is a Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol server and client
A binary release is available on the releases page.
To compile the SCEP client and server, there are a few requirements.
- You must have a Go compiler. The compiler is normally in the
- You must have Glide, the Go package manager similar to NPM or pip.
- You must have a shell variable set for $GOPATH. This is a directory used by the Go compiler and utilities for all Go projects.
- Once all of those are set, clone the repository with
go get
- Install the glide packages
cd $GOPATH/src/
glide install
- Compile the Server Binary
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build
- Compile the Client Binary
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build
- The binaries will be put in the directories where you ran
go build
minimal example for both server and client
# create a new CA
scepserver ca -init
# start server
scepserver -depot depot -port 2016 -challenge=secret
# in a separate terminal window, run a client
# note, if the client.key doesn't exist, the client will create a new rsa private key. Must be in PEM format.
scepclient -private-key client.key -server-url= -challenge=secret
Server Usage
The default flags configure and run the scep server.
depot must be the path to a folder with ca.pem
and ca.key
If you don't already have a CA to use, you can create one using the scep ca
Usage of ./cmd/scepserver/scepserver:
-challenge string
enforce a challenge password
-depot string
path to ca folder (default "depot")
-port string
port to listen on (default "8080")
prints version information
scep ca -init
to create a new CA and private key.
Usage of ./cmd/scepserver/scepserver ca:
-country string
country for CA cert (default "US")
-depot string
path to ca folder (default "depot")
create a new CA
-key-password string
password to store rsa key
-keySize int
rsa key size (default 4096)
-organization string
organization for CA cert (default "scep-ca")
-years int
default CA years (default 10)
Client Usage
Usage of scepclient:
-certificate string
certificate path, if there is no key, scepclient will create one
-challenge string
enforce a challenge password
-cn string
common name for certificate (default "scepclient")
-country string
country code in certificate (default "US")
-keySize int
rsa key size (default 2048)
-organization string
organization for cert (default "scep-client")
-private-key string
private key path, if there is no key, scepclient will create one
-server-url string
SCEP server url
prints version information
docker pull micromdm/scep
# create CA
docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/ca/folder:/depot micromdm/scep ./scep ca -init
# run
docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/ca/folder:/depot -p 8080:8080 micromdm/scep
SCEP library
go get
For detailed usage, see godoc
// read a request body containing SCEP message
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
// handle err
// parse the SCEP message
msg, err := scep.ParsePKIMessage(body)
if err != nil {
// handle err
// do something with msg
// extract encrypted pkiEnvelope
err := msg.DecryptPKIEnvelope(CAcert, CAkey)
if err != nil {
// handle err
// use the csr from decrypted PKCRS request
csr := msg.CSRReqMessage.CSR
// create cert template
tmpl := &x509.Certificate{
SerialNumber: big.NewInt(1),
Subject: csr.Subject,
NotBefore: time.Now().Add(-600).UTC(),
NotAfter: time.Now().AddDate(1, 0, 0).UTC(),
SubjectKeyId: id,
ExtKeyUsage: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{
// create a CertRep message from the original
certRep, err := msg.SignCSR(CAcert, CAkey, tmlp)
if err != nil {
// handle err
// send response back
// w is a http.ResponseWriter
Server library
You can import the scep endpoint into another Go project. For an example take a look at cmd/scep/main.go