Path | Synopsis |
This example demonstrates three components:
This example demonstrates three components: |
Package diffgrep prints portions of unified diff output, as produced many tools including git, that match (or don't match) a given pattern.
Package diffgrep prints portions of unified diff output, as produced many tools including git, that match (or don't match) a given pattern. |
Floating point reverse polish notation calculator
Floating point reverse polish notation calculator |
The httpproxy command implements a very simple password-authenticated letsencrypt-based HTTPS terminator for a statically known set of services (typically internal).
The httpproxy command implements a very simple password-authenticated letsencrypt-based HTTPS terminator for a statically known set of services (typically internal). |
The jujuapidoc command generates a JSON file containing details of as many Juju RPC calls as it can get its hands on.
The jujuapidoc command generates a JSON file containing details of as many Juju RPC calls as it can get its hands on. |
Package apidoc holds the shared data structure between jujuapidoc and jujuapidochtml.
Package apidoc holds the shared data structure between jujuapidoc and jujuapidochtml. |
The generateapidoc program is bundled as an asset into jujuapidoc so that we don't need to remember to compile that program in order to generate the docs.
The generateapidoc program is bundled as an asset into jujuapidoc so that we don't need to remember to compile that program in order to generate the docs. |
The jujuapidochtml renders JSON output from jujuapidoc into HTML.
The jujuapidochtml renders JSON output from jujuapidoc into HTML. |
This program runs a one-dimensional cellular automaton.
This program runs a one-dimensional cellular automaton. |
The newjujuplugin command generates a skeleton for a multi-command juju plugin.
The newjujuplugin command generates a skeleton for a multi-command juju plugin. |
The pipglow command sets LEDs on the piglow board.
The pipglow command sets LEDs on the piglow board. |
The timestamp command annotates lines read from standard input with the time that they were read.
The timestamp command annotates lines read from standard input with the time that they were read. |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.