Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AdjustTechLevel(str string, delta fxp.Int) (s string, changed bool)
- func AdjustedPoints(entity *Entity, canLevel bool, basePoints, levels, pointsPerLevel fxp.Int, ...) fxp.Int
- func AdjustedPointsForNonContainerSkillOrTechnique(entity *Entity, points fxp.Int, name, specialization string, tags []string, ...) fxp.Int
- func AdjustedPointsForNonContainerSpell(entity *Entity, points fxp.Int, name, powerSource string, ...) fxp.Int
- func AttributeChoices(entity *Entity, prefix string, flags AttributeFlags, currentKey string) (choices []*AttributeChoice, current *AttributeChoice)
- func AttributeIDFor(entity *Entity, preferred string) string
- func CalculateRitualMagicSpellLevel(entity *Entity, name, powerSource, ritualSkillName string, ...) skill.Level
- func CalculateSkillLevel(entity *Entity, name, specialization string, tags []string, def *SkillDefault, ...) skill.Level
- func CalculateSpellLevel(entity *Entity, name, powerSource string, colleges, tags []string, ...) skill.Level
- func CalculateTechniqueLevel(entity *Entity, name, specialization string, tags []string, def *SkillDefault, ...) skill.Level
- func CloneNodes[T NodeTypes](newEntity *Entity, newParent T, preserveID bool, nodes []Node[T]) []T
- func CombineTags(tags []string) string
- func CountThresholdOpMet(op attribute.ThresholdOp, attributes *Attributes) int
- func CreateFullKeySet() map[string]bool
- func DefaultAttributeIDFor(entity *Entity) string
- func ExtendedWeightAdjustedForModifiers(defUnits measure.WeightUnits, qty fxp.Int, baseWeight measure.Weight, ...) measure.Weight
- func ExtractTags(tags string) []string
- func ExtractTechLevel(str string) (techLevel fxp.Int, start, end int)
- func FormatRelativeSkill(entity *Entity, typ string, difficulty AttributeDifficulty, rsl fxp.Int) string
- func HasTag(tag string, tags []string) bool
- func HasText(has bool) string
- func HitLocationChoices(entity *Entity, prefix, currentKey string) (choices []*HitLocationChoice, current *HitLocationChoice)
- func InstallEvaluatorFunctions(m map[string]eval.Function)
- func IsThresholdOpMet(op attribute.ThresholdOp, attributes *Attributes) bool
- func ReplaceTechLevel(str string, value fxp.Int) string
- func ResolveAttributeName(entity *Entity, attribute string) string
- func SaveEquipment(equipment []*Equipment, filePath string) error
- func SaveEquipmentModifiers(modifiers []*EquipmentModifier, filePath string) error
- func SaveNotes(notes []*Note, filePath string) error
- func SaveSkills(skills []*Skill, filePath string) error
- func SaveSpells(spells []*Spell, filePath string) error
- func SaveTraitModifiers(modifiers []*TraitModifier, filePath string) error
- func SaveTraits(traits []*Trait, filePath string) error
- func Traverse[T NodeTypes](f func(T) bool, onlyEnabled, excludeContainers bool, in ...T)
- func ValueAdjustedForModifiers(value fxp.Int, modifiers []*EquipmentModifier) fxp.Int
- func WeightAdjustedForModifiers(weight measure.Weight, modifiers []*EquipmentModifier, ...) measure.Weight
- type Attribute
- func (a *Attribute) AttributeDef() *AttributeDef
- func (a *Attribute) Clone(entity *Entity) *Attribute
- func (a *Attribute) Current() fxp.Int
- func (a *Attribute) CurrentThreshold() *PoolThreshold
- func (a *Attribute) ID() string
- func (a *Attribute) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (a *Attribute) Maximum() fxp.Int
- func (a *Attribute) PointCost() fxp.Int
- func (a *Attribute) SetID(value string)
- func (a *Attribute) SetMaximum(value fxp.Int)
- func (a *Attribute) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type AttributeChoice
- type AttributeData
- type AttributeDef
- func (a *AttributeDef) BaseValue(resolver eval.VariableResolver) fxp.Int
- func (a *AttributeDef) Clone() *AttributeDef
- func (a *AttributeDef) CombinedName() string
- func (a *AttributeDef) ComputeCost(entity *Entity, value, costReduction fxp.Int, sizeModifier int) fxp.Int
- func (a *AttributeDef) ID() string
- func (a *AttributeDef) IsSeparator() bool
- func (a *AttributeDef) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (a *AttributeDef) Pool() bool
- func (a *AttributeDef) Primary() bool
- func (a *AttributeDef) ResolveFullName() string
- func (a *AttributeDef) Secondary() bool
- func (a *AttributeDef) SetID(value string)
- func (a *AttributeDef) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type AttributeDefData
- type AttributeDefs
- func (a *AttributeDefs) CRC64() uint64
- func (a *AttributeDefs) Clone() *AttributeDefs
- func (a *AttributeDefs) List(omitSeparators bool) []*AttributeDef
- func (a *AttributeDefs) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (a *AttributeDefs) ResetTargetKeyPrefixes(prefixProvider func() string)
- func (a *AttributeDefs) Save(filePath string) error
- func (a *AttributeDefs) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type AttributeDifficulty
- func (a *AttributeDifficulty) Description(entity *Entity) string
- func (a *AttributeDifficulty) Key() string
- func (a *AttributeDifficulty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (a *AttributeDifficulty) Normalize(entity *Entity)
- func (a AttributeDifficulty) ShouldOmit() bool
- func (a *AttributeDifficulty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type AttributeFlags
- type AttributePrereq
- func (a *AttributePrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
- func (a *AttributePrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq
- func (a *AttributePrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
- func (a *AttributePrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList
- func (a *AttributePrereq) PrereqType() prereq.Type
- func (a *AttributePrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, _ any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
- type Attributes
- func (a *Attributes) CRC64() uint64
- func (a *Attributes) Clone(entity *Entity) *Attributes
- func (a *Attributes) Cost(attrID string) fxp.Int
- func (a *Attributes) Current(attrID string) fxp.Int
- func (a *Attributes) List() []*Attribute
- func (a *Attributes) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (a *Attributes) Maximum(attrID string) fxp.Int
- func (a *Attributes) PoolThreshold(attrID, state string) fxp.Int
- func (a *Attributes) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type BlockLayout
- func (b *BlockLayout) ByRow() [][]string
- func (b *BlockLayout) Clone() *BlockLayout
- func (b *BlockLayout) EnsureValidity()
- func (b *BlockLayout) HTMLGridTemplate() string
- func (b *BlockLayout) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (b *BlockLayout) Reset()
- func (b *BlockLayout) String() string
- func (b *BlockLayout) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type Body
- func (b *Body) AddLocation(loc *HitLocation)
- func (b *Body) CRC64() uint64
- func (b *Body) Clone(entity *Entity, owningLocation *HitLocation) *Body
- func (b *Body) LookupLocationByID(entity *Entity, idStr string) *HitLocation
- func (b *Body) OwningLocation() *HitLocation
- func (b *Body) RemoveLocation(loc *HitLocation)
- func (b *Body) ResetTargetKeyPrefixes(prefixProvider func() string)
- func (b *Body) Rewrap()
- func (b *Body) Save(filePath string) error
- func (b *Body) SetOwningLocation(loc *HitLocation)
- func (b *Body) UniqueHitLocations(entity *Entity) []*HitLocation
- func (b *Body) Update(entity *Entity)
- type CellData
- type CellType
- type CollegeList
- type ConditionalModifier
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) Add(source string, amt fxp.Int)
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) CellData(column int, data *CellData)
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) Clone(_ *Entity, _ *ConditionalModifier, preserveID bool) *ConditionalModifier
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) Container() bool
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) Enabled() bool
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) HasChildren() bool
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) Kind() string
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) Less(other *ConditionalModifier) bool
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) NodeChildren() []*ConditionalModifier
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) Open() bool
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) OwningEntity() *Entity
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) Parent() *ConditionalModifier
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) SetChildren(_ []*ConditionalModifier)
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) SetOpen(_ bool)
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) SetOwningEntity(_ *Entity)
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) SetParent(_ *ConditionalModifier)
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) Total() fxp.Int
- func (m *ConditionalModifier) UUID() uuid.UUID
- type ConditionalModifierListProvider
- type ContainedQuantityPrereq
- func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
- func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq
- func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
- func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList
- func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) PrereqType() prereq.Type
- func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) Satisfied(_ *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
- type ContainedWeightPrereq
- func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
- func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq
- func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
- func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList
- func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) PrereqType() prereq.Type
- func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
- type ContainerBase
- func (c *ContainerBase[T]) Container() bool
- func (c *ContainerBase[T]) HasChildren() bool
- func (c *ContainerBase[T]) NodeChildren() []T
- func (c *ContainerBase[T]) Open() bool
- func (c *ContainerBase[T]) Parent() T
- func (c *ContainerBase[T]) SetChildren(children []T)
- func (c *ContainerBase[T]) SetOpen(open bool)
- func (c *ContainerBase[T]) SetParent(parent T)
- func (c *ContainerBase[T]) UUID() uuid.UUID
- type EditorData
- type Entity
- func (e *Entity) AddDRBonusesFor(featureID string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, drMap map[string]int) map[string]int
- func (e *Entity) AddNamedWeaponBonusesFor(featureID, nameQualifier, usageQualifier string, tagsQualifier []string, ...) map[*feature.WeaponBonus]bool
- func (e *Entity) AddWeaponComparedBonusesFor(featureID, nameQualifier, specializationQualifier string, ...) map[*feature.WeaponBonus]bool
- func (e *Entity) Ancestry() *ancestry.Ancestry
- func (e *Entity) AttributePoints() fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) BaseSkill(def *SkillDefault, requirePoints bool) *Skill
- func (e *Entity) BasicLift() measure.Weight
- func (e *Entity) BestCollegeSpellBonus(tags, colleges []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) BestSkillNamed(name, specialization string, requirePoints bool, excludes map[string]bool) *Skill
- func (e *Entity) BonusFor(featureID string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) CRC64() uint64
- func (e *Entity) CarriedEquipmentList() []*Equipment
- func (e *Entity) CarryOnBack() measure.Weight
- func (e *Entity) ConditionalModifiers() []*ConditionalModifier
- func (e *Entity) CostReductionFor(featureID string) fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) DiscardCaches()
- func (e *Entity) Dodge(enc datafile.Encumbrance) int
- func (e *Entity) EncumbranceLevel(forSkills bool) datafile.Encumbrance
- func (e *Entity) Entity() *Entity
- func (e *Entity) EquippedWeapons(weaponType weapon.Type) []*Weapon
- func (e *Entity) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *Entity) MaximumCarry(encumbrance datafile.Encumbrance) measure.Weight
- func (e *Entity) Move(enc datafile.Encumbrance) int
- func (e *Entity) NamedWeaponBonusesFor(featureID, nameQualifier, usageQualifier string, tagsQualifier []string, ...) []*feature.WeaponBonus
- func (e *Entity) NamedWeaponSkillBonusesFor(featureID, nameQualifier, usageQualifier string, tagsQualifier []string, ...) []*feature.SkillBonus
- func (e *Entity) NoteList() []*Note
- func (e *Entity) OneHandedLift() measure.Weight
- func (e *Entity) OtherEquipmentList() []*Equipment
- func (e *Entity) PreservesUserDesc() bool
- func (e *Entity) Reactions() []*ConditionalModifier
- func (e *Entity) Recalculate()
- func (e *Entity) ResolveAttribute(attrID string) *Attribute
- func (e *Entity) ResolveAttributeCurrent(attrID string) fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) ResolveAttributeDef(attrID string) *AttributeDef
- func (e *Entity) ResolveAttributeName(attrID string) string
- func (e *Entity) ResolveVariable(variableName string) string
- func (e *Entity) RunningShoveAndKnockOver() measure.Weight
- func (e *Entity) Save(filePath string) error
- func (e *Entity) SetCarriedEquipmentList(list []*Equipment)
- func (e *Entity) SetNoteList(list []*Note)
- func (e *Entity) SetOtherEquipmentList(list []*Equipment)
- func (e *Entity) SetSkillList(list []*Skill)
- func (e *Entity) SetSpellList(list []*Spell)
- func (e *Entity) SetTraitList(list []*Trait)
- func (e *Entity) SetUnspentPoints(unspent fxp.Int)
- func (e *Entity) SetWeapons(_ weapon.Type, _ []*Weapon)
- func (e *Entity) ShiftSlightly() measure.Weight
- func (e *Entity) ShoveAndKnockOver() measure.Weight
- func (e *Entity) SkillComparedBonusFor(featureID, name, specialization string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) SkillList() []*Skill
- func (e *Entity) SkillNamed(name, specialization string, requirePoints bool, excludes map[string]bool) []*Skill
- func (e *Entity) SkillPointComparedBonusFor(featureID, name, specialization string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) SkillPoints() fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) SpellBonusesFor(featureID, qualifier string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) SpellComparedBonusFor(featureID, name string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) SpellList() []*Spell
- func (e *Entity) SpellPointBonusesFor(featureID, qualifier string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) SpellPointComparedBonusFor(featureID, qualifier string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) SpellPoints() fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) SpentPoints() fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) StrengthOrZero() fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) Swing() *dice.Dice
- func (e *Entity) SwingFor(st int) *dice.Dice
- func (e *Entity) Thrust() *dice.Dice
- func (e *Entity) ThrustFor(st int) *dice.Dice
- func (e *Entity) TraitList() []*Trait
- func (e *Entity) TraitPoints() (ad, disad, race, quirk fxp.Int)
- func (e *Entity) TwoHandedLift() measure.Weight
- func (e *Entity) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (e *Entity) UnspentPoints() fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) UpdateSkills() bool
- func (e *Entity) UpdateSpells() bool
- func (e *Entity) WealthCarried() fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) WealthNotCarried() fxp.Int
- func (e *Entity) WeaponComparedBonusesFor(featureID, nameQualifier, specializationQualifier string, ...) []*feature.WeaponBonus
- func (e *Entity) WeaponOwner() WeaponOwner
- func (e *Entity) Weapons(weaponType weapon.Type) []*Weapon
- func (e *Entity) WeightCarried(forSkills bool) measure.Weight
- type EntityData
- type EntityProvider
- type Equipment
- func (e *Equipment) ActiveModifierFor(name string) *EquipmentModifier
- func (e *Equipment) AdjustedValue() fxp.Int
- func (e *Equipment) AdjustedWeight(forSkills bool, defUnits measure.WeightUnits) measure.Weight
- func (e *Equipment) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (e *Equipment) CellData(column int, data *CellData)
- func (e *Equipment) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *Equipment, preserveID bool) *Equipment
- func (e *Equipment) Depth() int
- func (e *Equipment) Description() string
- func (e *Equipment) DisplayLegalityClass() string
- func (e *Equipment) Enabled() bool
- func (e *Equipment) ExtendedValue() fxp.Int
- func (e *Equipment) ExtendedWeight(forSkills bool, defUnits measure.WeightUnits) measure.Weight
- func (e *Equipment) FeatureList() feature.Features
- func (e *Equipment) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (e *Equipment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (e *Equipment) ModifierNotes() string
- func (e *Equipment) Notes() string
- func (e *Equipment) OwningEntity() *Entity
- func (e *Equipment) RequiresTL() bool
- func (e *Equipment) SecondaryText(optionChecker func(display.Option) bool) string
- func (e *Equipment) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)
- func (e *Equipment) SetTL(tl string)
- func (e *Equipment) String() string
- func (e *Equipment) TL() string
- func (e *Equipment) TagList() []string
- func (e *Equipment) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type EquipmentData
- type EquipmentEditData
- type EquipmentListProvider
- type EquipmentModifier
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) ApplyNameableKeys(keyMap map[string]string)
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) CellData(column int, data *CellData)
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *EquipmentModifier, preserveID bool) *EquipmentModifier
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) CostDescription() string
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) Depth() int
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) Enabled() bool
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) FillWithNameableKeys(keyMap map[string]string)
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) FullCostDescription() string
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) FullDescription() string
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) OwningEntity() *Entity
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) SecondaryText(optionChecker func(display.Option) bool) string
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) SetEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) String() string
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) TagList() []string
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (m *EquipmentModifier) WeightDescription() string
- type EquipmentModifierData
- type EquipmentModifierEditData
- type EquipmentModifierListProvider
- type ExportInfo
- type GeneralModifier
- type HitLocation
- func (h *HitLocation) Clone(entity *Entity, owningTable *Body) *HitLocation
- func (h *HitLocation) DR(entity *Entity, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, drMap map[string]int) map[string]int
- func (h *HitLocation) DisplayDR(entity *Entity, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) string
- func (h *HitLocation) ID() string
- func (h *HitLocation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (h *HitLocation) OwningTable() *Body
- func (h *HitLocation) ResetTargetKeyPrefixes(prefixProvider func() string)
- func (h *HitLocation) SetID(value string)
- func (h *HitLocation) SetSubTable(bodyType *Body)
- func (h *HitLocation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type HitLocationChoice
- type HitLocationData
- type ListProvider
- type Node
- type NodeTypes
- type Note
- func (n *Note) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (n *Note) CellData(column int, data *CellData)
- func (n *Note) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *Note, preserveID bool) *Note
- func (n *Note) Depth() int
- func (n *Note) Enabled() bool
- func (n *Note) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (n *Note) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (n *Note) OwningEntity() *Entity
- func (n *Note) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)
- func (n *Note) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type NoteData
- type NoteEditData
- type NoteListProvider
- type PoolThreshold
- func (p *PoolThreshold) AddOp(op attribute.ThresholdOp)
- func (p *PoolThreshold) Clone() *PoolThreshold
- func (p *PoolThreshold) ContainsOp(op attribute.ThresholdOp) bool
- func (p *PoolThreshold) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (p *PoolThreshold) RemoveOp(op attribute.ThresholdOp)
- func (p *PoolThreshold) String() string
- func (p *PoolThreshold) Threshold(resolver eval.VariableResolver) fxp.Int
- func (p *PoolThreshold) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type PoolThresholdData
- type Prereq
- type PrereqList
- func (p *PrereqList) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (p *PrereqList) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq
- func (p *PrereqList) CloneAsPrereqList(parent *PrereqList) *PrereqList
- func (p *PrereqList) CloneResolvingEmpty(isContainer, pruneIfEmpty bool) *PrereqList
- func (p *PrereqList) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (p *PrereqList) ParentList() *PrereqList
- func (p *PrereqList) PrereqType() prereq.Type
- func (p *PrereqList) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, buffer *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
- func (p *PrereqList) ShouldOmit() bool
- type Prereqs
- type Profile
- type QuickExports
- type QuickExportsData
- type RawPointsAdjuster
- type ReactionModifierListProvider
- type SelfControlRollAdj
- func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) Adjustment(cr trait.SelfControlRoll) int
- func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) AltString() string
- func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) Description(cr trait.SelfControlRoll) string
- func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) EnsureValid() SelfControlRollAdj
- func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) Features(cr trait.SelfControlRoll) feature.Features
- func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) Key() string
- func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
- func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) String() string
- func (enum *SelfControlRollAdj) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
- type SheetSettings
- func (s *SheetSettings) Clone(entity *Entity) *SheetSettings
- func (s *SheetSettings) EnsureValidity()
- func (s *SheetSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *SheetSettings) Save(filePath string) error
- func (s *SheetSettings) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)
- func (s *SheetSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type SheetSettingsData
- type SheetSettingsResponder
- type Skill
- func (s *Skill) AdjustedPoints(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
- func (s *Skill) AdjustedRelativeLevel() fxp.Int
- func (s *Skill) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (s *Skill) BestSwappableSkill() *Skill
- func (s *Skill) CalculateLevel() skill.Level
- func (s *Skill) CanSwapDefaults() bool
- func (s *Skill) CanSwapDefaultsWith(other *Skill) bool
- func (s *Skill) CellData(column int, data *CellData)
- func (s *Skill) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *Skill, preserveID bool) *Skill
- func (s *Skill) DecrementSkillLevel()
- func (s *Skill) DefaultSkill() *Skill
- func (s *Skill) Depth() int
- func (s *Skill) Description() string
- func (s *Skill) Enabled() bool
- func (s *Skill) FeatureList() feature.Features
- func (s *Skill) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (s *Skill) HasDefaultTo(other *Skill) bool
- func (s *Skill) IncrementSkillLevel()
- func (s *Skill) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *Skill) ModifierNotes() string
- func (s *Skill) Notes() string
- func (s *Skill) OwningEntity() *Entity
- func (s *Skill) RawPoints() fxp.Int
- func (s *Skill) RelativeLevel() string
- func (s *Skill) RequiresTL() bool
- func (s *Skill) SecondaryText(optionChecker func(display.Option) bool) string
- func (s *Skill) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)
- func (s *Skill) SetRawPoints(points fxp.Int) bool
- func (s *Skill) SetTL(tl string)
- func (s *Skill) String() string
- func (s *Skill) SwapDefaults()
- func (s *Skill) TL() string
- func (s *Skill) TagList() []string
- func (s *Skill) TechniqueSatisfied(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
- func (s *Skill) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (s *Skill) UpdateLevel() bool
- type SkillAdjustmentProvider
- type SkillData
- type SkillDefault
- func (s *SkillDefault) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (s *SkillDefault) CloneWithoutLevelOrPoints() *SkillDefault
- func (s *SkillDefault) Equivalent(other *SkillDefault) bool
- func (s *SkillDefault) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (s *SkillDefault) FullName(entity *Entity) string
- func (s *SkillDefault) ModifierAsString() string
- func (s *SkillDefault) SetType(t string)
- func (s *SkillDefault) SkillBased() bool
- func (s *SkillDefault) SkillLevel(entity *Entity, requirePoints bool, excludes map[string]bool, ruleOf20 bool) fxp.Int
- func (s *SkillDefault) SkillLevelFast(entity *Entity, requirePoints bool, excludes map[string]bool, ruleOf20 bool) fxp.Int
- func (s *SkillDefault) Type() string
- type SkillEditData
- type SkillListProvider
- type SkillPrereq
- func (s *SkillPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (s *SkillPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq
- func (s *SkillPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (s *SkillPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList
- func (s *SkillPrereq) PrereqType() prereq.Type
- func (s *SkillPrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
- type Spell
- func (s *Spell) AdjustedPoints(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
- func (s *Spell) AdjustedRelativeLevel() fxp.Int
- func (s *Spell) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (s *Spell) CalculateLevel() skill.Level
- func (s *Spell) CellData(column int, data *CellData)
- func (s *Spell) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *Spell, preserveID bool) *Spell
- func (s *Spell) DecrementSkillLevel()
- func (s *Spell) Depth() int
- func (s *Spell) Description() string
- func (s *Spell) Enabled() bool
- func (s *Spell) FeatureList() feature.Features
- func (s *Spell) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (s *Spell) IncrementSkillLevel()
- func (s *Spell) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *Spell) Notes() string
- func (s *Spell) OwningEntity() *Entity
- func (s *Spell) RawPoints() fxp.Int
- func (s *Spell) RelativeLevel() string
- func (s *Spell) RequiresTL() bool
- func (s *Spell) RitualMagicSatisfied(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
- func (s *Spell) Rituals() string
- func (s *Spell) SecondaryText(optionChecker func(display.Option) bool) string
- func (s *Spell) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)
- func (s *Spell) SetRawPoints(points fxp.Int) bool
- func (s *Spell) SetTL(tl string)
- func (s *Spell) String() string
- func (s *Spell) TL() string
- func (s *Spell) TagList() []string
- func (s *Spell) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (s *Spell) UpdateLevel() bool
- type SpellData
- type SpellEditData
- type SpellListProvider
- type SpellPrereq
- func (s *SpellPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (s *SpellPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq
- func (s *SpellPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (s *SpellPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList
- func (s *SpellPrereq) PrereqType() prereq.Type
- func (s *SpellPrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
- type TechLevelProvider
- type Template
- func (t *Template) CRC64() uint64
- func (t *Template) CarriedEquipmentList() []*Equipment
- func (t *Template) Entity() *Entity
- func (t *Template) NoteList() []*Note
- func (t *Template) OtherEquipmentList() []*Equipment
- func (t *Template) Save(filePath string) error
- func (t *Template) SetCarriedEquipmentList(list []*Equipment)
- func (t *Template) SetNoteList(list []*Note)
- func (t *Template) SetOtherEquipmentList(_ []*Equipment)
- func (t *Template) SetSkillList(list []*Skill)
- func (t *Template) SetSpellList(list []*Spell)
- func (t *Template) SetTraitList(list []*Trait)
- func (t *Template) SkillList() []*Skill
- func (t *Template) SpellList() []*Spell
- func (t *Template) TraitList() []*Trait
- type Trait
- func (a *Trait) ActiveModifierFor(name string) *TraitModifier
- func (a *Trait) AdjustedPoints() fxp.Int
- func (a *Trait) AllModifiers() []*TraitModifier
- func (a *Trait) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (a *Trait) CellData(column int, data *CellData)
- func (a *Trait) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *Trait, preserveID bool) *Trait
- func (a *Trait) Depth() int
- func (a *Trait) Description() string
- func (a *Trait) EffectivelyDisabled() bool
- func (a *Trait) Enabled() bool
- func (a *Trait) FeatureList() feature.Features
- func (a *Trait) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (a *Trait) IsLeveled() bool
- func (a *Trait) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (a *Trait) ModifierNotes() string
- func (a *Trait) Notes() string
- func (a *Trait) OwningEntity() *Entity
- func (a *Trait) SecondaryText(optionChecker func(display.Option) bool) string
- func (a *Trait) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)
- func (a *Trait) String() string
- func (a *Trait) TagList() []string
- func (a *Trait) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type TraitData
- type TraitEditData
- type TraitListProvider
- type TraitModifier
- func (m *TraitModifier) ApplyNameableKeys(keyMap map[string]string)
- func (m *TraitModifier) CellData(column int, data *CellData)
- func (m *TraitModifier) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *TraitModifier, preserveID bool) *TraitModifier
- func (m *TraitModifier) CostDescription() string
- func (m *TraitModifier) CostModifier() fxp.Int
- func (m *TraitModifier) Depth() int
- func (m *TraitModifier) Enabled() bool
- func (m *TraitModifier) FillWithNameableKeys(keyMap map[string]string)
- func (m *TraitModifier) FullCostDescription() string
- func (m *TraitModifier) FullDescription() string
- func (m *TraitModifier) HasLevels() bool
- func (m *TraitModifier) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *TraitModifier) OwningEntity() *Entity
- func (m *TraitModifier) SecondaryText(optionChecker func(display.Option) bool) string
- func (m *TraitModifier) SetEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (m *TraitModifier) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)
- func (m *TraitModifier) String() string
- func (m *TraitModifier) TagList() []string
- func (m *TraitModifier) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type TraitModifierData
- type TraitModifierEditData
- type TraitModifierListProvider
- type TraitPrereq
- func (a *TraitPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (a *TraitPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq
- func (a *TraitPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (a *TraitPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList
- func (a *TraitPrereq) PrereqType() prereq.Type
- func (a *TraitPrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
- type Weapon
- func (w *Weapon) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (w *Weapon) ApplyTo(t *Weapon)
- func (w *Weapon) CellData(column int, data *CellData)
- func (w *Weapon) Clone(_ *Entity, _ *Weapon, preserveID bool) *Weapon
- func (w *Weapon) Container() bool
- func (w *Weapon) CopyFrom(t *Weapon)
- func (w *Weapon) Enabled() bool
- func (w *Weapon) EncumbrancePenalty(entity *Entity, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
- func (w *Weapon) Entity() *Entity
- func (w *Weapon) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
- func (w *Weapon) HasChildren() bool
- func (w *Weapon) HashCode() uint32
- func (w *Weapon) Kind() string
- func (w *Weapon) Less(other *Weapon) bool
- func (w *Weapon) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (w *Weapon) NodeChildren() []*Weapon
- func (w *Weapon) Notes() string
- func (w *Weapon) Open() bool
- func (w *Weapon) OwningEntity() *Entity
- func (w *Weapon) PC() *Entity
- func (w *Weapon) Parent() *Weapon
- func (w *Weapon) ResolvedBlock(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) string
- func (w *Weapon) ResolvedMinimumStrength() fxp.Int
- func (w *Weapon) ResolvedParry(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) string
- func (w *Weapon) ResolvedRange() string
- func (w *Weapon) SetChildren(_ []*Weapon)
- func (w *Weapon) SetOpen(_ bool)
- func (w *Weapon) SetOwner(owner WeaponOwner)
- func (w *Weapon) SetOwningEntity(_ *Entity)
- func (w *Weapon) SetParent(_ *Weapon)
- func (w *Weapon) SkillLevel(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
- func (w *Weapon) String() string
- func (w *Weapon) UUID() uuid.UUID
- func (w *Weapon) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type WeaponDamage
- func (w *WeaponDamage) Clone(owner *Weapon) *WeaponDamage
- func (w *WeaponDamage) DamageTooltip() string
- func (w *WeaponDamage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (w *WeaponDamage) ResolvedDamage(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) string
- func (w *WeaponDamage) String() string
- func (w *WeaponDamage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type WeaponDamageData
- type WeaponData
- type WeaponListProvider
- type WeaponOwner
Constants ¶
const ( BlockLayoutReactionsKey = "reactions" BlockLayoutConditionalModifiersKey = "conditional_modifiers" BlockLayoutMeleeKey = "melee" BlockLayoutRangedKey = "ranged" BlockLayoutTraitsKey = "traits" BlockLayoutSkillsKey = "skills" BlockLayoutSpellsKey = "spells" BlockLayoutEquipmentKey = "equipment" BlockLayoutOtherEquipmentKey = "other_equipment" BlockLayoutNotesKey = "notes" )
Valid block layout keys
const ( ConditionalModifierValueColumn = iota ConditionalModifierDescriptionColumn )
Columns that can be used with the conditional modifier method .CellData()
const ( EquipmentEquippedColumn = iota EquipmentQuantityColumn EquipmentDescriptionColumn EquipmentUsesColumn EquipmentMaxUsesColumn EquipmentTLColumn EquipmentLCColumn EquipmentCostColumn EquipmentExtendedCostColumn EquipmentWeightColumn EquipmentExtendedWeightColumn EquipmentTagsColumn EquipmentReferenceColumn )
Columns that can be used with the equipment method .CellData()
const ( EquipmentModifierEnabledColumn = iota EquipmentModifierDescriptionColumn EquipmentModifierTechLevelColumn EquipmentModifierCostColumn EquipmentModifierWeightColumn EquipmentModifierTagsColumn EquipmentModifierReferenceColumn )
Columns that can be used with the equipment modifier method .CellData()
const ( NoteTextColumn = iota NoteReferenceColumn )
Columns that can be used with the note method .CellData()
const ( PortraitHeight = 96 PortraitWidth = 3 * PortraitHeight / 4 )
Standard height and width for the portrait
const ( SkillDescriptionColumn = iota SkillDifficultyColumn SkillTagsColumn SkillReferenceColumn SkillLevelColumn SkillRelativeLevelColumn SkillPointsColumn )
Columns that can be used with the skill method .CellData()
const ( SpellDescriptionColumn = iota SpellResistColumn SpellClassColumn SpellCollegeColumn SpellCastCostColumn SpellMaintainCostColumn SpellCastTimeColumn SpellDurationColumn SpellDifficultyColumn SpellTagsColumn SpellReferenceColumn SpellLevelColumn SpellRelativeLevelColumn SpellPointsColumn SpellDescriptionForPageColumn )
Columns that can be used with the spell method .CellData()
const ( TraitDescriptionColumn = iota TraitPointsColumn TraitTagsColumn TraitReferenceColumn )
Columns that can be used with the trait method .CellData()
const ( TraitModifierEnabledColumn = iota TraitModifierDescriptionColumn TraitModifierCostColumn TraitModifierTagsColumn TraitModifierReferenceColumn )
Columns that can be used with the trait modifier method .CellData()
const ( WeaponDescriptionColumn = iota WeaponUsageColumn WeaponSLColumn WeaponParryColumn WeaponBlockColumn WeaponDamageColumn WeaponReachColumn WeaponSTColumn WeaponAccColumn WeaponRangeColumn WeaponRoFColumn WeaponShotsColumn WeaponBulkColumn WeaponRecoilColumn )
Columns that can be used with the weapon method .CellData()
const ContainerKeyPostfix = "_container"
ContainerKeyPostfix is the key postfix used to identify containers.
const PageRefCellAlias = -10
PageRefCellAlias is used an alias to request the page reference cell, if any.
Variables ¶
var ( NoAdditionalModifiers = i18n.Text("No additional modifiers") IncludesModifiersFrom = i18n.Text("Includes modifiers from") PageRefTooltipText = i18n.Text(`A reference to the book and page the item appears on e.g. B22 would refer to "Basic Set", page 22`) )
String constants
var ( // TechLevelInfo holds the general TL age list TechLevelInfo = i18n.Text(`TL0: Stone Age (Prehistory) TL1: Bronze Age (3500 B.C.+) TL2: Iron Age (1200 B.C.+) TL3: Medieval (600 A.D.+) TL4: Age of Sail (1450+) TL5: Industrial Revolution (1730+) TL6: Mechanized Age (1880+) TL7: Nuclear Age (1940+) TL8: Digital Age (1980+) TL9: Microtech Age (2025+?) TL10: Robotic Age (2070+?) TL11: Age of Exotic Matter TL12: Anything Goes`) // LegalityClassInfo holds the LC list LegalityClassInfo = i18n.Text(`LC0: Banned LC1: Military LC2: Restricted LC3: Licensed LC4: Open`) )
var ( // AllCellType holds all possible values. AllCellType = []CellType{ Text, Tags, Toggle, PageRef, } )
var ( // AllSelfControlRollAdj holds all possible values. AllSelfControlRollAdj = []SelfControlRollAdj{ NoCRAdj, ActionPenalty, ReactionPenalty, FrightCheckPenalty, FrightCheckBonus, MinorCostOfLivingIncrease, MajorCostOfLivingIncrease, } )
var ReservedIDs = []string{gid.Skill, gid.Parry, gid.Block, gid.Dodge, gid.SizeModifier, gid.Ten}
ReservedIDs holds a list of IDs that are reserved for internal use.
var SettingsProvider interface { GeneralSettings() *settings.General SheetSettings() *SheetSettings Libraries() library.Libraries }
SettingsProvider must be initialized prior to using this package. It provides access to settings to avoid circular references.
Functions ¶
func AdjustTechLevel ¶
AdjustTechLevel returns a new string with the adjusted tech level.
func AdjustedPoints ¶
func AdjustedPoints(entity *Entity, canLevel bool, basePoints, levels, pointsPerLevel fxp.Int, cr trait.SelfControlRoll, modifiers []*TraitModifier, roundCostDown bool) fxp.Int
AdjustedPoints returns the total points, taking levels and modifiers into account. 'entity' may be nil.
func AdjustedPointsForNonContainerSkillOrTechnique ¶
func AdjustedPointsForNonContainerSkillOrTechnique(entity *Entity, points fxp.Int, name, specialization string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
AdjustedPointsForNonContainerSkillOrTechnique returns the points, adjusted for any bonuses.
func AdjustedPointsForNonContainerSpell ¶
func AdjustedPointsForNonContainerSpell(entity *Entity, points fxp.Int, name, powerSource string, colleges, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
AdjustedPointsForNonContainerSpell returns the points, adjusted for any bonuses.
func AttributeChoices ¶
func AttributeChoices(entity *Entity, prefix string, flags AttributeFlags, currentKey string) (choices []*AttributeChoice, current *AttributeChoice)
AttributeChoices collects the available choices for attributes for the given entity, or nil.
func AttributeIDFor ¶
AttributeIDFor looks up the preferred ID and if it cannot be found, falls back to a default. 'entity' may be nil.
func CalculateRitualMagicSpellLevel ¶
func CalculateRitualMagicSpellLevel(entity *Entity, name, powerSource, ritualSkillName string, ritualPrereqCount int, colleges, tags []string, difficulty AttributeDifficulty, points fxp.Int) skill.Level
CalculateRitualMagicSpellLevel returns the calculated spell level.
func CalculateSkillLevel ¶
func CalculateSkillLevel(entity *Entity, name, specialization string, tags []string, def *SkillDefault, difficulty AttributeDifficulty, points, encumbrancePenaltyMultiplier fxp.Int) skill.Level
CalculateSkillLevel returns the calculated level for a skill.
func CalculateSpellLevel ¶
func CalculateSpellLevel(entity *Entity, name, powerSource string, colleges, tags []string, difficulty AttributeDifficulty, pts fxp.Int) skill.Level
CalculateSpellLevel returns the calculated spell level.
func CalculateTechniqueLevel ¶
func CalculateTechniqueLevel(entity *Entity, name, specialization string, tags []string, def *SkillDefault, difficulty skill.Difficulty, points fxp.Int, requirePoints bool, limitModifier *fxp.Int) skill.Level
CalculateTechniqueLevel returns the calculated level for a technique.
func CloneNodes ¶
CloneNodes creates clones of the provided nodes.
func CombineTags ¶
CombineTags combines multiple tags into a single string.
func CountThresholdOpMet ¶
func CountThresholdOpMet(op attribute.ThresholdOp, attributes *Attributes) int
CountThresholdOpMet counts the number of times the given ThresholdOp is met.
func CreateFullKeySet ¶
CreateFullKeySet creates a map that contains each of the possible block layout keys.
func DefaultAttributeIDFor ¶
DefaultAttributeIDFor returns the default attribute ID to use for the given Entity, which may be nil.
func ExtendedWeightAdjustedForModifiers ¶
func ExtendedWeightAdjustedForModifiers(defUnits measure.WeightUnits, qty fxp.Int, baseWeight measure.Weight, modifiers []*EquipmentModifier, features feature.Features, children []*Equipment, forSkills, weightIgnoredForSkills bool) measure.Weight
ExtendedWeightAdjustedForModifiers calculates the extended weight.
func ExtractTechLevel ¶
ExtractTechLevel extracts the first number it finds in the string and returns that as the tech level. The start and end (inclusive) indexes within the string where the number resided are returned, but will be -1 if the string didn't contain a resolvable number. The returned tech level will be clamped to the range 0 to 12.
func FormatRelativeSkill ¶
func FormatRelativeSkill(entity *Entity, typ string, difficulty AttributeDifficulty, rsl fxp.Int) string
FormatRelativeSkill formats the relative skill for display.
func HasTag ¶
HasTag returns true if 'tag' is present in 'tags'. This check both ignores case and can check for subsets that are colon-separated.
func HitLocationChoices ¶
func HitLocationChoices(entity *Entity, prefix, currentKey string) (choices []*HitLocationChoice, current *HitLocationChoice)
HitLocationChoices collects the available choices for hit locations for the given entity, or nil.
func InstallEvaluatorFunctions ¶
InstallEvaluatorFunctions installs additional functions for the evaluator.
func IsThresholdOpMet ¶
func IsThresholdOpMet(op attribute.ThresholdOp, attributes *Attributes) bool
IsThresholdOpMet if the given ThresholdOp is met.
func ReplaceTechLevel ¶
ReplaceTechLevel replaces the tech level (as found by a call to ExtractTechLevel) with a new value.
func ResolveAttributeName ¶
ResolveAttributeName returns the name of the attribute, if possible.
func SaveEquipment ¶
SaveEquipment writes the Equipment list to the file as JSON.
func SaveEquipmentModifiers ¶
func SaveEquipmentModifiers(modifiers []*EquipmentModifier, filePath string) error
SaveEquipmentModifiers writes the EquipmentModifier list to the file as JSON.
func SaveSkills ¶
SaveSkills writes the Skill list to the file as JSON.
func SaveSpells ¶
SaveSpells writes the Spell list to the file as JSON.
func SaveTraitModifiers ¶
func SaveTraitModifiers(modifiers []*TraitModifier, filePath string) error
SaveTraitModifiers writes the TraitModifier list to the file as JSON.
func SaveTraits ¶
SaveTraits writes the Trait list to the file as JSON.
func Traverse ¶
Traverse calls the function 'f' for each node and its children in the input list, recursively. Return true from the function to abort early. If excludeContainers is true, then nodes that are containers will not be passed to 'f', although their children will still be processed as usual.
func ValueAdjustedForModifiers ¶
func ValueAdjustedForModifiers(value fxp.Int, modifiers []*EquipmentModifier) fxp.Int
ValueAdjustedForModifiers returns the value after adjusting it for a set of modifiers.
func WeightAdjustedForModifiers ¶
func WeightAdjustedForModifiers(weight measure.Weight, modifiers []*EquipmentModifier, defUnits measure.WeightUnits) measure.Weight
WeightAdjustedForModifiers returns the weight after adjusting it for a set of modifiers.
Types ¶
type Attribute ¶
type Attribute struct { AttributeData Entity *Entity `json:"-"` Bonus fxp.Int `json:"-"` CostReduction fxp.Int `json:"-"` Order int `json:"-"` }
Attribute holds the current state of an AttributeDef.
func NewAttribute ¶
NewAttribute creates a new Attribute.
func (*Attribute) AttributeDef ¶
func (a *Attribute) AttributeDef() *AttributeDef
AttributeDef looks up the AttributeDef this Attribute references from the Entity. May return nil.
func (*Attribute) CurrentThreshold ¶
func (a *Attribute) CurrentThreshold() *PoolThreshold
CurrentThreshold return the current PoolThreshold, if any.
func (*Attribute) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*Attribute) Maximum ¶
Maximum returns the maximum value of a pool or the adjusted attribute value for other types.
func (*Attribute) SetID ¶
SetID sets the ID, sanitizing it in the process (i.e. it may be changed from what you set -- read it back if you want to be sure of what it gets set to.
func (*Attribute) SetMaximum ¶
SetMaximum sets the maximum value.
func (*Attribute) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type AttributeChoice ¶
AttributeChoice holds a single attribute choice.
func (*AttributeChoice) String ¶
func (c *AttributeChoice) String() string
type AttributeData ¶
type AttributeData struct { AttrID string `json:"attr_id"` Adjustment fxp.Int `json:"adj"` Damage fxp.Int `json:"damage,omitempty"` }
AttributeData holds the Attribute data that is written to disk.
type AttributeDef ¶
type AttributeDef struct { AttributeDefData Order int KeyPrefix string }
AttributeDef holds the definition of an attribute.
func (*AttributeDef) BaseValue ¶
func (a *AttributeDef) BaseValue(resolver eval.VariableResolver) fxp.Int
BaseValue returns the resolved base value.
func (*AttributeDef) CombinedName ¶
func (a *AttributeDef) CombinedName() string
CombinedName returns the combined FullName and Name, as appropriate.
func (*AttributeDef) ComputeCost ¶
func (a *AttributeDef) ComputeCost(entity *Entity, value, costReduction fxp.Int, sizeModifier int) fxp.Int
ComputeCost returns the value adjusted for a cost reduction.
func (*AttributeDef) IsSeparator ¶
func (a *AttributeDef) IsSeparator() bool
IsSeparator returns true if this is actually just a separator.
func (*AttributeDef) MarshalJSON ¶
func (a *AttributeDef) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*AttributeDef) Pool ¶
func (a *AttributeDef) Pool() bool
Pool returns true if the base value is a pool value.
func (*AttributeDef) Primary ¶
func (a *AttributeDef) Primary() bool
Primary returns true if the base value is a non-derived value.
func (*AttributeDef) ResolveFullName ¶
func (a *AttributeDef) ResolveFullName() string
ResolveFullName returns the full name, using the short name if full name is empty.
func (*AttributeDef) Secondary ¶
func (a *AttributeDef) Secondary() bool
Secondary returns true if the base value is a derived value.
func (*AttributeDef) SetID ¶
func (a *AttributeDef) SetID(value string)
SetID sets the ID, sanitizing it in the process (i.e. it may be changed from what you set -- read it back if you want to be sure of what it gets set to.
func (*AttributeDef) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (a *AttributeDef) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type AttributeDefData ¶
type AttributeDefData struct { DefID string `json:"id"` Type attribute.Type `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name"` FullName string `json:"full_name,omitempty"` AttributeBase string `json:"attribute_base,omitempty"` CostPerPoint fxp.Int `json:"cost_per_point,omitempty"` CostAdjPercentPerSM fxp.Int `json:"cost_adj_percent_per_sm,omitempty"` Thresholds []*PoolThreshold `json:"thresholds,omitempty"` }
AttributeDefData holds the data that will be serialized for the AttributeDef.
type AttributeDefs ¶
type AttributeDefs struct {
Set map[string]*AttributeDef
AttributeDefs holds a set of AttributeDef objects.
func AttributeDefsFor ¶
func AttributeDefsFor(entity *Entity) *AttributeDefs
AttributeDefsFor returns the AttributeDefs for the given Entity, or the global settings if the Entity is nil.
func FactoryAttributeDefs ¶
func FactoryAttributeDefs() *AttributeDefs
FactoryAttributeDefs returns the factory AttributeDef set.
func NewAttributeDefsFromFile ¶
func NewAttributeDefsFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (*AttributeDefs, error)
NewAttributeDefsFromFile loads an AttributeDef set from a file.
func (*AttributeDefs) CRC64 ¶
func (a *AttributeDefs) CRC64() uint64
CRC64 calculates a CRC-64 for this data.
func (*AttributeDefs) List ¶
func (a *AttributeDefs) List(omitSeparators bool) []*AttributeDef
List returns the map of AttributeDef objects as an ordered list.
func (*AttributeDefs) MarshalJSON ¶
func (a *AttributeDefs) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*AttributeDefs) ResetTargetKeyPrefixes ¶
func (a *AttributeDefs) ResetTargetKeyPrefixes(prefixProvider func() string)
ResetTargetKeyPrefixes assigns new key prefixes for all data within these AttributeDefs.
func (*AttributeDefs) Save ¶
func (a *AttributeDefs) Save(filePath string) error
Save writes the AttributeDefs to the file as JSON.
func (*AttributeDefs) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (a *AttributeDefs) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type AttributeDifficulty ¶
type AttributeDifficulty struct { Attribute string Difficulty skill.Difficulty // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AttributeDifficulty holds an attribute ID and a difficulty.
func (*AttributeDifficulty) Description ¶
func (a *AttributeDifficulty) Description(entity *Entity) string
Description returns a formatted description.
func (*AttributeDifficulty) Key ¶
func (a *AttributeDifficulty) Key() string
Key returns the value that will be serialized.
func (*AttributeDifficulty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (a *AttributeDifficulty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*AttributeDifficulty) Normalize ¶
func (a *AttributeDifficulty) Normalize(entity *Entity)
Normalize the data. Should be called after loading from disk or the user.
func (AttributeDifficulty) ShouldOmit ¶
func (a AttributeDifficulty) ShouldOmit() bool
ShouldOmit implements json.Omitter.
func (*AttributeDifficulty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (a *AttributeDifficulty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type AttributeFlags ¶
type AttributeFlags byte
AttributeFlags provides flags that can be set to extend the defined attribute choice list.
const ( BlankFlag AttributeFlags = 1 << iota TenFlag SizeFlag DodgeFlag ParryFlag BlockFlag SkillFlag )
Possible AttributeFlags.
type AttributePrereq ¶
type AttributePrereq struct { Parent *PrereqList `json:"-"` Type prereq.Type `json:"type"` Has bool `json:"has"` CombinedWith string `json:"combined_with,omitempty"` QualifierCriteria criteria.Numeric `json:"qualifier,omitempty"` Which string `json:"which"` }
AttributePrereq holds a prerequisite for an attribute.
func NewAttributePrereq ¶
func NewAttributePrereq(entity *Entity) *AttributePrereq
NewAttributePrereq creates a new AttributePrereq. 'entity' may be nil.
func (*AttributePrereq) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
func (a *AttributePrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
ApplyNameableKeys implements Prereq.
func (*AttributePrereq) Clone ¶
func (a *AttributePrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq
Clone implements Prereq.
func (*AttributePrereq) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
func (a *AttributePrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
FillWithNameableKeys implements Prereq.
func (*AttributePrereq) ParentList ¶
func (a *AttributePrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList
ParentList implements Prereq.
func (*AttributePrereq) PrereqType ¶
func (a *AttributePrereq) PrereqType() prereq.Type
PrereqType implements Prereq.
func (*AttributePrereq) Satisfied ¶
func (a *AttributePrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, _ any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
Satisfied implements Prereq.
type Attributes ¶
Attributes holds a set of Attribute objects.
func NewAttributes ¶
func NewAttributes(entity *Entity) *Attributes
NewAttributes creates a new Attributes.
func (*Attributes) CRC64 ¶
func (a *Attributes) CRC64() uint64
CRC64 calculates a CRC-64 for this data.
func (*Attributes) Clone ¶
func (a *Attributes) Clone(entity *Entity) *Attributes
Clone a copy of this.
func (*Attributes) Cost ¶
func (a *Attributes) Cost(attrID string) fxp.Int
Cost returns the points spent for the specified Attribute.
func (*Attributes) Current ¶
func (a *Attributes) Current(attrID string) fxp.Int
Current resolves the given attribute ID to its current value, or fxp.Min.
func (*Attributes) List ¶
func (a *Attributes) List() []*Attribute
List returns the map of Attribute objects as an ordered list.
func (*Attributes) MarshalJSON ¶
func (a *Attributes) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*Attributes) Maximum ¶
func (a *Attributes) Maximum(attrID string) fxp.Int
Maximum resolves the given attribute ID to its maximum value, or fxp.Min.
func (*Attributes) PoolThreshold ¶
func (a *Attributes) PoolThreshold(attrID, state string) fxp.Int
PoolThreshold resolves the given attribute ID and state to the value for its pool threshold, or fxp.Min.
func (*Attributes) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (a *Attributes) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type BlockLayout ¶
type BlockLayout struct {
Layout []string
BlockLayout holds the sheet's block layout.
func NewBlockLayout ¶
func NewBlockLayout() *BlockLayout
NewBlockLayout creates a new default BlockLayout.
func NewBlockLayoutFromString ¶
func NewBlockLayoutFromString(str string) (blockLayout *BlockLayout, inputWasValid bool)
NewBlockLayoutFromString creates a new BlockLayout from an input string.
func (*BlockLayout) ByRow ¶
func (b *BlockLayout) ByRow() [][]string
ByRow breaks the layout down into rows.
func (*BlockLayout) EnsureValidity ¶
func (b *BlockLayout) EnsureValidity()
EnsureValidity checks the current settings for validity and if they aren't valid, makes them so.
func (*BlockLayout) HTMLGridTemplate ¶
func (b *BlockLayout) HTMLGridTemplate() string
HTMLGridTemplate returns the text for the HTML grid layout.
func (*BlockLayout) MarshalJSON ¶
func (b *BlockLayout) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*BlockLayout) Reset ¶
func (b *BlockLayout) Reset()
Reset returns the BlockLayout to factory settings.
func (*BlockLayout) String ¶
func (b *BlockLayout) String() string
func (*BlockLayout) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (b *BlockLayout) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type Body ¶
type Body struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Roll *dice.Dice `json:"roll"` Locations []*HitLocation `json:"locations,omitempty"` KeyPrefix string `json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Body holds a set of hit locations.
func BodyFor ¶
BodyFor returns the Body for the given Entity, or the global settings if the Entity is nil.
func FactoryBody ¶
func FactoryBody() *Body
FactoryBody returns a new copy of the default factory Body.
func NewBodyFromFile ¶
NewBodyFromFile loads a Body from a file.
func (*Body) AddLocation ¶
func (b *Body) AddLocation(loc *HitLocation)
AddLocation adds a HitLocation to the end of list.
func (*Body) Clone ¶
func (b *Body) Clone(entity *Entity, owningLocation *HitLocation) *Body
Clone a copy of this.
func (*Body) LookupLocationByID ¶
func (b *Body) LookupLocationByID(entity *Entity, idStr string) *HitLocation
LookupLocationByID returns the HitLocation that matches the given ID.
func (*Body) OwningLocation ¶
func (b *Body) OwningLocation() *HitLocation
OwningLocation returns the owning hit location, or nil if this is the top-level body.
func (*Body) RemoveLocation ¶
func (b *Body) RemoveLocation(loc *HitLocation)
RemoveLocation removes a HitLocation.
func (*Body) ResetTargetKeyPrefixes ¶
ResetTargetKeyPrefixes assigns new key prefixes for all data within this Body.
func (*Body) Rewrap ¶
func (b *Body) Rewrap()
Rewrap the description field. Should only be called for older data (prior to noNeedForRewrapVersion)
func (*Body) SetOwningLocation ¶
func (b *Body) SetOwningLocation(loc *HitLocation)
SetOwningLocation sets the owning HitLocation.
func (*Body) UniqueHitLocations ¶
func (b *Body) UniqueHitLocations(entity *Entity) []*HitLocation
UniqueHitLocations returns the list of unique hit locations.
type CellData ¶
type CellData struct { Type CellType Disabled bool Dim bool Checked bool Alignment unison.Alignment Primary string Secondary string Tooltip string UnsatisfiedReason string }
CellData holds data for creating a cell's visual representation.
type CellType ¶
type CellType byte
CellType holds the type of table cell.
func ExtractCellType ¶
ExtractCellType extracts the value from a string.
func (CellType) EnsureValid ¶
EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.
func (CellType) MarshalText ¶
MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.
func (*CellType) UnmarshalText ¶
UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.
type CollegeList ¶
type CollegeList []string
CollegeList holds a list of college names. This exists solely due to legacy file formats that stored this as a single string with ' or ' or '/' separating the colleges. We need to be able to load both types.
func (*CollegeList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *CollegeList) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type ConditionalModifier ¶
ConditionalModifier holds data for a reaction or conditional modifier.
func NewReaction ¶
func NewReaction(source, from string, amt fxp.Int) *ConditionalModifier
NewReaction creates a new ConditionalModifier.
func (*ConditionalModifier) Add ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) Add(source string, amt fxp.Int)
Add another source.
func (*ConditionalModifier) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found with the corresponding values in the provided map.
func (*ConditionalModifier) CellData ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) CellData(column int, data *CellData)
CellData returns the cell data information for the given column.
func (*ConditionalModifier) Clone ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) Clone(_ *Entity, _ *ConditionalModifier, preserveID bool) *ConditionalModifier
Clone implements Node.
func (*ConditionalModifier) Container ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) Container() bool
Container returns true if this is a container.
func (*ConditionalModifier) Enabled ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) Enabled() bool
Enabled returns true if this node is enabled.
func (*ConditionalModifier) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found to the provided map.
func (*ConditionalModifier) HasChildren ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) HasChildren() bool
HasChildren returns true if this node has children.
func (*ConditionalModifier) Kind ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) Kind() string
Kind returns the kind of data.
func (*ConditionalModifier) Less ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) Less(other *ConditionalModifier) bool
Less returns true if this should be sorted above the other.
func (*ConditionalModifier) NodeChildren ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) NodeChildren() []*ConditionalModifier
NodeChildren returns the children of this node, if any.
func (*ConditionalModifier) Open ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) Open() bool
Open returns true if this node is currently open.
func (*ConditionalModifier) OwningEntity ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) OwningEntity() *Entity
OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.
func (*ConditionalModifier) Parent ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) Parent() *ConditionalModifier
Parent returns the parent.
func (*ConditionalModifier) SetChildren ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) SetChildren(_ []*ConditionalModifier)
SetChildren sets the children of this node.
func (*ConditionalModifier) SetOpen ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) SetOpen(_ bool)
SetOpen sets the current open state for this node.
func (*ConditionalModifier) SetOwningEntity ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) SetOwningEntity(_ *Entity)
SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.
func (*ConditionalModifier) SetParent ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) SetParent(_ *ConditionalModifier)
SetParent sets the parent.
func (*ConditionalModifier) Total ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) Total() fxp.Int
Total returns the total of all amounts.
func (*ConditionalModifier) UUID ¶
func (m *ConditionalModifier) UUID() uuid.UUID
UUID returns the UUID of this data.
type ConditionalModifierListProvider ¶
type ConditionalModifierListProvider interface { EntityProvider ConditionalModifiers() []*ConditionalModifier }
ConditionalModifierListProvider defines the method needed to access the conditional modifier list data.
type ContainedQuantityPrereq ¶
type ContainedQuantityPrereq struct { Parent *PrereqList `json:"-"` Type prereq.Type `json:"type"` Has bool `json:"has"` QualifierCriteria criteria.Numeric `json:"qualifier,omitempty"` }
ContainedQuantityPrereq holds a prerequisite for an equipment contained quantity.
func NewContainedQuantityPrereq ¶
func NewContainedQuantityPrereq() *ContainedQuantityPrereq
NewContainedQuantityPrereq creates a new ContainedQuantityPrereq.
func (*ContainedQuantityPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
ApplyNameableKeys implements Prereq.
func (*ContainedQuantityPrereq) Clone ¶
func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq
Clone implements Prereq.
func (*ContainedQuantityPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
FillWithNameableKeys implements Prereq.
func (*ContainedQuantityPrereq) ParentList ¶
func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList
ParentList implements Prereq.
func (*ContainedQuantityPrereq) PrereqType ¶
func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) PrereqType() prereq.Type
PrereqType implements Prereq.
func (*ContainedQuantityPrereq) Satisfied ¶
func (c *ContainedQuantityPrereq) Satisfied(_ *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
Satisfied implements Prereq.
type ContainedWeightPrereq ¶
type ContainedWeightPrereq struct { Parent *PrereqList `json:"-"` Type prereq.Type `json:"type"` Has bool `json:"has"` WeightCriteria criteria.Weight `json:"qualifier,omitempty"` }
ContainedWeightPrereq holds a prerequisite for an equipment contained weight.
func NewContainedWeightPrereq ¶
func NewContainedWeightPrereq(entity *Entity) *ContainedWeightPrereq
NewContainedWeightPrereq creates a new ContainedWeightPrereq.
func (*ContainedWeightPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
ApplyNameableKeys implements Prereq.
func (*ContainedWeightPrereq) Clone ¶
func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq
Clone implements Prereq.
func (*ContainedWeightPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(_ map[string]string)
FillWithNameableKeys implements Prereq.
func (*ContainedWeightPrereq) ParentList ¶
func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList
ParentList implements Prereq.
func (*ContainedWeightPrereq) PrereqType ¶
func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) PrereqType() prereq.Type
PrereqType implements Prereq.
func (*ContainedWeightPrereq) Satisfied ¶
func (c *ContainedWeightPrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
Satisfied implements Prereq.
type ContainerBase ¶
type ContainerBase[T NodeTypes] struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` IsOpen bool `json:"open,omitempty"` // Container only Children []T `json:"children,omitempty"` // Container only // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ContainerBase holds the type and ID of the data.
func (*ContainerBase[T]) Container ¶
func (c *ContainerBase[T]) Container() bool
Container returns true if this is a container.
func (*ContainerBase[T]) HasChildren ¶
func (c *ContainerBase[T]) HasChildren() bool
HasChildren returns true if this node has children.
func (*ContainerBase[T]) NodeChildren ¶
func (c *ContainerBase[T]) NodeChildren() []T
NodeChildren returns the children of this node, if any.
func (*ContainerBase[T]) Open ¶
func (c *ContainerBase[T]) Open() bool
Open returns true if this node is currently open.
func (*ContainerBase[T]) SetChildren ¶
func (c *ContainerBase[T]) SetChildren(children []T)
SetChildren sets the children of this node.
func (*ContainerBase[T]) SetOpen ¶
func (c *ContainerBase[T]) SetOpen(open bool)
SetOpen sets the current open state for this node.
func (*ContainerBase[T]) SetParent ¶
func (c *ContainerBase[T]) SetParent(parent T)
SetParent sets the parent.
func (*ContainerBase[T]) UUID ¶
func (c *ContainerBase[T]) UUID() uuid.UUID
UUID returns the UUID of this data.
type EditorData ¶
type EditorData[T NodeTypes] interface { // CopyFrom copies the corresponding data from the node into this editor data. CopyFrom(T) // ApplyTo copes he editor data into the provided node. ApplyTo(T) }
EditorData defines the methods required of editor data.
type Entity ¶
type Entity struct { EntityData LiftingStrengthBonus fxp.Int StrikingStrengthBonus fxp.Int ThrowingStrengthBonus fxp.Int DodgeBonus fxp.Int ParryBonus fxp.Int BlockBonus fxp.Int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Entity holds the base information for various types of entities: PC, NPC, Creature, etc.
func NewEntityFromFile ¶
NewEntityFromFile loads an Entity from a file.
func (*Entity) AddDRBonusesFor ¶
func (e *Entity) AddDRBonusesFor(featureID string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, drMap map[string]int) map[string]int
AddDRBonusesFor locates any active DR bonuses and adds them to the map. If 'drMap' is nil, it will be created. The provided map (or the newly created one) will be returned.
func (*Entity) AddNamedWeaponBonusesFor ¶ added in v5.2.0
func (e *Entity) AddNamedWeaponBonusesFor(featureID, nameQualifier, usageQualifier string, tagsQualifier []string, dieCount int, levels fxp.Int, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, m map[*feature.WeaponBonus]bool) map[*feature.WeaponBonus]bool
AddNamedWeaponBonusesFor adds the bonuses for matching weapons that match to the map. If 'm' is nil, it will be created. The provided map (or the newly created one) will be returned.
func (*Entity) AddWeaponComparedBonusesFor ¶ added in v5.2.0
func (e *Entity) AddWeaponComparedBonusesFor(featureID, nameQualifier, specializationQualifier string, tagsQualifier []string, dieCount int, levels fxp.Int, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, m map[*feature.WeaponBonus]bool) map[*feature.WeaponBonus]bool
AddWeaponComparedBonusesFor adds the bonuses for matching weapons that match to the map. If 'm' is nil, it will be created. The provided map (or the newly created one) will be returned.
func (*Entity) AttributePoints ¶
AttributePoints returns the number of points spent on attributes.
func (*Entity) BaseSkill ¶
func (e *Entity) BaseSkill(def *SkillDefault, requirePoints bool) *Skill
BaseSkill returns the best skill for the given default, or nil.
func (*Entity) BestCollegeSpellBonus ¶
BestCollegeSpellBonus returns the best college spell bonus for a spell.
func (*Entity) BestSkillNamed ¶
func (e *Entity) BestSkillNamed(name, specialization string, requirePoints bool, excludes map[string]bool) *Skill
BestSkillNamed returns the best skill that matches.
func (*Entity) CRC64 ¶
CRC64 computes a CRC-64 value for the canonical disk format of the data. The ModifiedOn field is ignored for this calculation.
func (*Entity) CarriedEquipmentList ¶
CarriedEquipmentList implements ListProvider
func (*Entity) CarryOnBack ¶
CarryOnBack returns the carry on back value.
func (*Entity) ConditionalModifiers ¶
func (e *Entity) ConditionalModifiers() []*ConditionalModifier
ConditionalModifiers returns the current set of conditional modifiers.
func (*Entity) CostReductionFor ¶
CostReductionFor returns the total cost reduction for the given ID.
func (*Entity) DiscardCaches ¶ added in v5.2.0
func (e *Entity) DiscardCaches()
DiscardCaches discards the internal caches.
func (*Entity) Dodge ¶
func (e *Entity) Dodge(enc datafile.Encumbrance) int
Dodge returns the current Dodge value for the given Encumbrance.
func (*Entity) EncumbranceLevel ¶
func (e *Entity) EncumbranceLevel(forSkills bool) datafile.Encumbrance
EncumbranceLevel returns the current Encumbrance level.
func (*Entity) EquippedWeapons ¶
EquippedWeapons returns a sorted list of equipped weapons.
func (*Entity) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*Entity) MaximumCarry ¶
func (e *Entity) MaximumCarry(encumbrance datafile.Encumbrance) measure.Weight
MaximumCarry returns the maximum amount the Entity can carry for the specified encumbrance level.
func (*Entity) Move ¶
func (e *Entity) Move(enc datafile.Encumbrance) int
Move returns the current Move value for the given Encumbrance.
func (*Entity) NamedWeaponBonusesFor ¶ added in v5.2.0
func (e *Entity) NamedWeaponBonusesFor(featureID, nameQualifier, usageQualifier string, tagsQualifier []string, dieCount int, levels fxp.Int, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) []*feature.WeaponBonus
NamedWeaponBonusesFor returns the bonuses for matching weapons.
func (*Entity) NamedWeaponSkillBonusesFor ¶
func (e *Entity) NamedWeaponSkillBonusesFor(featureID, nameQualifier, usageQualifier string, tagsQualifier []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) []*feature.SkillBonus
NamedWeaponSkillBonusesFor returns the bonuses for matching weapons.
func (*Entity) OneHandedLift ¶
OneHandedLift returns the one-handed lift value.
func (*Entity) OtherEquipmentList ¶
OtherEquipmentList implements ListProvider
func (*Entity) PreservesUserDesc ¶
PreservesUserDesc returns true if the user description widget should be preserved when written to disk. Normally, only character sheets should return true for this.
func (*Entity) Reactions ¶
func (e *Entity) Reactions() []*ConditionalModifier
Reactions returns the current set of reactions.
func (*Entity) ResolveAttribute ¶
ResolveAttribute resolves the given attribute ID to its Attribute, or nil.
func (*Entity) ResolveAttributeCurrent ¶
ResolveAttributeCurrent resolves the given attribute ID to its current value, or fxp.Min.
func (*Entity) ResolveAttributeDef ¶
func (e *Entity) ResolveAttributeDef(attrID string) *AttributeDef
ResolveAttributeDef resolves the given attribute ID to its AttributeDef, or nil.
func (*Entity) ResolveAttributeName ¶
ResolveAttributeName resolves the given attribute ID to its name, or <unknown>.
func (*Entity) ResolveVariable ¶
ResolveVariable implements eval.VariableResolver.
func (*Entity) RunningShoveAndKnockOver ¶
RunningShoveAndKnockOver returns the running shove & knock over value.
func (*Entity) SetCarriedEquipmentList ¶
SetCarriedEquipmentList implements ListProvider
func (*Entity) SetNoteList ¶
SetNoteList implements ListProvider
func (*Entity) SetOtherEquipmentList ¶
SetOtherEquipmentList implements ListProvider
func (*Entity) SetSkillList ¶
SetSkillList implements ListProvider
func (*Entity) SetSpellList ¶
SetSpellList implements ListProvider
func (*Entity) SetTraitList ¶
SetTraitList implements ListProvider
func (*Entity) SetUnspentPoints ¶
SetUnspentPoints sets the number of unspent points.
func (*Entity) SetWeapons ¶
SetWeapons implements WeaponListProvider.
func (*Entity) ShiftSlightly ¶
ShiftSlightly returns the shift slightly value.
func (*Entity) ShoveAndKnockOver ¶
ShoveAndKnockOver returns the shove & knock over value.
func (*Entity) SkillComparedBonusFor ¶
func (e *Entity) SkillComparedBonusFor(featureID, name, specialization string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
SkillComparedBonusFor returns the total bonus for the matching skill bonuses.
func (*Entity) SkillNamed ¶
func (e *Entity) SkillNamed(name, specialization string, requirePoints bool, excludes map[string]bool) []*Skill
SkillNamed returns a list of skills that match.
func (*Entity) SkillPointComparedBonusFor ¶
func (e *Entity) SkillPointComparedBonusFor(featureID, name, specialization string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
SkillPointComparedBonusFor returns the total bonus for the matching skill point bonuses.
func (*Entity) SkillPoints ¶
SkillPoints returns the number of points spent on skills.
func (*Entity) SpellBonusesFor ¶
func (e *Entity) SpellBonusesFor(featureID, qualifier string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
SpellBonusesFor returns the total bonuses for a spell.
func (*Entity) SpellComparedBonusFor ¶
func (e *Entity) SpellComparedBonusFor(featureID, name string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
SpellComparedBonusFor returns the total bonus for the matching spell bonuses.
func (*Entity) SpellPointBonusesFor ¶
func (e *Entity) SpellPointBonusesFor(featureID, qualifier string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
SpellPointBonusesFor returns the total point bonus for the matching spell.
func (*Entity) SpellPointComparedBonusFor ¶
func (e *Entity) SpellPointComparedBonusFor(featureID, qualifier string, tags []string, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
SpellPointComparedBonusFor returns the total bonus for the matching spell point bonuses.
func (*Entity) SpellPoints ¶
SpellPoints returns the number of points spent on spells.
func (*Entity) SpentPoints ¶
SpentPoints returns the number of spent points.
func (*Entity) StrengthOrZero ¶
StrengthOrZero returns the current ST value, or zero if no such attribute exists.
func (*Entity) TraitPoints ¶
TraitPoints returns the number of points spent on traits.
func (*Entity) TwoHandedLift ¶
TwoHandedLift returns the two-handed lift value.
func (*Entity) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
func (*Entity) UnspentPoints ¶
UnspentPoints returns the number of unspent points.
func (*Entity) UpdateSkills ¶
UpdateSkills updates the levels of all skills.
func (*Entity) UpdateSpells ¶
UpdateSpells updates the levels of all spells.
func (*Entity) WealthCarried ¶
WealthCarried returns the current wealth being carried.
func (*Entity) WealthNotCarried ¶
WealthNotCarried returns the current wealth not being carried.
func (*Entity) WeaponComparedBonusesFor ¶ added in v5.2.0
func (e *Entity) WeaponComparedBonusesFor(featureID, nameQualifier, specializationQualifier string, tagsQualifier []string, dieCount int, levels fxp.Int, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) []*feature.WeaponBonus
WeaponComparedBonusesFor returns the bonuses for matching weapons that match.
func (*Entity) WeaponOwner ¶
func (e *Entity) WeaponOwner() WeaponOwner
WeaponOwner implements WeaponListProvider. In the case of an Entity, always returns nil, as entities rely on sub-components for their weapons and don't allow them to be created directly.
type EntityData ¶
type EntityData struct { Type datafile.Type `json:"type"` Version int `json:"version"` ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"` TotalPoints fxp.Int `json:"total_points"` Profile *Profile `json:"profile,omitempty"` SheetSettings *SheetSettings `json:"settings,omitempty"` Attributes *Attributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Traits []*Trait `json:"traits,alt=advantages,omitempty"` Skills []*Skill `json:"skills,omitempty"` Spells []*Spell `json:"spells,omitempty"` CarriedEquipment []*Equipment `json:"equipment,omitempty"` OtherEquipment []*Equipment `json:"other_equipment,omitempty"` Notes []*Note `json:"notes,omitempty"` CreatedOn jio.Time `json:"created_date"` ModifiedOn jio.Time `json:"modified_date"` ThirdParty map[string]any `json:"third_party,omitempty"` }
EntityData holds the Entity data that is written to disk.
type EntityProvider ¶
type EntityProvider interface {
Entity() *Entity
EntityProvider provides a way to retrieve a (possibly nil) Entity.
type Equipment ¶
type Equipment struct { EquipmentData Entity *Entity UnsatisfiedReason string }
Equipment holds a piece of equipment.
func NewEquipment ¶
NewEquipment creates a new Equipment.
func NewEquipmentFromFile ¶
NewEquipmentFromFile loads an Equipment list from a file.
func (*Equipment) ActiveModifierFor ¶
func (e *Equipment) ActiveModifierFor(name string) *EquipmentModifier
ActiveModifierFor returns the first modifier that matches the name (case-insensitive).
func (*Equipment) AdjustedValue ¶
AdjustedValue returns the value after adjustments for any modifiers. Does not include the value of children.
func (*Equipment) AdjustedWeight ¶
AdjustedWeight returns the weight after adjustments for any modifiers. Does not include the weight of children.
func (*Equipment) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found with the corresponding values in the provided map.
func (*Equipment) Description ¶
Description returns a description.
func (*Equipment) DisplayLegalityClass ¶
DisplayLegalityClass returns a display version of the LegalityClass.
func (*Equipment) ExtendedValue ¶
ExtendedValue returns the extended value.
func (*Equipment) ExtendedWeight ¶
ExtendedWeight returns the extended weight.
func (*Equipment) FeatureList ¶
FeatureList returns the list of Features.
func (*Equipment) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found to the provided map.
func (*Equipment) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*Equipment) ModifierNotes ¶
ModifierNotes returns the notes due to modifiers.
func (*Equipment) OwningEntity ¶
OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.
func (*Equipment) RequiresTL ¶
RequiresTL implements TechLevelProvider.
func (*Equipment) SecondaryText ¶
SecondaryText returns the "secondary" text: the text display below the description.
func (*Equipment) SetOwningEntity ¶
SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.
func (*Equipment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type EquipmentData ¶
type EquipmentData struct { ContainerBase[*Equipment] EquipmentEditData }
EquipmentData holds the Equipment data that is written to disk.
func (*EquipmentData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType ¶
func (d *EquipmentData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType()
ClearUnusedFieldsForType zeroes out the fields that are not applicable to this type (container vs not-container).
type EquipmentEditData ¶
type EquipmentEditData struct { Name string `json:"description,omitempty"` PageRef string `json:"reference,omitempty"` LocalNotes string `json:"notes,omitempty"` VTTNotes string `json:"vtt_notes,omitempty"` TechLevel string `json:"tech_level,omitempty"` LegalityClass string `json:"legality_class,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Modifiers []*EquipmentModifier `json:"modifiers,omitempty"` Quantity fxp.Int `json:"quantity,omitempty"` Value fxp.Int `json:"value,omitempty"` Weight measure.Weight `json:"weight,omitempty"` MaxUses int `json:"max_uses,omitempty"` Uses int `json:"uses,omitempty"` Prereq *PrereqList `json:"prereqs,omitempty"` Weapons []*Weapon `json:"weapons,omitempty"` Features feature.Features `json:"features,omitempty"` Equipped bool `json:"equipped,omitempty"` WeightIgnoredForSkills bool `json:"ignore_weight_for_skills,omitempty"` }
EquipmentEditData holds the Equipment data that can be edited by the UI detail editor.
func (*EquipmentEditData) ApplyTo ¶
func (d *EquipmentEditData) ApplyTo(e *Equipment)
ApplyTo implements node.EditorData.
func (*EquipmentEditData) CopyFrom ¶
func (d *EquipmentEditData) CopyFrom(e *Equipment)
CopyFrom implements node.EditorData.
type EquipmentListProvider ¶
type EquipmentListProvider interface { EntityProvider CarriedEquipmentList() []*Equipment SetCarriedEquipmentList(list []*Equipment) OtherEquipmentList() []*Equipment SetOtherEquipmentList(list []*Equipment) }
EquipmentListProvider defines the method needed to access the equipment list data.
type EquipmentModifier ¶
type EquipmentModifier struct { EquipmentModifierData Entity *Entity }
EquipmentModifier holds a modifier to a piece of Equipment.
func NewEquipmentModifier ¶
func NewEquipmentModifier(entity *Entity, parent *EquipmentModifier, container bool) *EquipmentModifier
NewEquipmentModifier creates an EquipmentModifier.
func NewEquipmentModifiersFromFile ¶
func NewEquipmentModifiersFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) ([]*EquipmentModifier, error)
NewEquipmentModifiersFromFile loads an EquipmentModifier list from a file.
func (*EquipmentModifier) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) ApplyNameableKeys(keyMap map[string]string)
ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found in this EquipmentModifier with the corresponding values in the provided map.
func (*EquipmentModifier) CellData ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) CellData(column int, data *CellData)
CellData returns the cell data information for the given column.
func (*EquipmentModifier) Clone ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *EquipmentModifier, preserveID bool) *EquipmentModifier
Clone implements Node.
func (*EquipmentModifier) CostDescription ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) CostDescription() string
CostDescription returns the formatted cost.
func (*EquipmentModifier) Depth ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) Depth() int
Depth returns the number of parents this node has.
func (*EquipmentModifier) Enabled ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) Enabled() bool
Enabled returns true if this node is enabled.
func (*EquipmentModifier) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) FillWithNameableKeys(keyMap map[string]string)
FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found in this EquipmentModifier to the provided map.
func (*EquipmentModifier) FullCostDescription ¶ added in v5.2.0
func (m *EquipmentModifier) FullCostDescription() string
FullCostDescription returns a combination of the cost and weight descriptions.
func (*EquipmentModifier) FullDescription ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) FullDescription() string
FullDescription returns a full description.
func (*EquipmentModifier) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*EquipmentModifier) OwningEntity ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) OwningEntity() *Entity
OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.
func (*EquipmentModifier) SecondaryText ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) SecondaryText(optionChecker func(display.Option) bool) string
SecondaryText returns the "secondary" text: the text display below an Trait.
func (*EquipmentModifier) SetEnabled ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) SetEnabled(enabled bool)
SetEnabled makes the node enabled, if possible.
func (*EquipmentModifier) SetOwningEntity ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)
SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.
func (*EquipmentModifier) String ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) String() string
func (*EquipmentModifier) TagList ¶ added in v5.2.0
func (m *EquipmentModifier) TagList() []string
TagList returns the list of tags.
func (*EquipmentModifier) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
func (*EquipmentModifier) WeightDescription ¶
func (m *EquipmentModifier) WeightDescription() string
WeightDescription returns the formatted weight.
type EquipmentModifierData ¶
type EquipmentModifierData struct { ContainerBase[*EquipmentModifier] EquipmentModifierEditData }
EquipmentModifierData holds the EquipmentModifier data that is written to disk.
func (*EquipmentModifierData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType ¶
func (d *EquipmentModifierData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType()
ClearUnusedFieldsForType zeroes out the fields that are not applicable to this type (container vs not-container).
func (*EquipmentModifierData) Kind ¶
func (d *EquipmentModifierData) Kind() string
Kind returns the kind of data.
type EquipmentModifierEditData ¶
type EquipmentModifierEditData struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` PageRef string `json:"reference,omitempty"` LocalNotes string `json:"notes,omitempty"` VTTNotes string `json:"vtt_notes,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` CostType equipment.ModifierCostType `json:"cost_type,omitempty"` // Non-container only WeightType equipment.ModifierWeightType `json:"weight_type,omitempty"` // Non-container only Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"` // Non-container only TechLevel string `json:"tech_level,omitempty"` // Non-container only CostAmount string `json:"cost,omitempty"` // Non-container only WeightAmount string `json:"weight,omitempty"` // Non-container only Features feature.Features `json:"features,omitempty"` // Non-container only }
EquipmentModifierEditData holds the EquipmentModifier data that can be edited by the UI detail editor.
func (*EquipmentModifierEditData) ApplyTo ¶
func (d *EquipmentModifierEditData) ApplyTo(mod *EquipmentModifier)
ApplyTo implements node.EditorData.
func (*EquipmentModifierEditData) CopyFrom ¶
func (d *EquipmentModifierEditData) CopyFrom(mod *EquipmentModifier)
CopyFrom implements node.EditorData.
type EquipmentModifierListProvider ¶
type EquipmentModifierListProvider interface { EntityProvider EquipmentModifierList() []*EquipmentModifier SetEquipmentModifierList(list []*EquipmentModifier) }
EquipmentModifierListProvider defines the method needed to access the equipment modifier list data.
type ExportInfo ¶
type ExportInfo struct { FilePath string `json:"file_path"` TemplatePath string `json:"template_path"` ExportPath string `json:"export_path"` LastUsed jio.Time `json:"last_used"` }
ExportInfo holds information about a recent export so that it can be redone quickly.
type GeneralModifier ¶
type GeneralModifier interface { Container() bool Depth() int FullDescription() string FullCostDescription() string Enabled() bool SetEnabled(enabled bool) }
GeneralModifier is used for common access to modifiers.
type HitLocation ¶
type HitLocation struct { HitLocationData Entity *Entity RollRange string KeyPrefix string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
HitLocation holds a single hit location.
func NewHitLocation ¶
func NewHitLocation(entity *Entity, keyPrefix string) *HitLocation
NewHitLocation creates a new hit location.
func (*HitLocation) Clone ¶
func (h *HitLocation) Clone(entity *Entity, owningTable *Body) *HitLocation
Clone a copy of this.
func (*HitLocation) DR ¶
func (h *HitLocation) DR(entity *Entity, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, drMap map[string]int) map[string]int
DR computes the DR coverage for this HitLocation. If 'tooltip' isn't nil, the buffer will be updated with details on how the DR was calculated. If 'drMap' isn't nil, it will be returned.
func (*HitLocation) DisplayDR ¶
func (h *HitLocation) DisplayDR(entity *Entity, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) string
DisplayDR returns the DR for this location, formatted as a string.
func (*HitLocation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (h *HitLocation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*HitLocation) OwningTable ¶
func (h *HitLocation) OwningTable() *Body
OwningTable returns the owning table.
func (*HitLocation) ResetTargetKeyPrefixes ¶
func (h *HitLocation) ResetTargetKeyPrefixes(prefixProvider func() string)
ResetTargetKeyPrefixes assigns new key prefixes for all data within this HitLocation.
func (*HitLocation) SetID ¶
func (h *HitLocation) SetID(value string)
SetID sets the ID, sanitizing it in the process (i.e. it may be changed from what you set -- read it back if you want to be sure of what it gets set to.
func (*HitLocation) SetSubTable ¶
func (h *HitLocation) SetSubTable(bodyType *Body)
SetSubTable sets the Body as a sub-table.
func (*HitLocation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (h *HitLocation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type HitLocationChoice ¶
HitLocationChoice holds a single hit location choice.
func (*HitLocationChoice) String ¶
func (c *HitLocationChoice) String() string
type HitLocationData ¶
type HitLocationData struct { LocID string `json:"id"` ChoiceName string `json:"choice_name"` TableName string `json:"table_name"` Slots int `json:"slots,omitempty"` HitPenalty int `json:"hit_penalty,omitempty"` DRBonus int `json:"dr_bonus,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` SubTable *Body `json:"sub_table,omitempty"` }
HitLocationData holds the Hitlocation data that gets written to disk.
type ListProvider ¶
type ListProvider interface { TraitListProvider EquipmentListProvider NoteListProvider SkillListProvider SpellListProvider }
ListProvider defines the methods needed to access list data.
type Node ¶
type Node[T NodeTypes] interface { UUID() uuid.UUID Clone(newEntity *Entity, newParent T, preserveID bool) T OwningEntity() *Entity SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity) Kind() string Container() bool Parent() T SetParent(parent T) HasChildren() bool NodeChildren() []T SetChildren(children []T) Enabled() bool Open() bool SetOpen(open bool) CellData(column int, data *CellData) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string) }
Node defines the methods required of nodes in our tables.
type NodeTypes ¶
type NodeTypes interface { *ConditionalModifier | *Equipment | *EquipmentModifier | *Note | *Skill | *Spell | *Trait | *TraitModifier | *Weapon }
NodeTypes is a constraint that defines the types that may be nodes.
type Note ¶
Note holds a note.
func NewNotesFromFile ¶
NewNotesFromFile loads an Note list from a file.
func (*Note) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found with the corresponding values in the provided map.
func (*Note) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found to the provided map.
func (*Note) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*Note) OwningEntity ¶
OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.
func (*Note) SetOwningEntity ¶
SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.
func (*Note) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type NoteData ¶
type NoteData struct { ContainerBase[*Note] NoteEditData }
NoteData holds the Note data that is written to disk.
func (*NoteData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType ¶
func (d *NoteData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType()
ClearUnusedFieldsForType zeroes out the fields that are not applicable to this type (container vs not-container).
type NoteEditData ¶
type NoteEditData struct { Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` PageRef string `json:"reference,omitempty"` }
NoteEditData holds the Note data that can be edited by the UI detail editor.
func (*NoteEditData) ApplyTo ¶
func (d *NoteEditData) ApplyTo(note *Note)
ApplyTo implements node.EditorData.
func (*NoteEditData) CopyFrom ¶
func (d *NoteEditData) CopyFrom(note *Note)
CopyFrom implements node.EditorData.
type NoteListProvider ¶
type NoteListProvider interface { EntityProvider NoteList() []*Note SetNoteList(list []*Note) }
NoteListProvider defines the method needed to access the note list data.
type PoolThreshold ¶
type PoolThreshold struct { PoolThresholdData KeyPrefix string }
PoolThreshold holds a point within an attribute pool where changes in state occur.
func (*PoolThreshold) AddOp ¶
func (p *PoolThreshold) AddOp(op attribute.ThresholdOp)
AddOp adds the specified ThresholdOp.
func (*PoolThreshold) ContainsOp ¶
func (p *PoolThreshold) ContainsOp(op attribute.ThresholdOp) bool
ContainsOp returns true if this PoolThreshold contains the specified ThresholdOp.
func (*PoolThreshold) MarshalJSON ¶
func (p *PoolThreshold) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*PoolThreshold) RemoveOp ¶
func (p *PoolThreshold) RemoveOp(op attribute.ThresholdOp)
RemoveOp removes the specified ThresholdOp.
func (*PoolThreshold) String ¶
func (p *PoolThreshold) String() string
func (*PoolThreshold) Threshold ¶
func (p *PoolThreshold) Threshold(resolver eval.VariableResolver) fxp.Int
Threshold returns the threshold value for the given maximum.
func (*PoolThreshold) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (p *PoolThreshold) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type PoolThresholdData ¶
type PoolThresholdData struct { State string `json:"state"` Expression string `json:"expression"` Explanation string `json:"explanation,omitempty"` Ops []attribute.ThresholdOp `json:"ops,omitempty"` }
PoolThresholdData holds the data that will be serialized for the PoolThreshold.
type Prereq ¶
type Prereq interface { nameables.Nameables PrereqType() prereq.Type // ParentList returns the owning parent list, if any. ParentList() *PrereqList // Clone creates a new copy of this Prereq. Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq // Satisfied returns true if this Prereq is satisfied by the specified Entity. 'buffer' will be used, if not nil, to // write a description of what was unsatisfied. 'prefix' will be appended to each line of the description. Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, buffer *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool }
Prereq holds data necessary to track a prerequisite.
type PrereqList ¶
type PrereqList struct { Parent *PrereqList `json:"-"` Type prereq.Type `json:"type"` All bool `json:"all"` WhenTL criteria.Numeric `json:"when_tl,omitempty"` Prereqs Prereqs `json:"prereqs,omitempty"` }
PrereqList holds a prereq that contains a list of prerequisites.
func (*PrereqList) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
func (p *PrereqList) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
ApplyNameableKeys implements Prereq.
func (*PrereqList) Clone ¶
func (p *PrereqList) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq
Clone implements Prereq.
func (*PrereqList) CloneAsPrereqList ¶
func (p *PrereqList) CloneAsPrereqList(parent *PrereqList) *PrereqList
CloneAsPrereqList clones this prereq list.
func (*PrereqList) CloneResolvingEmpty ¶
func (p *PrereqList) CloneResolvingEmpty(isContainer, pruneIfEmpty bool) *PrereqList
CloneResolvingEmpty clones this prereq list. If the result would be nil and it isn't a container, a new, empty, list is created. If the result would not be nil but pruneIfEmpty is true and calling ShouldOmit() on it would return true, then nil is returned.
func (*PrereqList) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
func (p *PrereqList) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
FillWithNameableKeys implements Prereq.
func (*PrereqList) ParentList ¶
func (p *PrereqList) ParentList() *PrereqList
ParentList implements Prereq.
func (*PrereqList) PrereqType ¶
func (p *PrereqList) PrereqType() prereq.Type
PrereqType implements Prereq.
func (*PrereqList) Satisfied ¶
func (p *PrereqList) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, buffer *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
Satisfied implements Prereq.
func (*PrereqList) ShouldOmit ¶
func (p *PrereqList) ShouldOmit() bool
ShouldOmit implements json.Omitter.
type Prereqs ¶
type Prereqs []Prereq
Prereqs holds a list of prerequisites.
func (*Prereqs) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.
type Profile ¶
type Profile struct { PlayerName string `json:"player_name,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Organization string `json:"organization,omitempty"` Religion string `json:"religion,omitempty"` Age string `json:"age,omitempty"` Birthday string `json:"birthday,omitempty"` Eyes string `json:"eyes,omitempty"` Hair string `json:"hair,omitempty"` Skin string `json:"skin,omitempty"` Handedness string `json:"handedness,omitempty"` Gender string `json:"gender,omitempty"` TechLevel string `json:"tech_level,omitempty"` PortraitData []byte `json:"portrait,omitempty"` PortraitImage *unison.Image `json:"-"` Height measure.Length `json:"height,omitempty"` Weight measure.Weight `json:"weight,omitempty"` SizeModifier int `json:"SM,omitempty"` SizeModifierBonus fxp.Int `json:"-"` }
Profile holds the profile information for an NPC.
func (*Profile) AdjustedSizeModifier ¶
AdjustedSizeModifier returns the adjusted size modifier.
func (*Profile) SetAdjustedSizeModifier ¶
SetAdjustedSizeModifier sets the adjusted size modifier.
type QuickExports ¶
type QuickExports struct {
QuickExports holds a list containing information about previous exports.
func NewQuickExports ¶
func NewQuickExports() *QuickExports
NewQuickExports creates a new, empty, QuickExports object.
func (*QuickExports) MarshalJSON ¶
func (q *QuickExports) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*QuickExports) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (q *QuickExports) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type QuickExportsData ¶
type QuickExportsData struct { Max int `json:"max"` Exports []*ExportInfo `json:"exports,omitempty"` }
QuickExportsData holds the QuickExports data that is written to disk.
type RawPointsAdjuster ¶
type RawPointsAdjuster[T NodeTypes] interface { Node[T] RawPoints() fxp.Int SetRawPoints(points fxp.Int) bool }
RawPointsAdjuster defines methods for nodes that can have their raw points adjusted must implement.
type ReactionModifierListProvider ¶
type ReactionModifierListProvider interface { EntityProvider Reactions() []*ConditionalModifier }
ReactionModifierListProvider defines the method needed to access the reaction modifier list data.
type SelfControlRollAdj ¶
type SelfControlRollAdj byte
SelfControlRollAdj holds an Adjustment for a self-control roll.
const ( NoCRAdj SelfControlRollAdj = iota ActionPenalty ReactionPenalty FrightCheckPenalty FrightCheckBonus MinorCostOfLivingIncrease MajorCostOfLivingIncrease LastSelfControlRollAdj = MajorCostOfLivingIncrease )
Possible values.
func ExtractSelfControlRollAdj ¶
func ExtractSelfControlRollAdj(str string) SelfControlRollAdj
ExtractSelfControlRollAdj extracts the value from a string.
func (SelfControlRollAdj) Adjustment ¶
func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) Adjustment(cr trait.SelfControlRoll) int
Adjustment returns the adjustment amount.
func (SelfControlRollAdj) AltString ¶
func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) AltString() string
AltString returns the alternate string.
func (SelfControlRollAdj) Description ¶
func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) Description(cr trait.SelfControlRoll) string
Description returns a formatted description.
func (SelfControlRollAdj) EnsureValid ¶
func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) EnsureValid() SelfControlRollAdj
EnsureValid ensures this is of a known value.
func (SelfControlRollAdj) Features ¶
func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) Features(cr trait.SelfControlRoll) feature.Features
Features returns the set of features to apply.
func (SelfControlRollAdj) Key ¶
func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) Key() string
Key returns the key used in serialization.
func (SelfControlRollAdj) MarshalText ¶
func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.
func (SelfControlRollAdj) String ¶
func (enum SelfControlRollAdj) String() string
String implements fmt.Stringer.
func (*SelfControlRollAdj) UnmarshalText ¶
func (enum *SelfControlRollAdj) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.
type SheetSettings ¶
type SheetSettings struct { SheetSettingsData Entity *Entity `json:"-"` }
SheetSettings holds sheet settings.
func FactorySheetSettings ¶
func FactorySheetSettings() *SheetSettings
FactorySheetSettings returns a new SheetSettings with factory defaults.
func NewSheetSettingsFromFile ¶
func NewSheetSettingsFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) (*SheetSettings, error)
NewSheetSettingsFromFile loads new settings from a file.
func SheetSettingsFor ¶
func SheetSettingsFor(entity *Entity) *SheetSettings
SheetSettingsFor returns the SheetSettings for the given Entity, or the global settings if the Entity is nil.
func (*SheetSettings) Clone ¶
func (s *SheetSettings) Clone(entity *Entity) *SheetSettings
Clone creates a copy of this.
func (*SheetSettings) EnsureValidity ¶
func (s *SheetSettings) EnsureValidity()
EnsureValidity checks the current settings for validity and if they aren't valid, makes them so.
func (*SheetSettings) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SheetSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*SheetSettings) Save ¶
func (s *SheetSettings) Save(filePath string) error
Save writes the settings to the file as JSON.
func (*SheetSettings) SetOwningEntity ¶
func (s *SheetSettings) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)
SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.
func (*SheetSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SheetSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type SheetSettingsData ¶
type SheetSettingsData struct { Page *settings.Page `json:"page,omitempty"` BlockLayout *BlockLayout `json:"block_layout,omitempty"` Attributes *AttributeDefs `json:"attributes,omitempty"` BodyType *Body `json:"body_type,alt=hit_locations,omitempty"` DamageProgression attribute.DamageProgression `json:"damage_progression"` DefaultLengthUnits measure.LengthUnits `json:"default_length_units"` DefaultWeightUnits measure.WeightUnits `json:"default_weight_units"` UserDescriptionDisplay display.Option `json:"user_description_display"` ModifiersDisplay display.Option `json:"modifiers_display"` NotesDisplay display.Option `json:"notes_display"` SkillLevelAdjDisplay display.Option `json:"skill_level_adj_display"` UseMultiplicativeModifiers bool `json:"use_multiplicative_modifiers,omitempty"` UseModifyingDicePlusAdds bool `json:"use_modifying_dice_plus_adds,omitempty"` ShowTraitModifierAdj bool `json:"show_trait_modifier_adj,alt=show_advantage_modifier_adj,omitempty"` ShowEquipmentModifierAdj bool `json:"show_equipment_modifier_adj,omitempty"` ShowSpellAdj bool `json:"show_spell_adj,omitempty"` ExcludeUnspentPointsFromTotal bool `json:"exclude_unspent_points_from_total"` }
SheetSettingsData holds the SheetSettings data that is written to disk.
type SheetSettingsResponder ¶
type SheetSettingsResponder interface { // SheetSettingsUpdated will be called when the SheetSettings have been updated. The provided Entity will be nil if // it was the default SheetSettings that was updated rather than one attached to a specific entity. blockLayout will // be true if the BlockLayout was altered, which usually requires a full rebuild. SheetSettingsUpdated(entity *Entity, blockLayout bool) }
SheetSettingsResponder defines the method required to be notified of updates to the SheetSettings.
type Skill ¶
Skill holds the data for a skill.
func NewSkillsFromFile ¶
NewSkillsFromFile loads an Skill list from a file.
func NewTechnique ¶
NewTechnique creates a new technique (i.e. a specialized use of a Skill). All parameters may be nil or empty.
func (*Skill) AdjustedPoints ¶
func (s *Skill) AdjustedPoints(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
AdjustedPoints returns the points, adjusted for any bonuses.
func (*Skill) AdjustedRelativeLevel ¶
AdjustedRelativeLevel returns the relative skill level.
func (*Skill) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found with the corresponding values in the provided map.
func (*Skill) BestSwappableSkill ¶
BestSwappableSkill returns the best skill to swap with.
func (*Skill) CalculateLevel ¶
CalculateLevel returns the computed level without updating it.
func (*Skill) CanSwapDefaults ¶
CanSwapDefaults returns true if this skill's default can be swapped.
func (*Skill) CanSwapDefaultsWith ¶
CanSwapDefaultsWith returns true if this skill's default can be swapped with the other skill.
func (*Skill) DecrementSkillLevel ¶
func (s *Skill) DecrementSkillLevel()
DecrementSkillLevel removes enough points to decrement the skill level to the previous level.
func (*Skill) DefaultSkill ¶
DefaultSkill returns the skill currently defaulted to, or nil.
func (*Skill) Description ¶
Description implements WeaponOwner.
func (*Skill) FeatureList ¶
FeatureList returns the list of Features.
func (*Skill) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found to the provided map.
func (*Skill) HasDefaultTo ¶
HasDefaultTo returns true if the set of possible defaults includes the other skill.
func (*Skill) IncrementSkillLevel ¶
func (s *Skill) IncrementSkillLevel()
IncrementSkillLevel adds enough points to increment the skill level to the next level.
func (*Skill) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*Skill) ModifierNotes ¶
ModifierNotes returns the notes due to modifiers.
func (*Skill) OwningEntity ¶
OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.
func (*Skill) RelativeLevel ¶
RelativeLevel returns the adjusted relative level as a string.
func (*Skill) RequiresTL ¶
RequiresTL implements TechLevelProvider.
func (*Skill) SecondaryText ¶
SecondaryText returns the less important information that should be displayed with the description.
func (*Skill) SetOwningEntity ¶
SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.
func (*Skill) SetRawPoints ¶
SetRawPoints sets the unadjusted points and updates the level. Returns true if the level changed.
func (*Skill) SwapDefaults ¶
func (s *Skill) SwapDefaults()
SwapDefaults causes this skill's default to be swapped.
func (*Skill) TechniqueSatisfied ¶
func (s *Skill) TechniqueSatisfied(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
TechniqueSatisfied returns true if the Technique is satisfied.
func (*Skill) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
func (*Skill) UpdateLevel ¶
UpdateLevel updates the level of the skill, returning true if it has changed.
type SkillAdjustmentProvider ¶
type SkillAdjustmentProvider[T NodeTypes] interface { RawPointsAdjuster[T] IncrementSkillLevel() DecrementSkillLevel() }
SkillAdjustmentProvider defines methods for nodes that can have their skill level adjusted must implement.
type SkillData ¶
type SkillData struct { ContainerBase[*Skill] SkillEditData }
SkillData holds the Skill data that is written to disk.
func (*SkillData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType ¶
func (d *SkillData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType()
ClearUnusedFieldsForType zeroes out the fields that are not applicable to this type (container vs not-container).
type SkillDefault ¶
type SkillDefault struct { DefaultType string `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Specialization string `json:"specialization,omitempty"` Modifier fxp.Int `json:"modifier,omitempty"` Level fxp.Int `json:"level,omitempty"` AdjLevel fxp.Int `json:"adjusted_level,omitempty"` Points fxp.Int `json:"points,omitempty"` }
SkillDefault holds data for a Skill default.
func (*SkillDefault) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
func (s *SkillDefault) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found in this SkillDefault with the corresponding values in the provided map.
func (*SkillDefault) CloneWithoutLevelOrPoints ¶
func (s *SkillDefault) CloneWithoutLevelOrPoints() *SkillDefault
CloneWithoutLevelOrPoints creates a copy, but without the level or points set.
func (*SkillDefault) Equivalent ¶
func (s *SkillDefault) Equivalent(other *SkillDefault) bool
Equivalent returns true if this can be considered equivalent to other.
func (*SkillDefault) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
func (s *SkillDefault) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found in this SkillDefault to the provided map.
func (*SkillDefault) FullName ¶
func (s *SkillDefault) FullName(entity *Entity) string
FullName returns the full name of the skill to default from.
func (*SkillDefault) ModifierAsString ¶
func (s *SkillDefault) ModifierAsString() string
ModifierAsString returns the modifier as a string suitable for appending.
func (*SkillDefault) SetType ¶
func (s *SkillDefault) SetType(t string)
SetType sets the type of the SkillDefault.
func (*SkillDefault) SkillBased ¶
func (s *SkillDefault) SkillBased() bool
SkillBased returns true if the Type() is Skill-based.
func (*SkillDefault) SkillLevel ¶
func (s *SkillDefault) SkillLevel(entity *Entity, requirePoints bool, excludes map[string]bool, ruleOf20 bool) fxp.Int
SkillLevel returns the base skill level for this SkillDefault.
func (*SkillDefault) SkillLevelFast ¶
func (s *SkillDefault) SkillLevelFast(entity *Entity, requirePoints bool, excludes map[string]bool, ruleOf20 bool) fxp.Int
SkillLevelFast returns the base skill level for this SkillDefault.
func (*SkillDefault) Type ¶
func (s *SkillDefault) Type() string
Type returns the type of the SkillDefault.
type SkillEditData ¶
type SkillEditData struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` PageRef string `json:"reference,omitempty"` LocalNotes string `json:"notes,omitempty"` VTTNotes string `json:"vtt_notes,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Specialization string `json:"specialization,omitempty"` // Non-container only TechLevel *string `json:"tech_level,omitempty"` // Non-container only Difficulty AttributeDifficulty `json:"difficulty,omitempty"` // Non-container only Points fxp.Int `json:"points,omitempty"` // Non-container only EncumbrancePenaltyMultiplier fxp.Int `json:"encumbrance_penalty_multiplier,omitempty"` // Non-container only DefaultedFrom *SkillDefault `json:"defaulted_from,omitempty"` // Non-container only Defaults []*SkillDefault `json:"defaults,omitempty"` // Non-container only TechniqueDefault *SkillDefault `json:"default,omitempty"` // Non-container only TechniqueLimitModifier *fxp.Int `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Non-container only Prereq *PrereqList `json:"prereqs,omitempty"` // Non-container only Weapons []*Weapon `json:"weapons,omitempty"` // Non-container only Features feature.Features `json:"features,omitempty"` // Non-container only }
SkillEditData holds the Skill data that can be edited by the UI detail editor.
func (*SkillEditData) ApplyTo ¶
func (d *SkillEditData) ApplyTo(s *Skill)
ApplyTo implements node.EditorData.
func (*SkillEditData) CopyFrom ¶
func (d *SkillEditData) CopyFrom(s *Skill)
CopyFrom implements node.EditorData.
type SkillListProvider ¶
type SkillListProvider interface { EntityProvider SkillList() []*Skill SetSkillList(list []*Skill) }
SkillListProvider defines the method needed to access the skill list data.
type SkillPrereq ¶
type SkillPrereq struct { Parent *PrereqList `json:"-"` Type prereq.Type `json:"type"` Has bool `json:"has"` NameCriteria criteria.String `json:"name,omitempty"` LevelCriteria criteria.Numeric `json:"level,omitempty"` SpecializationCriteria criteria.String `json:"specialization,omitempty"` }
SkillPrereq holds a prerequisite for a skill.
func (*SkillPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
func (s *SkillPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
ApplyNameableKeys implements Prereq.
func (*SkillPrereq) Clone ¶
func (s *SkillPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq
Clone implements Prereq.
func (*SkillPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
func (s *SkillPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
FillWithNameableKeys implements Prereq.
func (*SkillPrereq) ParentList ¶
func (s *SkillPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList
ParentList implements Prereq.
func (*SkillPrereq) PrereqType ¶
func (s *SkillPrereq) PrereqType() prereq.Type
PrereqType implements Prereq.
func (*SkillPrereq) Satisfied ¶
func (s *SkillPrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
Satisfied implements Prereq.
type Spell ¶
Spell holds the data for a spell.
func NewRitualMagicSpell ¶
NewRitualMagicSpell creates a new Ritual Magic Spell.
func NewSpellsFromFile ¶
NewSpellsFromFile loads an Spell list from a file.
func (*Spell) AdjustedPoints ¶
func (s *Spell) AdjustedPoints(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
AdjustedPoints returns the points, adjusted for any bonuses.
func (*Spell) AdjustedRelativeLevel ¶
AdjustedRelativeLevel returns the relative skill level.
func (*Spell) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found with the corresponding values in the provided map.
func (*Spell) CalculateLevel ¶
CalculateLevel returns the computed level without updating it.
func (*Spell) DecrementSkillLevel ¶
func (s *Spell) DecrementSkillLevel()
DecrementSkillLevel removes enough points to decrement the skill level to the previous level.
func (*Spell) Description ¶
Description implements WeaponOwner.
func (*Spell) FeatureList ¶
FeatureList returns the list of Features.
func (*Spell) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found to the provided map.
func (*Spell) IncrementSkillLevel ¶
func (s *Spell) IncrementSkillLevel()
IncrementSkillLevel adds enough points to increment the skill level to the next level.
func (*Spell) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*Spell) OwningEntity ¶
OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.
func (*Spell) RelativeLevel ¶
RelativeLevel returns the adjusted relative level as a string.
func (*Spell) RequiresTL ¶
RequiresTL implements TechLevelProvider.
func (*Spell) RitualMagicSatisfied ¶
func (s *Spell) RitualMagicSatisfied(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
RitualMagicSatisfied returns true if the Ritual Magic Spell is satisfied.
func (*Spell) SecondaryText ¶
SecondaryText returns the less important information that should be displayed with the description.
func (*Spell) SetOwningEntity ¶
SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.
func (*Spell) SetRawPoints ¶
SetRawPoints sets the unadjusted points and updates the level. Returns true if the level changed.
func (*Spell) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
func (*Spell) UpdateLevel ¶
UpdateLevel updates the level of the spell, returning true if it has changed.
type SpellData ¶
type SpellData struct { ContainerBase[*Spell] SpellEditData }
SpellData holds the Spell data that is written to disk.
func (*SpellData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType ¶
func (d *SpellData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType()
ClearUnusedFieldsForType zeroes out the fields that are not applicable to this type (container vs not-container).
type SpellEditData ¶
type SpellEditData struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` PageRef string `json:"reference,omitempty"` LocalNotes string `json:"notes,omitempty"` VTTNotes string `json:"vtt_notes,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` TechLevel *string `json:"tech_level,omitempty"` // Non-container only Difficulty AttributeDifficulty `json:"difficulty,omitempty"` // Non-container only College CollegeList `json:"college,omitempty"` // Non-container only PowerSource string `json:"power_source,omitempty"` // Non-container only Class string `json:"spell_class,omitempty"` // Non-container only Resist string `json:"resist,omitempty"` // Non-container only CastingCost string `json:"casting_cost,omitempty"` // Non-container only MaintenanceCost string `json:"maintenance_cost,omitempty"` // Non-container only CastingTime string `json:"casting_time,omitempty"` // Non-container only Duration string `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Non-container only RitualSkillName string `json:"base_skill,omitempty"` // Non-container only RitualPrereqCount int `json:"prereq_count,omitempty"` // Non-container only Points fxp.Int `json:"points,omitempty"` // Non-container only Prereq *PrereqList `json:"prereqs,omitempty"` // Non-container only Weapons []*Weapon `json:"weapons,omitempty"` // Non-container only }
SpellEditData holds the Spell data that can be edited by the UI detail editor.
func (*SpellEditData) ApplyTo ¶
func (d *SpellEditData) ApplyTo(s *Spell)
ApplyTo implements node.EditorData.
func (*SpellEditData) CopyFrom ¶
func (d *SpellEditData) CopyFrom(s *Spell)
CopyFrom implements node.EditorData.
type SpellListProvider ¶
type SpellListProvider interface { EntityProvider SpellList() []*Spell SetSpellList(list []*Spell) }
SpellListProvider defines the method needed to access the spell list data.
type SpellPrereq ¶
type SpellPrereq struct { Parent *PrereqList `json:"-"` Type prereq.Type `json:"type"` SubType spell.ComparisonType `json:"sub_type"` Has bool `json:"has"` QualifierCriteria criteria.String `json:"qualifier,omitempty"` QuantityCriteria criteria.Numeric `json:"quantity,omitempty"` }
SpellPrereq holds a prerequisite for a spell.
func (*SpellPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
func (s *SpellPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
ApplyNameableKeys implements Prereq.
func (*SpellPrereq) Clone ¶
func (s *SpellPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq
Clone implements Prereq.
func (*SpellPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
func (s *SpellPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
FillWithNameableKeys implements Prereq.
func (*SpellPrereq) ParentList ¶
func (s *SpellPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList
ParentList implements Prereq.
func (*SpellPrereq) PrereqType ¶
func (s *SpellPrereq) PrereqType() prereq.Type
PrereqType implements Prereq.
func (*SpellPrereq) Satisfied ¶
func (s *SpellPrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
Satisfied implements Prereq.
type TechLevelProvider ¶
type TechLevelProvider[T NodeTypes] interface { Node[T] RequiresTL() bool TL() string SetTL(tl string) }
TechLevelProvider defines methods that a TechLevel provider must implement.
type Template ¶
type Template struct { Type string `json:"type"` Version int `json:"version"` ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"` Traits []*Trait `json:"traits,alt=advantages,omitempty"` Skills []*Skill `json:"skills,omitempty"` Spells []*Spell `json:"spells,omitempty"` Equipment []*Equipment `json:"equipment,omitempty"` Notes []*Note `json:"notes,omitempty"` }
Template holds the GURPS Template data that is written to disk.
func NewTemplateFromFile ¶
NewTemplateFromFile loads a Template from a file.
func (*Template) CarriedEquipmentList ¶
CarriedEquipmentList implements ListProvider
func (*Template) OtherEquipmentList ¶
OtherEquipmentList implements ListProvider
func (*Template) SetCarriedEquipmentList ¶
SetCarriedEquipmentList implements ListProvider
func (*Template) SetNoteList ¶
SetNoteList implements ListProvider
func (*Template) SetOtherEquipmentList ¶
SetOtherEquipmentList implements ListProvider
func (*Template) SetSkillList ¶
SetSkillList implements ListProvider
func (*Template) SetSpellList ¶
SetSpellList implements ListProvider
func (*Template) SetTraitList ¶
SetTraitList implements ListProvider
type Trait ¶
Trait holds an advantage, disadvantage, quirk, or perk.
func NewNaturalAttacks ¶
NewNaturalAttacks creates a new "Natural Attacks" trait.
func NewTraitsFromFile ¶
NewTraitsFromFile loads an Trait list from a file.
func (*Trait) ActiveModifierFor ¶
func (a *Trait) ActiveModifierFor(name string) *TraitModifier
ActiveModifierFor returns the first modifier that matches the name (case-insensitive).
func (*Trait) AdjustedPoints ¶
AdjustedPoints returns the total points, taking levels and modifiers into account.
func (*Trait) AllModifiers ¶
func (a *Trait) AllModifiers() []*TraitModifier
AllModifiers returns the modifiers plus any inherited from parents.
func (*Trait) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found with the corresponding values in the provided map.
func (*Trait) Description ¶
Description returns a description, which doesn't include any levels.
func (*Trait) EffectivelyDisabled ¶ added in v5.1.0
EffectivelyDisabled returns true if this node or a parent is disabled.
func (*Trait) FeatureList ¶
FeatureList returns the list of Features.
func (*Trait) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found to the provided map.
func (*Trait) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*Trait) ModifierNotes ¶
ModifierNotes returns the notes due to modifiers.
func (*Trait) OwningEntity ¶
OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.
func (*Trait) SecondaryText ¶
SecondaryText returns the "secondary" text: the text display below an Trait.
func (*Trait) SetOwningEntity ¶
SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.
func (*Trait) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type TraitData ¶
type TraitData struct { ContainerBase[*Trait] TraitEditData }
TraitData holds the Trait data that is written to disk.
func (*TraitData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType ¶
func (d *TraitData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType()
ClearUnusedFieldsForType zeroes out the fields that are not applicable to this type (container vs not-container).
type TraitEditData ¶
type TraitEditData struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` PageRef string `json:"reference,omitempty"` LocalNotes string `json:"notes,omitempty"` VTTNotes string `json:"vtt_notes,omitempty"` Ancestry string `json:"ancestry,omitempty"` // Container only UserDesc string `json:"userdesc,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Modifiers []*TraitModifier `json:"modifiers,omitempty"` BasePoints fxp.Int `json:"base_points,omitempty"` // Non-container only Levels fxp.Int `json:"levels,omitempty"` // Non-container only PointsPerLevel fxp.Int `json:"points_per_level,omitempty"` // Non-container only Prereq *PrereqList `json:"prereqs,omitempty"` // Non-container only Weapons []*Weapon `json:"weapons,omitempty"` // Non-container only Features feature.Features `json:"features,omitempty"` // Non-container only CR trait.SelfControlRoll `json:"cr,omitempty"` CRAdj SelfControlRollAdj `json:"cr_adj,omitempty"` ContainerType trait.ContainerType `json:"container_type,omitempty"` // Container only Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"` RoundCostDown bool `json:"round_down,omitempty"` // Non-container only CanLevel bool `json:"can_level,omitempty"` // Non-container only }
TraitEditData holds the Trait data that can be edited by the UI detail editor.
func (*TraitEditData) ApplyTo ¶
func (d *TraitEditData) ApplyTo(t *Trait)
ApplyTo implements node.EditorData.
func (*TraitEditData) CopyFrom ¶
func (d *TraitEditData) CopyFrom(t *Trait)
CopyFrom implements node.EditorData.
type TraitListProvider ¶
type TraitListProvider interface { EntityProvider TraitList() []*Trait SetTraitList(list []*Trait) }
TraitListProvider defines the method needed to access the trait list data.
type TraitModifier ¶
type TraitModifier struct { TraitModifierData Entity *Entity }
TraitModifier holds a modifier to an Trait.
func NewTraitModifier ¶
func NewTraitModifier(entity *Entity, parent *TraitModifier, container bool) *TraitModifier
NewTraitModifier creates a TraitModifier.
func NewTraitModifiersFromFile ¶
func NewTraitModifiersFromFile(fileSystem fs.FS, filePath string) ([]*TraitModifier, error)
NewTraitModifiersFromFile loads a TraitModifier list from a file.
func (*TraitModifier) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) ApplyNameableKeys(keyMap map[string]string)
ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found in this TraitModifier with the corresponding values in the provided map.
func (*TraitModifier) CellData ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) CellData(column int, data *CellData)
CellData returns the cell data information for the given column.
func (*TraitModifier) Clone ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) Clone(entity *Entity, parent *TraitModifier, preserveID bool) *TraitModifier
Clone implements Node.
func (*TraitModifier) CostDescription ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) CostDescription() string
CostDescription returns the formatted cost.
func (*TraitModifier) CostModifier ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) CostModifier() fxp.Int
CostModifier returns the total cost modifier.
func (*TraitModifier) Depth ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) Depth() int
Depth returns the number of parents this node has.
func (*TraitModifier) Enabled ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) Enabled() bool
Enabled returns true if this node is enabled.
func (*TraitModifier) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) FillWithNameableKeys(keyMap map[string]string)
FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found in this TraitModifier to the provided map.
func (*TraitModifier) FullCostDescription ¶ added in v5.2.0
func (m *TraitModifier) FullCostDescription() string
FullCostDescription is the same as CostDescription().
func (*TraitModifier) FullDescription ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) FullDescription() string
FullDescription returns a full description.
func (*TraitModifier) HasLevels ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) HasLevels() bool
HasLevels returns true if this TraitModifier has levels.
func (*TraitModifier) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*TraitModifier) OwningEntity ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) OwningEntity() *Entity
OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.
func (*TraitModifier) SecondaryText ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) SecondaryText(optionChecker func(display.Option) bool) string
SecondaryText returns the "secondary" text: the text display below an Trait.
func (*TraitModifier) SetEnabled ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) SetEnabled(enabled bool)
SetEnabled makes the node enabled, if possible.
func (*TraitModifier) SetOwningEntity ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) SetOwningEntity(entity *Entity)
SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.
func (*TraitModifier) String ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) String() string
func (*TraitModifier) TagList ¶ added in v5.2.0
func (m *TraitModifier) TagList() []string
TagList returns the list of tags.
func (*TraitModifier) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *TraitModifier) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type TraitModifierData ¶
type TraitModifierData struct { ContainerBase[*TraitModifier] TraitModifierEditData }
TraitModifierData holds the TraitModifier data that is written to disk.
func (*TraitModifierData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType ¶
func (d *TraitModifierData) ClearUnusedFieldsForType()
ClearUnusedFieldsForType zeroes out the fields that are not applicable to this type (container vs not-container).
func (*TraitModifierData) Kind ¶
func (d *TraitModifierData) Kind() string
Kind returns the kind of data.
type TraitModifierEditData ¶
type TraitModifierEditData struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` PageRef string `json:"reference,omitempty"` LocalNotes string `json:"notes,omitempty"` VTTNotes string `json:"vtt_notes,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Cost fxp.Int `json:"cost,omitempty"` // Non-container only Levels fxp.Int `json:"levels,omitempty"` // Non-container only Affects trait.Affects `json:"affects,omitempty"` // Non-container only CostType trait.ModifierCostType `json:"cost_type,omitempty"` // Non-container only Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"` // Non-container only Features feature.Features `json:"features,omitempty"` // Non-container only }
TraitModifierEditData holds the TraitModifier data that can be edited by the UI detail editor.
func (*TraitModifierEditData) ApplyTo ¶
func (d *TraitModifierEditData) ApplyTo(mod *TraitModifier)
ApplyTo implements node.EditorData.
func (*TraitModifierEditData) CopyFrom ¶
func (d *TraitModifierEditData) CopyFrom(mod *TraitModifier)
CopyFrom implements node.EditorData.
type TraitModifierListProvider ¶
type TraitModifierListProvider interface { EntityProvider TraitModifierList() []*TraitModifier SetTraitModifierList(list []*TraitModifier) }
TraitModifierListProvider defines the method needed to access the trait modifier list data.
type TraitPrereq ¶
type TraitPrereq struct { Parent *PrereqList `json:"-"` Type prereq.Type `json:"type"` Has bool `json:"has"` NameCriteria criteria.String `json:"name,omitempty"` LevelCriteria criteria.Numeric `json:"level,omitempty"` NotesCriteria criteria.String `json:"notes,omitempty"` }
TraitPrereq holds a prereq against a Trait.
func (*TraitPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
func (a *TraitPrereq) ApplyNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
ApplyNameableKeys implements Prereq.
func (*TraitPrereq) Clone ¶
func (a *TraitPrereq) Clone(parent *PrereqList) Prereq
Clone implements Prereq.
func (*TraitPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
func (a *TraitPrereq) FillWithNameableKeys(m map[string]string)
FillWithNameableKeys implements Prereq.
func (*TraitPrereq) ParentList ¶
func (a *TraitPrereq) ParentList() *PrereqList
ParentList implements Prereq.
func (*TraitPrereq) PrereqType ¶
func (a *TraitPrereq) PrereqType() prereq.Type
PrereqType implements Prereq.
func (*TraitPrereq) Satisfied ¶
func (a *TraitPrereq) Satisfied(entity *Entity, exclude any, tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer, prefix string) bool
Satisfied implements Prereq.
type Weapon ¶
type Weapon struct { WeaponData Owner WeaponOwner }
Weapon holds the stats for a weapon.
func ExtractWeaponsOfType ¶
ExtractWeaponsOfType filters the input list down to only those weapons of the given type.
func NewWeapon ¶
func NewWeapon(owner WeaponOwner, weaponType weapon.Type) *Weapon
NewWeapon creates a new weapon of the given type.
func SeparateWeapons ¶
SeparateWeapons returns separate lists for melee and ranged weapons found in the input list.
func (*Weapon) ApplyNameableKeys ¶
ApplyNameableKeys replaces any nameable keys found in this Weapon with the corresponding values in the provided map.
func (*Weapon) EncumbrancePenalty ¶
EncumbrancePenalty returns the current encumbrance penalty.
func (*Weapon) FillWithNameableKeys ¶
FillWithNameableKeys adds any nameable keys found in this Weapon to the provided map.
func (*Weapon) HasChildren ¶
HasChildren returns true if this node has children.
func (*Weapon) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*Weapon) NodeChildren ¶
NodeChildren returns the children of this node, if any.
func (*Weapon) OwningEntity ¶
OwningEntity returns the owning Entity.
func (*Weapon) ResolvedBlock ¶
func (w *Weapon) ResolvedBlock(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) string
ResolvedBlock returns the resolved block level.
func (*Weapon) ResolvedMinimumStrength ¶
ResolvedMinimumStrength returns the resolved minimum strength required to use this weapon, or 0 if there is none.
func (*Weapon) ResolvedParry ¶
func (w *Weapon) ResolvedParry(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) string
ResolvedParry returns the resolved parry level.
func (*Weapon) ResolvedRange ¶
ResolvedRange returns the range, fully resolved for the user's ST, if possible.
func (*Weapon) SetChildren ¶
SetChildren sets the children of this node.
func (*Weapon) SetOwner ¶
func (w *Weapon) SetOwner(owner WeaponOwner)
SetOwner sets the owner and ensures sub-components have their owners set.
func (*Weapon) SetOwningEntity ¶
SetOwningEntity sets the owning entity and configures any sub-components as needed.
func (*Weapon) SkillLevel ¶
func (w *Weapon) SkillLevel(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) fxp.Int
SkillLevel returns the resolved skill level.
func (*Weapon) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type WeaponDamage ¶
type WeaponDamage struct { WeaponDamageData Owner *Weapon }
WeaponDamage holds the damage information for a weapon.
func (*WeaponDamage) Clone ¶
func (w *WeaponDamage) Clone(owner *Weapon) *WeaponDamage
Clone creates a copy of this data.
func (*WeaponDamage) DamageTooltip ¶
func (w *WeaponDamage) DamageTooltip() string
DamageTooltip returns a formatted tooltip for the damage.
func (*WeaponDamage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (w *WeaponDamage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*WeaponDamage) ResolvedDamage ¶
func (w *WeaponDamage) ResolvedDamage(tooltip *xio.ByteBuffer) string
ResolvedDamage returns the damage, fully resolved for the user's sw or thr, if possible.
func (*WeaponDamage) String ¶
func (w *WeaponDamage) String() string
func (*WeaponDamage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (w *WeaponDamage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type WeaponDamageData ¶
type WeaponDamageData struct { Type string `json:"type"` StrengthType weapon.StrengthDamage `json:"st,omitempty"` Base *dice.Dice `json:"base,omitempty"` ArmorDivisor fxp.Int `json:"armor_divisor,omitempty"` Fragmentation *dice.Dice `json:"fragmentation,omitempty"` FragmentationArmorDivisor fxp.Int `json:"fragmentation_armor_divisor,omitempty"` FragmentationType string `json:"fragmentation_type,omitempty"` ModifierPerDie fxp.Int `json:"modifier_per_die,omitempty"` }
WeaponDamageData holds the WeaponDamage data that is written to disk.
type WeaponData ¶
type WeaponData struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"` Type weapon.Type `json:"type"` Damage WeaponDamage `json:"damage"` MinimumStrength string `json:"strength,omitempty"` Usage string `json:"usage,omitempty"` UsageNotes string `json:"usage_notes,omitempty"` Reach string `json:"reach,omitempty"` Parry string `json:"parry,omitempty"` Block string `json:"block,omitempty"` Accuracy string `json:"accuracy,omitempty"` Range string `json:"range,omitempty"` RateOfFire string `json:"rate_of_fire,omitempty"` Shots string `json:"shots,omitempty"` Bulk string `json:"bulk,omitempty"` Recoil string `json:"recoil,omitempty"` Defaults []*SkillDefault `json:"defaults,omitempty"` }
WeaponData holds the Weapon data that is written to disk.
type WeaponListProvider ¶
type WeaponListProvider interface { EntityProvider WeaponOwner() WeaponOwner Weapons(weaponType weapon.Type) []*Weapon SetWeapons(weaponType weapon.Type, list []*Weapon) }
WeaponListProvider defines the method needed to access the weapon list data.
Source Files
- attribute.go
- attribute_choice.go
- attribute_def.go
- attribute_defs.go
- attribute_prereq.go
- attributes.go
- block_layout.go
- body.go
- cell.go
- cell_type_gen.go
- college_list.go
- common.go
- conditional_modifier.go
- contained_quantity_prereq.go
- contained_weight_prereq.go
- container_base.go
- difficulty_with_attr.go
- entity.go
- equipment.go
- equipment_data.go
- equipment_edit_data.go
- equipment_modifier.go
- equipment_modifier_data.go
- equipment_modifier_edit_data.go
- eval.go
- hit_location.go
- hit_location_choice.go
- list_provider.go
- natural_attacks.go
- node.go
- note.go
- note_data.go
- note_edit_data.go
- pool_threshold.go
- prereq.go
- prereq_list.go
- prereqs.go
- profile.go
- quick_exports.go
- self_control_roll_adj.go
- self_control_roll_adj_gen.go
- sheet_settings.go
- skill.go
- skill_data.go
- skill_default.go
- skill_edit_data.go
- skill_prereq.go
- spell.go
- spell_data.go
- spell_edit_data.go
- spell_prereq.go
- tech_level.go
- template.go
- trait.go
- trait_data.go
- trait_edit_data.go
- trait_modifier.go
- trait_modifier_data.go
- trait_modifier_edit_data.go
- trait_prereq.go
- traverse.go
- weapon.go
- weapon_damage.go