E2E tests
The implemented E2E tests start a local instance of renloi.
Step 1: Run the tests
Use the make file to launch the tests make test-e2e
Manual checks if things are acting funny
Check if the renloi process is running
If you've stopped the tests abruptly, chances are the renloi process is still running on your machine. <br/ >
In order for the tests to function normally, please kill the possible remaining processes using killall renloi
Clean the golang test cache
Golang caches test results, and may not even run a test, causing tests to fail on some machines and work on others.
go clean -testcache
This command cleans the test cache, and should be added to the runtime config.
Another way to disable test caching altogether is to add the following flag when running go test -count=1
go test ./... -count=1
Constant values that used in some e2e tests are defined in e2e/const.go
Mock contract are pre-compiled and the result is stored in const.go
in order to avoid dependencies of solc command (solidity compiler).
You can get the byte code from original program by following command.
$ solc --bin e2e/sample.sol
Currently you need to build with version 0.5.x compiler. You can check the compiler version by solc --version
$ solc --version
solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface
Version: 0.5.17+commit.d19bba13.Darwin.appleclang