Rancher Wins
is a way to operate the Windows host inside the Windows container.
How to use
> wins.exe -h
rancher-wins - A way to operate the Windows host inside the Windows container
wins.exe [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
Rancher Wins Component (...)
srv, server
cli, client
up, upgrade Manage Rancher Wins Application
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--debug Turn on verbose debug logging
--quiet Turn on off all logging
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
Server (run on Windows host)
> wins.exe srv -h
rancher-wins srv - The server side commands of Rancher Wins
rancher-wins srv command [command options] [arguments...]
app, application Manage Rancher Wins Application
--help, -h show help
Client (run inside Windows container)
> wins.exe cli -h
rancher-wins cli - The client side commands of Rancher Wins
rancher-wins cli command [command options] [arguments...]
hns Manage Host Networking Service
hst, host Manage Host
net, network Manage Network Adapter
prc, process Manage Processes
route Manage Routes
app, application Manage Rancher Wins Application
--help, -h show help
# [host] start the wins server
> wins.exe --debug srv app run --listen rancher_wins
# [host] verify the created npipe
> Get-ChildItem //./pipe/ | Where-Object Name -eq "rancher_wins"
Developer Documentation
# [host] build local wins and run it as a service for testing/debugging
git clone https://github.com/rancher/wins.git
Set-Location wins
Set-Location $(Get-Location).path
copy-item bin/wins.exe .
$WINS_PATH = $(Get-Location).Path
New-Service -Name rancher-wins -BinaryPathName "$WINS_PATH\wins.exe --debug srv app run" -DisplayName "Rancher Wins" -StartupType Manual
Set-Service -Name "rancher-wins" -Status Running -PassThru # start the rancher-wins service and output servicecontroller[]
$(Get-Service -name "rancher-wins").Status # verify that the new rancher-wins service is running
# [host] how to replace the wins.exe binary the service uses during active development
Set-Service -Name "rancher-wins" -Status Stopped
$(Get-Service -name "rancher-wins").Status # verify the service stopped
Set-Service -Name "rancher-wins" -Status Running -PassThru # restart the service with the freshly built wins binary
# change the startup type of rancher-wins from automatic to manual
Set-Service -Name "rancher-wins" -StartupType Manual
Query the host network adapter
# [host] start a container
> $WINS_BIN_PATH=<...>; docker run --rm -it -v //./pipe/rancher_wins://./pipe/rancher_wins -v "$($WINS_BIN_PATH):c:\host\wins" -w c:\host\wins --entrypoint powershell mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019
# [inside container] query the host network adapter
>> .\wins.exe cli network get
Start a process on the host
# [host] download nginx
> Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -OutFile nginx.zip -Uri http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.21.3.zip
# [host] expand nginx in the current directory
> Expand-Archive -Force -Path nginx.zip -Destination c:\nginx
# [host] start a container
> $WINS_BIN_PATH=<...>; echo "`$NGINX_BIND_DIR=$NGINX_BIND_DIR"; docker run --rm -it -v //./pipe/rancher_wins://./pipe/rancher_wins -v "$($WINS_BIN_PATH):c:\host\wins" -v "c:\nginx:c:\nginx" -w c:\host\wins --entrypoint powershell mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019
# [inside container] start nginx and receive the running output
>> .\wins.exe cli app run --path c:\nginx\nginx-1.21.3\nginx.exe --exposes TCP:80
# [host] verify the process
> Get-Process rancher-wins-*
> curl.exe
Enabling System Agent functionality
The system agent functionality will only be enabled if the configuration section for the system agent is found in the
config file. To enable it, provide the following configuration section with the required settings. If remoteEnabled is
set to true
then connectionInfoFile will need to be configured.
appliedPlanDirectory: <agent dir>/applied
connectionInfoFile: <agent dir>/connection.yaml
localEnabled: <bool>
localPlanDirectory: <agent dir>/plans
preserveWorkDirectory: <bool>
remoteEnabled: <bool>
workDirectory: <agent dir>/work
Enabling CSI Proxy functionality
The CSI Proxy will only be enabled if the configuration section is found
in the config file. To enable it, provide the following configuration section with the required settings. The url
setting is expected to be formatted for use in a Go's sprintf format. An example is provided below for the formatting.
Once enabled Wins will download the CSI Proxy, create the Windows service, and start the service.
url: <url to download the CSI Proxy binary>
version: <version to download>
kubeletPath: <path to kubelet>
url: https://acs-mirror.azureedge.net/csi-proxy/%[1]s/binaries/csi-proxy-%[1]s.tar.gz
version: v1.0.0
kubeletPath: c:/etc/kubelet.exe
> .\make build
There are not any Docker-in-Docker supported Windows images for now, rancher/wins
has to separate the validation test
and integration test.
For validation test, which could be embedded into a containerized CI flow, please run the below command in PowerShell
> .\make
For integration test, please run the below command in PowerShell
> .\make integration
Note: Don't use bin/wins.exe
after integration testing. Please .\make build
If want both of them, please run the below command in PowerShell
> .\make all
Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Rancher Labs, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "
AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
language governing permissions and limitations under the License.