Please make your change(s) and commit(s) as you normally would in any other Rancher project.
However, the output of go generate should be it's own separate commit.
go generate
rancher >=2.3 will listen on changes in data.json and load automatically
min and max versions are to limit, nil or "" will be considered as "allowed" for all rancher and rke versions
add minRKE and maxRKE
From RKE
- Only versions that meet the requirements will be loaded for system images
- K8sVersionsCurrent - max(minor_versions) for each major_version
add minRancher and maxRancher
From Rancher
- Only versions that meet minRancher will be loaded for system images (not max, to handle upgrades)
- K8sVersionsCurrent - max(minor_versions) for each major_version if maxVersion < rancherVersion
DefaultK8sVersions (RancherDefaultK8sVersions, RKEDefaultK8sVersions) map[string]string -- need to combine these in one --
for every new rancher and rke version, add default k8s version
mostly will be required to update when introducing a new k8s version
if not present, rancher and rke will fallback on "default" key