Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AsCurrentMoment(moment *Moment) (_ func() CurrentMoment)
- func AsCurrentView(view *View) (_ func() CurrentView)
- func ElementFrom(specs ...any) _ElementFrom
- func ElementFunc(fn any, provides ...any) _ElementFunc
- func ElementWith(elem Element, provides ...any) _ElementWith
- func FocusNextViewInGroup(curGroup CurrentViewGroup, cur CurrentView, linkedAll LinkedAll)
- func FocusPrevViewInGroup(curGroup CurrentViewGroup, cur CurrentView, linkedAll LinkedAll)
- func IsEditing(modes []Mode) bool
- func Margin(spec _Margin
- func NextViewGroupLayout(idx ViewGroupLayoutIndex, config ViewGroupConfig)
- func NextViewLayout(curGroup CurrentViewGroup)
- func Padding(spec _Padding
- func PrevViewGroupLayout(idx ViewGroupLayoutIndex, config ViewGroupConfig)
- func PrevViewLayout(curGroup CurrentViewGroup)
- func Rect(specs ...any) _Rect
- func RedoLatest(cur CurrentView, linkedAll LinkedAll, scope Scope)
- func ShowSearchDialog(scope Scope, moveCursor MoveCursor, pushOverlay PushOverlay, ...)
- func SyncViewToFile(cur CurrentView, sync SyncBufferMomentToFile, show ShowMessage) (err error)
- func Text(specs ...any) _Text
- func Undo(cur CurrentView, scope Scope)
- func UndoDuration1(cur CurrentView, config UndoConfig, scope Scope)
- func VerticalScroll(e Element, offset int) _VerticalScroll
- type Abort
- type AddCompletionCandidate
- type AddLineHint
- type AddStatusSection
- type AfterFunc
- type Align
- type AppendJournal
- type ApplyChange
- type BGColor
- type Bold
- type Box
- type Buffer
- type BufferConfig
- type BufferID
- type CalculateLineHeights
- type CalculateSumLineHeight
- type Cell
- type Change
- type ChangeText
- type ChangeToWordEnd
- type Clip
- type CloseOverlay
- type CloseView
- type Color
- type Colors
- type Command
- func (_ Command) About() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) Append() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) AppendAtLineEnd() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) Change() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) ChangeLine() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) ChangeToWordEnd() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) ChoosePathAndLoad() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) CloseView() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) CurrentTime() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) Delete() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) DeleteLine() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) DeletePrevRune() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) DeleteRune() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) DisableEditMode() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) EditNewLineAbove() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) EditNewLineBelow() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) EnableEditMode() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) Exit() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) FocusNextViewInGroup() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) FocusPrevViewInGroup() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) Foo() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) InsertLastClip() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) InsertNewline() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) InsertTab() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) LineBegin() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) LineEnd() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) MoveDown() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) MoveLeft() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) MoveRight() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) MoveUp() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) NewClipFromSelection() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) NextDedentLine() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) NextEmptyLine() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) NextLineWithRune() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) NextRune() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) NextViewGroupLayout() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) NextViewLayout() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) PageDown() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) PageUp() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) PrevDedentLine() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) PrevEmptyLine() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) PrevLineWithRune() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) PrevRune() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) PrevViewGroupLayout() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) PrevViewLayout() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) RedoLatest() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) ScrollAbsOrEnd() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) ScrollAbsOrHome() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) ScrollCursorToLower() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) ScrollCursorToMiddle() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) ScrollCursorToUpper() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) ScrollHome() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) ShowCommandPalette() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) ShowSearchDialog() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) ShowViewSwitcher() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) SyncViewToFile() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) ToggleJournalHeight() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) ToggleMacroRecording() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) ToggleSelection() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) Undo() (spec CommandSpec)
- func (_ Command) UndoDuration1() (spec CommandSpec)
- type CommandSpec
- type Commands
- type CompletionCandidate
- type CompletionConfig
- type CompletionList
- type CompletionProcs
- type ConfigDir
- type ContextMode
- type ContinueCompletion
- type ContinueMainLoop
- type CurrentModes
- type CurrentMoment
- type CurrentView
- type CurrentViewGroup
- type CursorShape
- type DebugConfig
- type Delete
- type DeleteLine
- type DeletePrevRune
- type DeleteRune
- type DeleteSelected
- type DeleteWithinPositionFuncs
- type DeleteWithinRange
- type Derive
- type DisableEditMode
- type DropLink
- type DropLinked
- type DropLinkedOne
- type EditMode
- type EditModeConfig
- type Element
- func JournalUI(getLines JournalLines, getHeight JournalHeight) (ret Element)
- func OverlayUI(overlays []Overlay, views Views) (ret []Element)
- func Root(scope Scope, width Width, height Height, getStyle GetStyle, ...) Element
- func Status(scope Scope, box Box, cur CurrentView, getStyle GetStyle, style Style, ...) (ret Element)
- func ViewArea(viewGroupConfig ViewGroupConfig, groupLayoutIndex ViewGroupLayoutIndex, ...) Element
- type EmitEvent
- type EmitKey
- type EmitRune
- type EnableEditMode
- type EvBufferCreated
- type EvBufferLanguageChanged
- type EvCollectCompletionCandidate
- type EvCollectLineHints
- type EvCollectStatusSections
- type EvCurrentViewChanged
- type EvCursorMoved
- type EvExit
- type EvKeyEventHandled
- type EvLoopBegin
- type EvLoopEnd
- type EvModesChanged
- type EvMomentSwitched
- type EvViewRendered
- type ExecuteCommand
- type ExecuteFunc
- type Exit
- type ExpectingKey
- type FGColor
- type FileInfo
- type Fill
- type FormatterConfig
- type FrameBuffer
- type FrameBufferCell
- type Func
- type GetConfig
- type GetLastKeyEvent
- type GetLineHints
- type GetMacroName
- type GetStrokeSpecs
- type GetStyle
- type GoLexicalStainer
- type GoLexicalStainerCacheKey
- type HandleKeyEvent
- type HandleMouseEvent
- type HandleScreenEvent
- type Height
- type HooksLock
- type HooksMap
- type ID
- type InitialJournalHeight
- type InsertAtPositionFunc
- type InsertLastClip
- type JournalHeight
- type JournalLines
- type KeyEvent
- type KeyHandler
- type KeyHandlerHint
- type KeyStrokeHandler
- type LSPCall
- type LSPEndpoint
- type LSPMessageType
- type Language
- type LanguageServerProtocolConfig
- type LanguageStainers
- type Layout
- type Line
- type LineBegin
- type LineEnd
- type LineHint
- type LineInitProcs
- type LineNumber
- type Linebreak
- type Link
- type LinkedAll
- type LinkedOne
- type M
- type MacroRecording
- type Mode
- type Moment
- func (m *Moment) ByteOffsetToPosition(offset int) (pos Position)
- func (m *Moment) GetBytes() []byte
- func (m *Moment) GetCStringContent() *C.char
- func (m *Moment) GetContent() string
- func (m *Moment) GetLine(i int) *Line
- func (m *Moment) GetLowerContent() string
- func (m *Moment) GetParser(scope Scope) *treesitter.Parser
- func (m *Moment) GetSyntaxAttr(scope Scope, lineNum int, runeOffset int) string
- func (m *Moment) NumLines() int
- type MomentID
- type MouseConfig
- type MouseEvent
- type Move
- type MoveCursor
- type NewBufferFromBytes
- type NewBufferFromFile
- type NewBuffersFromPath
- type NewClipFromSelection
- type NewGoLexicalStainer
- type NewMomentFromBytes
- type NewMomentFromFile
- type NewMomentsFromPath
- type NewViewFromBuffer
- type NextDedentLine
- type NextEmptyLine
- type NoopStainer
- type OffsetStyleFunc
- type On
- type OnNext
- type OnStartup
- type Op
- type Overlay
- type OverlayObject
- type PageDown
- type PageUp
- type Point
- type PosCursor
- type PosLineBegin
- type PosLineEnd
- type PosNextLineBegin
- type PosNextRune
- type PosPrevLineEnd
- type PosPrevRune
- type PosWordBegin
- type PosWordEnd
- type Position
- type PositionFunc
- type PredictKey
- type PrevDedentLine
- type PrevEmptyLine
- type Provide
- func (_ Provide) ApplyChange(config BufferConfig, link Link, linkedOne LinkedOne) ApplyChange
- func (_ Provide) BufferConfig(getConfig GetConfig) BufferConfig
- func (_ Provide) CalculateLineHeights(getHints GetLineHints) CalculateLineHeights
- func (_ Provide) CalculateSumLineHeight(calculate CalculateLineHeights) CalculateSumLineHeight
- func (_ Provide) ChangeText(cur CurrentView, deleteSelected DeleteSelected) ChangeText
- func (_ Provide) ChangeToWordEnd(cur CurrentView, enable EnableEditMode, del DeleteWithinPositionFuncs, ...) ChangeToWordEnd
- func (_ Provide) CloseOverlay(run RunInMainLoop) CloseOverlay
- func (_ Provide) CloseView(cur CurrentView, views Views, derive Derive, dropLinked DropLinked) CloseView
- func (_ Provide) CollectWords(on On) OnStartup
- func (_ Provide) Commands() Commands
- func (_ Provide) Completion(on On, run RunInMainLoop) OnStartup
- func (_ Provide) CompletionConfig(get GetConfig) CompletionConfig
- func (_ Provide) CompletionProcs() (p CompletionProcs)
- func (_ Provide) Config() (get GetConfig, dir ConfigDir)
- func (_ Provide) ContextNumber(getModes CurrentModes) (with WithContextNumber, set SetContextNumber)
- func (_ Provide) ContextStatus(on On) OnStartup
- func (_ Provide) ContinueCompletion() ContinueCompletion
- func (_ Provide) CurrentMoment(v CurrentView) CurrentMoment
- func (_ Provide) CurrentView(link Link, linkedOne LinkedOne, j AppendJournal, trigger Trigger) CurrentView
- func (_ Provide) CurrentViewFilePathStatus(on On) OnStartup
- func (_ Provide) CurrentViewGroupAccessor(link Link, linkedOne LinkedOne) CurrentViewGroup
- func (_ Provide) CursorStatus(on On) OnStartup
- func (_ Provide) DebugConfig(get GetConfig) (debugConfig DebugConfig)
- func (_ Provide) DefaultColors() Colors
- func (_ Provide) DefaultLanguageStainers(newGo NewGoLexicalStainer) LanguageStainers
- func (_ Provide) DefaultMacroRecordingState() MacroRecording
- func (_ Provide) DefaultOverlays() []Overlay
- func (_ Provide) DefaultStyle(config StyleConfig) Style
- func (_ Provide) DefaultSyntaxStyles(colors Colors) SyntaxStyles
- func (_ Provide) DefaultViewGroups(config ViewGroupConfig, current CurrentViewGroup) ViewGroups
- func (_ Provide) DefaultViews() Views
- func (_ Provide) Delete(cur CurrentView, deleteSelected DeleteSelected) Delete
- func (_ Provide) DeleteLine(v CurrentView, m CurrentMoment, del DeleteWithinPositionFuncs, ...) DeleteLine
- func (_ Provide) DeletePrevRune(del DeleteWithinPositionFuncs, begin PosPrevRune, end PosCursor) DeletePrevRune
- func (_ Provide) DeleteRune(del DeleteWithinPositionFuncs, begin PosCursor, end PosNextRune) DeleteRune
- func (_ Provide) DeleteSelected(cur CurrentView, scope Scope, deleteRagne DeleteWithinRange) DeleteSelected
- func (_ Provide) DeleteWithinPositionFuncs(cur CurrentView, deleteRange DeleteWithinRange) DeleteWithinPositionFuncs
- func (_ Provide) DeleteWithinRange(v CurrentView, m CurrentMoment, scope Scope, moveCursor MoveCursor, ...) DeleteWithinRange
- func (_ Provide) DisableEditMode(cur CurrentModes, screen Screen) DisableEditMode
- func (_ Provide) EditModeConfig(getConfig GetConfig) EditModeConfig
- func (_ Provide) EnableEditMode(cur CurrentModes, screen Screen) EnableEditMode
- func (_ Provide) Exit(trigger Trigger) (exit Exit, sigExit SigExit)
- func (_ Provide) FormatterConfig(get GetConfig) FormatterConfig
- func (_ Provide) FormatterGo(on On, j AppendJournal, run RunInMainLoop, config FormatterConfig) OnStartup
- func (_ Provide) GetStyle(config StyleConfig) GetStyle
- func (_ Provide) HandleKeyEvent(reset ResetStrokeSpecs, set SetStrokeSpecs, get GetStrokeSpecs, scope Scope, ...) HandleKeyEvent
- func (_ Provide) HandleMouseEvent(mouseConfig MouseConfig, moveCursor MoveCursor) HandleMouseEvent
- func (_ Provide) HandleScreenEvent(derive Derive, handleMouse HandleMouseEvent, handleKey HandleKeyEvent) HandleScreenEvent
- func (_ Provide) Hook(scope Scope, l HooksLock, m HooksMap) (on On, onNext OnNext, trigger Trigger)
- func (_ Provide) HookVars() (l HooksLock, m HooksMap)
- func (_ Provide) InsertAtPositionFunc(v CurrentView, m CurrentMoment, scope Scope, moveCursor MoveCursor, ...) InsertAtPositionFunc
- func (_ Provide) InsertLastClip(cur CurrentView, linkedOne LinkedOne, insert InsertAtPositionFunc, ...) InsertLastClip
- func (_ Provide) Journal(derive Derive, uiConfig UIConfig, cont ContinueMainLoop) (appendJournal AppendJournal, get JournalLines, accessHeight JournalHeight, ...)
- func (_ Provide) KeyEventHooks(on On) OnStartup
- func (_ Provide) KeyLogging() (set SetLastKeyEvent, get GetLastKeyEvent)
- func (_ Provide) KeyMacro(derive Derive) (getName GetMacroName, start StartMacroRecord, stop StopMacroRecord, ...)
- func (_ Provide) KeyMacroStatus(on On) OnStartup
- func (_ Provide) LSP(on On, j AppendJournal, getConfig GetConfig) OnStartup
- func (_ Provide) LayoutStatus(on On) OnStartup
- func (_ Provide) LineBegin(cur CurrentView, moveCursor MoveCursor, scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor) LineBegin
- func (_ Provide) LineEnd(cur CurrentView, moveCursor MoveCursor, scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor) LineEnd
- func (_ Provide) LineHints(on On) (GetLineHints, OnStartup)
- func (_ Provide) LineInitProcs() LineInitProcs
- func (_ Provide) LinkFuncs() (link Link, linkedOne LinkedOne, linkedAll LinkedAll, dropLink DropLink, ...)
- func (_ Provide) Loop() (cont ContinueMainLoop, renderTimer RenderTimer, ...)
- func (_ Provide) ModeStatus(on On) OnStartup
- func (_ Provide) ModesAccessor(derive Derive, trigger Trigger, l modesLock, ptr *[]Mode) (fn CurrentModes)
- func (_ Provide) ModesVars() (l modesLock, p *[]Mode)
- func (_ Provide) MouseConfig(getConfig GetConfig) MouseConfig
- func (_ Provide) MoveCursor(cur CurrentView, withN WithContextNumber, trigger Trigger, ...) MoveCursor
- func (_ Provide) NewBufferFromBytes(link Link, trigger Trigger, newMoment NewMomentFromBytes) NewBufferFromBytes
- func (_ Provide) NewBufferFromFile(scope Scope, link Link, trigger Trigger, newMoment NewMomentFromFile) NewBufferFromFile
- func (_ Provide) NewBuffersFromPath(scope Scope, link Link, newMoment NewMomentsFromPath) NewBuffersFromPath
- func (_ Provide) NewClipFromSelection(cur CurrentView, link Link) NewClipFromSelection
- func (_ Provide) NewGoLexicalStainer(syntaxStyles SyntaxStyles) NewGoLexicalStainer
- func (_ Provide) NewMomentFromBytes(config BufferConfig, initProcs LineInitProcs) NewMomentFromBytes
- func (_ Provide) NewMomentFromFile(newMoment NewMomentFromBytes) NewMomentFromFile
- func (_ Provide) NewMomentsFromPath(newMoment NewMomentFromFile) NewMomentsFromPath
- func (_ Provide) NewViewFromBuffer(width Width, height Height, views Views, _ ViewGroups, ...) NewViewFromBuffer
- func (_ Provide) NextDedentLine(cur CurrentView, scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor, moveCursor MoveCursor) NextDedentLine
- func (_ Provide) NextEmptyLine(cur CurrentView, moveCursor MoveCursor, scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor) NextEmptyLine
- func (_ Provide) OnStartup() OnStartup
- func (_ Provide) PageDown(cur CurrentView, config ScrollConfig, moveCursor MoveCursor, ...) PageDown
- func (_ Provide) PageUp(cur CurrentView, config ScrollConfig, moveCursor MoveCursor, ...) PageUp
- func (_ Provide) PosCursor(cur CurrentView) PosCursor
- func (_ Provide) PosLineBegin(cur CurrentView) PosLineBegin
- func (_ Provide) PosLineEnd(cur CurrentView) PosLineEnd
- func (_ Provide) PosNextLineBegin(cur CurrentView) PosNextLineBegin
- func (_ Provide) PosNextRune(cur CurrentView) PosNextRune
- func (_ Provide) PosPrevLineEnd(cur CurrentView) PosPrevLineEnd
- func (_ Provide) PosPrevRune(cur CurrentView) PosPrevRune
- func (_ Provide) PosWordBegin(cur CurrentView) PosWordBegin
- func (_ Provide) PosWordEnd(cur CurrentView) PosWordEnd
- func (_ Provide) PrevDedentLine(cur CurrentView, moveCursor MoveCursor, scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor) PrevDedentLine
- func (_ Provide) PrevEmptyLine(cur CurrentView, moveCursor MoveCursor, scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor) PrevEmptyLine
- func (_ Provide) PushOverlay(run RunInMainLoop) PushOverlay
- func (_ Provide) ReplaceWithinRange(v CurrentView, m CurrentMoment, scope Scope, moveCursor MoveCursor, ...) ReplaceWithinRange
- func (_ Provide) Screen(on On) Screen
- func (_ Provide) ScreenSize(screen Screen) (width Width, height Height)
- func (_ Provide) ScrollAbsOrEnd(withN WithContextNumber, moveCursor MoveCursor, end ScrollEnd) ScrollAbsOrEnd
- func (_ Provide) ScrollAbsOrHome(withN WithContextNumber, moveCursor MoveCursor, home ScrollHome) ScrollAbsOrHome
- func (_ Provide) ScrollConfig(getConfig GetConfig) ScrollConfig
- func (_ Provide) ScrollCursorToLower(cur CurrentView, config ScrollConfig, scope Scope) ScrollCursorToLower
- func (_ Provide) ScrollCursorToMiddle(cur CurrentView, config ScrollConfig, scope Scope) ScrollCursorToMiddle
- func (_ Provide) ScrollCursorToUpper(cur CurrentView, config ScrollConfig, scope Scope) ScrollCursorToUpper
- func (_ Provide) ScrollEnd(cur CurrentView, scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor, moveCursor MoveCursor) ScrollEnd
- func (_ Provide) ScrollHome(scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor, moveCursor MoveCursor) ScrollHome
- func (_ Provide) ScrollToCursor(cur CurrentView, scope Scope, config ScrollConfig) ScrollToCursor
- func (_ Provide) ShouldShowViewListState() (s ShouldShowViewListState, get ShouldShowViewList)
- func (_ Provide) ShowCommandPalette(screen Screen, commands Commands, run RunInMainLoop, pushOverlay PushOverlay) ShowCommandPalette
- func (_ Provide) ShowFileChooser(scope Scope, pushOverlay PushOverlay, closeOverlay CloseOverlay) ShowFileChooser
- func (_ Provide) ShowMessage(pushOverlay PushOverlay) ShowMessage
- func (_ Provide) ShowViewListFlag(on On, config UIConfig, run RunInMainLoop, p ShouldShowViewListState) OnStartup
- func (_ Provide) ShowViewSwitcher(scope Scope, pushOverlay PushOverlay, closeOverlay CloseOverlay) ShowViewSwitcher
- func (_ Provide) StrokeSpecs(curModes CurrentModes, overlays []Overlay, scope Scope, set SetStrokeSpecs, ...) (reset ResetStrokeSpecs)
- func (_ Provide) StrokeSpecsAccessor() (get GetStrokeSpecs, set SetStrokeSpecs)
- func (_ Provide) StyleConfig(getConfig GetConfig) StyleConfig
- func (_ Provide) SyncBufferMomentToFile(linkedAll LinkedAll) SyncBufferMomentToFile
- func (_ Provide) ToggleSelection(cur CurrentView) ToggleSelection
- func (_ Provide) UIConfig(get GetConfig) UIConfig
- func (_ Provide) UndoConfig(getConfig GetConfig) UndoConfig
- func (_ Provide) ViewEvents(on On, j AppendJournal, config DebugConfig) OnStartup
- func (_ Provide) ViewGroupConfig(getConfig GetConfig, idx ViewGroupLayoutIndex) (config ViewGroupConfig)
- func (_ Provide) ViewGroupLayoutIndex() (fn ViewGroupLayoutIndex)
- func (_ Provide) ViewRenderProcs() (ch ViewRenderProcs)
- type PushOverlay
- type RandomStainer
- type Range
- type ReadMode
- type RecordMacroKey
- type RenderTimer
- type ReplaceWithinRange
- type ResetRenderTimer
- type ResetStrokeSpecs
- type RunInMainLoop
- type RuneCategory
- type Scope
- type Screen
- type ScreenEvent
- type ScrollAbsOrEnd
- type ScrollAbsOrHome
- type ScrollConfig
- type ScrollCursorToLower
- type ScrollCursorToMiddle
- type ScrollCursorToUpper
- type ScrollEnd
- type ScrollHome
- type ScrollToCursor
- type Segment
- type Segments
- type SelectionDialog
- type Selections
- type SetContent
- type SetContextNumber
- type SetLastKeyEvent
- type SetStrokeSpecs
- type ShouldShowViewList
- type ShouldShowViewListState
- type ShowCommandPalette
- type ShowFileChooser
- type ShowMessage
- type ShowViewSwitcher
- type SigExit
- type Stainer
- type StartMacroRecord
- type StatusSection
- type StopMacroRecord
- type StrokeSpec
- type Style
- type StyleConfig
- type StyleFunc
- type StyleSpec
- type SyncBufferMomentToFile
- type SyntaxStyles
- type SystemMode
- type TcellScreen
- type ToggleSelection
- type Trigger
- type UIConfig
- type UIDesc
- type Underline
- type UndoConfig
- type View
- type ViewGroup
- type ViewGroupConfig
- type ViewGroupID
- type ViewGroupLayoutIndex
- type ViewGroupSpec
- type ViewGroups
- type ViewID
- type ViewMomentState
- type ViewRenderProcs
- type ViewSortFunc
- type ViewSortKey
- type ViewUIArgs
- type Views
- type WidgetDialog
- type Width
- type WithContextNumber
- type ZBox
Constants ¶
View Source
const DefaultConfig = `
PaddingTop = 10
PaddingBottom = 10
ScrollLines = 5
ExpandTabs = true
TabWidth = 4
StatusWidth = 20
JournalHeight = 2
MaxOutlineDistance = 2000
HideTimeoutSeconds = 1
MarginLeft = 120
Width = 30
Layouts = [
Layouts = [
Layouts = [
BG = 0x222222
Bold = false
Underline = false
FG = 0xAAFF00
BG = 0x222222
BG = 0x444444
BG = 0x336666
Bold = true
FG = 0xDEAD01
'F2' = 'ToggleMacroRecording'
'Rune[` + "`" + `]' = 'ToggleJournalHeight'
'Rune[#]' = 'LineBegin'
'Rune[$]' = 'LineEnd'
'Rune[w]' = 'FocusPrevViewInGroup'
'Rune[e]' = 'FocusNextViewInGroup'
'Rune[y]' = 'NewClipFromSelection'
'Rune[U]' = 'PageUp'
'Rune[u]' = 'UndoDuration1'
'Rune[i]' = 'EnableEditMode'
'Rune[O]' = 'EditNewLineAbove'
'Rune[o]' = 'EditNewLineBelow'
'Rune[p]' = 'InsertLastClip'
'Rune[{]' = 'PrevEmptyLine'
'Rune[[]' = 'PrevDedentLine'
'Rune[}]' = 'NextEmptyLine'
'Rune[]]' = 'NextDedentLine'
'Rune[a]' = 'Append'
'Rune[A]' = 'AppendAtLineEnd'
'Rune[d]' = 'Delete'
'Rune[d] Rune[d]' = 'DeleteLine'
'Rune[F]' = 'PrevRune'
'Rune[f]' = 'NextRune'
'Rune[G]' = 'ScrollAbsOrEnd'
'Rune[g] Rune[g]' = 'ScrollAbsOrHome'
'Rune[h]' = 'MoveLeft'
'Rune[j]' = 'MoveDown'
'Rune[k]' = 'MoveUp'
'Rune[l]' = 'MoveRight'
'Rune[m]' = 'ShowCommandPalette'
'Rune[z] Rune[t]' = 'ScrollCursorToUpper'
'Rune[z] Rune[z]' = 'ScrollCursorToMiddle'
'Rune[z] Rune[b]' = 'ScrollCursorToLower'
'Rune[x]' = 'DeleteRune'
'Rune[c]' = 'Change'
'Rune[c] Rune[w]' = 'ChangeToWordEnd'
'Rune[c] Rune[c]' = 'ChangeLine'
'Rune[v]' = 'ToggleSelection'
'Rune[b]' = 'ShowViewSwitcher'
'Rune[M]' = 'PageDown'
'Rune[/]' = 'ShowSearchDialog'
'Rune[,] Rune[q]' = 'CloseView'
'Rune[,] Rune[w]' = 'SyncViewToFile'
'Rune[,] Rune[t]' = 'ChoosePathAndLoad'
'Rune[,] Rune[f]' = 'NextLineWithRune'
'Rune[,] Rune[g]' = 'NextViewGroupLayout'
'Rune[,] Rune[v]' = 'NextViewLayout'
'Rune[,] Rune[N]' = 'CurrentTime'
'Rune[.] Rune[g]' = 'PrevViewGroupLayout'
'Rune[.] Rune[f]' = 'PrevLineWithRune'
'Rune[.] Rune[v]' = 'PrevViewLayout'
'Alt+Rune[u]' = 'RedoLatest'
'Ctrl+U' = 'Undo'
'Ctrl+O' = 'ShowCommandPalette'
DisableSequence = "kd"
'Esc' = 'DisableEditMode'
'Ctrl+O' = 'ShowCommandPalette'
DurationMS1 = 1000
Verbose = false
Enable = false
DelaySeconds = 5
DelayMilliseconds = 100
Variables ¶
View Source
var ( HexColor = tcell.NewHexColor RGBColor = tcell.NewRGBColor )
View Source
var Log = log
View Source
var NamedCommands = func() Commands { m := make(map[string]CommandSpec) o := reflect.ValueOf(new(Command)) t := o.Elem().Type() for i := 0; i < o.NumMethod(); i++ { spec := o.Method(i).Interface().(func() CommandSpec)() name := t.Method(i).Name spec.Name = name if spec.Desc == "" { spec.Desc = spec.Name } m[spec.Name] = spec } return m }()
View Source
var NamedLayouts = func() map[string]Layout { m := make(map[string]Layout) var f Layout v := reflect.ValueOf(f) t := reflect.TypeOf(f) for i := 0; i < t.NumMethod(); i++ { name := t.Method(i).Name var fn Layout fnValue := reflect.ValueOf(&fn) fnValue.Elem().Set(v.Method(i)) m[name] = fn } return m }()
View Source
var NamedViewSortKeys = func() map[string]ViewSortFunc { m := make(map[string]ViewSortFunc) v := reflect.ValueOf(new(ViewSortKey)) t := v.Type() for i := 0; i < v.NumMethod(); i++ { name := t.Method(i).Name fn := v.Method(i).Interface().(ViewSortFunc) m[name] = fn } return m }()
View Source
var SameStyle = StyleFunc(func(style Style) Style {
return style
Functions ¶
func AsCurrentMoment ¶
func AsCurrentMoment(moment *Moment) ( _ func() CurrentMoment, )
func AsCurrentView ¶
func AsCurrentView(view *View) ( _ func() CurrentView, )
func ElementFrom ¶
func ElementFrom(specs ...any) _ElementFrom
func ElementFunc ¶
func ElementFunc(fn any, provides ...any) _ElementFunc
func ElementWith ¶
func ElementWith(elem Element, provides ...any) _ElementWith
func FocusNextViewInGroup ¶
func FocusNextViewInGroup( curGroup CurrentViewGroup, cur CurrentView, linkedAll LinkedAll, )
func FocusPrevViewInGroup ¶
func FocusPrevViewInGroup( curGroup CurrentViewGroup, cur CurrentView, linkedAll LinkedAll, )
func NextViewGroupLayout ¶
func NextViewGroupLayout( idx ViewGroupLayoutIndex, config ViewGroupConfig, )
func NextViewLayout ¶
func NextViewLayout( curGroup CurrentViewGroup, )
func PrevViewGroupLayout ¶
func PrevViewGroupLayout( idx ViewGroupLayoutIndex, config ViewGroupConfig, )
func PrevViewLayout ¶
func PrevViewLayout( curGroup CurrentViewGroup, )
func RedoLatest ¶
func RedoLatest( cur CurrentView, linkedAll LinkedAll, scope Scope, )
func ShowSearchDialog ¶
func ShowSearchDialog( scope Scope, moveCursor MoveCursor, pushOverlay PushOverlay, closeOverlay CloseOverlay, )
func SyncViewToFile ¶
func SyncViewToFile( cur CurrentView, sync SyncBufferMomentToFile, show ShowMessage, ) (err error)
func Undo ¶
func Undo( cur CurrentView, scope Scope, )
func UndoDuration1 ¶
func UndoDuration1( cur CurrentView, config UndoConfig, scope Scope, )
func VerticalScroll ¶
Types ¶
type Abort ¶
type Abort bool
func ExecuteCommandFunc ¶
func ExecuteCommandFunc( fn Func, scope Scope, set SetStrokeSpecs, reset ResetStrokeSpecs, ) ( abort Abort, )
TODO scopify
type AddCompletionCandidate ¶
type AddCompletionCandidate func(CompletionCandidate)
type AddLineHint ¶
type AddStatusSection ¶
type AddStatusSection func(string, [][]any)
type AppendJournal ¶
type AppendJournal func( format string, args ...any, )
type ApplyChange ¶
type Buffer ¶
type Buffer struct { ID BufferID Path string AbsPath string AbsDir string LastSyncFileInfo FileInfo Linebreak Linebreak // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Buffer) SetLanguage ¶
type BufferConfig ¶
type CalculateLineHeights ¶
type CalculateSumLineHeight ¶
type Cell ¶
type Cell struct { Rune rune Len int // number of bytes in utf8 encoding Width int // visual width without padding DisplayWidth int // visual width with padding DisplayOffset int // visual column offset with padding in line RuneOffset int // rune offset in line ByteOffset int // utf8 byte offset in line UTF16Offset int // byte offset in utf16 encoding in line }
type ChangeText ¶
type ChangeText func() ( abort Abort, )
type ChangeToWordEnd ¶
type ChangeToWordEnd func()
type CloseOverlay ¶
type CloseOverlay func( id ID, )
type Colors ¶
type Colors struct { Black tcell.Color Red tcell.Color Green tcell.Color Yellow tcell.Color Blue tcell.Color Magenta tcell.Color Cyan tcell.Color White tcell.Color LightBlack tcell.Color LightRed tcell.Color LightGreen tcell.Color LightYellow tcell.Color LightBlue tcell.Color LightMagenta tcell.Color LightCyan tcell.Color LightWhite tcell.Color }
type Command ¶
type Command struct{}
func (Command) About ¶
func (_ Command) About() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) Append ¶
func (_ Command) Append() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) AppendAtLineEnd ¶
func (_ Command) AppendAtLineEnd() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) Change ¶
func (_ Command) Change() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) ChangeLine ¶
func (_ Command) ChangeLine() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) ChangeToWordEnd ¶
func (_ Command) ChangeToWordEnd() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) ChoosePathAndLoad ¶
func (_ Command) ChoosePathAndLoad() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) CloseView ¶
func (_ Command) CloseView() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) CurrentTime ¶
func (_ Command) CurrentTime() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) Delete ¶
func (_ Command) Delete() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) DeleteLine ¶
func (_ Command) DeleteLine() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) DeletePrevRune ¶
func (_ Command) DeletePrevRune() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) DeleteRune ¶
func (_ Command) DeleteRune() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) DisableEditMode ¶
func (_ Command) DisableEditMode() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) EditNewLineAbove ¶
func (_ Command) EditNewLineAbove() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) EditNewLineBelow ¶
func (_ Command) EditNewLineBelow() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) EnableEditMode ¶
func (_ Command) EnableEditMode() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) Exit ¶
func (_ Command) Exit() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) FocusNextViewInGroup ¶
func (_ Command) FocusNextViewInGroup() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) FocusPrevViewInGroup ¶
func (_ Command) FocusPrevViewInGroup() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) Foo ¶
func (_ Command) Foo() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) InsertLastClip ¶
func (_ Command) InsertLastClip() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) InsertNewline ¶
func (_ Command) InsertNewline() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) InsertTab ¶
func (_ Command) InsertTab() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) LineBegin ¶
func (_ Command) LineBegin() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) LineEnd ¶
func (_ Command) LineEnd() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) MoveDown ¶
func (_ Command) MoveDown() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) MoveLeft ¶
func (_ Command) MoveLeft() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) MoveRight ¶
func (_ Command) MoveRight() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) MoveUp ¶
func (_ Command) MoveUp() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) NewClipFromSelection ¶
func (_ Command) NewClipFromSelection() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) NextDedentLine ¶
func (_ Command) NextDedentLine() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) NextEmptyLine ¶
func (_ Command) NextEmptyLine() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) NextLineWithRune ¶
func (_ Command) NextLineWithRune() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) NextRune ¶
func (_ Command) NextRune() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) NextViewGroupLayout ¶
func (_ Command) NextViewGroupLayout() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) NextViewLayout ¶
func (_ Command) NextViewLayout() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) PageDown ¶
func (_ Command) PageDown() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) PageUp ¶
func (_ Command) PageUp() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) PrevDedentLine ¶
func (_ Command) PrevDedentLine() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) PrevEmptyLine ¶
func (_ Command) PrevEmptyLine() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) PrevLineWithRune ¶
func (_ Command) PrevLineWithRune() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) PrevRune ¶
func (_ Command) PrevRune() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) PrevViewGroupLayout ¶
func (_ Command) PrevViewGroupLayout() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) PrevViewLayout ¶
func (_ Command) PrevViewLayout() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) RedoLatest ¶
func (_ Command) RedoLatest() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) ScrollAbsOrEnd ¶
func (_ Command) ScrollAbsOrEnd() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) ScrollAbsOrHome ¶
func (_ Command) ScrollAbsOrHome() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) ScrollCursorToLower ¶
func (_ Command) ScrollCursorToLower() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) ScrollCursorToMiddle ¶
func (_ Command) ScrollCursorToMiddle() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) ScrollCursorToUpper ¶
func (_ Command) ScrollCursorToUpper() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) ScrollHome ¶
func (_ Command) ScrollHome() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) ShowCommandPalette ¶
func (_ Command) ShowCommandPalette() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) ShowSearchDialog ¶
func (_ Command) ShowSearchDialog() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) ShowViewSwitcher ¶
func (_ Command) ShowViewSwitcher() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) SyncViewToFile ¶
func (_ Command) SyncViewToFile() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) ToggleJournalHeight ¶
func (_ Command) ToggleJournalHeight() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) ToggleMacroRecording ¶
func (_ Command) ToggleMacroRecording() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) ToggleSelection ¶
func (_ Command) ToggleSelection() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) Undo ¶
func (_ Command) Undo() (spec CommandSpec)
func (Command) UndoDuration1 ¶
func (_ Command) UndoDuration1() (spec CommandSpec)
type CommandSpec ¶
type Commands ¶
type Commands = map[string]CommandSpec
type CompletionCandidate ¶
type CompletionConfig ¶
type CompletionConfig struct {
DelayMilliseconds int
type CompletionList ¶
type CompletionList struct { Box Box Candidates []CompletionCandidate Below bool Moment *Moment View *View // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CompletionList) RenderFunc ¶
func (c *CompletionList) RenderFunc() any
func (*CompletionList) StrokeSpecs ¶
func (c *CompletionList) StrokeSpecs() any
type CompletionProcs ¶
type CompletionProcs chan func()
type ContextMode ¶
type ContextMode struct {
Number int
func (*ContextMode) StrokeSpecs ¶
func (c *ContextMode) StrokeSpecs() any
type ContinueCompletion ¶
type ContinueCompletion *int64
type ContinueMainLoop ¶
type ContinueMainLoop func()
type CurrentModes ¶
type CurrentMoment ¶
type CurrentMoment func() *Moment
type CurrentView ¶
type CurrentViewGroup ¶
type DebugConfig ¶
type DebugConfig struct {
Verbose bool
type DeleteLine ¶
type DeleteLine func()
type DeletePrevRune ¶
type DeletePrevRune func()
type DeleteRune ¶
type DeleteRune func()
type DeleteSelected ¶
type DeleteSelected func( afterFunc AfterFunc, )
type DeleteWithinPositionFuncs ¶
type DeleteWithinPositionFuncs func( begin PositionFunc, end PositionFunc, )
type DeleteWithinRange ¶
type DeleteWithinRange func( r Range, )
type DisableEditMode ¶
type DisableEditMode func()
type DropLinked ¶
type DropLinked func(o any)
type DropLinkedOne ¶
type DropLinkedOne func(o any)
type EditMode ¶
type EditMode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*EditMode) StrokeSpecs ¶
func (e *EditMode) StrokeSpecs() any
type EditModeConfig ¶
type Element ¶
type Element interface {
RenderFunc() any
func JournalUI ¶
func JournalUI( getLines JournalLines, getHeight JournalHeight, ) ( ret Element, )
func Status ¶
func Status( scope Scope, box Box, cur CurrentView, getStyle GetStyle, style Style, curGroup CurrentViewGroup, groups ViewGroups, trigger Trigger, ) ( ret Element, )
func ViewArea ¶
func ViewArea( viewGroupConfig ViewGroupConfig, groupLayoutIndex ViewGroupLayoutIndex, box Box, getStyle GetStyle, defaultStyle Style, views Views, viewGroups ViewGroups, linkedAll LinkedAll, screen Screen, curGroup CurrentViewGroup, shouldShowList ShouldShowViewList, j AppendJournal, cur CurrentView, scope Scope, config UIConfig, ) Element
type EmitEvent ¶
type EmitEvent func(ScreenEvent)
type EnableEditMode ¶
type EnableEditMode func()
type EvBufferCreated ¶
type EvBufferLanguageChanged ¶
type EvCollectCompletionCandidate ¶
type EvCollectCompletionCandidate struct { Add AddCompletionCandidate View *View Moment *Moment State ViewMomentState }
type EvCollectLineHints ¶
type EvCollectLineHints struct {
Add AddLineHint
type EvCollectStatusSections ¶
type EvCollectStatusSections struct { Add AddStatusSection Styles []Style }
type EvCurrentViewChanged ¶
type EvCurrentViewChanged struct {
View *View
type EvCursorMoved ¶
type EvKeyEventHandled ¶
type EvKeyEventHandled struct { }
type EvLoopBegin ¶
type EvLoopBegin struct{}
type EvModesChanged ¶
type EvModesChanged struct {
Modes []Mode
type EvMomentSwitched ¶
type EvViewRendered ¶
type ExecuteCommand ¶
type ExecuteCommand struct { Name string Spec CommandSpec Cont KeyHandler }
func (ExecuteCommand) IsKeyHandler ¶
func (_ ExecuteCommand) IsKeyHandler()
type ExecuteFunc ¶
type ExecuteFunc struct { Func func() Cont KeyHandler }
func (ExecuteFunc) IsKeyHandler ¶
func (_ ExecuteFunc) IsKeyHandler()
type ExpectingKey ¶
type ExpectingKey struct { Key rune Cont KeyHandler }
func (ExpectingKey) IsKeyHandler ¶
func (_ ExpectingKey) IsKeyHandler()
type FormatterConfig ¶
type FormatterConfig struct {
DelaySeconds int
type FrameBuffer ¶
type FrameBuffer struct { sync.RWMutex Cells []*FrameBufferCell Left int Top int Width int Height int }
func NewFrameBuffer ¶
func NewFrameBuffer(box Box) *FrameBuffer
func (*FrameBuffer) RenderFunc ¶
func (f *FrameBuffer) RenderFunc() any
func (*FrameBuffer) SetContent ¶
type FrameBufferCell ¶
type Func ¶
type Func any
func ToggleMacroRecording ¶
func ToggleMacroRecording( recording MacroRecording, ) Func
type GetLastKeyEvent ¶
type GetLastKeyEvent func() KeyEvent
type GetLineHints ¶
type GetMacroName ¶
type GetMacroName func() string
type GetStrokeSpecs ¶
type GetStrokeSpecs func() ([]StrokeSpec, bool)
type GoLexicalStainer ¶
type GoLexicalStainer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GoLexicalStainer) AttrStyleFunc ¶
func (s *GoLexicalStainer) AttrStyleFunc(attr string) StyleFunc
func (*GoLexicalStainer) Line ¶
func (s *GoLexicalStainer) Line() any
type GoLexicalStainerCacheKey ¶
type GoLexicalStainerCacheKey struct { MomentID LineNumber }
type HandleKeyEvent ¶
type HandleKeyEvent func( ev KeyEvent, )
type HandleMouseEvent ¶
type HandleMouseEvent func( ev MouseEvent, )
type HandleScreenEvent ¶
type HandleScreenEvent func( ev ScreenEvent, )
type InitialJournalHeight ¶
type InitialJournalHeight int
type InsertAtPositionFunc ¶
type InsertAtPositionFunc func( str string, fn PositionFunc, )
type InsertLastClip ¶
type InsertLastClip func()
type JournalHeight ¶
type JournalLines ¶
type JournalLines func() []string
type KeyHandler ¶
type KeyHandler interface {
type KeyHandlerHint ¶
type KeyHandlerHint struct { Hint []string Cont KeyHandler }
func (KeyHandlerHint) IsKeyHandler ¶
func (_ KeyHandlerHint) IsKeyHandler()
type KeyStrokeHandler ¶
type KeyStrokeHandler interface {
StrokeSpecs() any
type LSPEndpoint ¶
type LSPEndpoint struct { *sync.Mutex *sync.Cond Language Language RW io.ReadWriter OnErr func(error) OnLog func(format string, args ...any) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewLSPEndpoint ¶
func NewLSPEndpoint( rw io.ReadWriter, lang Language, onErr func(error), onLog func(format string, args ...any), ) *LSPEndpoint
func (*LSPEndpoint) Notify ¶
func (l *LSPEndpoint) Notify(method string, params M)
type LSPMessageType ¶
type LSPMessageType uint8
const ( LSPError LSPMessageType = iota + 1 LSPWarning LSPInfo LSPLog )
func (LSPMessageType) String ¶
func (i LSPMessageType) String() string
type LanguageServerProtocolConfig ¶
type LanguageServerProtocolConfig struct {
Enable bool
type LanguageStainers ¶
func (LanguageStainers) IsReducer ¶
func (_ LanguageStainers) IsReducer()
type Line ¶
type LineInitProcs ¶
type LineInitProcs chan []*Line
type LineNumber ¶
type LineNumber int
type MacroRecording ¶
type MacroRecording bool
type Moment ¶
type Moment struct { T0 time.Time ID MomentID Previous *Moment Change Change FileInfo FileInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Moment) ByteOffsetToPosition ¶
func (*Moment) GetCStringContent ¶
func (*Moment) GetContent ¶
func (*Moment) GetLowerContent ¶
func (*Moment) GetSyntaxAttr ¶
type MouseConfig ¶
type MouseConfig struct {
ScrollLines int
type MouseEvent ¶
type MouseEvent = *tcell.EventMouse
type MoveCursor ¶
type MoveCursor func( move Move, )
type NewBufferFromBytes ¶
type NewBufferFromFile ¶
type NewBuffersFromPath ¶
type NewClipFromSelection ¶
type NewClipFromSelection func()
type NewGoLexicalStainer ¶
type NewGoLexicalStainer func() *GoLexicalStainer
type NewMomentFromBytes ¶
type NewMomentFromFile ¶
type NewMomentsFromPath ¶
type NewViewFromBuffer ¶
type NextDedentLine ¶
type NextDedentLine func()
type NextEmptyLine ¶
type NextEmptyLine func()
type NoopStainer ¶
type NoopStainer struct{}
func (NoopStainer) Line ¶
func (_ NoopStainer) Line() dyn
type OffsetStyleFunc ¶
type Overlay ¶
type Overlay struct { ID ID Element Element KeyStrokeHandler KeyStrokeHandler }
type OverlayObject ¶
type OverlayObject any
type PosCursor ¶
type PosCursor PositionFunc
type PosLineBegin ¶
type PosLineBegin PositionFunc
type PosLineEnd ¶
type PosLineEnd PositionFunc
type PosNextLineBegin ¶
type PosNextLineBegin PositionFunc
type PosNextRune ¶
type PosNextRune PositionFunc
type PosPrevLineEnd ¶
type PosPrevLineEnd PositionFunc
type PosPrevRune ¶
type PosPrevRune PositionFunc
type PosWordBegin ¶
type PosWordBegin PositionFunc
type PosWordEnd ¶
type PosWordEnd PositionFunc
type PositionFunc ¶
type PositionFunc func() Position
PositionFunc returns a Position value. Assuming current view is not null and current cursor is valid
type PredictKey ¶
type PredictKey struct { Func func(rune) bool Cont KeyHandler }
func (PredictKey) IsKeyHandler ¶
func (_ PredictKey) IsKeyHandler()
type PrevDedentLine ¶
type PrevDedentLine func()
type PrevEmptyLine ¶
type PrevEmptyLine func()
type Provide ¶
type Provide struct{}
func (Provide) ApplyChange ¶
func (_ Provide) ApplyChange( config BufferConfig, link Link, linkedOne LinkedOne, ) ApplyChange
func (Provide) BufferConfig ¶
func (_ Provide) BufferConfig( getConfig GetConfig, ) BufferConfig
func (Provide) CalculateLineHeights ¶
func (_ Provide) CalculateLineHeights( getHints GetLineHints, ) CalculateLineHeights
func (Provide) CalculateSumLineHeight ¶
func (_ Provide) CalculateSumLineHeight( calculate CalculateLineHeights, ) CalculateSumLineHeight
func (Provide) ChangeText ¶
func (_ Provide) ChangeText( cur CurrentView, deleteSelected DeleteSelected, ) ChangeText
func (Provide) ChangeToWordEnd ¶
func (_ Provide) ChangeToWordEnd( cur CurrentView, enable EnableEditMode, del DeleteWithinPositionFuncs, begin PosCursor, end PosWordEnd, ) ChangeToWordEnd
func (Provide) CloseOverlay ¶
func (_ Provide) CloseOverlay( run RunInMainLoop, ) CloseOverlay
func (Provide) CloseView ¶
func (_ Provide) CloseView( cur CurrentView, views Views, derive Derive, dropLinked DropLinked, ) CloseView
func (Provide) CollectWords ¶
func (Provide) Completion ¶
func (_ Provide) Completion( on On, run RunInMainLoop, ) OnStartup
func (Provide) CompletionConfig ¶
func (_ Provide) CompletionConfig( get GetConfig, ) CompletionConfig
func (Provide) CompletionProcs ¶
func (_ Provide) CompletionProcs() ( p CompletionProcs, )
func (Provide) ContextNumber ¶
func (_ Provide) ContextNumber( getModes CurrentModes, ) ( with WithContextNumber, set SetContextNumber, )
func (Provide) ContextStatus ¶
func (Provide) ContinueCompletion ¶
func (_ Provide) ContinueCompletion() ContinueCompletion
func (Provide) CurrentMoment ¶
func (_ Provide) CurrentMoment( v CurrentView, ) CurrentMoment
func (Provide) CurrentView ¶
func (_ Provide) CurrentView( link Link, linkedOne LinkedOne, j AppendJournal, trigger Trigger, ) CurrentView
func (Provide) CurrentViewFilePathStatus ¶
func (Provide) CurrentViewGroupAccessor ¶
func (_ Provide) CurrentViewGroupAccessor( link Link, linkedOne LinkedOne, ) CurrentViewGroup
func (Provide) CursorStatus ¶
func (Provide) DebugConfig ¶
func (_ Provide) DebugConfig( get GetConfig, ) ( debugConfig DebugConfig, )
func (Provide) DefaultColors ¶
func (Provide) DefaultLanguageStainers ¶
func (_ Provide) DefaultLanguageStainers( newGo NewGoLexicalStainer, ) LanguageStainers
func (Provide) DefaultMacroRecordingState ¶
func (_ Provide) DefaultMacroRecordingState() MacroRecording
func (Provide) DefaultOverlays ¶
func (Provide) DefaultStyle ¶
func (_ Provide) DefaultStyle( config StyleConfig, ) Style
func (Provide) DefaultSyntaxStyles ¶
func (_ Provide) DefaultSyntaxStyles( colors Colors, ) SyntaxStyles
func (Provide) DefaultViewGroups ¶
func (_ Provide) DefaultViewGroups( config ViewGroupConfig, current CurrentViewGroup, ) ViewGroups
func (Provide) DefaultViews ¶
func (Provide) Delete ¶
func (_ Provide) Delete( cur CurrentView, deleteSelected DeleteSelected, ) Delete
func (Provide) DeleteLine ¶
func (_ Provide) DeleteLine( v CurrentView, m CurrentMoment, del DeleteWithinPositionFuncs, lineBegin LineBegin, posPrevLineEnd PosPrevLineEnd, posLineEnd PosLineEnd, posLineBegin PosLineBegin, posNextLineBegin PosNextLineBegin, ) DeleteLine
func (Provide) DeletePrevRune ¶
func (_ Provide) DeletePrevRune( del DeleteWithinPositionFuncs, begin PosPrevRune, end PosCursor, ) DeletePrevRune
func (Provide) DeleteRune ¶
func (_ Provide) DeleteRune( del DeleteWithinPositionFuncs, begin PosCursor, end PosNextRune, ) DeleteRune
func (Provide) DeleteSelected ¶
func (_ Provide) DeleteSelected( cur CurrentView, scope Scope, deleteRagne DeleteWithinRange, ) DeleteSelected
func (Provide) DeleteWithinPositionFuncs ¶
func (_ Provide) DeleteWithinPositionFuncs( cur CurrentView, deleteRange DeleteWithinRange, ) DeleteWithinPositionFuncs
func (Provide) DeleteWithinRange ¶
func (_ Provide) DeleteWithinRange( v CurrentView, m CurrentMoment, scope Scope, moveCursor MoveCursor, apply ApplyChange, ) DeleteWithinRange
func (Provide) DisableEditMode ¶
func (_ Provide) DisableEditMode( cur CurrentModes, screen Screen, ) DisableEditMode
func (Provide) EditModeConfig ¶
func (_ Provide) EditModeConfig( getConfig GetConfig, ) EditModeConfig
func (Provide) EnableEditMode ¶
func (_ Provide) EnableEditMode( cur CurrentModes, screen Screen, ) EnableEditMode
func (Provide) FormatterConfig ¶
func (_ Provide) FormatterConfig( get GetConfig, ) FormatterConfig
func (Provide) FormatterGo ¶
func (_ Provide) FormatterGo( on On, j AppendJournal, run RunInMainLoop, config FormatterConfig, ) OnStartup
func (Provide) GetStyle ¶
func (_ Provide) GetStyle( config StyleConfig, ) GetStyle
func (Provide) HandleKeyEvent ¶
func (_ Provide) HandleKeyEvent( reset ResetStrokeSpecs, set SetStrokeSpecs, get GetStrokeSpecs, scope Scope, setEv SetLastKeyEvent, commands Commands, recording MacroRecording, record RecordMacroKey, trigger Trigger, ) HandleKeyEvent
func (Provide) HandleMouseEvent ¶
func (_ Provide) HandleMouseEvent( mouseConfig MouseConfig, moveCursor MoveCursor, ) HandleMouseEvent
func (Provide) HandleScreenEvent ¶
func (_ Provide) HandleScreenEvent( derive Derive, handleMouse HandleMouseEvent, handleKey HandleKeyEvent, ) HandleScreenEvent
func (Provide) InsertAtPositionFunc ¶
func (_ Provide) InsertAtPositionFunc( v CurrentView, m CurrentMoment, scope Scope, moveCursor MoveCursor, apply ApplyChange, ) InsertAtPositionFunc
func (Provide) InsertLastClip ¶
func (_ Provide) InsertLastClip( cur CurrentView, linkedOne LinkedOne, insert InsertAtPositionFunc, posCursor PosCursor, ) InsertLastClip
func (Provide) Journal ¶
func (_ Provide) Journal( derive Derive, uiConfig UIConfig, cont ContinueMainLoop, ) ( appendJournal AppendJournal, get JournalLines, accessHeight JournalHeight, initialjournalheight InitialJournalHeight, )
func (Provide) KeyEventHooks ¶
func (Provide) KeyLogging ¶
func (_ Provide) KeyLogging() ( set SetLastKeyEvent, get GetLastKeyEvent, )
func (Provide) KeyMacro ¶
func (_ Provide) KeyMacro( derive Derive, ) ( getName GetMacroName, start StartMacroRecord, stop StopMacroRecord, record RecordMacroKey, )
func (Provide) KeyMacroStatus ¶
func (Provide) LayoutStatus ¶
func (Provide) LineBegin ¶
func (_ Provide) LineBegin( cur CurrentView, moveCursor MoveCursor, scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor, ) LineBegin
func (Provide) LineEnd ¶
func (_ Provide) LineEnd( cur CurrentView, moveCursor MoveCursor, scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor, ) LineEnd
func (Provide) LineInitProcs ¶
func (_ Provide) LineInitProcs() LineInitProcs
func (Provide) LinkFuncs ¶
func (_ Provide) LinkFuncs() ( link Link, linkedOne LinkedOne, linkedAll LinkedAll, dropLink DropLink, drop DropLinked, dropOne DropLinkedOne, )
func (Provide) Loop ¶
func (_ Provide) Loop() ( cont ContinueMainLoop, renderTimer RenderTimer, resetRenderTimer ResetRenderTimer, )
func (Provide) ModeStatus ¶
func (Provide) ModesAccessor ¶
func (_ Provide) ModesAccessor( derive Derive, trigger Trigger, l modesLock, ptr *[]Mode, ) ( fn CurrentModes, )
func (Provide) MouseConfig ¶
func (_ Provide) MouseConfig( getConfig GetConfig, ) MouseConfig
func (Provide) MoveCursor ¶
func (_ Provide) MoveCursor( cur CurrentView, withN WithContextNumber, trigger Trigger, scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor, ) MoveCursor
func (Provide) NewBufferFromBytes ¶
func (_ Provide) NewBufferFromBytes( link Link, trigger Trigger, newMoment NewMomentFromBytes, ) NewBufferFromBytes
func (Provide) NewBufferFromFile ¶
func (_ Provide) NewBufferFromFile( scope Scope, link Link, trigger Trigger, newMoment NewMomentFromFile, ) NewBufferFromFile
func (Provide) NewBuffersFromPath ¶
func (_ Provide) NewBuffersFromPath( scope Scope, link Link, newMoment NewMomentsFromPath, ) NewBuffersFromPath
func (Provide) NewClipFromSelection ¶
func (_ Provide) NewClipFromSelection( cur CurrentView, link Link, ) NewClipFromSelection
func (Provide) NewGoLexicalStainer ¶
func (_ Provide) NewGoLexicalStainer( syntaxStyles SyntaxStyles, ) NewGoLexicalStainer
func (Provide) NewMomentFromBytes ¶
func (_ Provide) NewMomentFromBytes( config BufferConfig, initProcs LineInitProcs, ) NewMomentFromBytes
func (Provide) NewMomentFromFile ¶
func (_ Provide) NewMomentFromFile( newMoment NewMomentFromBytes, ) NewMomentFromFile
func (Provide) NewMomentsFromPath ¶
func (_ Provide) NewMomentsFromPath( newMoment NewMomentFromFile, ) NewMomentsFromPath
func (Provide) NewViewFromBuffer ¶
func (_ Provide) NewViewFromBuffer( width Width, height Height, views Views, _ ViewGroups, curGroup CurrentViewGroup, link Link, cur CurrentView, linkedOne LinkedOne, trigger Trigger, languageStainers LanguageStainers, ) NewViewFromBuffer
func (Provide) NextDedentLine ¶
func (_ Provide) NextDedentLine( cur CurrentView, scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor, moveCursor MoveCursor, ) NextDedentLine
func (Provide) NextEmptyLine ¶
func (_ Provide) NextEmptyLine( cur CurrentView, moveCursor MoveCursor, scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor, ) NextEmptyLine
func (Provide) PageDown ¶
func (_ Provide) PageDown( cur CurrentView, config ScrollConfig, moveCursor MoveCursor, calLineHeights CalculateLineHeights, ) PageDown
func (Provide) PageUp ¶
func (_ Provide) PageUp( cur CurrentView, config ScrollConfig, moveCursor MoveCursor, calLineHeights CalculateLineHeights, ) PageUp
func (Provide) PosCursor ¶
func (_ Provide) PosCursor( cur CurrentView, ) PosCursor
func (Provide) PosLineBegin ¶
func (_ Provide) PosLineBegin( cur CurrentView, ) PosLineBegin
func (Provide) PosLineEnd ¶
func (_ Provide) PosLineEnd( cur CurrentView, ) PosLineEnd
func (Provide) PosNextLineBegin ¶
func (_ Provide) PosNextLineBegin( cur CurrentView, ) PosNextLineBegin
func (Provide) PosNextRune ¶
func (_ Provide) PosNextRune( cur CurrentView, ) PosNextRune
func (Provide) PosPrevLineEnd ¶
func (_ Provide) PosPrevLineEnd( cur CurrentView, ) PosPrevLineEnd
func (Provide) PosPrevRune ¶
func (_ Provide) PosPrevRune( cur CurrentView, ) PosPrevRune
func (Provide) PosWordBegin ¶
func (_ Provide) PosWordBegin( cur CurrentView, ) PosWordBegin
func (Provide) PosWordEnd ¶
func (_ Provide) PosWordEnd( cur CurrentView, ) PosWordEnd
func (Provide) PrevDedentLine ¶
func (_ Provide) PrevDedentLine( cur CurrentView, moveCursor MoveCursor, scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor, ) PrevDedentLine
func (Provide) PrevEmptyLine ¶
func (_ Provide) PrevEmptyLine( cur CurrentView, moveCursor MoveCursor, scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor, ) PrevEmptyLine
func (Provide) PushOverlay ¶
func (_ Provide) PushOverlay( run RunInMainLoop, ) PushOverlay
func (Provide) ReplaceWithinRange ¶
func (_ Provide) ReplaceWithinRange( v CurrentView, m CurrentMoment, scope Scope, moveCursor MoveCursor, apply ApplyChange, ) ReplaceWithinRange
func (Provide) ScreenSize ¶
func (Provide) ScrollAbsOrEnd ¶
func (_ Provide) ScrollAbsOrEnd( withN WithContextNumber, moveCursor MoveCursor, end ScrollEnd, ) ScrollAbsOrEnd
func (Provide) ScrollAbsOrHome ¶
func (_ Provide) ScrollAbsOrHome( withN WithContextNumber, moveCursor MoveCursor, home ScrollHome, ) ScrollAbsOrHome
func (Provide) ScrollConfig ¶
func (_ Provide) ScrollConfig( getConfig GetConfig, ) ScrollConfig
func (Provide) ScrollCursorToLower ¶
func (_ Provide) ScrollCursorToLower( cur CurrentView, config ScrollConfig, scope Scope, ) ScrollCursorToLower
func (Provide) ScrollCursorToMiddle ¶
func (_ Provide) ScrollCursorToMiddle( cur CurrentView, config ScrollConfig, scope Scope, ) ScrollCursorToMiddle
func (Provide) ScrollCursorToUpper ¶
func (_ Provide) ScrollCursorToUpper( cur CurrentView, config ScrollConfig, scope Scope, ) ScrollCursorToUpper
func (Provide) ScrollEnd ¶
func (_ Provide) ScrollEnd( cur CurrentView, scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor, moveCursor MoveCursor, ) ScrollEnd
func (Provide) ScrollHome ¶
func (_ Provide) ScrollHome( scrollToCursor ScrollToCursor, moveCursor MoveCursor, ) ScrollHome
func (Provide) ScrollToCursor ¶
func (_ Provide) ScrollToCursor( cur CurrentView, scope Scope, config ScrollConfig, ) ScrollToCursor
func (Provide) ShouldShowViewListState ¶
func (_ Provide) ShouldShowViewListState() ( s ShouldShowViewListState, get ShouldShowViewList, )
func (Provide) ShowCommandPalette ¶
func (_ Provide) ShowCommandPalette( screen Screen, commands Commands, run RunInMainLoop, pushOverlay PushOverlay, ) ShowCommandPalette
func (Provide) ShowFileChooser ¶
func (_ Provide) ShowFileChooser( scope Scope, pushOverlay PushOverlay, closeOverlay CloseOverlay, ) ShowFileChooser
func (Provide) ShowMessage ¶
func (_ Provide) ShowMessage( pushOverlay PushOverlay, ) ShowMessage
func (Provide) ShowViewListFlag ¶
func (_ Provide) ShowViewListFlag( on On, config UIConfig, run RunInMainLoop, p ShouldShowViewListState, ) OnStartup
func (Provide) ShowViewSwitcher ¶
func (_ Provide) ShowViewSwitcher( scope Scope, pushOverlay PushOverlay, closeOverlay CloseOverlay, ) ShowViewSwitcher
func (Provide) StrokeSpecs ¶
func (_ Provide) StrokeSpecs( curModes CurrentModes, overlays []Overlay, scope Scope, set SetStrokeSpecs, get GetStrokeSpecs, ) ( reset ResetStrokeSpecs, )
func (Provide) StrokeSpecsAccessor ¶
func (_ Provide) StrokeSpecsAccessor() ( get GetStrokeSpecs, set SetStrokeSpecs, )
func (Provide) StyleConfig ¶
func (_ Provide) StyleConfig( getConfig GetConfig, ) StyleConfig
func (Provide) SyncBufferMomentToFile ¶
func (_ Provide) SyncBufferMomentToFile( linkedAll LinkedAll, ) SyncBufferMomentToFile
func (Provide) ToggleSelection ¶
func (_ Provide) ToggleSelection( cur CurrentView, ) ToggleSelection
func (Provide) UndoConfig ¶
func (_ Provide) UndoConfig( getConfig GetConfig, ) UndoConfig
func (Provide) ViewEvents ¶
func (_ Provide) ViewEvents( on On, j AppendJournal, config DebugConfig, ) OnStartup
func (Provide) ViewGroupConfig ¶
func (_ Provide) ViewGroupConfig( getConfig GetConfig, idx ViewGroupLayoutIndex, ) ( config ViewGroupConfig, )
func (Provide) ViewGroupLayoutIndex ¶
func (_ Provide) ViewGroupLayoutIndex() ( fn ViewGroupLayoutIndex, )
func (Provide) ViewRenderProcs ¶
func (_ Provide) ViewRenderProcs() ( ch ViewRenderProcs, )
type PushOverlay ¶
type PushOverlay func( obj OverlayObject, ) ( id ID, )
type RandomStainer ¶
type RandomStainer struct{}
func (RandomStainer) Line ¶
func (_ RandomStainer) Line() dyn
type ReadMode ¶
type ReadMode struct{}
func (ReadMode) StrokeSpecs ¶
func (_ ReadMode) StrokeSpecs() any
type RecordMacroKey ¶
type RecordMacroKey func(KeyEvent)
type RenderTimer ¶
type ReplaceWithinRange ¶
type ResetRenderTimer ¶
type ResetRenderTimer func()
type ResetStrokeSpecs ¶
type ResetStrokeSpecs func() []StrokeSpec
type RunInMainLoop ¶
type RunInMainLoop func(fn any)
type RuneCategory ¶
type RuneCategory uint8
const ( RuneCategoryIdentifier RuneCategory = iota + 1 RuneCategorySpace RuneCategoryOther = 255 )
type Screen ¶
type Screen interface { tcell.Screen SetCursorShape(CursorShape) }
type ScreenEvent ¶
type ScrollAbsOrEnd ¶
type ScrollAbsOrEnd func()
type ScrollAbsOrHome ¶
type ScrollAbsOrHome func()
type ScrollConfig ¶
type ScrollCursorToLower ¶
type ScrollCursorToLower func()
type ScrollCursorToMiddle ¶
type ScrollCursorToMiddle func()
type ScrollCursorToUpper ¶
type ScrollCursorToUpper func()
type ScrollHome ¶
type ScrollHome func()
type ScrollToCursor ¶
type ScrollToCursor func()
type SelectionDialog ¶
type SelectionDialog struct { Title string OnClose func(scope Scope) OnSelect func(scope Scope, id ID) OnUpdate func(scope Scope, runes []rune) ( ids []ID, maxLen int, initialIDIndex int, ) CandidateElement func(scope Scope, id ID) Element // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SelectionDialog) RenderFunc ¶
func (d *SelectionDialog) RenderFunc() any
func (*SelectionDialog) StrokeSpecs ¶
func (d *SelectionDialog) StrokeSpecs() any
type Selections ¶
type Selections []Range
type SetContextNumber ¶
type SetContextNumber func(int)
type SetLastKeyEvent ¶
type SetLastKeyEvent func(KeyEvent)
type SetStrokeSpecs ¶
type SetStrokeSpecs func([]StrokeSpec, bool)
type ShouldShowViewList ¶
type ShouldShowViewList func() bool
type ShouldShowViewListState ¶
type ShouldShowViewListState *int64
type ShowCommandPalette ¶
type ShowCommandPalette func()
type ShowFileChooser ¶
type ShowFileChooser func( cb func(string), )
type ShowMessage ¶
type ShowMessage func( lines []string, )
type ShowViewSwitcher ¶
type ShowViewSwitcher func()
type StartMacroRecord ¶
type StartMacroRecord func(name string)
type StatusSection ¶
type StatusSection struct { Title string Lines [][]any }
type StopMacroRecord ¶
type StrokeSpec ¶
type StrokeSpec struct { Sequence []string Predict any Func any Command CommandSpec CommandName string Hints []string }
func NextLineWithRune ¶
func NextLineWithRune() []StrokeSpec
func NextRune ¶
func NextRune() []StrokeSpec
func PrevLineWithRune ¶
func PrevLineWithRune() []StrokeSpec
func PrevRune ¶
func PrevRune() []StrokeSpec
func (StrokeSpec) Clone ¶
func (s StrokeSpec) Clone() StrokeSpec
type StyleConfig ¶
type SyncBufferMomentToFile ¶
type SyntaxStyles ¶
type SystemMode ¶
type SystemMode struct{}
func (SystemMode) StrokeSpecs ¶
func (_ SystemMode) StrokeSpecs() any
type TcellScreen ¶
func (TcellScreen) SetCursorShape ¶
func (t TcellScreen) SetCursorShape(shape CursorShape)
type ToggleSelection ¶
type ToggleSelection func()
type UndoConfig ¶
type View ¶
type View struct { sync.RWMutex ID ViewID Buffer *Buffer Stainer Stainer Box Box ContentBox Box ViewMomentState FrameBuffer *FrameBuffer FrameBufferArgs ViewUIArgs //TODO eviction MomentStates map[*Moment]ViewMomentState // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*View) RenderFunc ¶
func (view *View) RenderFunc() any
type ViewGroup ¶
type ViewGroup struct { ID ViewGroupID ViewGroupSpec LayoutIndex int }
func (*ViewGroup) RenderFunc ¶
func (g *ViewGroup) RenderFunc() any
type ViewGroupConfig ¶
type ViewGroupConfig struct { Groups []ViewGroupSpec Layouts []string LayoutIndex int }
type ViewGroupID ¶
type ViewGroupID int64
type ViewGroupLayoutIndex ¶
type ViewGroupSpec ¶
type ViewGroups ¶
type ViewGroups []*ViewGroup
type ViewMomentState ¶
type ViewRenderProcs ¶
type ViewRenderProcs chan func()
type ViewSortFunc ¶
type ViewSortKey ¶
type ViewSortKey struct{}
func (ViewSortKey) ID ¶
func (_ ViewSortKey) ID(view *View) int
type ViewUIArgs ¶
type WidgetDialog ¶
type WidgetDialog struct { OnKey any Element Element }
func (WidgetDialog) RenderFunc ¶
func (w WidgetDialog) RenderFunc() any
func (WidgetDialog) StrokeSpecs ¶
func (w WidgetDialog) StrokeSpecs() any
type WithContextNumber ¶
type WithContextNumber func(fn func(int))
Source Files ¶
- alias.go
- buffer.go
- clipboard.go
- color.go
- color_schemes.go
- command.go
- completion.go
- completion_word.go
- config.go
- config_default.go
- context_mode.go
- cursor.go
- cursor_command.go
- cursor_status.go
- debug.go
- debug_http.go
- edit.go
- edit_command.go
- edit_mode.go
- exit.go
- file.go
- formatter.go
- formatter_go.go
- fuzzy_match.go
- global.go
- hook.go
- journal.go
- key_event.go
- key_handler.go
- key_macro.go
- language.go
- language_server_protocol.go
- language_string.go
- layout.go
- layout_status.go
- line.go
- line_hint.go
- link.go
- log.go
- loop.go
- lspmessagetype_string.go
- misc_commands.go
- mode.go
- moment.go
- mouse_event.go
- overlay.go
- position_func.go
- read_mode.go
- rune.go
- screen.go
- screen_event.go
- scroll.go
- segment.go
- selection.go
- stainer.go
- stainer_go.go
- style.go
- style_func.go
- syntax_style_func.go
- system_mode.go
- types.go
- ui.go
- ui_builtin_element.go
- ui_element_combinator.go
- ui_overlay.go
- ui_root.go
- ui_status.go
- ui_types.go
- ui_view.go
- ui_view_area.go
- ui_view_group.go
- undo_redo.go
- utils.go
- view.go
- view_focus.go
- view_group.go
- view_group_layout.go
- view_layout.go
- view_sort.go
- widget_command_palette.go
- widget_dialog.go
- widget_file_chooser.go
- widget_message.go
- widget_search.go
- widget_selection_dialog.go
- widget_view_switcher.go
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.