
v1.0.7-rc2 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

Go to latest
Published: Apr 21, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 59 Imported by: 182




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const (
	UserAddonResourceName         = "rke-user-addon"
	IngressAddonResourceName      = "rke-ingress-controller"
	UserAddonsIncludeResourceName = "rke-user-includes-addons"

	IngressAddonJobName            = "rke-ingress-controller-deploy-job"
	MetricsServerAddonJobName      = "rke-metrics-addon-deploy-job"
	MetricsServerAddonResourceName = "rke-metrics-addon"
	NginxIngressAddonAppName       = "ingress-nginx"
	KubeDNSAddonAppName            = "kube-dns"
	KubeDNSAutoscalerAppName       = "kube-dns-autoscaler"
	CoreDNSAutoscalerAppName       = "coredns-autoscaler"
	KubeAPIAuthAppName             = "kube-api-auth"
	CattleClusterAgentAppName      = "cattle-cluster-agent"

	CoreDNSProvider = "coredns"
	KubeDNSProvider = "kube-dns"
	Nodelocal       = "nodelocal"
View Source
const (
	AuthnX509Provider      = "x509"
	AuthnWebhookProvider   = "webhook"
	StateConfigMapName     = "cluster-state"
	FullStateConfigMapName = "full-cluster-state"
	UpdateStateTimeout     = 30
	GetStateTimeout        = 30
	SyncWorkers            = 10
	NoneAuthorizationMode  = "none"
	LocalNodeAddress       = ""
	LocalNodeHostname      = "localhost"
	LocalNodeUser          = "root"
	CloudProvider          = "CloudProvider"
	ControlPlane           = "controlPlane"
	KubeAppLabel           = "k8s-app"
	AppLabel               = "app"
	NameLabel              = "name"

	WorkerThreads = util.WorkerThreads

	SystemNamespace = "kube-system"
View Source
const (
	DefaultServiceClusterIPRange = ""
	DefaultNodePortRange         = "30000-32767"
	DefaultClusterCIDR           = ""
	DefaultClusterDNSService     = ""
	DefaultClusterDomain         = "cluster.local"
	DefaultClusterName           = "local"
	DefaultClusterSSHKeyPath     = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"

	DefaultSSHPort        = "22"
	DefaultDockerSockPath = "/var/run/docker.sock"

	DefaultAuthStrategy      = "x509"
	DefaultAuthorizationMode = "rbac"

	DefaultAuthnWebhookFile  = templates.AuthnWebhook
	DefaultAuthnCacheTimeout = "5s"

	DefaultNetworkPlugin        = "canal"
	DefaultNetworkCloudProvider = "none"

	DefaultIngressController             = "nginx"
	DefaultEtcdBackupCreationPeriod      = "12h"
	DefaultEtcdBackupRetentionPeriod     = "72h"
	DefaultEtcdSnapshot                  = true
	DefaultMonitoringProvider            = "metrics-server"
	DefaultEtcdBackupConfigIntervalHours = 12
	DefaultEtcdBackupConfigRetention     = 6

	DefaultDNSProvider = "kube-dns"
	K8sVersionCoreDNS  = "1.14.0"

	DefaultEtcdHeartbeatIntervalName  = "heartbeat-interval"
	DefaultEtcdHeartbeatIntervalValue = "500"
	DefaultEtcdElectionTimeoutName    = "election-timeout"
	DefaultEtcdElectionTimeoutValue   = "5000"

	DefaultFlannelBackendVxLan     = "vxlan"
	DefaultFlannelBackendVxLanPort = "8472"
	DefaultFlannelBackendVxLanVNI  = "1"

	DefaultCalicoFlexVolPluginDirectory = "/usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/nodeagent~uds"

	DefaultCanalFlexVolPluginDirectory = "/usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/nodeagent~uds"

	KubeAPIArgAdmissionControlConfigFile             = "admission-control-config-file"
	DefaultKubeAPIArgAdmissionControlConfigFileValue = "/etc/kubernetes/admission.yaml"

	EventRateLimitPluginName = "EventRateLimit"

	KubeAPIArgAuditLogPath                = "audit-log-path"
	KubeAPIArgAuditLogMaxAge              = "audit-log-maxage"
	KubeAPIArgAuditLogMaxBackup           = "audit-log-maxbackup"
	KubeAPIArgAuditLogMaxSize             = "audit-log-maxsize"
	KubeAPIArgAuditLogFormat              = "audit-log-format"
	KubeAPIArgAuditPolicyFile             = "audit-policy-file"
	DefaultKubeAPIArgAuditLogPathValue    = "/var/log/kube-audit/audit-log.json"
	DefaultKubeAPIArgAuditPolicyFileValue = "/etc/kubernetes/audit-policy.yaml"
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const (
	ContainerName = "file-deployer"
	ServiceName   = "file-deploy"
	ConfigEnv     = "FILE_DEPLOY"
View Source
const (
	NetworkPluginResourceName = "rke-network-plugin"

	PortCheckContainer        = "rke-port-checker"
	EtcdPortListenContainer   = "rke-etcd-port-listener"
	CPPortListenContainer     = "rke-cp-port-listener"
	WorkerPortListenContainer = "rke-worker-port-listener"

	KubeAPIPort      = "6443"
	EtcdPort1        = "2379"
	EtcdPort2        = "2380"
	ScedulerPort     = "10251"
	ControllerPort   = "10252"
	KubeletPort      = "10250"
	KubeProxyPort    = "10256"
	FlannelVxLanPort = 8472

	FlannelVxLanNetworkIdentify = 1

	ProtocolTCP = "TCP"
	ProtocolUDP = "UDP"

	NoNetworkPlugin = "none"

	FlannelNetworkPlugin = "flannel"
	FlannelIface         = "flannel_iface"
	FlannelBackendType   = "flannel_backend_type"
	// FlannelBackendPort must be 4789 if using VxLan mode in the cluster with Windows nodes
	FlannelBackendPort = "flannel_backend_port"
	// FlannelBackendVxLanNetworkIdentify should be greater than or equal to 4096 if using VxLan mode in the cluster with Windows nodes
	FlannelBackendVxLanNetworkIdentify = "flannel_backend_vni"

	CalicoNetworkPlugin          = "calico"
	CalicoNodeLabel              = "calico-node"
	CalicoControllerLabel        = "calico-kube-controllers"
	CalicoCloudProvider          = "calico_cloud_provider"
	CalicoFlexVolPluginDirectory = "calico_flex_volume_plugin_dir"

	CanalNetworkPlugin      = "canal"
	CanalIface              = "canal_iface"
	CanalFlannelBackendType = "canal_flannel_backend_type"
	// CanalFlannelBackendPort must be 4789 if using Flannel VxLan mode in the cluster with Windows nodes
	CanalFlannelBackendPort = "canal_flannel_backend_port"
	// CanalFlannelBackendVxLanNetworkIdentify should be greater than or equal to 4096 if using Flannel VxLan mode in the cluster with Windows nodes
	CanalFlannelBackendVxLanNetworkIdentify = "canal_flannel_backend_vni"
	CanalFlexVolPluginDirectory             = "canal_flex_volume_plugin_dir"

	WeaveNetworkPlugin  = "weave"
	WeaveNetworkAppName = "weave-net"

	// EtcdEndpoints is the server address for Etcd, used by calico
	EtcdEndpoints = "EtcdEndpoints"
	// APIRoot is the kubernetes API address
	APIRoot = "APIRoot"

	EtcdClientCert     = "EtcdClientCert"
	EtcdClientKey      = "EtcdClientKey"
	EtcdClientCA       = "EtcdClientCA"
	EtcdClientCertPath = "EtcdClientCertPath"
	EtcdClientKeyPath  = "EtcdClientKeyPath"
	EtcdClientCAPath   = "EtcdClientCAPath"

	ClientCertPath = "ClientCertPath"
	ClientKeyPath  = "ClientKeyPath"
	ClientCAPath   = "ClientCAPath"

	KubeCfg = "KubeCfg"

	ClusterCIDR = "ClusterCIDR"

	Image              = "Image"
	CNIImage           = "CNIImage"
	NodeImage          = "NodeImage"
	ControllersImage   = "ControllersImage"
	CanalFlannelImg    = "CanalFlannelImg"
	FlexVolImg         = "FlexVolImg"
	WeaveLoopbackImage = "WeaveLoopbackImage"

	Calicoctl = "Calicoctl"

	FlannelInterface = "FlannelInterface"
	FlannelBackend   = "FlannelBackend"
	CanalInterface   = "CanalInterface"
	FlexVolPluginDir = "FlexVolPluginDir"
	WeavePassword    = "WeavePassword"
	MTU              = "MTU"
	RBACConfig       = "RBACConfig"
	ClusterVersion   = "ClusterVersion"

	NodeSelector = "NodeSelector"
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const (
	ClusterCIDREnv        = "RKE_CLUSTER_CIDR"
	ClusterDomainEnv      = "RKE_CLUSTER_DOMAIN"

	NodeAddressEnv         = "RKE_NODE_ADDRESS"
	NodeInternalAddressEnv = "RKE_NODE_INTERNAL_ADDRESS"
	NodeNameOverrideEnv    = "RKE_NODE_NAME_OVERRIDE"

	NetworkConfigurationEnv = "RKE_NETWORK_CONFIGURATION"

	EtcdPathPrefix       = "/registry"
	CloudProviderNameEnv = "RKE_CLOUD_PROVIDER_NAME"

	DefaultToolsEntrypoint        = "/opt/rke-tools/"
	DefaultToolsEntrypointVersion = "0.1.13"
	LegacyToolsEntrypoint         = "/opt/rke/"

	KubeletDockerConfigEnv     = "RKE_KUBELET_DOCKER_CONFIG"
	KubeletDockerConfigFileEnv = "RKE_KUBELET_DOCKER_FILE"
	KubeletDockerConfigPath    = "/var/lib/kubelet/config.json"

	AWSCloudProviderName = "aws"

	// MaxEtcdOldEnvVersion The versions are maxed out for minor versions because -rancher1 suffix will cause semver to think its older, example: v1.15.0 > v1.15.0-rancher1
	MaxEtcdOldEnvVersion = "v3.2.99"
	MaxK8s115Version     = "v1.15"

	EncryptionProviderConfigArgument = "encryption-provider-config"
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const (
	BackupPrepareError = "failed to prepare backup: restoring S3 backups with no cluster level S3 configuration is not supported"
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const (
	EncryptionProviderFilePath = "/etc/kubernetes/ssl/encryption.yaml"
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const (
	EtcdPlaneNodesReplacedErr = "Etcd plane nodes are replaced. Stopping provisioning. Please restore your cluster from backup."


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var ControlPlanePortList = []string{
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var EtcdClientPortList = []string{
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var EtcdPortList = []string{
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var WorkerPortList = []string{


func ApplyAuthzResources added in v0.1.2

func ApplyAuthzResources(ctx context.Context, rkeConfig v3.RancherKubernetesEngineConfig, flags ExternalFlags, dailersOptions hosts.DialersOptions) error

func BuildPortChecksFromPortList added in v0.1.2

func BuildPortChecksFromPortList(host *hosts.Host, portList []string, proto string) []v3.PortCheck

func BuildRKEConfigNodePlan added in v0.1.2

func BuildRKEConfigNodePlan(ctx context.Context, myCluster *Cluster, host *hosts.Host, hostDockerInfo types.Info, svcOptions v3.KubernetesServicesOptions) v3.RKEConfigNodePlan

func CheckEtcdHostsChanged

func CheckEtcdHostsChanged(kubeCluster, currentCluster *Cluster) error

func ConfigureCluster added in v0.1.2

func ConfigureCluster(
	ctx context.Context,
	rkeConfig v3.RancherKubernetesEngineConfig,
	crtBundle map[string]pki.CertificatePKI,
	flags ExternalFlags,
	dailersOptions hosts.DialersOptions,
	data map[string]interface{},
	useKubectl bool) error

func GeneratePlan added in v0.1.2

func GeneratePlan(ctx context.Context, rkeConfig *v3.RancherKubernetesEngineConfig, hostsInfoMap map[string]types.Info, data map[string]interface{}) (v3.RKEPlan, error)

func GetCertificateDirPath added in v0.2.0

func GetCertificateDirPath(configPath, configDir string) string

func GetClusterCertsFromKubernetes added in v0.2.0

func GetClusterCertsFromKubernetes(ctx context.Context, kubeCluster *Cluster) (map[string]pki.CertificatePKI, error)

func GetClusterCertsFromNodes added in v0.2.0

func GetClusterCertsFromNodes(ctx context.Context, kubeCluster *Cluster) (map[string]pki.CertificatePKI, error)

func GetK8sVersion

func GetK8sVersion(localConfigPath string, k8sWrapTransport transport.WrapperFunc) (string, error)

func GetLocalRKEConfig

func GetLocalRKEConfig() *v3.RancherKubernetesEngineConfig

func GetLocalRKENodeConfig

func GetLocalRKENodeConfig() *v3.RKEConfigNode

func GetServiceOptionData added in v0.3.0

func GetServiceOptionData(data map[string]interface{}) map[string]*v3.KubernetesServicesOptions

func GetStateFilePath added in v0.2.0

func GetStateFilePath(configPath, configDir string) string

func IsLegacyKubeAPI added in v0.2.0

func IsLegacyKubeAPI(ctx context.Context, kubeCluster *Cluster) (bool, error)

func IsLocalSnapshot added in v0.2.0

func IsLocalSnapshot(name string) bool

func ParseConfig

func ParseConfig(clusterFile string) (*v3.RancherKubernetesEngineConfig, error)

func RebuildKubeconfig added in v0.2.0

func RebuildKubeconfig(ctx context.Context, kubeCluster *Cluster) error

func ReconcileCluster

func ReconcileCluster(ctx context.Context, kubeCluster, currentCluster *Cluster, flags ExternalFlags, svcOptionData map[string]*v3.KubernetesServicesOptions) error

func ReconcileEncryptionProviderConfig added in v1.0.0

func ReconcileEncryptionProviderConfig(ctx context.Context, kubeCluster, currentCluster *Cluster) error

func RestartClusterPods added in v0.2.0

func RestartClusterPods(ctx context.Context, kubeCluster *Cluster) error

func RotateRKECertificates added in v0.1.18

func RotateRKECertificates(ctx context.Context, c *Cluster, flags ExternalFlags, clusterState *FullState) error

func SaveFullStateToKubernetes added in v0.2.0

func SaveFullStateToKubernetes(ctx context.Context, kubeCluster *Cluster, fullState *FullState) error

func SetUpAuthentication

func SetUpAuthentication(ctx context.Context, kubeCluster, currentCluster *Cluster, fullState *FullState) error

func ValidateHostCount added in v0.1.2

func ValidateHostCount(c *Cluster) error


type Cluster

type Cluster struct {
	AuthnStrategies                  map[string]bool
	ConfigPath                       string
	ConfigDir                        string
	CloudConfigFile                  string
	ControlPlaneHosts                []*hosts.Host
	Certificates                     map[string]pki.CertificatePKI
	CertificateDir                   string
	ClusterDomain                    string
	ClusterCIDR                      string
	ClusterDNSServer                 string
	DinD                             bool
	DockerDialerFactory              hosts.DialerFactory
	EtcdHosts                        []*hosts.Host
	EtcdReadyHosts                   []*hosts.Host
	ForceDeployCerts                 bool
	InactiveHosts                    []*hosts.Host
	K8sWrapTransport                 transport.WrapperFunc
	KubeClient                       *kubernetes.Clientset
	KubernetesServiceIP              net.IP
	LocalKubeConfigPath              string
	LocalConnDialerFactory           hosts.DialerFactory
	PrivateRegistriesMap             map[string]v3.PrivateRegistry
	StateFilePath                    string
	UpdateWorkersOnly                bool
	UseKubectlDeploy                 bool
	v3.RancherKubernetesEngineConfig `yaml:",inline"`
	WorkerHosts                      []*hosts.Host
	EncryptionConfig                 encryptionConfig

func GetStateFromKubernetes added in v0.2.0

func GetStateFromKubernetes(ctx context.Context, kubeCluster *Cluster) (*Cluster, error)

func GetStateFromNodes added in v0.2.0

func GetStateFromNodes(ctx context.Context, kubeCluster *Cluster) *Cluster

func InitClusterObject added in v0.2.0

func InitClusterObject(ctx context.Context, rkeConfig *v3.RancherKubernetesEngineConfig, flags ExternalFlags, encryptConfig string) (*Cluster, error)

func (*Cluster) ApplySystemAddonExecuteJob added in v0.1.9

func (c *Cluster) ApplySystemAddonExecuteJob(addonJob string, addonUpdated bool) error

func (*Cluster) BuildEtcdProcess added in v0.1.2

func (c *Cluster) BuildEtcdProcess(host *hosts.Host, etcdHosts []*hosts.Host, prefixPath string, serviceOptions v3.KubernetesServicesOptions) v3.Process

func (*Cluster) BuildKubeAPIProcess added in v0.1.2

func (c *Cluster) BuildKubeAPIProcess(host *hosts.Host, prefixPath string, serviceOptions v3.KubernetesServicesOptions) v3.Process

func (*Cluster) BuildKubeControllerProcess added in v0.1.2

func (c *Cluster) BuildKubeControllerProcess(host *hosts.Host, prefixPath string, serviceOptions v3.KubernetesServicesOptions) v3.Process

func (*Cluster) BuildKubeProxyProcess added in v0.1.2

func (c *Cluster) BuildKubeProxyProcess(host *hosts.Host, prefixPath string, serviceOptions v3.KubernetesServicesOptions) v3.Process

func (*Cluster) BuildKubeletProcess added in v0.1.2

func (c *Cluster) BuildKubeletProcess(host *hosts.Host, prefixPath string, serviceOptions v3.KubernetesServicesOptions) v3.Process

func (*Cluster) BuildProxyProcess added in v0.1.2

func (c *Cluster) BuildProxyProcess(host *hosts.Host, prefixPath string) v3.Process

func (*Cluster) BuildSchedulerProcess added in v0.1.2

func (c *Cluster) BuildSchedulerProcess(host *hosts.Host, prefixPath string, serviceOptions v3.KubernetesServicesOptions) v3.Process

func (*Cluster) BuildSidecarProcess added in v0.1.2

func (c *Cluster) BuildSidecarProcess(host *hosts.Host, prefixPath string) v3.Process

func (*Cluster) CheckClusterPorts

func (c *Cluster) CheckClusterPorts(ctx context.Context, currentCluster *Cluster) error

func (*Cluster) CleanDeadLogs added in v0.1.3

func (c *Cluster) CleanDeadLogs(ctx context.Context) error

func (*Cluster) CleanupFiles added in v0.2.0

func (c *Cluster) CleanupFiles(ctx context.Context) error

func (*Cluster) CleanupNodes added in v0.2.0

func (c *Cluster) CleanupNodes(ctx context.Context) error

func (*Cluster) ClusterRemove

func (c *Cluster) ClusterRemove(ctx context.Context) error

func (*Cluster) DeployControlPlane

func (c *Cluster) DeployControlPlane(ctx context.Context, svcOptionData map[string]*v3.KubernetesServicesOptions) error

func (*Cluster) DeployEncryptionProviderFile added in v1.0.0

func (c *Cluster) DeployEncryptionProviderFile(ctx context.Context) error

func (*Cluster) DeployRestoreCerts added in v0.2.0

func (c *Cluster) DeployRestoreCerts(ctx context.Context, clusterCerts map[string]pki.CertificatePKI) error

func (*Cluster) DeployWorkerPlane

func (c *Cluster) DeployWorkerPlane(ctx context.Context, svcOptionData map[string]*v3.KubernetesServicesOptions) error

func (*Cluster) DisableSecretsEncryption added in v1.0.0

func (c *Cluster) DisableSecretsEncryption(ctx context.Context, currentCluster *Cluster, custom bool) error

func (*Cluster) GetClusterState

func (c *Cluster) GetClusterState(ctx context.Context, fullState *FullState) (*Cluster, error)

func (*Cluster) GetHostInfoMap added in v0.2.0

func (c *Cluster) GetHostInfoMap() map[string]types.Info

func (*Cluster) GetKubernetesServicesOptions added in v0.1.6

func (c *Cluster) GetKubernetesServicesOptions(osType string, data map[string]*v3.KubernetesServicesOptions) (v3.KubernetesServicesOptions, error)

func (*Cluster) InvertIndexHosts

func (c *Cluster) InvertIndexHosts() error

func (*Cluster) IsEncryptionCustomConfig added in v1.0.0

func (c *Cluster) IsEncryptionCustomConfig() bool

func (*Cluster) IsEncryptionEnabled added in v1.0.0

func (c *Cluster) IsEncryptionEnabled() bool

func (*Cluster) IsKubeletGenerateServingCertificateEnabled added in v1.0.0

func (c *Cluster) IsKubeletGenerateServingCertificateEnabled() bool

func (*Cluster) PrePullK8sImages added in v0.1.1

func (c *Cluster) PrePullK8sImages(ctx context.Context) error

func (*Cluster) PrepareBackup added in v0.2.0

func (c *Cluster) PrepareBackup(ctx context.Context, snapshotPath string) error

func (*Cluster) ReconcileDesiredStateEncryptionConfig added in v1.0.0

func (c *Cluster) ReconcileDesiredStateEncryptionConfig(ctx context.Context, fullState *FullState) error

ReconcileDesiredStateEncryptionConfig We do the rotation outside of the cluster reconcile logic. When we are done, DesiredState needs to be updated to reflect the "new" configuration

func (*Cluster) RemoveEtcdSnapshot added in v0.2.3

func (c *Cluster) RemoveEtcdSnapshot(ctx context.Context, snapshotName string) error

func (*Cluster) RemoveOldNodes added in v0.2.0

func (c *Cluster) RemoveOldNodes(ctx context.Context) error

func (*Cluster) RestoreEtcdSnapshot added in v0.1.7

func (c *Cluster) RestoreEtcdSnapshot(ctx context.Context, snapshotPath string) error

func (*Cluster) RewriteSecrets added in v1.0.0

func (c *Cluster) RewriteSecrets(ctx context.Context) error

func (*Cluster) RotateEncryptionKey added in v1.0.0

func (c *Cluster) RotateEncryptionKey(ctx context.Context, fullState *FullState) error

func (*Cluster) SetUpHosts

func (c *Cluster) SetUpHosts(ctx context.Context, flags ExternalFlags) error

func (*Cluster) SetupDialers added in v0.2.0

func (c *Cluster) SetupDialers(ctx context.Context, dailersOptions hosts.DialersOptions) error

func (*Cluster) SnapshotEtcd added in v0.1.7

func (c *Cluster) SnapshotEtcd(ctx context.Context, snapshotName string) error

func (*Cluster) StoreAddonConfigMap

func (c *Cluster) StoreAddonConfigMap(ctx context.Context, addonYaml string, addonName string) (bool, error)

func (*Cluster) SyncLabelsAndTaints added in v0.1.1

func (c *Cluster) SyncLabelsAndTaints(ctx context.Context, currentCluster *Cluster) error

func (*Cluster) TunnelHosts

func (c *Cluster) TunnelHosts(ctx context.Context, flags ExternalFlags) error

func (*Cluster) UpdateClusterCurrentState added in v0.2.0

func (c *Cluster) UpdateClusterCurrentState(ctx context.Context, fullState *FullState) error

func (*Cluster) ValidateCluster

func (c *Cluster) ValidateCluster(ctx context.Context) error

type CoreDNSOptions added in v0.2.0

type CoreDNSOptions struct {
	RBACConfig             string
	CoreDNSImage           string
	CoreDNSAutoScalerImage string
	ClusterDomain          string
	ClusterDNSServer       string
	ReverseCIDRs           []string
	UpstreamNameservers    []string
	NodeSelector           map[string]string

type ExternalFlags added in v0.2.0

type ExternalFlags struct {
	CertificateDir   string
	ClusterFilePath  string
	DinD             bool
	ConfigDir        string
	CustomCerts      bool
	DisablePortCheck bool
	GenerateCSR      bool
	Local            bool
	UpdateOnly       bool

func GetExternalFlags added in v0.2.0

func GetExternalFlags(local, updateOnly, disablePortCheck bool, configDir, clusterFilePath string) ExternalFlags

type FullState added in v0.2.0

type FullState struct {
	DesiredState State `json:"desiredState,omitempty"`
	CurrentState State `json:"currentState,omitempty"`

func ReadStateFile added in v0.2.0

func ReadStateFile(ctx context.Context, statePath string) (*FullState, error)

func RebuildState added in v0.2.0

func RebuildState(ctx context.Context, kubeCluster *Cluster, oldState *FullState, flags ExternalFlags) (*FullState, error)

func (*FullState) WriteStateFile added in v0.2.0

func (s *FullState) WriteStateFile(ctx context.Context, statePath string) error

type KubeDNSOptions added in v0.2.0

type KubeDNSOptions struct {
	RBACConfig             string
	KubeDNSImage           string
	DNSMasqImage           string
	KubeDNSAutoScalerImage string
	KubeDNSSidecarImage    string
	ClusterDomain          string
	ClusterDNSServer       string
	ReverseCIDRs           []string
	UpstreamNameservers    []string
	StubDomains            map[string][]string
	NodeSelector           map[string]string

type MetricsServerOptions added in v0.1.9

type MetricsServerOptions struct {
	RBACConfig         string
	Options            map[string]string
	NodeSelector       map[string]string
	MetricsServerImage string
	Version            string

type NodelocalOptions added in v1.0.7

type NodelocalOptions struct {
	RBACConfig       string
	NodelocalImage   string
	ClusterDomain    string
	ClusterDNSServer string
	IPAddress        string
	NodeSelector     map[string]string
	// This is not supported in v1.0.x and is passed as empty string to enable default block in addon template
	UpdateStrategy string

type State added in v0.2.0

type State struct {
	RancherKubernetesEngineConfig *v3.RancherKubernetesEngineConfig `json:"rkeConfig,omitempty"`
	CertificatesBundle            map[string]pki.CertificatePKI     `json:"certificatesBundle,omitempty"`
	EncryptionConfig              string                            `json:"encryptionConfig,omitempty"`

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