Index ¶
- Constants
- func BackendRenderTargetDelete(backend BackendRenderTarget)
- func CanavasClipPathWithOperation(canvas Canvas, path Path, op ClipOp, antialias bool)
- func CanavasClipRectWithOperation(canvas Canvas, rect *Rect, op ClipOp, antialias bool)
- func CanvasClear(canvas Canvas, color Color)
- func CanvasConcat(canvas Canvas, matrix *Matrix)
- func CanvasDrawArc(canvas Canvas, oval *Rect, startAngle, sweepAngle float32, useCenter bool, ...)
- func CanvasDrawCircle(canvas Canvas, centerX, centerY, radius float32, paint Paint)
- func CanvasDrawColor(canvas Canvas, color Color, mode BlendMode)
- func CanvasDrawImageNine(canvas Canvas, img Image, centerRect *IRect, dstRect *Rect, filter FilterMode, ...)
- func CanvasDrawImageRect(canvas Canvas, img Image, srcRect, dstRect *Rect, sampling SamplingOptions, ...)
- func CanvasDrawLine(canvas Canvas, sx, sy, ex, ey float32, paint Paint)
- func CanvasDrawOval(canvas Canvas, rect *Rect, paint Paint)
- func CanvasDrawPaint(canvas Canvas, paint Paint)
- func CanvasDrawPath(canvas Canvas, path Path, paint Paint)
- func CanvasDrawPoint(canvas Canvas, x, y float32, paint Paint)
- func CanvasDrawPoints(canvas Canvas, mode PointMode, pts []geom.Point[float32], paint Paint)
- func CanvasDrawRect(canvas Canvas, rect *Rect, paint Paint)
- func CanvasDrawRoundRect(canvas Canvas, rect *Rect, radiusX, radiusY float32, paint Paint)
- func CanvasDrawSimpleText(canvas Canvas, str string, x, y float32, font Font, paint Paint)
- func CanvasDrawTextBlob(canvas Canvas, txt TextBlob, x, y float32, paint Paint)
- func CanvasFlush(canvas Canvas)
- func CanvasGetSaveCount(canvas Canvas) int
- func CanvasIsClipEmpty(canvas Canvas) bool
- func CanvasIsClipRect(canvas Canvas) bool
- func CanvasQuickRejectPath(canvas Canvas, path Path) bool
- func CanvasQuickRejectRect(canvas Canvas, rect *Rect) bool
- func CanvasResetMatrix(canvas Canvas)
- func CanvasRestore(canvas Canvas)
- func CanvasRestoreToCount(canvas Canvas, count int)
- func CanvasRotateRadians(canvas Canvas, radians float32)
- func CanvasSave(canvas Canvas) int
- func CanvasSaveLayer(canvas Canvas, paint Paint) int
- func CanvasSaveLayerAlpha(canvas Canvas, opacity byte) int
- func CanvasScale(canvas Canvas, xScale, yScale float32)
- func CanvasSetMatrix(canvas Canvas, matrix *Matrix)
- func CanvasSkew(canvas Canvas, sx, sy float32)
- func CanvasTranslate(canvas Canvas, dx, dy float32)
- func ColorFilterUnref(filter ColorFilter)
- func ContextAbandonContext(ctx DirectContext)
- func ContextDelete(ctx DirectContext)
- func ContextReleaseResourcesAndAbandonContext(ctx DirectContext)
- func ContextReset(ctx DirectContext)
- func ContextResetGLTextureBindings(ctx DirectContext)
- func ContextUnref(ctx DirectContext)
- func DataGetData(data Data) unsafe.Pointer
- func DataGetSize(data Data) int
- func DataUnref(data Data)
- func DocumentAbort(doc Document)
- func DocumentClose(doc Document)
- func DocumentEndPage(doc Document)
- func DynamicMemoryWStreamBytesWritten(s DynamicMemoryWStream) int
- func DynamicMemoryWStreamDelete(s DynamicMemoryWStream)
- func DynamicMemoryWStreamRead(s DynamicMemoryWStream, data []byte) int
- func DynamicMemoryWStreamWrite(s DynamicMemoryWStream, data []byte) bool
- func FileWStreamBytesWritten(s FileWStream) int
- func FileWStreamDelete(s FileWStream)
- func FileWStreamFlush(s FileWStream)
- func FileWStreamWrite(s FileWStream, data []byte) bool
- func FontDelete(font Font)
- func FontGetMetrics(font Font, metrics *FontMetrics)
- func FontGlyphWidths(font Font, glyphs []uint16) []float32
- func FontGlyphsXPos(font Font, glyphs []uint16) []float32
- func FontMeasureText(font Font, str string) float32
- func FontMgrCountFamilies(mgr FontMgr) int
- func FontMgrGetFamilyName(mgr FontMgr, index int, str String)
- func FontRuneToGlyph(font Font, r rune) uint16
- func FontRunesToGlyphs(font Font, r []rune) []uint16
- func FontSetForceAutoHinting(font Font, enabled bool)
- func FontSetHinting(font Font, hinting FontHinting)
- func FontSetSubPixel(font Font, enabled bool)
- func FontStyleDelete(style FontStyle)
- func FontStyleSetGetCount(set FontStyleSet) int
- func FontStyleSetGetStyle(set FontStyleSet, index int, style FontStyle, str String)
- func FontStyleSetUnref(set FontStyleSet)
- func FontTextToGlyphs(font Font, str string) []uint16
- func GLInterfaceUnref(intf GLInterface)
- func ImageFilterUnref(filter ImageFilter)
- func ImageGetHeight(img Image) int
- func ImageGetWidth(img Image) int
- func ImageReadPixels(img Image, info *ImageInfo, pixels []byte, dstRowBytes, srcX, srcY int, ...) bool
- func ImageUnref(img Image)
- func MaskFilterUnref(filter MaskFilter)
- func OpBuilderAdd(builder OpBuilder, path Path, op PathOp)
- func OpBuilderDestroy(builder OpBuilder)
- func OpBuilderResolve(builder OpBuilder, path Path) bool
- func PaintDelete(paint Paint)
- func PaintEquivalent(left, right Paint) bool
- func PaintGetFillPath(paint Paint, inPath, outPath Path, cullRect *Rect, resScale float32) bool
- func PaintGetStrokeMiter(paint Paint) float32
- func PaintGetStrokeWidth(paint Paint) float32
- func PaintIsAntialias(paint Paint) bool
- func PaintIsDither(paint Paint) bool
- func PaintReset(paint Paint)
- func PaintSetAntialias(paint Paint, enabled bool)
- func PaintSetBlendMode(paint Paint, blendMode BlendMode)
- func PaintSetColor(paint Paint, color Color)
- func PaintSetColorFilter(paint Paint, filter ColorFilter)
- func PaintSetDither(paint Paint, enabled bool)
- func PaintSetImageFilter(paint Paint, filter ImageFilter)
- func PaintSetMaskFilter(paint Paint, filter MaskFilter)
- func PaintSetPathEffect(paint Paint, effect PathEffect)
- func PaintSetShader(paint Paint, shader Shader)
- func PaintSetStrokeCap(paint Paint, strokeCap StrokeCap)
- func PaintSetStrokeJoin(paint Paint, strokeJoin StrokeJoin)
- func PaintSetStrokeMiter(paint Paint, miter float32)
- func PaintSetStrokeWidth(paint Paint, width float32)
- func PaintSetStyle(paint Paint, style PaintStyle)
- func PathAddCircle(path Path, x, y, radius float32, direction Direction)
- func PathAddOval(path Path, rect *Rect, direction Direction)
- func PathAddPath(path, other Path, mode PathAddMode)
- func PathAddPathMatrix(path, other Path, matrix *Matrix, mode PathAddMode)
- func PathAddPathOffset(path, other Path, offsetX, offsetY float32, mode PathAddMode)
- func PathAddPathReverse(path, other Path)
- func PathAddPoly(path Path, pts []geom.Point[float32], closePath bool)
- func PathAddRect(path Path, rect *Rect, direction Direction)
- func PathAddRoundedRect(path Path, rect *Rect, radiusX, radiusY float32, direction Direction)
- func PathArcTo(path Path, x, y, rx, ry, rotation float32, arcSize ArcSize, ...)
- func PathArcToWithOval(path Path, rect *Rect, startAngle, sweepAngle float32, forceMoveTo bool)
- func PathArcToWithPoints(path Path, x1, y1, x2, y2, radius float32)
- func PathClose(path Path)
- func PathConicTo(path Path, cpx, cpy, x, y, weight float32)
- func PathContains(path Path, x, y float32) bool
- func PathCubicTo(path Path, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y float32)
- func PathDelete(path Path)
- func PathEffectUnref(effect PathEffect)
- func PathGetLastPoint(path Path) geom.Point[float32]
- func PathLineTo(path Path, x, y float32)
- func PathMoveTo(path Path, x, y float32)
- func PathParseSVGString(path Path, svg string) bool
- func PathQuadTo(path Path, cpx, cpy, x, y float32)
- func PathRArcTo(path Path, dx, dy, rx, ry, rotation float32, arcSize ArcSize, ...)
- func PathRConicTo(path Path, cpdx, cpdy, dx, dy, weight float32)
- func PathRCubicTo(path Path, cp1dx, cp1dy, cp2dx, cp2dy, dx, dy float32)
- func PathRLineTo(path Path, x, y float32)
- func PathRMoveTo(path Path, x, y float32)
- func PathReset(path Path)
- func PathRewind(path Path)
- func PathSetFillType(path Path, fillType FillType)
- func PathTransform(path Path, matrix *Matrix)
- func PathTransformToDest(path, dstPath Path, matrix *Matrix)
- func ShaderUnref(shader Shader)
- func StringDelete(str String)
- func StringGetString(str String) string
- func SurfaceUnref(aSurface Surface)
- func TextBlobBuilderAllocRun(builder TextBlobBuilder, font Font, glyphs []uint16, x, y float32)
- func TextBlobBuilderAllocRunPosH(builder TextBlobBuilder, font Font, glyphs []uint16, positions []float32, ...)
- func TextBlobBuilderDelete(builder TextBlobBuilder)
- func TextBlobGetIntercepts(txt TextBlob, p Paint, start, end float32, intercepts []float32) int
- func TextBlobUnref(txt TextBlob)
- func TypeFaceGetUnitsPerEm(face TypeFace) int
- func TypeFaceIsFixedPitch(face TypeFace) bool
- func TypeFaceUnref(face TypeFace)
- type AlphaType
- type ArcSize
- type BackendRenderTarget
- type BlendMode
- type Blur
- type Canvas
- type ClipOp
- type Color
- type ColorChannel
- type ColorFilter
- func ColorFilterNewColorMatrix(array []float32) ColorFilter
- func ColorFilterNewCompose(outer, inner ColorFilter) ColorFilter
- func ColorFilterNewHighContrast(config *HighContrastConfig) ColorFilter
- func ColorFilterNewLighting(mul, add Color) ColorFilter
- func ColorFilterNewLumaColor() ColorFilter
- func ColorFilterNewMode(color Color, blendMode BlendMode) ColorFilter
- func ColorFilterNewTableARGB(a, r, g, b []byte) ColorFilter
- func PaintGetColorFilter(paint Paint) ColorFilter
- type ColorSpace
- type ColorType
- type Data
- type DirectContext
- type Direction
- type Document
- type DynamicMemoryWStream
- type EncodedImageFormat
- type FileWStream
- type FillType
- type FilterMode
- type Font
- type FontHinting
- type FontMetrics
- type FontMgr
- type FontSlant
- type FontSpacing
- type FontStyle
- type FontStyleSet
- type FontWeight
- type GLFrameBufferInfo
- type GLInterface
- type HighContrastConfig
- type IPoint
- type IRect
- type ISize
- type Image
- type ImageCachingHint
- type ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewArithmetic(k1, k2, k3, k4 float32, enforcePMColor bool, ...) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewBlur(sigmaX, sigmaY float32, tileMode TileMode, input ImageFilter, ...) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewColorFilter(colorFilter ColorFilter, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewCompose(outer, inner ImageFilter) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewDilate(radiusX, radiusY int, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewDisplacementMapEffect(xChannelSelector, yChannelSelector ColorChannel, scale float32, ...) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewDistantLitDiffuse(pt *Point3, color Color, scale, reflectivity float32, input ImageFilter, ...) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewDistantLitSpecular(pt *Point3, color Color, scale, reflectivity, shine float32, input ImageFilter, ...) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewDropShadow(dx, dy, sigmaX, sigmaY float32, color Color, input ImageFilter, ...) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewDropShadowOnly(dx, dy, sigmaX, sigmaY float32, color Color, input ImageFilter, ...) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewErode(radiusX, radiusY int, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewImageSource(img Image, srcRect, dstRect *geom.Rect[float32], sampling SamplingOptions) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewImageSourceDefault(img Image) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewMagnifier(src *geom.Rect[float32], inset float32, input ImageFilter, ...) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewMatrixConvolution(size *ISize, kernel []float32, gain, bias float32, offset *IPoint, ...) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewMatrixTransform(matrix *Matrix, sampling SamplingOptions, input ImageFilter) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewMerge(filters []ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewOffset(dx, dy float32, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewPointLitDiffuse(pt *Point3, color Color, scale, reflectivity float32, input ImageFilter, ...) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewPointLitSpecular(pt *Point3, color Color, scale, reflectivity, shine float32, input ImageFilter, ...) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewSpotLitDiffuse(pt, targetPt *Point3, ...) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewSpotLitSpecular(pt, targetPt *Point3, ...) ImageFilter
- func ImageFilterNewTile(src, dst *geom.Rect[float32], input ImageFilter) ImageFilter
- func PaintGetImageFilter(paint Paint) ImageFilter
- type ImageInfo
- type InvertStyle
- type MaskFilter
- func MaskFilterNewBlurWithFlags(style Blur, sigma float32, respectMatrix bool) MaskFilter
- func MaskFilterNewClip(min, max byte) MaskFilter
- func MaskFilterNewGamma(gamma float32) MaskFilter
- func MaskFilterNewShader(shader Shader) MaskFilter
- func MaskFilterNewTable(table []byte) MaskFilter
- func PaintGetMaskFilter(paint Paint) MaskFilter
- type Matrix
- type MetaData
- type OpBuilder
- type Paint
- type PaintStyle
- type Path
- type PathAddMode
- type PathEffect
- func PaintGetPathEffect(paint Paint) PathEffect
- func PathEffectCreate1dPath(path Path, advance, phase float32, style PathEffect1DStyle) PathEffect
- func PathEffectCreate2dLine(width float32, matrix *Matrix) PathEffect
- func PathEffectCreate2dPath(matrix *Matrix, path Path) PathEffect
- func PathEffectCreateCompose(outer, inner PathEffect) PathEffect
- func PathEffectCreateCorner(radius float32) PathEffect
- func PathEffectCreateDash(intervals []float32, phase float32) PathEffect
- func PathEffectCreateDiscrete(segLength, deviation float32, seedAssist uint32) PathEffect
- func PathEffectCreateSum(first, second PathEffect) PathEffect
- func PathEffectCreateTrim(start, stop float32, mode TrimMode) PathEffect
- type PathEffect1DStyle
- type PathOp
- type PixelGeometry
- type Point3
- type PointMode
- type Rect
- type SamplingOptions
- type Shader
- func ImageMakeShader(img Image, tileModeX, tileModeY TileMode, sampling SamplingOptions, ...) Shader
- func PaintGetShader(paint Paint) Shader
- func ShaderNewBlend(blendMode BlendMode, dst, src Shader) Shader
- func ShaderNewColor(color Color) Shader
- func ShaderNewLinearGradient(start, end geom.Point[float32], colors []Color, colorPos []float32, ...) Shader
- func ShaderNewPerlinNoiseFractalNoise(baseFreqX, baseFreqY, seed float32, numOctaves int, size ISize) Shader
- func ShaderNewPerlinNoiseTurbulence(baseFreqX, baseFreqY, seed float32, numOctaves int, size ISize) Shader
- func ShaderNewRadialGradient(center geom.Point[float32], radius float32, colors []Color, colorPos []float32, ...) Shader
- func ShaderNewSweepGradient(center geom.Point[float32], startAngle, endAngle float32, colors []Color, ...) Shader
- func ShaderNewTwoPointConicalGradient(startPt, endPt geom.Point[float32], startRadius, endRadius float32, ...) Shader
- func ShaderWithColorFilter(shader Shader, filter ColorFilter) Shader
- func ShaderWithLocalMatrix(shader Shader, matrix *Matrix) Shader
- type String
- type StrokeCap
- type StrokeJoin
- type Surface
- func CanvasGetSurface(canvas Canvas) Surface
- func SurfaceMakeRasterDirect(info *ImageInfo, pixels []byte, rowBytes int, surfaceProps SurfaceProps) Surface
- func SurfaceMakeRasterN32PreMul(width, height int, surfaceProps SurfaceProps) Surface
- func SurfaceNewBackendRenderTarget(ctx DirectContext, backend BackendRenderTarget, origin SurfaceOrigin, ...) Surface
- type SurfaceOrigin
- type SurfaceProps
- type TextBlob
- type TextBlobBuilder
- type TextEncoding
- type TileMode
- type TrimMode
- type TypeFace
- func FontMgrCreateFromData(mgr FontMgr, data Data) TypeFace
- func FontMgrMatchFamilyStyle(mgr FontMgr, family string, style FontStyle) TypeFace
- func FontMgrMatchFamilyStyleCharacter(mgr FontMgr, family string, style FontStyle, ch rune) TypeFace
- func FontStyleSetCreateTypeFace(set FontStyleSet, index int) TypeFace
- func FontStyleSetMatchStyle(set FontStyleSet, style FontStyle) TypeFace
- type WStream
Constants ¶
View Source
const ColorTypeN32 = ColorTypeRGBA8888
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func BackendRenderTargetDelete ¶
func BackendRenderTargetDelete(backend BackendRenderTarget)
func CanvasClear ¶
func CanvasConcat ¶
func CanvasDrawArc ¶
func CanvasDrawCircle ¶
func CanvasDrawColor ¶
func CanvasDrawImageNine ¶
func CanvasDrawImageRect ¶
func CanvasDrawImageRect(canvas Canvas, img Image, srcRect, dstRect *Rect, sampling SamplingOptions, paint Paint)
func CanvasDrawLine ¶
func CanvasDrawOval ¶
func CanvasDrawPaint ¶
func CanvasDrawPath ¶
func CanvasDrawPoint ¶
func CanvasDrawPoints ¶
func CanvasDrawRect ¶
func CanvasDrawRoundRect ¶
func CanvasDrawSimpleText ¶
func CanvasDrawTextBlob ¶
func CanvasFlush ¶
func CanvasFlush(canvas Canvas)
func CanvasGetSaveCount ¶
func CanvasIsClipEmpty ¶
func CanvasIsClipRect ¶
func CanvasQuickRejectPath ¶
func CanvasQuickRejectRect ¶
func CanvasResetMatrix ¶
func CanvasResetMatrix(canvas Canvas)
func CanvasRestore ¶
func CanvasRestore(canvas Canvas)
func CanvasRestoreToCount ¶
func CanvasRotateRadians ¶
func CanvasSave ¶
func CanvasSaveLayer ¶
func CanvasSaveLayerAlpha ¶
func CanvasScale ¶
func CanvasSetMatrix ¶
func CanvasSkew ¶
func CanvasTranslate ¶
func ColorFilterUnref ¶
func ColorFilterUnref(filter ColorFilter)
func ContextAbandonContext ¶
func ContextAbandonContext(ctx DirectContext)
func ContextDelete ¶ added in v0.54.3
func ContextDelete(ctx DirectContext)
func ContextReleaseResourcesAndAbandonContext ¶ added in v0.54.6
func ContextReleaseResourcesAndAbandonContext(ctx DirectContext)
func ContextReset ¶ added in v0.58.0
func ContextReset(ctx DirectContext)
func ContextResetGLTextureBindings ¶ added in v0.58.0
func ContextResetGLTextureBindings(ctx DirectContext)
func ContextUnref ¶ added in v0.54.7
func ContextUnref(ctx DirectContext)
func DataGetData ¶
func DataGetSize ¶
func DocumentAbort ¶ added in v0.29.0
func DocumentAbort(doc Document)
func DocumentClose ¶ added in v0.29.0
func DocumentClose(doc Document)
func DocumentEndPage ¶ added in v0.29.0
func DocumentEndPage(doc Document)
func DynamicMemoryWStreamBytesWritten ¶ added in v0.29.0
func DynamicMemoryWStreamBytesWritten(s DynamicMemoryWStream) int
func DynamicMemoryWStreamDelete ¶ added in v0.29.0
func DynamicMemoryWStreamDelete(s DynamicMemoryWStream)
func DynamicMemoryWStreamRead ¶ added in v0.29.0
func DynamicMemoryWStreamRead(s DynamicMemoryWStream, data []byte) int
func DynamicMemoryWStreamWrite ¶ added in v0.29.0
func DynamicMemoryWStreamWrite(s DynamicMemoryWStream, data []byte) bool
func FileWStreamBytesWritten ¶ added in v0.29.0
func FileWStreamBytesWritten(s FileWStream) int
func FileWStreamDelete ¶ added in v0.29.0
func FileWStreamDelete(s FileWStream)
func FileWStreamFlush ¶ added in v0.29.0
func FileWStreamFlush(s FileWStream)
func FileWStreamWrite ¶ added in v0.29.0
func FileWStreamWrite(s FileWStream, data []byte) bool
func FontDelete ¶
func FontDelete(font Font)
func FontGetMetrics ¶
func FontGetMetrics(font Font, metrics *FontMetrics)
func FontGlyphWidths ¶ added in v0.7.0
func FontGlyphsXPos ¶ added in v0.7.0
func FontMeasureText ¶
func FontMgrCountFamilies ¶
func FontMgrGetFamilyName ¶
func FontRuneToGlyph ¶ added in v0.7.0
func FontRunesToGlyphs ¶ added in v0.7.0
func FontSetForceAutoHinting ¶
func FontSetHinting ¶
func FontSetHinting(font Font, hinting FontHinting)
func FontSetSubPixel ¶
func FontStyleDelete ¶
func FontStyleDelete(style FontStyle)
func FontStyleSetGetCount ¶
func FontStyleSetGetCount(set FontStyleSet) int
func FontStyleSetGetStyle ¶
func FontStyleSetGetStyle(set FontStyleSet, index int, style FontStyle, str String)
func FontStyleSetUnref ¶
func FontStyleSetUnref(set FontStyleSet)
func FontTextToGlyphs ¶
func GLInterfaceUnref ¶ added in v0.54.7
func GLInterfaceUnref(intf GLInterface)
func ImageFilterUnref ¶
func ImageFilterUnref(filter ImageFilter)
func ImageGetHeight ¶
func ImageGetWidth ¶
func ImageReadPixels ¶
func ImageUnref ¶
func ImageUnref(img Image)
func MaskFilterUnref ¶
func MaskFilterUnref(filter MaskFilter)
func OpBuilderAdd ¶
func OpBuilderDestroy ¶
func OpBuilderDestroy(builder OpBuilder)
func OpBuilderResolve ¶
func PaintDelete ¶
func PaintDelete(paint Paint)
func PaintEquivalent ¶ added in v0.7.0
func PaintGetFillPath ¶
func PaintGetStrokeMiter ¶
func PaintGetStrokeWidth ¶
func PaintIsAntialias ¶
func PaintIsDither ¶
func PaintReset ¶
func PaintReset(paint Paint)
func PaintSetAntialias ¶
func PaintSetBlendMode ¶
func PaintSetColor ¶
func PaintSetColorFilter ¶
func PaintSetColorFilter(paint Paint, filter ColorFilter)
func PaintSetDither ¶
func PaintSetImageFilter ¶
func PaintSetImageFilter(paint Paint, filter ImageFilter)
func PaintSetMaskFilter ¶
func PaintSetMaskFilter(paint Paint, filter MaskFilter)
func PaintSetPathEffect ¶
func PaintSetPathEffect(paint Paint, effect PathEffect)
func PaintSetShader ¶
func PaintSetStrokeCap ¶
func PaintSetStrokeJoin ¶
func PaintSetStrokeJoin(paint Paint, strokeJoin StrokeJoin)
func PaintSetStrokeMiter ¶
func PaintSetStrokeWidth ¶
func PaintSetStyle ¶
func PaintSetStyle(paint Paint, style PaintStyle)
func PathAddCircle ¶
func PathAddOval ¶
func PathAddPath ¶
func PathAddPath(path, other Path, mode PathAddMode)
func PathAddPathMatrix ¶
func PathAddPathMatrix(path, other Path, matrix *Matrix, mode PathAddMode)
func PathAddPathOffset ¶
func PathAddPathOffset(path, other Path, offsetX, offsetY float32, mode PathAddMode)
func PathAddPathReverse ¶
func PathAddPathReverse(path, other Path)
func PathAddRect ¶
func PathAddRoundedRect ¶
func PathArcToWithOval ¶
func PathArcToWithPoints ¶
func PathConicTo ¶
func PathContains ¶
func PathCubicTo ¶
func PathDelete ¶
func PathDelete(path Path)
func PathEffectUnref ¶
func PathEffectUnref(effect PathEffect)
func PathLineTo ¶
func PathMoveTo ¶
func PathParseSVGString ¶
func PathQuadTo ¶
func PathRArcTo ¶
func PathRConicTo ¶
func PathRCubicTo ¶
func PathRLineTo ¶
func PathRMoveTo ¶
func PathRewind ¶
func PathRewind(path Path)
func PathSetFillType ¶
func PathTransform ¶
func PathTransformToDest ¶
func ShaderUnref ¶
func ShaderUnref(shader Shader)
func StringDelete ¶
func StringDelete(str String)
func StringGetString ¶
func SurfaceUnref ¶
func SurfaceUnref(aSurface Surface)
func TextBlobBuilderAllocRun ¶
func TextBlobBuilderAllocRun(builder TextBlobBuilder, font Font, glyphs []uint16, x, y float32)
func TextBlobBuilderAllocRunPosH ¶
func TextBlobBuilderAllocRunPosH(builder TextBlobBuilder, font Font, glyphs []uint16, positions []float32, y float32)
func TextBlobBuilderDelete ¶
func TextBlobBuilderDelete(builder TextBlobBuilder)
func TextBlobGetIntercepts ¶
func TextBlobUnref ¶
func TextBlobUnref(txt TextBlob)
func TypeFaceGetUnitsPerEm ¶
func TypeFaceIsFixedPitch ¶
func TypeFaceUnref ¶
func TypeFaceUnref(face TypeFace)
Types ¶
type BackendRenderTarget ¶
type BackendRenderTarget = *C.gr_backendrendertarget_t
func BackendRenderTargetNewGL ¶
func BackendRenderTargetNewGL(width, height, samples, stencilBits int, info *GLFrameBufferInfo) BackendRenderTarget
type Canvas ¶
type Canvas = *C.sk_canvas_t
func DocumentBeginPage ¶ added in v0.29.0
func SurfaceGetCanvas ¶
type ColorChannel ¶
type ColorChannel byte
type ColorFilter ¶
type ColorFilter = *C.sk_color_filter_t
func ColorFilterNewColorMatrix ¶
func ColorFilterNewColorMatrix(array []float32) ColorFilter
func ColorFilterNewCompose ¶
func ColorFilterNewCompose(outer, inner ColorFilter) ColorFilter
func ColorFilterNewHighContrast ¶
func ColorFilterNewHighContrast(config *HighContrastConfig) ColorFilter
func ColorFilterNewLighting ¶
func ColorFilterNewLighting(mul, add Color) ColorFilter
func ColorFilterNewLumaColor ¶
func ColorFilterNewLumaColor() ColorFilter
func ColorFilterNewMode ¶
func ColorFilterNewMode(color Color, blendMode BlendMode) ColorFilter
func ColorFilterNewTableARGB ¶
func ColorFilterNewTableARGB(a, r, g, b []byte) ColorFilter
func PaintGetColorFilter ¶
func PaintGetColorFilter(paint Paint) ColorFilter
type ColorSpace ¶
type ColorSpace = *C.sk_color_space_t
func ColorSpaceNewSRGB ¶
func ColorSpaceNewSRGB() ColorSpace
func ImageGetColorSpace ¶
func ImageGetColorSpace(img Image) ColorSpace
type ColorType ¶
type ColorType int32
const ( ColorTypeUnknown ColorType = iota ColorTypeAlpha8 ColorTypeRGB565 ColorTypeARGB4444 ColorTypeRGBA8888 ColorTypeRGB888X ColorTypeBGRA8888 ColorTypeRGBA1010102 ColorTypeBGRA1010102 ColorTypeRGB101010X ColorTypeBGR101010X ColorTypeGray8 ColorTypeRGBAF16Norm ColorTypeRGBAF16 ColorTypeRGBAF32 ColorTypeR8G8UNorm ColorTypeA16Float ColorTypeR16G16Float ColorTypeA16UNorm ColorTypeR16G16UNorm ColorTypeR16G16B16A16UNorm ColorTypeSRGBA8888 ColorTypeR8UNorm )
func ImageGetColorType ¶
type Data ¶
func DataNewWithCopy ¶
func ImageEncodeSpecific ¶
func ImageEncodeSpecific(img Image, format EncodedImageFormat, quality int) Data
type DirectContext ¶
type DirectContext = *C.gr_direct_context_t
func ContextMakeGL ¶
func ContextMakeGL(gl GLInterface) DirectContext
type Document ¶ added in v0.29.0
type Document = *C.sk_document_t
func DocumentMakePDF ¶ added in v0.29.0
type DynamicMemoryWStream ¶ added in v0.29.0
type DynamicMemoryWStream = *C.sk_dynamic_memory_wstream_t
func DynamicMemoryWStreamNew ¶ added in v0.29.0
func DynamicMemoryWStreamNew() DynamicMemoryWStream
type EncodedImageFormat ¶
type EncodedImageFormat byte
type FileWStream ¶ added in v0.29.0
type FileWStream = *C.sk_file_wstream_t
func FileWStreamNew ¶ added in v0.29.0
func FileWStreamNew(filePath string) FileWStream
type FilterMode ¶
type FilterMode int32
type Font ¶
func FontNewWithValues ¶
type FontHinting ¶
type FontHinting byte
type FontMetrics ¶
type FontMetrics struct { Flags uint32 // Flags indicating which metrics are valid Top float32 // Greatest extent above origin of any glyph bounding box; typically negative; deprecated with variable fonts; only if Flags & BoundsInvalidFontMetricsFlag == 0 Ascent float32 // Distance to reserve above baseline; typically negative Descent float32 // Distance to reserve below baseline; typically positive Bottom float32 // Greatest extent below origin of any glyph bounding box; typically positive; deprecated with variable fonts; only if Flags & BoundsInvalidFontMetricsFlag == 0 Leading float32 // Distance to add between lines; typically positive or zero AvgCharWidth float32 // Average character width; zero if unknown MaxCharWidth float32 // Maximum character width; zero if unknown XMin float32 // Greatest extent to left of origin of any glyph bounding box; typically negative; deprecated with variable fonts; only if Flags & BoundsInvalidFontMetricsFlag == 0 XMax float32 // Greatest extent to right of origin of any glyph bounding box; typically positive; deprecated with variable fonts; only if Flags & BoundsInvalidFontMetricsFlag == 0 XHeight float32 // Height of lowercase 'x'; zero if unknown; typically negative CapHeight float32 // Height of uppercase letter; zero if unknown; typically negative UnderlineThickness float32 // Underline thickness; only if Flags & UnderlineThicknessIsValidFontMetricsFlag != 0 UnderlinePosition float32 // Distance from baseline to top of stroke; typically positive; only if Flags & UnderlinePositionIsValidFontMetricsFlag != 0 StrikeoutThickness float32 // Strikeout thickness; only if Flags & StrikeoutThicknessIsValidFontMetricsFlag != 0 StrikeoutPosition float32 // Distance from baseline to bottom of stroke; typically negative; only if Flags & StrikeoutPositionIsValidFontMetricsFlag != 0 }
FontMetrics holds various metrics about a font.
type FontMgr ¶
type FontMgr = *C.sk_font_mgr_t
func FontMgrRefDefault ¶
func FontMgrRefDefault() FontMgr
type FontSpacing ¶
type FontSpacing int32
func FontStyleGetWidth ¶
func FontStyleGetWidth(style FontStyle) FontSpacing
type FontStyle ¶
type FontStyle = *C.sk_font_style_t
func FontStyleNew ¶
func FontStyleNew(weight FontWeight, spacing FontSpacing, slant FontSlant) FontStyle
func TypeFaceGetFontStyle ¶
type FontStyleSet ¶
type FontStyleSet = *C.sk_font_style_set_t
func FontMgrMatchFamily ¶
func FontMgrMatchFamily(mgr FontMgr, family string) FontStyleSet
type FontWeight ¶
type FontWeight int32
func FontStyleGetWeight ¶
func FontStyleGetWeight(style FontStyle) FontWeight
type GLFrameBufferInfo ¶
type GLInterface ¶
type GLInterface = *C.gr_glinterface_t
func GLInterfaceCreateNativeInterface ¶
func GLInterfaceCreateNativeInterface() GLInterface
type HighContrastConfig ¶
type HighContrastConfig struct { Grayscale bool InvertStyle InvertStyle Contrast float32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Image ¶
type Image = *C.sk_image_t
func ImageMakeNonTextureImage ¶ added in v0.29.0
func ImageMakeTextureImage ¶
func ImageMakeTextureImage(img Image, ctx DirectContext, mipMapped bool) Image
func ImageNewFromEncoded ¶
func SurfaceMakeImageSnapshot ¶ added in v0.38.0
type ImageCachingHint ¶
type ImageCachingHint byte
const ( ImageCachingHintAllow ImageCachingHint = iota ImageCachingHintDisallow )
type ImageFilter ¶
type ImageFilter = *C.sk_image_filter_t
func ImageFilterNewArithmetic ¶
func ImageFilterNewArithmetic(k1, k2, k3, k4 float32, enforcePMColor bool, background, foreground ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewBlur ¶
func ImageFilterNewBlur(sigmaX, sigmaY float32, tileMode TileMode, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewColorFilter ¶
func ImageFilterNewColorFilter(colorFilter ColorFilter, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewCompose ¶
func ImageFilterNewCompose(outer, inner ImageFilter) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewDilate ¶
func ImageFilterNewDilate(radiusX, radiusY int, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewDisplacementMapEffect ¶
func ImageFilterNewDisplacementMapEffect(xChannelSelector, yChannelSelector ColorChannel, scale float32, displacement, color ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewDistantLitDiffuse ¶
func ImageFilterNewDistantLitDiffuse(pt *Point3, color Color, scale, reflectivity float32, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewDistantLitSpecular ¶
func ImageFilterNewDistantLitSpecular(pt *Point3, color Color, scale, reflectivity, shine float32, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewDropShadow ¶
func ImageFilterNewDropShadow(dx, dy, sigmaX, sigmaY float32, color Color, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewDropShadowOnly ¶
func ImageFilterNewDropShadowOnly(dx, dy, sigmaX, sigmaY float32, color Color, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewErode ¶
func ImageFilterNewErode(radiusX, radiusY int, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewImageSource ¶
func ImageFilterNewImageSource(img Image, srcRect, dstRect *geom.Rect[float32], sampling SamplingOptions) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewImageSourceDefault ¶
func ImageFilterNewImageSourceDefault(img Image) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewMagnifier ¶
func ImageFilterNewMagnifier(src *geom.Rect[float32], inset float32, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewMatrixTransform ¶
func ImageFilterNewMatrixTransform(matrix *Matrix, sampling SamplingOptions, input ImageFilter) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewMerge ¶
func ImageFilterNewMerge(filters []ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewOffset ¶
func ImageFilterNewOffset(dx, dy float32, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewPointLitDiffuse ¶
func ImageFilterNewPointLitDiffuse(pt *Point3, color Color, scale, reflectivity float32, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewPointLitSpecular ¶
func ImageFilterNewPointLitSpecular(pt *Point3, color Color, scale, reflectivity, shine float32, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewSpotLitDiffuse ¶
func ImageFilterNewSpotLitDiffuse(pt, targetPt *Point3, specularExponent, cutoffAngle, scale, reflectivity float32, color Color, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewSpotLitSpecular ¶
func ImageFilterNewSpotLitSpecular(pt, targetPt *Point3, specularExponent, cutoffAngle, scale, reflectivity, shine float32, color Color, input ImageFilter, cropRect *geom.Rect[float32]) ImageFilter
func ImageFilterNewTile ¶
func ImageFilterNewTile(src, dst *geom.Rect[float32], input ImageFilter) ImageFilter
func PaintGetImageFilter ¶
func PaintGetImageFilter(paint Paint) ImageFilter
type ImageInfo ¶
type ImageInfo struct { Colorspace ColorSpace ColorType ColorType AlphaType AlphaType Width int32 Height int32 }
type InvertStyle ¶
type InvertStyle int32
type MaskFilter ¶
type MaskFilter = *C.sk_mask_filter_t
func MaskFilterNewBlurWithFlags ¶
func MaskFilterNewBlurWithFlags(style Blur, sigma float32, respectMatrix bool) MaskFilter
func MaskFilterNewClip ¶
func MaskFilterNewClip(min, max byte) MaskFilter
func MaskFilterNewGamma ¶
func MaskFilterNewGamma(gamma float32) MaskFilter
func MaskFilterNewShader ¶
func MaskFilterNewShader(shader Shader) MaskFilter
func MaskFilterNewTable ¶
func MaskFilterNewTable(table []byte) MaskFilter
func PaintGetMaskFilter ¶
func PaintGetMaskFilter(paint Paint) MaskFilter
type Matrix ¶
type Matrix struct { ScaleX float32 SkewX float32 TransX float32 SkewY float32 ScaleY float32 TransY float32 Persp0 float32 Persp1 float32 Persp2 float32 }
func CanvasGetTotalMatrix ¶
type OpBuilder ¶
type OpBuilder = *C.sk_op_builder_t
func OpBuilderNew ¶
func OpBuilderNew() OpBuilder
type PaintStyle ¶
type PaintStyle byte
func PaintGetStyle ¶
func PaintGetStyle(paint Paint) PaintStyle
type PathAddMode ¶
type PathAddMode byte
const ( PathAddModeAppend PathAddMode = iota PathAddModeExtend )
type PathEffect ¶
type PathEffect = *C.sk_path_effect_t
func PaintGetPathEffect ¶
func PaintGetPathEffect(paint Paint) PathEffect
func PathEffectCreate1dPath ¶
func PathEffectCreate1dPath(path Path, advance, phase float32, style PathEffect1DStyle) PathEffect
func PathEffectCreate2dLine ¶
func PathEffectCreate2dLine(width float32, matrix *Matrix) PathEffect
func PathEffectCreate2dPath ¶
func PathEffectCreate2dPath(matrix *Matrix, path Path) PathEffect
func PathEffectCreateCompose ¶
func PathEffectCreateCompose(outer, inner PathEffect) PathEffect
func PathEffectCreateCorner ¶
func PathEffectCreateCorner(radius float32) PathEffect
func PathEffectCreateDash ¶
func PathEffectCreateDash(intervals []float32, phase float32) PathEffect
func PathEffectCreateDiscrete ¶
func PathEffectCreateDiscrete(segLength, deviation float32, seedAssist uint32) PathEffect
func PathEffectCreateSum ¶
func PathEffectCreateSum(first, second PathEffect) PathEffect
func PathEffectCreateTrim ¶
func PathEffectCreateTrim(start, stop float32, mode TrimMode) PathEffect
type PathEffect1DStyle ¶
type PathEffect1DStyle byte
type PixelGeometry ¶
type PixelGeometry int32
const ( PixelGeometryUnknown PixelGeometry = iota PixelGeometryRGBH PixelGeometryBGRH PixelGeometryRGBV PixelGeometryBGRV )
type Rect ¶
func PathComputeTightBounds ¶
func PathGetBounds ¶
func TextBlobGetBounds ¶
type SamplingOptions ¶
type SamplingOptions = *C.sk_sampling_options_t
type Shader ¶
type Shader = *C.sk_shader_t
func ImageMakeShader ¶
func ImageMakeShader(img Image, tileModeX, tileModeY TileMode, sampling SamplingOptions, matrix *Matrix) Shader
func PaintGetShader ¶
func ShaderNewBlend ¶
func ShaderNewColor ¶
func ShaderNewLinearGradient ¶
func ShaderNewRadialGradient ¶
func ShaderNewSweepGradient ¶
func ShaderWithColorFilter ¶
func ShaderWithColorFilter(shader Shader, filter ColorFilter) Shader
func ShaderWithLocalMatrix ¶
type String ¶
type String = *C.sk_string_t
func PathToSVGString ¶
func StringNewEmpty ¶
func StringNewEmpty() String
func TypeFaceGetFamilyName ¶
type StrokeJoin ¶
type StrokeJoin byte
func PaintGetStrokeJoin ¶
func PaintGetStrokeJoin(paint Paint) StrokeJoin
type Surface ¶
type Surface = *C.sk_surface_t
func CanvasGetSurface ¶ added in v0.29.0
func SurfaceMakeRasterDirect ¶ added in v0.38.0
func SurfaceMakeRasterDirect(info *ImageInfo, pixels []byte, rowBytes int, surfaceProps SurfaceProps) Surface
func SurfaceMakeRasterN32PreMul ¶ added in v0.38.0
func SurfaceMakeRasterN32PreMul(width, height int, surfaceProps SurfaceProps) Surface
func SurfaceNewBackendRenderTarget ¶
func SurfaceNewBackendRenderTarget(ctx DirectContext, backend BackendRenderTarget, origin SurfaceOrigin, colorType ColorType, colorSpace ColorSpace, surfaceProps SurfaceProps) Surface
type SurfaceOrigin ¶
type SurfaceOrigin int32
const ( SurfaceOriginTopLeft SurfaceOrigin = iota SurfaceOriginBottomLeft )
type SurfaceProps ¶
type SurfaceProps = *C.sk_surface_props_t
func SurfacePropsNew ¶
func SurfacePropsNew(geometry PixelGeometry) SurfaceProps
type TextBlob ¶
type TextBlob = *C.sk_text_blob_t
func TextBlobBuilderMake ¶
func TextBlobBuilderMake(builder TextBlobBuilder) TextBlob
func TextBlobMakeFromText ¶
type TextBlobBuilder ¶
type TextBlobBuilder = *C.sk_text_blob_builder_t
func TextBlobBuilderNew ¶
func TextBlobBuilderNew() TextBlobBuilder
type TextEncoding ¶
type TextEncoding int32
const ( TextEncodingUTF8 TextEncoding = iota TextEncodingUTF16 TextEncodingUTF32 TextEncodingGlyphID )
type TypeFace ¶
type TypeFace = *C.sk_typeface_t
func FontMgrCreateFromData ¶
func FontMgrMatchFamilyStyle ¶
func FontMgrMatchFamilyStyleCharacter ¶ added in v0.7.0
func FontStyleSetCreateTypeFace ¶
func FontStyleSetCreateTypeFace(set FontStyleSet, index int) TypeFace
func FontStyleSetMatchStyle ¶
func FontStyleSetMatchStyle(set FontStyleSet, style FontStyle) TypeFace
type WStream ¶ added in v0.29.0
type WStream = *C.sk_wstream_t
func DynamicMemoryWStreamAsWStream ¶ added in v0.29.0
func DynamicMemoryWStreamAsWStream(s DynamicMemoryWStream) WStream
func FileWStreamAsWStream ¶ added in v0.29.0
func FileWStreamAsWStream(s FileWStream) WStream
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