testlinter applies different linter rules to test files according to their categories, based on file paths and names.
It is run as part of the Istio pre-submit linter check. Whitelisting allows rule breaking exceptions, and temporarily
testlinter is based on Checker, and this package provides the custom rules implementation.
End To End Tests
All "_test.go" files in a "e2e" directory hierarchy are considered as end to end tests.
- All skipped tests must be associated with an github issue.
- All tests should be skipped if testing.short() is true. This makes it easier to filter out long running tests
using “go test -short ./…”.. Example (from golang testing doc):
func TestTimeConsuming(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("skipping test in short mode.")
Integration Tests
All "_test.go" files in an "integration" directory hierarchy, or with "_integ_test.go" suffix are considered as
integration tests.
- All skipped tests must be associated with an github issue.
- All tests should be skipped if testing.short() is true. (TBD)
Unit Tests
All "_test.go" files that are not integration tests and end to end tests are considered as unit tests. Most tests
are supposed to be in this category.
- All skipped tests must be associated with an github issue.
- Must not fork a new process.
- Must not sleep, as unit tests are supposed to finish quickly. (Open to debate)
If, for some reason, you want to disable lint rule for a file, you can add the file path and rule ID in
whitelist.go. Rule ID is the name of that rule file without .go
You could also specify file path in regex.
If you want to disable all rules for a file path, you can specify *
as the ID.
var Whitelist = map[string][]string{
"/istio/mixer/pkg/*": {"skip_issue", "short_skip"},
"/istio/pilot/pkg/simply_test.go": {"*"},
Running testlinter
There are two ways to run this linter.
go install
testlinter <target path>
go install
gometalinter --config=gometalinter.json <target path>