Refraction Networking is a free-to-use anti-censorship technology, that places proxies at Internet Service Providers, so they are harder to block. This client includes support for both the TapDance and Conjure protocols
Download Golang and TapDance and dependencies
Install Golang (currently tested against version 1.10 and latest).
Get source code for Go TapDance and all dependencies:
go get -d -u -t
Ignore the "no buildable Go source files" warning.
If you have outdated versions of libraries used, you might want to do go get -u all
There are 3 supported ways to use TapDance:
package main
import (
func main() {
// first, copy ClientConf and roots files into assets directory
// make sure assets directory is writable (only) by the td process
tdConn, err := tapdance.Dial("tcp", "")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("tapdance.Dial() failed: %+v\n", err)
// tdConn implements standard net.Conn, allowing to use it like any other Golang conn with
// Write(), Read(), Close() etc. It also allows to pass tdConn to functions that expect
// net.Conn, such as tls.Client() making it easy to do tls handshake over TapDance conn.
_, err = tdConn.Write([]byte("GET / HTTP/1.1\nHost:\n\n"))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("tdConn.Write() failed: %+v\n", err)
buf := make([]byte, 16384)
_, err = tdConn.Read(buf)
// ...
Refraction Networking is an umbrella term for the family of similarly working technnologies.
TapDance station code released for FOCI'17 on github: refraction-networking/tapdance
Original 2014 paper: "TapDance: End-to-Middle Anticensorship without Flow Blocking"
Newer(2017) paper that shows TapDance working at high-scale: "An ISP-Scale Deployment of TapDance"