
The kube-gateway-operator operates the kube-gateway service and access tokens on a cluster.
The kube-gateway service allows non-k8s users access to a single k8s resource for a limited time.
It uses signed, limited duration JWT to grant non-k8s users access to the cluster via a proxy server.
Once installed, the operator manages two custom resources:
- GateServer: launches the kube-gateway service that proxies k8s API calls to users outside the cluster
- GateToken: manages the creation of the signed tokens used to authenticate with the kube-gateway service
Deploy the operator
# Deploy the gate operator
kubectl create -f \
Deploy a gate server
# Create a namespace to run the gate server
kubectl create namespace kube-gateway
# Download the kube-gateway-server example
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rh-fieldwork/kube-gateway-operator/main/deploy/virt-gateway-server.yaml \
-o kube-gateway-server.yaml
# Customize and deploy the kube-gateway-server example
vim kube-gateway-server.yaml
kubectl create -f kube-gateway-server.yaml
Example GateToken CR
This example will generate a token that will give its holder access to API calls matching the path /k8s/apis/subresources.kubevirt.io/v1alpha3/namespaces/default/virtualmachineinstances/testvm/vnc
for one hour. You can edit the route to match the route designated for the gate server on your cluster.
apiVersion: ocgate.rh-fieldwork.com/v1beta1
kind: GateToken
name: gatetoken-sample
namespace: kube-gateway
namespace: "default"
- testvm
Example GateServer CR
A single gate server can handle requests for resources from different users and across different namespaces.
apiVersion: ocgate.rh-fieldwork.com/v1beta1
kind: GateServer
name: gateserver-sample
namespace: kube-gateway
route: kube-gateway-proxy.apps-crc.testing
# serviceAccount fields are used to create a service account for the oc gate proxy.
# The proxy will run using this service account. It will only be able to proxy
# requests that are available to this service account. Make sure to allow the
# proxy to access all k8s resources that the web application will consume.
- "get"
- "subresources.kubevirt.io"
- "virtualmachineinstances"
- "virtualmachineinstances/vnc"
# generateSecret is used to automatically create a secret holding the asymmetrical
# keys needed to sign and authenticate the JWT tokens.
generateSecret: true
# passThrough is used to pass the request token directly to the k8s API server without
# authenticating and replaces it with the service account access token of the proxy
passThrough: false
# the proxy server container image
image: 'quay.io/rh-fieldwork/kube-gateway'
# webAppImage is used to customize the static files of your web app.
# This example will install the noVNC web application that consumes
# websockets streaming VNC data.
webAppImage: 'quay.io/rh-fieldwork/kube-gateway-web-app-novnc'
Credit: gopher network image created by Egon Elbre and can be found at egonelbre/gophers