A linter to report ignored constructors. It shows you places where someone is
doing T{} or &T{} instead of using NewT declared in the same package as T.
A constructor for type T
(only structs are supported at the moment) is a
function with name "NewT" that returns a value of type T
or *T
. Types
returned by constructors are not checked right now, only that type T inferred
from the function name exists in the same package.
Nil maps are unsafe to write to, you may want to have default values for fields
that are not equal to zero values, etc, etc. We create constructors for a
Constructors naming convention is just an established pattern and calling them a
matter of discipline. But people make mistakes and overlook things all the time.
And what if a constructor was created later? Who's going to check all the places
where the type is used?
"Make zero values useful" is a good proverb but it's an unachievable utopia as
it has always been. You should not create constructors unnecessarily but if you
have to you better make sure they are used everywhere for this type.
Yes, you may declare an interface and hide the actual (unexported) type behind
it and return an interface from the constructor. Which breaks the "return types,
accept interfaces" proverb and arguably is an overengineering of a simple
problem. Why create an interface while you can just initialize all the type
instances properly? And this linter will help to make sure you do.
Run go install
Building manually
Run make build
or build the main.go however you see fit.
Run constructor_check [-flag] [package]
. You may run the command without
parameters to get help message.
With go vet
Run go vet --vettool=<path-to-constructor-check-binary> [package]
With golangci-lint
Follow the instructions how to include a private plugin
- Maybe check constructor returned value instead of its name to extract type
(they often rename types without renaming constructors)
- Check for returned zero and nil values from functions (named output parameters
and single return, etc.)
- Offer suggested fixes in some cases
- How about reporting constructors with function names inconsistent with type
names ?
- Support other constructor signatures
- (T, error) and (*T, error)
- (T, bool) and (*T, bool)
- Work towards being included to golangci-lint