A tool to enable script processing of URLs
brew tap relvacode/urlsplit
brew install urlsplit
Linux / Docker
curl --fail -L https://github.com/relvacode/urlsplit/releases/download/0.3/urlsplit_0.3_linux_x86_64.tar.gz | sudo tar -xzf - -C /usr/bin urlsplit
Export Environment Variables
You can export a set of environment variables using the -e
This will print a set of export statements that can be evaluated by your shell.
urlsplit -e <URL>
$ urlsplit -e 'http://username:password@example.org/path?query=yes'
export "URL_SCHEME=http"
export "URL_HOST=example.org"
export "URL_HOSTNAME=example.org"
export "URL_PORT="
export "URL_USERNAME=username"
export "URL_PASSWORD=password"
export "URL_URI=/path?query=yes"
export "URL_PATH=/path"
export "URL_ESCAPED_PATH=/path"
export "URL_QUERY=query=yes"
export "URL_FRAGMENT="
export "URL_QUERY_query=yes"
Get a Specific Key
Use the -k
option combined with a key name to print that specific value.
urlsplit -k <KEY> <URL>
$ urlsplit -k URL_HOST 'http://username:password@example.org/path?query=yes'
Render a Template
Using the -f
option you can render a Django-style template from URL parameters using the Pongo2 template rendering engine.
Useful for printing conditionally or generating command line arguments.
Check out the Django template language for details on how to use this syntax.
urlsplit -f <TEMPLATE> <URL>
$ urlsplit -f 'pg_isready -h {{ URL_HOSTNAME }}{% if URL_PORT %} -p {{ URL_PORT }}{% endif %}{% if URL_USERNAME %} -U {{ URL_USERNAME }}{% endif %}' 'postgres://postgres:root@localhost/postgres'
pg_isready -h localhost -U postgres
$ urlsplit -f 'bucket: {{URL_HOSTNAME}} key: {{ URL_PATH | trimpath }}' s3://bucket/path/object.txt
bucket: bucket key: path/object.txt
trimpath |
Trims / from the start and end of the input |