jfrog-yocto CLI Plugin
About this plugin
This plugin allows integrating Yocto builds to Jfrog platform.
What is Yocto?
The Yocto Project (YP) is an open source collaboration project that helps developers create custom Linux-based systems regardless of the hardware architecture.
The project provides a flexible set of tools and a space where embedded developers worldwide can share technologies, software stacks, configurations, and best practices that can be used to create tailored Linux images for embedded and IOT devices, or anywhere a customized Linux OS is needed.
With the jfrog platform you can control the lifecycle and distribution of the IoT firmware
How to use this plugin?
This plugin will invoke the bitbake process and will then upload the build results to artifactory.
It features:
- Easy integration with one command to invoke the full process
- Ability to deploy the artifacts to Artifactory and scan with Xray
This plugin supports the following options:
- One command, clean, build, deploy [ default, no flags are required ]
- Continue build after failure without clean [ use flag --clean=false ]
- Build externally, use plugin only to deploy the artifacts [ use flag --build=false ]
- Build only, do not deploy to RT afterwards [ use flag --load=false ]
Using with docker
Using it with docker make it easier.
The docker image is based on gmacario/build-yocto which provides all the build-in tools for yocto build.
1. build the project
CMD: docker build -t jfrog-yocto-builder .
2. git clone your yocto project src files to your local machine.
Example: git clone -b jethro git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky
3. Make sure you have a proper artifactory configururation on your running machine.
Use 'jf c add' to configure your server IP and authentication
4. Create a tmp volume (this is required if running from MacOS due to filesystem limitations).
RUN: docker volume create --driver local --opt type=tmpfs --opt device=tmpfs --opt o=size=30000m,mode=1777 yoctotmp
5. RUN: docker run --rm -it \
-v [YOCTO_WORKSPACE_LOCAL_FOLDER]:/home/build/workspace \
-v [USER_HOMEDIR]/.jfrog:/home/build/.frog \
-v yoctotmp:/home/build/workspace/build/tmp \
jfrog-yocto-builder bake core-image-minimal
Installation with JFrog CLI
Installing the latest version:
$ jf plugin install jfrog-yocto
Installing a specific version:
$ jf plugin install jfrog-yocto@version
Uninstalling a plugin
$ jf plugin uninstall jfrog-yocto
Environment variables
Build artifacts
Build dependencies
Additional info
Future improvements:
- Using artifactory as sstate cache server
- Xray scanning support
- Hierarchical dependency graph