Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ActiveDockable() unison.Dockable
- func AddHelpToInfoPop(target unison.Paneler, text string)
- func AddKeyBindingInfoToInfoPop(target unison.Paneler, keyBinding unison.KeyBinding, text string)
- func AddScalingHelpToInfoPop(target unison.Paneler)
- func AppUpdateResult() (title string, releases []model.Release, updating bool)
- func ApplyTemplate(filePath string)
- func CanApplyTemplate() bool
- func CanConvertToContainer(table *unison.Table[*Node[*model.Equipment]]) bool
- func CanOpenPageRef[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]]) bool
- func CheckForAppUpdates()
- func ClearInfoPop(target unison.Paneler)
- func CloseGroup(d unison.Dockable) bool
- func CloseUUID(ids map[uuid.UUID]bool) bool
- func ConvertToContainer(owner Rebuildable, table *unison.Table[*Node[*model.Equipment]])
- func CopyRowsTo[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]], rows []*Node[T], ...)
- func DeepSync(panel unison.Paneler)
- func DeleteSelection[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]])
- func DisplayNewDockable(wnd *unison.Window, dockable unison.Dockable)
- func DockContainerForGroup(dock *unison.Dock, group string) *unison.DockContainer
- func DockContainerHasGroup(dc *unison.DockContainer, group string) bool
- func DockContainerHoldsExtension(dc *unison.DockContainer, ext ...string) bool
- func DuplicateSelection[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]])
- func EditEquipment(owner Rebuildable, equipment *model.Equipment, carried bool)
- func EditEquipmentModifier(owner Rebuildable, modifier *model.EquipmentModifier)
- func EditNote(owner Rebuildable, note *model.Note)
- func EditSkill(owner Rebuildable, skill *model.Skill)
- func EditSpell(owner Rebuildable, spell *model.Spell)
- func EditTrait(owner Rebuildable, t *model.Trait)
- func EditTraitModifier(owner Rebuildable, modifier *model.TraitModifier)
- func EditWeapon(owner Rebuildable, w *model.Weapon)
- func ExtractNodeDataFromList[T model.NodeTypes](list []*Node[T]) []T
- func ExtractPageReferences(s string) []string
- func FindRowIndexByID[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]], id uuid.UUID) int
- func FocusFirstContent(toolbar, content unison.Paneler)
- func HandleLink(src unison.Paneler, target string)
- func InsertCmdContextMenuItem[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]], title string, cmdID int, id *int, ...)
- func InsertItems[T model.NodeTypes](owner Rebuildable, table *unison.Table[*Node[T]], topList func() []T, ...)
- func InstallTableDropSupport[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]], provider TableProvider[T])
- func MarkForLayoutWithinDockable(panel unison.Paneler)
- func MarkModified(panel unison.Paneler)
- func MayAttemptCloseOfGroup(d unison.Dockable) bool
- func NewDefaultInfoPop() *unison.Label
- func NewEditorEquippedHeader[T model.NodeTypes](forPage bool) unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]]
- func NewEditorExtendedWeightHeader[T model.NodeTypes](forPage bool) unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]]
- func NewEditorListHeader[T model.NodeTypes](title, tooltip string, forPage bool) unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]]
- func NewEditorListSVGHeader[T model.NodeTypes](svg *unison.SVG, tooltip string, forPage bool) unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]]
- func NewEditorListSVGPairHeader[T model.NodeTypes](leftSVG, rightSVG *unison.SVG, tooltip string, forPage bool) unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]]
- func NewEditorPageRefHeader[T model.NodeTypes](forPage bool) unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]]
- func NewEnabledHeader[T model.NodeTypes](forPage bool) unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]]
- func NewEquipmentModifierTableDockableFromFile(filePath string) (unison.Dockable, error)
- func NewEquipmentTableDockableFromFile(filePath string) (unison.Dockable, error)
- func NewExtendedMoneyHeader[T model.NodeTypes](forPage bool) unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]]
- func NewFieldInteriorLeadingLabel(text string) *unison.Label
- func NewFieldLeadingLabel(text string) *unison.Label
- func NewFieldTrailingLabel(text string) *unison.Label
- func NewImageDockable(filePath string) (unison.Dockable, error)
- func NewInfoPop() *unison.Label
- func NewInteriorSeparator() *unison.Separator
- func NewMarkdownDockable(filePath string, allowEditing, startInEditMode bool) (unison.Dockable, error)
- func NewMarkdownDockableWithContent(title, content string, allowEditing, startInEditMode bool) (unison.Dockable, error)
- func NewMoneyHeader[T model.NodeTypes](forPage bool) unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]]
- func NewNodeTable[T model.NodeTypes](provider TableProvider[T], font unison.Font) (header *unison.TableHeader[*Node[T]], table *unison.Table[*Node[T]])
- func NewNoteTableDockableFromFile(filePath string) (unison.Dockable, error)
- func NewPDFDockable(filePath string) (unison.Dockable, error)
- func NewPageHeader(title string, hSpan int) *unison.Label
- func NewPageInternalHeader(title string, span int) unison.Paneler
- func NewPageLabel(title string) *unison.Label
- func NewPageLabelCenter(title string) *unison.Label
- func NewPageLabelEnd(title string) *unison.Label
- func NewPageLabelWithRandomizer(title, tooltip string, clickCallback func()) *unison.Panel
- func NewSearchField() *unison.Field
- func NewSheetFromFile(filePath string) (unison.Dockable, error)
- func NewSkillTableDockableFromFile(filePath string) (unison.Dockable, error)
- func NewSpellTableDockableFromFile(filePath string) (unison.Dockable, error)
- func NewTemplateFromFile(filePath string) (unison.Dockable, error)
- func NewToolbarSeparator() *unison.Separator
- func NewTraitModifierTableDockableFromFile(filePath string) (unison.Dockable, error)
- func NewTraitTableDockableFromFile(filePath string) (unison.Dockable, error)
- func NewWeightHeader[T model.NodeTypes](forPage bool) unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]]
- func NotifyOfAppUpdate()
- func OpenEachPageRef[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]])
- func OpenEditor[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]], edit func(item T))
- func OpenFile(wnd *unison.Window, filePath string) (dockable unison.Dockable, wasOpen bool)
- func OpenFiles(filePaths []string)
- func OpenPageRef[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]])
- func OpenPageReference(wnd *unison.Window, ref, highlight string, promptContext map[string]bool) bool
- func PageRefKeyToName(key string) string
- func PlaceInDock(workspace *Workspace, dc *unison.DockContainer, dockable unison.Dockable, ...)
- func ProcessModifiers[T model.NodeTypes](owner unison.Paneler, rows []T)
- func ProcessModifiersForSelection[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]])
- func ProcessNameables[T model.NodeTypes](owner unison.Paneler, rows []T)
- func ProcessNameablesForSelection[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]])
- func PromptForDestination[T FileBackedDockable](choices []T) []T
- func RefreshPageRefMappingsView()
- func RegisterExternalFileTypes()
- func RegisterGCSFileTypes()
- func RegisterKnownFileTypes()
- func SaveDockable(d FileBackedDockable, saver func(filePath string) error, setUnmodified func()) bool
- func SaveDockableAs(d FileBackedDockable, extension string, saver func(filePath string) error, ...) bool
- func SetCheckBoxState(checkbox *CheckBox, checked bool)
- func SetFieldValue(field *unison.Field, value string)
- func SetParents[T model.NodeTypes](items []T, parent T)
- func SetTextAndMarkModified(field *unison.Field, text string)
- func SetupMenuBar(wnd *unison.Window)
- func ShowAbout(_ unison.MenuItem)
- func ShowAttributeSettings(owner EntityPanel)
- func ShowBodySettings(owner EntityPanel)
- func ShowColorSettings()
- func ShowFontSettings()
- func ShowGeneralSettings()
- func ShowLibrarySettings(lib *model.Library)
- func ShowMenuKeySettings()
- func ShowPageRefMappings()
- func ShowReadOnlyMarkdown(title, content string)
- func ShowSheetSettings(owner EntityPanel)
- func ShowUnableToLocateWorkspaceError()
- func Start(files []string)
- func WrapWithSpan(span int, children ...unison.Paneler) *unison.Panel
- type AltDropSupport
- type ApplyTemplateUndoEditData
- type BodyPanel
- type CellCache
- type CheckBox
- type ContextMenuItem
- type DamagePanel
- type DecimalField
- type DescriptionPanel
- type DocumentDock
- type DragHandle
- type DrawableSVGPair
- type EncumbrancePanel
- type EntityPanel
- type FileBackedDockable
- type FocusRef
- type GroupedCloser
- type IdentityPanel
- type ImageDockable
- func (d *ImageDockable) AttemptClose() bool
- func (d *ImageDockable) BackingFilePath() string
- func (d *ImageDockable) MayAttemptClose() bool
- func (d *ImageDockable) Modified() bool
- func (d *ImageDockable) SetBackingFilePath(p string)
- func (d *ImageDockable) Title() string
- func (d *ImageDockable) TitleIcon(suggestedSize unison.Size) unison.Drawable
- func (d *ImageDockable) Tooltip() string
- type IntegerField
- type ItemVariant
- type LengthField
- type LiftingPanel
- type MarkdownDockable
- func (d *MarkdownDockable) AttemptClose() bool
- func (d *MarkdownDockable) BackingFilePath() string
- func (d *MarkdownDockable) MarkModified(_ unison.Paneler)
- func (d *MarkdownDockable) MayAttemptClose() bool
- func (d *MarkdownDockable) Modified() bool
- func (d *MarkdownDockable) SetBackingFilePath(p string)
- func (d *MarkdownDockable) Title() string
- func (d *MarkdownDockable) TitleIcon(suggestedSize unison.Size) unison.Drawable
- func (d *MarkdownDockable) Tooltip() string
- func (d *MarkdownDockable) UndoManager() *unison.UndoManager
- type MiscPanel
- type ModifiableRoot
- type Navigator
- func (n *Navigator) ApplyDisclosedPaths(paths []string)
- func (n *Navigator) ApplySelectedPaths(paths []string)
- func (n *Navigator) DisclosedPaths() []string
- func (n *Navigator) EventuallyReload()
- func (n *Navigator) InitialFocus()
- func (n *Navigator) Modified() bool
- func (n *Navigator) Reload()
- func (n *Navigator) SelectedPaths() []string
- func (n *Navigator) Title() string
- func (n *Navigator) TitleIcon(suggestedSize unison.Size) unison.Drawable
- func (n *Navigator) Tooltip() string
- type NavigatorNode
- func (n *NavigatorNode) CanHaveChildren() bool
- func (n *NavigatorNode) CellDataForSort(col int) string
- func (n *NavigatorNode) Children() []*NavigatorNode
- func (n *NavigatorNode) CloneForTarget(_ unison.Paneler, _ *NavigatorNode) *NavigatorNode
- func (n *NavigatorNode) ColumnCell(_, col int, foreground, _ unison.Ink, _, _, _ bool) unison.Paneler
- func (n *NavigatorNode) IsOpen() bool
- func (n *NavigatorNode) Match(text string) bool
- func (n *NavigatorNode) Open(wnd *unison.Window)
- func (n *NavigatorNode) Parent() *NavigatorNode
- func (n *NavigatorNode) Path() string
- func (n *NavigatorNode) Refresh()
- func (n *NavigatorNode) SetChildren(_ []*NavigatorNode)
- func (n *NavigatorNode) SetOpen(open bool)
- func (n *NavigatorNode) SetParent(_ *NavigatorNode)
- func (n *NavigatorNode) UUID() uuid.UUID
- type Node
- func (n *Node[T]) CanHaveChildren() bool
- func (n *Node[T]) CellDataForSort(index int) string
- func (n *Node[T]) CellFromCellData(c *model.CellData, width float32, foreground unison.Ink) unison.Paneler
- func (n *Node[T]) Children() []*Node[T]
- func (n *Node[T]) CloneForTarget(target unison.Paneler, newParent *Node[T]) *Node[T]
- func (n *Node[T]) ColumnCell(row, col int, foreground, _ unison.Ink, _, _, _ bool) unison.Paneler
- func (n *Node[T]) Data() T
- func (n *Node[T]) HasTag(tag string) bool
- func (n *Node[T]) IsOpen() bool
- func (n *Node[T]) Match(text string) bool
- func (n *Node[T]) Parent() *Node[T]
- func (n *Node[T]) PartialMatchExceptTag(text string) bool
- func (n *Node[T]) SetChildren(children []*Node[T])
- func (n *Node[T]) SetOpen(open bool)
- func (n *Node[T]) SetParent(parent *Node[T])
- func (n *Node[T]) UUID() uuid.UUID
- type NonEditableField
- type NonEditablePageField
- type NumericField
- type PDFDockable
- func (d *PDFDockable) AttemptClose() bool
- func (d *PDFDockable) Back()
- func (d *PDFDockable) BackingFilePath() string
- func (d *PDFDockable) ClearHistory()
- func (d *PDFDockable) Forward()
- func (d *PDFDockable) LoadPage(pageNumber int)
- func (d *PDFDockable) MayAttemptClose() bool
- func (d *PDFDockable) Modified() bool
- func (d *PDFDockable) SetBackingFilePath(p string)
- func (d *PDFDockable) SetSearchText(text string)
- func (d *PDFDockable) Title() string
- func (d *PDFDockable) TitleIcon(suggestedSize unison.Size) unison.Drawable
- func (d *PDFDockable) Tooltip() string
- type PDFLink
- type PDFPage
- type PDFRenderer
- func (p *PDFRenderer) CurrentPage() *PDFPage
- func (p *PDFRenderer) LoadPage(pageNumber int, search string)
- func (p *PDFRenderer) MostRecentPageNumber() int
- func (p *PDFRenderer) PageCount() int
- func (p *PDFRenderer) RenderingFinished() (finished bool, pageNumber int, requested time.Time)
- func (p *PDFRenderer) RequestRenderPriority()
- type PDFTableOfContents
- type Page
- type PageList
- func NewCarriedEquipmentPageList(owner Rebuildable, provider model.ListProvider) *PageList[*model.Equipment]
- func NewConditionalModifiersPageList(entity *model.Entity) *PageList[*model.ConditionalModifier]
- func NewMeleeWeaponsPageList(entity *model.Entity) *PageList[*model.Weapon]
- func NewNotesPageList(owner Rebuildable, provider model.ListProvider) *PageList[*model.Note]
- func NewOtherEquipmentPageList(owner Rebuildable, provider model.ListProvider) *PageList[*model.Equipment]
- func NewRangedWeaponsPageList(entity *model.Entity) *PageList[*model.Weapon]
- func NewReactionsPageList(entity *model.Entity) *PageList[*model.ConditionalModifier]
- func NewSkillsPageList(owner Rebuildable, provider model.ListProvider) *PageList[*model.Skill]
- func NewSpellsPageList(owner Rebuildable, provider model.SpellListProvider) *PageList[*model.Spell]
- func NewTraitsPageList(owner Rebuildable, provider model.ListProvider) *PageList[*model.Trait]
- func (p *PageList[T]) ApplySelection(selection map[uuid.UUID]bool)
- func (p *PageList[T]) CreateItem(owner Rebuildable, variant ItemVariant)
- func (p *PageList[T]) CurrentDrawRowRange() (start, endBefore int)
- func (p *PageList[T]) OverheadHeight() float32
- func (p *PageList[T]) RecordSelection() map[uuid.UUID]bool
- func (p *PageList[T]) RowCount() int
- func (p *PageList[T]) RowHeights() []float32
- func (p *PageList[T]) SelectedNodes(minimal bool) []*Node[T]
- func (p *PageList[T]) SetDrawRowRange(start, endBefore int)
- func (p *PageList[T]) Sync()
- type PageTableColumnHeader
- func (h *PageTableColumnHeader[T]) DefaultDraw(canvas *unison.Canvas, dirty unison.Rect)
- func (h *PageTableColumnHeader[T]) DefaultMouseUp(where unison.Point, _ int, _ unison.Modifiers) bool
- func (h *PageTableColumnHeader[T]) DefaultSizes(hint unison.Size) (min, pref, max unison.Size)
- func (h *PageTableColumnHeader[T]) SetSortState(state unison.SortState)
- func (h *PageTableColumnHeader[T]) SortState() unison.SortState
- type PercentageField
- type PointPoolsPanel
- type PointsPanel
- type Popup
- type PortraitPanel
- type PreservedTableData
- type PrimaryAttrPanel
- type Rebuildable
- type SecondaryAttrPanel
- type Selectable
- type SettingsDockable
- func (d *SettingsDockable) AttemptClose() bool
- func (d *SettingsDockable) MarkModified(_ unison.Paneler)
- func (d *SettingsDockable) MayAttemptClose() bool
- func (d *SettingsDockable) Modified() bool
- func (d *SettingsDockable) Setup(ws *Workspace, dc *unison.DockContainer, ...)
- func (d *SettingsDockable) Title() string
- func (d *SettingsDockable) TitleIcon(suggestedSize unison.Size) unison.Drawable
- func (d *SettingsDockable) Tooltip() string
- type Sheet
- func (s *Sheet) AttemptClose() bool
- func (s *Sheet) BackingFilePath() string
- func (s *Sheet) DockableKind() string
- func (s *Sheet) Entity() *model.Entity
- func (s *Sheet) MarkModified(src unison.Paneler)
- func (s *Sheet) MayAttemptClose() bool
- func (s *Sheet) Modified() bool
- func (s *Sheet) Rebuild(full bool)
- func (s *Sheet) SetBackingFilePath(p string)
- func (s *Sheet) SheetSettingsUpdated(entity *model.Entity, blockLayout bool)
- func (s *Sheet) String() string
- func (s *Sheet) Title() string
- func (s *Sheet) TitleIcon(suggestedSize unison.Size) unison.Drawable
- func (s *Sheet) Tooltip() string
- func (s *Sheet) UndoManager() *unison.UndoManager
- type StringField
- func NewMultiLineStringField(targetMgr *TargetMgr, targetKey, undoTitle string, get func() string, ...) *StringField
- func NewStringField(targetMgr *TargetMgr, targetKey, undoTitle string, get func() string, ...) *StringField
- func NewStringPageField(targetMgr *TargetMgr, targetKey, undoTitle string, get func() string, ...) *StringField
- func NewStringPageFieldNoGrab(targetMgr *TargetMgr, targetKey, undoTitle string, get func() string, ...) *StringField
- type Syncer
- type TableDockable
- func NewEquipmentModifierTableDockable(filePath string, modifiers []*model.EquipmentModifier) *TableDockable[*model.EquipmentModifier]
- func NewEquipmentTableDockable(filePath string, equipment []*model.Equipment) *TableDockable[*model.Equipment]
- func NewNoteTableDockable(filePath string, notes []*model.Note) *TableDockable[*model.Note]
- func NewSkillTableDockable(filePath string, skills []*model.Skill) *TableDockable[*model.Skill]
- func NewSpellTableDockable(filePath string, spells []*model.Spell) *TableDockable[*model.Spell]
- func NewTableDockable[T model.NodeTypes](filePath, extension string, provider TableProvider[T], ...) *TableDockable[T]
- func NewTraitModifierTableDockable(filePath string, modifiers []*model.TraitModifier) *TableDockable[*model.TraitModifier]
- func NewTraitTableDockable(filePath string, traits []*model.Trait) *TableDockable[*model.Trait]
- func (d *TableDockable[T]) AttemptClose() bool
- func (d *TableDockable[T]) BackingFilePath() string
- func (d *TableDockable[T]) DockableKind() string
- func (d *TableDockable[T]) Entity() *model.Entity
- func (d *TableDockable[T]) MarkModified(_ unison.Paneler)
- func (d *TableDockable[T]) MayAttemptClose() bool
- func (d *TableDockable[T]) Modified() bool
- func (d *TableDockable[T]) Rebuild(_ bool)
- func (d *TableDockable[T]) SetBackingFilePath(p string)
- func (d *TableDockable[T]) String() string
- func (d *TableDockable[T]) Title() string
- func (d *TableDockable[T]) TitleIcon(suggestedSize unison.Size) unison.Drawable
- func (d *TableDockable[T]) Tooltip() string
- func (d *TableDockable[T]) UndoManager() *unison.UndoManager
- type TableDragUndoEditData
- type TableProvider
- func NewConditionalModifiersProvider(provider model.ConditionalModifierListProvider) TableProvider[*model.ConditionalModifier]
- func NewEquipmentModifiersProvider(provider model.EquipmentModifierListProvider, forEditor bool) TableProvider[*model.EquipmentModifier]
- func NewEquipmentProvider(provider model.EquipmentListProvider, forPage, carried bool) TableProvider[*model.Equipment]
- func NewNotesProvider(provider model.NoteListProvider, forPage bool) TableProvider[*model.Note]
- func NewReactionModifiersProvider(provider model.ReactionModifierListProvider) TableProvider[*model.ConditionalModifier]
- func NewSkillsProvider(provider model.SkillListProvider, forPage bool) TableProvider[*model.Skill]
- func NewSpellsProvider(provider model.SpellListProvider, forPage bool) TableProvider[*model.Spell]
- func NewTraitModifiersProvider(provider model.TraitModifierListProvider, forEditor bool) TableProvider[*model.TraitModifier]
- func NewTraitsProvider(provider model.TraitListProvider, forPage bool) TableProvider[*model.Trait]
- func NewWeaponsProvider(provider model.WeaponListProvider, weaponType model.WeaponType, forPage bool) TableProvider[*model.Weapon]
- type TableUndoEditData
- type TargetMgr
- type TargetUndo
- type Template
- func (d *Template) AttemptClose() bool
- func (d *Template) BackingFilePath() string
- func (d *Template) DockableKind() string
- func (d *Template) Entity() *model.Entity
- func (d *Template) MarkModified(_ unison.Paneler)
- func (d *Template) MayAttemptClose() bool
- func (d *Template) Modified() bool
- func (d *Template) Rebuild(full bool)
- func (d *Template) SetBackingFilePath(p string)
- func (d *Template) SheetSettingsUpdated(entity *model.Entity, blockLayout bool)
- func (d *Template) String() string
- func (d *Template) Title() string
- func (d *Template) TitleIcon(suggestedSize unison.Size) unison.Drawable
- func (d *Template) Tooltip() string
- func (d *Template) UndoManager() *unison.UndoManager
- type TitledBorder
- type WeightField
- type Workspace
- func Activate(matcher func(d unison.Dockable) bool) (ws *Workspace, dc *unison.DockContainer, found bool)
- func AnyWorkspace() *Workspace
- func NewWorkspace(wnd *unison.Window) *Workspace
- func WorkspaceFromWindow(wnd *unison.Window) *Workspace
- func WorkspaceFromWindowOrAny(wnd *unison.Window) *Workspace
Constants ¶
const ( NewSheetItemID = unison.UserBaseID + iota NewTemplateItemID NewTraitsLibraryItemID NewTraitModifiersLibraryItemID NewEquipmentLibraryItemID NewEquipmentModifiersLibraryItemID NewNotesLibraryItemID NewSkillsLibraryItemID NewSpellsLibraryItemID NewMarkdownFileItemID OpenItemID CloseTabID RecentFilesMenuID SaveItemID SaveAsItemID ExportToMenuID ExportAsPDFItemID ExportAsWEBPItemID ExportAsPNGItemID ExportAsJPEGItemID PrintItemID UndoItemID RedoItemID DuplicateItemID ClearPortraitItemID ConvertToContainerItemID ToggleStateItemID IncrementItemID DecrementItemID IncrementUsesItemID DecrementUsesItemID IncrementSkillLevelItemID DecrementSkillLevelItemID IncrementTechLevelItemID DecrementTechLevelItemID SwapDefaultsItemID ItemMenuID AddNaturalAttacksItemID OpenEditorItemID CopyToSheetItemID CopyToTemplateItemID ApplyTemplateItemID OpenOnePageReferenceItemID OpenEachPageReferenceItemID SettingsMenuID PerSheetSettingsItemID PerSheetAttributeSettingsItemID PerSheetBodyTypeSettingsItemID DefaultSheetSettingsItemID DefaultAttributeSettingsItemID DefaultBodyTypeSettingsItemID GeneralSettingsItemID PageRefMappingsItemID ColorSettingsItemID FontSettingsItemID MenuKeySettingsItemID SponsorGCSDevelopmentItemID MakeDonationItemID UpdateAppStatusItemID CheckForAppUpdatesItemID ReleaseNotesItemID LicenseItemID WebSiteItemID MailingListItemID ViewMenuID ScaleDefaultItemID ScaleUpItemID ScaleDownItemID Scale25ItemID Scale50ItemID Scale75ItemID Scale100ItemID Scale200ItemID Scale300ItemID Scale400ItemID Scale500ItemID Scale600ItemID FirstNonContainerMarker // Keep this block grouped together NewCarriedEquipmentItemID NewEquipmentModifierItemID NewNoteItemID NewOtherEquipmentItemID NewSkillItemID NewSpellItemID NewTraitItemID NewTraitModifierItemID LastNonContainerMarker FirstContainerMarker // Keep this block grouped together NewCarriedEquipmentContainerItemID NewEquipmentContainerModifierItemID NewNoteContainerItemID NewOtherEquipmentContainerItemID NewSkillContainerItemID NewSpellContainerItemID NewTraitContainerItemID NewTraitContainerModifierItemID LastContainerMarker FirstAlternateNonContainerMarker // Keep this block grouped together NewRitualMagicSpellItemID NewTechniqueItemID LastAlternateNonContainerMarker NewMeleeWeaponItemID NewRangedWeaponItemID LibraryBaseItemID RecentFieldBaseItemID = LibraryBaseItemID + 1000 ExportToTextBaseItemID = RecentFieldBaseItemID + 1000 )
Menu, Item & Action IDs
const ( SheetDockableKind = "sheet" TemplateDockableKind = "template" ListDockableKind = "list" )
Known dockable kinds
const AssociatedUUIDKey = "associated_uuid"
AssociatedUUIDKey is the key used with CloseUUID().
const (
// EditorGroup is the workspace grouping key to use for editors.
EditorGroup = "editors"
const ScaleDelta = 10
ScaleDelta is the delta used when adjusting the view scale incrementally.
const SkipDeepSync = "!deepsync"
SkipDeepSync is set on components that should not trigger a deep sync.
const TableProviderClientKey = "table-provider"
TableProviderClientKey is the key used to store the table provider with the table.
const WebSiteDomain = ""
WebSiteDomain holds the web site domain for GCS.
Variables ¶
var AppDescription = i18n.Text("GURPS Character Sheet is an interactive character sheet editor for the GURPS Fourth Edition roleplaying game.")
AppDescription of the software
var CarriedEquipmentExtraContextMenuItems = []ContextMenuItem{ {i18n.Text("New Carried Equipment"), NewCarriedEquipmentItemID}, {i18n.Text("New Carried Equipment Container"), NewCarriedEquipmentContainerItemID}, }
CarriedEquipmentExtraContextMenuItems holds context menu items specific to the carried equipment list.
var DefaultContextMenuItems = []ContextMenuItem{ {"", -1}, {i18n.Text("Open Detail Editor"), OpenEditorItemID}, {"", -1}, {i18n.Text("Duplicate"), DuplicateItemID}, {i18n.Text("Delete"), unison.DeleteItemID}, {"", -1}, {i18n.Text("Apply Template to Character Sheet"), ApplyTemplateItemID}, {i18n.Text("Copy to Character Sheet"), CopyToSheetItemID}, {i18n.Text("Copy to Template"), CopyToTemplateItemID}, {"", -1}, {i18n.Text("Increment"), IncrementItemID}, {i18n.Text("Decrement"), DecrementItemID}, {i18n.Text("Increase Uses"), IncrementUsesItemID}, {i18n.Text("Decrease Uses"), DecrementUsesItemID}, {i18n.Text("Increase Skill Level"), IncrementSkillLevelItemID}, {i18n.Text("Decrease Skill Level"), DecrementSkillLevelItemID}, {i18n.Text("Increase Tech Level"), IncrementTechLevelItemID}, {i18n.Text("Decrease Tech Level"), DecrementTechLevelItemID}, {"", -1}, {i18n.Text("Toggle State"), ToggleStateItemID}, {i18n.Text("Swap Defaults"), SwapDefaultsItemID}, {i18n.Text("Convert to Container"), ConvertToContainerItemID}, {"", -1}, {i18n.Text("Open Page Reference"), OpenOnePageReferenceItemID}, {i18n.Text("Open Each Page Reference"), OpenEachPageReferenceItemID}, }
DefaultContextMenuItems holds the default set of context menu items for lists.
var EquipmentModifierExtraContextMenuItems = []ContextMenuItem{ {i18n.Text("New Equipment Modifier"), NewEquipmentModifierItemID}, {i18n.Text("New Equipment Modifier Container"), NewEquipmentContainerModifierItemID}, }
EquipmentModifierExtraContextMenuItems holds context menu items specific to the equipment modifier list.
var MeleeWeaponExtraContextMenuItems = []ContextMenuItem{ {i18n.Text("New Melee Weapon"), NewMeleeWeaponItemID}, }
MeleeWeaponExtraContextMenuItems holds context menu items specific to the melee weapon list.
var NoteExtraContextMenuItems = []ContextMenuItem{ {i18n.Text("New Note"), NewNoteItemID}, {i18n.Text("New Note Container"), NewNoteContainerItemID}, }
NoteExtraContextMenuItems holds context menu items specific to the note list.
var OtherEquipmentExtraContextMenuItems = []ContextMenuItem{ {i18n.Text("New Other Equipment"), NewOtherEquipmentItemID}, {i18n.Text("New Other Equipment Container"), NewOtherEquipmentContainerItemID}, }
OtherEquipmentExtraContextMenuItems holds context menu items specific to the other equipment list.
var PageRefKeyNameMappings = map[string]string{}/* 243 elements not displayed */
PageRefKeyNameMappings holds the known page reference key to PDF name mappings. This does not include open-ended, but known, mappings, such as those for Pyramid Magazine issues. nolint:misspell // Proper names
var PageTableColumnHeaderTheme = unison.LabelTheme{ Font: model.PageLabelPrimaryFont, OnBackgroundInk: model.OnHeaderColor, Gap: 3, HAlign: unison.MiddleAlignment, VAlign: unison.MiddleAlignment, Side: unison.LeftSide, }
PageTableColumnHeaderTheme holds the theme values for PageTableColumnHeaders. Modifying this data will not alter existing PageTableColumnHeaders, but will alter any PageTableColumnHeaders created in the future.
var PrintMgr printing.PrintManager
PrintMgr is our PrintManager singleton.
var RangedWeaponExtraContextMenuItems = []ContextMenuItem{ {i18n.Text("New Ranged Weapon"), NewRangedWeaponItemID}, }
RangedWeaponExtraContextMenuItems holds context menu items specific to the ranged weapon list.
var SkillExtraContextMenuItems = []ContextMenuItem{ {i18n.Text("New Skill"), NewSkillItemID}, {i18n.Text("New Skill Container"), NewSkillContainerItemID}, {i18n.Text("New Technique"), NewTechniqueItemID}, }
SkillExtraContextMenuItems holds context menu items specific to the skill list.
var SpellExtraContextMenuItems = []ContextMenuItem{ {i18n.Text("New Spell"), NewSpellItemID}, {i18n.Text("New Spell Container"), NewSpellContainerItemID}, {i18n.Text("New Ritual Magic Spell"), NewRitualMagicSpellItemID}, }
SpellExtraContextMenuItems holds context menu items specific to the spell list.
var TraitExtraContextMenuItems = []ContextMenuItem{ {i18n.Text("New Trait"), NewTraitItemID}, {i18n.Text("New Trait Container"), NewTraitContainerItemID}, {i18n.Text("Add Natural Attacks"), AddNaturalAttacksItemID}, }
TraitExtraContextMenuItems holds context menu items specific to the trait list.
var TraitModifierExtraContextMenuItems = []ContextMenuItem{ {i18n.Text("New Trait Modifier"), NewTraitModifierItemID}, {i18n.Text("New Trait Modifier Container"), NewTraitContainerModifierItemID}, }
TraitModifierExtraContextMenuItems holds context menu items specific to the trait modifier list.
Functions ¶
func ActiveDockable ¶
ActiveDockable returns the currently active dockable in the active window.
func AddHelpToInfoPop ¶
AddHelpToInfoPop adds one or more lines of help text to an InfoPop.
func AddKeyBindingInfoToInfoPop ¶
func AddKeyBindingInfoToInfoPop(target unison.Paneler, keyBinding unison.KeyBinding, text string)
AddKeyBindingInfoToInfoPop adds information about a key binding to an InfoPop.
func AddScalingHelpToInfoPop ¶
AddScalingHelpToInfoPop adds the help info about scaling to an InfoPop.
func AppUpdateResult ¶
AppUpdateResult returns the current results of any outstanding app update check.
func ApplyTemplate ¶
func ApplyTemplate(filePath string)
ApplyTemplate loads the specified template file and applies it to a sheet.
func CanApplyTemplate ¶
func CanApplyTemplate() bool
CanApplyTemplate returns true if a template can be applied.
func CanConvertToContainer ¶
CanConvertToContainer returns true if the table's current selection has a row that can be converted to a container.
func CanOpenPageRef ¶
CanOpenPageRef returns true if the current selection on the table has a page reference.
func CheckForAppUpdates ¶
func CheckForAppUpdates()
CheckForAppUpdates initiates a fresh check for application updates.
func CloseGroup ¶
CloseGroup attempts to close any grouped Dockables associated with the given Dockable. Returns false if a dockable refused to close.
func CloseUUID ¶
CloseUUID attempts to close any Dockables associated with the given UUIDs. Returns false if a dockable refused to close.
func ConvertToContainer ¶
ConvertToContainer converts any selected rows to containers, if possible.
func CopyRowsTo ¶
func CopyRowsTo[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]], rows []*Node[T], postProcessor func(rows []*Node[T]))
CopyRowsTo copies the provided rows to the target table.
func DeepSync ¶
DeepSync does a depth-first traversal of the panel and all of its descendents and calls Sync() on any Syncer objects it finds.
func DeleteSelection ¶
DeleteSelection removes the selected nodes from the table.
func DisplayNewDockable ¶
DisplayNewDockable adds the Dockable to the dock and gives it the focus.
func DockContainerForGroup ¶
func DockContainerForGroup(dock *unison.Dock, group string) *unison.DockContainer
DockContainerForGroup returns the first DockContainer which has a Dockable with the given group, if any.
func DockContainerHasGroup ¶
func DockContainerHasGroup(dc *unison.DockContainer, group string) bool
DockContainerHasGroup returns true if the DockContainer contains at least one Dockable associated with the given group. May pass nil for the dc.
func DockContainerHoldsExtension ¶
func DockContainerHoldsExtension(dc *unison.DockContainer, ext ...string) bool
DockContainerHoldsExtension returns true if an immediate child of the given DockContainer has a FileBackedDockable with the given extension.
func DuplicateSelection ¶
DuplicateSelection duplicates the selected nodes in the table.
func EditEquipment ¶
func EditEquipment(owner Rebuildable, equipment *model.Equipment, carried bool)
EditEquipment displays the editor for equipment.
func EditEquipmentModifier ¶
func EditEquipmentModifier(owner Rebuildable, modifier *model.EquipmentModifier)
EditEquipmentModifier displays the editor for an equipment modifier.
func EditNote ¶
func EditNote(owner Rebuildable, note *model.Note)
EditNote displays the editor for a note.
func EditSkill ¶
func EditSkill(owner Rebuildable, skill *model.Skill)
EditSkill displays the editor for an skill.
func EditSpell ¶
func EditSpell(owner Rebuildable, spell *model.Spell)
EditSpell displays the editor for an spell.
func EditTrait ¶
func EditTrait(owner Rebuildable, t *model.Trait)
EditTrait displays the editor for a trait.
func EditTraitModifier ¶
func EditTraitModifier(owner Rebuildable, modifier *model.TraitModifier)
EditTraitModifier displays the editor for a trait modifier.
func EditWeapon ¶
func EditWeapon(owner Rebuildable, w *model.Weapon)
EditWeapon displays the editor for a weapon.
func ExtractNodeDataFromList ¶
ExtractNodeDataFromList returns the underlying node data.
func ExtractPageReferences ¶
ExtractPageReferences extracts any page references from the string.
func FindRowIndexByID ¶
FindRowIndexByID returns the row index of the row with the given ID in the given table.
func FocusFirstContent ¶
FocusFirstContent attempts to focus the first non-button widget in the content. Failing that, tries to focus the first focusable widget in the content. Failing that, tries to focus the first focusable widget in the toolbar.
func HandleLink ¶ added in v5.5.0
HandleLink will try to open http, https, and md links, as well as resolve page references.
func InsertCmdContextMenuItem ¶
func InsertCmdContextMenuItem[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]], title string, cmdID int, id *int, cm unison.Menu)
InsertCmdContextMenuItem inserts a context menu item for the given command.
func InsertItems ¶
func InsertItems[T model.NodeTypes](owner Rebuildable, table *unison.Table[*Node[T]], topList func() []T, setTopList func([]T), rowData func(table *unison.Table[*Node[T]]) []*Node[T], items ...T)
InsertItems into a table.
func InstallTableDropSupport ¶
func InstallTableDropSupport[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]], provider TableProvider[T])
InstallTableDropSupport installs our standard drop support on a table.
func MarkForLayoutWithinDockable ¶
MarkForLayoutWithinDockable sets the NeedsLayout flag on the provided panel and all of its parents up to the first Dockable.
func MarkModified ¶
MarkModified looks for a ModifiableRoot, starting at the panel. If found, it then called MarkModified() on it.
func MayAttemptCloseOfGroup ¶
MayAttemptCloseOfGroup returns true if the grouped Dockables associated with the given dockable may be closed.
func NewDefaultInfoPop ¶
NewDefaultInfoPop creates a new InfoPop with the message about mouse wheel scaling.
func NewEditorEquippedHeader ¶
NewEditorEquippedHeader creates a new equipped header.
func NewEditorExtendedWeightHeader ¶
func NewEditorExtendedWeightHeader[T model.NodeTypes](forPage bool) unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]]
NewEditorExtendedWeightHeader creates a new extended weight page header.
func NewEditorListHeader ¶
func NewEditorListHeader[T model.NodeTypes](title, tooltip string, forPage bool) unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]]
NewEditorListHeader creates a new list header for an editor.
func NewEditorListSVGHeader ¶
func NewEditorListSVGHeader[T model.NodeTypes](svg *unison.SVG, tooltip string, forPage bool) unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]]
NewEditorListSVGHeader creates a new list header with an SVG image as its content rather than text.
func NewEditorListSVGPairHeader ¶
func NewEditorListSVGPairHeader[T model.NodeTypes](leftSVG, rightSVG *unison.SVG, tooltip string, forPage bool) unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]]
NewEditorListSVGPairHeader creates a new list header with a pair of SVG images as its content rather than text.
func NewEditorPageRefHeader ¶
NewEditorPageRefHeader creates a new page reference header.
func NewEnabledHeader ¶
NewEnabledHeader creates a new enabled header.
func NewEquipmentModifierTableDockableFromFile ¶
NewEquipmentModifierTableDockableFromFile loads a list of equipment modifiers from a file and creates a new unison.Dockable for them.
func NewEquipmentTableDockableFromFile ¶
NewEquipmentTableDockableFromFile loads a list of equipment from a file and creates a new unison.Dockable for them.
func NewExtendedMoneyHeader ¶
NewExtendedMoneyHeader creates a new extended money page header.
func NewFieldInteriorLeadingLabel ¶
NewFieldInteriorLeadingLabel creates a new label appropriate for the label in the interior of a row before a field.
func NewFieldLeadingLabel ¶
NewFieldLeadingLabel creates a new label appropriate for the first label in a row before a field.
func NewFieldTrailingLabel ¶
NewFieldTrailingLabel creates a new label appropriate for after a field.
func NewImageDockable ¶
NewImageDockable creates a new unison.Dockable for image files.
func NewInteriorSeparator ¶
NewInteriorSeparator creates a new interior vertical separator.
func NewMarkdownDockable ¶
func NewMarkdownDockable(filePath string, allowEditing, startInEditMode bool) (unison.Dockable, error)
NewMarkdownDockable creates a new unison.Dockable for markdown files.
func NewMarkdownDockableWithContent ¶
func NewMarkdownDockableWithContent(title, content string, allowEditing, startInEditMode bool) (unison.Dockable, error)
NewMarkdownDockableWithContent creates a new unison.Dockable for markdown content.
func NewMoneyHeader ¶
NewMoneyHeader creates a new money header.
func NewNodeTable ¶
func NewNodeTable[T model.NodeTypes](provider TableProvider[T], font unison.Font) (header *unison.TableHeader[*Node[T]], table *unison.Table[*Node[T]])
NewNodeTable creates a new node table of the specified type, returning the header and table. Pass nil for 'font' if this should be a standalone top-level table for a dockable. Otherwise, pass in the typical font used for a cell.
func NewNoteTableDockableFromFile ¶
NewNoteTableDockableFromFile loads a list of notes from a file and creates a new unison.Dockable for them.
func NewPDFDockable ¶
NewPDFDockable creates a new unison.Dockable for PDFRenderer files.
func NewPageHeader ¶
NewPageHeader creates a new center-aligned header for a sheet page.
func NewPageInternalHeader ¶
NewPageInternalHeader creates a new center-aligned internal header for a sheet page.
func NewPageLabel ¶
NewPageLabel creates a new start-aligned field label for a sheet page.
func NewPageLabelCenter ¶
NewPageLabelCenter creates a new center-aligned field label for a sheet page.
func NewPageLabelEnd ¶
NewPageLabelEnd creates a new end-aligned field label for a sheet page.
func NewPageLabelWithRandomizer ¶
NewPageLabelWithRandomizer creates a new end-aligned field label for a sheet page that includes a randomization button.
func NewSearchField ¶
NewSearchField creates a new search widget.
func NewSheetFromFile ¶
NewSheetFromFile loads a GURPS character sheet file and creates a new unison.Dockable for it.
func NewSkillTableDockableFromFile ¶
NewSkillTableDockableFromFile loads a list of skills from a file and creates a new unison.Dockable for them.
func NewSpellTableDockableFromFile ¶
NewSpellTableDockableFromFile loads a list of spells from a file and creates a new unison.Dockable for them.
func NewTemplateFromFile ¶
NewTemplateFromFile loads a GURPS template file and creates a new unison.Dockable for it.
func NewToolbarSeparator ¶
NewToolbarSeparator creates a new vertical separator for the toolbar.
func NewTraitModifierTableDockableFromFile ¶
NewTraitModifierTableDockableFromFile loads a list of trait modifiers from a file and creates a new unison.Dockable for them.
func NewTraitTableDockableFromFile ¶
NewTraitTableDockableFromFile loads a list of traits from a file and creates a new unison.Dockable for them.
func NewWeightHeader ¶
NewWeightHeader creates a new weight page header.
func NotifyOfAppUpdate ¶
func NotifyOfAppUpdate()
NotifyOfAppUpdate notifies the user of the available update.
func OpenEachPageRef ¶
OpenEachPageRef opens the all page references on each selected item in the table.
func OpenEditor ¶
OpenEditor opens an editor for each selected row in the table.
func OpenFile ¶
OpenFile attempts to open the given file path in the given window, which should contain a workspace. May pass nil for wnd to let it pick the first such window it discovers.
func OpenFiles ¶
func OpenFiles(filePaths []string)
OpenFiles attempts to open the given file paths.
func OpenPageRef ¶
OpenPageRef opens the first page reference on each selected item in the table.
func OpenPageReference ¶
func OpenPageReference(wnd *unison.Window, ref, highlight string, promptContext map[string]bool) bool
OpenPageReference opens the given page reference in the given window, which should contain a workspace. May pass nil for wnd to let it pick the first such window it discovers. Returns true if the the user asked to cancel further processing.
func PageRefKeyToName ¶
PageRefKeyToName returns a PDF name for the given mapping, if known.
func PlaceInDock ¶
func PlaceInDock(workspace *Workspace, dc *unison.DockContainer, dockable unison.Dockable, group string)
PlaceInDock places the Dockable into the workspace document dock, grouped with the provided group, if that group is present. 'dc' is the preferred DockContainer to place the Dockable within, which is usually the current one.
func ProcessModifiers ¶
ProcessModifiers processes the rows for modifiers that can be toggled on or off.
func ProcessModifiersForSelection ¶
ProcessModifiersForSelection processes the selected rows for modifiers that can be toggled on or off.
func ProcessNameables ¶
ProcessNameables processes the rows and their children for any nameables.
func ProcessNameablesForSelection ¶
ProcessNameablesForSelection processes the selected rows and their children for any nameables.
func PromptForDestination ¶
func PromptForDestination[T FileBackedDockable](choices []T) []T
PromptForDestination puts up a modal dialog to choose one or more destinations if choices contains more than one choice. Return an empty list if canceled or there are no selections made.
func RefreshPageRefMappingsView ¶
func RefreshPageRefMappingsView()
RefreshPageRefMappingsView causes the Page References Mappings view to be refreshed if it is open.
func RegisterExternalFileTypes ¶
func RegisterExternalFileTypes()
RegisterExternalFileTypes registers the external file types.
func RegisterGCSFileTypes ¶
func RegisterGCSFileTypes()
RegisterGCSFileTypes registers the GCS file types.
func RegisterKnownFileTypes ¶
func RegisterKnownFileTypes()
RegisterKnownFileTypes registers the known files types.
func SaveDockable ¶
func SaveDockable(d FileBackedDockable, saver func(filePath string) error, setUnmodified func()) bool
SaveDockable attempts to save the contents of the dockable using its existing path.
func SaveDockableAs ¶
func SaveDockableAs(d FileBackedDockable, extension string, saver func(filePath string) error, setUnmodifiedAndNewPath func(filePath string)) bool
SaveDockableAs attempts to save the contents of the dockable, prompting for a new path.
func SetCheckBoxState ¶
SetCheckBoxState sets the checkbox state based on the value of checked.
func SetFieldValue ¶
SetFieldValue sets the value of this field, marking the field and all of its parents as needing to be laid out again if the value is not what is currently in the field.
func SetTextAndMarkModified ¶
SetTextAndMarkModified sets the field to the given text, selects it, requests focus, then calls MarkModified().
func ShowAttributeSettings ¶
func ShowAttributeSettings(owner EntityPanel)
ShowAttributeSettings the Attribute Settings. Pass in nil to edit the defaults or a sheet to edit the sheet's.
func ShowBodySettings ¶
func ShowBodySettings(owner EntityPanel)
ShowBodySettings the Body Settings. Pass in nil to edit the defaults or a sheet to edit the sheet's.
func ShowGeneralSettings ¶
func ShowGeneralSettings()
ShowGeneralSettings the General Settings window.
func ShowLibrarySettings ¶
ShowLibrarySettings the Library Settings view for a specific library.
func ShowMenuKeySettings ¶
func ShowMenuKeySettings()
ShowMenuKeySettings shows the Menu Key settings.
func ShowPageRefMappings ¶
func ShowPageRefMappings()
ShowPageRefMappings shows the Page Reference Mappings.
func ShowReadOnlyMarkdown ¶ added in v5.5.1
func ShowReadOnlyMarkdown(title, content string)
ShowReadOnlyMarkdown attempts to show the given markdown content in a dockable.
func ShowSheetSettings ¶
func ShowSheetSettings(owner EntityPanel)
ShowSheetSettings the Sheet Settings. Pass in nil to edit the defaults or a sheet to edit the sheet's.
func ShowUnableToLocateWorkspaceError ¶
func ShowUnableToLocateWorkspaceError()
ShowUnableToLocateWorkspaceError displays an error dialog.
Types ¶
type AltDropSupport ¶
AltDropSupport holds handlers for supporting an alternate drop type that drops onto a specific row, rather than moving or adding rows.
type ApplyTemplateUndoEditData ¶
type ApplyTemplateUndoEditData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ApplyTemplateUndoEditData holds the sheet table data for an undo.
func NewApplyTemplateUndoEditData ¶
func NewApplyTemplateUndoEditData(sheet *Sheet) (*ApplyTemplateUndoEditData, error)
NewApplyTemplateUndoEditData creates a new undo that preserves the current sheet table data.
func (*ApplyTemplateUndoEditData) Apply ¶
func (a *ApplyTemplateUndoEditData) Apply()
Apply the data.
type BodyPanel ¶
BodyPanel holds the contents of the body block on the sheet.
func NewBodyPanel ¶
NewBodyPanel creates a new body panel.
type CellCache ¶
CellCache holds data for a table row's cell to reduce the need to constantly recreate them.
type CheckBox ¶
CheckBox provides a checkbox that works with undo.
func NewCheckBox ¶
func NewCheckBox(targetMgr *TargetMgr, targetKey, title string, get func() unison.CheckState, set func(unison.CheckState)) *CheckBox
NewCheckBox creates a new check box.
type ContextMenuItem ¶
ContextMenuItem holds the title and ID of a context menu item that is derived from a command ID.
type DamagePanel ¶
DamagePanel holds the contents of the damage block on the sheet.
func NewDamagePanel ¶
func NewDamagePanel(entity *model.Entity) *DamagePanel
NewDamagePanel creates a new damage panel.
type DecimalField ¶
type DecimalField = NumericField[fxp.Int]
DecimalField is field that holds a decimal (fixed-point) number.
type DescriptionPanel ¶
DescriptionPanel holds the contents of the description block on the sheet.
func NewDescriptionPanel ¶
func NewDescriptionPanel(entity *model.Entity, targetMgr *TargetMgr) *DescriptionPanel
NewDescriptionPanel creates a new description panel.
type DocumentDock ¶
DocumentDock holds the document dock.
func NewDocumentDock ¶
func NewDocumentDock() *DocumentDock
NewDocumentDock creates a new DocumentDock.
func (*DocumentDock) Modified ¶
func (d *DocumentDock) Modified() bool
Modified implements unison.Dockable
func (*DocumentDock) TitleIcon ¶
func (d *DocumentDock) TitleIcon(suggestedSize unison.Size) unison.Drawable
TitleIcon implements unison.Dockable
func (*DocumentDock) Tooltip ¶
func (d *DocumentDock) Tooltip() string
Tooltip implements unison.Dockable
type DragHandle ¶
DragHandle provides a simple draggable handle.
func NewDragHandle ¶
func NewDragHandle(data map[string]any) *DragHandle
NewDragHandle creates a new draggable handle widget.
type DrawableSVGPair ¶
DrawableSVGPair draws two SVG's side-by-side.
func (*DrawableSVGPair) DrawInRect ¶
func (s *DrawableSVGPair) DrawInRect(canvas *unison.Canvas, rect unison.Rect, _ *unison.SamplingOptions, paint *unison.Paint)
DrawInRect implements the Drawable interface.
func (*DrawableSVGPair) LogicalSize ¶
func (s *DrawableSVGPair) LogicalSize() unison.Size
LogicalSize implements the Drawable interface.
type EncumbrancePanel ¶
EncumbrancePanel holds the contents of the encumbrance block on the sheet.
func NewEncumbrancePanel ¶
func NewEncumbrancePanel(entity *model.Entity) *EncumbrancePanel
NewEncumbrancePanel creates a new encumbrance panel.
type EntityPanel ¶
EntityPanel defines methods for a panel that can hold an entity.
type FileBackedDockable ¶
type FileBackedDockable interface { unison.Dockable unison.TabCloser BackingFilePath() string SetBackingFilePath(p string) }
FileBackedDockable defines methods a Dockable that is based on a file should implement.
type GroupedCloser ¶
GroupedCloser defines the methods required of a tab that wishes to be closed when another tab is closed.
type IdentityPanel ¶
IdentityPanel holds the contents of the identity block on the sheet.
func NewIdentityPanel ¶
func NewIdentityPanel(entity *model.Entity, targetMgr *TargetMgr) *IdentityPanel
NewIdentityPanel creates a new identity panel.
type ImageDockable ¶
ImageDockable holds the view for an image file.
func (*ImageDockable) AttemptClose ¶
func (d *ImageDockable) AttemptClose() bool
AttemptClose implements unison.TabCloser
func (*ImageDockable) BackingFilePath ¶
func (d *ImageDockable) BackingFilePath() string
BackingFilePath implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*ImageDockable) MayAttemptClose ¶
func (d *ImageDockable) MayAttemptClose() bool
MayAttemptClose implements unison.TabCloser
func (*ImageDockable) Modified ¶
func (d *ImageDockable) Modified() bool
Modified implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*ImageDockable) SetBackingFilePath ¶
func (d *ImageDockable) SetBackingFilePath(p string)
SetBackingFilePath implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*ImageDockable) Title ¶
func (d *ImageDockable) Title() string
Title implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*ImageDockable) TitleIcon ¶
func (d *ImageDockable) TitleIcon(suggestedSize unison.Size) unison.Drawable
TitleIcon implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*ImageDockable) Tooltip ¶
func (d *ImageDockable) Tooltip() string
Tooltip implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
type IntegerField ¶
type IntegerField = NumericField[int]
IntegerField is field that holds an integer.
func NewIntegerField ¶
func NewIntegerField(targetMgr *TargetMgr, targetKey, undoTitle string, get func() int, set func(int), min, max int, forceSign, noMinWidth bool) *IntegerField
NewIntegerField creates a new field that holds an int.
func NewIntegerPageField ¶
func NewIntegerPageField(targetMgr *TargetMgr, targetKey, undoTitle string, get func() int, set func(int), min, max int, showSign bool) *IntegerField
NewIntegerPageField creates a new integer entry field for a sheet page.
type ItemVariant ¶
type ItemVariant int
ItemVariant holds the type of item variant to create.
const ( NoItemVariant ItemVariant = iota ContainerItemVariant AlternateItemVariant )
Possible values for ItemVariant.
type LengthField ¶
type LengthField = NumericField[model.Length]
LengthField is field that holds a length value.
type LiftingPanel ¶
LiftingPanel holds the contents of the lifting block on the sheet.
func NewLiftingPanel ¶
func NewLiftingPanel(entity *model.Entity) *LiftingPanel
NewLiftingPanel creates a new lifting panel.
type MarkdownDockable ¶
MarkdownDockable holds the view for an image file.
func (*MarkdownDockable) AttemptClose ¶
func (d *MarkdownDockable) AttemptClose() bool
AttemptClose implements unison.TabCloser
func (*MarkdownDockable) BackingFilePath ¶
func (d *MarkdownDockable) BackingFilePath() string
BackingFilePath implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*MarkdownDockable) MarkModified ¶ added in v5.5.0
func (d *MarkdownDockable) MarkModified(_ unison.Paneler)
MarkModified implements ModifiableRoot.
func (*MarkdownDockable) MayAttemptClose ¶
func (d *MarkdownDockable) MayAttemptClose() bool
MayAttemptClose implements unison.TabCloser
func (*MarkdownDockable) Modified ¶
func (d *MarkdownDockable) Modified() bool
Modified implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*MarkdownDockable) SetBackingFilePath ¶
func (d *MarkdownDockable) SetBackingFilePath(p string)
SetBackingFilePath implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*MarkdownDockable) Title ¶
func (d *MarkdownDockable) Title() string
Title implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*MarkdownDockable) TitleIcon ¶
func (d *MarkdownDockable) TitleIcon(suggestedSize unison.Size) unison.Drawable
TitleIcon implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*MarkdownDockable) Tooltip ¶
func (d *MarkdownDockable) Tooltip() string
Tooltip implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*MarkdownDockable) UndoManager ¶ added in v5.5.0
func (d *MarkdownDockable) UndoManager() *unison.UndoManager
UndoManager implements undo.Provider
type MiscPanel ¶
MiscPanel holds the contents of the miscellaneous block on the sheet.
func NewMiscPanel ¶
NewMiscPanel creates a new miscellaneous panel.
func (*MiscPanel) UpdateModified ¶
func (m *MiscPanel) UpdateModified()
UpdateModified updates the current modification timestamp.
type ModifiableRoot ¶
ModifiableRoot marks the root of a modifable tree of components, typically a Dockable.
type Navigator ¶
type Navigator struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Navigator holds the workspace navigation panel.
func (*Navigator) ApplyDisclosedPaths ¶
ApplyDisclosedPaths closes all nodes except the ones provided, which are explicitly opened.
func (*Navigator) ApplySelectedPaths ¶
ApplySelectedPaths replaces the selection with the nodes that match the given paths.
func (*Navigator) DisclosedPaths ¶
DisclosedPaths returns a list of paths that are currently disclosed.
func (*Navigator) EventuallyReload ¶
func (n *Navigator) EventuallyReload()
EventuallyReload calls Reload() after a small delay, collapsing intervening requests to do the same.
func (*Navigator) InitialFocus ¶
func (n *Navigator) InitialFocus()
InitialFocus causes the navigator to focus its initial component.
func (*Navigator) SelectedPaths ¶
SelectedPaths returns a list of paths that are currently selected.
type NavigatorNode ¶
type NavigatorNode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NavigatorNode holds a library, directory or file.
func NewDirectoryNode ¶
func NewDirectoryNode(nav *Navigator, lib *model.Library, dirPath string, parent *NavigatorNode) *NavigatorNode
NewDirectoryNode creates a new DirectoryNode.
func NewFileNode ¶
func NewFileNode(lib *model.Library, filePath string, parent *NavigatorNode) *NavigatorNode
NewFileNode creates a new FileNode.
func NewLibraryNode ¶
func NewLibraryNode(nav *Navigator, lib *model.Library) *NavigatorNode
NewLibraryNode creates a new library node.
func (*NavigatorNode) CanHaveChildren ¶
func (n *NavigatorNode) CanHaveChildren() bool
CanHaveChildren implements unison.TableRowData.
func (*NavigatorNode) CellDataForSort ¶
func (n *NavigatorNode) CellDataForSort(col int) string
CellDataForSort implements unison.TableRowData.
func (*NavigatorNode) Children ¶
func (n *NavigatorNode) Children() []*NavigatorNode
Children implements unison.TableRowData.
func (*NavigatorNode) CloneForTarget ¶
func (n *NavigatorNode) CloneForTarget(_ unison.Paneler, _ *NavigatorNode) *NavigatorNode
CloneForTarget implements unison.TableRowData. Not permitted at the moment.
func (*NavigatorNode) ColumnCell ¶
func (n *NavigatorNode) ColumnCell(_, col int, foreground, _ unison.Ink, _, _, _ bool) unison.Paneler
ColumnCell implements unison.TableRowData.
func (*NavigatorNode) IsOpen ¶
func (n *NavigatorNode) IsOpen() bool
IsOpen implements unison.TableRowData.
func (*NavigatorNode) Match ¶
func (n *NavigatorNode) Match(text string) bool
Match looks for the text in the node and return true if it is present. Note that calls to this method should always pass in text that has already been run through strings.ToLower().
func (*NavigatorNode) Parent ¶
func (n *NavigatorNode) Parent() *NavigatorNode
Parent implements unison.TableRowData.
func (*NavigatorNode) Path ¶
func (n *NavigatorNode) Path() string
Path returns the full path on disk for this node.
func (*NavigatorNode) Refresh ¶
func (n *NavigatorNode) Refresh()
Refresh the contents of this node.
func (*NavigatorNode) SetChildren ¶
func (n *NavigatorNode) SetChildren(_ []*NavigatorNode)
SetChildren implements unison.TableRowData.
func (*NavigatorNode) SetOpen ¶
func (n *NavigatorNode) SetOpen(open bool)
SetOpen implements unison.TableRowData.
func (*NavigatorNode) SetParent ¶
func (n *NavigatorNode) SetParent(_ *NavigatorNode)
SetParent implements unison.TableRowData.
func (*NavigatorNode) UUID ¶
func (n *NavigatorNode) UUID() uuid.UUID
UUID implements unison.TableRowData.
type Node ¶
Node represents a row in a table.
func NewNode ¶
func NewNode[T model.NodeTypes](table *unison.Table[*Node[T]], parent *Node[T], colMap map[int]int, data T, forPage bool) *Node[T]
NewNode creates a new node for a table.
func NewNodeLike ¶
NewNodeLike creates a new node for a table based on the characteristics of an existing node in that table.
func (*Node[T]) CanHaveChildren ¶
CanHaveChildren implements unison.TableRowData.
func (*Node[T]) CellDataForSort ¶
CellDataForSort implements unison.TableRowData.
func (*Node[T]) CellFromCellData ¶
func (n *Node[T]) CellFromCellData(c *model.CellData, width float32, foreground unison.Ink) unison.Paneler
CellFromCellData creates a new panel for the given cell data.
func (*Node[T]) CloneForTarget ¶
CloneForTarget implements unison.TableRowData.
func (*Node[T]) ColumnCell ¶
ColumnCell implements unison.TableRowData.
func (*Node[T]) HasTag ¶
HasTag returns true if the specified tag is present on the node. An empty tag will match all nodes.
func (*Node[T]) Match ¶
Match looks for the text in the node and return true if it is present. Note that calls to this method should always pass in text that has already been run through strings.ToLower().
func (*Node[T]) PartialMatchExceptTag ¶
PartialMatchExceptTag returns true if the specified text is present in the node's displayable columns other than the the tags column. An empty text will match all nodes.
func (*Node[T]) SetChildren ¶
SetChildren implements unison.TableRowData.
type NonEditableField ¶
NonEditableField holds the data for a non-editable field.
func NewNonEditableField ¶
func NewNonEditableField(syncer func(*NonEditableField)) *NonEditableField
NewNonEditableField creates a new start-aligned non-editable field that uses the same font and size as the field.
func NewNonEditableFieldCenter ¶
func NewNonEditableFieldCenter(syncer func(*NonEditableField)) *NonEditableField
NewNonEditableFieldCenter creates a new center-aligned non-editable field that uses the same font and size as the field.
func NewNonEditableFieldEnd ¶
func NewNonEditableFieldEnd(syncer func(*NonEditableField)) *NonEditableField
NewNonEditableFieldEnd creates a new end-aligned non-editable field that uses the same font and size as the field.
func (*NonEditableField) Sync ¶
func (f *NonEditableField) Sync()
Sync the field to the current value.
type NonEditablePageField ¶
NonEditablePageField holds the data for a non-editable page field.
func NewNonEditablePageField ¶
func NewNonEditablePageField(syncer func(*NonEditablePageField)) *NonEditablePageField
NewNonEditablePageField creates a new start-aligned non-editable field that uses the same font and size as the page field.
func NewNonEditablePageFieldCenter ¶
func NewNonEditablePageFieldCenter(syncer func(*NonEditablePageField)) *NonEditablePageField
NewNonEditablePageFieldCenter creates a new center-aligned non-editable field that uses the same font and size as the page field.
func NewNonEditablePageFieldEnd ¶
func NewNonEditablePageFieldEnd(syncer func(*NonEditablePageField)) *NonEditablePageField
NewNonEditablePageFieldEnd creates a new end-aligned non-editable field that uses the same font and size as the page field.
func (*NonEditablePageField) Sync ¶
func (f *NonEditablePageField) Sync()
Sync the field to the current value.
type NumericField ¶
type NumericField[T xmath.Numeric] struct { *unison.Field Format func(T) string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NumericField holds a numeric value that can be edited.
func NewNumericField ¶
func NewNumericField[T xmath.Numeric](targetMgr *TargetMgr, targetKey, undoTitle string, getPrototypes func(min, max T) []T, get func() T, set func(T), format func(T) string, extract func(s string) (T, error), min, max T) *NumericField[T]
NewNumericField creates a new field that formats its content.
func (*NumericField[T]) Max ¶
func (f *NumericField[T]) Max() T
Max returns the maximum value allowed.
func (*NumericField[T]) Min ¶
func (f *NumericField[T]) Min() T
Min returns the minimum value allowed.
func (*NumericField[T]) SetMarksModified ¶
func (f *NumericField[T]) SetMarksModified(marksModified bool)
SetMarksModified sets whether this field will attempt to mark its ModifiableRoot as modified. Default is true.
func (*NumericField[T]) SetMinMax ¶
func (f *NumericField[T]) SetMinMax(min, max T)
SetMinMax sets the minimum and maximum values and then adjusts the minimum text width, if a prototype function has been set.
func (*NumericField[T]) Sync ¶
func (f *NumericField[T]) Sync()
Sync the field to the current value.
type PDFDockable ¶
PDFDockable holds the view for a PDFRenderer file.
func (*PDFDockable) AttemptClose ¶
func (d *PDFDockable) AttemptClose() bool
AttemptClose implements unison.TabCloser
func (*PDFDockable) BackingFilePath ¶
func (d *PDFDockable) BackingFilePath() string
BackingFilePath implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*PDFDockable) ClearHistory ¶
func (d *PDFDockable) ClearHistory()
ClearHistory clears the existing history.
func (*PDFDockable) Forward ¶
func (d *PDFDockable) Forward()
Forward moves forward in history one step.
func (*PDFDockable) LoadPage ¶
func (d *PDFDockable) LoadPage(pageNumber int)
LoadPage loads the specified page.
func (*PDFDockable) MayAttemptClose ¶
func (d *PDFDockable) MayAttemptClose() bool
MayAttemptClose implements unison.TabCloser
func (*PDFDockable) Modified ¶
func (d *PDFDockable) Modified() bool
Modified implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*PDFDockable) SetBackingFilePath ¶
func (d *PDFDockable) SetBackingFilePath(p string)
SetBackingFilePath implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*PDFDockable) SetSearchText ¶
func (d *PDFDockable) SetSearchText(text string)
SetSearchText sets the search text and updates the display.
func (*PDFDockable) Title ¶
func (d *PDFDockable) Title() string
Title implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*PDFDockable) TitleIcon ¶
func (d *PDFDockable) TitleIcon(suggestedSize unison.Size) unison.Drawable
TitleIcon implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*PDFDockable) Tooltip ¶
func (d *PDFDockable) Tooltip() string
Tooltip implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
type PDFLink ¶
PDFLink holds a single link on a page. If PageNumber if >= 0, then this is an internal link and the URI will be empty.
type PDFPage ¶
type PDFPage struct { Error error PageNumber int Image *unison.Image TOC []*PDFTableOfContents Links []*PDFLink Matches []unison.Rect }
PDFPage holds a rendered PDFRenderer page.
type PDFRenderer ¶
type PDFRenderer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PDFRenderer holds a PDFRenderer page renderer.
func NewPDFRenderer ¶
func NewPDFRenderer(filePath string, pageLoadedCallback func()) (*PDFRenderer, error)
NewPDFRenderer creates a new PDFRenderer page renderer.
func (*PDFRenderer) CurrentPage ¶
func (p *PDFRenderer) CurrentPage() *PDFPage
CurrentPage returns the currently rendered page.
func (*PDFRenderer) LoadPage ¶
func (p *PDFRenderer) LoadPage(pageNumber int, search string)
LoadPage requests the given page to be loaded and rendered.
func (*PDFRenderer) MostRecentPageNumber ¶
func (p *PDFRenderer) MostRecentPageNumber() int
MostRecentPageNumber returns the most recent page number that has been asked to be rendered.
func (*PDFRenderer) PageCount ¶
func (p *PDFRenderer) PageCount() int
PageCount returns the total page count.
func (*PDFRenderer) RenderingFinished ¶
func (p *PDFRenderer) RenderingFinished() (finished bool, pageNumber int, requested time.Time)
RenderingFinished returns true if there is no rendering being done for this PDFRenderer at the moment.
func (*PDFRenderer) RequestRenderPriority ¶
func (p *PDFRenderer) RequestRenderPriority()
RequestRenderPriority attempts to bump this PDFRenderer's rendering to the head of the queue.
type PDFTableOfContents ¶
type PDFTableOfContents struct { Title string PageNumber int PageLocation unison.Point Children []*PDFTableOfContents }
PDFTableOfContents holds a table of contents entry.
type Page ¶
Page holds a logical page worth of content.
func (*Page) ApplyPreferredSize ¶
func (p *Page) ApplyPreferredSize()
ApplyPreferredSize to this panel.
func (*Page) LayoutSizes ¶
LayoutSizes implements unison.Layout
func (*Page) PerformLayout ¶
PerformLayout implements unison.Layout
type PageList ¶
type PageList[T model.NodeTypes] struct { unison.Panel Table *unison.Table[*Node[T]] // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PageList holds a list for a sheet page.
func NewCarriedEquipmentPageList ¶
func NewCarriedEquipmentPageList(owner Rebuildable, provider model.ListProvider) *PageList[*model.Equipment]
NewCarriedEquipmentPageList creates the carried equipment page list.
func NewConditionalModifiersPageList ¶
func NewConditionalModifiersPageList(entity *model.Entity) *PageList[*model.ConditionalModifier]
NewConditionalModifiersPageList creates the conditional modifiers page list.
func NewMeleeWeaponsPageList ¶
NewMeleeWeaponsPageList creates the melee weapons page list.
func NewNotesPageList ¶
func NewNotesPageList(owner Rebuildable, provider model.ListProvider) *PageList[*model.Note]
NewNotesPageList creates the notes page list.
func NewOtherEquipmentPageList ¶
func NewOtherEquipmentPageList(owner Rebuildable, provider model.ListProvider) *PageList[*model.Equipment]
NewOtherEquipmentPageList creates the other equipment page list.
func NewRangedWeaponsPageList ¶
NewRangedWeaponsPageList creates the ranged weapons page list.
func NewReactionsPageList ¶
func NewReactionsPageList(entity *model.Entity) *PageList[*model.ConditionalModifier]
NewReactionsPageList creates the reaction modifiers page list.
func NewSkillsPageList ¶
func NewSkillsPageList(owner Rebuildable, provider model.ListProvider) *PageList[*model.Skill]
NewSkillsPageList creates the skills page list.
func NewSpellsPageList ¶
func NewSpellsPageList(owner Rebuildable, provider model.SpellListProvider) *PageList[*model.Spell]
NewSpellsPageList creates the spells page list.
func NewTraitsPageList ¶
func NewTraitsPageList(owner Rebuildable, provider model.ListProvider) *PageList[*model.Trait]
NewTraitsPageList creates the traits page list.
func (*PageList[T]) ApplySelection ¶
ApplySelection locates the rows with the given UUIDs and selects them, replacing any existing selection.
func (*PageList[T]) CreateItem ¶
func (p *PageList[T]) CreateItem(owner Rebuildable, variant ItemVariant)
CreateItem calls CreateItem on the contained TableProvider.
func (*PageList[T]) CurrentDrawRowRange ¶
CurrentDrawRowRange returns the current row range that will be drawn.
func (*PageList[T]) OverheadHeight ¶
OverheadHeight returns the overhead for this page list, i.e. the border and header space.
func (*PageList[T]) RecordSelection ¶
RecordSelection collects the currently selected row UUIDs.
func (*PageList[T]) RowHeights ¶
RowHeights returns the heights of each row.
func (*PageList[T]) SelectedNodes ¶
SelectedNodes returns the set of selected nodes. If 'minimal' is true, then children of selected rows that may also be selected are not returned, just the topmost row that is selected in any given hierarchy.
func (*PageList[T]) SetDrawRowRange ¶
SetDrawRowRange sets the row range that will be drawn.
type PageTableColumnHeader ¶
type PageTableColumnHeader[T model.NodeTypes] struct { unison.Label // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PageTableColumnHeader provides a default page table column header panel.
func NewPageTableColumnHeader ¶
func NewPageTableColumnHeader[T model.NodeTypes](title, tooltip string) *PageTableColumnHeader[T]
NewPageTableColumnHeader creates a new page table column header panel with the given title.
func (*PageTableColumnHeader[T]) DefaultDraw ¶
func (h *PageTableColumnHeader[T]) DefaultDraw(canvas *unison.Canvas, dirty unison.Rect)
DefaultDraw provides the default drawing.
func (*PageTableColumnHeader[T]) DefaultMouseUp ¶
func (h *PageTableColumnHeader[T]) DefaultMouseUp(where unison.Point, _ int, _ unison.Modifiers) bool
DefaultMouseUp provides the default mouse up handling.
func (*PageTableColumnHeader[T]) DefaultSizes ¶
func (h *PageTableColumnHeader[T]) DefaultSizes(hint unison.Size) (min, pref, max unison.Size)
DefaultSizes provides the default sizing.
func (*PageTableColumnHeader[T]) SetSortState ¶
func (h *PageTableColumnHeader[T]) SetSortState(state unison.SortState)
SetSortState sets the SortState.
func (*PageTableColumnHeader[T]) SortState ¶
func (h *PageTableColumnHeader[T]) SortState() unison.SortState
SortState returns the current SortState.
type PercentageField ¶
type PercentageField = NumericField[int]
PercentageField is field that holds a percentage.
func NewPercentageField ¶
func NewPercentageField(targetMgr *TargetMgr, targetKey, undoTitle string, get func() int, set func(int), min, max int, forceSign, noMinWidth bool) *PercentageField
NewPercentageField creates a new field that holds a percentage.
func NewScaleField ¶
func NewScaleField(min, max int, def, get func() int, set func(int), afterApply func(), attemptCenter bool, scroller *unison.ScrollPanel) *PercentageField
NewScaleField creates a new scale field and hooks it into the target.
type PointPoolsPanel ¶
PointPoolsPanel holds the contents of the point pools block on the sheet.
func NewPointPoolsPanel ¶
func NewPointPoolsPanel(entity *model.Entity, targetMgr *TargetMgr) *PointPoolsPanel
NewPointPoolsPanel creates a new point pools panel.
type PointsPanel ¶
PointsPanel holds the contents of the points block on the sheet.
func NewPointsPanel ¶
func NewPointsPanel(entity *model.Entity, targetMgr *TargetMgr) *PointsPanel
NewPointsPanel creates a new points panel.
type Popup ¶
type Popup[T comparable] struct { *unison.PopupMenu[T] // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Popup provides a popup menu that works with undo.
type PortraitPanel ¶
PortraitPanel holds the contents of the portrait block on the sheet.
func NewPortraitPanel ¶
func NewPortraitPanel(entity *model.Entity) *PortraitPanel
NewPortraitPanel creates a new portrait panel.
type PreservedTableData ¶
PreservedTableData holds the data and selection state of a table in a serialized form.
type PrimaryAttrPanel ¶
PrimaryAttrPanel holds the contents of the primary attributes block on the sheet.
func NewPrimaryAttrPanel ¶
func NewPrimaryAttrPanel(entity *model.Entity, targetMgr *TargetMgr) *PrimaryAttrPanel
NewPrimaryAttrPanel creates a new primary attributes panel.
func (*PrimaryAttrPanel) Sync ¶
func (p *PrimaryAttrPanel) Sync()
Sync the panel to the current data.
type Rebuildable ¶
Rebuildable defines the methods a rebuildable panel should provide.
type SecondaryAttrPanel ¶
SecondaryAttrPanel holds the contents of the secondary attributes block on the sheet.
func NewSecondaryAttrPanel ¶
func NewSecondaryAttrPanel(entity *model.Entity, targetMgr *TargetMgr) *SecondaryAttrPanel
NewSecondaryAttrPanel creates a new secondary attributes panel.
func (*SecondaryAttrPanel) Sync ¶
func (p *SecondaryAttrPanel) Sync()
Sync the panel to the current data.
type Selectable ¶
Selectable panels can have their selection queried and set.
type SettingsDockable ¶
type SettingsDockable struct { unison.Panel TabTitle string TabIcon *unison.SVG Extensions []string Loader func(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) error Saver func(filePath string) error Resetter func() ModifiedCallback func() bool WillCloseCallback func() bool }
SettingsDockable holds common settings dockable data.
func (*SettingsDockable) AttemptClose ¶
func (d *SettingsDockable) AttemptClose() bool
AttemptClose implements unison.TabCloser
func (*SettingsDockable) MarkModified ¶
func (d *SettingsDockable) MarkModified(_ unison.Paneler)
MarkModified implements widget.ModifiableRoot
func (*SettingsDockable) MayAttemptClose ¶
func (d *SettingsDockable) MayAttemptClose() bool
MayAttemptClose implements unison.TabCloser
func (*SettingsDockable) Modified ¶
func (d *SettingsDockable) Modified() bool
Modified implements unison.Dockable
func (*SettingsDockable) Setup ¶
func (d *SettingsDockable) Setup(ws *Workspace, dc *unison.DockContainer, addToStartToolbar, addToEndToolbar, initContent func(*unison.Panel))
Setup the dockable and display it.
func (*SettingsDockable) Title ¶
func (d *SettingsDockable) Title() string
Title implements unison.Dockable
func (*SettingsDockable) TitleIcon ¶
func (d *SettingsDockable) TitleIcon(suggestedSize unison.Size) unison.Drawable
TitleIcon implements unison.Dockable
func (*SettingsDockable) Tooltip ¶
func (d *SettingsDockable) Tooltip() string
Tooltip implements unison.Dockable
type Sheet ¶
type Sheet struct { unison.Panel Reactions *PageList[*model.ConditionalModifier] ConditionalModifiers *PageList[*model.ConditionalModifier] MeleeWeapons *PageList[*model.Weapon] RangedWeapons *PageList[*model.Weapon] Traits *PageList[*model.Trait] Skills *PageList[*model.Skill] Spells *PageList[*model.Spell] CarriedEquipment *PageList[*model.Equipment] OtherEquipment *PageList[*model.Equipment] Notes *PageList[*model.Note] // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Sheet holds the view for a GURPS character sheet.
func OpenSheets ¶
OpenSheets returns the currently open sheets.
func (*Sheet) AttemptClose ¶
AttemptClose implements unison.TabCloser
func (*Sheet) BackingFilePath ¶
BackingFilePath implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*Sheet) DockableKind ¶
DockableKind implements widget.DockableKind
func (*Sheet) MarkModified ¶
MarkModified implements widget.ModifiableRoot.
func (*Sheet) MayAttemptClose ¶
MayAttemptClose implements unison.TabCloser
func (*Sheet) SetBackingFilePath ¶
SetBackingFilePath implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*Sheet) SheetSettingsUpdated ¶
SheetSettingsUpdated implements gurps.SheetSettingsResponder.
func (*Sheet) UndoManager ¶
func (s *Sheet) UndoManager() *unison.UndoManager
UndoManager implements undo.Provider
type StringField ¶
StringField holds the value for a string field.
func NewMultiLineStringField ¶
func NewMultiLineStringField(targetMgr *TargetMgr, targetKey, undoTitle string, get func() string, set func(string)) *StringField
NewMultiLineStringField creates a new field for editing a string.
func NewStringField ¶
func NewStringField(targetMgr *TargetMgr, targetKey, undoTitle string, get func() string, set func(string)) *StringField
NewStringField creates a new field for editing a string.
func NewStringPageField ¶
func NewStringPageField(targetMgr *TargetMgr, targetKey, undoTitle string, get func() string, set func(string)) *StringField
NewStringPageField creates a new text entry field for a sheet page.
func NewStringPageFieldNoGrab ¶
func NewStringPageFieldNoGrab(targetMgr *TargetMgr, targetKey, undoTitle string, get func() string, set func(string)) *StringField
NewStringPageFieldNoGrab creates a new text entry field for a sheet page, but with HGrab set to false.
type Syncer ¶
type Syncer interface {
Syncer should be called to sync an object's UI state to its model.
type TableDockable ¶
type TableDockable[T model.NodeTypes] struct { unison.Panel // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TableDockable holds the view for a file that contains a (potentially hierarchical) list of data.
func NewEquipmentModifierTableDockable ¶
func NewEquipmentModifierTableDockable(filePath string, modifiers []*model.EquipmentModifier) *TableDockable[*model.EquipmentModifier]
NewEquipmentModifierTableDockable creates a new unison.Dockable for equipment modifier list files.
func NewEquipmentTableDockable ¶
func NewEquipmentTableDockable(filePath string, equipment []*model.Equipment) *TableDockable[*model.Equipment]
NewEquipmentTableDockable creates a new unison.Dockable for equipment list files.
func NewNoteTableDockable ¶
NewNoteTableDockable creates a new unison.Dockable for note list files.
func NewSkillTableDockable ¶
NewSkillTableDockable creates a new unison.Dockable for skill list files.
func NewSpellTableDockable ¶
NewSpellTableDockable creates a new unison.Dockable for spell list files.
func NewTableDockable ¶
func NewTableDockable[T model.NodeTypes](filePath, extension string, provider TableProvider[T], saver func(path string) error, canCreateIDs *TableDockable[T]
NewTableDockable creates a new TableDockable for list data files.
func NewTraitModifierTableDockable ¶
func NewTraitModifierTableDockable(filePath string, modifiers []*model.TraitModifier) *TableDockable[*model.TraitModifier]
NewTraitModifierTableDockable creates a new unison.Dockable for trait modifier list files.
func NewTraitTableDockable ¶
NewTraitTableDockable creates a new unison.Dockable for trait list files.
func (*TableDockable[T]) AttemptClose ¶
func (d *TableDockable[T]) AttemptClose() bool
AttemptClose implements unison.TabCloser
func (*TableDockable[T]) BackingFilePath ¶
func (d *TableDockable[T]) BackingFilePath() string
BackingFilePath implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*TableDockable[T]) DockableKind ¶
func (d *TableDockable[T]) DockableKind() string
DockableKind implements widget.DockableKind
func (*TableDockable[T]) Entity ¶
func (d *TableDockable[T]) Entity() *model.Entity
Entity implements gurps.EntityProvider
func (*TableDockable[T]) MarkModified ¶
func (d *TableDockable[T]) MarkModified(_ unison.Paneler)
MarkModified implements widget.ModifiableRoot.
func (*TableDockable[T]) MayAttemptClose ¶
func (d *TableDockable[T]) MayAttemptClose() bool
MayAttemptClose implements unison.TabCloser
func (*TableDockable[T]) Modified ¶
func (d *TableDockable[T]) Modified() bool
Modified implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*TableDockable[T]) Rebuild ¶
func (d *TableDockable[T]) Rebuild(_ bool)
Rebuild implements widget.Rebuildable.
func (*TableDockable[T]) SetBackingFilePath ¶
func (d *TableDockable[T]) SetBackingFilePath(p string)
SetBackingFilePath implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*TableDockable[T]) String ¶
func (d *TableDockable[T]) String() string
func (*TableDockable[T]) Title ¶
func (d *TableDockable[T]) Title() string
Title implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*TableDockable[T]) TitleIcon ¶
func (d *TableDockable[T]) TitleIcon(suggestedSize unison.Size) unison.Drawable
TitleIcon implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*TableDockable[T]) Tooltip ¶
func (d *TableDockable[T]) Tooltip() string
Tooltip implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*TableDockable[T]) UndoManager ¶
func (d *TableDockable[T]) UndoManager() *unison.UndoManager
UndoManager implements undo.Provider
type TableDragUndoEditData ¶
type TableDragUndoEditData[T model.NodeTypes] struct { From *TableUndoEditData[T] To *TableUndoEditData[T] }
TableDragUndoEditData holds the undo edit data for a table drag.
func NewTableDragUndoEditData ¶
func NewTableDragUndoEditData[T model.NodeTypes](from, to *unison.Table[*Node[T]]) *TableDragUndoEditData[T]
NewTableDragUndoEditData collects the undo edit data for a table drag.
func (*TableDragUndoEditData[T]) Apply ¶
func (t *TableDragUndoEditData[T]) Apply()
Apply the undo edit data to a table.
type TableProvider ¶
type TableProvider[T model.NodeTypes] interface { unison.TableModel[*Node[T]] model.EntityProvider SetTable(table *unison.Table[*Node[T]]) RootData() []T SetRootData(data []T) DragKey() string DragSVG() *unison.SVG DropShouldMoveData(from, to *unison.Table[*Node[T]]) bool ProcessDropData(from, to *unison.Table[*Node[T]]) AltDropSupport() *AltDropSupport ItemNames() (singular, plural string) Headers() []unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]] SyncHeader(headers []unison.TableColumnHeader[*Node[T]]) HierarchyColumnIndex() int ExcessWidthColumnIndex() int ContextMenuItems() []ContextMenuItem OpenEditor(owner Rebuildable, table *unison.Table[*Node[T]]) CreateItem(owner Rebuildable, table *unison.Table[*Node[T]], variant ItemVariant) Serialize() ([]byte, error) Deserialize(data []byte) error RefKey() string AllTags() []string }
TableProvider defines the methods a table provider must contain.
func NewConditionalModifiersProvider ¶
func NewConditionalModifiersProvider(provider model.ConditionalModifierListProvider) TableProvider[*model.ConditionalModifier]
NewConditionalModifiersProvider creates a new table provider for conditional modifiers.
func NewEquipmentModifiersProvider ¶
func NewEquipmentModifiersProvider(provider model.EquipmentModifierListProvider, forEditor bool) TableProvider[*model.EquipmentModifier]
NewEquipmentModifiersProvider creates a new table provider for equipment modifiers.
func NewEquipmentProvider ¶
func NewEquipmentProvider(provider model.EquipmentListProvider, forPage, carried bool) TableProvider[*model.Equipment]
NewEquipmentProvider creates a new table provider for equipment. 'carried' is only relevant if 'forPage' is true.
func NewNotesProvider ¶
func NewNotesProvider(provider model.NoteListProvider, forPage bool) TableProvider[*model.Note]
NewNotesProvider creates a new table provider for notes.
func NewReactionModifiersProvider ¶
func NewReactionModifiersProvider(provider model.ReactionModifierListProvider) TableProvider[*model.ConditionalModifier]
NewReactionModifiersProvider creates a new table provider for reaction modifiers.
func NewSkillsProvider ¶
func NewSkillsProvider(provider model.SkillListProvider, forPage bool) TableProvider[*model.Skill]
NewSkillsProvider creates a new table provider for skills.
func NewSpellsProvider ¶
func NewSpellsProvider(provider model.SpellListProvider, forPage bool) TableProvider[*model.Spell]
NewSpellsProvider creates a new table provider for spells.
func NewTraitModifiersProvider ¶
func NewTraitModifiersProvider(provider model.TraitModifierListProvider, forEditor bool) TableProvider[*model.TraitModifier]
NewTraitModifiersProvider creates a new table provider for trait modifiers.
func NewTraitsProvider ¶
func NewTraitsProvider(provider model.TraitListProvider, forPage bool) TableProvider[*model.Trait]
NewTraitsProvider creates a new table provider for traits.
func NewWeaponsProvider ¶
func NewWeaponsProvider(provider model.WeaponListProvider, weaponType model.WeaponType, forPage bool) TableProvider[*model.Weapon]
NewWeaponsProvider creates a new table provider for weapons.
type TableUndoEditData ¶
type TableUndoEditData[T model.NodeTypes] struct { Table *unison.Table[*Node[T]] Data PreservedTableData[T] }
TableUndoEditData holds the data necessary to provide undo for a table.
func NewTableUndoEditData ¶
NewTableUndoEditData collects the undo edit data for a table.
func (*TableUndoEditData[T]) Apply ¶
func (t *TableUndoEditData[T]) Apply()
Apply the undo edit data to a table.
type TargetMgr ¶
type TargetMgr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TargetMgr provides management of target panels.
func NewTargetMgr ¶
NewTargetMgr creates a new TargetMgr with the given root.
func (*TargetMgr) CurrentFocusRef ¶
CurrentFocusRef returns the current FocusRef, if any.
func (*TargetMgr) Find ¶
Find searches the tree of panels starting at the root, looking for a specific refKey.
func (*TargetMgr) NextPrefix ¶
NextPrefix returns the next unique prefix to use.
type TargetUndo ¶
TargetUndo provides undo support for fields that may be swapped out during updates by using a TargetMgr to locate the real target.
func NewTargetUndo ¶
func NewTargetUndo[T any](targetMgr *TargetMgr, targetKey, title string, undoID int64, applyCallback func(target *unison.Panel, data T), beforeData T) *TargetUndo[T]
NewTargetUndo creates a new undo that supports having a revisable target.
type Template ¶
type Template struct { unison.Panel Traits *PageList[*model.Trait] Skills *PageList[*model.Skill] Spells *PageList[*model.Spell] Equipment *PageList[*model.Equipment] Notes *PageList[*model.Note] // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Template holds the view for a GURPS character template.
func NewTemplate ¶
NewTemplate creates a new unison.Dockable for GURPS template files.
func OpenTemplates ¶
OpenTemplates returns the currently open templates.
func (*Template) AttemptClose ¶
AttemptClose implements unison.TabCloser
func (*Template) BackingFilePath ¶
BackingFilePath implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*Template) DockableKind ¶
DockableKind implements widget.DockableKind
func (*Template) MarkModified ¶
MarkModified implements widget.ModifiableRoot.
func (*Template) MayAttemptClose ¶
MayAttemptClose implements unison.TabCloser
func (*Template) SetBackingFilePath ¶
SetBackingFilePath implements workspace.FileBackedDockable
func (*Template) SheetSettingsUpdated ¶
SheetSettingsUpdated implements gurps.SheetSettingsResponder.
func (*Template) UndoManager ¶
func (d *Template) UndoManager() *unison.UndoManager
UndoManager implements undo.Provider
type TitledBorder ¶
TitledBorder provides a titled line border.
func (*TitledBorder) Draw ¶
func (t *TitledBorder) Draw(gc *unison.Canvas, rect unison.Rect)
Draw implements unison.Border
func (*TitledBorder) Insets ¶
func (t *TitledBorder) Insets() unison.Insets
Insets implements unison.Border
type WeightField ¶
type WeightField = NumericField[model.Weight]
WeightField is field that holds a weight value.
type Workspace ¶
type Workspace struct { Window *unison.Window TopDock *unison.Dock DocumentDock *DocumentDock }
Workspace holds the data necessary to track the Workspace.
func Activate ¶
func Activate(matcher func(d unison.Dockable) bool) (ws *Workspace, dc *unison.DockContainer, found bool)
Activate attempts to locate an existing dockable that 'matcher' returns true for. If found, it will have been activated and focused.
func AnyWorkspace ¶
func AnyWorkspace() *Workspace
AnyWorkspace first tries to return the workspace for the active window. If that fails, then it looks for any available workspace and returns that.
func NewWorkspace ¶
NewWorkspace creates a new Workspace for the given Window.
func WorkspaceFromWindow ¶
WorkspaceFromWindow returns the Workspace associated with the given Window, or nil.
func WorkspaceFromWindowOrAny ¶
WorkspaceFromWindowOrAny first calls WorkspaceFromWindow(wnd) and if that fails to find a Workspace, then calls AnyWorkspace().
func (*Workspace) CurrentlyFocusedDockContainer ¶
func (w *Workspace) CurrentlyFocusedDockContainer() *unison.DockContainer
CurrentlyFocusedDockContainer returns the currently focused DockContainer, if any.
func (*Workspace) LocateDockContainerForExtension ¶
func (w *Workspace) LocateDockContainerForExtension(ext ...string) *unison.DockContainer
LocateDockContainerForExtension searches for the first FileBackedDockable with the given extension and returns its DockContainer.
func (*Workspace) LocateFileBackedDockable ¶
func (w *Workspace) LocateFileBackedDockable(filePath string) FileBackedDockable
LocateFileBackedDockable searches for a FileBackedDockable with the given path.
Source Files
- about.go
- actions.go
- adjust_points.go
- adjust_quantity.go
- adjust_skill_level.go
- adjust_tech_level.go
- adjust_trait_level.go
- adjust_uses.go
- app_updater.go
- attr_def_settings_panel.go
- attribute_settings_dockable.go
- body_panel.go
- body_settings_dockable.go
- body_settings_panel.go
- body_settings_sub_table_panel.go
- checkbox.go
- color_settings.go
- conditional_modifiers_provider.go
- convert_to_container.go
- damage_panel.go
- decimal_field.go
- defaults_panel.go
- description_panel.go
- document_dock.go
- drag_handle.go
- drawable_svg_pair.go
- editor.go
- editor_header.go
- editor_table.go
- encumbrance_panel.go
- equipment_editor.go
- equipment_modifier_editor.go
- equipment_modifier_table.go
- equipment_modifiers_panel.go
- equipment_modifiers_provider.go
- equipment_provider.go
- equipment_table.go
- features_panel.go
- field_label.go
- file_types.go
- font_settings.go
- general_settings.go
- handoff.go
- helpers.go
- hit_location_settings_panel.go
- identity_panel.go
- img_dockable.go
- infopop.go
- integer_field.go
- length_field.go
- library_settings.go
- library_update.go
- lifting_panel.go
- markdown_dockable.go
- menu_key_settings.go
- menus.go
- menus_other.go
- misc_panel.go
- modifier_processing.go
- nameables_processing.go
- navigator.go
- navigator_node.go
- non_editable_field.go
- note_editor.go
- note_table.go
- notes_provider.go
- numeric_field.go
- page.go
- page_blocks.go
- page_exporter.go
- page_list.go
- page_non_editable_field.go
- page_ref.go
- page_widgets.go
- pageref_mappings.go
- pageref_name_mappings.go
- pdf_dockable.go
- pdf_queue.go
- pdf_renderer.go
- percentage_field.go
- platform_linux.go
- point_pools_panel.go
- points_editor.go
- points_panel.go
- pool_settings_panel.go
- popup.go
- portait_panel.go
- portrait_layout.go
- prereq_panel.go
- preserved_table_data.go
- primary_attr_panel.go
- reactions_provider.go
- scale.go
- search_field.go
- search_tracker.go
- secondary_attr_panel.go
- separator.go
- settings_dockable.go
- sheet.go
- sheet_settings.go
- skill_editor.go
- skill_table.go
- skills_provider.go
- spell_editor.go
- spell_table.go
- spells_provider.go
- startup.go
- string_field.go
- study_panel.go
- table.go
- table_dockable.go
- table_drop.go
- table_node.go
- table_undo.go
- target_manager.go
- target_undo.go
- template.go
- template_content.go
- template_undo.go
- threshold_settings_panel.go
- titled_border.go
- toc_node.go
- toggle_disabled.go
- toggle_equipped.go
- trait_editor.go
- trait_modifier_editor.go
- trait_modifier_table.go
- trait_modifiers_panel.go
- trait_modifiers_provider.go
- trait_table.go
- traits_provider.go
- updatable_library_cell.go
- weapon_editor.go
- weapons_panel.go
- weapons_provider.go
- weight_field.go
- widgets.go
- workspace.go