Index ¶
- type BotAPIInterface
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) AddStickerToSet(userId int, name string, sticker *objs.InputSticker, file *os.File) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) AnswerCallbackQuery(callbackQueryId, text, url string, showAlert bool, CacheTime int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) AnswerInlineQuery(inlineQueryId string, results []objs.InlineQueryResult, cacheTime int, ...) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) AnswerPreCheckoutQuery(preCheckoutQueryId string, ok bool, errorMessage string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) AnswerShippingQuery(shippingQueryId string, ok bool, shippingOptions []objs.ShippingOption, ...) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) AnswerWebAppQuery(webAppQueryId string, result objs.InlineQueryResult) (*objs.SentWebAppMessage, error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) ApproveChatJoinRequest(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) BanChatMember(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId, untilDate int, revokeMessages bool) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) BanOrUnbanChatSenderChat(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, senderChatId int, ban bool) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) CloseForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageThreadId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) CloseGeneralForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) CopyMessage(chatIdInt, fromChatIdInt int, chatIdString, fromChatIdString string, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) CreateChatInviteLink(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, name string, expireDate, memberLimit int, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.ChatInviteLink], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) CreateForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, name, iconCustomEmojiId string, iconColor int) (*objs.Result[*objs.ForumTopic], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) CreateInvoiceLink(title, description, payload, providerToken, currency string, ...) (*objs.Result[string], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) CreateNewStickerSet(userId int, name, title, StickerFormat, StickerType string, ...) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DeclineChatJoinRequest(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DeleteChatPhoto(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DeleteChatStickerSet(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DeleteForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageThreadId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DeleteMessage(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DeleteMyCommands(scope objs.BotCommandScope, languageCode string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DeleteStickerFromSet(sticker string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DeleteStickerSet(name string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DeleteWebhook(dropPendingUpdates bool) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DownloadFile(fileObject *objs.File, file *os.File) error
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditChatInviteLink(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, inviteLink, name string, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.ChatInviteLink], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, name, iconCustomEmojiId string, ...) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditGeneralForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, name string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditMessageCaption(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int, ...) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditMessageLiveLocation(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, inlineMessageId string, messageId int, ...) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditMessageMedia(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int, inlineMessageId string, ...) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditMessageText(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int, ...) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditMessagereplyMarkup(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int, inlineMessageId string, ...) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) ExportChatInviteLink(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[string], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) ForwardMessage(chatIdInt, fromChatIdInt int, chatIdString, fromChatIdString string, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetChat(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[*objs.Chat], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetChatAdministrators(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[[]objs.ChatMemberOwner], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetChatMember(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId int) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetChatMemberCount(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[int], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetChatMenuButton(chatId int64) (*objs.Result[*objs.MenuButton], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetChatUpdateChannel() *chan *objs.ChatUpdate
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetCustomEmojiStickers(customEmojiIds []string) (*objs.Result[[]*objs.Sticker], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetFile(fileId string) (*objs.Result[*objs.File], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetForumTopicIconStickers() (*objs.Result[[]*objs.Sticker], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetGameHighScores(userId, chatId, messageId int, inlineMessageId string) (*objs.Result[[]*objs.GameHighScore], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetMe() (*objs.Result[*objs.User], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetMyCommands(scope objs.BotCommandScope, languageCode string) (*objs.Result[[]objs.BotCommand], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights(forChannels bool) (*objs.Result[*objs.ChatAdministratorRights], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetMyDescription(languageCode string) (*objs.Result[*objs.BotDescription], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetMyName(languageCode string) (*objs.Result[*objs.BotName], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetMyShortDescription(languageCode string) (*objs.Result[*objs.BotShortDescription], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetStickerSet(name string) (*objs.Result[*objs.StickerSet], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetUpdateChannel() *chan *objs.Update
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetUpdateParser() *parser.UpdateParser
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetUserProfilePhotos(userId, offset, limit int) (*objs.Result[*objs.UserProfilePhotos], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetWebhookInfo() (*objs.Result[*objs.WebhookInfo], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) HideGeneralForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) LeaveChat(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) ParseUpdate(body []byte) (int, error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) PinChatMessage(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int, disableNotification bool) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) PromoteChatMember(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId int, ...) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) ReopenForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageThreadId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) ReopenGeneralForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) RestrictChatMember(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId int, ...) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) RevokeChatInviteLink(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, inviteLink string) (*objs.Result[*objs.ChatInviteLink], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendAnimation(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, animation string, animationFile *os.File, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendAudio(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, audio string, audioFile *os.File, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendChatAction(chatIdInt, messageThreadId int, chatIdString, chatAction string) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendContact(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, phoneNumber, firstName, lastName, vCard string, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendCustom(methodName string, args objs.MethodArguments, MP bool, files ...*os.File) ([]byte, error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendDice(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, emoji string, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendDocument(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, document string, documentFile *os.File, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendGame(chatId int, gameShortName string, disableNotif bool, replyTo int, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendInvoice(chatIdInt int, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendLocation(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendMediaGroup(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, reply_to_message_id, messageThreadId int, ...) (*objs.Result[[]objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendMessage(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, text, parseMode string, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendPhoto(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, photo string, photoFile *os.File, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendPoll(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, question string, options []string, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendSticker(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, sticker, emoji string, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendVenue(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, latitude, longitude float32, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendVideo(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, video string, videoFile *os.File, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendVideoNote(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, videoNote string, videoNoteFile *os.File, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendVoice(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, voice string, voiceFile *os.File, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId int, customTitle string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetChatDescription(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, descriptions string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetChatMenuButton(chatId int64, menuButton *objs.MenuButton) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetChatPermissions(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, useIndependentChatPermissions bool, ...) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetChatPhoto(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, file *os.File) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetChatStickerSet(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, stickerSetName string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetChatTitle(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, title string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetGameScore(userId, score int, force, disableEditMessage bool, chatId, messageId int, ...) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetMyCommands(commands []objs.BotCommand, scope objs.BotCommandScope, languageCode string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights(...) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetMyDescription(description, languageCode string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetMyName(name, languageCode string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetMyShortDescription(description, languageCode string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetPassportDataErrors(userId int, errors []objs.PassportElementError) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetStickerEmojiList(sticker string, emojiLst []string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetStickerKeywords(sticker string, keywords []string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetStickerMaskPosition(sticker string, maskPosition *objs.MaskPosition) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetStickerPositionInSet(sticker string, position int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetStickerSetThumb(name, thumb string, userId int, file *os.File) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetStickerSetTitle(name, title string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetWebhook(url, ip string, maxCnc int, allowedUpdates []string, dropPendingUpdates bool, ...) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) StartUpdateRoutine() error
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) StopMessageLiveLocation(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, inlineMessageId string, messageId int, ...) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) StopPoll(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int, ...) (*objs.Result[*objs.Poll], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) StopUpdateRoutine()
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) UnbanChatMember(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId int, onlyIfBanned bool) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) UnhideGeneralForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) UnpinAllChatMessages(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) UnpinAllForumTopicMessages(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageThreadId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) UnpinChatMessage(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
- func (bai *BotAPIInterface) UploadStickerFile(userId int, stickerFormat string, sticker *objs.InputSticker, file *os.File) (*objs.Result[*objs.File], error)
- type Webhook
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type BotAPIInterface ¶
type BotAPIInterface struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BotAPIInterface is the interface which connects the telegram bot API to the bot.
func CreateInterface ¶
func CreateInterface(botCfg *cfgs.BotConfigs, botLogger *logger.BotLogger) (*BotAPIInterface, error)
CreateInterface returns an iterface to communicate with the bot api. If the updateFrequency argument is not nil, the update routine begins automtically
func (*BotAPIInterface) AddStickerToSet ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) AddStickerToSet(userId int, name string, sticker *objs.InputSticker, file *os.File) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
AddStickerToSet adds a new sticker to the given set.
func (*BotAPIInterface) AnswerCallbackQuery ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) AnswerCallbackQuery(callbackQueryId, text, url string, showAlert bool, CacheTime int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
AnswerCallbackQuery answers a callback query
func (*BotAPIInterface) AnswerInlineQuery ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) AnswerInlineQuery(inlineQueryId string, results []objs.InlineQueryResult, cacheTime int, isPersonal bool, nextOffset string, button *objs.InlineQueryResultsButton) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
AnswerInlineQuery answers an inline query with the given parameters
func (*BotAPIInterface) AnswerPreCheckoutQuery ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) AnswerPreCheckoutQuery(preCheckoutQueryId string, ok bool, errorMessage string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
AnswerPreCheckoutQuery answers a pre checkout query
func (*BotAPIInterface) AnswerShippingQuery ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) AnswerShippingQuery(shippingQueryId string, ok bool, shippingOptions []objs.ShippingOption, errorMessage string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
AnswerShippingQuery answers a shipping query
func (*BotAPIInterface) AnswerWebAppQuery ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) AnswerWebAppQuery(webAppQueryId string, result objs.InlineQueryResult) (*objs.SentWebAppMessage, error)
AnswerWebAppQuery answers a web app query
func (*BotAPIInterface) ApproveChatJoinRequest ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) ApproveChatJoinRequest(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
ApproveChatJoinRequest approves a request from the given user to join the chat.
func (*BotAPIInterface) BanChatMember ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) BanChatMember(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId, untilDate int, revokeMessages bool) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
BanChatMember bans a chat member
func (*BotAPIInterface) BanOrUnbanChatSenderChat ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) BanOrUnbanChatSenderChat(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, senderChatId int, ban bool) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
BanOrUnbanChatSenderChat bans or unbans a channel in the group..
func (*BotAPIInterface) CloseForumTopic ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) CloseForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageThreadId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
CloseForumTopic closes an open topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights, unless it is the creator of the topic
func (*BotAPIInterface) CloseGeneralForumTopic ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) CloseGeneralForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
CloseGeneralForumTopic closes an open 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights
func (*BotAPIInterface) CopyMessage ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) CopyMessage(chatIdInt, fromChatIdInt int, chatIdString, fromChatIdString string, messageId int, disableNotif bool, caption, parseMode string, replyTo int, allowSendingWihtoutReply, ProtectContent bool, replyMarkUp objs.ReplyMarkup, captionEntities []objs.MessageEntity) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
CopyMessage copies a message from a user or channel and sends it to a user or channel. If the source or destination (or both) of the forwarded message is a channel, only string chat ids should be given to the function, and if it is user only int chat ids should be given. "chatId", "fromChatId" and "messageId" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api.
func (*BotAPIInterface) CreateChatInviteLink ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) CreateChatInviteLink(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, name string, expireDate, memberLimit int, createsJoinRequest bool) (*objs.Result[*objs.ChatInviteLink], error)
CreateChatInviteLink creates a new invite link for the chat.
func (*BotAPIInterface) CreateForumTopic ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) CreateForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, name, iconCustomEmojiId string, iconColor int) (*objs.Result[*objs.ForumTopic], error)
CreateForumTopic creates a topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights
func (*BotAPIInterface) CreateInvoiceLink ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) CreateInvoiceLink(title, description, payload, providerToken, currency string, prices []objs.LabeledPrice, maxTipAmount int, suggestedTipAmounts []int, providerData, photoURL string, photoSize, photoWidth, photoHeight int, needName, needPhoneNumber, needEmail, needSippingAddress, sendPhoneNumberToProvider, sendEmailToProvider, isFlexible bool) (*objs.Result[string], error)
CreateInvoiceLink sends an invoice
func (*BotAPIInterface) CreateNewStickerSet ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) CreateNewStickerSet(userId int, name, title, StickerFormat, StickerType string, needsRepainting bool, stickers []*objs.InputSticker, files ...*os.File) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
CreateNewStickerSet creates a new sticker set with the given arguments
func (*BotAPIInterface) DeclineChatJoinRequest ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DeclineChatJoinRequest(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
DeclineChatJoinRequest declines a request from the given user to join the chat.
func (*BotAPIInterface) DeleteChatPhoto ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DeleteChatPhoto(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
DeleteChatPhoto deletes chat photo.
func (*BotAPIInterface) DeleteChatStickerSet ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DeleteChatStickerSet(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
DeleteChatStickerSet deletes the sticker set of the chat..
func (*BotAPIInterface) DeleteForumTopic ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DeleteForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageThreadId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
DeleteForumTopic deletes a forum topic along with all its messages in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_delete_messages administrator rights
func (*BotAPIInterface) DeleteMessage ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DeleteMessage(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
DeleteMessage deletes the given message int the given chat.
func (*BotAPIInterface) DeleteMyCommands ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) DeleteMyCommands(scope objs.BotCommandScope, languageCode string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
DeleteMyCommands deletes the commands of the bot
func (*BotAPIInterface) DeleteStickerFromSet ¶
DeleteStickerFromSet deletes the given sticker from a set created by the bot
func (*BotAPIInterface) DeleteStickerSet ¶
DeleteStickerSet deletes a sticker set that was created by the bot. Returns True on success.
func (*BotAPIInterface) DeleteWebhook ¶
DeleteWebhook deletes the webhook for this bot
func (*BotAPIInterface) DownloadFile ¶
DownloadFile downloads a file from telegram servers and saves it into the given file.
This method closes the given file. If the file is nil, this method will create a file based on the name of the file stored in telegram servers.
func (*BotAPIInterface) EditChatInviteLink ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditChatInviteLink(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, inviteLink, name string, expireDate, memberLimit int, createsJoinRequest bool) (*objs.Result[*objs.ChatInviteLink], error)
EditChatInviteLink edits an existing invite link for the chat.
func (*BotAPIInterface) EditForumTopic ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, name, iconCustomEmojiId string, messageThreadId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
EditForumTopic edits name and icon of a topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have can_manage_topics administrator rights, unless it is the creator of the topic
func (*BotAPIInterface) EditGeneralForumTopic ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditGeneralForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, name string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
EditGeneralForumTopic edits the name of the 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have can_manage_topics administrator rights
func (*BotAPIInterface) EditMessageCaption ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditMessageCaption(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int, inlineMessageId, caption, parseMode string, captionEntities []objs.MessageEntity, replyMakrup *objs.InlineKeyboardMarkup) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
EditMessageCaption edits the caption of the given message in the given chat.
func (*BotAPIInterface) EditMessageLiveLocation ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditMessageLiveLocation(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, inlineMessageId string, messageId int, latitude, longitude, horizontalAccuracy float32, heading, proximityAlertRadius int, reply_markup *objs.InlineKeyboardMarkup) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
EditMessageLiveLocation edits a live location sent to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId","latitude" and "longitude" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api. (to ignore int arguments, pass 0)
func (*BotAPIInterface) EditMessageMedia ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditMessageMedia(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int, inlineMessageId string, media objs.InputMedia, replyMakrup *objs.InlineKeyboardMarkup, file ...*os.File) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
EditMessageMedia edits the media of the given message in the given chat.
func (*BotAPIInterface) EditMessageText ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditMessageText(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int, inlineMessageId, text, parseMode string, entities []objs.MessageEntity, disableWebPagePreview bool, replyMakrup *objs.InlineKeyboardMarkup) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
EditMessageText edits the text of the given message in the given chat.
func (*BotAPIInterface) EditMessagereplyMarkup ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) EditMessagereplyMarkup(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int, inlineMessageId string, replyMakrup *objs.InlineKeyboardMarkup) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
EditMessagereplyMarkup edits the reply makrup of the given message in the given chat.
func (*BotAPIInterface) ExportChatInviteLink ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) ExportChatInviteLink(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[string], error)
ExportChatInviteLink exports the chat invite link and returns the new invite link as string.
func (*BotAPIInterface) ForwardMessage ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) ForwardMessage(chatIdInt, fromChatIdInt int, chatIdString, fromChatIdString string, disableNotif, ProtectContent bool, messageId, messageThreadId int) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
ForwardMessage forwards a message from a user or channel to a user or channel. If the source or destination (or both) of the forwarded message is a channel, only string chat ids should be given to the function, and if it is user only int chat ids should be given. "chatId", "fromChatId" and "messageId" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api.
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetChat ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetChat(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[*objs.Chat], error)
GetChat : a Chat object containing the information of the chat will be returned
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetChatAdministrators ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetChatAdministrators(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[[]objs.ChatMemberOwner], error)
GetChatAdministrators returns an array of ChatMember containing the informations of the chat administrators.
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetChatMember ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetChatMember(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId int) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
GetChatMember returns the information of the member in a ChatMember object.
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetChatMemberCount ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetChatMemberCount(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[int], error)
GetChatMemberCount returns the number of the memebrs of the chat.
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetChatMenuButton ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetChatMenuButton(chatId int64) (*objs.Result[*objs.MenuButton], error)
GetChatMenuButton gets the menu button for the given chat
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetChatUpdateChannel ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetChatUpdateChannel() *chan *objs.ChatUpdate
GetChatUpdateChannel returnes the chat update channel
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetCustomEmojiStickers ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetCustomEmojiStickers(customEmojiIds []string) (*objs.Result[[]*objs.Sticker], error)
GetCustomEmojiStickers returns the information of the speicified stickers by id
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetFile ¶
GetFile gets the file based on the given file id and returns the file object.
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetForumTopicIconStickers ¶
GetForumTopicIconStickers returns custom emoji stickers, which can be used as a forum topic icon by any user.
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetGameHighScores ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetGameHighScores(userId, chatId, messageId int, inlineMessageId string) (*objs.Result[[]*objs.GameHighScore], error)
GetGameHighScores gets the high scores of the user
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetMyCommands ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetMyCommands(scope objs.BotCommandScope, languageCode string) (*objs.Result[[]objs.BotCommand], error)
GetMyCommands gets the commands of the bot
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights(forChannels bool) (*objs.Result[*objs.ChatAdministratorRights], error)
GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights gets the admin rights
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetMyDescription ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetMyDescription(languageCode string) (*objs.Result[*objs.BotDescription], error)
GetMyDescription gets the current bot description for the given user language. Returns BotDescription on success.
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetMyName ¶
GetMyName gets the current bot name for the given user language. Returns BotName on success.
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetMyShortDescription ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetMyShortDescription(languageCode string) (*objs.Result[*objs.BotShortDescription], error)
GetMyShortDescription gets the current bot short description for the given user language. Returns BotShortDescription on success.
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetStickerSet ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetStickerSet(name string) (*objs.Result[*objs.StickerSet], error)
GetStickerSet gets the sticker set by the given name
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetUpdateChannel ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetUpdateChannel() *chan *objs.Update
GetUpdateChannel returns the update channel
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetUpdateParser ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetUpdateParser() *parser.UpdateParser
GetUpdateParser returns the bot's update parser that has been initialized upon bot creation.
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetUserProfilePhotos ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetUserProfilePhotos(userId, offset, limit int) (*objs.Result[*objs.UserProfilePhotos], error)
GetUserProfilePhotos gets the user profile photos
func (*BotAPIInterface) GetWebhookInfo ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) GetWebhookInfo() (*objs.Result[*objs.WebhookInfo], error)
GetWebhookInfo returns the web hook info of the bot.
func (*BotAPIInterface) HideGeneralForumTopic ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) HideGeneralForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
HideGeneralForumTopic hides the 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights. The topic will be automatically closed if it was open.
func (*BotAPIInterface) LeaveChat ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) LeaveChat(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
LeaveChat, the bot will leave the chat if this method is called.
func (*BotAPIInterface) ParseUpdate ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) ParseUpdate(body []byte) (int, error)
ParseUpdate parses the received update and returns the last update offset.
func (*BotAPIInterface) PinChatMessage ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) PinChatMessage(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int, disableNotification bool) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
PinChatMessage pins the message in the chat.
func (*BotAPIInterface) PromoteChatMember ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) PromoteChatMember(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId int, isAnonymous, canManageChat, canPostmessages, canEditMessages, canDeleteMessages, canPostStories, canEditStories, canDeleteStoreis, canManageVideoChats, canRestrictMembers, canPromoteMembers, canChangeInfo, canInviteUsers, canPinMessages, canManageTopics bool) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
PromoteChatMember promotes a chat member
func (*BotAPIInterface) ReopenForumTopic ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) ReopenForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageThreadId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
ReopenForumTopic reopens a closed topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights, unless it is the creator of the topic
func (*BotAPIInterface) ReopenGeneralForumTopic ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) ReopenGeneralForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
ReopenGeneralForumTopic reopens a closed 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights. The topic will be automatically unhidden if it was hidden.
func (*BotAPIInterface) RestrictChatMember ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) RestrictChatMember(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId int, permissions objs.ChatPermissions, useIndependentChatPermissions bool, untilDate int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
RestrictChatMember restricts a chat member
func (*BotAPIInterface) RevokeChatInviteLink ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) RevokeChatInviteLink(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, inviteLink string) (*objs.Result[*objs.ChatInviteLink], error)
RevokeChatInviteLink revokes the given invite link.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendAnimation ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendAnimation(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, animation string, animationFile *os.File, caption, parseMode string, width, height, duration int, reply_to_message_id, messageThreadId int, thumb string, thumbFile *os.File, disable_notification, allow_sending_without_reply, protectContent, hasSpoiler bool, captionEntities []objs.MessageEntity, reply_markup objs.ReplyMarkup) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
SendAnimation sends an animation (file,url,telegramId) to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId" and "animation" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api. (to ignore int arguments, pass 0)
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendAudio ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendAudio(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, audio string, audioFile *os.File, caption, parseMode string, reply_to_message_id, messageThreadId int, thumb string, thumbFile *os.File, disable_notification, allow_sending_without_reply, ProtectContent bool, captionEntities []objs.MessageEntity, duration int, performer, title string, reply_markup objs.ReplyMarkup) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
SendAudio sends an audio (file,url,telegramId) to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId" and "audio" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api. (to ignore int arguments, pass 0,to ignore string arguments pass "")
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendChatAction ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendChatAction(chatIdInt, messageThreadId int, chatIdString, chatAction string) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
SendChatAction sends a chat action message to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId" argument is required. other arguments are optional for bot api. (to ignore int arguments, pass 0)
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendContact ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendContact(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, phoneNumber, firstName, lastName, vCard string, reply_to_message_id, messageThreadId int, disable_notification, allow_sending_without_reply, ProtectContent bool, reply_markup objs.ReplyMarkup) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
SendContact sends a contact to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId","phoneNumber" and "firstName" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api. (to ignore int arguments, pass 0)
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendCustom ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendCustom(methodName string, args objs.MethodArguments, MP bool, files ...*os.File) ([]byte, error)
SendCustom calls the given method on api server with the given arguments. "MP" options indicates that the request should be made in multipart/formdata form. If this method sends a file to the api server the "MP" option should be true
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendDice ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendDice(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, emoji string, reply_to_message_id, messageThreadId int, disable_notification, allow_sending_without_reply, ProtectContent bool, reply_markup objs.ReplyMarkup) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
SendDice sends a dice message to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId" argument is required. other arguments are optional for bot api. (to ignore int arguments, pass 0)
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendDocument ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendDocument(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, document string, documentFile *os.File, caption, parseMode string, reply_to_message_id, messageThreadId int, thumb string, thumbFile *os.File, disable_notification, allow_sending_without_reply, ProtectContent bool, captionEntities []objs.MessageEntity, DisableContentTypeDetection bool, reply_markup objs.ReplyMarkup) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
sSendDocument sends a document (file,url,telegramId) to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId" and "document" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api. (to ignore int arguments, pass 0)
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendGame ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendGame(chatId int, gameShortName string, disableNotif bool, replyTo int, allowSendingWithoutReply bool, replyMarkup objs.ReplyMarkup) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
SendGame sends a game
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendInvoice ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendInvoice(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, title, description, payload, providerToken, currency string, prices []objs.LabeledPrice, maxTipAmount int, suggestedTipAmounts []int, startParameter, providerData, photoURL string, photoSize, photoWidth, photoHeight int, needName, needPhoneNumber, needEmail, needSippingAddress, sendPhoneNumberToProvider, sendEmailToProvider, isFlexible, disableNotif bool, replyToMessageId, messageThreadId int, allowSendingWithoutReply bool, replyMarkup objs.InlineKeyboardMarkup) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
SendInvoice sends an invoice
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendLocation ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendLocation(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, latitude, longitude, horizontalAccuracy float32, livePeriod, heading, proximityAlertRadius, reply_to_message_id, messageThreadId int, disable_notification, allow_sending_without_reply, ProtectContent bool, reply_markup objs.ReplyMarkup) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
SendLocation sends a location to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId","latitude" and "longitude" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api. (to ignore int arguments, pass 0)
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendMediaGroup ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendMediaGroup(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, reply_to_message_id, messageThreadId int, media []objs.InputMedia, disable_notification, allow_sending_without_reply, ProtectContent bool, reply_markup objs.ReplyMarkup, files ...*os.File) (*objs.Result[[]objs.Message], error)
SendMediaGroup sends an album of media (file,url,telegramId) to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId" and "media" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api. (to ignore int arguments, pass 0)
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendMessage ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendMessage(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, text, parseMode string, entities []objs.MessageEntity, linkPreviewOptions *objs.LinkPreviewOptions, disable_notification, allow_sending_without_reply, ProtectContent bool, reply_to_message_id, messageThreadId int, reply_markup objs.ReplyMarkup) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
SendMessage sends a message to the user. chatIdInt is used for all chats but channles and chatidString is used for channels (in form of @channleusername) and only of them has be populated, otherwise ChatIdProblem error will be returned. "chatId" and "text" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendPhoto ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendPhoto(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, photo string, photoFile *os.File, caption, parseMode string, reply_to_message_id, messageThreadId int, disable_notification, allow_sending_without_reply, protectContent, hasSpoiler bool, reply_markup objs.ReplyMarkup, captionEntities []objs.MessageEntity) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
SendPhoto sends a photo (file,url,telegramId) to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId" and "photo" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendPoll ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendPoll(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, question string, options []string, isClosed, isAnonymous bool, pollType string, allowMultipleAnswers bool, correctOptionIndex int, explanation, explanationParseMode string, explanationEntities []objs.MessageEntity, openPeriod, closeDate int, reply_to_message_id, messageThreadId int, disable_notification, allow_sending_without_reply, ProtectContent bool, reply_markup objs.ReplyMarkup) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
SendPoll sends a poll to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId","phoneNumber" and "firstName" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api. (to ignore int arguments, pass 0)
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendSticker ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendSticker(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, sticker, emoji string, disableNotif, allowSendingWithoutreply, protectContent bool, replyTo, messageThreadId int, replyMarkup objs.ReplyMarkup, file *os.File) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
SendSticker sends an sticker to the given chat id.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendVenue ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendVenue(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, latitude, longitude float32, title, address, fourSquareId, fourSquareType, googlePlaceId, googlePlaceType string, reply_to_message_id, messageThreadId int, disable_notification, allow_sending_without_reply, ProtectContent bool, reply_markup objs.ReplyMarkup) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
SendVenue sends a venue to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId","latitude","longitude","title" and "address" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api. (to ignore int arguments, pass 0)
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendVideo ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendVideo(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, video string, videoFile *os.File, caption, parseMode string, reply_to_message_id, messageThreadId int, thumb string, thumbFile *os.File, disable_notification, allow_sending_without_reply, protectContent, hasSpoiler bool, captionEntities []objs.MessageEntity, duration int, supportsStreaming bool, reply_markup objs.ReplyMarkup) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
SendVideo sends a video (file,url,telegramId) to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId" and "video" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api. (to ignore int arguments, pass 0)
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendVideoNote ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendVideoNote(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, videoNote string, videoNoteFile *os.File, caption, parseMode string, length, duration int, reply_to_message_id, messageThreadId int, thumb string, thumbFile *os.File, disable_notification, allow_sending_without_reply, ProtectContent bool, captionEntities []objs.MessageEntity, reply_markup objs.ReplyMarkup) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
SendVideoNote sends a video note (file,url,telegramId) to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId" and "videoNote" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api. (to ignore int arguments, pass 0) Note that sending video note by URL is not supported by telegram.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SendVoice ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SendVoice(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, voice string, voiceFile *os.File, caption, parseMode string, duration int, reply_to_message_id, messageThreadId int, disable_notification, allow_sending_without_reply, ProtectContent bool, captionEntities []objs.MessageEntity, reply_markup objs.ReplyMarkup) (*objs.Result[*objs.Message], error)
sSendVoice sends a voice (file,url,telegramId) to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId" and "voice" arguments are required. other arguments are optional for bot api. (to ignore int arguments, pass 0)
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId int, customTitle string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle sets a custom title for the administrator.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetChatDescription ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetChatDescription(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, descriptions string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetChatDescription sets the chat description.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetChatMenuButton ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetChatMenuButton(chatId int64, menuButton *objs.MenuButton) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetChatMenuButton sets the menu button for the given chat
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetChatPermissions ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetChatPermissions(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, useIndependentChatPermissions bool, permissions objs.ChatPermissions) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetChatPermissions sets default permissions for all users in the chat.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetChatPhoto ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetChatPhoto(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, file *os.File) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetChatPhoto sets the chat photo to given file.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetChatStickerSet ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetChatStickerSet(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, stickerSetName string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetChatStickerSet sets the sticker set of the chat.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetChatTitle ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetChatTitle(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, title string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetChatTitle sets the chat title.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetGameScore ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetGameScore(userId, score int, force, disableEditMessage bool, chatId, messageId int, inlineMessageId string) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
SetGameScore sets the game high score
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetMyCommands ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetMyCommands(commands []objs.BotCommand, scope objs.BotCommandScope, languageCode string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetMyCommands sets the commands of the bot
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights(forChannels, isAnonymous, canManageChat, canPostmessages, canEditMessages, canDeleteMessages, canManageVideoChats, canRestrictMembers, canPromoteMembers, canChangeInfo, canInviteUsers, canPinMessages bool) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights sets the admin rights
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetMyDescription ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetMyDescription(description, languageCode string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetMyDescription changes the bot's description, which is shown in the chat with the bot if the chat is empty. Returns True on success.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetMyShortDescription ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetMyShortDescription(description, languageCode string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetMyShortDescription changes the bot's short description, which is shown on the bot's profile page and is sent together with the link when users share the bot. Returns True on success.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetPassportDataErrors ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetPassportDataErrors(userId int, errors []objs.PassportElementError) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetPassportDataErrors sets passport data errors
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetStickerEmojiList ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetStickerEmojiList(sticker string, emojiLst []string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetStickerEmojiList changes the list of emoji assigned to a regular or custom emoji sticker. The sticker must belong to a sticker set created by the bot. Returns True on success.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetStickerKeywords ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetStickerKeywords(sticker string, keywords []string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetStickerKeywords changes search keywords assigned to a regular or custom emoji sticker. The sticker must belong to a sticker set created by the bot. Returns True on success.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetStickerMaskPosition ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetStickerMaskPosition(sticker string, maskPosition *objs.MaskPosition) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetStickerMaskPosition changes the mask position of a mask sticker. The sticker must belong to a sticker set that was created by the bot. Returns True on success.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetStickerPositionInSet ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetStickerPositionInSet(sticker string, position int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetStickerPositionInSet sets the position of a sticker in an sticker set
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetStickerSetThumb ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetStickerSetThumb(name, thumb string, userId int, file *os.File) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetStickerSetThumb sets the thumbnail for the given sticker
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetStickerSetTitle ¶
SetStickerSetTitle sets the title of a created sticker set. Returns True on success.
func (*BotAPIInterface) SetWebhook ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) SetWebhook(url, ip string, maxCnc int, allowedUpdates []string, dropPendingUpdates bool, keyFile *os.File) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
SetWebhook sets a webhook for the bot.
func (*BotAPIInterface) StartUpdateRoutine ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) StartUpdateRoutine() error
StartUpdateRoutine starts the update routine to receive updates from api sever
func (*BotAPIInterface) StopMessageLiveLocation ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) StopMessageLiveLocation(chatIdInt int, chatIdString, inlineMessageId string, messageId int, replyMarkup *objs.InlineKeyboardMarkup) (*objs.Result[json.RawMessage], error)
StopMessageLiveLocation stops a live location sent to a channel (chatIdString) or a chat (chatIdInt) "chatId" argument is required. other arguments are optional for bot api. (to ignore int arguments, pass 0)
func (*BotAPIInterface) StopPoll ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) StopPoll(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int, replyMakrup *objs.InlineKeyboardMarkup) (*objs.Result[*objs.Poll], error)
StopPoll stops the poll.
func (*BotAPIInterface) StopUpdateRoutine ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) StopUpdateRoutine()
StopUpdateRoutine stops the update routine
func (*BotAPIInterface) UnbanChatMember ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) UnbanChatMember(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, userId int, onlyIfBanned bool) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
UnbanChatMember unbans a chat member
func (*BotAPIInterface) UnhideGeneralForumTopic ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) UnhideGeneralForumTopic(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
UnhideGeneralForumTopic unhides the 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights.
func (*BotAPIInterface) UnpinAllChatMessages ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) UnpinAllChatMessages(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
UnpinAllChatMessages unpins all the pinned messages in the chat.
func (*BotAPIInterface) UnpinAllForumTopicMessages ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) UnpinAllForumTopicMessages(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageThreadId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
UnpinAllForumTopicMessages clears the list of pinned messages in a forum topic. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_pin_messages administrator right in the supergroup
func (*BotAPIInterface) UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages clears the list of pinned messages in a General forum topic. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_pin_messages administrator right in the supergroup.
func (*BotAPIInterface) UnpinChatMessage ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) UnpinChatMessage(chatIdInt int, chatIdString string, messageId int) (*objs.Result[bool], error)
UnpinChatMessage unpins the pinned message in the chat.
func (*BotAPIInterface) UploadStickerFile ¶
func (bai *BotAPIInterface) UploadStickerFile(userId int, stickerFormat string, sticker *objs.InputSticker, file *os.File) (*objs.Result[*objs.File], error)
UploadStickerFile uploads the given file as an sticker on the telegram servers.
type Webhook ¶
func (*Webhook) StartWebHook ¶
func (w *Webhook) StartWebHook(cfg *cfg.BotConfigs, parser *up.UpdateParser) error
StartWebHook starts the webhook.