Alya Framework
Alya is an open-source web services development framework for Go programmers. It is built on top of Gin framework. It provides a set of tools, libraries, and conventions to help developers rapidly build secure, scalable, and maintainable web services. Alya aims to streamline common tasks and provide a standardized approach to building web services.
Brief introduction of packages in Alya:
: It contains utility functions for web service development, such as request validation, response building, and error handling.
: It provides a service abstraction to create modular services with dependencies required for the service.
: It provides a framework for batch processing and slow queries (long-running tasks).
Core Concepts
In Alya, a service
represents a modular component of the application, abstracting related functionality. It provides a way to organize and structure the codebase.
A router is responsible for handling HTTP requests and routing them to the appropriate handlers.
Alya service
uses router
to register its routes and handlers. This allows service to define its own routes and handlers independently. With service abstraction we can have different route related logic for each service like different middleware for each service (to be implemented).
Creating a service:
r := gin.Default() // creates a router
userService := service.NewService(r) // creates a service
userService.RegisterRoute(http.MethodPost, "/users", usersvc.HandleCreateUserRequest) // registers a route for the service
Request handling
There are following steps in request handling
bind request body to struct
Use wscutils.BindJSON
to bind request body to struct.
validate request body
2.1. validate request body using standard validator
Use wscutils.WscValidate
to validate request body using standard validators -- it uses go-playground/validator
to validate the struct.
2.2. add request-specific vals to validation errors
Read about Alya web service response format. We have field and vals in the response. WscValidate
being a generic function is not aware of vals to be sent for a specific field. So, it expects a function getVals func(err validator.FieldError) []string
to be passed. This function should return a list of vals to be sent for a specific field.
2.3. check request specific custom validations and add errors
For request specific custom validations where some custom business logic is required, then write those functions and ensure that validation errors are appended to []wscutils.ErrorMessage
if there are validation errors, add them to response and send it
Return the response using wscutils.SendErrorResponse
process the request
If there are errors, send error response, else send success response using wscutils.SendSuccessResponse
Error handling
Batch processing and slow queries
Authentication and Authorization
OAuth2 and token-based authentication
Integration with IDShield or Keycloak
Batch Processing
- Registering initializers and processors
- Submitting and tracking batch jobs and slow queries
- Handling output files
- Basic API implementation
- Batch processing example
- Authentication and authorization