gitsync is a tool to keep many local repos in sync with their remote hosts.
It supports recursively syncing GitHub orgs, teams, and users; GitLab groups; and individual repos. Repos are synced over HTTPS, optionally / where required using auth tokens.
⚠️ Breaking change warning!
The config file structure changed recently. The GitHub and GitLab sections are now lists of the original maps:
go install
Help text
gitsync is a tool to keep many local repos in sync with their remote hosts.
It supports recursively syncing GitHub orgs, teams, and users; GitLab groups; and individual
repos. Repos are synced over HTTPS, optionally / where required using auth tokens.
Orgs' Groups' / Teams' Users' Repos'
GitHub x x x
GitLab x x
Orgs / groups / user profiles are enumerated / recursed to find projects. All projects
are then concurrently synced, i.e:
- cloned, if the local repo doesn't exist
- pulled, if the local repo exists and is on main
- fetched, if neither of the above
A .yaml config file is expected, The format of the config file is:
github: # optional: defines GitHub resources
- baseurl: # optional: a custom GitHub API URL
token: # required: a GitHub API token
users: # optional: defines GitHub users
- name: # required: GitHub username
location: # required: local path to sync to
orgs: # optional: defines GitHub organisations
- name: # required: GitHub org name
location: # required: local path to sync to
teams: # optional: defines GitHub teams
- org: # required: GitHub org name
name: # required: GitHub team name
location: # required: local path to sync to
gitlab: # optional: defines GitLab resources
- baseurl: # optional: a custom GitLab API URL
token: # optional: a GitLab API token
groups: # optional: defines GitLab groups
- group: # required: group ID number
location: # required: local path to sync to
projects: # optional: defines GitLab projects
- url: # required: https clone url
location: # required: local path to sync to
anon: # optional: defines any other resources
projects: # optional: defines any HTTPS projects
- url: # required: https clone url
location: # required: local path to sync to
token: # optional: HTTPS token to use
The config file will will be found, by order of precedence, from:
- $HOME/.gitsync.yaml
- $PWD/.gitsync.yaml
- as specified using the --config/-c flag
Treat this file with care, as it may contain secrets.
gitsync [flags]
-c, --config string config file location
-d, --debug debug output (implies verbose)
-h, --help help for gitsync
-v, --verbose verbose output instead of pretty output
Contributions are welcomed, especially to complete and add new providers! Feel free to submit an issue or PR :)