
v5.9.0 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Apr 16, 2023 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 58 Imported by: 0




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const (
	BlockLayoutReactionsKey            = "reactions"
	BlockLayoutConditionalModifiersKey = "conditional_modifiers"
	BlockLayoutMeleeKey                = "melee"
	BlockLayoutRangedKey               = "ranged"
	BlockLayoutTraitsKey               = "traits"
	BlockLayoutSkillsKey               = "skills"
	BlockLayoutSpellsKey               = "spells"
	BlockLayoutEquipmentKey            = "equipment"
	BlockLayoutOtherEquipmentKey       = "other_equipment"
	BlockLayoutNotesKey                = "notes"

Valid block layout keys

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const (
	ConditionalModifierValueColumn = iota

Columns that can be used with the conditional modifier method .CellData()

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const (
	EquipmentEquippedColumn = iota

Columns that can be used with the equipment method .CellData()

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const (
	EquipmentModifierEnabledColumn = iota

Columns that can be used with the equipment modifier method .CellData()

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const (
	GenericFile  = "file"
	ClosedFolder = ".folder-closed"
	OpenFolder   = ".folder-open"

Some special "extension" values.

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const (
	EquipmentExt          = ".eqp"
	EquipmentModifiersExt = ".eqm"
	NotesExt              = ".not"
	SheetExt              = ".gcs"
	SkillsExt             = ".skl"
	SpellsExt             = ".spl"
	TemplatesExt          = ".gct"
	TraitModifiersExt     = ".adm"
	TraitsExt             = ".adq"

Primary GCS file extensions.

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const (
	AncestryExt        = ".ancestry"
	AttributesExt      = ".attr"
	AttributesExtAlt1  = ".attributes"
	AttributesExtAlt2  = ".gas"
	BodyExt            = ".body"
	BodyExtAlt         = ".ghl"
	CalendarExt        = ".calendar"
	ColorSettingsExt   = ".colors"
	FontSettingsExt    = ".fonts"
	GeneralSettingsExt = ".general"
	KeySettingsExt     = ".keys"
	NamesExt           = ".names"
	PageRefSettingsExt = ".refs"
	SheetSettingsExt   = ".sheet"

Secondary GCS file extensions (no visible display for these, since you don't open them into a view).

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const (
	MonitorResolutionMin       = 72
	MonitorResolutionMax       = 300
	ImageResolutionDef         = 200
	ImageResolutionMin         = 50
	ImageResolutionMax         = 400
	InitialUIScaleMin          = 50
	InitialUIScaleMax          = 400
	InitialNavigatorUIScaleDef = 100
	InitialListUIScaleDef      = 100
	InitialEditorUIScaleDef    = 100
	InitialSheetUIScaleDef     = 133
	AutoColWidthMin            = 50
	AutoColWidthMax            = 9999
	MaximumAutoColWidthDef     = 800

Default, min & max values for the general numeric settings that can be constants

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const (
	AllID              = "all"
	BasicMoveID        = "basic_move"
	BasicSpeedID       = "basic_speed"
	BlockID            = "block"
	DexterityID        = "dx"
	DodgeID            = "dodge"
	LiftingStrengthID  = "lifting_st"
	MoveID             = "move"
	ParryID            = "parry"
	RitualMagicSpellID = "ritual_magic_spell"
	SizeModifierID     = "sm"
	SkillID            = "skill"
	SpellID            = "spell"
	StrengthID         = "st"
	StrikingStrengthID = "striking_st"
	TechniqueID        = "technique"
	ThrowingStrengthID = "throwing_st"

Various commonly used IDs

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const (
	NoteTextColumn = iota

Columns that can be used with the note method .CellData()

View Source
const (
	AnyNumber       = NumericCompareType("")
	EqualsNumber    = NumericCompareType("is")
	NotEqualsNumber = NumericCompareType("is_not")
	AtLeastNumber   = NumericCompareType("at_least")
	AtMostNumber    = NumericCompareType("at_most")

Possible NumericCompareType values.

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const (
	PortraitHeight = 96
	PortraitWidth  = 3 * PortraitHeight / 4

Standard height and width for the portrait

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const (
	NoCR = SelfControlRoll(0)
	CR6  = SelfControlRoll(6)
	CR9  = SelfControlRoll(9)
	CR12 = SelfControlRoll(12)
	CR15 = SelfControlRoll(15)

Possible SelfControlRoll values.

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const (
	DefaultLastDirKey  = "default"
	ImagesLastDirKey   = "images"
	SettingsLastDirKey = "settings"

Last directory keys

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const (
	SkillDescriptionColumn = iota

Columns that can be used with the skill method .CellData()

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const (
	SpellDescriptionColumn = iota

Columns that can be used with the spell method .CellData()

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const (
	AnyString              = StringCompareType("")
	IsString               = StringCompareType("is")
	IsNotString            = StringCompareType("is_not")
	ContainsString         = StringCompareType("contains")
	DoesNotContainString   = StringCompareType("does_not_contain")
	StartsWithString       = StringCompareType("starts_with")
	DoesNotStartWithString = StringCompareType("does_not_start_with")
	EndsWithString         = StringCompareType("ends_with")
	DoesNotEndWithString   = StringCompareType("does_not_end_with")

Possible StringCompareType values.

View Source
const (
	TraitDescriptionColumn = iota

Columns that can be used with the trait method .CellData()

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const (
	TraitModifierEnabledColumn = iota

Columns that can be used with the trait modifier method .CellData()

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const (
	// CurrentDataVersion holds the current version for data files written with the current release. Note that this is
	// intentionally the same for all data files that GCS processes.
	CurrentDataVersion = 4 // First version for the Go version of GCS
	// MinimumDataVersion holds the oldest version for data files that can be loaded. Note that this is intentionally
	// the same for all data files that GCS processes.
	MinimumDataVersion    = 2
	MinimumLibraryVersion = 3 // Note that as of the Go version of GCS, the data and library version are the same.

These version numbers are used both as the version of the data files written to disk as well as the major version number for GCS library compatibility checking. The Go release of GCS is the first release to synchronize the data version and the library major version.

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const (
	WeaponDescriptionColumn = iota

Columns that can be used with the weapon method .CellData()

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const ContainerKeyPostfix = "_container"

ContainerKeyPostfix is the key postfix used to identify containers.

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const (
	DefaultAncestry = "Human"

DefaultAncestry holds the name of the default ancestry.

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const EventRootSync = 0xFFFFFFFF

EventRootSync the event code used when the root path being monitored has been changed to a new path. Also occurs as the first event received.

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const PageRefCellAlias = -10

PageRefCellAlias is used an alias to request the page reference cell, if any.


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var (
	HeaderColor             = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.RGB(43, 43, 43), Dark: unison.RGB(64, 64, 64)}
	HintColor               = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.Grey, Dark: unison.RGB(64, 64, 64)}
	MarkerColor             = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.RGB(252, 242, 196), Dark: unison.RGB(0, 51, 0)}
	OnHeaderColor           = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.White, Dark: unison.Silver}
	OnMarkerColor           = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.Black, Dark: unison.RGB(221, 221, 221)}
	OnOverloadedColor       = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.White, Dark: unison.RGB(221, 221, 221)}
	OnPageColor             = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.Black, Dark: unison.RGB(160, 160, 160)}
	OnPageStandoutColor     = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.Black, Dark: unison.RGB(160, 160, 160)}
	OnSearchListColor       = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.Black, Dark: unison.RGB(204, 204, 204)}
	OverloadedColor         = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.RGB(192, 64, 64), Dark: unison.RGB(115, 37, 37)}
	PDFLinkHighlightColor   = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.SpringGreen, Dark: unison.SpringGreen}
	PDFMarkerHighlightColor = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.Yellow, Dark: unison.Yellow}
	PageColor               = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.White, Dark: unison.RGB(16, 16, 16)}
	PageStandoutColor       = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.RGB(221, 221, 221), Dark: unison.RGB(64, 64, 64)}
	PageVoidColor           = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.Grey, Dark: unison.Black}
	SearchListColor         = &unison.ThemeColor{Light: unison.LightCyan, Dark: unison.RGB(0, 43, 43)}

Additional colors over and above what unison provides by default.

Additional fonts over and above what unison provides by default.

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var (
	InitialPointsDef         = fxp.From(150)
	InitialPointsMin         fxp.Int
	InitialPointsMax         = fxp.From(9999999)
	TooltipDelayDef          = fxp.FromStringForced("0.75")
	TooltipDelayMin          fxp.Int
	TooltipDelayMax          = fxp.Thirty
	TooltipDismissalDef      = fxp.From(60)
	TooltipDismissalMin      = fxp.One
	TooltipDismissalMax      = fxp.From(3600)
	ScrollWheelMultiplierDef = fxp.From(unison.MouseWheelMultiplier)
	ScrollWheelMultiplierMin = fxp.Int(1)
	ScrollWheelMultiplierMax = fxp.From(9999)

Default, min & max values for the general numeric settings

AllAffects holds all possible values.

AllAttributeType holds all possible values.

AllBonusLimitation holds all possible values.

AllCellType holds all possible values.

AllContainerType holds all possible values.

AllDamageProgression holds all possible values.

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var AllDifficulty = []Difficulty{

AllDifficulty holds all possible values.

AllDisplayOption holds all possible values.

AllEncumbrance holds all possible values.

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var AllEntityType = []EntityType{

AllEntityType holds all possible values.

AllEquipmentModifierCostType holds all possible values.

AllEquipmentModifierCostValueType holds all possible values.

AllEquipmentModifierWeightType holds all possible values.

AllEquipmentModifierWeightValueType holds all possible values.

AllFeatureType holds all possible values.

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var AllFeatureTypesWithoutContainedWeightType []FeatureType

AllFeatureTypesWithoutContainedWeightType holds the possible FeatureType values, minus the ContainedWeightReductionFeatureType.

AllLengthUnits holds all possible values.

AllNameData holds all possible values.

AllNameGenerationType holds all possible values.

AllNumericCompareTypes is the complete set of NumericCompareType values.

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var AllPaperOrientation = []PaperOrientation{

AllPaperOrientation holds all possible values.

AllPaperSize holds all possible values.

AllPaperUnits holds all possible values.

AllPrereqType holds all possible values.

AllSelfControlRollAdj holds all possible values.

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var AllSelfControlRolls = []SelfControlRoll{

AllSelfControlRolls is the complete set of SelfControlRoll values.

AllSkillSelectionType holds all possible values.

AllSpellComparisonType holds all possible values.

AllSpellMatchType holds all possible values.

AllStrengthDamage holds all possible values.

AllStringCompareTypes is the complete set of StringCompareType values.

AllStudyType holds all possible values.

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var AllTechniqueDifficulty = []Difficulty{

AllTechniqueDifficulty holds all possible values when used with Techniques.

AllTemplatePickerType holds all possible values.

AllThresholdOp holds all possible values.

AllTraitModifierCostType holds all possible values.

AllWeaponSelectionType holds all possible values.

AllWeaponType holds all possible values.

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var AllWeightUnits = []WeightUnits{

AllWeightUnits holds all possible values.

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var (
	// KnownFileTypes holds the registered file types.
	KnownFileTypes []FileInfo
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var NotifyOfLibraryChangeFunc func()

NotifyOfLibraryChangeFunc will be called to notify of library changes.

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var ReservedIDs = []string{SkillID, ParryID, BlockID, SizeModifierID, "10"}

ReservedIDs holds a list of IDs that are reserved for internal use.

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var SettingsPath string

SettingsPath holds the path to our settings file.


func AcceptableExtensions added in v5.9.0

func AcceptableExtensions() []string

AcceptableExtensions returns the file extensions that we should be able to open.

func AdjustTechLevel

func AdjustTechLevel(str string, delta fxp.Int) (s string, changed bool)

AdjustTechLevel returns a new string with the adjusted tech level.

func AdjustedPoints

func AdjustedPoints(entity *Entity, canLevel bool, basePoints, levels, pointsPerLevel fxp.Int, cr SelfControlRoll, modifiers []*TraitModifier, roundCostDown bool) fxp.Int

AdjustedPoints returns the total points, taking levels and modifiers into account. 'entity' may be nil.

func AdjustedPointsForNonContainerSkillOrTechnique

func AdjustedPointsForNonContainerSkillOrTechnique(entity *Entity, points fxp.Int, name, specialization string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int

AdjustedPointsForNonContainerSkillOrTechnique returns the points, adjusted for any bonuses.

func AdjustedPointsForNonContainerSpell

func AdjustedPointsForNonContainerSpell(entity *Entity, points fxp.Int, name, powerSource string, colleges, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int

AdjustedPointsForNonContainerSpell returns the points, adjusted for any bonuses.

func Apply added in v5.9.0

func Apply(str string, set map[string]string) string

Apply replaces the matching nameable sections with the values from the set.

func AttributeChoices

func AttributeChoices(entity *Entity, prefix string, flags AttributeFlags, currentKey string) (choices []*AttributeChoice, current *AttributeChoice)

AttributeChoices collects the available choices for attributes for the given entity, or nil.

func AttributeIDFor

func AttributeIDFor(entity *Entity, preferred string) string

AttributeIDFor looks up the preferred ID and if it cannot be found, falls back to a default. 'entity' may be nil.

func CheckVersion added in v5.9.0

func CheckVersion(version int) error

CheckVersion returns an error if the data version is out of the acceptable range.

func ChooseWeightedStringOption added in v5.9.0

func ChooseWeightedStringOption(options []*WeightedStringOption, not string) string

ChooseWeightedStringOption selects a string option from the available set.

func CloneNodes

func CloneNodes[T NodeTypes](newEntity *Entity, newParent T, preserveID bool, nodes []Node[T]) []T

CloneNodes creates clones of the provided nodes.

func CombineTags

func CombineTags(tags []string) string

CombineTags combines multiple tags into a single string.

func Convert added in v5.9.0

func Convert(paths ...string) error

Convert the GCS files found in the given paths to the current file format.

func CountThresholdOpMet

func CountThresholdOpMet(op ThresholdOp, attributes *Attributes) int

CountThresholdOpMet counts the number of times the given ThresholdOp is met.

func CreateFullKeySet

func CreateFullKeySet() map[string]bool

CreateFullKeySet creates a map that contains each of the possible block layout keys.

func CreateImageFromSVG added in v5.9.0

func CreateImageFromSVG(fi *FileInfo, size int) (image.Image, error)

CreateImageFromSVG turns one of our svg-as-a-path objects into an actual SVG document, then renders it into an image at the specified square size. Note that this is not currently GPU accelerated, as I haven't added the necessary bits to unison to support scribbling into arbitrary offscreen images yet.

func DefaultAttributeIDFor

func DefaultAttributeIDFor(entity *Entity) string

DefaultAttributeIDFor returns the default attribute ID to use for the given Entity, which may be nil.

func DefaultMasterLibraryPath added in v5.9.0

func DefaultMasterLibraryPath() string

DefaultMasterLibraryPath returns the default master library path.

func DefaultRootLibraryPath added in v5.9.0

func DefaultRootLibraryPath() string

DefaultRootLibraryPath returns the default root library path.

func DefaultTypeIsSkillBased added in v5.9.0

func DefaultTypeIsSkillBased(skillDefaultType string) bool

DefaultTypeIsSkillBased returns true if the SkillDefault type is Skill-based.

func DefaultUserLibraryPath added in v5.9.0

func DefaultUserLibraryPath() string

DefaultUserLibraryPath returns the default user library path.

func Extract added in v5.9.0

func Extract(str string, set map[string]string)

Extract the nameable sections of the string into the set.

func ExtractContainedWeightReduction added in v5.9.0

func ExtractContainedWeightReduction(s string, defUnits WeightUnits) (string, error)

ExtractContainedWeightReduction extracts the weight reduction (which may be a weight or a percentage) and returns a sanitized result. If 'err' is not nil, then the input was bad. Even in that case, however, a valid string is returned.

func ExtractNumericCompareTypeIndex added in v5.9.0

func ExtractNumericCompareTypeIndex(str string) int

ExtractNumericCompareTypeIndex extracts the index from a string.

func ExtractStringCompareTypeIndex added in v5.9.0

func ExtractStringCompareTypeIndex(str string) int

ExtractStringCompareTypeIndex extracts the index from a string.

func ExtractTags

func ExtractTags(tags string) []string

ExtractTags from a combined tags string.

func ExtractTechLevel

func ExtractTechLevel(str string) (techLevel fxp.Int, start, end int)

ExtractTechLevel extracts the first number it finds in the string and returns that as the tech level. The start and end (inclusive) indexes within the string where the number resided are returned, but will be -1 if the string didn't contain a resolvable number. The returned tech level will be clamped to the range 0 to 12.

func FormatRelativeSkill

func FormatRelativeSkill(entity *Entity, typ string, difficulty AttributeDifficulty, rsl fxp.Int) string

FormatRelativeSkill formats the relative skill for display.

func GCSExtensions added in v5.9.0

func GCSExtensions() []string

GCSExtensions returns the file extensions that are owned by GCS.

func GCSSecondaryExtensions added in v5.9.0

func GCSSecondaryExtensions() []string

GCSSecondaryExtensions returns the file extensions that are owned by GCS but are not directly openable file types.

func HasTag

func HasTag(tag string, tags []string) bool

HasTag returns true if 'tag' is present in 'tags'. This check both ignores case and can check for subsets that are colon-separated.

func HasText

func HasText(has bool) string

HasText returns the appropriate text for has.

func HitLocationChoices

func HitLocationChoices(entity *Entity, prefix, currentKey string) (choices []*HitLocationChoice, current *HitLocationChoice)

HitLocationChoices collects the available choices for hit locations for the given entity, or nil.

func InstallEvaluatorFunctions

func InstallEvaluatorFunctions(m map[string]eval.Function)

InstallEvaluatorFunctions installs additional functions for the evaluator.

func IsThresholdOpMet

func IsThresholdOpMet(op ThresholdOp, attributes *Attributes) bool

IsThresholdOpMet if the given ThresholdOp is met.

func LegacyExport added in v5.9.0

func LegacyExport(entity *Entity, templatePath, exportPath string) (err error)

LegacyExport performs the text template export function that matches the old Java code base.

func LegacyExportMultiple added in v5.9.0

func LegacyExportMultiple(tmplPath string, fileList []string) error

LegacyExportMultiple exports the files to a text representation.

func NewUUID added in v5.9.0

func NewUUID() uuid.UUID

NewUUID creates a new UUID.

func PrefixedNumericCompareTypeChoices added in v5.9.0

func PrefixedNumericCompareTypeChoices(prefix string) []string

PrefixedNumericCompareTypeChoices returns the set of NumericCompareType choices as strings with a prefix.

func PrefixedStringCompareTypeChoices added in v5.9.0

func PrefixedStringCompareTypeChoices(prefix, notPrefix string) []string

PrefixedStringCompareTypeChoices returns the set of StringCompareType choices as strings with a prefix.

func RegisterKeyBinding added in v5.9.0

func RegisterKeyBinding(id string, action *unison.Action)

RegisterKeyBinding register a keybinding.

func RegisteredMimeTypes added in v5.9.0

func RegisteredMimeTypes() []string

RegisteredMimeTypes returns the mime types that we should be able to open.

func ReplaceTechLevel

func ReplaceTechLevel(str string, value fxp.Int) string

ReplaceTechLevel replaces the tech level (as found by a call to ExtractTechLevel) with a new value.

func ResolveAttributeName

func ResolveAttributeName(entity *Entity, attribute string) string

ResolveAttributeName returns the name of the attribute, if possible.

func ResolveStudyHours added in v5.3.0

func ResolveStudyHours(study []*Study) fxp.Int

ResolveStudyHours returns the resolved total study hours.

func SanitizeID added in v5.9.0

func SanitizeID(id string, permitLeadingDigits bool, reserved ...string) string

SanitizeID ensures the ID is not empty and consists of only lowercase alphanumeric characters. If permitLeadingDigits is false, then leading digits are stripped. A list of reserved values can be passed in to disallow specific IDs.

func SaveEquipment

func SaveEquipment(equipment []*Equipment, filePath string) error

SaveEquipment writes the Equipment list to the file as JSON.

func SaveEquipmentModifiers

func SaveEquipmentModifiers(modifiers []*EquipmentModifier, filePath string) error

SaveEquipmentModifiers writes the EquipmentModifier list to the file as JSON.

func SaveNotes

func SaveNotes(notes []*Note, filePath string) error

SaveNotes writes the Note list to the file as JSON.

func SaveSkills

func SaveSkills(skills []*Skill, filePath string) error

SaveSkills writes the Skill list to the file as JSON.

func SaveSpells

func SaveSpells(spells []*Spell, filePath string) error

SaveSpells writes the Spell list to the file as JSON.

func SaveTraitModifiers

func SaveTraitModifiers(modifiers []*TraitModifier, filePath string) error

SaveTraitModifiers writes the TraitModifier list to the file as JSON.

func SaveTraits

func SaveTraits(traits []*Trait, filePath string) error

SaveTraits writes the Trait list to the file as JSON.

func StudyHoursProgressText added in v5.3.0

func StudyHoursProgressText(hours fxp.Int) string

StudyHoursProgressText returns the progress text or an empty string.

func Traverse

func Traverse[T NodeTypes](f func(T) bool, onlyEnabled, excludeContainers bool, in ...T)

Traverse calls the function 'f' for each node and its children in the input list, recursively. Return true from the function to abort early. If excludeContainers is true, then nodes that are containers will not be passed to 'f', although their children will still be processed as usual.

func ValueAdjustedForModifiers

func ValueAdjustedForModifiers(value fxp.Int, modifiers []*EquipmentModifier) fxp.Int

ValueAdjustedForModifiers returns the value after adjusting it for a set of modifiers.


type Affects added in v5.9.0

type Affects byte

Affects describes how a TraitModifier affects the point cost.

const (
	TotalAffects Affects = iota
	LastAffects = LevelsOnlyAffects

Possible values.

func ExtractAffects added in v5.9.0

func ExtractAffects(str string) Affects

ExtractAffects extracts the value from a string.

func (Affects) AltString added in v5.9.0

func (enum Affects) AltString() string

AltString returns the alternate string.

func (Affects) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum Affects) EnsureValid() Affects

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (Affects) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum Affects) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (Affects) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum Affects) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (Affects) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum Affects) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*Affects) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *Affects) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type Ancestry added in v5.9.0

type Ancestry struct {
	Name          string                     `json:"name,omitempty"`
	CommonOptions *AncestryOptions           `json:"common_options,omitempty"`
	GenderOptions []*WeightedAncestryOptions `json:"gender_options,omitempty"`

Ancestry holds details necessary to generate ancestry-specific customizations.

func LookupAncestry added in v5.9.0

func LookupAncestry(name string, libraries Libraries) *Ancestry

LookupAncestry an Ancestry by name.

func NewAncestryFromFile added in v5.9.0

func NewAncestryFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (*Ancestry, error)

NewAncestryFromFile creates a new Ancestry from a file.

func (*Ancestry) GenderedOptions added in v5.9.0

func (a *Ancestry) GenderedOptions(gender string) *AncestryOptions

GenderedOptions returns the options for the specified gender, or nil.

func (*Ancestry) RandomAge added in v5.9.0

func (a *Ancestry) RandomAge(resolver eval.VariableResolver, gender string, not int) int

RandomAge returns a randomized age.

func (*Ancestry) RandomEyes added in v5.9.0

func (a *Ancestry) RandomEyes(gender, not string) string

RandomEyes returns a randomized eyes.

func (*Ancestry) RandomGender added in v5.9.0

func (a *Ancestry) RandomGender(not string) string

RandomGender returns a randomized gender.

func (*Ancestry) RandomHair added in v5.9.0

func (a *Ancestry) RandomHair(gender, not string) string

RandomHair returns a randomized hair.

func (*Ancestry) RandomHandedness added in v5.9.0

func (a *Ancestry) RandomHandedness(gender, not string) string

RandomHandedness returns a randomized handedness.

func (*Ancestry) RandomHeight added in v5.9.0

func (a *Ancestry) RandomHeight(resolver eval.VariableResolver, gender string, not Length) Length

RandomHeight returns a randomized height.

func (*Ancestry) RandomName added in v5.9.0

func (a *Ancestry) RandomName(nameGeneratorRefs []*NameGeneratorRef, gender string) string

RandomName returns a randomized name.

func (*Ancestry) RandomSkin added in v5.9.0

func (a *Ancestry) RandomSkin(gender, not string) string

RandomSkin returns a randomized skin.

func (*Ancestry) RandomWeight added in v5.9.0

func (a *Ancestry) RandomWeight(resolver eval.VariableResolver, gender string, not Weight) Weight

RandomWeight returns a randomized weight.

func (*Ancestry) Save added in v5.9.0

func (a *Ancestry) Save(filePath string) error

Save writes the Ancestry to the file as JSON.

type AncestryOptions added in v5.9.0

type AncestryOptions struct {
	Name              string                  `json:"name,omitempty"`
	HeightFormula     string                  `json:"height_formula,omitempty"`
	WeightFormula     string                  `json:"weight_formula,omitempty"`
	AgeFormula        string                  `json:"age_formula,omitempty"`
	HairOptions       []*WeightedStringOption `json:"hair_options,omitempty"`
	EyeOptions        []*WeightedStringOption `json:"eye_options,omitempty"`
	SkinOptions       []*WeightedStringOption `json:"skin_options,omitempty"`
	HandednessOptions []*WeightedStringOption `json:"handedness_options,omitempty"`
	NameGenerators    []string                `json:"name_generators,omitempty"`

AncestryOptions holds options that may be randomized for an Entity's ancestry.

func ChooseWeightedAncestryOptions added in v5.9.0

func ChooseWeightedAncestryOptions(options []*WeightedAncestryOptions, omitter func(*AncestryOptions) bool) *AncestryOptions

ChooseWeightedAncestryOptions selects a string option from the available set.

func (*AncestryOptions) RandomAge added in v5.9.0

func (o *AncestryOptions) RandomAge(resolver eval.VariableResolver, not int) int

RandomAge returns a randomized age.

func (*AncestryOptions) RandomEye added in v5.9.0

func (o *AncestryOptions) RandomEye(not string) string

RandomEye returns a randomized eye.

func (*AncestryOptions) RandomHair added in v5.9.0

func (o *AncestryOptions) RandomHair(not string) string

RandomHair returns a randomized hair.

func (*AncestryOptions) RandomHandedness added in v5.9.0

func (o *AncestryOptions) RandomHandedness(not string) string

RandomHandedness returns a randomized handedness.

func (*AncestryOptions) RandomHeight added in v5.9.0

func (o *AncestryOptions) RandomHeight(resolver eval.VariableResolver, not Length) Length

RandomHeight returns a randomized height.

func (*AncestryOptions) RandomName added in v5.9.0

func (o *AncestryOptions) RandomName(nameGeneratorRefs []*NameGeneratorRef) string

RandomName returns a randomized name.

func (*AncestryOptions) RandomSkin added in v5.9.0

func (o *AncestryOptions) RandomSkin(not string) string

RandomSkin returns a randomized skin.

func (*AncestryOptions) RandomWeight added in v5.9.0

func (o *AncestryOptions) RandomWeight(resolver eval.VariableResolver, not Weight) Weight

RandomWeight returns a randomized weight.

type Attribute

type Attribute struct {
	Entity        *Entity `json:"-"`
	Bonus         fxp.Int `json:"-"`
	CostReduction fxp.Int `json:"-"`
	Order         int     `json:"-"`

Attribute holds the current state of an AttributeDef.

func NewAttribute

func NewAttribute(entity *Entity, attrID string, order int) *Attribute

NewAttribute creates a new Attribute.

func (*Attribute) AttributeDef

func (a *Attribute) AttributeDef() *AttributeDef

AttributeDef looks up the AttributeDef this Attribute references from the Entity. May return nil.

func (*Attribute) Clone

func (a *Attribute) Clone(entity *Entity) *Attribute

Clone a copy of this.

func (*Attribute) Current

func (a *Attribute) Current() fxp.Int

Current returns the current value. Same as .Maximum() if not a pool.

func (*Attribute) CurrentThreshold

func (a *Attribute) CurrentThreshold() *PoolThreshold

CurrentThreshold return the current PoolThreshold, if any.

func (*Attribute) ID

func (a *Attribute) ID() string

ID returns the ID.

func (*Attribute) MarshalJSON

func (a *Attribute) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*Attribute) Maximum

func (a *Attribute) Maximum() fxp.Int

Maximum returns the maximum value of a pool or the adjusted attribute value for other types.

func (*Attribute) PointCost

func (a *Attribute) PointCost() fxp.Int

PointCost returns the number of points spent on this Attribute.

func (*Attribute) SetID

func (a *Attribute) SetID(value string)

SetID sets the ID, sanitizing it in the process (i.e. it may be changed from what you set -- read it back if you want to be sure of what it gets set to.

func (*Attribute) SetMaximum

func (a *Attribute) SetMaximum(value fxp.Int)

SetMaximum sets the maximum value.

func (*Attribute) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *Attribute) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type AttributeBonus added in v5.9.0

type AttributeBonus struct {
	Type       FeatureType     `json:"type"`
	Limitation BonusLimitation `json:"limitation,omitempty"`
	Attribute  string          `json:"attribute"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AttributeBonus holds the data for a bonus to an attribute.

func NewAttributeBonus added in v5.9.0

func NewAttributeBonus(attrID string) *AttributeBonus

NewAttributeBonus creates a new AttributeBonus.

func (*AttributeBonus) AddToTooltip added in v5.9.0

func (a *AttributeBonus) AddToTooltip(buffer *xio.ByteBuffer)

AddToTooltip implements Bonus.

func (*AttributeBonus) ApplyNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (a *AttributeBonus) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*AttributeBonus) Clone added in v5.9.0

func (a *AttributeBonus) Clone() Feature

Clone implements Feature.

func (*AttributeBonus) FeatureType added in v5.9.0

func (a *AttributeBonus) FeatureType() FeatureType

FeatureType implements Feature.

func (*AttributeBonus) FillWithNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (a *AttributeBonus) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*AttributeBonus) Owner added in v5.9.0

func (a *AttributeBonus) Owner() fmt.Stringer

Owner implements Bonus.

func (*AttributeBonus) SetLevel added in v5.9.0

func (a *AttributeBonus) SetLevel(level fxp.Int)

SetLevel implements Bonus.

func (*AttributeBonus) SetOwner added in v5.9.0

func (a *AttributeBonus) SetOwner(owner fmt.Stringer)

SetOwner implements Bonus.

type AttributeChoice

type AttributeChoice struct {
	Key   string
	Title string

AttributeChoice holds a single attribute choice.

func (*AttributeChoice) String

func (c *AttributeChoice) String() string

type AttributeData

type AttributeData struct {
	AttrID     string  `json:"attr_id"`
	Adjustment fxp.Int `json:"adj"`
	Damage     fxp.Int `json:"damage,omitempty"`

AttributeData holds the Attribute data that is written to disk.

type AttributeDef

type AttributeDef struct {
	Order     int
	KeyPrefix string

AttributeDef holds the definition of an attribute.

func (*AttributeDef) AllowsDecimal added in v5.9.0

func (a *AttributeDef) AllowsDecimal() bool

AllowsDecimal returns true if the value can have a decimal point in it.

func (*AttributeDef) BaseValue

func (a *AttributeDef) BaseValue(resolver eval.VariableResolver) fxp.Int

BaseValue returns the resolved base value.

func (*AttributeDef) Clone

func (a *AttributeDef) Clone() *AttributeDef

Clone a copy of this.

func (*AttributeDef) CombinedName

func (a *AttributeDef) CombinedName() string

CombinedName returns the combined FullName and Name, as appropriate.

func (*AttributeDef) ComputeCost

func (a *AttributeDef) ComputeCost(entity *Entity, value, costReduction fxp.Int, sizeModifier int) fxp.Int

ComputeCost returns the value adjusted for a cost reduction.

func (*AttributeDef) ID

func (a *AttributeDef) ID() string

ID returns the ID.

func (*AttributeDef) IsSeparator

func (a *AttributeDef) IsSeparator() bool

IsSeparator returns true if this is actually just a separator.

func (*AttributeDef) MarshalJSON

func (a *AttributeDef) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*AttributeDef) Pool

func (a *AttributeDef) Pool() bool

Pool returns true if the base value is a pool value.

func (*AttributeDef) Primary

func (a *AttributeDef) Primary() bool

Primary returns true if the base value is a non-derived value.

func (*AttributeDef) ResolveFullName

func (a *AttributeDef) ResolveFullName() string

ResolveFullName returns the full name, using the short name if full name is empty.

func (*AttributeDef) Secondary

func (a *AttributeDef) Secondary() bool

Secondary returns true if the base value is a derived value.

func (*AttributeDef) SetID

func (a *AttributeDef) SetID(value string)

SetID sets the ID, sanitizing it in the process (i.e. it may be changed from what you set -- read it back if you want to be sure of what it gets set to.

func (*AttributeDef) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *AttributeDef) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type AttributeDefData

type AttributeDefData struct {
	DefID               string           `json:"id"`
	Type                AttributeType    `json:"type"`
	Name                string           `json:"name"`
	FullName            string           `json:"full_name,omitempty"`
	AttributeBase       string           `json:"attribute_base,omitempty"`
	CostPerPoint        fxp.Int          `json:"cost_per_point,omitempty"`
	CostAdjPercentPerSM fxp.Int          `json:"cost_adj_percent_per_sm,omitempty"`
	Thresholds          []*PoolThreshold `json:"thresholds,omitempty"`

AttributeDefData holds the data that will be serialized for the AttributeDef.

type AttributeDefs

type AttributeDefs struct {
	Set map[string]*AttributeDef

AttributeDefs holds a set of AttributeDef objects.

func AttributeDefsFor

func AttributeDefsFor(entity *Entity) *AttributeDefs

AttributeDefsFor returns the AttributeDefs for the given Entity, or the global settings if the Entity is nil.

func FactoryAttributeDefs

func FactoryAttributeDefs() *AttributeDefs

FactoryAttributeDefs returns the factory AttributeDef set.

func NewAttributeDefsFromFile

func NewAttributeDefsFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (*AttributeDefs, error)

NewAttributeDefsFromFile loads an AttributeDef set from a file.

func (*AttributeDefs) CRC64

func (a *AttributeDefs) CRC64() uint64

CRC64 calculates a CRC-64 for this data.

func (*AttributeDefs) Clone

func (a *AttributeDefs) Clone() *AttributeDefs

Clone a copy of this.

func (*AttributeDefs) List

func (a *AttributeDefs) List(omitSeparators bool) []*AttributeDef

List returns the map of AttributeDef objects as an ordered list.

func (*AttributeDefs) MarshalJSON

func (a *AttributeDefs) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*AttributeDefs) ResetTargetKeyPrefixes

func (a *AttributeDefs) ResetTargetKeyPrefixes(prefixProvider func() string)

ResetTargetKeyPrefixes assigns new key prefixes for all data within these AttributeDefs.

func (*AttributeDefs) Save

func (a *AttributeDefs) Save(filePath string) error

Save writes the AttributeDefs to the file as JSON.

func (*AttributeDefs) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *AttributeDefs) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type AttributeDifficulty

type AttributeDifficulty struct {
	Attribute  string
	Difficulty Difficulty
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AttributeDifficulty holds an attribute ID and a difficulty.

func (*AttributeDifficulty) Description

func (a *AttributeDifficulty) Description(entity *Entity) string

Description returns a formatted description.

func (*AttributeDifficulty) Key

func (a *AttributeDifficulty) Key() string

Key returns the value that will be serialized.

func (*AttributeDifficulty) MarshalJSON

func (a *AttributeDifficulty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*AttributeDifficulty) Normalize

func (a *AttributeDifficulty) Normalize(entity *Entity)

Normalize the data. Should be called after loading from disk or the user.

func (AttributeDifficulty) ShouldOmit

func (a AttributeDifficulty) ShouldOmit() bool

ShouldOmit implements json.Omitter.

func (*AttributeDifficulty) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *AttributeDifficulty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type AttributeFlags

type AttributeFlags byte

AttributeFlags provides flags that can be set to extend the defined attribute choice list.

const (
	BlankFlag AttributeFlags = 1 << iota

Possible AttributeFlags.

type AttributePrereq

type AttributePrereq struct {
	Parent            *PrereqList     `json:"-"`
	Type              PrereqType      `json:"type"`
	Has               bool            `json:"has"`
	CombinedWith      string          `json:"combined_with,omitempty"`
	QualifierCriteria NumericCriteria `json:"qualifier,omitempty"`
	Which             string          `json:"which"`

AttributePrereq holds a prerequisite for an attribute.

func NewAttributePrereq

func NewAttributePrereq(entity *Entity) *AttributePrereq

NewAttributePrereq creates a new AttributePrereq. 'entity' may be nil.

func (*AttributePrereq) ApplyNameableKeys

func (a *AttributePrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*AttributePrereq) Clone

func (a *AttributePrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq

Clone implements Prereq.

func (*AttributePrereq) FillWithNameableKeys

func (a *AttributePrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*AttributePrereq) ParentList

func (a *AttributePrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList

ParentList implements Prereq.

func (*AttributePrereq) PrereqType

func (a *AttributePrereq) PrereqType() PrereqType

PrereqType implements Prereq.

func (*AttributePrereq) Satisfied

func (a *AttributePrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, _ any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string, _ *bool) bool

Satisfied implements Prereq.

type AttributeType added in v5.9.0

type AttributeType byte

AttributeType holds the type of an attribute definition.

const (
	IntegerAttributeType AttributeType = iota
	LastAttributeType = PoolSeparatorAttributeType

Possible values.

func ExtractAttributeType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractAttributeType(str string) AttributeType

ExtractAttributeType extracts the value from a string.

func (AttributeType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum AttributeType) EnsureValid() AttributeType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (AttributeType) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum AttributeType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (AttributeType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum AttributeType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (AttributeType) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum AttributeType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*AttributeType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *AttributeType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type Attributes

type Attributes struct {
	Set map[string]*Attribute

Attributes holds a set of Attribute objects.

func NewAttributes

func NewAttributes(entity *Entity) *Attributes

NewAttributes creates a new Attributes.

func (*Attributes) CRC64

func (a *Attributes) CRC64() uint64

CRC64 calculates a CRC-64 for this data.

func (*Attributes) Clone

func (a *Attributes) Clone(entity *Entity) *Attributes

Clone a copy of this.

func (*Attributes) Cost

func (a *Attributes) Cost(attrID string) fxp.Int

Cost returns the points spent for the specified Attribute.

func (*Attributes) Current

func (a *Attributes) Current(attrID string) fxp.Int

Current resolves the given attribute ID to its current value, or fxp.Min.

func (*Attributes) List

func (a *Attributes) List() []*Attribute

List returns the map of Attribute objects as an ordered list.

func (*Attributes) MarshalJSON

func (a *Attributes) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*Attributes) Maximum

func (a *Attributes) Maximum(attrID string) fxp.Int

Maximum resolves the given attribute ID to its maximum value, or fxp.Min.

func (*Attributes) PoolThreshold

func (a *Attributes) PoolThreshold(attrID, state string) fxp.Int

PoolThreshold resolves the given attribute ID and state to the value for its pool threshold, or fxp.Min.

func (*Attributes) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *Attributes) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type Binding added in v5.9.0

type Binding struct {
	ID         string
	KeyBinding unison.KeyBinding
	Action     *unison.Action

Binding holds a single key binding.

func CurrentBindings added in v5.9.0

func CurrentBindings() []*Binding

CurrentBindings returns a sorted list with the current bindings.

type BlockLayout

type BlockLayout struct {
	Layout []string

BlockLayout holds the sheet's block layout.

func NewBlockLayout

func NewBlockLayout() *BlockLayout

NewBlockLayout creates a new default BlockLayout.

func NewBlockLayoutFromString

func NewBlockLayoutFromString(str string) (blockLayout *BlockLayout, inputWasValid bool)

NewBlockLayoutFromString creates a new BlockLayout from an input string.

func (*BlockLayout) ByRow

func (b *BlockLayout) ByRow() [][]string

ByRow breaks the layout down into rows.

func (*BlockLayout) Clone

func (b *BlockLayout) Clone() *BlockLayout

Clone this data.

func (*BlockLayout) EnsureValidity

func (b *BlockLayout) EnsureValidity()

EnsureValidity checks the current settings for validity and if they aren't valid, makes them so.

func (*BlockLayout) HTMLGridTemplate

func (b *BlockLayout) HTMLGridTemplate() string

HTMLGridTemplate returns the text for the HTML grid layout.

func (*BlockLayout) MarshalJSON

func (b *BlockLayout) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*BlockLayout) Reset

func (b *BlockLayout) Reset()

Reset returns the BlockLayout to factory settings.

func (*BlockLayout) String

func (b *BlockLayout) String() string

func (*BlockLayout) UnmarshalJSON

func (b *BlockLayout) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type Body

type Body struct {
	Name      string         `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Roll      *dice.Dice     `json:"roll"`
	Locations []*HitLocation `json:"locations,omitempty"`
	KeyPrefix string         `json:"-"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Body holds a set of hit locations.

func BodyFor

func BodyFor(entity *Entity) *Body

BodyFor returns the Body for the given Entity, or the global settings if the Entity is nil.

func FactoryBody

func FactoryBody() *Body

FactoryBody returns a new copy of the default factory Body.

func NewBodyFromFile

func NewBodyFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (*Body, error)

NewBodyFromFile loads a Body from a file.

func (*Body) AddLocation

func (b *Body) AddLocation(loc *HitLocation)

AddLocation adds a HitLocation to the end of list.

func (*Body) CRC64

func (b *Body) CRC64() uint64

CRC64 calculates a CRC-64 for this data.

func (*Body) Clone

func (b *Body) Clone(entity *Entity, owningLocation *HitLocation) *Body

Clone a copy of this.

func (*Body) LookupLocationByID

func (b *Body) LookupLocationByID(entity *Entity, idStr string) *HitLocation

LookupLocationByID returns the HitLocation that matches the given ID.

func (*Body) OwningLocation

func (b *Body) OwningLocation() *HitLocation

OwningLocation returns the owning hit location, or nil if this is the top-level body.

func (*Body) RemoveLocation

func (b *Body) RemoveLocation(loc *HitLocation)

RemoveLocation removes a HitLocation.

func (*Body) ResetTargetKeyPrefixes

func (b *Body) ResetTargetKeyPrefixes(prefixProvider func() string)

ResetTargetKeyPrefixes assigns new key prefixes for all data within this Body.

func (*Body) Rewrap

func (b *Body) Rewrap()

Rewrap the description field. Should only be called for older data (prior to noNeedForRewrapVersion)

func (*Body) Save

func (b *Body) Save(filePath string) error

Save writes the Body to the file as JSON.

func (*Body) SetOwningLocation

func (b *Body) SetOwningLocation(loc *HitLocation)

SetOwningLocation sets the owning HitLocation.

func (*Body) UniqueHitLocations

func (b *Body) UniqueHitLocations(entity *Entity) []*HitLocation

UniqueHitLocations returns the list of unique hit locations.

func (*Body) Update

func (b *Body) Update(entity *Entity)

Update the role ranges and populate the lookup map.

type Bonus added in v5.9.0

type Bonus interface {
	// Owner returns the owner that is currently set.
	Owner() fmt.Stringer
	// SetOwner sets the owner to use.
	SetOwner(owner fmt.Stringer)
	// SetLevel sets the level.
	SetLevel(level fxp.Int)
	// AdjustedAmount returns the amount, adjusted for level, if requested.
	AdjustedAmount() fxp.Int
	// AddToTooltip adds this Bonus's details to the tooltip. 'buffer' may be nil.
	AddToTooltip(buffer *xio.ByteBuffer)

Bonus is an extension of a Feature, which provides a numerical bonus or penalty.

type BonusLimitation added in v5.9.0

type BonusLimitation byte

BonusLimitation holds a limitation for an AttributeBonus.

const (
	NoneBonusLimitation BonusLimitation = iota
	LastBonusLimitation = ThrowingOnlyBonusLimitation

Possible values.

func ExtractBonusLimitation added in v5.9.0

func ExtractBonusLimitation(str string) BonusLimitation

ExtractBonusLimitation extracts the value from a string.

func (BonusLimitation) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum BonusLimitation) EnsureValid() BonusLimitation

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (BonusLimitation) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum BonusLimitation) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (BonusLimitation) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum BonusLimitation) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (BonusLimitation) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum BonusLimitation) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*BonusLimitation) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *BonusLimitation) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type CalendarRef added in v5.9.0

type CalendarRef struct {
	Name     string
	Calendar *calendar.Calendar

CalendarRef holds a named reference to a calendar.

func LookupCalendarRef added in v5.9.0

func LookupCalendarRef(name string, libraries Libraries) *CalendarRef

LookupCalendarRef a CalendarRef by name.

func NewCalendarRefFromFS added in v5.9.0

func NewCalendarRefFromFS(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (*CalendarRef, error)

NewCalendarRefFromFS creates a new CalendarRef from a file.

func (*CalendarRef) RandomBirthday added in v5.9.0

func (c *CalendarRef) RandomBirthday(not string) string

RandomBirthday generates a random birthday month and day.

type CellData

type CellData struct {
	Type              CellType
	Disabled          bool
	Dim               bool
	Checked           bool
	Alignment         unison.Alignment
	Primary           string
	Secondary         string
	Tooltip           string
	UnsatisfiedReason string
	TemplateInfo      string

CellData holds data for creating a cell's visual representation.

func (*CellData) ForSort

func (c *CellData) ForSort() string

ForSort returns a string that can be used to sort or search against for this data.

type CellType

type CellType byte

CellType holds the type of table cell.

const (
	TextCellType CellType = iota
	LastCellType = MarkdownCellType

Possible values.

func ExtractCellType

func ExtractCellType(str string) CellType

ExtractCellType extracts the value from a string.

func (CellType) EnsureValid

func (enum CellType) EnsureValid() CellType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (CellType) Key

func (enum CellType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (CellType) MarshalText

func (enum CellType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (CellType) String

func (enum CellType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*CellType) UnmarshalText

func (enum *CellType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type CollegeList

type CollegeList []string

CollegeList holds a list of college names. This exists solely due to legacy file formats that stored this as a single string with ' or ' or '/' separating the colleges. We need to be able to load both types.

func (*CollegeList) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CollegeList) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type Colors added in v5.9.0

type Colors struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Colors holds a set of themed colors.

func NewColorsFromFS added in v5.9.0

func NewColorsFromFS(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (*Colors, error)

NewColorsFromFS creates a new set of colors from a file. Any missing values will be filled in with defaults.

func (*Colors) MakeCurrent added in v5.9.0

func (c *Colors) MakeCurrent()

MakeCurrent applies these colors to the current theme color set and updates all windows.

func (*Colors) MarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (c *Colors) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*Colors) Reset added in v5.9.0

func (c *Colors) Reset()

Reset to factory defaults.

func (*Colors) ResetOne added in v5.9.0

func (c *Colors) ResetOne(id string)

ResetOne resets one color by ID to factory defaults.

func (*Colors) Save added in v5.9.0

func (c *Colors) Save(filePath string) error

Save writes the Colors to the file as JSON.

func (*Colors) UnmarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (c *Colors) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type ConditionalModifier

type ConditionalModifier struct {
	ID      uuid.UUID
	From    string
	Amounts []fxp.Int
	Sources []string

ConditionalModifier holds data for a reaction or conditional modifier.

func NewConditionalModifier added in v5.9.0

func NewConditionalModifier(source, from string, amt fxp.Int) *ConditionalModifier

NewConditionalModifier creates a new ConditionalModifier.

func (*ConditionalModifier) Add

func (m *ConditionalModifier) Add(source string, amt fxp.Int)

Add another source.

func (*ConditionalModifier) ApplyNameableKeys

func (m *ConditionalModifier) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found with the corresponding values in the provided map.

func (*ConditionalModifier) CellData

func (m *ConditionalModifier) CellData(columnID int, data *CellData)

CellData returns the cell data information for the given column.

func (*ConditionalModifier) Clone

Clone implements Node.

func (*ConditionalModifier) Container

func (m *ConditionalModifier) Container() bool

Container returns true if this is a container.

func (*ConditionalModifier) Enabled

func (m *ConditionalModifier) Enabled() bool

Enabled returns true if this node is enabled.

func (*ConditionalModifier) FillWithNameableKeys

func (m *ConditionalModifier) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found to the provided map.

func (*ConditionalModifier) HasChildren

func (m *ConditionalModifier) HasChildren() bool

HasChildren returns true if this node has children.

func (*ConditionalModifier) Kind

func (m *ConditionalModifier) Kind() string

Kind returns the kind of data.

func (*ConditionalModifier) Less

Less returns true if this should be sorted above the other.

func (*ConditionalModifier) NodeChildren

func (m *ConditionalModifier) NodeChildren() []*ConditionalModifier

NodeChildren returns the children of this node, if any.

func (*ConditionalModifier) Open

func (m *ConditionalModifier) Open() bool

Open returns true if this node is currently open.

func (*ConditionalModifier) OwningEntity

func (m *ConditionalModifier) OwningEntity() *Entity

OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.

func (*ConditionalModifier) Parent

Parent returns the parent.

func (*ConditionalModifier) SetChildren

func (m *ConditionalModifier) SetChildren(_ []*ConditionalModifier)

SetChildren sets the children of this node.

func (*ConditionalModifier) SetOpen

func (m *ConditionalModifier) SetOpen(_ bool)

SetOpen sets the current open state for this node.

func (*ConditionalModifier) SetOwningEntity

func (m *ConditionalModifier) SetOwningEntity(_ *Entity)

SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.

func (*ConditionalModifier) SetParent

func (m *ConditionalModifier) SetParent(_ *ConditionalModifier)

SetParent sets the parent.

func (*ConditionalModifier) String added in v5.9.0

func (m *ConditionalModifier) String() string

func (*ConditionalModifier) Total

func (m *ConditionalModifier) Total() fxp.Int

Total returns the total of all amounts.

func (*ConditionalModifier) UUID

func (m *ConditionalModifier) UUID() uuid.UUID

UUID returns the UUID of this data.

type ConditionalModifierBonus added in v5.9.0

type ConditionalModifierBonus struct {
	Type      FeatureType `json:"type"`
	Situation string      `json:"situation,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ConditionalModifierBonus holds the data for a conditional modifier bonus.

func NewConditionalModifierBonus added in v5.9.0

func NewConditionalModifierBonus() *ConditionalModifierBonus

NewConditionalModifierBonus creates a new ConditionalModifierBonus.

func (*ConditionalModifierBonus) AddToTooltip added in v5.9.0

func (c *ConditionalModifierBonus) AddToTooltip(buffer *xio.ByteBuffer)

AddToTooltip implements Bonus.

func (*ConditionalModifierBonus) ApplyNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (c *ConditionalModifierBonus) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*ConditionalModifierBonus) Clone added in v5.9.0

func (c *ConditionalModifierBonus) Clone() Feature

Clone implements Feature.

func (*ConditionalModifierBonus) FeatureType added in v5.9.0

func (c *ConditionalModifierBonus) FeatureType() FeatureType

FeatureType implements Feature.

func (*ConditionalModifierBonus) FillWithNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (c *ConditionalModifierBonus) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*ConditionalModifierBonus) Owner added in v5.9.0

Owner implements Bonus.

func (*ConditionalModifierBonus) SetLevel added in v5.9.0

func (c *ConditionalModifierBonus) SetLevel(level fxp.Int)

SetLevel implements Bonus.

func (*ConditionalModifierBonus) SetOwner added in v5.9.0

func (c *ConditionalModifierBonus) SetOwner(owner fmt.Stringer)

SetOwner implements Bonus.

type ConditionalModifierListProvider

type ConditionalModifierListProvider interface {
	ConditionalModifiers() []*ConditionalModifier

ConditionalModifierListProvider defines the method needed to access the conditional modifier list data.

type ContainedQuantityPrereq

type ContainedQuantityPrereq struct {
	Parent            *PrereqList     `json:"-"`
	Type              PrereqType      `json:"type"`
	Has               bool            `json:"has"`
	QualifierCriteria NumericCriteria `json:"qualifier,omitempty"`

ContainedQuantityPrereq holds a prerequisite for an equipment contained quantity.

func NewContainedQuantityPrereq

func NewContainedQuantityPrereq() *ContainedQuantityPrereq

NewContainedQuantityPrereq creates a new ContainedQuantityPrereq.

func (*ContainedQuantityPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys

func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*ContainedQuantityPrereq) Clone

func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq

Clone implements Prereq.

func (*ContainedQuantityPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys

func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*ContainedQuantityPrereq) ParentList

func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList

ParentList implements Prereq.

func (*ContainedQuantityPrereq) PrereqType

func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) PrereqType() PrereqType

PrereqType implements Prereq.

func (*ContainedQuantityPrereq) Satisfied

func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) Satisfied(_ *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string, _ *bool) bool

Satisfied implements Prereq.

type ContainedWeightPrereq

type ContainedWeightPrereq struct {
	Parent         *PrereqList    `json:"-"`
	Type           PrereqType     `json:"type"`
	Has            bool           `json:"has"`
	WeightCriteria WeightCriteria `json:"qualifier,omitempty"`

ContainedWeightPrereq holds a prerequisite for an equipment contained weight.

func NewContainedWeightPrereq

func NewContainedWeightPrereq(entity *Entity) *ContainedWeightPrereq

NewContainedWeightPrereq creates a new ContainedWeightPrereq.

func (*ContainedWeightPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys

func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*ContainedWeightPrereq) Clone

func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq

Clone implements Prereq.

func (*ContainedWeightPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys

func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*ContainedWeightPrereq) ParentList

func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList

ParentList implements Prereq.

func (*ContainedWeightPrereq) PrereqType

func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) PrereqType() PrereqType

PrereqType implements Prereq.

func (*ContainedWeightPrereq) Satisfied

func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string, _ *bool) bool

Satisfied implements Prereq.

type ContainedWeightReduction added in v5.9.0

type ContainedWeightReduction struct {
	Type      FeatureType `json:"type"`
	Reduction string      `json:"reduction"`

ContainedWeightReduction holds the data for a weight reduction that can be applied to a container's contents.

func NewContainedWeightReduction added in v5.9.0

func NewContainedWeightReduction() *ContainedWeightReduction

NewContainedWeightReduction creates a new ContainedWeightReduction.

func (*ContainedWeightReduction) ApplyNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (c *ContainedWeightReduction) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*ContainedWeightReduction) Clone added in v5.9.0

func (c *ContainedWeightReduction) Clone() Feature

Clone implements Feature.

func (*ContainedWeightReduction) FeatureType added in v5.9.0

func (c *ContainedWeightReduction) FeatureType() FeatureType

FeatureType implements Feature.

func (*ContainedWeightReduction) FillWithNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (c *ContainedWeightReduction) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*ContainedWeightReduction) FixedReduction added in v5.9.0

func (c *ContainedWeightReduction) FixedReduction(defUnits WeightUnits) Weight

FixedReduction returns the fixed amount the weight should be reduced by. Will return 0 if this is a percentage.

func (*ContainedWeightReduction) IsPercentageReduction added in v5.9.0

func (c *ContainedWeightReduction) IsPercentageReduction() bool

IsPercentageReduction returns true if this is a percentage reduction and not a fixed amount.

func (*ContainedWeightReduction) PercentageReduction added in v5.9.0

func (c *ContainedWeightReduction) PercentageReduction() fxp.Int

PercentageReduction returns the percentage (where 1% is 1, not 0.01) the weight should be reduced by. Will return 0 if this is not a percentage.

type ContainerBase

type ContainerBase[T NodeTypes] struct {
	ID       uuid.UUID `json:"id"`
	Type     string    `json:"type"`
	IsOpen   bool      `json:"open,omitempty"`     // Container only
	Children []T       `json:"children,omitempty"` // Container only
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ContainerBase holds the type and ID of the data.

func (*ContainerBase[T]) Container

func (c *ContainerBase[T]) Container() bool

Container returns true if this is a container.

func (*ContainerBase[T]) GetType added in v5.9.0

func (c *ContainerBase[T]) GetType() string

GetType returns the type.

func (*ContainerBase[T]) HasChildren

func (c *ContainerBase[T]) HasChildren() bool

HasChildren returns true if this node has children.

func (*ContainerBase[T]) NodeChildren

func (c *ContainerBase[T]) NodeChildren() []T

NodeChildren returns the children of this node, if any.

func (*ContainerBase[T]) Open

func (c *ContainerBase[T]) Open() bool

Open returns true if this node is currently open.

func (*ContainerBase[T]) Parent

func (c *ContainerBase[T]) Parent() T

Parent returns the parent.

func (*ContainerBase[T]) SetChildren

func (c *ContainerBase[T]) SetChildren(children []T)

SetChildren sets the children of this node.

func (*ContainerBase[T]) SetOpen

func (c *ContainerBase[T]) SetOpen(open bool)

SetOpen sets the current open state for this node.

func (*ContainerBase[T]) SetParent

func (c *ContainerBase[T]) SetParent(parent T)

SetParent sets the parent.

func (*ContainerBase[T]) SetType added in v5.9.0

func (c *ContainerBase[T]) SetType(t string)

SetType sets the type.

func (*ContainerBase[T]) UUID

func (c *ContainerBase[T]) UUID() uuid.UUID

UUID returns the UUID of this data.

type ContainerType added in v5.9.0

type ContainerType byte

ContainerType holds the type of a trait container.

const (
	GroupContainerType ContainerType = iota
	LastContainerType = AttributesContainerType

Possible values.

func ExtractContainerType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractContainerType(str string) ContainerType

ExtractContainerType extracts the value from a string.

func (ContainerType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum ContainerType) EnsureValid() ContainerType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (ContainerType) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum ContainerType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (ContainerType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum ContainerType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (ContainerType) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum ContainerType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*ContainerType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *ContainerType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type CostReduction added in v5.9.0

type CostReduction struct {
	Type       FeatureType `json:"type"`
	Attribute  string      `json:"attribute,omitempty"`
	Percentage fxp.Int     `json:"percentage,omitempty"`

CostReduction holds the data for a cost reduction.

func NewCostReduction added in v5.9.0

func NewCostReduction(attrID string) *CostReduction

NewCostReduction creates a new CostReduction.

func (*CostReduction) ApplyNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (c *CostReduction) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*CostReduction) Clone added in v5.9.0

func (c *CostReduction) Clone() Feature

Clone implements Feature.

func (*CostReduction) FeatureType added in v5.9.0

func (c *CostReduction) FeatureType() FeatureType

FeatureType implements Feature.

func (*CostReduction) FillWithNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (c *CostReduction) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Feature.

type DRBonus added in v5.9.0

type DRBonus struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DRBonus holds the data for a DR adjustment.

func NewDRBonus added in v5.9.0

func NewDRBonus() *DRBonus

NewDRBonus creates a new DRBonus.

func (*DRBonus) AddToTooltip added in v5.9.0

func (d *DRBonus) AddToTooltip(buffer *xio.ByteBuffer)

AddToTooltip implements Bonus.

func (*DRBonus) ApplyNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (d *DRBonus) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*DRBonus) Clone added in v5.9.0

func (d *DRBonus) Clone() Feature

Clone implements Feature.

func (*DRBonus) FeatureType added in v5.9.0

func (d *DRBonus) FeatureType() FeatureType

FeatureType implements Feature.

func (*DRBonus) FillWithNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (d *DRBonus) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*DRBonus) MarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (d *DRBonus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*DRBonus) Normalize added in v5.9.0

func (d *DRBonus) Normalize()

Normalize adjusts the data to it preferred representation.

func (*DRBonus) Owner added in v5.9.0

func (d *DRBonus) Owner() fmt.Stringer

Owner implements Bonus.

func (*DRBonus) SetLevel added in v5.9.0

func (d *DRBonus) SetLevel(level fxp.Int)

SetLevel implements Bonus.

func (*DRBonus) SetOwner added in v5.9.0

func (d *DRBonus) SetOwner(owner fmt.Stringer)

SetOwner implements Bonus.

func (*DRBonus) UnmarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (d *DRBonus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type DRBonusData added in v5.9.0

type DRBonusData struct {
	Type           FeatureType `json:"type"`
	Location       string      `json:"location"`
	Specialization string      `json:"specialization,omitempty"`

DRBonusData is split out so that it can be adjusted before and after being serialized.

type DamageProgression added in v5.9.0

type DamageProgression byte

DamageProgression controls how Thrust and Swing are calculated.

const (
	BasicSet DamageProgression = iota
	LastDamageProgression = PhoenixFlameD3

Possible values.

func ExtractDamageProgression added in v5.9.0

func ExtractDamageProgression(str string) DamageProgression

ExtractDamageProgression extracts the value from a string.

func (DamageProgression) AltString added in v5.9.0

func (enum DamageProgression) AltString() string

AltString returns the alternate string.

func (DamageProgression) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum DamageProgression) EnsureValid() DamageProgression

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (DamageProgression) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum DamageProgression) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (DamageProgression) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum DamageProgression) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (DamageProgression) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum DamageProgression) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (DamageProgression) Swing added in v5.9.0

func (enum DamageProgression) Swing(strength int) *dice.Dice

Swing returns the swing damage for the given strength.

func (DamageProgression) Thrust added in v5.9.0

func (enum DamageProgression) Thrust(strength int) *dice.Dice

Thrust returns the thrust damage for the given strength.

func (*DamageProgression) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *DamageProgression) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type Difficulty added in v5.9.0

type Difficulty byte

Difficulty holds the difficulty level of a skill.

const (
	Easy Difficulty = iota
	LastDifficulty = Wildcard

Possible values.

func ExtractDifficulty added in v5.9.0

func ExtractDifficulty(str string) Difficulty

ExtractDifficulty extracts the value from a string.

func (Difficulty) BaseRelativeLevel added in v5.9.0

func (enum Difficulty) BaseRelativeLevel() fxp.Int

BaseRelativeLevel returns the base relative skill level at 0 points.

func (Difficulty) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum Difficulty) EnsureValid() Difficulty

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (Difficulty) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum Difficulty) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (Difficulty) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum Difficulty) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (Difficulty) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum Difficulty) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*Difficulty) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *Difficulty) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type DisplayOption added in v5.9.0

type DisplayOption byte

DisplayOption holds a display option.

const (
	NotShownDisplayOption DisplayOption = iota
	LastDisplayOption = InlineAndTooltipDisplayOption

Possible values.

func ExtractDisplayOption added in v5.9.0

func ExtractDisplayOption(str string) DisplayOption

ExtractDisplayOption extracts the value from a string.

func (DisplayOption) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum DisplayOption) EnsureValid() DisplayOption

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (DisplayOption) Inline added in v5.9.0

func (enum DisplayOption) Inline() bool

Inline returns true if inline notes should be shown.

func (DisplayOption) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum DisplayOption) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (DisplayOption) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum DisplayOption) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (DisplayOption) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum DisplayOption) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (DisplayOption) Tooltip added in v5.9.0

func (enum DisplayOption) Tooltip() bool

Tooltip returns true if tooltips should be shown.

func (*DisplayOption) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *DisplayOption) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type EditorData

type EditorData[T NodeTypes] interface {
	// CopyFrom copies the corresponding data from the node into this editor data.
	// ApplyTo copes he editor data into the provided node.

EditorData defines the methods required of editor data.

type Encumbrance added in v5.9.0

type Encumbrance byte

Encumbrance holds the encumbrance level.

const (
	NoEncumbrance Encumbrance = iota
	LastEncumbrance = ExtraHeavyEncumbrance

Possible values.

func ExtractEncumbrance added in v5.9.0

func ExtractEncumbrance(str string) Encumbrance

ExtractEncumbrance extracts the value from a string.

func (Encumbrance) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum Encumbrance) EnsureValid() Encumbrance

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (Encumbrance) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum Encumbrance) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (Encumbrance) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum Encumbrance) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (Encumbrance) Penalty added in v5.9.0

func (enum Encumbrance) Penalty() fxp.Int

Penalty returns the penalty associated with the Encumbrance level.

func (Encumbrance) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum Encumbrance) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*Encumbrance) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *Encumbrance) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

func (Encumbrance) WeightMultiplier added in v5.9.0

func (enum Encumbrance) WeightMultiplier() fxp.Int

WeightMultiplier returns the weight multiplier associated with the Encumbrance level.

type Entity

type Entity struct {
	LiftingStrengthBonus  fxp.Int
	StrikingStrengthBonus fxp.Int
	ThrowingStrengthBonus fxp.Int
	DodgeBonus            fxp.Int
	ParryBonus            fxp.Int
	BlockBonus            fxp.Int
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Entity holds the base information for various types of entities: PC, NPC, Creature, etc.

func NewEntity

func NewEntity(entityType EntityType) *Entity

NewEntity creates a new Entity.

func NewEntityFromFile

func NewEntityFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (*Entity, error)

NewEntityFromFile loads an Entity from a file.

func (*Entity) AddDRBonusesFor

func (e *Entity) AddDRBonusesFor(locationID string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, drMap map[string]int) map[string]int

AddDRBonusesFor locates any active DR bonuses and adds them to the map. If 'drMap' is nil, it will be created. The provided map (or the newly created one) will be returned.

func (*Entity) AddNamedWeaponBonusesFor added in v5.2.0

func (e *Entity) AddNamedWeaponBonusesFor(nameQualifier, usageQualifier string, tagsQualifier []string, dieCount int, levels fxp.Int, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, m map[*WeaponBonus]bool) map[*WeaponBonus]bool

AddNamedWeaponBonusesFor adds the bonuses for matching weapons that match to the map. If 'm' is nil, it will be created. The provided map (or the newly created one) will be returned.

func (*Entity) AddWeaponWithSkillBonusesFor added in v5.9.0

func (e *Entity) AddWeaponWithSkillBonusesFor(name, specialization string, tags []string, dieCount int, levels fxp.Int, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, m map[*WeaponBonus]bool) map[*WeaponBonus]bool

AddWeaponWithSkillBonusesFor adds the bonuses for matching weapons that match to the map. If 'm' is nil, it will be created. The provided map (or the newly created one) will be returned.

func (*Entity) Ancestry

func (e *Entity) Ancestry() *Ancestry

Ancestry returns the current Ancestry.

func (*Entity) AttributeBonusFor added in v5.9.0

func (e *Entity) AttributeBonusFor(attributeID string, limitation BonusLimitation, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int

AttributeBonusFor returns the bonus for the given attribute.

func (*Entity) BaseSkill

func (e *Entity) BaseSkill(def *SkillDefault, requirePoints bool) *Skill

BaseSkill returns the best skill for the given default, or nil.

func (*Entity) BasicLift

func (e *Entity) BasicLift() Weight

BasicLift returns the entity's Basic Lift.

func (*Entity) BasicLiftForST added in v5.9.0

func (e *Entity) BasicLiftForST(st fxp.Int) Weight

BasicLiftForST returns the entity's Basic Lift as if their base ST was the given value.

func (*Entity) BestSkillNamed

func (e *Entity) BestSkillNamed(name, specialization string, requirePoints bool, excludes map[string]bool) *Skill

BestSkillNamed returns the best skill that matches.

func (*Entity) CRC64

func (e *Entity) CRC64() uint64

CRC64 computes a CRC-64 value for the canonical disk format of the data. The ModifiedOn field is ignored for this calculation.

func (*Entity) CarriedEquipmentList

func (e *Entity) CarriedEquipmentList() []*Equipment

CarriedEquipmentList implements ListProvider

func (*Entity) CarryOnBack

func (e *Entity) CarryOnBack() Weight

CarryOnBack returns the carry on back value.

func (*Entity) ConditionalModifiers

func (e *Entity) ConditionalModifiers() []*ConditionalModifier

ConditionalModifiers returns the current set of conditional modifiers.

func (*Entity) CostReductionFor

func (e *Entity) CostReductionFor(attributeID string) fxp.Int

CostReductionFor returns the total cost reduction for the given ID.

func (*Entity) DiscardCaches added in v5.2.0

func (e *Entity) DiscardCaches()

DiscardCaches discards the internal caches.

func (*Entity) Dodge

func (e *Entity) Dodge(enc Encumbrance) int

Dodge returns the current Dodge value for the given Encumbrance.

func (*Entity) EncumbranceLevel

func (e *Entity) EncumbranceLevel(forSkills bool) Encumbrance

EncumbranceLevel returns the current Encumbrance level.

func (*Entity) Entity

func (e *Entity) Entity() *Entity

Entity implements EntityProvider.

func (*Entity) EquippedWeapons

func (e *Entity) EquippedWeapons(weaponType WeaponType) []*Weapon

EquippedWeapons returns a sorted list of equipped weapons.

func (*Entity) LiftingStrength added in v5.9.0

func (e *Entity) LiftingStrength() fxp.Int

LiftingStrength returns the adjusted ST for lifting purposes.

func (*Entity) MarshalJSON

func (e *Entity) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*Entity) MaximumCarry

func (e *Entity) MaximumCarry(encumbrance Encumbrance) Weight

MaximumCarry returns the maximum amount the Entity can carry for the specified encumbrance level.

func (*Entity) Move

func (e *Entity) Move(enc Encumbrance) int

Move returns the current Move value for the given Encumbrance.

func (*Entity) NamedWeaponSkillBonusesFor

func (e *Entity) NamedWeaponSkillBonusesFor(name, usage string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) []*SkillBonus

NamedWeaponSkillBonusesFor returns the bonuses for matching weapons.

func (*Entity) NoteList

func (e *Entity) NoteList() []*Note

NoteList implements ListProvider

func (*Entity) OneHandedLift

func (e *Entity) OneHandedLift() Weight

OneHandedLift returns the one-handed lift value.

func (*Entity) OtherEquipmentList

func (e *Entity) OtherEquipmentList() []*Equipment

OtherEquipmentList implements ListProvider

func (*Entity) PointsBreakdown added in v5.9.0

func (e *Entity) PointsBreakdown() *PointsBreakdown

PointsBreakdown returns the point breakdown for spent points.

func (*Entity) PreservesUserDesc

func (e *Entity) PreservesUserDesc() bool

PreservesUserDesc returns true if the user description widget should be preserved when written to disk. Normally, only character sheets should return true for this.

func (*Entity) Reactions

func (e *Entity) Reactions() []*ConditionalModifier

Reactions returns the current set of reactions.

func (*Entity) Recalculate

func (e *Entity) Recalculate()

Recalculate the statistics.

func (*Entity) ResolveAttribute

func (e *Entity) ResolveAttribute(attrID string) *Attribute

ResolveAttribute resolves the given attribute ID to its Attribute, or nil.

func (*Entity) ResolveAttributeCurrent

func (e *Entity) ResolveAttributeCurrent(attrID string) fxp.Int

ResolveAttributeCurrent resolves the given attribute ID to its current value, or fxp.Min.

func (*Entity) ResolveAttributeDef

func (e *Entity) ResolveAttributeDef(attrID string) *AttributeDef

ResolveAttributeDef resolves the given attribute ID to its AttributeDef, or nil.

func (*Entity) ResolveAttributeName

func (e *Entity) ResolveAttributeName(attrID string) string

ResolveAttributeName resolves the given attribute ID to its name, or <unknown>.

func (*Entity) ResolveVariable

func (e *Entity) ResolveVariable(variableName string) string

ResolveVariable implements eval.VariableResolver.

func (*Entity) RunningShoveAndKnockOver

func (e *Entity) RunningShoveAndKnockOver() Weight

RunningShoveAndKnockOver returns the running shove & knock over value.

func (*Entity) Save

func (e *Entity) Save(filePath string) error

Save the Entity to a file as JSON.

func (*Entity) SetCarriedEquipmentList

func (e *Entity) SetCarriedEquipmentList(list []*Equipment)

SetCarriedEquipmentList implements ListProvider

func (*Entity) SetNoteList

func (e *Entity) SetNoteList(list []*Note)

SetNoteList implements ListProvider

func (*Entity) SetOtherEquipmentList

func (e *Entity) SetOtherEquipmentList(list []*Equipment)

SetOtherEquipmentList implements ListProvider

func (*Entity) SetPointsRecord added in v5.3.0

func (e *Entity) SetPointsRecord(record []*PointsRecord)

SetPointsRecord sets a new points record list, adjusting the total points.

func (*Entity) SetSkillList

func (e *Entity) SetSkillList(list []*Skill)

SetSkillList implements ListProvider

func (*Entity) SetSpellList

func (e *Entity) SetSpellList(list []*Spell)

SetSpellList implements ListProvider

func (*Entity) SetTraitList

func (e *Entity) SetTraitList(list []*Trait)

SetTraitList implements ListProvider

func (*Entity) SetUnspentPoints

func (e *Entity) SetUnspentPoints(unspent fxp.Int)

SetUnspentPoints sets the number of unspent points.

func (*Entity) SetWeapons

func (e *Entity) SetWeapons(_ WeaponType, _ []*Weapon)

SetWeapons implements WeaponListProvider.

func (*Entity) ShiftSlightly

func (e *Entity) ShiftSlightly() Weight

ShiftSlightly returns the shift slightly value.

func (*Entity) ShoveAndKnockOver

func (e *Entity) ShoveAndKnockOver() Weight

ShoveAndKnockOver returns the shove & knock over value.

func (*Entity) SkillBonusFor added in v5.9.0

func (e *Entity) SkillBonusFor(name, specialization string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int

SkillBonusFor returns the total bonus for the matching skill bonuses.

func (*Entity) SkillList

func (e *Entity) SkillList() []*Skill

SkillList implements ListProvider

func (*Entity) SkillNamed

func (e *Entity) SkillNamed(name, specialization string, requirePoints bool, excludes map[string]bool) []*Skill

SkillNamed returns a list of skills that match.

func (*Entity) SkillPointBonusFor added in v5.9.0

func (e *Entity) SkillPointBonusFor(name, specialization string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int

SkillPointBonusFor returns the total point bonus for the matching skill point bonuses.

func (*Entity) SpellBonusFor added in v5.9.0

func (e *Entity) SpellBonusFor(name, powerSource string, colleges, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int

SpellBonusFor returns the total bonus for the matching spell bonuses.

func (*Entity) SpellList

func (e *Entity) SpellList() []*Spell

SpellList implements ListProvider

func (*Entity) SpellPointBonusFor added in v5.9.0

func (e *Entity) SpellPointBonusFor(name, powerSource string, colleges, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int

SpellPointBonusFor returns the total point bonus for the matching spell point bonuses.

func (*Entity) StrikingStrength added in v5.9.0

func (e *Entity) StrikingStrength() fxp.Int

StrikingStrength returns the adjusted ST for striking purposes.

func (*Entity) Swing

func (e *Entity) Swing() *dice.Dice

Swing returns the swing value for the current strength.

func (*Entity) SwingFor

func (e *Entity) SwingFor(st int) *dice.Dice

SwingFor returns the swing value for the provided strength.

func (*Entity) ThrowingStrength added in v5.9.0

func (e *Entity) ThrowingStrength() fxp.Int

ThrowingStrength returns the adjusted ST for throwing purposes.

func (*Entity) Thrust

func (e *Entity) Thrust() *dice.Dice

Thrust returns the thrust value for the current strength.

func (*Entity) ThrustFor

func (e *Entity) ThrustFor(st int) *dice.Dice

ThrustFor returns the thrust value for the provided strength.

func (*Entity) TraitList

func (e *Entity) TraitList() []*Trait

TraitList implements ListProvider

func (*Entity) TwoHandedLift

func (e *Entity) TwoHandedLift() Weight

TwoHandedLift returns the two-handed lift value.

func (*Entity) UnmarshalJSON

func (e *Entity) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

func (*Entity) UnspentPoints

func (e *Entity) UnspentPoints() fxp.Int

UnspentPoints returns the number of unspent points.

func (*Entity) UpdateSkills

func (e *Entity) UpdateSkills() bool

UpdateSkills updates the levels of all skills.

func (*Entity) UpdateSpells

func (e *Entity) UpdateSpells() bool

UpdateSpells updates the levels of all spells.

func (*Entity) WealthCarried

func (e *Entity) WealthCarried() fxp.Int

WealthCarried returns the current wealth being carried.

func (*Entity) WealthNotCarried

func (e *Entity) WealthNotCarried() fxp.Int

WealthNotCarried returns the current wealth not being carried.

func (*Entity) WeaponOwner

func (e *Entity) WeaponOwner() WeaponOwner

WeaponOwner implements WeaponListProvider. In the case of an Entity, always returns nil, as entities rely on sub-components for their weapons and don't allow them to be created directly.

func (*Entity) Weapons

func (e *Entity) Weapons(weaponType WeaponType) []*Weapon

Weapons implements WeaponListProvider.

func (*Entity) WeightCarried

func (e *Entity) WeightCarried(forSkills bool) Weight

WeightCarried returns the carried weight.

type EntityData

type EntityData struct {
	Type             EntityType      `json:"type"`
	Version          int             `json:"version"`
	ID               uuid.UUID       `json:"id"`
	TotalPoints      fxp.Int         `json:"total_points"`
	PointsRecord     []*PointsRecord `json:"points_record,omitempty"`
	Profile          *Profile        `json:"profile,omitempty"`
	SheetSettings    *SheetSettings  `json:"settings,omitempty"`
	Attributes       *Attributes     `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
	Traits           []*Trait        `json:"traits,alt=advantages,omitempty"`
	Skills           []*Skill        `json:"skills,omitempty"`
	Spells           []*Spell        `json:"spells,omitempty"`
	CarriedEquipment []*Equipment    `json:"equipment,omitempty"`
	OtherEquipment   []*Equipment    `json:"other_equipment,omitempty"`
	Notes            []*Note         `json:"notes,omitempty"`
	CreatedOn        jio.Time        `json:"created_date"`
	ModifiedOn       jio.Time        `json:"modified_date"`
	ThirdParty       map[string]any  `json:"third_party,omitempty"`

EntityData holds the Entity data that is written to disk.

type EntityProvider

type EntityProvider interface {
	Entity() *Entity

EntityProvider provides a way to retrieve a (possibly nil) Entity.

type EntityType added in v5.9.0

type EntityType byte

EntityType holds the type of an Entity.

const (
	PC             EntityType = iota
	LastEntityType            = PC

Possible values.

func ExtractEntityType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractEntityType(str string) EntityType

ExtractEntityType extracts the value from a string.

func (EntityType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum EntityType) EnsureValid() EntityType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (EntityType) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum EntityType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (EntityType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum EntityType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (EntityType) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum EntityType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*EntityType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *EntityType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type Equipment

type Equipment struct {
	Entity            *Entity
	UnsatisfiedReason string

Equipment holds a piece of equipment.

func NewEquipment

func NewEquipment(entity *Entity, parent *Equipment, container bool) *Equipment

NewEquipment creates a new Equipment.

func NewEquipmentFromFile

func NewEquipmentFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) ([]*Equipment, error)

NewEquipmentFromFile loads an Equipment list from a file.

func (*Equipment) ActiveModifierFor

func (e *Equipment) ActiveModifierFor(name string) *EquipmentModifier

ActiveModifierFor returns the first modifier that matches the name (case-insensitive).

func (*Equipment) AdjustedValue

func (e *Equipment) AdjustedValue() fxp.Int

AdjustedValue returns the value after adjustments for any modifiers. Does not include the value of children.

func (*Equipment) AdjustedWeight

func (e *Equipment) AdjustedWeight(forSkills bool, defUnits WeightUnits) Weight

AdjustedWeight returns the weight after adjustments for any modifiers. Does not include the weight of children.

func (*Equipment) ApplyNameableKeys

func (e *Equipment) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found with the corresponding values in the provided map.

func (*Equipment) CellData

func (e *Equipment) CellData(columnID int, data *CellData)

CellData returns the cell data information for the given column.

func (*Equipment) Clone

func (e *Equipment) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *Equipment, preserveID bool) *Equipment

Clone implements Node.

func (*Equipment) Depth

func (e *Equipment) Depth() int

Depth returns the number of parents this node has.

func (*Equipment) Description

func (e *Equipment) Description() string

Description returns a description.

func (*Equipment) DisplayLegalityClass

func (e *Equipment) DisplayLegalityClass() string

DisplayLegalityClass returns a display version of the LegalityClass.

func (*Equipment) Enabled

func (e *Equipment) Enabled() bool

Enabled returns true if this node is enabled.

func (*Equipment) ExtendedValue

func (e *Equipment) ExtendedValue() fxp.Int

ExtendedValue returns the extended value.

func (*Equipment) ExtendedWeight

func (e *Equipment) ExtendedWeight(forSkills bool, defUnits WeightUnits) Weight

ExtendedWeight returns the extended weight.

func (*Equipment) FeatureList

func (e *Equipment) FeatureList() Features

FeatureList returns the list of Features.

func (*Equipment) FillWithNameableKeys

func (e *Equipment) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found to the provided map.

func (*Equipment) MarshalJSON

func (e *Equipment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*Equipment) ModifierNotes

func (e *Equipment) ModifierNotes() string

ModifierNotes returns the notes due to modifiers.

func (*Equipment) Notes

func (e *Equipment) Notes() string

Notes returns the local notes.

func (*Equipment) OwningEntity

func (e *Equipment) OwningEntity() *Entity

OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.

func (*Equipment) RequiresTL

func (e *Equipment) RequiresTL() bool

RequiresTL implements TechLevelProvider.

func (*Equipment) SecondaryText

func (e *Equipment) SecondaryText(optionChecker func(DisplayOption) bool) string

SecondaryText returns the "secondary" text: the text display below the description.

func (*Equipment) SetOwningEntity

func (e *Equipment) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)

SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.

func (*Equipment) SetTL

func (e *Equipment) SetTL(tl string)

SetTL implements TechLevelProvider.

func (*Equipment) String

func (e *Equipment) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*Equipment) TL

func (e *Equipment) TL() string

TL implements TechLevelProvider.

func (*Equipment) TagList

func (e *Equipment) TagList() []string

TagList returns the list of tags.

func (*Equipment) UnmarshalJSON

func (e *Equipment) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type EquipmentData

type EquipmentData struct {

EquipmentData holds the Equipment data that is written to disk.

func (*EquipmentData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType

func (d *EquipmentData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType()

ClearUnusedFieldsForType zeroes out the fields that are not applicable to this type (container vs not-container).

func (*EquipmentData) Kind

func (d *EquipmentData) Kind() string

Kind returns the kind of data.

type EquipmentEditData

type EquipmentEditData struct {
	Name                   string               `json:"description,omitempty"`
	PageRef                string               `json:"reference,omitempty"`
	LocalNotes             string               `json:"notes,omitempty"`
	VTTNotes               string               `json:"vtt_notes,omitempty"`
	TechLevel              string               `json:"tech_level,omitempty"`
	LegalityClass          string               `json:"legality_class,omitempty"`
	Tags                   []string             `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	Modifiers              []*EquipmentModifier `json:"modifiers,omitempty"`
	Quantity               fxp.Int              `json:"quantity,omitempty"`
	Value                  fxp.Int              `json:"value,omitempty"`
	Weight                 Weight               `json:"weight,omitempty"`
	MaxUses                int                  `json:"max_uses,omitempty"`
	Uses                   int                  `json:"uses,omitempty"`
	Prereq                 *PrereqList          `json:"prereqs,omitempty"`
	Weapons                []*Weapon            `json:"weapons,omitempty"`
	Features               Features             `json:"features,omitempty"`
	Equipped               bool                 `json:"equipped,omitempty"`
	WeightIgnoredForSkills bool                 `json:"ignore_weight_for_skills,omitempty"`

EquipmentEditData holds the Equipment data that can be edited by the UI detail editor.

func (*EquipmentEditData) ApplyTo

func (d *EquipmentEditData) ApplyTo(e *Equipment)

ApplyTo implements node.EditorData.

func (*EquipmentEditData) CopyFrom

func (d *EquipmentEditData) CopyFrom(e *Equipment)

CopyFrom implements node.EditorData.

type EquipmentListProvider

type EquipmentListProvider interface {
	CarriedEquipmentList() []*Equipment
	SetCarriedEquipmentList(list []*Equipment)
	OtherEquipmentList() []*Equipment
	SetOtherEquipmentList(list []*Equipment)

EquipmentListProvider defines the method needed to access the equipment list data.

type EquipmentModifier

type EquipmentModifier struct {
	Entity *Entity

EquipmentModifier holds a modifier to a piece of Equipment.

func NewEquipmentModifier

func NewEquipmentModifier(entity *Entity, parent *EquipmentModifier, container bool) *EquipmentModifier

NewEquipmentModifier creates an EquipmentModifier.

func NewEquipmentModifiersFromFile

func NewEquipmentModifiersFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) ([]*EquipmentModifier, error)

NewEquipmentModifiersFromFile loads an EquipmentModifier list from a file.

func (*EquipmentModifier) ApplyNameableKeys

func (m *EquipmentModifier) ApplyNameableKeys(keyMap map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found in this EquipmentModifier with the corresponding values in the provided map.

func (*EquipmentModifier) CellData

func (m *EquipmentModifier) CellData(columnID int, data *CellData)

CellData returns the cell data information for the given column.

func (*EquipmentModifier) Clone

func (m *EquipmentModifier) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *EquipmentModifier, preserveID bool) *EquipmentModifier

Clone implements Node.

func (*EquipmentModifier) CostDescription

func (m *EquipmentModifier) CostDescription() string

CostDescription returns the formatted cost.

func (*EquipmentModifier) Depth

func (m *EquipmentModifier) Depth() int

Depth returns the number of parents this node has.

func (*EquipmentModifier) Enabled

func (m *EquipmentModifier) Enabled() bool

Enabled returns true if this node is enabled.

func (*EquipmentModifier) FillWithNameableKeys

func (m *EquipmentModifier) FillWithNameableKeys(keyMap map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found in this EquipmentModifier to the provided map.

func (*EquipmentModifier) FullCostDescription added in v5.2.0

func (m *EquipmentModifier) FullCostDescription() string

FullCostDescription returns a combination of the cost and weight descriptions.

func (*EquipmentModifier) FullDescription

func (m *EquipmentModifier) FullDescription() string

FullDescription returns a full description.

func (*EquipmentModifier) MarshalJSON

func (m *EquipmentModifier) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*EquipmentModifier) OwningEntity

func (m *EquipmentModifier) OwningEntity() *Entity

OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.

func (*EquipmentModifier) SecondaryText

func (m *EquipmentModifier) SecondaryText(optionChecker func(DisplayOption) bool) string

SecondaryText returns the "secondary" text: the text display below an Trait.

func (*EquipmentModifier) SetEnabled

func (m *EquipmentModifier) SetEnabled(enabled bool)

SetEnabled makes the node enabled, if possible.

func (*EquipmentModifier) SetOwningEntity

func (m *EquipmentModifier) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)

SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.

func (*EquipmentModifier) String

func (m *EquipmentModifier) String() string

func (*EquipmentModifier) TagList added in v5.2.0

func (m *EquipmentModifier) TagList() []string

TagList returns the list of tags.

func (*EquipmentModifier) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *EquipmentModifier) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

func (*EquipmentModifier) WeightDescription

func (m *EquipmentModifier) WeightDescription() string

WeightDescription returns the formatted weight.

type EquipmentModifierCostType added in v5.9.0

type EquipmentModifierCostType byte

EquipmentModifierCostType describes how an Equipment Modifier's cost is applied.

const (
	OriginalEquipmentModifierCostType EquipmentModifierCostType = iota
	LastEquipmentModifierCostType = FinalEquipmentModifierCostType

Possible values.

func ExtractEquipmentModifierCostType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractEquipmentModifierCostType(str string) EquipmentModifierCostType

ExtractEquipmentModifierCostType extracts the value from a string.

func (EquipmentModifierCostType) AltString added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierCostType) AltString() string

AltString returns the alternate string.

func (EquipmentModifierCostType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (EquipmentModifierCostType) ExtractValue added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierCostType) ExtractValue(s string) fxp.Int

ExtractValue from the string.

func (EquipmentModifierCostType) Format added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierCostType) Format(s string) string

Format returns a formatted version of the value.

func (EquipmentModifierCostType) FromString added in v5.9.0

FromString examines a string to determine what type it is, but restricts the result to those allowed for this EquipmentModifierCostValueType.

func (EquipmentModifierCostType) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierCostType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (EquipmentModifierCostType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierCostType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (EquipmentModifierCostType) Permitted added in v5.9.0

Permitted returns the permitted EquipmentModifierCostValueType values.

func (EquipmentModifierCostType) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierCostType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (EquipmentModifierCostType) StringWithExample added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierCostType) StringWithExample() string

StringWithExample returns an example along with the normal String() content.

func (*EquipmentModifierCostType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *EquipmentModifierCostType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type EquipmentModifierCostValueType added in v5.9.0

type EquipmentModifierCostValueType byte

EquipmentModifierCostValueType describes how an Equipment Modifier's cost value is applied.

const (
	AdditionEquipmentModifierCostValueType EquipmentModifierCostValueType = iota
	LastEquipmentModifierCostValueType = CostFactorEquipmentModifierCostValueType

Possible values.

func ExtractEquipmentModifierCostValueType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractEquipmentModifierCostValueType(str string) EquipmentModifierCostValueType

ExtractEquipmentModifierCostValueType extracts the value from a string.

func (EquipmentModifierCostValueType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (EquipmentModifierCostValueType) ExtractValue added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierCostValueType) ExtractValue(s string) fxp.Int

ExtractValue from the string.

func (EquipmentModifierCostValueType) Format added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierCostValueType) Format(value fxp.Int) string

Format returns a formatted version of the value.

func (EquipmentModifierCostValueType) FromString added in v5.9.0

FromString examines a string to determine what type it is.

func (EquipmentModifierCostValueType) Key added in v5.9.0

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (EquipmentModifierCostValueType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierCostValueType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (EquipmentModifierCostValueType) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierCostValueType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*EquipmentModifierCostValueType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *EquipmentModifierCostValueType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type EquipmentModifierData

type EquipmentModifierData struct {

EquipmentModifierData holds the EquipmentModifier data that is written to disk.

func (*EquipmentModifierData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType

func (d *EquipmentModifierData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType()

ClearUnusedFieldsForType zeroes out the fields that are not applicable to this type (container vs not-container).

func (*EquipmentModifierData) Kind

func (d *EquipmentModifierData) Kind() string

Kind returns the kind of data.

type EquipmentModifierEditData

type EquipmentModifierEditData struct {
	Name         string                      `json:"name,omitempty"`
	PageRef      string                      `json:"reference,omitempty"`
	LocalNotes   string                      `json:"notes,omitempty"`
	VTTNotes     string                      `json:"vtt_notes,omitempty"`
	Tags         []string                    `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	CostType     EquipmentModifierCostType   `json:"cost_type,omitempty"`   // Non-container only
	WeightType   EquipmentModifierWeightType `json:"weight_type,omitempty"` // Non-container only
	Disabled     bool                        `json:"disabled,omitempty"`    // Non-container only
	TechLevel    string                      `json:"tech_level,omitempty"`  // Non-container only
	CostAmount   string                      `json:"cost,omitempty"`        // Non-container only
	WeightAmount string                      `json:"weight,omitempty"`      // Non-container only
	Features     Features                    `json:"features,omitempty"`    // Non-container only

EquipmentModifierEditData holds the EquipmentModifier data that can be edited by the UI detail editor.

func (*EquipmentModifierEditData) ApplyTo

ApplyTo implements node.EditorData.

func (*EquipmentModifierEditData) CopyFrom

func (d *EquipmentModifierEditData) CopyFrom(mod *EquipmentModifier)

CopyFrom implements node.EditorData.

type EquipmentModifierListProvider

type EquipmentModifierListProvider interface {
	EquipmentModifierList() []*EquipmentModifier
	SetEquipmentModifierList(list []*EquipmentModifier)

EquipmentModifierListProvider defines the method needed to access the equipment modifier list data.

type EquipmentModifierWeightType added in v5.9.0

type EquipmentModifierWeightType byte

EquipmentModifierWeightType describes how an Equipment Modifier's weight is applied.

const (
	OriginalEquipmentModifierWeightType EquipmentModifierWeightType = iota
	LastEquipmentModifierWeightType = FinalEquipmentModifierWeightType

Possible values.

func ExtractEquipmentModifierWeightType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractEquipmentModifierWeightType(str string) EquipmentModifierWeightType

ExtractEquipmentModifierWeightType extracts the value from a string.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightType) AltString added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierWeightType) AltString() string

AltString returns the alternate string.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightType) DetermineModifierWeightValueTypeFromString added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierWeightType) DetermineModifierWeightValueTypeFromString(s string) EquipmentModifierWeightValueType

DetermineModifierWeightValueTypeFromString examines a string to determine what type it is, but restricts the result to those allowed for this EquipmentModifierWeightType.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightType) ExtractFraction added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierWeightType) ExtractFraction(s string) fxp.Fraction

ExtractFraction from the string.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightType) Format added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierWeightType) Format(s string, defUnits WeightUnits) string

Format returns a formatted version of the value.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightType) Key added in v5.9.0

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierWeightType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightType) Permitted added in v5.9.0

Permitted returns the permitted EquipmentModifierCostValueType values.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightType) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierWeightType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightType) StringWithExample added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierWeightType) StringWithExample() string

StringWithExample returns an example along with the normal String() content.

func (*EquipmentModifierWeightType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *EquipmentModifierWeightType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type EquipmentModifierWeightValueType added in v5.9.0

type EquipmentModifierWeightValueType byte

EquipmentModifierWeightValueType describes how an Equipment Modifier's weight value is applied.

const (
	AdditionEquipmentModifierWeightValueType EquipmentModifierWeightValueType = iota
	LastEquipmentModifierWeightValueType = MultiplierEquipmentModifierWeightValueType

Possible values.

func ExtractEquipmentModifierWeightValueType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractEquipmentModifierWeightValueType(str string) EquipmentModifierWeightValueType

ExtractEquipmentModifierWeightValueType extracts the value from a string.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightValueType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightValueType) ExtractFraction added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierWeightValueType) ExtractFraction(s string) fxp.Fraction

ExtractFraction from the string.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightValueType) Format added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierWeightValueType) Format(fraction fxp.Fraction) string

Format returns a formatted version of the value.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightValueType) FromString added in v5.9.0

FromString examines a string to determine what type it is.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightValueType) Key added in v5.9.0

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightValueType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum EquipmentModifierWeightValueType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (EquipmentModifierWeightValueType) String added in v5.9.0

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*EquipmentModifierWeightValueType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *EquipmentModifierWeightValueType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type EquippedEquipmentPrereq added in v5.9.0

type EquippedEquipmentPrereq struct {
	Parent       *PrereqList    `json:"-"`
	Type         PrereqType     `json:"type"`
	NameCriteria StringCriteria `json:"name,omitempty"`

EquippedEquipmentPrereq holds a prerequisite for an equipped piece of equipment.

func NewEquippedEquipmentPrereq added in v5.9.0

func NewEquippedEquipmentPrereq() *EquippedEquipmentPrereq

NewEquippedEquipmentPrereq creates a new EquippedEquipmentPrereq.

func (*EquippedEquipmentPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (e *EquippedEquipmentPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*EquippedEquipmentPrereq) Clone added in v5.9.0

func (e *EquippedEquipmentPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq

Clone implements Prereq.

func (*EquippedEquipmentPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (e *EquippedEquipmentPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*EquippedEquipmentPrereq) ParentList added in v5.9.0

func (e *EquippedEquipmentPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList

ParentList implements Prereq.

func (*EquippedEquipmentPrereq) PrereqType added in v5.9.0

func (e *EquippedEquipmentPrereq) PrereqType() PrereqType

PrereqType implements Prereq.

func (*EquippedEquipmentPrereq) Satisfied added in v5.9.0

func (e *EquippedEquipmentPrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string, hasEquipmentPenalty *bool) bool

Satisfied implements Prereq.

type ExportInfo

type ExportInfo struct {
	FilePath     string   `json:"file_path"`
	TemplatePath string   `json:"template_path"`
	ExportPath   string   `json:"export_path"`
	LastUsed     jio.Time `json:"last_used"`

ExportInfo holds information about a recent export so that it can be redone quickly.

type Feature added in v5.9.0

type Feature interface {
	FeatureType() FeatureType
	Clone() Feature

Feature holds data that affects another object.

type FeatureType added in v5.9.0

type FeatureType byte

FeatureType holds the type of a Feature.

const (
	AttributeBonusFeatureType FeatureType = iota
	LastFeatureType = ContainedWeightReductionFeatureType

Possible values.

func ExtractFeatureType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractFeatureType(str string) FeatureType

ExtractFeatureType extracts the value from a string.

func (FeatureType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum FeatureType) EnsureValid() FeatureType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (FeatureType) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum FeatureType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (FeatureType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum FeatureType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (FeatureType) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum FeatureType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*FeatureType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *FeatureType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type Features added in v5.9.0

type Features []Feature

Features holds a list of features.

func (Features) Clone added in v5.9.0

func (f Features) Clone() Features

Clone creates a copy of the features.

func (*Features) UnmarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (f *Features) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.

type FileInfo added in v5.9.0

type FileInfo struct {
	Name         string
	UTI          string
	ConformsTo   []string
	Extensions   []string
	GroupWith    []string
	MimeTypes    []string
	SVG          *unison.SVG
	Load         func(filePath string) (unison.Dockable, error)
	IsSpecial    bool
	IsGCSData    bool
	IsImage      bool
	IsPDF        bool
	IsExportable bool

FileInfo contains some static information about a given file type.

func FileInfoFor added in v5.9.0

func FileInfoFor(filePath string) FileInfo

FileInfoFor returns the FileInfo for the given file path's extension.

func (FileInfo) Register added in v5.9.0

func (f FileInfo) Register()

Register with the central registry.

type Fonts added in v5.9.0

type Fonts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Fonts holds a set of themed fonts.

func NewFontsFromFS added in v5.9.0

func NewFontsFromFS(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (*Fonts, error)

NewFontsFromFS creates a new set of fonts from a file. Any missing values will be filled in with defaults.

func (*Fonts) MakeCurrent added in v5.9.0

func (f *Fonts) MakeCurrent()

MakeCurrent applies these fonts to the current theme font set and updates all windows.

func (*Fonts) MarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (f *Fonts) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*Fonts) Reset added in v5.9.0

func (f *Fonts) Reset()

Reset to factory defaults.

func (*Fonts) ResetOne added in v5.9.0

func (f *Fonts) ResetOne(id string)

ResetOne resets one font by ID to factory defaults.

func (*Fonts) Save added in v5.9.0

func (f *Fonts) Save(filePath string) error

Save writes the Fonts to the file as JSON.

func (*Fonts) UnmarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (f *Fonts) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type GeneralModifier

type GeneralModifier interface {
	Container() bool
	Depth() int
	FullDescription() string
	FullCostDescription() string
	Enabled() bool
	SetEnabled(enabled bool)

GeneralModifier is used for common access to modifiers.

type GeneralSettings added in v5.9.0

type GeneralSettings struct {
	DefaultPlayerName     string  `json:"default_player_name,omitempty"`
	DefaultTechLevel      string  `json:"default_tech_level,omitempty"`
	CalendarName          string  `json:"calendar_ref,omitempty"`
	ExternalPDFCmdLine    string  `json:"external_pdf_cmd_line,omitempty"`
	InitialPoints         fxp.Int `json:"initial_points"`
	TooltipDelay          fxp.Int `json:"tooltip_delay"`
	TooltipDismissal      fxp.Int `json:"tooltip_dismissal"`
	ScrollWheelMultiplier fxp.Int `json:"scroll_wheel_multiplier"`
	NavigatorUIScale      int     `json:"navigator_scale"`
	InitialListUIScale    int     `json:"initial_list_scale"`
	InitialEditorUIScale  int     `json:"initial_editor_scale"`
	InitialSheetUIScale   int     `json:"initial_sheet_scale"`
	MaximumAutoColWidth   int     `json:"maximum_auto_col_width"`
	ImageResolution       int     `json:"image_resolution"`
	MonitorResolution     int     `json:"monitor_resolution,omitempty"`
	AutoFillProfile       bool    `json:"auto_fill_profile"`
	AutoAddNaturalAttacks bool    `json:"add_natural_attacks"`
	GroupContainersOnSort bool    `json:"group_containers_on_sort"`

GeneralSettings holds general settings for a sheet.

func NewGeneralSettings added in v5.9.0

func NewGeneralSettings() *GeneralSettings

NewGeneralSettings creates settings with factory defaults.

func NewGeneralSettingsFromFile added in v5.9.0

func NewGeneralSettingsFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (*GeneralSettings, error)

NewGeneralSettingsFromFile loads new settings from a file.

func (*GeneralSettings) CalendarRef added in v5.9.0

func (s *GeneralSettings) CalendarRef(libraries Libraries) *CalendarRef

CalendarRef returns the CalendarRef these settings refer to.

func (*GeneralSettings) EnsureValidity added in v5.9.0

func (s *GeneralSettings) EnsureValidity()

EnsureValidity checks the current settings for validity and if they aren't valid, makes them so.

func (*GeneralSettings) Save added in v5.9.0

func (s *GeneralSettings) Save(filePath string) error

Save writes the settings to the file as JSON.

func (*GeneralSettings) UpdateToolTipTiming added in v5.9.0

func (s *GeneralSettings) UpdateToolTipTiming()

UpdateToolTipTiming updates the default tooltip theme to use the timing values from this object.

type HitLocation

type HitLocation struct {
	Entity    *Entity
	RollRange string
	KeyPrefix string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

HitLocation holds a single hit location.

func NewHitLocation

func NewHitLocation(entity *Entity, keyPrefix string) *HitLocation

NewHitLocation creates a new hit location.

func (*HitLocation) Clone

func (h *HitLocation) Clone(entity *Entity, owningTable *Body) *HitLocation

Clone a copy of this.

func (*HitLocation) DR

func (h *HitLocation) DR(entity *Entity, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, drMap map[string]int) map[string]int

DR computes the DR coverage for this HitLocation. If 'tooltip' isn't nil, the buffer will be updated with details on how the DR was calculated. If 'drMap' isn't nil, it will be returned.

func (*HitLocation) DisplayDR

func (h *HitLocation) DisplayDR(entity *Entity, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) string

DisplayDR returns the DR for this location, formatted as a string.

func (*HitLocation) ID

func (h *HitLocation) ID() string

ID returns the ID.

func (*HitLocation) MarshalJSON

func (h *HitLocation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*HitLocation) OwningTable

func (h *HitLocation) OwningTable() *Body

OwningTable returns the owning table.

func (*HitLocation) ResetTargetKeyPrefixes

func (h *HitLocation) ResetTargetKeyPrefixes(prefixProvider func() string)

ResetTargetKeyPrefixes assigns new key prefixes for all data within this HitLocation.

func (*HitLocation) SetID

func (h *HitLocation) SetID(value string)

SetID sets the ID, sanitizing it in the process (i.e. it may be changed from what you set -- read it back if you want to be sure of what it gets set to.

func (*HitLocation) SetSubTable

func (h *HitLocation) SetSubTable(bodyType *Body)

SetSubTable sets the Body as a sub-table.

func (*HitLocation) UnmarshalJSON

func (h *HitLocation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type HitLocationChoice

type HitLocationChoice struct {
	Key   string
	Title string

HitLocationChoice holds a single hit location choice.

func (*HitLocationChoice) String

func (c *HitLocationChoice) String() string

type HitLocationData

type HitLocationData struct {
	LocID       string `json:"id"`
	ChoiceName  string `json:"choice_name"`
	TableName   string `json:"table_name"`
	Slots       int    `json:"slots,omitempty"`
	HitPenalty  int    `json:"hit_penalty,omitempty"`
	DRBonus     int    `json:"dr_bonus,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	SubTable    *Body  `json:"sub_table,omitempty"`

HitLocationData holds the Hitlocation data that gets written to disk.

type KeyBindings added in v5.9.0

type KeyBindings struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

KeyBindings holds a set of key bindings.

func NewKeyBindingsFromFS added in v5.9.0

func NewKeyBindingsFromFS(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (*KeyBindings, error)

NewKeyBindingsFromFS creates a new set of key bindings from a file. Any missing values will be filled in with defaults.

func (*KeyBindings) Current added in v5.9.0

func (b *KeyBindings) Current(id string) unison.KeyBinding

Current returns the binding for the given ID.

func (*KeyBindings) MakeCurrent added in v5.9.0

func (b *KeyBindings) MakeCurrent()

MakeCurrent applies these key bindings to the current key bindings set.

func (*KeyBindings) MarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (b *KeyBindings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*KeyBindings) Reset added in v5.9.0

func (b *KeyBindings) Reset()

Reset to factory defaults.

func (*KeyBindings) ResetOne added in v5.9.0

func (b *KeyBindings) ResetOne(id string)

ResetOne resets one font by ID to factory defaults.

func (*KeyBindings) Save added in v5.9.0

func (b *KeyBindings) Save(filePath string) error

Save writes the Fonts to the file as JSON.

func (*KeyBindings) Set added in v5.9.0

func (b *KeyBindings) Set(id string, binding unison.KeyBinding)

Set the binding for the given ID.

func (*KeyBindings) ShouldOmit added in v5.9.0

func (b *KeyBindings) ShouldOmit() bool

ShouldOmit implements json.Omitter.

func (*KeyBindings) UnmarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (b *KeyBindings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type Length added in v5.9.0

type Length fxp.Int

Length contains a fixed-point value in inches. Conversions to/from metric are done using the simplified Length metric conversion of 1 yd = 1 meter. For consistency, all metric lengths are converted to meters, then to yards, rather than the variations at different lengths that the Length rules suggest.

func LengthFromInteger added in v5.9.0

func LengthFromInteger[T constraints.Integer](value T, unit LengthUnits) Length

LengthFromInteger creates a new Length.

func LengthFromString added in v5.9.0

func LengthFromString(text string, defaultUnits LengthUnits) (Length, error)

LengthFromString creates a new Length. May have any of the known Units suffixes, a feet and inches format (e.g. 6'2"), or no notation at all, in which case defaultUnits is used.

func LengthFromStringForced added in v5.9.0

func LengthFromStringForced(text string, defaultUnits LengthUnits) Length

LengthFromStringForced creates a new Length. May have any of the known Units suffixes, a feet and inches format (e.g. 6'2"), or no notation at all, in which case defaultUnits is used.

func (Length) MarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (l Length) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (Length) String added in v5.9.0

func (l Length) String() string

func (*Length) UnmarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (l *Length) UnmarshalJSON(in []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type LengthUnits added in v5.9.0

type LengthUnits byte

LengthUnits holds the length unit type. Note that conversions to/from metric are done using the simplified GURPS metric conversion of 1 yd = 1 meter. For consistency, all metric lengths are converted to meters, then to yards, rather than the variations at different lengths that the GURPS rules suggest.

const (
	FeetAndInches LengthUnits = iota
	LastLengthUnits = Meter

Possible values.

func ExtractLengthUnits added in v5.9.0

func ExtractLengthUnits(str string) LengthUnits

ExtractLengthUnits extracts the value from a string.

func (LengthUnits) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum LengthUnits) EnsureValid() LengthUnits

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (LengthUnits) Format added in v5.9.0

func (enum LengthUnits) Format(length Length) string

Format the length for this LengthUnits.

func (LengthUnits) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum LengthUnits) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (LengthUnits) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum LengthUnits) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (LengthUnits) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum LengthUnits) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (LengthUnits) ToInches added in v5.9.0

func (enum LengthUnits) ToInches(length fxp.Int) fxp.Int

ToInches converts the length in this LengthUnits to inches.

func (*LengthUnits) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *LengthUnits) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type Level added in v5.9.0

type Level struct {
	Level         fxp.Int
	RelativeLevel fxp.Int
	Tooltip       string

Level provides a level & relative level pair, plus a tooltip.

func CalculateRitualMagicSpellLevel

func CalculateRitualMagicSpellLevel(entity *Entity, name, powerSource, ritualSkillName string, ritualPrereqCount int, colleges, tags []string, difficulty AttributeDifficulty, points fxp.Int) Level

CalculateRitualMagicSpellLevel returns the calculated spell level.

func CalculateSkillLevel

func CalculateSkillLevel(entity *Entity, name, specialization string, tags []string, def *SkillDefault, difficulty AttributeDifficulty, points, encumbrancePenaltyMultiplier fxp.Int) Level

CalculateSkillLevel returns the calculated level for a skill.

func CalculateSpellLevel

func CalculateSpellLevel(entity *Entity, name, powerSource string, colleges, tags []string, difficulty AttributeDifficulty, pts fxp.Int) Level

CalculateSpellLevel returns the calculated spell level.

func CalculateTechniqueLevel

func CalculateTechniqueLevel(entity *Entity, name, specialization string, tags []string, def *SkillDefault, difficulty Difficulty, points fxp.Int, requirePoints bool, limitModifier *fxp.Int) Level

CalculateTechniqueLevel returns the calculated level for a technique.

func (Level) LevelAsString added in v5.9.0

func (l Level) LevelAsString(forContainer bool) string

LevelAsString returns the level as a string.

type LeveledAmount added in v5.9.0

type LeveledAmount struct {
	Level    fxp.Int `json:"-"`
	Amount   fxp.Int `json:"amount"`
	PerLevel bool    `json:"per_level,omitempty"`

LeveledAmount holds an amount that can be either a fixed amount, or an amount per level.

func (*LeveledAmount) AdjustedAmount added in v5.9.0

func (l *LeveledAmount) AdjustedAmount() fxp.Int

AdjustedAmount returns the amount, adjusted for level, if requested.

func (*LeveledAmount) Format added in v5.9.0

func (l *LeveledAmount) Format(asPercentage bool, what string) string

Format the value.

func (*LeveledAmount) FormatWithLevel added in v5.9.0

func (l *LeveledAmount) FormatWithLevel(asPercentage bool) string

FormatWithLevel calls Format(asPercentage, "level").

type Libraries added in v5.9.0

type Libraries map[string]*Library

Libraries holds a Library set.

func NewLibraries added in v5.9.0

func NewLibraries() Libraries

NewLibraries creates a new, empty, Libraries object.

func NewLibrariesFromFS added in v5.9.0

func NewLibrariesFromFS(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (Libraries, error)

NewLibrariesFromFS creates a new set of libraries from a file.

func (Libraries) List added in v5.9.0

func (l Libraries) List() []*Library

List returns an ordered list of Library objects.

func (Libraries) Master added in v5.9.0

func (l Libraries) Master() *Library

Master holds information about the master library.

func (Libraries) PerformUpdateChecks added in v5.9.0

func (l Libraries) PerformUpdateChecks()

PerformUpdateChecks checks each of the libraries for updates.

func (*Libraries) UnmarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (l *Libraries) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

func (Libraries) User added in v5.9.0

func (l Libraries) User() *Library

User holds information about the user library.

type Library added in v5.9.0

type Library struct {
	Title             string `json:"title,omitempty"`
	GitHubAccountName string `json:"-"`
	AccessToken       string `json:"access_token,omitempty"`
	RepoName          string `json:"-"`
	PathOnDisk        string `json:"path,omitempty"`
	CachedVersion     string `json:"-"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Library holds information about a library of data files.

func NewLibrary added in v5.9.0

func NewLibrary(title, githubAccountName, accessToken, repoName, pathOnDisk string) *Library

NewLibrary creates a new library.

func (*Library) AvailableUpdate added in v5.9.0

func (l *Library) AvailableUpdate() *Release

AvailableUpdate returns the available release that can be updated to.

func (*Library) CheckForAvailableUpgrade added in v5.9.0

func (l *Library) CheckForAvailableUpgrade(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client)

CheckForAvailableUpgrade returns releases that can be upgraded to.

func (*Library) ConfigureForKey added in v5.9.0

func (l *Library) ConfigureForKey(key string)

ConfigureForKey configures the GitHubAccountName and RepoName from the given key.

func (*Library) Download added in v5.9.0

func (l *Library) Download(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client, release Release) error

Download the release onto the local disk.

func (*Library) IsMaster added in v5.9.0

func (l *Library) IsMaster() bool

IsMaster returns true if this is the Master Library.

func (*Library) IsUser added in v5.9.0

func (l *Library) IsUser() bool

IsUser returns true if this is the User Library.

func (*Library) Key added in v5.9.0

func (l *Library) Key() string

Key returns a key representing this Library.

func (*Library) Less added in v5.9.0

func (l *Library) Less(other *Library) bool

Less returns true if this Library should be placed before the other Library.

func (*Library) Path added in v5.9.0

func (l *Library) Path() string

Path returns the path on disk to this Library, creating any necessary directories.

func (*Library) SetPath added in v5.9.0

func (l *Library) SetPath(newPath string) error

SetPath updates the path to the Library as well as the version.

func (*Library) StopAllWatches added in v5.9.0

func (l *Library) StopAllWatches()

StopAllWatches that were previously established.

func (*Library) Valid added in v5.9.0

func (l *Library) Valid() bool

Valid returns true if the library has a path on disk and a title.

func (*Library) VersionOnDisk added in v5.9.0

func (l *Library) VersionOnDisk() string

VersionOnDisk returns the version of the data on disk, if it can be determined.

func (*Library) Watch added in v5.9.0

func (l *Library) Watch(callback func(lib *Library, fullPath string, what notify.Event), callbackOnUIThread bool) *MonitorToken

Watch for changes in the directory tree of this library.

type ListProvider

ListProvider defines the methods needed to access list data.

type MonitorToken added in v5.9.0

type MonitorToken struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MonitorToken holds a token that can be used to stop a library watch.

func (*MonitorToken) AddSubPath added in v5.9.0

func (m *MonitorToken) AddSubPath(relativePath string)

AddSubPath adds a sub-path within the library to watch. Should only be called for symlinks, since the native OS monitoring typically does not traverse those on its own.

func (*MonitorToken) Library added in v5.9.0

func (m *MonitorToken) Library() *Library

Library returns the library this token is attached to.

func (*MonitorToken) Stop added in v5.9.0

func (m *MonitorToken) Stop()

Stop this watch.

type NameData added in v5.9.0

type NameData byte

NameData holds a built-in name data type.

const (
	NoneNameData NameData = iota
	LastNameData = UnweightedAmericanLastNameData

Possible values.

func ExtractNameData added in v5.9.0

func ExtractNameData(str string) NameData

ExtractNameData extracts the value from a string.

func (NameData) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum NameData) EnsureValid() NameData

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (NameData) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum NameData) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (NameData) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum NameData) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (NameData) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum NameData) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*NameData) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *NameData) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type NameGenerationType added in v5.9.0

type NameGenerationType byte

NameGenerationType holds a name generation type.

const (
	SimpleNameGenerationType NameGenerationType = iota
	LastNameGenerationType = CompoundNameGenerationType

Possible values.

func ExtractNameGenerationType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractNameGenerationType(str string) NameGenerationType

ExtractNameGenerationType extracts the value from a string.

func (NameGenerationType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum NameGenerationType) EnsureValid() NameGenerationType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (NameGenerationType) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum NameGenerationType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (NameGenerationType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum NameGenerationType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (NameGenerationType) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum NameGenerationType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*NameGenerationType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *NameGenerationType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type NameGenerator added in v5.9.0

type NameGenerator struct {
	Type      NameGenerationType `json:"type"`
	Lower     bool               `json:"lower,omitempty"`     // Only valid for CompoundNameGenerationType
	Separator string             `json:"separator,omitempty"` // Only valid for CompoundNameGenerationType
	Depth     int                `json:"depth,omitempty"`     // Only valid for MarkovLetterNameGenerationType
	Compound  []*NameGenerator   `json:"compound,omitempty"`  // Only valid for CompoundNameGenerationType
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NameGenerator holds the data necessary to create a Namer.

func NewNameGeneratorFromFS added in v5.9.0

func NewNameGeneratorFromFS(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (*NameGenerator, error)

NewNameGeneratorFromFS creates a new NameGenerator from a file.

func (*NameGenerator) GenerateName added in v5.9.0

func (n *NameGenerator) GenerateName() string

GenerateName generates a new random name.

func (*NameGenerator) GenerateNameWithRandomizer added in v5.9.0

func (n *NameGenerator) GenerateNameWithRandomizer(rnd rand.Randomizer) string

GenerateNameWithRandomizer generates a new random name using the specified randomizer.

type NameGeneratorRef added in v5.9.0

type NameGeneratorRef struct {
	FileRef *NamedFileRef
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NameGeneratorRef holds a reference to a NameGenerator.

func AvailableNameGenerators added in v5.9.0

func AvailableNameGenerators(libraries Libraries) []*NameGeneratorRef

AvailableNameGenerators scans the libraries and returns the available name generators.

func (*NameGeneratorRef) Generator added in v5.9.0

func (n *NameGeneratorRef) Generator() (*NameGenerator, error)

Generator returns the NameGenerator, loading it if needed.

type Nameables added in v5.9.0

type Nameables interface {
	// FillWithNameableKeys fills the map with nameable keys.
	FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
	// ApplyNameableKeys applies the nameable keys to this object.
	ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

Nameables defines methods types that want to participate the nameable adjustments should implement.

type NamedFileRef added in v5.9.0

type NamedFileRef struct {
	Name       string
	FileSystem fs.FS
	FilePath   string

NamedFileRef holds a reference to a file.

func (*NamedFileRef) String added in v5.9.0

func (n *NamedFileRef) String() string

type NamedFileSet added in v5.9.0

type NamedFileSet struct {
	Name string
	List []*NamedFileRef

NamedFileSet holds a named list of file references.

func AvailableAncestries added in v5.9.0

func AvailableAncestries(libraries Libraries) []*NamedFileSet

AvailableAncestries scans the libraries and returns the available ancestries.

func AvailableCalendarRefs added in v5.9.0

func AvailableCalendarRefs(libraries Libraries) []*NamedFileSet

AvailableCalendarRefs scans the libraries and returns the available calendars.

func ScanForNamedFileSets added in v5.9.0

func ScanForNamedFileSets(builtIn fs.FS, builtInDir string, omitDuplicateNames bool, libraries Libraries, extensions ...string) []*NamedFileSet

ScanForNamedFileSets scans for settings files of a particular type.

type NavigatorSettings struct {
	DividerPosition float32  `json:"divider_position"`
	OpenRowKeys     []string `json:"open_row_keys,omitempty"`

NavigatorSettings holds settings for the navigator view.

type Node

type Node[T NodeTypes] interface {
	UUID() uuid.UUID
	Clone(newEntity *Entity, newParent T, preserveID bool) T
	OwningEntity() *Entity
	SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)
	Kind() string
	Container() bool
	Parent() T
	SetParent(parent T)
	HasChildren() bool
	NodeChildren() []T
	SetChildren(children []T)
	Enabled() bool
	Open() bool
	SetOpen(open bool)
	CellData(columnID int, data *CellData)
	FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
	ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

Node defines the methods required of nodes in our tables.

func AsNode

func AsNode[T NodeTypes](in T) Node[T]

AsNode converts a T to a Node[T]. This shouldn't require these hoops, but Go generics (as of 1.19) fails to compile otherwise.

type NodeTypes

type NodeTypes interface {
	*ConditionalModifier | *Equipment | *EquipmentModifier | *Note | *Skill | *Spell | *Trait | *TraitModifier | *Weapon

NodeTypes is a constraint that defines the types that may be nodes.

type Note

type Note struct {
	Entity *Entity

Note holds a note.

func NewNote

func NewNote(entity *Entity, parent *Note, container bool) *Note

NewNote creates a new Note.

func NewNotesFromFile

func NewNotesFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) ([]*Note, error)

NewNotesFromFile loads an Note list from a file.

func (*Note) ApplyNameableKeys

func (n *Note) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found with the corresponding values in the provided map.

func (*Note) CellData

func (n *Note) CellData(columnID int, data *CellData)

CellData returns the cell data information for the given column.

func (*Note) Clone

func (n *Note) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *Note, preserveID bool) *Note

Clone implements Node.

func (*Note) Depth

func (n *Note) Depth() int

Depth returns the number of parents this node has.

func (*Note) Enabled

func (n *Note) Enabled() bool

Enabled returns true if this node is enabled.

func (*Note) FillWithNameableKeys

func (n *Note) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found to the provided map.

func (*Note) MarshalJSON

func (n *Note) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*Note) OwningEntity

func (n *Note) OwningEntity() *Entity

OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.

func (*Note) SetOwningEntity

func (n *Note) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)

SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.

func (*Note) String added in v5.9.0

func (n *Note) String() string

func (*Note) UnmarshalJSON

func (n *Note) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type NoteData

type NoteData struct {

NoteData holds the Note data that is written to disk.

func (*NoteData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType

func (d *NoteData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType()

ClearUnusedFieldsForType zeroes out the fields that are not applicable to this type (container vs not-container).

func (*NoteData) Kind

func (d *NoteData) Kind() string

Kind returns the kind of data.

type NoteEditData

type NoteEditData struct {
	Text    string `json:"text,omitempty"`
	PageRef string `json:"reference,omitempty"`

NoteEditData holds the Note data that can be edited by the UI detail editor.

func (*NoteEditData) ApplyTo

func (d *NoteEditData) ApplyTo(note *Note)

ApplyTo implements node.EditorData.

func (*NoteEditData) CopyFrom

func (d *NoteEditData) CopyFrom(note *Note)

CopyFrom implements node.EditorData.

type NoteListProvider

type NoteListProvider interface {
	NoteList() []*Note
	SetNoteList(list []*Note)

NoteListProvider defines the method needed to access the note list data.

type NumericCompareType added in v5.9.0

type NumericCompareType string

NumericCompareType holds the type for a numeric comparison.

func (NumericCompareType) AltDescribe added in v5.9.0

func (n NumericCompareType) AltDescribe(qualifier fxp.Int) string

AltDescribe returns an alternate description of this NumericCompareType using a qualifier.

func (NumericCompareType) AltString added in v5.9.0

func (n NumericCompareType) AltString() string

AltString returns an alternate string for this.

func (NumericCompareType) Describe added in v5.9.0

func (n NumericCompareType) Describe(qualifier fxp.Int) string

Describe returns a description of this NumericCompareType using a qualifier.

func (NumericCompareType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (n NumericCompareType) EnsureValid() NumericCompareType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (NumericCompareType) Matches added in v5.9.0

func (n NumericCompareType) Matches(qualifier, data fxp.Int) bool

Matches performs a comparison and returns true if the data matches.

func (NumericCompareType) String added in v5.9.0

func (n NumericCompareType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

type NumericCriteria added in v5.9.0

type NumericCriteria struct {

NumericCriteria holds the criteria for matching a number.

func (NumericCriteria) AltString added in v5.9.0

func (n NumericCriteria) AltString() string

AltString returns the alternate description.

func (NumericCriteria) Matches added in v5.9.0

func (n NumericCriteria) Matches(value fxp.Int) bool

Matches performs a comparison and returns true if the data matches.

func (NumericCriteria) ShouldOmit added in v5.9.0

func (n NumericCriteria) ShouldOmit() bool

ShouldOmit implements json.Omitter.

func (NumericCriteria) String added in v5.9.0

func (n NumericCriteria) String() string

func (*NumericCriteria) UnmarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (n *NumericCriteria) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type NumericCriteriaData added in v5.9.0

type NumericCriteriaData struct {
	Compare   NumericCompareType `json:"compare,omitempty"`
	Qualifier fxp.Int            `json:"qualifier,omitempty"`

NumericCriteriaData holds the criteria for matching a number that should be written to disk.

type PageRef

type PageRef struct {
	ID     string `json:"-"`
	Path   string `json:"path,omitempty"`
	Offset int    `json:"offset,omitempty"`

PageRef holds a path to a file and an offset for all page references within that file.

type PageRefs added in v5.9.0

type PageRefs struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PageRefs holds a set of page references.

func NewPageRefsFromFS added in v5.9.0

func NewPageRefsFromFS(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (*PageRefs, error)

NewPageRefsFromFS creates a new set of page references from a file.

func (*PageRefs) List added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageRefs) List() []*PageRef

List returns a sorted list of page references.

func (*PageRefs) Lookup added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageRefs) Lookup(id string) *PageRef

Lookup the PageRef for the given ID. If not found or if the path it points to isn't a readable file, returns nil.

func (*PageRefs) MarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageRefs) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*PageRefs) Remove added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageRefs) Remove(id string)

Remove the PageRef for the ID.

func (*PageRefs) Save added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageRefs) Save(filePath string) error

Save writes the PageRefs to the file as JSON.

func (*PageRefs) Set added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageRefs) Set(pageRef *PageRef)

Set the PageRef.

func (*PageRefs) ShouldOmit added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageRefs) ShouldOmit() bool

ShouldOmit implements json.Omitter.

func (*PageRefs) UnmarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageRefs) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type PageSettings added in v5.9.0

type PageSettings struct {
	Size         PaperSize        `json:"paper_size"`
	Orientation  PaperOrientation `json:"orientation"`
	TopMargin    PaperLength      `json:"top_margin"`
	LeftMargin   PaperLength      `json:"left_margin"`
	BottomMargin PaperLength      `json:"bottom_margin"`
	RightMargin  PaperLength      `json:"right_margin"`

PageSettings holds page settings.

func NewPageSettings added in v5.9.0

func NewPageSettings() *PageSettings

NewPageSettings returns new settings with factory defaults.

func (*PageSettings) Clone added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageSettings) Clone() *PageSettings

Clone a copy of this.

func (*PageSettings) EnsureValidity added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageSettings) EnsureValidity()

EnsureValidity checks the current settings for validity and if they aren't valid, makes them so.

type PageSettingsOverrides added in v5.9.0

type PageSettingsOverrides struct {
	Size         *PaperSize
	Orientation  *PaperOrientation
	TopMargin    *PaperLength
	LeftMargin   *PaperLength
	BottomMargin *PaperLength
	RightMargin  *PaperLength

PageSettingsOverrides holds page setting overrides.

func (*PageSettingsOverrides) Apply added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageSettingsOverrides) Apply(page *PageSettings)

Apply the overrides to a Page.

func (*PageSettingsOverrides) ParseBottomMargin added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageSettingsOverrides) ParseBottomMargin(in string)

ParseBottomMargin and set the override, if applicable.

func (*PageSettingsOverrides) ParseLeftMargin added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageSettingsOverrides) ParseLeftMargin(in string)

ParseLeftMargin and set the override, if applicable.

func (*PageSettingsOverrides) ParseOrientation added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageSettingsOverrides) ParseOrientation(in string)

ParseOrientation and set the override, if applicable.

func (*PageSettingsOverrides) ParseRightMargin added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageSettingsOverrides) ParseRightMargin(in string)

ParseRightMargin and set the override, if applicable.

func (*PageSettingsOverrides) ParseSize added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageSettingsOverrides) ParseSize(in string)

ParseSize and set the override, if applicable.

func (*PageSettingsOverrides) ParseTopMargin added in v5.9.0

func (p *PageSettingsOverrides) ParseTopMargin(in string)

ParseTopMargin and set the override, if applicable.

type PaperLength added in v5.9.0

type PaperLength struct {
	Length float64
	Units  PaperUnits

PaperLength contains a real-world length value with an attached units.

func PaperLengthFromString added in v5.9.0

func PaperLengthFromString(text string) PaperLength

PaperLengthFromString creates a new PaperLength. May have any of the known unit suffixes or no notation at all, in which case inch is used.

func ParsePaperLengthFromString added in v5.9.0

func ParsePaperLengthFromString(text string) (length PaperLength, err error)

ParsePaperLengthFromString parses a PaperLength from the text. May have any of the known unit suffixes or no notation at all, in which case inch is used.

func (*PaperLength) EnsureValidity added in v5.9.0

func (l *PaperLength) EnsureValidity()

EnsureValidity checks the current settings for validity and if they aren't valid, makes them so.

func (PaperLength) MarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (l PaperLength) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (PaperLength) Pixels added in v5.9.0

func (l PaperLength) Pixels() float32

Pixels returns the number of 72-pixels-per-inch pixels this represents.

func (PaperLength) String added in v5.9.0

func (l PaperLength) String() string

func (*PaperLength) UnmarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (l *PaperLength) UnmarshalJSON(in []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type PaperOrientation added in v5.9.0

type PaperOrientation byte

PaperOrientation holds the orientation of the page.

const (
	Portrait PaperOrientation = iota
	LastPaperOrientation = Landscape

Possible values.

func ExtractPaperOrientation added in v5.9.0

func ExtractPaperOrientation(str string) PaperOrientation

ExtractPaperOrientation extracts the value from a string.

func (PaperOrientation) Dimensions added in v5.9.0

func (enum PaperOrientation) Dimensions(width, height PaperLength) (adjustedWidth, adjustedHeight PaperLength)

Dimensions returns the paper dimensions after orienting the paper.

func (PaperOrientation) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum PaperOrientation) EnsureValid() PaperOrientation

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (PaperOrientation) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum PaperOrientation) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (PaperOrientation) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum PaperOrientation) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (PaperOrientation) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum PaperOrientation) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*PaperOrientation) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *PaperOrientation) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type PaperSize added in v5.9.0

type PaperSize byte

PaperSize holds a standard paper dimension.

const (
	LetterPaperSize PaperSize = iota
	LastPaperSize = A6PaperSize

Possible values.

func ExtractPaperSize added in v5.9.0

func ExtractPaperSize(str string) PaperSize

ExtractPaperSize extracts the value from a string.

func (PaperSize) Dimensions added in v5.9.0

func (enum PaperSize) Dimensions() (width, height PaperLength)

Dimensions returns the paper dimensions.

func (PaperSize) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum PaperSize) EnsureValid() PaperSize

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (PaperSize) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum PaperSize) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (PaperSize) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum PaperSize) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (PaperSize) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum PaperSize) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*PaperSize) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *PaperSize) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type PaperUnits added in v5.9.0

type PaperUnits byte

PaperUnits holds the real-world length unit type.

const (
	InchPaperUnits PaperUnits = iota
	LastPaperUnits = MillimeterPaperUnits

Possible values.

func ExtractPaperUnits added in v5.9.0

func ExtractPaperUnits(str string) PaperUnits

ExtractPaperUnits extracts the value from a string.

func (PaperUnits) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum PaperUnits) EnsureValid() PaperUnits

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (PaperUnits) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum PaperUnits) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (PaperUnits) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum PaperUnits) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (PaperUnits) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum PaperUnits) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (PaperUnits) ToPixels added in v5.9.0

func (enum PaperUnits) ToPixels(length float64) float32

ToPixels converts the given length in this PaperUnits to the number of 72-pixels-per-inch pixels it represents.

func (*PaperUnits) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *PaperUnits) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type PointsBreakdown added in v5.9.0

type PointsBreakdown struct {
	Race          fxp.Int
	Attributes    fxp.Int
	Advantages    fxp.Int
	Disadvantages fxp.Int
	Quirks        fxp.Int
	Skills        fxp.Int
	Spells        fxp.Int

PointsBreakdown holds the points spent on a character.

func (*PointsBreakdown) Total added in v5.9.0

func (pb *PointsBreakdown) Total() fxp.Int

Total returns the total number of points spent on a character.

type PointsRecord added in v5.3.0

type PointsRecord struct {
	When   jio.Time `json:"when"`
	Points fxp.Int  `json:"points"`
	Reason string   `json:"reason,omitempty"`

PointsRecord holds information about when and why points were adjusted.

func ClonePointsRecordList added in v5.3.0

func ClonePointsRecordList(list []*PointsRecord) []*PointsRecord

ClonePointsRecordList creates a clone of the provided PointsRecord list.

type PoolThreshold

type PoolThreshold struct {
	KeyPrefix string

PoolThreshold holds a point within an attribute pool where changes in state occur.

func (*PoolThreshold) AddOp

func (p *PoolThreshold) AddOp(op ThresholdOp)

AddOp adds the specified ThresholdOp.

func (*PoolThreshold) Clone

func (p *PoolThreshold) Clone() *PoolThreshold

Clone a copy of this.

func (*PoolThreshold) ContainsOp

func (p *PoolThreshold) ContainsOp(op ThresholdOp) bool

ContainsOp returns true if this PoolThreshold contains the specified ThresholdOp.

func (*PoolThreshold) MarshalJSON

func (p *PoolThreshold) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*PoolThreshold) RemoveOp

func (p *PoolThreshold) RemoveOp(op ThresholdOp)

RemoveOp removes the specified ThresholdOp.

func (*PoolThreshold) String

func (p *PoolThreshold) String() string

func (*PoolThreshold) Threshold

func (p *PoolThreshold) Threshold(resolver eval.VariableResolver) fxp.Int

Threshold returns the threshold value for the given maximum.

func (*PoolThreshold) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *PoolThreshold) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type PoolThresholdData

type PoolThresholdData struct {
	State       string        `json:"state"`
	Expression  string        `json:"expression"`
	Explanation string        `json:"explanation,omitempty"`
	Ops         []ThresholdOp `json:"ops,omitempty"`

PoolThresholdData holds the data that will be serialized for the PoolThreshold.

type Prereq

type Prereq interface {
	PrereqType() PrereqType
	// ParentList returns the owning parent list, if any.
	ParentList() *PrereqList
	// Clone creates a new copy of this Prereq.
	Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq
	// Satisfied returns true if this Prereq is satisfied by the specified Entity. 'buffer' will be used, if not nil, to
	// write a description of what was unsatisfied. 'prefix' will be appended to each line of the description.
	Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, buffer *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string, hasEquipmentPenalty *bool) bool

Prereq holds data necessary to track a prerequisite.

type PrereqList

type PrereqList struct {
	Parent  *PrereqList     `json:"-"`
	Type    PrereqType      `json:"type"`
	All     bool            `json:"all"`
	WhenTL  NumericCriteria `json:"when_tl,omitempty"`
	Prereqs Prereqs         `json:"prereqs,omitempty"`

PrereqList holds a prereq that contains a list of prerequisites.

func NewPrereqList

func NewPrereqList() *PrereqList

NewPrereqList creates a new PrereqList.

func (*PrereqList) ApplyNameableKeys

func (p *PrereqList) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*PrereqList) Clone

func (p *PrereqList) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq

Clone implements Prereq.

func (*PrereqList) CloneAsPrereqList

func (p *PrereqList) CloneAsPrereqList(parent *PrereqList) *PrereqList

CloneAsPrereqList clones this prereq list.

func (*PrereqList) CloneResolvingEmpty

func (p *PrereqList) CloneResolvingEmpty(isContainer, pruneIfEmpty bool) *PrereqList

CloneResolvingEmpty clones this prereq list. If the result would be nil and it isn't a container, a new, empty, list is created. If the result would not be nil but pruneIfEmpty is true and calling ShouldOmit() on it would return true, then nil is returned.

func (*PrereqList) FillWithNameableKeys

func (p *PrereqList) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*PrereqList) ParentList

func (p *PrereqList) ParentList() *PrereqList

ParentList implements Prereq.

func (*PrereqList) PrereqType

func (p *PrereqList) PrereqType() PrereqType

PrereqType implements Prereq.

func (*PrereqList) Satisfied

func (p *PrereqList) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, buffer *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string, hasEquipmentPenalty *bool) bool

Satisfied implements Prereq.

func (*PrereqList) ShouldOmit

func (p *PrereqList) ShouldOmit() bool

ShouldOmit implements json.Omitter.

type PrereqType added in v5.9.0

type PrereqType byte

PrereqType holds the type of a Prereq.

const (
	ListPrereqType PrereqType = iota
	LastPrereqType = SpellPrereqType

Possible values.

func ExtractPrereqType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractPrereqType(str string) PrereqType

ExtractPrereqType extracts the value from a string.

func (PrereqType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum PrereqType) EnsureValid() PrereqType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (PrereqType) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum PrereqType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (PrereqType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum PrereqType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (PrereqType) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum PrereqType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*PrereqType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *PrereqType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type Prereqs

type Prereqs []Prereq

Prereqs holds a list of prerequisites.

func (*Prereqs) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *Prereqs) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.

type Profile

type Profile struct {
	PlayerName        string        `json:"player_name,omitempty"`
	Name              string        `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Title             string        `json:"title,omitempty"`
	Organization      string        `json:"organization,omitempty"`
	Religion          string        `json:"religion,omitempty"`
	Age               string        `json:"age,omitempty"`
	Birthday          string        `json:"birthday,omitempty"`
	Eyes              string        `json:"eyes,omitempty"`
	Hair              string        `json:"hair,omitempty"`
	Skin              string        `json:"skin,omitempty"`
	Handedness        string        `json:"handedness,omitempty"`
	Gender            string        `json:"gender,omitempty"`
	TechLevel         string        `json:"tech_level,omitempty"`
	PortraitData      []byte        `json:"portrait,omitempty"`
	PortraitImage     *unison.Image `json:"-"`
	Height            Length        `json:"height,omitempty"`
	Weight            Weight        `json:"weight,omitempty"`
	SizeModifier      int           `json:"SM,omitempty"`
	SizeModifierBonus fxp.Int       `json:"-"`

Profile holds the profile information for an NPC.

func (*Profile) AdjustedSizeModifier

func (p *Profile) AdjustedSizeModifier() int

AdjustedSizeModifier returns the adjusted size modifier.

func (*Profile) AutoFill

func (p *Profile) AutoFill(entity *Entity)

AutoFill fills in the default profile entries.

func (*Profile) Portrait

func (p *Profile) Portrait() *unison.Image

Portrait returns the portrait image, if there is one.

func (*Profile) SetAdjustedSizeModifier

func (p *Profile) SetAdjustedSizeModifier(value int)

SetAdjustedSizeModifier sets the adjusted size modifier.

func (*Profile) Update

func (p *Profile) Update(entity *Entity)

Update any derived values.

type QuickExports

type QuickExports struct {

QuickExports holds a list containing information about previous exports.

func NewQuickExports

func NewQuickExports() *QuickExports

NewQuickExports creates a new, empty, QuickExports object.

func (*QuickExports) Empty

func (q *QuickExports) Empty() bool

Empty implements encoding.Empty.

func (*QuickExports) MarshalJSON

func (q *QuickExports) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*QuickExports) UnmarshalJSON

func (q *QuickExports) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type QuickExportsData

type QuickExportsData struct {
	Max     int           `json:"max"`
	Exports []*ExportInfo `json:"exports,omitempty"`

QuickExportsData holds the QuickExports data that is written to disk.

type RawPointsAdjuster

type RawPointsAdjuster[T NodeTypes] interface {
	RawPoints() fxp.Int
	SetRawPoints(points fxp.Int) bool

RawPointsAdjuster defines methods for nodes that can have their raw points adjusted must implement.

type ReactionBonus added in v5.9.0

type ReactionBonus struct {
	Type      FeatureType `json:"type"`
	Situation string      `json:"situation,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ReactionBonus holds a modifier due to a reaction.

func NewReactionBonus added in v5.9.0

func NewReactionBonus() *ReactionBonus

NewReactionBonus creates a new ReactionBonus.

func (*ReactionBonus) AddToTooltip added in v5.9.0

func (r *ReactionBonus) AddToTooltip(buffer *xio.ByteBuffer)

AddToTooltip implements Bonus.

func (*ReactionBonus) ApplyNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (r *ReactionBonus) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*ReactionBonus) Clone added in v5.9.0

func (r *ReactionBonus) Clone() Feature

Clone implements Feature.

func (*ReactionBonus) FeatureType added in v5.9.0

func (r *ReactionBonus) FeatureType() FeatureType

FeatureType implements Feature.

func (*ReactionBonus) FillWithNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (r *ReactionBonus) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*ReactionBonus) Owner added in v5.9.0

func (r *ReactionBonus) Owner() fmt.Stringer

Owner implements Bonus.

func (*ReactionBonus) SetLevel added in v5.9.0

func (r *ReactionBonus) SetLevel(level fxp.Int)

SetLevel implements Bonus.

func (*ReactionBonus) SetOwner added in v5.9.0

func (r *ReactionBonus) SetOwner(owner fmt.Stringer)

SetOwner implements Bonus.

type ReactionModifierListProvider

type ReactionModifierListProvider interface {
	Reactions() []*ConditionalModifier

ReactionModifierListProvider defines the method needed to access the reaction modifier list data.

type Release added in v5.9.0

type Release struct {
	Version     string
	Notes       string
	ZipFileURL  string
	CheckFailed bool

Release holds information about a single release of a GitHub repo.

func LoadReleases added in v5.9.0

func LoadReleases(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client, githubAccountName, accessToken, repoName, currentVersion string, filter func(version, notes string) bool) ([]Release, error)

LoadReleases loads the list of releases available from a given GitHub repo.

func (*Release) HasReleaseNotes added in v5.9.0

func (r *Release) HasReleaseNotes() bool

HasReleaseNotes returns true if there are release notes available.

func (*Release) HasUpdate added in v5.9.0

func (r *Release) HasUpdate() bool

HasUpdate returns true if there is an update available.

type SelfControlRoll added in v5.9.0

type SelfControlRoll int

SelfControlRoll holds the information about a self-control roll, from B121.

func (SelfControlRoll) DescriptionWithCost added in v5.9.0

func (s SelfControlRoll) DescriptionWithCost() string

DescriptionWithCost returns a formatted description that includes the cost multiplier.

func (SelfControlRoll) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (s SelfControlRoll) EnsureValid() SelfControlRoll

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (SelfControlRoll) Index added in v5.9.0

func (s SelfControlRoll) Index() int

Index returns of the SelfControlRoll within AllSelfControlRolls.

func (SelfControlRoll) MinimumRoll added in v5.9.0

func (s SelfControlRoll) MinimumRoll() int

MinimumRoll returns the minimum roll to retain control.

func (SelfControlRoll) Multiplier added in v5.9.0

func (s SelfControlRoll) Multiplier() fxp.Int

Multiplier returns the cost multiplier.

func (SelfControlRoll) String added in v5.9.0

func (s SelfControlRoll) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

type SelfControlRollAdj

type SelfControlRollAdj byte

SelfControlRollAdj holds an Adjustment for a self-control roll.

const (
	NoCRAdj SelfControlRollAdj = iota
	LastSelfControlRollAdj = MajorCostOfLivingIncrease

Possible values.

func ExtractSelfControlRollAdj

func ExtractSelfControlRollAdj(str string) SelfControlRollAdj

ExtractSelfControlRollAdj extracts the value from a string.

func (SelfControlRollAdj) Adjustment

func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) Adjustment(cr SelfControlRoll) int

Adjustment returns the adjustment amount.

func (SelfControlRollAdj) AltString

func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) AltString() string

AltString returns the alternate string.

func (SelfControlRollAdj) Description

func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) Description(cr SelfControlRoll) string

Description returns a formatted description.

func (SelfControlRollAdj) EnsureValid

func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) EnsureValid() SelfControlRollAdj

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (SelfControlRollAdj) Features

func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) Features(cr SelfControlRoll) Features

Features returns the set of features to apply.

func (SelfControlRollAdj) Key

func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (SelfControlRollAdj) MarshalText

func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (SelfControlRollAdj) String

func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*SelfControlRollAdj) UnmarshalText

func (enum *SelfControlRollAdj) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type Settings added in v5.9.0

type Settings struct {
	LastSeenGCSVersion string            `json:"last_seen_gcs_version,omitempty"`
	General            *GeneralSettings  `json:"general,omitempty"`
	LibrarySet         Libraries         `json:"libraries,omitempty"`
	LibraryExplorer    NavigatorSettings `json:"library_explorer"`
	RecentFiles        []string          `json:"recent_files,omitempty"`
	LastDirs           map[string]string `json:"last_dirs,omitempty"`
	PageRefs           PageRefs          `json:"page_refs,omitempty"`
	KeyBindings        KeyBindings       `json:"key_bindings,omitempty"`
	WorkspaceFrame     *unison.Rect      `json:"workspace_frame,omitempty"`
	Colors             Colors            `json:"colors"`
	Fonts              Fonts             `json:"fonts"`
	QuickExports       *QuickExports     `json:"quick_exports,omitempty"`
	Sheet              *SheetSettings    `json:"sheet_settings,omitempty"`
	ColorMode          unison.ColorMode  `json:"color_mode"`

Settings holds the application settings.

func DefaultSettings added in v5.9.0

func DefaultSettings() *Settings

DefaultSettings returns new default settings.

func GlobalSettings added in v5.9.0

func GlobalSettings() *Settings

GlobalSettings returns the global settings.

func (*Settings) AddRecentFile added in v5.9.0

func (s *Settings) AddRecentFile(filePath string)

AddRecentFile adds a file path to the list of recently opened files.

func (*Settings) EnsureValidity added in v5.9.0

func (s *Settings) EnsureValidity()

EnsureValidity checks the current settings for validity and if they aren't valid, makes them so.

func (*Settings) GeneralSettings added in v5.9.0

func (s *Settings) GeneralSettings() *GeneralSettings

GeneralSettings implements gurps.SettingsProvider.

func (*Settings) LastDir added in v5.9.0

func (s *Settings) LastDir(key string) string

LastDir returns the last directory used for the given key.

func (*Settings) Libraries added in v5.9.0

func (s *Settings) Libraries() Libraries

Libraries implements gurps.SettingsProvider.

func (*Settings) ListRecentFiles added in v5.9.0

func (s *Settings) ListRecentFiles() []string

ListRecentFiles returns the current list of recently opened files. Files that are no longer readable for any reason are omitted.

func (*Settings) Save added in v5.9.0

func (s *Settings) Save() error

Save to the standard path.

func (*Settings) SetLastDir added in v5.9.0

func (s *Settings) SetLastDir(key, dir string)

SetLastDir sets the last directory used for the given key. Ignores attempts to set it to an empty string.

func (*Settings) SheetSettings added in v5.9.0

func (s *Settings) SheetSettings() *SheetSettings

SheetSettings implements gurps.SettingsProvider.

type SheetSettings

type SheetSettings struct {
	Entity *Entity `json:"-"`

SheetSettings holds sheet settings.

func FactorySheetSettings

func FactorySheetSettings() *SheetSettings

FactorySheetSettings returns a new SheetSettings with factory defaults.

func NewSheetSettingsFromFile

func NewSheetSettingsFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (*SheetSettings, error)

NewSheetSettingsFromFile loads new settings from a file.

func SheetSettingsFor

func SheetSettingsFor(entity *Entity) *SheetSettings

SheetSettingsFor returns the SheetSettings for the given Entity, or the global settings if the Entity is nil.

func (*SheetSettings) Clone

func (s *SheetSettings) Clone(entity *Entity) *SheetSettings

Clone creates a copy of this.

func (*SheetSettings) EnsureValidity

func (s *SheetSettings) EnsureValidity()

EnsureValidity checks the current settings for validity and if they aren't valid, makes them so.

func (*SheetSettings) MarshalJSON

func (s *SheetSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*SheetSettings) Save

func (s *SheetSettings) Save(filePath string) error

Save writes the settings to the file as JSON.

func (*SheetSettings) SetOwningEntity

func (s *SheetSettings) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)

SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.

func (*SheetSettings) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *SheetSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type SheetSettingsData

type SheetSettingsData struct {
	Page                          *PageSettings     `json:"page,omitempty"`
	BlockLayout                   *BlockLayout      `json:"block_layout,omitempty"`
	Attributes                    *AttributeDefs    `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
	BodyType                      *Body             `json:"body_type,alt=hit_locations,omitempty"`
	DamageProgression             DamageProgression `json:"damage_progression"`
	DefaultLengthUnits            LengthUnits       `json:"default_length_units"`
	DefaultWeightUnits            WeightUnits       `json:"default_weight_units"`
	UserDescriptionDisplay        DisplayOption     `json:"user_description_display"`
	ModifiersDisplay              DisplayOption     `json:"modifiers_display"`
	NotesDisplay                  DisplayOption     `json:"notes_display"`
	SkillLevelAdjDisplay          DisplayOption     `json:"skill_level_adj_display"`
	UseMultiplicativeModifiers    bool              `json:"use_multiplicative_modifiers,omitempty"`
	UseModifyingDicePlusAdds      bool              `json:"use_modifying_dice_plus_adds,omitempty"`
	UseHalfStatDefaults           bool              `json:"use_half_stat_defaults,omitempty"`
	ShowTraitModifierAdj          bool              `json:"show_trait_modifier_adj,alt=show_advantage_modifier_adj,omitempty"`
	ShowEquipmentModifierAdj      bool              `json:"show_equipment_modifier_adj,omitempty"`
	ShowSpellAdj                  bool              `json:"show_spell_adj,omitempty"`
	UseTitleInFooter              bool              `json:"use_title_in_footer,omitempty"`
	ExcludeUnspentPointsFromTotal bool              `json:"exclude_unspent_points_from_total"`

SheetSettingsData holds the SheetSettings data that is written to disk.

type SheetSettingsResponder

type SheetSettingsResponder interface {
	// SheetSettingsUpdated will be called when the SheetSettings have been updated. The provided Entity will be nil if
	// it was the default SheetSettings that was updated rather than one attached to a specific entity. blockLayout will
	// be true if the BlockLayout was altered, which usually requires a full rebuild.
	SheetSettingsUpdated(entity *Entity, blockLayout bool)

SheetSettingsResponder defines the method required to be notified of updates to the SheetSettings.

type Skill

type Skill struct {
	Entity            *Entity
	LevelData         Level
	UnsatisfiedReason string

Skill holds the data for a skill.

func NewSkill

func NewSkill(entity *Entity, parent *Skill, container bool) *Skill

NewSkill creates a new Skill.

func NewSkillsFromFile

func NewSkillsFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) ([]*Skill, error)

NewSkillsFromFile loads an Skill list from a file.

func NewTechnique

func NewTechnique(entity *Entity, parent *Skill, skillName string) *Skill

NewTechnique creates a new technique (i.e. a specialized use of a Skill). All parameters may be nil or empty.

func (*Skill) AdjustedPoints

func (s *Skill) AdjustedPoints(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int

AdjustedPoints returns the points, adjusted for any bonuses.

func (*Skill) AdjustedRelativeLevel

func (s *Skill) AdjustedRelativeLevel() fxp.Int

AdjustedRelativeLevel returns the relative skill level.

func (*Skill) ApplyNameableKeys

func (s *Skill) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found with the corresponding values in the provided map.

func (*Skill) BestSwappableSkill

func (s *Skill) BestSwappableSkill() *Skill

BestSwappableSkill returns the best skill to swap with.

func (*Skill) CalculateLevel

func (s *Skill) CalculateLevel() Level

CalculateLevel returns the computed level without updating it.

func (*Skill) CanSwapDefaults

func (s *Skill) CanSwapDefaults() bool

CanSwapDefaults returns true if this skill's default can be swapped.

func (*Skill) CanSwapDefaultsWith

func (s *Skill) CanSwapDefaultsWith(other *Skill) bool

CanSwapDefaultsWith returns true if this skill's default can be swapped with the other skill.

func (*Skill) CellData

func (s *Skill) CellData(columnID int, data *CellData)

CellData returns the cell data information for the given column.

func (*Skill) Clone

func (s *Skill) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *Skill, preserveID bool) *Skill

Clone implements Node.

func (*Skill) DecrementSkillLevel

func (s *Skill) DecrementSkillLevel()

DecrementSkillLevel removes enough points to decrement the skill level to the previous level.

func (*Skill) DefaultSkill

func (s *Skill) DefaultSkill() *Skill

DefaultSkill returns the skill currently defaulted to, or nil.

func (*Skill) Depth

func (s *Skill) Depth() int

Depth returns the number of parents this node has.

func (*Skill) Description

func (s *Skill) Description() string

Description implements WeaponOwner.

func (*Skill) Enabled

func (s *Skill) Enabled() bool

Enabled returns true if this node is enabled.

func (*Skill) FeatureList

func (s *Skill) FeatureList() Features

FeatureList returns the list of Features.

func (*Skill) FillWithNameableKeys

func (s *Skill) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found to the provided map.

func (*Skill) HasDefaultTo

func (s *Skill) HasDefaultTo(other *Skill) bool

HasDefaultTo returns true if the set of possible defaults includes the other skill.

func (*Skill) IncrementSkillLevel

func (s *Skill) IncrementSkillLevel()

IncrementSkillLevel adds enough points to increment the skill level to the next level.

func (*Skill) MarshalJSON

func (s *Skill) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*Skill) ModifierNotes

func (s *Skill) ModifierNotes() string

ModifierNotes returns the notes due to modifiers.

func (*Skill) Notes

func (s *Skill) Notes() string

Notes implements WeaponOwner.

func (*Skill) OwningEntity

func (s *Skill) OwningEntity() *Entity

OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.

func (*Skill) RawPoints

func (s *Skill) RawPoints() fxp.Int

RawPoints returns the unadjusted points.

func (*Skill) RelativeLevel

func (s *Skill) RelativeLevel() string

RelativeLevel returns the adjusted relative level as a string.

func (*Skill) RequiresTL

func (s *Skill) RequiresTL() bool

RequiresTL implements TechLevelProvider.

func (*Skill) SecondaryText

func (s *Skill) SecondaryText(optionChecker func(DisplayOption) bool) string

SecondaryText returns the less important information that should be displayed with the description.

func (*Skill) SetOwningEntity

func (s *Skill) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)

SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.

func (*Skill) SetRawPoints

func (s *Skill) SetRawPoints(points fxp.Int) bool

SetRawPoints sets the unadjusted points and updates the level. Returns true if the level changed.

func (*Skill) SetTL

func (s *Skill) SetTL(tl string)

SetTL implements TechLevelProvider.

func (*Skill) String

func (s *Skill) String() string

func (*Skill) SwapDefaults

func (s *Skill) SwapDefaults()

SwapDefaults causes this skill's default to be swapped.

func (*Skill) TL

func (s *Skill) TL() string

TL implements TechLevelProvider.

func (*Skill) TagList

func (s *Skill) TagList() []string

TagList returns the list of tags.

func (*Skill) TechniqueSatisfied

func (s *Skill) TechniqueSatisfied(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool

TechniqueSatisfied returns true if the Technique is satisfied.

func (*Skill) TemplatePickerData added in v5.3.0

func (s *Skill) TemplatePickerData() *TemplatePicker

TemplatePickerData returns the TemplatePicker data, if any.

func (*Skill) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *Skill) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

func (*Skill) UpdateLevel

func (s *Skill) UpdateLevel() bool

UpdateLevel updates the level of the skill, returning true if it has changed.

type SkillAdjustmentProvider

type SkillAdjustmentProvider[T NodeTypes] interface {

SkillAdjustmentProvider defines methods for nodes that can have their skill level adjusted must implement.

type SkillBonus added in v5.9.0

type SkillBonus struct {
	Type                   FeatureType        `json:"type"`
	SelectionType          SkillSelectionType `json:"selection_type"`
	NameCriteria           StringCriteria     `json:"name,omitempty"`
	SpecializationCriteria StringCriteria     `json:"specialization,omitempty"`
	TagsCriteria           StringCriteria     `json:"tags,alt=category,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SkillBonus holds an adjustment to a skill.

func NewSkillBonus added in v5.9.0

func NewSkillBonus() *SkillBonus

NewSkillBonus creates a new SkillBonus.

func (*SkillBonus) AddToTooltip added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillBonus) AddToTooltip(buffer *xio.ByteBuffer)

AddToTooltip implements Bonus.

func (*SkillBonus) ApplyNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillBonus) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*SkillBonus) Clone added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillBonus) Clone() Feature

Clone implements Feature.

func (*SkillBonus) FeatureType added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillBonus) FeatureType() FeatureType

FeatureType implements Feature.

func (*SkillBonus) FillWithNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillBonus) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*SkillBonus) Owner added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillBonus) Owner() fmt.Stringer

Owner implements Bonus.

func (*SkillBonus) SetLevel added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillBonus) SetLevel(level fxp.Int)

SetLevel implements Bonus.

func (*SkillBonus) SetOwner added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillBonus) SetOwner(owner fmt.Stringer)

SetOwner implements Bonus.

type SkillData

type SkillData struct {

SkillData holds the Skill data that is written to disk.

func (*SkillData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType

func (d *SkillData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType()

ClearUnusedFieldsForType zeroes out the fields that are not applicable to this type (container vs not-container).

func (*SkillData) Kind

func (d *SkillData) Kind() string

Kind returns the kind of data.

type SkillDefault

type SkillDefault struct {
	DefaultType    string  `json:"type"`
	Name           string  `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Specialization string  `json:"specialization,omitempty"`
	Modifier       fxp.Int `json:"modifier,omitempty"`
	Level          fxp.Int `json:"level,omitempty"`
	AdjLevel       fxp.Int `json:"adjusted_level,omitempty"`
	Points         fxp.Int `json:"points,omitempty"`

SkillDefault holds data for a Skill default.

func (*SkillDefault) ApplyNameableKeys

func (s *SkillDefault) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found in this SkillDefault with the corresponding values in the provided map.

func (*SkillDefault) CloneWithoutLevelOrPoints

func (s *SkillDefault) CloneWithoutLevelOrPoints() *SkillDefault

CloneWithoutLevelOrPoints creates a copy, but without the level or points set.

func (*SkillDefault) Equivalent

func (s *SkillDefault) Equivalent(other *SkillDefault) bool

Equivalent returns true if this can be considered equivalent to other.

func (*SkillDefault) FillWithNameableKeys

func (s *SkillDefault) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found in this SkillDefault to the provided map.

func (*SkillDefault) FullName

func (s *SkillDefault) FullName(entity *Entity) string

FullName returns the full name of the skill to default from.

func (*SkillDefault) ModifierAsString

func (s *SkillDefault) ModifierAsString() string

ModifierAsString returns the modifier as a string suitable for appending.

func (*SkillDefault) SetType

func (s *SkillDefault) SetType(t string)

SetType sets the type of the SkillDefault.

func (*SkillDefault) SkillBased

func (s *SkillDefault) SkillBased() bool

SkillBased returns true if the Type() is Skill-based.

func (*SkillDefault) SkillLevel

func (s *SkillDefault) SkillLevel(entity *Entity, requirePoints bool, excludes map[string]bool, ruleOf20 bool) fxp.Int

SkillLevel returns the base skill level for this SkillDefault.

func (*SkillDefault) SkillLevelFast

func (s *SkillDefault) SkillLevelFast(entity *Entity, requirePoints bool, excludes map[string]bool, ruleOf20 bool) fxp.Int

SkillLevelFast returns the base skill level for this SkillDefault.

func (*SkillDefault) Type

func (s *SkillDefault) Type() string

Type returns the type of the SkillDefault.

type SkillEditData

type SkillEditData struct {
	Name                         string              `json:"name,omitempty"`
	PageRef                      string              `json:"reference,omitempty"`
	LocalNotes                   string              `json:"notes,omitempty"`
	VTTNotes                     string              `json:"vtt_notes,omitempty"`
	Tags                         []string            `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	Specialization               string              `json:"specialization,omitempty"`                 // Non-container only
	TechLevel                    *string             `json:"tech_level,omitempty"`                     // Non-container only
	Difficulty                   AttributeDifficulty `json:"difficulty,omitempty"`                     // Non-container only
	Points                       fxp.Int             `json:"points,omitempty"`                         // Non-container only
	EncumbrancePenaltyMultiplier fxp.Int             `json:"encumbrance_penalty_multiplier,omitempty"` // Non-container only
	DefaultedFrom                *SkillDefault       `json:"defaulted_from,omitempty"`                 // Non-container only
	Defaults                     []*SkillDefault     `json:"defaults,omitempty"`                       // Non-container only
	TechniqueDefault             *SkillDefault       `json:"default,omitempty"`                        // Non-container only
	TechniqueLimitModifier       *fxp.Int            `json:"limit,omitempty"`                          // Non-container only
	Prereq                       *PrereqList         `json:"prereqs,omitempty"`                        // Non-container only
	Weapons                      []*Weapon           `json:"weapons,omitempty"`                        // Non-container only
	Features                     Features            `json:"features,omitempty"`                       // Non-container only
	Study                        []*Study            `json:"study,omitempty"`                          // Non-container only
	TemplatePicker               *TemplatePicker     `json:"template_picker,omitempty"`                // Container only

SkillEditData holds the Skill data that can be edited by the UI detail editor.

func (*SkillEditData) ApplyTo

func (d *SkillEditData) ApplyTo(s *Skill)

ApplyTo implements node.EditorData.

func (*SkillEditData) CopyFrom

func (d *SkillEditData) CopyFrom(s *Skill)

CopyFrom implements node.EditorData.

type SkillListProvider

type SkillListProvider interface {
	SkillList() []*Skill
	SetSkillList(list []*Skill)

SkillListProvider defines the method needed to access the skill list data.

type SkillPointBonus added in v5.9.0

type SkillPointBonus struct {
	Type                   FeatureType    `json:"type"`
	NameCriteria           StringCriteria `json:"name,omitempty"`
	SpecializationCriteria StringCriteria `json:"specialization,omitempty"`
	TagsCriteria           StringCriteria `json:"tags,alt=category,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SkillPointBonus holds an adjustment to a skill's points.

func NewSkillPointBonus added in v5.9.0

func NewSkillPointBonus() *SkillPointBonus

NewSkillPointBonus creates a new SkillPointBonus.

func (*SkillPointBonus) AddToTooltip added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillPointBonus) AddToTooltip(buffer *xio.ByteBuffer)

AddToTooltip implements Bonus.

func (*SkillPointBonus) ApplyNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillPointBonus) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*SkillPointBonus) Clone added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillPointBonus) Clone() Feature

Clone implements Feature.

func (*SkillPointBonus) FeatureType added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillPointBonus) FeatureType() FeatureType

FeatureType implements Feature.

func (*SkillPointBonus) FillWithNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillPointBonus) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*SkillPointBonus) Owner added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillPointBonus) Owner() fmt.Stringer

Owner implements Bonus.

func (*SkillPointBonus) SetLevel added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillPointBonus) SetLevel(level fxp.Int)

SetLevel implements Bonus.

func (*SkillPointBonus) SetOwner added in v5.9.0

func (s *SkillPointBonus) SetOwner(owner fmt.Stringer)

SetOwner implements Bonus.

type SkillPrereq

type SkillPrereq struct {
	Parent                 *PrereqList     `json:"-"`
	Type                   PrereqType      `json:"type"`
	Has                    bool            `json:"has"`
	NameCriteria           StringCriteria  `json:"name,omitempty"`
	LevelCriteria          NumericCriteria `json:"level,omitempty"`
	SpecializationCriteria StringCriteria  `json:"specialization,omitempty"`

SkillPrereq holds a prerequisite for a skill.

func NewSkillPrereq

func NewSkillPrereq() *SkillPrereq

NewSkillPrereq creates a new SkillPrereq.

func (*SkillPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys

func (s *SkillPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*SkillPrereq) Clone

func (s *SkillPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq

Clone implements Prereq.

func (*SkillPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys

func (s *SkillPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*SkillPrereq) ParentList

func (s *SkillPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList

ParentList implements Prereq.

func (*SkillPrereq) PrereqType

func (s *SkillPrereq) PrereqType() PrereqType

PrereqType implements Prereq.

func (*SkillPrereq) Satisfied

func (s *SkillPrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string, _ *bool) bool

Satisfied implements Prereq.

type SkillSelectionType added in v5.9.0

type SkillSelectionType byte

SkillSelectionType holds the type of a selection.

const (
	NameSkillSelectionType SkillSelectionType = iota
	LastSkillSelectionType = WeaponsWithNameSkillSelectionType

Possible values.

func ExtractSkillSelectionType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractSkillSelectionType(str string) SkillSelectionType

ExtractSkillSelectionType extracts the value from a string.

func (SkillSelectionType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum SkillSelectionType) EnsureValid() SkillSelectionType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (SkillSelectionType) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum SkillSelectionType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (SkillSelectionType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum SkillSelectionType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (SkillSelectionType) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum SkillSelectionType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*SkillSelectionType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *SkillSelectionType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type Spell

type Spell struct {
	Entity            *Entity
	LevelData         Level
	UnsatisfiedReason string

Spell holds the data for a spell.

func NewRitualMagicSpell

func NewRitualMagicSpell(entity *Entity, parent *Spell, _ bool) *Spell

NewRitualMagicSpell creates a new Ritual Magic Spell.

func NewSpell

func NewSpell(entity *Entity, parent *Spell, container bool) *Spell

NewSpell creates a new Spell.

func NewSpellsFromFile

func NewSpellsFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) ([]*Spell, error)

NewSpellsFromFile loads an Spell list from a file.

func (*Spell) AdjustedPoints

func (s *Spell) AdjustedPoints(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int

AdjustedPoints returns the points, adjusted for any bonuses.

func (*Spell) AdjustedRelativeLevel

func (s *Spell) AdjustedRelativeLevel() fxp.Int

AdjustedRelativeLevel returns the relative skill level.

func (*Spell) ApplyNameableKeys

func (s *Spell) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found with the corresponding values in the provided map.

func (*Spell) CalculateLevel

func (s *Spell) CalculateLevel() Level

CalculateLevel returns the computed level without updating it.

func (*Spell) CellData

func (s *Spell) CellData(columnID int, data *CellData)

CellData returns the cell data information for the given column.

func (*Spell) Clone

func (s *Spell) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *Spell, preserveID bool) *Spell

Clone implements Node.

func (*Spell) DecrementSkillLevel

func (s *Spell) DecrementSkillLevel()

DecrementSkillLevel removes enough points to decrement the skill level to the previous level.

func (*Spell) Depth

func (s *Spell) Depth() int

Depth returns the number of parents this node has.

func (*Spell) Description

func (s *Spell) Description() string

Description implements WeaponOwner.

func (*Spell) Enabled

func (s *Spell) Enabled() bool

Enabled returns true if this node is enabled.

func (*Spell) FeatureList

func (s *Spell) FeatureList() Features

FeatureList returns the list of Features.

func (*Spell) FillWithNameableKeys

func (s *Spell) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found to the provided map.

func (*Spell) IncrementSkillLevel

func (s *Spell) IncrementSkillLevel()

IncrementSkillLevel adds enough points to increment the skill level to the next level.

func (*Spell) MarshalJSON

func (s *Spell) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*Spell) Notes

func (s *Spell) Notes() string

Notes implements WeaponOwner.

func (*Spell) OwningEntity

func (s *Spell) OwningEntity() *Entity

OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.

func (*Spell) RawPoints

func (s *Spell) RawPoints() fxp.Int

RawPoints returns the unadjusted points.

func (*Spell) RelativeLevel

func (s *Spell) RelativeLevel() string

RelativeLevel returns the adjusted relative level as a string.

func (*Spell) RequiresTL

func (s *Spell) RequiresTL() bool

RequiresTL implements TechLevelProvider.

func (*Spell) RitualMagicSatisfied

func (s *Spell) RitualMagicSatisfied(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool

RitualMagicSatisfied returns true if the Ritual Magic Spell is satisfied.

func (*Spell) Rituals

func (s *Spell) Rituals() string

Rituals returns the rituals required to cast the spell.

func (*Spell) SecondaryText

func (s *Spell) SecondaryText(optionChecker func(DisplayOption) bool) string

SecondaryText returns the less important information that should be displayed with the description.

func (*Spell) SetOwningEntity

func (s *Spell) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)

SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.

func (*Spell) SetRawPoints

func (s *Spell) SetRawPoints(points fxp.Int) bool

SetRawPoints sets the unadjusted points and updates the level. Returns true if the level changed.

func (*Spell) SetTL

func (s *Spell) SetTL(tl string)

SetTL implements TechLevelProvider.

func (*Spell) String

func (s *Spell) String() string

func (*Spell) TL

func (s *Spell) TL() string

TL implements TechLevelProvider.

func (*Spell) TagList

func (s *Spell) TagList() []string

TagList returns the list of tags.

func (*Spell) TemplatePickerData added in v5.3.0

func (s *Spell) TemplatePickerData() *TemplatePicker

TemplatePickerData returns the TemplatePicker data, if any.

func (*Spell) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *Spell) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

func (*Spell) UpdateLevel

func (s *Spell) UpdateLevel() bool

UpdateLevel updates the level of the spell, returning true if it has changed.

type SpellBonus added in v5.9.0

type SpellBonus struct {
	Type           FeatureType    `json:"type"`
	SpellMatchType SpellMatchType `json:"match"`
	NameCriteria   StringCriteria `json:"name,omitempty"`
	TagsCriteria   StringCriteria `json:"tags,alt=category,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SpellBonus holds the data for a bonus to a spell.

func NewSpellBonus added in v5.9.0

func NewSpellBonus() *SpellBonus

NewSpellBonus creates a new SpellBonus.

func (*SpellBonus) AddToTooltip added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellBonus) AddToTooltip(buffer *xio.ByteBuffer)

AddToTooltip implements Bonus.

func (*SpellBonus) ApplyNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellBonus) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*SpellBonus) Clone added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellBonus) Clone() Feature

Clone implements Feature.

func (*SpellBonus) FeatureType added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellBonus) FeatureType() FeatureType

FeatureType implements Feature.

func (*SpellBonus) FillWithNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellBonus) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*SpellBonus) MatchForType added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellBonus) MatchForType(name, powerSource string, colleges []string) bool

MatchForType returns true if this spell bonus matches the data for its match type.

func (*SpellBonus) Owner added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellBonus) Owner() fmt.Stringer

Owner implements Bonus.

func (*SpellBonus) SetLevel added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellBonus) SetLevel(level fxp.Int)

SetLevel implements Bonus.

func (*SpellBonus) SetOwner added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellBonus) SetOwner(owner fmt.Stringer)

SetOwner implements Bonus.

type SpellComparisonType added in v5.9.0

type SpellComparisonType byte

SpellComparisonType holds the type of a comparison.

const (
	NameSpellComparisonType SpellComparisonType = iota
	LastSpellComparisonType = AnySpellComparisonType

Possible values.

func ExtractSpellComparisonType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractSpellComparisonType(str string) SpellComparisonType

ExtractSpellComparisonType extracts the value from a string.

func (SpellComparisonType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum SpellComparisonType) EnsureValid() SpellComparisonType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (SpellComparisonType) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum SpellComparisonType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (SpellComparisonType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum SpellComparisonType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (SpellComparisonType) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum SpellComparisonType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*SpellComparisonType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *SpellComparisonType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

func (SpellComparisonType) UsesStringCriteria added in v5.9.0

func (enum SpellComparisonType) UsesStringCriteria() bool

UsesStringCriteria returns true if the comparison uses a string value.

type SpellData

type SpellData struct {

SpellData holds the Spell data that is written to disk.

func (*SpellData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType

func (d *SpellData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType()

ClearUnusedFieldsForType zeroes out the fields that are not applicable to this type (container vs not-container).

func (*SpellData) Kind

func (d *SpellData) Kind() string

Kind returns the kind of data.

type SpellEditData

type SpellEditData struct {
	Name              string              `json:"name,omitempty"`
	PageRef           string              `json:"reference,omitempty"`
	LocalNotes        string              `json:"notes,omitempty"`
	VTTNotes          string              `json:"vtt_notes,omitempty"`
	Tags              []string            `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	TechLevel         *string             `json:"tech_level,omitempty"`       // Non-container only
	Difficulty        AttributeDifficulty `json:"difficulty,omitempty"`       // Non-container only
	College           CollegeList         `json:"college,omitempty"`          // Non-container only
	PowerSource       string              `json:"power_source,omitempty"`     // Non-container only
	Class             string              `json:"spell_class,omitempty"`      // Non-container only
	Resist            string              `json:"resist,omitempty"`           // Non-container only
	CastingCost       string              `json:"casting_cost,omitempty"`     // Non-container only
	MaintenanceCost   string              `json:"maintenance_cost,omitempty"` // Non-container only
	CastingTime       string              `json:"casting_time,omitempty"`     // Non-container only
	Duration          string              `json:"duration,omitempty"`         // Non-container only
	RitualSkillName   string              `json:"base_skill,omitempty"`       // Non-container only
	RitualPrereqCount int                 `json:"prereq_count,omitempty"`     // Non-container only
	Points            fxp.Int             `json:"points,omitempty"`           // Non-container only
	Prereq            *PrereqList         `json:"prereqs,omitempty"`          // Non-container only
	Weapons           []*Weapon           `json:"weapons,omitempty"`          // Non-container only
	Study             []*Study            `json:"study,omitempty"`            // Non-container only
	TemplatePicker    *TemplatePicker     `json:"template_picker,omitempty"`  // Container only

SpellEditData holds the Spell data that can be edited by the UI detail editor.

func (*SpellEditData) ApplyTo

func (d *SpellEditData) ApplyTo(s *Spell)

ApplyTo implements node.EditorData.

func (*SpellEditData) CopyFrom

func (d *SpellEditData) CopyFrom(s *Spell)

CopyFrom implements node.EditorData.

type SpellListProvider

type SpellListProvider interface {
	SpellList() []*Spell
	SetSpellList(list []*Spell)

SpellListProvider defines the method needed to access the spell list data.

type SpellMatchType added in v5.9.0

type SpellMatchType byte

SpellMatchType holds the type of a match.

const (
	AllCollegesSpellMatchType SpellMatchType = iota
	LastSpellMatchType = NameSpellMatchType

Possible values.

func ExtractSpellMatchType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractSpellMatchType(str string) SpellMatchType

ExtractSpellMatchType extracts the value from a string.

func (SpellMatchType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum SpellMatchType) EnsureValid() SpellMatchType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (SpellMatchType) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum SpellMatchType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (SpellMatchType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum SpellMatchType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (SpellMatchType) MatchForType added in v5.9.0

func (enum SpellMatchType) MatchForType(matcher StringCriteria, name, powerSource string, colleges []string) bool

MatchForType applies the matcher and returns the result.

func (SpellMatchType) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum SpellMatchType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*SpellMatchType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *SpellMatchType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type SpellPointBonus added in v5.9.0

type SpellPointBonus struct {
	Type           FeatureType    `json:"type"`
	SpellMatchType SpellMatchType `json:"match"`
	NameCriteria   StringCriteria `json:"name,omitempty"`
	TagsCriteria   StringCriteria `json:"tags,alt=category,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SpellPointBonus holds an adjustment to a spell's points.

func NewSpellPointBonus added in v5.9.0

func NewSpellPointBonus() *SpellPointBonus

NewSpellPointBonus creates a new SpellPointBonus.

func (*SpellPointBonus) AddToTooltip added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellPointBonus) AddToTooltip(buffer *xio.ByteBuffer)

AddToTooltip implements Bonus.

func (*SpellPointBonus) ApplyNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellPointBonus) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*SpellPointBonus) Clone added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellPointBonus) Clone() Feature

Clone implements Feature.

func (*SpellPointBonus) FeatureType added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellPointBonus) FeatureType() FeatureType

FeatureType implements Feature.

func (*SpellPointBonus) FillWithNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellPointBonus) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*SpellPointBonus) MatchForType added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellPointBonus) MatchForType(name, powerSource string, colleges []string) bool

MatchForType returns true if this spell bonus matches the data for its match type.

func (*SpellPointBonus) Owner added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellPointBonus) Owner() fmt.Stringer

Owner implements Bonus.

func (*SpellPointBonus) SetLevel added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellPointBonus) SetLevel(level fxp.Int)

SetLevel implements Bonus.

func (*SpellPointBonus) SetOwner added in v5.9.0

func (s *SpellPointBonus) SetOwner(owner fmt.Stringer)

SetOwner implements Bonus.

type SpellPrereq

type SpellPrereq struct {
	Parent            *PrereqList         `json:"-"`
	Type              PrereqType          `json:"type"`
	SubType           SpellComparisonType `json:"sub_type"`
	Has               bool                `json:"has"`
	QualifierCriteria StringCriteria      `json:"qualifier,omitempty"`
	QuantityCriteria  NumericCriteria     `json:"quantity,omitempty"`

SpellPrereq holds a prerequisite for a spell.

func NewSpellPrereq

func NewSpellPrereq() *SpellPrereq

NewSpellPrereq creates a new SpellPrereq.

func (*SpellPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys

func (s *SpellPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*SpellPrereq) Clone

func (s *SpellPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq

Clone implements Prereq.

func (*SpellPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys

func (s *SpellPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*SpellPrereq) ParentList

func (s *SpellPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList

ParentList implements Prereq.

func (*SpellPrereq) PrereqType

func (s *SpellPrereq) PrereqType() PrereqType

PrereqType implements Prereq.

func (*SpellPrereq) Satisfied

func (s *SpellPrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string, _ *bool) bool

Satisfied implements Prereq.

type StrengthDamage added in v5.9.0

type StrengthDamage byte

StrengthDamage holds the type of strength dice to add to damage.

const (
	NoneStrengthDamage StrengthDamage = iota
	LastStrengthDamage = LeveledSwingStrengthDamage

Possible values.

func ExtractStrengthDamage added in v5.9.0

func ExtractStrengthDamage(str string) StrengthDamage

ExtractStrengthDamage extracts the value from a string.

func (StrengthDamage) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum StrengthDamage) EnsureValid() StrengthDamage

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (StrengthDamage) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum StrengthDamage) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (StrengthDamage) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum StrengthDamage) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (StrengthDamage) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum StrengthDamage) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*StrengthDamage) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *StrengthDamage) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type StringCompareType added in v5.9.0

type StringCompareType string

StringCompareType holds the type for a string comparison.

func (StringCompareType) AltString added in v5.9.0

func (s StringCompareType) AltString() string

AltString provides a variant of String() for the not cases.

func (StringCompareType) Describe added in v5.9.0

func (s StringCompareType) Describe(qualifier string) string

Describe returns a description of this StringCompareType using a qualifier.

func (StringCompareType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (s StringCompareType) EnsureValid() StringCompareType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (StringCompareType) Matches added in v5.9.0

func (s StringCompareType) Matches(qualifier, data string) bool

Matches performs a comparison and returns true if the data matches.

func (StringCompareType) String added in v5.9.0

func (s StringCompareType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

type StringCriteria added in v5.9.0

type StringCriteria struct {

StringCriteria holds the criteria for matching a string.

func (StringCriteria) Matches added in v5.9.0

func (s StringCriteria) Matches(value string) bool

Matches performs a comparison and returns true if the data matches.

func (StringCriteria) MatchesList added in v5.9.0

func (s StringCriteria) MatchesList(value ...string) bool

MatchesList performs a comparison and returns true if the data matches.

func (StringCriteria) ShouldOmit added in v5.9.0

func (s StringCriteria) ShouldOmit() bool

ShouldOmit implements json.Omitter.

func (StringCriteria) String added in v5.9.0

func (s StringCriteria) String() string

func (*StringCriteria) UnmarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (s *StringCriteria) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type StringCriteriaData added in v5.9.0

type StringCriteriaData struct {
	Compare   StringCompareType `json:"compare,omitempty"`
	Qualifier string            `json:"qualifier,omitempty"`

StringCriteriaData holds the criteria for matching a string that should be written to disk.

type Study added in v5.3.0

type Study struct {
	Type  StudyType `json:"type"`
	Hours fxp.Int   `json:"hours"`
	Note  string    `json:"note,omitempty"`

Study holds data about a single study session.

func (*Study) Clone added in v5.3.0

func (s *Study) Clone() *Study

Clone creates a copy of the TemplatePicker.

type StudyType added in v5.3.0

type StudyType byte

StudyType holds the type of study.

const (
	SelfStudyType StudyType = iota
	LastStudyType = IntensiveStudyType

Possible values.

func ExtractStudyType added in v5.3.0

func ExtractStudyType(str string) StudyType

ExtractStudyType extracts the value from a string.

func (StudyType) EnsureValid added in v5.3.0

func (enum StudyType) EnsureValid() StudyType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (StudyType) Key added in v5.3.0

func (enum StudyType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (StudyType) Limitations added in v5.3.0

func (enum StudyType) Limitations() []string

Limitations returns a list of strings describing the limitations when doing this type of study.

func (StudyType) MarshalText added in v5.3.0

func (enum StudyType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (StudyType) Multiplier added in v5.3.0

func (enum StudyType) Multiplier() fxp.Int

Multiplier returns the amount to multiply hours spent by for effective study hours.

func (StudyType) String added in v5.3.0

func (enum StudyType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*StudyType) UnmarshalText added in v5.3.0

func (enum *StudyType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type TechLevelProvider

type TechLevelProvider[T NodeTypes] interface {
	RequiresTL() bool
	TL() string
	SetTL(tl string)

TechLevelProvider defines methods that a TechLevel provider must implement.

type Template

type Template struct {
	Type      string       `json:"type"`
	Version   int          `json:"version"`
	ID        uuid.UUID    `json:"id"`
	Traits    []*Trait     `json:"traits,alt=advantages,omitempty"`
	Skills    []*Skill     `json:"skills,omitempty"`
	Spells    []*Spell     `json:"spells,omitempty"`
	Equipment []*Equipment `json:"equipment,omitempty"`
	Notes     []*Note      `json:"notes,omitempty"`

Template holds the GURPS Template data that is written to disk.

func NewTemplate

func NewTemplate() *Template

NewTemplate creates a new Template.

func NewTemplateFromFile

func NewTemplateFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (*Template, error)

NewTemplateFromFile loads a Template from a file.

func (*Template) CRC64

func (t *Template) CRC64() uint64

CRC64 computes a CRC-64 value for the canonical disk format of the data.

func (*Template) CarriedEquipmentList

func (t *Template) CarriedEquipmentList() []*Equipment

CarriedEquipmentList implements ListProvider

func (*Template) Entity

func (t *Template) Entity() *Entity

Entity implements EntityProvider.

func (*Template) NoteList

func (t *Template) NoteList() []*Note

NoteList implements ListProvider

func (*Template) OtherEquipmentList

func (t *Template) OtherEquipmentList() []*Equipment

OtherEquipmentList implements ListProvider

func (*Template) Save

func (t *Template) Save(filePath string) error

Save the Template to a file as JSON.

func (*Template) SetCarriedEquipmentList

func (t *Template) SetCarriedEquipmentList(list []*Equipment)

SetCarriedEquipmentList implements ListProvider

func (*Template) SetNoteList

func (t *Template) SetNoteList(list []*Note)

SetNoteList implements ListProvider

func (*Template) SetOtherEquipmentList

func (t *Template) SetOtherEquipmentList(_ []*Equipment)

SetOtherEquipmentList implements ListProvider

func (*Template) SetSkillList

func (t *Template) SetSkillList(list []*Skill)

SetSkillList implements ListProvider

func (*Template) SetSpellList

func (t *Template) SetSpellList(list []*Spell)

SetSpellList implements ListProvider

func (*Template) SetTraitList

func (t *Template) SetTraitList(list []*Trait)

SetTraitList implements ListProvider

func (*Template) SkillList

func (t *Template) SkillList() []*Skill

SkillList implements ListProvider

func (*Template) SpellList

func (t *Template) SpellList() []*Spell

SpellList implements ListProvider

func (*Template) TraitList

func (t *Template) TraitList() []*Trait

TraitList implements ListProvider

type TemplatePicker added in v5.3.0

type TemplatePicker struct {
	Type      TemplatePickerType `json:"type"`
	Qualifier NumericCriteria    `json:"qualifier"`

TemplatePicker holds the data necessary to allow a template choice to be made.

func (*TemplatePicker) Clone added in v5.3.0

func (t *TemplatePicker) Clone() *TemplatePicker

Clone creates a copy of the TemplatePicker.

func (*TemplatePicker) Description added in v5.3.0

func (t *TemplatePicker) Description() string

Description returns a description of the picker action.

func (*TemplatePicker) ShouldOmit added in v5.3.0

func (t *TemplatePicker) ShouldOmit() bool

ShouldOmit implements json.Omitter.

type TemplatePickerProvider added in v5.3.0

type TemplatePickerProvider interface {
	TemplatePickerData() *TemplatePicker

TemplatePickerProvider defines the methods a TemplatePicker provider has.

type TemplatePickerType added in v5.3.0

type TemplatePickerType byte

TemplatePickerType holds the type of template picker.

const (
	NotApplicableTemplatePickerType TemplatePickerType = iota
	LastTemplatePickerType = PointsTemplatePickerType

Possible values.

func ExtractTemplatePickerType added in v5.3.0

func ExtractTemplatePickerType(str string) TemplatePickerType

ExtractTemplatePickerType extracts the value from a string.

func (TemplatePickerType) EnsureValid added in v5.3.0

func (enum TemplatePickerType) EnsureValid() TemplatePickerType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (TemplatePickerType) Key added in v5.3.0

func (enum TemplatePickerType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (TemplatePickerType) MarshalText added in v5.3.0

func (enum TemplatePickerType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (TemplatePickerType) String added in v5.3.0

func (enum TemplatePickerType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*TemplatePickerType) UnmarshalText added in v5.3.0

func (enum *TemplatePickerType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type ThemedColor added in v5.9.0

type ThemedColor struct {
	ID    string
	Title string
	Color *unison.ThemeColor

ThemedColor holds a themed color.

func CurrentColors added in v5.9.0

func CurrentColors() []*ThemedColor

CurrentColors returns the current theme.

func FactoryColors added in v5.9.0

func FactoryColors() []*ThemedColor

FactoryColors returns the original theme before any modifications.

type ThemedFont added in v5.9.0

type ThemedFont struct {
	ID    string
	Title string
	Font  *unison.IndirectFont

ThemedFont holds a themed font.

func CurrentFonts added in v5.9.0

func CurrentFonts() []*ThemedFont

CurrentFonts returns the current theme fonts.

func FactoryFonts added in v5.9.0

func FactoryFonts() []*ThemedFont

FactoryFonts returns the original theme before any modifications.

type ThresholdOp added in v5.9.0

type ThresholdOp byte

ThresholdOp holds an operation to apply when a pool threshold is hit.

const (
	UnknownThresholdOp ThresholdOp = iota
	LastThresholdOp = HalveSTThresholdOp

Possible values.

func ExtractThresholdOp added in v5.9.0

func ExtractThresholdOp(str string) ThresholdOp

ExtractThresholdOp extracts the value from a string.

func (ThresholdOp) AltString added in v5.9.0

func (enum ThresholdOp) AltString() string

AltString returns the alternate string.

func (ThresholdOp) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum ThresholdOp) EnsureValid() ThresholdOp

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (ThresholdOp) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum ThresholdOp) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (ThresholdOp) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum ThresholdOp) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (ThresholdOp) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum ThresholdOp) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*ThresholdOp) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *ThresholdOp) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type TrainingData added in v5.9.0

type TrainingData struct {
	BuiltIn    NameData       `json:"built_in_training_data,omitempty"`
	Weighted   map[string]int `json:"weighted_training_data,omitempty"`
	Unweighted []string       `json:"training_data,omitempty"`

TrainingData is only valid when Type is not CompoundNameGenerationType. Only one will be used, and they are checked in the order listed here.

type Trait

type Trait struct {
	Entity            *Entity
	UnsatisfiedReason string

Trait holds an advantage, disadvantage, quirk, or perk.

func NewNaturalAttacks

func NewNaturalAttacks(entity *Entity, parent *Trait) *Trait

NewNaturalAttacks creates a new "Natural Attacks" trait.

func NewTrait

func NewTrait(entity *Entity, parent *Trait, container bool) *Trait

NewTrait creates a new Trait.

func NewTraitsFromFile

func NewTraitsFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) ([]*Trait, error)

NewTraitsFromFile loads an Trait list from a file.

func (*Trait) ActiveModifierFor

func (a *Trait) ActiveModifierFor(name string) *TraitModifier

ActiveModifierFor returns the first modifier that matches the name (case-insensitive).

func (*Trait) AdjustedPoints

func (a *Trait) AdjustedPoints() fxp.Int

AdjustedPoints returns the total points, taking levels and modifiers into account.

func (*Trait) AllModifiers

func (a *Trait) AllModifiers() []*TraitModifier

AllModifiers returns the modifiers plus any inherited from parents.

func (*Trait) ApplyNameableKeys

func (a *Trait) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found with the corresponding values in the provided map.

func (*Trait) CellData

func (a *Trait) CellData(columnID int, data *CellData)

CellData returns the cell data information for the given column.

func (*Trait) Clone

func (a *Trait) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *Trait, preserveID bool) *Trait

Clone implements Node.

func (*Trait) Depth

func (a *Trait) Depth() int

Depth returns the number of parents this node has.

func (*Trait) Description

func (a *Trait) Description() string

Description returns a description, which doesn't include any levels.

func (*Trait) EffectivelyDisabled added in v5.1.0

func (a *Trait) EffectivelyDisabled() bool

EffectivelyDisabled returns true if this node or a parent is disabled.

func (*Trait) Enabled

func (a *Trait) Enabled() bool

Enabled returns true if this Trait and all of its parents are enabled.

func (*Trait) FeatureList

func (a *Trait) FeatureList() Features

FeatureList returns the list of Features.

func (*Trait) FillWithNameableKeys

func (a *Trait) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found to the provided map.

func (*Trait) IsLeveled

func (a *Trait) IsLeveled() bool

IsLeveled returns true if the Trait is capable of having levels.

func (*Trait) MarshalJSON

func (a *Trait) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*Trait) ModifierNotes

func (a *Trait) ModifierNotes() string

ModifierNotes returns the notes due to modifiers.

func (*Trait) Notes

func (a *Trait) Notes() string

Notes returns the local notes.

func (*Trait) OwningEntity

func (a *Trait) OwningEntity() *Entity

OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.

func (*Trait) SecondaryText

func (a *Trait) SecondaryText(optionChecker func(DisplayOption) bool) string

SecondaryText returns the "secondary" text: the text display below an Trait.

func (*Trait) SetOwningEntity

func (a *Trait) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)

SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.

func (*Trait) String

func (a *Trait) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*Trait) TagList

func (a *Trait) TagList() []string

TagList returns the list of tags.

func (*Trait) TemplatePickerData added in v5.3.0

func (a *Trait) TemplatePickerData() *TemplatePicker

TemplatePickerData returns the TemplatePicker data, if any.

func (*Trait) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *Trait) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type TraitData

type TraitData struct {

TraitData holds the Trait data that is written to disk.

func (*TraitData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType

func (d *TraitData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType()

ClearUnusedFieldsForType zeroes out the fields that are not applicable to this type (container vs not-container).

func (*TraitData) Kind

func (d *TraitData) Kind() string

Kind returns the kind of data.

type TraitEditData

type TraitEditData struct {
	Name           string             `json:"name,omitempty"`
	PageRef        string             `json:"reference,omitempty"`
	LocalNotes     string             `json:"notes,omitempty"`
	VTTNotes       string             `json:"vtt_notes,omitempty"`
	Ancestry       string             `json:"ancestry,omitempty"` // Container only
	UserDesc       string             `json:"userdesc,omitempty"`
	Tags           []string           `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	Modifiers      []*TraitModifier   `json:"modifiers,omitempty"`
	BasePoints     fxp.Int            `json:"base_points,omitempty"`      // Non-container only
	Levels         fxp.Int            `json:"levels,omitempty"`           // Non-container only
	PointsPerLevel fxp.Int            `json:"points_per_level,omitempty"` // Non-container only
	Prereq         *PrereqList        `json:"prereqs,omitempty"`          // Non-container only
	Weapons        []*Weapon          `json:"weapons,omitempty"`          // Non-container only
	Features       Features           `json:"features,omitempty"`         // Non-container only
	Study          []*Study           `json:"study,omitempty"`            // Non-container only
	TemplatePicker *TemplatePicker    `json:"template_picker,omitempty"`  // Container only
	CR             SelfControlRoll    `json:"cr,omitempty"`
	CRAdj          SelfControlRollAdj `json:"cr_adj,omitempty"`
	ContainerType  ContainerType      `json:"container_type,omitempty"` // Container only
	Disabled       bool               `json:"disabled,omitempty"`
	RoundCostDown  bool               `json:"round_down,omitempty"` // Non-container only
	CanLevel       bool               `json:"can_level,omitempty"`  // Non-container only

TraitEditData holds the Trait data that can be edited by the UI detail editor.

func (*TraitEditData) ApplyTo

func (d *TraitEditData) ApplyTo(t *Trait)

ApplyTo implements node.EditorData.

func (*TraitEditData) CopyFrom

func (d *TraitEditData) CopyFrom(t *Trait)

CopyFrom implements node.EditorData.

type TraitListProvider

type TraitListProvider interface {
	TraitList() []*Trait
	SetTraitList(list []*Trait)

TraitListProvider defines the method needed to access the trait list data.

type TraitModifier

type TraitModifier struct {
	Entity *Entity

TraitModifier holds a modifier to an Trait.

func NewTraitModifier

func NewTraitModifier(entity *Entity, parent *TraitModifier, container bool) *TraitModifier

NewTraitModifier creates a TraitModifier.

func NewTraitModifiersFromFile

func NewTraitModifiersFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) ([]*TraitModifier, error)

NewTraitModifiersFromFile loads a TraitModifier list from a file.

func (*TraitModifier) ApplyNameableKeys

func (m *TraitModifier) ApplyNameableKeys(keyMap map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found in this TraitModifier with the corresponding values in the provided map.

func (*TraitModifier) CellData

func (m *TraitModifier) CellData(columnID int, data *CellData)

CellData returns the cell data information for the given column.

func (*TraitModifier) Clone

func (m *TraitModifier) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *TraitModifier, preserveID bool) *TraitModifier

Clone implements Node.

func (*TraitModifier) CostDescription

func (m *TraitModifier) CostDescription() string

CostDescription returns the formatted cost.

func (*TraitModifier) CostModifier

func (m *TraitModifier) CostModifier() fxp.Int

CostModifier returns the total cost modifier.

func (*TraitModifier) Depth

func (m *TraitModifier) Depth() int

Depth returns the number of parents this node has.

func (*TraitModifier) Enabled

func (m *TraitModifier) Enabled() bool

Enabled returns true if this node is enabled.

func (*TraitModifier) FillWithNameableKeys

func (m *TraitModifier) FillWithNameableKeys(keyMap map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found in this TraitModifier to the provided map.

func (*TraitModifier) FullCostDescription added in v5.2.0

func (m *TraitModifier) FullCostDescription() string

FullCostDescription is the same as CostDescription().

func (*TraitModifier) FullDescription

func (m *TraitModifier) FullDescription() string

FullDescription returns a full description.

func (*TraitModifier) HasLevels

func (m *TraitModifier) HasLevels() bool

HasLevels returns true if this TraitModifier has levels.

func (*TraitModifier) MarshalJSON

func (m *TraitModifier) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*TraitModifier) OwningEntity

func (m *TraitModifier) OwningEntity() *Entity

OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.

func (*TraitModifier) SecondaryText

func (m *TraitModifier) SecondaryText(optionChecker func(DisplayOption) bool) string

SecondaryText returns the "secondary" text: the text display below an Trait.

func (*TraitModifier) SetEnabled

func (m *TraitModifier) SetEnabled(enabled bool)

SetEnabled makes the node enabled, if possible.

func (*TraitModifier) SetOwningEntity

func (m *TraitModifier) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)

SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.

func (*TraitModifier) String

func (m *TraitModifier) String() string

func (*TraitModifier) TagList added in v5.2.0

func (m *TraitModifier) TagList() []string

TagList returns the list of tags.

func (*TraitModifier) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *TraitModifier) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type TraitModifierCostType added in v5.9.0

type TraitModifierCostType byte

TraitModifierCostType describes how a TraitModifier's point cost is applied.

const (
	PercentageTraitModifierCostType TraitModifierCostType = iota
	LastTraitModifierCostType = MultiplierTraitModifierCostType

Possible values.

func ExtractTraitModifierCostType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractTraitModifierCostType(str string) TraitModifierCostType

ExtractTraitModifierCostType extracts the value from a string.

func (TraitModifierCostType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum TraitModifierCostType) EnsureValid() TraitModifierCostType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (TraitModifierCostType) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum TraitModifierCostType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (TraitModifierCostType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum TraitModifierCostType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (TraitModifierCostType) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum TraitModifierCostType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*TraitModifierCostType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *TraitModifierCostType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type TraitModifierData

type TraitModifierData struct {

TraitModifierData holds the TraitModifier data that is written to disk.

func (*TraitModifierData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType

func (d *TraitModifierData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType()

ClearUnusedFieldsForType zeroes out the fields that are not applicable to this type (container vs not-container).

func (*TraitModifierData) Kind

func (d *TraitModifierData) Kind() string

Kind returns the kind of data.

type TraitModifierEditData

type TraitModifierEditData struct {
	Name       string                `json:"name,omitempty"`
	PageRef    string                `json:"reference,omitempty"`
	LocalNotes string                `json:"notes,omitempty"`
	VTTNotes   string                `json:"vtt_notes,omitempty"`
	Tags       []string              `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	Cost       fxp.Int               `json:"cost,omitempty"`      // Non-container only
	Levels     fxp.Int               `json:"levels,omitempty"`    // Non-container only
	Affects    Affects               `json:"affects,omitempty"`   // Non-container only
	CostType   TraitModifierCostType `json:"cost_type,omitempty"` // Non-container only
	Disabled   bool                  `json:"disabled,omitempty"`  // Non-container only
	Features   Features              `json:"features,omitempty"`  // Non-container only

TraitModifierEditData holds the TraitModifier data that can be edited by the UI detail editor.

func (*TraitModifierEditData) ApplyTo

func (d *TraitModifierEditData) ApplyTo(mod *TraitModifier)

ApplyTo implements node.EditorData.

func (*TraitModifierEditData) CopyFrom

func (d *TraitModifierEditData) CopyFrom(mod *TraitModifier)

CopyFrom implements node.EditorData.

type TraitModifierListProvider

type TraitModifierListProvider interface {
	TraitModifierList() []*TraitModifier
	SetTraitModifierList(list []*TraitModifier)

TraitModifierListProvider defines the method needed to access the trait modifier list data.

type TraitPrereq

type TraitPrereq struct {
	Parent        *PrereqList     `json:"-"`
	Type          PrereqType      `json:"type"`
	Has           bool            `json:"has"`
	NameCriteria  StringCriteria  `json:"name,omitempty"`
	LevelCriteria NumericCriteria `json:"level,omitempty"`
	NotesCriteria StringCriteria  `json:"notes,omitempty"`

TraitPrereq holds a prereq against a Trait.

func NewTraitPrereq

func NewTraitPrereq() *TraitPrereq

NewTraitPrereq creates a new TraitPrereq.

func (*TraitPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys

func (a *TraitPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*TraitPrereq) Clone

func (a *TraitPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq

Clone implements Prereq.

func (*TraitPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys

func (a *TraitPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Prereq.

func (*TraitPrereq) ParentList

func (a *TraitPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList

ParentList implements Prereq.

func (*TraitPrereq) PrereqType

func (a *TraitPrereq) PrereqType() PrereqType

PrereqType implements Prereq.

func (*TraitPrereq) Satisfied

func (a *TraitPrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string, _ *bool) bool

Satisfied implements Prereq.

type Weapon

type Weapon struct {
	Owner WeaponOwner

Weapon holds the stats for a weapon.

func ExtractWeaponsOfType

func ExtractWeaponsOfType(desiredType WeaponType, list []*Weapon) []*Weapon

ExtractWeaponsOfType filters the input list down to only those weapons of the given type.

func NewWeapon

func NewWeapon(owner WeaponOwner, weaponType WeaponType) *Weapon

NewWeapon creates a new weapon of the given type.

func SeparateWeapons

func SeparateWeapons(list []*Weapon) (melee, ranged []*Weapon)

SeparateWeapons returns separate lists for melee and ranged weapons found in the input list.

func (*Weapon) ApplyNameableKeys

func (w *Weapon) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found in this Weapon with the corresponding values in the provided map.

func (*Weapon) ApplyTo

func (w *Weapon) ApplyTo(t *Weapon)

ApplyTo implements node.EditorData.

func (*Weapon) CellData

func (w *Weapon) CellData(columnID int, data *CellData)

CellData returns the cell data information for the given column.

func (*Weapon) Clone

func (w *Weapon) Clone(_ *Entity, _ *Weapon, preserveID bool) *Weapon

Clone implements Node.

func (*Weapon) Container

func (w *Weapon) Container() bool

Container returns true if this is a container.

func (*Weapon) CopyFrom

func (w *Weapon) CopyFrom(t *Weapon)

CopyFrom implements node.EditorData.

func (*Weapon) Enabled

func (w *Weapon) Enabled() bool

Enabled returns true if this node is enabled.

func (*Weapon) EncumbrancePenalty

func (w *Weapon) EncumbrancePenalty(entity *Entity, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int

EncumbrancePenalty returns the current encumbrance penalty.

func (*Weapon) Entity

func (w *Weapon) Entity() *Entity

Entity returns the owning entity, if any.

func (*Weapon) FillWithNameableKeys

func (w *Weapon) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found in this Weapon to the provided map.

func (*Weapon) HasChildren

func (w *Weapon) HasChildren() bool

HasChildren returns true if this node has children.

func (*Weapon) HashCode

func (w *Weapon) HashCode() uint32

HashCode returns a hash value for this weapon's resolved state.

func (*Weapon) Kind

func (w *Weapon) Kind() string

Kind returns the kind of data.

func (*Weapon) Less

func (w *Weapon) Less(other *Weapon) bool

Less returns true if this weapon should be sorted above the other weapon.

func (*Weapon) MarshalJSON

func (w *Weapon) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*Weapon) NodeChildren

func (w *Weapon) NodeChildren() []*Weapon

NodeChildren returns the children of this node, if any.

func (*Weapon) Notes

func (w *Weapon) Notes() string

Notes returns the notes for this weapon.

func (*Weapon) Open

func (w *Weapon) Open() bool

Open returns true if this node is currently open.

func (*Weapon) OwningEntity

func (w *Weapon) OwningEntity() *Entity

OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.

func (*Weapon) PC

func (w *Weapon) PC() *Entity

PC returns the owning PC, if any.

func (*Weapon) Parent

func (w *Weapon) Parent() *Weapon

Parent returns the parent.

func (*Weapon) ResolvedBlock

func (w *Weapon) ResolvedBlock(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) string

ResolvedBlock returns the resolved block level.

func (*Weapon) ResolvedMinimumStrength

func (w *Weapon) ResolvedMinimumStrength() fxp.Int

ResolvedMinimumStrength returns the resolved minimum strength required to use this weapon, or 0 if there is none.

func (*Weapon) ResolvedParry

func (w *Weapon) ResolvedParry(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) string

ResolvedParry returns the resolved parry level.

func (*Weapon) ResolvedRange

func (w *Weapon) ResolvedRange() string

ResolvedRange returns the range, fully resolved for the user's ST, if possible.

func (*Weapon) SetChildren

func (w *Weapon) SetChildren(_ []*Weapon)

SetChildren sets the children of this node.

func (*Weapon) SetOpen

func (w *Weapon) SetOpen(_ bool)

SetOpen sets the current open state for this node.

func (*Weapon) SetOwner

func (w *Weapon) SetOwner(owner WeaponOwner)

SetOwner sets the owner and ensures sub-components have their owners set.

func (*Weapon) SetOwningEntity

func (w *Weapon) SetOwningEntity(_ *Entity)

SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.

func (*Weapon) SetParent

func (w *Weapon) SetParent(_ *Weapon)

SetParent sets the parent.

func (*Weapon) SkillLevel

func (w *Weapon) SkillLevel(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int

SkillLevel returns the resolved skill level.

func (*Weapon) String

func (w *Weapon) String() string

func (*Weapon) UUID

func (w *Weapon) UUID() uuid.UUID

UUID returns the UUID of this data.

func (*Weapon) UnmarshalJSON

func (w *Weapon) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type WeaponBonus added in v5.9.0

type WeaponBonus struct {
	Type                   FeatureType         `json:"type"`
	Percent                bool                `json:"percent,omitempty"`
	SelectionType          WeaponSelectionType `json:"selection_type"`
	NameCriteria           StringCriteria      `json:"name,omitempty"`
	SpecializationCriteria StringCriteria      `json:"specialization,omitempty"`
	RelativeLevelCriteria  NumericCriteria     `json:"level,omitempty"`
	TagsCriteria           StringCriteria      `json:"tags,alt=category,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WeaponBonus holds the data for an adjustment to weapon damage.

func NewWeaponDRDivisorBonus added in v5.9.0

func NewWeaponDRDivisorBonus() *WeaponBonus

NewWeaponDRDivisorBonus creates a new weapon DR divisor bonus.

func NewWeaponDamageBonus added in v5.9.0

func NewWeaponDamageBonus() *WeaponBonus

NewWeaponDamageBonus creates a new weapon damage bonus.

func (*WeaponBonus) AddToTooltip added in v5.9.0

func (w *WeaponBonus) AddToTooltip(buffer *xio.ByteBuffer)

AddToTooltip implements Bonus.

func (*WeaponBonus) ApplyNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (w *WeaponBonus) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

ApplyNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*WeaponBonus) Clone added in v5.9.0

func (w *WeaponBonus) Clone() Feature

Clone implements Feature.

func (*WeaponBonus) FeatureType added in v5.9.0

func (w *WeaponBonus) FeatureType() FeatureType

FeatureType implements Feature.

func (*WeaponBonus) FillWithNameableKeys added in v5.9.0

func (w *WeaponBonus) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)

FillWithNameableKeys implements Feature.

func (*WeaponBonus) Owner added in v5.9.0

func (w *WeaponBonus) Owner() fmt.Stringer

Owner implements Bonus.

func (*WeaponBonus) SetLevel added in v5.9.0

func (w *WeaponBonus) SetLevel(level fxp.Int)

SetLevel implements Bonus.

func (*WeaponBonus) SetOwner added in v5.9.0

func (w *WeaponBonus) SetOwner(owner fmt.Stringer)

SetOwner implements Bonus.

type WeaponDamage

type WeaponDamage struct {
	Owner *Weapon

WeaponDamage holds the damage information for a weapon.

func (*WeaponDamage) Clone

func (w *WeaponDamage) Clone(owner *Weapon) *WeaponDamage

Clone creates a copy of this data.

func (*WeaponDamage) DamageTooltip

func (w *WeaponDamage) DamageTooltip() string

DamageTooltip returns a formatted tooltip for the damage.

func (*WeaponDamage) MarshalJSON

func (w *WeaponDamage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (*WeaponDamage) ResolvedDamage

func (w *WeaponDamage) ResolvedDamage(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) string

ResolvedDamage returns the damage, fully resolved for the user's sw or thr, if possible.

func (*WeaponDamage) String

func (w *WeaponDamage) String() string

func (*WeaponDamage) UnmarshalJSON

func (w *WeaponDamage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type WeaponDamageData

type WeaponDamageData struct {
	Type                      string         `json:"type"`
	StrengthType              StrengthDamage `json:"st,omitempty"`
	Base                      *dice.Dice     `json:"base,omitempty"`
	ArmorDivisor              fxp.Int        `json:"armor_divisor,omitempty"`
	Fragmentation             *dice.Dice     `json:"fragmentation,omitempty"`
	FragmentationArmorDivisor fxp.Int        `json:"fragmentation_armor_divisor,omitempty"`
	FragmentationType         string         `json:"fragmentation_type,omitempty"`
	ModifierPerDie            fxp.Int        `json:"modifier_per_die,omitempty"`

WeaponDamageData holds the WeaponDamage data that is written to disk.

type WeaponData

type WeaponData struct {
	ID              uuid.UUID       `json:"id"`
	Type            WeaponType      `json:"type"`
	Damage          WeaponDamage    `json:"damage"`
	MinimumStrength string          `json:"strength,omitempty"`
	Usage           string          `json:"usage,omitempty"`
	UsageNotes      string          `json:"usage_notes,omitempty"`
	Reach           string          `json:"reach,omitempty"`
	Parry           string          `json:"parry,omitempty"`
	Block           string          `json:"block,omitempty"`
	Accuracy        string          `json:"accuracy,omitempty"`
	Range           string          `json:"range,omitempty"`
	RateOfFire      string          `json:"rate_of_fire,omitempty"`
	Shots           string          `json:"shots,omitempty"`
	Bulk            string          `json:"bulk,omitempty"`
	Recoil          string          `json:"recoil,omitempty"`
	Defaults        []*SkillDefault `json:"defaults,omitempty"`

WeaponData holds the Weapon data that is written to disk.

type WeaponListProvider

type WeaponListProvider interface {
	WeaponOwner() WeaponOwner
	Weapons(weaponType WeaponType) []*Weapon
	SetWeapons(weaponType WeaponType, list []*Weapon)

WeaponListProvider defines the method needed to access the weapon list data.

type WeaponOwner

type WeaponOwner interface {
	OwningEntity() *Entity
	Description() string
	Notes() string
	FeatureList() Features
	TagList() []string

WeaponOwner defines the methods required of a Weapon owner.

type WeaponSelectionType added in v5.9.0

type WeaponSelectionType byte

WeaponSelectionType holds the type of a weapon selection.

const (
	WithRequiredSkillWeaponSelectionType WeaponSelectionType = iota
	LastWeaponSelectionType = WithNameWeaponSelectionType

Possible values.

func ExtractWeaponSelectionType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractWeaponSelectionType(str string) WeaponSelectionType

ExtractWeaponSelectionType extracts the value from a string.

func (WeaponSelectionType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeaponSelectionType) EnsureValid() WeaponSelectionType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (WeaponSelectionType) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeaponSelectionType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (WeaponSelectionType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeaponSelectionType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (WeaponSelectionType) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeaponSelectionType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*WeaponSelectionType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *WeaponSelectionType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type WeaponType added in v5.9.0

type WeaponType byte

WeaponType holds the type of an weapon definition.

const (
	MeleeWeaponType WeaponType = iota
	LastWeaponType = RangedWeaponType

Possible values.

func ExtractWeaponType added in v5.9.0

func ExtractWeaponType(str string) WeaponType

ExtractWeaponType extracts the value from a string.

func (WeaponType) AltString added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeaponType) AltString() string

AltString returns the alternate string.

func (WeaponType) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeaponType) EnsureValid() WeaponType

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (WeaponType) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeaponType) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (WeaponType) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeaponType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (WeaponType) SVG added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeaponType) SVG() *unison.SVG

SVG returns the SVG that should be used for this type.

func (WeaponType) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeaponType) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (*WeaponType) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *WeaponType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type Weight added in v5.9.0

type Weight fxp.Int

Weight contains a fixed-point value in pounds.

func ExtendedWeightAdjustedForModifiers

func ExtendedWeightAdjustedForModifiers(defUnits WeightUnits, qty fxp.Int, baseWeight Weight, modifiers []*EquipmentModifier, features Features, children []*Equipment, forSkills, weightIgnoredForSkills bool) Weight

ExtendedWeightAdjustedForModifiers calculates the extended weight.

func WeightAdjustedForModifiers

func WeightAdjustedForModifiers(weight Weight, modifiers []*EquipmentModifier, defUnits WeightUnits) Weight

WeightAdjustedForModifiers returns the weight after adjusting it for a set of modifiers.

func WeightFromInteger added in v5.9.0

func WeightFromInteger[T constraints.Integer](value T, unit WeightUnits) Weight

WeightFromInteger creates a new Weight.

func WeightFromString added in v5.9.0

func WeightFromString(text string, defaultUnits WeightUnits) (Weight, error)

WeightFromString creates a new Weight. May have any of the known Weight suffixes or no notation at all, in which case defaultUnits is used.

func WeightFromStringForced added in v5.9.0

func WeightFromStringForced(text string, defaultUnits WeightUnits) Weight

WeightFromStringForced creates a new Weight. May have any of the known Weight suffixes or no notation at all, in which case defaultUnits is used.

func (Weight) MarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (w Weight) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.

func (Weight) String added in v5.9.0

func (w Weight) String() string

func (*Weight) UnmarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (w *Weight) UnmarshalJSON(in []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type WeightCriteria added in v5.9.0

type WeightCriteria struct {

WeightCriteria holds the criteria for matching a number.

func (WeightCriteria) Matches added in v5.9.0

func (w WeightCriteria) Matches(value Weight) bool

Matches performs a comparison and returns true if the data matches.

func (WeightCriteria) ShouldOmit added in v5.9.0

func (w WeightCriteria) ShouldOmit() bool

ShouldOmit implements json.Omitter.

func (WeightCriteria) String added in v5.9.0

func (w WeightCriteria) String() string

func (*WeightCriteria) UnmarshalJSON added in v5.9.0

func (w *WeightCriteria) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.

type WeightCriteriaData added in v5.9.0

type WeightCriteriaData struct {
	Compare   NumericCompareType `json:"compare,omitempty"`
	Qualifier Weight             `json:"qualifier,omitempty"`

WeightCriteriaData holds the criteria for matching a number that should be written to disk.

type WeightUnits added in v5.9.0

type WeightUnits byte

WeightUnits holds the weight unit type. Note that conversions to/from metric are done using the simplified GURPS metric conversion of 1 lb = 0.5kg. For consistency, all metric weights are converted to kilograms, then to pounds, rather than the variations at different weights that the GURPS rules suggest.

const (
	Pound WeightUnits = iota
	LastWeightUnits = Gram

Possible values.

func ExtractWeightUnits added in v5.9.0

func ExtractWeightUnits(str string) WeightUnits

ExtractWeightUnits extracts the value from a string.

func TrailingWeightUnitsFromString added in v5.9.0

func TrailingWeightUnitsFromString(s string, defUnits WeightUnits) WeightUnits

TrailingWeightUnitsFromString extracts a trailing WeightUnits from a string.

func (WeightUnits) EnsureValid added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeightUnits) EnsureValid() WeightUnits

EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.

func (WeightUnits) Format added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeightUnits) Format(weight Weight) string

Format the weight for this WeightUnits.

func (WeightUnits) Key added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeightUnits) Key() string

Key returns the key used in serialization.

func (WeightUnits) MarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeightUnits) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)

MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.

func (WeightUnits) String added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeightUnits) String() string

String implements fmt.Stringer.

func (WeightUnits) ToPounds added in v5.9.0

func (enum WeightUnits) ToPounds(weight fxp.Int) fxp.Int

ToPounds the weight for this WeightUnits.

func (*WeightUnits) UnmarshalText added in v5.9.0

func (enum *WeightUnits) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.

type WeightedAncestryOptions added in v5.9.0

type WeightedAncestryOptions struct {
	Weight int              `json:"weight"`
	Value  *AncestryOptions `json:"value"`

WeightedAncestryOptions is a string that has a weight associated with it.

func (*WeightedAncestryOptions) Valid added in v5.9.0

func (o *WeightedAncestryOptions) Valid() bool

Valid returns true if this option has a valid weight.

type WeightedStringOption added in v5.9.0

type WeightedStringOption struct {
	Weight int    `json:"weight"`
	Value  string `json:"value"`

WeightedStringOption is a string that has a weight associated with it.

func (*WeightedStringOption) Valid added in v5.9.0

func (o *WeightedStringOption) Valid() bool

Valid returns true if this option has a valid weight.

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