Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddDate(year, month, day int64, ot gotime.Time) (nt gotime.Time, _ error)
- func AddDuration(a time.Duration, b time.Duration) (time.Duration, error)
- func AddInt64(a int64, b int64) (int64, error)
- func AddInteger(a uint64, b int64) (uint64, error)
- func AddUint64(a uint64, b uint64) (uint64, error)
- func AdjustYear(y int64, adjustZero bool) (int64, error)
- func CheckFsp(fsp int) (int, error)
- func CheckModifyTypeCompatible(origin *FieldType, to *FieldType) (canReorg bool, err error)
- func CheckVectorDimValid(dim int) error
- func CompareBinaryJSON(left, right BinaryJSON) int
- func CompareInt(arg0 int64, isUnsigned0 bool, arg1 int64, isUnsigned1 bool) int
- func CompareString(x, y, collation string) int
- func ContainsBinaryJSON(obj, target BinaryJSON) bool
- func ConvertBetweenCharAndVarchar(oldCol, newCol byte) bool
- func ConvertDecimalToUint(d *MyDecimal, upperBound uint64, tp byte) (uint64, error)
- func ConvertFloatToInt(fval float64, lowerBound, upperBound int64, tp byte) (int64, error)
- func ConvertFloatToUint(flags Flags, fval float64, upperBound uint64, tp byte) (uint64, error)
- func ConvertIntToInt(val int64, lowerBound int64, upperBound int64, tp byte) (int64, error)
- func ConvertIntToUint(flags Flags, val int64, upperBound uint64, tp byte) (uint64, error)
- func ConvertJSONToFloat(ctx Context, j BinaryJSON) (float64, error)
- func ConvertJSONToInt(ctx Context, j BinaryJSON, unsigned bool, tp byte) (int64, error)
- func ConvertJSONToInt64(ctx Context, j BinaryJSON, unsigned bool) (int64, error)
- func ConvertUintToInt(val uint64, upperBound int64, tp byte) (int64, error)
- func ConvertUintToUint(val uint64, upperBound uint64, tp byte) (uint64, error)
- func DateDiff(startTime, endTime CoreTime) int
- func DateFSP(date string) (fsp int)
- func DateTimeIsOverflow(ctx Context, date Time) (bool, error)
- func DatumsContainNull(vals []Datum) bool
- func DatumsToStrNoErr(datums []Datum) string
- func DatumsToString(datums []Datum, handleSpecialValue bool) (string, error)
- func DecimalAdd(from1, from2, to *MyDecimal) error
- func DecimalBinSize(precision, frac int) (int, error)
- func DecimalDiv(from1, from2, to *MyDecimal, fracIncr int) error
- func DecimalLength2Precision(length int, scale int, hasUnsignedFlag bool) int
- func DecimalMod(from1, from2, to *MyDecimal) error
- func DecimalMul(from1, from2, to *MyDecimal) error
- func DecimalPeak(b []byte) (int, error)
- func DecimalSub(from1, from2, to *MyDecimal) error
- func DefaultCharsetForType(tp byte) (defaultCharset string, defaultCollation string)
- func DefaultTypeForValue(value any, tp *FieldType, char string, collate string)
- func DivInt64(a int64, b int64) (int64, error)
- func DivIntWithUint(a int64, b uint64) (uint64, error)
- func DivUintWithInt(a uint64, b int64) (uint64, error)
- func EOFAsNil(err error) error
- func EstimatedMemUsage(array []Datum, numOfRows int) int64
- func ExtractDatetimeNum(t *Time, unit string) (int64, error)
- func ExtractDurationNum(d *Duration, unit string) (res int64, err error)
- func FormatIntWidthN(num, n int) string
- func GetFormatType(format string) (isDuration, isDate bool)
- func GetFracIndex(s string) (index int)
- func GetFsp(s string) int
- func GetLastDay(year, month int) int
- func GetMaxFloat(flen int, decimal int) float64
- func GetTimezone(lit string) (idx int, tzSign, tzHour, tzSep, tzMinute string)
- func InferParamTypeFromDatum(d *Datum, tp *FieldType)
- func InferParamTypeFromUnderlyingValue(value any, tp *FieldType)
- func IntegerSignedLowerBound(intType byte) int64
- func IntegerSignedUpperBound(intType byte) int64
- func IntegerUnsignedUpperBound(intType byte) uint64
- func InvOp2(x, y any, o opcode.Op) (any, error)
- func IsBinaryStr(ft *FieldType) bool
- func IsClockUnit(unit string) bool
- func IsDateFormat(format string) bool
- func IsDateUnit(unit string) bool
- func IsMicrosecondUnit(unit string) bool
- func IsNonBinaryStr(ft *FieldType) bool
- func IsString(tp byte) bool
- func IsStringKind(kind byte) bool
- func IsTemporalWithDate(tp byte) bool
- func IsTypeBit(ft *FieldType) bool
- func IsTypeFloat(tp byte) bool
- func IsTypeFractionable(tp byte) bool
- func IsTypeInteger(tp byte) bool
- func IsTypeNumeric(tp byte) bool
- func IsTypePrefixable(tp byte) bool
- func IsTypeTemporal(tp byte) bool
- func IsTypeTime(tp byte) bool
- func IsTypeUnspecified(tp byte) bool
- func IsTypeVarchar(tp byte) bool
- func IsVarcharTooBigFieldLength(colDefTpFlen int, colDefName, setCharset string) error
- func KindStr(kind byte) (r string)
- func MulInt64(a int64, b int64) (int64, error)
- func MulInteger(a uint64, b int64) (uint64, error)
- func MulUint64(a uint64, b uint64) (uint64, error)
- func NeedRestoredData(ft *FieldType) bool
- func OverlapsBinaryJSON(obj, target BinaryJSON) bool
- func ParseDateFormat(format string) []string
- func ParseDurationValue(unit string, format string) (y int64, m int64, d int64, n int64, fsp int, _ error)
- func ParseFrac(s string, fsp int) (v int, overflow bool, err error)
- func ParseYear(str string) (int16, error)
- func PeekBytesAsJSON(b []byte) (n int, err error)
- func PeekBytesAsVectorFloat32(b []byte) (n int, err error)
- func Precision2LengthNoTruncation(length int, scale int, hasUnsignedFlag bool) int
- func ProduceFloatWithSpecifiedTp(f float64, target *FieldType) (_ float64, err error)
- func ProduceStrWithSpecifiedTp(s string, tp *FieldType, ctx Context, padZero bool) (_ string, err error)
- func Round(f float64, dec int) float64
- func RoundFloat(f float64) float64
- func RoundFrac(t gotime.Time, fsp int) (gotime.Time, error)
- func SetBinChsClnFlag(ft *FieldType)
- func SetTypeFlag(flag *uint, flagItem uint, on bool)
- func SortDatums(ctx Context, datums []Datum) error
- func StrToDuration(ctx Context, str string, fsp int) (d Duration, t Time, isDuration bool, err error)
- func StrToFloat(ctx Context, str string, isFuncCast bool) (float64, error)
- func StrToInt(ctx Context, str string, isFuncCast bool) (int64, error)
- func StrToUint(ctx Context, str string, isFuncCast bool) (uint64, error)
- func SubDuration(a time.Duration, b time.Duration) (time.Duration, error)
- func SubInt64(a int64, b int64) (int64, error)
- func SubIntWithUint(a int64, b uint64) (uint64, error)
- func SubUint64(a uint64, b uint64) (uint64, error)
- func SubUintWithInt(a uint64, b int64) (uint64, error)
- func TimestampDiff(unit string, t1 Time, t2 Time) int64
- func ToString(value any) (string, error)
- func Truncate(f float64, dec int) float64
- func TruncateFloat(f float64, flen int, decimal int) (float64, error)
- func TruncateFloatToString(f float64, dec int) string
- func TruncateFrac(t gotime.Time, fsp int) (gotime.Time, error)
- func TruncateOverflowMySQLTime(d gotime.Duration) (gotime.Duration, error)
- func TryToFixFlenOfDatetime(resultTp *FieldType)
- func UnquoteString(str string) (string, error)
- func VecCompareII(x, y, res []int64)
- func VecCompareIU(x []int64, y []uint64, res []int64)
- func VecCompareUI(x []uint64, y, res []int64)
- func VecCompareUU(x, y []uint64, res []int64)
- type BinaryJSON
- func (bj BinaryJSON) ArrayGetElem(idx int) BinaryJSON
- func (bj BinaryJSON) ArrayInsert(pathExpr JSONPathExpression, value BinaryJSON) (res BinaryJSON, err error)
- func (bj BinaryJSON) Copy() BinaryJSON
- func (bj BinaryJSON) Extract(pathExprList []JSONPathExpression) (ret BinaryJSON, found bool)
- func (bj BinaryJSON) GetDuration() Duration
- func (bj BinaryJSON) GetElemCount() int
- func (bj BinaryJSON) GetElemDepth() int
- func (bj BinaryJSON) GetFloat64() float64
- func (bj BinaryJSON) GetInt64() int64
- func (bj BinaryJSON) GetKeys() BinaryJSON
- func (bj BinaryJSON) GetOpaque() Opaque
- func (bj BinaryJSON) GetOpaqueFieldType() byte
- func (bj BinaryJSON) GetString() []byte
- func (bj BinaryJSON) GetTime() Timedeprecated
- func (bj BinaryJSON) GetTimeWithFsp(fsp int) Time
- func (bj BinaryJSON) GetUint64() uint64
- func (bj BinaryJSON) GetValue() any
- func (bj BinaryJSON) HashValue(buf []byte) []byte
- func (bj BinaryJSON) IsZero() bool
- func (bj BinaryJSON) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (bj BinaryJSON) Modify(pathExprList []JSONPathExpression, values []BinaryJSON, mt JSONModifyType) (retj BinaryJSON, err error)
- func (bj BinaryJSON) Remove(pathExprList []JSONPathExpression) (BinaryJSON, error)
- func (bj BinaryJSON) Search(containType string, search string, escape byte, ...) (res BinaryJSON, isNull bool, err error)
- func (bj BinaryJSON) String() string
- func (bj BinaryJSON) Type() string
- func (bj *BinaryJSON) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (bj BinaryJSON) Unquote() (string, error)
- func (bj BinaryJSON) Walk(walkFn BinaryJSONWalkFunc, pathExprList ...JSONPathExpression) (err error)
- type BinaryJSONWalkFunc
- type BinaryLiteral
- type BitLiteral
- type Context
- type CoreTime
- func (t CoreTime) AdjustedGoTime(loc *gotime.Location) (gotime.Time, error)
- func (t CoreTime) Day() int
- func (t CoreTime) GoTime(loc *gotime.Location) (gotime.Time, error)
- func (t CoreTime) Hour() int
- func (t CoreTime) IsLeapYear() bool
- func (t CoreTime) Microsecond() int
- func (t CoreTime) Minute() int
- func (t CoreTime) Month() int
- func (t CoreTime) Second() int
- func (t CoreTime) String() string
- func (t CoreTime) Week(mode int) int
- func (t CoreTime) Weekday() gotime.Weekday
- func (t CoreTime) Year() int
- func (t CoreTime) YearDay() int
- func (t CoreTime) YearWeek(mode int) (year int, week int)
- type Datum
- func ChangeReverseResultByUpperLowerBound(ctx Context, retType *FieldType, res Datum, rType RoundingType) (Datum, error)
- func CloneRow(dr []Datum) []Datum
- func ComputePlus(a, b Datum) (d Datum, err error)
- func GetMaxValue(ft *FieldType) (maxVal Datum)
- func GetMinValue(ft *FieldType) (minVal Datum)
- func MakeDatums(args ...any) []Datum
- func MaxValueDatum() Datum
- func MinNotNullDatum() Datum
- func NewBinaryLiteralDatum(b BinaryLiteral) (d Datum)
- func NewBytesDatum(b []byte) (d Datum)
- func NewCollateMysqlEnumDatum(e Enum, collation string) (d Datum)
- func NewCollationStringDatum(s string, collation string) (d Datum)
- func NewDatum(in any) (d Datum)
- func NewDecimalDatum(dec *MyDecimal) (d Datum)
- func NewDurationDatum(dur Duration) (d Datum)
- func NewFloat32Datum(f float32) (d Datum)
- func NewFloat64Datum(f float64) (d Datum)
- func NewIntDatum(i int64) (d Datum)
- func NewJSONDatum(j BinaryJSON) (d Datum)
- func NewMysqlBitDatum(b BinaryLiteral) (d Datum)
- func NewMysqlEnumDatum(e Enum) (d Datum)
- func NewMysqlSetDatum(e Set, collation string) (d Datum)
- func NewStringDatum(s string) (d Datum)
- func NewTimeDatum(t Time) (d Datum)
- func NewUintDatum(i uint64) (d Datum)
- func NewVectorFloat32Datum(v VectorFloat32) (d Datum)
- func (d *Datum) Clone() *Datum
- func (d *Datum) Collation() string
- func (d *Datum) Compare(ctx Context, ad *Datum, comparer collate.Collator) (int, error)
- func (d *Datum) ConvertTo(ctx Context, target *FieldType) (Datum, error)
- func (d *Datum) ConvertToMysqlYear(ctx Context, target *FieldType) (Datum, error)
- func (d *Datum) Copy(dst *Datum)
- func (d *Datum) Equals(other any) bool
- func (d Datum) EstimatedMemUsage() int64
- func (d *Datum) Frac() int
- func (d *Datum) GetBinaryLiteral() BinaryLiteral
- func (d *Datum) GetBinaryLiteral4Cmp() BinaryLiteral
- func (d *Datum) GetBinaryStringDecoded(flags Flags, chs string) (string, error)
- func (d *Datum) GetBinaryStringEncoded() string
- func (d *Datum) GetBytes() []byte
- func (d *Datum) GetFloat32() float32
- func (d *Datum) GetFloat64() float64
- func (d *Datum) GetInt64() int64
- func (d *Datum) GetInterface() any
- func (d *Datum) GetMysqlBit() BinaryLiteral
- func (d *Datum) GetMysqlDecimal() *MyDecimal
- func (d *Datum) GetMysqlDuration() Duration
- func (d *Datum) GetMysqlEnum() Enum
- func (d *Datum) GetMysqlJSON() BinaryJSON
- func (d *Datum) GetMysqlSet() Set
- func (d *Datum) GetMysqlTime() Time
- func (d *Datum) GetRaw() []byte
- func (d *Datum) GetString() string
- func (d *Datum) GetStringWithCheck(flags Flags, chs string) (string, error)
- func (d *Datum) GetUint64() uint64
- func (d *Datum) GetValue() any
- func (d *Datum) GetVectorFloat32() VectorFloat32
- func (d *Datum) Hash64(h base.Hasher)
- func (d *Datum) IsNull() bool
- func (d *Datum) Kind() byte
- func (d *Datum) Length() int
- func (d *Datum) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (d *Datum) MemUsage() (sum int64)
- func (d *Datum) SetAutoID(id int64, flag uint)
- func (d *Datum) SetBinaryLiteral(b BinaryLiteral)
- func (d *Datum) SetBytes(b []byte)
- func (d *Datum) SetBytesAsString(b []byte, collation string, length uint32)
- func (d *Datum) SetCollation(collation string)
- func (d *Datum) SetFloat32(f float32)
- func (d *Datum) SetFloat32FromF64(f float64)
- func (d *Datum) SetFloat64(f float64)
- func (d *Datum) SetFrac(frac int)
- func (d *Datum) SetInt64(i int64)
- func (d *Datum) SetInterface(x any)
- func (d *Datum) SetLength(l int)
- func (d *Datum) SetMinNotNull()
- func (d *Datum) SetMysqlBit(b BinaryLiteral)
- func (d *Datum) SetMysqlDecimal(b *MyDecimal)
- func (d *Datum) SetMysqlDuration(b Duration)
- func (d *Datum) SetMysqlEnum(b Enum, collation string)
- func (d *Datum) SetMysqlJSON(b BinaryJSON)
- func (d *Datum) SetMysqlSet(b Set, collation string)
- func (d *Datum) SetMysqlTime(b Time)
- func (d *Datum) SetNull()
- func (d *Datum) SetRaw(b []byte)
- func (d *Datum) SetString(s string, collation string)
- func (d *Datum) SetUint64(i uint64)
- func (d *Datum) SetValue(val any, tp *types.FieldType)
- func (d *Datum) SetValueWithDefaultCollation(val any)
- func (d *Datum) SetVectorFloat32(vec VectorFloat32)
- func (d Datum) String() string
- func (d *Datum) ToBool(ctx Context) (int64, error)
- func (d *Datum) ToBytes() ([]byte, error)
- func (d *Datum) ToDecimal(ctx Context) (*MyDecimal, error)
- func (d *Datum) ToFloat64(ctx Context) (float64, error)
- func (d *Datum) ToHashKey() ([]byte, error)
- func (d *Datum) ToInt64(ctx Context) (int64, error)
- func (d *Datum) ToMysqlJSON() (j BinaryJSON, err error)
- func (d *Datum) ToString() (string, error)
- func (d *Datum) TruncatedStringify() string
- func (d *Datum) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type Duration
- func ExtractDurationValue(unit string, format string) (Duration, error)
- func MaxMySQLDuration(fsp int) Duration
- func NewDuration(hour, minute, second, microsecond int, fsp int) Duration
- func NumberToDuration(number int64, fsp int) (Duration, error)
- func ParseDuration(ctx Context, str string, fsp int) (Duration, bool, error)
- func (d Duration) Add(v Duration) (Duration, error)
- func (d Duration) Compare(o Duration) int
- func (d Duration) CompareString(ctx Context, str string) (int, error)
- func (d Duration) ConvertToTime(ctx Context, tp uint8) (Time, error)
- func (d Duration) ConvertToTimeWithTimestamp(ctx Context, tp uint8, ts gotime.Time) (Time, error)
- func (d Duration) ConvertToYear(ctx Context) (int64, error)
- func (d Duration) ConvertToYearFromNow(ctx Context, now gotime.Time) (int64, error)
- func (d Duration) DurationFormat(layout string) (string, error)
- func (d Duration) Hour() int
- func (d Duration) MicroSecond() int
- func (d Duration) Minute() int
- func (d Duration) Neg() Duration
- func (d Duration) RoundFrac(fsp int, loc *gotime.Location) (Duration, error)
- func (d Duration) Second() int
- func (d Duration) String() string
- func (d Duration) Sub(v Duration) (Duration, error)
- func (d Duration) ToNumber() *MyDecimal
- type Enum
- type EvalType
- type FieldName
- type FieldType
- type FieldTypeBuilder
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) AddFlag(flag uint) *FieldTypeBuilder
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) Build() FieldType
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) BuildP() *FieldType
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) DelFlag(flag uint) *FieldTypeBuilder
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) GetCharset() string
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) GetCollate() string
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) GetDecimal() int
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) GetFlag() uint
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) GetFlen() int
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) GetType() byte
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetArray(x bool) *FieldTypeBuilder
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetCharset(charset string) *FieldTypeBuilder
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetCollate(collate string) *FieldTypeBuilder
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetDecimal(decimal int) *FieldTypeBuilder
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetElems(elems []string) *FieldTypeBuilder
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetFlag(flag uint) *FieldTypeBuilder
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetFlen(flen int) *FieldTypeBuilder
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetType(tp byte) *FieldTypeBuilder
- func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) ToggleFlag(flag uint) *FieldTypeBuilder
- type Flags
- func (f Flags) AllowNegativeToUnsigned() bool
- func (f Flags) CastTimeToYearThroughConcat() bool
- func (f Flags) IgnoreInvalidDateErr() bool
- func (f Flags) IgnoreTruncateErr() bool
- func (f Flags) IgnoreZeroDateErr() bool
- func (f Flags) IgnoreZeroInDate() bool
- func (f Flags) SkipASCIICheck() bool
- func (f Flags) SkipUTF8Check() bool
- func (f Flags) SkipUTF8MB4Check() bool
- func (f Flags) TruncateAsWarning() bool
- func (f Flags) WithAllowNegativeToUnsigned(clip bool) Flags
- func (f Flags) WithCastTimeToYearThroughConcat(flag bool) Flags
- func (f Flags) WithIgnoreInvalidDateErr(ignore bool) Flags
- func (f Flags) WithIgnoreTruncateErr(ignore bool) Flags
- func (f Flags) WithIgnoreZeroDateErr(ignore bool) Flags
- func (f Flags) WithIgnoreZeroInDate(ignore bool) Flags
- func (f Flags) WithSkipSACIICheck(skip bool) Flags
- func (f Flags) WithSkipUTF8Check(skip bool) Flags
- func (f Flags) WithSkipUTF8MB4Check(skip bool) Flags
- func (f Flags) WithTruncateAsWarning(warn bool) Flags
- type HexLiteral
- type JSONModifyType
- type JSONPathExpression
- type JSONPathExpressionCache
- type JSONTypeCode
- type MyDecimal
- func ConvertDatumToDecimal(ctx Context, d Datum) (*MyDecimal, error)
- func ConvertJSONToDecimal(ctx Context, j BinaryJSON) (*MyDecimal, error)
- func DecimalNeg(from *MyDecimal) *MyDecimal
- func NewDecFromFloatForTest(f float64) *MyDecimal
- func NewDecFromInt(i int64) *MyDecimal
- func NewDecFromStringForTest(s string) *MyDecimal
- func NewDecFromUint(i uint64) *MyDecimal
- func NewMaxOrMinDec(negative bool, prec, frac int) *MyDecimal
- func ProduceDecWithSpecifiedTp(ctx Context, dec *MyDecimal, tp *FieldType) (_ *MyDecimal, err error)
- func (d *MyDecimal) Compare(to *MyDecimal) int
- func (d *MyDecimal) FromBin(bin []byte, precision, frac int) (binSize int, err error)
- func (d *MyDecimal) FromFloat64(f float64) error
- func (d *MyDecimal) FromInt(val int64) *MyDecimal
- func (d *MyDecimal) FromString(str []byte) error
- func (d *MyDecimal) FromUint(val uint64) *MyDecimal
- func (d *MyDecimal) GetDigitsFrac() int8
- func (d *MyDecimal) GetDigitsInt() int8
- func (d *MyDecimal) IsNegative() bool
- func (d *MyDecimal) IsZero() bool
- func (d *MyDecimal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (d *MyDecimal) PrecisionAndFrac() (precision, frac int)
- func (d *MyDecimal) Round(to *MyDecimal, frac int, roundMode RoundMode) (err error)
- func (d *MyDecimal) Shift(shift int) error
- func (d *MyDecimal) String() string
- func (d *MyDecimal) ToBin(precision, frac int) ([]byte, error)
- func (d *MyDecimal) ToFloat64() (f float64, err error)
- func (d *MyDecimal) ToHashKey() ([]byte, error)
- func (d *MyDecimal) ToInt() (int64, error)
- func (d *MyDecimal) ToString() (str []byte)
- func (d *MyDecimal) ToUint() (uint64, error)
- func (d *MyDecimal) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (d *MyDecimal) WriteBin(precision, frac int, buf []byte) ([]byte, error)
- type NameSlice
- type Opaque
- type RoundMode
- type RoundingType
- type Set
- type Time
- func CurrentTime(tp uint8) Time
- func NewTime(coreTime CoreTime, tp uint8, fsp int) Time
- func ParseDate(ctx Context, str string) (Time, error)
- func ParseDateFromNum(ctx Context, num int64) (Time, error)
- func ParseDatetime(ctx Context, str string) (Time, error)
- func ParseDatetimeFromNum(ctx Context, num int64) (Time, error)
- func ParseTime(ctx Context, str string, tp byte, fsp int) (Time, error)
- func ParseTimeFromDecimal(ctx Context, dec *MyDecimal) (t Time, err error)
- func ParseTimeFromFloat64(ctx Context, f float64) (Time, error)
- func ParseTimeFromFloatString(ctx Context, str string, tp byte, fsp int) (Time, error)
- func ParseTimeFromInt64(ctx Context, num int64) (Time, error)
- func ParseTimeFromNum(ctx Context, num int64, tp byte, fsp int) (Time, error)
- func ParseTimeFromYear(year int64) (Time, error)
- func ParseTimestamp(ctx Context, str string) (Time, error)
- func ParseTimestampFromNum(ctx Context, num int64) (Time, error)
- func StrToDateTime(ctx Context, str string, fsp int) (Time, error)
- func TimeFromDays(num int64) Time
- func (t *Time) Add(ctx Context, d Duration) (Time, error)
- func (t Time) Check(ctx Context) error
- func (t Time) Clock() (hour int, minute int, second int)
- func (t Time) Compare(o Time) int
- func (t Time) CompareString(ctx Context, str string) (int, error)
- func (t Time) Convert(ctx Context, tp uint8) (Time, error)
- func (t *Time) ConvertTimeZone(from, to *gotime.Location) error
- func (t Time) ConvertToDuration() (Duration, error)
- func (t Time) CoreTime() CoreTime
- func (t Time) DateFormat(layout string) (string, error)
- func (t Time) FillNumber(dec *MyDecimal)
- func (t *Time) FromPackedUint(packed uint64) error
- func (t Time) Fsp() int
- func (t Time) InvalidZero() bool
- func (t Time) IsZero() bool
- func (t Time) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (t Time) RoundFrac(ctx Context, fsp int) (Time, error)
- func (t *Time) SetCoreTime(ct CoreTime)
- func (t *Time) SetFsp(fsp int)
- func (t *Time) SetType(tp uint8)
- func (t *Time) StrToDate(typeCtx Context, date, format string) bool
- func (t Time) String() string
- func (t *Time) Sub(ctx Context, t1 *Time) Duration
- func (t Time) ToNumber() *MyDecimal
- func (t Time) ToPackedUint() (uint64, error)
- func (t Time) Type() uint8
- func (t *Time) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type VectorFloat32
- func CreateVectorFloat32(vector []float32) (VectorFloat32, error)
- func InitVectorFloat32(dims int) VectorFloat32
- func MustCreateVectorFloat32(v []float32) VectorFloat32
- func ParseVectorFloat32(s string) (VectorFloat32, error)
- func ZeroCopyDeserializeVectorFloat32(b []byte) (VectorFloat32, []byte, error)
- func (a VectorFloat32) Add(b VectorFloat32) (VectorFloat32, error)
- func (v VectorFloat32) CheckDimsFitColumn(expectedFlen int) error
- func (v VectorFloat32) Clone() VectorFloat32
- func (a VectorFloat32) Compare(b VectorFloat32) int
- func (a VectorFloat32) CosineDistance(b VectorFloat32) (float64, error)
- func (v VectorFloat32) Elements() []float32
- func (v VectorFloat32) EstimatedMemUsage() int
- func (a VectorFloat32) InnerProduct(b VectorFloat32) (float64, error)
- func (v VectorFloat32) IsZeroValue() bool
- func (a VectorFloat32) L1Distance(b VectorFloat32) (float64, error)
- func (a VectorFloat32) L2Distance(b VectorFloat32) (float64, error)
- func (a VectorFloat32) L2Norm() float64
- func (a VectorFloat32) L2SquaredDistance(b VectorFloat32) (float64, error)
- func (v VectorFloat32) Len() int
- func (a VectorFloat32) Mul(b VectorFloat32) (VectorFloat32, error)
- func (a VectorFloat32) NegativeInnerProduct(b VectorFloat32) (float64, error)
- func (v VectorFloat32) SerializeTo(b []byte) []byte
- func (v VectorFloat32) SerializedSize() int
- func (v VectorFloat32) String() string
- func (a VectorFloat32) Sub(b VectorFloat32) (VectorFloat32, error)
- func (v VectorFloat32) TruncatedString() string
- func (v VectorFloat32) ZeroCopySerialize() []byte
Constants ¶
const ( KindNull byte = 0 KindInt64 byte = 1 KindUint64 byte = 2 KindFloat32 byte = 3 KindFloat64 byte = 4 KindString byte = 5 KindBytes byte = 6 KindBinaryLiteral byte = 7 // Used for BIT / HEX literals. KindMysqlDecimal byte = 8 KindMysqlDuration byte = 9 KindMysqlEnum byte = 10 KindMysqlBit byte = 11 // Used for BIT table column values. KindMysqlSet byte = 12 KindMysqlTime byte = 13 KindInterface byte = 14 KindMinNotNull byte = 15 KindMaxValue byte = 16 KindRaw byte = 17 KindMysqlJSON byte = 18 KindVectorFloat32 byte = 19 )
Kind constants.
const ( DateTimeStr = "datetime" DateStr = "date" TimeStr = "time" TimestampStr = "timestamp" )
const strings for ErrWrongValue
const ( // ETInt represents type INT in evaluation. ETInt = ast.ETInt // ETReal represents type REAL in evaluation. ETReal = ast.ETReal // ETDecimal represents type DECIMAL in evaluation. ETDecimal = ast.ETDecimal // ETString represents type STRING in evaluation. ETString = ast.ETString // ETDatetime represents type DATETIME in evaluation. ETDatetime = ast.ETDatetime // ETTimestamp represents type TIMESTAMP in evaluation. ETTimestamp = ast.ETTimestamp // ETDuration represents type DURATION in evaluation. ETDuration = ast.ETDuration // ETJson represents type JSON in evaluation. ETJson = ast.ETJson // ETVectorFloat32 represents type VectorFloat32 in evaluation. ETVectorFloat32 = ast.ETVectorFloat32 )
const ( // UnspecifiedFsp is the unspecified fractional seconds part. UnspecifiedFsp = -1 // MaxFsp is the maximum digit of fractional seconds part. MaxFsp = 6 // MinFsp is the minimum digit of fractional seconds part. MinFsp = 0 // DefaultFsp is the default digit of fractional seconds part. // MySQL use 0 as the default Fsp. DefaultFsp = 0 )
const ( // JSONLiteralNil represents JSON null. JSONLiteralNil byte = 0x00 // JSONLiteralTrue represents JSON true. JSONLiteralTrue byte = 0x01 // JSONLiteralFalse represents JSON false. JSONLiteralFalse byte = 0x02 )
const ( // 'all': 1 if all paths exist within the document, 0 otherwise. JSONContainsPathAll = "all" // 'one': 1 if at least one path exists within the document, 0 otherwise. JSONContainsPathOne = "one" )
json_contains_path function type choices See:
const ( DateFormat = gotime.DateOnly TimeFormat = gotime.DateTime // TimeFSPFormat is time format with fractional seconds precision. TimeFSPFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000" // UTCTimeFormat is used to parse and format gotime. UTCTimeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05 UTC" )
Time format without fractional seconds precision.
const ( // MinYear is the minimum for mysql year type. MinYear int16 = 1901 // MaxYear is the maximum for mysql year type. MaxYear int16 = 2155 // MaxDuration is the maximum for duration. MaxDuration int64 = 838*10000 + 59*100 + 59 // MinTime is the minimum for mysql time type. MinTime = -(838*gotime.Hour + 59*gotime.Minute + 59*gotime.Second) // MaxTime is the maximum for mysql time type. MaxTime = 838*gotime.Hour + 59*gotime.Minute + 59*gotime.Second // ZeroDatetimeStr is the string representation of a zero datetime. ZeroDatetimeStr = "0000-00-00 00:00:00" // ZeroDateStr is the string representation of a zero date. ZeroDateStr = "0000-00-00" // TimeMaxHour is the max hour for mysql time type. TimeMaxHour = 838 // TimeMaxMinute is the max minute for mysql time type. TimeMaxMinute = 59 // TimeMaxSecond is the max second for mysql time type. TimeMaxSecond = 59 // TimeMaxValue is the maximum value for mysql time type. TimeMaxValue = TimeMaxHour*10000 + TimeMaxMinute*100 + TimeMaxSecond // TimeMaxValueSeconds is the maximum second value for mysql time type. TimeMaxValueSeconds = TimeMaxHour*3600 + TimeMaxMinute*60 + TimeMaxSecond )
const ( // YearIndex is index of 'YEARS-MONTHS DAYS HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.MICROSECONDS' expr Format YearIndex = 0 + iota // MonthIndex is index of 'YEARS-MONTHS DAYS HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.MICROSECONDS' expr Format MonthIndex // DayIndex is index of 'YEARS-MONTHS DAYS HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.MICROSECONDS' expr Format DayIndex // HourIndex is index of 'YEARS-MONTHS DAYS HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.MICROSECONDS' expr Format HourIndex // MinuteIndex is index of 'YEARS-MONTHS DAYS HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.MICROSECONDS' expr Format MinuteIndex // SecondIndex is index of 'YEARS-MONTHS DAYS HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.MICROSECONDS' expr Format SecondIndex // MicrosecondIndex is index of 'YEARS-MONTHS DAYS HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.MICROSECONDS' expr Format MicrosecondIndex )
const ( // YearMonthMaxCnt is max parameters count 'YEARS-MONTHS' expr Format allowed YearMonthMaxCnt = 2 // DayHourMaxCnt is max parameters count 'DAYS HOURS' expr Format allowed DayHourMaxCnt = 2 // DayMinuteMaxCnt is max parameters count 'DAYS HOURS:MINUTES' expr Format allowed DayMinuteMaxCnt = 3 // DaySecondMaxCnt is max parameters count 'DAYS HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS' expr Format allowed DaySecondMaxCnt = 4 // DayMicrosecondMaxCnt is max parameters count 'DAYS HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.MICROSECONDS' expr Format allowed DayMicrosecondMaxCnt = 5 // HourMinuteMaxCnt is max parameters count 'HOURS:MINUTES' expr Format allowed HourMinuteMaxCnt = 2 // HourSecondMaxCnt is max parameters count 'HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS' expr Format allowed HourSecondMaxCnt = 3 // HourMicrosecondMaxCnt is max parameters count 'HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.MICROSECONDS' expr Format allowed HourMicrosecondMaxCnt = 4 // MinuteSecondMaxCnt is max parameters count 'MINUTES:SECONDS' expr Format allowed MinuteSecondMaxCnt = 2 // MinuteMicrosecondMaxCnt is max parameters count 'MINUTES:SECONDS.MICROSECONDS' expr Format allowed MinuteMicrosecondMaxCnt = 3 // SecondMicrosecondMaxCnt is max parameters count 'SECONDS.MICROSECONDS' expr Format allowed SecondMicrosecondMaxCnt = 2 // TimeValueCnt is parameters count 'YEARS-MONTHS DAYS HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.MICROSECONDS' expr Format TimeValueCnt = 7 )
const ( // GoDurationDay is the gotime.Duration which equals to a Day. GoDurationDay = gotime.Hour * 24 // GoDurationWeek is the gotime.Duration which equals to a Week. GoDurationWeek = GoDurationDay * 7 )
const DefaultStmtFlags = StrictFlags | FlagAllowNegativeToUnsigned | FlagIgnoreZeroDateErr
DefaultStmtFlags is the default flags for statement context with the flag `FlagAllowNegativeToUnsigned` set. TODO: make DefaultStmtFlags to be equal with StrictFlags, and setting flag `FlagAllowNegativeToUnsigned` is only for make the code to be equivalent with the old implement during refactoring.
const EmptyDatumSize = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(Datum{}))
EmptyDatumSize is the size of empty datum. 72 = 1 + 1 (byte) + 2 (uint16) + 4 (uint32) + 8 (int64) + 16 (string) + 24 ([]byte) + 16 (interface{})
const ErrorLength = 0
ErrorLength is error length for blob or text.
const MyDecimalStructSize = 40
MyDecimalStructSize is the struct size of MyDecimal.
const UnspecifiedLength = -1
UnspecifiedLength is unspecified length.
const VarStorageLen = ast.VarStorageLen
VarStorageLen indicates this column is a variable length column.
Variables ¶
var ( // ErrInvalidDefault is returned when meet a invalid default value. ErrInvalidDefault = parser_types.ErrInvalidDefault // ErrDataTooLong is returned when converts a string value that is longer than field type length. ErrDataTooLong = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrDataTooLong) // ErrIllegalValueForType is returned when value of type is illegal. ErrIllegalValueForType = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrIllegalValueForType) // ErrTruncated is returned when data has been truncated during conversion. ErrTruncated = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.WarnDataTruncated) // ErrOverflow is returned when data is out of range for a field type. ErrOverflow = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrDataOutOfRange) // ErrDivByZero is return when do division by 0. ErrDivByZero = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrDivisionByZero) // ErrTooBigDisplayWidth is return when display width out of range for column. ErrTooBigDisplayWidth = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrTooBigDisplaywidth) // ErrTooBigFieldLength is return when column length too big for column. ErrTooBigFieldLength = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrTooBigFieldlength) // ErrTooBigSet is returned when too many strings for column. ErrTooBigSet = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrTooBigSet) // ErrTooBigScale is returned when type DECIMAL/NUMERIC scale is bigger than mysql.MaxDecimalScale. ErrTooBigScale = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrTooBigScale) // ErrTooBigPrecision is returned when type DECIMAL/NUMERIC or DATETIME precision is bigger than mysql.MaxDecimalWidth or types.MaxFsp ErrTooBigPrecision = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrTooBigPrecision) // ErrBadNumber is return when parsing an invalid binary decimal number. ErrBadNumber = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrBadNumber) // ErrInvalidFieldSize is returned when the precision of a column is out of range. ErrInvalidFieldSize = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidFieldSize) // ErrMBiggerThanD is returned when precision less than the scale. ErrMBiggerThanD = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrMBiggerThanD) // ErrWarnDataOutOfRange is returned when the value in a numeric column that is outside the permissible range of the column data type. // See for details ErrWarnDataOutOfRange = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrWarnDataOutOfRange) // ErrDuplicatedValueInType is returned when enum column has duplicated value. ErrDuplicatedValueInType = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrDuplicatedValueInType) // ErrDatetimeFunctionOverflow is returned when the calculation in datetime function cause overflow. ErrDatetimeFunctionOverflow = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrDatetimeFunctionOverflow) // ErrCastAsSignedOverflow is returned when positive out-of-range integer, and convert to its negative complement. ErrCastAsSignedOverflow = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrCastAsSignedOverflow) // ErrCastNegIntAsUnsigned is returned when a negative integer be casted to an unsigned int. ErrCastNegIntAsUnsigned = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrCastNegIntAsUnsigned) // ErrInvalidYearFormat is returned when the input is not a valid year format. ErrInvalidYearFormat = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidYearFormat) // ErrInvalidYear is returned when the input value is not a valid year. ErrInvalidYear = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidYear) // ErrTruncatedWrongVal is returned when data has been truncated during conversion. ErrTruncatedWrongVal = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrTruncatedWrongValue) // ErrInvalidWeekModeFormat is returned when the week mode is wrong. ErrInvalidWeekModeFormat = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidWeekModeFormat) // ErrWrongFieldSpec is returned when the column specifier incorrect. ErrWrongFieldSpec = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrWrongFieldSpec) // ErrSyntax is returned when the syntax is not allowed. ErrSyntax = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStdErr(mysql.ErrParse, mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrSyntax]) // ErrWrongValue is returned when the input value is in wrong format. ErrWrongValue = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStdErr(mysql.ErrTruncatedWrongValue, mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrWrongValue]) // ErrWrongValue2 is returned when the input value is in wrong format. ErrWrongValue2 = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStdErr(mysql.ErrWrongValue, mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrWrongValue]) // ErrWrongValueForType is returned when the input value is in wrong format for function. ErrWrongValueForType = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStdErr(mysql.ErrWrongValueForType, mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrWrongValueForType]) // ErrPartitionStatsMissing is returned when the partition-level stats is missing and the build global-level stats fails. // Put this error here is to prevent `import cycle not allowed`. ErrPartitionStatsMissing = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrPartitionStatsMissing) // ErrPartitionColumnStatsMissing is returned when the partition-level column stats is missing and the build global-level stats fails. // Put this error here is to prevent `import cycle not allowed`. ErrPartitionColumnStatsMissing = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrPartitionColumnStatsMissing) // ErrIncorrectDatetimeValue is returned when the input value is in wrong format for datetime. ErrIncorrectDatetimeValue = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrIncorrectDatetimeValue) // ErrJSONBadOneOrAllArg is returned when the one_or_all argument isn't 'one' or 'all'. ErrJSONBadOneOrAllArg = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrJSONBadOneOrAllArg) // ErrJSONVacuousPath is returned for path expressions that are not allowed in that context. ErrJSONVacuousPath = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStd(mysql.ErrJSONVacuousPath) )
var ( // ExplainFormatBrief is the same as ExplainFormatRow, but it ignores explain ID suffix. ExplainFormatBrief = "brief" // ExplainFormatDOT indicates that using DotGraph to explain. ExplainFormatDOT = "dot" // ExplainFormatHint is to show hint information. ExplainFormatHint = "hint" // ExplainFormatJSON displays the information in JSON format. ExplainFormatJSON = "json" // ExplainFormatROW presents the output in tabular format. ExplainFormatROW = "row" // ExplainFormatVerbose display additional information regarding the plan. ExplainFormatVerbose = "verbose" // ExplainFormatTraditional is the same as ExplainFormatROW. ExplainFormatTraditional = "traditional" // ExplainFormatTrueCardCost indicates the optimizer to use true cardinality to calculate the cost. ExplainFormatTrueCardCost = "true_card_cost" // ExplainFormatBinary prints the proto for binary plan. ExplainFormatBinary = "binary" // ExplainFormatTiDBJSON warp the default result in JSON format ExplainFormatTiDBJSON = "tidb_json" // ExplainFormatCostTrace prints the cost and cost formula of each operator. ExplainFormatCostTrace = "cost_trace" // ExplainFormatPlanCache prints the reason why can't use non-prepared plan cache by warning ExplainFormatPlanCache = "plan_cache" // ExplainFormats stores the valid formats for explain statement, used by validator. ExplainFormats = []string{ ExplainFormatBrief, ExplainFormatDOT, ExplainFormatHint, ExplainFormatJSON, ExplainFormatROW, ExplainFormatVerbose, ExplainFormatTraditional, ExplainFormatTrueCardCost, ExplainFormatBinary, ExplainFormatTiDBJSON, ExplainFormatCostTrace, ExplainFormatPlanCache, } )
var ( // ErrInvalidJSONText means invalid JSON text. ErrInvalidJSONText = dbterror.ClassJSON.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidJSONText) // ErrInvalidJSONType means invalid JSON type. ErrInvalidJSONType = dbterror.ClassJSON.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidJSONType) // ErrInvalidJSONTextInParam means invalid JSON text in arguments. ErrInvalidJSONTextInParam = dbterror.ClassJSON.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidJSONTextInParam) // ErrInvalidJSONPath means invalid JSON path. ErrInvalidJSONPath = dbterror.ClassJSON.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidJSONPath) // ErrInvalidJSONCharset means invalid JSON charset. ErrInvalidJSONCharset = dbterror.ClassJSON.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidJSONCharset) // ErrInvalidJSONData means invalid JSON data. ErrInvalidJSONData = dbterror.ClassJSON.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidJSONData) // ErrInvalidJSONPathMultipleSelection means invalid JSON path that contain wildcard characters or range selection. ErrInvalidJSONPathMultipleSelection = dbterror.ClassJSON.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidJSONPathMultipleSelection) // ErrInvalidJSONContainsPathType means invalid JSON contains path type. ErrInvalidJSONContainsPathType = dbterror.ClassJSON.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidJSONContainsPathType) // ErrJSONDocumentNULLKey means that json's key is null ErrJSONDocumentNULLKey = dbterror.ClassJSON.NewStd(mysql.ErrJSONDocumentNULLKey) // ErrJSONDocumentTooDeep means that json's depth is too deep. ErrJSONDocumentTooDeep = dbterror.ClassJSON.NewStd(mysql.ErrJSONDocumentTooDeep) // ErrJSONObjectKeyTooLong means JSON object with key length >= 65536 which is not yet supported. ErrJSONObjectKeyTooLong = dbterror.ClassTypes.NewStdErr(mysql.ErrJSONObjectKeyTooLong, mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrJSONObjectKeyTooLong]) // ErrInvalidJSONPathArrayCell means invalid JSON path for an array cell. ErrInvalidJSONPathArrayCell = dbterror.ClassJSON.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidJSONPathArrayCell) // ErrUnsupportedSecondArgumentType means unsupported second argument type in json_objectagg ErrUnsupportedSecondArgumentType = dbterror.ClassJSON.NewStd(mysql.ErrUnsupportedSecondArgumentType) )
var ( // ZeroDuration is the zero value for Duration type. ZeroDuration = Duration{Duration: gotime.Duration(0), Fsp: DefaultFsp} // ZeroCoreTime is the zero value for Time type. ZeroTime = Time{} // ZeroDatetime is the zero value for datetime Time. ZeroDatetime = NewTime(ZeroCoreTime, mysql.TypeDatetime, DefaultFsp) // ZeroTimestamp is the zero value for timestamp Time. ZeroTimestamp = NewTime(ZeroCoreTime, mysql.TypeTimestamp, DefaultFsp) // ZeroDate is the zero value for date Time. ZeroDate = NewTime(ZeroCoreTime, mysql.TypeDate, DefaultFsp) )
Zero values for different types.
var ( // MinDatetime is the minimum for Golang Time type. MinDatetime = FromDate(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) // MaxDatetime is the maximum for mysql datetime type. MaxDatetime = FromDate(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999) // BoundTimezone is the timezone for min and max timestamp. BoundTimezone = gotime.UTC // MinTimestamp is the minimum for mysql timestamp type. MinTimestamp = NewTime(FromDate(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0), mysql.TypeTimestamp, DefaultFsp) // MaxTimestamp is the maximum for mysql timestamp type. MaxTimestamp = NewTime(FromDate(2038, 1, 19, 3, 14, 7, 999999), mysql.TypeTimestamp, DefaultFsp) // WeekdayNames lists names of weekdays, which are used in builtin time function `dayname`. WeekdayNames = []string{ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday", } // MonthNames lists names of months, which are used in builtin time function `monthname`. MonthNames = []string{ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", } )
var DefaultStmtNoWarningContext = NewContext(DefaultStmtFlags, time.UTC, contextutil.IgnoreWarn)
DefaultStmtNoWarningContext is the context with default statement flags without any other special configuration
var EmptyName = &FieldName{Hidden: true}
EmptyName is to occupy the position in the name slice. If it's set, that column's name is hidden.
var Hash64ForDatum func(h base.Hasher, d *Datum)
Hash64ForDatum is a hash function for initialized by codec package.
var IsTypeBlob = ast.IsTypeBlob
IsTypeBlob returns a boolean indicating whether the tp is a blob type.
var IsTypeChar = ast.IsTypeChar
IsTypeChar returns a boolean indicating whether the tp is the char type like a string type or a varchar type.
var IsTypeVector = ast.IsTypeVector
IsTypeVector returns whether tp is a vector type.
var StrictContext = NewContext(StrictFlags, time.UTC, contextutil.IgnoreWarn)
StrictContext is the most strict context which returns every error it meets
this context should never append warnings However, the implementation of `types` may still append some warnings. TODO: remove them in the future.
var TypeStr = ast.TypeStr
TypeStr converts tp to a string.
var TypeToStr = ast.TypeToStr
TypeToStr converts a field to a string. It is used for converting Text to Blob, or converting Char to Binary. Args:
tp: type enum cs: charset
var ZeroBinaryLiteral = BinaryLiteral{}
ZeroBinaryLiteral is a BinaryLiteral literal with zero value.
var ZeroCoreTime = CoreTime(0)
ZeroCoreTime is the zero value for TimeInternal type.
var ZeroVectorFloat32 = InitVectorFloat32(0)
ZeroVectorFloat32 is a zero value of VectorFloat32.
Functions ¶
func AddDate ¶
AddDate fix gap between mysql and golang api When we execute select date_add('2018-01-31',interval 1 month) in mysql we got 2018-02-28 but in tidb we got 2018-03-03. Dig it and we found it's caused by golang api time.Date(year int, month Month, day, hour, min, sec, nsec int, loc *Location) Time , it says October 32 converts to November 1 ,it conflicts with mysql. See
func AddDuration ¶
AddDuration adds time.Duration a and b if no overflow, otherwise returns error.
func AddInteger ¶
AddInteger adds uint64 a and int64 b and returns uint64 if no overflow error.
func AdjustYear ¶
AdjustYear is used for adjusting year and checking its validation.
func CheckModifyTypeCompatible ¶
CheckModifyTypeCompatible checks whether changes column type to another is compatible and can be changed. If types are compatible and can be directly changed, nil err will be returned; otherwise the types are incompatible. There are two cases when types incompatible: 1. returned canReorg == true: types can be changed by reorg 2. returned canReorg == false: type change not supported yet
func CheckVectorDimValid ¶
CheckVectorDimValid checks if the vector's dimension is valid.
func CompareBinaryJSON ¶
func CompareBinaryJSON(left, right BinaryJSON) int
CompareBinaryJSON compares two binary json objects. Returns -1 if left < right, 0 if left == right, else returns 1.
func CompareInt ¶
CompareInt return an integer comparing the integer x to y with signed or unsigned.
func CompareString ¶
CompareString returns an integer comparing the string x to y with the specified collation and length.
func ContainsBinaryJSON ¶
func ContainsBinaryJSON(obj, target BinaryJSON) bool
ContainsBinaryJSON check whether JSON document contains specific target according the following rules: 1) object contains a target object if and only if every key is contained in source object and the value associated with the target key is contained in the value associated with the source key; 2) array contains a target nonarray if and only if the target is contained in some element of the array; 3) array contains a target array if and only if every element is contained in some element of the array; 4) scalar contains a target scalar if and only if they are comparable and are equal;
func ConvertBetweenCharAndVarchar ¶
ConvertBetweenCharAndVarchar is that Column type conversion between varchar to char need reorganization because 1. varchar -> char: char type is stored with the padding removed. All the indexes need to be rewritten. 2. char -> varchar: the index value encoding of secondary index on clustered primary key tables is different. These secondary indexes need to be rewritten.
func ConvertDecimalToUint ¶
ConvertDecimalToUint converts a decimal to a uint by converting it to a string first to avoid float overflow (#10181).
func ConvertFloatToInt ¶
ConvertFloatToInt converts a float64 value to a int value. `tp` is used in err msg, if there is overflow, this func will report err according to `tp`
func ConvertFloatToUint ¶
ConvertFloatToUint converts a float value to an uint value.
func ConvertIntToInt ¶
ConvertIntToInt converts an int value to another int value of different precision.
func ConvertIntToUint ¶
ConvertIntToUint converts an int value to an uint value.
func ConvertJSONToFloat ¶
func ConvertJSONToFloat(ctx Context, j BinaryJSON) (float64, error)
ConvertJSONToFloat casts JSON into float64.
func ConvertJSONToInt ¶
ConvertJSONToInt casts JSON into int by type.
func ConvertJSONToInt64 ¶
func ConvertJSONToInt64(ctx Context, j BinaryJSON, unsigned bool) (int64, error)
ConvertJSONToInt64 casts JSON into int64.
func ConvertUintToInt ¶
ConvertUintToInt converts an uint value to an int value.
func ConvertUintToUint ¶
ConvertUintToUint converts an uint value to another uint value of different precision.
func DateTimeIsOverflow ¶
DateTimeIsOverflow returns if this date is overflow. See:
func DatumsContainNull ¶
DatumsContainNull return true if any value is null
func DatumsToStrNoErr ¶
DatumsToStrNoErr converts some datums to a formatted string. If an error occurs, it will print a log instead of returning an error.
func DatumsToString ¶
DatumsToString converts several datums to formatted string.
func DecimalAdd ¶
DecimalAdd adds two decimals, sets the result to 'to'. Note: DO NOT use `from1` or `from2` as `to` since the metadata of `to` may be changed during evaluating.
func DecimalBinSize ¶
DecimalBinSize returns the size of array to hold a binary representation of a decimal.
func DecimalDiv ¶
DecimalDiv does division of two decimals.
from1 - dividend from2 - divisor to - quotient fracIncr - increment of fraction
func DecimalLength2Precision ¶
DecimalLength2Precision gets the precision.
func DecimalMod ¶
DecimalMod does modulus of two decimals.
from1 - dividend from2 - divisor to - modulus RETURN VALUE E_DEC_OK/E_DEC_TRUNCATED/E_DEC_OVERFLOW/E_DEC_DIV_ZERO; NOTES see do_div_mod() DESCRIPTION the modulus R in R = M mod N is defined as 0 <= |R| < |M| sign R == sign M R = M - k*N, where k is integer thus, there's no requirement for M or N to be integers
func DecimalMul ¶
DecimalMul multiplies two decimals.
from1, from2 - factors to - product RETURN VALUE E_DEC_OK/E_DEC_TRUNCATED/E_DEC_OVERFLOW; NOTES in this implementation, with wordSize=4 we have digitsPerWord=9, and 63-digit number will take only 7 words (basically a 7-digit "base 999999999" number). Thus there's no need in fast multiplication algorithms, 7-digit numbers can be multiplied with a naive O(n*n) method. XXX if this library is to be used with huge numbers of thousands of digits, fast multiplication must be implemented.
func DecimalPeak ¶
DecimalPeak returns the length of the encoded decimal.
func DecimalSub ¶
DecimalSub subs one decimal from another, sets the result to 'to'.
func DefaultCharsetForType ¶
DefaultCharsetForType returns the default charset/collation for mysql type.
func DefaultTypeForValue ¶
DefaultTypeForValue returns the default FieldType for the value.
func DivInt64 ¶
DivInt64 divides int64 a with b, returns int64 if no overflow error. It just checks overflow, if b is zero, a "divide by zero" panic throws.
func DivIntWithUint ¶
DivIntWithUint divides int64 a with uint64 b, returns uint64 if no overflow error. It just checks overflow, if b is zero, a "divide by zero" panic throws.
func DivUintWithInt ¶
DivUintWithInt divides uint64 a with int64 b, returns uint64 if no overflow error. It just checks overflow, if b is zero, a "divide by zero" panic throws.
func EstimatedMemUsage ¶
EstimatedMemUsage returns the estimated bytes consumed of a one-dimensional or two-dimensional datum array.
func ExtractDatetimeNum ¶
ExtractDatetimeNum extracts time value number from datetime unit and format.
func ExtractDurationNum ¶
ExtractDurationNum extracts duration value number from duration unit and format.
func FormatIntWidthN ¶
FormatIntWidthN uses to format int with width. Insufficient digits are filled by 0.
func GetFormatType ¶
GetFormatType checks the type(Duration, Date or Datetime) of a format string.
func GetFracIndex ¶
GetFracIndex finds the last '.' for get fracStr, index = -1 means fracStr not found. but for format like '2019.01.01 00:00:00', the index should be -1.
It will not be affected by the time zone suffix. For format like '2020-01-01 12:00:00.123456+05:00' and `2020-01-01 12:00:00.123456-05:00`, the index should be 19. related issue and
func GetMaxFloat ¶
GetMaxFloat gets the max float for given flen and decimal.
func GetTimezone ¶
GetTimezone parses the trailing timezone information of a given time string literal. If idx = -1 is returned, it means timezone information not found, otherwise it indicates the index of the starting index of the timezone information. If the timezone contains sign, hour part and/or minute part, it will be returned as is, otherwise an empty string will be returned.
Supported syntax:
MySQL compatible: ((?P<tz_sign>[-+])(?P<tz_hour>[0-9]{2}):(?P<tz_minute>[0-9]{2})){0,1}$, see and the first link specified that timezone information should be in "[H]H:MM, prefixed with a + or -" while the second link specified that for string literal, "hour values less than than 10, a leading zero is required.". ISO-8601: Z|((((?P<tz_sign>[-+])(?P<tz_hour>[0-9]{2})(:(?P<tz_minute>[0-9]{2}){0,1}){0,1})|((?P<tz_minute>[0-9]{2}){0,1}){0,1}))$ see
func InferParamTypeFromDatum ¶
InferParamTypeFromDatum is used for plan cache to infer the type of a parameter from its datum.
func InferParamTypeFromUnderlyingValue ¶
InferParamTypeFromUnderlyingValue is used for plan cache to infer the type of a parameter from its underlying value.
func IntegerSignedLowerBound ¶
IntegerSignedLowerBound indicates the min int64 values of different mysql types.
func IntegerSignedUpperBound ¶
IntegerSignedUpperBound indicates the max int64 values of different mysql types.
func IntegerUnsignedUpperBound ¶
IntegerUnsignedUpperBound indicates the max uint64 values of different mysql types.
func IsBinaryStr ¶
IsBinaryStr returns a boolean indicating whether the field type is a binary string type.
func IsClockUnit ¶
IsClockUnit returns true when unit is interval unit with hour, minute, second or microsecond.
func IsDateFormat ¶
IsDateFormat returns true when the specified time format could contain only date.
func IsDateUnit ¶
IsDateUnit returns true when unit is interval unit with year, quarter, month, week or day.
func IsMicrosecondUnit ¶
IsMicrosecondUnit returns true when unit is interval unit with microsecond.
func IsNonBinaryStr ¶
IsNonBinaryStr returns a boolean indicating whether the field type is a non-binary string type.
func IsStringKind ¶
IsStringKind returns a boolean indicating whether the tp is a string type.
func IsTemporalWithDate ¶
IsTemporalWithDate returns a boolean indicating whether the tp is time type with date.
func IsTypeFloat ¶
IsTypeFloat indicates whether the type is TypeFloat
func IsTypeFractionable ¶
IsTypeFractionable returns a boolean indicating whether the tp can has time fraction.
func IsTypeInteger ¶
IsTypeInteger returns a boolean indicating whether the tp is integer type.
func IsTypeNumeric ¶
IsTypeNumeric returns a boolean indicating whether the tp is numeric type.
func IsTypePrefixable ¶
IsTypePrefixable returns a boolean indicating whether an index on a column with the tp can be defined with a prefix.
func IsTypeTemporal ¶
IsTypeTemporal checks if a type is a temporal type.
func IsTypeTime ¶
IsTypeTime returns a boolean indicating whether the tp is time type like datetime, date or timestamp.
func IsTypeUnspecified ¶
IsTypeUnspecified returns a boolean indicating whether the tp is the Unspecified type.
func IsTypeVarchar ¶
IsTypeVarchar returns a boolean indicating whether the tp is the varchar type like a varstring type or a varchar type.
func IsVarcharTooBigFieldLength ¶
IsVarcharTooBigFieldLength check if the varchar type column exceeds the maximum length limit.
func MulInteger ¶
MulInteger multiplies uint64 a and int64 b, and returns uint64 if no overflow error.
func NeedRestoredData ¶
NeedRestoredData returns if a type needs restored data. If the type is char and the collation is _bin, NeedRestoredData() returns false.
func OverlapsBinaryJSON ¶
func OverlapsBinaryJSON(obj, target BinaryJSON) bool
OverlapsBinaryJSON is similar with ContainsBinaryJSON, but it checks the `OR` relationship.
func ParseDateFormat ¶
ParseDateFormat parses a formatted date string and returns separated components.
func ParseDurationValue ¶
func ParseDurationValue(unit string, format string) (y int64, m int64, d int64, n int64, fsp int, _ error)
ParseDurationValue parses time value from time unit and format. Returns y years m months d days + n nanoseconds Nanoseconds will no longer than one day.
func ParseFrac ¶
ParseFrac parses the input string according to fsp, returns the microsecond, and also a bool value to indice overflow. eg: "999" fsp=2 will overflow.
func PeekBytesAsJSON ¶
PeekBytesAsJSON trys to peek some bytes from b, until we can deserialize a JSON from those bytes.
func PeekBytesAsVectorFloat32 ¶
PeekBytesAsVectorFloat32 trys to peek some bytes from b, until we can deserialize a VectorFloat32 from those bytes.
func Precision2LengthNoTruncation ¶
Precision2LengthNoTruncation gets the length.
func ProduceFloatWithSpecifiedTp ¶
ProduceFloatWithSpecifiedTp produces a new float64 according to `flen` and `decimal`.
func ProduceStrWithSpecifiedTp ¶
func ProduceStrWithSpecifiedTp(s string, tp *FieldType, ctx Context, padZero bool) (_ string, err error)
ProduceStrWithSpecifiedTp produces a new string according to `flen` and `chs`. Param `padZero` indicates whether we should pad `\0` for `binary(flen)` type.
func Round ¶
Round rounds the argument f to dec decimal places. dec defaults to 0 if not specified. dec can be negative to cause dec digits left of the decimal point of the value f to become zero.
func RoundFloat ¶
RoundFloat rounds float val to the nearest even integer value with float64 format, like MySQL Round function. RoundFloat uses default rounding mode, see so rounding use "round to nearest even". e.g, 1.5 -> 2, -1.5 -> -2.
func RoundFrac ¶
RoundFrac rounds fractional seconds precision with new fsp and returns a new one. We will use the “round half up” rule, e.g, >= 0.5 -> 1, < 0.5 -> 0, so 2011:11:11 10:10:10.888888 round 0 -> 2011:11:11 10:10:11 and 2011:11:11 10:10:10.111111 round 0 -> 2011:11:11 10:10:10
func SetBinChsClnFlag ¶
func SetBinChsClnFlag(ft *FieldType)
SetBinChsClnFlag sets charset, collation as 'binary' and adds binaryFlag to FieldType.
func SetTypeFlag ¶
SetTypeFlag turns the flagItem on or off.
func SortDatums ¶
SortDatums sorts a slice of datum.
func StrToDuration ¶
func StrToDuration(ctx Context, str string, fsp int) (d Duration, t Time, isDuration bool, err error)
StrToDuration converts str to Duration. It returns Duration in normal case, and returns Time when str is in datetime format. when isDuration is true, the d is returned, when it is false, the t is returned. See
func StrToFloat ¶
StrToFloat converts a string to a float64 at the best-effort.
func SubDuration ¶
SubDuration subtracts time.Duration a with b and returns time.Duration if no overflow error.
func SubIntWithUint ¶
SubIntWithUint subtracts int64 a with uint64 b and returns uint64 if no overflow error.
func SubUintWithInt ¶
SubUintWithInt subtracts uint64 a with int64 b and returns uint64 if no overflow error.
func TimestampDiff ¶
TimestampDiff returns t2 - t1 where t1 and t2 are date or datetime expressions. The unit for the result (an integer) is given by the unit argument. The legal values for unit are "YEAR" "QUARTER" "MONTH" "DAY" "HOUR" "SECOND" and so on.
func Truncate ¶
Truncate truncates the argument f to dec decimal places. dec defaults to 0 if not specified. dec can be negative to cause dec digits left of the decimal point of the value f to become zero.
func TruncateFloat ¶
TruncateFloat tries to truncate f. If the result exceeds the max/min float that flen/decimal allowed, returns the max/min float allowed.
func TruncateFloatToString ¶
TruncateFloatToString is used to truncate float to string where dec is the number of digits after the decimal point.
func TruncateFrac ¶
TruncateFrac truncates fractional seconds precision with new fsp and returns a new one. 2011:11:11 10:10:10.888888 round 0 -> 2011:11:11 10:10:10 2011:11:11 10:10:10.111111 round 0 -> 2011:11:11 10:10:10
func TruncateOverflowMySQLTime ¶
TruncateOverflowMySQLTime truncates d when it overflows, and returns ErrTruncatedWrongVal.
func TryToFixFlenOfDatetime ¶
func TryToFixFlenOfDatetime(resultTp *FieldType)
TryToFixFlenOfDatetime try to fix flen of Datetime for specific func or other field merge cases
func UnquoteString ¶
UnquoteString remove quotes in a string, including the quotes at the head and tail of string.
func VecCompareII ¶
func VecCompareII(x, y, res []int64)
VecCompareII returns []int64 comparing the []int64 x to []int64 y
func VecCompareIU ¶
VecCompareIU returns []int64 comparing the []int64 x to []uint64y
func VecCompareUI ¶
VecCompareUI returns []int64 comparing the []uint64 x to []int64y
func VecCompareUU ¶
VecCompareUU returns []int64 comparing the []uint64 x to []uint64 y
Types ¶
type BinaryJSON ¶
type BinaryJSON struct { TypeCode JSONTypeCode Value []byte }
BinaryJSON represents a binary encoded JSON object. It can be randomly accessed without deserialization.
func CreateBinaryJSON ¶
func CreateBinaryJSON(in any) BinaryJSON
CreateBinaryJSON creates a BinaryJSON from interface.
func CreateBinaryJSONWithCheck ¶
func CreateBinaryJSONWithCheck(in any) (BinaryJSON, error)
CreateBinaryJSONWithCheck creates a BinaryJSON from interface with error check.
func MergeBinaryJSON ¶
func MergeBinaryJSON(bjs []BinaryJSON) BinaryJSON
MergeBinaryJSON merges multiple BinaryJSON into one according the following rules: 1) adjacent arrays are merged to a single array; 2) adjacent object are merged to a single object; 3) a scalar value is autowrapped as an array before merge; 4) an adjacent array and object are merged by autowrapping the object as an array.
func MergePatchBinaryJSON ¶
func MergePatchBinaryJSON(bjs []*BinaryJSON) (*BinaryJSON, error)
MergePatchBinaryJSON implements RFC7396
func ParseBinaryJSONFromString ¶
func ParseBinaryJSONFromString(s string) (bj BinaryJSON, err error)
ParseBinaryJSONFromString parses a json from string.
func (BinaryJSON) ArrayGetElem ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) ArrayGetElem(idx int) BinaryJSON
ArrayGetElem gets the element of the index `idx`.
func (BinaryJSON) ArrayInsert ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) ArrayInsert(pathExpr JSONPathExpression, value BinaryJSON) (res BinaryJSON, err error)
ArrayInsert insert a BinaryJSON into the given array cell. All path expressions cannot contain * or ** wildcard. If any error occurs, the input won't be changed.
func (BinaryJSON) Extract ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) Extract(pathExprList []JSONPathExpression) (ret BinaryJSON, found bool)
Extract receives several path expressions as arguments, matches them in bj, and returns:
ret: target JSON matched any path expressions. maybe autowrapped as an array. found: true if any path expressions matched.
func (BinaryJSON) GetDuration ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) GetDuration() Duration
GetDuration gets the duration value
func (BinaryJSON) GetElemCount ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) GetElemCount() int
GetElemCount gets the count of Object or Array.
func (BinaryJSON) GetElemDepth ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) GetElemDepth() int
GetElemDepth for JSON_DEPTH Returns the maximum depth of a JSON document rules referenced by MySQL JSON_DEPTH function [] 1) An empty array, empty object, or scalar value has depth 1. 2) A nonempty array containing only elements of depth 1 or nonempty object containing only member values of depth 1 has depth 2. 3) Otherwise, a JSON document has depth greater than 2. e.g. depth of '{}', '[]', 'true': 1 e.g. depth of '[10, 20]', '[[], {}]': 2 e.g. depth of '[10, {"a": 20}]': 3
func (BinaryJSON) GetFloat64 ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) GetFloat64() float64
GetFloat64 gets the float64 value.
func (BinaryJSON) GetKeys ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) GetKeys() BinaryJSON
GetKeys gets the keys of the object
func (BinaryJSON) GetOpaque ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) GetOpaque() Opaque
GetOpaque gets the opaque value
func (BinaryJSON) GetOpaqueFieldType ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) GetOpaqueFieldType() byte
GetOpaqueFieldType returns the type of opaque value
func (BinaryJSON) GetString ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) GetString() []byte
GetString gets the string value.
func (BinaryJSON) GetTime
func (bj BinaryJSON) GetTime() Time
GetTime gets the time value with default fsp
Deprecated: use GetTimeWithFsp instead. The `BinaryJSON` doesn't contain the fsp information, so the caller should always provide the fsp.
func (BinaryJSON) GetTimeWithFsp ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) GetTimeWithFsp(fsp int) Time
GetTimeWithFsp gets the time value with given fsp
func (BinaryJSON) GetUint64 ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) GetUint64() uint64
GetUint64 gets the uint64 value.
func (BinaryJSON) GetValue ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) GetValue() any
GetValue return the primitive value of the JSON.
func (BinaryJSON) HashValue ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) HashValue(buf []byte) []byte
HashValue converts certain JSON values for aggregate comparisons. For example int64(3) == float64(3.0) Other than the numeric condition, this function has to construct a bidirectional map between hash value and the original representation
func (BinaryJSON) IsZero ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) IsZero() bool
IsZero return a boolean indicate whether BinaryJSON is Zero
func (BinaryJSON) MarshalJSON ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.
func (BinaryJSON) Modify ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) Modify(pathExprList []JSONPathExpression, values []BinaryJSON, mt JSONModifyType) (retj BinaryJSON, err error)
Modify modifies a JSON object by insert, replace or set. All path expressions cannot contain * or ** wildcard. If any error occurs, the input won't be changed.
func (BinaryJSON) Remove ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) Remove(pathExprList []JSONPathExpression) (BinaryJSON, error)
Remove removes the elements indicated by pathExprList from JSON.
func (BinaryJSON) Search ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) Search(containType string, search string, escape byte, pathExpres []JSONPathExpression) (res BinaryJSON, isNull bool, err error)
Search for JSON_Search rules referenced by MySQL JSON_SEARCH function []
func (BinaryJSON) String ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) String() string
String implements fmt.Stringer interface.
func (BinaryJSON) Type ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) Type() string
Type returns type of BinaryJSON as string.
func (*BinaryJSON) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (bj *BinaryJSON) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.
func (BinaryJSON) Unquote ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) Unquote() (string, error)
Unquote is for JSON_UNQUOTE.
func (BinaryJSON) Walk ¶
func (bj BinaryJSON) Walk(walkFn BinaryJSONWalkFunc, pathExprList ...JSONPathExpression) (err error)
Walk traverse BinaryJSON objects
type BinaryJSONWalkFunc ¶
type BinaryJSONWalkFunc func(fullpath JSONPathExpression, bj BinaryJSON) (stop bool, err error)
BinaryJSONWalkFunc is used as callback function for BinaryJSON.Walk
type BinaryLiteral ¶
type BinaryLiteral []byte
BinaryLiteral is the internal type for storing bit / hex literal type.
func NewBinaryLiteralFromUint ¶
func NewBinaryLiteralFromUint(value uint64, byteSize int) BinaryLiteral
NewBinaryLiteralFromUint creates a new BinaryLiteral instance by the given uint value in BitEndian. byteSize will be used as the length of the new BinaryLiteral, with leading bytes filled to zero. If byteSize is -1, the leading zeros in new BinaryLiteral will be trimmed.
func ParseBitStr ¶
func ParseBitStr(s string) (BinaryLiteral, error)
ParseBitStr parses bit string. The string format can be b'val', B'val' or 0bval, val must be 0 or 1. See
func ParseHexStr ¶
func ParseHexStr(s string) (BinaryLiteral, error)
ParseHexStr parses hexadecimal string literal. See
func (BinaryLiteral) Compare ¶
func (b BinaryLiteral) Compare(b2 BinaryLiteral) int
Compare compares BinaryLiteral to another one
func (BinaryLiteral) String ¶
func (b BinaryLiteral) String() string
String implements fmt.Stringer interface.
func (BinaryLiteral) ToBitLiteralString ¶
func (b BinaryLiteral) ToBitLiteralString(trimLeadingZero bool) string
ToBitLiteralString returns the bit literal representation for the literal.
func (BinaryLiteral) ToInt ¶
func (b BinaryLiteral) ToInt(ctx Context) (uint64, error)
ToInt returns the int value for the literal.
func (BinaryLiteral) ToString ¶
func (b BinaryLiteral) ToString() string
ToString returns the string representation for the literal.
type BitLiteral ¶
type BitLiteral BinaryLiteral
BitLiteral is the bit literal type.
func NewBitLiteral ¶
func NewBitLiteral(s string) (BitLiteral, error)
NewBitLiteral parses bit string as BitLiteral type.
func (BitLiteral) ToString ¶
func (b BitLiteral) ToString() string
ToString implement ast.BinaryLiteral interface
type Context ¶
type Context struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Context provides the information when converting between different types.
func NewContext ¶
func NewContext(flags Flags, loc *time.Location, handler contextutil.WarnAppender) Context
NewContext creates a new `Context`
func (*Context) AppendWarning ¶
AppendWarning appends the error to warning. If the inner `warnHandler` is nil, do nothing.
func (*Context) HandleTruncate ¶
HandleTruncate ignores or returns the error based on the Context state.
type CoreTime ¶
type CoreTime uint64
CoreTime is the internal struct type for Time.
func FromDate ¶
func FromDate(year int, month int, day int, hour int, minute int, second int, microsecond int) CoreTime
FromDate makes a internal time representation from the given date.
func FromDateChecked ¶
FromDateChecked makes a internal time representation from the given date with field overflow check.
func FromGoTime ¶
FromGoTime translates time.Time to mysql time internal representation.
func (CoreTime) AdjustedGoTime ¶
AdjustedGoTime converts Time to GoTime and adjust for invalid DST times like during the DST change with increased offset, normally moving to Daylight Saving Time. see
func (CoreTime) IsLeapYear ¶
IsLeapYear returns if it's leap year.
func (CoreTime) Microsecond ¶
Microsecond returns the microsecond value.
type Datum ¶
type Datum struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Datum is a data box holds different kind of data. It has better performance and is easier to use than `interface{}`.
func ChangeReverseResultByUpperLowerBound ¶
func ChangeReverseResultByUpperLowerBound( ctx Context, retType *FieldType, res Datum, rType RoundingType) (Datum, error)
ChangeReverseResultByUpperLowerBound is for expression's reverse evaluation. Here is an example for what's effort for the function: CastRealAsInt(t.a),
if the type of column `t.a` is mysql.TypeDouble, and there is a row that t.a == MaxFloat64 then the cast function will arrive a result MaxInt64. But when we do the reverse evaluation, if the result is MaxInt64, and the rounding type is ceiling. Then we should get the MaxFloat64 instead of float64(MaxInt64).
Another example: cast(1.1 as signed) = 1,
when we get the answer 1, we can only reversely evaluate 1.0 as the column value. So in this case, we should judge whether the rounding type are ceiling. If it is, then we should plus one for 1.0 and get the reverse result 2.0.
func ComputePlus ¶
ComputePlus computes the result of a+b.
func GetMaxValue ¶
GetMaxValue returns the max value datum for each type.
func GetMinValue ¶
GetMinValue returns the min value datum for each type.
func MakeDatums ¶
MakeDatums creates datum slice from interfaces.
func MinNotNullDatum ¶
func MinNotNullDatum() Datum
MinNotNullDatum returns a datum represents minimum not null value.
func NewBinaryLiteralDatum ¶
func NewBinaryLiteralDatum(b BinaryLiteral) (d Datum)
NewBinaryLiteralDatum creates a new BinaryLiteral Datum for a BinaryLiteral value.
func NewBytesDatum ¶
NewBytesDatum creates a new Datum from a byte slice.
func NewCollateMysqlEnumDatum ¶
NewCollateMysqlEnumDatum create a new MysqlEnum Datum for a Enum value with collation information.
func NewCollationStringDatum ¶
NewCollationStringDatum creates a new Datum from a string with collation.
func NewDecimalDatum ¶
NewDecimalDatum creates a new Datum from a MyDecimal value.
func NewDurationDatum ¶
NewDurationDatum creates a new Datum from a Duration value.
func NewFloat32Datum ¶
NewFloat32Datum creates a new Datum from a float32 value.
func NewFloat64Datum ¶
NewFloat64Datum creates a new Datum from a float64 value.
func NewIntDatum ¶
NewIntDatum creates a new Datum from an int64 value.
func NewJSONDatum ¶
func NewJSONDatum(j BinaryJSON) (d Datum)
NewJSONDatum creates a new Datum from a BinaryJSON value
func NewMysqlBitDatum ¶
func NewMysqlBitDatum(b BinaryLiteral) (d Datum)
NewMysqlBitDatum creates a new MysqlBit Datum for a BinaryLiteral value.
func NewMysqlEnumDatum ¶
NewMysqlEnumDatum creates a new MysqlEnum Datum for a Enum value.
func NewMysqlSetDatum ¶
NewMysqlSetDatum creates a new MysqlSet Datum for a Enum value.
func NewStringDatum ¶
NewStringDatum creates a new Datum from a string.
func NewTimeDatum ¶
NewTimeDatum creates a new Time from a Time value.
func NewUintDatum ¶
NewUintDatum creates a new Datum from an uint64 value.
func NewVectorFloat32Datum ¶
func NewVectorFloat32Datum(v VectorFloat32) (d Datum)
NewVectorFloat32Datum creates a new Datum from a VectorFloat32 value
func (*Datum) Compare ¶
Compare compares datum to another datum. Notes: don't rely on datum.collation to get the collator, it's tend to buggy.
func (*Datum) ConvertTo ¶
ConvertTo converts a datum to the target field type. change this method need sync modification to type2Kind in rowcodec/types.go
func (*Datum) ConvertToMysqlYear ¶
ConvertToMysqlYear converts a datum to MySQLYear.
func (Datum) EstimatedMemUsage ¶
EstimatedMemUsage returns the estimated bytes consumed of a Datum.
func (*Datum) GetBinaryLiteral ¶
func (d *Datum) GetBinaryLiteral() BinaryLiteral
GetBinaryLiteral gets Bit value
func (*Datum) GetBinaryLiteral4Cmp ¶
func (d *Datum) GetBinaryLiteral4Cmp() BinaryLiteral
GetBinaryLiteral4Cmp gets Bit value, and remove it's prefix 0 for comparison.
func (*Datum) GetBinaryStringDecoded ¶
GetBinaryStringDecoded gets the string value decoded with given charset.
func (*Datum) GetBinaryStringEncoded ¶
GetBinaryStringEncoded gets the string value encoded with given charset.
func (*Datum) GetMysqlBit ¶
func (d *Datum) GetMysqlBit() BinaryLiteral
GetMysqlBit gets MysqlBit value
func (*Datum) GetMysqlDecimal ¶
GetMysqlDecimal gets decimal value
func (*Datum) GetMysqlDuration ¶
GetMysqlDuration gets Duration value
func (*Datum) GetMysqlJSON ¶
func (d *Datum) GetMysqlJSON() BinaryJSON
GetMysqlJSON gets json.BinaryJSON value
func (*Datum) GetStringWithCheck ¶
GetStringWithCheck gets the string and checks if it is valid in a given charset.
func (*Datum) GetVectorFloat32 ¶
func (d *Datum) GetVectorFloat32() VectorFloat32
GetVectorFloat32 gets VectorFloat32 value
func (*Datum) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements Marshaler.MarshalJSON interface.
func (*Datum) SetAutoID ¶
SetAutoID set the auto increment ID according to its int flag. Don't use it directly, useless wrapped with setDatumAutoIDAndCast.
func (*Datum) SetBinaryLiteral ¶
func (d *Datum) SetBinaryLiteral(b BinaryLiteral)
SetBinaryLiteral sets Bit value
func (*Datum) SetBytesAsString ¶
SetBytesAsString sets bytes value to datum as string type.
func (*Datum) SetCollation ¶
SetCollation sets the collation of the datum.
func (*Datum) SetFloat32FromF64 ¶
SetFloat32FromF64 sets float32 values from f64
func (*Datum) SetInterface ¶
SetInterface sets interface to datum.
func (*Datum) SetMinNotNull ¶
func (d *Datum) SetMinNotNull()
SetMinNotNull sets datum to minNotNull value.
func (*Datum) SetMysqlBit ¶
func (d *Datum) SetMysqlBit(b BinaryLiteral)
SetMysqlBit sets MysqlBit value
func (*Datum) SetMysqlDecimal ¶
SetMysqlDecimal sets decimal value
func (*Datum) SetMysqlDuration ¶
SetMysqlDuration sets Duration value
func (*Datum) SetMysqlEnum ¶
SetMysqlEnum sets Enum value
func (*Datum) SetMysqlJSON ¶
func (d *Datum) SetMysqlJSON(b BinaryJSON)
SetMysqlJSON sets json.BinaryJSON value
func (*Datum) SetMysqlSet ¶
SetMysqlSet sets Set value
func (*Datum) SetMysqlTime ¶
SetMysqlTime sets types.Time value
func (*Datum) SetValueWithDefaultCollation ¶
SetValueWithDefaultCollation sets any kind of value.
func (*Datum) SetVectorFloat32 ¶
func (d *Datum) SetVectorFloat32(vec VectorFloat32)
SetVectorFloat32 sets VectorFloat32 value
func (Datum) String ¶
String returns a human-readable description of Datum. It is intended only for debugging.
func (*Datum) ToHashKey ¶
ToHashKey gets the bytes representation of the datum considering collation.
func (*Datum) ToMysqlJSON ¶
func (d *Datum) ToMysqlJSON() (j BinaryJSON, err error)
ToMysqlJSON is similar to convertToMysqlJSON, except the latter parses from string, but the former uses it as primitive.
func (*Datum) TruncatedStringify ¶
TruncatedStringify returns the %v representation of the datum but truncated (for example, for strings, only first 64 bytes is printed). This function is useful in contexts like EXPLAIN.
func (*Datum) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements Unmarshaler.UnmarshalJSON interface.
type Duration ¶
type Duration struct { gotime.Duration // Fsp is short for Fractional Seconds Precision. // See Fsp int }
Duration is the type for MySQL TIME type.
func ExtractDurationValue ¶
ExtractDurationValue extract the value from format to Duration.
func MaxMySQLDuration ¶
MaxMySQLDuration returns Duration with maximum mysql time.
func NewDuration ¶
NewDuration construct duration with time.
func NumberToDuration ¶
NumberToDuration converts number to Duration.
func ParseDuration ¶
ParseDuration parses the time form a formatted string with a fractional seconds part, returns the duration type Time value and bool to indicate whether the result is null. See
func (Duration) Compare ¶
Compare returns an integer comparing the Duration instant t to o. If d is after o, returns 1, equal o, returns 0, before o, returns -1.
func (Duration) CompareString ¶
CompareString is like Compare, but parses str to Duration then compares.
func (Duration) ConvertToTime ¶
ConvertToTime converts duration to Time. Tp is TypeDatetime, TypeTimestamp and TypeDate.
func (Duration) ConvertToTimeWithTimestamp ¶
ConvertToTimeWithTimestamp converts duration to Time by system timestamp. Tp is TypeDatetime, TypeTimestamp and TypeDate.
func (Duration) ConvertToYear ¶
ConvertToYear converts duration to Year.
func (Duration) ConvertToYearFromNow ¶
ConvertToYearFromNow converts duration to Year, with the `now` specified by the argument.
func (Duration) DurationFormat ¶
DurationFormat returns a textual representation of the duration value formatted according to layout. See
func (Duration) MicroSecond ¶
MicroSecond returns current microsecond. e.g, hour("11:11:11.11") -> 110000
func (Duration) RoundFrac ¶
RoundFrac rounds fractional seconds precision with new fsp and returns a new one. We will use the “round half up” rule, e.g, >= 0.5 -> 1, < 0.5 -> 0, so 10:10:10.999999 round 0 -> 10:10:11 and 10:10:10.000000 round 0 -> 10:10:10
type Enum ¶
Enum is for MySQL enum type.
func ParseEnumName ¶
ParseEnumName creates a Enum with item name.
func ParseEnumValue ¶
ParseEnumValue creates a Enum with special number.
type EvalType ¶
EvalType indicates the specified types that arguments and result of a built-in function should be.
func AggregateEvalType ¶
AggregateEvalType aggregates arguments' EvalType of a multi-argument function.
type FieldName ¶
type FieldName struct { OrigTblName model.CIStr OrigColName model.CIStr DBName model.CIStr TblName model.CIStr ColName model.CIStr Hidden bool // NotExplicitUsable is used for mark whether a column can be explicit used in SQL. // update stmt can write `writeable` column implicitly but cannot use non-public columns explicit. // e.g. update t set a = 10 where b = 10; which `b` is in `writeOnly` state NotExplicitUsable bool Redundant bool }
FieldName records the names used for mysql protocol.
func (*FieldName) MemoryUsage ¶
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of FieldName
type FieldType ¶
FieldType records field type information.
func AggFieldType ¶
AggFieldType aggregates field types for a multi-argument function like `IF`, `IFNULL`, `COALESCE` whose return type is determined by the arguments' FieldTypes. Aggregation is performed by MergeFieldType function.
func NewFieldType ¶
NewFieldType returns a FieldType, with a type and other information about field type.
type FieldTypeBuilder ¶
type FieldTypeBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FieldTypeBuilder constructor
func NewFieldTypeBuilder ¶
func NewFieldTypeBuilder() *FieldTypeBuilder
NewFieldTypeBuilder will allocate the builder on the heap.
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) AddFlag ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) AddFlag(flag uint) *FieldTypeBuilder
AddFlag adds flag to the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) BuildP ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) BuildP() *FieldType
BuildP returns pointer of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) DelFlag ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) DelFlag(flag uint) *FieldTypeBuilder
DelFlag deletes flag of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) GetCharset ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) GetCharset() string
GetCharset returns charset of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) GetCollate ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) GetCollate() string
GetCollate returns collation of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) GetDecimal ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) GetDecimal() int
GetDecimal returns decimals of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) GetFlag ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) GetFlag() uint
GetFlag returns flag of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) GetFlen ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) GetFlen() int
GetFlen returns length of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) GetType ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) GetType() byte
GetType returns type of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) SetArray ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetArray(x bool) *FieldTypeBuilder
SetArray sets array of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) SetCharset ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetCharset(charset string) *FieldTypeBuilder
SetCharset sets charset of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) SetCollate ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetCollate(collate string) *FieldTypeBuilder
SetCollate sets collation of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) SetDecimal ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetDecimal(decimal int) *FieldTypeBuilder
SetDecimal sets decimal of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) SetElems ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetElems(elems []string) *FieldTypeBuilder
SetElems sets elements of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) SetFlag ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetFlag(flag uint) *FieldTypeBuilder
SetFlag sets flag of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) SetFlen ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetFlen(flen int) *FieldTypeBuilder
SetFlen sets length of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) SetType ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) SetType(tp byte) *FieldTypeBuilder
SetType sets type of the ft
func (*FieldTypeBuilder) ToggleFlag ¶
func (b *FieldTypeBuilder) ToggleFlag(flag uint) *FieldTypeBuilder
ToggleFlag toggles flag of the ft
type Flags ¶
type Flags uint16
Flags indicate how to handle the conversion of a value.
const ( // FlagIgnoreTruncateErr indicates to ignore the truncate error. // If this flag is set, `FlagTruncateAsWarning` will be ignored. FlagIgnoreTruncateErr Flags = 1 << iota // FlagTruncateAsWarning indicates to append the truncate error to warnings instead of returning it to user. FlagTruncateAsWarning // FlagAllowNegativeToUnsigned indicates to allow the casting from negative to unsigned int. // When this flag is not set by default, casting a negative value to unsigned results an overflow error. // Otherwise, a negative value will be cast to the corresponding unsigned value without any error. // For example, when casting -1 to an unsigned bigint with `FlagAllowNegativeToUnsigned` set, // we will get `18446744073709551615` which is the biggest unsigned value. FlagAllowNegativeToUnsigned // FlagIgnoreZeroDateErr indicates to ignore the zero-date error. // See: for details about the "zero-date" error. // If this flag is set, `FlagZeroDateAsWarning` will be ignored. // // TODO: `FlagIgnoreZeroDateErr` and `FlagZeroDateAsWarning` don't represent the comments right now, because the // errors related with `time` and `duration` are handled directly according to SQL mode in many places (expression, // ddl ...). These error handling will be refined in the future. Currently, the `FlagZeroDateAsWarning` is not used, // and the `FlagIgnoreZeroDateErr` is used to allow or disallow casting zero to date in `alter` statement. See #25728 // This flag is the reverse of `NoZeroDate` in #30507. It's set to `true` for most context, and is only set to // `false` for `alter` (and `create`) statements. FlagIgnoreZeroDateErr // FlagIgnoreZeroInDateErr indicates to ignore the zero-in-date error. // See: for details about the "zero-in-date" error. FlagIgnoreZeroInDateErr // FlagIgnoreInvalidDateErr indicates to ignore the invalid-date error. // See: for details about the "invalid-date" error. FlagIgnoreInvalidDateErr // FlagSkipASCIICheck indicates to skip the ASCII check when converting the value to an ASCII string. FlagSkipASCIICheck // FlagSkipUTF8Check indicates to skip the UTF8 check when converting the value to an UTF8MB3 string. FlagSkipUTF8Check // FlagSkipUTF8MB4Check indicates to skip the UTF8MB4 check when converting the value to an UTF8 string. FlagSkipUTF8MB4Check // FlagCastTimeToYearThroughConcat indicates to cast time to year through concatenation. For example, `00:19:59` will be converted to '1959' FlagCastTimeToYearThroughConcat )
const StrictFlags Flags = 0
StrictFlags is a flags with a fields unset and has the most strict behavior.
func (Flags) AllowNegativeToUnsigned ¶
AllowNegativeToUnsigned indicates whether the flag `FlagAllowNegativeToUnsigned` is set
func (Flags) CastTimeToYearThroughConcat ¶
CastTimeToYearThroughConcat whether `FlagCastTimeToYearThroughConcat` is set
func (Flags) IgnoreInvalidDateErr ¶
IgnoreInvalidDateErr indicates whether the flag `FlagIgnoreInvalidDateErr` is set
func (Flags) IgnoreTruncateErr ¶
IgnoreTruncateErr indicates whether the flag `FlagIgnoreTruncateErr` is set
func (Flags) IgnoreZeroDateErr ¶
IgnoreZeroDateErr indicates whether the flag `FlagIgnoreZeroDateErr` is set
func (Flags) IgnoreZeroInDate ¶
IgnoreZeroInDate indicates whether the flag `FlagIgnoreZeroInData` is set
func (Flags) SkipASCIICheck ¶
SkipASCIICheck indicates whether the flag `FlagSkipASCIICheck` is set
func (Flags) SkipUTF8Check ¶
SkipUTF8Check indicates whether the flag `FlagSkipUTF8Check` is set
func (Flags) SkipUTF8MB4Check ¶
SkipUTF8MB4Check indicates whether the flag `FlagSkipUTF8MB4Check` is set
func (Flags) TruncateAsWarning ¶
TruncateAsWarning indicates whether the flag `FlagTruncateAsWarning` is set
func (Flags) WithAllowNegativeToUnsigned ¶
WithAllowNegativeToUnsigned returns a new flags with `FlagAllowNegativeToUnsigned` set/unset according to the clip parameter
func (Flags) WithCastTimeToYearThroughConcat ¶
WithCastTimeToYearThroughConcat returns a new flags with `FlagCastTimeToYearThroughConcat` set/unset according to the flag parameter
func (Flags) WithIgnoreInvalidDateErr ¶
WithIgnoreInvalidDateErr returns a new flags with `FlagIgnoreInvalidDateErr` set/unset according to the ignore parameter
func (Flags) WithIgnoreTruncateErr ¶
WithIgnoreTruncateErr returns a new flags with `FlagIgnoreTruncateErr` set/unset according to the skip parameter
func (Flags) WithIgnoreZeroDateErr ¶
WithIgnoreZeroDateErr returns a new flags with `FlagIgnoreZeroDateErr` set/unset according to the ignore parameter
func (Flags) WithIgnoreZeroInDate ¶
WithIgnoreZeroInDate returns a new flags with `FlagIgnoreZeroInDateErr` set/unset according to the ignore parameter
func (Flags) WithSkipSACIICheck ¶
WithSkipSACIICheck returns a new flags with `FlagSkipASCIICheck` set/unset according to the skip parameter
func (Flags) WithSkipUTF8Check ¶
WithSkipUTF8Check returns a new flags with `FlagSkipUTF8Check` set/unset according to the skip parameter
func (Flags) WithSkipUTF8MB4Check ¶
WithSkipUTF8MB4Check returns a new flags with `FlagSkipUTF8MB4Check` set/unset according to the skip parameter
func (Flags) WithTruncateAsWarning ¶
WithTruncateAsWarning returns a new flags with `FlagTruncateAsWarning` set/unset according to the skip parameter
type HexLiteral ¶
type HexLiteral BinaryLiteral
HexLiteral is the hex literal type.
func NewHexLiteral ¶
func NewHexLiteral(s string) (HexLiteral, error)
NewHexLiteral parses hexadecimal string as HexLiteral type.
func (HexLiteral) ToString ¶
func (b HexLiteral) ToString() string
ToString implement ast.BinaryLiteral interface
type JSONModifyType ¶
type JSONModifyType byte
JSONModifyType is for modify a JSON. There are three valid values: JSONModifyInsert, JSONModifyReplace and JSONModifySet.
const ( // JSONModifyInsert is for insert a new element into a JSON. // If an old elemList exists, it would NOT replace it. JSONModifyInsert JSONModifyType = 0x01 // JSONModifyReplace is for replace an old elemList from a JSON. // If no elemList exists, it would NOT insert it. JSONModifyReplace JSONModifyType = 0x02 // JSONModifySet = JSONModifyInsert | JSONModifyReplace JSONModifySet JSONModifyType = 0x03 )
type JSONPathExpression ¶
type JSONPathExpression struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
JSONPathExpression is for JSON path expression.
func ParseJSONPathExpr ¶
func ParseJSONPathExpr(pathExpr string) (JSONPathExpression, error)
ParseJSONPathExpr parses a JSON path expression. Returns a JSONPathExpression object which can be used in JSON_EXTRACT, JSON_SET and so on.
func (JSONPathExpression) CouldMatchMultipleValues ¶
func (pe JSONPathExpression) CouldMatchMultipleValues() bool
CouldMatchMultipleValues returns true if pe contains any asterisk or range selection.
func (JSONPathExpression) String ¶
func (pe JSONPathExpression) String() string
type JSONPathExpressionCache ¶
type JSONPathExpressionCache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
JSONPathExpressionCache is a cache for JSONPathExpression.
type JSONTypeCode ¶
type JSONTypeCode = byte
JSONTypeCode indicates JSON type.
const ( // JSONTypeCodeObject indicates the JSON is an object. JSONTypeCodeObject JSONTypeCode = 0x01 // JSONTypeCodeArray indicates the JSON is an array. JSONTypeCodeArray JSONTypeCode = 0x03 // JSONTypeCodeLiteral indicates the JSON is a literal. JSONTypeCodeLiteral JSONTypeCode = 0x04 // JSONTypeCodeInt64 indicates the JSON is a signed integer. JSONTypeCodeInt64 JSONTypeCode = 0x09 // JSONTypeCodeUint64 indicates the JSON is a unsigned integer. JSONTypeCodeUint64 JSONTypeCode = 0x0a // JSONTypeCodeFloat64 indicates the JSON is a double float number. JSONTypeCodeFloat64 JSONTypeCode = 0x0b // JSONTypeCodeString indicates the JSON is a string. JSONTypeCodeString JSONTypeCode = 0x0c // JSONTypeCodeOpaque indicates the JSON is a opaque JSONTypeCodeOpaque JSONTypeCode = 0x0d // JSONTypeCodeDate indicates the JSON is a opaque JSONTypeCodeDate JSONTypeCode = 0x0e // JSONTypeCodeDatetime indicates the JSON is a opaque JSONTypeCodeDatetime JSONTypeCode = 0x0f // JSONTypeCodeTimestamp indicates the JSON is a opaque JSONTypeCodeTimestamp JSONTypeCode = 0x10 // JSONTypeCodeDuration indicates the JSON is a opaque JSONTypeCodeDuration JSONTypeCode = 0x11 )
type MyDecimal ¶
type MyDecimal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MyDecimal represents a decimal value.
func ConvertDatumToDecimal ¶
ConvertDatumToDecimal converts datum to decimal.
func ConvertJSONToDecimal ¶
func ConvertJSONToDecimal(ctx Context, j BinaryJSON) (*MyDecimal, error)
ConvertJSONToDecimal casts JSON into decimal.
func NewDecFromFloatForTest ¶
NewDecFromFloatForTest creates a MyDecimal from float, as it returns no error, it should only be used in test.
func NewDecFromInt ¶
NewDecFromInt creates a MyDecimal from int.
func NewDecFromStringForTest ¶
NewDecFromStringForTest creates a MyDecimal from string, as it returns no error, it should only be used in test.
func NewDecFromUint ¶
NewDecFromUint creates a MyDecimal from uint.
func NewMaxOrMinDec ¶
NewMaxOrMinDec returns the max or min value decimal for given precision and fraction.
func ProduceDecWithSpecifiedTp ¶
func ProduceDecWithSpecifiedTp(ctx Context, dec *MyDecimal, tp *FieldType) (_ *MyDecimal, err error)
ProduceDecWithSpecifiedTp produces a new decimal according to `flen` and `decimal`.
func (*MyDecimal) FromFloat64 ¶
FromFloat64 creates a decimal from float64 value.
func (*MyDecimal) FromString ¶
FromString parses decimal from string.
func (*MyDecimal) GetDigitsFrac ¶
GetDigitsFrac returns the digitsFrac.
func (*MyDecimal) GetDigitsInt ¶
GetDigitsInt returns the digitsInt.
func (*MyDecimal) IsNegative ¶
IsNegative returns whether a decimal is negative.
func (*MyDecimal) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements Marshaler.MarshalJSON interface.
func (*MyDecimal) PrecisionAndFrac ¶
PrecisionAndFrac returns the internal precision and frac number.
func (*MyDecimal) Round ¶
Round rounds the decimal to "frac" digits.
to - result buffer. d == to is allowed frac - to what position after fraction point to round. can be negative! roundMode - round to nearest even or truncate ModeHalfUp rounds normally. ModeTruncate just truncates the decimal.
frac can be negative ! one TRUNCATED error (line XXX below) isn't treated very logical :(
func (*MyDecimal) Shift ¶
Shift shifts decimal digits in given number (with rounding if it need), shift > 0 means shift to left shift, shift < 0 means right shift. In fact it is multiplying on 10^shift.
eDecOK OK eDecOverflow operation lead to overflow, number is untoched eDecTruncated number was rounded to fit into buffer
func (*MyDecimal) ToBin ¶
ToBin converts decimal to its binary fixed-length representation two representations of the same length can be compared with memcmp with the correct -1/0/+1 result
PARAMS precision/frac - if precision is 0, internal value of the decimal will be used, then the encoded value is not memory comparable. NOTE the buffer is assumed to be of the size DecimalBinSize(precision, frac) RETURN VALUE bin - binary value errCode - eDecOK/eDecTruncate/eDecOverflow DESCRIPTION for storage decimal numbers are converted to the "binary" format. This format has the following properties: 1. length of the binary representation depends on the {precision, frac} as provided by the caller and NOT on the digitsInt/digitsFrac of the decimal to convert. 2. binary representations of the same {precision, frac} can be compared with memcmp - with the same result as DecimalCompare() of the original decimals (not taking into account possible precision loss during conversion). This binary format is as follows: 1. First the number is converted to have a requested precision and frac. 2. Every full digitsPerWord digits of digitsInt part are stored in 4 bytes as is 3. The first digitsInt % digitesPerWord digits are stored in the reduced number of bytes (enough bytes to store this number of digits - see dig2bytes) 4. same for frac - full word are stored as is, the last frac % digitsPerWord digits - in the reduced number of bytes. 5. If the number is negative - every byte is inversed. 5. The very first bit of the resulting byte array is inverted (because memcmp compares unsigned bytes, see property 2 above) Example: 1234567890.1234 internally is represented as 3 words 1 234567890 123400000 (assuming we want a binary representation with precision=14, frac=4) in hex it's 00-00-00-01 0D-FB-38-D2 07-5A-EF-40 now, middle word is full - it stores 9 decimal digits. It goes into binary representation as is: ........... 0D-FB-38-D2 ............ First word has only one decimal digit. We can store one digit in one byte, no need to waste four: 01 0D-FB-38-D2 ............ now, last word. It's 123400000. We can store 1234 in two bytes: 01 0D-FB-38-D2 04-D2 So, we've packed 12 bytes number in 7 bytes. And now we invert the highest bit to get the final result: 81 0D FB 38 D2 04 D2 And for -1234567890.1234 it would be 7E F2 04 C7 2D FB 2D
func (*MyDecimal) ToHashKey ¶
ToHashKey removes the leading and trailing zeros and generates a hash key. Two Decimals dec0 and dec1 with different fraction will generate the same hash keys if dec0.Compare(dec1) == 0.
func (*MyDecimal) ToString ¶
ToString converts decimal to its printable string representation without rounding.
RETURN VALUE str - result string errCode - eDecOK/eDecTruncate/eDecOverflow
func (*MyDecimal) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements Unmarshaler.UnmarshalJSON interface.
type NameSlice ¶
type NameSlice []*FieldName
NameSlice is the slice of the *fieldName
func (NameSlice) FindAstColName ¶
func (s NameSlice) FindAstColName(name *ast.ColumnName) bool
FindAstColName checks whether the given ast.ColumnName is appeared in this slice.
type Opaque ¶
type Opaque struct { // TypeCode is the same with database type code TypeCode byte // Buf is the underlying bytes of the data Buf []byte }
Opaque represents a raw binary type
type RoundingType ¶
type RoundingType uint8
RoundingType is used to indicate the rounding type for reversing evaluation.
const ( // Ceiling means rounding up. Ceiling RoundingType = iota // Floor means rounding down. Floor )
type Set ¶
Set is for MySQL Set type.
func ParseSetName ¶
ParseSetName creates a Set with name.
func ParseSetValue ¶
ParseSetValue creates a Set with special number.
type Time ¶
type Time struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Time is the struct for handling datetime, timestamp and date.
func ParseDateFromNum ¶
ParseDateFromNum is a helper function wrapping ParseTimeFromNum with date type.
func ParseDatetime ¶
ParseDatetime is a helper function wrapping ParseTime with datetime type and default fsp.
func ParseDatetimeFromNum ¶
ParseDatetimeFromNum is a helper function wrapping ParseTimeFromNum with datetime type and default fsp.
func ParseTime ¶
ParseTime parses a formatted string with type tp and specific fsp. Type is TypeDatetime, TypeTimestamp and TypeDate. Fsp is in range [0, 6]. MySQL supports many valid datetime format, but still has some limitation. If delimiter exists, the date part and time part is separated by a space or T, other punctuation character can be used as the delimiter between date parts or time parts. If no delimiter, the format must be YYYYMMDDHHMMSS or YYMMDDHHMMSS If we have fractional seconds part, we must use decimal points as the delimiter. The valid datetime range is from '1000-01-01 00:00:00.000000' to '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999'. The valid timestamp range is from '1970-01-01 00:00:01.000000' to '2038-01-19 03:14:07.999999'. The valid date range is from '1000-01-01' to '9999-12-31' explicitTz is used to handle a data race of timeZone, refer to It only works for timestamp now, be careful to use it!
func ParseTimeFromDecimal ¶
ParseTimeFromDecimal parses mysql time value from decimal. It is used in scenarios that distinguish date and datetime, e.g., date_add/sub() with first argument being decimal. For example, 20010203 parses to date (no HMS) and 20010203040506 parses to datetime (with HMS).
func ParseTimeFromFloat64 ¶
ParseTimeFromFloat64 parses mysql time value from float64. It is used in scenarios that distinguish date and datetime, e.g., date_add/sub() with first argument being real. For example, 20010203 parses to date (no HMS) and 20010203040506 parses to datetime (with HMS).
func ParseTimeFromFloatString ¶
ParseTimeFromFloatString is similar to ParseTime, except that it's used to parse a float converted string.
func ParseTimeFromInt64 ¶
ParseTimeFromInt64 parses mysql time value from int64.
func ParseTimeFromNum ¶
ParseTimeFromNum parses a formatted int64, returns the value which type is tp.
func ParseTimeFromYear ¶
ParseTimeFromYear parse a `YYYY` formed year to corresponded Datetime type. Note: the invoker must promise the `year` is in the range [MinYear, MaxYear].
func ParseTimestamp ¶
ParseTimestamp is a helper function wrapping ParseTime with timestamp type and default fsp.
func ParseTimestampFromNum ¶
ParseTimestampFromNum is a helper function wrapping ParseTimeFromNum with timestamp type and default fsp.
func StrToDateTime ¶
StrToDateTime converts str to MySQL DateTime.
func (Time) Check ¶
Check function checks whether t matches valid Time format. If allowZeroInDate is false, it returns ErrZeroDate when month or day is zero. FIXME: See
func (Time) Compare ¶
Compare returns an integer comparing the time instant t to o. If t is after o, returns 1, equal o, returns 0, before o, returns -1.
func (Time) CompareString ¶
CompareString is like Compare, but parses string to Time then compares.
func (*Time) ConvertTimeZone ¶
ConvertTimeZone converts the time value from one timezone to another. The input time should be a valid timestamp.
func (Time) ConvertToDuration ¶
ConvertToDuration converts mysql datetime, timestamp and date to mysql time type. e.g, 2012-12-12T10:10:10 -> 10:10:10 2012-12-12 -> 0
func (Time) DateFormat ¶
DateFormat returns a textual representation of the time value formatted according to layout. See
func (Time) FillNumber ¶
FillNumber is the same as ToNumber, but reuses input decimal instead of allocating one.
func (*Time) FromPackedUint ¶
FromPackedUint decodes Time from a packed uint64 value.
func (Time) InvalidZero ¶
InvalidZero returns a boolean indicating whether the month or day is zero. Several functions are strict when passed a DATE() function value as their argument and reject incomplete dates with a day part of zero: CONVERT_TZ(), DATE_ADD(), DATE_SUB(), DAYOFYEAR(), TIMESTAMPDIFF(), TO_DAYS(), TO_SECONDS(), WEEK(), WEEKDAY(), WEEKOFYEAR(), YEARWEEK(). Mysql Doc:
func (Time) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements Marshaler.MarshalJSON interface.
func (*Time) StrToDate ¶
StrToDate converts date string according to format. See
func (*Time) Sub ¶
Sub subtracts t1 from t, returns a duration value. Note that sub should not be done on different time types.
func (Time) ToNumber ¶
ToNumber returns a formatted number. e.g, 2012-12-12 -> 20121212 2012-12-12T10:10:10 -> 20121212101010 2012-12-12T10:10:10.123456 -> 20121212101010.123456
func (Time) ToPackedUint ¶
ToPackedUint encodes Time to a packed uint64 value.
1 bit 0 17 bits year*13+month (year 0-9999, month 0-12) 5 bits day (0-31) 5 bits hour (0-23) 6 bits minute (0-59) 6 bits second (0-59) 24 bits microseconds (0-999999) Total: 64 bits = 8 bytes 0YYYYYYY.YYYYYYYY.YYdddddh.hhhhmmmm.mmssssss.ffffffff.ffffffff.ffffffff
func (*Time) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements Unmarshaler.UnmarshalJSON interface.
type VectorFloat32 ¶
type VectorFloat32 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
VectorFloat32 represents a vector of float32.
Memory Format: 4 byte - Length 4 byte * N - Data in Float32
Normally, the data layout in storage (i.e. after serialization) is identical to the memory layout. However, in BigEndian machines, we have BigEndian in memory and always have LittleEndian in storage or during data exchange.
func CreateVectorFloat32 ¶
func CreateVectorFloat32(vector []float32) (VectorFloat32, error)
CreateVectorFloat32 creates a VectorFloat32. Returns error if there are invalid values like NaN and Inf.
func InitVectorFloat32 ¶
func InitVectorFloat32(dims int) VectorFloat32
InitVectorFloat32 initializes a vector with the given dimension. The values are initialized to zero.
func MustCreateVectorFloat32 ¶
func MustCreateVectorFloat32(v []float32) VectorFloat32
MustCreateVectorFloat32 creates a VectorFloat32. Panics if there are invalid values like NaN and Inf.
func ParseVectorFloat32 ¶
func ParseVectorFloat32(s string) (VectorFloat32, error)
ParseVectorFloat32 parses a string into a vector.
func ZeroCopyDeserializeVectorFloat32 ¶
func ZeroCopyDeserializeVectorFloat32(b []byte) (VectorFloat32, []byte, error)
ZeroCopyDeserializeVectorFloat32 deserializes the byte slice into a vector, without memory copy. Note: b must not be mutated, because this function does zero copy.
func (VectorFloat32) Add ¶
func (a VectorFloat32) Add(b VectorFloat32) (VectorFloat32, error)
Add adds two vectors. The vectors must have the same dimension.
func (VectorFloat32) CheckDimsFitColumn ¶
func (v VectorFloat32) CheckDimsFitColumn(expectedFlen int) error
CheckDimsFitColumn checks if the vector has the expected dimension, which is defined by the column type or cast type.
func (VectorFloat32) Clone ¶
func (v VectorFloat32) Clone() VectorFloat32
Clone returns a deep copy of the vector.
func (VectorFloat32) Compare ¶
func (a VectorFloat32) Compare(b VectorFloat32) int
Compare returns an integer comparing two vectors. The result will be 0 if a==b, -1 if a < b, and +1 if a > b.
func (VectorFloat32) CosineDistance ¶
func (a VectorFloat32) CosineDistance(b VectorFloat32) (float64, error)
CosineDistance returns the cosine distance between two vectors.
func (VectorFloat32) Elements ¶
func (v VectorFloat32) Elements() []float32
Elements returns a mutable typed slice of the elements.
func (VectorFloat32) EstimatedMemUsage ¶
func (v VectorFloat32) EstimatedMemUsage() int
EstimatedMemUsage returns the estimated memory usage.
func (VectorFloat32) InnerProduct ¶
func (a VectorFloat32) InnerProduct(b VectorFloat32) (float64, error)
InnerProduct returns the inner product of two vectors.
func (VectorFloat32) IsZeroValue ¶
func (v VectorFloat32) IsZeroValue() bool
IsZeroValue returns true if the vector is a zero value (which length is zero).
func (VectorFloat32) L1Distance ¶
func (a VectorFloat32) L1Distance(b VectorFloat32) (float64, error)
L1Distance returns the L1 distance between two vectors.
func (VectorFloat32) L2Distance ¶
func (a VectorFloat32) L2Distance(b VectorFloat32) (float64, error)
L2Distance returns the L2 distance between two vectors.
func (VectorFloat32) L2Norm ¶
func (a VectorFloat32) L2Norm() float64
L2Norm returns the L2 norm of the vector.
func (VectorFloat32) L2SquaredDistance ¶
func (a VectorFloat32) L2SquaredDistance(b VectorFloat32) (float64, error)
L2SquaredDistance returns the squared L2 distance between two vectors. This saves a sqrt calculation.
func (VectorFloat32) Len ¶
func (v VectorFloat32) Len() int
Len returns the length (dimension) of the vector.
func (VectorFloat32) Mul ¶
func (a VectorFloat32) Mul(b VectorFloat32) (VectorFloat32, error)
Mul multiplies two vectors. The vectors must have the same dimension.
func (VectorFloat32) NegativeInnerProduct ¶
func (a VectorFloat32) NegativeInnerProduct(b VectorFloat32) (float64, error)
NegativeInnerProduct returns the negative inner product of two vectors.
func (VectorFloat32) SerializeTo ¶
func (v VectorFloat32) SerializeTo(b []byte) []byte
SerializeTo serializes the vector into the byte slice.
func (VectorFloat32) SerializedSize ¶
func (v VectorFloat32) SerializedSize() int
SerializedSize returns the size of the serialized data.
func (VectorFloat32) String ¶
func (v VectorFloat32) String() string
String returns a string representation of the vector, which can be parsed later.
func (VectorFloat32) Sub ¶
func (a VectorFloat32) Sub(b VectorFloat32) (VectorFloat32, error)
Sub subtracts two vectors. The vectors must have the same dimension.
func (VectorFloat32) TruncatedString ¶
func (v VectorFloat32) TruncatedString() string
TruncatedString prints the vector in a truncated form, which is useful for outputting in logs or EXPLAIN statements.
func (VectorFloat32) ZeroCopySerialize ¶
func (v VectorFloat32) ZeroCopySerialize() []byte
ZeroCopySerialize serializes the vector into a new byte slice, without memory copy.
Source Files
- binary_literal.go
- compare.go
- context.go
- convert.go
- core_time.go
- datum.go
- datum_eval.go
- enum.go
- errors.go
- etc.go
- eval_type.go
- explain_format.go
- field_name.go
- field_type.go
- field_type_builder.go
- fsp.go
- helper.go
- json_binary.go
- json_binary_functions.go
- json_constants.go
- json_path_expr.go
- mydecimal.go
- overflow.go
- set.go
- time.go
- truncate.go
- vector.go
- vector_functions.go