Work in progress! First estimated preview: end of April
See the official documentation.
To use the example and run certain test suites you need to build a Docker image from this directory:
$ docker build -t twirphp .
The following set of commands runs the complete test suite for the project:
$ docker run --rm -it twirphp go test -v ./protoc-gen-twirp_php/...
$ docker run --rm -it twirphp vendorphp/bin/phpunit -v
$ docker run --rm -it twirphp ./gen.sh
$ docker run --rm -it twirphp vendorphp/bin/phpunit -v --group example
$ docker run --rm -it twirphp clientcompat -client clientcompat/compat.sh
If you discover any security related issues, please contact us at mark.sagikazar+twirphp@gmail.com.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
The original Twirp library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.