Please Note: main
is now v4.0.0 and the code for v3.x can be found in the main-v3
k3s is the lightweight Kubernetes distribution by Rancher: rancher/k3s
k3d creates containerized k3s clusters. This means, that you can spin up a multi-node k3s cluster on a single machine using docker.

Note: In May 2020 we upgraded from v1.7.x to v3.0.0 after a complete rewrite of k3d!
Note: In January 2021 we upgraded from v3.x.x to v4.0.0 which includes some breaking changes!
You have several options there:
use the install script to grab the latest release:
- wget:
wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/k3d/main/install.sh | bash
- curl:
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/k3d/main/install.sh | bash
use the install script to grab a specific release (via TAG
environment variable):
- wget:
wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/k3d/main/install.sh | TAG=v4.0.0 bash
- curl:
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/k3d/main/install.sh | TAG=v4.0.0 bash
use Homebrew: brew install k3d
(Homebrew is available for MacOS and Linux)
install via AUR package rancher-k3d-bin: yay -S rancher-k3d-bin
grab a release from the release tab and install it yourself.
install via go: go install github.com/rancher/k3d
(Note: this will give you unreleased/bleeding-edge changes)
use Chocolatey: choco install k3d
(Chocolatey package manager is available for Windows)
- Clone this repo, e.g. via
git clone git@github.com:rancher/k3d.git
or go get github.com/rancher/k3d/v4@main
- Inside the repo run
- 'make install-tools' to make sure required go packages are installed
- Inside the repo run one of the following commands
make build
to build for your current system
go install
to install it to your GOPATH
(Note: this will give you unreleased/bleeding-edge changes)
make build-cross
to build for all systems
Check out what you can do via k3d help
or check the docs @ k3d.io
Example Workflow: Create a new cluster and use it with kubectl
k3d cluster create CLUSTER_NAME
to create a new single-node cluster (= 1 container running k3s + 1 loadbalancer container)
- [Optional, included in cluster create]
k3d kubeconfig merge CLUSTER_NAME --kubeconfig-switch-context
to update your default kubeconfig and switch the current-context to the new one
- execute some commands like
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
k3d cluster delete CLUSTER_NAME
to delete the default cluster
- Join the Rancher community on slack via slack.rancher.io
- Go to rancher-users.slack.com and join our channel #k3d
- Start chatting
This repository is based on @zeerorg's zeerorg/k3s-in-docker, reimplemented in Go by @iwilltry42 in iwilltry42/k3d, which got adopted by Rancher inrancher/k3d.
k3d is a community-driven project and so we welcome contributions of any form, be it code, logic, documentation, examples, requests, bug reports, ideas or anything else that pushes this project forward.
Please read our Contributing Guidelines and the related Code of Conduct.

Contributors β¨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!