Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing
How to Set up The App
- Install Postgresql: Postgresql
- Setup your own configuration (for database and google oauth2) on
- Run database migrations: refer below
- Run Project by building binary or via Docker: refer below
- Try the app by going to
Build and Run Project
Running project by building binary:
make run
or via Docker:
make docker-run
When running in Local, you need to run the db-migrations to setup the app's database for your local machine.
- Create your own database called
- Go to directory
- Change your database credentials at
- Run
go run *.go init
- Run
go run *.go up
Directory Structure
This repository is organized in the following directory structure.
|-- bin # Contains binary of the built app
|-- cmd # Contains executable codes and serves as entry point of the app
| |-- main.go # entry point of the app
|-- config # Configuration files needed for deployment
|-- constant # Collections of constants file for each module
|-- internal # Go files in this folder represent the Big-Pictures and Contracts of the system
| |-- app # Contains dependency injection of the app and other app's related configs
| | |-- config # Configuration struct for the app
| |-- delivery # Delivery layer (Controller) of the app
| | |-- rest # REST API as delivery of the app
| | |-- <other_delivery_mechanisms> # Other delivery mechanisms of the app (eg. GRPC, Console, Web, etc.)
| |-- entity # Enterprise Data structures
| | |-- webinar.go # Data structure for Webinar
| | |-- <other_entities>.go # Other data structures, preferrably 1 struct 1 file
| |-- repo # Implementations of Repository-pattern to data-sources
| | |-- webinar.go # Implementations of the webinar repositoriy with Postgres database
| | |-- <other_repos>.go # Other Repositories implementations based on interfaces on folder internal.
| |-- usecase # Usecases implementations for Application Business Logic (Model)
| | |-- teacher.go # Business logic for Teacher Usecase
| | |-- student.go # Business logic for Student Usecase
| |-- repo.go # Interfaces / Contracts of all the repositories (Repository Pattern)
| |-- usecase.go # Interfaces / Contracts of all the use-cases (Application Business Logic)
|-- migrations # Contains Database migration files or the system
|-- public # Contains client-side related code (Views)
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