Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type KOTSStore
- func (s *KOTSStore) AddAppToAllDownstreams(appID string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) AddDownstreamVersionDetails(appID string, clusterID string, version *downstreamtypes.DownstreamVersion, ...) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) AddDownstreamVersionsDetails(appID string, clusterID string, versions []*downstreamtypes.DownstreamVersion, ...) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) ClearTaskStatus(id string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) CreateApp(name string, upstreamURI string, licenseData string, isAirgapEnabled bool, ...) (*apptypes.App, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) CreateAppVersion(appID string, baseSequence *int64, filesInDir string, source string, ...) (int64, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) CreateAppVersionArchive(appID string, sequence int64, archivePath string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) CreateInProgressSupportBundle(supportBundle *types.SupportBundle) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) CreateNewCluster(userID string, isAllUsers bool, title string, token string) (string, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) CreatePendingDownloadAppVersion(appID string, update upstreamtypes.Update, ...) (int64, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) CreateScheduledInstanceSnapshot(id string, clusterID string, timestamp time.Time) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) CreateScheduledSnapshot(id string, appID string, timestamp time.Time) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) CreateSession(forUser *usertypes.User, issuedAt time.Time, expiresAt time.Time, ...) (*sessiontypes.Session, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) CreateSupportBundle(id string, appID string, archivePath string, marshalledTree []byte) (*types.SupportBundle, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) DeleteDownstreamDeployStatus(appID string, clusterID string, sequence int64) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) DeleteExpiredSessions() error
- func (s *KOTSStore) DeletePendingScheduledInstanceSnapshots(clusterID string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) DeletePendingScheduledSnapshots(appID string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) DeleteSession(id string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) FindDownstreamVersions(appID string, downloadedOnly bool) (*downstreamtypes.DownstreamVersions, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) FlagInvalidPassword() error
- func (s *KOTSStore) FlagSuccessfulLogin() error
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetAirgapInstallStatus(appID string) (*airgaptypes.InstallStatus, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetAllAppLicenses() ([]*kotsv1beta1.License, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetApp(id string) (*apptypes.App, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetAppFromSlug(slug string) (*apptypes.App, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetAppIDFromSlug(slug string) (string, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetAppIDsFromRegistry(hostname string) ([]string, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetAppStatus(appID string) (*appstatetypes.AppStatus, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetAppVersion(appID string, sequence int64) (*versiontypes.AppVersion, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetAppVersionArchive(appID string, sequence int64, dstPath string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetAppVersionBaseArchive(appID string, versionLabel string) (string, int64, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetAppVersionBaseSequence(appID string, versionLabel string) (int64, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetClusterIDFromDeployToken(deployToken string) (string, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetClusterIDFromSlug(slug string) (string, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetCurrentDownstreamSequence(appID string, clusterID string) (int64, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetCurrentDownstreamVersion(appID string, clusterID string) (*downstreamtypes.DownstreamVersion, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetCurrentParentSequence(appID string, clusterID string) (int64, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetCurrentUpdateCursor(appID string, channelID string) (string, string, bool, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetDownstream(clusterID string) (*downstreamtypes.Downstream, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetDownstreamOutput(appID string, clusterID string, sequence int64) (*downstreamtypes.DownstreamOutput, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetDownstreamVersionHistory(appID string, clusterID string, currentPage int, pageSize int, pinLatest bool, ...) (*downstreamtypes.DownstreamVersionHistory, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetDownstreamVersionSource(appID string, sequence int64) (string, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetDownstreamVersionStatus(appID string, sequence int64) (types.DownstreamVersionStatus, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetDownstreamVersions(appID string, clusterID string, downloadedOnly bool) (*downstreamtypes.DownstreamVersions, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetEmbeddedClusterAuthToken() (string, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetIgnoreRBACErrors(appID string, sequence int64) (bool, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetLatestAppSequence(appID string, downloadedOnly bool) (int64, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetLatestDeployableDownstreamVersion(appID string, clusterID string) (latestDeployableVersion *downstreamtypes.DownstreamVersion, ...)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetLatestLicenseForApp(appID string) (*kotsv1beta1.License, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetLicenseForAppVersion(appID string, sequence int64) (*kotsv1beta1.License, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetNextAppSequence(appID string) (int64, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetParentSequenceForSequence(appID string, clusterID string, sequence int64) (int64, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetPasswordUpdatedAt() (*time.Time, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetPendingAirgapUploadApp() (*airgaptypes.PendingApp, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetPendingInstallationStatus() (*installationtypes.InstallStatus, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetPreflightProgress(appID string, sequence int64) (string, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetPreflightResults(appID string, sequence int64) (*preflighttypes.PreflightResult, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetPreviouslyDeployedSequence(appID string, clusterID string) (int64, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetPrometheusAddress() (string, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetRedactions(id string) (troubleshootredact.RedactionList, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetRegistryDetailsForApp(appID string) (registrytypes.RegistrySettings, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetSession(id string) (*sessiontypes.Session, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetSharedPasswordBcrypt() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetStatusForVersion(appID string, clusterID string, sequence int64) (types.DownstreamVersionStatus, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetSupportBundle(id string) (*types.SupportBundle, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetSupportBundleAnalysis(id string) (*types.SupportBundleAnalysis, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetSupportBundleArchive(bundleID string) (string, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetTargetKotsVersionForVersion(appID string, sequence int64) (string, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) GetTaskStatus(id string) (string, string, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) HasStrictPreflights(appID string, sequence int64) (bool, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) Init() error
- func (s *KOTSStore) IsAppVersionDeployable(appID string, sequence int64) (bool, string, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) IsDownstreamDeploySuccessful(appID string, clusterID string, sequence int64) (bool, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) IsGitOpsEnabledForApp(appID string) (bool, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) IsIdentityServiceSupportedForVersion(appID string, sequence int64) (bool, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) IsKotsadmIDGenerated() (bool, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) IsNotFound(err error) bool
- func (s *KOTSStore) IsRollbackSupportedForVersion(appID string, sequence int64) (bool, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) IsSnapshotsSupportedForVersion(a *apptypes.App, sequence int64, renderer rendertypes.Renderer) (bool, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) ListAppsForDownstream(clusterID string) ([]*apptypes.App, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) ListClusters() ([]*downstreamtypes.Downstream, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) ListDownstreamsForApp(appID string) ([]downstreamtypes.Downstream, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) ListFailedApps() ([]*apptypes.App, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) ListInstalledAppSlugs() ([]string, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) ListInstalledApps() ([]*apptypes.App, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) ListPendingScheduledInstanceSnapshots(clusterID string) ([]snapshottypes.ScheduledInstanceSnapshot, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) ListPendingScheduledSnapshots(appID string) ([]snapshottypes.ScheduledSnapshot, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) ListSupportBundles(appID string) ([]*types.SupportBundle, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) MarkAsCurrentDownstreamVersion(appID string, sequence int64) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) RemoveApp(appID string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) ResetAirgapInstallInProgress(appID string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) ResetPreflightResults(appID string, sequence int64) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) RunMigrations()
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetAppChannelChanged(appID string, channelChanged bool) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetAppInstallState(appID string, state string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetAppIsAirgap(appID string, isAirgap bool) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetAppStatus(appID string, resourceStates appstatetypes.ResourceStates, updatedAt time.Time, ...) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetAutoDeploy(appID string, autoDeploy apptypes.AutoDeploy) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetDownstreamVersionStatus(appID string, sequence int64, status types.DownstreamVersionStatus, ...) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetEmbeddedClusterAuthToken(token string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetIgnorePreflightPermissionErrors(appID string, sequence int64) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetInstanceSnapshotSchedule(clusterID string, snapshotSchedule string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetInstanceSnapshotTTL(clusterID string, snapshotTTL string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetIsKotsadmIDGenerated() error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetPreflightProgress(appID string, sequence int64, progress string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetPreflightResults(appID string, sequence int64, results []byte) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetPrometheusAddress(address string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetRedactions(id string, redacts troubleshootredact.RedactionList) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetSnapshotSchedule(appID string, snapshotSchedule string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetSnapshotTTL(appID string, snapshotTTL string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetSupportBundleAnalysis(id string, results []byte) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetTaskStatus(id string, message string, status string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) SetUpdateCheckerSpec(appID string, updateCheckerSpec string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateAppLicense(appID string, baseSequence int64, archiveDir string, ...) (int64, error)
- func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateAppLicenseSyncNow(appID string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateAppVersion(appID string, sequence int64, baseSequence *int64, filesInDir string, ...) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateAppVersionInstallationSpec(appID string, sequence int64, installation kotsv1beta1.Installation) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateDownstreamDeployStatus(appID string, clusterID string, sequence int64, isError bool, ...) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateNextAppVersionDiffSummary(appID string, baseSequence int64) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateRegistry(appID string, hostname string, username string, password string, ...) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateScheduledInstanceSnapshot(snapshotID string, backupName string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateScheduledSnapshot(snapshotID string, backupName string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateSessionExpiresAt(id string, expiresAt time.Time) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateSupportBundle(bundle *types.SupportBundle) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateTaskStatusTimestamp(id string) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) UploadSupportBundle(id string, archivePath string, marshalledTree []byte) error
- func (s *KOTSStore) WaitForReady(ctx context.Context) error
- type SessionMetadata
- type TaskStatus
Constants ¶
const (
SessionSecretName = "kotsadm-sessions"
const (
TaskStatusConfigMapName = `kotsadm-tasks`
Variables ¶
var (
ErrNotFound = errors.New("not found")
var (
ErrTooManyAttempts = errors.New("too many attempts")
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type KOTSStore ¶
type KOTSStore struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func StoreFromEnv ¶
func StoreFromEnv() *KOTSStore
func (*KOTSStore) AddAppToAllDownstreams ¶
func (*KOTSStore) AddDownstreamVersionDetails ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) AddDownstreamVersionDetails(appID string, clusterID string, version *downstreamtypes.DownstreamVersion, checkIfDeployable bool) error
func (*KOTSStore) AddDownstreamVersionsDetails ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) AddDownstreamVersionsDetails(appID string, clusterID string, versions []*downstreamtypes.DownstreamVersion, checkIfDeployable bool) error
func (*KOTSStore) ClearTaskStatus ¶
func (*KOTSStore) CreateAppVersion ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) CreateAppVersion(appID string, baseSequence *int64, filesInDir string, source string, skipPreflights bool, gitops gitopstypes.DownstreamGitOps, renderer rendertypes.Renderer) (int64, error)
func (*KOTSStore) CreateAppVersionArchive ¶
CreateAppVersion takes an unarchived app, makes an archive and then uploads it to s3 with the appID and sequence specified
func (*KOTSStore) CreateInProgressSupportBundle ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) CreateInProgressSupportBundle(supportBundle *types.SupportBundle) error
func (*KOTSStore) CreateNewCluster ¶
func (*KOTSStore) CreatePendingDownloadAppVersion ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) CreatePendingDownloadAppVersion(appID string, update upstreamtypes.Update, kotsApplication *kotsv1beta1.Application, license *kotsv1beta1.License) (int64, error)
func (*KOTSStore) CreateScheduledInstanceSnapshot ¶
func (*KOTSStore) CreateScheduledSnapshot ¶
func (*KOTSStore) CreateSession ¶
func (*KOTSStore) CreateSupportBundle ¶
func (*KOTSStore) DeleteDownstreamDeployStatus ¶
func (*KOTSStore) DeleteExpiredSessions ¶
func (*KOTSStore) DeletePendingScheduledInstanceSnapshots ¶
func (*KOTSStore) DeletePendingScheduledSnapshots ¶
func (*KOTSStore) DeleteSession ¶
func (*KOTSStore) FindDownstreamVersions ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) FindDownstreamVersions(appID string, downloadedOnly bool) (*downstreamtypes.DownstreamVersions, error)
func (*KOTSStore) FlagInvalidPassword ¶
func (*KOTSStore) FlagSuccessfulLogin ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetAirgapInstallStatus ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetAirgapInstallStatus(appID string) (*airgaptypes.InstallStatus, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetAllAppLicenses ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetAllAppLicenses() ([]*kotsv1beta1.License, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetAppFromSlug ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetAppIDFromSlug ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetAppIDsFromRegistry ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetAppStatus ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetAppStatus(appID string) (*appstatetypes.AppStatus, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetAppVersion ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetAppVersion(appID string, sequence int64) (*versiontypes.AppVersion, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetAppVersionArchive ¶
GetAppVersionArchive will fetch the archive and extract it into the given dstPath directory name
func (*KOTSStore) GetAppVersionBaseArchive ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetAppVersionBaseArchive(appID string, versionLabel string) (string, int64, error)
GetAppVersionBaseArchive returns the base archive directory for a given version label. if the "versionLabel" param is empty or is not a valid semver, the archive of the latest version will be returned. the base archive directory contains data such as config values. caller is responsible for cleaning up the created archive dir. returns the path to the archive and the base sequence.
func (*KOTSStore) GetAppVersionBaseSequence ¶
GetAppVersionBaseSequence returns the base sequence for a given version label. if the "versionLabel" param is empty or is not a valid semver, the sequence of the latest version will be returned.
func (*KOTSStore) GetClusterIDFromDeployToken ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetClusterIDFromSlug ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetCurrentDownstreamSequence ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetCurrentDownstreamVersion ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetCurrentDownstreamVersion(appID string, clusterID string) (*downstreamtypes.DownstreamVersion, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetCurrentParentSequence ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetCurrentUpdateCursor ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetDownstream ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetDownstream(clusterID string) (*downstreamtypes.Downstream, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetDownstreamOutput ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetDownstreamOutput(appID string, clusterID string, sequence int64) (*downstreamtypes.DownstreamOutput, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetDownstreamVersionHistory ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetDownstreamVersionHistory(appID string, clusterID string, currentPage int, pageSize int, pinLatest bool, pinLatestDeployable bool) (*downstreamtypes.DownstreamVersionHistory, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetDownstreamVersionSource ¶
GetDownstreamVersionSource gets the source for the downstream version with the given sequence and app id
func (*KOTSStore) GetDownstreamVersionStatus ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetDownstreamVersionStatus(appID string, sequence int64) (types.DownstreamVersionStatus, error)
GetDownstreamVersionStatus gets the status for the downstream version with the given sequence and app id
func (*KOTSStore) GetDownstreamVersions ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetDownstreamVersions(appID string, clusterID string, downloadedOnly bool) (*downstreamtypes.DownstreamVersions, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetEmbeddedClusterAuthToken ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetIgnoreRBACErrors ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetLatestAppSequence ¶
GetLatestAppSequence returns the sequence of the latest app version. This function handles both semantic and non-semantic versions. If downloadedOnly param is set to true, the sequence of the latest downloaded app version will be returned.
func (*KOTSStore) GetLatestDeployableDownstreamVersion ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetLatestDeployableDownstreamVersion(appID string, clusterID string) (latestDeployableVersion *downstreamtypes.DownstreamVersion, numOfSkippedVersions int, numOfRemainingVersions int, finalError error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetLatestLicenseForApp ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetLatestLicenseForApp(appID string) (*kotsv1beta1.License, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetLicenseForAppVersion ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetNextAppSequence ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetParentSequenceForSequence ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetPasswordUpdatedAt ¶
GetPasswordUpdatedAt - returns the time the password was last updated
func (*KOTSStore) GetPendingAirgapUploadApp ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetPendingAirgapUploadApp() (*airgaptypes.PendingApp, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetPendingInstallationStatus ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetPendingInstallationStatus() (*installationtypes.InstallStatus, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetPreflightProgress ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetPreflightResults ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetPreflightResults(appID string, sequence int64) (*preflighttypes.PreflightResult, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetPreviouslyDeployedSequence ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetPrometheusAddress ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetRedactions ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetRedactions(id string) (troubleshootredact.RedactionList, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetRegistryDetailsForApp ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetRegistryDetailsForApp(appID string) (registrytypes.RegistrySettings, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetSession ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetSession(id string) (*sessiontypes.Session, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetSharedPasswordBcrypt ¶
GetSharedPasswordBcrypt will return the hash of the current password that can be used to validate an auth request. This is in the store pkg, but the data may be in the cluster or the database, depending on the configuration.
func (*KOTSStore) GetStatusForVersion ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetSupportBundle ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetSupportBundle(id string) (*types.SupportBundle, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetSupportBundleAnalysis ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) GetSupportBundleAnalysis(id string) (*types.SupportBundleAnalysis, error)
func (*KOTSStore) GetSupportBundleArchive ¶
GetSupportBundle will fetch the bundle archive and return a path to where it is stored. The caller is responsible for deleting.
func (*KOTSStore) GetTargetKotsVersionForVersion ¶
func (*KOTSStore) GetTaskStatus ¶
func (*KOTSStore) HasStrictPreflights ¶
func (*KOTSStore) IsAppVersionDeployable ¶
func (*KOTSStore) IsDownstreamDeploySuccessful ¶
func (*KOTSStore) IsGitOpsEnabledForApp ¶
func (*KOTSStore) IsIdentityServiceSupportedForVersion ¶
func (*KOTSStore) IsKotsadmIDGenerated ¶
IsKotsadmIDGenerated retrieves the id of kotsadm if the pod is already
func (*KOTSStore) IsNotFound ¶
func (*KOTSStore) IsRollbackSupportedForVersion ¶
func (*KOTSStore) IsSnapshotsSupportedForVersion ¶
func (*KOTSStore) ListAppsForDownstream ¶
func (*KOTSStore) ListClusters ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) ListClusters() ([]*downstreamtypes.Downstream, error)
func (*KOTSStore) ListDownstreamsForApp ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) ListDownstreamsForApp(appID string) ([]downstreamtypes.Downstream, error)
func (*KOTSStore) ListInstalledAppSlugs ¶
func (*KOTSStore) ListInstalledApps ¶
func (*KOTSStore) ListPendingScheduledInstanceSnapshots ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) ListPendingScheduledInstanceSnapshots(clusterID string) ([]snapshottypes.ScheduledInstanceSnapshot, error)
func (*KOTSStore) ListPendingScheduledSnapshots ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) ListPendingScheduledSnapshots(appID string) ([]snapshottypes.ScheduledSnapshot, error)
func (*KOTSStore) ListSupportBundles ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) ListSupportBundles(appID string) ([]*types.SupportBundle, error)
func (*KOTSStore) MarkAsCurrentDownstreamVersion ¶
func (*KOTSStore) ResetAirgapInstallInProgress ¶
func (*KOTSStore) ResetPreflightResults ¶
func (*KOTSStore) RunMigrations ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) RunMigrations()
func (*KOTSStore) SetAppChannelChanged ¶
func (*KOTSStore) SetAppInstallState ¶
func (*KOTSStore) SetAppIsAirgap ¶
func (*KOTSStore) SetAppStatus ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) SetAppStatus(appID string, resourceStates appstatetypes.ResourceStates, updatedAt time.Time, sequence int64) error
func (*KOTSStore) SetAutoDeploy ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) SetAutoDeploy(appID string, autoDeploy apptypes.AutoDeploy) error
func (*KOTSStore) SetDownstreamVersionStatus ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) SetDownstreamVersionStatus(appID string, sequence int64, status types.DownstreamVersionStatus, statusInfo string) error
SetDownstreamVersionStatus updates the status and status info for the downstream version with the given sequence and app id
func (*KOTSStore) SetEmbeddedClusterAuthToken ¶
func (*KOTSStore) SetIgnorePreflightPermissionErrors ¶
func (*KOTSStore) SetInstanceSnapshotSchedule ¶
func (*KOTSStore) SetInstanceSnapshotTTL ¶
func (*KOTSStore) SetIsKotsadmIDGenerated ¶
SetIsKotsadmIDGenerated sets the status to true if the pod is starting for the first time
func (*KOTSStore) SetPreflightProgress ¶
func (*KOTSStore) SetPreflightResults ¶
func (*KOTSStore) SetPrometheusAddress ¶
func (*KOTSStore) SetRedactions ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) SetRedactions(id string, redacts troubleshootredact.RedactionList) error
func (*KOTSStore) SetSnapshotSchedule ¶
func (*KOTSStore) SetSnapshotTTL ¶
func (*KOTSStore) SetSupportBundleAnalysis ¶
func (*KOTSStore) SetTaskStatus ¶
func (*KOTSStore) SetUpdateCheckerSpec ¶
func (*KOTSStore) UpdateAppLicense ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateAppLicense(appID string, baseSequence int64, archiveDir string, newLicense *kotsv1beta1.License, originalLicenseData string, channelChanged bool, failOnVersionCreate bool, gitops gitopstypes.DownstreamGitOps, renderer rendertypes.Renderer) (int64, error)
func (*KOTSStore) UpdateAppLicenseSyncNow ¶
func (*KOTSStore) UpdateAppVersion ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateAppVersion(appID string, sequence int64, baseSequence *int64, filesInDir string, source string, skipPreflights bool, gitops gitopstypes.DownstreamGitOps, renderer rendertypes.Renderer) error
func (*KOTSStore) UpdateAppVersionInstallationSpec ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateAppVersionInstallationSpec(appID string, sequence int64, installation kotsv1beta1.Installation) error
func (*KOTSStore) UpdateDownstreamDeployStatus ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateDownstreamDeployStatus(appID string, clusterID string, sequence int64, isError bool, output downstreamtypes.DownstreamOutput) error
func (*KOTSStore) UpdateNextAppVersionDiffSummary ¶
func (*KOTSStore) UpdateRegistry ¶
func (*KOTSStore) UpdateScheduledInstanceSnapshot ¶
func (*KOTSStore) UpdateScheduledSnapshot ¶
func (*KOTSStore) UpdateSessionExpiresAt ¶
func (*KOTSStore) UpdateSupportBundle ¶
func (s *KOTSStore) UpdateSupportBundle(bundle *types.SupportBundle) error
UpdateSupportBundle updates the support bundle definition in the secret
func (*KOTSStore) UpdateTaskStatusTimestamp ¶
func (*KOTSStore) UploadSupportBundle ¶
UploadSupportBundle pushes the metadata file and support bundle archive to the file store
type SessionMetadata ¶
type SessionMetadata struct {
Roles []string
Source Files
- airgap_store.go
- app_store.go
- appstatus_store.go
- cluster_store.go
- downstream_store.go
- embedded_store.go
- installation_store.go
- kots_store.go
- kotsadm_params_store.go
- license_store.go
- migrations.go
- preflight_store.go
- prometheus_store.go
- registry_store.go
- session_store.go
- snapshot_store.go
- sql.go
- supportbundle_store.go
- task_store.go
- user_store.go
- version_store.go