Gormseed is a command-line utility designed to work seamlessly with Gormseeder, providing an efficient and structured approach to creating and managing database seeders for projects using the Gorm ORM in Golang. While Gorm handles the intricacies of database interactions and migrations, Gormseed focuses on the vital task of populating your database with initial or sample data.
With Gormseed, you can easily generate seeder files that are organized and maintainable. Gormseed is particularly useful for developers who need a reliable and straightforward way to manage data population in their applications, complementing Gorm's powerful ORM capabilities with an equally robust data seeding solution.
How to install
go install github.com/raspiantoro/gormseeder/gormseed/gorms@latest
How to use
Before adding your seed files, you need to initialize Gormseeder within your application.
gorms init -c
Then, you can add a new seed with the following command:
gorms add seed "insert product"
It will produce a new seed file in your seeds directory with the following content:
// Code generated by Gormseed (gorms).
package seeds
import (
// don't rename this function
func (s *Seeds) SeedInsertProduct(db *gorm.DB) error {
// place your seed code here
return nil
// don't rename this function
func (s *Seeds) RollbackInsertProduct(db *gorm.DB) error {
// place your rollback code here
return nil
You can update both your seed function and rollback function. Below is an example:
// don't rename this function
func (s *Seeds) SeedInsertProduct(db *gorm.DB) error {
type Product struct {
ID uuid.UUID `gorm:"type:uuid;default:gen_random_uuid()"`
Name string
products := []*Product{
ID: uuid.MustParse("e5024ae0-c9e0-40f9-b2b7-9813e125cb16"),
Name: "Amazon Fire TV Stick",
ID: uuid.MustParse("118ae13f-afd0-4433-89e3-bce9770c4cc9"),
Name: "Samsung Galaxy Tab S6",
for _, product := range products {
result := db.Clauses(clause.OnConflict{DoNothing: true}).Create(&product)
if result.Error != nil {
return result.Error
return nil
// don't rename this function
func (s *Seeds) RollbackInsertProduct(db *gorm.DB) error {
type Product struct {
ID uuid.UUID `gorm:"type:uuid;default:gen_random_uuid()"`
Name string
productIDs := []uuid.UUID{
result := db.Unscoped().Delete(&Product{}, productIDs)
return result.Error