Overview ¶
The gosym command manipulates symbols in Go source code. It supports the following commands:
gosym short
The short command reads lines from standard input in short or long format (see the list command) and prints them in short format:
file-position name new-name
The file-position field holds the location of the identifier. The name field holds the name of the identifier (in X.Y format if it is defined as a member of another type X). The new-name field holds the desired new name for the identifier.
gosym export
The export command reads lines in short or long format from its standard input and capitalises the first letter of all symbols (thus making them available to external packages)
Note that this may cause clashes with other symbols that have already been defined with the new capitalisation.
gosym unexport
The unexport command reads lines in short or long format from its standard input and uncapitalises the first letter of all symbols (thus making them unavailable to external packages).
Note that this may cause clashes with other symbols that have already been defined with the new capitalisation.
gosym rename [old new]...
The rename command renames any symbol with the given old name to the given new name. The qualifier symbol's qualifier is ignored.
Note that this may cause clashes with other symbols that have already been defined with the new name.
gosym used pkg...
The used command reads lines in long format from the standard input and prints (in long format) any definitions found in the named packages that have references to them from any other package.
gosym unused pkg...
The unused command reads lines in long format from the standard input and prints (in long format) any definitions found in the named packages that have no references to them from any other package.
gosym list [flags] [pkg...]
The list command prints a line for each identifier used in the named packages. Each line printed has at least 6 space-separated fields in the following format:
file-position referenced-file-position package referenced-package name type-kind
This format is known as "long" format. If no packages are named, "." is used.
The file-position field holds the location of the identifier. The referenced-file-position field holds the location of the definition of the identifier. The package field holds the path of the package containing the identifier. The referenced-package field holds the path of the package where the identifier is defined. The name field holds the name of the identifier (in X.Y format if it is defined as a member of another type X). The type-kind field holds the type class of identifier (const, type, var or func), and ends with a "+" sign if this line marks the definition of the identifier.
-a=false: print internal and universe symbols too -k="type,const,var,func": kinds of symbol types to include -t=false: print symbol type -v=false: print warnings about undefined symbols
gosym write [pkg...]
The gosym command reads lines in short format (see the "short" subcommand) from its standard input that represent changes to make, and changes any of the named packages accordingly - that is, the identifier at each line's file-position (and all uses of it) is changed to the new-name field.
If no packages are named, "." is used. No files outside the named packages will be changed. The names of any changed files will be printed.
As with gofix, writes are destructive - make sure your source files are backed up before using this command.