Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Variables
- func FromCesiumResourceProps(r *CesiumResourcePropsInput) workspacesettings.CesiumResourceProps
- func FromCorrespondingField(cf *CorrespondingFieldInput) *schema.CorrespondingField
- func FromFile(f *graphql.Upload) *file.File
- func FromGeometryEditorSupportedType(g GeometryEditorSupportedType) schema.GeometryEditorSupportedType
- func FromGeometryObjectSupportedType(g GeometryObjectSupportedType) schema.GeometryObjectSupportedType
- func FromPreviewType(p *PreviewType) *asset.PreviewType
- func FromProjectPublicationScope(p ProjectPublicationScope) project.PublicationScope
- func FromResource(r *ResourceInput) *workspacesettings.Resource
- func FromResourceList(wr *ResourcesListInput) *workspacesettings.ResourceList
- func FromRole(r Role) workspace.Role
- func FromSchemaTypeProperty(tp *SchemaFieldTypePropertyInput, t SchemaFieldType, multiple bool) (tpRes *schema.TypeProperty, dv *value.Multiple, err error)
- func FromTerrainType(tt TerrainType) workspacesettings.TerrainType
- func FromTileType(tt TileType) workspacesettings.TileType
- func FromUrlResourceProps(r *URLResourcePropsInput) workspacesettings.UrlResourceProps
- func FromValue(t SchemaFieldType, v any) *value.Value
- func FromValueType(t SchemaFieldType) value.Type
- func MarshalCursor(t usecasex.Cursor) graphql.Marshaler
- func MarshalLang(t language.Tag) graphql.Marshaler
- func MarshalMap(val map[string]string) graphql.Marshaler
- func MarshalURL(t url.URL) graphql.Marshaler
- func ToID[A idx.Type](a ID) (idx.ID[A], error)
- func ToID2[A, B idx.Type](a, b ID) (ai idx.ID[A], bi idx.ID[B], err error)
- func ToID3[A, B, C idx.Type](a, b, c ID) (ai idx.ID[A], bi idx.ID[B], ci idx.ID[C], err error)
- func ToIDRef[A idx.Type](a *ID) *idx.ID[A]
- func ToIDs[A idx.Type](a []ID) ([]idx.ID[A], error)
- func ToItemParam(field *ItemFieldInput) *interfaces.ItemFieldParam
- func ToItemQuery(inp SearchItemInput) *item.Query
- func ToStringIDRef[T idx.Type](a *ID) *idx.StringID[T]
- func ToTheme(t *Theme) *user.Theme
- func ToValue(v *value.Multiple, multiple bool) any
- func UnmarshalCursor(v interface{}) (usecasex.Cursor, error)
- func UnmarshalLang(v interface{}) (language.Tag, error)
- func UnmarshalMap(v interface{}) (map[string]string, error)
- func UnmarshalURL(v interface{}) (url.URL, error)
- type AddCommentInput
- type AddIntegrationToWorkspaceInput
- type AddUsersToWorkspaceInput
- type AddUsersToWorkspacePayload
- type AndCondition
- type AndConditionInput
- type ApproveRequestInput
- type ArchiveExtractionStatus
- type Asset
- type AssetConnection
- type AssetEdge
- type AssetFile
- type AssetItem
- type AssetSort
- type AssetSortType
- type BasicFieldCondition
- type BasicFieldConditionInput
- type BasicOperator
- type BoolFieldCondition
- type BoolFieldConditionInput
- type BoolOperator
- type CesiumResourceProps
- type CesiumResourcePropsInput
- type Column
- type ColumnSelectionInput
- type Comment
- type CommentPayload
- type Condition
- type ConditionInput
- type CorrespondingFieldInput
- type CreateAssetInput
- type CreateAssetPayload
- type CreateAssetUploadInput
- type CreateAssetUploadPayload
- type CreateFieldInput
- type CreateGroupInput
- type CreateIntegrationInput
- type CreateItemInput
- type CreateModelInput
- type CreateProjectInput
- type CreateRequestInput
- type CreateThreadInput
- type CreateViewInput
- type CreateWebhookInput
- type CreateWorkspaceInput
- type CreateWorkspacePayload
- type DecompressAssetInput
- type DecompressAssetPayload
- type DeleteAssetInput
- type DeleteAssetPayload
- type DeleteCommentInput
- type DeleteCommentPayload
- type DeleteFieldInput
- type DeleteFieldPayload
- type DeleteGroupInput
- type DeleteGroupPayload
- type DeleteIntegrationInput
- type DeleteIntegrationPayload
- type DeleteItemInput
- type DeleteItemPayload
- type DeleteMeInput
- type DeleteMePayload
- type DeleteModelInput
- type DeleteModelPayload
- type DeleteProjectInput
- type DeleteProjectPayload
- type DeleteRequestInput
- type DeleteRequestPayload
- type DeleteViewInput
- type DeleteViewPayload
- type DeleteWebhookInput
- type DeleteWebhookPayload
- type DeleteWorkspaceInput
- type DeleteWorkspacePayload
- type FieldPayload
- type FieldSelector
- type FieldSelectorInput
- type FieldType
- type FieldsPayload
- type GeometryEditorSupportedType
- type GeometryObjectSupportedType
- type Group
- type GroupPayload
- type GroupsPayload
- type ID
- type Integration
- type IntegrationConfig
- type IntegrationPayload
- type IntegrationType
- type Item
- type ItemConnection
- type ItemEdge
- type ItemField
- type ItemFieldInput
- type ItemPayload
- type ItemQueryInput
- type ItemSort
- type ItemSortInput
- type ItemStatus
- type KeyAvailability
- type Me
- type MemberInput
- type Model
- type ModelConnection
- type ModelEdge
- type ModelPayload
- type ModelsPayload
- type MultipleFieldCondition
- type MultipleFieldConditionInput
- type MultipleOperator
- type Mutation
- type Node
- type NodeType
- type NullableFieldCondition
- type NullableFieldConditionInput
- type NullableOperator
- type NumberFieldCondition
- type NumberFieldConditionInput
- type NumberOperator
- type Operator
- type OperatorInput
- type OperatorType
- type OrCondition
- type OrConditionInput
- type PageInfo
- type Pagination
- type PreviewType
- type Project
- type ProjectAliasAvailability
- type ProjectConnection
- type ProjectEdge
- type ProjectPayload
- type ProjectPublication
- type ProjectPublicationScope
- type PublishItemInput
- type PublishItemPayload
- type PublishModelInput
- type PublishModelPayload
- type Query
- type RegenerateIntegrationTokenInput
- type RegeneratePublicAPITokenInput
- type RemoveIntegrationFromWorkspaceInput
- type RemoveIntegrationFromWorkspacePayload
- type RemoveMultipleMembersFromWorkspaceInput
- type RemoveMultipleMembersFromWorkspacePayload
- type RemoveMyAuthInput
- type Request
- type RequestConnection
- type RequestEdge
- type RequestItem
- type RequestItemInput
- type RequestPayload
- type RequestState
- type Resource
- type ResourceInput
- type ResourceList
- type ResourcesListInput
- type Role
- type Schema
- type SchemaField
- type SchemaFieldAsset
- type SchemaFieldAssetInput
- type SchemaFieldBool
- type SchemaFieldBoolInput
- type SchemaFieldCheckbox
- type SchemaFieldCheckboxInput
- type SchemaFieldDate
- type SchemaFieldDateInput
- type SchemaFieldGeometryEditor
- type SchemaFieldGeometryEditorInput
- type SchemaFieldGeometryObject
- type SchemaFieldGeometryObjectInput
- type SchemaFieldGroup
- type SchemaFieldGroupInput
- type SchemaFieldInteger
- type SchemaFieldIntegerInput
- type SchemaFieldLineStringInput
- type SchemaFieldMarkdown
- type SchemaFieldNumber
- type SchemaFieldNumberInput
- type SchemaFieldReference
- type SchemaFieldReferenceInput
- type SchemaFieldRichText
- type SchemaFieldRichTextInput
- type SchemaFieldSelect
- type SchemaFieldSelectInput
- type SchemaFieldTag
- type SchemaFieldTagColor
- type SchemaFieldTagInput
- type SchemaFieldTagValue
- type SchemaFieldTagValueInput
- type SchemaFieldText
- type SchemaFieldTextArea
- type SchemaFieldTextAreaInput
- type SchemaFieldTextInput
- type SchemaFieldType
- type SchemaFieldTypeProperty
- type SchemaFieldTypePropertyInput
- type SchemaFieldURL
- type SchemaFieldURLInput
- type SchemaMarkdownTextInput
- type SearchItemInput
- type Sort
- type SortDirection
- type StringFieldCondition
- type StringFieldConditionInput
- type StringOperator
- type TerrainResource
- type TerrainResourceInput
- type TerrainType
- type Theme
- type Thread
- type ThreadPayload
- type TileResource
- type TileResourceInput
- type TileType
- type TimeFieldCondition
- type TimeFieldConditionInput
- type TimeOperator
- type URLResourceProps
- type URLResourcePropsInput
- type UnpublishItemInput
- type UnpublishItemPayload
- type UpdateAssetInput
- type UpdateAssetPayload
- type UpdateCommentInput
- type UpdateFieldInput
- type UpdateGroupInput
- type UpdateGroupsOrderInput
- type UpdateIntegrationInput
- type UpdateIntegrationOfWorkspaceInput
- type UpdateItemInput
- type UpdateMeInput
- type UpdateMePayload
- type UpdateMemberOfWorkspacePayload
- type UpdateModelInput
- type UpdateModelsOrderInput
- type UpdateProjectInput
- type UpdateProjectPublicationInput
- type UpdateRequestInput
- type UpdateUserOfWorkspaceInput
- type UpdateViewInput
- type UpdateViewsOrderInput
- type UpdateWebhookInput
- type UpdateWorkspaceInput
- type UpdateWorkspacePayload
- type UpdateWorkspaceSettingsInput
- type UpdateWorkspaceSettingsPayload
- type User
- type VersionedItem
- type View
- type ViewPayload
- type ViewsPayload
- type Webhook
- type WebhookPayload
- type WebhookTrigger
- type WebhookTriggerInput
- type Workspace
- type WorkspaceIntegrationMember
- type WorkspaceMember
- type WorkspaceSettings
- type WorkspaceUserMember
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
View Source
var AllArchiveExtractionStatus = []ArchiveExtractionStatus{ ArchiveExtractionStatusSkipped, ArchiveExtractionStatusPending, ArchiveExtractionStatusInProgress, ArchiveExtractionStatusDone, ArchiveExtractionStatusFailed, }
View Source
var AllAssetSortType = []AssetSortType{ AssetSortTypeDate, AssetSortTypeSize, AssetSortTypeName, }
View Source
var AllBasicOperator = []BasicOperator{ BasicOperatorEquals, BasicOperatorNotEquals, }
View Source
var AllBoolOperator = []BoolOperator{ BoolOperatorEquals, BoolOperatorNotEquals, }
View Source
var AllFieldType = []FieldType{ FieldTypeID, FieldTypeCreationDate, FieldTypeCreationUser, FieldTypeModificationDate, FieldTypeModificationUser, FieldTypeStatus, FieldTypeField, FieldTypeMetaField, }
View Source
var AllGeometryEditorSupportedType = []GeometryEditorSupportedType{ GeometryEditorSupportedTypePoint, GeometryEditorSupportedTypeLinestring, GeometryEditorSupportedTypePolygon, GeometryEditorSupportedTypeAny, }
View Source
var AllGeometryObjectSupportedType = []GeometryObjectSupportedType{ GeometryObjectSupportedTypePoint, GeometryObjectSupportedTypeMultipoint, GeometryObjectSupportedTypeLinestring, GeometryObjectSupportedTypeMultilinestring, GeometryObjectSupportedTypePolygon, GeometryObjectSupportedTypeMultipolygon, GeometryObjectSupportedTypeGeometrycollection, }
View Source
var AllIntegrationType = []IntegrationType{ IntegrationTypePublic, IntegrationTypePrivate, }
View Source
var AllItemStatus = []ItemStatus{ ItemStatusDraft, ItemStatusPublic, ItemStatusReview, ItemStatusPublicReview, ItemStatusPublicDraft, }
View Source
var AllMultipleOperator = []MultipleOperator{ MultipleOperatorIncludesAny, MultipleOperatorNotIncludesAny, MultipleOperatorIncludesAll, MultipleOperatorNotIncludesAll, }
View Source
var AllNodeType = []NodeType{ NodeTypeUser, NodeTypeWorkspace, NodeTypeProject, NodeTypeAsset, NodeTypeRequest, NodeTypeModel, NodeTypeSchema, NodeTypeItem, NodeTypeView, NodeTypeIntegration, NodeTypeGroup, NodeTypeWorkspaceSettings, }
View Source
var AllNullableOperator = []NullableOperator{ NullableOperatorEmpty, NullableOperatorNotEmpty, }
View Source
var AllNumberOperator = []NumberOperator{ NumberOperatorGreaterThan, NumberOperatorLessThan, NumberOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo, NumberOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo, }
View Source
var AllOperatorType = []OperatorType{ OperatorTypeUser, OperatorTypeIntegration, }
View Source
var AllPreviewType = []PreviewType{ PreviewTypeImage, PreviewTypeImageSVG, PreviewTypeGeo, PreviewTypeGeo3dTiles, PreviewTypeGeoMvt, PreviewTypeModel3d, PreviewTypeCSV, PreviewTypeUnknown, }
View Source
var AllProjectPublicationScope = []ProjectPublicationScope{ ProjectPublicationScopePublic, ProjectPublicationScopeLimited, ProjectPublicationScopePrivate, }
View Source
var AllRequestState = []RequestState{ RequestStateDraft, RequestStateWaiting, RequestStateClosed, RequestStateApproved, }
View Source
var AllRole = []Role{ RoleReader, RoleWriter, RoleOwner, RoleMaintainer, }
View Source
var AllSchemaFieldTagColor = []SchemaFieldTagColor{ SchemaFieldTagColorMagenta, SchemaFieldTagColorRed, SchemaFieldTagColorVolcano, SchemaFieldTagColorOrange, SchemaFieldTagColorGold, SchemaFieldTagColorLime, SchemaFieldTagColorGreen, SchemaFieldTagColorCyan, SchemaFieldTagColorBlue, SchemaFieldTagColorGeekblue, SchemaFieldTagColorPurple, }
View Source
var AllSchemaFieldType = []SchemaFieldType{ SchemaFieldTypeText, SchemaFieldTypeTextArea, SchemaFieldTypeRichText, SchemaFieldTypeMarkdownText, SchemaFieldTypeAsset, SchemaFieldTypeDate, SchemaFieldTypeBool, SchemaFieldTypeSelect, SchemaFieldTypeTag, SchemaFieldTypeInteger, SchemaFieldTypeNumber, SchemaFieldTypeReference, SchemaFieldTypeCheckbox, SchemaFieldTypeURL, SchemaFieldTypeGroup, SchemaFieldTypeGeometryObject, SchemaFieldTypeGeometryEditor, }
View Source
var AllSortDirection = []SortDirection{ SortDirectionAsc, SortDirectionDesc, }
View Source
var AllStringOperator = []StringOperator{ StringOperatorContains, StringOperatorNotContains, StringOperatorStartsWith, StringOperatorEndsWith, StringOperatorNotStartsWith, StringOperatorNotEndsWith, }
View Source
var AllTerrainType = []TerrainType{ TerrainTypeCesiumWorldTerrain, TerrainTypeArcGisTerrain, TerrainTypeCesiumIon, }
View Source
var AllTheme = []Theme{ ThemeDefault, ThemeLight, ThemeDark, }
View Source
var AllTileType = []TileType{ TileTypeDefault, TileTypeLabelled, TileTypeRoadMap, TileTypeOpenStreetMap, TileTypeEsriTopography, TileTypeEarthAtNight, TileTypeJapanGsiStandardMap, TileTypeURL, }
View Source
var AllTimeOperator = []TimeOperator{ TimeOperatorBefore, TimeOperatorAfter, TimeOperatorBeforeOrOn, TimeOperatorAfterOrOn, TimeOperatorOfThisWeek, TimeOperatorOfThisMonth, TimeOperatorOfThisYear, }
View Source
var ErrEmptyOptions = rerror.NewE(i18n.T("Options could not be empty!"))
View Source
var ErrInvalidTypeProperty = rerror.NewE(i18n.T("invalid type property"))
View Source
var ErrMultipleReference = rerror.NewE(i18n.T("multiple reference is not supported"))
Functions ¶
func FromCesiumResourceProps ¶
func FromCesiumResourceProps(r *CesiumResourcePropsInput) workspacesettings.CesiumResourceProps
func FromCorrespondingField ¶
func FromCorrespondingField(cf *CorrespondingFieldInput) *schema.CorrespondingField
func FromGeometryEditorSupportedType ¶
func FromGeometryEditorSupportedType(g GeometryEditorSupportedType) schema.GeometryEditorSupportedType
func FromGeometryObjectSupportedType ¶
func FromGeometryObjectSupportedType(g GeometryObjectSupportedType) schema.GeometryObjectSupportedType
func FromPreviewType ¶
func FromPreviewType(p *PreviewType) *asset.PreviewType
func FromProjectPublicationScope ¶
func FromProjectPublicationScope(p ProjectPublicationScope) project.PublicationScope
func FromResource ¶
func FromResource(r *ResourceInput) *workspacesettings.Resource
func FromResourceList ¶
func FromResourceList(wr *ResourcesListInput) *workspacesettings.ResourceList
func FromSchemaTypeProperty ¶
func FromSchemaTypeProperty(tp *SchemaFieldTypePropertyInput, t SchemaFieldType, multiple bool) (tpRes *schema.TypeProperty, dv *value.Multiple, err error)
func FromTerrainType ¶
func FromTerrainType(tt TerrainType) workspacesettings.TerrainType
func FromTileType ¶
func FromTileType(tt TileType) workspacesettings.TileType
func FromUrlResourceProps ¶
func FromUrlResourceProps(r *URLResourcePropsInput) workspacesettings.UrlResourceProps
func FromValueType ¶
func FromValueType(t SchemaFieldType) value.Type
func ToItemParam ¶
func ToItemParam(field *ItemFieldInput) *interfaces.ItemFieldParam
func ToItemQuery ¶
func ToItemQuery(inp SearchItemInput) *item.Query
func UnmarshalCursor ¶
func UnmarshalLang ¶
func UnmarshalMap ¶
func UnmarshalURL ¶
Types ¶
type AddCommentInput ¶
type AddUsersToWorkspaceInput ¶
type AddUsersToWorkspaceInput struct { WorkspaceID ID `json:"workspaceId"` Users []*MemberInput `json:"users"` }
type AddUsersToWorkspacePayload ¶
type AddUsersToWorkspacePayload struct {
Workspace *Workspace `json:"workspace"`
type AndCondition ¶
type AndCondition struct {
Conditions []Condition `json:"conditions"`
func (AndCondition) IsCondition ¶
func (AndCondition) IsCondition()
type AndConditionInput ¶
type AndConditionInput struct {
Conditions []*ConditionInput `json:"conditions"`
type ApproveRequestInput ¶
type ApproveRequestInput struct {
RequestID ID `json:"requestId"`
type ArchiveExtractionStatus ¶
type ArchiveExtractionStatus string
const ( ArchiveExtractionStatusSkipped ArchiveExtractionStatus = "SKIPPED" ArchiveExtractionStatusPending ArchiveExtractionStatus = "PENDING" ArchiveExtractionStatusInProgress ArchiveExtractionStatus = "IN_PROGRESS" ArchiveExtractionStatusDone ArchiveExtractionStatus = "DONE" ArchiveExtractionStatusFailed ArchiveExtractionStatus = "FAILED" )
func ToArchiveExtractionStatus ¶
func ToArchiveExtractionStatus(s *asset.ArchiveExtractionStatus) *ArchiveExtractionStatus
func (ArchiveExtractionStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e ArchiveExtractionStatus) IsValid() bool
func (ArchiveExtractionStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ArchiveExtractionStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ArchiveExtractionStatus) String ¶
func (e ArchiveExtractionStatus) String() string
func (*ArchiveExtractionStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ArchiveExtractionStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Asset ¶
type Asset struct { ID ID `json:"id"` Project *Project `json:"project"` ProjectID ID `json:"projectId"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` CreatedBy Operator `json:"createdBy"` CreatedByType OperatorType `json:"createdByType"` CreatedByID ID `json:"createdById"` Items []*AssetItem `json:"items,omitempty"` Size int64 `json:"size"` PreviewType *PreviewType `json:"previewType,omitempty"` UUID string `json:"uuid"` Thread *Thread `json:"thread,omitempty"` ThreadID ID `json:"threadId"` URL string `json:"url"` FileName string `json:"fileName"` ArchiveExtractionStatus *ArchiveExtractionStatus `json:"archiveExtractionStatus,omitempty"` }
type AssetConnection ¶
type AssetFile ¶
type AssetFile struct { Name string `json:"name"` Size int64 `json:"size"` ContentType *string `json:"contentType,omitempty"` Path string `json:"path"` FilePaths []string `json:"filePaths,omitempty"` }
func ToAssetFile ¶
type AssetSort ¶
type AssetSort struct { SortBy AssetSortType `json:"sortBy"` Direction *SortDirection `json:"direction,omitempty"` }
type AssetSortType ¶
type AssetSortType string
const ( AssetSortTypeDate AssetSortType = "DATE" AssetSortTypeSize AssetSortType = "SIZE" AssetSortTypeName AssetSortType = "NAME" )
func (AssetSortType) IsValid ¶
func (e AssetSortType) IsValid() bool
func (AssetSortType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AssetSortType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AssetSortType) String ¶
func (e AssetSortType) String() string
func (*AssetSortType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AssetSortType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BasicFieldCondition ¶
type BasicFieldCondition struct { FieldID *FieldSelector `json:"fieldId"` Operator BasicOperator `json:"operator"` Value any `json:"value"` }
func (BasicFieldCondition) IsCondition ¶
func (BasicFieldCondition) IsCondition()
type BasicFieldConditionInput ¶
type BasicFieldConditionInput struct { FieldID *FieldSelectorInput `json:"fieldId"` Operator BasicOperator `json:"operator"` Value any `json:"value"` }
type BasicOperator ¶
type BasicOperator string
const ( BasicOperatorEquals BasicOperator = "EQUALS" BasicOperatorNotEquals BasicOperator = "NOT_EQUALS" )
func (BasicOperator) Into ¶
func (e BasicOperator) Into() view.BasicOperator
func (BasicOperator) IsValid ¶
func (e BasicOperator) IsValid() bool
func (BasicOperator) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BasicOperator) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BasicOperator) String ¶
func (e BasicOperator) String() string
func (*BasicOperator) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BasicOperator) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BoolFieldCondition ¶
type BoolFieldCondition struct { FieldID *FieldSelector `json:"fieldId"` Operator BoolOperator `json:"operator"` Value bool `json:"value"` }
func (BoolFieldCondition) IsCondition ¶
func (BoolFieldCondition) IsCondition()
type BoolFieldConditionInput ¶
type BoolFieldConditionInput struct { FieldID *FieldSelectorInput `json:"fieldId"` Operator BoolOperator `json:"operator"` Value bool `json:"value"` }
type BoolOperator ¶
type BoolOperator string
const ( BoolOperatorEquals BoolOperator = "EQUALS" BoolOperatorNotEquals BoolOperator = "NOT_EQUALS" )
func (BoolOperator) Into ¶
func (e BoolOperator) Into() view.BoolOperator
func (BoolOperator) IsValid ¶
func (e BoolOperator) IsValid() bool
func (BoolOperator) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BoolOperator) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BoolOperator) String ¶
func (e BoolOperator) String() string
func (*BoolOperator) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BoolOperator) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CesiumResourceProps ¶
type CesiumResourceProps struct { Name string `json:"name"` URL string `json:"url"` Image string `json:"image"` CesiumIonAssetID string `json:"cesiumIonAssetId"` CesiumIonAccessToken string `json:"cesiumIonAccessToken"` }
func ToCesiumResourceProps ¶
func ToCesiumResourceProps(r workspacesettings.CesiumResourceProps) *CesiumResourceProps
type Column ¶
type Column struct { Field *FieldSelector `json:"field"` Visible bool `json:"visible"` }
func ToFieldSelectorList ¶
func ToFieldSelectorList(columns *view.ColumnList) []*Column
type ColumnSelectionInput ¶
type ColumnSelectionInput struct { Field *FieldSelectorInput `json:"field"` Visible bool `json:"visible"` }
func (ColumnSelectionInput) Into ¶
func (i ColumnSelectionInput) Into() view.Column
type Comment ¶
type CommentPayload ¶
type ConditionInput ¶
type ConditionInput struct { And *AndConditionInput `json:"and,omitempty"` Or *OrConditionInput `json:"or,omitempty"` Basic *BasicFieldConditionInput `json:"basic,omitempty"` Nullable *NullableFieldConditionInput `json:"nullable,omitempty"` Multiple *MultipleFieldConditionInput `json:"multiple,omitempty"` Bool *BoolFieldConditionInput `json:"bool,omitempty"` String *StringFieldConditionInput `json:"string,omitempty"` Number *NumberFieldConditionInput `json:"number,omitempty"` Time *TimeFieldConditionInput `json:"time,omitempty"` }
func (*ConditionInput) Into ¶
func (i *ConditionInput) Into() *view.Condition
type CorrespondingFieldInput ¶
type CreateAssetInput ¶
type CreateAssetPayload ¶
type CreateAssetPayload struct {
Asset *Asset `json:"asset"`
type CreateAssetUploadInput ¶
type CreateFieldInput ¶
type CreateFieldInput struct { ModelID *ID `json:"modelId,omitempty"` GroupID *ID `json:"groupId,omitempty"` Type SchemaFieldType `json:"type"` Title string `json:"title"` Metadata *bool `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key"` Multiple bool `json:"multiple"` Unique bool `json:"unique"` Required bool `json:"required"` IsTitle bool `json:"isTitle"` TypeProperty *SchemaFieldTypePropertyInput `json:"typeProperty"` }
type CreateGroupInput ¶
type CreateIntegrationInput ¶
type CreateIntegrationInput struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` LogoURL url.URL `json:"logoUrl"` Type IntegrationType `json:"type"` }
type CreateItemInput ¶
type CreateItemInput struct { SchemaID ID `json:"schemaId"` ModelID ID `json:"modelId"` MetadataID *ID `json:"metadataId,omitempty"` OriginalID *ID `json:"originalId,omitempty"` Fields []*ItemFieldInput `json:"fields"` }
type CreateModelInput ¶
type CreateProjectInput ¶
type CreateRequestInput ¶
type CreateRequestInput struct { ProjectID ID `json:"projectId"` Title string `json:"title"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` State *RequestState `json:"state,omitempty"` ReviewersID []ID `json:"reviewersId,omitempty"` Items []*RequestItemInput `json:"items"` }
type CreateThreadInput ¶
type CreateThreadInput struct {
WorkspaceID ID `json:"workspaceId"`
type CreateViewInput ¶
type CreateViewInput struct { Name string `json:"name"` ModelID ID `json:"modelId"` ProjectID ID `json:"projectId"` Sort *ItemSortInput `json:"sort,omitempty"` Filter *ConditionInput `json:"filter,omitempty"` Columns []*ColumnSelectionInput `json:"columns,omitempty"` }
type CreateWebhookInput ¶
type CreateWorkspaceInput ¶
type CreateWorkspaceInput struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
type CreateWorkspacePayload ¶
type CreateWorkspacePayload struct {
Workspace *Workspace `json:"workspace"`
type DecompressAssetInput ¶
type DecompressAssetInput struct {
AssetID ID `json:"assetId"`
type DecompressAssetPayload ¶
type DecompressAssetPayload struct {
Asset *Asset `json:"asset"`
type DeleteAssetInput ¶
type DeleteAssetInput struct {
AssetID ID `json:"assetId"`
type DeleteAssetPayload ¶
type DeleteAssetPayload struct {
AssetID ID `json:"assetId"`
type DeleteCommentInput ¶
type DeleteCommentPayload ¶
type DeleteFieldInput ¶
type DeleteFieldPayload ¶
type DeleteFieldPayload struct {
FieldID ID `json:"fieldId"`
type DeleteGroupInput ¶
type DeleteGroupInput struct {
GroupID ID `json:"groupId"`
type DeleteGroupPayload ¶
type DeleteGroupPayload struct {
GroupID ID `json:"groupId"`
type DeleteIntegrationInput ¶
type DeleteIntegrationInput struct {
IntegrationID ID `json:"integrationId"`
type DeleteIntegrationPayload ¶
type DeleteIntegrationPayload struct {
IntegrationID ID `json:"integrationId"`
type DeleteItemInput ¶
type DeleteItemInput struct {
ItemID ID `json:"itemId"`
type DeleteItemPayload ¶
type DeleteItemPayload struct {
ItemID ID `json:"itemId"`
type DeleteMeInput ¶
type DeleteMeInput struct {
UserID ID `json:"userId"`
type DeleteMePayload ¶
type DeleteMePayload struct {
UserID ID `json:"userId"`
type DeleteModelInput ¶
type DeleteModelInput struct {
ModelID ID `json:"modelId"`
type DeleteModelPayload ¶
type DeleteModelPayload struct {
ModelID ID `json:"modelId"`
type DeleteProjectInput ¶
type DeleteProjectInput struct {
ProjectID ID `json:"projectId"`
type DeleteProjectPayload ¶
type DeleteProjectPayload struct {
ProjectID ID `json:"projectId"`
type DeleteRequestInput ¶
type DeleteRequestPayload ¶
type DeleteRequestPayload struct {
Requests []ID `json:"requests"`
type DeleteViewInput ¶
type DeleteViewInput struct {
ViewID ID `json:"viewId"`
type DeleteViewPayload ¶
type DeleteViewPayload struct {
ViewID ID `json:"viewId"`
type DeleteWebhookInput ¶
type DeleteWebhookPayload ¶
type DeleteWebhookPayload struct {
WebhookID ID `json:"webhookId"`
type DeleteWorkspaceInput ¶
type DeleteWorkspaceInput struct {
WorkspaceID ID `json:"workspaceId"`
type DeleteWorkspacePayload ¶
type DeleteWorkspacePayload struct {
WorkspaceID ID `json:"workspaceId"`
type FieldPayload ¶
type FieldPayload struct {
Field *SchemaField `json:"field"`
type FieldSelector ¶
func ToFieldSelector ¶
func ToFieldSelector(field view.FieldSelector) *FieldSelector
type FieldSelectorInput ¶
func (FieldSelectorInput) Into ¶
func (i FieldSelectorInput) Into() view.FieldSelector
type FieldType ¶
type FieldType string
const ( FieldTypeID FieldType = "ID" FieldTypeCreationDate FieldType = "CREATION_DATE" FieldTypeCreationUser FieldType = "CREATION_USER" FieldTypeModificationDate FieldType = "MODIFICATION_DATE" FieldTypeModificationUser FieldType = "MODIFICATION_USER" FieldTypeStatus FieldType = "STATUS" FieldTypeField FieldType = "FIELD" FieldTypeMetaField FieldType = "META_FIELD" )
func ToFieldType ¶
func (FieldType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*FieldType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type FieldsPayload ¶
type FieldsPayload struct {
Fields []*SchemaField `json:"fields"`
type GeometryEditorSupportedType ¶
type GeometryEditorSupportedType string
const ( GeometryEditorSupportedTypePoint GeometryEditorSupportedType = "POINT" GeometryEditorSupportedTypeLinestring GeometryEditorSupportedType = "LINESTRING" GeometryEditorSupportedTypePolygon GeometryEditorSupportedType = "POLYGON" GeometryEditorSupportedTypeAny GeometryEditorSupportedType = "ANY" )
func ToGeometryEditorSupportedType ¶
func ToGeometryEditorSupportedType(g schema.GeometryEditorSupportedType) GeometryEditorSupportedType
func (GeometryEditorSupportedType) IsValid ¶
func (e GeometryEditorSupportedType) IsValid() bool
func (GeometryEditorSupportedType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e GeometryEditorSupportedType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (GeometryEditorSupportedType) String ¶
func (e GeometryEditorSupportedType) String() string
func (*GeometryEditorSupportedType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *GeometryEditorSupportedType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type GeometryObjectSupportedType ¶
type GeometryObjectSupportedType string
const ( GeometryObjectSupportedTypePoint GeometryObjectSupportedType = "POINT" GeometryObjectSupportedTypeMultipoint GeometryObjectSupportedType = "MULTIPOINT" GeometryObjectSupportedTypeLinestring GeometryObjectSupportedType = "LINESTRING" GeometryObjectSupportedTypeMultilinestring GeometryObjectSupportedType = "MULTILINESTRING" GeometryObjectSupportedTypePolygon GeometryObjectSupportedType = "POLYGON" GeometryObjectSupportedTypeMultipolygon GeometryObjectSupportedType = "MULTIPOLYGON" GeometryObjectSupportedTypeGeometrycollection GeometryObjectSupportedType = "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION" )
func ToGeometryObjectSupportedType ¶
func ToGeometryObjectSupportedType(g schema.GeometryObjectSupportedType) GeometryObjectSupportedType
func (GeometryObjectSupportedType) IsValid ¶
func (e GeometryObjectSupportedType) IsValid() bool
func (GeometryObjectSupportedType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e GeometryObjectSupportedType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (GeometryObjectSupportedType) String ¶
func (e GeometryObjectSupportedType) String() string
func (*GeometryObjectSupportedType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *GeometryObjectSupportedType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Group ¶
type Group struct { ID ID `json:"id"` SchemaID ID `json:"schemaId"` ProjectID ID `json:"projectId"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Key string `json:"key"` Schema *Schema `json:"schema"` Project *Project `json:"project"` Fields []*SchemaField `json:"fields"` Order int `json:"order"` }
type GroupPayload ¶
type GroupPayload struct {
Group *Group `json:"group"`
type GroupsPayload ¶
type GroupsPayload struct {
Groups []*Group `json:"groups"`
type Integration ¶
type Integration struct { ID ID `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` LogoURL url.URL `json:"logoUrl"` IType IntegrationType `json:"iType"` DeveloperID ID `json:"developerId"` Developer *User `json:"developer"` Config *IntegrationConfig `json:"config,omitempty"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
func ToIntegration ¶
func ToIntegration(i *integration.Integration, uId *accountdomain.UserID) *Integration
func (Integration) GetID ¶
func (this Integration) GetID() ID
func (Integration) IsNode ¶
func (Integration) IsNode()
func (Integration) IsOperator ¶
func (Integration) IsOperator()
type IntegrationConfig ¶
type IntegrationPayload ¶
type IntegrationPayload struct {
Integration *Integration `json:"integration"`
type IntegrationType ¶
type IntegrationType string
const ( IntegrationTypePublic IntegrationType = "Public" IntegrationTypePrivate IntegrationType = "Private" )
func ToIntegrationType ¶
func ToIntegrationType(t integration.Type) IntegrationType
func (IntegrationType) IsValid ¶
func (e IntegrationType) IsValid() bool
func (IntegrationType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e IntegrationType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (IntegrationType) String ¶
func (e IntegrationType) String() string
func (*IntegrationType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *IntegrationType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Item ¶
type Item struct { ID ID `json:"id"` SchemaID ID `json:"schemaId"` ThreadID ID `json:"threadId"` ModelID ID `json:"modelId"` ProjectID ID `json:"projectId"` IntegrationID *ID `json:"integrationId,omitempty"` UpdatedByUserID *ID `json:"updatedByUserId,omitempty"` UpdatedByIntegrationID *ID `json:"updatedByIntegrationId,omitempty"` UserID *ID `json:"userId,omitempty"` MetadataID *ID `json:"metadataId,omitempty"` IsMetadata bool `json:"isMetadata"` OriginalID *ID `json:"originalId,omitempty"` CreatedBy Operator `json:"createdBy,omitempty"` Schema *Schema `json:"schema"` Model *Model `json:"model"` Status ItemStatus `json:"status"` Project *Project `json:"project"` Thread *Thread `json:"thread"` Fields []*ItemField `json:"fields"` Assets []*Asset `json:"assets"` ReferencedItems []*Item `json:"referencedItems,omitempty"` Requests []*Request `json:"requests,omitempty"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` UpdatedBy Operator `json:"updatedBy,omitempty"` Version string `json:"version"` Metadata *Item `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Original *Item `json:"original,omitempty"` Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
type ItemConnection ¶
type ItemField ¶
type ItemField struct { SchemaFieldID ID `json:"schemaFieldId"` ItemGroupID *ID `json:"itemGroupId,omitempty"` Type SchemaFieldType `json:"type"` Value any `json:"value,omitempty"` }
type ItemFieldInput ¶
type ItemFieldInput struct { SchemaFieldID ID `json:"schemaFieldId"` ItemGroupID *ID `json:"itemGroupId,omitempty"` Type SchemaFieldType `json:"type"` Value any `json:"value"` }
type ItemPayload ¶
type ItemPayload struct {
Item *Item `json:"item"`
type ItemQueryInput ¶
type ItemSort ¶
type ItemSort struct { Field *FieldSelector `json:"field"` Direction *SortDirection `json:"direction,omitempty"` }
type ItemSortInput ¶
type ItemSortInput struct { Field *FieldSelectorInput `json:"field"` Direction *SortDirection `json:"direction,omitempty"` }
func (*ItemSortInput) Into ¶
func (s *ItemSortInput) Into() *view.Sort
type ItemStatus ¶
type ItemStatus string
const ( ItemStatusDraft ItemStatus = "DRAFT" ItemStatusPublic ItemStatus = "PUBLIC" ItemStatusReview ItemStatus = "REVIEW" ItemStatusPublicReview ItemStatus = "PUBLIC_REVIEW" ItemStatusPublicDraft ItemStatus = "PUBLIC_DRAFT" )
func ToItemStatus ¶
func ToItemStatus(in item.Status) ItemStatus
func (ItemStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e ItemStatus) IsValid() bool
func (ItemStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ItemStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ItemStatus) String ¶
func (e ItemStatus) String() string
func (*ItemStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ItemStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type KeyAvailability ¶
type Me ¶
type Me struct { ID ID `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` Lang language.Tag `json:"lang"` Theme Theme `json:"theme"` Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` MyWorkspaceID ID `json:"myWorkspaceId"` Auths []string `json:"auths"` Workspaces []*Workspace `json:"workspaces"` MyWorkspace *Workspace `json:"myWorkspace,omitempty"` Integrations []*Integration `json:"integrations"` }
type MemberInput ¶
type Model ¶
type Model struct { ID ID `json:"id"` ProjectID ID `json:"projectId"` SchemaID ID `json:"schemaId"` MetadataSchemaID *ID `json:"metadataSchemaId,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Key string `json:"key"` Project *Project `json:"project"` Schema *Schema `json:"schema"` MetadataSchema *Schema `json:"metadataSchema,omitempty"` Public bool `json:"public"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` Order *int `json:"order,omitempty"` }
type ModelConnection ¶
type ModelPayload ¶
type ModelPayload struct {
Model *Model `json:"model"`
type ModelsPayload ¶
type ModelsPayload struct {
Models []*Model `json:"models"`
type MultipleFieldCondition ¶
type MultipleFieldCondition struct { FieldID *FieldSelector `json:"fieldId"` Operator MultipleOperator `json:"operator"` Value []any `json:"value"` }
func (MultipleFieldCondition) IsCondition ¶
func (MultipleFieldCondition) IsCondition()
type MultipleFieldConditionInput ¶
type MultipleFieldConditionInput struct { FieldID *FieldSelectorInput `json:"fieldId"` Operator MultipleOperator `json:"operator"` Value []any `json:"value"` }
type MultipleOperator ¶
type MultipleOperator string
const ( MultipleOperatorIncludesAny MultipleOperator = "INCLUDES_ANY" MultipleOperatorNotIncludesAny MultipleOperator = "NOT_INCLUDES_ANY" MultipleOperatorIncludesAll MultipleOperator = "INCLUDES_ALL" MultipleOperatorNotIncludesAll MultipleOperator = "NOT_INCLUDES_ALL" )
func (MultipleOperator) Into ¶
func (e MultipleOperator) Into() view.MultipleOperator
func (MultipleOperator) IsValid ¶
func (e MultipleOperator) IsValid() bool
func (MultipleOperator) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e MultipleOperator) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (MultipleOperator) String ¶
func (e MultipleOperator) String() string
func (*MultipleOperator) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *MultipleOperator) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type NodeType ¶
type NodeType string
const ( NodeTypeUser NodeType = "USER" NodeTypeWorkspace NodeType = "WORKSPACE" NodeTypeProject NodeType = "PROJECT" NodeTypeAsset NodeType = "ASSET" NodeTypeRequest NodeType = "REQUEST" NodeTypeModel NodeType = "Model" NodeTypeSchema NodeType = "Schema" NodeTypeItem NodeType = "Item" NodeTypeView NodeType = "View" NodeTypeIntegration NodeType = "Integration" NodeTypeGroup NodeType = "Group" NodeTypeWorkspaceSettings NodeType = "WorkspaceSettings" )
func (NodeType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*NodeType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type NullableFieldCondition ¶
type NullableFieldCondition struct { FieldID *FieldSelector `json:"fieldId"` Operator NullableOperator `json:"operator"` }
func (NullableFieldCondition) IsCondition ¶
func (NullableFieldCondition) IsCondition()
type NullableFieldConditionInput ¶
type NullableFieldConditionInput struct { FieldID *FieldSelectorInput `json:"fieldId"` Operator NullableOperator `json:"operator"` }
type NullableOperator ¶
type NullableOperator string
const ( NullableOperatorEmpty NullableOperator = "EMPTY" NullableOperatorNotEmpty NullableOperator = "NOT_EMPTY" )
func (NullableOperator) Into ¶
func (e NullableOperator) Into() view.NullableOperator
func (NullableOperator) IsValid ¶
func (e NullableOperator) IsValid() bool
func (NullableOperator) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e NullableOperator) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (NullableOperator) String ¶
func (e NullableOperator) String() string
func (*NullableOperator) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *NullableOperator) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type NumberFieldCondition ¶
type NumberFieldCondition struct { FieldID *FieldSelector `json:"fieldId"` Operator NumberOperator `json:"operator"` Value float64 `json:"value"` }
func (NumberFieldCondition) IsCondition ¶
func (NumberFieldCondition) IsCondition()
type NumberFieldConditionInput ¶
type NumberFieldConditionInput struct { FieldID *FieldSelectorInput `json:"fieldId"` Operator NumberOperator `json:"operator"` Value float64 `json:"value"` }
type NumberOperator ¶
type NumberOperator string
const ( NumberOperatorGreaterThan NumberOperator = "GREATER_THAN" NumberOperatorLessThan NumberOperator = "LESS_THAN" NumberOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo NumberOperator = "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO" NumberOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo NumberOperator = "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO" )
func (NumberOperator) Into ¶
func (e NumberOperator) Into() view.NumberOperator
func (NumberOperator) IsValid ¶
func (e NumberOperator) IsValid() bool
func (NumberOperator) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e NumberOperator) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (NumberOperator) String ¶
func (e NumberOperator) String() string
func (*NumberOperator) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *NumberOperator) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type OperatorInput ¶
type OperatorInput struct { Basic *BasicOperator `json:"basic,omitempty"` Nullable *NullableOperator `json:"nullable,omitempty"` Bool *BoolOperator `json:"bool,omitempty"` String *StringOperator `json:"string,omitempty"` Number *NumberOperator `json:"number,omitempty"` Time *TimeOperator `json:"time,omitempty"` }
type OperatorType ¶
type OperatorType string
const ( OperatorTypeUser OperatorType = "User" OperatorTypeIntegration OperatorType = "Integration" )
func (OperatorType) IsValid ¶
func (e OperatorType) IsValid() bool
func (OperatorType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e OperatorType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (OperatorType) String ¶
func (e OperatorType) String() string
func (*OperatorType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *OperatorType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type OrCondition ¶
type OrCondition struct {
Conditions []Condition `json:"conditions"`
func (OrCondition) IsCondition ¶
func (OrCondition) IsCondition()
type OrConditionInput ¶
type OrConditionInput struct {
Conditions []*ConditionInput `json:"conditions"`
type PageInfo ¶
type PageInfo struct { StartCursor *usecasex.Cursor `json:"startCursor,omitempty"` EndCursor *usecasex.Cursor `json:"endCursor,omitempty"` HasNextPage bool `json:"hasNextPage"` HasPreviousPage bool `json:"hasPreviousPage"` }
func ToPageInfo ¶
type Pagination ¶
type Pagination struct { First *int `json:"first,omitempty"` Last *int `json:"last,omitempty"` Offset *int `json:"offset,omitempty"` After *usecasex.Cursor `json:"after,omitempty"` Before *usecasex.Cursor `json:"before,omitempty"` }
func (*Pagination) Into ¶
func (p *Pagination) Into() *usecasex.Pagination
type PreviewType ¶
type PreviewType string
const ( PreviewTypeImage PreviewType = "IMAGE" PreviewTypeImageSVG PreviewType = "IMAGE_SVG" PreviewTypeGeo PreviewType = "GEO" PreviewTypeGeo3dTiles PreviewType = "GEO_3D_TILES" PreviewTypeGeoMvt PreviewType = "GEO_MVT" PreviewTypeModel3d PreviewType = "MODEL_3D" PreviewTypeCSV PreviewType = "CSV" PreviewTypeUnknown PreviewType = "UNKNOWN" )
func ToPreviewType ¶
func ToPreviewType(p *asset.PreviewType) *PreviewType
func (PreviewType) IsValid ¶
func (e PreviewType) IsValid() bool
func (PreviewType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PreviewType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PreviewType) String ¶
func (e PreviewType) String() string
func (*PreviewType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PreviewType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Project ¶
type Project struct { ID ID `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Alias string `json:"alias"` WorkspaceID ID `json:"workspaceId"` Workspace *Workspace `json:"workspace,omitempty"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` Publication *ProjectPublication `json:"publication,omitempty"` RequestRoles []Role `json:"requestRoles,omitempty"` }
type ProjectConnection ¶
type ProjectConnection struct { Edges []*ProjectEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []*Project `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
type ProjectEdge ¶
type ProjectPayload ¶
type ProjectPayload struct {
Project *Project `json:"project"`
type ProjectPublication ¶
type ProjectPublication struct { Scope ProjectPublicationScope `json:"scope"` AssetPublic bool `json:"assetPublic"` Token *string `json:"token,omitempty"` }
func ToProjectPublication ¶
func ToProjectPublication(p *project.Publication) *ProjectPublication
type ProjectPublicationScope ¶
type ProjectPublicationScope string
const ( ProjectPublicationScopePublic ProjectPublicationScope = "PUBLIC" ProjectPublicationScopeLimited ProjectPublicationScope = "LIMITED" ProjectPublicationScopePrivate ProjectPublicationScope = "PRIVATE" )
func ToProjectPublicationScope ¶
func ToProjectPublicationScope(p project.PublicationScope) ProjectPublicationScope
func (ProjectPublicationScope) IsValid ¶
func (e ProjectPublicationScope) IsValid() bool
func (ProjectPublicationScope) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ProjectPublicationScope) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ProjectPublicationScope) String ¶
func (e ProjectPublicationScope) String() string
func (*ProjectPublicationScope) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ProjectPublicationScope) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PublishItemInput ¶
type PublishItemInput struct {
ItemIds []ID `json:"itemIds"`
type PublishItemPayload ¶
type PublishItemPayload struct {
Items []*Item `json:"items"`
type PublishModelInput ¶
type PublishModelPayload ¶
type RegenerateIntegrationTokenInput ¶
type RegenerateIntegrationTokenInput struct {
IntegrationID ID `json:"integrationId"`
type RegeneratePublicAPITokenInput ¶
type RegeneratePublicAPITokenInput struct {
ProjectID ID `json:"projectId"`
type RemoveIntegrationFromWorkspacePayload ¶
type RemoveIntegrationFromWorkspacePayload struct {
Workspace *Workspace `json:"workspace"`
type RemoveMultipleMembersFromWorkspacePayload ¶
type RemoveMultipleMembersFromWorkspacePayload struct {
Workspace *Workspace `json:"workspace"`
type RemoveMyAuthInput ¶
type RemoveMyAuthInput struct {
Auth string `json:"auth"`
type Request ¶
type Request struct { ID ID `json:"id"` Items []*RequestItem `json:"items"` Title string `json:"title"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` CreatedByID ID `json:"createdById"` WorkspaceID ID `json:"workspaceId"` ProjectID ID `json:"projectId"` ThreadID ID `json:"threadId"` ReviewersID []ID `json:"reviewersId"` State RequestState `json:"state"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` ApprovedAt *time.Time `json:"approvedAt,omitempty"` ClosedAt *time.Time `json:"closedAt,omitempty"` Thread *Thread `json:"thread,omitempty"` CreatedBy *User `json:"createdBy,omitempty"` Workspace *Workspace `json:"workspace,omitempty"` Project *Project `json:"project,omitempty"` Reviewers []*User `json:"reviewers"` }
type RequestConnection ¶
type RequestConnection struct { Edges []*RequestEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []*Request `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
type RequestEdge ¶
type RequestItem ¶
type RequestItem struct { ItemID ID `json:"itemId"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` Ref *string `json:"ref,omitempty"` Item *VersionedItem `json:"item,omitempty"` }
type RequestItemInput ¶
type RequestPayload ¶
type RequestPayload struct {
Request *Request `json:"request"`
type RequestState ¶
type RequestState string
const ( RequestStateDraft RequestState = "DRAFT" RequestStateWaiting RequestState = "WAITING" RequestStateClosed RequestState = "CLOSED" RequestStateApproved RequestState = "APPROVED" )
func ToRequestState ¶
func ToRequestState(s request.State) RequestState
func (RequestState) IsValid ¶
func (e RequestState) IsValid() bool
func (RequestState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RequestState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RequestState) String ¶
func (e RequestState) String() string
func (*RequestState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RequestState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Resource ¶
type Resource interface {
func ToResource ¶
func ToResource(r *workspacesettings.Resource) Resource
type ResourceInput ¶
type ResourceInput struct { Tile *TileResourceInput `json:"tile,omitempty"` Terrain *TerrainResourceInput `json:"terrain,omitempty"` }
type ResourceList ¶
type ResourceList struct { Resources []Resource `json:"resources"` SelectedResource *ID `json:"selectedResource,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` }
func ToResourceList ¶
func ToResourceList(resource *workspacesettings.ResourceList) *ResourceList
type ResourcesListInput ¶
type ResourcesListInput struct { Resources []*ResourceInput `json:"resources"` SelectedResource *ID `json:"selectedResource,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` }
type Schema ¶
type Schema struct { ID ID `json:"id"` ProjectID ID `json:"projectId"` Fields []*SchemaField `json:"fields"` TitleFieldID *ID `json:"titleFieldId,omitempty"` TitleField *SchemaField `json:"titleField,omitempty"` Project *Project `json:"project"` }
type SchemaField ¶
type SchemaField struct { ID ID `json:"id"` ModelID *ID `json:"modelId,omitempty"` GroupID *ID `json:"groupId,omitempty"` Model *Model `json:"model,omitempty"` Group *Group `json:"group,omitempty"` Type SchemaFieldType `json:"type"` TypeProperty SchemaFieldTypeProperty `json:"typeProperty,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key"` Title string `json:"title"` Order *int `json:"order,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Multiple bool `json:"multiple"` Unique bool `json:"unique"` Required bool `json:"required"` IsTitle bool `json:"isTitle"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
func ToSchemaField ¶
func ToSchemaField(sf *schema.Field, titleField *id.FieldID) *SchemaField
type SchemaFieldAsset ¶
type SchemaFieldAsset struct {
DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
func (SchemaFieldAsset) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldAsset) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldAssetInput ¶
type SchemaFieldAssetInput struct {
DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
type SchemaFieldBool ¶
type SchemaFieldBool struct {
DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
func (SchemaFieldBool) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldBool) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldBoolInput ¶
type SchemaFieldBoolInput struct {
DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
type SchemaFieldCheckbox ¶
type SchemaFieldCheckbox struct {
DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
func (SchemaFieldCheckbox) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldCheckbox) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldCheckboxInput ¶
type SchemaFieldCheckboxInput struct {
DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
type SchemaFieldDate ¶
type SchemaFieldDate struct {
DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
func (SchemaFieldDate) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldDate) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldDateInput ¶
type SchemaFieldDateInput struct {
DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
type SchemaFieldGeometryEditor ¶
type SchemaFieldGeometryEditor struct { DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"` SupportedTypes []GeometryEditorSupportedType `json:"supportedTypes"` }
func (SchemaFieldGeometryEditor) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldGeometryEditor) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldGeometryEditorInput ¶
type SchemaFieldGeometryEditorInput struct { DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"` SupportedTypes []GeometryEditorSupportedType `json:"supportedTypes"` }
type SchemaFieldGeometryObject ¶
type SchemaFieldGeometryObject struct { DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"` SupportedTypes []GeometryObjectSupportedType `json:"supportedTypes"` }
func (SchemaFieldGeometryObject) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldGeometryObject) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldGeometryObjectInput ¶
type SchemaFieldGeometryObjectInput struct { DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"` SupportedTypes []GeometryObjectSupportedType `json:"supportedTypes"` }
type SchemaFieldGroup ¶
type SchemaFieldGroup struct {
GroupID ID `json:"groupId"`
func (SchemaFieldGroup) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldGroup) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldGroupInput ¶
type SchemaFieldGroupInput struct {
GroupID ID `json:"groupId"`
type SchemaFieldInteger ¶
type SchemaFieldInteger struct { DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"` Min *int `json:"min,omitempty"` Max *int `json:"max,omitempty"` }
func (SchemaFieldInteger) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldInteger) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldIntegerInput ¶
type SchemaFieldLineStringInput ¶
type SchemaFieldLineStringInput struct {
DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
type SchemaFieldMarkdown ¶
type SchemaFieldMarkdown struct { DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"` MaxLength *int `json:"maxLength,omitempty"` }
func (SchemaFieldMarkdown) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldMarkdown) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldNumber ¶
type SchemaFieldNumber struct { DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"` Min *float64 `json:"min,omitempty"` Max *float64 `json:"max,omitempty"` }
func (SchemaFieldNumber) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldNumber) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldNumberInput ¶
type SchemaFieldReference ¶
type SchemaFieldReference struct { ModelID ID `json:"modelId"` SchemaID ID `json:"schemaId"` Schema *Schema `json:"schema"` CorrespondingFieldID *ID `json:"correspondingFieldId,omitempty"` CorrespondingField *SchemaField `json:"correspondingField,omitempty"` }
func (SchemaFieldReference) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldReference) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldReferenceInput ¶
type SchemaFieldReferenceInput struct { ModelID ID `json:"modelId"` SchemaID ID `json:"schemaId"` CorrespondingField *CorrespondingFieldInput `json:"correspondingField,omitempty"` }
type SchemaFieldRichText ¶
type SchemaFieldRichText struct { DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"` MaxLength *int `json:"maxLength,omitempty"` }
func (SchemaFieldRichText) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldRichText) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldSelect ¶
type SchemaFieldSelect struct { Values []string `json:"values"` DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"` }
func (SchemaFieldSelect) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldSelect) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldSelectInput ¶
type SchemaFieldTag ¶
type SchemaFieldTag struct { Tags []*SchemaFieldTagValue `json:"tags"` DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"` }
func (SchemaFieldTag) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldTag) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldTagColor ¶
type SchemaFieldTagColor string
const ( SchemaFieldTagColorMagenta SchemaFieldTagColor = "MAGENTA" SchemaFieldTagColorRed SchemaFieldTagColor = "RED" SchemaFieldTagColorVolcano SchemaFieldTagColor = "VOLCANO" SchemaFieldTagColorOrange SchemaFieldTagColor = "ORANGE" SchemaFieldTagColorGold SchemaFieldTagColor = "GOLD" SchemaFieldTagColorLime SchemaFieldTagColor = "LIME" SchemaFieldTagColorGreen SchemaFieldTagColor = "GREEN" SchemaFieldTagColorCyan SchemaFieldTagColor = "CYAN" SchemaFieldTagColorBlue SchemaFieldTagColor = "BLUE" SchemaFieldTagColorGeekblue SchemaFieldTagColor = "GEEKBLUE" SchemaFieldTagColorPurple SchemaFieldTagColor = "PURPLE" )
func ToSchemaFieldTagColor ¶
func ToSchemaFieldTagColor(c schema.TagColor) SchemaFieldTagColor
func (SchemaFieldTagColor) IsValid ¶
func (e SchemaFieldTagColor) IsValid() bool
func (SchemaFieldTagColor) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SchemaFieldTagColor) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SchemaFieldTagColor) String ¶
func (e SchemaFieldTagColor) String() string
func (*SchemaFieldTagColor) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SchemaFieldTagColor) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SchemaFieldTagInput ¶
type SchemaFieldTagInput struct { Tags []*SchemaFieldTagValueInput `json:"tags"` DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"` }
type SchemaFieldTagValue ¶
type SchemaFieldTagValue struct { ID ID `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Color SchemaFieldTagColor `json:"color"` }
type SchemaFieldTagValueInput ¶
type SchemaFieldTagValueInput struct { ID *ID `json:"id,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Color *SchemaFieldTagColor `json:"color,omitempty"` }
type SchemaFieldText ¶
type SchemaFieldText struct { DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"` MaxLength *int `json:"maxLength,omitempty"` }
func (SchemaFieldText) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldText) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldTextArea ¶
type SchemaFieldTextArea struct { DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"` MaxLength *int `json:"maxLength,omitempty"` }
func (SchemaFieldTextArea) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldTextArea) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldTextInput ¶
type SchemaFieldType ¶
type SchemaFieldType string
const ( SchemaFieldTypeText SchemaFieldType = "Text" SchemaFieldTypeTextArea SchemaFieldType = "TextArea" SchemaFieldTypeRichText SchemaFieldType = "RichText" SchemaFieldTypeMarkdownText SchemaFieldType = "MarkdownText" SchemaFieldTypeAsset SchemaFieldType = "Asset" SchemaFieldTypeDate SchemaFieldType = "Date" SchemaFieldTypeBool SchemaFieldType = "Bool" SchemaFieldTypeSelect SchemaFieldType = "Select" SchemaFieldTypeTag SchemaFieldType = "Tag" SchemaFieldTypeInteger SchemaFieldType = "Integer" SchemaFieldTypeNumber SchemaFieldType = "Number" SchemaFieldTypeReference SchemaFieldType = "Reference" SchemaFieldTypeCheckbox SchemaFieldType = "Checkbox" SchemaFieldTypeURL SchemaFieldType = "URL" SchemaFieldTypeGroup SchemaFieldType = "Group" SchemaFieldTypeGeometryObject SchemaFieldType = "GeometryObject" SchemaFieldTypeGeometryEditor SchemaFieldType = "GeometryEditor" )
func ToValueType ¶
func ToValueType(t value.Type) SchemaFieldType
func (SchemaFieldType) IsValid ¶
func (e SchemaFieldType) IsValid() bool
func (SchemaFieldType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SchemaFieldType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SchemaFieldType) String ¶
func (e SchemaFieldType) String() string
func (*SchemaFieldType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SchemaFieldType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
type SchemaFieldTypeProperty interface {
func ToSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func ToSchemaFieldTypeProperty(tp *schema.TypeProperty, dv *value.Multiple, multiple bool) (res SchemaFieldTypeProperty)
type SchemaFieldTypePropertyInput ¶
type SchemaFieldTypePropertyInput struct { Text *SchemaFieldTextInput `json:"text,omitempty"` TextArea *SchemaFieldTextAreaInput `json:"textArea,omitempty"` RichText *SchemaFieldRichTextInput `json:"richText,omitempty"` MarkdownText *SchemaMarkdownTextInput `json:"markdownText,omitempty"` Asset *SchemaFieldAssetInput `json:"asset,omitempty"` Date *SchemaFieldDateInput `json:"date,omitempty"` Bool *SchemaFieldBoolInput `json:"bool,omitempty"` Select *SchemaFieldSelectInput `json:"select,omitempty"` Tag *SchemaFieldTagInput `json:"tag,omitempty"` Checkbox *SchemaFieldCheckboxInput `json:"checkbox,omitempty"` Integer *SchemaFieldIntegerInput `json:"integer,omitempty"` Number *SchemaFieldNumberInput `json:"number,omitempty"` Reference *SchemaFieldReferenceInput `json:"reference,omitempty"` URL *SchemaFieldURLInput `json:"url,omitempty"` Group *SchemaFieldGroupInput `json:"group,omitempty"` GeometryObject *SchemaFieldGeometryObjectInput `json:"geometryObject,omitempty"` GeometryEditor *SchemaFieldGeometryEditorInput `json:"geometryEditor,omitempty"` }
type SchemaFieldURL ¶
type SchemaFieldURL struct {
DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
func (SchemaFieldURL) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty ¶
func (SchemaFieldURL) IsSchemaFieldTypeProperty()
type SchemaFieldURLInput ¶
type SchemaFieldURLInput struct {
DefaultValue any `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
type SchemaMarkdownTextInput ¶
type SearchItemInput ¶
type SearchItemInput struct { Query *ItemQueryInput `json:"query"` Sort *ItemSortInput `json:"sort,omitempty"` Filter *ConditionInput `json:"filter,omitempty"` Pagination *Pagination `json:"pagination,omitempty"` }
type SortDirection ¶
type SortDirection string
const ( SortDirectionAsc SortDirection = "ASC" SortDirectionDesc SortDirection = "DESC" )
func ToDirection ¶
func ToDirection(direction view.Direction) *SortDirection
func (*SortDirection) Into ¶
func (s *SortDirection) Into() view.Direction
func (SortDirection) IsValid ¶
func (e SortDirection) IsValid() bool
func (SortDirection) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SortDirection) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SortDirection) String ¶
func (e SortDirection) String() string
func (*SortDirection) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SortDirection) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type StringFieldCondition ¶
type StringFieldCondition struct { FieldID *FieldSelector `json:"fieldId"` Operator StringOperator `json:"operator"` Value string `json:"value"` }
func (StringFieldCondition) IsCondition ¶
func (StringFieldCondition) IsCondition()
type StringFieldConditionInput ¶
type StringFieldConditionInput struct { FieldID *FieldSelectorInput `json:"fieldId"` Operator StringOperator `json:"operator"` Value string `json:"value"` }
type StringOperator ¶
type StringOperator string
const ( StringOperatorContains StringOperator = "CONTAINS" StringOperatorNotContains StringOperator = "NOT_CONTAINS" StringOperatorStartsWith StringOperator = "STARTS_WITH" StringOperatorEndsWith StringOperator = "ENDS_WITH" StringOperatorNotStartsWith StringOperator = "NOT_STARTS_WITH" StringOperatorNotEndsWith StringOperator = "NOT_ENDS_WITH" )
func (StringOperator) Into ¶
func (e StringOperator) Into() view.StringOperator
func (StringOperator) IsValid ¶
func (e StringOperator) IsValid() bool
func (StringOperator) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e StringOperator) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (StringOperator) String ¶
func (e StringOperator) String() string
func (*StringOperator) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *StringOperator) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type TerrainResource ¶
type TerrainResource struct { ID ID `json:"id"` Type TerrainType `json:"type"` Props *CesiumResourceProps `json:"props,omitempty"` }
func (TerrainResource) IsResource ¶
func (TerrainResource) IsResource()
type TerrainResourceInput ¶
type TerrainResourceInput struct { ID ID `json:"id"` Type TerrainType `json:"type"` Props *CesiumResourcePropsInput `json:"props,omitempty"` }
type TerrainType ¶
type TerrainType string
const ( TerrainTypeCesiumWorldTerrain TerrainType = "CESIUM_WORLD_TERRAIN" TerrainTypeArcGisTerrain TerrainType = "ARC_GIS_TERRAIN" TerrainTypeCesiumIon TerrainType = "CESIUM_ION" )
func ToTerrainType ¶
func ToTerrainType(tt workspacesettings.TerrainType) TerrainType
func (TerrainType) IsValid ¶
func (e TerrainType) IsValid() bool
func (TerrainType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e TerrainType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (TerrainType) String ¶
func (e TerrainType) String() string
func (*TerrainType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *TerrainType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Thread ¶
type ThreadPayload ¶
type ThreadPayload struct {
Thread *Thread `json:"thread"`
type TileResource ¶
type TileResource struct { ID ID `json:"id"` Type TileType `json:"type"` Props *URLResourceProps `json:"props,omitempty"` }
func (TileResource) IsResource ¶
func (TileResource) IsResource()
type TileResourceInput ¶
type TileResourceInput struct { ID ID `json:"id"` Type TileType `json:"type"` Props *URLResourcePropsInput `json:"props,omitempty"` }
type TileType ¶
type TileType string
const ( TileTypeDefault TileType = "DEFAULT" TileTypeLabelled TileType = "LABELLED" TileTypeRoadMap TileType = "ROAD_MAP" TileTypeOpenStreetMap TileType = "OPEN_STREET_MAP" TileTypeEsriTopography TileType = "ESRI_TOPOGRAPHY" TileTypeEarthAtNight TileType = "EARTH_AT_NIGHT" TileTypeJapanGsiStandardMap TileType = "JAPAN_GSI_STANDARD_MAP" TileTypeURL TileType = "URL" )
func ToTileType ¶
func ToTileType(tt workspacesettings.TileType) TileType
func (TileType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*TileType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type TimeFieldCondition ¶
type TimeFieldCondition struct { FieldID *FieldSelector `json:"fieldId"` Operator TimeOperator `json:"operator"` Value time.Time `json:"value"` }
func (TimeFieldCondition) IsCondition ¶
func (TimeFieldCondition) IsCondition()
type TimeFieldConditionInput ¶
type TimeFieldConditionInput struct { FieldID *FieldSelectorInput `json:"fieldId"` Operator TimeOperator `json:"operator"` Value time.Time `json:"value"` }
type TimeOperator ¶
type TimeOperator string
const ( TimeOperatorBefore TimeOperator = "BEFORE" TimeOperatorAfter TimeOperator = "AFTER" TimeOperatorBeforeOrOn TimeOperator = "BEFORE_OR_ON" TimeOperatorAfterOrOn TimeOperator = "AFTER_OR_ON" TimeOperatorOfThisWeek TimeOperator = "OF_THIS_WEEK" TimeOperatorOfThisMonth TimeOperator = "OF_THIS_MONTH" TimeOperatorOfThisYear TimeOperator = "OF_THIS_YEAR" )
func (TimeOperator) Into ¶
func (e TimeOperator) Into() view.TimeOperator
func (TimeOperator) IsValid ¶
func (e TimeOperator) IsValid() bool
func (TimeOperator) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e TimeOperator) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (TimeOperator) String ¶
func (e TimeOperator) String() string
func (*TimeOperator) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *TimeOperator) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type URLResourceProps ¶
type URLResourceProps struct { Name string `json:"name"` URL string `json:"url"` Image string `json:"image"` }
func ToUrlResourceProps ¶
func ToUrlResourceProps(r workspacesettings.UrlResourceProps) *URLResourceProps
type URLResourcePropsInput ¶
type UnpublishItemInput ¶
type UnpublishItemInput struct {
ItemIds []ID `json:"itemIds"`
type UnpublishItemPayload ¶
type UnpublishItemPayload struct {
Items []*Item `json:"items"`
type UpdateAssetInput ¶
type UpdateAssetInput struct { ID ID `json:"id"` PreviewType *PreviewType `json:"previewType,omitempty"` }
type UpdateAssetPayload ¶
type UpdateAssetPayload struct {
Asset *Asset `json:"asset"`
type UpdateCommentInput ¶
type UpdateFieldInput ¶
type UpdateFieldInput struct { ModelID *ID `json:"modelId,omitempty"` GroupID *ID `json:"groupId,omitempty"` FieldID ID `json:"fieldId"` Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Order *int `json:"order,omitempty"` Metadata *bool `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` Required *bool `json:"required,omitempty"` Unique *bool `json:"unique,omitempty"` Multiple *bool `json:"multiple,omitempty"` IsTitle *bool `json:"isTitle,omitempty"` TypeProperty *SchemaFieldTypePropertyInput `json:"typeProperty,omitempty"` }
type UpdateGroupInput ¶
type UpdateGroupsOrderInput ¶
type UpdateGroupsOrderInput struct {
GroupIds []ID `json:"groupIds"`
type UpdateIntegrationInput ¶
type UpdateItemInput ¶
type UpdateItemInput struct { ItemID ID `json:"itemId"` MetadataID *ID `json:"metadataId,omitempty"` OriginalID *ID `json:"originalId,omitempty"` Fields []*ItemFieldInput `json:"fields"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
type UpdateMeInput ¶
type UpdateMeInput struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` Lang *language.Tag `json:"lang,omitempty"` Theme *Theme `json:"theme,omitempty"` Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` PasswordConfirmation *string `json:"passwordConfirmation,omitempty"` }
type UpdateMePayload ¶
type UpdateMePayload struct {
Me *Me `json:"me"`
type UpdateMemberOfWorkspacePayload ¶
type UpdateMemberOfWorkspacePayload struct {
Workspace *Workspace `json:"workspace"`
type UpdateModelInput ¶
type UpdateModelsOrderInput ¶
type UpdateModelsOrderInput struct {
ModelIds []ID `json:"modelIds"`
type UpdateProjectInput ¶
type UpdateProjectInput struct { ProjectID ID `json:"projectId"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Alias *string `json:"alias,omitempty"` Publication *UpdateProjectPublicationInput `json:"publication,omitempty"` RequestRoles []Role `json:"requestRoles,omitempty"` }
type UpdateProjectPublicationInput ¶
type UpdateProjectPublicationInput struct { Scope *ProjectPublicationScope `json:"scope,omitempty"` AssetPublic *bool `json:"assetPublic,omitempty"` }
type UpdateRequestInput ¶
type UpdateRequestInput struct { RequestID ID `json:"requestId"` Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` State *RequestState `json:"state,omitempty"` ReviewersID []ID `json:"reviewersId,omitempty"` Items []*RequestItemInput `json:"items,omitempty"` }
type UpdateViewInput ¶
type UpdateViewInput struct { ViewID ID `json:"viewId"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Sort *ItemSortInput `json:"sort,omitempty"` Filter *ConditionInput `json:"filter,omitempty"` Columns []*ColumnSelectionInput `json:"columns,omitempty"` }
type UpdateViewsOrderInput ¶
type UpdateViewsOrderInput struct {
ViewIds []ID `json:"viewIds"`
type UpdateWebhookInput ¶
type UpdateWebhookInput struct { IntegrationID ID `json:"integrationId"` WebhookID ID `json:"webhookId"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` URL *url.URL `json:"url,omitempty"` Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` Trigger *WebhookTriggerInput `json:"trigger,omitempty"` Secret *string `json:"secret,omitempty"` }
type UpdateWorkspaceInput ¶
type UpdateWorkspacePayload ¶
type UpdateWorkspacePayload struct {
Workspace *Workspace `json:"workspace"`
type UpdateWorkspaceSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateWorkspaceSettingsInput struct { ID ID `json:"id"` Tiles *ResourcesListInput `json:"tiles,omitempty"` Terrains *ResourcesListInput `json:"terrains,omitempty"` }
type UpdateWorkspaceSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateWorkspaceSettingsPayload struct {
WorkspaceSettings *WorkspaceSettings `json:"workspaceSettings"`
type User ¶
type User struct { ID ID `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` }
func SimpleToUser ¶
func (User) IsOperator ¶
func (User) IsOperator()
type VersionedItem ¶
type View ¶
type ViewPayload ¶
type ViewPayload struct {
View *View `json:"view"`
type ViewsPayload ¶
type ViewsPayload struct {
Views []*View `json:"views"`
type Webhook ¶
type Webhook struct { ID ID `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` URL url.URL `json:"url"` Active bool `json:"active"` Trigger *WebhookTrigger `json:"trigger"` Secret string `json:"secret"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
func ToWebhook ¶
func ToWebhook(w *integration.Webhook) *Webhook
func ToWebhooks ¶
func ToWebhooks(ws []*integration.Webhook) []*Webhook
type WebhookPayload ¶
type WebhookPayload struct {
Webhook *Webhook `json:"webhook"`
type WebhookTrigger ¶
type WebhookTrigger struct { OnItemCreate *bool `json:"onItemCreate,omitempty"` OnItemUpdate *bool `json:"onItemUpdate,omitempty"` OnItemDelete *bool `json:"onItemDelete,omitempty"` OnItemPublish *bool `json:"onItemPublish,omitempty"` OnItemUnPublish *bool `json:"onItemUnPublish,omitempty"` OnAssetUpload *bool `json:"onAssetUpload,omitempty"` OnAssetDecompress *bool `json:"onAssetDecompress,omitempty"` OnAssetDelete *bool `json:"onAssetDelete,omitempty"` }
type WebhookTriggerInput ¶
type WebhookTriggerInput struct { OnItemCreate *bool `json:"onItemCreate,omitempty"` OnItemUpdate *bool `json:"onItemUpdate,omitempty"` OnItemDelete *bool `json:"onItemDelete,omitempty"` OnItemPublish *bool `json:"onItemPublish,omitempty"` OnItemUnPublish *bool `json:"onItemUnPublish,omitempty"` OnAssetUpload *bool `json:"onAssetUpload,omitempty"` OnAssetDecompress *bool `json:"onAssetDecompress,omitempty"` OnAssetDelete *bool `json:"onAssetDelete,omitempty"` }
type Workspace ¶
type Workspace struct { ID ID `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Members []WorkspaceMember `json:"members"` Personal bool `json:"personal"` }
func ToWorkspace ¶
type WorkspaceIntegrationMember ¶
type WorkspaceIntegrationMember struct { IntegrationID ID `json:"integrationId"` Role Role `json:"role"` Active bool `json:"active"` InvitedByID ID `json:"invitedById"` InvitedBy *User `json:"invitedBy,omitempty"` Integration *Integration `json:"integration,omitempty"` }
func (WorkspaceIntegrationMember) IsWorkspaceMember ¶
func (WorkspaceIntegrationMember) IsWorkspaceMember()
type WorkspaceMember ¶
type WorkspaceMember interface {
type WorkspaceSettings ¶
type WorkspaceSettings struct { ID ID `json:"id"` Tiles *ResourceList `json:"tiles,omitempty"` Terrains *ResourceList `json:"terrains,omitempty"` }
func ToWorkspaceSettings ¶
func ToWorkspaceSettings(ws *workspacesettings.WorkspaceSettings) *WorkspaceSettings
func (WorkspaceSettings) GetID ¶
func (this WorkspaceSettings) GetID() ID
func (WorkspaceSettings) IsNode ¶
func (WorkspaceSettings) IsNode()
type WorkspaceUserMember ¶
type WorkspaceUserMember struct { UserID ID `json:"userId"` Role Role `json:"role"` Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (WorkspaceUserMember) IsWorkspaceMember ¶
func (WorkspaceUserMember) IsWorkspaceMember()
Source Files ¶
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.