Simple package that extracts OpenTelemetry span attributes and baggage members from a struct based on tags.
Please bear in mind that this package does not intend to cater to all use cases and please everyone. The code could also do with some refactoring here and there, but it's doing the job.
- Does not support basic type pointers (only struct pointers).
package main
import (
oteltag "github.com/remychantenay/otel-tag"
type User struct {
ID string `otel:"app.user.id"`
Username string `otel:"app.user.username"`
IsPremium bool `otel:"app.user.premium"`
UserDetails UserDetails
type UserDetails struct {
Website string `otel:"app.user.website,omitempty"`
Bio string // Not tagged, will be ignored.
func main() {
// Span attributes.
_, span := tracer.Start(context.Background(), "someOperation",
defer span.End()
// Baggage Members.
members := oteltag.BaggageMembers(m)
bag, _ := baggage.New(members...)
ctx := baggage.ContextWithBaggage(context.Background(), bag)
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