Backup & Restore (BR) is a command-line tool for distributed backup and restoration of the TiDB cluster data.
Chinese Document
English Document
Backup SQL Statement
Restore SQL Statement
To build binary and run test:
$ make
$ make test
Notice BR supports building with Go version Go >= 1.13
When BR is built successfully, you can find binary in the bin
Quick start
# Start TiDB cluster
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml rm -s -v && \
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml build && \
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up --remove-orphans
# Attach to control container to run BR
docker exec -it br_control_1 bash
# Load testing data to TiDB
go-ycsb load mysql -p workload=core \
-p -p mysql.port=4000 -p mysql.user=root \
-p recordcount=100000 -p threadcount=100
# How many rows do we get? 100000 rows.
mysql -uroot -htidb -P4000 -E -e "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.usertable"
# Build BR and backup!
make build && \
bin/br backup full --pd pd0:2379 --storage "local:///data/backup/full" \
--log-file "/logs/br_backup.log"
# Let's drop database.
mysql -uroot -htidb -P4000 -E -e "DROP DATABASE test; SHOW DATABASES;"
# Restore!
bin/br restore full --pd pd0:2379 --storage "local:///data/backup/full" \
--log-file "/logs/br_restore.log"
# How many rows do we get again? Expected to be 100000 rows.
mysql -uroot -htidb -P4000 -E -e "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.usertable"
# Test S3 compatible storage (MinIO).
# Create a bucket to save backup by mc (a MinIO Client).
mc config host add minio $S3_ENDPOINT $MINIO_ACCESS_KEY $MINIO_SECRET_KEY && \
mc mb minio/mybucket
# Backup to S3 compatible storage.
bin/br backup full --pd pd0:2379 --storage "s3://mybucket/full" \
# Drop database and restore!
mysql -uroot -htidb -P4000 -E -e "DROP DATABASE test; SHOW DATABASES;" && \
bin/br restore full --pd pd0:2379 --storage "s3://mybucket/full" \
Compatible test
Contributions are welcomed and greatly appreciated. See CONTRIBUTING
for details on submitting patches and the contribution workflow.
BR is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.