int64 ChatInstance int64 Client *Client GameShortName string }
func (*InlineCallbackQuery) Answer ¶
func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) Answer(Text string, options ...*CallbackOptions) (bool, error)
func (*InlineCallbackQuery) ChatType ¶
func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) ChatType() string
func (*InlineCallbackQuery) DataString ¶
func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) DataString() string
func (*InlineCallbackQuery) Edit ¶
func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) Edit(Text interface{}, options ...*SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*InlineCallbackQuery) GetSender ¶
func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) GetSender() (*UserObj, error)
func (*InlineCallbackQuery) GetSenderID ¶
func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) GetSenderID() int64
func (*InlineCallbackQuery) IsChannel ¶
func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) IsChannel() bool
func (*InlineCallbackQuery) IsGroup ¶
func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) IsGroup() bool
func (*InlineCallbackQuery) IsPrivate ¶
func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) IsPrivate() bool
func (*InlineCallbackQuery) Marshal ¶
func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) Marshal() string
func (*InlineCallbackQuery) ShortName ¶
func (b *InlineCallbackQuery) ShortName() string
type InlineOptions ¶
type InlineOptions struct { Dialog interface{} Offset int32 Query string GeoPoint InputGeoPoint }
type InlineQuery ¶
type InlineQuery struct { QueryID int64 Query string OriginalUpdate *UpdateBotInlineQuery Sender *UserObj SenderID int64 Offset string PeerType InlineQueryPeerType Client *Client }
func (*InlineQuery) Answer ¶
func (b *InlineQuery) Answer(results []InputBotInlineResult, options ...InlineSendOptions) (bool, error)
func (*InlineQuery) Args ¶
func (m *InlineQuery) Args() string
func (*InlineQuery) Builder ¶
func (b *InlineQuery) Builder() *InlineBuilder
func (*InlineQuery) IsChannel ¶
func (b *InlineQuery) IsChannel() bool
func (*InlineQuery) IsGroup ¶
func (b *InlineQuery) IsGroup() bool
func (*InlineQuery) IsPrivate ¶
func (b *InlineQuery) IsPrivate() bool
func (*InlineQuery) Marshal ¶
func (b *InlineQuery) Marshal() string
type InlineQueryPeerType ¶
type InlineQueryPeerType uint32
const ( InlineQueryPeerTypeBotPm InlineQueryPeerType = 0xe3b2d0c InlineQueryPeerTypeBroadcast InlineQueryPeerType = 0x6334ee9a InlineQueryPeerTypeChat InlineQueryPeerType = 0xd766c50a InlineQueryPeerTypeMegagroup InlineQueryPeerType = 0x5ec4be43 InlineQueryPeerTypePm InlineQueryPeerType = 0x833c0fac InlineQueryPeerTypeSameBotPm InlineQueryPeerType = 0x3081ed9d )
func (InlineQueryPeerType) CRC ¶
func (e InlineQueryPeerType) CRC() uint32
func (InlineQueryPeerType) String ¶
func (e InlineQueryPeerType) String() string
type InlineSendOptions ¶
type InlineSendOptions struct { Gallery bool `json:"gallery,omitempty"` NextOffset string `json:"next_offset,omitempty"` CacheTime int32 `json:"cache_time,omitempty"` Private bool `json:"private,omitempty"` SwitchPm string `json:"switch_pm,omitempty"` SwitchPmText string `json:"switch_pm_text,omitempty"` }
type InputAppEvent ¶
func (*InputAppEvent) CRC ¶
func (*InputAppEvent) CRC() uint32
type InputBotApp ¶
type InputBotAppID ¶
func (*InputBotAppID) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotAppID) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotAppID) ImplementsInputBotApp ¶
func (*InputBotAppID) ImplementsInputBotApp()
type InputBotAppShortName ¶
func (*InputBotAppShortName) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotAppShortName) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotAppShortName) ImplementsInputBotApp ¶
func (*InputBotAppShortName) ImplementsInputBotApp()
type InputBotInlineMessage ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageGame ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageGame struct {
ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"`
func (*InputBotInlineMessageGame) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageGame) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageGame) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageGame) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputBotInlineMessageGame) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageGame) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage()
type InputBotInlineMessageID ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageID64 ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageID64) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageID64) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageID64) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessageID ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageID64) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessageID()
type InputBotInlineMessageIDObj ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageIDObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageIDObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageIDObj) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessageID ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageIDObj) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessageID()
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto struct { InvertMedia bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Message string Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:1"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage()
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact struct { PhoneNumber string FirstName string LastName string Vcard string ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage()
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo struct { GeoPoint InputGeoPoint Heading int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Period int32 `tl:"flag:1"` ProximityNotificationRadius int32 `tl:"flag:3"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage()
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaInvoice ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaInvoice struct { Title string Description string Photo *InputWebDocument `tl:"flag:0"` Invoice *Invoice Payload []byte Provider string ProviderData *DataJson ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaInvoice) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaInvoice) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaInvoice) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaInvoice) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaInvoice) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaInvoice) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage()
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue struct { GeoPoint InputGeoPoint Title string Address string Provider string VenueID string VenueType string ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage()
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaWebPage ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaWebPage struct { InvertMedia bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForceLargeMedia bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForceSmallMedia bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Optional bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` Message string Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:1"` URL string ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaWebPage) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaWebPage) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaWebPage) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaWebPage) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaWebPage) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaWebPage) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage()
type InputBotInlineMessageText ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageText struct { NoWebpage bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` InvertMedia bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Message string Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:1"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*InputBotInlineMessageText) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageText) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageText) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageText) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputBotInlineMessageText) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageText) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage()
type InputBotInlineResult ¶
type InputBotInlineResultDocument ¶
type InputBotInlineResultDocument struct { ID string Type string Title string `tl:"flag:1"` Description string `tl:"flag:2"` Document InputDocument SendMessage InputBotInlineMessage }
func (*InputBotInlineResultDocument) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultDocument) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineResultDocument) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultDocument) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputBotInlineResultDocument) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultDocument) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult()
type InputBotInlineResultGame ¶
type InputBotInlineResultGame struct { ID string ShortName string SendMessage InputBotInlineMessage }
func (*InputBotInlineResultGame) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultGame) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineResultGame) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultGame) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult()
type InputBotInlineResultObj ¶
type InputBotInlineResultObj struct { ID string Type string Title string `tl:"flag:1"` Description string `tl:"flag:2"` URL string `tl:"flag:3"` Thumb *InputWebDocument `tl:"flag:4"` Content *InputWebDocument `tl:"flag:5"` SendMessage InputBotInlineMessage }
func (*InputBotInlineResultObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineResultObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputBotInlineResultObj) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultObj) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult()
type InputBotInlineResultPhoto ¶
type InputBotInlineResultPhoto struct { ID string Type string Photo InputPhoto SendMessage InputBotInlineMessage }
func (*InputBotInlineResultPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineResultPhoto) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultPhoto) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult()
type InputChannel ¶
type InputChannelEmpty ¶
type InputChannelEmpty struct{}
func (*InputChannelEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputChannelEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputChannelEmpty) ImplementsInputChannel ¶
func (*InputChannelEmpty) ImplementsInputChannel()
type InputChannelFromMessage ¶
func (*InputChannelFromMessage) CRC ¶
func (*InputChannelFromMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*InputChannelFromMessage) ImplementsInputChannel ¶
func (*InputChannelFromMessage) ImplementsInputChannel()
type InputChannelObj ¶
func (*InputChannelObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputChannelObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputChannelObj) ImplementsInputChannel ¶
func (*InputChannelObj) ImplementsInputChannel()
type InputChatPhoto ¶
type InputChatPhotoEmpty ¶
type InputChatPhotoEmpty struct{}
func (*InputChatPhotoEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputChatPhotoEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputChatPhotoEmpty) ImplementsInputChatPhoto ¶
func (*InputChatPhotoEmpty) ImplementsInputChatPhoto()
type InputChatPhotoObj ¶
type InputChatPhotoObj struct {
ID InputPhoto
func (*InputChatPhotoObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputChatPhotoObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputChatPhotoObj) ImplementsInputChatPhoto ¶
func (*InputChatPhotoObj) ImplementsInputChatPhoto()
type InputChatUploadedPhoto ¶
type InputChatUploadedPhoto struct { File InputFile `tl:"flag:0"` Video InputFile `tl:"flag:1"` VideoStartTs float64 `tl:"flag:2"` VideoEmojiMarkup VideoSize `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*InputChatUploadedPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*InputChatUploadedPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*InputChatUploadedPhoto) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputChatUploadedPhoto) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputChatUploadedPhoto) ImplementsInputChatPhoto ¶
func (*InputChatUploadedPhoto) ImplementsInputChatPhoto()
type InputChatlistDialogFilter ¶
type InputChatlistDialogFilter struct {
FilterID int32
func (*InputChatlistDialogFilter) CRC ¶
func (*InputChatlistDialogFilter) CRC() uint32
type InputCheckPasswordEmpty ¶
type InputCheckPasswordEmpty struct{}
func (*InputCheckPasswordEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputCheckPasswordEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputCheckPasswordEmpty) ImplementsInputCheckPasswordSRP ¶
func (*InputCheckPasswordEmpty) ImplementsInputCheckPasswordSRP()
type InputCheckPasswordSRP ¶
func GetInputCheckPassword ¶
func GetInputCheckPassword(password string, accountPassword *AccountPassword) (InputCheckPasswordSRP, error)
type InputCheckPasswordSRPObj ¶
func (*InputCheckPasswordSRPObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputCheckPasswordSRPObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputCheckPasswordSRPObj) ImplementsInputCheckPasswordSRP ¶
func (*InputCheckPasswordSRPObj) ImplementsInputCheckPasswordSRP()
type InputClientProxy ¶
func (*InputClientProxy) CRC ¶
func (*InputClientProxy) CRC() uint32
type InputDialogPeer ¶
type InputDialogPeerFolder ¶
type InputDialogPeerFolder struct {
FolderID int32
func (*InputDialogPeerFolder) CRC ¶
func (*InputDialogPeerFolder) CRC() uint32
func (*InputDialogPeerFolder) ImplementsInputDialogPeer ¶
func (*InputDialogPeerFolder) ImplementsInputDialogPeer()
type InputDialogPeerObj ¶
type InputDialogPeerObj struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*InputDialogPeerObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputDialogPeerObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputDialogPeerObj) ImplementsInputDialogPeer ¶
func (*InputDialogPeerObj) ImplementsInputDialogPeer()
type InputDocument ¶
type InputDocumentEmpty ¶
type InputDocumentEmpty struct{}
func (*InputDocumentEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputDocumentEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputDocumentEmpty) ImplementsInputDocument ¶
func (*InputDocumentEmpty) ImplementsInputDocument()
type InputDocumentFileLocation ¶
type InputDocumentFileLocation struct { ID int64 AccessHash int64 FileReference []byte ThumbSize string }
func (*InputDocumentFileLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputDocumentFileLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputDocumentFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputDocumentFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputDocumentObj ¶
func (*InputDocumentObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputDocumentObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputDocumentObj) ImplementsInputDocument ¶
func (*InputDocumentObj) ImplementsInputDocument()
type InputEncryptedChat ¶
func (*InputEncryptedChat) CRC ¶
func (*InputEncryptedChat) CRC() uint32
type InputEncryptedFile ¶
type InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded) CRC ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded) CRC() uint32
func (*InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile()
type InputEncryptedFileEmpty ¶
type InputEncryptedFileEmpty struct{}
func (*InputEncryptedFileEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputEncryptedFileEmpty) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileEmpty) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile()
type InputEncryptedFileLocation ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputEncryptedFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputEncryptedFileObj ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputEncryptedFileObj) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileObj) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile()
type InputEncryptedFileUploaded ¶
type InputEncryptedFileUploaded struct { ID int64 Parts int32 Md5Checksum string KeyFingerprint int32 }
func (*InputEncryptedFileUploaded) CRC ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileUploaded) CRC() uint32
func (*InputEncryptedFileUploaded) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileUploaded) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile()
type InputFileBig ¶
func (*InputFileBig) CRC ¶
func (*InputFileBig) CRC() uint32
func (*InputFileBig) ImplementsInputFile ¶
func (*InputFileBig) ImplementsInputFile()
type InputFileLocation ¶
func GetFileLocation ¶
func GetFileLocation(file interface{}) (InputFileLocation, int32, int64, string, error)
GetFileLocation returns file location, datacenter, file size and file name
type InputFileLocationObj ¶
func (*InputFileLocationObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputFileLocationObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputFileLocationObj) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputFileLocationObj) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputFileObj ¶
func (*InputFileObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputFileObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputFileObj) ImplementsInputFile ¶
func (*InputFileObj) ImplementsInputFile()
type InputFolderPeer ¶
func (*InputFolderPeer) CRC ¶
func (*InputFolderPeer) CRC() uint32
type InputGameID ¶
func (*InputGameID) CRC ¶
func (*InputGameID) CRC() uint32
func (*InputGameID) ImplementsInputGame ¶
func (*InputGameID) ImplementsInputGame()
type InputGameShortName ¶
func (*InputGameShortName) CRC ¶
func (*InputGameShortName) CRC() uint32
func (*InputGameShortName) ImplementsInputGame ¶
func (*InputGameShortName) ImplementsInputGame()
type InputGeoPoint ¶
type InputGeoPointEmpty ¶
type InputGeoPointEmpty struct{}
func (*InputGeoPointEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputGeoPointEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputGeoPointEmpty) ImplementsInputGeoPoint ¶
func (*InputGeoPointEmpty) ImplementsInputGeoPoint()
type InputGeoPointObj ¶
func (*InputGeoPointObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputGeoPointObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputGeoPointObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputGeoPointObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputGeoPointObj) ImplementsInputGeoPoint ¶
func (*InputGeoPointObj) ImplementsInputGeoPoint()
type InputGroupCall ¶
func (*InputGroupCall) CRC ¶
func (*InputGroupCall) CRC() uint32
type InputGroupCallStream ¶
type InputGroupCallStream struct { Call *InputGroupCall TimeMs int64 Scale int32 VideoChannel int32 `tl:"flag:0"` VideoQuality int32 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*InputGroupCallStream) CRC ¶
func (*InputGroupCallStream) CRC() uint32
func (*InputGroupCallStream) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputGroupCallStream) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputGroupCallStream) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputGroupCallStream) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputInvoice ¶
type InputInvoiceMessage ¶
func (*InputInvoiceMessage) CRC ¶
func (*InputInvoiceMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*InputInvoiceMessage) ImplementsInputInvoice ¶
func (*InputInvoiceMessage) ImplementsInputInvoice()
type InputInvoicePremiumGiftCode ¶
type InputInvoicePremiumGiftCode struct { Purpose InputStorePaymentPurpose Option *PremiumGiftCodeOption }
func (*InputInvoicePremiumGiftCode) CRC ¶
func (*InputInvoicePremiumGiftCode) CRC() uint32
func (*InputInvoicePremiumGiftCode) ImplementsInputInvoice ¶
func (*InputInvoicePremiumGiftCode) ImplementsInputInvoice()
type InputInvoiceSlug ¶
type InputInvoiceSlug struct {
Slug string
func (*InputInvoiceSlug) CRC ¶
func (*InputInvoiceSlug) CRC() uint32
func (*InputInvoiceSlug) ImplementsInputInvoice ¶
func (*InputInvoiceSlug) ImplementsInputInvoice()
type InputKeyboardButtonURLAuth ¶
type InputKeyboardButtonURLAuth struct { RequestWriteAccess bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Text string FwdText string `tl:"flag:1"` URL string Bot InputUser }
func (*InputKeyboardButtonURLAuth) CRC ¶
func (*InputKeyboardButtonURLAuth) CRC() uint32
func (*InputKeyboardButtonURLAuth) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputKeyboardButtonURLAuth) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputKeyboardButtonURLAuth) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*InputKeyboardButtonURLAuth) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type InputKeyboardButtonUserProfile ¶
func (*InputKeyboardButtonUserProfile) CRC ¶
func (*InputKeyboardButtonUserProfile) CRC() uint32
func (*InputKeyboardButtonUserProfile) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*InputKeyboardButtonUserProfile) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type InputMedia ¶
type InputMediaAreaChannelPost ¶
type InputMediaAreaChannelPost struct { Coordinates *MediaAreaCoordinates Channel InputChannel MsgID int32 }
func (*InputMediaAreaChannelPost) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaAreaChannelPost) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaAreaChannelPost) ImplementsMediaArea ¶
func (*InputMediaAreaChannelPost) ImplementsMediaArea()
type InputMediaAreaVenue ¶
type InputMediaAreaVenue struct { Coordinates *MediaAreaCoordinates QueryID int64 ResultID string }
func (*InputMediaAreaVenue) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaAreaVenue) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaAreaVenue) ImplementsMediaArea ¶
func (*InputMediaAreaVenue) ImplementsMediaArea()
type InputMediaContact ¶
func (*InputMediaContact) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaContact) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaContact) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaContact) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaDice ¶
type InputMediaDice struct {
Emoticon string
func (*InputMediaDice) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaDice) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaDice) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaDice) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaDocument ¶
type InputMediaDocument struct { Spoiler bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID InputDocument TtlSeconds int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Query string `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*InputMediaDocument) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaDocument) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaDocument) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputMediaDocument) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputMediaDocument) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaDocument) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaDocumentExternal ¶
type InputMediaDocumentExternal struct { Spoiler bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` URL string TtlSeconds int32 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*InputMediaDocumentExternal) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaDocumentExternal) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaDocumentExternal) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputMediaDocumentExternal) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputMediaDocumentExternal) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaDocumentExternal) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaEmpty ¶
type InputMediaEmpty struct{}
func (*InputMediaEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaEmpty) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaEmpty) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaGame ¶
type InputMediaGame struct {
ID InputGame
func (*InputMediaGame) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaGame) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaGame) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaGame) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaGeoLive ¶
type InputMediaGeoLive struct { Stopped bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` GeoPoint InputGeoPoint Heading int32 `tl:"flag:2"` Period int32 `tl:"flag:1"` ProximityNotificationRadius int32 `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*InputMediaGeoLive) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaGeoLive) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaGeoLive) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputMediaGeoLive) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputMediaGeoLive) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaGeoLive) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaGeoPoint ¶
type InputMediaGeoPoint struct {
GeoPoint InputGeoPoint
func (*InputMediaGeoPoint) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaGeoPoint) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaGeoPoint) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaGeoPoint) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaInvoice ¶
type InputMediaInvoice struct { Title string Description string Photo *InputWebDocument `tl:"flag:0"` Invoice *Invoice Payload []byte Provider string ProviderData *DataJson StartParam string `tl:"flag:1"` ExtendedMedia InputMedia `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*InputMediaInvoice) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaInvoice) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaInvoice) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputMediaInvoice) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputMediaInvoice) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaInvoice) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaPhoto ¶
type InputMediaPhoto struct { Spoiler bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID InputPhoto TtlSeconds int32 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*InputMediaPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaPhoto) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputMediaPhoto) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputMediaPhoto) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaPhoto) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaPhotoExternal ¶
type InputMediaPhotoExternal struct { Spoiler bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` URL string TtlSeconds int32 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*InputMediaPhotoExternal) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaPhotoExternal) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaPhotoExternal) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputMediaPhotoExternal) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputMediaPhotoExternal) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaPhotoExternal) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaPoll ¶
type InputMediaPoll struct { Poll *Poll CorrectAnswers [][]byte `tl:"flag:0"` Solution string `tl:"flag:1"` SolutionEntities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*InputMediaPoll) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaPoll) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaPoll) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputMediaPoll) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputMediaPoll) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaPoll) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaStory ¶
func (*InputMediaStory) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaStory) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaStory) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaStory) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaUploadedDocument ¶
type InputMediaUploadedDocument struct { NosoundVideo bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForceFile bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Spoiler bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` File InputFile Thumb InputFile `tl:"flag:2"` MimeType string Attributes []DocumentAttribute Stickers []InputDocument `tl:"flag:0"` TtlSeconds int32 `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*InputMediaUploadedDocument) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaUploadedDocument) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaUploadedDocument) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputMediaUploadedDocument) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputMediaUploadedDocument) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaUploadedDocument) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaUploadedPhoto ¶
type InputMediaUploadedPhoto struct { Spoiler bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` File InputFile Stickers []InputDocument `tl:"flag:0"` TtlSeconds int32 `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*InputMediaUploadedPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaUploadedPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaUploadedPhoto) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputMediaUploadedPhoto) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputMediaUploadedPhoto) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaUploadedPhoto) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaVenue ¶
type InputMediaVenue struct { GeoPoint InputGeoPoint Title string Address string Provider string VenueID string VenueType string }
func (*InputMediaVenue) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaVenue) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaVenue) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaVenue) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaWebPage ¶
type InputMediaWebPage struct { ForceLargeMedia bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForceSmallMedia bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Optional bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` URL string }
func (*InputMediaWebPage) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaWebPage) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaWebPage) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputMediaWebPage) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputMediaWebPage) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaWebPage) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMessage ¶
type InputMessageCallbackQuery ¶
func (*InputMessageCallbackQuery) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessageCallbackQuery) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessageCallbackQuery) ImplementsInputMessage ¶
func (*InputMessageCallbackQuery) ImplementsInputMessage()
type InputMessageEntityMentionName ¶
func (*InputMessageEntityMentionName) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessageEntityMentionName) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessageEntityMentionName) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*InputMessageEntityMentionName) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type InputMessageID ¶
type InputMessageID struct {
ID int32
func (*InputMessageID) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessageID) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessageID) ImplementsInputMessage ¶
func (*InputMessageID) ImplementsInputMessage()
type InputMessagePinned ¶
type InputMessagePinned struct{}
func (*InputMessagePinned) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagePinned) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagePinned) ImplementsInputMessage ¶
func (*InputMessagePinned) ImplementsInputMessage()
type InputMessageReplyTo ¶
type InputMessageReplyTo struct {
ID int32
func (*InputMessageReplyTo) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessageReplyTo) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessageReplyTo) ImplementsInputMessage ¶
func (*InputMessageReplyTo) ImplementsInputMessage()
type InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos ¶
type InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterContacts ¶
type InputMessagesFilterContacts struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterContacts) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterContacts) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterContacts) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterContacts) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterDocument ¶
type InputMessagesFilterDocument struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterDocument) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterDocument) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterDocument) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterDocument) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterEmpty ¶
type InputMessagesFilterEmpty struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterEmpty) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterEmpty) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterGeo ¶
type InputMessagesFilterGeo struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterGeo) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterGeo) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterGeo) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterGeo) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterGif ¶
type InputMessagesFilterGif struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterGif) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterGif) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterGif) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterGif) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterMusic ¶
type InputMessagesFilterMusic struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterMusic) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterMusic) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterMusic) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterMusic) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterMyMentions ¶
type InputMessagesFilterMyMentions struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterMyMentions) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterMyMentions) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterMyMentions) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterMyMentions) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls ¶
type InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls struct {
Missed bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"`
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo ¶
type InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterPhotos ¶
type InputMessagesFilterPhotos struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotos) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotos) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotos) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotos) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterPinned ¶
type InputMessagesFilterPinned struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterPinned) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterPinned) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterPinned) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterPinned) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo ¶
type InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice ¶
type InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterURL ¶
type InputMessagesFilterURL struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterURL) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterURL) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterURL) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterURL) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterVideo ¶
type InputMessagesFilterVideo struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterVideo) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterVideo) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterVideo) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterVideo) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterVoice ¶
type InputMessagesFilterVoice struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterVoice) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterVoice) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterVoice) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterVoice) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputNotifyBroadcasts ¶
type InputNotifyBroadcasts struct{}
func (*InputNotifyBroadcasts) CRC ¶
func (*InputNotifyBroadcasts) CRC() uint32
func (*InputNotifyBroadcasts) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer ¶
func (*InputNotifyBroadcasts) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer()
type InputNotifyChats ¶
type InputNotifyChats struct{}
func (*InputNotifyChats) CRC ¶
func (*InputNotifyChats) CRC() uint32
func (*InputNotifyChats) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer ¶
func (*InputNotifyChats) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer()
type InputNotifyForumTopic ¶
func (*InputNotifyForumTopic) CRC ¶
func (*InputNotifyForumTopic) CRC() uint32
func (*InputNotifyForumTopic) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer ¶
func (*InputNotifyForumTopic) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer()
type InputNotifyPeer ¶
type InputNotifyPeerObj ¶
type InputNotifyPeerObj struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*InputNotifyPeerObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputNotifyPeerObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputNotifyPeerObj) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer ¶
func (*InputNotifyPeerObj) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer()
type InputNotifyUsers ¶
type InputNotifyUsers struct{}
func (*InputNotifyUsers) CRC ¶
func (*InputNotifyUsers) CRC() uint32
func (*InputNotifyUsers) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer ¶
func (*InputNotifyUsers) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer()
type InputPaymentCredentials ¶
type InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay ¶
type InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay struct {
PaymentData *DataJson
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay) CRC ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials()
type InputPaymentCredentialsGooglePay ¶
type InputPaymentCredentialsGooglePay struct {
PaymentToken *DataJson
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsGooglePay) CRC ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsGooglePay) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsGooglePay) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsGooglePay) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials()
type InputPaymentCredentialsObj ¶
type InputPaymentCredentialsObj struct { Save bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Data *DataJson }
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsObj) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsObj) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials()
type InputPaymentCredentialsSaved ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsSaved) CRC ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsSaved) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsSaved) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsSaved) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials()
type InputPeerCache ¶
type InputPeerChannel ¶
func (*InputPeerChannel) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerChannel) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerChannel) ImplementsInputPeer ¶
func (*InputPeerChannel) ImplementsInputPeer()
type InputPeerChannelFromMessage ¶
func (*InputPeerChannelFromMessage) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerChannelFromMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerChannelFromMessage) ImplementsInputPeer ¶
func (*InputPeerChannelFromMessage) ImplementsInputPeer()
type InputPeerChat ¶
type InputPeerChat struct {
ChatID int64
func (*InputPeerChat) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerChat) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerChat) ImplementsInputPeer ¶
func (*InputPeerChat) ImplementsInputPeer()
type InputPeerEmpty ¶
type InputPeerEmpty struct{}
func (*InputPeerEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerEmpty) ImplementsInputPeer ¶
func (*InputPeerEmpty) ImplementsInputPeer()
type InputPeerNotifySettings ¶
type InputPeerNotifySettings struct { ShowPreviews bool `tl:"flag:0"` Silent bool `tl:"flag:1"` MuteUntil int32 `tl:"flag:2"` Sound NotificationSound `tl:"flag:3"` StoriesMuted bool `tl:"flag:6"` StoriesHideSender bool `tl:"flag:7"` StoriesSound NotificationSound `tl:"flag:8"` }
func (*InputPeerNotifySettings) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerNotifySettings) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerNotifySettings) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputPeerNotifySettings) FlagIndex() int
type InputPeerPhotoFileLocation ¶
type InputPeerPhotoFileLocation struct { Big bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer PhotoID int64 }
func (*InputPeerPhotoFileLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerPhotoFileLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerPhotoFileLocation) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputPeerPhotoFileLocation) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputPeerPhotoFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputPeerPhotoFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputPeerSelf ¶
type InputPeerSelf struct{}
func (*InputPeerSelf) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerSelf) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerSelf) ImplementsInputPeer ¶
func (*InputPeerSelf) ImplementsInputPeer()
type InputPeerUser ¶
func (*InputPeerUser) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerUser) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerUser) ImplementsInputPeer ¶
func (*InputPeerUser) ImplementsInputPeer()
type InputPeerUserFromMessage ¶
func (*InputPeerUserFromMessage) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerUserFromMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerUserFromMessage) ImplementsInputPeer ¶
func (*InputPeerUserFromMessage) ImplementsInputPeer()
type InputPhoneCall ¶
func (*InputPhoneCall) CRC ¶
func (*InputPhoneCall) CRC() uint32
type InputPhoneContact ¶
func (*InputPhoneContact) CRC ¶
func (*InputPhoneContact) CRC() uint32
type InputPhoto ¶
type InputPhotoEmpty ¶
type InputPhotoEmpty struct{}
func (*InputPhotoEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputPhotoEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPhotoEmpty) ImplementsInputPhoto ¶
func (*InputPhotoEmpty) ImplementsInputPhoto()
type InputPhotoFileLocation ¶
type InputPhotoFileLocation struct { ID int64 AccessHash int64 FileReference []byte ThumbSize string }
func (*InputPhotoFileLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputPhotoFileLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPhotoFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputPhotoFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation ¶
type InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation struct { ID int64 AccessHash int64 FileReference []byte VolumeID int64 LocalID int32 Secret int64 }
func (*InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputPhotoObj ¶
func (*InputPhotoObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputPhotoObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPhotoObj) ImplementsInputPhoto ¶
func (*InputPhotoObj) ImplementsInputPhoto()
type InputPrivacyKey ¶
type InputPrivacyKey uint32
const ( InputPrivacyKeyAbout InputPrivacyKey = 0x3823cc40 InputPrivacyKeyAddedByPhone InputPrivacyKey = 0xd1219bdd InputPrivacyKeyChatInvite InputPrivacyKey = 0xbdfb0426 InputPrivacyKeyForwards InputPrivacyKey = 0xa4dd4c08 InputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall InputPrivacyKey = 0xfabadc5f InputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber InputPrivacyKey = 0x352dafa InputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P InputPrivacyKey = 0xdb9e70d2 InputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto InputPrivacyKey = 0x5719bacc InputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp InputPrivacyKey = 0x4f96cb18 InputPrivacyKeyVoiceMessages InputPrivacyKey = 0xaee69d68 )
func (InputPrivacyKey) CRC ¶
func (e InputPrivacyKey) CRC() uint32
func (InputPrivacyKey) String ¶
func (e InputPrivacyKey) String() string
type InputPrivacyRule ¶
type InputPrivacyValueAllowAll ¶
type InputPrivacyValueAllowAll struct{}
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowAll) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowAll) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowAll) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowAll) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants ¶
type InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants struct {
Chats []int64
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputPrivacyValueAllowCloseFriends ¶
type InputPrivacyValueAllowCloseFriends struct{}
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowCloseFriends) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowCloseFriends) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowCloseFriends) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowCloseFriends) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts ¶
type InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts struct{}
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers ¶
type InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers struct {
Users []InputUser
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll ¶
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll struct{}
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants ¶
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants struct {
Chats []int64
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts ¶
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts struct{}
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers ¶
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers struct {
Users []InputUser
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputReplyTo ¶
type InputReplyToMessage ¶
type InputReplyToMessage struct { ReplyToMsgID int32 TopMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:0"` ReplyToPeerID InputPeer `tl:"flag:1"` QuoteText string `tl:"flag:2"` QuoteEntities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:3"` QuoteOffset int32 `tl:"flag:4"` }
func (*InputReplyToMessage) CRC ¶
func (*InputReplyToMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*InputReplyToMessage) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputReplyToMessage) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputReplyToMessage) ImplementsInputReplyTo ¶
func (*InputReplyToMessage) ImplementsInputReplyTo()
type InputReplyToStory ¶
func (*InputReplyToStory) CRC ¶
func (*InputReplyToStory) CRC() uint32
func (*InputReplyToStory) ImplementsInputReplyTo ¶
func (*InputReplyToStory) ImplementsInputReplyTo()
type InputSecureFile ¶
type InputSecureFileLocation ¶
func (*InputSecureFileLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputSecureFileLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputSecureFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputSecureFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputSecureFileObj ¶
func (*InputSecureFileObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputSecureFileObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputSecureFileObj) ImplementsInputSecureFile ¶
func (*InputSecureFileObj) ImplementsInputSecureFile()
type InputSecureFileUploaded ¶
type InputSecureFileUploaded struct { ID int64 Parts int32 Md5Checksum string FileHash []byte Secret []byte }
func (*InputSecureFileUploaded) CRC ¶
func (*InputSecureFileUploaded) CRC() uint32
func (*InputSecureFileUploaded) ImplementsInputSecureFile ¶
func (*InputSecureFileUploaded) ImplementsInputSecureFile()
type InputSecureValue ¶
type InputSecureValue struct { Type SecureValueType Data *SecureData `tl:"flag:0"` FrontSide InputSecureFile `tl:"flag:1"` ReverseSide InputSecureFile `tl:"flag:2"` Selfie InputSecureFile `tl:"flag:3"` Translation []InputSecureFile `tl:"flag:6"` Files []InputSecureFile `tl:"flag:4"` PlainData SecurePlainData `tl:"flag:5"` }
func (*InputSecureValue) CRC ¶
func (*InputSecureValue) CRC() uint32
func (*InputSecureValue) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputSecureValue) FlagIndex() int
type InputSingleMedia ¶
type InputSingleMedia struct { Media InputMedia RandomID int64 Message string Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*InputSingleMedia) CRC ¶
func (*InputSingleMedia) CRC() uint32
func (*InputSingleMedia) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputSingleMedia) FlagIndex() int
type InputStickerSet ¶
type InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji ¶
type InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji struct{}
func (*InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetAnimatedEmojiAnimations ¶
type InputStickerSetAnimatedEmojiAnimations struct{}
func (*InputStickerSetAnimatedEmojiAnimations) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetAnimatedEmojiAnimations) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetAnimatedEmojiAnimations) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetAnimatedEmojiAnimations) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetDice ¶
type InputStickerSetDice struct {
Emoticon string
func (*InputStickerSetDice) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetDice) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetDice) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetDice) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetEmojiChannelDefaultStatuses ¶
type InputStickerSetEmojiChannelDefaultStatuses struct{}
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiChannelDefaultStatuses) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiChannelDefaultStatuses) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiChannelDefaultStatuses) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiChannelDefaultStatuses) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetEmojiDefaultStatuses ¶
type InputStickerSetEmojiDefaultStatuses struct{}
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiDefaultStatuses) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiDefaultStatuses) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiDefaultStatuses) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiDefaultStatuses) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetEmojiDefaultTopicIcons ¶
type InputStickerSetEmojiDefaultTopicIcons struct{}
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiDefaultTopicIcons) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiDefaultTopicIcons) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiDefaultTopicIcons) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiDefaultTopicIcons) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetEmojiGenericAnimations ¶
type InputStickerSetEmojiGenericAnimations struct{}
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiGenericAnimations) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiGenericAnimations) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiGenericAnimations) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetEmojiGenericAnimations) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetEmpty ¶
type InputStickerSetEmpty struct{}
func (*InputStickerSetEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetEmpty) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetEmpty) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetID ¶
func (*InputStickerSetID) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetID) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetID) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetID) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetItem ¶
type InputStickerSetItem struct { Document InputDocument Emoji string MaskCoords *MaskCoords `tl:"flag:0"` Keywords string `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*InputStickerSetItem) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetItem) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetItem) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputStickerSetItem) FlagIndex() int
type InputStickerSetPremiumGifts ¶
type InputStickerSetPremiumGifts struct{}
func (*InputStickerSetPremiumGifts) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetPremiumGifts) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetPremiumGifts) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetPremiumGifts) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetShortName ¶
type InputStickerSetShortName struct {
ShortName string
func (*InputStickerSetShortName) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetShortName) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetShortName) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetShortName) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetThumb ¶
type InputStickerSetThumb struct { Stickerset InputStickerSet ThumbVersion int32 }
func (*InputStickerSetThumb) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetThumb) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetThumb) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputStickerSetThumb) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputStickeredMedia ¶
type InputStickeredMediaDocument ¶
type InputStickeredMediaDocument struct {
ID InputDocument
func (*InputStickeredMediaDocument) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickeredMediaDocument) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickeredMediaDocument) ImplementsInputStickeredMedia ¶
func (*InputStickeredMediaDocument) ImplementsInputStickeredMedia()
type InputStickeredMediaPhoto ¶
type InputStickeredMediaPhoto struct {
ID InputPhoto
func (*InputStickeredMediaPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickeredMediaPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickeredMediaPhoto) ImplementsInputStickeredMedia ¶
func (*InputStickeredMediaPhoto) ImplementsInputStickeredMedia()
type InputStorePaymentGiftPremium ¶
func (*InputStorePaymentGiftPremium) CRC ¶
func (*InputStorePaymentGiftPremium) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStorePaymentGiftPremium) ImplementsInputStorePaymentPurpose ¶
func (*InputStorePaymentGiftPremium) ImplementsInputStorePaymentPurpose()
type InputStorePaymentPremiumGiftCode ¶
type InputStorePaymentPremiumGiftCode struct { Users []InputUser BoostPeer InputPeer `tl:"flag:0"` Currency string Amount int64 }
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumGiftCode) CRC ¶
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumGiftCode) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumGiftCode) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumGiftCode) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumGiftCode) ImplementsInputStorePaymentPurpose ¶
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumGiftCode) ImplementsInputStorePaymentPurpose()
type InputStorePaymentPremiumGiveaway ¶
type InputStorePaymentPremiumGiveaway struct { OnlyNewSubscribers bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` WinnersAreVisible bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` BoostPeer InputPeer AdditionalPeers []InputPeer `tl:"flag:1"` CountriesIso2 []string `tl:"flag:2"` PrizeDescription string `tl:"flag:4"` RandomID int64 UntilDate int32 Currency string Amount int64 }
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumGiveaway) CRC ¶
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumGiveaway) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumGiveaway) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumGiveaway) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumGiveaway) ImplementsInputStorePaymentPurpose ¶
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumGiveaway) ImplementsInputStorePaymentPurpose()
type InputStorePaymentPremiumSubscription ¶
type InputStorePaymentPremiumSubscription struct { Restore bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Upgrade bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` }
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumSubscription) CRC ¶
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumSubscription) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumSubscription) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumSubscription) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumSubscription) ImplementsInputStorePaymentPurpose ¶
func (*InputStorePaymentPremiumSubscription) ImplementsInputStorePaymentPurpose()
type InputTakeoutFileLocation ¶
type InputTakeoutFileLocation struct{}
func (*InputTakeoutFileLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputTakeoutFileLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputTakeoutFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputTakeoutFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputTheme ¶
type InputThemeObj ¶
func (*InputThemeObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputThemeObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputThemeObj) ImplementsInputTheme ¶
func (*InputThemeObj) ImplementsInputTheme()
type InputThemeSettings ¶
type InputThemeSettings struct { MessageColorsAnimated bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` BaseTheme BaseTheme AccentColor int32 OutboxAccentColor int32 `tl:"flag:3"` MessageColors []int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Wallpaper InputWallPaper `tl:"flag:1"` WallpaperSettings *WallPaperSettings `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*InputThemeSettings) CRC ¶
func (*InputThemeSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*InputThemeSettings) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputThemeSettings) FlagIndex() int
type InputThemeSlug ¶
type InputThemeSlug struct {
Slug string
func (*InputThemeSlug) CRC ¶
func (*InputThemeSlug) CRC() uint32
func (*InputThemeSlug) ImplementsInputTheme ¶
func (*InputThemeSlug) ImplementsInputTheme()
type InputUserEmpty ¶
type InputUserEmpty struct{}
func (*InputUserEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputUserEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputUserEmpty) ImplementsInputUser ¶
func (*InputUserEmpty) ImplementsInputUser()
type InputUserFromMessage ¶
func (*InputUserFromMessage) CRC ¶
func (*InputUserFromMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*InputUserFromMessage) ImplementsInputUser ¶
func (*InputUserFromMessage) ImplementsInputUser()
type InputUserObj ¶
func (*InputUserObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputUserObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputUserObj) ImplementsInputUser ¶
func (*InputUserObj) ImplementsInputUser()
type InputUserSelf ¶
type InputUserSelf struct{}
func (*InputUserSelf) CRC ¶
func (*InputUserSelf) CRC() uint32
func (*InputUserSelf) ImplementsInputUser ¶
func (*InputUserSelf) ImplementsInputUser()
type InputWallPaper ¶
type InputWallPaperNoFile ¶
type InputWallPaperNoFile struct {
ID int64
func (*InputWallPaperNoFile) CRC ¶
func (*InputWallPaperNoFile) CRC() uint32
func (*InputWallPaperNoFile) ImplementsInputWallPaper ¶
func (*InputWallPaperNoFile) ImplementsInputWallPaper()
type InputWallPaperObj ¶
func (*InputWallPaperObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputWallPaperObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputWallPaperObj) ImplementsInputWallPaper ¶
func (*InputWallPaperObj) ImplementsInputWallPaper()
type InputWallPaperSlug ¶
type InputWallPaperSlug struct {
Slug string
func (*InputWallPaperSlug) CRC ¶
func (*InputWallPaperSlug) CRC() uint32
func (*InputWallPaperSlug) ImplementsInputWallPaper ¶
func (*InputWallPaperSlug) ImplementsInputWallPaper()
type InputWebDocument ¶
type InputWebDocument struct { URL string Size int32 MimeType string Attributes []DocumentAttribute }
func (*InputWebDocument) CRC ¶
func (*InputWebDocument) CRC() uint32
type InputWebFileAudioAlbumThumbLocation ¶
type InputWebFileAudioAlbumThumbLocation struct { Small bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Document InputDocument `tl:"flag:0"` Title string `tl:"flag:1"` Performer string `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*InputWebFileAudioAlbumThumbLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputWebFileAudioAlbumThumbLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputWebFileAudioAlbumThumbLocation) FlagIndex ¶
func (*InputWebFileAudioAlbumThumbLocation) FlagIndex() int
func (*InputWebFileAudioAlbumThumbLocation) ImplementsInputWebFileLocation ¶
func (*InputWebFileAudioAlbumThumbLocation) ImplementsInputWebFileLocation()
type InputWebFileGeoPointLocation ¶
type InputWebFileGeoPointLocation struct { GeoPoint InputGeoPoint AccessHash int64 W int32 H int32 Zoom int32 Scale int32 }
func (*InputWebFileGeoPointLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputWebFileGeoPointLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputWebFileGeoPointLocation) ImplementsInputWebFileLocation ¶
func (*InputWebFileGeoPointLocation) ImplementsInputWebFileLocation()
type InputWebFileLocation ¶
type InputWebFileLocationObj ¶
func (*InputWebFileLocationObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputWebFileLocationObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputWebFileLocationObj) ImplementsInputWebFileLocation ¶
func (*InputWebFileLocationObj) ImplementsInputWebFileLocation()
type InviteLinkOptions ¶
type Invoice ¶
type Invoice struct { Test bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` NameRequested bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhoneRequested bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` EmailRequested bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` ShippingAddressRequested bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Flexible bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhoneToProvider bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` EmailToProvider bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Recurring bool `tl:"flag:9,encoded_in_bitflags"` Currency string Prices []*LabeledPrice MaxTipAmount int64 `tl:"flag:8"` SuggestedTipAmounts []int64 `tl:"flag:8"` TermsURL string `tl:"flag:10"` }
type InvokeWithLayerParams ¶
func (*InvokeWithLayerParams) CRC ¶
func (*InvokeWithLayerParams) CRC() uint32
type InvokeWithTakeoutParams ¶
func (*InvokeWithTakeoutParams) CRC ¶
func (*InvokeWithTakeoutParams) CRC() uint32
type JsonArray ¶
type JsonArray struct {
Value []JsonValue
func (*JsonArray) ImplementsJsonValue ¶
func (*JsonArray) ImplementsJsonValue()
type JsonBool ¶
type JsonBool struct {
Value bool
func (*JsonBool) ImplementsJsonValue ¶
func (*JsonBool) ImplementsJsonValue()
type JsonNull ¶
type JsonNull struct{}
func (*JsonNull) ImplementsJsonValue ¶
func (*JsonNull) ImplementsJsonValue()
type JsonNumber ¶
type JsonNumber struct {
Value float64
func (*JsonNumber) CRC ¶
func (*JsonNumber) CRC() uint32
func (*JsonNumber) ImplementsJsonValue ¶
func (*JsonNumber) ImplementsJsonValue()
type JsonObject ¶
type JsonObject struct {
Value []*JsonObjectValue
func (*JsonObject) CRC ¶
func (*JsonObject) CRC() uint32
func (*JsonObject) ImplementsJsonValue ¶
func (*JsonObject) ImplementsJsonValue()
type JsonObjectValue ¶
func (*JsonObjectValue) CRC ¶
func (*JsonObjectValue) CRC() uint32
type JsonString ¶
type JsonString struct {
Value string
func (*JsonString) CRC ¶
func (*JsonString) CRC() uint32
func (*JsonString) ImplementsJsonValue ¶
func (*JsonString) ImplementsJsonValue()
type KeyboardButton ¶
type KeyboardButtonBuy ¶
type KeyboardButtonBuy struct {
Text string
func (*KeyboardButtonBuy) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonBuy) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonBuy) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonBuy) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonCallback ¶
type KeyboardButtonCallback struct { RequiresPassword bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Text string Data []byte }
func (*KeyboardButtonCallback) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonCallback) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonCallback) FlagIndex ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonCallback) FlagIndex() int
func (*KeyboardButtonCallback) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonCallback) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonGame ¶
type KeyboardButtonGame struct {
Text string
func (*KeyboardButtonGame) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonGame) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonGame) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonGame) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonObj ¶
type KeyboardButtonObj struct {
Text string
func (*KeyboardButtonObj) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonObj) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonObj) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonObj) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation ¶
type KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation struct {
Text string
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonRequestPeer ¶
type KeyboardButtonRequestPeer struct { Text string ButtonID int32 PeerType RequestPeerType MaxQuantity int32 }
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPeer) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPeer) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPeer) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPeer) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonRequestPhone ¶
type KeyboardButtonRequestPhone struct {
Text string
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPhone) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPhone) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPhone) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPhone) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonRequestPoll ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPoll) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPoll) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPoll) FlagIndex ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPoll) FlagIndex() int
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPoll) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPoll) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonRow ¶
type KeyboardButtonRow struct {
Buttons []KeyboardButton
func (*KeyboardButtonRow) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRow) CRC() uint32
type KeyboardButtonSimpleWebView ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonSimpleWebView) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonSimpleWebView) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonSimpleWebView) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonSimpleWebView) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonSwitchInline ¶
type KeyboardButtonSwitchInline struct { SamePeer bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Text string Query string PeerTypes []InlineQueryPeerType `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*KeyboardButtonSwitchInline) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonSwitchInline) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonSwitchInline) FlagIndex ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonSwitchInline) FlagIndex() int
func (*KeyboardButtonSwitchInline) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonSwitchInline) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonURL ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonURL) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonURL) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonURL) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonURL) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonURLAuth ¶
type KeyboardButtonURLAuth struct { Text string FwdText string `tl:"flag:0"` URL string ButtonID int32 }
func (*KeyboardButtonURLAuth) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonURLAuth) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonURLAuth) FlagIndex ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonURLAuth) FlagIndex() int
func (*KeyboardButtonURLAuth) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonURLAuth) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonUserProfile ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonUserProfile) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonUserProfile) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonUserProfile) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonUserProfile) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonWebView ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonWebView) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonWebView) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonWebView) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonWebView) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type LabeledPrice ¶
func (*LabeledPrice) CRC ¶
func (*LabeledPrice) CRC() uint32
type LangPackDifference ¶
type LangPackDifference struct { LangCode string FromVersion int32 Version int32 Strings []LangPackString }
func (*LangPackDifference) CRC ¶
func (*LangPackDifference) CRC() uint32
type LangPackLanguage ¶
type LangPackLanguage struct { Official bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Rtl bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Beta bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Name string NativeName string LangCode string BaseLangCode string `tl:"flag:1"` PluralCode string StringsCount int32 TranslatedCount int32 TranslationsURL string }
func (*LangPackLanguage) CRC ¶
func (*LangPackLanguage) CRC() uint32
func (*LangPackLanguage) FlagIndex ¶
func (*LangPackLanguage) FlagIndex() int
type LangPackString ¶
type LangPackStringDeleted ¶
type LangPackStringDeleted struct {
Key string
func (*LangPackStringDeleted) CRC ¶
func (*LangPackStringDeleted) CRC() uint32
func (*LangPackStringDeleted) ImplementsLangPackString ¶
func (*LangPackStringDeleted) ImplementsLangPackString()
type LangPackStringObj ¶
func (*LangPackStringObj) CRC ¶
func (*LangPackStringObj) CRC() uint32
func (*LangPackStringObj) ImplementsLangPackString ¶
func (*LangPackStringObj) ImplementsLangPackString()
type LangPackStringPluralized ¶
type LangPackStringPluralized struct { Key string ZeroValue string `tl:"flag:0"` OneValue string `tl:"flag:1"` TwoValue string `tl:"flag:2"` FewValue string `tl:"flag:3"` ManyValue string `tl:"flag:4"` OtherValue string }
func (*LangPackStringPluralized) CRC ¶
func (*LangPackStringPluralized) CRC() uint32
func (*LangPackStringPluralized) FlagIndex ¶
func (*LangPackStringPluralized) FlagIndex() int
func (*LangPackStringPluralized) ImplementsLangPackString ¶
func (*LangPackStringPluralized) ImplementsLangPackString()
type LangpackGetDifferenceParams ¶
func (*LangpackGetDifferenceParams) CRC ¶
func (*LangpackGetDifferenceParams) CRC() uint32
type LangpackGetLangPackParams ¶
func (*LangpackGetLangPackParams) CRC ¶
func (*LangpackGetLangPackParams) CRC() uint32
type LangpackGetLanguageParams ¶
func (*LangpackGetLanguageParams) CRC ¶
func (*LangpackGetLanguageParams) CRC() uint32
type LangpackGetLanguagesParams ¶
type LangpackGetLanguagesParams struct {
LangPack string
func (*LangpackGetLanguagesParams) CRC ¶
func (*LangpackGetLanguagesParams) CRC() uint32
type LangpackGetStringsParams ¶
func (*LangpackGetStringsParams) CRC ¶
func (*LangpackGetStringsParams) CRC() uint32
type LoginOptions ¶
type LoginOptions struct { Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` Code string `json:"code,omitempty"` CodeHash string `json:"code_hash,omitempty"` CodeCallback func() (string, error) PasswordCallback func() (string, error) FirstName string `json:"first_name,omitempty"` LastName string `json:"last_name,omitempty"` }
type MaskCoords ¶
func (*MaskCoords) CRC ¶
func (*MaskCoords) CRC() uint32
type MediaAreaChannelPost ¶
type MediaAreaChannelPost struct { Coordinates *MediaAreaCoordinates ChannelID int64 MsgID int32 }
func (*MediaAreaChannelPost) CRC ¶
func (*MediaAreaChannelPost) CRC() uint32
func (*MediaAreaChannelPost) ImplementsMediaArea ¶
func (*MediaAreaChannelPost) ImplementsMediaArea()
type MediaAreaCoordinates ¶
func (*MediaAreaCoordinates) CRC ¶
func (*MediaAreaCoordinates) CRC() uint32
type MediaAreaGeoPoint ¶
type MediaAreaGeoPoint struct { Coordinates *MediaAreaCoordinates Geo GeoPoint }
func (*MediaAreaGeoPoint) CRC ¶
func (*MediaAreaGeoPoint) CRC() uint32
func (*MediaAreaGeoPoint) ImplementsMediaArea ¶
func (*MediaAreaGeoPoint) ImplementsMediaArea()
type MediaAreaSuggestedReaction ¶
type MediaAreaSuggestedReaction struct { Dark bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Flipped bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Coordinates *MediaAreaCoordinates Reaction Reaction }
func (*MediaAreaSuggestedReaction) CRC ¶
func (*MediaAreaSuggestedReaction) CRC() uint32
func (*MediaAreaSuggestedReaction) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MediaAreaSuggestedReaction) FlagIndex() int
func (*MediaAreaSuggestedReaction) ImplementsMediaArea ¶
func (*MediaAreaSuggestedReaction) ImplementsMediaArea()
type MediaAreaVenue ¶
type MediaAreaVenue struct { Coordinates *MediaAreaCoordinates Geo GeoPoint Title string Address string Provider string VenueID string VenueType string }
func (*MediaAreaVenue) CRC ¶
func (*MediaAreaVenue) CRC() uint32
func (*MediaAreaVenue) ImplementsMediaArea ¶
func (*MediaAreaVenue) ImplementsMediaArea()
type MediaMetadata ¶
type MediaMetadata struct { FileName string `json:"file_name,omitempty"` Thumb interface{} `json:"thumb,omitempty"` Attributes []DocumentAttribute `json:"attributes,omitempty"` ForceDocument bool `json:"force_document,omitempty"` TTL int32 `json:"ttl,omitempty"` }
type MediaOptions ¶
type MediaOptions struct { Attributes []DocumentAttribute `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Caption interface{} `json:"caption,omitempty"` ClearDraft bool `json:"clear_draft,omitempty"` Entites []MessageEntity `json:"entities,omitempty"` FileName string `json:"file_name,omitempty"` ForceDocument bool `json:"force_document,omitempty"` LinkPreview bool `json:"link_preview,omitempty"` NoForwards bool `json:"no_forwards,omitempty"` NoSoundVideo bool `json:"no_sound_video,omitempty"` ParseMode string `json:"parse_mode,omitempty"` ReplyID int32 `json:"reply_id,omitempty"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup,omitempty"` ScheduleDate int32 `json:"schedule_date,omitempty"` SendAs interface{} `json:"send_as,omitempty"` Silent bool `json:"silent,omitempty"` Thumb interface{} `json:"thumb,omitempty"` TTL int32 `json:"ttl,omitempty"` }
type MessageAction ¶
type MessageActionBotAllowed ¶
type MessageActionBotAllowed struct { AttachMenu bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` FromRequest bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Domain string `tl:"flag:0"` App BotApp `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*MessageActionBotAllowed) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionBotAllowed) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionBotAllowed) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageActionBotAllowed) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageActionBotAllowed) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionBotAllowed) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChannelCreate ¶
type MessageActionChannelCreate struct {
Title string
func (*MessageActionChannelCreate) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChannelCreate) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChannelCreate) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChannelCreate) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom ¶
func (*MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatAddUser ¶
type MessageActionChatAddUser struct {
Users []int64
func (*MessageActionChatAddUser) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatAddUser) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatAddUser) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatAddUser) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatCreate ¶
func (*MessageActionChatCreate) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatCreate) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatCreate) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatCreate) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatDeletePhoto ¶
type MessageActionChatDeletePhoto struct{}
func (*MessageActionChatDeletePhoto) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatDeletePhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatDeletePhoto) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatDeletePhoto) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatDeleteUser ¶
type MessageActionChatDeleteUser struct {
UserID int64
func (*MessageActionChatDeleteUser) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatDeleteUser) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatDeleteUser) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatDeleteUser) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatEditPhoto ¶
type MessageActionChatEditPhoto struct {
Photo Photo
func (*MessageActionChatEditPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatEditPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatEditPhoto) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatEditPhoto) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatEditTitle ¶
type MessageActionChatEditTitle struct {
Title string
func (*MessageActionChatEditTitle) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatEditTitle) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatEditTitle) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatEditTitle) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatJoinedByLink ¶
type MessageActionChatJoinedByLink struct {
InviterID int64
func (*MessageActionChatJoinedByLink) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatJoinedByLink) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatJoinedByLink) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatJoinedByLink) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatJoinedByRequest ¶
type MessageActionChatJoinedByRequest struct{}
func (*MessageActionChatJoinedByRequest) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatJoinedByRequest) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatJoinedByRequest) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatJoinedByRequest) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatMigrateTo ¶
type MessageActionChatMigrateTo struct {
ChannelID int64
func (*MessageActionChatMigrateTo) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatMigrateTo) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatMigrateTo) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatMigrateTo) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionContactSignUp ¶
type MessageActionContactSignUp struct{}
func (*MessageActionContactSignUp) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionContactSignUp) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionContactSignUp) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionContactSignUp) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionCustomAction ¶
type MessageActionCustomAction struct {
Message string
func (*MessageActionCustomAction) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionCustomAction) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionCustomAction) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionCustomAction) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionEmpty ¶
type MessageActionEmpty struct{}
func (*MessageActionEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionEmpty) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionEmpty) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionGameScore ¶
func (*MessageActionGameScore) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionGameScore) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionGameScore) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionGameScore) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionGeoProximityReached ¶
func (*MessageActionGeoProximityReached) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionGeoProximityReached) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionGeoProximityReached) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionGeoProximityReached) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionGiftCode ¶
type MessageActionGiftCode struct { ViaGiveaway bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Unclaimed bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` BoostPeer Peer `tl:"flag:1"` Months int32 Slug string Currency string `tl:"flag:2"` Amount int64 `tl:"flag:2"` CryptoCurrency string `tl:"flag:3"` CryptoAmount int64 `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*MessageActionGiftCode) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionGiftCode) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionGiftCode) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageActionGiftCode) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageActionGiftCode) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionGiftCode) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionGiftPremium ¶
type MessageActionGiftPremium struct { Currency string Amount int64 Months int32 CryptoCurrency string `tl:"flag:0"` CryptoAmount int64 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*MessageActionGiftPremium) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionGiftPremium) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionGiftPremium) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageActionGiftPremium) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageActionGiftPremium) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionGiftPremium) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionGiveawayLaunch ¶
type MessageActionGiveawayLaunch struct{}
func (*MessageActionGiveawayLaunch) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionGiveawayLaunch) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionGiveawayLaunch) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionGiveawayLaunch) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionGiveawayResults ¶
func (*MessageActionGiveawayResults) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionGiveawayResults) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionGiveawayResults) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionGiveawayResults) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionGroupCall ¶
type MessageActionGroupCall struct { Call *InputGroupCall Duration int32 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*MessageActionGroupCall) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionGroupCall) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionGroupCall) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageActionGroupCall) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageActionGroupCall) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionGroupCall) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionGroupCallScheduled ¶
type MessageActionGroupCallScheduled struct { Call *InputGroupCall ScheduleDate int32 }
func (*MessageActionGroupCallScheduled) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionGroupCallScheduled) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionGroupCallScheduled) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionGroupCallScheduled) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionHistoryClear ¶
type MessageActionHistoryClear struct{}
func (*MessageActionHistoryClear) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionHistoryClear) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionHistoryClear) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionHistoryClear) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionInviteToGroupCall ¶
type MessageActionInviteToGroupCall struct { Call *InputGroupCall Users []int64 }
func (*MessageActionInviteToGroupCall) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionInviteToGroupCall) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionInviteToGroupCall) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionInviteToGroupCall) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionPaymentSent ¶
type MessageActionPaymentSent struct { RecurringInit bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` RecurringUsed bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Currency string TotalAmount int64 InvoiceSlug string `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*MessageActionPaymentSent) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionPaymentSent) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionPaymentSent) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageActionPaymentSent) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageActionPaymentSent) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionPaymentSent) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionPaymentSentMe ¶
type MessageActionPaymentSentMe struct { RecurringInit bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` RecurringUsed bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Currency string TotalAmount int64 Payload []byte Info *PaymentRequestedInfo `tl:"flag:0"` ShippingOptionID string `tl:"flag:1"` Charge *PaymentCharge }
func (*MessageActionPaymentSentMe) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionPaymentSentMe) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionPaymentSentMe) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageActionPaymentSentMe) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageActionPaymentSentMe) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionPaymentSentMe) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionPhoneCall ¶
type MessageActionPhoneCall struct { Video bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` CallID int64 Reason PhoneCallDiscardReason `tl:"flag:0"` Duration int32 `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*MessageActionPhoneCall) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionPhoneCall) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionPhoneCall) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageActionPhoneCall) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageActionPhoneCall) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionPhoneCall) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionPinMessage ¶
type MessageActionPinMessage struct{}
func (*MessageActionPinMessage) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionPinMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionPinMessage) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionPinMessage) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionRequestedPeer ¶
func (*MessageActionRequestedPeer) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionRequestedPeer) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionRequestedPeer) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionRequestedPeer) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionScreenshotTaken ¶
type MessageActionScreenshotTaken struct{}
func (*MessageActionScreenshotTaken) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionScreenshotTaken) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionScreenshotTaken) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionScreenshotTaken) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionSecureValuesSent ¶
type MessageActionSecureValuesSent struct {
Types []SecureValueType
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSent) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSent) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSent) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSent) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe ¶
type MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe struct { Values []*SecureValue Credentials *SecureCredentialsEncrypted }
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionSetChatTheme ¶
type MessageActionSetChatTheme struct {
Emoticon string
func (*MessageActionSetChatTheme) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionSetChatTheme) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionSetChatTheme) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionSetChatTheme) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionSetChatWallPaper ¶
type MessageActionSetChatWallPaper struct { Same bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForBoth bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Wallpaper WallPaper }
func (*MessageActionSetChatWallPaper) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionSetChatWallPaper) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionSetChatWallPaper) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageActionSetChatWallPaper) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageActionSetChatWallPaper) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionSetChatWallPaper) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionSetMessagesTtl ¶
func (*MessageActionSetMessagesTtl) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionSetMessagesTtl) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionSetMessagesTtl) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageActionSetMessagesTtl) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageActionSetMessagesTtl) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionSetMessagesTtl) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionSuggestProfilePhoto ¶
type MessageActionSuggestProfilePhoto struct {
Photo Photo
func (*MessageActionSuggestProfilePhoto) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionSuggestProfilePhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionSuggestProfilePhoto) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionSuggestProfilePhoto) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionTopicCreate ¶
type MessageActionTopicCreate struct { Title string IconColor int32 IconEmojiID int64 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*MessageActionTopicCreate) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionTopicCreate) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionTopicCreate) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageActionTopicCreate) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageActionTopicCreate) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionTopicCreate) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionTopicEdit ¶
type MessageActionTopicEdit struct { Title string `tl:"flag:0"` IconEmojiID int64 `tl:"flag:1"` Closed bool `tl:"flag:2"` Hidden bool `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*MessageActionTopicEdit) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionTopicEdit) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionTopicEdit) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageActionTopicEdit) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageActionTopicEdit) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionTopicEdit) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionWebViewDataSent ¶
type MessageActionWebViewDataSent struct {
Text string
func (*MessageActionWebViewDataSent) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionWebViewDataSent) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionWebViewDataSent) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionWebViewDataSent) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionWebViewDataSentMe ¶
func (*MessageActionWebViewDataSentMe) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionWebViewDataSentMe) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionWebViewDataSentMe) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionWebViewDataSentMe) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageEmpty ¶
func (*MessageEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEmpty) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageEmpty) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageEmpty) ImplementsMessage ¶
func (*MessageEmpty) ImplementsMessage()
type MessageEntity ¶
type MessageEntityBankCard ¶
func (*MessageEntityBankCard) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityBankCard) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityBankCard) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityBankCard) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityBlockquote ¶
func (*MessageEntityBlockquote) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityBlockquote) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityBlockquote) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityBlockquote) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityBold ¶
func (*MessageEntityBold) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityBold) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityBold) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityBold) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityBotCommand ¶
func (*MessageEntityBotCommand) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityBotCommand) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityBotCommand) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityBotCommand) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityCashtag ¶
func (*MessageEntityCashtag) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityCashtag) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityCashtag) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityCashtag) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityCode ¶
func (*MessageEntityCode) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityCode) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityCode) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityCode) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityCustomEmoji ¶
func (*MessageEntityCustomEmoji) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityCustomEmoji) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityCustomEmoji) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityCustomEmoji) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityEmail ¶
func (*MessageEntityEmail) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityEmail) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityEmail) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityEmail) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityHashtag ¶
func (*MessageEntityHashtag) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityHashtag) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityHashtag) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityHashtag) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityItalic ¶
func (*MessageEntityItalic) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityItalic) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityItalic) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityItalic) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityMention ¶
func (*MessageEntityMention) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityMention) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityMention) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityMention) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityMentionName ¶
func (*MessageEntityMentionName) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityMentionName) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityMentionName) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityMentionName) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityPhone ¶
func (*MessageEntityPhone) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityPhone) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityPhone) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityPhone) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityPre ¶
func (*MessageEntityPre) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityPre) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityPre) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityPre) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntitySpoiler ¶
func (*MessageEntitySpoiler) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntitySpoiler) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntitySpoiler) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntitySpoiler) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityStrike ¶
func (*MessageEntityStrike) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityStrike) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityStrike) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityStrike) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityTextURL ¶
func (*MessageEntityTextURL) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityTextURL) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityTextURL) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityTextURL) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityURL ¶
func (*MessageEntityURL) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityURL) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityURL) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityURL) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityUnderline ¶
func (*MessageEntityUnderline) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityUnderline) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityUnderline) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityUnderline) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityUnknown ¶
func (*MessageEntityUnknown) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityUnknown) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityUnknown) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityUnknown) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageExtendedMedia ¶
type MessageExtendedMediaObj ¶
type MessageExtendedMediaObj struct {
Media MessageMedia
func (*MessageExtendedMediaObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessageExtendedMediaObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageExtendedMediaObj) ImplementsMessageExtendedMedia ¶
func (*MessageExtendedMediaObj) ImplementsMessageExtendedMedia()
type MessageExtendedMediaPreview ¶
type MessageExtendedMediaPreview struct { W int32 `tl:"flag:0"` H int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Thumb PhotoSize `tl:"flag:1"` VideoDuration int32 `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*MessageExtendedMediaPreview) CRC ¶
func (*MessageExtendedMediaPreview) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageExtendedMediaPreview) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageExtendedMediaPreview) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageExtendedMediaPreview) ImplementsMessageExtendedMedia ¶
func (*MessageExtendedMediaPreview) ImplementsMessageExtendedMedia()
type MessageFwdHeader ¶
type MessageFwdHeader struct { Imported bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` SavedOut bool `tl:"flag:11,encoded_in_bitflags"` FromID Peer `tl:"flag:0"` FromName string `tl:"flag:5"` Date int32 ChannelPost int32 `tl:"flag:2"` PostAuthor string `tl:"flag:3"` SavedFromPeer Peer `tl:"flag:4"` SavedFromMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:4"` SavedFromID Peer `tl:"flag:8"` SavedFromName string `tl:"flag:9"` SavedDate int32 `tl:"flag:10"` PsaType string `tl:"flag:6"` }
func (*MessageFwdHeader) CRC ¶
func (*MessageFwdHeader) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageFwdHeader) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageFwdHeader) FlagIndex() int
type MessageMedia ¶
func ResolveBotFileID ¶
func ResolveBotFileID(fileID string) (MessageMedia, error)
Inverse operation of PackBotFileID,
Accepted Types: string
type MessageMediaContact ¶
type MessageMediaContact struct { PhoneNumber string FirstName string LastName string Vcard string UserID int64 }
func (*MessageMediaContact) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaContact) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaContact) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaContact) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaDice ¶
func (*MessageMediaDice) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaDice) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaDice) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaDice) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaDocument ¶
type MessageMediaDocument struct { Spoiler bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Video bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` Round bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Voice bool `tl:"flag:8,encoded_in_bitflags"` Document Document `tl:"flag:0"` AltDocument Document `tl:"flag:5"` TtlSeconds int32 `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*MessageMediaDocument) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaDocument) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaDocument) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageMediaDocument) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageMediaDocument) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaDocument) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaEmpty ¶
type MessageMediaEmpty struct{}
func (*MessageMediaEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaEmpty) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaEmpty) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaGame ¶
type MessageMediaGame struct {
Game *Game
func (*MessageMediaGame) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaGame) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaGame) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaGame) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaGeo ¶
type MessageMediaGeo struct {
Geo GeoPoint
func (*MessageMediaGeo) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaGeo) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaGeo) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaGeo) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaGeoLive ¶
type MessageMediaGeoLive struct { Geo GeoPoint Heading int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Period int32 ProximityNotificationRadius int32 `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*MessageMediaGeoLive) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaGeoLive) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaGeoLive) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageMediaGeoLive) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageMediaGeoLive) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaGeoLive) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaGiveaway ¶
type MessageMediaGiveaway struct { OnlyNewSubscribers bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` WinnersAreVisible bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Channels []int64 CountriesIso2 []string `tl:"flag:1"` PrizeDescription string `tl:"flag:3"` Quantity int32 Months int32 UntilDate int32 }
func (*MessageMediaGiveaway) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaGiveaway) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaGiveaway) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageMediaGiveaway) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageMediaGiveaway) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaGiveaway) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaGiveawayResults ¶
type MessageMediaGiveawayResults struct { OnlyNewSubscribers bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Refunded bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` ChannelID int64 AdditionalPeersCount int32 `tl:"flag:3"` LaunchMsgID int32 WinnersCount int32 UnclaimedCount int32 Winners []int64 Months int32 PrizeDescription string `tl:"flag:1"` UntilDate int32 }
func (*MessageMediaGiveawayResults) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaGiveawayResults) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaGiveawayResults) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageMediaGiveawayResults) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageMediaGiveawayResults) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaGiveawayResults) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaInvoice ¶
type MessageMediaInvoice struct { ShippingAddressRequested bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Test bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Title string Description string Photo WebDocument `tl:"flag:0"` ReceiptMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:2"` Currency string TotalAmount int64 StartParam string ExtendedMedia MessageExtendedMedia `tl:"flag:4"` }
func (*MessageMediaInvoice) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaInvoice) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaInvoice) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageMediaInvoice) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageMediaInvoice) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaInvoice) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaPhoto ¶
type MessageMediaPhoto struct { Spoiler bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Photo Photo `tl:"flag:0"` TtlSeconds int32 `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*MessageMediaPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaPhoto) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageMediaPhoto) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageMediaPhoto) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaPhoto) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaPoll ¶
type MessageMediaPoll struct { Poll *Poll Results *PollResults }
func (*MessageMediaPoll) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaPoll) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaPoll) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaPoll) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaStory ¶
type MessageMediaStory struct { ViaMention bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer Peer ID int32 Story StoryItem `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*MessageMediaStory) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaStory) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaStory) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageMediaStory) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageMediaStory) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaStory) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaUnsupported ¶
type MessageMediaUnsupported struct{}
func (*MessageMediaUnsupported) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaUnsupported) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaUnsupported) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaUnsupported) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaVenue ¶
type MessageMediaVenue struct { Geo GeoPoint Title string Address string Provider string VenueID string VenueType string }
func (*MessageMediaVenue) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaVenue) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaVenue) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaVenue) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaWebPage ¶
type MessageMediaWebPage struct { ForceLargeMedia bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForceSmallMedia bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Manual bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Safe bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Webpage WebPage }
func (*MessageMediaWebPage) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaWebPage) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaWebPage) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageMediaWebPage) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageMediaWebPage) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaWebPage) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageObj ¶
type MessageObj struct { Out bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Mentioned bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` MediaUnread bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Silent bool `tl:"flag:13,encoded_in_bitflags"` Post bool `tl:"flag:14,encoded_in_bitflags"` FromScheduled bool `tl:"flag:18,encoded_in_bitflags"` Legacy bool `tl:"flag:19,encoded_in_bitflags"` EditHide bool `tl:"flag:21,encoded_in_bitflags"` Pinned bool `tl:"flag:24,encoded_in_bitflags"` Noforwards bool `tl:"flag:26,encoded_in_bitflags"` InvertMedia bool `tl:"flag:27,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int32 FromID Peer `tl:"flag:8"` PeerID Peer SavedPeerID Peer `tl:"flag:28"` FwdFrom *MessageFwdHeader `tl:"flag:2"` ViaBotID int64 `tl:"flag:11"` ReplyTo MessageReplyHeader `tl:"flag:3"` Date int32 Message string Media MessageMedia `tl:"flag:9"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:6"` Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:7"` Views int32 `tl:"flag:10"` Forwards int32 `tl:"flag:10"` Replies *MessageReplies `tl:"flag:23"` EditDate int32 `tl:"flag:15"` PostAuthor string `tl:"flag:16"` GroupedID int64 `tl:"flag:17"` Reactions *MessageReactions `tl:"flag:20"` RestrictionReason []*RestrictionReason `tl:"flag:22"` TtlPeriod int32 `tl:"flag:25"` }
func (*MessageObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessageObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageObj) ImplementsMessage ¶
func (*MessageObj) ImplementsMessage()
type MessagePeerReaction ¶
type MessagePeerReaction struct { Big bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Unread bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` My bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` PeerID Peer Date int32 Reaction Reaction }
func (*MessagePeerReaction) CRC ¶
func (*MessagePeerReaction) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagePeerReaction) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagePeerReaction) FlagIndex() int
type MessagePeerVote ¶
type MessagePeerVoteInputOption ¶
func (*MessagePeerVoteInputOption) CRC ¶
func (*MessagePeerVoteInputOption) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagePeerVoteInputOption) ImplementsMessagePeerVote ¶
func (*MessagePeerVoteInputOption) ImplementsMessagePeerVote()
type MessagePeerVoteMultiple ¶
func (*MessagePeerVoteMultiple) CRC ¶
func (*MessagePeerVoteMultiple) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagePeerVoteMultiple) ImplementsMessagePeerVote ¶
func (*MessagePeerVoteMultiple) ImplementsMessagePeerVote()
type MessagePeerVoteObj ¶
func (*MessagePeerVoteObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagePeerVoteObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagePeerVoteObj) ImplementsMessagePeerVote ¶
func (*MessagePeerVoteObj) ImplementsMessagePeerVote()
type MessageRange ¶
func (*MessageRange) CRC ¶
func (*MessageRange) CRC() uint32
type MessageReactions ¶
type MessageReactions struct { Min bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanSeeList bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Results []*ReactionCount RecentReactions []*MessagePeerReaction `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*MessageReactions) CRC ¶
func (*MessageReactions) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageReactions) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageReactions) FlagIndex() int
type MessageReplies ¶
type MessageReplies struct { Comments bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Replies int32 RepliesPts int32 RecentRepliers []Peer `tl:"flag:1"` ChannelID int64 `tl:"flag:0"` MaxID int32 `tl:"flag:2"` ReadMaxID int32 `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*MessageReplies) CRC ¶
func (*MessageReplies) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageReplies) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageReplies) FlagIndex() int
type MessageReplyHeader ¶
type MessageReplyHeaderObj ¶
type MessageReplyHeaderObj struct { ReplyToScheduled bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForumTopic bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Quote bool `tl:"flag:9,encoded_in_bitflags"` ReplyToMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:4"` ReplyToPeerID Peer `tl:"flag:0"` ReplyFrom *MessageFwdHeader `tl:"flag:5"` ReplyMedia MessageMedia `tl:"flag:8"` ReplyToTopID int32 `tl:"flag:1"` QuoteText string `tl:"flag:6"` QuoteEntities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:7"` QuoteOffset int32 `tl:"flag:10"` }
func (*MessageReplyHeaderObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessageReplyHeaderObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageReplyHeaderObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageReplyHeaderObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageReplyHeaderObj) ImplementsMessageReplyHeader ¶
func (*MessageReplyHeaderObj) ImplementsMessageReplyHeader()
type MessageReplyStoryHeader ¶
func (*MessageReplyStoryHeader) CRC ¶
func (*MessageReplyStoryHeader) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageReplyStoryHeader) ImplementsMessageReplyHeader ¶
func (*MessageReplyStoryHeader) ImplementsMessageReplyHeader()
type MessageService ¶
type MessageService struct { Out bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Mentioned bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` MediaUnread bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Silent bool `tl:"flag:13,encoded_in_bitflags"` Post bool `tl:"flag:14,encoded_in_bitflags"` Legacy bool `tl:"flag:19,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int32 FromID Peer `tl:"flag:8"` PeerID Peer ReplyTo MessageReplyHeader `tl:"flag:3"` Date int32 Action MessageAction TtlPeriod int32 `tl:"flag:25"` }
func (*MessageService) CRC ¶
func (*MessageService) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageService) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageService) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessageService) ImplementsMessage ¶
func (*MessageService) ImplementsMessage()
type MessageViews ¶
type MessageViews struct { Views int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Forwards int32 `tl:"flag:1"` Replies *MessageReplies `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*MessageViews) CRC ¶
func (*MessageViews) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageViews) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessageViews) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesAcceptEncryptionParams ¶
type MessagesAcceptEncryptionParams struct { Peer *InputEncryptedChat GB []byte KeyFingerprint int64 }
func (*MessagesAcceptEncryptionParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesAcceptEncryptionParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesAcceptURLAuthParams ¶
type MessagesAcceptURLAuthParams struct { WriteAllowed bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer `tl:"flag:1"` MsgID int32 `tl:"flag:1"` ButtonID int32 `tl:"flag:1"` URL string `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*MessagesAcceptURLAuthParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesAcceptURLAuthParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesAcceptURLAuthParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesAcceptURLAuthParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesAddChatUserParams ¶
func (*MessagesAddChatUserParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesAddChatUserParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesAffectedFoundMessages ¶
type MessagesAffectedFoundMessages struct { Pts int32 PtsCount int32 Offset int32 Messages []int32 }
func (*MessagesAffectedFoundMessages) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesAffectedFoundMessages) CRC() uint32
type MessagesAffectedHistory ¶
func (*MessagesAffectedHistory) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesAffectedHistory) CRC() uint32
type MessagesAffectedMessages ¶
func (*MessagesAffectedMessages) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesAffectedMessages) CRC() uint32
type MessagesAllStickers ¶
type MessagesAllStickersNotModified ¶
type MessagesAllStickersNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesAllStickersNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesAllStickersNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesAllStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesAllStickers ¶
func (*MessagesAllStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesAllStickers()
type MessagesAllStickersObj ¶
type MessagesAllStickersObj struct { Hash int64 Sets []*StickerSet }
func (*MessagesAllStickersObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesAllStickersObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesAllStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesAllStickers ¶
func (*MessagesAllStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesAllStickers()
type MessagesArchivedStickers ¶
type MessagesArchivedStickers struct { Count int32 Sets []StickerSetCovered }
func (*MessagesArchivedStickers) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesArchivedStickers) CRC() uint32
type MessagesAvailableReactionsNotModified ¶
type MessagesAvailableReactionsNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesAvailableReactionsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesAvailableReactionsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesAvailableReactionsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesAvailableReactions ¶
func (*MessagesAvailableReactionsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesAvailableReactions()
type MessagesAvailableReactionsObj ¶
type MessagesAvailableReactionsObj struct { Hash int32 Reactions []*AvailableReaction }
func (*MessagesAvailableReactionsObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesAvailableReactionsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesAvailableReactionsObj) ImplementsMessagesAvailableReactions ¶
func (*MessagesAvailableReactionsObj) ImplementsMessagesAvailableReactions()
type MessagesBotApp ¶
type MessagesBotApp struct { Inactive bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` RequestWriteAccess bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasSettings bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` App BotApp }
func (*MessagesBotApp) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesBotApp) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesBotApp) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesBotApp) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesBotCallbackAnswer ¶
type MessagesBotCallbackAnswer struct { Alert bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasURL bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` NativeUi bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Message string `tl:"flag:0"` URL string `tl:"flag:2"` CacheTime int32 }
func (*MessagesBotCallbackAnswer) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesBotCallbackAnswer) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesBotCallbackAnswer) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesBotCallbackAnswer) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesBotResults ¶
type MessagesBotResults struct { Gallery bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` QueryID int64 NextOffset string `tl:"flag:1"` SwitchPm *InlineBotSwitchPm `tl:"flag:2"` SwitchWebview *InlineBotWebView `tl:"flag:3"` Results []BotInlineResult CacheTime int32 Users []User }
func (*MessagesBotResults) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesBotResults) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesBotResults) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesBotResults) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesChannelMessages ¶
type MessagesChannelMessages struct { Inexact bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Pts int32 Count int32 OffsetIDOffset int32 `tl:"flag:2"` Messages []Message Topics []ForumTopic Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*MessagesChannelMessages) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesChannelMessages) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesChannelMessages) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesChannelMessages) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessagesChannelMessages) ImplementsMessagesMessages ¶
func (*MessagesChannelMessages) ImplementsMessagesMessages()
type MessagesChatAdminsWithInvites ¶
type MessagesChatAdminsWithInvites struct { Admins []*ChatAdminWithInvites Users []User }
func (*MessagesChatAdminsWithInvites) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesChatAdminsWithInvites) CRC() uint32
type MessagesChatFull ¶
func (*MessagesChatFull) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesChatFull) CRC() uint32
type MessagesChatInviteImporters ¶
type MessagesChatInviteImporters struct { Count int32 Importers []*ChatInviteImporter Users []User }
func (*MessagesChatInviteImporters) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesChatInviteImporters) CRC() uint32
type MessagesChats ¶
type MessagesChatsObj ¶
type MessagesChatsObj struct {
Chats []Chat
func (*MessagesChatsObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesChatsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesChatsObj) ImplementsMessagesChats ¶
func (*MessagesChatsObj) ImplementsMessagesChats()
type MessagesChatsSlice ¶
func (*MessagesChatsSlice) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesChatsSlice) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesChatsSlice) ImplementsMessagesChats ¶
func (*MessagesChatsSlice) ImplementsMessagesChats()
type MessagesCheckChatInviteParams ¶
type MessagesCheckChatInviteParams struct {
Hash string
func (*MessagesCheckChatInviteParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesCheckChatInviteParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesCheckHistoryImportParams ¶
type MessagesCheckHistoryImportParams struct {
ImportHead string
func (*MessagesCheckHistoryImportParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesCheckHistoryImportParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesCheckHistoryImportPeerParams ¶
type MessagesCheckHistoryImportPeerParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*MessagesCheckHistoryImportPeerParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesCheckHistoryImportPeerParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesCheckedHistoryImportPeer ¶
type MessagesCheckedHistoryImportPeer struct {
ConfirmText string
func (*MessagesCheckedHistoryImportPeer) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesCheckedHistoryImportPeer) CRC() uint32
type MessagesClearAllDraftsParams ¶
type MessagesClearAllDraftsParams struct{}
func (*MessagesClearAllDraftsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesClearAllDraftsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesClearRecentReactionsParams ¶
type MessagesClearRecentReactionsParams struct{}
func (*MessagesClearRecentReactionsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesClearRecentReactionsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesClearRecentStickersParams ¶
type MessagesClearRecentStickersParams struct {
Attached bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"`
func (*MessagesClearRecentStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesClearRecentStickersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesClearRecentStickersParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesClearRecentStickersParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesCreateChatParams ¶
type MessagesCreateChatParams struct { Users []InputUser Title string TtlPeriod int32 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*MessagesCreateChatParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesCreateChatParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesCreateChatParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesCreateChatParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesDeleteChatParams ¶
type MessagesDeleteChatParams struct {
ChatID int64
func (*MessagesDeleteChatParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteChatParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesDeleteChatUserParams ¶
type MessagesDeleteChatUserParams struct { RevokeHistory bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ChatID int64 UserID InputUser }
func (*MessagesDeleteChatUserParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteChatUserParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDeleteChatUserParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteChatUserParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesDeleteExportedChatInviteParams ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteExportedChatInviteParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteExportedChatInviteParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesDeleteHistoryParams ¶
type MessagesDeleteHistoryParams struct { JustClear bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Revoke bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer MaxID int32 MinDate int32 `tl:"flag:2"` MaxDate int32 `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*MessagesDeleteHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDeleteHistoryParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteHistoryParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesDeleteMessagesParams ¶
type MessagesDeleteMessagesParams struct { Revoke bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID []int32 }
func (*MessagesDeleteMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDeleteMessagesParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteMessagesParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesDeletePhoneCallHistoryParams ¶
type MessagesDeletePhoneCallHistoryParams struct {
Revoke bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"`
func (*MessagesDeletePhoneCallHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDeletePhoneCallHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDeletePhoneCallHistoryParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesDeletePhoneCallHistoryParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesDeleteRevokedExportedChatInvitesParams ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteRevokedExportedChatInvitesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteRevokedExportedChatInvitesParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesDeleteSavedHistoryParams ¶
type MessagesDeleteSavedHistoryParams struct { Peer InputPeer MaxID int32 MinDate int32 `tl:"flag:2"` MaxDate int32 `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*MessagesDeleteSavedHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteSavedHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDeleteSavedHistoryParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteSavedHistoryParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesDeleteScheduledMessagesParams ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteScheduledMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteScheduledMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesDhConfig ¶
type MessagesDhConfigNotModified ¶
type MessagesDhConfigNotModified struct {
Random []byte
func (*MessagesDhConfigNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDhConfigNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDhConfigNotModified) ImplementsMessagesDhConfig ¶
func (*MessagesDhConfigNotModified) ImplementsMessagesDhConfig()
type MessagesDhConfigObj ¶
func (*MessagesDhConfigObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDhConfigObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDhConfigObj) ImplementsMessagesDhConfig ¶
func (*MessagesDhConfigObj) ImplementsMessagesDhConfig()
type MessagesDialogs ¶
type MessagesDialogsNotModified ¶
type MessagesDialogsNotModified struct {
Count int32
func (*MessagesDialogsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDialogsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDialogsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesDialogs ¶
func (*MessagesDialogsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesDialogs()
type MessagesDialogsObj ¶
func (*MessagesDialogsObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDialogsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDialogsObj) ImplementsMessagesDialogs ¶
func (*MessagesDialogsObj) ImplementsMessagesDialogs()
type MessagesDialogsSlice ¶
type MessagesDialogsSlice struct { Count int32 Dialogs []Dialog Messages []Message Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*MessagesDialogsSlice) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDialogsSlice) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDialogsSlice) ImplementsMessagesDialogs ¶
func (*MessagesDialogsSlice) ImplementsMessagesDialogs()
type MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams ¶
type MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams struct { DeleteHistory bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ChatID int32 }
func (*MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesDiscussionMessage ¶
type MessagesDiscussionMessage struct { Messages []Message MaxID int32 `tl:"flag:0"` ReadInboxMaxID int32 `tl:"flag:1"` ReadOutboxMaxID int32 `tl:"flag:2"` UnreadCount int32 Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*MessagesDiscussionMessage) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDiscussionMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDiscussionMessage) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesDiscussionMessage) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesEditChatAboutParams ¶
func (*MessagesEditChatAboutParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesEditChatAboutParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesEditChatAdminParams ¶
func (*MessagesEditChatAdminParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesEditChatAdminParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRightsParams ¶
type MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRightsParams struct { Peer InputPeer BannedRights *ChatBannedRights }
func (*MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRightsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRightsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesEditChatPhotoParams ¶
type MessagesEditChatPhotoParams struct { ChatID int64 Photo InputChatPhoto }
func (*MessagesEditChatPhotoParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesEditChatPhotoParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesEditChatTitleParams ¶
func (*MessagesEditChatTitleParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesEditChatTitleParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesEditExportedChatInviteParams ¶
type MessagesEditExportedChatInviteParams struct { Revoked bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer Link string ExpireDate int32 `tl:"flag:0"` UsageLimit int32 `tl:"flag:1"` RequestNeeded bool `tl:"flag:3"` Title string `tl:"flag:4"` }
func (*MessagesEditExportedChatInviteParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesEditExportedChatInviteParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesEditExportedChatInviteParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesEditExportedChatInviteParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams ¶
type MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams struct { NoWebpage bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` InvertMedia bool `tl:"flag:16,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID InputBotInlineMessageID Message string `tl:"flag:11"` Media InputMedia `tl:"flag:14"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesEditMessageParams ¶
type MessagesEditMessageParams struct { NoWebpage bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` InvertMedia bool `tl:"flag:16,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer ID int32 Message string `tl:"flag:11"` Media InputMedia `tl:"flag:14"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:3"` ScheduleDate int32 `tl:"flag:15"` }
func (*MessagesEditMessageParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesEditMessageParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesEditMessageParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesEditMessageParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesEmojiGroups ¶
type MessagesEmojiGroupsNotModified ¶
type MessagesEmojiGroupsNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesEmojiGroupsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesEmojiGroupsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesEmojiGroupsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesEmojiGroups ¶
func (*MessagesEmojiGroupsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesEmojiGroups()
type MessagesEmojiGroupsObj ¶
type MessagesEmojiGroupsObj struct { Hash int32 Groups []*EmojiGroup }
func (*MessagesEmojiGroupsObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesEmojiGroupsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesEmojiGroupsObj) ImplementsMessagesEmojiGroups ¶
func (*MessagesEmojiGroupsObj) ImplementsMessagesEmojiGroups()
type MessagesExportChatInviteParams ¶
type MessagesExportChatInviteParams struct { LegacyRevokePermanent bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` RequestNeeded bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer ExpireDate int32 `tl:"flag:0"` UsageLimit int32 `tl:"flag:1"` Title string `tl:"flag:4"` }
func (*MessagesExportChatInviteParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesExportChatInviteParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesExportChatInviteParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesExportChatInviteParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesExportedChatInviteObj ¶
type MessagesExportedChatInviteObj struct { Invite ExportedChatInvite Users []User }
func (*MessagesExportedChatInviteObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesExportedChatInviteObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesExportedChatInviteObj) ImplementsMessagesExportedChatInvite ¶
func (*MessagesExportedChatInviteObj) ImplementsMessagesExportedChatInvite()
type MessagesExportedChatInviteReplaced ¶
type MessagesExportedChatInviteReplaced struct { Invite ExportedChatInvite NewInvite ExportedChatInvite Users []User }
func (*MessagesExportedChatInviteReplaced) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesExportedChatInviteReplaced) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesExportedChatInviteReplaced) ImplementsMessagesExportedChatInvite ¶
func (*MessagesExportedChatInviteReplaced) ImplementsMessagesExportedChatInvite()
type MessagesExportedChatInvites ¶
type MessagesExportedChatInvites struct { Count int32 Invites []ExportedChatInvite Users []User }
func (*MessagesExportedChatInvites) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesExportedChatInvites) CRC() uint32
type MessagesFaveStickerParams ¶
type MessagesFaveStickerParams struct { ID InputDocument Unfave bool }
func (*MessagesFaveStickerParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesFaveStickerParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesFavedStickers ¶
type MessagesFavedStickersNotModified ¶
type MessagesFavedStickersNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesFavedStickersNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesFavedStickersNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesFavedStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesFavedStickers ¶
func (*MessagesFavedStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesFavedStickers()
type MessagesFavedStickersObj ¶
type MessagesFavedStickersObj struct { Hash int64 Packs []*StickerPack Stickers []Document }
func (*MessagesFavedStickersObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesFavedStickersObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesFavedStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesFavedStickers ¶
func (*MessagesFavedStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesFavedStickers()
type MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified ¶
type MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified struct {
Count int32
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesFeaturedStickers ¶
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesFeaturedStickers()
type MessagesFeaturedStickersObj ¶
type MessagesFeaturedStickersObj struct { Premium bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Hash int64 Count int32 Sets []StickerSetCovered Unread []int64 }
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesFeaturedStickers ¶
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesFeaturedStickers()
type MessagesFilter ¶
type MessagesForumTopics ¶
type MessagesForumTopics struct { OrderByCreateDate bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Count int32 Topics []ForumTopic Messages []Message Chats []Chat Users []User Pts int32 }
func (*MessagesForumTopics) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesForumTopics) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesForumTopics) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesForumTopics) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesForwardMessagesParams ¶
type MessagesForwardMessagesParams struct { Silent bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Background bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` WithMyScore bool `tl:"flag:8,encoded_in_bitflags"` DropAuthor bool `tl:"flag:11,encoded_in_bitflags"` DropMediaCaptions bool `tl:"flag:12,encoded_in_bitflags"` Noforwards bool `tl:"flag:14,encoded_in_bitflags"` FromPeer InputPeer ID []int32 RandomID []int64 ToPeer InputPeer TopMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:9"` ScheduleDate int32 `tl:"flag:10"` SendAs InputPeer `tl:"flag:13"` }
func (*MessagesForwardMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesForwardMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesForwardMessagesParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesForwardMessagesParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified ¶
type MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesFoundStickerSets ¶
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesFoundStickerSets()
type MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj ¶
type MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj struct { Hash int64 Sets []StickerSetCovered }
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj) ImplementsMessagesFoundStickerSets ¶
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj) ImplementsMessagesFoundStickerSets()
type MessagesGetAdminsWithInvitesParams ¶
type MessagesGetAdminsWithInvitesParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*MessagesGetAdminsWithInvitesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetAdminsWithInvitesParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetAllDraftsParams ¶
type MessagesGetAllDraftsParams struct{}
func (*MessagesGetAllDraftsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetAllDraftsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetAllStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetAllStickersParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*MessagesGetAllStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetAllStickersParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams struct { Masks bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Emojis bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` OffsetID int64 Limit int32 }
func (*MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesGetAttachMenuBotParams ¶
type MessagesGetAttachMenuBotParams struct {
Bot InputUser
func (*MessagesGetAttachMenuBotParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetAttachMenuBotParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetAttachMenuBotsParams ¶
type MessagesGetAttachMenuBotsParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*MessagesGetAttachMenuBotsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetAttachMenuBotsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetAttachedStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetAttachedStickersParams struct {
Media InputStickeredMedia
func (*MessagesGetAttachedStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetAttachedStickersParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetAvailableReactionsParams ¶
type MessagesGetAvailableReactionsParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*MessagesGetAvailableReactionsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetAvailableReactionsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetBotAppParams ¶
type MessagesGetBotAppParams struct { App InputBotApp Hash int64 }
func (*MessagesGetBotAppParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetBotAppParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams ¶
type MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams struct { Game bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer MsgID int32 Data []byte `tl:"flag:0"` Password InputCheckPasswordSRP `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesGetChatInviteImportersParams ¶
type MessagesGetChatInviteImportersParams struct { Requested bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer Link string `tl:"flag:1"` Q string `tl:"flag:2"` OffsetDate int32 OffsetUser InputUser Limit int32 }
func (*MessagesGetChatInviteImportersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetChatInviteImportersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetChatInviteImportersParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetChatInviteImportersParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesGetChatsParams ¶
type MessagesGetChatsParams struct {
ID []int64
func (*MessagesGetChatsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetChatsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetCommonChatsParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetCommonChatsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetCommonChatsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetCustomEmojiDocumentsParams ¶
type MessagesGetCustomEmojiDocumentsParams struct {
DocumentID []int64
func (*MessagesGetCustomEmojiDocumentsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetCustomEmojiDocumentsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetDefaultHistoryTtlParams ¶
type MessagesGetDefaultHistoryTtlParams struct{}
func (*MessagesGetDefaultHistoryTtlParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetDefaultHistoryTtlParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetDhConfigParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetDhConfigParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetDhConfigParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetDialogFiltersParams ¶
type MessagesGetDialogFiltersParams struct{}
func (*MessagesGetDialogFiltersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetDialogFiltersParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarksParams ¶
type MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarksParams struct{}
func (*MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarksParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarksParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetDialogsParams ¶
type MessagesGetDialogsParams struct { ExcludePinned bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` FolderID int32 `tl:"flag:1"` OffsetDate int32 OffsetID int32 OffsetPeer InputPeer Limit int32 Hash int64 }
func (*MessagesGetDialogsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetDialogsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetDialogsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetDialogsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesGetDiscussionMessageParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetDiscussionMessageParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetDiscussionMessageParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetDocumentByHashParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetDocumentByHashParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetDocumentByHashParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetEmojiGroupsParams ¶
type MessagesGetEmojiGroupsParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*MessagesGetEmojiGroupsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetEmojiGroupsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifferenceParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifferenceParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifferenceParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguagesParams ¶
type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguagesParams struct {
LangCodes []string
func (*MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguagesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguagesParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsParams ¶
type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsParams struct {
LangCode string
func (*MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetEmojiProfilePhotoGroupsParams ¶
type MessagesGetEmojiProfilePhotoGroupsParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*MessagesGetEmojiProfilePhotoGroupsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetEmojiProfilePhotoGroupsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetEmojiStatusGroupsParams ¶
type MessagesGetEmojiStatusGroupsParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*MessagesGetEmojiStatusGroupsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetEmojiStatusGroupsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetEmojiStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetEmojiStickersParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*MessagesGetEmojiStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetEmojiStickersParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetEmojiURLParams ¶
type MessagesGetEmojiURLParams struct {
LangCode string
func (*MessagesGetEmojiURLParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetEmojiURLParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetExportedChatInviteParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetExportedChatInviteParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetExportedChatInviteParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetExportedChatInvitesParams ¶
type MessagesGetExportedChatInvitesParams struct { Revoked bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer AdminID InputUser OffsetDate int32 `tl:"flag:2"` OffsetLink string `tl:"flag:2"` Limit int32 }
func (*MessagesGetExportedChatInvitesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetExportedChatInvitesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetExportedChatInvitesParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetExportedChatInvitesParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesGetExtendedMediaParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetExtendedMediaParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetExtendedMediaParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetFavedStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetFavedStickersParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*MessagesGetFavedStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetFavedStickersParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetFeaturedEmojiStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetFeaturedEmojiStickersParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*MessagesGetFeaturedEmojiStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetFeaturedEmojiStickersParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetFeaturedStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetFeaturedStickersParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*MessagesGetFeaturedStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetFeaturedStickersParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetFullChatParams ¶
type MessagesGetFullChatParams struct {
ChatID int64
func (*MessagesGetFullChatParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetFullChatParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetGameHighScoresParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetGameHighScoresParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetGameHighScoresParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetHistoryParams ¶
type MessagesGetHistoryParams struct { Peer InputPeer OffsetID int32 OffsetDate int32 AddOffset int32 Limit int32 MaxID int32 MinID int32 Hash int64 }
func (*MessagesGetHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams ¶
type MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams struct { Bot InputUser Peer InputPeer GeoPoint InputGeoPoint `tl:"flag:0"` Query string Offset string }
func (*MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesGetInlineGameHighScoresParams ¶
type MessagesGetInlineGameHighScoresParams struct { ID InputBotInlineMessageID UserID InputUser }
func (*MessagesGetInlineGameHighScoresParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetInlineGameHighScoresParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetMaskStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetMaskStickersParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*MessagesGetMaskStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetMaskStickersParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetMessageEditDataParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetMessageEditDataParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetMessageEditDataParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetMessageReactionsListParams ¶
type MessagesGetMessageReactionsListParams struct { Peer InputPeer ID int32 Reaction Reaction `tl:"flag:0"` Offset string `tl:"flag:1"` Limit int32 }
func (*MessagesGetMessageReactionsListParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetMessageReactionsListParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetMessageReactionsListParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetMessageReactionsListParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesGetMessageReadParticipantsParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetMessageReadParticipantsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetMessageReadParticipantsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetMessagesParams ¶
type MessagesGetMessagesParams struct {
ID []InputMessage
func (*MessagesGetMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetMessagesReactionsParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetMessagesReactionsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetMessagesReactionsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetMessagesViewsParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetMessagesViewsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetMessagesViewsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickersParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickersParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetOnlinesParams ¶
type MessagesGetOnlinesParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*MessagesGetOnlinesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetOnlinesParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetPeerDialogsParams ¶
type MessagesGetPeerDialogsParams struct {
Peers []InputDialogPeer
func (*MessagesGetPeerDialogsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetPeerDialogsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetPeerSettingsParams ¶
type MessagesGetPeerSettingsParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*MessagesGetPeerSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetPeerSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetPinnedDialogsParams ¶
type MessagesGetPinnedDialogsParams struct {
FolderID int32
func (*MessagesGetPinnedDialogsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetPinnedDialogsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetPinnedSavedDialogsParams ¶
type MessagesGetPinnedSavedDialogsParams struct{}
func (*MessagesGetPinnedSavedDialogsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetPinnedSavedDialogsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetPollResultsParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetPollResultsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetPollResultsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetPollVotesParams ¶
type MessagesGetPollVotesParams struct { Peer InputPeer ID int32 Option []byte `tl:"flag:0"` Offset string `tl:"flag:1"` Limit int32 }
func (*MessagesGetPollVotesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetPollVotesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetPollVotesParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetPollVotesParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesGetRecentLocationsParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetRecentLocationsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetRecentLocationsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetRecentReactionsParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetRecentReactionsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetRecentReactionsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetRecentStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetRecentStickersParams struct { Attached bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Hash int64 }
func (*MessagesGetRecentStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetRecentStickersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetRecentStickersParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetRecentStickersParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesGetRepliesParams ¶
type MessagesGetRepliesParams struct { Peer InputPeer MsgID int32 OffsetID int32 OffsetDate int32 AddOffset int32 Limit int32 MaxID int32 MinID int32 Hash int64 }
func (*MessagesGetRepliesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetRepliesParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetSavedDialogsParams ¶
type MessagesGetSavedDialogsParams struct { ExcludePinned bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` OffsetDate int32 OffsetID int32 OffsetPeer InputPeer Limit int32 Hash int64 }
func (*MessagesGetSavedDialogsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetSavedDialogsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetSavedDialogsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetSavedDialogsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesGetSavedGifsParams ¶
type MessagesGetSavedGifsParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*MessagesGetSavedGifsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetSavedGifsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetSavedHistoryParams ¶
type MessagesGetSavedHistoryParams struct { Peer InputPeer OffsetID int32 OffsetDate int32 AddOffset int32 Limit int32 MaxID int32 MinID int32 Hash int64 }
func (*MessagesGetSavedHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetSavedHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetScheduledHistoryParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetScheduledHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetScheduledHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetScheduledMessagesParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetScheduledMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetScheduledMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetSearchCountersParams ¶
type MessagesGetSearchCountersParams struct { Peer InputPeer SavedPeerID InputPeer `tl:"flag:2"` TopMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Filters []MessagesFilter }
func (*MessagesGetSearchCountersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetSearchCountersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetSearchCountersParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetSearchCountersParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesGetSearchResultsCalendarParams ¶
type MessagesGetSearchResultsCalendarParams struct { Peer InputPeer SavedPeerID InputPeer `tl:"flag:2"` Filter MessagesFilter OffsetID int32 OffsetDate int32 }
func (*MessagesGetSearchResultsCalendarParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetSearchResultsCalendarParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetSearchResultsCalendarParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetSearchResultsCalendarParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesGetSearchResultsPositionsParams ¶
type MessagesGetSearchResultsPositionsParams struct { Peer InputPeer SavedPeerID InputPeer `tl:"flag:2"` Filter MessagesFilter OffsetID int32 Limit int32 }
func (*MessagesGetSearchResultsPositionsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetSearchResultsPositionsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetSearchResultsPositionsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetSearchResultsPositionsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesGetSplitRangesParams ¶
type MessagesGetSplitRangesParams struct{}
func (*MessagesGetSplitRangesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetSplitRangesParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetStickerSetParams ¶
type MessagesGetStickerSetParams struct { Stickerset InputStickerSet Hash int32 }
func (*MessagesGetStickerSetParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetStickerSetParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetStickersParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetStickersParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFiltersParams ¶
type MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFiltersParams struct{}
func (*MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFiltersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFiltersParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetTopReactionsParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetTopReactionsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetTopReactionsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams ¶
type MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams struct { Peer InputPeer TopMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:0"` OffsetID int32 AddOffset int32 Limit int32 MaxID int32 MinID int32 }
func (*MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesGetUnreadReactionsParams ¶
type MessagesGetUnreadReactionsParams struct { Peer InputPeer TopMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:0"` OffsetID int32 AddOffset int32 Limit int32 MaxID int32 MinID int32 }
func (*MessagesGetUnreadReactionsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetUnreadReactionsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetUnreadReactionsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetUnreadReactionsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesGetWebPageParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetWebPageParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetWebPageParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams ¶
type MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams struct { Message string Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesHideAllChatJoinRequestsParams ¶
type MessagesHideAllChatJoinRequestsParams struct { Approved bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer Link string `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*MessagesHideAllChatJoinRequestsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesHideAllChatJoinRequestsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesHideAllChatJoinRequestsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesHideAllChatJoinRequestsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesHideChatJoinRequestParams ¶
type MessagesHideChatJoinRequestParams struct { Approved bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer UserID InputUser }
func (*MessagesHideChatJoinRequestParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesHideChatJoinRequestParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesHideChatJoinRequestParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesHideChatJoinRequestParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesHidePeerSettingsBarParams ¶
type MessagesHidePeerSettingsBarParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*MessagesHidePeerSettingsBarParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesHidePeerSettingsBarParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesHighScores ¶
func (*MessagesHighScores) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesHighScores) CRC() uint32
type MessagesHistoryImport ¶
type MessagesHistoryImport struct {
ID int64
func (*MessagesHistoryImport) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesHistoryImport) CRC() uint32
type MessagesHistoryImportParsed ¶
type MessagesHistoryImportParsed struct { Pm bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Group bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Title string `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*MessagesHistoryImportParsed) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesHistoryImportParsed) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesHistoryImportParsed) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesHistoryImportParsed) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesImportChatInviteParams ¶
type MessagesImportChatInviteParams struct {
Hash string
func (*MessagesImportChatInviteParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesImportChatInviteParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesInactiveChats ¶
func (*MessagesInactiveChats) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesInactiveChats) CRC() uint32
type MessagesInitHistoryImportParams ¶
func (*MessagesInitHistoryImportParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesInitHistoryImportParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesInstallStickerSetParams ¶
type MessagesInstallStickerSetParams struct { Stickerset InputStickerSet Archived bool }
func (*MessagesInstallStickerSetParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesInstallStickerSetParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams ¶
type MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams struct { Unread bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputDialogPeer }
func (*MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesMessageEditData ¶
type MessagesMessageEditData struct {
Caption bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"`
func (*MessagesMessageEditData) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesMessageEditData) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesMessageEditData) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesMessageEditData) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesMessageReactionsList ¶
type MessagesMessageReactionsList struct { Count int32 Reactions []*MessagePeerReaction Chats []Chat Users []User NextOffset string `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*MessagesMessageReactionsList) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesMessageReactionsList) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesMessageReactionsList) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesMessageReactionsList) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesMessageViews ¶
type MessagesMessageViews struct { Views []*MessageViews Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*MessagesMessageViews) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesMessageViews) CRC() uint32
type MessagesMessages ¶
type MessagesMessagesNotModified ¶
type MessagesMessagesNotModified struct {
Count int32
func (*MessagesMessagesNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesMessagesNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesMessagesNotModified) ImplementsMessagesMessages ¶
func (*MessagesMessagesNotModified) ImplementsMessagesMessages()
type MessagesMessagesObj ¶
func (*MessagesMessagesObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesMessagesObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesMessagesObj) ImplementsMessagesMessages ¶
func (*MessagesMessagesObj) ImplementsMessagesMessages()
type MessagesMessagesSlice ¶
type MessagesMessagesSlice struct { Inexact bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Count int32 NextRate int32 `tl:"flag:0"` OffsetIDOffset int32 `tl:"flag:2"` Messages []Message Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*MessagesMessagesSlice) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesMessagesSlice) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesMessagesSlice) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesMessagesSlice) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessagesMessagesSlice) ImplementsMessagesMessages ¶
func (*MessagesMessagesSlice) ImplementsMessagesMessages()
type MessagesMigrateChatParams ¶
type MessagesMigrateChatParams struct {
ChatID int64
func (*MessagesMigrateChatParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesMigrateChatParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesPeerDialogs ¶
type MessagesPeerDialogs struct { Dialogs []Dialog Messages []Message Chats []Chat Users []User State *UpdatesState }
func (*MessagesPeerDialogs) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesPeerDialogs) CRC() uint32
type MessagesPeerSettings ¶
type MessagesPeerSettings struct { Settings *PeerSettings Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*MessagesPeerSettings) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesPeerSettings) CRC() uint32
type MessagesProlongWebViewParams ¶
type MessagesProlongWebViewParams struct { Silent bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer Bot InputUser QueryID int64 ReplyTo InputReplyTo `tl:"flag:0"` SendAs InputPeer `tl:"flag:13"` }
func (*MessagesProlongWebViewParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesProlongWebViewParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesProlongWebViewParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesProlongWebViewParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesRateTranscribedAudioParams ¶
type MessagesRateTranscribedAudioParams struct { Peer InputPeer MsgID int32 TranscriptionID int64 Good bool }
func (*MessagesRateTranscribedAudioParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesRateTranscribedAudioParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesReactions ¶
type MessagesReactionsNotModified ¶
type MessagesReactionsNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesReactionsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReactionsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReactionsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesReactions ¶
func (*MessagesReactionsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesReactions()
type MessagesReactionsObj ¶
func (*MessagesReactionsObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReactionsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReactionsObj) ImplementsMessagesReactions ¶
func (*MessagesReactionsObj) ImplementsMessagesReactions()
type MessagesReadDiscussionParams ¶
func (*MessagesReadDiscussionParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReadDiscussionParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesReadEncryptedHistoryParams ¶
type MessagesReadEncryptedHistoryParams struct { Peer *InputEncryptedChat MaxDate int32 }
func (*MessagesReadEncryptedHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReadEncryptedHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesReadFeaturedStickersParams ¶
type MessagesReadFeaturedStickersParams struct {
ID []int64
func (*MessagesReadFeaturedStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReadFeaturedStickersParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesReadHistoryParams ¶
func (*MessagesReadHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReadHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesReadMentionsParams ¶
func (*MessagesReadMentionsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReadMentionsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReadMentionsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesReadMentionsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesReadMessageContentsParams ¶
type MessagesReadMessageContentsParams struct {
ID []int32
func (*MessagesReadMessageContentsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReadMessageContentsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesReadReactionsParams ¶
func (*MessagesReadReactionsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReadReactionsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReadReactionsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesReadReactionsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesReceivedMessagesParams ¶
type MessagesReceivedMessagesParams struct {
MaxID int32
func (*MessagesReceivedMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReceivedMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesReceivedQueueParams ¶
type MessagesReceivedQueueParams struct {
MaxQts int32
func (*MessagesReceivedQueueParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReceivedQueueParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesRecentStickers ¶
type MessagesRecentStickersNotModified ¶
type MessagesRecentStickersNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesRecentStickersNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesRecentStickersNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesRecentStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesRecentStickers ¶
func (*MessagesRecentStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesRecentStickers()
type MessagesRecentStickersObj ¶
type MessagesRecentStickersObj struct { Hash int64 Packs []*StickerPack Stickers []Document Dates []int32 }
func (*MessagesRecentStickersObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesRecentStickersObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesRecentStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesRecentStickers ¶
func (*MessagesRecentStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesRecentStickers()
type MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams ¶
type MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams struct { Force bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` FolderID int32 Order []InputDialogPeer }
func (*MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesReorderPinnedSavedDialogsParams ¶
type MessagesReorderPinnedSavedDialogsParams struct { Force bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Order []InputDialogPeer }
func (*MessagesReorderPinnedSavedDialogsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReorderPinnedSavedDialogsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReorderPinnedSavedDialogsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesReorderPinnedSavedDialogsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams ¶
type MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams struct { Masks bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Emojis bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Order []int64 }
func (*MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesReportEncryptedSpamParams ¶
type MessagesReportEncryptedSpamParams struct {
Peer *InputEncryptedChat
func (*MessagesReportEncryptedSpamParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReportEncryptedSpamParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesReportParams ¶
type MessagesReportParams struct { Peer InputPeer ID []int32 Reason ReportReason Message string }
func (*MessagesReportParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReportParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesReportReactionParams ¶
func (*MessagesReportReactionParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReportReactionParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesReportSpamParams ¶
type MessagesReportSpamParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*MessagesReportSpamParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesReportSpamParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesRequestAppWebViewParams ¶
type MessagesRequestAppWebViewParams struct { WriteAllowed bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer App InputBotApp StartParam string `tl:"flag:1"` ThemeParams *DataJson `tl:"flag:2"` Platform string }
func (*MessagesRequestAppWebViewParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesRequestAppWebViewParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesRequestAppWebViewParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesRequestAppWebViewParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesRequestEncryptionParams ¶
func (*MessagesRequestEncryptionParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesRequestEncryptionParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesRequestSimpleWebViewParams ¶
type MessagesRequestSimpleWebViewParams struct { FromSwitchWebview bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` FromSideMenu bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Bot InputUser URL string `tl:"flag:3"` StartParam string `tl:"flag:4"` ThemeParams *DataJson `tl:"flag:0"` Platform string }
func (*MessagesRequestSimpleWebViewParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesRequestSimpleWebViewParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesRequestSimpleWebViewParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesRequestSimpleWebViewParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesRequestURLAuthParams ¶
type MessagesRequestURLAuthParams struct { Peer InputPeer `tl:"flag:1"` MsgID int32 `tl:"flag:1"` ButtonID int32 `tl:"flag:1"` URL string `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*MessagesRequestURLAuthParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesRequestURLAuthParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesRequestURLAuthParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesRequestURLAuthParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesRequestWebViewParams ¶
type MessagesRequestWebViewParams struct { FromBotMenu bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Silent bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer Bot InputUser URL string `tl:"flag:1"` StartParam string `tl:"flag:3"` ThemeParams *DataJson `tl:"flag:2"` Platform string ReplyTo InputReplyTo `tl:"flag:0"` SendAs InputPeer `tl:"flag:13"` }
func (*MessagesRequestWebViewParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesRequestWebViewParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesRequestWebViewParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesRequestWebViewParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSaveDefaultSendAsParams ¶
func (*MessagesSaveDefaultSendAsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSaveDefaultSendAsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSaveDraftParams ¶
type MessagesSaveDraftParams struct { NoWebpage bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` InvertMedia bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ReplyTo InputReplyTo `tl:"flag:4"` Peer InputPeer Message string Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:3"` Media InputMedia `tl:"flag:5"` }
func (*MessagesSaveDraftParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSaveDraftParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSaveDraftParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSaveDraftParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSaveGifParams ¶
type MessagesSaveGifParams struct { ID InputDocument Unsave bool }
func (*MessagesSaveGifParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSaveGifParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams ¶
type MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams struct { Attached bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID InputDocument Unsave bool }
func (*MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSavedDialogs ¶
type MessagesSavedDialogsNotModified ¶
type MessagesSavedDialogsNotModified struct {
Count int32
func (*MessagesSavedDialogsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSavedDialogsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSavedDialogsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesSavedDialogs ¶
func (*MessagesSavedDialogsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesSavedDialogs()
type MessagesSavedDialogsObj ¶
type MessagesSavedDialogsObj struct { Dialogs []*SavedDialog Messages []Message Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*MessagesSavedDialogsObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSavedDialogsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSavedDialogsObj) ImplementsMessagesSavedDialogs ¶
func (*MessagesSavedDialogsObj) ImplementsMessagesSavedDialogs()
type MessagesSavedDialogsSlice ¶
type MessagesSavedDialogsSlice struct { Count int32 Dialogs []*SavedDialog Messages []Message Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*MessagesSavedDialogsSlice) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSavedDialogsSlice) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSavedDialogsSlice) ImplementsMessagesSavedDialogs ¶
func (*MessagesSavedDialogsSlice) ImplementsMessagesSavedDialogs()
type MessagesSavedGifs ¶
type MessagesSavedGifsNotModified ¶
type MessagesSavedGifsNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesSavedGifsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSavedGifsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSavedGifsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesSavedGifs ¶
func (*MessagesSavedGifsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesSavedGifs()
type MessagesSavedGifsObj ¶
func (*MessagesSavedGifsObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSavedGifsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSavedGifsObj) ImplementsMessagesSavedGifs ¶
func (*MessagesSavedGifsObj) ImplementsMessagesSavedGifs()
type MessagesSearchCounter ¶
type MessagesSearchCounter struct { Inexact bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Filter MessagesFilter Count int32 }
func (*MessagesSearchCounter) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSearchCounter) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSearchCounter) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSearchCounter) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSearchCustomEmojiParams ¶
func (*MessagesSearchCustomEmojiParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSearchCustomEmojiParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSearchEmojiStickerSetsParams ¶
type MessagesSearchEmojiStickerSetsParams struct { ExcludeFeatured bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Q string Hash int64 }
func (*MessagesSearchEmojiStickerSetsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSearchEmojiStickerSetsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSearchEmojiStickerSetsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSearchEmojiStickerSetsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSearchGlobalParams ¶
type MessagesSearchGlobalParams struct { FolderID int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Q string Filter MessagesFilter MinDate int32 MaxDate int32 OffsetRate int32 OffsetPeer InputPeer OffsetID int32 Limit int32 }
func (*MessagesSearchGlobalParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSearchGlobalParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSearchGlobalParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSearchGlobalParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSearchParams ¶
type MessagesSearchParams struct { Peer InputPeer Q string FromID InputPeer `tl:"flag:0"` SavedPeerID InputPeer `tl:"flag:2"` TopMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:1"` Filter MessagesFilter MinDate int32 MaxDate int32 OffsetID int32 AddOffset int32 Limit int32 MaxID int32 MinID int32 Hash int64 }
func (*MessagesSearchParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSearchParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSearchParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSearchParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSearchResultsCalendar ¶
type MessagesSearchResultsCalendar struct { Inexact bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Count int32 MinDate int32 MinMsgID int32 OffsetIDOffset int32 `tl:"flag:1"` Periods []*SearchResultsCalendarPeriod Messages []Message Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*MessagesSearchResultsCalendar) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSearchResultsCalendar) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSearchResultsCalendar) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSearchResultsCalendar) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSearchResultsPositions ¶
type MessagesSearchResultsPositions struct { Count int32 Positions []*SearchResultPosition }
func (*MessagesSearchResultsPositions) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSearchResultsPositions) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSearchSentMediaParams ¶
type MessagesSearchSentMediaParams struct { Q string Filter MessagesFilter Limit int32 }
func (*MessagesSearchSentMediaParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSearchSentMediaParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams ¶
type MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams struct { ExcludeFeatured bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Q string Hash int64 }
func (*MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSendBotRequestedPeerParams ¶
type MessagesSendBotRequestedPeerParams struct { Peer InputPeer MsgID int32 ButtonID int32 RequestedPeers []InputPeer }
func (*MessagesSendBotRequestedPeerParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSendBotRequestedPeerParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams ¶
type MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams struct { Silent bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer *InputEncryptedChat RandomID int64 Data []byte File InputEncryptedFile }
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSendEncryptedParams ¶
type MessagesSendEncryptedParams struct { Silent bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer *InputEncryptedChat RandomID int64 Data []byte }
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSendEncryptedServiceParams ¶
type MessagesSendEncryptedServiceParams struct { Peer *InputEncryptedChat RandomID int64 Data []byte }
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedServiceParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedServiceParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams ¶
type MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams struct { Silent bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Background bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ClearDraft bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` HideVia bool `tl:"flag:11,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer ReplyTo InputReplyTo `tl:"flag:0"` RandomID int64 QueryID int64 ID string ScheduleDate int32 `tl:"flag:10"` SendAs InputPeer `tl:"flag:13"` }
func (*MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSendMediaParams ¶
type MessagesSendMediaParams struct { Silent bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Background bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ClearDraft bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Noforwards bool `tl:"flag:14,encoded_in_bitflags"` UpdateStickersetsOrder bool `tl:"flag:15,encoded_in_bitflags"` InvertMedia bool `tl:"flag:16,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer ReplyTo InputReplyTo `tl:"flag:0"` Media InputMedia Message string RandomID int64 ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:3"` ScheduleDate int32 `tl:"flag:10"` SendAs InputPeer `tl:"flag:13"` }
func (*MessagesSendMediaParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSendMediaParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendMediaParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSendMediaParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSendMessageParams ¶
type MessagesSendMessageParams struct { NoWebpage bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Silent bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Background bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ClearDraft bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Noforwards bool `tl:"flag:14,encoded_in_bitflags"` UpdateStickersetsOrder bool `tl:"flag:15,encoded_in_bitflags"` InvertMedia bool `tl:"flag:16,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer ReplyTo InputReplyTo `tl:"flag:0"` Message string RandomID int64 ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `tl:"flag:2"` Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:3"` ScheduleDate int32 `tl:"flag:10"` SendAs InputPeer `tl:"flag:13"` }
func (*MessagesSendMessageParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSendMessageParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendMessageParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSendMessageParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSendMultiMediaParams ¶
type MessagesSendMultiMediaParams struct { Silent bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Background bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ClearDraft bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Noforwards bool `tl:"flag:14,encoded_in_bitflags"` UpdateStickersetsOrder bool `tl:"flag:15,encoded_in_bitflags"` InvertMedia bool `tl:"flag:16,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer ReplyTo InputReplyTo `tl:"flag:0"` MultiMedia []*InputSingleMedia ScheduleDate int32 `tl:"flag:10"` SendAs InputPeer `tl:"flag:13"` }
func (*MessagesSendMultiMediaParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSendMultiMediaParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendMultiMediaParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSendMultiMediaParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSendReactionParams ¶
type MessagesSendReactionParams struct { Big bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` AddToRecent bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer MsgID int32 Reaction []Reaction `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*MessagesSendReactionParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSendReactionParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendReactionParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSendReactionParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSendScheduledMessagesParams ¶
func (*MessagesSendScheduledMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSendScheduledMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSendScreenshotNotificationParams ¶
type MessagesSendScreenshotNotificationParams struct { Peer InputPeer ReplyTo InputReplyTo RandomID int64 }
func (*MessagesSendScreenshotNotificationParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSendScreenshotNotificationParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSendVoteParams ¶
func (*MessagesSendVoteParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSendVoteParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSendWebViewDataParams ¶
type MessagesSendWebViewDataParams struct { Bot InputUser RandomID int64 ButtonText string Data string }
func (*MessagesSendWebViewDataParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSendWebViewDataParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSendWebViewResultMessageParams ¶
type MessagesSendWebViewResultMessageParams struct { BotQueryID string Result InputBotInlineResult }
func (*MessagesSendWebViewResultMessageParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSendWebViewResultMessageParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSentEncryptedFile ¶
type MessagesSentEncryptedFile struct { Date int32 File EncryptedFile }
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedFile) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedFile) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedFile) ImplementsMessagesSentEncryptedMessage ¶
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedFile) ImplementsMessagesSentEncryptedMessage()
type MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj ¶
type MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj struct {
Date int32
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj) ImplementsMessagesSentEncryptedMessage ¶
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj) ImplementsMessagesSentEncryptedMessage()
type MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams ¶
type MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams struct { Alert bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` QueryID int64 Message string `tl:"flag:0"` URL string `tl:"flag:2"` CacheTime int32 }
func (*MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams ¶
type MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams struct { Success bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` QueryID int64 Error string `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams ¶
type MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams struct { QueryID int64 Error string `tl:"flag:0"` ShippingOptions []*ShippingOption `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSetChatAvailableReactionsParams ¶
type MessagesSetChatAvailableReactionsParams struct { Peer InputPeer AvailableReactions ChatReactions }
func (*MessagesSetChatAvailableReactionsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSetChatAvailableReactionsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSetChatThemeParams ¶
func (*MessagesSetChatThemeParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSetChatThemeParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSetChatWallPaperParams ¶
type MessagesSetChatWallPaperParams struct { ForBoth bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Revert bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer Wallpaper InputWallPaper `tl:"flag:0"` Settings *WallPaperSettings `tl:"flag:2"` ID int32 `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*MessagesSetChatWallPaperParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSetChatWallPaperParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetChatWallPaperParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSetChatWallPaperParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSetDefaultHistoryTtlParams ¶
type MessagesSetDefaultHistoryTtlParams struct {
Period int32
func (*MessagesSetDefaultHistoryTtlParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSetDefaultHistoryTtlParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSetDefaultReactionParams ¶
type MessagesSetDefaultReactionParams struct {
Reaction Reaction
func (*MessagesSetDefaultReactionParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSetDefaultReactionParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSetEncryptedTypingParams ¶
type MessagesSetEncryptedTypingParams struct { Peer *InputEncryptedChat Typing bool }
func (*MessagesSetEncryptedTypingParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSetEncryptedTypingParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSetGameScoreParams ¶
type MessagesSetGameScoreParams struct { EditMessage bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Force bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer ID int32 UserID InputUser Score int32 }
func (*MessagesSetGameScoreParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSetGameScoreParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetGameScoreParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSetGameScoreParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSetHistoryTtlParams ¶
func (*MessagesSetHistoryTtlParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSetHistoryTtlParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams ¶
type MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams struct { Gallery bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Private bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` QueryID int64 Results []InputBotInlineResult CacheTime int32 NextOffset string `tl:"flag:2"` SwitchPm *InlineBotSwitchPm `tl:"flag:3"` SwitchWebview *InlineBotWebView `tl:"flag:4"` }
func (*MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams ¶
type MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams struct { EditMessage bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Force bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID InputBotInlineMessageID UserID InputUser Score int32 }
func (*MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSetTypingParams ¶
type MessagesSetTypingParams struct { Peer InputPeer TopMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Action SendMessageAction }
func (*MessagesSetTypingParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSetTypingParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetTypingParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSetTypingParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesSponsoredMessagesEmpty ¶
type MessagesSponsoredMessagesEmpty struct{}
func (*MessagesSponsoredMessagesEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSponsoredMessagesEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSponsoredMessagesEmpty) ImplementsMessagesSponsoredMessages ¶
func (*MessagesSponsoredMessagesEmpty) ImplementsMessagesSponsoredMessages()
type MessagesSponsoredMessagesObj ¶
type MessagesSponsoredMessagesObj struct { PostsBetween int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Messages []*SponsoredMessage Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*MessagesSponsoredMessagesObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSponsoredMessagesObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSponsoredMessagesObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesSponsoredMessagesObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*MessagesSponsoredMessagesObj) ImplementsMessagesSponsoredMessages ¶
func (*MessagesSponsoredMessagesObj) ImplementsMessagesSponsoredMessages()
type MessagesStartBotParams ¶
type MessagesStartBotParams struct { Bot InputUser Peer InputPeer RandomID int64 StartParam string }
func (*MessagesStartBotParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesStartBotParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesStartHistoryImportParams ¶
func (*MessagesStartHistoryImportParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesStartHistoryImportParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesStickerSet ¶
type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive ¶
type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive struct {
Sets []StickerSetCovered
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive) ImplementsMessagesStickerSetInstallResult ¶
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive) ImplementsMessagesStickerSetInstallResult()
type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess ¶
type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess struct{}
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess) ImplementsMessagesStickerSetInstallResult ¶
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess) ImplementsMessagesStickerSetInstallResult()
type MessagesStickerSetNotModified ¶
type MessagesStickerSetNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesStickerSetNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesStickerSetNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesStickerSetNotModified) ImplementsMessagesStickerSet ¶
func (*MessagesStickerSetNotModified) ImplementsMessagesStickerSet()
type MessagesStickerSetObj ¶
type MessagesStickerSetObj struct { Set *StickerSet Packs []*StickerPack Keywords []*StickerKeyword Documents []Document }
func (*MessagesStickerSetObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesStickerSetObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesStickerSetObj) ImplementsMessagesStickerSet ¶
func (*MessagesStickerSetObj) ImplementsMessagesStickerSet()
type MessagesStickers ¶
type MessagesStickersNotModified ¶
type MessagesStickersNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesStickersNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesStickersNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesStickers ¶
func (*MessagesStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesStickers()
type MessagesStickersObj ¶
func (*MessagesStickersObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesStickersObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesStickers ¶
func (*MessagesStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesStickers()
type MessagesToggleBotInAttachMenuParams ¶
type MessagesToggleBotInAttachMenuParams struct { WriteAllowed bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Bot InputUser Enabled bool }
func (*MessagesToggleBotInAttachMenuParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesToggleBotInAttachMenuParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesToggleBotInAttachMenuParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesToggleBotInAttachMenuParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesToggleDialogPinParams ¶
type MessagesToggleDialogPinParams struct { Pinned bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputDialogPeer }
func (*MessagesToggleDialogPinParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesToggleDialogPinParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesToggleDialogPinParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesToggleDialogPinParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesToggleNoForwardsParams ¶
func (*MessagesToggleNoForwardsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesToggleNoForwardsParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesTogglePeerTranslationsParams ¶
type MessagesTogglePeerTranslationsParams struct { Disabled bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer }
func (*MessagesTogglePeerTranslationsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesTogglePeerTranslationsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesTogglePeerTranslationsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesTogglePeerTranslationsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesToggleSavedDialogPinParams ¶
type MessagesToggleSavedDialogPinParams struct { Pinned bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputDialogPeer }
func (*MessagesToggleSavedDialogPinParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesToggleSavedDialogPinParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesToggleSavedDialogPinParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesToggleSavedDialogPinParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams ¶
type MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams struct { Uninstall bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Archive bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Unarchive bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Stickersets []InputStickerSet }
func (*MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesTranscribeAudioParams ¶
func (*MessagesTranscribeAudioParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesTranscribeAudioParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesTranscribedAudio ¶
type MessagesTranscribedAudio struct { Pending bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` TranscriptionID int64 Text string TrialRemainsNum int32 `tl:"flag:1"` TrialRemainsUntilDate int32 `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*MessagesTranscribedAudio) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesTranscribedAudio) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesTranscribedAudio) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesTranscribedAudio) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesTranslateResult ¶
type MessagesTranslateResult struct {
Result []*TextWithEntities
func (*MessagesTranslateResult) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesTranslateResult) CRC() uint32
type MessagesTranslateTextParams ¶
type MessagesTranslateTextParams struct { Peer InputPeer `tl:"flag:0"` ID []int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Text []*TextWithEntities `tl:"flag:1"` ToLang string }
func (*MessagesTranslateTextParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesTranslateTextParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesTranslateTextParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesTranslateTextParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesUninstallStickerSetParams ¶
type MessagesUninstallStickerSetParams struct {
Stickerset InputStickerSet
func (*MessagesUninstallStickerSetParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesUninstallStickerSetParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesUnpinAllMessagesParams ¶
func (*MessagesUnpinAllMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesUnpinAllMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesUnpinAllMessagesParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesUnpinAllMessagesParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams ¶
type MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams struct { ID int32 Filter DialogFilter `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrderParams ¶
type MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrderParams struct {
Order []int32
func (*MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrderParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrderParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams ¶
type MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams struct { Silent bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Unpin bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` PmOneside bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer ID int32 }
func (*MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesUploadEncryptedFileParams ¶
type MessagesUploadEncryptedFileParams struct { Peer *InputEncryptedChat File InputEncryptedFile }
func (*MessagesUploadEncryptedFileParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesUploadEncryptedFileParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesUploadImportedMediaParams ¶
type MessagesUploadImportedMediaParams struct { Peer InputPeer ImportID int64 FileName string Media InputMedia }
func (*MessagesUploadImportedMediaParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesUploadImportedMediaParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesUploadMediaParams ¶
type MessagesUploadMediaParams struct { Peer InputPeer Media InputMedia }
func (*MessagesUploadMediaParams) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesUploadMediaParams) CRC() uint32
type MessagesVotesList ¶
type MessagesVotesList struct { Count int32 Votes []MessagePeerVote Chats []Chat Users []User NextOffset string `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*MessagesVotesList) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesVotesList) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesVotesList) FlagIndex ¶
func (*MessagesVotesList) FlagIndex() int
type MessagesWebPage ¶
func (*MessagesWebPage) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesWebPage) CRC() uint32
type MyBoost ¶
type NewMessage ¶
type NewMessage struct { Action MessageAction Channel *Channel Chat *ChatObj Client *Client File *CustomFile ID int32 Message *MessageObj OriginalUpdate Message Peer InputPeer Sender *UserObj SenderChat *Channel }
func (*NewMessage) Animation ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Animation() *DocumentObj
func (*NewMessage) Args ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Args() string
func (*NewMessage) Audio ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Audio() *DocumentObj
func (*NewMessage) ChatID ¶
func (m *NewMessage) ChatID() int64
func (*NewMessage) ChatType ¶
func (m *NewMessage) ChatType() string
func (*NewMessage) Click ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Click(o ...any) (*MessagesBotCallbackAnswer, error)
message.Click() is a function that clicks a button in a message.
It takes one optional argument, which can be either:
- the text of the button to click
- the data of the button to click
- the coordinates of the button to click
If no argument is given, the first button will be clicked.
func (*NewMessage) Contact ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Contact() *MessageMediaContact
func (*NewMessage) Delete ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Delete() (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
Delete deletes the message
func (*NewMessage) Document ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Document() *DocumentObj
func (*NewMessage) Download ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Download(opts ...*DownloadOptions) (string, error)
Download Media to Disk, if path is empty, it will be downloaded to the current directory, returns the path to the downloaded file
func (*NewMessage) Edit ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Edit(Text interface{}, Opts ...SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*NewMessage) ForwardTo ¶
func (m *NewMessage) ForwardTo(PeerID interface{}, Opts ...*ForwardOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
Forward forwards the message to a chat
func (*NewMessage) Game ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Game() *MessageMediaGame
func (*NewMessage) Geo ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Geo() *GeoPointObj
func (*NewMessage) GetChat ¶
func (m *NewMessage) GetChat() (*ChatObj, error)
func (*NewMessage) GetCommand ¶
func (m *NewMessage) GetCommand() string
GetCommand returns the command from the message. If the message is not a command, it returns an empty string.
func (*NewMessage) GetMediaGroup ¶
func (m *NewMessage) GetMediaGroup() ([]NewMessage, error)
GetMediaGroup returns the media group of the message
func (*NewMessage) GetPeer ¶
func (m *NewMessage) GetPeer() (int64, int64)
GetPeer returns the peer of the message
func (*NewMessage) GetReplyMessage ¶
func (m *NewMessage) GetReplyMessage() (*NewMessage, error)
func (*NewMessage) GetSender ¶
func (m *NewMessage) GetSender() (*UserObj, error)
func (*NewMessage) GetSenderChat ¶
func (m *NewMessage) GetSenderChat() *Channel
func (*NewMessage) Invoice ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Invoice() *MessageMediaInvoice
func (*NewMessage) IsChannel ¶
func (m *NewMessage) IsChannel() bool
func (*NewMessage) IsCommand ¶
func (m *NewMessage) IsCommand() bool
IsCommand returns true if the message is a command
func (*NewMessage) IsForward ¶
func (m *NewMessage) IsForward() bool
func (*NewMessage) IsGroup ¶
func (m *NewMessage) IsGroup() bool
func (*NewMessage) IsMedia ¶
func (m *NewMessage) IsMedia() bool
IsMedia returns true if message contains media
func (*NewMessage) IsPrivate ¶
func (m *NewMessage) IsPrivate() bool
func (*NewMessage) IsReply ¶
func (m *NewMessage) IsReply() bool
func (*NewMessage) MarkRead ¶
func (m *NewMessage) MarkRead() (err error)
func (*NewMessage) Marshal ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Marshal() string
func (*NewMessage) Media ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Media() MessageMedia
Media is a media object in a message
func (*NewMessage) MediaType ¶
func (m *NewMessage) MediaType() string
MediaType returns the type of the media in the message.
func (*NewMessage) MessageText ¶
func (m *NewMessage) MessageText() string
func (*NewMessage) Photo ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Photo() *PhotoObj
func (*NewMessage) Pin ¶
func (a *NewMessage) Pin(opts ...*PinOptions) (err error)
func (*NewMessage) Poll ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Poll() *MessageMediaPoll
func (*NewMessage) RawText ¶
func (m *NewMessage) RawText() string
func (*NewMessage) Reply ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Reply(Text interface{}, Opts ...SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
Client.SendMessage ReplyID set to messageID
func (*NewMessage) ReplyMarkup ¶
func (m *NewMessage) ReplyMarkup() *ReplyMarkup
func (*NewMessage) ReplyMedia ¶
func (m *NewMessage) ReplyMedia(Media interface{}, Opts ...MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*NewMessage) ReplySenderID ¶
func (m *NewMessage) ReplySenderID() int64
func (*NewMessage) ReplyToMsgID ¶
func (m *NewMessage) ReplyToMsgID() int32
func (*NewMessage) ReplyWithoutError ¶
func (m *NewMessage) ReplyWithoutError(Text interface{}, Opts ...SendOptions) *NewMessage
ReplyWithoutError calls message.Reply and wraps the error to error channel of the client
func (*NewMessage) Respond ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Respond(Text interface{}, Opts ...SendOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*NewMessage) RespondMedia ¶
func (m *NewMessage) RespondMedia(Media interface{}, Opts ...MediaOptions) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*NewMessage) SendAction ¶
func (m *NewMessage) SendAction(Action interface{}) (*ActionResult, error)
func (*NewMessage) SendDice ¶
func (m *NewMessage) SendDice(Emoticon string) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*NewMessage) SenderID ¶
func (m *NewMessage) SenderID() int64
func (*NewMessage) Sticker ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Sticker() *DocumentObj
func (*NewMessage) Text ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Text() string
func (*NewMessage) Unmarshal ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Unmarshal(data []byte) (*NewMessage, error)
func (*NewMessage) Unpin ¶
func (a *NewMessage) Unpin() (err error)
func (*NewMessage) Venue ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Venue() *MessageMediaVenue
func (*NewMessage) Video ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Video() *DocumentObj
func (*NewMessage) Voice ¶
func (m *NewMessage) Voice() *DocumentObj
func (*NewMessage) WebPage ¶
func (m *NewMessage) WebPage() *WebPageObj
type NotificationSound ¶
type NotificationSoundDefault ¶
type NotificationSoundDefault struct{}
func (*NotificationSoundDefault) CRC ¶
func (*NotificationSoundDefault) CRC() uint32
func (*NotificationSoundDefault) ImplementsNotificationSound ¶
func (*NotificationSoundDefault) ImplementsNotificationSound()
type NotificationSoundLocal ¶
func (*NotificationSoundLocal) CRC ¶
func (*NotificationSoundLocal) CRC() uint32
func (*NotificationSoundLocal) ImplementsNotificationSound ¶
func (*NotificationSoundLocal) ImplementsNotificationSound()
type NotificationSoundNone ¶
type NotificationSoundNone struct{}
func (*NotificationSoundNone) CRC ¶
func (*NotificationSoundNone) CRC() uint32
func (*NotificationSoundNone) ImplementsNotificationSound ¶
func (*NotificationSoundNone) ImplementsNotificationSound()
type NotificationSoundRingtone ¶
type NotificationSoundRingtone struct {
ID int64
func (*NotificationSoundRingtone) CRC ¶
func (*NotificationSoundRingtone) CRC() uint32
func (*NotificationSoundRingtone) ImplementsNotificationSound ¶
func (*NotificationSoundRingtone) ImplementsNotificationSound()
type NotifyBroadcasts ¶
type NotifyBroadcasts struct{}
func (*NotifyBroadcasts) CRC ¶
func (*NotifyBroadcasts) CRC() uint32
func (*NotifyBroadcasts) ImplementsNotifyPeer ¶
func (*NotifyBroadcasts) ImplementsNotifyPeer()
type NotifyChats ¶
type NotifyChats struct{}
func (*NotifyChats) CRC ¶
func (*NotifyChats) CRC() uint32
func (*NotifyChats) ImplementsNotifyPeer ¶
func (*NotifyChats) ImplementsNotifyPeer()
type NotifyForumTopic ¶
func (*NotifyForumTopic) CRC ¶
func (*NotifyForumTopic) CRC() uint32
func (*NotifyForumTopic) ImplementsNotifyPeer ¶
func (*NotifyForumTopic) ImplementsNotifyPeer()
type NotifyPeer ¶
type NotifyPeerObj ¶
type NotifyPeerObj struct {
Peer Peer
func (*NotifyPeerObj) CRC ¶
func (*NotifyPeerObj) CRC() uint32
func (*NotifyPeerObj) ImplementsNotifyPeer ¶
func (*NotifyPeerObj) ImplementsNotifyPeer()
type NotifyUsers ¶
type NotifyUsers struct{}
func (*NotifyUsers) CRC ¶
func (*NotifyUsers) CRC() uint32
func (*NotifyUsers) ImplementsNotifyPeer ¶
func (*NotifyUsers) ImplementsNotifyPeer()
type Page ¶
type PageBlockAnchor ¶
type PageBlockAnchor struct {
Name string
func (*PageBlockAnchor) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockAnchor) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockAnchor) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockAnchor) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockAudio ¶
type PageBlockAudio struct { AudioID int64 Caption *PageCaption }
func (*PageBlockAudio) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockAudio) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockAudio) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockAudio) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockAuthorDate ¶
func (*PageBlockAuthorDate) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockAuthorDate) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockAuthorDate) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockAuthorDate) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockBlockquote ¶
func (*PageBlockBlockquote) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockBlockquote) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockBlockquote) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockBlockquote) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockChannel ¶
type PageBlockChannel struct {
Channel Chat
func (*PageBlockChannel) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockChannel) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockChannel) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockChannel) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockCollage ¶
type PageBlockCollage struct { Items []PageBlock Caption *PageCaption }
func (*PageBlockCollage) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockCollage) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockCollage) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockCollage) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockCover ¶
type PageBlockCover struct {
Cover PageBlock
func (*PageBlockCover) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockCover) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockCover) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockCover) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockDetails ¶
type PageBlockDetails struct { Open bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Blocks []PageBlock Title RichText }
func (*PageBlockDetails) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockDetails) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockDetails) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PageBlockDetails) FlagIndex() int
func (*PageBlockDetails) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockDetails) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockDivider ¶
type PageBlockDivider struct{}
func (*PageBlockDivider) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockDivider) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockDivider) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockDivider) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockEmbed ¶
type PageBlockEmbed struct { FullWidth bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` AllowScrolling bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` URL string `tl:"flag:1"` Html string `tl:"flag:2"` PosterPhotoID int64 `tl:"flag:4"` W int32 `tl:"flag:5"` H int32 `tl:"flag:5"` Caption *PageCaption }
func (*PageBlockEmbed) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockEmbed) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockEmbed) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PageBlockEmbed) FlagIndex() int
func (*PageBlockEmbed) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockEmbed) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockEmbedPost ¶
type PageBlockEmbedPost struct { URL string WebpageID int64 AuthorPhotoID int64 Author string Date int32 Blocks []PageBlock Caption *PageCaption }
func (*PageBlockEmbedPost) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockEmbedPost) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockEmbedPost) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockEmbedPost) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockFooter ¶
type PageBlockFooter struct {
}func (*PageBlockFooter) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockFooter) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockFooter) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockFooter) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockHeader ¶
type PageBlockHeader struct {
Text RichText
func (*PageBlockHeader) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockHeader) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockHeader) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockHeader) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockKicker ¶
type PageBlockKicker struct {
Text RichText
func (*PageBlockKicker) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockKicker) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockKicker) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockKicker) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockList ¶
type PageBlockList struct {
Items []PageListItem
func (*PageBlockList) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockList) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockList) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockList) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockMap ¶
type PageBlockMap struct { Geo GeoPoint Zoom int32 W int32 H int32 Caption *PageCaption }
func (*PageBlockMap) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockMap) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockMap) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockMap) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockOrderedList ¶
type PageBlockOrderedList struct {
Items []PageListOrderedItem
func (*PageBlockOrderedList) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockOrderedList) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockOrderedList) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockOrderedList) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockParagraph ¶
type PageBlockParagraph struct {
Text RichText
func (*PageBlockParagraph) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockParagraph) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockParagraph) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockParagraph) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockPhoto ¶
type PageBlockPhoto struct { PhotoID int64 Caption *PageCaption URL string `tl:"flag:0"` WebpageID int64 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*PageBlockPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockPhoto) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PageBlockPhoto) FlagIndex() int
func (*PageBlockPhoto) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockPhoto) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockPreformatted ¶
func (*PageBlockPreformatted) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockPreformatted) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockPreformatted) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockPreformatted) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockPullquote ¶
func (*PageBlockPullquote) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockPullquote) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockPullquote) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockPullquote) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockRelatedArticles ¶
type PageBlockRelatedArticles struct { Title RichText Articles []*PageRelatedArticle }
func (*PageBlockRelatedArticles) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockRelatedArticles) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockRelatedArticles) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockRelatedArticles) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockSlideshow ¶
type PageBlockSlideshow struct { Items []PageBlock Caption *PageCaption }
func (*PageBlockSlideshow) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockSlideshow) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockSlideshow) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockSlideshow) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockSubheader ¶
type PageBlockSubheader struct {
Text RichText
func (*PageBlockSubheader) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockSubheader) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockSubheader) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockSubheader) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockSubtitle ¶
type PageBlockSubtitle struct {
Text RichText
func (*PageBlockSubtitle) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockSubtitle) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockSubtitle) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockSubtitle) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockTable ¶
type PageBlockTable struct { Bordered bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Striped bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Title RichText Rows []*PageTableRow }
func (*PageBlockTable) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockTable) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockTable) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PageBlockTable) FlagIndex() int
func (*PageBlockTable) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockTable) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockTitle ¶
type PageBlockTitle struct {
Text RichText
func (*PageBlockTitle) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockTitle) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockTitle) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockTitle) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockUnsupported ¶
type PageBlockUnsupported struct{}
func (*PageBlockUnsupported) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockUnsupported) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockUnsupported) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockUnsupported) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockVideo ¶
type PageBlockVideo struct { Autoplay bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Loop bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` VideoID int64 Caption *PageCaption }
func (*PageBlockVideo) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockVideo) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockVideo) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PageBlockVideo) FlagIndex() int
func (*PageBlockVideo) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockVideo) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageCaption ¶
func (*PageCaption) CRC ¶
func (*PageCaption) CRC() uint32
type PageListItem ¶
type PageListItemBlocks ¶
type PageListItemBlocks struct {
Blocks []PageBlock
func (*PageListItemBlocks) CRC ¶
func (*PageListItemBlocks) CRC() uint32
func (*PageListItemBlocks) ImplementsPageListItem ¶
func (*PageListItemBlocks) ImplementsPageListItem()
type PageListItemText ¶
type PageListItemText struct {
Text RichText
func (*PageListItemText) CRC ¶
func (*PageListItemText) CRC() uint32
func (*PageListItemText) ImplementsPageListItem ¶
func (*PageListItemText) ImplementsPageListItem()
type PageListOrderedItem ¶
type PageListOrderedItemBlocks ¶
func (*PageListOrderedItemBlocks) CRC ¶
func (*PageListOrderedItemBlocks) CRC() uint32
func (*PageListOrderedItemBlocks) ImplementsPageListOrderedItem ¶
func (*PageListOrderedItemBlocks) ImplementsPageListOrderedItem()
type PageListOrderedItemText ¶
func (*PageListOrderedItemText) CRC ¶
func (*PageListOrderedItemText) CRC() uint32
func (*PageListOrderedItemText) ImplementsPageListOrderedItem ¶
func (*PageListOrderedItemText) ImplementsPageListOrderedItem()
type PageRelatedArticle ¶
type PageRelatedArticle struct { URL string WebpageID int64 Title string `tl:"flag:0"` Description string `tl:"flag:1"` PhotoID int64 `tl:"flag:2"` Author string `tl:"flag:3"` PublishedDate int32 `tl:"flag:4"` }
func (*PageRelatedArticle) CRC ¶
func (*PageRelatedArticle) CRC() uint32
func (*PageRelatedArticle) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PageRelatedArticle) FlagIndex() int
type PageTableCell ¶
type PageTableCell struct { Header bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` AlignCenter bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` AlignRight bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` ValignMiddle bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` ValignBottom bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` Text RichText `tl:"flag:7"` Colspan int32 `tl:"flag:1"` Rowspan int32 `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*PageTableCell) CRC ¶
func (*PageTableCell) CRC() uint32
func (*PageTableCell) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PageTableCell) FlagIndex() int
type PageTableRow ¶
type PageTableRow struct {
Cells []*PageTableCell
func (*PageTableRow) CRC ¶
func (*PageTableRow) CRC() uint32
type Participant ¶
type Participant struct { User *UserObj `json:"user,omitempty"` Participant ChannelParticipant `json:"participant,omitempty"` Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` Rights *ChatAdminRights `json:"rights,omitempty"` Rank string `json:"rank,omitempty"` }
type ParticipantOptions ¶
type ParticipantOptions struct { Query string `json:"query,omitempty"` Filter ChannelParticipantsFilter `json:"filter,omitempty"` Offset int32 `json:"offset,omitempty"` Limit int32 `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
type ParticipantUpdate ¶
type ParticipantUpdate struct { Client *Client OriginalUpdate *UpdateChannelParticipant Channel *Channel User *UserObj Actor *UserObj Old ChannelParticipant New ChannelParticipant Invite ExportedChatInvite Date int32 }
func (*ParticipantUpdate) ActorID ¶
func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) ActorID() int64
func (*ParticipantUpdate) Added ¶
func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Added() bool
func (*ParticipantUpdate) Banned ¶
func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Banned() bool
func (*ParticipantUpdate) ChannelID ¶
func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) ChannelID() int64
func (*ParticipantUpdate) Demoted ¶
func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Demoted() bool
func (*ParticipantUpdate) Joined ¶
func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Joined() bool
func (*ParticipantUpdate) Kicked ¶
func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Kicked() bool
func (*ParticipantUpdate) Left ¶
func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Left() bool
func (*ParticipantUpdate) Marshal ¶
func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Marshal() string
func (*ParticipantUpdate) Promoted ¶
func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) Promoted() bool
func (*ParticipantUpdate) UserID ¶
func (pu *ParticipantUpdate) UserID() int64
type PasswordKdfAlgo ¶
type PasswordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256Pbkdf2Hmacsha512Iter100000SHA256ModPow ¶
type PasswordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256Pbkdf2Hmacsha512Iter100000SHA256ModPow struct { Salt1 []byte Salt2 []byte G int32 P []byte }
func (*PasswordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256Pbkdf2Hmacsha512Iter100000SHA256ModPow) ImplementsPasswordKdfAlgo ¶
func (*PasswordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256Pbkdf2Hmacsha512Iter100000SHA256ModPow) ImplementsPasswordKdfAlgo()
type PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown ¶
type PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown struct{}
func (*PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) CRC ¶
func (*PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) CRC() uint32
func (*PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) ImplementsPasswordKdfAlgo ¶
func (*PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) ImplementsPasswordKdfAlgo()
type PasswordOptions ¶
type PaymentCharge ¶
func (*PaymentCharge) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentCharge) CRC() uint32
type PaymentFormMethod ¶
func (*PaymentFormMethod) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentFormMethod) CRC() uint32
type PaymentRequestedInfo ¶
type PaymentRequestedInfo struct { Name string `tl:"flag:0"` Phone string `tl:"flag:1"` Email string `tl:"flag:2"` ShippingAddress *PostAddress `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*PaymentRequestedInfo) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentRequestedInfo) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentRequestedInfo) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PaymentRequestedInfo) FlagIndex() int
type PaymentSavedCredentialsCard ¶
func (*PaymentSavedCredentialsCard) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentSavedCredentialsCard) CRC() uint32
type PaymentsApplyGiftCodeParams ¶
type PaymentsApplyGiftCodeParams struct {
Slug string
func (*PaymentsApplyGiftCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsApplyGiftCodeParams) CRC() uint32
type PaymentsAssignAppStoreTransactionParams ¶
type PaymentsAssignAppStoreTransactionParams struct { Receipt []byte Purpose InputStorePaymentPurpose }
func (*PaymentsAssignAppStoreTransactionParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsAssignAppStoreTransactionParams) CRC() uint32
type PaymentsAssignPlayMarketTransactionParams ¶
type PaymentsAssignPlayMarketTransactionParams struct { Receipt *DataJson Purpose InputStorePaymentPurpose }
func (*PaymentsAssignPlayMarketTransactionParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsAssignPlayMarketTransactionParams) CRC() uint32
type PaymentsBankCardData ¶
type PaymentsBankCardData struct { Title string OpenUrls []*BankCardOpenURL }
func (*PaymentsBankCardData) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsBankCardData) CRC() uint32
type PaymentsCanPurchasePremiumParams ¶
type PaymentsCanPurchasePremiumParams struct {
Purpose InputStorePaymentPurpose
func (*PaymentsCanPurchasePremiumParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsCanPurchasePremiumParams) CRC() uint32
type PaymentsCheckGiftCodeParams ¶
type PaymentsCheckGiftCodeParams struct {
Slug string
func (*PaymentsCheckGiftCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsCheckGiftCodeParams) CRC() uint32
type PaymentsCheckedGiftCode ¶
type PaymentsCheckedGiftCode struct { ViaGiveaway bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` FromID Peer `tl:"flag:4"` GiveawayMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:3"` ToID int64 `tl:"flag:0"` Date int32 Months int32 UsedDate int32 `tl:"flag:1"` Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*PaymentsCheckedGiftCode) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsCheckedGiftCode) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsCheckedGiftCode) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PaymentsCheckedGiftCode) FlagIndex() int
type PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams ¶
type PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams struct { Credentials bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Info bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` }
func (*PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams) FlagIndex() int
type PaymentsExportInvoiceParams ¶
type PaymentsExportInvoiceParams struct {
InvoiceMedia InputMedia
func (*PaymentsExportInvoiceParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsExportInvoiceParams) CRC() uint32
type PaymentsExportedInvoice ¶
type PaymentsExportedInvoice struct {
URL string
func (*PaymentsExportedInvoice) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsExportedInvoice) CRC() uint32
type PaymentsGetBankCardDataParams ¶
type PaymentsGetBankCardDataParams struct {
Number string
func (*PaymentsGetBankCardDataParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsGetBankCardDataParams) CRC() uint32
type PaymentsGetGiveawayInfoParams ¶
func (*PaymentsGetGiveawayInfoParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsGetGiveawayInfoParams) CRC() uint32
type PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams ¶
type PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams struct { Invoice InputInvoice ThemeParams *DataJson `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams) FlagIndex() int
type PaymentsGetPaymentReceiptParams ¶
func (*PaymentsGetPaymentReceiptParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsGetPaymentReceiptParams) CRC() uint32
type PaymentsGetPremiumGiftCodeOptionsParams ¶
type PaymentsGetPremiumGiftCodeOptionsParams struct {
BoostPeer InputPeer `tl:"flag:0"`
func (*PaymentsGetPremiumGiftCodeOptionsParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsGetPremiumGiftCodeOptionsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsGetPremiumGiftCodeOptionsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PaymentsGetPremiumGiftCodeOptionsParams) FlagIndex() int
type PaymentsGetSavedInfoParams ¶
type PaymentsGetSavedInfoParams struct{}
func (*PaymentsGetSavedInfoParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsGetSavedInfoParams) CRC() uint32
type PaymentsGiveawayInfo ¶
type PaymentsGiveawayInfoObj ¶
type PaymentsGiveawayInfoObj struct { Participating bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` PreparingResults bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` StartDate int32 JoinedTooEarlyDate int32 `tl:"flag:1"` AdminDisallowedChatID int64 `tl:"flag:2"` DisallowedCountry string `tl:"flag:4"` }
func (*PaymentsGiveawayInfoObj) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsGiveawayInfoObj) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsGiveawayInfoObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PaymentsGiveawayInfoObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*PaymentsGiveawayInfoObj) ImplementsPaymentsGiveawayInfo ¶
func (*PaymentsGiveawayInfoObj) ImplementsPaymentsGiveawayInfo()
type PaymentsGiveawayInfoResults ¶
type PaymentsGiveawayInfoResults struct { Winner bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Refunded bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` StartDate int32 GiftCodeSlug string `tl:"flag:0"` FinishDate int32 WinnersCount int32 ActivatedCount int32 }
func (*PaymentsGiveawayInfoResults) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsGiveawayInfoResults) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsGiveawayInfoResults) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PaymentsGiveawayInfoResults) FlagIndex() int
func (*PaymentsGiveawayInfoResults) ImplementsPaymentsGiveawayInfo ¶
func (*PaymentsGiveawayInfoResults) ImplementsPaymentsGiveawayInfo()
type PaymentsLaunchPrepaidGiveawayParams ¶
type PaymentsLaunchPrepaidGiveawayParams struct { Peer InputPeer GiveawayID int64 Purpose InputStorePaymentPurpose }
func (*PaymentsLaunchPrepaidGiveawayParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsLaunchPrepaidGiveawayParams) CRC() uint32
type PaymentsPaymentForm ¶
type PaymentsPaymentForm struct { CanSaveCredentials bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` PasswordMissing bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` FormID int64 BotID int64 Title string Description string Photo WebDocument `tl:"flag:5"` Invoice *Invoice ProviderID int64 URL string NativeProvider string `tl:"flag:4"` NativeParams *DataJson `tl:"flag:4"` AdditionalMethods []*PaymentFormMethod `tl:"flag:6"` SavedInfo *PaymentRequestedInfo `tl:"flag:0"` SavedCredentials []*PaymentSavedCredentialsCard `tl:"flag:1"` Users []User }
func (*PaymentsPaymentForm) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsPaymentForm) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsPaymentForm) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PaymentsPaymentForm) FlagIndex() int
type PaymentsPaymentReceipt ¶
type PaymentsPaymentReceipt struct { Date int32 BotID int64 ProviderID int64 Title string Description string Photo WebDocument `tl:"flag:2"` Invoice *Invoice Info *PaymentRequestedInfo `tl:"flag:0"` Shipping *ShippingOption `tl:"flag:1"` TipAmount int64 `tl:"flag:3"` Currency string TotalAmount int64 CredentialsTitle string Users []User }
func (*PaymentsPaymentReceipt) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsPaymentReceipt) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsPaymentReceipt) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PaymentsPaymentReceipt) FlagIndex() int
type PaymentsPaymentResult ¶
type PaymentsPaymentResultObj ¶
type PaymentsPaymentResultObj struct {
Updates Updates
func (*PaymentsPaymentResultObj) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsPaymentResultObj) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsPaymentResultObj) ImplementsPaymentsPaymentResult ¶
func (*PaymentsPaymentResultObj) ImplementsPaymentsPaymentResult()
type PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded ¶
type PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded struct {
URL string
func (*PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded) ImplementsPaymentsPaymentResult ¶
func (*PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded) ImplementsPaymentsPaymentResult()
type PaymentsSavedInfo ¶
type PaymentsSavedInfo struct { HasSavedCredentials bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` SavedInfo *PaymentRequestedInfo `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*PaymentsSavedInfo) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsSavedInfo) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsSavedInfo) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PaymentsSavedInfo) FlagIndex() int
type PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams ¶
type PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams struct { FormID int64 Invoice InputInvoice RequestedInfoID string `tl:"flag:0"` ShippingOptionID string `tl:"flag:1"` Credentials InputPaymentCredentials TipAmount int64 `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams) FlagIndex() int
type PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams ¶
type PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams struct { Save bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Invoice InputInvoice Info *PaymentRequestedInfo }
func (*PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams) FlagIndex() int
type PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo ¶
type PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo struct { ID string `tl:"flag:0"` ShippingOptions []*ShippingOption `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo) FlagIndex() int
type PeerBlocked ¶
func (*PeerBlocked) CRC ¶
func (*PeerBlocked) CRC() uint32
type PeerChannel ¶
type PeerChannel struct {
ChannelID int64
func (*PeerChannel) CRC ¶
func (*PeerChannel) CRC() uint32
func (*PeerChannel) ImplementsPeer ¶
func (*PeerChannel) ImplementsPeer()
type PeerChat ¶
type PeerChat struct {
ChatID int64
func (*PeerChat) ImplementsPeer ¶
func (*PeerChat) ImplementsPeer()
type PeerLocated ¶
type PeerLocatedObj ¶
func (*PeerLocatedObj) CRC ¶
func (*PeerLocatedObj) CRC() uint32
func (*PeerLocatedObj) ImplementsPeerLocated ¶
func (*PeerLocatedObj) ImplementsPeerLocated()
type PeerNotifySettings ¶
type PeerNotifySettings struct { ShowPreviews bool `tl:"flag:0"` Silent bool `tl:"flag:1"` MuteUntil int32 `tl:"flag:2"` IosSound NotificationSound `tl:"flag:3"` AndroidSound NotificationSound `tl:"flag:4"` OtherSound NotificationSound `tl:"flag:5"` StoriesMuted bool `tl:"flag:6"` StoriesHideSender bool `tl:"flag:7"` StoriesIosSound NotificationSound `tl:"flag:8"` StoriesAndroidSound NotificationSound `tl:"flag:9"` StoriesOtherSound NotificationSound `tl:"flag:10"` }
func (*PeerNotifySettings) CRC ¶
func (*PeerNotifySettings) CRC() uint32
func (*PeerNotifySettings) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PeerNotifySettings) FlagIndex() int
type PeerSelfLocated ¶
type PeerSelfLocated struct {
Expires int32
func (*PeerSelfLocated) CRC ¶
func (*PeerSelfLocated) CRC() uint32
func (*PeerSelfLocated) ImplementsPeerLocated ¶
func (*PeerSelfLocated) ImplementsPeerLocated()
type PeerSettings ¶
type PeerSettings struct { ReportSpam bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` AddContact bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` BlockContact bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` NeedContactsException bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` ReportGeo bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Autoarchived bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` InviteMembers bool `tl:"flag:8,encoded_in_bitflags"` RequestChatBroadcast bool `tl:"flag:10,encoded_in_bitflags"` GeoDistance int32 `tl:"flag:6"` RequestChatTitle string `tl:"flag:9"` RequestChatDate int32 `tl:"flag:9"` }
func (*PeerSettings) CRC ¶
func (*PeerSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*PeerSettings) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PeerSettings) FlagIndex() int
type PeerStories ¶
func (*PeerStories) CRC ¶
func (*PeerStories) CRC() uint32
func (*PeerStories) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PeerStories) FlagIndex() int
type PeerUser ¶
type PeerUser struct {
UserID int64
func (*PeerUser) ImplementsPeer ¶
func (*PeerUser) ImplementsPeer()
type PhoneAcceptCallParams ¶
type PhoneAcceptCallParams struct { Peer *InputPhoneCall GB []byte Protocol *PhoneCallProtocol }
func (*PhoneAcceptCallParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneAcceptCallParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneCallAccepted ¶
type PhoneCallAccepted struct { Video bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 AccessHash int64 Date int32 AdminID int64 ParticipantID int64 GB []byte Protocol *PhoneCallProtocol }
func (*PhoneCallAccepted) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneCallAccepted) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneCallAccepted) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneCallAccepted) FlagIndex() int
func (*PhoneCallAccepted) ImplementsPhoneCall ¶
func (*PhoneCallAccepted) ImplementsPhoneCall()
type PhoneCallDiscardReason ¶
type PhoneCallDiscardReason uint32
const ( PhoneCallDiscardReasonBusy PhoneCallDiscardReason = 0xfaf7e8c9 PhoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect PhoneCallDiscardReason = 0xe095c1a0 PhoneCallDiscardReasonHangup PhoneCallDiscardReason = 0x57adc690 PhoneCallDiscardReasonMissed PhoneCallDiscardReason = 0x85e42301 )
func (PhoneCallDiscardReason) CRC ¶
func (e PhoneCallDiscardReason) CRC() uint32
func (PhoneCallDiscardReason) String ¶
func (e PhoneCallDiscardReason) String() string
type PhoneCallDiscarded ¶
type PhoneCallDiscarded struct { NeedRating bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` NeedDebug bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Video bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 Reason PhoneCallDiscardReason `tl:"flag:0"` Duration int32 `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*PhoneCallDiscarded) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneCallDiscarded) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneCallDiscarded) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneCallDiscarded) FlagIndex() int
func (*PhoneCallDiscarded) ImplementsPhoneCall ¶
func (*PhoneCallDiscarded) ImplementsPhoneCall()
type PhoneCallEmpty ¶
type PhoneCallEmpty struct {
ID int64
func (*PhoneCallEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneCallEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneCallEmpty) ImplementsPhoneCall ¶
func (*PhoneCallEmpty) ImplementsPhoneCall()
type PhoneCallObj ¶
type PhoneCallObj struct { P2PAllowed bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Video bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 AccessHash int64 Date int32 AdminID int64 ParticipantID int64 GAOrB []byte KeyFingerprint int64 Protocol *PhoneCallProtocol Connections []PhoneConnection StartDate int32 }
func (*PhoneCallObj) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneCallObj) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneCallObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneCallObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*PhoneCallObj) ImplementsPhoneCall ¶
func (*PhoneCallObj) ImplementsPhoneCall()
type PhoneCallProtocol ¶
type PhoneCallProtocol struct { UdpP2P bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` UdpReflector bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` MinLayer int32 MaxLayer int32 LibraryVersions []string }
func (*PhoneCallProtocol) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneCallProtocol) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneCallProtocol) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneCallProtocol) FlagIndex() int
type PhoneCallRequested ¶
type PhoneCallRequested struct { Video bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 AccessHash int64 Date int32 AdminID int64 ParticipantID int64 GAHash []byte Protocol *PhoneCallProtocol }
func (*PhoneCallRequested) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneCallRequested) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneCallRequested) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneCallRequested) FlagIndex() int
func (*PhoneCallRequested) ImplementsPhoneCall ¶
func (*PhoneCallRequested) ImplementsPhoneCall()
type PhoneCallWaiting ¶
type PhoneCallWaiting struct { Video bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 AccessHash int64 Date int32 AdminID int64 ParticipantID int64 Protocol *PhoneCallProtocol ReceiveDate int32 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*PhoneCallWaiting) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneCallWaiting) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneCallWaiting) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneCallWaiting) FlagIndex() int
func (*PhoneCallWaiting) ImplementsPhoneCall ¶
func (*PhoneCallWaiting) ImplementsPhoneCall()
type PhoneCheckGroupCallParams ¶
type PhoneCheckGroupCallParams struct { Call *InputGroupCall Sources []int32 }
func (*PhoneCheckGroupCallParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneCheckGroupCallParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneConfirmCallParams ¶
type PhoneConfirmCallParams struct { Peer *InputPhoneCall GA []byte KeyFingerprint int64 Protocol *PhoneCallProtocol }
func (*PhoneConfirmCallParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneConfirmCallParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneConnection ¶
type PhoneConnectionObj ¶
type PhoneConnectionObj struct { Tcp bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 Ip string Ipv6 string Port int32 PeerTag []byte }
func (*PhoneConnectionObj) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneConnectionObj) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneConnectionObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneConnectionObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*PhoneConnectionObj) ImplementsPhoneConnection ¶
func (*PhoneConnectionObj) ImplementsPhoneConnection()
type PhoneConnectionWebrtc ¶
type PhoneConnectionWebrtc struct { Turn bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Stun bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 Ip string Ipv6 string Port int32 Username string Password string }
func (*PhoneConnectionWebrtc) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneConnectionWebrtc) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneConnectionWebrtc) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneConnectionWebrtc) FlagIndex() int
func (*PhoneConnectionWebrtc) ImplementsPhoneConnection ¶
func (*PhoneConnectionWebrtc) ImplementsPhoneConnection()
type PhoneCreateGroupCallParams ¶
type PhoneCreateGroupCallParams struct { RtmpStream bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer RandomID int32 Title string `tl:"flag:0"` ScheduleDate int32 `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*PhoneCreateGroupCallParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneCreateGroupCallParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneCreateGroupCallParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneCreateGroupCallParams) FlagIndex() int
type PhoneDiscardCallParams ¶
type PhoneDiscardCallParams struct { Video bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer *InputPhoneCall Duration int32 Reason PhoneCallDiscardReason ConnectionID int64 }
func (*PhoneDiscardCallParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneDiscardCallParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneDiscardCallParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneDiscardCallParams) FlagIndex() int
type PhoneDiscardGroupCallParams ¶
type PhoneDiscardGroupCallParams struct {
Call *InputGroupCall
func (*PhoneDiscardGroupCallParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneDiscardGroupCallParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneEditGroupCallParticipantParams ¶
type PhoneEditGroupCallParticipantParams struct { Call *InputGroupCall Participant InputPeer Muted bool `tl:"flag:0"` Volume int32 `tl:"flag:1"` RaiseHand bool `tl:"flag:2"` VideoStopped bool `tl:"flag:3"` VideoPaused bool `tl:"flag:4"` PresentationPaused bool `tl:"flag:5"` }
func (*PhoneEditGroupCallParticipantParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneEditGroupCallParticipantParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneEditGroupCallParticipantParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneEditGroupCallParticipantParams) FlagIndex() int
type PhoneEditGroupCallTitleParams ¶
type PhoneEditGroupCallTitleParams struct { Call *InputGroupCall Title string }
func (*PhoneEditGroupCallTitleParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneEditGroupCallTitleParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneExportGroupCallInviteParams ¶
type PhoneExportGroupCallInviteParams struct { CanSelfUnmute bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Call *InputGroupCall }
func (*PhoneExportGroupCallInviteParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneExportGroupCallInviteParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneExportGroupCallInviteParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneExportGroupCallInviteParams) FlagIndex() int
type PhoneExportedGroupCallInvite ¶
type PhoneExportedGroupCallInvite struct {
Link string
func (*PhoneExportedGroupCallInvite) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneExportedGroupCallInvite) CRC() uint32
type PhoneGetCallConfigParams ¶
type PhoneGetCallConfigParams struct{}
func (*PhoneGetCallConfigParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneGetCallConfigParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneGetGroupCallJoinAsParams ¶
type PhoneGetGroupCallJoinAsParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*PhoneGetGroupCallJoinAsParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneGetGroupCallJoinAsParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneGetGroupCallParams ¶
type PhoneGetGroupCallParams struct { Call *InputGroupCall Limit int32 }
func (*PhoneGetGroupCallParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneGetGroupCallParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneGetGroupCallStreamChannelsParams ¶
type PhoneGetGroupCallStreamChannelsParams struct {
Call *InputGroupCall
func (*PhoneGetGroupCallStreamChannelsParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneGetGroupCallStreamChannelsParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneGetGroupCallStreamRtmpURLParams ¶
func (*PhoneGetGroupCallStreamRtmpURLParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneGetGroupCallStreamRtmpURLParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneGetGroupParticipantsParams ¶
type PhoneGetGroupParticipantsParams struct { Call *InputGroupCall Ids []InputPeer Sources []int32 Offset string Limit int32 }
func (*PhoneGetGroupParticipantsParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneGetGroupParticipantsParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneGroupCall ¶
type PhoneGroupCall struct { Call GroupCall Participants []*GroupCallParticipant ParticipantsNextOffset string Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*PhoneGroupCall) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneGroupCall) CRC() uint32
type PhoneGroupCallStreamChannels ¶
type PhoneGroupCallStreamChannels struct {
Channels []*GroupCallStreamChannel
func (*PhoneGroupCallStreamChannels) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneGroupCallStreamChannels) CRC() uint32
type PhoneGroupCallStreamRtmpURL ¶
func (*PhoneGroupCallStreamRtmpURL) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneGroupCallStreamRtmpURL) CRC() uint32
type PhoneGroupParticipants ¶
type PhoneGroupParticipants struct { Count int32 Participants []*GroupCallParticipant NextOffset string Chats []Chat Users []User Version int32 }
func (*PhoneGroupParticipants) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneGroupParticipants) CRC() uint32
type PhoneInviteToGroupCallParams ¶
type PhoneInviteToGroupCallParams struct { Call *InputGroupCall Users []InputUser }
func (*PhoneInviteToGroupCallParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneInviteToGroupCallParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneJoinAsPeers ¶
func (*PhoneJoinAsPeers) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneJoinAsPeers) CRC() uint32
type PhoneJoinGroupCallParams ¶
type PhoneJoinGroupCallParams struct { Muted bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` VideoStopped bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Call *InputGroupCall JoinAs InputPeer InviteHash string `tl:"flag:1"` Params *DataJson }
func (*PhoneJoinGroupCallParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneJoinGroupCallParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneJoinGroupCallParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneJoinGroupCallParams) FlagIndex() int
type PhoneJoinGroupCallPresentationParams ¶
type PhoneJoinGroupCallPresentationParams struct { Call *InputGroupCall Params *DataJson }
func (*PhoneJoinGroupCallPresentationParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneJoinGroupCallPresentationParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneLeaveGroupCallParams ¶
type PhoneLeaveGroupCallParams struct { Call *InputGroupCall Source int32 }
func (*PhoneLeaveGroupCallParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneLeaveGroupCallParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneLeaveGroupCallPresentationParams ¶
type PhoneLeaveGroupCallPresentationParams struct {
Call *InputGroupCall
func (*PhoneLeaveGroupCallPresentationParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneLeaveGroupCallPresentationParams) CRC() uint32
type PhonePhoneCall ¶
func (*PhonePhoneCall) CRC ¶
func (*PhonePhoneCall) CRC() uint32
type PhoneReceivedCallParams ¶
type PhoneReceivedCallParams struct {
Peer *InputPhoneCall
func (*PhoneReceivedCallParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneReceivedCallParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneRequestCallParams ¶
type PhoneRequestCallParams struct { Video bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` UserID InputUser RandomID int32 GAHash []byte Protocol *PhoneCallProtocol }
func (*PhoneRequestCallParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneRequestCallParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneRequestCallParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneRequestCallParams) FlagIndex() int
type PhoneSaveCallDebugParams ¶
type PhoneSaveCallDebugParams struct { Peer *InputPhoneCall Debug *DataJson }
func (*PhoneSaveCallDebugParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneSaveCallDebugParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneSaveCallLogParams ¶
type PhoneSaveCallLogParams struct { Peer *InputPhoneCall File InputFile }
func (*PhoneSaveCallLogParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneSaveCallLogParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneSaveDefaultGroupCallJoinAsParams ¶
func (*PhoneSaveDefaultGroupCallJoinAsParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneSaveDefaultGroupCallJoinAsParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneSendSignalingDataParams ¶
type PhoneSendSignalingDataParams struct { Peer *InputPhoneCall Data []byte }
func (*PhoneSendSignalingDataParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneSendSignalingDataParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneSetCallRatingParams ¶
type PhoneSetCallRatingParams struct { UserInitiative bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer *InputPhoneCall Rating int32 Comment string }
func (*PhoneSetCallRatingParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneSetCallRatingParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneSetCallRatingParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneSetCallRatingParams) FlagIndex() int
type PhoneStartScheduledGroupCallParams ¶
type PhoneStartScheduledGroupCallParams struct {
Call *InputGroupCall
func (*PhoneStartScheduledGroupCallParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneStartScheduledGroupCallParams) CRC() uint32
type PhoneToggleGroupCallRecordParams ¶
type PhoneToggleGroupCallRecordParams struct { Start bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Video bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Call *InputGroupCall Title string `tl:"flag:1"` VideoPortrait bool `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*PhoneToggleGroupCallRecordParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneToggleGroupCallRecordParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneToggleGroupCallRecordParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneToggleGroupCallRecordParams) FlagIndex() int
type PhoneToggleGroupCallSettingsParams ¶
type PhoneToggleGroupCallSettingsParams struct { ResetInviteHash bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Call *InputGroupCall JoinMuted bool `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*PhoneToggleGroupCallSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneToggleGroupCallSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneToggleGroupCallSettingsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhoneToggleGroupCallSettingsParams) FlagIndex() int
type PhoneToggleGroupCallStartSubscriptionParams ¶
type PhoneToggleGroupCallStartSubscriptionParams struct { Call *InputGroupCall Subscribed bool }
func (*PhoneToggleGroupCallStartSubscriptionParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneToggleGroupCallStartSubscriptionParams) CRC() uint32
type PhotoCachedSize ¶
func (*PhotoCachedSize) CRC ¶
func (*PhotoCachedSize) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotoCachedSize) ImplementsPhotoSize ¶
func (*PhotoCachedSize) ImplementsPhotoSize()
type PhotoEmpty ¶
type PhotoEmpty struct {
ID int64
func (*PhotoEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*PhotoEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotoEmpty) ImplementsPhoto ¶
func (*PhotoEmpty) ImplementsPhoto()
type PhotoObj ¶
type PhotoObj struct { HasStickers bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 AccessHash int64 FileReference []byte Date int32 Sizes []PhotoSize VideoSizes []VideoSize `tl:"flag:1"` DcID int32 }
func (*PhotoObj) ImplementsPhoto ¶
func (*PhotoObj) ImplementsPhoto()
type PhotoPathSize ¶
func (*PhotoPathSize) CRC ¶
func (*PhotoPathSize) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotoPathSize) ImplementsPhotoSize ¶
func (*PhotoPathSize) ImplementsPhotoSize()
type PhotoSizeEmpty ¶
type PhotoSizeEmpty struct {
Type string
func (*PhotoSizeEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*PhotoSizeEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotoSizeEmpty) ImplementsPhotoSize ¶
func (*PhotoSizeEmpty) ImplementsPhotoSize()
type PhotoSizeObj ¶
func (*PhotoSizeObj) CRC ¶
func (*PhotoSizeObj) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotoSizeObj) ImplementsPhotoSize ¶
func (*PhotoSizeObj) ImplementsPhotoSize()
type PhotoSizeProgressive ¶
func (*PhotoSizeProgressive) CRC ¶
func (*PhotoSizeProgressive) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotoSizeProgressive) ImplementsPhotoSize ¶
func (*PhotoSizeProgressive) ImplementsPhotoSize()
type PhotoStrippedSize ¶
func (*PhotoStrippedSize) CRC ¶
func (*PhotoStrippedSize) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotoStrippedSize) ImplementsPhotoSize ¶
func (*PhotoStrippedSize) ImplementsPhotoSize()
type PhotosDeletePhotosParams ¶
type PhotosDeletePhotosParams struct {
ID []InputPhoto
func (*PhotosDeletePhotosParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhotosDeletePhotosParams) CRC() uint32
type PhotosGetUserPhotosParams ¶
func (*PhotosGetUserPhotosParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhotosGetUserPhotosParams) CRC() uint32
type PhotosOptions ¶
type PhotosPhoto ¶
func (*PhotosPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*PhotosPhoto) CRC() uint32
type PhotosPhotos ¶
type PhotosPhotosObj ¶
func (*PhotosPhotosObj) CRC ¶
func (*PhotosPhotosObj) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotosPhotosObj) ImplementsPhotosPhotos ¶
func (*PhotosPhotosObj) ImplementsPhotosPhotos()
type PhotosPhotosSlice ¶
func (*PhotosPhotosSlice) CRC ¶
func (*PhotosPhotosSlice) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotosPhotosSlice) ImplementsPhotosPhotos ¶
func (*PhotosPhotosSlice) ImplementsPhotosPhotos()
type PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams ¶
type PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams struct { Fallback bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Bot InputUser `tl:"flag:1"` ID InputPhoto }
func (*PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams) FlagIndex() int
type PhotosUploadContactProfilePhotoParams ¶
type PhotosUploadContactProfilePhotoParams struct { Suggest bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Save bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` UserID InputUser File InputFile `tl:"flag:0"` Video InputFile `tl:"flag:1"` VideoStartTs float64 `tl:"flag:2"` VideoEmojiMarkup VideoSize `tl:"flag:5"` }
func (*PhotosUploadContactProfilePhotoParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhotosUploadContactProfilePhotoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotosUploadContactProfilePhotoParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhotosUploadContactProfilePhotoParams) FlagIndex() int
type PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams ¶
type PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams struct { Fallback bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Bot InputUser `tl:"flag:5"` File InputFile `tl:"flag:0"` Video InputFile `tl:"flag:1"` VideoStartTs float64 `tl:"flag:2"` VideoEmojiMarkup VideoSize `tl:"flag:4"` }
func (*PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams) CRC ¶
func (*PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams) FlagIndex() int
type PinOptions ¶
type Poll ¶
type Poll struct { ID int64 Closed bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` PublicVoters bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` MultipleChoice bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Quiz bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Question string Answers []*PollAnswer ClosePeriod int32 `tl:"flag:4"` CloseDate int32 `tl:"flag:5"` }
type PollAnswer ¶
func (*PollAnswer) CRC ¶
func (*PollAnswer) CRC() uint32
type PollAnswerVoters ¶
type PollAnswerVoters struct { Chosen bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Correct bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Option []byte Voters int32 }
func (*PollAnswerVoters) CRC ¶
func (*PollAnswerVoters) CRC() uint32
func (*PollAnswerVoters) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PollAnswerVoters) FlagIndex() int
type PollResults ¶
type PollResults struct { Min bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Results []*PollAnswerVoters `tl:"flag:1"` TotalVoters int32 `tl:"flag:2"` RecentVoters []Peer `tl:"flag:3"` Solution string `tl:"flag:4"` SolutionEntities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:4"` }
func (*PollResults) CRC ¶
func (*PollResults) CRC() uint32
func (*PollResults) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PollResults) FlagIndex() int
type PopularContact ¶
func (*PopularContact) CRC ¶
func (*PopularContact) CRC() uint32
type PostAddress ¶
type PostAddress struct { StreetLine1 string StreetLine2 string City string State string CountryIso2 string PostCode string }
func (*PostAddress) CRC ¶
func (*PostAddress) CRC() uint32
type PostInteractionCounters ¶
type PostInteractionCountersMessage ¶
type PostInteractionCountersMessage struct { MsgID int32 Views int32 Forwards int32 Reactions int32 }
func (*PostInteractionCountersMessage) CRC ¶
func (*PostInteractionCountersMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*PostInteractionCountersMessage) ImplementsPostInteractionCounters ¶
func (*PostInteractionCountersMessage) ImplementsPostInteractionCounters()
type PostInteractionCountersStory ¶
type PostInteractionCountersStory struct { StoryID int32 Views int32 Forwards int32 Reactions int32 }
func (*PostInteractionCountersStory) CRC ¶
func (*PostInteractionCountersStory) CRC() uint32
func (*PostInteractionCountersStory) ImplementsPostInteractionCounters ¶
func (*PostInteractionCountersStory) ImplementsPostInteractionCounters()
type PremiumApplyBoostParams ¶
func (*PremiumApplyBoostParams) CRC ¶
func (*PremiumApplyBoostParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PremiumApplyBoostParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PremiumApplyBoostParams) FlagIndex() int
type PremiumBoostsList ¶
type PremiumBoostsList struct { Count int32 Boosts []*Boost NextOffset string `tl:"flag:0"` Users []User }
func (*PremiumBoostsList) CRC ¶
func (*PremiumBoostsList) CRC() uint32
func (*PremiumBoostsList) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PremiumBoostsList) FlagIndex() int
type PremiumBoostsStatus ¶
type PremiumBoostsStatus struct { MyBoost bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Level int32 CurrentLevelBoosts int32 Boosts int32 GiftBoosts int32 `tl:"flag:4"` NextLevelBoosts int32 `tl:"flag:0"` PremiumAudience *StatsPercentValue `tl:"flag:1"` BoostURL string PrepaidGiveaways []*PrepaidGiveaway `tl:"flag:3"` MyBoostSlots []int32 `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*PremiumBoostsStatus) CRC ¶
func (*PremiumBoostsStatus) CRC() uint32
func (*PremiumBoostsStatus) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PremiumBoostsStatus) FlagIndex() int
type PremiumGetBoostsListParams ¶
type PremiumGetBoostsListParams struct { Gifts bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer Offset string Limit int32 }
func (*PremiumGetBoostsListParams) CRC ¶
func (*PremiumGetBoostsListParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PremiumGetBoostsListParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PremiumGetBoostsListParams) FlagIndex() int
type PremiumGetBoostsStatusParams ¶
type PremiumGetBoostsStatusParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*PremiumGetBoostsStatusParams) CRC ¶
func (*PremiumGetBoostsStatusParams) CRC() uint32
type PremiumGetMyBoostsParams ¶
type PremiumGetMyBoostsParams struct{}
func (*PremiumGetMyBoostsParams) CRC ¶
func (*PremiumGetMyBoostsParams) CRC() uint32
type PremiumGetUserBoostsParams ¶
func (*PremiumGetUserBoostsParams) CRC ¶
func (*PremiumGetUserBoostsParams) CRC() uint32
type PremiumGiftCodeOption ¶
type PremiumGiftCodeOption struct { Users int32 Months int32 StoreProduct string `tl:"flag:0"` StoreQuantity int32 `tl:"flag:1"` Currency string Amount int64 }
func (*PremiumGiftCodeOption) CRC ¶
func (*PremiumGiftCodeOption) CRC() uint32
func (*PremiumGiftCodeOption) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PremiumGiftCodeOption) FlagIndex() int
type PremiumGiftOption ¶
type PremiumGiftOption struct { Months int32 Currency string Amount int64 BotURL string StoreProduct string `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*PremiumGiftOption) CRC ¶
func (*PremiumGiftOption) CRC() uint32
func (*PremiumGiftOption) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PremiumGiftOption) FlagIndex() int
type PremiumMyBoosts ¶
func (*PremiumMyBoosts) CRC ¶
func (*PremiumMyBoosts) CRC() uint32
type PremiumSubscriptionOption ¶
type PremiumSubscriptionOption struct { Current bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanPurchaseUpgrade bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Transaction string `tl:"flag:3"` Months int32 Currency string Amount int64 BotURL string StoreProduct string `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*PremiumSubscriptionOption) CRC ¶
func (*PremiumSubscriptionOption) CRC() uint32
func (*PremiumSubscriptionOption) FlagIndex ¶
func (*PremiumSubscriptionOption) FlagIndex() int
type PrepaidGiveaway ¶
func (*PrepaidGiveaway) CRC ¶
func (*PrepaidGiveaway) CRC() uint32
type PrivacyKey ¶
type PrivacyKey uint32
const ( PrivacyKeyAbout PrivacyKey = 0xa486b761 PrivacyKeyAddedByPhone PrivacyKey = 0x42ffd42b PrivacyKeyChatInvite PrivacyKey = 0x500e6dfa PrivacyKeyForwards PrivacyKey = 0x69ec56a3 PrivacyKeyPhoneCall PrivacyKey = 0x3d662b7b PrivacyKeyPhoneNumber PrivacyKey = 0xd19ae46d PrivacyKeyPhoneP2P PrivacyKey = 0x39491cc8 PrivacyKeyProfilePhoto PrivacyKey = 0x96151fed PrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp PrivacyKey = 0xbc2eab30 PrivacyKeyVoiceMessages PrivacyKey = 0x697f414 )
func (PrivacyKey) CRC ¶
func (e PrivacyKey) CRC() uint32
func (PrivacyKey) String ¶
func (e PrivacyKey) String() string
type PrivacyRule ¶
type PrivacyValueAllowAll ¶
type PrivacyValueAllowAll struct{}
func (*PrivacyValueAllowAll) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowAll) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueAllowAll) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowAll) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants ¶
type PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants struct {
Chats []int64
func (*PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type PrivacyValueAllowCloseFriends ¶
type PrivacyValueAllowCloseFriends struct{}
func (*PrivacyValueAllowCloseFriends) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowCloseFriends) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueAllowCloseFriends) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowCloseFriends) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type PrivacyValueAllowContacts ¶
type PrivacyValueAllowContacts struct{}
func (*PrivacyValueAllowContacts) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowContacts) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueAllowContacts) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowContacts) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type PrivacyValueAllowUsers ¶
type PrivacyValueAllowUsers struct {
Users []int64
func (*PrivacyValueAllowUsers) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowUsers) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueAllowUsers) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowUsers) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type PrivacyValueDisallowAll ¶
type PrivacyValueDisallowAll struct{}
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowAll) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowAll) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowAll) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowAll) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants ¶
type PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants struct {
Chats []int64
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type PrivacyValueDisallowContacts ¶
type PrivacyValueDisallowContacts struct{}
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowContacts) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowContacts) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowContacts) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowContacts) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type PrivacyValueDisallowUsers ¶
type PrivacyValueDisallowUsers struct {
Users []int64
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowUsers) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowUsers) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowUsers) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowUsers) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type Progress ¶
type PublicForward ¶
type PublicForwardMessage ¶
type PublicForwardMessage struct {
Message Message
func (*PublicForwardMessage) CRC ¶
func (*PublicForwardMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*PublicForwardMessage) ImplementsPublicForward ¶
func (*PublicForwardMessage) ImplementsPublicForward()
type PublicForwardStory ¶
func (*PublicForwardStory) CRC ¶
func (*PublicForwardStory) CRC() uint32
func (*PublicForwardStory) ImplementsPublicForward ¶
func (*PublicForwardStory) ImplementsPublicForward()
type QrToken ¶
type QrToken struct { // Token is the token to be used for logging in Token []byte // URL is the URL to be used for logging in Url string // ExpiresIn is the time in seconds after which the token will expire ExpiresIn int32 // IgnoredIDs are the IDs of the users that will be ignored IgnoredIDs []int64 // Timeout is the time after which the token will be considered expired Timeout int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ReactionCount ¶
func (*ReactionCount) CRC ¶
func (*ReactionCount) CRC() uint32
func (*ReactionCount) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ReactionCount) FlagIndex() int
type ReactionCustomEmoji ¶
type ReactionCustomEmoji struct {
DocumentID int64
func (*ReactionCustomEmoji) CRC ¶
func (*ReactionCustomEmoji) CRC() uint32
func (*ReactionCustomEmoji) ImplementsReaction ¶
func (*ReactionCustomEmoji) ImplementsReaction()
type ReactionEmoji ¶
type ReactionEmoji struct {
Emoticon string
func (*ReactionEmoji) CRC ¶
func (*ReactionEmoji) CRC() uint32
func (*ReactionEmoji) ImplementsReaction ¶
func (*ReactionEmoji) ImplementsReaction()
type ReactionEmpty ¶
type ReactionEmpty struct{}
func (*ReactionEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*ReactionEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*ReactionEmpty) ImplementsReaction ¶
func (*ReactionEmpty) ImplementsReaction()
type ReadParticipantDate ¶
func (*ReadParticipantDate) CRC ¶
func (*ReadParticipantDate) CRC() uint32
type ReceivedNotifyMessage ¶
func (*ReceivedNotifyMessage) CRC ¶
func (*ReceivedNotifyMessage) CRC() uint32
type RecentMeURL ¶
type RecentMeURLChat ¶
func (*RecentMeURLChat) CRC ¶
func (*RecentMeURLChat) CRC() uint32
func (*RecentMeURLChat) ImplementsRecentMeURL ¶
func (*RecentMeURLChat) ImplementsRecentMeURL()
type RecentMeURLChatInvite ¶
type RecentMeURLChatInvite struct { URL string ChatInvite ChatInvite }
func (*RecentMeURLChatInvite) CRC ¶
func (*RecentMeURLChatInvite) CRC() uint32
func (*RecentMeURLChatInvite) ImplementsRecentMeURL ¶
func (*RecentMeURLChatInvite) ImplementsRecentMeURL()
type RecentMeURLStickerSet ¶
type RecentMeURLStickerSet struct { URL string Set StickerSetCovered }
func (*RecentMeURLStickerSet) CRC ¶
func (*RecentMeURLStickerSet) CRC() uint32
func (*RecentMeURLStickerSet) ImplementsRecentMeURL ¶
func (*RecentMeURLStickerSet) ImplementsRecentMeURL()
type RecentMeURLUnknown ¶
type RecentMeURLUnknown struct {
URL string
func (*RecentMeURLUnknown) CRC ¶
func (*RecentMeURLUnknown) CRC() uint32
func (*RecentMeURLUnknown) ImplementsRecentMeURL ¶
func (*RecentMeURLUnknown) ImplementsRecentMeURL()
type RecentMeURLUser ¶
func (*RecentMeURLUser) CRC ¶
func (*RecentMeURLUser) CRC() uint32
func (*RecentMeURLUser) ImplementsRecentMeURL ¶
func (*RecentMeURLUser) ImplementsRecentMeURL()
type ReplyInlineMarkup ¶
type ReplyInlineMarkup struct {
Rows []*KeyboardButtonRow
func (*ReplyInlineMarkup) CRC ¶
func (*ReplyInlineMarkup) CRC() uint32
func (*ReplyInlineMarkup) ImplementsReplyMarkup ¶
func (*ReplyInlineMarkup) ImplementsReplyMarkup()
type ReplyKeyboardForceReply ¶
type ReplyKeyboardForceReply struct { SingleUse bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Selective bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Placeholder string `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*ReplyKeyboardForceReply) CRC ¶
func (*ReplyKeyboardForceReply) CRC() uint32
func (*ReplyKeyboardForceReply) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ReplyKeyboardForceReply) FlagIndex() int
func (*ReplyKeyboardForceReply) ImplementsReplyMarkup ¶
func (*ReplyKeyboardForceReply) ImplementsReplyMarkup()
type ReplyKeyboardHide ¶
type ReplyKeyboardHide struct {
Selective bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"`
func (*ReplyKeyboardHide) CRC ¶
func (*ReplyKeyboardHide) CRC() uint32
func (*ReplyKeyboardHide) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ReplyKeyboardHide) FlagIndex() int
func (*ReplyKeyboardHide) ImplementsReplyMarkup ¶
func (*ReplyKeyboardHide) ImplementsReplyMarkup()
type ReplyKeyboardMarkup ¶
type ReplyKeyboardMarkup struct { Resize bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` SingleUse bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Selective bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Persistent bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Rows []*KeyboardButtonRow Placeholder string `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*ReplyKeyboardMarkup) CRC ¶
func (*ReplyKeyboardMarkup) CRC() uint32
func (*ReplyKeyboardMarkup) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ReplyKeyboardMarkup) FlagIndex() int
func (*ReplyKeyboardMarkup) ImplementsReplyMarkup ¶
func (*ReplyKeyboardMarkup) ImplementsReplyMarkup()
type ReplyMarkup ¶
type ReportReason ¶
type ReportReason uint32
const ( InputReportReasonChildAbuse ReportReason = 0xadf44ee3 InputReportReasonCopyright ReportReason = 0x9b89f93a InputReportReasonFake ReportReason = 0xf5ddd6e7 InputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant ReportReason = 0xdbd4feed InputReportReasonIllegalDrugs ReportReason = 0xa8eb2be InputReportReasonOther ReportReason = 0xc1e4a2b1 InputReportReasonPersonalDetails ReportReason = 0x9ec7863d InputReportReasonPornography ReportReason = 0x2e59d922 InputReportReasonSpam ReportReason = 0x58dbcab8 InputReportReasonViolence ReportReason = 0x1e22c78d )
func (ReportReason) CRC ¶
func (e ReportReason) CRC() uint32
func (ReportReason) String ¶
func (e ReportReason) String() string
type RequestPeerType ¶
type RequestPeerTypeBroadcast ¶
type RequestPeerTypeBroadcast struct { Creator bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasUsername bool `tl:"flag:3"` UserAdminRights *ChatAdminRights `tl:"flag:1"` BotAdminRights *ChatAdminRights `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*RequestPeerTypeBroadcast) CRC ¶
func (*RequestPeerTypeBroadcast) CRC() uint32
func (*RequestPeerTypeBroadcast) FlagIndex ¶
func (*RequestPeerTypeBroadcast) FlagIndex() int
func (*RequestPeerTypeBroadcast) ImplementsRequestPeerType ¶
func (*RequestPeerTypeBroadcast) ImplementsRequestPeerType()
type RequestPeerTypeChat ¶
type RequestPeerTypeChat struct { Creator bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` BotParticipant bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasUsername bool `tl:"flag:3"` Forum bool `tl:"flag:4"` UserAdminRights *ChatAdminRights `tl:"flag:1"` BotAdminRights *ChatAdminRights `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*RequestPeerTypeChat) CRC ¶
func (*RequestPeerTypeChat) CRC() uint32
func (*RequestPeerTypeChat) FlagIndex ¶
func (*RequestPeerTypeChat) FlagIndex() int
func (*RequestPeerTypeChat) ImplementsRequestPeerType ¶
func (*RequestPeerTypeChat) ImplementsRequestPeerType()
type RequestPeerTypeUser ¶
func (*RequestPeerTypeUser) CRC ¶
func (*RequestPeerTypeUser) CRC() uint32
func (*RequestPeerTypeUser) FlagIndex ¶
func (*RequestPeerTypeUser) FlagIndex() int
func (*RequestPeerTypeUser) ImplementsRequestPeerType ¶
func (*RequestPeerTypeUser) ImplementsRequestPeerType()
type RestrictionReason ¶
func (*RestrictionReason) CRC ¶
func (*RestrictionReason) CRC() uint32
type SavedDialog ¶
type SavedDialog struct { Pinned bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer Peer TopMessage int32 }
func (*SavedDialog) CRC ¶
func (*SavedDialog) CRC() uint32
func (*SavedDialog) FlagIndex ¶
func (*SavedDialog) FlagIndex() int
type SavedPhoneContact ¶
func (*SavedPhoneContact) CRC ¶
func (*SavedPhoneContact) CRC() uint32
type SearchOption ¶
type SearchOption struct { IDs interface{} `json:"ids,omitempty"` Query string `json:"query,omitempty"` FromUser interface{} `json:"from_user,omitempty"` Offset int32 `json:"offset,omitempty"` Limit int32 `json:"limit,omitempty"` Filter MessagesFilter `json:"filter,omitempty"` TopMsgID int32 `json:"top_msg_id,omitempty"` MaxID int32 `json:"max_id,omitempty"` MinID int32 `json:"min_id,omitempty"` MaxDate int32 `json:"max_date,omitempty"` MinDate int32 `json:"min_date,omitempty"` }
type SearchResultPosition ¶
func (*SearchResultPosition) CRC ¶
func (*SearchResultPosition) CRC() uint32
type SearchResultsCalendarPeriod ¶
func (*SearchResultsCalendarPeriod) CRC ¶
func (*SearchResultsCalendarPeriod) CRC() uint32
type SecureCredentialsEncrypted ¶
func (*SecureCredentialsEncrypted) CRC ¶
func (*SecureCredentialsEncrypted) CRC() uint32
type SecureData ¶
func (*SecureData) CRC ¶
func (*SecureData) CRC() uint32
type SecureFile ¶
type SecureFileEmpty ¶
type SecureFileEmpty struct{}
func (*SecureFileEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*SecureFileEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureFileEmpty) ImplementsSecureFile ¶
func (*SecureFileEmpty) ImplementsSecureFile()
type SecureFileObj ¶
type SecureFileObj struct { ID int64 AccessHash int64 Size int64 DcID int32 Date int32 FileHash []byte Secret []byte }
func (*SecureFileObj) CRC ¶
func (*SecureFileObj) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureFileObj) ImplementsSecureFile ¶
func (*SecureFileObj) ImplementsSecureFile()
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgo ¶
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPbkdf2Hmacsha512Iter100000 ¶
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPbkdf2Hmacsha512Iter100000 struct {
Salt []byte
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPbkdf2Hmacsha512Iter100000) CRC ¶
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPbkdf2Hmacsha512Iter100000) CRC() uint32
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPbkdf2Hmacsha512Iter100000) ImplementsSecurePasswordKdfAlgo ¶
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPbkdf2Hmacsha512Iter100000) ImplementsSecurePasswordKdfAlgo()
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512 ¶
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512 struct {
Salt []byte
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512) CRC ¶
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512) CRC() uint32
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512) ImplementsSecurePasswordKdfAlgo ¶
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512) ImplementsSecurePasswordKdfAlgo()
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown ¶
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown struct{}
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) CRC ¶
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) CRC() uint32
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) ImplementsSecurePasswordKdfAlgo ¶
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) ImplementsSecurePasswordKdfAlgo()
type SecurePlainData ¶
type SecurePlainEmail ¶
type SecurePlainEmail struct {
Email string
func (*SecurePlainEmail) CRC ¶
func (*SecurePlainEmail) CRC() uint32
func (*SecurePlainEmail) ImplementsSecurePlainData ¶
func (*SecurePlainEmail) ImplementsSecurePlainData()
type SecurePlainPhone ¶
type SecurePlainPhone struct {
Phone string
func (*SecurePlainPhone) CRC ¶
func (*SecurePlainPhone) CRC() uint32
func (*SecurePlainPhone) ImplementsSecurePlainData ¶
func (*SecurePlainPhone) ImplementsSecurePlainData()
type SecureRequiredType ¶
type SecureRequiredTypeObj ¶
type SecureRequiredTypeObj struct { NativeNames bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` SelfieRequired bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` TranslationRequired bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Type SecureValueType }
func (*SecureRequiredTypeObj) CRC ¶
func (*SecureRequiredTypeObj) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureRequiredTypeObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*SecureRequiredTypeObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*SecureRequiredTypeObj) ImplementsSecureRequiredType ¶
func (*SecureRequiredTypeObj) ImplementsSecureRequiredType()
type SecureRequiredTypeOneOf ¶
type SecureRequiredTypeOneOf struct {
Types []SecureRequiredType
func (*SecureRequiredTypeOneOf) CRC ¶
func (*SecureRequiredTypeOneOf) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureRequiredTypeOneOf) ImplementsSecureRequiredType ¶
func (*SecureRequiredTypeOneOf) ImplementsSecureRequiredType()
type SecureSecretSettings ¶
type SecureSecretSettings struct { SecureAlgo SecurePasswordKdfAlgo SecureSecret []byte SecureSecretID int64 }
func (*SecureSecretSettings) CRC ¶
func (*SecureSecretSettings) CRC() uint32
type SecureValue ¶
type SecureValue struct { Type SecureValueType Data *SecureData `tl:"flag:0"` FrontSide SecureFile `tl:"flag:1"` ReverseSide SecureFile `tl:"flag:2"` Selfie SecureFile `tl:"flag:3"` Translation []SecureFile `tl:"flag:6"` Files []SecureFile `tl:"flag:4"` PlainData SecurePlainData `tl:"flag:5"` Hash []byte }
func (*SecureValue) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValue) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValue) FlagIndex ¶
func (*SecureValue) FlagIndex() int
type SecureValueError ¶
type SecureValueErrorData ¶
type SecureValueErrorData struct { Type SecureValueType DataHash []byte Field string Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorData) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorData) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorData) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorData) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorFile ¶
type SecureValueErrorFile struct { Type SecureValueType FileHash []byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorFile) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorFile) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorFile) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorFile) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorFiles ¶
type SecureValueErrorFiles struct { Type SecureValueType FileHash [][]byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorFiles) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorFiles) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorFiles) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorFiles) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorFrontSide ¶
type SecureValueErrorFrontSide struct { Type SecureValueType FileHash []byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorFrontSide) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorFrontSide) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorFrontSide) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorFrontSide) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorObj ¶
type SecureValueErrorObj struct { Type SecureValueType Hash []byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorObj) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorObj) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorObj) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorObj) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorReverseSide ¶
type SecureValueErrorReverseSide struct { Type SecureValueType FileHash []byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorReverseSide) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorReverseSide) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorReverseSide) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorReverseSide) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorSelfie ¶
type SecureValueErrorSelfie struct { Type SecureValueType FileHash []byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorSelfie) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorSelfie) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorSelfie) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorSelfie) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorTranslationFile ¶
type SecureValueErrorTranslationFile struct { Type SecureValueType FileHash []byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFile) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFile) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFile) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFile) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles ¶
type SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles struct { Type SecureValueType FileHash [][]byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueHash ¶
type SecureValueHash struct { Type SecureValueType Hash []byte }
func (*SecureValueHash) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueHash) CRC() uint32
type SecureValueType ¶
type SecureValueType uint32
const ( SecureValueTypeAddress SecureValueType = 0xcbe31e26 SecureValueTypeBankStatement SecureValueType = 0x89137c0d SecureValueTypeDriverLicense SecureValueType = 0x6e425c4 SecureValueTypeEmail SecureValueType = 0x8e3ca7ee SecureValueTypeIdentityCard SecureValueType = 0xa0d0744b SecureValueTypeInternalPassport SecureValueType = 0x99a48f23 SecureValueTypePassport SecureValueType = 0x3dac6a00 SecureValueTypePassportRegistration SecureValueType = 0x99e3806a SecureValueTypePersonalDetails SecureValueType = 0x9d2a81e3 SecureValueTypePhone SecureValueType = 0xb320aadb SecureValueTypeRentalAgreement SecureValueType = 0x8b883488 SecureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration SecureValueType = 0xea02ec33 SecureValueTypeUtilityBill SecureValueType = 0xfc36954e )
func (SecureValueType) CRC ¶
func (e SecureValueType) CRC() uint32
func (SecureValueType) String ¶
func (e SecureValueType) String() string
type SendAsPeer ¶
func (*SendAsPeer) CRC ¶
func (*SendAsPeer) CRC() uint32
func (*SendAsPeer) FlagIndex ¶
func (*SendAsPeer) FlagIndex() int
type SendMessageAction ¶
type SendMessageCancelAction ¶
type SendMessageCancelAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageCancelAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageCancelAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageCancelAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageCancelAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageChooseContactAction ¶
type SendMessageChooseContactAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageChooseContactAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageChooseContactAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageChooseContactAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageChooseContactAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageChooseStickerAction ¶
type SendMessageChooseStickerAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageChooseStickerAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageChooseStickerAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageChooseStickerAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageChooseStickerAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageEmojiInteraction ¶
func (*SendMessageEmojiInteraction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageEmojiInteraction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageEmojiInteraction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageEmojiInteraction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageEmojiInteractionSeen ¶
type SendMessageEmojiInteractionSeen struct {
Emoticon string
func (*SendMessageEmojiInteractionSeen) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageEmojiInteractionSeen) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageEmojiInteractionSeen) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageEmojiInteractionSeen) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageGamePlayAction ¶
type SendMessageGamePlayAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageGamePlayAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageGamePlayAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageGamePlayAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageGamePlayAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageGeoLocationAction ¶
type SendMessageGeoLocationAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageGeoLocationAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageGeoLocationAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageGeoLocationAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageGeoLocationAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageHistoryImportAction ¶
type SendMessageHistoryImportAction struct {
Progress int32
func (*SendMessageHistoryImportAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageHistoryImportAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageHistoryImportAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageHistoryImportAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageRecordAudioAction ¶
type SendMessageRecordAudioAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageRecordAudioAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageRecordAudioAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageRecordAudioAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageRecordAudioAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageRecordRoundAction ¶
type SendMessageRecordRoundAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageRecordRoundAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageRecordRoundAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageRecordRoundAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageRecordRoundAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageRecordVideoAction ¶
type SendMessageRecordVideoAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageRecordVideoAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageRecordVideoAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageRecordVideoAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageRecordVideoAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageTypingAction ¶
type SendMessageTypingAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageTypingAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageTypingAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageTypingAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageTypingAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageUploadAudioAction ¶
type SendMessageUploadAudioAction struct {
Progress int32
func (*SendMessageUploadAudioAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadAudioAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageUploadAudioAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadAudioAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageUploadDocumentAction ¶
type SendMessageUploadDocumentAction struct {
Progress int32
func (*SendMessageUploadDocumentAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadDocumentAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageUploadDocumentAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadDocumentAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageUploadPhotoAction ¶
type SendMessageUploadPhotoAction struct {
Progress int32
func (*SendMessageUploadPhotoAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadPhotoAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageUploadPhotoAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadPhotoAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageUploadRoundAction ¶
type SendMessageUploadRoundAction struct {
Progress int32
func (*SendMessageUploadRoundAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadRoundAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageUploadRoundAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadRoundAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageUploadVideoAction ¶
type SendMessageUploadVideoAction struct {
Progress int32
func (*SendMessageUploadVideoAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadVideoAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageUploadVideoAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadVideoAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendOptions ¶
type SendOptions struct { Attributes []DocumentAttribute `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Caption interface{} `json:"caption,omitempty"` ClearDraft bool `json:"clear_draft,omitempty"` Entites []MessageEntity `json:"entites,omitempty"` FileName string `json:"file_name,omitempty"` ForceDocument bool `json:"force_document,omitempty"` LinkPreview bool `json:"link_preview,omitempty"` Media interface{} `json:"media,omitempty"` NoForwards bool `json:"no_forwards,omitempty"` ParseMode string `json:"parse_mode,omitempty"` ReplyID int32 `json:"reply_id,omitempty"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup,omitempty"` ScheduleDate int32 `json:"schedule_date,omitempty"` SendAs interface{} `json:"send_as,omitempty"` Silent bool `json:"silent,omitempty"` Thumb interface{} `json:"thumb,omitempty"` TTL int32 `json:"ttl,omitempty"` }
type ShippingOption ¶
type ShippingOption struct { ID string Title string Prices []*LabeledPrice }
func (*ShippingOption) CRC ¶
func (*ShippingOption) CRC() uint32
type SimpleWebViewResultURL ¶
type SimpleWebViewResultURL struct {
URL string
func (*SimpleWebViewResultURL) CRC ¶
func (*SimpleWebViewResultURL) CRC() uint32
type SpeakingInGroupCallAction ¶
type SpeakingInGroupCallAction struct{}
func (*SpeakingInGroupCallAction) CRC ¶
func (*SpeakingInGroupCallAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SpeakingInGroupCallAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SpeakingInGroupCallAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SponsoredMessage ¶
type SponsoredMessage struct { Recommended bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` ShowPeerPhoto bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` RandomID []byte FromID Peer `tl:"flag:3"` ChatInvite ChatInvite `tl:"flag:4"` ChatInviteHash string `tl:"flag:4"` ChannelPost int32 `tl:"flag:2"` StartParam string `tl:"flag:0"` Webpage *SponsoredWebPage `tl:"flag:9"` App BotApp `tl:"flag:10"` Message string Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:1"` ButtonText string `tl:"flag:11"` SponsorInfo string `tl:"flag:7"` AdditionalInfo string `tl:"flag:8"` }
func (*SponsoredMessage) CRC ¶
func (*SponsoredMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*SponsoredMessage) FlagIndex ¶
func (*SponsoredMessage) FlagIndex() int
type SponsoredWebPage ¶
func (*SponsoredWebPage) CRC ¶
func (*SponsoredWebPage) CRC() uint32
func (*SponsoredWebPage) FlagIndex ¶
func (*SponsoredWebPage) FlagIndex() int
type SrpAnswer ¶
func GetInputCheckPasswordAlgo ¶
GetInputCheckPassword returns the input check password for the given password and salt.
type StatsAbsValueAndPrev ¶
func (*StatsAbsValueAndPrev) CRC ¶
func (*StatsAbsValueAndPrev) CRC() uint32
type StatsBroadcastStats ¶
type StatsBroadcastStats struct { Period *StatsDateRangeDays Followers *StatsAbsValueAndPrev ViewsPerPost *StatsAbsValueAndPrev ReactionsPerPost *StatsAbsValueAndPrev ViewsPerStory *StatsAbsValueAndPrev ReactionsPerStory *StatsAbsValueAndPrev EnabledNotifications *StatsPercentValue GrowthGraph StatsGraph FollowersGraph StatsGraph MuteGraph StatsGraph TopHoursGraph StatsGraph InteractionsGraph StatsGraph IvInteractionsGraph StatsGraph ViewsBySourceGraph StatsGraph NewFollowersBySourceGraph StatsGraph LanguagesGraph StatsGraph ReactionsByEmotionGraph StatsGraph StoryInteractionsGraph StatsGraph StoryReactionsByEmotionGraph StatsGraph RecentPostsInteractions []PostInteractionCounters }
func (*StatsBroadcastStats) CRC ¶
func (*StatsBroadcastStats) CRC() uint32
type StatsDateRangeDays ¶
func (*StatsDateRangeDays) CRC ¶
func (*StatsDateRangeDays) CRC() uint32
type StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams ¶
type StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams struct { Dark bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Channel InputChannel }
func (*StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams) CRC ¶
func (*StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams) FlagIndex() int
type StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams ¶
type StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams struct { Dark bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Channel InputChannel }
func (*StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams) CRC ¶
func (*StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams) FlagIndex() int
type StatsGetMessagePublicForwardsParams ¶
type StatsGetMessagePublicForwardsParams struct { Channel InputChannel MsgID int32 Offset string Limit int32 }
func (*StatsGetMessagePublicForwardsParams) CRC ¶
func (*StatsGetMessagePublicForwardsParams) CRC() uint32
type StatsGetMessageStatsParams ¶
type StatsGetMessageStatsParams struct { Dark bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Channel InputChannel MsgID int32 }
func (*StatsGetMessageStatsParams) CRC ¶
func (*StatsGetMessageStatsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsGetMessageStatsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StatsGetMessageStatsParams) FlagIndex() int
type StatsGetStoryPublicForwardsParams ¶
func (*StatsGetStoryPublicForwardsParams) CRC ¶
func (*StatsGetStoryPublicForwardsParams) CRC() uint32
type StatsGetStoryStatsParams ¶
type StatsGetStoryStatsParams struct { Dark bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer ID int32 }
func (*StatsGetStoryStatsParams) CRC ¶
func (*StatsGetStoryStatsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsGetStoryStatsParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StatsGetStoryStatsParams) FlagIndex() int
type StatsGraph ¶
type StatsGraphAsync ¶
type StatsGraphAsync struct {
Token string
func (*StatsGraphAsync) CRC ¶
func (*StatsGraphAsync) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsGraphAsync) ImplementsStatsGraph ¶
func (*StatsGraphAsync) ImplementsStatsGraph()
type StatsGraphError ¶
type StatsGraphError struct {
Error string
func (*StatsGraphError) CRC ¶
func (*StatsGraphError) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsGraphError) ImplementsStatsGraph ¶
func (*StatsGraphError) ImplementsStatsGraph()
type StatsGraphObj ¶
func (*StatsGraphObj) CRC ¶
func (*StatsGraphObj) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsGraphObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StatsGraphObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*StatsGraphObj) ImplementsStatsGraph ¶
func (*StatsGraphObj) ImplementsStatsGraph()
type StatsGroupTopAdmin ¶
func (*StatsGroupTopAdmin) CRC ¶
func (*StatsGroupTopAdmin) CRC() uint32
type StatsGroupTopInviter ¶
func (*StatsGroupTopInviter) CRC ¶
func (*StatsGroupTopInviter) CRC() uint32
type StatsGroupTopPoster ¶
func (*StatsGroupTopPoster) CRC ¶
func (*StatsGroupTopPoster) CRC() uint32
type StatsLoadAsyncGraphParams ¶
func (*StatsLoadAsyncGraphParams) CRC ¶
func (*StatsLoadAsyncGraphParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsLoadAsyncGraphParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StatsLoadAsyncGraphParams) FlagIndex() int
type StatsMegagroupStats ¶
type StatsMegagroupStats struct { Period *StatsDateRangeDays Members *StatsAbsValueAndPrev Messages *StatsAbsValueAndPrev Viewers *StatsAbsValueAndPrev Posters *StatsAbsValueAndPrev GrowthGraph StatsGraph MembersGraph StatsGraph NewMembersBySourceGraph StatsGraph LanguagesGraph StatsGraph MessagesGraph StatsGraph ActionsGraph StatsGraph TopHoursGraph StatsGraph WeekdaysGraph StatsGraph TopPosters []*StatsGroupTopPoster TopAdmins []*StatsGroupTopAdmin TopInviters []*StatsGroupTopInviter Users []User }
func (*StatsMegagroupStats) CRC ¶
func (*StatsMegagroupStats) CRC() uint32
type StatsMessageStats ¶
type StatsMessageStats struct { ViewsGraph StatsGraph ReactionsByEmotionGraph StatsGraph }
func (*StatsMessageStats) CRC ¶
func (*StatsMessageStats) CRC() uint32
type StatsPercentValue ¶
func (*StatsPercentValue) CRC ¶
func (*StatsPercentValue) CRC() uint32
type StatsPublicForwards ¶
type StatsPublicForwards struct { Count int32 Forwards []PublicForward NextOffset string `tl:"flag:0"` Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*StatsPublicForwards) CRC ¶
func (*StatsPublicForwards) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsPublicForwards) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StatsPublicForwards) FlagIndex() int
type StatsStoryStats ¶
type StatsStoryStats struct { ViewsGraph StatsGraph ReactionsByEmotionGraph StatsGraph }
func (*StatsStoryStats) CRC ¶
func (*StatsStoryStats) CRC() uint32
type StickerKeyword ¶
func (*StickerKeyword) CRC ¶
func (*StickerKeyword) CRC() uint32
type StickerPack ¶
func (*StickerPack) CRC ¶
func (*StickerPack) CRC() uint32
type StickerSet ¶
type StickerSet struct { Archived bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Official bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Masks bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Animated bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Videos bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` Emojis bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` TextColor bool `tl:"flag:9,encoded_in_bitflags"` ChannelEmojiStatus bool `tl:"flag:10,encoded_in_bitflags"` InstalledDate int32 `tl:"flag:0"` ID int64 AccessHash int64 Title string ShortName string Thumbs []PhotoSize `tl:"flag:4"` ThumbDcID int32 `tl:"flag:4"` ThumbVersion int32 `tl:"flag:4"` ThumbDocumentID int64 `tl:"flag:8"` Count int32 Hash int32 }
func (*StickerSet) CRC ¶
func (*StickerSet) CRC() uint32
func (*StickerSet) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StickerSet) FlagIndex() int
type StickerSetCovered ¶
type StickerSetCoveredObj ¶
type StickerSetCoveredObj struct { Set *StickerSet Cover Document }
func (*StickerSetCoveredObj) CRC ¶
func (*StickerSetCoveredObj) CRC() uint32
func (*StickerSetCoveredObj) ImplementsStickerSetCovered ¶
func (*StickerSetCoveredObj) ImplementsStickerSetCovered()
type StickerSetFullCovered ¶
type StickerSetFullCovered struct { Set *StickerSet Packs []*StickerPack Keywords []*StickerKeyword Documents []Document }
func (*StickerSetFullCovered) CRC ¶
func (*StickerSetFullCovered) CRC() uint32
func (*StickerSetFullCovered) ImplementsStickerSetCovered ¶
func (*StickerSetFullCovered) ImplementsStickerSetCovered()
type StickerSetMultiCovered ¶
type StickerSetMultiCovered struct { Set *StickerSet Covers []Document }
func (*StickerSetMultiCovered) CRC ¶
func (*StickerSetMultiCovered) CRC() uint32
func (*StickerSetMultiCovered) ImplementsStickerSetCovered ¶
func (*StickerSetMultiCovered) ImplementsStickerSetCovered()
type StickerSetNoCovered ¶
type StickerSetNoCovered struct {
Set *StickerSet
func (*StickerSetNoCovered) CRC ¶
func (*StickerSetNoCovered) CRC() uint32
func (*StickerSetNoCovered) ImplementsStickerSetCovered ¶
func (*StickerSetNoCovered) ImplementsStickerSetCovered()
type StickersAddStickerToSetParams ¶
type StickersAddStickerToSetParams struct { Stickerset InputStickerSet Sticker *InputStickerSetItem }
func (*StickersAddStickerToSetParams) CRC ¶
func (*StickersAddStickerToSetParams) CRC() uint32
type StickersChangeStickerParams ¶
type StickersChangeStickerParams struct { Sticker InputDocument Emoji string `tl:"flag:0"` MaskCoords *MaskCoords `tl:"flag:1"` Keywords string `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*StickersChangeStickerParams) CRC ¶
func (*StickersChangeStickerParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StickersChangeStickerParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StickersChangeStickerParams) FlagIndex() int
type StickersChangeStickerPositionParams ¶
type StickersChangeStickerPositionParams struct { Sticker InputDocument Position int32 }
func (*StickersChangeStickerPositionParams) CRC ¶
func (*StickersChangeStickerPositionParams) CRC() uint32
type StickersCheckShortNameParams ¶
type StickersCheckShortNameParams struct {
ShortName string
func (*StickersCheckShortNameParams) CRC ¶
func (*StickersCheckShortNameParams) CRC() uint32
type StickersCreateStickerSetParams ¶
type StickersCreateStickerSetParams struct { Masks bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Animated bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Videos bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Emojis bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` TextColor bool `tl:"flag:6,encoded_in_bitflags"` UserID InputUser Title string ShortName string Thumb InputDocument `tl:"flag:2"` Stickers []*InputStickerSetItem Software string `tl:"flag:3"` }
func (*StickersCreateStickerSetParams) CRC ¶
func (*StickersCreateStickerSetParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StickersCreateStickerSetParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StickersCreateStickerSetParams) FlagIndex() int
type StickersDeleteStickerSetParams ¶
type StickersDeleteStickerSetParams struct {
Stickerset InputStickerSet
func (*StickersDeleteStickerSetParams) CRC ¶
func (*StickersDeleteStickerSetParams) CRC() uint32
type StickersRemoveStickerFromSetParams ¶
type StickersRemoveStickerFromSetParams struct {
Sticker InputDocument
func (*StickersRemoveStickerFromSetParams) CRC ¶
func (*StickersRemoveStickerFromSetParams) CRC() uint32
type StickersRenameStickerSetParams ¶
type StickersRenameStickerSetParams struct { Stickerset InputStickerSet Title string }
func (*StickersRenameStickerSetParams) CRC ¶
func (*StickersRenameStickerSetParams) CRC() uint32
type StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams ¶
type StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams struct { Stickerset InputStickerSet Thumb InputDocument `tl:"flag:0"` ThumbDocumentID int64 `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams) CRC ¶
func (*StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams) FlagIndex() int
type StickersSuggestShortNameParams ¶
type StickersSuggestShortNameParams struct {
Title string
func (*StickersSuggestShortNameParams) CRC ¶
func (*StickersSuggestShortNameParams) CRC() uint32
type StickersSuggestedShortName ¶
type StickersSuggestedShortName struct {
ShortName string
func (*StickersSuggestedShortName) CRC ¶
func (*StickersSuggestedShortName) CRC() uint32
type StorageFileType ¶
type StorageFileType uint32
const ( StorageFileGif StorageFileType = 0xcae1aadf StorageFileJpeg StorageFileType = 0x7efe0e StorageFileMov StorageFileType = 0x4b09ebbc StorageFileMp3 StorageFileType = 0x528a0677 StorageFileMp4 StorageFileType = 0xb3cea0e4 StorageFilePartial StorageFileType = 0x40bc6f52 StorageFilePdf StorageFileType = 0xae1e508d StorageFilePng StorageFileType = 0xa4f63c0 StorageFileUnknown StorageFileType = 0xaa963b05 StorageFileWebp StorageFileType = 0x1081464c )
func (StorageFileType) CRC ¶
func (e StorageFileType) CRC() uint32
func (StorageFileType) String ¶
func (e StorageFileType) String() string
type StoriesActivateStealthModeParams ¶
type StoriesActivateStealthModeParams struct { Past bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Future bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` }
func (*StoriesActivateStealthModeParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesActivateStealthModeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StoriesActivateStealthModeParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoriesActivateStealthModeParams) FlagIndex() int
type StoriesAllStories ¶
type StoriesAllStoriesNotModified ¶
type StoriesAllStoriesNotModified struct { State string StealthMode *StoriesStealthMode }
func (*StoriesAllStoriesNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesAllStoriesNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*StoriesAllStoriesNotModified) ImplementsStoriesAllStories ¶
func (*StoriesAllStoriesNotModified) ImplementsStoriesAllStories()
type StoriesAllStoriesObj ¶
type StoriesAllStoriesObj struct { HasMore bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Count int32 State string PeerStories []*PeerStories Chats []Chat Users []User StealthMode *StoriesStealthMode }
func (*StoriesAllStoriesObj) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesAllStoriesObj) CRC() uint32
func (*StoriesAllStoriesObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoriesAllStoriesObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*StoriesAllStoriesObj) ImplementsStoriesAllStories ¶
func (*StoriesAllStoriesObj) ImplementsStoriesAllStories()
type StoriesCanSendStoryParams ¶
type StoriesCanSendStoryParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*StoriesCanSendStoryParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesCanSendStoryParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesDeleteStoriesParams ¶
func (*StoriesDeleteStoriesParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesDeleteStoriesParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesEditStoryParams ¶
type StoriesEditStoryParams struct { Peer InputPeer ID int32 Media InputMedia `tl:"flag:0"` MediaAreas []MediaArea `tl:"flag:3"` Caption string `tl:"flag:1"` Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:1"` PrivacyRules []InputPrivacyRule `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*StoriesEditStoryParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesEditStoryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StoriesEditStoryParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoriesEditStoryParams) FlagIndex() int
type StoriesExportStoryLinkParams ¶
func (*StoriesExportStoryLinkParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesExportStoryLinkParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesGetAllReadPeerStoriesParams ¶
type StoriesGetAllReadPeerStoriesParams struct{}
func (*StoriesGetAllReadPeerStoriesParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesGetAllReadPeerStoriesParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesGetAllStoriesParams ¶
type StoriesGetAllStoriesParams struct { Next bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Hidden bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` State string `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*StoriesGetAllStoriesParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesGetAllStoriesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StoriesGetAllStoriesParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoriesGetAllStoriesParams) FlagIndex() int
type StoriesGetChatsToSendParams ¶
type StoriesGetChatsToSendParams struct{}
func (*StoriesGetChatsToSendParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesGetChatsToSendParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesGetPeerMaxIDsParams ¶
type StoriesGetPeerMaxIDsParams struct {
ID []InputPeer
func (*StoriesGetPeerMaxIDsParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesGetPeerMaxIDsParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesGetPeerStoriesParams ¶
type StoriesGetPeerStoriesParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*StoriesGetPeerStoriesParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesGetPeerStoriesParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesGetPinnedStoriesParams ¶
func (*StoriesGetPinnedStoriesParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesGetPinnedStoriesParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesGetStoriesArchiveParams ¶
func (*StoriesGetStoriesArchiveParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesGetStoriesArchiveParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesGetStoriesByIDParams ¶
func (*StoriesGetStoriesByIDParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesGetStoriesByIDParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesGetStoriesViewsParams ¶
func (*StoriesGetStoriesViewsParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesGetStoriesViewsParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesGetStoryReactionsListParams ¶
type StoriesGetStoryReactionsListParams struct { ForwardsFirst bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer ID int32 Reaction Reaction `tl:"flag:0"` Offset string `tl:"flag:1"` Limit int32 }
func (*StoriesGetStoryReactionsListParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesGetStoryReactionsListParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StoriesGetStoryReactionsListParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoriesGetStoryReactionsListParams) FlagIndex() int
type StoriesGetStoryViewsListParams ¶
type StoriesGetStoryViewsListParams struct { JustContacts bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ReactionsFirst bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForwardsFirst bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer Q string `tl:"flag:1"` ID int32 Offset string Limit int32 }
func (*StoriesGetStoryViewsListParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesGetStoryViewsListParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StoriesGetStoryViewsListParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoriesGetStoryViewsListParams) FlagIndex() int
type StoriesIncrementStoryViewsParams ¶
func (*StoriesIncrementStoryViewsParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesIncrementStoryViewsParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesPeerStories ¶
type StoriesPeerStories struct { Stories *PeerStories Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*StoriesPeerStories) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesPeerStories) CRC() uint32
type StoriesReadStoriesParams ¶
func (*StoriesReadStoriesParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesReadStoriesParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesReportParams ¶
type StoriesReportParams struct { Peer InputPeer ID []int32 Reason ReportReason Message string }
func (*StoriesReportParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesReportParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesSendReactionParams ¶
type StoriesSendReactionParams struct { AddToRecent bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer StoryID int32 Reaction Reaction }
func (*StoriesSendReactionParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesSendReactionParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StoriesSendReactionParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoriesSendReactionParams) FlagIndex() int
type StoriesSendStoryParams ¶
type StoriesSendStoryParams struct { Pinned bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Noforwards bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` FwdModified bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer Media InputMedia MediaAreas []MediaArea `tl:"flag:5"` Caption string `tl:"flag:0"` Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:1"` PrivacyRules []InputPrivacyRule RandomID int64 Period int32 `tl:"flag:3"` FwdFromID InputPeer `tl:"flag:6"` FwdFromStory int32 `tl:"flag:6"` }
func (*StoriesSendStoryParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesSendStoryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StoriesSendStoryParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoriesSendStoryParams) FlagIndex() int
type StoriesStealthMode ¶
type StoriesStealthMode struct { ActiveUntilDate int32 `tl:"flag:0"` CooldownUntilDate int32 `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*StoriesStealthMode) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesStealthMode) CRC() uint32
func (*StoriesStealthMode) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoriesStealthMode) FlagIndex() int
type StoriesStories ¶
func (*StoriesStories) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesStories) CRC() uint32
type StoriesStoryReactionsList ¶
type StoriesStoryReactionsList struct { Count int32 Reactions []StoryReaction Chats []Chat Users []User NextOffset string `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*StoriesStoryReactionsList) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesStoryReactionsList) CRC() uint32
func (*StoriesStoryReactionsList) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoriesStoryReactionsList) FlagIndex() int
type StoriesStoryViews ¶
type StoriesStoryViews struct { Views []*StoryViews Users []User }
func (*StoriesStoryViews) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesStoryViews) CRC() uint32
type StoriesStoryViewsList ¶
type StoriesStoryViewsList struct { Count int32 ViewsCount int32 ForwardsCount int32 ReactionsCount int32 Views []StoryView Chats []Chat Users []User NextOffset string `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*StoriesStoryViewsList) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesStoryViewsList) CRC() uint32
func (*StoriesStoryViewsList) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoriesStoryViewsList) FlagIndex() int
type StoriesToggleAllStoriesHiddenParams ¶
type StoriesToggleAllStoriesHiddenParams struct {
Hidden bool
func (*StoriesToggleAllStoriesHiddenParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesToggleAllStoriesHiddenParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesTogglePeerStoriesHiddenParams ¶
func (*StoriesTogglePeerStoriesHiddenParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesTogglePeerStoriesHiddenParams) CRC() uint32
type StoriesTogglePinnedParams ¶
func (*StoriesTogglePinnedParams) CRC ¶
func (*StoriesTogglePinnedParams) CRC() uint32
type StoryFwdHeader ¶
type StoryFwdHeader struct { Modified bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` From Peer `tl:"flag:0"` FromName string `tl:"flag:1"` StoryID int32 `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*StoryFwdHeader) CRC ¶
func (*StoryFwdHeader) CRC() uint32
func (*StoryFwdHeader) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoryFwdHeader) FlagIndex() int
type StoryItemDeleted ¶
type StoryItemDeleted struct {
ID int32
func (*StoryItemDeleted) CRC ¶
func (*StoryItemDeleted) CRC() uint32
func (*StoryItemDeleted) ImplementsStoryItem ¶
func (*StoryItemDeleted) ImplementsStoryItem()
type StoryItemObj ¶
type StoryItemObj struct { Pinned bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Public bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` CloseFriends bool `tl:"flag:8,encoded_in_bitflags"` Min bool `tl:"flag:9,encoded_in_bitflags"` Noforwards bool `tl:"flag:10,encoded_in_bitflags"` Edited bool `tl:"flag:11,encoded_in_bitflags"` Contacts bool `tl:"flag:12,encoded_in_bitflags"` SelectedContacts bool `tl:"flag:13,encoded_in_bitflags"` Out bool `tl:"flag:16,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int32 Date int32 FwdFrom *StoryFwdHeader `tl:"flag:17"` ExpireDate int32 Caption string `tl:"flag:0"` Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:1"` Media MessageMedia MediaAreas []MediaArea `tl:"flag:14"` Privacy []PrivacyRule `tl:"flag:2"` Views *StoryViews `tl:"flag:3"` SentReaction Reaction `tl:"flag:15"` }
func (*StoryItemObj) CRC ¶
func (*StoryItemObj) CRC() uint32
func (*StoryItemObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoryItemObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*StoryItemObj) ImplementsStoryItem ¶
func (*StoryItemObj) ImplementsStoryItem()
type StoryItemSkipped ¶
type StoryItemSkipped struct { CloseFriends bool `tl:"flag:8,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int32 Date int32 ExpireDate int32 }
func (*StoryItemSkipped) CRC ¶
func (*StoryItemSkipped) CRC() uint32
func (*StoryItemSkipped) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoryItemSkipped) FlagIndex() int
func (*StoryItemSkipped) ImplementsStoryItem ¶
func (*StoryItemSkipped) ImplementsStoryItem()
type StoryReaction ¶
type StoryReactionObj ¶
func (*StoryReactionObj) CRC ¶
func (*StoryReactionObj) CRC() uint32
func (*StoryReactionObj) ImplementsStoryReaction ¶
func (*StoryReactionObj) ImplementsStoryReaction()
type StoryReactionPublicForward ¶
type StoryReactionPublicForward struct {
Message Message
func (*StoryReactionPublicForward) CRC ¶
func (*StoryReactionPublicForward) CRC() uint32
func (*StoryReactionPublicForward) ImplementsStoryReaction ¶
func (*StoryReactionPublicForward) ImplementsStoryReaction()
type StoryReactionPublicRepost ¶
func (*StoryReactionPublicRepost) CRC ¶
func (*StoryReactionPublicRepost) CRC() uint32
func (*StoryReactionPublicRepost) ImplementsStoryReaction ¶
func (*StoryReactionPublicRepost) ImplementsStoryReaction()
type StoryViewObj ¶
type StoryViewObj struct { Blocked bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` BlockedMyStoriesFrom bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` UserID int64 Date int32 Reaction Reaction `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*StoryViewObj) CRC ¶
func (*StoryViewObj) CRC() uint32
func (*StoryViewObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoryViewObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*StoryViewObj) ImplementsStoryView ¶
func (*StoryViewObj) ImplementsStoryView()
type StoryViewPublicForward ¶
type StoryViewPublicForward struct { Blocked bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` BlockedMyStoriesFrom bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Message Message }
func (*StoryViewPublicForward) CRC ¶
func (*StoryViewPublicForward) CRC() uint32
func (*StoryViewPublicForward) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoryViewPublicForward) FlagIndex() int
func (*StoryViewPublicForward) ImplementsStoryView ¶
func (*StoryViewPublicForward) ImplementsStoryView()
type StoryViewPublicRepost ¶
type StoryViewPublicRepost struct { Blocked bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` BlockedMyStoriesFrom bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` PeerID Peer Story StoryItem }
func (*StoryViewPublicRepost) CRC ¶
func (*StoryViewPublicRepost) CRC() uint32
func (*StoryViewPublicRepost) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoryViewPublicRepost) FlagIndex() int
func (*StoryViewPublicRepost) ImplementsStoryView ¶
func (*StoryViewPublicRepost) ImplementsStoryView()
type StoryViews ¶
type StoryViews struct { HasViewers bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` ViewsCount int32 ForwardsCount int32 `tl:"flag:2"` Reactions []*ReactionCount `tl:"flag:3"` ReactionsCount int32 `tl:"flag:4"` RecentViewers []int64 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*StoryViews) CRC ¶
func (*StoryViews) CRC() uint32
func (*StoryViews) FlagIndex ¶
func (*StoryViews) FlagIndex() int
type Tag ¶
type Tag struct { Type string `json:"type"` Length int32 `json:"length"` Offset int32 `json:"offset"` Attrs map[string]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Tag represents a tag in the HTML string, including its type, length, and offset and whether it has nested tags, and its attrs
type TextAnchor ¶
func (*TextAnchor) CRC ¶
func (*TextAnchor) CRC() uint32
func (*TextAnchor) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextAnchor) ImplementsRichText()
type TextBold ¶
type TextBold struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextBold) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextBold) ImplementsRichText()
type TextConcat ¶
type TextConcat struct {
Texts []RichText
func (*TextConcat) CRC ¶
func (*TextConcat) CRC() uint32
func (*TextConcat) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextConcat) ImplementsRichText()
type TextEmail ¶
func (*TextEmail) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextEmail) ImplementsRichText()
type TextEmpty ¶
type TextEmpty struct{}
func (*TextEmpty) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextEmpty) ImplementsRichText()
type TextFixed ¶
type TextFixed struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextFixed) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextFixed) ImplementsRichText()
type TextImage ¶
func (*TextImage) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextImage) ImplementsRichText()
type TextItalic ¶
type TextItalic struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextItalic) CRC ¶
func (*TextItalic) CRC() uint32
func (*TextItalic) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextItalic) ImplementsRichText()
type TextMarked ¶
type TextMarked struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextMarked) CRC ¶
func (*TextMarked) CRC() uint32
func (*TextMarked) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextMarked) ImplementsRichText()
type TextPhone ¶
func (*TextPhone) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextPhone) ImplementsRichText()
type TextPlain ¶
type TextPlain struct {
Text string
func (*TextPlain) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextPlain) ImplementsRichText()
type TextStrike ¶
type TextStrike struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextStrike) CRC ¶
func (*TextStrike) CRC() uint32
func (*TextStrike) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextStrike) ImplementsRichText()
type TextSubscript ¶
type TextSubscript struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextSubscript) CRC ¶
func (*TextSubscript) CRC() uint32
func (*TextSubscript) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextSubscript) ImplementsRichText()
type TextSuperscript ¶
type TextSuperscript struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextSuperscript) CRC ¶
func (*TextSuperscript) CRC() uint32
func (*TextSuperscript) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextSuperscript) ImplementsRichText()
type TextURL ¶
func (*TextURL) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextURL) ImplementsRichText()
type TextUnderline ¶
type TextUnderline struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextUnderline) CRC ¶
func (*TextUnderline) CRC() uint32
func (*TextUnderline) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextUnderline) ImplementsRichText()
type TextWithEntities ¶
type TextWithEntities struct { Text string Entities []MessageEntity }
func (*TextWithEntities) CRC ¶
func (*TextWithEntities) CRC() uint32
type Theme ¶
type Theme struct { Creator bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Default bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForChat bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 AccessHash int64 Slug string Title string Document Document `tl:"flag:2"` Settings []*ThemeSettings `tl:"flag:3"` Emoticon string `tl:"flag:6"` InstallsCount int32 `tl:"flag:4"` }
type ThemeSettings ¶
type ThemeSettings struct { MessageColorsAnimated bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` BaseTheme BaseTheme AccentColor int32 OutboxAccentColor int32 `tl:"flag:3"` MessageColors []int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Wallpaper WallPaper `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*ThemeSettings) CRC ¶
func (*ThemeSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*ThemeSettings) FlagIndex ¶
func (*ThemeSettings) FlagIndex() int
type TitleOptions ¶
type TopPeerCategory ¶
type TopPeerCategory uint32
const ( TopPeerCategoryBotsInline TopPeerCategory = 0x148677e2 TopPeerCategoryBotsPm TopPeerCategory = 0xab661b5b TopPeerCategoryChannels TopPeerCategory = 0x161d9628 TopPeerCategoryCorrespondents TopPeerCategory = 0x637b7ed TopPeerCategoryForwardChats TopPeerCategory = 0xfbeec0f0 TopPeerCategoryForwardUsers TopPeerCategory = 0xa8406ca9 TopPeerCategoryGroups TopPeerCategory = 0xbd17a14a TopPeerCategoryPhoneCalls TopPeerCategory = 0x1e76a78c )
func (TopPeerCategory) CRC ¶
func (e TopPeerCategory) CRC() uint32
func (TopPeerCategory) String ¶
func (e TopPeerCategory) String() string
type TopPeerCategoryPeers ¶
type TopPeerCategoryPeers struct { Category TopPeerCategory Count int32 Peers []*TopPeer }
func (*TopPeerCategoryPeers) CRC ¶
func (*TopPeerCategoryPeers) CRC() uint32
type URLAuthResult ¶
type URLAuthResultAccepted ¶
type URLAuthResultAccepted struct {
URL string
func (*URLAuthResultAccepted) CRC ¶
func (*URLAuthResultAccepted) CRC() uint32
func (*URLAuthResultAccepted) ImplementsURLAuthResult ¶
func (*URLAuthResultAccepted) ImplementsURLAuthResult()
type URLAuthResultDefault ¶
type URLAuthResultDefault struct{}
func (*URLAuthResultDefault) CRC ¶
func (*URLAuthResultDefault) CRC() uint32
func (*URLAuthResultDefault) ImplementsURLAuthResult ¶
func (*URLAuthResultDefault) ImplementsURLAuthResult()
type URLAuthResultRequest ¶
type URLAuthResultRequest struct { RequestWriteAccess bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Bot User Domain string }
func (*URLAuthResultRequest) CRC ¶
func (*URLAuthResultRequest) CRC() uint32
func (*URLAuthResultRequest) FlagIndex ¶
func (*URLAuthResultRequest) FlagIndex() int
func (*URLAuthResultRequest) ImplementsURLAuthResult ¶
func (*URLAuthResultRequest) ImplementsURLAuthResult()
type UpdateAttachMenuBots ¶
type UpdateAttachMenuBots struct{}
func (*UpdateAttachMenuBots) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateAttachMenuBots) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateAttachMenuBots) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateAttachMenuBots) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateAutoSaveSettings ¶
type UpdateAutoSaveSettings struct{}
func (*UpdateAutoSaveSettings) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateAutoSaveSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateAutoSaveSettings) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateAutoSaveSettings) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotCallbackQuery ¶
type UpdateBotCallbackQuery struct { QueryID int64 UserID int64 Peer Peer MsgID int32 ChatInstance int64 Data []byte `tl:"flag:0"` GameShortName string `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*UpdateBotCallbackQuery) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotCallbackQuery) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotCallbackQuery) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateBotCallbackQuery) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateBotCallbackQuery) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotCallbackQuery) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotChatBoost ¶
func (*UpdateBotChatBoost) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotChatBoost) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotChatBoost) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotChatBoost) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotChatInviteRequester ¶
type UpdateBotChatInviteRequester struct { Peer Peer Date int32 UserID int64 About string Invite ExportedChatInvite Qts int32 }
func (*UpdateBotChatInviteRequester) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotChatInviteRequester) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotChatInviteRequester) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotChatInviteRequester) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotCommands ¶
type UpdateBotCommands struct { Peer Peer BotID int64 Commands []*BotCommand }
func (*UpdateBotCommands) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotCommands) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotCommands) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotCommands) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotInlineQuery ¶
type UpdateBotInlineQuery struct { QueryID int64 UserID int64 Query string Geo GeoPoint `tl:"flag:0"` PeerType InlineQueryPeerType `tl:"flag:1"` Offset string }
func (*UpdateBotInlineQuery) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotInlineQuery) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotInlineQuery) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateBotInlineQuery) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateBotInlineQuery) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotInlineQuery) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotInlineSend ¶
type UpdateBotInlineSend struct { UserID int64 Query string Geo GeoPoint `tl:"flag:0"` ID string MsgID InputBotInlineMessageID `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*UpdateBotInlineSend) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotInlineSend) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotInlineSend) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateBotInlineSend) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateBotInlineSend) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotInlineSend) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotMenuButton ¶
type UpdateBotMenuButton struct { BotID int64 Button BotMenuButton }
func (*UpdateBotMenuButton) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotMenuButton) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotMenuButton) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotMenuButton) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotMessageReaction ¶
type UpdateBotMessageReaction struct { Peer Peer MsgID int32 Date int32 Actor Peer OldReactions []Reaction NewReactions []Reaction Qts int32 }
func (*UpdateBotMessageReaction) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotMessageReaction) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotMessageReaction) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotMessageReaction) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotMessageReactions ¶
type UpdateBotMessageReactions struct { Peer Peer MsgID int32 Date int32 Reactions []*ReactionCount Qts int32 }
func (*UpdateBotMessageReactions) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotMessageReactions) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotMessageReactions) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotMessageReactions) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery ¶
type UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery struct { QueryID int64 UserID int64 Payload []byte Info *PaymentRequestedInfo `tl:"flag:0"` ShippingOptionID string `tl:"flag:1"` Currency string TotalAmount int64 }
func (*UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotShippingQuery ¶
type UpdateBotShippingQuery struct { QueryID int64 UserID int64 Payload []byte ShippingAddress *PostAddress }
func (*UpdateBotShippingQuery) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotShippingQuery) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotShippingQuery) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotShippingQuery) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotStopped ¶
func (*UpdateBotStopped) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotStopped) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotStopped) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotStopped) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotWebhookJson ¶
type UpdateBotWebhookJson struct {
Data *DataJson
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJson) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJson) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJson) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJson) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotWebhookJsonQuery ¶
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJsonQuery) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJsonQuery) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJsonQuery) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJsonQuery) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannel ¶
type UpdateChannel struct {
ChannelID int64
func (*UpdateChannel) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannel) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannel) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannel) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelAvailableMessages ¶
func (*UpdateChannelAvailableMessages) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelAvailableMessages) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelAvailableMessages) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelAvailableMessages) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelMessageForwards ¶
func (*UpdateChannelMessageForwards) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelMessageForwards) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelMessageForwards) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelMessageForwards) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelMessageViews ¶
func (*UpdateChannelMessageViews) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelMessageViews) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelMessageViews) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelMessageViews) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelParticipant ¶
type UpdateChannelParticipant struct { ViaChatlist bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` ChannelID int64 Date int32 ActorID int64 UserID int64 PrevParticipant ChannelParticipant `tl:"flag:0"` NewParticipant ChannelParticipant `tl:"flag:1"` Invite ExportedChatInvite `tl:"flag:2"` Qts int32 }
func (*UpdateChannelParticipant) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelParticipant) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelParticipant) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateChannelParticipant) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateChannelParticipant) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelParticipant) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelPinnedTopic ¶
type UpdateChannelPinnedTopic struct { Pinned bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ChannelID int64 TopicID int32 }
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedTopic) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedTopic) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedTopic) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedTopic) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedTopic) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedTopic) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelPinnedTopics ¶
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedTopics) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedTopics) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedTopics) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedTopics) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedTopics) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedTopics) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents ¶
type UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents struct { ChannelID int64 TopMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Messages []int32 }
func (*UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelTooLong ¶
func (*UpdateChannelTooLong) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelTooLong) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelTooLong) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateChannelTooLong) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateChannelTooLong) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelTooLong) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelUserTyping ¶
type UpdateChannelUserTyping struct { ChannelID int64 TopMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:0"` FromID Peer Action SendMessageAction }
func (*UpdateChannelUserTyping) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelUserTyping) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelUserTyping) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateChannelUserTyping) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateChannelUserTyping) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelUserTyping) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelViewForumAsMessages ¶
func (*UpdateChannelViewForumAsMessages) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelViewForumAsMessages) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelViewForumAsMessages) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelViewForumAsMessages) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelWebPage ¶
func (*UpdateChannelWebPage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelWebPage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelWebPage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelWebPage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChat ¶
type UpdateChat struct {
ChatID int64
func (*UpdateChat) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChat) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChat) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChat) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights ¶
type UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights struct { Peer Peer DefaultBannedRights *ChatBannedRights Version int32 }
func (*UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChatParticipant ¶
type UpdateChatParticipant struct { ChatID int64 Date int32 ActorID int64 UserID int64 PrevParticipant ChatParticipant `tl:"flag:0"` NewParticipant ChatParticipant `tl:"flag:1"` Invite ExportedChatInvite `tl:"flag:2"` Qts int32 }
func (*UpdateChatParticipant) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipant) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChatParticipant) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipant) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateChatParticipant) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipant) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChatParticipantAdd ¶
type UpdateChatParticipantAdd struct { ChatID int64 UserID int64 InviterID int64 Date int32 Version int32 }
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdd) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdd) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdd) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdd) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChatParticipantAdmin ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdmin) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdmin) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdmin) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdmin) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChatParticipantDelete ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantDelete) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantDelete) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChatParticipantDelete) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantDelete) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChatParticipants ¶
type UpdateChatParticipants struct {
Participants ChatParticipants
func (*UpdateChatParticipants) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipants) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChatParticipants) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipants) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChatUserTyping ¶
type UpdateChatUserTyping struct { ChatID int64 FromID Peer Action SendMessageAction }
func (*UpdateChatUserTyping) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChatUserTyping) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChatUserTyping) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChatUserTyping) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateConfig ¶
type UpdateConfig struct{}
func (*UpdateConfig) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateConfig) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateConfig) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateConfig) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateContactsReset ¶
type UpdateContactsReset struct{}
func (*UpdateContactsReset) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateContactsReset) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateContactsReset) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateContactsReset) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDcOptions ¶
type UpdateDcOptions struct {
DcOptions []*DcOption
func (*UpdateDcOptions) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDcOptions) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDcOptions) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDcOptions) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDeleteChannelMessages ¶
type UpdateDeleteChannelMessages struct { ChannelID int64 Messages []int32 Pts int32 PtsCount int32 }
func (*UpdateDeleteChannelMessages) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteChannelMessages) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDeleteChannelMessages) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteChannelMessages) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDeleteMessages ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteMessages) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteMessages) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDeleteMessages) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteMessages) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDeleteScheduledMessages ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteScheduledMessages) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteScheduledMessages) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDeleteScheduledMessages) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteScheduledMessages) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDialogFilter ¶
type UpdateDialogFilter struct { ID int32 Filter DialogFilter `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*UpdateDialogFilter) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDialogFilter) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDialogFilter) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateDialogFilter) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateDialogFilter) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDialogFilter) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDialogFilterOrder ¶
type UpdateDialogFilterOrder struct {
Order []int32
func (*UpdateDialogFilterOrder) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDialogFilterOrder) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDialogFilterOrder) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDialogFilterOrder) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDialogFilters ¶
type UpdateDialogFilters struct{}
func (*UpdateDialogFilters) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDialogFilters) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDialogFilters) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDialogFilters) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDialogPinned ¶
type UpdateDialogPinned struct { Pinned bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` FolderID int32 `tl:"flag:1"` Peer DialogPeer }
func (*UpdateDialogPinned) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDialogPinned) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDialogPinned) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateDialogPinned) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateDialogPinned) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDialogPinned) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDialogUnreadMark ¶
type UpdateDialogUnreadMark struct { Unread bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer DialogPeer }
func (*UpdateDialogUnreadMark) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDialogUnreadMark) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDialogUnreadMark) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateDialogUnreadMark) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateDialogUnreadMark) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDialogUnreadMark) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDispatcher ¶
type UpdateDispatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type UpdateDraftMessage ¶
type UpdateDraftMessage struct { Peer Peer TopMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Draft DraftMessage }
func (*UpdateDraftMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDraftMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDraftMessage) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateDraftMessage) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateDraftMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDraftMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateEditChannelMessage ¶
func (*UpdateEditChannelMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateEditChannelMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateEditChannelMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateEditChannelMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateEditMessage ¶
func (*UpdateEditMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateEditMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateEditMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateEditMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateEncryptedChatTyping ¶
type UpdateEncryptedChatTyping struct {
ChatID int32
func (*UpdateEncryptedChatTyping) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateEncryptedChatTyping) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateEncryptedChatTyping) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateEncryptedChatTyping) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead ¶
func (*UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateEncryption ¶
type UpdateEncryption struct { Chat EncryptedChat Date int32 }
func (*UpdateEncryption) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateEncryption) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateEncryption) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateEncryption) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateFavedStickers ¶
type UpdateFavedStickers struct{}
func (*UpdateFavedStickers) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateFavedStickers) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateFavedStickers) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateFavedStickers) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateFolderPeers ¶
type UpdateFolderPeers struct { FolderPeers []*FolderPeer Pts int32 PtsCount int32 }
func (*UpdateFolderPeers) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateFolderPeers) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateFolderPeers) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateFolderPeers) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateGeoLiveViewed ¶
func (*UpdateGeoLiveViewed) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateGeoLiveViewed) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateGeoLiveViewed) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateGeoLiveViewed) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateGroupCall ¶
func (*UpdateGroupCall) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateGroupCall) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateGroupCall) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateGroupCall) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateGroupCallConnection ¶
type UpdateGroupCallConnection struct { Presentation bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Params *DataJson }
func (*UpdateGroupCallConnection) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateGroupCallConnection) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateGroupCallConnection) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateGroupCallConnection) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateGroupCallConnection) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateGroupCallConnection) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateGroupCallParticipants ¶
type UpdateGroupCallParticipants struct { Call *InputGroupCall Participants []*GroupCallParticipant Version int32 }
func (*UpdateGroupCallParticipants) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateGroupCallParticipants) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateGroupCallParticipants) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateGroupCallParticipants) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateGroupInvitePrivacyForbidden ¶
type UpdateGroupInvitePrivacyForbidden struct {
UserID int64
func (*UpdateGroupInvitePrivacyForbidden) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateGroupInvitePrivacyForbidden) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateGroupInvitePrivacyForbidden) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateGroupInvitePrivacyForbidden) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery ¶
type UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery struct { QueryID int64 UserID int64 MsgID InputBotInlineMessageID ChatInstance int64 Data []byte `tl:"flag:0"` GameShortName string `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateLangPack ¶
type UpdateLangPack struct {
Difference *LangPackDifference
func (*UpdateLangPack) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateLangPack) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateLangPack) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateLangPack) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateLangPackTooLong ¶
type UpdateLangPackTooLong struct {
LangCode string
func (*UpdateLangPackTooLong) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateLangPackTooLong) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateLangPackTooLong) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateLangPackTooLong) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateLoginToken ¶
type UpdateLoginToken struct{}
func (*UpdateLoginToken) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateLoginToken) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateLoginToken) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateLoginToken) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateMessageExtendedMedia ¶
type UpdateMessageExtendedMedia struct { Peer Peer MsgID int32 ExtendedMedia MessageExtendedMedia }
func (*UpdateMessageExtendedMedia) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateMessageExtendedMedia) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateMessageExtendedMedia) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateMessageExtendedMedia) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateMessageID ¶
func (*UpdateMessageID) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateMessageID) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateMessageID) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateMessageID) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateMessagePoll ¶
type UpdateMessagePoll struct { PollID int64 Poll *Poll `tl:"flag:0"` Results *PollResults }
func (*UpdateMessagePoll) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateMessagePoll) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateMessagePoll) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateMessagePoll) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateMessagePoll) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateMessagePoll) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateMessagePollVote ¶
func (*UpdateMessagePollVote) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateMessagePollVote) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateMessagePollVote) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateMessagePollVote) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateMessageReactions ¶
type UpdateMessageReactions struct { Peer Peer MsgID int32 TopMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Reactions *MessageReactions }
func (*UpdateMessageReactions) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateMessageReactions) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateMessageReactions) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateMessageReactions) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateMessageReactions) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateMessageReactions) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateMoveStickerSetToTop ¶
type UpdateMoveStickerSetToTop struct { Masks bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Emojis bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Stickerset int64 }
func (*UpdateMoveStickerSetToTop) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateMoveStickerSetToTop) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateMoveStickerSetToTop) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateMoveStickerSetToTop) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateMoveStickerSetToTop) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateMoveStickerSetToTop) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateNewAuthorization ¶
type UpdateNewAuthorization struct { Unconfirmed bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Hash int64 Date int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Device string `tl:"flag:0"` Location string `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*UpdateNewAuthorization) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateNewAuthorization) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateNewAuthorization) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateNewAuthorization) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateNewAuthorization) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateNewAuthorization) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateNewChannelMessage ¶
func (*UpdateNewChannelMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateNewChannelMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateNewChannelMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateNewChannelMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateNewEncryptedMessage ¶
type UpdateNewEncryptedMessage struct { Message EncryptedMessage Qts int32 }
func (*UpdateNewEncryptedMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateNewEncryptedMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateNewEncryptedMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateNewEncryptedMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateNewMessage ¶
func (*UpdateNewMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateNewMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateNewMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateNewMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateNewScheduledMessage ¶
type UpdateNewScheduledMessage struct {
Message Message
func (*UpdateNewScheduledMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateNewScheduledMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateNewScheduledMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateNewScheduledMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateNewStickerSet ¶
type UpdateNewStickerSet struct {
Stickerset MessagesStickerSet
func (*UpdateNewStickerSet) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateNewStickerSet) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateNewStickerSet) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateNewStickerSet) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateNotifySettings ¶
type UpdateNotifySettings struct { Peer NotifyPeer NotifySettings *PeerNotifySettings }
func (*UpdateNotifySettings) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateNotifySettings) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateNotifySettings) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateNotifySettings) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePeerBlocked ¶
type UpdatePeerBlocked struct { Blocked bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` BlockedMyStoriesFrom bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` PeerID Peer }
func (*UpdatePeerBlocked) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePeerBlocked) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePeerBlocked) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdatePeerBlocked) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdatePeerBlocked) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePeerBlocked) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePeerHistoryTtl ¶
func (*UpdatePeerHistoryTtl) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePeerHistoryTtl) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePeerHistoryTtl) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdatePeerHistoryTtl) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdatePeerHistoryTtl) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePeerHistoryTtl) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePeerLocated ¶
type UpdatePeerLocated struct {
Peers []PeerLocated
func (*UpdatePeerLocated) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePeerLocated) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePeerLocated) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePeerLocated) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePeerSettings ¶
type UpdatePeerSettings struct { Peer Peer Settings *PeerSettings }
func (*UpdatePeerSettings) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePeerSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePeerSettings) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePeerSettings) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePeerWallpaper ¶
type UpdatePeerWallpaper struct { WallpaperOverridden bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer Peer Wallpaper WallPaper `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*UpdatePeerWallpaper) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePeerWallpaper) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePeerWallpaper) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdatePeerWallpaper) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdatePeerWallpaper) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePeerWallpaper) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePendingJoinRequests ¶
func (*UpdatePendingJoinRequests) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePendingJoinRequests) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePendingJoinRequests) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePendingJoinRequests) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePhoneCall ¶
type UpdatePhoneCall struct {
PhoneCall PhoneCall
func (*UpdatePhoneCall) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePhoneCall) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePhoneCall) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePhoneCall) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePhoneCallSignalingData ¶
func (*UpdatePhoneCallSignalingData) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePhoneCallSignalingData) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePhoneCallSignalingData) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePhoneCallSignalingData) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePinnedChannelMessages ¶
type UpdatePinnedChannelMessages struct { Pinned bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` ChannelID int64 Messages []int32 Pts int32 PtsCount int32 }
func (*UpdatePinnedChannelMessages) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePinnedChannelMessages) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePinnedChannelMessages) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdatePinnedChannelMessages) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdatePinnedChannelMessages) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePinnedChannelMessages) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePinnedDialogs ¶
type UpdatePinnedDialogs struct { FolderID int32 `tl:"flag:1"` Order []DialogPeer `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*UpdatePinnedDialogs) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePinnedDialogs) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePinnedDialogs) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdatePinnedDialogs) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdatePinnedDialogs) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePinnedDialogs) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePinnedMessages ¶
type UpdatePinnedMessages struct { Pinned bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer Peer Messages []int32 Pts int32 PtsCount int32 }
func (*UpdatePinnedMessages) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePinnedMessages) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePinnedMessages) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdatePinnedMessages) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdatePinnedMessages) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePinnedMessages) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePinnedSavedDialogs ¶
type UpdatePinnedSavedDialogs struct {
Order []DialogPeer `tl:"flag:0"`
func (*UpdatePinnedSavedDialogs) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePinnedSavedDialogs) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePinnedSavedDialogs) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdatePinnedSavedDialogs) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdatePinnedSavedDialogs) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePinnedSavedDialogs) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePrivacy ¶
type UpdatePrivacy struct { Key PrivacyKey Rules []PrivacyRule }
func (*UpdatePrivacy) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePrivacy) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePrivacy) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePrivacy) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePtsChanged ¶
type UpdatePtsChanged struct{}
func (*UpdatePtsChanged) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePtsChanged) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePtsChanged) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePtsChanged) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadChannelDiscussionInbox ¶
type UpdateReadChannelDiscussionInbox struct { ChannelID int64 TopMsgID int32 ReadMaxID int32 BroadcastID int64 `tl:"flag:0"` BroadcastPost int32 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*UpdateReadChannelDiscussionInbox) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelDiscussionInbox) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadChannelDiscussionInbox) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelDiscussionInbox) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateReadChannelDiscussionInbox) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelDiscussionInbox) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadChannelInbox ¶
type UpdateReadChannelInbox struct { FolderID int32 `tl:"flag:0"` ChannelID int64 MaxID int32 StillUnreadCount int32 Pts int32 }
func (*UpdateReadChannelInbox) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelInbox) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadChannelInbox) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelInbox) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateReadChannelInbox) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelInbox) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadChannelOutbox ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelOutbox) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelOutbox) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadChannelOutbox) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelOutbox) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadFeaturedEmojiStickers ¶
type UpdateReadFeaturedEmojiStickers struct{}
func (*UpdateReadFeaturedEmojiStickers) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadFeaturedEmojiStickers) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadFeaturedEmojiStickers) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadFeaturedEmojiStickers) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadFeaturedStickers ¶
type UpdateReadFeaturedStickers struct{}
func (*UpdateReadFeaturedStickers) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadFeaturedStickers) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadFeaturedStickers) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadFeaturedStickers) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadHistoryInbox ¶
type UpdateReadHistoryInbox struct { FolderID int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Peer Peer MaxID int32 StillUnreadCount int32 Pts int32 PtsCount int32 }
func (*UpdateReadHistoryInbox) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadHistoryInbox) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadHistoryInbox) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateReadHistoryInbox) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateReadHistoryInbox) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadHistoryInbox) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadHistoryOutbox ¶
func (*UpdateReadHistoryOutbox) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadHistoryOutbox) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadHistoryOutbox) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadHistoryOutbox) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadMessagesContents ¶
type UpdateReadMessagesContents struct { Messages []int32 Pts int32 PtsCount int32 Date int32 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*UpdateReadMessagesContents) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadMessagesContents) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadMessagesContents) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateReadMessagesContents) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateReadMessagesContents) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadMessagesContents) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadStories ¶
func (*UpdateReadStories) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadStories) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadStories) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadStories) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateRecentEmojiStatuses ¶
type UpdateRecentEmojiStatuses struct{}
func (*UpdateRecentEmojiStatuses) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateRecentEmojiStatuses) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateRecentEmojiStatuses) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateRecentEmojiStatuses) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateRecentReactions ¶
type UpdateRecentReactions struct{}
func (*UpdateRecentReactions) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateRecentReactions) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateRecentReactions) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateRecentReactions) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateRecentStickers ¶
type UpdateRecentStickers struct{}
func (*UpdateRecentStickers) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateRecentStickers) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateRecentStickers) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateRecentStickers) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateSavedDialogPinned ¶
type UpdateSavedDialogPinned struct { Pinned bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer DialogPeer }
func (*UpdateSavedDialogPinned) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateSavedDialogPinned) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateSavedDialogPinned) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateSavedDialogPinned) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateSavedDialogPinned) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateSavedDialogPinned) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateSavedGifs ¶
type UpdateSavedGifs struct{}
func (*UpdateSavedGifs) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateSavedGifs) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateSavedGifs) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateSavedGifs) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateSavedRingtones ¶
type UpdateSavedRingtones struct{}
func (*UpdateSavedRingtones) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateSavedRingtones) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateSavedRingtones) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateSavedRingtones) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateSentStoryReaction ¶
func (*UpdateSentStoryReaction) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateSentStoryReaction) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateSentStoryReaction) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateSentStoryReaction) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateServiceNotification ¶
type UpdateServiceNotification struct { Popup bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` InvertMedia bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` InboxDate int32 `tl:"flag:1"` Type string Message string Media MessageMedia Entities []MessageEntity }
func (*UpdateServiceNotification) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateServiceNotification) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateServiceNotification) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateServiceNotification) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateServiceNotification) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateServiceNotification) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateShort ¶
func (*UpdateShort) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateShort) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateShort) ImplementsUpdates ¶
func (*UpdateShort) ImplementsUpdates()
type UpdateShortChatMessage ¶
type UpdateShortChatMessage struct { Out bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Mentioned bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` MediaUnread bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Silent bool `tl:"flag:13,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int32 FromID int64 ChatID int64 Message string Pts int32 PtsCount int32 Date int32 FwdFrom *MessageFwdHeader `tl:"flag:2"` ViaBotID int64 `tl:"flag:11"` ReplyTo MessageReplyHeader `tl:"flag:3"` Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:7"` TtlPeriod int32 `tl:"flag:25"` }
func (*UpdateShortChatMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateShortChatMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateShortChatMessage) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateShortChatMessage) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateShortChatMessage) ImplementsUpdates ¶
func (*UpdateShortChatMessage) ImplementsUpdates()
type UpdateShortMessage ¶
type UpdateShortMessage struct { Out bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Mentioned bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` MediaUnread bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Silent bool `tl:"flag:13,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int32 UserID int64 Message string Pts int32 PtsCount int32 Date int32 FwdFrom *MessageFwdHeader `tl:"flag:2"` ViaBotID int64 `tl:"flag:11"` ReplyTo MessageReplyHeader `tl:"flag:3"` Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:7"` TtlPeriod int32 `tl:"flag:25"` }
func (*UpdateShortMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateShortMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateShortMessage) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateShortMessage) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateShortMessage) ImplementsUpdates ¶
func (*UpdateShortMessage) ImplementsUpdates()
type UpdateShortSentMessage ¶
type UpdateShortSentMessage struct { Out bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int32 Pts int32 PtsCount int32 Date int32 Media MessageMedia `tl:"flag:9"` Entities []MessageEntity `tl:"flag:7"` TtlPeriod int32 `tl:"flag:25"` }
func (*UpdateShortSentMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateShortSentMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateShortSentMessage) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateShortSentMessage) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateShortSentMessage) ImplementsUpdates ¶
func (*UpdateShortSentMessage) ImplementsUpdates()
type UpdateStickerSets ¶
type UpdateStickerSets struct { Masks bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Emojis bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` }
func (*UpdateStickerSets) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateStickerSets) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateStickerSets) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateStickerSets) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateStickerSets) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateStickerSets) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateStickerSetsOrder ¶
type UpdateStickerSetsOrder struct { Masks bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Emojis bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Order []int64 }
func (*UpdateStickerSetsOrder) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateStickerSetsOrder) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateStickerSetsOrder) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateStickerSetsOrder) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateStickerSetsOrder) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateStickerSetsOrder) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateStoriesStealthMode ¶
type UpdateStoriesStealthMode struct {
StealthMode *StoriesStealthMode
func (*UpdateStoriesStealthMode) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateStoriesStealthMode) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateStoriesStealthMode) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateStoriesStealthMode) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateStory ¶
func (*UpdateStory) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateStory) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateStory) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateStory) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateStoryID ¶
func (*UpdateStoryID) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateStoryID) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateStoryID) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateStoryID) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateTheme ¶
type UpdateTheme struct {
Theme *Theme
func (*UpdateTheme) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateTheme) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateTheme) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateTheme) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateTranscribedAudio ¶
type UpdateTranscribedAudio struct { Pending bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer Peer MsgID int32 TranscriptionID int64 Text string }
func (*UpdateTranscribedAudio) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateTranscribedAudio) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateTranscribedAudio) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdateTranscribedAudio) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdateTranscribedAudio) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateTranscribedAudio) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateUser ¶
type UpdateUser struct {
UserID int64
func (*UpdateUser) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateUser) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateUser) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateUser) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateUserEmojiStatus ¶
type UpdateUserEmojiStatus struct { UserID int64 EmojiStatus EmojiStatus }
func (*UpdateUserEmojiStatus) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateUserEmojiStatus) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateUserEmojiStatus) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateUserEmojiStatus) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateUserName ¶
func (*UpdateUserName) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateUserName) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateUserName) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateUserName) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateUserPhone ¶
func (*UpdateUserPhone) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateUserPhone) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateUserPhone) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateUserPhone) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateUserStatus ¶
type UpdateUserStatus struct { UserID int64 Status UserStatus }
func (*UpdateUserStatus) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateUserStatus) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateUserStatus) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateUserStatus) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateUserTyping ¶
type UpdateUserTyping struct { UserID int64 Action SendMessageAction }
func (*UpdateUserTyping) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateUserTyping) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateUserTyping) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateUserTyping) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateWebPage ¶
func (*UpdateWebPage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateWebPage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateWebPage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateWebPage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateWebViewResultSent ¶
type UpdateWebViewResultSent struct {
QueryID int64
func (*UpdateWebViewResultSent) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateWebViewResultSent) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateWebViewResultSent) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateWebViewResultSent) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty ¶
type UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty struct { Final bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Pts int32 Timeout int32 `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty) ImplementsUpdatesChannelDifference ¶
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty) ImplementsUpdatesChannelDifference()
type UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj ¶
type UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj struct { Final bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Pts int32 Timeout int32 `tl:"flag:1"` NewMessages []Message OtherUpdates []Update Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj) ImplementsUpdatesChannelDifference ¶
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj) ImplementsUpdatesChannelDifference()
type UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong ¶
type UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong struct { Final bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Timeout int32 `tl:"flag:1"` Dialog Dialog Messages []Message Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong) FlagIndex() int
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong) ImplementsUpdatesChannelDifference ¶
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong) ImplementsUpdatesChannelDifference()
type UpdatesCombined ¶
type UpdatesCombined struct { Updates []Update Users []User Chats []Chat Date int32 SeqStart int32 Seq int32 }
func (*UpdatesCombined) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesCombined) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesCombined) ImplementsUpdates ¶
func (*UpdatesCombined) ImplementsUpdates()
type UpdatesDifference ¶
type UpdatesDifferenceEmpty ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesDifferenceEmpty) ImplementsUpdatesDifference ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceEmpty) ImplementsUpdatesDifference()
type UpdatesDifferenceObj ¶
type UpdatesDifferenceObj struct { NewMessages []Message NewEncryptedMessages []EncryptedMessage OtherUpdates []Update Chats []Chat Users []User State *UpdatesState }
func (*UpdatesDifferenceObj) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceObj) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesDifferenceObj) ImplementsUpdatesDifference ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceObj) ImplementsUpdatesDifference()
type UpdatesDifferenceSlice ¶
type UpdatesDifferenceSlice struct { NewMessages []Message NewEncryptedMessages []EncryptedMessage OtherUpdates []Update Chats []Chat Users []User IntermediateState *UpdatesState }
func (*UpdatesDifferenceSlice) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceSlice) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesDifferenceSlice) ImplementsUpdatesDifference ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceSlice) ImplementsUpdatesDifference()
type UpdatesDifferenceTooLong ¶
type UpdatesDifferenceTooLong struct {
Pts int32
func (*UpdatesDifferenceTooLong) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceTooLong) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesDifferenceTooLong) ImplementsUpdatesDifference ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceTooLong) ImplementsUpdatesDifference()
type UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams ¶
type UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams struct { Force bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Channel InputChannel Filter ChannelMessagesFilter Pts int32 Limit int32 }
func (*UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams) FlagIndex() int
type UpdatesGetDifferenceParams ¶
type UpdatesGetDifferenceParams struct { Pts int32 PtsLimit int32 `tl:"flag:1"` PtsTotalLimit int32 `tl:"flag:0"` Date int32 Qts int32 QtsLimit int32 `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*UpdatesGetDifferenceParams) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesGetDifferenceParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesGetDifferenceParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UpdatesGetDifferenceParams) FlagIndex() int
type UpdatesGetStateParams ¶
type UpdatesGetStateParams struct{}
func (*UpdatesGetStateParams) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesGetStateParams) CRC() uint32
type UpdatesObj ¶
func (*UpdatesObj) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesObj) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesObj) ImplementsUpdates ¶
func (*UpdatesObj) ImplementsUpdates()
type UpdatesState ¶
func (*UpdatesState) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesState) CRC() uint32
type UpdatesTooLong ¶
type UpdatesTooLong struct{}
func (*UpdatesTooLong) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesTooLong) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesTooLong) ImplementsUpdates ¶
func (*UpdatesTooLong) ImplementsUpdates()
type UploadCdnFile ¶
type UploadCdnFileObj ¶
type UploadCdnFileObj struct {
Bytes []byte
func (*UploadCdnFileObj) CRC ¶
func (*UploadCdnFileObj) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadCdnFileObj) ImplementsUploadCdnFile ¶
func (*UploadCdnFileObj) ImplementsUploadCdnFile()
type UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded ¶
type UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded struct {
RequestToken []byte
func (*UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded) CRC ¶
func (*UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded) ImplementsUploadCdnFile ¶
func (*UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded) ImplementsUploadCdnFile()
type UploadFile ¶
type UploadFileCdnRedirect ¶
type UploadFileCdnRedirect struct { DcID int32 FileToken []byte EncryptionKey []byte EncryptionIv []byte FileHashes []*FileHash }
func (*UploadFileCdnRedirect) CRC ¶
func (*UploadFileCdnRedirect) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadFileCdnRedirect) ImplementsUploadFile ¶
func (*UploadFileCdnRedirect) ImplementsUploadFile()
type UploadFileObj ¶
type UploadFileObj struct { Type StorageFileType Mtime int32 Bytes []byte }
func (*UploadFileObj) CRC ¶
func (*UploadFileObj) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadFileObj) ImplementsUploadFile ¶
func (*UploadFileObj) ImplementsUploadFile()
type UploadGetCdnFileHashesParams ¶
func (*UploadGetCdnFileHashesParams) CRC ¶
func (*UploadGetCdnFileHashesParams) CRC() uint32
type UploadGetCdnFileParams ¶
func (*UploadGetCdnFileParams) CRC ¶
func (*UploadGetCdnFileParams) CRC() uint32
type UploadGetFileHashesParams ¶
type UploadGetFileHashesParams struct { Location InputFileLocation Offset int64 }
func (*UploadGetFileHashesParams) CRC ¶
func (*UploadGetFileHashesParams) CRC() uint32
type UploadGetFileParams ¶
type UploadGetFileParams struct { Precise bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` CdnSupported bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Location InputFileLocation Offset int64 Limit int32 }
func (*UploadGetFileParams) CRC ¶
func (*UploadGetFileParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadGetFileParams) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UploadGetFileParams) FlagIndex() int
type UploadGetWebFileParams ¶
type UploadGetWebFileParams struct { Location InputWebFileLocation Offset int32 Limit int32 }
func (*UploadGetWebFileParams) CRC ¶
func (*UploadGetWebFileParams) CRC() uint32
type UploadOptions ¶
type UploadOptions struct { // Worker count for upload file. Threads int `json:"threads,omitempty"` // Chunk size for upload file. ChunkSize int32 `json:"chunk_size,omitempty"` // File name for upload file. FileName string `json:"file_name,omitempty"` // output Progress channel for upload file. ProgressChan chan Progress `json:"progress_chan,omitempty"` }
type UploadReuploadCdnFileParams ¶
func (*UploadReuploadCdnFileParams) CRC ¶
func (*UploadReuploadCdnFileParams) CRC() uint32
type UploadSaveBigFilePartParams ¶
type UploadSaveBigFilePartParams struct { FileID int64 FilePart int32 FileTotalParts int32 Bytes []byte }
func (*UploadSaveBigFilePartParams) CRC ¶
func (*UploadSaveBigFilePartParams) CRC() uint32
type UploadSaveFilePartParams ¶
func (*UploadSaveFilePartParams) CRC ¶
func (*UploadSaveFilePartParams) CRC() uint32
type UploadWebFile ¶
type UploadWebFile struct { Size int32 MimeType string FileType StorageFileType Mtime int32 Bytes []byte }
func (*UploadWebFile) CRC ¶
func (*UploadWebFile) CRC() uint32
type Uploader ¶
type Uploader struct { *Client Parts int32 `json:"parts,omitempty"` ChunkSize int32 `json:"chunk_size,omitempty"` Worker int `json:"worker,omitempty"` Source interface{} `json:"source,omitempty"` Workers []*Client `json:"workers,omitempty"` FileID int64 `json:"file_id,omitempty"` Meta FileMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UserEmpty ¶
type UserEmpty struct {
ID int64
func (*UserEmpty) ImplementsUser ¶
func (*UserEmpty) ImplementsUser()
type UserFull ¶
type UserFull struct { Blocked bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhoneCallsAvailable bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhoneCallsPrivate bool `tl:"flag:5,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanPinMessage bool `tl:"flag:7,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasScheduled bool `tl:"flag:12,encoded_in_bitflags"` VideoCallsAvailable bool `tl:"flag:13,encoded_in_bitflags"` VoiceMessagesForbidden bool `tl:"flag:20,encoded_in_bitflags"` TranslationsDisabled bool `tl:"flag:23,encoded_in_bitflags"` StoriesPinnedAvailable bool `tl:"flag:26,encoded_in_bitflags"` BlockedMyStoriesFrom bool `tl:"flag:27,encoded_in_bitflags"` WallpaperOverridden bool `tl:"flag:28,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 About string `tl:"flag:1"` Settings *PeerSettings PersonalPhoto Photo `tl:"flag:21"` ProfilePhoto Photo `tl:"flag:2"` FallbackPhoto Photo `tl:"flag:22"` NotifySettings *PeerNotifySettings BotInfo *BotInfo `tl:"flag:3"` PinnedMsgID int32 `tl:"flag:6"` CommonChatsCount int32 FolderID int32 `tl:"flag:11"` TtlPeriod int32 `tl:"flag:14"` ThemeEmoticon string `tl:"flag:15"` PrivateForwardName string `tl:"flag:16"` BotGroupAdminRights *ChatAdminRights `tl:"flag:17"` BotBroadcastAdminRights *ChatAdminRights `tl:"flag:18"` PremiumGifts []*PremiumGiftOption `tl:"flag:19"` Wallpaper WallPaper `tl:"flag:24"` Stories *PeerStories `tl:"flag:25"` }
type UserObj ¶
type UserObj struct { Self bool `tl:"flag:10,encoded_in_bitflags"` Contact bool `tl:"flag:11,encoded_in_bitflags"` MutualContact bool `tl:"flag:12,encoded_in_bitflags"` Deleted bool `tl:"flag:13,encoded_in_bitflags"` Bot bool `tl:"flag:14,encoded_in_bitflags"` BotChatHistory bool `tl:"flag:15,encoded_in_bitflags"` BotNochats bool `tl:"flag:16,encoded_in_bitflags"` Verified bool `tl:"flag:17,encoded_in_bitflags"` Restricted bool `tl:"flag:18,encoded_in_bitflags"` Min bool `tl:"flag:20,encoded_in_bitflags"` BotInlineGeo bool `tl:"flag:21,encoded_in_bitflags"` Support bool `tl:"flag:23,encoded_in_bitflags"` Scam bool `tl:"flag:24,encoded_in_bitflags"` ApplyMinPhoto bool `tl:"flag:25,encoded_in_bitflags"` Fake bool `tl:"flag:26,encoded_in_bitflags"` BotAttachMenu bool `tl:"flag:27,encoded_in_bitflags"` Premium bool `tl:"flag:28,encoded_in_bitflags"` AttachMenuEnabled bool `tl:"flag:29,encoded_in_bitflags"` BotCanEdit bool `tl:"flag2:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` CloseFriend bool `tl:"flag2:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` StoriesHidden bool `tl:"flag2:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 AccessHash int64 `tl:"flag:0"` FirstName string `tl:"flag:1"` LastName string `tl:"flag:2"` Username string `tl:"flag:3"` Phone string `tl:"flag:4"` Photo UserProfilePhoto `tl:"flag:5"` Status UserStatus `tl:"flag:6"` BotInfoVersion int32 `tl:"flag:14"` RestrictionReason []*RestrictionReason `tl:"flag:18"` BotInlinePlaceholder string `tl:"flag:19"` LangCode string `tl:"flag:22"` EmojiStatus EmojiStatus `tl:"flag:30"` Usernames []*Username `tl:"flag2:0"` StoriesMaxID int32 `tl:"flag2:5"` Color *PeerColor `tl:"flag2:8"` ProfileColor *PeerColor `tl:"flag2:9"` }
func (*UserObj) ImplementsUser ¶
func (*UserObj) ImplementsUser()
type UserPhoto ¶
type UserPhoto struct {
Photo Photo
func (*UserPhoto) InputLocation ¶
func (p *UserPhoto) InputLocation() (*InputPhotoFileLocation, error)
type UserProfilePhoto ¶
type UserProfilePhotoEmpty ¶
type UserProfilePhotoEmpty struct{}
func (*UserProfilePhotoEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*UserProfilePhotoEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*UserProfilePhotoEmpty) ImplementsUserProfilePhoto ¶
func (*UserProfilePhotoEmpty) ImplementsUserProfilePhoto()
type UserProfilePhotoObj ¶
type UserProfilePhotoObj struct { HasVideo bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Personal bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhotoID int64 StrippedThumb []byte `tl:"flag:1"` DcID int32 }
func (*UserProfilePhotoObj) CRC ¶
func (*UserProfilePhotoObj) CRC() uint32
func (*UserProfilePhotoObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*UserProfilePhotoObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*UserProfilePhotoObj) ImplementsUserProfilePhoto ¶
func (*UserProfilePhotoObj) ImplementsUserProfilePhoto()
type UserStatus ¶
type UserStatusEmpty ¶
type UserStatusEmpty struct{}
func (*UserStatusEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*UserStatusEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*UserStatusEmpty) ImplementsUserStatus ¶
func (*UserStatusEmpty) ImplementsUserStatus()
type UserStatusLastMonth ¶
type UserStatusLastMonth struct{}
func (*UserStatusLastMonth) CRC ¶
func (*UserStatusLastMonth) CRC() uint32
func (*UserStatusLastMonth) ImplementsUserStatus ¶
func (*UserStatusLastMonth) ImplementsUserStatus()
type UserStatusLastWeek ¶
type UserStatusLastWeek struct{}
func (*UserStatusLastWeek) CRC ¶
func (*UserStatusLastWeek) CRC() uint32
func (*UserStatusLastWeek) ImplementsUserStatus ¶
func (*UserStatusLastWeek) ImplementsUserStatus()
type UserStatusOffline ¶
type UserStatusOffline struct {
WasOnline int32
func (*UserStatusOffline) CRC ¶
func (*UserStatusOffline) CRC() uint32
func (*UserStatusOffline) ImplementsUserStatus ¶
func (*UserStatusOffline) ImplementsUserStatus()
type UserStatusOnline ¶
type UserStatusOnline struct {
Expires int32
func (*UserStatusOnline) CRC ¶
func (*UserStatusOnline) CRC() uint32
func (*UserStatusOnline) ImplementsUserStatus ¶
func (*UserStatusOnline) ImplementsUserStatus()
type UserStatusRecently ¶
type UserStatusRecently struct{}
func (*UserStatusRecently) CRC ¶
func (*UserStatusRecently) CRC() uint32
func (*UserStatusRecently) ImplementsUserStatus ¶
func (*UserStatusRecently) ImplementsUserStatus()
type Username ¶
type UsersGetFullUserParams ¶
type UsersGetFullUserParams struct {
ID InputUser
func (*UsersGetFullUserParams) CRC ¶
func (*UsersGetFullUserParams) CRC() uint32
type UsersGetUsersParams ¶
type UsersGetUsersParams struct {
ID []InputUser
func (*UsersGetUsersParams) CRC ¶
func (*UsersGetUsersParams) CRC() uint32
type UsersSetSecureValueErrorsParams ¶
type UsersSetSecureValueErrorsParams struct { ID InputUser Errors []SecureValueError }
func (*UsersSetSecureValueErrorsParams) CRC ¶
func (*UsersSetSecureValueErrorsParams) CRC() uint32
type UsersUserFull ¶
func (*UsersUserFull) CRC ¶
func (*UsersUserFull) CRC() uint32
type VideoSizeEmojiMarkup ¶
func (*VideoSizeEmojiMarkup) CRC ¶
func (*VideoSizeEmojiMarkup) CRC() uint32
func (*VideoSizeEmojiMarkup) ImplementsVideoSize ¶
func (*VideoSizeEmojiMarkup) ImplementsVideoSize()
type VideoSizeObj ¶
type VideoSizeObj struct { Type string W int32 H int32 Size int32 VideoStartTs float64 `tl:"flag:0"` }
func (*VideoSizeObj) CRC ¶
func (*VideoSizeObj) CRC() uint32
func (*VideoSizeObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*VideoSizeObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*VideoSizeObj) ImplementsVideoSize ¶
func (*VideoSizeObj) ImplementsVideoSize()
type VideoSizeStickerMarkup ¶
type VideoSizeStickerMarkup struct { Stickerset InputStickerSet StickerID int64 BackgroundColors []int32 }
func (*VideoSizeStickerMarkup) CRC ¶
func (*VideoSizeStickerMarkup) CRC() uint32
func (*VideoSizeStickerMarkup) ImplementsVideoSize ¶
func (*VideoSizeStickerMarkup) ImplementsVideoSize()
type WallPaperNoFile ¶
type WallPaperNoFile struct { ID int64 Default bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Dark bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Settings *WallPaperSettings `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*WallPaperNoFile) CRC ¶
func (*WallPaperNoFile) CRC() uint32
func (*WallPaperNoFile) FlagIndex ¶
func (*WallPaperNoFile) FlagIndex() int
func (*WallPaperNoFile) ImplementsWallPaper ¶
func (*WallPaperNoFile) ImplementsWallPaper()
type WallPaperObj ¶
type WallPaperObj struct { ID int64 Creator bool `tl:"flag:0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Default bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Pattern bool `tl:"flag:3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Dark bool `tl:"flag:4,encoded_in_bitflags"` AccessHash int64 Slug string Document Document Settings *WallPaperSettings `tl:"flag:2"` }
func (*WallPaperObj) CRC ¶
func (*WallPaperObj) CRC() uint32
func (*WallPaperObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*WallPaperObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*WallPaperObj) ImplementsWallPaper ¶
func (*WallPaperObj) ImplementsWallPaper()
type WallPaperSettings ¶
type WallPaperSettings struct { Blur bool `tl:"flag:1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Motion bool `tl:"flag:2,encoded_in_bitflags"` BackgroundColor int32 `tl:"flag:0"` SecondBackgroundColor int32 `tl:"flag:4"` ThirdBackgroundColor int32 `tl:"flag:5"` FourthBackgroundColor int32 `tl:"flag:6"` Intensity int32 `tl:"flag:3"` Rotation int32 `tl:"flag:4"` Emoticon string `tl:"flag:7"` }
func (*WallPaperSettings) CRC ¶
func (*WallPaperSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*WallPaperSettings) FlagIndex ¶
func (*WallPaperSettings) FlagIndex() int
type WebAuthorization ¶
type WebAuthorization struct { Hash int64 BotID int64 Domain string Browser string Platform string DateCreated int32 DateActive int32 Ip string Region string }
func (*WebAuthorization) CRC ¶
func (*WebAuthorization) CRC() uint32
type WebDocument ¶
type WebDocumentNoProxy ¶
type WebDocumentNoProxy struct { URL string Size int32 MimeType string Attributes []DocumentAttribute }
func (*WebDocumentNoProxy) CRC ¶
func (*WebDocumentNoProxy) CRC() uint32
func (*WebDocumentNoProxy) ImplementsWebDocument ¶
func (*WebDocumentNoProxy) ImplementsWebDocument()
type WebDocumentObj ¶
type WebDocumentObj struct { URL string AccessHash int64 Size int32 MimeType string Attributes []DocumentAttribute }
func (*WebDocumentObj) CRC ¶
func (*WebDocumentObj) CRC() uint32
func (*WebDocumentObj) ImplementsWebDocument ¶
func (*WebDocumentObj) ImplementsWebDocument()
type WebPageAttribute ¶
type WebPageAttributeStory ¶
func (*WebPageAttributeStory) CRC ¶
func (*WebPageAttributeStory) CRC() uint32
func (*WebPageAttributeStory) FlagIndex ¶
func (*WebPageAttributeStory) FlagIndex() int
func (*WebPageAttributeStory) ImplementsWebPageAttribute ¶
func (*WebPageAttributeStory) ImplementsWebPageAttribute()
type WebPageAttributeTheme ¶
type WebPageAttributeTheme struct { Documents []Document `tl:"flag:0"` Settings *ThemeSettings `tl:"flag:1"` }
func (*WebPageAttributeTheme) CRC ¶
func (*WebPageAttributeTheme) CRC() uint32
func (*WebPageAttributeTheme) FlagIndex ¶
func (*WebPageAttributeTheme) FlagIndex() int
func (*WebPageAttributeTheme) ImplementsWebPageAttribute ¶
func (*WebPageAttributeTheme) ImplementsWebPageAttribute()
type WebPageEmpty ¶
func (*WebPageEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*WebPageEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*WebPageEmpty) FlagIndex ¶
func (*WebPageEmpty) FlagIndex() int
func (*WebPageEmpty) ImplementsWebPage ¶
func (*WebPageEmpty) ImplementsWebPage()
type WebPageNotModified ¶
type WebPageNotModified struct {
CachedPageViews int32 `tl:"flag:0"`
func (*WebPageNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*WebPageNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*WebPageNotModified) FlagIndex ¶
func (*WebPageNotModified) FlagIndex() int
func (*WebPageNotModified) ImplementsWebPage ¶
func (*WebPageNotModified) ImplementsWebPage()
type WebPageObj ¶
type WebPageObj struct { HasLargeMedia bool `tl:"flag:13,encoded_in_bitflags"` ID int64 URL string DisplayURL string Hash int32 Type string `tl:"flag:0"` SiteName string `tl:"flag:1"` Title string `tl:"flag:2"` Description string `tl:"flag:3"` Photo Photo `tl:"flag:4"` EmbedURL string `tl:"flag:5"` EmbedType string `tl:"flag:5"` EmbedWidth int32 `tl:"flag:6"` EmbedHeight int32 `tl:"flag:6"` Duration int32 `tl:"flag:7"` Author string `tl:"flag:8"` Document Document `tl:"flag:9"` CachedPage *Page `tl:"flag:10"` Attributes []WebPageAttribute `tl:"flag:12"` }
func (*WebPageObj) CRC ¶
func (*WebPageObj) CRC() uint32
func (*WebPageObj) FlagIndex ¶
func (*WebPageObj) FlagIndex() int
func (*WebPageObj) ImplementsWebPage ¶
func (*WebPageObj) ImplementsWebPage()
type WebPagePending ¶
func (*WebPagePending) CRC ¶
func (*WebPagePending) CRC() uint32
func (*WebPagePending) FlagIndex ¶
func (*WebPagePending) FlagIndex() int
func (*WebPagePending) ImplementsWebPage ¶
func (*WebPagePending) ImplementsWebPage()
type WebViewMessageSent ¶
type WebViewMessageSent struct {
MsgID InputBotInlineMessageID `tl:"flag:0"`
func (*WebViewMessageSent) CRC ¶
func (*WebViewMessageSent) CRC() uint32
func (*WebViewMessageSent) FlagIndex ¶
func (*WebViewMessageSent) FlagIndex() int
type WebViewResultURL ¶
func (*WebViewResultURL) CRC ¶
func (*WebViewResultURL) CRC() uint32
Source Files
- auth.go
- bots.go
- buttons.go
- cache.go
- callbackquery.go
- channels.go
- client.go
- const.go
- conversation.go
- enums_gen.go
- formatting.go
- helpers.go
- init_gen.go
- inlinequery.go
- interfaces_gen.go
- media.go
- messages.go
- methods_gen.go
- methods_special.go
- newmessage.go
- participant.go
- tgcalls.go
- types_gen.go
- updates.go
- users.go
- utils.go